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Zosterisessor Ophiocephalus, Raja Clavata Scorpaena Scrofa: Research Article

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SAGE-Hindawi Access to Research

Journal of Amino Acids

Volume 2011, Article ID 913616, 9 pages

Research Article
Digestive Alkaline Proteases from Zosterisessor ophiocephalus,
Raja clavata, and Scorpaena scrofa :
Characteristics and Application in Chitin Extraction

Rim Nasri, Islem Younes, Imen Lassoued, Sofiane Ghorbel,

Olfa Ghorbel-Bellaaj, and Moncef Nasri
Laboratoire de Génie Enzymatique et de Microbiologie, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Sfax, P.O. Box 1173, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia

Correspondence should be addressed to Moncef Nasri, mon [email protected]

Received 27 March 2011; Accepted 15 June 2011

Academic Editor: Nabil Miled

Copyright © 2011 Rim Nasri et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

The aim of this work was to study some biochemical characteristics of crude alkaline protease extracts from the viscera of
goby (Zosterisessor ophiocephalus), thornback ray (Raja clavata), and scorpionfish (Scorpaena scrofa), and to investigate their
applications in the deproteinization of shrimp wastes. At least four caseinolytic proteases bands were observed in zymogram
of each enzyme preparation. The optimum pH for enzymatic extracts activities of Z. ophiocephalus, R. clavata, and S. scrofa were
8.0-9.0, 8.0, and 10.0, respectively. Interestingly, all the enzyme preparations were highly stable over a wide range of pH from 6.0
to 11.0. The optimum temperatures for enzyme activity were 50◦ C for Z. ophiocephalus and R. clavata and 55◦ C for S. scrofa crude
alkaline proteases. Proteolytic enzymes showed high stability towards non-ionic surfactants (5% Tween 20, Tween 80, and Triton
X-100). In addition, crude proteases of S. scrofa, R. clavata, and Z. ophiocephalus were found to be highly stable towards oxidizing
agents, retaining 100%, 70%, and 66%, respectively, of their initial activity after incubation for 1 h in the presence of 1% sodium
perborate. They were, however, highly affected by the anionic surfactant SDS. The crude alkaline proteases were tested for the
deproteinization of shrimp waste in the preparation of chitin. All proteases were found to be effective in the deproteinization of
shrimp waste. The protein removals after 3 h of hydrolysis at 45◦ C with an enzyme/substrate ratio (E/S) of 10 were about 76%,
76%, and 80%, for Z. ophiocephalus, R. clavata, and S. scrofa crude proteases, respectively. These results suggest that enzymatic
deproteinization of shrimp wastes by fish endogenous alkaline proteases could be applicable to the chitin production process.

1. Introduction conditions [4–6] and exhibit high catalytic activity at rela-

tively low concentration [7]. These characteristics of fish pro-
Proteases constitute the most important group of industrial teases have made them suitable for some interesting new
enzymes used in the world today, accounting for approxi- applications in food-processing operations. In addition, fish
mately 50% of the total industrial enzyme market [1]. They enzymes could be utilized to produce bioactive peptides from
have diverse applications in a wide variety of industries fish proteins [8, 9]. Considering the specific characteristics
such as detergent, food, pharmaceutical, leather, peptide of these enzymes, fish processing by-products are currently
synthesis, and for the recovery of silver from used X-ray films used for enzyme extraction.
[2, 3]. Proteases are mainly derived from animal, plant, and The most important digestive proteolytic enzymes from
microbial sources. fish and aquatic invertebrates viscera are the aspartic pro-
Today, there is an increasing demand for fish proteolytic tease pepsin secreted from gastric mucosa, and the serine
enzymes in food processing. Fish viscera, one of the most proteases, trypsin, and chymotrypsin secreted from the pan-
important by-products of fishing industry, is known to be creas, pyloric caeca, and intestine [10]. Acidic proteases
a rich source of digestive enzymes, especially proteases that from fish stomachs display high activity between pH 2.0
have high activity over a wide range of pH and temperature and 4.0, while alkaline digestive proteases, such as trypsin,
2 Journal of Amino Acids

