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World Standard
in Light Measurement since 1968

World Standard in Light Measurement

X-Rite GmbH – Optronik, a subsidiary measurement, and calibration Light collection from internal or external source
of X-Rite Incorporated, is one of the applications: Optronik is an (lamp measurement photometry)
most experienced suppliers of light acknowledged leader in the design Uniform light sources
measurement technology in the world. and manufacture of precision Laser power measurement
Product offerings include best-of-class photometric equipment. LED spectral and flux measurement
light measurement systems, photopic Reflectance of either specular or scattering samples
detectors, system photometers, Optronik's photometers provide a Total or diffuse only transmittance measurement
goniophotometers, integrating photopically-corrected (eye response) Cosine receptors Classic application:
spheres, colorimeters, DC power measurement of the brightness (candle flux measurement of bulbs
supplies, reflectance and transmittance power), illuminance (in lux), and
measuring systems and uniform light tristimulus color coordinates from Lamp Measurement Systems
sources as well as various accessories optical radiation sources. The
for light measurement. photometric solutions are used in the
design, development, and production The oldest application for the
Since 1968 when it constructed one QA testing of lamps and in the d integrating sphere is the measurement
of the worldwide first digital luxmeters, certification of the final product 6 of total geometric luminous flux from
Optronik has specialized in the design according to relevant national and electric lamps. The technique
Highest accuracy-superior spectral and manufacture of photopic international standards & regulations; originated at the turn of the 20th
response of X-Rite´s silicon detectors
detectors, photometer systems and e.g., CIE 69, CIE 15.2 (1966), CIE 121, century (by Richard Ulbricht in
integrated laboratory solutions for a CIE 84, CIE 127, DIN 5032, and DIN H L d Germany, which is why it is also called
3 F
variety of electro-optical testing, 5033. an Ulbricht sphere) as a simple and
fast method of comparing the lumen
output of different lamp types. It is
Diffuse Lambertian Coating still widely used in the lamp industry
for quality control during manufacture.
The alternative method is a
Lambert’s Cosine Law (also known as goniophotometer which would need
Sphere construction according to DIN 5032
Lambert’s cosine emission law) is the and CIE 84 for lamp flux measurement to rotate a photodetector in a complete
mathematical statement that a sphere around the lamp (or rotate the
radiance of certain idealized optical sample in relation to a detector). Each discrete intensity point (lm/sr) is then
sources is directly proportional to the integrated over 4π steradians.
cosine of the angle – with respect to
the direction of maximum radiance – In contrast to the absolute measuring method using a goniophotometer that
from which the source is viewed. scans the complete intensity distribution of the lamp and integrates the flux,
Lambertian Surface Lamberts cosine law also applies to the integrating sphere is the relative measuring method requiring calibration
certain idealized diffuse reflectors or of the sphere with a calibrated flux (or spectral distribution) bulb that should
coatings. be traceable to a national standard (PTB or NIST).

In a sphere photometer, the lamp to be measured is mounted at the center of

Integrating Sphere – Theory and Application the integrating sphere and baffled from a viewing port equipped with a diffuser
and photopic response detector. The baffle is usually positioned at 2/3 of the
radius from the sphere center. Its size should be as small as possible yet large
Based upon the principle of multiple diffuse reflection (resulting from the
enough to screen the maximum dimension of the lamp.
Lambertian coating), the integrating sphere is used to spatially integrate radiant
flux, either from an external or an internal source of radiation. The efficiency
The lumen output from the test lamp is determined by first calibrating the
of an integrating sphere is determined by a number of factors, including the
photodetector signal using a lamp standard of known luminous flux. The lamps
size and number of ports, the size and location of baffles or screens, the number
are alternately substituted into the integrating sphere. An auxiliary lamp can
of inclusions in the sphere, and most importantly, the reflectance and diffuse
be permanently mounted inside the sphere to compensate for the substitution
nature of the sphere coating that has to be “Lambertian” (ideally diffuse
error caused by different self-absorption from the test and standard lamps.
Depending on port position, baffling, and to an extent, sphere size, integrating
spheres can be configured for a number of applications, including:

