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L-63915 December 29, 1986 that the publication required therein was not always imperative; would be so not because of a failure to comply with but simply
LORENZO M. TAÑ;ADA, ABRAHAM F. SARMIENTO, and that publication, when necessary, did not have to be made in the because they did not know of its existence, Significantly, this is not
MOVEMENT OF ATTORNEYS FOR BROTHERHOOD, INTEGRITY AND Official Gazette; and that in any case the subject decision was true only of penal laws as is commonly supposed. One can think of
NATIONALISM, INC. (MABINI), petitioners, concurred in only by three justices and consequently not binding. many non-penal measures, like a law on prescription, which must
vs. This elicited a Reply 4 refuting these arguments. Came next the also be communicated to the persons they may affect before they
HON. JUAN C. TUVERA, in his capacity as Executive Assistant to the February Revolution and the Court required the new Solicitor can begin to operate.
President, HON. JOAQUIN VENUS, in his capacity as Deputy General to file a Rejoinder in view of the supervening events, under We note at this point the conclusive presumption that every person
Executive Assistant to the President, MELQUIADES P. DE LA CRUZ, Rule 3, Section 18, of the Rules of Court. Responding, he submitted knows the law, which of course presupposes that the law has been
ETC., ET AL., respondents. that issuances intended only for the internal administration of a published if the presumption is to have any legal justification at all.
RESOLUTION government agency or for particular persons did not have to be It is no less important to remember that Section 6 of the Bill of
'Published; that publication when necessary must be in full and in Rights recognizes "the right of the people to information on matters
CRUZ, J.: the Official Gazette; and that, however, the decision under of public concern," and this certainly applies to, among others, and
Due process was invoked by the petitioners in demanding the reconsideration was not binding because it was not supported by indeed especially, the legislative enactments of the government.
disclosure of a number of presidential decrees which they claimed eight members of this Court. 5 The term "laws" should refer to all laws and not only to those of
had not been published as required by law. The government argued The subject of contention is Article 2 of the Civil Code providing as general application, for strictly speaking all laws relate to the people
that while publication was necessary as a rule, it was not so when it follows: in general albeit there are some that do not apply to them directly.
was "otherwise provided," as when the decrees themselves ART. 2. Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following An example is a law granting citizenship to a particular individual,
declared that they were to become effective immediately upon their the completion of their publication in the Official Gazette, like a relative of President Marcos who was decreed instant
approval. In the decision of this case on April 24, 1985, the Court unless it is otherwise provided. This Code shall take effect naturalization. It surely cannot be said that such a law does not
affirmed the necessity for the publication of some of these decrees, one year after such publication. affect the public although it unquestionably does not apply directly
declaring in the dispositive portion as follows: After a careful study of this provision and of the arguments of the to all the people. The subject of such law is a matter of public
WHEREFORE, the Court hereby orders respondents to parties, both on the original petition and on the instant motion, we interest which any member of the body politic may question in the
publish in the Official Gazette all unpublished presidential have come to the conclusion and so hold, that the clause "unless it political forums or, if he is a proper party, even in the courts of
issuances which are of general application, and unless so is otherwise provided" refers to the date of effectivity and not to justice. In fact, a law without any bearing on the public would be
published, they shall have no binding force and effect. the requirement of publication itself, which cannot in any event be invalid as an intrusion of privacy or as class legislation or as an ultra
The petitioners are now before us again, this time to move for omitted. This clause does not mean that the legislature may make vires act of the legislature. To be valid, the law must invariably affect
reconsideration/clarification of that decision. 1Specifically, they ask the law effective immediately upon approval, or on any other date, the public interest even if it might be directly applicable only to one
the following questions: without its previous publication. individual, or some of the people only, and t to the public as a
1. What is meant by "law of public nature" or "general Publication is indispensable in every case, but the legislature may in whole.
applicability"? its discretion provide that the usual fifteen-day period shall be We hold therefore that all statutes, including those of local
2. Must a distinction be made between laws of general applicability shortened or extended. An example, as pointed out by the present application and private laws, shall be published as a condition for
and laws which are not? Chief Justice in his separate concurrence in the original decision, 6 is their effectivity, which shall begin fifteen days after publication
3. What is meant by "publication"? the Civil Code which did not become effective after fifteen days unless a different effectivity date is fixed by the legislature.
4. Where is the publication to be made? from its publication in the Official Gazette but "one year after such Covered by this rule are presidential decrees and executive orders
5. When is the publication to be made? publication." The general rule did not apply because it was promulgated by the President in the exercise of legislative powers
Resolving their own doubts, the petitioners suggest that there "otherwise provided. " whenever the same are validly delegated by the legislature or, at
should be no distinction between laws of general applicability and It is not correct to say that under the disputed clause publication present, directly conferred by the Constitution. administrative rules
those which are not; that publication means complete publication; may be dispensed with altogether. The reason. is that such omission and regulations must a also be published if their purpose is to
and that the publication must be made forthwith in the Official would offend due process insofar as it would deny the public enforce or implement existing law pursuant also to a valid
Gazette. 2 knowledge of the laws that are supposed to govern the legislature delegation.
In the Comment 3 required of the then Solicitor General, he claimed could validly provide that a law e effective immediately upon its Interpretative regulations and those merely internal in nature, that
first that the motion was a request for an advisory opinion and approval notwithstanding the lack of publication (or after an is, regulating only the personnel of the administrative agency and
should therefore be dismissed, and, on the merits, that the clause unreasonably short period after publication), it is not unlikely that not the public, need not be published. Neither is publication
"unless it is otherwise provided" in Article 2 of the Civil Code meant persons not aware of it would be prejudiced as a result and they required of the so-called letters of instructions issued by
administrative superiors concerning the rules or guidelines to be wider readership, and come out regularly. The trouble, though, is WHEREFORE, it is hereby declared that all laws as above defined
followed by their subordinates in the performance of their duties. that this kind of publication is not the one required or authorized by shall immediately upon their approval, or as soon thereafter as
Accordingly, even the charter of a city must be published existing law. As far as we know, no amendment has been made of possible, be published in full in the Official Gazette, to become
notwithstanding that it applies to only a portion of the national Article 2 of the Civil Code. The Solicitor General has not pointed to effective only after fifteen days from their publication, or on
territory and directly affects only the inhabitants of that place. All such a law, and we have no information that it exists. If it does, it another date specified by the legislature, in accordance with Article
presidential decrees must be published, including even, say, those obviously has not yet been published. 2 of the Civil Code.
naming a public place after a favored individual or exempting him At any rate, this Court is not called upon to rule upon the wisdom of SO ORDERED.
from certain prohibitions or requirements. The circulars issued by a law or to repeal or modify it if we find it impractical. That is not
the Monetary Board must be published if they are meant not merely our function. That function belongs to the legislature. Our task is
to interpret but to "fill in the details" of the Central Bank Act which merely to interpret and apply the law as conceived and approved by
that body is supposed to enforce. the political departments of the government in accordance with the
However, no publication is required of the instructions issued by, prescribed procedure. Consequently, we have no choice but to
say, the Minister of Social Welfare on the case studies to be made in pronounce that under Article 2 of the Civil Code, the publication of
petitions for adoption or the rules laid down by the head of a laws must be made in the Official Gazett and not elsewhere, as a
government agency on the assignments or workload of his requirement for their effectivity after fifteen days from such
personnel or the wearing of office uniforms. Parenthetically, publication or after a different period provided by the legislature.
municipal ordinances are not covered by this rule but by the Local We also hold that the publication must be made forthwith or at
Government Code. least as soon as possible, to give effect to the law pursuant to the
We agree that publication must be in full or it is no publication at all said Article 2. There is that possibility, of course, although not
since its purpose is to inform the public of the contents of the laws. suggested by the parties that a law could be rendered
As correctly pointed out by the petitioners, the mere mention of the unenforceable by a mere refusal of the executive, for whatever
number of the presidential decree, the title of such decree, its reason, to cause its publication as required. This is a matter,
whereabouts (e.g., "with Secretary Tuvera"), the supposed date of however, that we do not need to examine at this time.
effectivity, and in a mere supplement of the Official Gazette cannot Finally, the claim of the former Solicitor General that the instant
satisfy the publication requirement. This is not even substantial motion is a request for an advisory opinion is untenable, to say the
compliance. This was the manner, incidentally, in which the General least, and deserves no further comment.
Appropriations Act for FY 1975, a presidential decree undeniably of The days of the secret laws and the unpublished decrees are over.
general applicability and interest, was "published" by the Marcos This is once again an open society, with all the acts of the
administration. 7 The evident purpose was to withhold rather than government subject to public scrutiny and available always to public
disclose information on this vital law. cognizance. This has to be so if our country is to remain democratic,
Coming now to the original decision, it is true that only four justices with sovereignty residing in the people and all government
were categorically for publication in the Official Gazette 8 and that authority emanating from them.
six others felt that publication could be made elsewhere as long as Although they have delegated the power of legislation, they retain
the people were sufficiently informed. 9 One reserved his vote 10 and the authority to review the work of their delegates and to ratify or
another merely acknowledged the need for due publication without reject it according to their lights, through their freedom of
indicating where it should be made. 11 It is therefore necessary for expression and their right of suffrage. This they cannot do if the acts
the present membership of this Court to arrive at a clear consensus of the legislature are concealed.
on this matter and to lay down a binding decision supported by the Laws must come out in the open in the clear light of the sun instead
necessary vote. of skulking in the shadows with their dark, deep secrets. Mysterious
There is much to be said of the view that the publication need not pronouncements and rumored rules cannot be recognized as
be made in the Official Gazette, considering its erratic releases and binding unless their existence and contents are confirmed by a valid
limited readership. Undoubtedly, newspapers of general circulation publication intended to make full disclosure and give proper notice
could better perform the function of communicating, the laws to to the people. The furtive law is like a scabbarded saber that cannot
the people as such periodicals are more easily available, have a feint parry or cut unless the naked blade is drawn.
THIRD DIVISION of time to file a motion for reconsideration, which was eventually
denied by the appellate court in the Resolution of September 30, This grace period was also applied in Mission v. Intermediate
G.R. No. 80718 January 29, 1988 1987. Petitioners filed their motion for reconsideration on Appellate Court [G.R. No. 73669, October 28, 1986, 145 SCRA 306].]
September 24, 1987 but this was denied in the Resolution of
FELIZA P. DE ROY and VIRGILIO RAMOS, petitioners, October 27, 1987. In the instant case, however, petitioners' motion for extension of
vs. time was filed on September 9, 1987, more than a year after the
COURT OF APPEALS and LUIS BERNAL, SR., GLENIA BERNAL, LUIS This Court finds that the Court of Appeals did not commit a grave expiration of the grace period on June 30, 1986. Hence, it is no
BERNAL, JR., HEIRS OF MARISSA BERNAL, namely, GLICERIA DELA abuse of discretion when it denied petitioners' motion for extension longer within the coverage of the grace period. Considering the
CRUZ BERNAL and LUIS BERNAL, SR., respondents. of time to file a motion for reconsideration, directed entry of length of time from the expiration of the grace period to the
judgment and denied their motion for reconsideration. It correctly promulgation of the decision of the Court of Appeals on August 25,
RESOLUTION applied the rule laid down in Habaluyas Enterprises, Inc. v. Japzon, 1987, petitioners cannot seek refuge in the ignorance of their
CORTES, J.: [G.R. No. 70895, August 5, 1985,138 SCRA 461, that the fifteen-day counsel regarding said rule for their failure to file a motion for
period for appealing or for filing a motion for reconsideration reconsideration within the reglementary period.
This special civil action for certiorari seeks to declare null and void cannot be extended. In its Resolution denying the motion for
two (2) resolutions of the Special First Division of the Court of reconsideration, promulgated on July 30, 1986 (142 SCRA 208), this Petitioners contend that the rule enunciated in the Habaluyas case
Appeals in the case of Luis Bernal, Sr., et al. v. Felisa Perdosa De Roy, Court en banc restated and clarified the rule, to wit: should not be made to apply to the case at bar owing to the non-
et al., CA-G.R. CV No. 07286. The first resolution promulgated on 30 publication of the Habaluyas decision in the Official Gazette as of
September 1987 denied petitioners' motion for extension of time to Beginning one month after the promulgation of this Resolution, the the time the subject decision of the Court of Appeals was
file a motion for reconsideration and directed entry of judgment rule shall be strictly enforced that no motion for extension of time promulgated. Contrary to petitioners' view, there is no law requiring
since the decision in said case had become final; and the second to file a motion for reconsideration may be filed with the the publication of Supreme Court decisions in the Official Gazette
Resolution dated 27 October 1987 denied petitioners' motion for Metropolitan or Municipal Trial Courts, the Regional Trial Courts, before they can be binding and as a condition to their becoming
reconsideration for having been filed out of time. and the Intermediate Appellate Court. Such a motion may be filed effective. It is the bounden duty of counsel as lawyer in active law
only in cases pending with the Supreme Court as the court of last practice to keep abreast of decisions of the Supreme Court
At the outset, this Court could have denied the petition outright for resort, which may in its sound discretion either grant or deny the particularly where issues have been clarified, consistently
not being verified as required by Rule 65 section 1 of the Rules of extension requested. (at p. 212) reiterated, and published in the advance reports of Supreme Court
Court. However, even if the instant petition did not suffer from this decisions (G. R. s) and in such publications as the Supreme Court
defect, this Court, on procedural and substantive grounds, would Lacsamana v. Second Special Cases Division of the intermediate Reports Annotated (SCRA) and law journals.
still resolve to deny it. Appellate Court, [G.R. No. 73146-53, August 26, 1986, 143 SCRA
643], reiterated the rule and went further to restate and clarify the This Court likewise finds that the Court of Appeals committed no
The facts of the case are undisputed. The firewall of a burned-out modes and periods of appeal. grave abuse of discretion in affirming the trial court's decision
building owned by petitioners collapsed and destroyed the tailoring holding petitioner liable under Article 2190 of the Civil Code, which
shop occupied by the family of private respondents, resulting in Bacaya v. Intermediate Appellate Court, [G.R. No. 74824, Sept. 15, provides that "the proprietor of a building or structure is responsible
injuries to private respondents and the death of Marissa Bernal, a 1986,144 SCRA 161],stressed the prospective application of said for the damage resulting from its total or partial collapse, if it should
daughter. Private respondents had been warned by petitioners to rule, and explained the operation of the grace period, to wit: be due to the lack of necessary repairs.
vacate their shop in view of its proximity to the weakened wall but
the former failed to do so. On the basis of the foregoing facts, the In other words, there is a one-month grace period from the Nor was there error in rejecting petitioners argument that private
Regional Trial Court. First Judicial Region, Branch XXXVIII, presided promulgation on May 30, 1986 of the Court's Resolution in the respondents had the "last clear chance" to avoid the accident if only
by the Hon. Antonio M. Belen, rendered judgment finding clarificatory Habaluyas case, or up to June 30, 1986, within which they heeded the. warning to vacate the tailoring shop and ,
petitioners guilty of gross negligence and awarding damages to the rule barring extensions of time to file motions for new trial or therefore, petitioners prior negligence should be disregarded, since
private respondents. On appeal, the decision of the trial court was reconsideration is, as yet, not strictly enforceable. the doctrine of "last clear chance," which has been applied to
affirmed in toto by the Court of Appeals in a decision promulgated vehicular accidents, is inapplicable to this case.
on August 17, 1987, a copy of which was received by petitioners on Since petitioners herein filed their motion for extension on February
August 25, 1987. On September 9, 1987, the last day of the fifteen- 27, 1986, it is still within the grace period, which expired on June 30, WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Court Resolved to DENY
day period to file an appeal, petitioners filed a motion for extension 1986, and may still be allowed. the instant petition for lack of merit.
EN BANC published in the Official Gazette, presumably, for the guidance of
the different branches of the Government issuing same, and of the In the present case, although circular No. 20 of the Central Bank was
G.R. No. L-6791 March 29, 1954 Bureau of Printing. issued in the year 1949, it was not published until November 1951,
that is, about 3 months after appellant's conviction of its violation. It
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, However, section 11 of the Revised Administrative Code provides is clear that said circular, particularly its penal provision, did not
vs. that statutes passed by Congress shall, in the absence of special have any legal effect and bound no one until its publication in the
QUE PO LAY, defendant-appellant. provision, take effect at the beginning of the fifteenth day after the Official Gazzette or after November 1951. In other words, appellant
completion of the publication of the statute in the Official Gazette. could not be held liable for its violation, for it was not binding at the
Prudencio de Guzman for appellant. Article 2 of the new Civil Code (Republic Act No. 386) equally time he was found to have failed to sell the foreign exchange in his
First Assistant Solicitor General Ruperto Kapunan, Jr., and Solicitor provides that laws shall take effect after fifteen days following the possession thereof.
Lauro G. Marquez for appellee. completion of their publication in the Official Gazette, unless it is
otherwise provided. It is true that Circular No. 20 of the Central But the Solicitor General also contends that this question of non-
MONTEMAYOR, J.: Bank is not a statute or law but being issued for the implementation publication of the Circular is being raised for the first time on appeal
of the law authorizing its issuance, it has the force and effect of law in this Court, which cannot be done by appellant. Ordinarily, one
Que Po Lay is appealing from the decision of the Court of First according to settled jurisprudence. (See U.S. vs. Tupasi Molina, 29 may raise on appeal any question of law or fact that has been raised
Instance of Manila, finding him guilty of violating Central Bank Phil., 119 and authorities cited therein.) Moreover, as a rule, in the court below and which is within the issues made by the
Circular No. 20 in connection with section 34 of Republic Act No. circulars and regulations especially like the Circular No. 20 of the parties in their pleadings. (Section 19, Rule 48 of the Rules of Court).
265, and sentencing him to suffer six months imprisonment, to pay Central Bank in question which prescribes a penalty for its violation But the question of non-publication is fundamental and decisive. If
a fine of P1,000 with subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency, should be published before becoming effective, this, on the general as a matter of fact Circular No. 20 had not been published as
and to pay the costs. principle and theory that before the public is bound by its contents, required by law before its violation, then in the eyes of the law
especially its penal provisions, a law, regulation or circular must first there was no such circular to be violated and consequently
The charge was that the appellant who was in possession of foreign be published and the people officially and specifically informed of appellant committed no violation of the circular or committed any
exchange consisting of U.S. dollars, U.S. checks and U.S. money said contents and its penalties. offense, and the trial court may be said to have had no jurisdiction.
orders amounting to about $7,000 failed to sell the same to the This question may be raised at any stage of the proceeding whether
Central Bank through its agents within one day following the receipt Our Old Civil code, ( Spanish Civil Code of 1889) has a similar or not raised in the court below.
of such foreign exchange as required by Circular No. 20. the appeal provision about the effectivity of laws, (Article 1 thereof), namely,
is based on the claim that said circular No. 20 was not published in that laws shall be binding twenty days after their promulgation, and In view of the foregoing, we reverse the decision appealed from and
the Official Gazette prior to the act or omission imputed to the that their promulgation shall be understood as made on the day of acquit the appellant, with costs de oficio.
appellant, and that consequently, said circular had no force and the termination of the publication of the laws in the Gazette.
effect. It is contended that Commonwealth Act. No., 638 and Act Manresa, commenting on this article is of the opinion that the word
2930 both require said circular to be published in the Official "laws" include regulations and circulars issued in accordance with
Gazette, it being an order or notice of general applicability. The the same. He says:
Solicitor General answering this contention says that
Commonwealth Act. No. 638 and 2930 do not require the El Tribunal Supremo, ha interpretado el articulo 1. del codigo Civil
publication in the Official Gazette of said circular issued for the en Sentencia de 22 de Junio de 1910, en el sentido de que bajo la
implementation of a law in order to have force and effect. denominacion generica de leyes, se comprenden tambien los
Reglamentos, Reales decretos, Instrucciones, Circulares y Reales
We agree with the Solicitor General that the laws in question do not ordenes dictadas de conformidad con las mismas por el Gobierno en
require the publication of the circulars, regulations and notices uso de su potestad. Tambien el poder ejecutivo lo ha venido
therein mentioned in order to become binding and effective. All that entendiendo asi, como lo prueba el hecho de que muchas de sus
said two laws provide is that laws, resolutions, decisions of the disposiciones contienen la advertencia de que empiezan a regir el
Supreme Court and Court of Appeals, notices and documents mismo dia de su publicacion en la Gaceta, advertencia que seria
required by law to be of no force and effect. In other words, said perfectamente inutil si no fuera de aplicacion al caso el articulo 1.o
two Acts merely enumerate and make a list of what should be del Codigo Civil. (Manresa, Codigo Civil Español, Vol. I. p. 52).
THIRD DIVISION PROCESS AND THE EQUAL PROTECTION CLAUSE OF THE inasmuch as it allowed only a certain sector to participate in the
G.R. No. 176006 March 26, 2010 TRADE AND COMMERCE.4
In this petition, NPC insists that there was no need to publish the
NATIONAL POWER CORPORATION, Petitioner, NPC Circular No. 99-755 dated October 8, 1999 set the guidelines in circular since it was not of general application. It was addressed only
vs. the "disposal of scrap aluminum conductor steel-reinforced or to particular persons or class of persons, namely the disposal
PINATUBO COMMERCIAL, represented by ALFREDO A. DY, ACSRs in order to decongest and maintain good housekeeping in committees, heads of offices, regional and all other officials involved
Respondent. NPC installations and to generate additional income for NPC." Items in the disposition of ACSRs. NPC also contends that there was a
3 and 3.1 of the circular provide: substantial distinction between manufacturers and traders of
DECISION aluminum scrap materials specially viewed in the light of RA 7832.13
3. QUALIFIED BIDDERS According to NPC, by limiting the prospective bidders to
CORONA, J.: manufacturers, it could easily monitor the market of its scrap ACSRs.
3.1 Qualified bidders envisioned in this circular are partnerships or There was rampant fencing of stolen NPC wires. NPC likewise
The National Power Corporation (NPC)1 questions the decision corporations that directly use aluminum as the raw material in maintains that traders were not prohibited from participating in the
dated June 30, 2006 rendered by the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of producing finished products either purely or partly out of aluminum, pre-qualification as long as they had a tie-up with a manufacturer.14
Mandaluyong City, Branch 213 declaring items 3 and 3.1 of NPC or their duly appointed representatives. These bidders may be
Circular No. 99-75 unconstitutional. The dispositive portion of the based locally or overseas.6 The questions that need to be resolved in this case are:
decision provides:
In April 2003, NPC published an invitation for the pre-qualification of (1) whether NPC Circular No. 99-75 must be published; and
WHEREFORE then, in view of the foregoing, judgment is hereby bidders for the public sale of its scrap ACSR7 cables. Respondent
rendered declaring item[s] 3 and 3.1 of NAPOCOR Circular No. 99- Pinatubo Commercial, a trader of scrap materials such as copper, (2) whether items 3 and 3.1 of NPC Circular No. 99-75 -
75, which [allow] only partnerships or corporations that aluminum, steel and other ferrous and non-ferrous materials,
submitted a pre-qualification form to NPC. Pinatubo, however, was (a) violated the equal protection clause of the Constitution and
directly use aluminum as the raw material in producing finished informed in a letter dated April 29, 2003 that its application for pre-
products either purely or partly out of aluminum, to participate in qualification had been denied.8 Petitioner asked for reconsideration (b) restrained free trade and competition.
the bidding for the disposal of ACSR wires as unconstitutional for but NPC denied it.9
being violative of substantial due process and the equal protection Tañada v. Tuvera15 stressed the need for publication in order for
clause of the Constitution as well as for restraining competitive free Pinatubo then filed a petition in the RTC for the annulment of NPC statutes and administrative rules and regulations to have binding
trade and commerce. Circular No. 99-75, with a prayer for the issuance of a temporary force and effect, viz.:
restraining order and/or writ of preliminary injunction.10 Pinatubo
The claim for attorney’s fees is denied for lack of merit. argued that the circular was unconstitutional as it violated the due x x x all statutes, including those of local application and private
process and equal protection clauses of the Constitution, and ran laws, shall be published as a condition for their effectivity, which
No costs. counter to the government policy of competitive public bidding.11 shall begin fifteen days after publication unless a different effectivity
is fixed by the legislature.