are most active between pH 8.0 and 10.0. The distribution in polyethylene bags, placed in ice with a sample/ice ratio
of proteinases varies, depending on species and organs. of approximately 1 : 3 (w/w) and transported to the research
Digestive enzymes of several species of fish have been isolated laboratory within 30 minutes. After the fish were washed
from the internal organs including gastric, intestinal, and with water, their viscera were separated, rinsed with cold
hepatopancreas [5, 9, 11–13]. distilled water, and then stored in sealed plastic bags at
Chitin, a homopolymer of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine −20◦ C until they were used for enzyme extraction.
residues linked by β-1,4 bonds, is the most abundant renew-
able natural resource after cellulose [14]. Chitin and its de- 2.3. Preparation of Crude Alkaline Proteases. Viscera (20 g)
rivatives are biomolecules of a great potential, possessing were separated and rinsed with distilled water, and then
versatile biological activities, demonstrating excellent bio- homogenized for 5 minutes with 20 mL of extraction buffer
compatibility and complete biodegradability. Therefore, they (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0) with the use of tissue homoge-
have found extensive applications in pharmacy, medicine, nizer. The resulting preparations were centrifuged at 8500 ×g
agriculture, food and textile industries, cosmetics, and waste- for 30 minutes at 4◦ C. The pellets were discarded and the
water treatment [15–17]. supernatants were collected and then frozen at −20◦ C and
The main sources of raw material for the production of used as crude protease extracts. All enzymatic assays were
chitin are cuticles of various crustaceans, principally crabs conducted within a week after extraction.
and shrimps. Chitin in biomass is closely associated with
proteins, inorganic compounds (such as calcium carbonate),
2.4. Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis. Sodium dodecyl sul-
lipids, and pigments. They all have to be quantitatively
phate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was
removed to achieve the high purity of chitins necessary for
carried out as described by Laemmli [26], using 5% (w/v)
biological applications [18].
stacking and 15% (w/v) separating gels. Samples were pre-
Conventionally, to extract chitin from crustacean shells,
pared by mixing the crude enzyme extracts at 1 : 5 (v/v)
chemicals processing for demineralization and deproteiniza-
ratio with distilled water containing 10 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0,
tion have been applied. Raw materials were first treated with
2.5% SDS, 10% glycerol, 5%β-mercaptoethanol, and 0.002%
dilute hydrochloric acid at room temperature to remove
bromophenol blue. The samples were heated at 100◦ C for
metal salts, particularly calcium carbonate, and then with
5 minutes before loading in the gel. After electrophoresis,
strong bases to remove proteins [18]. However, the use of
the gel was stained with 0.25% Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-
these chemicals may cause a partial deacetylation of the
250 in 45% ethanol-10% acetic acid and destained with 5%
chitin and hydrolysis of the polymer, resulting in final incon-
ethanol-7.5% acetic acid.
sistent physiological properties [19]. An alternative approach
to these harsh chemical treatments is the use of prote-
olytic microorganisms [20–23] or proteolytic enzymes [24]. 2.5. Detection of Protease Activity of Enzyme Extracts by
Bustos and Healy [25] demonstrated that chitin obtained Zymography. Protease activity staining was performed on
by the deproteinization of shrimp shell waste with various SDS-PAGE according to the method of Garcia-Carreno et al.
proteolytic microorganism had higher molecular weights [27] with a slight modification. The sample was not heated
compared to chemically prepared shellfish chitin. before loading in the gel. After electrophoresis, the gel was
In the present paper, we describe the extraction and char- submerged in buffer A (100 mM of Tris-HCl buffer (pH 9.0))
acterization of alkaline proteases from Z. ophiocephalus, R. containing 2.5% Triton X-100, with shaking for 1 hour to
clavata, and S. scrofa which are suitable in the chitin produc- remove SDS and allow enzyme renaturation. Triton X-100
tion process. was removed by washing the gel three times with buffer A.
The gel was then immersed in 100 mL of 1% (w/v) casein
in buffer A for 5 minutes at 4◦ C, then further incubated for
2. Materials and Methods 10 minutes at 50◦ C to allow for the digestion of the protein
substrate (casein) by the active enzymes. Finally, the gel was
2.1. Reagents. Casein sodium salt from bovine milk, tri- stained with 0.25% Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 in 45%
chloroacetic acid (TCA), ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid ethanol-10% acetic acid and destained with 5% ethanol-
(EDTA), and bovine serum albumin were purchased from 7.5% acetic acid. The development of clear bands on the
Sigma Company Co. (St Louis, Mo, USA). Hydrochloric blue background of the gel indicated the presence of protease
acid and Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane were procured activity.
from Panreac Quimica SA (Barcelone, Spain). Sodium do-
decyl sulphate (SDS), acrylamide, ammonium persul-
2.6. Protease Assay. Protease activity in the crude alkaline
phate, N,N,N,N -tetramethyl ethylenediamine (TEMED),
enzyme extracts was measured by the method described by
and Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 were from Bio-Rad
Kembhavi et al. [28] using casein as a substrate. A 0.5-mL
Laboratories (Mexico City, Mexico). All other reagents were
aliquot of the crude enzyme extract, suitably diluted, was
of analytical grade.
mixed with 0.5 mL of 100 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0) containing
1% (w/v) casein, and incubated for 15 minutes at 50◦ C.
2.2. Materials. Goby (Z. ophiocephalus), thornback ray (R. The reaction was stopped by the addition of 0.5 mL of TCA
clavata), and scorpionfish (S. scrofa) were purchased from the 20% (w/v). The mixture was allowed to stand at room tem-
fish market of Sfax City, Tunisia. The samples were packed perature for 15 minutes and then centrifuged at 10.000 ×g
Journal of Amino Acids 3