2 3
Uniform Light Source: Luminance Standard calibrated lamp standard, precision power supply, photopic response detector,
and display unit. The digilumen 9500 luminous flux meter used in conjunction
with the sphere features the highest photometer accuracy classes L and A
Integrating spheres provide the ideal means for creating a uniform light source. according to DIN 5032 and CIE No. 69 with excellent spectral matching of the
Light collected by a sphere is diffusely reflected many times, so that any spatial high precision photopic Si-detectors to the sensitivity for brightness of the
characteristics are integrated for light leaving the sphere exit port plane. human eye.
The emitted light is nearly perfectly Lambertian. Our uniform source sphere
LDN10 is internally coated with a special photometer paint, a proprietary diffuse Optional software is available for enhanced operation of the ITS10 lamp Internal view:
white coating that produces excellent diffuse reflectance over the VIS-NIR measurement system. three burning positions,
wavelength region. up-side, down-side (vertical),
front-side (horizontal)
X-Rite – Optronik manufactures spheres with diameters of 50 cm and 100 cm.
The functional principle is that a lamp or several lamps are placed inside the
integrating sphere around the perimeter of the viewing port. The lamps are In cooperation with our sister company, Labsphere, we can offer any kind of
baffled from the port. The radiance of the sphere is a function of the wattage lamp measurement system with spheres as large as 5 meters as well as very
rating of the lamp. small spheres with a diameter of a few inches.

Tungsten halogen lamps are most commonly used with integrating sphere
sources. These lamps provide a continuous spectrum free of emission lines or Applications
temporal instability when operated from a regulated current power supply. The
spectral radiance of the sphere source can be estimated by combining the
sphere radiance equation with blackbody equations for the spectral radiant High performance precision photometer for lamp flux measurement used in
flux. laboratory environments.

Reflectance and Transmittance Measurement

ITS10-50 / ITS10-100
Another application for integrating spheres is the measurement of the reflectance
and transmittance of diffuse or scattering materials. The measurements are
performed photopically or spectrally, as a function of wavelength. The
General characteristics
measurement of luminous reflectance or transmittance is performed using a
photopic response detector. A transmittance measurement places a material Equipment for luminous flux measurement of light sources by comparison
sample at the entrance port to the sphere. with a standard lamp
KMS10 Construction according to DIN 5032 Section 1 and CIE Publication No.84
In reflectance measurements, the sample can be placed at a port opening "The Measurement of Luminous Flux"
opposite the entrance port. The incident flux is reflected by the sample. The Metal frame construction with swiveling mechanism to open the sphere
total hemispherical reflectance, both the diffuse and specular components, is Light-tight mechanical lock
collected by the integrating sphere. There are special applications such as Flexible adjustment bar to connect X-Rite Optronik lamp holders
ECER46 that also require a specific sphere design (see below). 3 burning positions (2 vertical, 1 horizontal), clamping device for fixing
holders in pendent, upright, and horizontal position
Coated inside with Optronik BaSO4 photometer paint with Lambertian white
diffusing surface, reflectance 80% with variation of reflectance < 1.5% in
ITS10 Integrating Sphere Photometric Lamp wavelength range 400 to 700 nm
Measurement Systems Diameter: 0.50 meter (ITS10-50) 1 meter (ITS10-100)
Sphere material: Aluminum
Sphere paint (outside): RAL 5018
The OPTRONIK ITS10 integrating sphere photometer systems are designed to
Thermometer: Digital, resolution 0.1°C
measure the total luminous flux, luminous color, and spectral distribution of
Universal flange prepared to install several photometer heads for V (λ)
lamps according to DIN 5032 and CIE No. 84.
(Digilumen 9500) and (ITS10-100) tristimulus colorimeter head (FMS 10)
The systems accommodate most lamp types, including arc, fluorescent,
Baffle to be shifted
incandescent, HID, and LED.
Auxiliary lamp
Detector ports for flux and luminous
color measurement, thermometer Each lamp measurement system features an integrating sphere, optionally