SO ORDERED.2 The RTC upheld Pinatubo’s position and declared items 3 and 3.1 of
the circular unconstitutional. The RTC ruled that it was violative of Covered by this rule are presidential decrees and executive orders
NPC also assails the RTC resolution dated November 20, 2006 substantive due process because, while it created rights in favor of promulgated by the President in the exercise of legislative power or,
denying its motion for reconsideration for lack of merit.3 third parties, the circular had not been published. It also at present, directly conferred by the Constitution. Administrative
pronounced that the circular violated the equal protection clause Rules and Regulations must also be published if their purpose is to
In this petition, NPC poses the sole issue for our review: since it favored manufacturers and processors of aluminum scrap enforce or implement existing law pursuant also to a valid
vis-à-vis dealers/traders in the purchase of aluminum ACSR cables delegation.16
WHETHER OR NOT THE RTC GRAVELY ERRED WHEN IT DECLARED from NPC. Lastly, the RTC found that the circular denied traders the
ITEMS 3 AND 3.1 OF NAPOCOR CIRCULAR NO. 99-75 AS right to exercise their business and restrained free competition Tañada, however, qualified that:
Interpretative regulations and those merely internal in nature, that recipients of privileges or largesse from the government cannot be producers, it was the intent of NPC to support RA 7832, which
is, regulating only the personnel of the administrative agency and said to have property rights because they possess no traditionally penalizes the theft of ACSR in excess of 100 MCM.30 The difference
not the public, need not be published. Neither is publication recognized proprietary interest therein.23 in treatment between direct manufacturers and producers, on one
required of the so-called letters of instructions issued by hand, and traders, on the other, was rationalized by NPC as follows:
administrative superiors concerning the rules or guidelines to be Also, as the discretion to accept or reject bids and award contracts is
followed by their subordinates in the performance of their duties.17 of such wide latitude, courts will not interfere, unless it is apparent x x x NAPOCOR can now easily monitor the market of its scrap ACSR
(emphasis ours) that such discretion is exercised arbitrarily, or used as a shield to a wires and verify whether or not a person’s possession of such
fraudulent award. The exercise of that discretion is a policy decision materials is legal or not; and consequently, prosecute under R.A.
In this case, NPC Circular No. 99-75 did not have to be published that necessitates prior inquiry, investigation, comparison, 7832, those whose possession, control or custody of such material is
since it was merely an internal rule or regulation. It did not purport evaluation, and deliberation. This task can best be discharged by the unexplained. This is based upon the reasonable presumption that if
to enforce or implement an existing law but was merely a directive concerned government agencies, not by the courts. Courts will not the buyer were a manufacturer or processor, the scrap ACSRs end
issued by the NPC President to his subordinates to regulate the interfere with executive or legislative discretion exercised within with him as the latter uses it to make finished products; but if the
proper and efficient disposal of scrap ACSRs to qualified bidders. those boundaries. Otherwise, they stray into the realm of policy buyer were a trader, there is greater probability that the purchased
Thus, NPC Circular No. 99-75 defined the responsibilities of the decision-making.24 materials may pass from one trader to another. Should traders
different NPC personnel in the disposal, pre-qualification, bidding without tie-up to manufacturers or processors of aluminum be
and award of scrap ACSRS.18 It also provided for the deposit of a Limiting qualified bidders in this case to partnerships or allowed to participate in the bidding, the ACSRs bidded out to them
proposal bond to be submitted by bidders, the approval of the corporations that directly use aluminum as the raw material in will likely co-mingle with those already proliferating in the illegal
award, mode of payment and release of awarded scrap ACSRs.19 All producing finished products made purely or partly of aluminum was market. Thus, great difficulty shall be encountered by NAPOCOR
these guidelines were addressed to the NPC personnel involved in an exercise of discretion by the NPC. Unless the discretion was and/or those authorities tasked to implement R.A. 7832 in
the bidding and award of scrap ACSRs. It did not, in any way, affect exercised arbitrarily or used as a subterfuge for fraud, the Court will determining whether or not the ACSRs found in the possession,
the rights of the public in general or of any other person not not interfere with the exercise of such discretion. control and custody of a person suspected of theft [of] electric
involved in the bidding process. Assuming it affected individual power transmission lines and materials are the fruit of the offense
rights, it did so only remotely, indirectly and incidentally. This brings to the fore the next question: whether items 3 and 3.1 of defined in Section 3 of R.A. 7832.31
NPC Circular No. 99-75 violated the equal protection clause of the
Pinatubo’s argument that items 3 and 3.1 of NPC Circular No. 99-75 Constitution. Items 3 and 3.1 clearly did not infringe on the equal protection
deprived it of its "right to bid" or that these conferred such right in clause as these were based on a reasonable classification intended
favor of a third person is erroneous. Bidding, in its comprehensive The equal protection clause means that "no person or class of to protect, not the right of any business or trade but the integrity of
sense, means making an offer or an invitation to prospective persons shall be deprived of the same protection of laws which is government property, as well as promote the objectives of RA 7832.
contractors whereby the government manifests its intention to enjoyed by other persons or other classes in the same place and in Traders like Pinatubo could not claim similar treatment as direct
invite proposals for the purchase of supplies, materials and like circumstances."25 The guaranty of the equal protection of the manufacturers/processors especially in the light of their failure to
equipment for official business or public use, or for public works or laws is not violated by a legislation based on a reasonable negate the rationale behind the distinction.
repair.20 Bidding rules may specify other conditions or require that classification.26 The equal protection clause, therefore, does not
the bidding process be subjected to certain reservations or preclude classification of individuals who may be accorded different Finally, items 3 and 3.1 of NPC Circular No. 99-75 did not restrain
qualifications.21 Since a bid partakes of the nature of an offer to treatment under the law as long as the classification is reasonable free trade or competition.
contract with the government,22 the government agency involved and not arbitrary.271avvphi1
may or may not accept it. Moreover, being the owner of the Pinatubo contends that the condition imposed by NPC under items
property subject of the bid, the government has the power to Items 3 and 3.1 met the standards of a valid classification. Indeed, as 3 and 3.1 violated the principle of competitiveness advanced by RA
determine who shall be its recipient, as well as under what terms it juxtaposed by the RTC, the purpose of NPC Circular No. 99-75 was to 9184 (Government Procurement Reform Act) which states:
may be awarded. In this sense, participation in the bidding process dispose of the ACSR wires.28 As stated by Pinatubo, it was also
is a privilege inasmuch as it can only be exercised under existing meant to earn income for the government.29 Nevertheless, the SEC. 3. Governing Principles on Government Procurement. – All
criteria imposed by the government itself. As such, prospective disposal and revenue-generating objective of the circular was not an procurement of the national government, its departments, bureaus,
bidders, including Pinatubo, cannot claim any demandable right to end in itself and could not bar NPC from imposing conditions for the offices and agencies, including state universities and colleges,
take part in it if they fail to meet these criteria. Thus, it has been proper disposition and ultimately, the legitimate use of the scrap government-owned and/or controlled corporations, government
stated that under the traditional form of property ownership, ACSR wires. In giving preference to direct manufacturers and
financial institutions and local government units, shall, in all cases, prevented by RA 7832 and certainly, it was well within the authority
be governed by these principles: of the NPC to prescribe conditions in order to prevent it.
Moreover, the mere fact that incentives and privileges are granted
to certain enterprises to the exclusion of others does not render the
issuance unconstitutional for espousing unfair competition.36 While
the Constitution enshrines free enterprise as a policy, it nonetheless
reserves to the government the power to intervene whenever
necessary to promote the general welfare.37 In the present case,
the unregulated disposal and sale of scrap ACSR wires will hamper
the government’s effort of curtailing the pernicious practice of
trafficking stolen government property. This is an evil sought to be
EN BANC Assailed in this motion for reconsideration is our Decision dated privacy of all citizens, is the necessity for protection of the public
March 25, 2008 (the "Decision"), granting the petition for certiorari interest in candid, objective, and even blunt or harsh opinions in
G.R. No. 180643 September 4, 2008 filed by petitioner Romulo L. Neri against the respondent Senate Presidential decision-making. Disclosure of conversations of the
Committees on Accountability of Public Officers and Investigations,1 President will have a chilling effect on the President, and will
ROMULO L. NERI, petitioner, Trade and Commerce,2 and National Defense and Security hamper her in the effective discharge of her duties and
vs. (collectively the "respondent Committees").3 responsibilities, if she is not protected by the confidentiality of her
AND INVESTIGATIONS, SENATE COMMITTEE ON TRADE AND A brief review of the facts is imperative.
COMMERCE, AND SENATE COMMITTEE ON NATIONAL DEFENSE The context in which executive privilege is being invoked is that the
AND SECURITY, respondents. On September 26, 2007, petitioner appeared before respondent information sought to be disclosed might impair our diplomatic as
Committees and testified for about eleven (11) hours on matters well as economic relations with the People’s Republic of China.
RESOLUTION concerning the National Broadband Project (the "NBN Project"), a Given the confidential nature in which these information were
project awarded by the Department of Transportation and conveyed to the President, he cannot provide the Committee any
LEONARDO-DE CASTRO, J.: Communications ("DOTC") to Zhong Xing Telecommunications further details of these conversations, without disclosing the very
Equipment ("ZTE"). Petitioner disclosed that then Commission on thing the privilege is designed to protect.
Executive privilege is not a personal privilege, but one that adheres Elections ("COMELEC") Chairman Benjamin Abalos offered him P200
to the Office of the President. It exists to protect public interest, not Million in exchange for his approval of the NBN Project. He further In light of the above considerations, this Office is constrained to
to benefit a particular public official. Its purpose, among others, is to narrated that he informed President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo invoke the settled doctrine of executive privilege as refined in
assure that the nation will receive the benefit of candid, objective ("President Arroyo") of the bribery attempt and that she instructed Senate v. Ermita, and has advised Secretary Neri accordingly.
and untrammeled communication and exchange of information him not to accept the bribe. However, when probed further on
between the President and his/her advisers in the process of President Arroyo and petitioner’s discussions relating to the NBN Considering that Sec. Neri has been lengthily interrogated on the
shaping or forming policies and arriving at decisions in the exercise Project, petitioner refused to answer, invoking "executive privilege." subject in an unprecedented 11-hour hearing, wherein he has
of the functions of the Presidency under the Constitution. The To be specific, petitioner refused to answer questions on: (a) answered all questions propounded to him except the foregoing
confidentiality of the President’s conversations and correspondence whether or not President Arroyo followed up the NBN Project,4 (b) questions involving executive privilege, we therefore request that
is not unique. It is akin to the confidentiality of judicial deliberations. whether or not she directed him to prioritize it,5 and (c) whether or his testimony on 20 November 2007 on the ZTE / NBN project be
It possesses the same value as the right to privacy of all citizens and not she directed him to approve it.6 dispensed with.
more, because it is dictated by public interest and the
constitutionally ordained separation of governmental powers. Respondent Committees persisted in knowing petitioner’s answers On November 20, 2007, petitioner did not appear before
to these three questions by requiring him to appear and testify once respondent Committees upon orders of the President invoking
In these proceedings, this Court has been called upon to exercise its more on November 20, 2007. On November 15, 2007, Executive executive privilege. On November 22, 2007, the respondent
power of review and arbitrate a hotly, even acrimoniously, debated Secretary Eduardo R. Ermita wrote to respondent Committees and Committees issued the show-cause letter requiring him to explain
dispute between the Court’s co-equal branches of government. In requested them to dispense with petitioner’s testimony on the why he should not be cited in contempt. On November 29, 2007, in
this task, this Court should neither curb the legitimate powers of any ground of executive privilege.7 The letter of Executive Secretary petitioner’s reply to respondent Committees, he manifested that it
of the co-equal and coordinate branches of government nor allow Ermita pertinently stated: was not his intention to ignore the Senate hearing and that he
any of them to overstep the boundaries set for it by our thought the only remaining questions were those he claimed to be
Constitution. The competing interests in the case at bar are the Following the ruling in Senate v. Ermita, the foregoing questions fall covered by executive privilege. He also manifested his willingness to
claim of executive privilege by the President, on the one hand, and under conversations and correspondence between the President appear and testify should there be new matters to be taken up. He
the respondent Senate Committees’ assertion of their power to and public officials which are considered executive privilege just requested that he be furnished "in advance as to what else" he
conduct legislative inquiries, on the other. The particular facts and (Almonte v. Vasquez, G.R. 95637, 23 May 1995; Chavez v. PEA, G.R. "needs to clarify."
circumstances of the present case, stripped of the politically and 133250, July 9, 2002). Maintaining the confidentiality of
emotionally charged rhetoric from both sides and viewed in the light conversations of the President is necessary in the exercise of her Respondent Committees found petitioner’s explanations
of settled constitutional and legal doctrines, plainly lead to the executive and policy decision making process. The expectation of a unsatisfactory. Without responding to his request for advance
conclusion that the claim of executive privilege must be upheld. President to the confidentiality of her conversations and notice of the matters that he should still clarify, they issued the
correspondences, like the value which we accord deference for the Order dated January 30, 2008; In Re: P.S. Res. Nos. 127,129,136 &
144; and privilege speeches of Senator Lacson and Santiago (all on "duly published rules of procedure," and (e) they issued the ACCOUNTABILITY AND TRANSPARENCY OUTWEIGH THE CLAIM OF
the ZTE-NBN Project), citing petitioner in contempt of respondent contempt order arbitrarily and precipitately. EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE.
Committees and ordering his arrest and detention at the Office of
the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms until such time that he would appear On April 8, 2008, respondent Committees filed the present motion IV
and give his testimony. for reconsideration, anchored on the following grounds:
On the same date, petitioner moved for the reconsideration of the I DID NOT COMMIT GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION IN ISSUING THE
above Order.8 He insisted that he had not shown "any contemptible ASSAILED CONTEMPT ORDER, CONSIDERING THAT:
conduct worthy of contempt and arrest." He emphasized his CONTRARY TO THIS HONORABLE COURT’S DECISION, THERE IS NO
did not respond to his request for advance notice of questions. He COMMITTEES PURSUANT TO THE EXERCISE OF THEIR LEGISLATIVE INSTANT CASE.
also mentioned the petition for certiorari he previously filed with POWER, AND NOT MERELY THEIR OVERSIGHT FUNCTIONS.
this Court on December 7, 2007. According to him, this should B. RESPONDENTS DID NOT VIOLATE THE SUPPOSED REQUIREMENTS
restrain respondent Committees from enforcing the order dated II LAID DOWN IN SENATE V. ERMITA.
January 30, 2008 which declared him in contempt and directed his
Petitioner then filed his Supplemental Petition for Certiorari (with INSTANT CASE IS PRIVILEGED.
Urgent Application for TRO/Preliminary Injunction) on February 1, D. RESPONDENTS DID NOT VIOLATE THE REQUIREMENTS UNDER
2008. In the Court’s Resolution dated February 4, 2008, the parties III ARTICLE VI, SECTION 21 OF THE CONSTITUTION REQUIRING THAT
were required to observe the status quo prevailing prior to the ITS RULES OF PROCEDURE BE DULY PUBLISHED, AND WERE DENIED
On March 25, 2008, the Court granted his petition for certiorari on ELICITED BY THE SUBJECT THREE (3) QUESTIONS ARE COVERED BY OPPORTUNITY TO COMMENT.
two grounds: first, the communications elicited by the three (3) EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE, CONSIDERING THAT:
questions were covered by executive privilege; and second, E. RESPONDENTS’ ISSUANCE OF THE CONTEMPT ORDER IS NOT
respondent Committees committed grave abuse of discretion in A. THERE IS NO SHOWING THAT THE MATTERS FOR WHICH ARBITRARY OR PRECIPITATE.
issuing the contempt order. Anent the first ground, we considered EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE IS CLAIMED CONSTITUTE STATE SECRETS.
the subject communications as falling under the presidential In his Comment, petitioner charges respondent Committees with
communications privilege because (a) they related to a B. EVEN IF THE TESTS ADOPTED BY THIS HONORABLE COURT IN THE exaggerating and distorting the Decision of this Court. He avers that
quintessential and non-delegable power of the President, (b) they DECISION IS APPLIED, THERE IS NO SHOWING THAT THE ELEMENTS there is nothing in it that prohibits respondent Committees from
were received by a close advisor of the President, and (c) OF PRESIDENTIAL COMMUNICATIONS PRIVILEGE ARE PRESENT. investigating the NBN Project or asking him additional questions.
respondent Committees failed to adequately show a compelling According to petitioner, the Court merely applied the rule on
need that would justify the limitation of the privilege and the C. ON THE CONTRARY, THERE IS ADEQUATE SHOWING OF A executive privilege to the facts of the case. He further submits the
unavailability of the information elsewhere by an appropriate COMPELLING NEED TO JUSTIFY THE DISCLOSURE OF THE following contentions: first, the assailed Decision did not reverse the
investigating authority. As to the second ground, we found that INFORMATION SOUGHT. presumption against executive secrecy laid down in Senate v.
respondent Committees committed grave abuse of discretion in Ermita; second, respondent Committees failed to overcome the
issuing the contempt order because (a) there was a valid claim of D. TO UPHOLD THE CLAIM OF EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE IN THE INSTANT presumption of executive privilege because it appears that they
executive privilege, (b) their invitations to petitioner did not contain CASE WOULD SERIOUSLY IMPAIR THE RESPONDENTS’ could legislate even without the communications elicited by the
the questions relevant to the inquiry, (c) there was a cloud of doubt PERFORMANCE OF THEIR PRIMARY FUNCTION TO ENACT LAWS. three (3) questions, and they admitted that they could dispense
as to the regularity of the proceeding that led to their issuance of with petitioner’s testimony if certain NEDA documents would be
the contempt order, (d) they violated Section 21, Article VI of the E. FINALLY, THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO given to them; third, the requirement of specificity applies only to
Constitution because their inquiry was not in accordance with the INFORMATION, AND THE CONSTITUTIONAL POLICIES ON PUBLIC the privilege for State, military and diplomatic secrets, not to the
necessarily broad and all-encompassing presidential
communications privilege; fourth, there is no right to pry into the (2) whether or not there is factual or legal basis to hold that the the Court meant Presidential conversations, correspondences, and
President’s thought processes or exploratory exchanges; fifth, communications elicited by the three (3) questions are covered by discussions in closed-door Cabinet meetings."18
petitioner is not covering up or hiding anything illegal; sixth, the executive privilege;
Court has the power and duty to annul the Senate Rules; seventh, Respondent Committees’ observation that this Court’s Decision
the Senate is not a continuing body, thus the failure of the present (3) whether or not respondent Committees have shown that the reversed the "presumption that inclines heavily against executive
Senate to publish its Rules of Procedure Governing Inquiries in Aid communications elicited by the three (3) questions are critical to the secrecy and in favor of disclosure" arises from a piecemeal
of Legislation (Rules) has a vitiating effect on them; eighth, the exercise of their functions; and interpretation of the said Decision. The Court has repeatedly held
requirement for a witness to be furnished advance copy of that in order to arrive at the true intent and meaning of a decision,
questions comports with due process and the constitutional (4) whether or not respondent Committees committed grave abuse no specific portion thereof should be isolated and resorted to, but
mandate that the rights of witnesses be respected; and ninth, of discretion in issuing the contempt order. the decision must be considered in its entirety.19
neither petitioner nor respondent has the final say on the matter of
executive privilege, only the Court. We shall discuss these issues seriatim. Note that the aforesaid presumption is made in the context of the
circumstances obtaining in Senate v. Ermita, which declared void
For its part, the Office of the Solicitor General maintains that: (1) I Sections 2(b) and 3 of Executive Order (E.O.) No. 464, Series of 2005.
there is no categorical pronouncement from the Court that the The pertinent portion of the decision in the said case reads:
assailed Orders were issued by respondent Committees pursuant to There Is a Recognized Presumptive
their oversight function; hence, there is no reason for them "to Presidential Communications Privilege From the above discussion on the meaning and scope of executive
make much" of the distinction between Sections 21 and 22, Article privilege, both in the United States and in this jurisprudence, a clear
VI of the Constitution; (2) presidential communications enjoy a Respondent Committees ardently argue that the Court’s declaration principle emerges. Executive privilege, whether asserted against
presumptive privilege against disclosure as earlier held in Almonte v. that presidential communications are presumptively privileged Congress, the courts, or the public, is recognized only in relation to
Vasquez9 and Chavez v. Public Estates Authority (PEA)10; (3) the reverses the "presumption" laid down in Senate v. Ermita11 that certain types of information of a sensitive character. While
communications elicited by the three (3) questions are covered by "inclines heavily against executive secrecy and in favor of executive privilege is a constitutional concept, a claim thereof may
executive privilege, because all the elements of the presidential disclosure." Respondent Committees then claim that the Court be valid or not depending on the ground invoked to justify it and the
communications privilege are present; (4) the subpoena ad erred in relying on the doctrine in Nixon. context in which it is made. Noticeably absent is any recognition
testificandum issued by respondent Committees to petitioner is that executive officials are exempt from the duty to disclose
fatally defective under existing law and jurisprudence; (5) the failure Respondent Committees argue as if this were the first time the information by the mere fact of being executive officials. Indeed, the
of the present Senate to publish its Rules renders the same void; presumption in favor of the presidential communications privilege is extraordinary character of the exemptions indicates that the
and (6) respondent Committees arbitrarily issued the contempt mentioned and adopted in our legal system. That is far from the presumption inclines heavily against executive secrecy and in favor
order. truth. The Court, in the earlier case of Almonte v. Vasquez,12 of disclosure. (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
affirmed that the presidential communications privilege is
Incidentally, respondent Committees’ objection to the Resolution fundamental to the operation of government and inextricably Obviously, the last sentence of the above-quoted paragraph in
dated March 18, 2008 (granting the Office of the Solicitor General’s rooted in the separation of powers under the Constitution. Even Senate v. Ermita refers to the "exemption" being claimed by the
Motion for Leave to Intervene and to Admit Attached Senate v. Ermita,13 the case relied upon by respondent executive officials mentioned in Section 2(b) of E.O. No. 464, solely
Memorandum) only after the promulgation of the Decision in this Committees, reiterated this concept. There, the Court enumerated by virtue of their positions in the Executive Branch. This means that
case is foreclosed by its untimeliness. the cases in which the claim of executive privilege was recognized, when an executive official, who is one of those mentioned in the
among them Almonte v. Chavez, Chavez v. Presidential Commission said Sec. 2(b) of E.O. No. 464, claims to be exempt from disclosure,
The core issues that arise from the foregoing respective contentions on Good Government (PCGG),14 and Chavez v. PEA.15 The Court there can be no presumption of authorization to invoke executive
of the opposing parties are as follows: articulated in these cases that "there are certain types of privilege given by the President to said executive official, such that
information which the government may withhold from the the presumption in this situation inclines heavily against executive
(1) whether or not there is a recognized presumptive presidential public,16" that there is a "governmental privilege against public secrecy and in favor of disclosure.
communications privilege in our legal system; disclosure with respect to state secrets regarding military,
diplomatic and other national security matters";17 and that "the Senate v. Ermita 20 expounds on the premise of the foregoing ruling
right to information does not extend to matters recognized as in this wise:
‘privileged information’ under the separation of powers, by which
Section 2(b) in relation to Section 3 virtually provides that, once the and China, which was the subject of the three (3) questions Ermita adverted to in the Motion for Reconsideration of respondent
head of office determines that a certain information is privileged, propounded to petitioner Neri in the course of the Senate Committees, referring to the non-existence of a "presumptive
such determination is presumed to bear the President’s authority Committees’ investigation. Thus, the factual setting of this case authorization" of an executive official, to mean that the
and has the effect of prohibiting the official from appearing before markedly differs from that passed upon in Senate v. Ermita. "presumption" in favor of executive privilege "inclines heavily
Congress, subject only to the express pronouncement of the against executive secrecy and in favor of disclosure" is to distort the
President that it is allowing the appearance of such official. These Moreover, contrary to the claim of respondents, the Decision in this ruling in the Senate v. Ermita and make the same engage in self-
provisions thus allow the President to authorize claims of privilege present case hews closely to the ruling in Senate v. Ermita,21 to wit: contradiction.
by mere silence.