for 15 minutes to remove the precipitate. The acid-soluble The moisture and ash content were determined accord-
material was estimated spectrophotometrically at 280 nm. A ing to the AOAC standard methods 930.15 and 942.05,
standard curve was generated using solutions of 0–50 mg/L respectively, [29]. Total nitrogen content of shrimp protein
tyrosine. One unit of protease activity was defined as the hydrolysates was determined by using the Kjeldahl method.
amount of enzyme required to liberate 1 μg of tyrosine per Crude protein was estimated by multiplying total nitrogen
minute under the experimental conditions used. content by the factor of 6.25.

2.7. Effect of pH on Activity and Stability of Crude Alkaline 2.11. Deproteinization of Shrimp Wastes by Crude Alkaline
Proteases. The optimum pH of the crude protease extracts Protease Extracts. Shrimp shell wastes (15 g) were mixed
was studied over a pH range of 5.0–13.0, using casein as a with 100 mM Tris-HCl buffer pH 8.0 at a ratio of 1 : 3
substrate at 50◦ C. For the measurement of pH stability, the (w/v), minced and then cooked for 20 minutes at 90◦ C to
crude enzyme extracts were incubated for 1 hour at 4◦ C in inactivate endogenous enzymes. The cooked sample was then
different buffers and then the residual proteolytic activities homogenized in a Moulinex blender for about 2 minutes.
were determined under standard assay conditions. The The pH of the mixture was adjusted to 8.0, and then
following buffer systems were used: 100 mM sodium acetate the shrimp waste proteins were digested with proteolytic
buffer for pH 5.0-6.0, Tris-HCl buffer for pH 7.0-8.0, glycine- enzymes at 45◦ C using en enzyme/substrate ratio of 10/1
NaOH buffer for pH 9.0–11.0, Na2 HPO4 -NaOH buffer for (unit of enzyme/mg of protein). After 3-hour incubation at
pH 12.0, and KCl buffer for pH 13.0. 45◦ C, the reaction was stopped by heating the solution at
90◦ C during 20 minutes to inactivate enzymes. The shrimp
2.8. Effect of Temperature on Protease Activity and Stability. waste protein hydrolysates were then centrifuged at 5000 ×g
To investigate the effect of temperature, the activity was for 20 minutes to separate insoluble and soluble fractions.
tested using casein as a substrate at the temperature range The solid phase was washed, pressed manually through
from 30 to 80◦ C in 100 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0 for four layers of gauze, and then dried for 1 hour at 60◦ C.
Z. ophiocephalus and R. clavata proteases, and pH 10.0 for The protein content was analyzed to measure the protein
S. scrofa crude alkaline proteases. Thermal stability was- removal. The press cake was packed in a plastic bag and
examined by incubating crude enzyme extracts for 60- stored at −20◦ C until further processing.
minutes at different temperatures from 30 to 70◦ C. Aliquots Deproteinization percentage (%DP) was calculated by
were withdrawn at desired time intervals to test the remain- the following equation as described by Rao et al. [30]:
ing activity at standard conditions. The nonheated crude [(Po × O) − (PR × R)] × 100
enzyme extracts were considered as control (100%). %DP = , (1)
Po × O
2.9. Effects of Metal Ions, NaCl Concentration, Surfactants, where PO and PR are protein concentrations (%) before and
and Oxidizing Agents on Proteolytic Activity of Crude Enzyme after hydrolysis; while O and R represent the mass (grams) of
Extracts. The influence of various metals ions, at a concen- original sample and hydrolyzed residue in dry weight basis,
tration of 5 mM, on enzyme activity was investigated by respectively.
adding the monovalent (Na+ or K+ ) or divalent (Mg2+ , Hg2+ ,
Ca2+ , Zn2+ , Cu2+ , Co2+ , Ba2+ , or Mn2+ ) metal ions to the 2.12. Statistical Analysis. All experiments were carried out in