4 5
Scope of supply Optronik – Labsphere Product Selection Chart
Sphere ITS10-50 or ITS10-100
Stable stand Lamp Ratings Lamp Standard
Sphere Max. Lamp Spectral Application
Auxiliary lamp Part No. Diameter Length Min. Max. Range Power Flux Software
Thermometer PLMS-1000 254 mm 127 mm 0.1 lm 100 W Photopic 35 W 450 lm Available
Adjustment bar for positioning sample
ITS10-50 500 mm 250 mm 0.4 lm 400 W Photopic 35 W 450 lm Available
Instruction manual
ITS10-100 1000 mm 600 mm 0.5 lm 1500 W Photopic 75 W 1400 lm Available

PLMS-6500 1650 mm 860 mm 3.0 lm 4000 W Photopic 75 W 1400 lm Available

PLMS-7600 1930 mm 1320 mm 6.0 lm 5000 W Photopic 75 W 1400 lm Available

ITS10–50 open
Other Sphere diameters on request.
Spectral lamp measurement spheres available on request.

Photometer Digilumen 9500

Precision photometer head with Si-photopic detector

Diameter of light sensitive area: 30 mm
Superior V(λ)-approximation, class L (highest accuracy) or A (high accuracy)
according to DIN 5032 Section 6 Small sphere for miniature bulbs
Thermostatic stabilization of photometer head to approx. 35°C ± 0.1°C
Diffuser built-in flush with inner surface of sphere
Electronic, microprocessor-controlled display unit digilumen 9500
41/2-digit LED seven segment display
digilux/ digilumen 9500
Ranging auto/manual or remote programmable
Fixed lux calibration, freely selectable lumens calibration
Attenuator: Adjustable factor 0.001...99.99 Precision lamp holders
Approx. 5 readings/s, automatic average creation for alternating light for different lamp types
Interface: Serial RS 232
Power supply: International wide range power supply
80...270 V, 40...400 Hz Sphere Accessories
Power consumption: Max. 20 W
Dimensions: (W x H x D) 291 x 88 x 199 mm
Weight: 2 kg Lamp Sockets for Integrating Spheres
Display range: 10 -3 lm (last digit) to 2 x 105 lm
Precision measuring sockets are special quadri-pole lamp holders with two
separate galvanic connections, each of which has a point of contact with the
lamp, one for the supply of the lamp and the other for the voltage / current

Range extension Electrical Data of Measuring Sockets for Vehicle Lamps

X-Rite Optronik FMS10 colorimeter for luminous color measurements Unom 24 V DC, I max 20 A, Test voltage Utest 50 V DC
X-Rite Optronik SNT10 DC power sources and voltage / current stabilizer
AC power supplies / multimeters Electrical Data of Measuring Sockets for General Purpose Lamps
Spectral measurement with CAS140B (Instrument Systems) Unom 250 V AC/300 V DC, Imax 10 A, Test voltage Utest 2000 Veff
System integration with 19-inch electronic rack Other High Voltage Sockets on Request
Software LightCon sphere program package for integrating spheres
FMS10–tristimulus colorimeter for Lamp holders (automotive bulbs, general lighting lamps) Standard Lamps for Integrating Spheres and Goniophotometers
luminous color and correlated color
measurement according to DIN5033 Flux and spectral calibration bulbs Luminous flux standard lamps with calibration certificates to calibrate luminous
X-Rite Optronik photometer paint flux test equipment with integrating spheres or for use the goniophotometers

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Standard Flux Lamps for Vehicle Lights LDN10-50 Luminance Standard
Standard lamps for testing vehicle lights according to ECE Regulation No. 37 (Uniform Light Source)
with certificate issued by an accredited testing laboratory. The test certificate
includes the relevant geometrical, electrical, and photometrical values.