Executive privilege Senate v. Ermita22 expounds on the constitutional underpinning of
Such presumptive authorization, however, is contrary to the the relationship between the Executive Department and the
exceptional nature of the privilege. Executive privilege, as already The phrase "executive privilege" is not new in this jurisdiction. It has Legislative Department to explain why there should be no implied
discussed, is recognized with respect to information the confidential been used even prior to the promulgation of the 1986 Constitution. authorization or presumptive authorization to invoke executive
nature of which is crucial to the fulfillment of the unique role and Being of American origin, it is best understood in light of how it has privilege by the President’s subordinate officials, as follows:
responsibilities of the executive branch, or in those instances where been defined and used in the legal literature of the United States.
exemption from disclosure is necessary to the discharge of highly When Congress exercises its power of inquiry, the only way for
important executive responsibilities. The doctrine of executive Schwart defines executive privilege as "the power of the department heads to exempt themselves therefrom is by a valid
privilege is thus premised on the fact that certain information must, Government to withhold information from the public, the courts, claim of privilege. They are not exempt by the mere fact that they
as a matter of necessity, be kept confidential in pursuit of the public and the Congress. Similarly, Rozell defines it as "the right of the are department heads. Only one executive official may be exempted
interest. The privilege being, by definition, an exemption from the President and high-level executive branch officers to withhold from this power - the President on whom executive power is vested,
obligation to disclose information, in this case to Congress, the information from Congress, the courts, and ultimately the public." x hence, beyond the reach of Congress except through the power of
necessity must be of such high degree as to outweigh the public x x In this jurisdiction, the doctrine of executive privilege was impeachment. It is based on he being the highest official of the
interest in enforcing that obligation in a particular case. recognized by this Court in Almonte v. Vasquez. Almonte used the executive branch, and the due respect accorded to a co-equal
term in reference to the same privilege subject of Nixon. It quoted branch of governments which is sanctioned by a long-standing
In light of this highly exceptional nature of the privilege, the Court the following portion of the Nixon decision which explains the basis custom. (Underscoring supplied)
finds it essential to limit to the President the power to invoke the for the privilege:
privilege. She may of course authorize the Executive Secretary to Thus, if what is involved is the presumptive privilege of presidential
invoke the privilege on her behalf, in which case the Executive "The expectation of a President to the confidentiality of his communications when invoked by the President on a matter clearly
Secretary must state that the authority is "By order of the conversations and correspondences, like the claim of confidentiality within the domain of the Executive, the said presumption dictates
President", which means that he personally consulted with her. The of judicial deliberations, for example, he has all the values to which that the same be recognized and be given preference or priority, in
privilege being an extraordinary power, it must be wielded only by we accord deference for the privacy of all citizens and, added to the absence of proof of a compelling or critical need for disclosure
the highest official in the executive hierarchy. In other words, the those values, is the necessity for protection of the public interest in by the one assailing such presumption. Any construction to the
President may not authorize her subordinates to exercise such candid, objective, and even blunt or harsh opinions in Presidential contrary will render meaningless the presumption accorded by
power. There is even less reason to uphold such authorization in the decision-making. A President and those who assist him must be free settled jurisprudence in favor of executive privilege. In fact, Senate
instant case where the authorization is not explicit but by mere to explore alternatives in the process of shaping policies and making v. Ermita reiterates jurisprudence citing "the considerations
silence. Section 3, in relation to Section 2(b), is further invalid on this decisions and to do so in a way many would be unwilling to express justifying a presumptive privilege for Presidential
score. except privately. These are the considerations justifying a communications."23
presumptive privilege for Presidential communications. The
The constitutional infirmity found in the blanket authorization to privilege is fundamental to the operation of government and II
invoke executive privilege granted by the President to executive inextricably rooted in the separation of powers under the
officials in Sec. 2(b) of E.O. No. 464 does not obtain in this case. Constitution x x x " (Emphasis and italics supplied) There Are Factual and Legal Bases to
Hold that the Communications Elicited by the
In this case, it was the President herself, through Executive Clearly, therefore, even Senate v. Ermita adverts to "a presumptive Three (3) Questions Are Covered by Executive Privilege
Secretary Ermita, who invoked executive privilege on a specific privilege for Presidential communication," which was recognized
matter involving an executive agreement between the Philippines early on in Almonte v. Vasquez. To construe the passage in Senate v.
Respondent Committees claim that the communications elicited by President who shall approve or veto the same. The fact that the and received by those members of an immediate White House
the three (3) questions are not covered by executive privilege approval or vetoing of the bill is lodged with the President does not advisor’s staff who have broad and significant responsibility for
because the elements of the presidential communications privilege render the power to pass law executive in nature. This is because investigation and formulating the advice to be given the President
are not present. the power to pass law is generally a quintessential and non- on the particular matter to which the communications relate. Only
delegable power of the Legislature. In the same vein, the executive communications at that level are close enough to the President to
A. The power to enter into an executive agreement is a power to enter or not to enter into a contract to secure foreign be revelatory of his deliberations or to pose a risk to the candor of
"quintessential and non-delegable presidential power." loans does not become less executive in nature because of his advisers. See AAPS, 997 F.2d at 910 (it is "operational proximity"
conditions laid down in the Constitution. The final decision in the to the President that matters in determining whether "[t]he
First, respondent Committees contend that the power to secure a exercise of the said executive power is still lodged in the Office of President’s confidentiality interests" is implicated). (Emphasis
foreign loan does not relate to a "quintessential and non-delegable the President. supplied)
presidential power," because the Constitution does not vest it in the
President alone, but also in the Monetary Board which is required to B. The "doctrine of operational proximity" was laid down precisely In the case at bar, the danger of expanding the privilege "to a large
give its prior concurrence and to report to Congress. to limit the scope of the presidential communications privilege but, swath of the executive branch" (a fear apparently entertained by
in any case, it is not conclusive. respondents) is absent because the official involved here is a
This argument is unpersuasive. member of the Cabinet, thus, properly within the term "advisor" of
Second, respondent Committees also seek reconsideration of the the President; in fact, her alter ego and a member of her official
The fact that a power is subject to the concurrence of another entity application of the "doctrine of operational proximity" for the reason family. Nevertheless, in circumstances in which the official involved
does not make such power less executive. "Quintessential" is that "it maybe misconstrued to expand the scope of the presidential is far too remote, this Court also mentioned in the Decision the
defined as the most perfect embodiment of something, the communications privilege to communications between those who organizational test laid down in Judicial Watch, Inc. v. Department
concentrated essence of substance.24 On the other hand, "non- are ‘operationally proximate’ to the President but who may have of Justice.28 This goes to show that the operational proximity test
delegable" means that a power or duty cannot be delegated to "no direct communications with her." used in the Decision is not considered conclusive in every case. In
another or, even if delegated, the responsibility remains with the determining which test to use, the main consideration is to limit the
obligor.25 The power to enter into an executive agreement is in It must be stressed that the doctrine of "operational proximity" was availability of executive privilege only to officials who stand
essence an executive power. This authority of the President to enter laid down in In re: Sealed Case27precisely to limit the scope of the proximate to the President, not only by reason of their function, but
into executive agreements without the concurrence of the presidential communications privilege. The U.S. court was aware of also by reason of their positions in the Executive’s organizational
Legislature has traditionally been recognized in Philippine the dangers that a limitless extension of the privilege risks and, structure. Thus, respondent Committees’ fear that the scope of the
jurisprudence.26 Now, the fact that the President has to secure the therefore, carefully cabined its reach by explicitly confining it to privilege would be unnecessarily expanded with the use of the
prior concurrence of the Monetary Board, which shall submit to White House staff, and not to staffs of the agencies, and then only operational proximity test is unfounded.
Congress a complete report of its decision before contracting or to White House staff that has "operational proximity" to direct
guaranteeing foreign loans, does not diminish the executive nature presidential decision-making, thus: C. The President’s claim of executive privilege is not merely based
of the power. on a generalized interest; and in balancing respondent Committees’
We are aware that such an extension, unless carefully circumscribed and the President’s clashing interests, the Court did not disregard
The inviolate doctrine of separation of powers among the to accomplish the purposes of the privilege, could pose a significant the 1987 Constitutional provisions on government transparency,
legislative, executive and judicial branches of government by no risk of expanding to a large swath of the executive branch a privilege accountability and disclosure of information.
means prescribes absolute autonomy in the discharge by each that is bottomed on a recognition of the unique role of the
branch of that part of the governmental power assigned to it by the President. In order to limit this risk, the presidential Third, respondent Committees claim that the Court erred in
sovereign people. There is the corollary doctrine of checks and communications privilege should be construed as narrowly as is upholding the President’s invocation, through the Executive
balances, which has been carefully calibrated by the Constitution to consistent with ensuring that the confidentiality of the President’s Secretary, of executive privilege because (a) between respondent
temper the official acts of each of these three branches. Thus, by decision-making process is adequately protected. Not every person Committees’ specific and demonstrated need and the President’s
analogy, the fact that certain legislative acts require action from the who plays a role in the development of presidential advice, no generalized interest in confidentiality, there is a need to strike the
President for their validity does not render such acts less legislative matter how remote and removed from the President, can qualify for balance in favor of the former; and (b) in the balancing of interest,
in nature. A good example is the power to pass a law. Article VI, the privilege. In particular, the privilege should not extend to staff the Court disregarded the provisions of the 1987 Philippine
Section 27 of the Constitution mandates that every bill passed by outside the White House in executive branch agencies. Instead, the Constitution on government transparency, accountability and
Congress shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the privilege should apply only to communications authored or solicited disclosure of information, specifically, Article III, Section 7;29 Article
II, Sections 2430 and 28;31 Article XI, Section 1;32 Article XVI, inconveniences, perhaps danger and mischief, in relation to other
Section 10;33 Article VII, Section 20;34 and Article XII, Sections 9,35 powers. The necessity of such caution and secrecy was one cogent "A complicated negotiation …cannot be carried through without
21,36 and 22.37 reason for vesting the power of making treaties in the President, many, many private talks and discussion, man to man; many
with the advice and consent of the Senate, the principle on which tentative suggestions and proposals. Delegates from other countries
It must be stressed that the President’s claim of executive privilege the body was formed confining it to a small number of members. To come and tell you in confidence of their troubles at home and of
is not merely founded on her generalized interest in confidentiality. admit, then, a right in the House of Representatives to demand and their differences with other countries and with other delegates;
The Letter dated November 15, 2007 of Executive Secretary Ermita to have as a matter of course all the papers respecting a negotiation they tell you of what they would do under certain circumstances
specified presidential communications privilege in relation to with a foreign power would be to establish a dangerous precedent. and would not do under other circumstances… If these reports…
diplomatic and economic relations with another sovereign nation as should become public… who would ever trust American Delegations
the bases for the claim. Thus, the Letter stated: US jurisprudence clearly guards against the dangers of allowing in another conference? (United States Department of State, Press
Congress access to all papers relating to a negotiation with a foreign Releases, June 7, 1930, pp. 282-284)
The context in which executive privilege is being invoked is that the power. In this jurisdiction, the recent case of Akbayan Citizens
information sought to be disclosed might impair our diplomatic as Action Party, et al. v. Thomas G. Aquino, et al.39 upheld the xxxx
well as economic relations with the People’s Republic of China. privileged character of diplomatic negotiations. In Akbayan, the
Given the confidential nature in which this information were Court stated: There is frequent criticism of the secrecy in which negotiation with
conveyed to the President, he cannot provide the Committee any foreign powers on nearly all subjects is concerned. This, it is
further details of these conversations, without disclosing the very Privileged character of diplomatic negotiations claimed, is incompatible with the substance of democracy. As
thing the privilege is designed to protect. (emphasis supplied) expressed by one writer, "It can be said that there is no more rigid
The privileged character of diplomatic negotiations has been system of silence anywhere in the world." (E.J. Young, Looking
Even in Senate v. Ermita, it was held that Congress must not require recognized in this jurisdiction. In discussing valid limitations on the Behind the Censorship, J. B. Lipincott Co., 1938) President Wilson in
the Executive to state the reasons for the claim with such right to information, the Court in Chavez v. PCGG held that starting his efforts for the conclusion of the World War declared
particularity as to compel disclosure of the information which the "information on inter-government exchanges prior to the conclusion that we must have "open covenants, openly arrived at." He quickly
privilege is meant to protect. This is a matter of respect for a of treaties and executive agreements may be subject to reasonable abandoned his thought.
coordinate and co-equal department. safeguards for the sake of national interest." Even earlier, the same
privilege was upheld in People’s Movement for Press Freedom No one who has studied the question believes that such a method
It is easy to discern the danger that goes with the disclosure of the (PMPF) v. Manglapus wherein the Court discussed the reasons for of publicity is possible. In the moment that negotiations are started,
President’s communication with her advisor. The NBN Project the privilege in more precise terms. pressure groups attempt to "muscle in." An ill-timed speech by one
involves a foreign country as a party to the agreement. It was of the parties or a frank declaration of the concession which are
actually a product of the meeting of minds between officials of the In PMPF v. Manglapus, the therein petitioners were seeking exacted or offered on both sides would quickly lead to a widespread
Philippines and China. Whatever the President says about the information from the President’s representatives on the state of the propaganda to block the negotiations. After a treaty has been
agreement - particularly while official negotiations are ongoing - are then on-going negotiations of the RP-US Military Bases Agreement. drafted and its terms are fully published, there is ample opportunity
matters which China will surely view with particular interest. There The Court denied the petition, stressing that "secrecy of for discussion before it is approved. (The New American
is danger in such kind of exposure. It could adversely affect our negotiations with foreign countries is not violative of the Government and Its Works, James T. Young, 4th Edition, p. 194)
diplomatic as well as economic relations with the People’s Republic constitutional provisions of freedom of speech or of the press nor of (Emphasis and underscoring supplied)
of China. We reiterate the importance of secrecy in matters the freedom of access to information." The Resolution went on to
involving foreign negotiations as stated in United States v. Curtiss- state, thus: Still in PMPF v. Manglapus, the Court adopted the doctrine in U.S. v.
Wright Export Corp., 38 thus: Curtiss-Wright Export Corp. that the President is the sole organ of
The nature of diplomacy requires centralization of authority and the nation in its negotiations with foreign countries,viz:
The nature of foreign negotiations requires caution, and their expedition of decision which are inherent in executive action.
success must often depend on secrecy, and even when brought to a Another essential characteristic of diplomacy is its confidential "x x x In this vast external realm, with its important, complicated,
conclusion, a full disclosure of all the measures, demands, or nature. Although much has been said about "open" and "secret" delicate and manifold problems, the President alone has the power
eventual concessions which may have been proposed or diplomacy, with disparagement of the latter, Secretaries of State to speak or listen as a representative of the nation. He makes
contemplated would be extremely impolitic, for this might have a Hughes and Stimson have clearly analyzed and justified the practice. treaties with the advice and consent of the Senate; but he alone
pernicious influence on future negotiations or produce immediate In the words of Mr. Stimson: negotiates. Into the field of negotiation the Senate cannot intrude;
and Congress itself is powerless to invade it. As Marshall said in his diplomatic matters, as well as information on inter-government
great arguments of March 7, 1800, in the House of Representatives, This Court did not rule that the Senate has no power to investigate exchanges prior to the conclusion of treaties and executive
"The President is the sole organ of the nation in its external the NBN Project in aid of legislation. There is nothing in the assailed agreements. It was further held that even where there is no need to
relations, and its sole representative with foreign nations." Annals, Decision that prohibits respondent Committees from inquiring into protect such state secrets, they must be "examined in strict
6th Cong., col. 613… (Emphasis supplied; underscoring in the the NBN Project. They could continue the investigation and even call confidence and given scrupulous protection."
original) petitioner Neri to testify again. He himself has repeatedly expressed
his willingness to do so. Our Decision merely excludes from the Incidentally, the right primarily involved here is the right of
Considering that the information sought through the three (3) scope of respondents’ investigation the three (3) questions that respondent Committees to obtain information allegedly in aid of
questions subject of this Petition involves the President’s dealings elicit answers covered by executive privilege and rules that legislation, not the people’s right to public information. This is the
with a foreign nation, with more reason, this Court is wary of petitioner cannot be compelled to appear before respondents to reason why we stressed in the assailed Decision the distinction
approving the view that Congress may peremptorily inquire into not answer the said questions. We have discussed the reasons why between these two rights. As laid down in Senate v. Ermita, "the
only official, documented acts of the President but even her these answers are covered by executive privilege. That there is a demand of a citizen for the production of documents pursuant to his
confidential and informal discussions with her close advisors on the recognized public interest in the confidentiality of such information right to information does not have the same obligatory force as a
pretext that said questions serve some vague legislative need. is a recognized principle in other democratic States. To put it simply, subpoena duces tecum issued by Congress" and "neither does the
Regardless of who is in office, this Court can easily foresee the right to information is not an absolute right. right to information grant a citizen the power to exact testimony
unwanted consequences of subjecting a Chief Executive to from government officials." As pointed out, these rights belong to
unrestricted congressional inquiries done with increased frequency Indeed, the constitutional provisions cited by respondent Congress, not to the individual citizen. It is worth mentioning at this
and great publicity. No Executive can effectively discharge Committees do not espouse an absolute right to information. By juncture that the parties here are respondent Committees and
constitutional functions in the face of intense and unchecked their wording, the intention of the Framers to subject such right to petitioner Neri and that there was no prior request for information
legislative incursion into the core of the President’s decision-making the regulation of the law is unmistakable. The highlighted portions on the part of any individual citizen. This Court will not be swayed
process, which inevitably would involve her conversations with a of the following provisions show the obvious limitations on the right by attempts to blur the distinctions between the Legislature's right
member of her Cabinet. to information, thus: to information in a legitimate legislative inquiry and the public's
right to information.
With respect to respondent Committees’ invocation of Article III, Sec. 7. The right of the people to information on matters
constitutional prescriptions regarding the right of the people to of public concern shall be recognized. Access to official records, and For clarity, it must be emphasized that the assailed Decision did not
information and public accountability and transparency, the Court to documents, and papers pertaining to official records, and to enjoin respondent Committees from inquiring into the NBN Project.
finds nothing in these arguments to support respondent documents, and papers pertaining to official acts, transactions, or All that is expected from them is to respect matters that are covered
Committees’ case. decisions, as well as to government research data used as basis for by executive privilege.
policy development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to such
There is no debate as to the importance of the constitutional right limitations as may be provided by law. III.
of the people to information and the constitutional policies on
public accountability and transparency. These are the twin Article II, Sec. 28. Subject to reasonable conditions prescribed by Respondent Committees Failed to Show That
postulates vital to the effective functioning of a democratic law, the State adopts and implements a policy of full public the Communications Elicited by the Three Questions
government. The citizenry can become prey to the whims and disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest. (Emphasis Are Critical to the Exercise of their Functions
caprices of those to whom the power has been delegated if they are supplied)
denied access to information. And the policies on public In their Motion for Reconsideration, respondent Committees devote
accountability and democratic government would certainly be mere In Chavez v. Presidential Commission on Good Government,40 it an unusually lengthy discussion on the purported legislative nature
empty words if access to such information of public concern is was stated that there are no specific laws prescribing the exact of their entire inquiry, as opposed to an oversight inquiry.
denied. limitations within which the right may be exercised or the
correlative state duty may be obliged. Nonetheless, it enumerated At the outset, it must be clarified that the Decision did not pass
In the case at bar, this Court, in upholding executive privilege with the recognized restrictions to such rights, among them: (1) national upon the nature of respondent Committees’ inquiry into the NBN
respect to three (3) specific questions, did not in any way curb the security matters, (2) trade secrets and banking transactions, (3) Project. To reiterate, this Court recognizes respondent Committees’
public’s right to information or diminish the importance of public criminal matters, and (4) other confidential information. National power to investigate the NBN Project in aid of legislation. However,
accountability and transparency. security matters include state secrets regarding military and this Court cannot uphold the view that when a constitutionally
guaranteed privilege or right is validly invoked by a witness in the the parties contest all issues before a court of law. The need to a limited number of conversations preliminarily shown to have
course of a legislative investigation, the legislative purpose of develop all relevant facts in the adversary system is both some bearing on the pending criminal cases.
respondent Committees’ questions can be sufficiently supported by fundamental and comprehensive. The ends of criminal justice would
the expedient of mentioning statutes and/or pending bills to which be defeated if judgments were to be founded on a partial or We conclude that when the ground for asserting privilege as to
their inquiry as a whole may have relevance. The jurisprudential test speculative presentation of the facts. The very integrity of the subpoenaed materials sought for use in a criminal trial is based only
laid down by this Court in past decisions on executive privilege is judicial system and public confidence in the system depend on full on the generalized interest in confidentiality, it cannot prevail over
that the presumption of privilege can only be overturned by a disclosure of all the facts, within the framework of the rules of the fundamental demands of due process of law in the fair
showing of compelling need for disclosure of the information evidence. To ensure that justice is done, it is imperative to the administration of criminal justice. The generalized assertion of
covered by executive privilege. function of courts that compulsory process be available for the privilege must yield to the demonstrated, specific need for evidence
production of evidence needed either by the prosecution or by the in a pending criminal trial. (emphasis supplied)
In the Decision, the majority held that "there is no adequate defense.
showing of a compelling need that would justify the limitation of the In the case at bar, we are not confronted with a court’s need for
privilege and of the unavailability of the information elsewhere by xxx xxx xxx facts in order to adjudge liability in a criminal case but rather with
an appropriate investigating authority." In the Motion for the Senate’s need for information in relation to its legislative
Reconsideration, respondent Committees argue that the The right to the production of all evidence at a criminal trial similarly functions. This leads us to consider once again just how critical is the
information elicited by the three (3) questions are necessary in the has constitutional dimensions. The Sixth Amendment explicitly subject information in the discharge of respondent Committees’
discharge of their legislative functions, among them, (a) to consider confers upon every defendant in a criminal trial the right 'to be functions. The burden to show this is on the respondent
the three (3) pending Senate Bills, and (b) to curb graft and confronted with the witness against him' and 'to have compulsory Committees, since they seek to intrude into the sphere of
corruption. process for obtaining witnesses in his favor.' Moreover, the Fifth competence of the President in order to gather information which,
Amendment also guarantees that no person shall be deprived of according to said respondents, would "aid" them in crafting
We remain unpersuaded by respondents’ assertions. liberty without due process of law. It is the manifest duty of the legislation.
courts to vindicate those guarantees, and to accomplish that it is
In U.S. v. Nixon, the U.S. Court held that executive privilege is essential that all relevant and admissible evidence be produced. Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities v.
subject to balancing against other interests and it is necessary to Nixon41 expounded on the nature of a legislative inquiry in aid of
resolve the competing interests in a manner that would preserve In this case we must weigh the importance of the general privilege legislation in this wise:
the essential functions of each branch. There, the Court weighed of confidentiality of Presidential communications in performance of
between presidential privilege and the legitimate claims of the the President's responsibilities against the inroads of such a The sufficiency of the Committee's showing of need has come to
judicial process. In giving more weight to the latter, the Court ruled privilege on the fair administration of criminal justice. (emphasis depend, therefore, entirely on whether the subpoenaed materials
that the President's generalized assertion of privilege must yield to supplied) are critical to the performance of its legislative functions. There is a
the demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal clear difference between Congress' legislative tasks and the
trial. xxx xxx xxx responsibility of a grand jury, or any institution engaged in like
functions. While fact-finding by a legislative committee is
The Nixon Court ruled that an absolute and unqualified privilege ...the allowance of the privilege to withhold evidence that is undeniably a part of its task, legislative judgments normally depend
would stand in the way of the primary constitutional duty of the demonstrably relevant in a criminal trial would cut deeply into the more on the predicted consequences of proposed legislative actions
Judicial Branch to do justice in criminal prosecutions. The said Court guarantee of due process of law and gravely impair the basic and their political acceptability, than on precise reconstruction of
further ratiocinated, through its ruling extensively quoted in the function of the courts. A President's acknowledged need for past events; Congress frequently legislates on the basis of conflicting
Honorable Chief Justice Puno's dissenting opinion, as follows: confidentiality in the communications of his office is general in information provided in its hearings. In contrast, the responsibility
nature, whereas the constitutional need for production of relevant of the grand jury turns entirely on its ability to determine whether
"... this presumptive privilege must be considered in light of our evidence in a criminal proceeding is specific and central to the fair there is probable cause to believe that certain named individuals did
historic commitment to the rule of law. This is nowhere more adjudication of a particular criminal case in the administration of or did not commit specific crimes. If, for example, as in Nixon v.
profoundly manifest than in our view that 'the twofold aim (of justice. Without access to specific facts a criminal prosecution may Sirica, one of those crimes is perjury concerning the content of
criminal justice) is that guild shall not escape or innocence suffer.' be totally frustrated. The President's broad interest in certain conversations, the grand jury's need for the most precise
Berger v. United States, 295 U.S., at 88, 55 S.Ct., at 633. We have confidentiality of communication will not be vitiated by disclosure of evidence, the exact text of oral statements recorded in their original
elected to employ an adversary system of criminal justice in which form, is undeniable. We see no comparable need in the legislative
process, at least not in the circumstances of this case. Indeed, ATTY. AGABIN
whatever force there might once have been in the Committee's …If respondents are operating under the premise that the president
argument that the subpoenaed materials are necessary to its and/or her executive officials have committed wrongdoings that For instance, with respect to the proposed Bill of Senator Miriam
legislative judgments has been substantially undermined by need to be corrected or prevented from recurring by remedial Santiago, she would like to indorse a Bill to include Executive
subsequent events. (Emphasis supplied) legislation, the answer to those three questions will not necessarily Agreements had been used as a device to the circumventing the
bolster or inhibit respondents from proceeding with such legislation. Procurement Law.