reaction mixture. The activity of the crude enzyme extracts triplicate, and average values with standard deviation errors
without any metallic ion was considered as 100%. The effect are reported. Mean separation and significance were analyzed
of NaCl concentrations on the activity of the alkaline crude using the SPSS software package (SPSS, Chicago, Ill). Corre-
protease extracts was studied, using casein as a substrate, by lation and regression analysis were carried out using EXCEL
increasing NaCl concentrations in the reaction mixture. program.
The effects of some surfactants (Triton X-100, Tween 80,
and SDS) and oxidizing agents (sodium perborate) on alka-
line crude proteases stability were studied by preincubating
3. Results and Discussion
enzymes for 1 hour at 30◦ C. The residual activities were 3.1. SDS-PAGE and Zymography of Crude Alkaline Proteases.
measured at optimum conditions for each crude enzyme. In order to estimate the number of proteases in the alkaline
The activity of the crude enzyme extract without any additive crude enzyme extracts, samples were separated by SDS-
was taken as 100%. PAGE, and then proteolytic activities were revealed by casein
zymography activity staining. Casein zymography is a very
2.10. Preparation of Shrimp Waste Powder (SWP) and Chem- sensitive and rapid assay method that detects nanogram
ical Analysis. The SWP was prepared in our laboratory. of proteins, in contrast with SDS-PAGE which detects
Briefly, shrimp waste, collected from the marine food pro- micrograms.
cessing industry, was washed thoroughly with tap water and As can be observed in Figure 1, all crude enzyme extracts
then cooked 20 minutes at 90◦ C. The solid material obtained showed several clear bands of protease activity with different
was dried, minced to obtain a fine powder, and then stored in molecular weights, indicating the presence of several dif-
glass bottles at room temperature. The chemical composition ferent proteases. It seems that goby crude enzyme extract
(proteins, chitin, lipids, and ash) was determined. contained more proteolytic enzymes than the other ones
4 Journal of Amino Acids

1 2 3 at pH 10.0. The optimum pH for S. scrofa proteases was

similar to those reported by Esposito et al. [31] for proteases
extracted from the viscera of Colossoma macropomum and
El Hadj-Ali et al. [4] for proteases extracted from striped
seabream (Lithognathus mormyrus).

3.2.2. Effect of pH on Protease Stability. The pH stability pro-

files of the three crude alkaline proteases are reported in
Figure 2(b). Interestingly, the three crude enzyme extracts
are highly stable over a wide broad pH range, maintaining
about 100% of their original activity between pH 5.0 and 10.0
after 1 hour of incubation at 4◦ C. The enzymes retained more
than 83% of their activities at pH 12.0. Our results showed
that goby proteases present a high pH stability compared to
the others crude enzyme extracts.
The enzyme preparation from scorpionfish, which is
highly active in the alkaline pH range, was also stable over
a wide pH range. These results suggest that the viscera of
scorpionfish would be a potential source of alkaline proteases
for certain industrial applications that require high alkaline
conditions, such as detergents. In fact, one of the most
important parameters for selection proteases for detergents
is the optimum pH. Since the pH of laundry detergents is
commonly alkaline (in the range of 9.0–12.0) [32], protease
Figure 1: Activity staining of the crude alkaline protease extract and other enzymes currently used in detergent formulations
from the viscera of R. clavata (1), Z. ophiocephalus (2), and S. scrofa should be alkaline in nature with a high optimum pH. These
properties were displayed by the scorpionfish proteases.