Standard Flux Lamps for General Lighting Features and Applications

Standard lamps for calibration of luminous flux test equipment with certificate
issued by an accredited testing laboratory. The test certificate includes the The OPTRONIK LDN 10-50 is an integrating sphere uniform light source with
relevant electrical values and the luminous flux. color temperature regulation. Each model includes a sphere photometer and
control unit. The LDN 10 luminance standard creates on its light emitting surface
Spectral Calibration Bulbs a luminance which is accurately defined.
Set of spectrally calibrated bulbs with Labsphere calibration certificate. Alternatively, you can control constant luminance or color temperature. The
LDN 10 is therefore an excellent tool for testing and calibrating a variety of
photometers, such as:
Luminance meters LDN10–5, uniform light source
Photometer Paint for Integrating Spheres Retroreflectometers
Photo receivers
X-Rite Optronik photometer paint for integrating spheres acc. to CIE Publication Colorimeters and video cameras
No. 84 (1989), characterized by Lambertian diffuse and selective reflectance
and composed of highly purified BaSO4. The LDN 10-5 model has a diameter of 500 mm. The light emitting area has a
diameter of 100 mm (LDN 10-5), which can be reduced in size to 3 mm with an
optional iris diaphragm. The power supply is integrated into a separate control
Characteristics unit. A keyboard on the control device's front plate serves to control the following
Lambertian white diffusing surface Automatic maintenance of constant luminance
Reflectance 80% (DIN 5036 Section 3) Automatic maintenance of constant color temperature
Variation of reflectance < 1.5% in wavelength range 400 to 700 nm Continuous adjustment of luminance and/or color temperature
Particularly suitable for coating integrating spheres according to CIE Publ. Storage of frequently used values
No. 84 (1989) "The measurement of luminous flux"
Recommended quantity approx. 1.25kg/m2 The measured values are indicated on a separate display and control unit or on
Individual test report for reflectance, spectral reflectance, and sphere factor an integrated display. An RS-232 serial interface allows for control of the
Option: Photometer paint (Spectraflect™) with 98% reflectance on request LDN 10 via PC; e.g., if the device is used for automated measuring applications.

Sphere diameter 0.5 m 1.0 m 1.5 m 2.0 m 2.5 m 3.0 m Technical Data
Quantity 1 kg 4 kg 9 kg 16 kg 25 kg 35 kg
Luminance Standard LDN 10 – 5

Integrating sphere, 500 mm

DC Power Supplies Sphere material: Aluminum
Special sphere coating diffuse (Lambertian) reflecting, 80% reflectance,
spectral characteristics according to DIN 5032
X-Rite Optronik manufactures a range of laboratory DC power supplies, SNT10,
Halogen incandescent bulb 12 V / 100 W
developed mainly to meet the needs of the automotive lighting and neighboring
Baffle to shield the light exit port against direct light
industries. For additional information, please ask for the DC Power Supplies
3 Si-photo detectors to regulate luminance and correlated color temperature
SNT10 brochure.
Light exit port with diffuse cover, 100 mm
Standard versions available:
Luminance at standard illuminant A approx. 1100 cd/m2
SNT10-50 V/12 A (20 A for U < 18 V) Standard resolution: Luminance range approx. 200 ...2200 cd/m2
SNT10-32 V/20 A 0.001 V / 0.001 A Uniformity of luminance > 98% on a center circle of 90 mm
SNT10-50 V/6.5 A Optional resolution: Total dimension with stand: 500 mm x 700 mm (height)
SNT10-50 V/3.2 A 0.2 mA or 0.1 mA Weight: Approx. 15 kg

8 9
Display and Control Unit ISO 5740–1982 (Measurement of the reflectance of flat and convex rear
Many additional applications are possible wherever information on reflectance
Lamp Power Supply and transmittance is needed.
Relative measuring method: Reflectance and/or transmittance standards
Table housing, optionally to be integrated in 19“ configuration with defined reflectance properties required.
Lamp power supply for halogen bulb 100 W
Microprocessor-controlled electronic regulation unit, regulation of either Equipment for Measurement of
voltage, luminance, or correlated color temperature
Regulation range of correlated color temperature: 2500 K ... 3000 K Reflectance p
Digital display of lamp voltage, luminance, and correlated color temperature Diffuse reflectance pd
on graphic LC display with background illumination Transmittance T
Integrated lamp burning time and switching cycle counter Diffuse transmittance Td
Serial interface (RS-232) for remote control and readout of measured values Reflectance of flat and convex surface rear-view mirrors
Mains supply: 230 V / 50 Hz, max. 130 W Transmittance Tdif dif at diffuse light incidence (optional) Display and control of color
Power cable with Euro plug temperature
Calibration traceable to PTB standard with X-Rite Optronik calibration Measurement According to the Following Standards:
CIE Publication No.38
DIN 5036 Section 3
Options ECE Regulation R 46
ISO 5740 – 1982