Clearly, the need for hard facts in crafting legislation cannot be They could easily presume the worst of the president in enacting
equated with the compelling or demonstratively critical and specific such legislation. CHIEF JUSTICE PUNO
need for facts which is so essential to the judicial power to
adjudicate actual controversies. Also, the bare standard of For sure, a factual basis for situations covered by bills is not critically But the question is just following it up.
"pertinency" set in Arnault cannot be lightly applied to the instant needed before legislatives bodies can come up with relevant
case, which unlike Arnault involves a conflict between two (2) legislation unlike in the adjudication of cases by courts of law. ATTY. AGABIN
separate, co-equal and coordinate Branches of the Government. Interestingly, during the Oral Argument before this Court, the
counsel for respondent Committees impliedly admitted that the I believe that may be the initial question, Your Honor, because if we
Whatever test we may apply, the starting point in resolving the Senate could still come up with legislations even without petitioner look at this problem in its factual setting as counsel for petitioner
conflicting claims between the Executive and the Legislative answering the three (3) questions. In other words, the information has observed, there are intimations of a bribery scandal involving
Branches is the recognized existence of the presumptive being elicited is not so critical after all. Thus: high government officials.
presidential communications privilege. This is conceded even in the
Dissenting Opinion of the Honorable Chief Justice Puno, which CHIEF JUSTICE PUNO CHIEF JUSTICE PUNO
So can you tell the Court how critical are these questions to the Again, about the second question, were you dictated to prioritize
A hard look at Senate v. Ermita ought to yield the conclusion that it lawmaking function of the Senate. For instance, question Number 1 this ZTE, is that critical to the lawmaking function of the Senate?
bestowed a qualified presumption in favor of the Presidential whether the President followed up the NBN project. According to Will it result to the failure of the Senate to cobble a Bill without this
communications privilege. As shown in the previous discussion, U.S. the other counsel this question has already been asked, is that question?
v. Nixon, as well as the other related Nixon cases Sirica and Senate correct?
Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, et al., v. ATTY. AGABIN
Nixon in the D.C. Court of Appeals, as well as subsequent cases all ATTY. AGABIN
recognize that there is a presumptive privilege in favor of I think it is critical to lay the factual foundations for a proposed
Presidential communications. The Almonte case quoted U.S. v. Well, the question has been asked but it was not answered, Your amendment to the Procurement Law, Your Honor, because the
Nixon and recognized a presumption in favor of confidentiality of Honor. petitioner had already testified that he was offered a P200 Million
Presidential communications. bribe, so if he was offered a P200 Million bribe it is possible that
CHIEF JUSTICE PUNO other government officials who had something to do with the
The presumption in favor of Presidential communications puts the approval of the contract would be offered the same amount of
burden on the respondent Senate Committees to overturn the Yes. But my question is how critical is this to the lawmaking function bribes.
presumption by demonstrating their specific need for the of the Senate?
information to be elicited by the answers to the three (3) questions CHIEF JUSTICE PUNO
subject of this case, to enable them to craft legislation. Here, there ATTY. AGABIN
is simply a generalized assertion that the information is pertinent to Again, that is speculative.
the exercise of the power to legislate and a broad and non-specific I believe it is critical, Your Honor.
reference to pending Senate bills. It is not clear what matters ATTY. AGABIN
relating to these bills could not be determined without the said CHIEF JUSTICE PUNO
information sought by the three (3) questions. As correctly pointed That is why they want to continue with the investigation, Your
out by the Honorable Justice Dante O. Tinga in his Separate Why? Honor.
Concurring Opinion:
CHIEF JUSTICE PUNO purpose of the inquiry is legislative in nature. This is because curbing Committees’ view appears to be equated with the search for
graft and corruption is merely an oversight function of Congress.44 persons responsible for "anomalies" in government contracts.
How about the third question, whether the President said to go And if this is the primary objective of respondent Committees in
ahead and approve the project after being told about the alleged asking the three (3) questions covered by privilege, it may even No matter how noble the intentions of respondent Committees are,
bribe. How critical is that to the lawmaking function of the Senate? contradict their claim that their purpose is legislative in nature and they cannot assume the power reposed upon our prosecutorial
And the question is may they craft a Bill a remedial law without not oversight. In any event, whether or not investigating graft and bodies and courts. The determination of who is/are liable for a
forcing petitioner Neri to answer this question? corruption is a legislative or oversight function of Congress, crime or illegal activity, the investigation of the role played by each
respondent Committees’ investigation cannot transgress bounds set official, the determination of who should be haled to court for
ATTY. AGABIN by the Constitution. prosecution and the task of coming up with conclusions and finding
of facts regarding anomalies, especially the determination of
Well, they can craft it, Your Honor, based on mere speculation. And In Bengzon, Jr. v. Senate Blue Ribbon Committee,45 this Court ruled: criminal guilt, are not functions of the Senate. Congress is neither a
sound legislation requires that a proposed Bill should have some law enforcement nor a trial agency. Moreover, it bears stressing
basis in fact.42 The "allocation of constitutional boundaries" is a task that this Court that no inquiry is an end in itself; it must be related to, and in
must perform under the Constitution. Moreover, as held in a recent furtherance of, a legitimate task of the Congress, i.e. legislation.
The failure of the counsel for respondent Committees to pinpoint case, "the political question doctrine neither interposes an obstacle Investigations conducted solely to gather incriminatory evidence
the specific need for the information sought or how the withholding to judicial determination of the rival claims. The jurisdiction to and "punish" those investigated are indefensible. There is no
of the information sought will hinder the accomplishment of their delimit constitutional boundaries has been given to this Court. It Congressional power to expose for the sake of exposure.49 In this
legislative purpose is very evident in the above oral exchanges. Due cannot abdicate that obligation mandated by the 1987 Constitution, regard, the pronouncement in Barenblatt v. United States50 is
to the failure of the respondent Committees to successfully although said provision by no means does away with the instructive, thus:
discharge this burden, the presumption in favor of confidentiality of applicability of the principle in appropriate cases.46 (Emphasis
presidential communication stands. The implication of the said supplied) Broad as it is, the power is not, however, without limitations. Since
presumption, like any other, is to dispense with the burden of proof Congress may only investigate into the areas in which it may
as to whether the disclosure will significantly impair the President’s There, the Court further ratiocinated that "the contemplated inquiry potentially legislate or appropriate, it cannot inquire into matters
performance of her function. Needless to state this is assumed, by by respondent Committee is not really ‘in aid of legislation’ because which are within the exclusive province of one of the other branches
virtue of the presumption. it is not related to a purpose within the jurisdiction of Congress, of the government. Lacking the judicial power given to the Judiciary,
since the aim of the investigation is to find out whether or not the it cannot inquire into matters that are exclusively the concern of the
Anent respondent Committees’ bewailing that they would have to relatives of the President or Mr. Ricardo Lopa had violated Section 5 Judiciary. Neither can it supplant the Executive in what exclusively
"speculate" regarding the questions covered by the privilege, this of R.A. No. 3019, the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, a matter belongs to the Executive. (Emphasis supplied.)
does not evince a compelling need for the information sought. that appears more within the province of the courts rather than of
Indeed, Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign the Legislature."47 (Emphasis and underscoring supplied) At this juncture, it is important to stress that complaints relating to
Activities v. Nixon43 held that while fact-finding by a legislative the NBN Project have already been filed against President Arroyo
committee is undeniably a part of its task, legislative judgments The general thrust and the tenor of the three (3) questions is to and other personalities before the Office of the Ombudsman. Under
normally depend more on the predicted consequences of proposed trace the alleged bribery to the Office of the President.48 While it our Constitution, it is the Ombudsman who has the duty "to
legislative actions and their political acceptability than on a precise may be a worthy endeavor to investigate the potential culpability of investigate any act or omission of any public official, employee,
reconstruction of past events. It added that, normally, Congress high government officials, including the President, in a given office or agency when such act or omission appears to be illegal,
legislates on the basis of conflicting information provided in its government transaction, it is simply not a task for the Senate to unjust, improper, or inefficient."51 The Office of the Ombudsman is
hearings. We cannot subscribe to the respondent Committees’ self- perform. The role of the Legislature is to make laws, not to the body properly equipped by the Constitution and our laws to
defeating proposition that without the answers to the three (3) determine anyone’s guilt of a crime or wrongdoing. Our Constitution preliminarily determine whether or not the allegations of anomaly
questions objected to as privileged, the distinguished members of has not bestowed upon the Legislature the latter role. Just as the are true and who are liable therefor. The same holds true for our
the respondent Committees cannot intelligently craft legislation. Judiciary cannot legislate, neither can the Legislature adjudicate or courts upon which the Constitution reposes the duty to determine
prosecute. criminal guilt with finality. Indeed, the rules of procedure in the
Anent the function to curb graft and corruption, it must be stressed Office of the Ombudsman and the courts are well-defined and
that respondent Committees’ need for information in the exercise Respondent Committees claim that they are conducting an inquiry ensure that the constitutionally guaranteed rights of all persons,
of this function is not as compelling as in instances when the in aid of legislation and a "search for truth," which in respondent parties and witnesses alike, are protected and safeguarded.
repetitive questions or questions calling for a hearsay answer, to confined to permissible areas and thus, prevent the "roving
Should respondent Committees uncover information related to a name a few, do not apply to a legislative inquiry. Every person, from commissions" referred to in the U.S. case, Kilbourn v. Thompson.54
possible crime in the course of their investigation, they have the the highest public official to the most ordinary citizen, has the right Likewise, witnesses have their constitutional right to due process.
constitutional duty to refer the matter to the appropriate agency or to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in proper proceedings They should be adequately informed what matters are to be
branch of government. Thus, the Legislature’s need for information by a competent court or body. covered by the inquiry. It will also allow them to prepare the
in an investigation of graft and corruption cannot be deemed pertinent information and documents. To our mind, these
compelling enough to pierce the confidentiality of information IV requirements concede too little political costs or burdens on the
validly covered by executive privilege. As discussed above, the part of Congress when viewed vis-à-vis the immensity of its power
Legislature can still legislate on graft and corruption even without Respondent Committees Committed Grave of inquiry. The logic of these requirements is well articulated in the
the information covered by the three (3) questions subject of the Abuse of Discretion in Issuing the Contempt Order study conducted by William P. Marshall,55 to wit:
Respondent Committees insist that they did not commit grave A second concern that might be addressed is that the current
Corollarily, respondent Committees justify their rejection of abuse of discretion in issuing the contempt order because (1) there system allows committees to continually investigate the Executive
petitioner’s claim of executive privilege on the ground that there is is no legitimate claim of executive privilege; (2) they did not violate without constraint. One process solution addressing this concern is
no privilege when the information sought might involve a crime or the requirements laid down in Senate v. Ermita; (3) they issued the to require each investigation be tied to a clearly stated purpose. At
illegal activity, despite the absence of an administrative or judicial contempt order in accordance with their internal Rules; (4) they did present, the charters of some congressional committees are so
determination to that effect. Significantly, however, in Nixon v. not violate the requirement under Article VI, Section 21 of the broad that virtually any matter involving the Executive can be
Sirica,52 the showing required to overcome the presumption Constitution requiring the publication of their Rules; and (5) their construed to fall within their province. Accordingly, investigations
favoring confidentiality turned, not on the nature of the presidential issuance of the contempt order is not arbitrary or precipitate. can proceed without articulation of specific need or purpose. A
conduct that the subpoenaed material might reveal, but, instead, on requirement for a more precise charge in order to begin an inquiry
the nature and appropriateness of the function in the performance We reaffirm our earlier ruling. should immediately work to limit the initial scope of the
of which the material was sought, and the degree to which the investigation and should also serve to contain the investigation once
material was necessary to its fulfillment. The legitimacy of the claim of executive privilege having been fully it is instituted. Additionally, to the extent clear statements of rules
discussed in the preceding pages, we see no reason to discuss it cause legislatures to pause and seriously consider the constitutional
Respondent Committees assert that Senate Select Committee on once again. implications of proposed courses of action in other areas, they
Presidential Campaign Activities v. Nixon does not apply to the case would serve that goal in the context of congressional investigations
at bar because, unlike in the said case, no impeachment proceeding Respondent Committees’ second argument rests on the view that as well.
has been initiated at present. The Court is not persuaded. While it is the ruling in Senate v. Ermita, requiring invitations or subpoenas to
true that no impeachment proceeding has been initiated, however, contain the "possible needed statute which prompted the need for The key to this reform is in its details. A system that allows a
complaints relating to the NBN Project have already been filed the inquiry" along with the "usual indication of the subject of inquiry standing committee to simply articulate its reasons to investigate
against President Arroyo and other personalities before the Office of and the questions relative to and in furtherance thereof" is not pro forma does no more than imposes minimal drafting burdens.
the Ombudsman. As the Court has said earlier, the prosecutorial and provided for by the Constitution and is merely an obiter dictum. Rather, the system must be designed in a manner that imposes
judicial arms of government are the bodies equipped and mandated actual burdens on the committee to articulate its need for
by the Constitution and our laws to determine whether or not the On the contrary, the Court sees the rationale and necessity of investigation and allows for meaningful debate about the merits of
allegations of anomaly in the NBN Project are true and, if so, who compliance with these requirements. proceeding with the investigation. (Emphasis supplied)
should be prosecuted and penalized for criminal conduct.
An unconstrained congressional investigative power, like an Clearly, petitioner’s request to be furnished an advance copy of
Legislative inquiries, unlike court proceedings, are not subject to the unchecked Executive, generates its own abuses. Consequently, questions is a reasonable demand that should have been granted by
exacting standards of evidence essential to arrive at accurate factual claims that the investigative power of Congress has been abused (or respondent Committees.
findings to which to apply the law. Hence, Section 10 of the Senate has the potential for abuse) have been raised many times.53
Rules of Procedure Governing Inquiries in Aid of Legislation provides Constant exposure to congressional subpoena takes its toll on the Unfortunately, the Subpoena Ad Testificandum dated November 13,
that "technical rules of evidence applicable to judicial proceedings ability of the Executive to function effectively. The requirements set 2007 made no specific reference to any pending Senate bill. It did
which do not affect substantive rights need not be observed by the forth in Senate v. Ermita are modest mechanisms that would not not also inform petitioner of the questions to be asked. As it were,
Committee." Court rules which prohibit leading, hypothetical, or unduly limit Congress’ power. The legislative inquiry must be
the subpoena merely commanded him to "testify on what he knows seventeen (17) Senators and respondent Committee on National the discretion to set aside their rules anytime they wish. This is
relative to the subject matter under inquiry." Defense and Security which has a membership of eighteen (18) especially true here where what is involved is the contempt power.
Senators. With respect to respondent Committee on Trade and It must be stressed that the Rules are not promulgated for their
Anent the third argument, respondent Committees contend that Commerce which has a membership of nine (9) Senators, only three benefit. More than anybody else, it is the witness who has the
their Rules of Procedure Governing Inquiries in Aid of Legislation (3) members were present.57 These facts prompted us to quote in highest stake in the proper observance of the Rules.
(the "Rules") are beyond the reach of this Court. While it is true that the Decision the exchanges between Senators Alan Peter Cayetano
this Court must refrain from reviewing the internal processes of and Aquilino Pimentel, Jr. whereby the former raised the issue of Having touched the subject of the Rules, we now proceed to
Congress, as a co-equal branch of government, however, when a lack of the required majority to deliberate and vote on the respondent Committees’ fourth argument. Respondent Committees
constitutional requirement exists, the Court has the duty to look contempt order. argue that the Senate does not have to publish its Rules because the
into Congress’ compliance therewith. We cannot turn a blind eye to same was published in 1995 and in 2006. Further, they claim that
possible violations of the Constitution simply out of courtesy. In this When asked about such voting during the March 4, 2008 hearing the Senate is a continuing body; thus, it is not required to republish
regard, the pronouncement in Arroyo v. De Venecia56 is before this Court, Senator Francis Pangilinan stated that any defect the Rules, unless the same is repealed or amended.
enlightening, thus: in the committee voting had been cured because two-thirds of the
Senators effectively signed for the Senate in plenary session.58 On the nature of the Senate as a "continuing body," this Court sees
"Cases both here and abroad, in varying forms of expression, all fit to issue a clarification. Certainly, there is no debate that the
deny to the courts the power to inquire into allegations that, in Obviously the deliberation of the respondent Committees that led Senate as an institution is "continuing", as it is not dissolved as an
enacting a law, a House of Congress failed to comply with its own to the issuance of the contempt order is flawed. Instead of being entity with each national election or change in the composition of
rules, in the absence of showing that there was a violation of a submitted to a full debate by all the members of the respondent its members. However, in the conduct of its day-to-day business the
constitutional provision or the rights of private individuals. Committees, the contempt order was prepared and thereafter Senate of each Congress acts separately and independently of the
presented to the other members for signing. As a result, the Senate of the Congress before it. The Rules of the Senate itself
United States v. Ballin, Joseph & Co., the rule was stated thus: ‘The contempt order which was issued on January 30, 2008 was not a confirms this when it states:
Constitution empowers each House to determine its rules of faithful representation of the proceedings that took place on said
proceedings. It may not by its rules ignore constitutional restraints date. Records clearly show that not all of those who signed the RULE XLIV
or violate fundamental rights, and there should be a reasonable contempt order were present during the January 30, 2008 UNFINISHED BUSINESS
relation between the mode or method of proceeding established by deliberation when the matter was taken up.
the rule and the result which is sought to be attained." SEC. 123. Unfinished business at the end of the session shall be
Section 21, Article VI of the Constitution states that: taken up at the next session in the same status.
In the present case, the Court’s exercise of its power of judicial
review is warranted because there appears to be a clear abuse of The Senate or the House of Representatives or any of its respective All pending matters and proceedings shall terminate upon the
the power of contempt on the part of respondent Committees. committees may conduct inquiries in aid of legislation in accordance expiration of one (1) Congress, but may be taken by the succeeding
Section 18 of the Rules provides that: with its duly published rules of procedure. The rights of person Congress as if present for the first time. (emphasis supplied)
appearing in or affected by such inquiries shall be respected.
"The Committee, by a vote of majority of all its members, may (Emphasis supplied) Undeniably from the foregoing, all pending matters and
punish for contempt any witness before it who disobey any order of proceedings, i.e. unpassed bills and even legislative investigations,
the Committee or refuses to be sworn or to testify or to answer All the limitations embodied in the foregoing provision form part of of the Senate of a particular Congress are considered terminated
proper questions by the Committee or any of its members." the witness’ settled expectation. If the limitations are not observed, upon the expiration of that Congress and it is merely optional on the
(Emphasis supplied) the witness’ settled expectation is shattered. Here, how could there Senate of the succeeding Congress to take up such unfinished
be a majority vote when the members in attendance are not enough matters, not in the same status, but as if presented for the first
In the assailed Decision, we said that there is a cloud of doubt as to to arrive at such majority? Petitioner has the right to expect that he time. The logic and practicality of such a rule is readily apparent
the validity of the contempt order because during the deliberation can be cited in contempt only through a majority vote in a considering that the Senate of the succeeding Congress (which will
of the three (3) respondent Committees, only seven (7) Senators proceeding in which the matter has been fully deliberated upon. typically have a different composition as that of the previous
were present. This number could hardly fulfill the majority There is a greater measure of protection for the witness when the Congress) should not be bound by the acts and deliberations of the
requirement needed by respondent Committee on Accountability of concerns and objections of the members are fully articulated in such Senate of which they had no part. If the Senate is a continuing body
Public Officers and Investigations which has a membership of proceeding. We do not believe that respondent Committees have even with respect to the conduct of its business, then pending
matters will not be deemed terminated with the expiration of one inquiries) would continue into the next Congress. The Senate of the questions, he was very cooperative during the September 26, 2007
Congress but will, as a matter of course, continue into the next next Congress may easily adopt different rules for its legislative hearing.
Congress with the same status. inquiries which come within the rule on unfinished business.
On the part of respondent Committees, this Court observes their
This dichotomy of the continuity of the Senate as an institution and The language of Section 21, Article VI of the Constitution requiring haste and impatience. Instead of ruling on Executive Secretary
of the opposite nature of the conduct of its business is reflected in that the inquiry be conducted in accordance with the duly published Ermita’s claim of executive privilege, they curtly dismissed it as
its Rules. The Rules of the Senate (i.e. the Senate’s main rules of rules of procedure is categorical. It is incumbent upon the Senate to unsatisfactory and ordered the arrest of petitioner. They could have
procedure) states: publish the rules for its legislative inquiries in each Congress or informed petitioner of their ruling and given him time to decide
otherwise make the published rules clearly state that the same shall whether to accede or file a motion for reconsideration. After all, he
RULE LI be effective in subsequent Congresses or until they are amended or is not just an ordinary witness; he is a high- ranking official in a co-
AMENDMENTS TO, OR REVISIONS OF, THE RULES repealed to sufficiently put public on notice. equal branch of government. He is an alter ego of the President. The
same haste and impatience marked the issuance of the contempt
SEC. 136. At the start of each session in which the Senators elected If it was the intention of the Senate for its present rules on order, despite the absence of the majority of the members of the
in the preceding elections shall begin their term of office, the legislative inquiries to be effective even in the next Congress, it respondent Committees, and their subsequent disregard of
President may endorse the Rules to the appropriate committee for could have easily adopted the same language it had used in its main petitioner’s motion for reconsideration alleging the pendency of his
amendment or revision. rules regarding effectivity. petition for certiorari before this Court.
The Rules may also be amended by means of a motion which should Lest the Court be misconstrued, it should likewise be stressed that On a concluding note, we are not unmindful of the fact that the
be presented at least one day before its consideration, and the vote not all orders issued or proceedings conducted pursuant to the Executive and the Legislature are political branches of government.
of the majority of the Senators present in the session shall be subject Rules are null and void. Only those that result in violation of In a free and democratic society, the interests of these branches
required for its approval. (emphasis supplied) the rights of witnesses should be considered null and void, inevitably clash, but each must treat the other with official courtesy
considering that the rationale for the publication is to protect the and respect. This Court wholeheartedly concurs with the
RULE LII rights of witnesses as expressed in Section 21, Article VI of the proposition that it is imperative for the continued health of our
DATE OF TAKING EFFECT Constitution. Sans such violation, orders and proceedings are democratic institutions that we preserve the constitutionally
considered valid and effective. mandated checks and balances among the different branches of
SEC. 137. These Rules shall take effect on the date of their adoption government.
and shall remain in force until they are amended or repealed. Respondent Committees’ last argument is that their issuance of the
(emphasis supplied) contempt order is not precipitate or arbitrary. Taking into account In the present case, it is respondent Committees’ contention that
the totality of circumstances, we find no merit in their argument. their determination on the validity of executive privilege should be
Section 136 of the Senate Rules quoted above takes into account binding on the Executive and the Courts. It is their assertion that
the new composition of the Senate after an election and the As we have stressed before, petitioner is not an unwilling witness, their internal procedures and deliberations cannot be inquired into
possibility of the amendment or revision of the Rules at the start of and contrary to the assertion of respondent Committees, petitioner by this Court supposedly in accordance with the principle of respect
each session in which the newly elected Senators shall begin their did not assume that they no longer had any other questions for him. between co-equal branches of government. Interestingly, it is a
term. He repeatedly manifested his willingness to attend subsequent courtesy that they appear to be unwilling to extend to the Executive
hearings and respond to new matters. His only request was that he (on the matter of executive privilege) or this Court (on the matter of
However, it is evident that the Senate has determined that its main be furnished a copy of the new questions in advance to enable him judicial review). It moves this Court to wonder: In respondent
rules are intended to be valid from the date of their adoption until to adequately prepare as a resource person. He did not attend the Committees’ paradigm of checks and balances, what are the checks
they are amended or repealed. Such language is conspicuously November 20, 2007 hearing because Executive Secretary Ermita to the Legislature’s all-encompassing, awesome power of
absent from the Rules. The Rules simply state "(t)hese Rules shall requested respondent Committees to dispense with his testimony investigation? It is a power, like any other, that is susceptible to
take effect seven (7) days after publication in two (2) newspapers of on the ground of executive privilege. Note that petitioner is an grave abuse.
general circulation."59 The latter does not explicitly provide for the executive official under the direct control and supervision of the
continued effectivity of such rules until they are amended or Chief Executive. Why punish petitioner for contempt when he was While this Court finds laudable the respondent Committees’ well-
repealed. In view of the difference in the language of the two sets of merely directed by his superior? Besides, save for the three (3) intentioned efforts to ferret out corruption, even in the highest
Senate rules, it cannot be presumed that the Rules (on legislative echelons of government, such lofty intentions do not validate or
accord to Congress powers denied to it by the Constitution and
granted instead to the other branches of government.