3.2.3. Effect of Temperature on Protease Activity. Optima tem-

as illustrated in Figure 1 by the presence of at least five peratures for activity of crude alkaline proteases were deter-
clear bands of proteolytic activity. This result suggests that mined in order to assess their suitability for biotechnological
at least five major proteinases were present in goby viscera. applications. The relative activities at various temperatures
When comparing the different profiles, it can be observed using casein as a substrate are reported in Figure 3. The
the presence of at least one protease common with all crude crude proteases were active at temperatures from 30 to 70◦ C.
proteases. The optimum temperature for S. scrofa proteases was 55◦ C,
however, alkaline proteases from goby and thornback ray
3.2. Biochemical Characterization of the Alkaline Crude displayed maximum activity at 50◦ C.
The relative activities of goby proteases at 40 and 60◦ C
Protease Extracts were 54% and 70%, respectively. However, an appreciable
3.2.1. Effect of pH on Protease Activity. The activity of prote- decrease in enzyme activity was observed above 65◦ C, due to
olytic enzymes was determined at different pH values from thermal denaturation. Thornback ray proteases were more
5.0 to 13.0. The pH activity profiles of the crude alkaline active at 60◦ C than the other crude proteases, retaining
proteases are shown in Figure 2(a). The proteolytic enzymes 90% of their activity after 1-hour incubation. However, the
of Z. ophiocephalus displayed maximum activity at pH 8.0- relative activities of Z. ophiocephalus and R. clavata crude
9.0. The relative activities at pH 7.0 and 10.0 were 55.6% proteases were 70% and 45%, respectively.
and 81.3%, respectively, of that at pH 9.0. However, protease
activity decreased significantly above pH 10.0. At pH 11.0, 3.2.4. Effect of Temperature on Protease Stability. Thermal
the activity was approximately 5-fold lower than that at pH stability of crude alkaline proteases is depicted in Figure 4.
9.0. Enzyme preparations from goby and scorpionfish are highly
The optimum pH for the crude protease of R. clavata active at temperatures below 40◦ C, while that of thornback
was pH 8.0. The relative activity at pH 9.0 was about 94%. ray were stable at 30◦ C. Goby crude enzyme remains fully
However, an appreciable decrease in activity was observed active even after 60 minutes of incubation at 40◦ C, indicating
above pH 9.0. that this crude enzyme might be used under mild heating
With S. scrofa crude enzyme extract, two activity peaks conditions. However, at higher temperatures proteases were
were observed at pH 6.0 and 10.0. The enzyme preparation inactivated.
was highly active between pH 8.0 and 11.0, with an optimum The enzyme preparations from Z. ophiocephalus and S.
at pH 10.0. The relative activities at pH 9.0, 11.0, and scrofa retained about 24% and 45% of their initial activ-
12.0 were about 94%, 69%, and 39%, respectively, of that ity after 60 minutes of incubation at 50◦ C, respectively.
Journal of Amino Acids 5

120 120

100 100

Residual activity (%)

Relative activity (%)
80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
pH pH

Goby proteases Goby proteases

Thornback ray proteases Thornback ray proteases
Scorpionfish proteases Scorpionfish proteases
(a) (b)

Figure 2: Effect of pH on activity (a) and stability (b) of alkaline crude protease extracts. The protease activity was assayed in the pH range
5.0–13.0 using buffers of different pH values at 50◦ C. The maximum activity of each crude enzyme extract was considered as 100%. The pH
stability was determined by incubating the crude enzymes in different buffers for 1 hour at 4◦ C and the residual activities were measured at
the optimum conditions of each enzyme preparation. The activity of the enzyme before incubation was taken as 100%. Buffer solutions used
for pH activity and stability are presented in Section 2. Values are means of three independent experiments.