Additional X-Rite Optronik calibration certificate for luminous intensity Integrating sphere 500 mm diameter mounted on base plate with sample
Measured color filter with specification of chromaticity coordinates holders. Sphere construction according to DIN 5036 Section 3 and
Filter for conversion to other illuminants ISO 5740–1982 with integrated photometer head, 30 mm diameter of light
Power supply for 115 V, 50-60 Hz sensitive surface, superior V(λ)-approximation Directional light source, color
temperature regulated to standard
Moveable ρ and τ -Illuminant source for connection to integrating sphere, illuminant A
for measurements of p and pd with a color temperature acc. to standard
illuminant A, with color temperature control system via several Si-photo
Reflectance and Transmittance Measurement elements
KMS10 Power supply and control circuit for illuminant source, connection cables,
power supply for 230 V, 50-60 Hz, power cable with Euro plug
Digital display unit digilux 9500 with amplifier and 41/2-digit display of
Applications measuring value, attenuator for adjusting the display value to the calibration
standard value, RS232 serial interface; power supply: international wide
range power supply 80...270 V, 40...400 Hz, Euro plug
The X-Rite Optronik KMS10 is a
specialized measuring instrument
used for various applications to Options
measure luminous reflectance and
transmittance of different
materials. Working standards to calibrate the measuring equipment, with calibration
certificate: Regular reflecting standard (surface reflecting mirror), diffuse
reflecting standard (Labsphere Spectralon™)
KMS10–transmittance and reflectance Tdif -illuminant source for connection to integrating sphere for
measurement instrument measurements of Tdif
Power supply for 115 V, 50-60 Hz

Its design is based upon the properties of an integrating sphere.

Its design follows the guidelines defined by DIN5036 Section 3 and CIE
Publication No. 38 (1987) (Measurement of transmittance and reflectance)
In addition, it is suitable for measurements according to ECE-R46,

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X-Rite – Optronik Services

X-Rite – Optronik is more than a manufacturer of photometer and goniophotometer systems and
accessories. The company also offers a range of services to support customers who purchase Optronik
products, as well as customers who outsource manufacturing, test, and calibration services.
Customer service reflects a legacy of expertise in photometry technology and applications. No other
manufacturer offers the knowledge base or the range of products developed by X-Rite – Optronik,
and no other goniophotometer series can be compared with the performance in both accuracy and
speed of the OPTRONIK SMS10 series.

Get assistance with all your test and measurement needs at: [email protected]

Custom Development

X-Rite – Optronik welcomes inquiries for the design and manufacture of custom optical radiation
measurement and test systems. Experienced research and development engineers work closely with
our customers to provide the highest level of product development, applications, and technical
support. Customer focus, quality, innovation and excellence drive our culture.

You are welcome to visit our R&D and production plant in Berlin.
OPTRONIK. The World Standard in Light Measurement since 1968

X-Rite GmbH - Optronik

Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 16-24
D-10553 Berlin, Germany
Phone: 49-30-349941-0
Fax: 49-30-34-55054
Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm GMT + 1 hr

X-Rite GmbH — Sales/Service

D-51149 Köln, Germany
Phone: 49-2203-91450
Fax: 49-2203-914519
Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm GMT + 1hr
X-Rite Incorporated Headquarters
3100 44th Street, SW
Grandville, MI 49418, USA
Phone: 800-248-9748 or 616-534-7664
Fax: 616-534-0723
Hours: 8:00 am - 6:30 pm EST

Labsphere, Inc.
231 Shaker Street
PO Box 70
North Sutton, NH 03260, USA
Phone: 603-927-4266
Fax: 603-927-9200
Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm EST

X-Rite has offices and representatives in every region of the world.

For detailed information, please visit the corporate, Optronik or Labsphere websites:,,

X-Rite, Optronik, Labsphere are registered trademarks of X-Rite, Incorporated

Windows, Windows98, Windows NT, Millenium, 2000 and XP are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation

© X-Rite, Inc. 2005, printed in Germany

World Standard in Light Measurement We reserve the right of modifications without notice.

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