EN BANC inquired from DBM Secretary Rolando Andaya, Jr. about the double power and influence to extort from the original landowner the profit
entry and was informed that it was on account of a congressional made from the overprice by the Villar owned corporations;
G.R. No. 187714 March 8, 2011 insertion. Senator Lacson further stated that when he followed the
narrow trail leading to the double entry, it led to Senator Villar, then WHEREAS these acts of the Senate President are in direct violation
AQUILINO Q. PIMENTEL, JR., MANUEL B. VILLAR, JOKER P. ARROYO, the Senate President. of the Constitution, the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, the
FRANCIS N. PANGILINAN, PIA S. CAYETANO, and ALAN PETER S. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards of Public Officers;
CAYETANO, Petitioners, On 8 October 2008, Senator Madrigal introduced P.S. Resolution
vs. 706,3 the full text of which reads: WHEREAS the Senate President has violated the public trust of the
SENATE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE represented by SENATE people in order to serve his personal interests thereby sacrificing
PRESIDENT JUAN PONCE ENRILE, Respondents. WHEREAS the Senate President has repeatedly and publicly the people’s welfare;
"advocated" (sic) the construction of the C-5 Road/Pres. C.P. Garcia
DECISION Avenue Extension linking Sucat Road in Parañaque City to the South WHEREAS the illegal and unethical conduct of the Senate President
Luzon Expressway; has betrayed the trust of the people, and by doing so has shamed
CARPIO, J.: the Philippine Senate;
WHEREAS it was discovered that there was a double insertion of
The Case ₱200 million for the C-5 Road Extension project in the 2008 General WHEREAS it is incumbent upon the members of the Senate now to
Appropriations Act; reclaim the people’s trust and confidence and show that the illegal
Before the Court is a petition for prohibition1 with prayer for conduct of any of its member, even of its leaders, shall not go
issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction and/or temporary WHEREAS Committee on Finance Chair Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile unpunished;
restraining order filed by Senators Aquilino Q. Pimentel, Jr. (Senator confirmed that the double insertion for the C-5 Road Extension
Pimentel), Manuel B. Villar (Senator Villar), Joker P. Arroyo, Francis Project was made by the Senate President; WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, TO
N. Pangilinan, Pia S. Cayetano, and Alan Peter S. Cayetano DIRECT THE COMMITTEE ON ETHICS AND PRIVILEGES TO
(petitioners). Petitioners seek to enjoin the Senate Committee of WHEREAS this double insertion is only the tip of the iceberg; INVESTIGATE THE CONDUCT OF SENATE PRESIDENT MANUEL B.
the Whole (respondent) from conducting further hearings on the VILLAR, JR. FOR USING HIS POSITION OF POWER TO INFLUENCE
complaint filed by Senator Maria Ana Consuelo A.S. Madrigal WHEREAS there is overwhelming evidence to show that the Senate PUBLIC OFFICIALS IN RELOCATING THE C-5 ROAD EXTENSION
(Senator Madrigal) against Senator Villar pursuant to Senate President, from the time he was member of the House of PROJECT TO DELIBERATELY PASS THRU HIS PROPERTIES, AND TO
Resolution No. 706 (P.S. Resolution 706) on the alleged double Representatives, used his influence on the executive to cause the NEGOTIATE THE OVERPRICED PURCHASE OF ROAD RIGHTS OF WAY
insertion of ₱200 million for the C-5 Road Extension Project in the realignment of the C-5 Road Extension project to ensure that his THRU SEVERAL PROPERTIES ALSO OWNED BY HIS CORPORATIONS
2008 General Appropriations Act. properties in Barangay San Dionisio, Parañaque City and Barangays REDOUNDING IN HUGE PERSONAL FINANCIAL BENEFITS FOR HIM TO
Pulang Lupa and Mayuno Uno, Las Piñas would be financially THE DETRIMENT OF THE FILIPINO PEOPLE, THEREBY RESULTING IN A
The Antecedents benefited by the construction of the new road; BLATANT CONFLICT OF INTEREST.
On 15 September 2008, Senator Panfilo Lacson (Senator Lacson) WHEREAS there is overwhelming evidence to show that the Senate Adopted,
delivered a privilege speech entitled "Kaban ng Bayan, Bantayan!"2 President, through his corporations, negotiated the sale of his
In his privilege speech, Senator Lacson called attention to the properties as roads right of way to the government, the same (Sgd.)
congressional insertion in the 2008 General Appropriations Act, properties affected by the projects he proposed; M.A. MADRIGAL4
particularly the ₱200 million appropriated for the construction of
the President Carlos P. Garcia Avenue Extension from Sucat Luzon WHEREAS there is overwhelming evidence to show that the Senate On even date, P.S. Resolution 706 was referred to the Committee on
Expressway to Sucat Road in Parañaque City including Right-of-Way President caused the sale of his landholdings to government as a Ethics and Privileges (Ethics Committee) which at that time was
(ROW), and another ₱200 million appropriated for the extension of grossly overpriced cost prejudicial to other lot owners in the area, composed of the following members:
C-5 road including ROW. Senator Lacson stated that C-5 is what was the government, and the Filipino people;
formerly called President Carlos P. Garcia Avenue and that the Sen. Pia S. Cayetano - Chairperson
second appropriation covers the same stretch – from Sucat Luzon WHEREAS there is overwhelming evidence to show that the Senate
Expressway to Sucat Road in Parañaque City. Senator Lacson President, in the overpriced sale of another property, used his Sen. Loren Legarda - Member in lieu of Sen. Madrigal
with eight Senators present. On both hearings, petitioners objected 2. There was no grave abuse of discretion on the part of respondent
Sen. Joker Arroyo - Member to the application of the Rules of the Ethics Committee to the Committee;
Senate Committee of the Whole. In particular, petitioners
Sen. Alan Peter Cayetano- Member questioned the determination of the quorum. On 11 May 2009, 3. Petitioners are not entitled to a writ of prohibition for failure to
petitioners proposed 11 amendments to the Rules of the Ethics prove grave abuse of discretion on the part of respondent
Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago- Member Committee that would constitute the Rules of the Senate Committee of the Whole;
Committee of the Whole, out of which three amendments were
Sen. Gregorio Honasan - Member adopted. On 14 May 2009, Senator Pimentel raised as an issue the 4. The principle of separation of powers must be upheld;
need to publish the proposed amended Rules of the Senate
Sen. Panfilo Lacson - Inhibited and replaced by Sen. Rodolfo Biazon Committee of the Whole. On even date, respondent proceeded with 5. The instant petition must be dismissed for being premature.
the Preliminary Inquiry on P.S. Resolution 706. On 18 May 2009, the Petitioners failed to observe the doctrine or primary jurisdiction or
On 17 November 2008, Senator Juan Ponce Enrile (Senator Enrile) Chairman submitted a report on the Preliminary Inquiry with a prior resort;
was elected Senate President. The Ethics Committee was directive to all Senators to come up with a decision on the
reorganized with the election of Senator Lacson as Chairperson, and preliminary report on 21 May 2009. On 21 May 2009, respondent 6. It is within the power of Congress to discipline its members for
Senators Richard Gordon, Gregorio Honasan, Loren Legarda, and declared that there was substantial evidence to proceed with the disorderly behavior;
Mar Roxas as members for the Majority. On 16 December 2008, adjudicatory hearing. The preliminary conference was set on 26 May
Senator Lacson inquired whether the Minority was ready to name 2009. 7. The determination of what constitutes disorderly behavior is a
their representatives to the Ethics Committee.5 After consultation political question which exclusively pertains to Congress;
with the members of the Minority, Senator Pimentel informed the Petitioners came to this Court for relief, raising the following
body that there would be no member from the Minority in the grounds: 8. The Internal Rules of the Senate are not subject to judicial review
Ethics Committee.6 On 26 January 2009, Senator Lacson reiterated in the absence of grave abuse of discretion; [and]
his appeal to the Minority to nominate their representatives to the 1. The transfer of the complaint against Senator Villar from the
Ethics Committee.7 Senator Pimentel stated that it is the stand of Ethics Committee to the Senate Committee of the Whole is violative 9. The Rules of the Ethics Committee, which have been duly
the Minority not to nominate any of their members to the Ethics of Senator Villar’s constitutional right to equal protection; published and adopted[,] allow the adoption of supplementary rules
Committee, but he promised to convene a caucus to determine if to govern adjudicatory hearings.14
the Minority’s decision on the matter is final.8 Thereafter, the 2. The Rules adopted by the Senate Committee of the Whole for the
Senate adopted the Rules of the Senate Committee on Ethics and investigation of the complaint filed by Senator Madrigal against The Issues
Privileges (Committee Rules) which was published in the Official Senator Villar is violative of Senator Villar’s right to due process and
Gazette on 23 March 2009.9 of the majority quorum requirement under Art. VI, Sec. 16(2) of the The issues for the Court’s resolution are the following:
Constitution; and
On 20 April 2009, Senator Villar delivered a privilege speech10 1. Whether Senator Madrigal, who filed the complaint against
where he stated that he would answer the accusations against him 3. The Senate Committee of the Whole likewise violated the due Senator Villar, is an indispensable party in this petition;
on the floor and not before the Ethics Committee. On 27 April 2009, process clause of the Constitution when it refused to publish the
Senator Lacson delivered another privilege speech11 where he Rules of the Senate Committee of the Whole in spite of its own 2. Whether the petition is premature for failure to observe the
stated that the Ethics Committee was not a kangaroo court. provision [which] require[s] its effectivity upon publication.13 doctrine of primary jurisdiction or prior resort;
However, due to the accusation that the Ethics Committee could not
act with fairness on Senator Villar’s case, Senator Lacson moved that In its Comment, respondent argues that: 3. Whether the transfer of the complaint against Senator Villar from
the responsibility of the Ethics Committee be undertaken by the the Ethics Committee to the Senate Committee of the Whole is
Senate, acting as a Committee of the Whole. The motion was 1. The instant petition should be dismissed for failure to join or violative of Senator Villar’s right to equal protection;
approved with ten members voting in favor, none against, and five implead an indispensable party. In the alternative, the instant
abstentions.12 petition should be archived until such time that the said 4. Whether the adoption of the Rules of the Ethics Committee as
indispensable party has been joined or impleaded and afforded the Rules of the Senate Committee of the Whole is a violative of Senator
Respondent Senate Committee of the Whole conducted its hearings opportunity to be heard; Villar’s right to due process and of the majority quorum
on 4 May 2009, with eleven Senators present, and on 7 May 2009, requirement under Art. VI, Section 16(2) of the Constitution; and
interest in the outcome of this case as the author of P.S. Resolution performance of that duty if we decline to look behind the barriers
5. Whether publication of the Rules of the Senate Committee of the 706, the issues in this case are matters of jurisdiction and procedure set by the principle of separation of powers."21 The Court,
Whole is required for their effectivity. on the part of the Senate Committee of the Whole which can be therefore, is not precluded from resolving the legal issues raised by
resolved without affecting Senator Madrigal’s interest. The nature the mere invocation by respondent of the doctrine of separation of
The Ruling of this Court of Senator Madrigal’s interest in this case is not of the nature that powers. On the contrary, the resolution of the legal issues falls
this case could not be resolved without her participation.1awphi1 within the exclusive jurisdiction of this Court.
Indispensable Party
Doctrine of Primary Jurisdiction Transfer of the Complaint from the Ethics Committee
Section 7, Rule 3 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure provides:
Respondent asserts that the doctrine of primary jurisdiction "simply to the Senate Committee on the Whole
SEC. 7 – Compulsory joinder of indispensable parties. - Parties in calls for the determination of administrative questions, which are
interest without whom no final determination can be had of an ordinarily questions of fact, by administrative agencies rather than Petitioners allege that the transfer of the complaint against Senator
action shall be joined as plaintiffs or defendants. by courts of justice."16 Citing Pimentel v. HRET,17 respondent avers Villar to the Senate Committee of the Whole violates his
that primary recourse of petitioners should have been to the Senate constitutional right to equal protection. Petitioners allege that the
The test to determine if a party is an indispensable party is as and that this Court must uphold the separation of powers between Senate Committee of the Whole was constituted solely for the
follows: the legislative and judicial branches of the government. purpose of assuming jurisdiction over the complaint against Senator
Villar. Petitioners further allege that the act was discriminatory and
An indispensable party is a party who has an interest in the The doctrine of primary jurisdiction does not apply to this case. The removed Senator Villar’s recourse against any adverse report of the
controversy or subject matter that a final adjudication cannot be Court has ruled: Ethics Committee to the Senate as a body.
made, in his absence, without injuring or affecting that interest, a
party who has not only an interest in the subject matter of the x x x It may occur that the Court has jurisdiction to take cognizance We do not agree with petitioners.
controversy, but also has an interest of such nature that a final of a particular case, which means that the matter involved is also
decree cannot be made without affecting his interest or leaving the judicial in character. However, if the case is such that its Reviewing the events that led to the constitution of the Senate
controversy in such a condition that its final determination may be determination requires the expertise, specialized skills and Committee of the Whole, the Court notes that upon the election of
wholly inconsistent with equity and good conscience. It has also knowledge of the proper administrative bodies because technical Senator Enrile as Senate President on 17 November 2008, the Ethics
been considered that an indispensable party is a person in whose matters or intricate questions of fact are involved, then relief must Committee was also reorganized. Senator Lacson, who first called
absence there cannot be a determination between the parties first be obtained in an administrative proceeding before a remedy the Senate’s attention to the alleged irregularities committed by
already before the court which is effective, complete or equitable. will be supplied by the courts even though the matter is within the Senator Villar, was elected as Chairperson. On 16 December 2008,
Further, an indispensable party is one who must be included in an proper jurisdiction of the court. x x x18 when Senator Lacson inquired whether the Minority was ready to
action before it may properly go forward. name their representatives to the Ethics Committee, Senator
The issues presented here do not require the expertise, specialized Pimentel informed the body that there would be no member from
A person who is not an indispensable party, however, if his interest skills and knowledge of respondent for their resolution. On the the Minority in the Ethics Committee. On 26 January 2009, Senator
in the controversy or subject matter is separable from the interest contrary, the issues here are purely legal questions which are within Lacson reiterated his appeal to the Minority to nominate their
of the other parties, so that it will not necessarily be directly or the competence and jurisdiction of the Court, and not an representatives to the Ethics Committee. Senator Pimentel
injuriously affected by a decree which does complete justice administrative agency or the Senate to resolve.19 informed him that it is the stand of the Minority not to nominate
between them. Also, a person is not an indispensable party if his any of their members to the Ethics Committee. Senator Pimentel
presence would merely permit a complete relief between him and As regards respondent’s invocation of separation of powers, the promised to convene a caucus to determine if the Minority’s
those already parties to the action, or if he has no interest in the Court reiterates that "the inviolate doctrine of separation of powers decision on the matter is final but the records did not show that a
subject matter of the action. It is not a sufficient reason to declare a among the legislative, executive or judicial branches of government caucus was convened.
person to be an indispensable party that his presence will avoid by no means prescribes for absolute autonomy in the discharge by
multiple litigation.15 each of that part of the governmental power assigned to it by the On 20 April 2009, Senator Villar delivered a privilege speech where
sovereign people."20 Thus, it has been held that "the power of he stated that he would answer the accusations against him on the
In this case, Senator Madrigal is not an indispensable party to the judicial review is not so much power as it is [a] duty imposed on this floor and not before the Ethics Committee. It was because of the
petition before the Court. While it may be true that she has an Court by the Constitution and that we would be remiss in the accusation that the Ethics Committee could not act with fairness on
Senator Villar’s case that Senator Lacson moved that the Sec. 21. The Senate or the House of Representatives or any of its
responsibility of the Ethics Committee be undertaken by the Senate First. Section 16(3), Article VI of the Philippine Constitution states: respective Committees may conduct inquiries in aid of legislation in
acting as a Committee of the Whole, which motion was approved "Each House shall determine the rules of its proceedings." accordance with its duly published rules of procedure. The rights of
with ten members voting in favor, none against, and five persons appearing in or affected by such inquiries shall be
abstentions. This provision has been traditionally construed as a grant of full respected. (Emphasis supplied)
discretionary authority to the House of Congress in the formulation,
The Rules of the Ethics Committee provide that "all matters relating adoption and promulgation of its own rules. As such, the exercise of The Court explained in the Resolution25 denying the motion for
to the conduct, rights, privileges, safety, dignity, integrity and this power is generally exempt from judicial supervision and reconsideration:
reputation of the Senate and its Members shall be under the interference, except on a clear showing of such arbitrary and
exclusive jurisdiction of the Senate Committee on Ethics and improvident use of the power as will constitute a denial of due The language of Section 21, Article VI of the Constitution requiring
Privileges."22 However, in this case, the refusal of the Minority to process. that the inquiry be conducted in accordance with the duly published
name its members to the Ethics Committee stalled the investigation. rules of procedure is categorical. It is incumbent upon the Senate to
In short, while ordinarily an investigation about one of its members’ x x x. The issue partakes of the nature of a political question which, publish the rules of its legislative inquiries in each Congress or
alleged irregular or unethical conduct is within the jurisdiction of the under the Constitution, is to be decided by the people in their otherwise make the published rules clearly state that the same shall
Ethics Committee, the Minority effectively prevented it from sovereign capacity, or in regard to which full discretionary authority be effective in the subsequent Congresses or until they are
pursuing the investigation when they refused to nominate their has been delegated to the legislative or executive branch of the amended or repealed to sufficiently put public on notice.
members to the Ethics Committee. Even Senator Villar called the government. Further, pursuant to his constitutional grant of virtually
Ethics Committee a kangaroo court and declared that he would unrestricted authority to determine its own rules, the Senate is at If it was the intention of the Senate for its present rules on
answer the accusations against him on the floor and not before the liberty to alter or modify these rules at any time it may see fit, legislative inquiries to be effective even in the next Congress, it
Ethics Committee. Given the circumstances, the referral of the subject only to the imperatives of quorum, voting and could have easily adopted the same language it had used in its main
investigation to the Committee of the Whole was an extraordinary publication.23 rules regarding effectivity.
remedy undertaken by the Ethics Committee and approved by a
majority of the members of the Senate. The only limitation to the power of Congress to promulgate its own Lest the Court be misconstrued, it should likewise be stressed that
rules is the observance of quorum, voting, and publication when not all orders issued or proceedings conducted pursuant to the
Adoption of the Rules of the Ethics Committee required. As long as these requirements are complied with, the subject Rules are null and void. Only those that result in violation of
Court will not interfere with the right of Congress to amend its own the rights of witnesses should be considered null and void,
by the Senate Committee of the Whole rules. considering that the rationale for the publication is to protect the
rights of the witnesses as expressed in Section 21, Article VI of the
Petitioners allege that the adoption of the Rules of the Ethics Prior Publication Constitution. Sans such violation, orders and proceedings are
Committee by the Senate Committee of the Whole is violative of considered valid and effective.26 (Emphasis supplied)
Senator Villar’s right to due process. Petitioners assail the non-publication of the Rules of the Senate
Committee of the Whole. Respondent counters that publication is In the recent case of Gutierrez v. The House of Representatives
We do not agree. not necessary because the Senate Committee of the Whole merely Committee on Justice, et al.,27 the Court further clarified:
adopted the Rules of the Ethics Committee which had been
Again, we reiterate that, considering the circumstances of this case, published in the Official Gazette on 23 March 2009. Respondent x x x inquiries in aid of legislation under Section 21, Article VI of the
the referral of the investigation by the Ethics Committee to the alleges that there is only one set of Rules that governs both the Constitution is the sole instance in the Constitution where there is a
Senate Committee of the Whole is an extraordinary remedy that Ethics Committee and the Senate Committee of the Whole. categorical directive to duly publish a set of rules of procedure.
does not violate Senator Villar’s right to due process. In the same Significantly notable in Neri is that with respect to the issue of
manner, the adoption by the Senate Committee of the Whole of the In Neri v. Senate Committee on Accountability of Public Officers and publication, the Court anchored its ruling on the 1987 Constitution’s
Rules of the Ethics Committee does not violate Senator Villar’s right Investigations,24 the Court declared void unpublished rules of directive, without any reliance on or reference to the 1986 case of
to due process. procedure in Senate inquiries insofar as such rules affect the rights Tañada v. Tuvera. Tañada naturally could neither have interpreted a
of witnesses. The Court cited Section 21, Article VI of the forthcoming 1987 Constitution nor had kept a tight rein on the
The Constitutional right of the Senate to promulgate its own rules of Constitution which mandates: Constitution’s intentions as expressed through the allowance of
proceedings has been recognized and affirmed by this Court. Thus:
either a categorical term or a general sense of making known the the Rules of the Senate Committee on Ethics and Privileges33 which
issuances.28 states that only two members of the Ethics Committee shall
constitute a quorum, contrary to respondent’s allegation in its
The Constitution does not require publication of the internal rules of Comment that eight members of the Senate Committee of the
the House or Senate. Since rules of the House or the Senate that Whole shall constitute a quorum.34
affect only their members are internal to the House or Senate, such
rules need not be published, unless such rules expressly provide for However, if the Senate is constituted as a Committee of the Whole,
their publication before the rules can take effect. a majority of the Senate is required to constitute a quorum to do
business pursuant to Section 16(2), Article VI of the Constitution.35
In this case, the proceedings before the Senate Committee of the Otherwise, there will be a circumvention of this express provision of
Whole affect only members of the Senate since the proceedings the Constitution on quorum requirement. Obviously, the Rules of
involve the Senate’s exercise of its disciplinary power over one of its the Senate Committee of the Whole require modification to comply
members. Clearly, the Rules of the Senate Committee of the Whole with requirements of quorum and voting which the Senate must
are internal to the Senate. However, Section 81, Rule 15 of the Rules have overlooked in this case. In any event, in case of conflict
of the Senate Committee of the Whole provides: between the Rules of the Senate Committee of the Whole and the
Constitution, the latter will of course prevail.
Sec. 81. EFFECTIVITY. These Rules shall be effective after publication
in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.29 WHEREFORE, we GRANT the petition in part. The referral of the
complaint by the Committee on Ethics and Privileges to the Senate
Hence, in this particular case, the Rules of the Senate Committee of Committee of the Whole shall take effect only upon publication of
the Whole itself provide that the Rules must be published before the Rules of the Senate Committee of the Whole.
the Rules can take effect. Thus, even if publication is not required
under the Constitution, publication of the Rules of the Senate
Committee of the Whole is required because the Rules expressly
mandate their publication. The majority of the members of the
Senate approved the Rules of the Senate Committee of the Whole,
and the publication requirement which they adopted should be
considered as the will of the majority. Respondent cannot dispense
with the publication requirement just because the Rules of the
Ethics Committee had already been published in the Official
Gazette. To reiterate, the Rules of the Senate Committee of the
Whole expressly require publication before the Rules can take
effect. To comply with due process requirements, the Senate must
follow its own internal rules if the rights of its own members are
RESOLUTION After a briefing, the team conducted the necessary surveillance on On appeal, the Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed16 the RTC decision
Valeroso checking his hideouts in Cavite, Caloocan, and Bulacan. but the minimum term of the indeterminate penalty was lowered to
NACHURA, J.: Eventually, the team members proceeded to the Integrated four (4) years and two (2) months.
National Police (INP) Central Police Station in Culiat, Quezon City,
For resolution is the Letter-Appeal1 of Senior Inspector (Sr. Insp.) where they saw Valeroso about to board a tricyle. Disuanco and his On petition for review, we affirmed17 in full the CA decision.