120 Table 1: Effects of various metal ions (5 mM) on protease activity.

100 Relative activity (%)

Metal ions
Goby Scorpionfish Thornback ray
Relative activity (%)

Control 100 100 100
Na+ 100 91 110
K+ 100 91 80
40 2+
Mg 117 122 100
Mn2+ 47.5 83 37.5
Zn2+ 20 105 23
0 Cu2+ 17.5 67 47.5
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Hg2+ 36 62 29.5
Temperature (◦ C) Fe2+ 0 31 0
Ca 110 129 111
Goby proteases
Ba2+ 110 97 100
Thornback ray proteases
Scorpionfish proteases

Figure 3: Effect of temperature on activity of alkaline crude pro- The addition of CaCl2 and MgSO4 increased the activity
tease extracts. The temperature profile was determined by assaying of crude protease extracts of goby and scorpionfish. Ca2+
protease activity at temperatures between 30 and 80◦ C. The opti- increased the activity of crude proteases from goby and
mum activity was taken as 100%. Values are means of three inde- scorpionfish to 110% and 129%, respectively. These results
pendent experiments.
indicated that Ca2+ was very effective in improving the
activity of the crude proteases. The enhancement of protease
activity in the presence of calcium may be explained by the
However, the proteolytic enzymes from R. clavata were com- strength of interactions inside protein molecules and the
pletely inactivated in the same conditions. better stabilization of enzymes against thermal stabilization.
However, the activity of R. clavata crude enzyme was not
affected by CaCl2 .
3.2.5. Effects of Metal Ions on Protease Activity. The effects The ions Ba2+ affect partially the protease activity with
of various metal ions, at a concentration of 5 mM, on the a relative activity between 87% and 96%. However, Fe2+
activity of the crude alkaline proteases were studied at opti- and Hg2+ affect greatly the activity of all crude enzymes.
mum conditions for each crude enzyme by the addition of The presence of 5 mM NaCl and KCl did not affect protease
the respective cations to the reaction mixture (Table 1). activity.
6 Journal of Amino Acids

120 120

100 100

Residual activity (%)

Residual activity (%)

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 15 30 45 60 0 15 30 45 60
Time (min) Time (min)

30◦ C 60◦ C 30◦ C 60◦ C

40◦ C 70◦ C 40◦ C 70◦ C
50◦ C 50◦ C
(a) (b)


Residual activity (%)





0 15 30 45 60
Time (min)

30◦ C 60◦ C
40◦ C 70◦ C
50◦ C

Figure 4: Effect of temperature on thermal stability of the crude alkaline proteases from goby (a), thornback ray (b) and scorpionfish (c).
The temperature stability was determined by incubating the crude extract at temperatures from 30 to 70◦ C for 1 hour. The residual enzyme
activity was measured under the standard conditions assay at different times. The original activity before preincubation was taken as 100%.
Values are means of three independent experiments.

3.2.6. Stability of the Enzyme Extracts in the Presence of Oxi- The suitability of crude alkaline proteases as detergent
dizing Agents and Surfactants. All the commercial detergents additive was investigated by testing their stability in the pres-
contain hydrolytic enzymes such as proteases. In addition ence of some surfactants and oxidizing agents. As shown in
to activity and stability at high pH range and various Table 2, crude protease extracts were highly stable in the pres-
temperatures [33], enzymes incorporated into detergent ence of non-ionic surfactants such as Tween 20, Tween 80,
formulations must be compatible and stable with all com- and Triton X-100. Furthermore, the activities of scorption-
monly used detergent components such as surfactants, fish and thornback ray proteases were slightly enhanced. For
perfumes, oxidizing agents, and other additives which might example, the activities of scorptionfish after incubation for 1
be present in the formulation [34]. Furthermore, detergent hour at 40◦ C were 107%, 109%, and 107% in the presence
enzymes should be stable during storage and active during of 5% Triton X-100, Tween 20, and Tween 80, respectively.
washing in the detergent solution for a long period of time However, the strong anionic surfactant (SDS) at 1% caused
[35]. 100% inhibition proteolytic activity of R. clavata proteases.
Journal of Amino Acids 7

Table 2: Stability of alkaline proteases in the presence of various surfactants and oxidizing agents.

