US - Elektrotehnika
US - Elektrotehnika
US - Elektrotehnika
World Standard
in Light Measurement since 1968
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Uniform Light Source: Luminance Standard calibrated lamp standard, precision power supply, photopic response detector,
and display unit. The digilumen 9500 luminous flux meter used in conjunction
with the sphere features the highest photometer accuracy classes L and A
Integrating spheres provide the ideal means for creating a uniform light source. according to DIN 5032 and CIE No. 69 with excellent spectral matching of the
Light collected by a sphere is diffusely reflected many times, so that any spatial high precision photopic Si-detectors to the sensitivity for brightness of the
characteristics are integrated for light leaving the sphere exit port plane. human eye.
The emitted light is nearly perfectly Lambertian. Our uniform source sphere
LDN10 is internally coated with a special photometer paint, a proprietary diffuse Optional software is available for enhanced operation of the ITS10 lamp Internal view:
white coating that produces excellent diffuse reflectance over the VIS-NIR measurement system. three burning positions,
wavelength region. up-side, down-side (vertical),
front-side (horizontal)
X-Rite – Optronik manufactures spheres with diameters of 50 cm and 100 cm.
The functional principle is that a lamp or several lamps are placed inside the
integrating sphere around the perimeter of the viewing port. The lamps are In cooperation with our sister company, Labsphere, we can offer any kind of
baffled from the port. The radiance of the sphere is a function of the wattage lamp measurement system with spheres as large as 5 meters as well as very
rating of the lamp. small spheres with a diameter of a few inches.
Tungsten halogen lamps are most commonly used with integrating sphere
sources. These lamps provide a continuous spectrum free of emission lines or Applications
temporal instability when operated from a regulated current power supply. The
spectral radiance of the sphere source can be estimated by combining the
sphere radiance equation with blackbody equations for the spectral radiant High performance precision photometer for lamp flux measurement used in
flux. laboratory environments.
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Scope of supply Optronik – Labsphere Product Selection Chart
Sphere ITS10-50 or ITS10-100
Stable stand Lamp Ratings Lamp Standard
Sphere Max. Lamp Spectral Application
Auxiliary lamp Part No. Diameter Length Min. Max. Range Power Flux Software
Thermometer PLMS-1000 254 mm 127 mm 0.1 lm 100 W Photopic 35 W 450 lm Available
Adjustment bar for positioning sample
ITS10-50 500 mm 250 mm 0.4 lm 400 W Photopic 35 W 450 lm Available
Instruction manual
ITS10-100 1000 mm 600 mm 0.5 lm 1500 W Photopic 75 W 1400 lm Available
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Standard Flux Lamps for Vehicle Lights LDN10-50 Luminance Standard
Standard lamps for testing vehicle lights according to ECE Regulation No. 37 (Uniform Light Source)
with certificate issued by an accredited testing laboratory. The test certificate
includes the relevant geometrical, electrical, and photometrical values.
Sphere diameter 0.5 m 1.0 m 1.5 m 2.0 m 2.5 m 3.0 m Technical Data
Quantity 1 kg 4 kg 9 kg 16 kg 25 kg 35 kg
Luminance Standard LDN 10 – 5
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Display and Control Unit ISO 5740–1982 (Measurement of the reflectance of flat and convex rear
Many additional applications are possible wherever information on reflectance
Lamp Power Supply and transmittance is needed.
Relative measuring method: Reflectance and/or transmittance standards
Table housing, optionally to be integrated in 19“ configuration with defined reflectance properties required.
Lamp power supply for halogen bulb 100 W
Microprocessor-controlled electronic regulation unit, regulation of either Equipment for Measurement of
voltage, luminance, or correlated color temperature
Regulation range of correlated color temperature: 2500 K ... 3000 K Reflectance p
Digital display of lamp voltage, luminance, and correlated color temperature Diffuse reflectance pd
on graphic LC display with background illumination Transmittance T
Integrated lamp burning time and switching cycle counter Diffuse transmittance Td
Serial interface (RS-232) for remote control and readout of measured values Reflectance of flat and convex surface rear-view mirrors
Mains supply: 230 V / 50 Hz, max. 130 W Transmittance Tdif dif at diffuse light incidence (optional) Display and control of color
Power cable with Euro plug temperature
Calibration traceable to PTB standard with X-Rite Optronik calibration Measurement According to the Following Standards:
CIE Publication No.38
DIN 5036 Section 3
Options ECE Regulation R 46
ISO 5740 – 1982
Additional X-Rite Optronik calibration certificate for luminous intensity Integrating sphere 500 mm diameter mounted on base plate with sample
Measured color filter with specification of chromaticity coordinates holders. Sphere construction according to DIN 5036 Section 3 and
Filter for conversion to other illuminants ISO 5740–1982 with integrated photometer head, 30 mm diameter of light
Power supply for 115 V, 50-60 Hz sensitive surface, superior V(λ)-approximation Directional light source, color
temperature regulated to standard
Moveable ρ and τ -Illuminant source for connection to integrating sphere, illuminant A
for measurements of p and pd with a color temperature acc. to standard
illuminant A, with color temperature control system via several Si-photo
Reflectance and Transmittance Measurement elements
KMS10 Power supply and control circuit for illuminant source, connection cables,
power supply for 230 V, 50-60 Hz, power cable with Euro plug
Digital display unit digilux 9500 with amplifier and 41/2-digit display of
Applications measuring value, attenuator for adjusting the display value to the calibration
standard value, RS232 serial interface; power supply: international wide
range power supply 80...270 V, 40...400 Hz, Euro plug
The X-Rite Optronik KMS10 is a
specialized measuring instrument
used for various applications to Options
measure luminous reflectance and
transmittance of different
materials. Working standards to calibrate the measuring equipment, with calibration
certificate: Regular reflecting standard (surface reflecting mirror), diffuse
reflecting standard (Labsphere Spectralon™)
KMS10–transmittance and reflectance Tdif -illuminant source for connection to integrating sphere for
measurement instrument measurements of Tdif
Power supply for 115 V, 50-60 Hz
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X-Rite – Optronik Services
X-Rite – Optronik is more than a manufacturer of photometer and goniophotometer systems and
accessories. The company also offers a range of services to support customers who purchase Optronik
products, as well as customers who outsource manufacturing, test, and calibration services.
Customer service reflects a legacy of expertise in photometry technology and applications. No other
manufacturer offers the knowledge base or the range of products developed by X-Rite – Optronik,
and no other goniophotometer series can be compared with the performance in both accuracy and
speed of the OPTRONIK SMS10 series.
Get assistance with all your test and measurement needs at: [email protected]
Custom Development
X-Rite – Optronik welcomes inquiries for the design and manufacture of custom optical radiation
measurement and test systems. Experienced research and development engineers work closely with
our customers to provide the highest level of product development, applications, and technical
support. Customer focus, quality, innovation and excellence drive our culture.
You are welcome to visit our R&D and production plant in Berlin.
OPTRONIK. The World Standard in Light Measurement since 1968
Labsphere, Inc.
231 Shaker Street
PO Box 70
North Sutton, NH 03260, USA
Phone: 603-927-4266
Fax: 603-927-9200
Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm EST