Jerry C. Valeroso (Valeroso) praying that our February 22, 2008 team approached Valeroso. They put him under arrest, informed Valeroso filed a Motion for Reconsideration18 which was denied
Decision2 and June 30, 2008 Resolution3 be set aside and a new one him of his constitutional rights, and bodily searched him. They found with finality19 on June 30, 2008.
be entered acquitting him of the crime of illegal possession of a Charter Arms revolver, bearing Serial No. 52315, with five (5)
firearm and ammunition. pieces of live ammunition, tucked in his waist.7 Valeroso is again before us through this Letter-Appeal20 imploring
this Court to once more take a contemplative reflection and
The facts are briefly stated as follows: Valeroso was then brought to the police station for questioning. deliberation on the case, focusing on his breached constitutional
Upon verification in the Firearms and Explosives Division in Camp rights against unreasonable search and seizure.21
Valeroso was charged with violation of Presidential Decree No. Crame, Deriquito presented a certification8 that the subject firearm
1866, committed as follows: was not issued to Valeroso, but was licensed in the name of a Meanwhile, as the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) failed to
certain Raul Palencia Salvatierra of Sampaloc, Manila.9 timely file its Comment on Valeroso’s Motion for Reconsideration, it
That on or about the 10th day of July, 1996, in Quezon City, instead filed a Manifestation in Lieu of Comment.22
Philippines, the said accused without any authority of law, did then On the other hand, Valeroso, SPO3 Agustin R. Timbol, Jr. (Timbol),
and there willfully, unlawfully and knowingly have in his/her and Adrian Yuson testified for the defense. Their testimonies are In its Manifestation, the OSG changed its previous position and now
possession and under his/her custody and control summarized as follows: recommends Valeroso’s acquittal. After a second look at the
evidence presented, the OSG considers the testimonies of the
One (1) cal. 38 "Charter Arms" revolver bearing serial no. 52315 On July 10, 1996, Valeroso was sleeping inside a room in the witnesses for the defense more credible and thus concludes that
with five (5) live ammo. boarding house of his children located at Sagana Homes, Barangay Valeroso was arrested in a boarding house. More importantly, the
New Era, Quezon City. He was awakened by four (4) heavily armed OSG agrees with Valeroso that the subject firearm was obtained by
without first having secured the necessary license/permit issued by men in civilian attire who pointed their guns at him and pulled him the police officers in violation of Valeroso’s constitutional right
the proper authorities. out of the room.10 The raiding team tied his hands and placed him against illegal search and seizure, and should thus be excluded from
near the faucet (outside the room) then went back inside, searched the evidence for the prosecution. Lastly, assuming that the subject
CONTRARY TO LAW.4 and ransacked the room. Moments later, an operative came out of firearm was admissible in evidence, still, Valeroso could not be
the room and exclaimed, "Hoy, may nakuha akong baril sa loob!"11 convicted of the crime, since he was able to establish his authority
When arraigned, Valeroso pleaded "not guilty."5 Trial on the merits to possess the gun through the Memorandum Receipt issued by his
ensued. Disuanco informed Valeroso that there was a standing warrant for superiors.
his arrest. However, the raiding team was not armed with a search
During trial, the prosecution presented two witnesses: Senior Police warrant.12 After considering anew Valeroso’s arguments through his Letter-
Officer (SPO)2 Antonio Disuanco (Disuanco) of the Criminal Appeal, together with the OSG’s position recommending his
Investigation Division of the Central Police District Command; and Timbol testified that he issued to Valeroso a Memorandum acquittal, and keeping in mind that substantial rights must
Epifanio Deriquito (Deriquito), Records Verifier of the Firearms and Receipt13 dated July 1, 1993 covering the subject firearm and its ultimately reign supreme over technicalities, this Court is swayed to
ammunition, upon the verbal instruction of Col. Angelito Moreno.14 reconsider.23
within our power to suspend the rules or except a particular case To underscore the significance the law attaches to the fundamental
The Letter-Appeal is actually in the nature of a second motion for from its operation.29 right of an individual against unreasonable searches and seizures,
reconsideration. While a second motion for reconsideration is, as a the Constitution succinctly declares in Article III, Section 3(2), that
general rule, a prohibited pleading, it is within the sound discretion Now on the substantive aspect. "any evidence obtained in violation of this or the preceding section
of the Court to admit the same, provided it is filed with prior leave shall be inadmissible in evidence for any purpose in any
whenever substantive justice may be better served thereby.24 The Court notes that the version of the prosecution, as to where proceeding."31
Valeroso was arrested, is different from the version of the defense.
This is not the first time that this Court is suspending its own rules or The prosecution claims that Valeroso was arrested near the INP The above proscription is not, however, absolute. The following are
excepting a particular case from the operation of the rules. In De Central Police Station in Culiat, Quezon City, while he was about to the well-recognized instances where searches and seizures are
Guzman v. Sandiganbayan,25 despite the denial of De Guzman’s board a tricycle. After placing Valeroso under arrest, the arresting allowed even without a valid warrant:
motion for reconsideration, we still entertained his Omnibus officers bodily searched him, and they found the subject firearm and
Motion, which was actually a second motion for reconsideration. ammunition. The defense, on the other hand, insists that he was 1. Warrantless search incidental to a lawful arrest;
Eventually, we reconsidered our earlier decision and remanded the arrested inside the boarding house of his children. After serving the
case to the Sandiganbayan for reception and appreciation of warrant of arrest (allegedly for kidnapping with ransom), some of 2. [Seizure] of evidence in "plain view." The elements are: a) a prior
petitioner’s evidence. In that case, we said that if we would not the police officers searched the boarding house and forcibly opened valid intrusion based on the valid warrantless arrest in which the
compassionately bend backwards and flex technicalities, petitioner a cabinet where they discovered the subject firearm. police are legally present in the pursuit of their official duties; b) the
would surely experience the disgrace and misery of incarceration for evidence was inadvertently discovered by the police who have the
a crime which he might not have committed after all.26 Also in After a thorough re-examination of the records and consideration of right to be where they are; c) the evidence must be immediately
Astorga v. People,27 on a second motion for reconsideration, we set the joint appeal for acquittal by Valeroso and the OSG, we find that apparent; and d) "plain view" justified mere seizure of evidence
aside our earlier decision, re-examined the records of the case, then we must give more credence to the version of the defense. without further search;
finally acquitted Benito Astorga of the crime of Arbitrary Detention
on the ground of reasonable doubt. And in Sta. Rosa Realty Valeroso’s appeal for acquittal focuses on his constitutional right 3. Search of a moving vehicle. Highly regulated by the government,
Development Corporation v. Amante,28 by virtue of the January 13, against unreasonable search and seizure alleged to have been the vehicle’s inherent mobility reduces expectation of privacy
2004 En Banc Resolution, the Court authorized the Special First violated by the arresting police officers; and if so, would render the especially when its transit in public thoroughfares furnishes a highly
Division to suspend the Rules, so as to allow it to consider and confiscated firearm and ammunition inadmissible in evidence reasonable suspicion amounting to probable cause that the
resolve respondent’s second motion for reconsideration after the against him. occupant committed a criminal activity;
motion was heard on oral arguments. After a re-examination of the
merits of the case, we granted the second motion for The right against unreasonable searches and seizures is secured by 4. Consented warrantless search;
reconsideration and set aside our earlier decision. Section 2, Article III of the Constitution which states:
5. Customs search;
Clearly, suspension of the rules of procedure, to pave the way for SEC. 2. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses,
the re-examination of the findings of fact and conclusions of law papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures of 6. Stop and Frisk;
earlier made, is not without basis. whatever nature and for any purpose shall be inviolable, and no
search warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue except upon probable 7. Exigent and emergency circumstances.32
We would like to stress that rules of procedure are merely tools cause to be determined personally by the judge after examination
designed to facilitate the attainment of justice. They are conceived under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he 8. Search of vessels and aircraft; [and]
and promulgated to effectively aid the courts in the dispensation of may produce, and particularly describing the place to be searched
justice. Courts are not slaves to or robots of technical rules, shorn of and the persons or things to be seized. 9. Inspection of buildings and other premises for the enforcement of
judicial discretion. In rendering justice, courts have always been, as fire, sanitary and building regulations.33
they ought to be, conscientiously guided by the norm that, on the From this constitutional provision, it can readily be gleaned that, as
balance, technicalities take a backseat to substantive rights, and not a general rule, the procurement of a warrant is required before a In the exceptional instances where a warrant is not necessary to
the other way around. Thus, if the application of the Rules would law enforcer can validly search or seize the person, house, papers, effect a valid search or seizure, what constitutes a reasonable or
tend to frustrate rather than to promote justice, it would always be or effects of any individual.30 unreasonable search or seizure is purely a judicial question,
determinable from the uniqueness of the circumstances involved,
including the purpose of the search or seizure, the presence or destructible evidence.41 A gun on a table or in a drawer in front of Nor can the warrantless search in this case be justified under the
absence of probable cause, the manner in which the search and one who is arrested can be as dangerous to the arresting officer as "plain view doctrine."
seizure was made, the place or thing searched, and the character of one concealed in the clothing of the person arrested.42
the articles procured.34 The "plain view doctrine" may not be used to launch unbridled
In the present case, Valeroso was arrested by virtue of a warrant of searches and indiscriminate seizures or to extend a general
In light of the enumerated exceptions, and applying the test of arrest allegedly for kidnapping with ransom. At that time, Valeroso exploratory search made solely to find evidence of defendant’s guilt.
reasonableness laid down above, is the warrantless search and was sleeping inside the boarding house of his children. He was The doctrine is usually applied where a police officer is not
seizure of the firearm and ammunition valid? awakened by the arresting officers who were heavily armed. They searching for evidence against the accused, but nonetheless
pulled him out of the room, placed him beside the faucet outside inadvertently comes across an incriminating object.49
We answer in the negative. the room, tied his hands, and then put him under the care of
Disuanco.43 The other police officers remained inside the room and As enunciated in People v. Cubcubin, Jr.50 and People v.
For one, the warrantless search could not be justified as an incident ransacked the locked cabinet44 where they found the subject Leangsiri:51
to a lawful arrest. Searches and seizures incident to lawful arrests firearm and ammunition.45 With such discovery, Valeroso was
are governed by Section 13, Rule 126 of the Rules of Court, which charged with illegal possession of firearm and ammunition. What the "plain view" cases have in common is that the police
reads: officer in each of them had a prior justification for an intrusion in
From the foregoing narration of facts, we can readily conclude that the course of which[,] he came inadvertently across a piece of
SEC. 13. Search incident to lawful arrest. – A person lawfully the arresting officers served the warrant of arrest without any evidence incriminating the accused. The doctrine serves to
arrested may be searched for dangerous weapons or anything which resistance from Valeroso. They placed him immediately under their supplement the prior justification – whether it be a warrant for
may have been used or constitute proof in the commission of an control by pulling him out of the bed, and bringing him out of the another object, hot pursuit, search incident to lawful arrest, or some
offense without a search warrant. room with his hands tied. To be sure, the cabinet which, according other legitimate reason for being present unconnected with a
to Valeroso, was locked, could no longer be considered as an "area search directed against the accused – and permits the warrantless
We would like to stress that the scope of the warrantless search is within his immediate control" because there was no way for him to seizure. Of course, the extension of the original justification is
not without limitations. In People v. Leangsiri,35 People v. Cubcubin, take any weapon or to destroy any evidence that could be used legitimate only where it is immediately apparent to the police that
Jr.,36 and People v. Estella,37 we had the occasion to lay down the against him. they have evidence before them; the "plain view" doctrine may not
parameters of a valid warrantless search and seizure as an incident be used to extend a general exploratory search from one object to
to a lawful arrest. The arresting officers would have been justified in searching the another until something incriminating at last emerges.52
person of Valeroso, as well as the tables or drawers in front of him,
When an arrest is made, it is reasonable for the arresting officer to for any concealed weapon that might be used against the former. Indeed, the police officers were inside the boarding house of
search the person arrested in order to remove any weapon that the But under the circumstances obtaining, there was no comparable Valeroso’s children, because they were supposed to serve a warrant
latter might use in order to resist arrest or effect his escape. justification to search through all the desk drawers and cabinets or of arrest issued against Valeroso. In other words, the police officers
Otherwise, the officer’s safety might well be endangered, and the the other closed or concealed areas in that room itself.46 had a prior justification for the intrusion. Consequently, any
arrest itself frustrated. In addition, it is entirely reasonable for the evidence that they would inadvertently discover may be used
arresting officer to search for and seize any evidence on the It is worthy to note that the purpose of the exception (warrantless against Valeroso. However, in this case, the police officers did not
arrestee’s person in order to prevent its concealment or search as an incident to a lawful arrest) is to protect the arresting just accidentally discover the subject firearm and ammunition; they
destruction.38 officer from being harmed by the person arrested, who might be actually searched for evidence against Valeroso.
armed with a concealed weapon, and to prevent the latter from
Moreover, in lawful arrests, it becomes both the duty and the right destroying evidence within reach. The exception, therefore, should Clearly, the search made was illegal, a violation of Valeroso’s right
of the apprehending officers to conduct a warrantless search not not be strained beyond what is needed to serve its purpose.47 In against unreasonable search and seizure. Consequently, the
only on the person of the suspect, but also in the permissible area the case before us, search was made in the locked cabinet which evidence obtained in violation of said right is inadmissible in
within the latter’s reach.39 Otherwise stated, a valid arrest allows cannot be said to have been within Valeroso’s immediate control. evidence against him.1avvphi1
the seizure of evidence or dangerous weapons either on the person Thus, the search exceeded the bounds of what may be considered
of the one arrested or within the area of his immediate control.40 as an incident to a lawful arrest.48 Unreasonable searches and seizures are the menace against which
The phrase "within the area of his immediate control" means the the constitutional guarantees afford full protection. While the
area from within which he might gain possession of a weapon or power to search and seize may at times be necessary for public
welfare, still it may be exercised and the law enforced without
transgressing the constitutional rights of the citizens, for no
enforcement of any statute is of sufficient importance to justify
indifference to the basic principles of government. Those who are
supposed to enforce the law are not justified in disregarding the
rights of an individual in the name of order. Order is too high a price
to pay for the loss of liberty.53
One final note. The Court values liberty and will always insist on the
observance of basic constitutional rights as a condition sine qua non
against the awesome investigative and prosecutory powers of the
THIRD DIVISION WHEREAS, it is the policy of the State to afford its inhabitants the
Acting on suits brought by private respondents (which were later requirements of decent human settlement and to provide them
G.R. No. 104528 January 18, 1996 consolidated), the HLURB Office of Appeals, Adjudication and Legal with ample opportunities for improving their quality of life;
Affairs (OAALA) in a decision rendered on October 28, 1988 ruled
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, petitioner, that PNB - without prejudice to seeking relief against Marikina WHEREAS, numerous reports reveal that many real estate
vs. Village, Inc. - may collect from private respondents only the subdivision owners, developers, operators, and/or sellers have
OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, HOUSING AND LAND USE REGULATORY "remaining amortizations, in accordance with the land purchase reneged on their representations and, obligations to provide and
BOARD, ALFONSO MAGLAYA, ANGELINA MAGLAYA P. REYES, JORGE agreements they had previously entered into with" Marikina Village, maintain properly subdivision roads, drainage, sewerage, water
C. BERNARDINO, CORAZON DE LEON, VICTORIANO ACAYA, Inc., and cannot compel private respondents to pay all over again systems, lighting systems, and other similar basic requirements,
FLORENCIA CULTURA, MARIA CAMPOS, ERNESTO SARMIENTO for the lots they had already bought from said subdivision thus endangering the health and safety of home and lot buyers;
SANTIAGO TAMONAN, APOLONIA TADIAQUE, SIMEON DE LEON, developer. On May 2, 1989, the Housing and Land Use Regulatory
NATIVIDAD J. CRUZ, NATIVIDAD B. LORESCO, FELICIDAD GARCIA, Board affirmed this decision. On March 10, 1992, the Office of the WHEREAS, reports of alarming magnitude also show cases of
ANA ANITA TAN, LUCAS SERVILLION, JOSE NARAWAL, represented President, invoking P.D. 957, likewise concurred with the HLURB. swindling and fraudulent manipulations perpetrated by
by their duly authorized Attorney-in-Fact, CORAZON DE LEON AND Hence, the present recourse to this Court. unscrupulous subdivision and condominium sellers and operators,
SPOUSES LEOPOLDO AND CARMEN SEBASTIAN, respondents. such as failure to deliver titles to the buyers or titles free from liens
Under Revised Administrative Circular No. 1-95, "appeals from and encumbrances, and to pay real estate taxes, and fraudulent
RESOLUTION judgments or final orders of the . . . Office of the President . . . may sales of the same subdivision lots to different innocent purchasers
be taken to the Court of Appeals . . ." However, in order to hasten for value;1 (Emphasis supplied).
PANGANIBAN, J.: the resolution of this case, which was deemed submitted for
decision three years ago, the Court resolved to make an exception While P.D. 957 did not expressly provide for retroactivity in its
May a buyer of a property at a foreclosure sale dispossess prior to the said Circular in the interest of speedy justice. entirety, yet the same can be plainly inferred from the unmistakable
purchasers on installment of individual lots therein, or compel them intent of the law to protect innocent lot buyers from scheming
to pay again for the lots which they previously bought from the Petitioner bank raised the following issues: subdivision developers. As between these small lot buyers and the
defaulting mortgagor-subdivision developer, on the theory that P.D. gigantic financial institutions which the developers deal with, it is
957, "The Subdivision and Condominium Buyers' Protective Decree", 1. The Office of the President erred in applying P.D. 957 obvious that the law - as an instrument of social justice - must favors
is not applicable to the mortgage contract in question, the same because said law was enacted only on July 12, 1976, while the the weak. Indeed, the petitioner Bank had at its disposal vast
having been executed prior to the enactment of P.D. 957? This is the subject mortgage was executed on December 18, 1975; and resources with which it could adequately protect its loan activities,
question confronting the Court in this Petition challenging the and therefore is presumed to have conducted the usual "due
Decision dated March 10, 1992 of the Office of the President of the 2. Petitioner Bank is not privy to the contracts between diligence" checking and ascertained (whether thru ocular inspection
Philippines in O.P. Case No. 4249, signed by the Executive Secretary, private respondents and mortgagor-subdivision developer, hence, or other modes of investigation) the actual status, condition,
Franklin M. Drilon, "by authority of the President." the Office of the President erred in ordering petitioner Bank to utilization and occupancy of the property offered as collateral. It
accept private respondents' remaining amortizations and issue the could not have been unaware that the property had been built on
Private respondents were buyers on installment of subdivision lots corresponding titles after payment thereof. by small lot buyers. On the other hand, private respondents
from Marikina Village, Inc. (represented by spouses Antonio and obviously were powerless to discover the attempt of the land
Susana Astudillo). Notwithstanding the land purchase agreements it Normally, pursuant to Article 4 of the Civil Code, "(l)aws shall have developer to hypothecate the property being sold to them. It was
executed over said lots, the subdivision developer mortgaged the no retroactive effect, unless the contrary is provided." However, it is precisely in order to deal with this kind of situation that P.D. 957
lots in favor of the petitioner, Philippine National Bank. Unaware of obvious and indubitable that P.D. 957 was intended to cover even was enacted, its very essence and intendment being to provide a
this mortgage, private respondents duly complied with their those real estate mortgages, like the one at issue here, executed protective mantle over helpless citizens who may fall prey to the
obligations as lot buyers and constructed their houses on the lots in prior to its enactment, and such intent (as succinctly captured in the razzmatazz of what P.D. 957 termed "unscrupulous subdivision and
question. preamble quoted below) must be given effect if the laudable condominium sellers."
purpose of protecting innocent purchasers is to be achieve:
Subsequently, the subdivision developer defaulted and PNB The intent of the law, as culled from its preamble and from the
foreclosed on the mortgage. As highest bidder at the foreclosure situation, circumstances and condition it sought to remedy, must be
sale, the bank became owner of the lots. enforced. Sutherland, in his well-known treatise on Statutory
Construction (quoted with approval by this Court in an old case of upon even those contracts and transactions entered into prior to a subsequent law. If the law is a proper exercise of the police power,
consequence, Ongsiako vs. Gamboa2 ), says: P.D. 957's enactment: it will prevail over the contract.
The intent of a statute is the law. If a statute is valid it is to have Sec. 20. Time of Completion. - Every owner or developer or shall Into each contract are read the provisions of existing law and,
effect according to the purpose and intent of the lawmaker. The construct and provide the facilities, improvements, infrastructures always, a reservation of the police power as long as the agreement
intent is the vital part, the essence of the law, and the primary rule and other forms of development, including water supply and deals with a matter, affecting the public welfare. Such a contract, it
of construction is to ascertain and give effect to the intent. The lighting facilities, which are offered and indicated in the approved has been held, suffers a congenital infirmity, and this is its
intention of the legislature in enacting a law is the law itself, and subdivision or condominiun plans, brochures, prospectus, printed susceptibility to change by the legislature as a postulate of the legal
must be enforced when ascertained, although it may not be matters, letters or in any form of advertisement, within one year order.5
consistent with the strict letter of the statute. Courts will not follow from the date of the issuance of the license for the subdivision or
the letter of a statute when it leads away from the true intent and condominium project or such other period of time as may be fixed This Court ruled along similar lines in Juarez vs. Court of Appeals6 :
purpose of the legislature and to conclusions inconsistent with the by the Authority.
general purpose of the act. Intent is the spirit which gives life to a The petitioner complains that the retroactive application of the law
legislative enactment. In construing statutes the proper course is to Sec. 21. Sales Prior to Decree. - In cases of subdivision lots or would violate the impairment clause. The argument does not
start out and follow the true intent of the legislature and to adopt condominium units sold or disposed of prior to the effectivity of this impress. The impairment clause is now no longer inviolate; in fact,
that sense which harmonizes best with the context and promotes in Decree, it shall be incumbent upon the owner or developer of the there are many who now believe it, is an anachronism in the
the fullest manner the apparent policy and objects of the subdivision or condominium project to complete compliance with present-day society. It was quite useful before in protecting the
legislature.3 his or its obligations as provided in the preceding section within two integrity of private agreements from government meddling, but that
years from the date of this Decree unless otherwise extended by the was when such agreements did not affect the community in general.
Truly, this Court cannot allow the injustice that will be wrought by a Authority or unless an adequate performance bond is filed in They were indeed purely private agreements then. Any interference
strictly prospective application of the law. Little people who have accordance with Section 6 hereof. with them at that time was really an unwarranted intrusion that
toiled for years through blood and tears would be deprived of their could properly struck down.
homes through no fault of their own. As the Solicitor General, in his Failure of the owner or developer to comply with the obligations
comment, argues: under this and the preceding provisions shall constitute a violation But things are different now. More and more, the interests of the
punishable under Section 38 and 39 of this Decree. public have become involved in what are supposed to be still private
Verily, if P.D. 957 were to exclude from its coverage the aforecited agreements, which have, as a result been removed from the
mortgage contract, the vigorous regulation which P.D. 957 seeks to Sec. 23. Non-Forfeiture of Payments. - No installment payment protection of the impairment clause. These agreements have come
impose on unconscientious subdivision sellers will be translated into made by a buyer in a subdivision or condominium project for, the lot within the embrace of the police power, that obtrusive protector of
a feeble exercise of police power just because the iron hand of the or unit he contracted to buy shall be forfeited in favor, of the owner the public interest. It is a ubiquitous policeman indeed. As long as
State cannot particularly touch mortgage contracts badged with the or developer when the buyer, after, due notice to the owner or the contract affects the public welfare one way or another so as to
fortunate accident of having been constituted prior to the developer, desist from further payment due to the failure of the require the interference of the State, then must the police power be
enactment of P.D. 957. Indeed, it would be illogical in the extreme if owner or developer to develop the subdivision or condominium asserted, and prevail, over the clause.