Residual activity (%)

Surfactants/oxidizing agents Concentration (%)
Goby Scorpionfish Thornback ray
None 0 100 100 100
Triton X-100 5 (v/v) 100 107 117
Tween 20 5 82 109 115
Tween 80 5 90 107 100
0.1 (w/v) 40 73.5 13
SDS 0.5 33 44 0
1 14 16 0
0.2 92.3 106 88
Sodium perborate
1 66 100 70
Enzyme preparations were incubated with different surfactants and oxidizing agents for 1 hour at 30◦ C and the remaining activity was measured under
standard conditions. The activity is expressed as a percentage of the activity level in the absence of additives.

120 proteases with oxidizing agents. Important commercial de-

tergent proteases like Subtilisin Carlsberg, Subtilisin BPN,
100 Alcalase, Esparase, and Savirase are stable in the presence of
various detergent components. However, most of them are
unstable in the presence of oxidant agents, such as hydrogen
Relative activity (%)

peroxide [34].

3.2.7. Effect of NaCl. The effect of NaCl concentration on
the activity of crude alkaline proteases is shown in Figure 5.
40 The activity of the three enzyme preparations was affected by
NaCl. The activities of all crude proteases decreased gradually
20 with increasing NaCl concentration. The relative activities
of goby, scorpionfish, and thornback ray at 10% NaCl were
approximately 53%, 37%, and 14%, respectively. The results
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
showed that goby proteases exhibited a high activity in the
presence of NaCl compared to the other crude enzymes.
[NaCl] (%)
The decrease in activity might be due to denaturation of
Goby proteases enzymes caused by the “salting out” effect with increasing
Thornback ray proteases NaCl concentrations.
Scorpionfish proteases

Figure 5: Effect of NaCl concentration on the activity of alkaline 3.2.8. Enzymatic Deproteinization of Shrimp Wastes by Crude
crude protease extracts. Alkaline Proteases. Chitin, a polysaccharide found in abun-
dance in the shell of crustaceans, is closely associated with
proteins. Therefore, deproteinization in chitin extraction
process is crucial. Chemical treatment requires the use of HCl
In addition, we investigated the effects of oxidizing agents and NaOH, which can cause deacetylation and depolymer-
on the crude protease extract. Thornback ray and goby pro- ization of chitin.
teases were little influenced by oxidizing agents, retaining Few studies on the use of proteolytic enzymes for the
about 70% and 66% of their initial activity after incubation deproteinization of shrimp wastes have been reported. To
for 1 hour at 30◦ C in the presence of 1% (w/v) sodium perbo- the best of our knowledge, there are no available reports
rate, respectively. on the enzymatic deproteinization of shrimp wastes by fish
Interestingly, the crude enzyme of scorpionfish remains proteases. Many factors, such as the specificity of the enzyme
fully active after 1 hour incubation at 40◦ C. The stability of used for the proteolysis, E/S ratio and the conditions used
scorpionfish enzyme extract against sodium perborate was during hydrolysis (initial temperature value and hydrolysis
higher than A21 protease from Bacillus mojavensis which time) have been reported to influence the enzymatic depro-
retained 35% of its initial activity in the presence of 1% teinization process.
oxidizing agent after incubation for 1 hour at 30◦ C [36]. In the present study, alkaline proteases from Z. ophio-
The high stability of scorpionfish enzyme extract in the cephalus, R. clavata, and S. scrofa were applied for the depro-
presence of oxidizing agents is a very important characteristic teinization of shrimp waste to produce chitin and protein
for its eventual use in detergent formulations. Few pub- hydrolysates using an E/S ratio of 10 U/mg. As depicted
lished reports are available on the compatibility of alkaline in Figure 6, all fish extracts were efficient in shrimp waste
8 Journal of Amino Acids

100 proteases,” Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, vol.

Deproteinization degree (%)

62, no. 3, pp. 597–635, 1998.

80 [2] R. Gupta, Q. Beg, and P. Lorenz, “Bacterial alkaline proteases:
molecular approaches and industrial applications,” Applied
60 Microbiology and Biotechnology, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 15–32, 2002.
[3] M. M. Zukowski, “Production of commercially valuable prod-
ucts,” in Biology of Bacilli: Application to Industry, R. H. Doi
and M. McGloughlin, Eds., pp. 311–337, Butterworth-Heine-
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