Board Trustees present: Chuck Fields, Allison Watkinson, Judie Winchell, Dennis Leff and Kathi Warm.
Also present were 7 Community Council Members.
The meeting was held at FCSA Boardroom and called to order at 10:05 am by President Chuck Fields.
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Minutes of November 11, 2017 were read, approved, seconded, and carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Balance as of November 30, 2018 is $6,256.67 with $3,092.11 earmarked for Ft. Clark Days 2018.
Treasurer’s report read, approved, seconded, and carried.
Old Business
Wonder Woman would be the Dec. movie on Dec. 9, 2017 with shows 2:00, 5:00, and 8:00.
Constitution and By-law changes. A second reading with suggested changes was done with those in
attendance having copies to make changes and ask questions. Voting will take place at the Annual
Meeting in January, 2018.
It was noted that we will have 4 officers after By-law changes: President, Vice-president, Secretary and
Treasurer. Lisa Vale will fill the Vice-president slot as she will co-ordinate the bingo. Kathi Warm will fill
the Secretary position. President and Treasurer positions still need to be filled. Judie Winchell and
Steven Foxx will look for candidates.
Letter of resignation from Phyllis Giblin as Community Council rep. to Ft. Clark Historical Preservation
Committee was submitted. It was noted that the new Community Council President needs to appoint a
representative to serve on the Ft. Clark Historical Preservation Committee. We have two representatives
now, one of which is Debbie Isaacs. One more is needed.
President’s Report
A lengthy discussion was held about the state of affairs for Community Council. If no one volunteers for
office vacancies, Community Council may have to dissolve. That would be the end of Bingo and other
activities. It was discussed that many members are bypassing their concerns about the Fort to
Community Council, and going directly to the Fort Clark Association Board or Richard. It was agreed that
a letter be written to the Fort Clark Association Board expressing our concern.
It was noted that there will not be any fireworks display for New Year’s Eve due to a negative consensus
about showing them at 10:00 pm. instead of midnight.
Organization reports
Preservation Committee. Phyllis Giblin reported that a bid is being sought for repairs on the
windows at Seminole Hall. The drainage ditch at the Commissary is done, but only time will tell if
it is working. It was done by Sanford Irrigation and is warranted by them.
Garden Club. The Christmas party will take place Thursday, Dec. 12 at 10:00 am at
the adult center.
Book Club. The next book club meeting will be in January, 2018.
Historical Society. Dennis Leff gave a report on the success of their Christmas open house
held at the Palisado Building.
Garden Club. Judie Winchell gave an update on the wild flower project by the walking
track. She also stated that come next spring, we should see a lot of bluebonnets everywhere if
the weather cooperates.
R.V. Events. John Bridger gave us a schedule of events. Dec. 16 would be a Golf Cart
Parade to go around the Fort and look at the lights. Cars are welcome also. Meet at NCO Club
at 6:00 pm and leave at 6:30 pm. Dec. 21 Ft. Clark Springs Association Open House at Admin.
Office and arbor from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Dec. 22 RV Park. Christmas caroling and food at the
RV pit starting at 6:00 pm. He also mentioned that the Recreation Committee is thinking about
restarting the Chili Cook-off in January.
New Business
Next meeting is Jan. 13, 2018 at FCSA Boardroom. This is the annual meeting, and new officers will be
sworn in. The changes for the Constitution and Bylaws will also be voted on by members present.
We will host the “Meet the Candidates” at the Post Theater on Feb. 3, 2018 in the morning. The format
will be as follows. Each candidate will give an opening statement, and then questions submitted from
the audience will be picked out of a basket instead of having audience members stand in line to ask
questions. It will be a formal presentation monitored by a Community Council Officer and will end by
Adjournment There being no further business, meeting was adjourned at 11:17 am by the FCCC
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Warm