P.D. 957 is to be given full force and effect and yet, the fraudulent project according to the approved plans and within the time limit for
practices and manipulations it seeks to curb in the first instance can complying with the same. Such buyer may, at this option, be The decision of the Court of Appeals in Breta and Hamor vs. Lao, et
nevertheless be liberally perpetrated precisely because P.D. 957 reimbursed the total amount paid including amortization interests al.7 penned by then Court of Appeals Associate Justice Jose A. R.
cannot be applied to existing antecedent mortgage contracts. The but excluding delinquency interests, with interest thereon at the Melo, now a respected member of this Court, is persuasive, the
legislative intent could not have conceivably permitted a loophole legal rate. (emphasis supplied) factual circumstances therein being of great similarity to the
which all along works to the prejudice of subdivision lot buyers antecedent facts of the case at bench:
(private respondents).4 As for objections about a possible violation of the impairment
clause, we find the following statements of Justice Isagani Cruz Protection must be afforded small homeowners who toil and save if
Likewise noteworthy are certain provisions of P.D. 957, which enlightening and pertinent to the case at bench: only to purchase on installment a tiny home lot they can call their
themselves constitute strong arguments in favor of the retroactivity own. The consuming dream of every Filipino is to be able to buy a
of P.D. 957 as a whole. These are Sections 20, 2l and 23 thereof, Despite the impairment clause, a contract valid at the time of its lot, no matter how small, so that he may somehow build a house. It
which by their very terms have retroactive effect and will impact execution may be legally modified or even completely invalidated by has, however, been seen of late that these honest, hard-living
individuals are taken advantage of, with the delivery of titles the proceeds of the mortgage loan shall be used for the WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing considerations, the petition is
delayed, the subdivision facilities, including the most essential such development of the condominium or subdivision project and hereby DENIED, petitioner having failed to show any REVERSIBLE
as water installations not completed, or worse yet, as in the instant effective measures have been provided to ensure such utilization. ERROR or GRAVE ABUSE OF DISCRETION in the assailed decision. No
case, after almost completing the payments for the property and The loan value of each lot or unit covered by the mortgage shall be costs.
after constructing a house, the buyer is suddenly confronted by the determined and the buyer thereof, if any, shall be notified before
stark reality, contrived or otherwise, in which another person would the release of the loan. The buyer may, at his option, pay his
now appear to be owner. installment for the lot or unit directly to the mortgagee who shall
apply the payments to the corresponding mortgage indebtedness
xxx xxx xxx secured by the particular lot or unit being paid for, with a view to
enabling said buyer to obtain title over the lot or unit promptly after
We cannot over emphasize the fact that the BANK cannot full payment thereof. (emphasis supplied)
barefacedly argue that simply because the title or titles offered as
security were clean of any encumbrance or lien, that it was thereby Privity of contracts as a defense does not apply in this case for the
relieved of taking any other step to verify the over-reaching law explicitly grants to the buyer the option to pay the installment
implications should the subdivision be auctioned on foreclosure. The payment for his lot or unit directly to the mortgagee (petitioner),
BANK could not have closed its eyes that it was dealing over a which is required to apply such payments to reduce the
subdivision where there were already houses constructed. Did it not corresponding portion of the mortgage indebtedness secured by the
enter the mind of the responsible officers of the BANK that there particular lot or unit being paid for. And, as stated earlier, this is
may even be subdivision residents who have almost completed their without prejudice to petitioner Bank's seeking relief against the
installment payments? (id., pp. 7 & 9). subdivision developer.
By the foregoing citation, this Court, thus adopts by reference the Finally, before closing this Resolution, we enjoin petitioner Bank to
foregoing as part of this Decision. focus not only on the strictly legal issues involved in this case but
also to take another look at the larger issues including social justice
The real estate mortgage in the above cited case, although and the protection of human rights as enshrined in the Constitution;
constituted in 1975 and outside the beneficial aegis of P.D. 957, was firstly, because legal issues are raised and decided not in a vacuum
struck down by the Court of Appeals which found in favor of but within the context of existing social, economic and political
subdivision lot buyers when the rights of the latter clashed with the conditions, law being merely a brick in the up- building of the social
mortgagee bank's right to foreclose the property. The Court of edifice; and secondly, petitioner, being THE state bank, is for all
Appeals in that case upheld the decision of the trial court declaring intents and purposes an instrument for the implementation of state
the real estate mortgage as null and void. policies so cherished in our fundamental law. These consideration
are obviously far more weighty than the winning of any particular
As to the second issue of non-privity, petitioner avers that, in view suit or the acquisition of any specific property. Thus, as the country
of the provisions of Article 1311 of the Civil Code, PNB, being a strives to move ahead towards economic self-sufficiency and to
"total stranger to the land purchase agreement," cannot be made to achieve dreams of "NIC-hood" and social well-being for the majority
take the developer's place. of our countrymen, we hold that petitioner Bank, the premier bank
in the country, which has in recent years made record earnings and
We disagree, P.D. 957 being applicable, Section 18 of said law acquired an enviable international stature, with branches and
obliges petitioner Bank to accept the payment of the remaining subsidiaries in key financial centers around the world, should be
unpaid amortizations tendered by private respondents. equally as happy with the disposition of this case as the private
respondents, who were almost deprived and dispossessed of their
Sec. 18. Mortgages. - No mortgage on any unit or lot shall be made very homes purchased through their hard work and with their
by the owner or developer without prior written approval of the meager savings.
Authority, Such approval shall not be granted unless it is shown that
FIRST DIVISION exempt from the VAT coverage. This Ruling was subsequently CANCELLED AND SET ASIDE. Respondent is ORDERED to DESIST from
confirmed by Regional Director Osmundo G. Umali of Revenue collecting the said DST deficiency tax.
G.R. No. 168129 April 24, 2007 Region No. 8 in a letter dated April 22, 1994.
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE, Petitioner, Meanwhile, on January 1, 1996, Republic Act (R.A.) No. 7716
vs. (Expanded VAT or E-VAT Law) took effect, amending further the Respondent filed a motion for partial reconsideration of the above
PHILIPPINE HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS, INC., Respondent. National Internal Revenue Code of 1977. Then on January 1, 1998, judgment concerning its liability to pay the deficiency VAT.
R.A. No. 8424 (National Internal Revenue Code of 1997) became
DECISION effective. This new Tax Code substantially adopted and reproduced In its Resolution3 dated March 23, 2003, the CTA granted
the provisions of E.O. No. 273 on VAT and R.A. No. 7716 on E-VAT. respondent's motion, thus:
In the interim, on October 1, 1999, the BIR sent respondent a WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the instant Motion for Partial
For our resolution is the instant Petition for Review on Certiorari Preliminary Assessment Notice for deficiency in its payment of the Reconsideration is GRANTED. Accordingly, the VAT assessment
under Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure, as amended, VAT and documentary stamp taxes (DST) for taxable years 1996 and issued by herein respondent against petitioner for the taxable years
seeking to reverse the Decision1 dated February 18, 2005 and 1997. 1996 and 1997 is hereby WITHDRAWN and SET ASIDE.
Resolution dated May 9, 2005 of the Court of Appeals (Fifteenth
Division) in CA-G.R. SP No. 76449. On October 20, 1999, respondent filed a protest with the BIR. SO ORDERED.
The factual antecedents of this case, as culled from the records, are: On January 27, 2000, petitioner CIR sent respondent a letter The CTA held:
demanding payment of "deficiency VAT" in the amount of
The Philippine Health Care Providers, Inc., herein respondent, is a ₱100,505,030.26 and DST in the amount of ₱124,196,610.92, or a Moreover, this court adheres to its conclusion that petitioner is a
corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Republic of total of ₱224,702,641.18 for taxable years 1996 and 1997. Attached service contractor subject to VAT since it does not actually render
the Philippines. Pursuant to its Articles of Incorporation,2 its primary to the demand letter were four (4) assessment notices. medical service but merely acts as a conduit between the members
purpose is "To establish, maintain, conduct and operate a prepaid and petitioner's accredited and recognized hospitals and clinics.
group practice health care delivery system or a health maintenance On February 23, 2000, respondent filed another protest questioning
organization to take care of the sick and disabled persons enrolled in the assessment notices. However, after a careful review of the facts of the case as well as
the health care plan and to provide for the administrative, legal, and the Law and jurisprudence applicable, this court resolves to grant
financial responsibilities of the organization."1^ Petitioner CIR did not take any action on respondent's protests. petitioner's "Motion for Partial Reconsideration." We are in accord
Hence, on September 21, 2000, respondent filed with the Court of with the view of petitioner that it is entitled to the benefit of non-
On July 25, 1987, President Corazon C. Aquino issued Executive Tax Appeals (CTA) a petition for review, docketed as CTA Case No. retroactivity of rulings guaranteed under Section 246 of the Tax
Order (E.O.) No. 273, amending the National Internal Revenue Code 6166. Code, in the absence of showing of bad faith on its part. Section 246
of 1977 (Presidential Decree No. 1158) by imposing Value-Added of the Tax Code provides:
Tax (VAT) on the sale of goods and services. This E.O. took effect on On April 5, 2002, the CTA rendered its Decision, the dispositive
January 1, 1988. portion of which reads: Sec. 246. Non-Retroactivity of Rulings. - Any revocation,
modification or reversal of any of the rules and regulations
Before the effectivity of E.O. No. 273, or on December 10, 1987, WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the instant Petition for promulgated in accordance with the preceding Sections or any of
respondent wrote the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR), Review is PARTIALLY GRANTED. Petitioner is hereby ORDERED TO the rulings or circulars promulgated by the Commissioner shall not
petitioner, inquiring whether the services it provides to the PAY the deficiency VAT amounting to ₱22,054,831.75 inclusive of be given retroactive application if the revocation, modification or
participants in its health care program are exempt from the 25% surcharge plus 20% interest from January 20, 1997 until fully reversal will be prejudicial to the taxpayers, x x x.
payment of the VAT. paid for the 1996 VAT deficiency and ₱31,094,163.87 inclusive of
25% surcharge plus 20% interest from January 20, 1998 until paid Clearly, undue prejudice will be caused to petitioner if the
On June 8, 1988, petitioner CIR, through the VAT Review Committee for the 1997 VAT deficiency.1awphi1.nét Accordingly, VAT Ruling revocation of VAT Ruling No. 231-88 will be retroactively applied to
of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), issued VAT Ruling No. 231- No. 231-88 is declared void and without force and effect. The 1996 its case. VAT Ruling No. 231-88 issued by no less than the
88 stating that respondent, as a provider of medical services, is and 1997 deficiency DST assessment against petitioner is hereby respondent itself has confirmed petitioner's entitlement to VAT
exemption under Section 103 of the Tax Code. In saying so, program and pay an annual fee. Enrollment in Health Care's health
respondent has actually broadened the scope of "medical services" The phrase "sale or exchange of service" means the performance of care program is on a year-to-year basis and enrollees are issued
to include the case of the petitioner. This VAT ruling was even all kinds of services in the Philippines for a fee, remuneration or identification cards.
confirmed subsequently by Regional Director Ormundo G. Umali in consideration, including those performed or rendered by
his letter dated April 22, 1994 (Exhibit M). Exhibit P, which served as construction and service contractors x x x. From the foregoing, the CTA made the following conclusions:
basis for the issuance of the said VAT ruling in favor of the petitioner
sufficiently described the business of petitioner and there is no way Section 1036 of the same Code specifies the exempt transactions a) Respondent "is not actually rendering medical service but merely
BIR could be misled by the said representation as to the real nature from the provision of Section 102, thus: acting as a conduit between the members and their accredited and
of petitioner's business. Such being the case, this court is convinced recognized hospitals and clinics."
that petitioner's reliance on the said ruling is premised on good SEC. 103. Exempt Transactions. - The following shall be exempt from
faith. The facts of the case do not show that petitioner deliberately the value-added tax: b) It merely "provides and arranges for the provision of pre-need
committed mistakes or omitted material facts when it obtained the health care services to its members for a fixed prepaid fee for a
said ruling from the Bureau of Internal Revenue. Thus, in the xxx specified period of time."
absence of such proof, this court upholds the application of Section
246 of the Tax Code. Consequently, the pronouncement made by (l) Medical, dental, hospital and veterinary services except those c) It then "contracts the services of physicians, medical and dental
the BIR in VAT Ruling No. 231-88 as to the VAT exemption of rendered by professionals practitioners, clinics and hospitals to perform such services to its
petitioner should be upheld. enrolled members;" and
Petitioner seasonably filed with the Court of Appeals a petition for d) Respondent "also enters into contract with clinics, hospitals,
review, docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 76449. The import of the above provision is plain. It requires no medical professionals and then negotiates with them regarding
interpretation. It contemplates the exemption from VAT of payment schemes, financing and other procedures in the delivery of
In its Decision dated February 18, 2005, the Court of Appeals taxpayers engaged in the performance of medical, dental, hospital, health services."
affirmed the CTA Resolution. and veterinary services. In Commissioner of International Revenue
v. Seagate Technology (Philippines),7 we defined an exempt We note that these factual findings of the CTA were neither
Petitioner CIR filed a motion for reconsideration, but it was denied transaction as one involving goods or services which, by their modified nor reversed by the Court of Appeals. It is a doctrine that
by the appellate court in its Resolution4 dated May 9, 2005. nature, are specifically listed in and expressly exempted from the findings of fact of the CTA, a special court exercising particular
VAT, under the Tax Code, without regard to the tax status of the expertise on the subject of tax, are generally regarded as final,
Hence, the instant petition for review on certiorari raising these two party in the transaction. In Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. binding, and conclusive upon this Court, more so where these do
issues: (1) whether respondent's services are subject to VAT; and (2) Toshiba Information Equipment (Phils.) Inc.,8 we reiterated this not conflict with the findings of the Court of Appeals.9 Perforce, as
whether VAT Ruling No. 231-88 exempting respondent from definition. respondent does not actually provide medical and/or hospital
payment of VAT has retroactive application. services, as provided under Section 103 on exempt transactions, but
In its letter to the BIR requesting confirmation of its VAT-exempt merely arranges for the same, its services are not VAT-exempt.
On the first issue, respondent is contesting petitioner's assessment status, respondent described its services as follows:
of its VAT liabilities for taxable years 1996 and 1997. Relative to the second issue, Section 246 of the 1997 Tax Code, as
Under the prepaid group practice health care delivery system amended, provides that rulings, circulars, rules and regulations
Section 1025 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1977, as adopted by Health Care, individuals enrolled in Health Care's health promulgated by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue have no
amended by E.O. No. 273 (VAT Law) and R.A. No. 7716 (E-VAT Law), care program are entitled to preventive, diagnostic, and corrective retroactive application if to apply them would prejudice the
provides: medical services to be dispensed by Health Care's duly licensed taxpayer. The exceptions to this rule are: (1) where the taxpayer
physicians, specialists, and other professional technical staff deliberately misstates or omits material facts from his return or in
SEC. 102. Value-added tax on sale of services and use or lease of participating in said group practice health care delivery system any document required of him by the Bureau of Internal Revenue;
properties. - (a) Rate and base of tax. - There shall be levied, established and operated by Health Care. Such medical services will (2) where the facts subsequently gathered by the Bureau of Internal
assessed and collected, a value-added tax equivalent to 10% of be dispensed in a hospital or clinic owned, operated, or accredited Revenue are materially different from the facts on which the ruling
gross receipts derived from the sale or exchange of services, by Health Care. To be entitled to receive such medical services from is based, or (3) where the taxpayer acted in bad faith.
including the use or lease of properties. Health Care, an individual must enroll in Health Care's health care
We must now determine whether VAT Ruling No. 231-88 exempting It is thus apparent that when VAT Ruling No. 231-88 was issued in
respondent from paying its VAT liabilities has retroactive respondent's favor, the term "health maintenance organization"
application. was yet unknown or had no significance for taxation purposes.
Respondent, therefore, believed in good faith that it was VAT
In its Resolution dated March 23, 2003, the CTA found that there is exempt for the taxable years 1996 and 1997 on the basis of VAT
no showing that respondent "deliberately committed mistakes or Ruling No. 231-88.
omitted material facts" when it obtained VAT Ruling No. 231-88
from the BIR. The CTA held that respondent's letter which served as In ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corp. v. Court of Tax Appeals,11 this Court
the basis for the VAT ruling "sufficiently described" its business and held that under Section 246 of the 1997 Tax Code, the
"there is no way the BIR could be misled by the said representation Commissioner of Internal Revenue is precluded from adopting a
as to the real nature" of said business. position contrary to one previously taken where injustice would
result to the taxpayer. Hence, where an assessment for deficiency
In sustaining the CTA, the Court of Appeals found that "the failure of withholding income taxes was made, three years after a new BIR
respondent to refer to itself as a health maintenance organization is Circular reversed a previous one upon which the taxpayer had relied
not an indication of bad faith or a deliberate attempt to make false upon, such an assessment was prejudicial to the taxpayer. To rule
representations." As "the term health maintenance organization did otherwise, opined the Court, would be contrary to the tenets of
not as yet have any particular significance for tax purposes," good faith, equity, and fair play.
respondent's failure "to include a term that has yet to acquire its
present definition and significance cannot be equated with bad This Court has consistently reaffirmed its ruling in ABS-CBN
faith." Broadcasting Corp. in the later cases of Commissioner of Internal
Revenue v. Borroughs, Ltd.,12 Commissioner of Internal Revenue v.
We agree with both the Tax Court and the Court of Appeals that Mega Gen. Mdsg. Corp.13 Commissioner of Internal Revenue v.
respondent acted in good faith. In Civil Service Commission v. Telefunken Semiconductor (Phils.) Inc.,14 and Commissioner of
Maala,10 we described good faith as "that state of mind denoting Internal Revenue v. Court of Appeals.15 The rule is that the BIR
honesty of intention and freedom from knowledge of circumstances rulings have no retroactive effect where a grossly unfair deal would
which ought to put the holder upon inquiry; an honest intention to result to the prejudice of the taxpayer, as in this case.
abstain from taking any unconscientious advantage of another, even
through technicalities of law, together with absence of all More recently, in Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Benguet
information, notice, or benefit or belief of facts which render Corporation,16 wherein the taxpayer was entitled to tax refunds or
transaction unconscientious." credits based on the BIR's own issuances but later was suddenly
saddled with deficiency taxes due to its subsequent ruling changing
According to the Court of Appeals, respondent's failure to describe the category of the taxpayer's transactions for the purpose of paying
itself as a "health maintenance organization," which is subject to its VAT, this Court ruled that applying such ruling retroactively
VAT, is not tantamount to bad faith. We note that the term "health would be prejudicial to the taxpayer.
maintenance organization" was first recorded in the Philippine
statute books only upon the passage of "The National Health WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition and AFFIRM the assailed
Insurance Act of 1995" (Republic Act No. 7875). Section 4 (o) (3) Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No.
thereof defines a health maintenance organization as "an entity that 76449. No costs.
provides, offers, or arranges for coverage of designated health
services needed by plan members for a fixed prepaid premium."
Under this law, a health maintenance organization is one of the
classes of a "health care provider."
FIRST DIVISION deceased’s employer, D.M. Consunji, Inc. The employer raised,
among other defenses, the widow’s prior availment of the benefits The Rules of Court provide that a witness can testify only to those
G.R. No. 137873 April 20, 2001 from the State Insurance Fund. facts which he knows of his personal knowledge, that is, which are
derived from his perception.4 A witness, therefore, may not testify
D. M. CONSUNJI, INC., petitioner, After trial, the RTC rendered a decision in favor of the widow Maria as what he merely learned from others either because he was told
vs. Juego. The dispositive portion of the RTC decision reads: or read or heard the same. Such testimony is considered hearsay
COURT OF APPEALS and MARIA J. JUEGO, respondents. and may not be received as proof of the truth of what he has
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered ordering defendant to learned.5 This is known as the hearsay rule.
KAPUNAN, J.: pay plaintiff, as follows:
Hearsay is not limited to oral testimony or statements; the general
At around 1:30 p.m., November 2, 1990, Jose Juego, a construction 1. P50,000.00 for the death of Jose A. Juego. rule that excludes hearsay as evidence applies to written, as well as
worker of D. M. Consunji, Inc., fell 14 floors from the Renaissance oral statements.6
Tower, Pasig City to his death. 2. P10,000.00 as actual and compensatory damages.
The theory of the hearsay rule is that the many possible deficiencies,
PO3 Rogelio Villanueva of the Eastern Police District investigated the 3. P464,000.00 for the loss of Jose A. Juego’s earning capacity. suppressions, sources of error and untrustworthiness, which lie
tragedy and filed a report dated November 25, 1990, stating that: underneath the bare untested assertion of a witness, may be best
4. P100,000.00 as moral damages. brought to light and exposed by the test of cross-examiantion.7 The
x x x. [The] [v]ictim was rushed to [the] Rizal Medical Center in Pasig, hearsay rule, therefore, excludes evidence that cannot be tested by
Metro Manila where he was pronounced dead on arrival (DOA) by 5. P20,000.00 as attorney’s fees, plus the costs of suit. cross-examination.8
the attending physician, Dr. Errol de Yzo[,] at around 2:15 p.m. of
the same date. SO ORDERED.2 The Rules of Court allow several exceptions to the rule,9 among
which are entries in official records. Section 44, Rule 130 provides:
Investigation disclosed that at the given time, date and place, while On appeal by D. M. Consunji, the Court of Appeals (CA) affirmed the
victim Jose A. Juego together with Jessie Jaluag and Delso Destajo decision of the RTC in toto. Entries in official records made in the performance of his duty made
[were] performing their work as carpenter[s] at the elevator core of in the performance of his duty by a public officer of the Philippines,
the 14th floor of the Tower D, Renaissance Tower Building on board D. M. Consunji now seeks the reversal of the CA decision on the or by a person in the performance of a duty specially enjoined by
a [p]latform made of channel beam (steel) measuring 4.8 meters by following grounds: law are prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated.
2 meters wide with pinulid plywood flooring and cable wires
attached to its four corners and hooked at the 5 ton chain block, THE APPELLATE COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT THE POLICE In Africa, et al. vs. Caltex (Phil.), Inc., et al.,10 this Court, citing the
when suddenly, the bolt or pin which was merely inserted to REPORT WAS ADMISSIBLE EVIDENCE OF THE ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE work of Chief Justice Moran, enumerated the requisites for
connect the chain block with the [p]latform, got loose xxx causing OF PETITIONER. admissibility under the above rule:
the whole [p]latform assembly and the victim to fall down to the THE APPELLATE COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT THE DOCTRINE OF
basement of the elevator core, Tower D of the building under RES IPSA LOQUITOR [sic] IS APPLICABLE TO PROVE NEGLIGENCE ON (a) that the entry was made by a public officer or by another person
construction thereby crushing the victim of death, save his two (2) THE PART OF PETITIONER. specially enjoined by law to do so;
companions who luckily jumped out for safety. THE APPELLATE COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT PETITIONER IS
PRESUMED NEGLIGENT UNDER ARTICLE 2180 OF THE CIVIL CODE, (b) that it was made by the public officer in the performance of his
It is thus manifest that Jose A. Juego was crushed to death when the AND duties, or by such other person in the performance of a duty
[p]latform he was then on board and performing work, fell. And the THE APPELLATE COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT RESPONDENT IS specially enjoined by law; and
falling of the [p]latform was due to the removal or getting loose of NOT PRECLUDED FROM RECOVERING DAMAGES UNDER THE CIVIL
the pin which was merely inserted to the connecting points of the CODE.3 (c) that the public officer or other person had sufficient knowledge
chain block and [p]latform but without a safety lock.1 Petitioner maintains that the police report reproduced above is of the facts by him stated, which must have been acquired by him
hearsay and, therefore, inadmissible. The CA ruled otherwise. It held personally or through official information.
On May 9, 1991, Jose Juego’s widow, Maria, filed in the Regional that said report, being an entry in official records, is an exception to
Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig a complaint for damages against the the hearsay rule.
The CA held that the police report meets all these requisites. the platform was crushed15 and that it was totally damaged.16 PO3
Petitioner contends that the last requisite is not present. The litigation is unlimited in which testimony by officials is daily Villanueva also required Garcia and Fabro to bring the chain block to
needed; the occasions in which the officials would be summoned the police headquarters. Upon inspection, he noticed that the chain
The Court notes that PO3 Villanueva, who signed the report in from his ordinary duties to declare as a witness are numberless. The was detached from the lifting machine, without any pin or bolt.17
question, also testified before the trial court. In Rodriguez vs. Court public officers are few in whose daily work something is not done in
of Appeals,11 which involved a Fire Investigation Report, the officer which testimony is not needed from official sources. Were there no What petitioner takes particular exception to is PO3 Villanueva’s
who signed the fire report also testified before the trial court. This exception for official statements, hosts of officials would be found testimony that the cause of the fall of the platform was the
Court held that the report was inadmissible for the purpose of devoting the greater part of their time to attending as witnesses in loosening of the bolt from the chain block. It is claimed that such
proving the truth of the statements contained in the report but court or delivering deposition before an officer. The work of portion of the testimony is mere opinion. Subject to certain
admissible insofar as it constitutes part of the testimony of the administration of government and the interest of the public having exceptions,18 the opinion of a witness is generally not admissible.19
officer who executed the report. business with officials would alike suffer in consequence. For these
reasons, and for many others, a certain verity is accorded such Petitioner’s contention, however, loses relevance in the face of the
x x x. Since Major Enriquez himself took the witness stand and was documents, which is not extended to private documents. (3 application of res ipsa loquitur by the CA. The effect of the doctrine
available for cross-examination, the portions of the report which Wigmore on Evidence, Sec. 1631). is to warrant a presumption or inference that the mere fall of the
were of his personal knowledge or which consisted of his elevator was a result of the person having charge of the
perceptions and conclusions were not hearsay. The rest of the The law reposes a particular confidence in public officers that it instrumentality was negligent. As a rule of evidence, the doctrine of
report, such as the summary of the statements of the parties based presumes they will discharge their several trusts with accuracy and res ipsa loquitur is peculiar to the law of negligence which
on their sworn statements (which were annexed to the Report) as fidelity; and, therefore, whatever acts they do in discharge of their recognizes that prima facie negligence may be established without
well as the latter, having been included in the first purpose of the duty may be given in evidence and shall be taken to be true under direct proof and furnishes a substitute for specific proof of
offer [as part of the testimony of Major Enriquez], may then be such a degree of caution as to the nature and circumstances of each negligence.20
considered as independently relevant statements which were case may appear to require.
gathered in the course of the investigation and may thus be The concept of res ipsa loquitur has been explained in this wise:
admitted as such, but not necessarily to prove the truth thereof. It It would have been an entirely different matter if Major Enriquez
has been said that: was not presented to testify on his report. In that case the While negligence is not ordinarily inferred or presumed, and while
applicability of Section 44 of Rule 143 would have been ripe for the mere happening of an accident or injury will not generally give
"Where regardless of the truth or falsity of a statement, the fact determination, and this Court would have agreed with the Court of rise to an inference or presumption that it was due to negligence on
that it has been made is relevant, the hearsay rule does not apply, Appeals that said report was inadmissible since the aforementioned defendant’s part, under the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur, which
but the statement may be shown. Evidence as to the making of such third requisite was not satisfied. The statements given by the means, literally, the thing or transaction speaks for itself, or in one
statement is not secondary but primary, for the statement itself sources of information of Major Enriquez failed to qualify as "official jurisdiction, that the thing or instrumentality speaks for itself, the
may constitute a fact in issue, or be circumstantially relevant as to information," there being no showing that, at the very least, they facts or circumstances accompanying an injury may be such as to
the existence of such a fact." were under a duty to give the statements for record. raise a presumption, or at least permit an inference of negligence on
the part of the defendant, or some other person who is charged
When Major Enriquez took the witness stand, testified for Similarly, the police report in this case is inadmissible for the with negligence.
petitioners on his Report and made himself available for cross- purpose of proving the truth of the statements contained therein
examination by the adverse party, the Report, insofar as it proved but is admissible insofar as it constitutes part of the testimony of x x x where it is shown that the thing or instrumentality which
that certain utterances were made (but not their truth), was PO3 Villanueva. caused the injury complained of was under the control or
effectively removed from the ambit of the aforementioned Section management of the defendant, and that the occurrence resulting in
44 of Rule 130. Properly understood, this section does away with In any case, the Court holds that portions of PO3 Villanueva’s the injury was such as in the ordinary course of things would not
the testimony in open court of the officer who made the official testimony which were of his personal knowledge suffice to prove happen if those who had its control or management used proper
record, considers the matter as an exception to the hearsay rule and that Jose Juego indeed died as a result of the elevator crash. PO3 care, there is sufficient evidence, or, as sometimes stated,
makes the entries in said official record admissible in evidence as Villanueva had seen Juego’s remains at the morgue,12 making the reasonable evidence, in the absence of explanation by the
prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated. The underlying latter’s death beyond dispute. PO3 Villanueva also conducted an defendant, that the injury arose from or was caused by the
reasons for this exceptionary rule are necessity and trustworthiness, ocular inspection of the premises of the building the day after the defendant’s want of care.21
as explained in Antillon v. Barcelon. incident13 and saw the platform for himself.14 He observed that
One of the theoretical based for the doctrine is its necessity, i.e., to know what caused the accident. Res ipsa loquitur is a rule of In any case, petitioner cites the sworn statement of its leadman
that necessary evidence is absent or not available.22 necessity and it applies where evidence is absent or not readily Ferdinand Fabro executed before the police investigator as evidence
available, provided the following requisites are present: (1) the of its due care. According to Fabro’s sworn statement, the company
The res ipsa loquitur doctrine is based in part upon the theory that accident was of a kind which does not ordinarily occur unless enacted rules and regulations for the safety and security of its
the defendant in charge of the instrumentality which causes the someone is negligent; (2) the instrumentality or agency which workers. Moreover, the leadman and the bodegero inspect the
injury either knows the cause of the accident or has the best caused the injury was under the exclusive control of the person chain block before allowing its use.
opportunity of ascertaining it and that the plaintiff has no such charged with negligence; and (3) the injury suffered must not have
knowledge, and therefore is compelled to allege negligence in been due to any voluntary action or contribution on the part of the It is ironic that petitioner relies on Fabro’s sworn statement as proof
general terms and to rely upon the proof of the happening of the person injured. x x x. of its due care but, in arguing that private respondent failed to
accident in order to establish negligence. The inference which the prove negligence on the part of petitioner’s employees, also assails
doctrine permits is grounded upon the fact that the chief evidence No worker is going to fall from the 14th floor of a building to the the same statement for being hearsay.
of the true cause, whether culpable or innocent, is practically basement while performing work in a construction site unless
accessible to the defendant but inaccessible to the injured person. someone is negligent[;] thus, the first requisite for the application of Petitioner is correct. Fabro’s sworn statement is hearsay and
the rule of res ipsa loquitur is present. As explained earlier, the inadmissible. Affidavits are inadmissible as evidence under the
It has been said that the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur furnishes a construction site with all its paraphernalia and human resources hearsay rule, unless the affiant is placed on the witness stand to
bridge by which a plaintiff, without knowledge of the cause, reaches that likely caused the injury is under the exclusive control and testify thereon.28 The inadmissibility of this sort of evidence is
over to defendant who knows or should know the cause, for any management of appellant[;] thus[,] the second requisite is also based not only on the lack of opportunity on the part of the adverse
explanation of care exercised by the defendant in respect of the present. No contributory negligence was attributed to the appellee’s party to cross-examine the affiant, but also on the commonly known
matter of which the plaintiff complains. The res ipsa loquitur deceased husband[;] thus[,] the last requisite is also present. All the fact that, generally, an affidavit is not prepared by the affiant
doctrine, another court has said, is a rule of necessity, in that it requisites for the application of the rule of res ipsa loquitur are himself but by another who uses his own language in writing the
proceeds on the theory that under the peculiar circumstances in present, thus a reasonable presumption or inference of appellant’s affiant’s statements which may either be omitted or misunderstood
which the doctrine is applicable, it is within the power of the negligence arises. x x x.24 by the one writing them.29 Petitioner, therefore, cannot use said
defendant to show that there was no negligence on his part, and statement as proof of its due care any more than private
direct proof of defendant’s negligence is beyond plaintiff’s power. Petitioner does not dispute the existence of the requisites for the respondent can use it to prove the cause of her husband’s death.
Accordingly, some court add to the three prerequisites for the application of res ipsa loquitur, but argues that the presumption or Regrettably, petitioner does not cite any other evidence to rebut the
application of the res ipsa loquitur doctrine the further requirement inference that it was negligent did not arise since it "proved that it inference or presumption of negligence arising from the application
that for the res ipsa loquitur doctrine to apply, it must appear that exercised due care to avoid the accident which befell respondent’s of res ipsa loquitur, or to establish any defense relating to the
the injured party had no knowledge or means of knowledge as to husband." incident.
the cause of the accident, or that the party to be charged with
negligence has superior knowledge or opportunity for explanation Petitioner apparently misapprehends the procedural effect of the Next, petitioner argues that private respondent had previously
of the accident.23 doctrine. As stated earlier, the defendant’s negligence is presumed availed of the death benefits provided under the Labor Code and is,
or inferred25 when the plaintiff establishes the requisites for the therefore, precluded from claiming from the deceased’s employer
The CA held that all the requisites of res ipsa loquitur are present in application of res ipsa loquitur. Once the plaintiff makes out a prima damages under the Civil Code.
the case at bar: facie case of all the elements, the burden then shifts to defendant to
explain.26 The presumption or inference may be rebutted or Article 173 of the Labor Code states:
There is no dispute that appellee’s husband fell down from the 14th overcome by other evidence and, under appropriate circumstances
floor of a building to the basement while he was working with disputable presumption, such as that of due care or innocence, may Article 173. Extent of liability. – Unless otherwise provided, the
appellant’s construction project, resulting to his death. The outweigh the inference.27 It is not for the defendant to explain or liability of the State Insurance Fund under this Title shall be
construction site is within the exclusive control and management of prove its defense to prevent the presumption or inference from exclusive and in place of all other liabilities of the employer to the
appellant. It has a safety engineer, a project superintendent, a arising. Evidence by the defendant of say, due care, comes into play employee, his dependents or anyone otherwise entitled to receive
carpenter leadman and others who are in complete control of the only after the circumstances for the application of the doctrine has damages on behalf of the employee or his dependents. The
situation therein. The circumstances of any accident that would been established.1âwphi1.nêt payment of compensation under this Title shall not bar the recovery
occur therein are peculiarly within the knowledge of the appellant of benefits as provided for in Section 699 of the Revised
or its employees. On the other hand, the appellee is not in a position Administrative Code, Republic Act Numbered Eleven hundred sixty-
one, as amended, Republic Act Numbered Six hundred ten, as In disposing of a similar issue, this Court in Pacaña vs. Cebu Autobus court, the payments made under the Workmen’s Compensation Act
amended, Republic Act Numbered Forty-eight hundred sixty-four as Company, 32 SCRA 442, ruled that an injured worker has a choice of should be deducted from the damages that may be decreed in their
amended, and other laws whose benefits are administered by the either to recover from the employer the fixed amounts set by the favor. [Underscoring supplied.]
System or by other agencies of the government. Workmen’s Compensation Act or to prosecute an ordinary civil
action against the tortfeasor for higher damages but he cannot The ruling in Floresca providing the claimant a choice of remedies
The precursor of Article 173 of the Labor Code, Section 5 of the pursue both courses of action simultaneously. [Underscoring was reiterated in Ysmael Maritime Corporation vs. Avelino,32 Vda.
Workmen’s Compensation Act, provided that: supplied.] De Severo vs. Feliciano-Go,33 and Marcopper Mining Corp. vs.
Abeleda.34 In the last case, the Court again recognized that a
Section 5. Exclusive right to compensation. – The rights and Nevertheless, the Court allowed some of the petitioners in said case claimant who had been paid under the Act could still sue under the
remedies granted by this Act to an employee by reason of a to proceed with their suit under the Civil Code despite having Civil Code. The Court said:
personal injury entitling him to compensation shall exclude all other availed of the benefits provided under the Workmen’s
rights and remedies accruing to the employee, his personal Compensation Act. The Court reasoned: In the Robles case, it was held that claims for damages sustained by
representatives, dependents or nearest of kin against the employer workers in the course of their employment could be filed only under
under the Civil Code and other laws because of said injury x x x. With regard to the other petitioners, it was alleged by Philex in its the Workmen’s Compensation Law, to the exclusion of all further
motion to dismiss dated May 14, 1968 before the court a quo, that claims under other laws. In Floresca, this doctrine was abrogated in
Whether Section 5 of the Workmen’s Compensation Act allowed the heirs of the deceased employees, namely Emerito Obra, Larry favor of the new rule that the claimants may invoke either the
recovery under said Act as well as under the Civil Code used to be Villar, Jr., Aurelio Lanuza, Lorenzo Isla and Saturnino submitted Workmen’s Compensation Act or the provisions of the Civil Code,
the subject of conflicting decisions. The Court finally settled the notices and claims for compensation to the Regional Office No. 1 of subject to the consequence that the choice of one remedy will
matter in Floresca vs.Philex Mining Corporation,30 which involved a the then Department of Labor and all of them have been paid in full exclude the other and that the acceptance of compensation under
cave-in resulting in the death of the employees of the Philex Mining as of August 25, 1967, except Saturnino Martinez whose heirs the remedy chosen will preclude a claim for additional benefits
Corporation. Alleging that the mining corporation, in violation of decided that they be paid in installments x x x. Such allegation was under the other remedy. The exception is where a claimant who has
government rules and regulations, failed to take the required admitted by herein petitioners in their opposition to the motion to already been paid under the Workmen’s Compensation Act may still
precautions for the protection of the employees, the heirs of the dismiss dated may 27, 1968 x x x in the lower court, but they set up sue for damages under the Civil Code on the basis of supervening
deceased employees filed a complaint against Philex Mining in the the defense that the claims were filed under the Workmen’s facts or developments occurring after he opted for the first remedy.
Court of First Instance (CFI). Upon motion of Philex Mining, the CFI Compensation Act before they learned of the official report of the (Underscoring supplied.)
dismissed the complaint for lack of jurisdiction. The heirs sought committee created to investigate the accident which established the
relief from this Court. criminal negligence and violation of law by Philex, and which report Here, the CA held that private respondent’s case came under the
was forwarded by the Director of Mines to then Executive Secretary exception because private respondent was unaware of petitioner’s
Addressing the issue of whether the heirs had a choice of remedies, Rafael Salas in a letter dated October 19, 1967 only x x x. negligence when she filed her claim for death benefits from the
majority of the Court En Banc,31 following the rule in Pacaña vs. State Insurance Fund. Private respondent filed the civil complaint
Cebu Autobus Company, held in the affirmative. WE hold that although the other petitioners had received the for damages after she received a copy of the police investigation
benefits under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, such my not report and the Prosecutor’s Memorandum dismissing the criminal
WE now come to the query as to whether or not the injured preclude them from bringing an action before the regular court complaint against petitioner’s personnel. While stating that there
employee or his heirs in case of death have a right of selection or because they became cognizant of the fact that Philex has been was no negligence attributable to the respondents in the complaint,
choice of action between availing themselves of the worker’s right remiss in its contractual obligations with the deceased miners only the prosecutor nevertheless noted in the Memorandum that, "if at
under the Workmen’s Compensation Act and suing in the regular after receiving compensation under the Act. Had petitioners been all," the "case is civil in nature." The CA thus applied the exception in
courts under the Civil Code for higher damages (actual, moral and aware of said violation of government rules and regulations by Floresca:
exemplary) from the employers by virtue of the negligence or fault Philex, and of its negligence, they would not have sought redress
of the employers or whether they may avail themselves under the Workmen’s Compensation Commission which awarded a x x x We do not agree that appellee has knowledge of the alleged
cumulatively of both actions, i.e., collect the limited compensation lesser amount for compensation. The choice of the first remedy was negligence of appellant as early as November 25, 1990, the date of
under the Workmen’s Compensation Act and sue in addition for based on ignorance or a mistake of fact, which nullifies the choice as the police investigator’s report. The appellee merely executed her
damages in the regular courts. it was not an intelligent choice. The case should therefore be sworn statement before the police investigator concerning her
remanded to the lower court for further proceedings. However, personal circumstances, her relation to the victim, and her
should the petitioners be successful in their bid before the lower knowledge of the accident. She did not file the complaint for
"Simple Negligence Resulting to Homicide" against appellant’s
employees. It was the investigator who recommended the filing of Petitioner also claims that private respondent could not have been A person makes a knowing and intelligent waiver when that person
said case and his supervisor referred the same to the prosecutor’s ignorant of the facts because as early as November 28, 1990, private knows that a right exists and has adequate knowledge upon which
office. This is a standard operating procedure for police investigators respondent was the complainant in a criminal complaint for "Simple to make an intelligent decision.
which appellee may not have even known. This may explain why no Negligence Resulting to Homicide" against petitioner’s employees.
complainant is mentioned in the preliminary statement of the public On February 6, 1991, two months before the filing of the action in Waiver requires a knowledge of the facts basic to the exercise of the
prosecutor in her memorandum dated February 6, 1991, to wit: the lower court, Prosecutor Lorna Lee issued a resolution finding right waived, with an awareness of its consequences. That a waiver
"Respondent Ferdinand Fabro x x x are being charged by that, although there was insufficient evidence against petitioner’s is made knowingly and intelligently must be illustrated on the
complainant of "Simple Negligence Resulting to Homicide." It is also employees, the case was "civil in nature." These purportedly show record or by the evidence.40
possible that the appellee did not have a chance to appear before that prior to her receipt of death benefits from the ECC on January
the public prosecutor as can be inferred from the following 2, 1991 and every month thereafter, private respondent also knew That lack of knowledge of a fact that nullifies the election of a
statement in said memorandum: "Respondents who were notified of the two choices of remedies available to her and yet she chose to remedy is the basis for the exception in Floresca.
pursuant to Law waived their rights to present controverting claim and receive the benefits from the ECC.
evidence," thus there was no reason for the public prosecutor to It is in light of the foregoing principles that we address petitioner’s
summon the appellee. Hence, notice of appellant’s negligence When a party having knowledge of the facts makes an election contentions.
cannot be imputed on appellee before she applied for death between inconsistent remedies, the election is final and bars any
benefits under ECC or before she received the first payment action, suit, or proceeding inconsistent with the elected remedy, in Waiver is a defense, and it was not incumbent upon private
therefrom. Her using the police investigation report to support her the absence of fraud by the other party. The first act of election acts respondent, as plaintiff, to allege in her complaint that she had
complaint filed on May 9, 1991 may just be an afterthought after as a bar.37 Equitable in nature, the doctrine of election of remedies availed of benefits from the ECC. It is, thus, erroneous for petitioner
receiving a copy of the February 6, 1991 Memorandum of the is designed to mitigate possible unfairness to both parties. It rests to burden private respondent with raising waiver as an issue. On the
Prosecutor’s Office dismissing the criminal complaint for on the moral premise that it is fair to hold people responsible for contrary, it is the defendant who ought to plead waiver, as
insufficiency of evidence, stating therein that: "The death of the their choices. The purpose of the doctrine is not to prevent any petitioner did in pages 2-3 of its Answer;41 otherwise, the defense
victim is not attributable to any negligence on the part of the recourse to any remedy, but to prevent a double redress for a single is waived. It is, therefore, perplexing for petitioner to now contend
respondents. If at all and as shown by the records this case is civil in wrong.38 that the trial court had no jurisdiction over the issue when
nature." (Underscoring supplied.) Considering the foregoing, We are petitioner itself pleaded waiver in the proceedings before the trial
more inclined to believe appellee’s allegation that she learned about The choice of a party between inconsistent remedies results in a court.
appellant’s negligence only after she applied for and received the waiver by election. Hence, the rule in Floresca that a claimant
benefits under ECC. This is a mistake of fact that will make this case cannot simultaneously pursue recovery under the Labor Code and Does the evidence show that private respondent knew of the facts
fall under the exception held in the Floresca ruling.35 prosecute an ordinary course of action under the Civil Code. The that led to her husband’s death and the rights pertaining to a choice
claimant, by his choice of one remedy, is deemed to have waived of remedies?
The CA further held that not only was private respondent ignorant the other.
of the facts, but of her rights as well: It bears stressing that what negates waiver is lack of knowledge or a
Waiver is the intentional relinquishment of a known right.39 mistake of fact. In this case, the "fact" that served as a basis for
x x x. Appellee [Maria Juego] testified that she has reached only nullifying the waiver is the negligence of petitioner’s employees, of
elementary school for her educational attainment; that she did not [It] is an act of understanding that presupposes that a party has which private respondent purportedly learned only after the
know what damages could be recovered from the death of her knowledge of its rights, but chooses not to assert them. It must be prosecutor issued a resolution stating that there may be civil
husband; and that she did not know that she may also recover more generally shown by the party claiming a waiver that the person liability. In Floresca, it was the negligence of the mining corporation
from the Civil Code than from the ECC. x x x.36 against whom the waiver is asserted had at the time knowledge, and its violation of government rules and regulations. Negligence, or
actual or constructive, of the existence of the party’s rights or of all violation of government rules and regulations, for that matter,
Petitioner impugns the foregoing rulings. It contends that private material facts upon which they depended. Where one lacks however, is not a fact, but a conclusion of law, over which only the
respondent "failed to allege in her complaint that her application knowledge of a right, there is no basis upon which waiver of it can courts have the final say. Such a conclusion binds no one until the
and receipt of benefits from the ECC were attended by ignorance or rest. Ignorance of a material fact negates waiver, and waiver cannot courts have decreed so. It appears, therefore, that the principle that
mistake of fact. Not being an issue submitted during the trial, the be established by a consent given under a mistake or ignorance or mistake of fact nullifies a waiver has been misapplied
trial court had no authority to hear or adjudicate that issue." misapprehension of fact. in Floresca and in the case at bar.
WHEREFORE, the case is REMANDED to the Regional Trial Court of
In any event, there is no proof that private respondent knew that Pasig City to determine whether the award decreed in its decision is
her husband died in the elevator crash when on November 15, 1990 more than that of the ECC. Should the award decreed by the trial
she accomplished her application for benefits from the ECC. The court be greater than that awarded by the ECC, payments already
police investigation report is dated November 25, 1990, 10 days made to private respondent pursuant to the Labor Code shall be
after the accomplishment of the form. Petitioner filed the deducted therefrom. In all other respects, the Decision of the Court
application in her behalf on November 27, 1990. of Appeals is AFFIRMED.
FIRST DIVISION part of the law as of the date of the enactment of the said law since
On August 14, 1968 the court a quo rendered judgment acquitting the Court's application or interpretation merely establishes the
Licera of the charge of assault upon an agent of a person in contemporaneous legislative intent that the construed law purports
authority, but convicting him of illegal possession of firearm, to carry into effect.4
G.R. No. L-39990 July 22, 1975 sentencing him to suffer five years of imprisonment, and ordering
the forfeiture of the Winchester rifle in favor of the Government. At the time of Licera's designation as secret agent in 1961 and at the
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, time of his apprehension for possession of the Winchester rifle
vs. Licera's appeal to the Court of Appeals was certified on October 16, without the requisite license or permit therefor in 1965, the
RAFAEL LICERA, defendant-appellant. 1974 to this Court as involving only one question of law. Macarandang rule — the Courts interpretation of section 879 of the
Revised Administrative Code - formed part of our jurisprudence and,
Office of the Solicitor General Felix Q. Antonio, Assistant Solicitor Licera invokes as his legal justification for his possession of the hence, of this jurisdiction's legal system. Mapa revoked the
General Crispin V. Bautista and Solicitor Pedro A. Ramirez for Winschester rifle his appointment as secret agent on December 11, Macarandang precedent only in 1967. Certainly, where a new
plaintiff-appellee. 1961 by Governor Feliciano Leviste of Batangas. He claims that as doctrine abrogates an old rule, the new doctrine should operate
secret agent, he was a "peace officer" and, thus, pursuant to People respectively only and should not adversely affect those favored by
Romeo Mercado (as Counsel de Oficio) for defendant-appellant. vs. Macarandang,1 was exempt from the requirements relating to the old rule, especially those who relied thereon and acted on the
the issuance of license to possess firearms. He alleges that the court faith thereof. This holds more especially true in the application or
a quo erred in relying on the later case of People vs. Mapa2 which interpretation of statutes in the field of penal law, for, in this area,
CASTRO, J.: held that section 879 of the Revised Administrative Code provides more than in any other, it is imperative that the punishability of an
no exemption for persons appointed as secret agents by provincial act be reasonably foreseen for the guidance of society.5
This is an appeal, on a question of law, by Rafael Licera from the governors from the requirements relating to firearm licenses.
judgment dated August 14, 1968 of the Court of First Instance of Pursuant to the Macarandang rule obtaining not only at the time of
Occidental Mindoro convicting him of the crime of illegal possession The principal question thus posed calls for a determination of the Licera's appointment as secret agent, which appointment included a
of firearm and sentencing him to imprisonment of five (5) years. We rule that should be applied to the case at bar that enunciated in grant of authority to possess the Winchester rifle, but as well at the
reverse the judgment of conviction, for the reasons hereunder Macarandang or that in Mapa. time as of his apprehension, Licera incurred no criminal liability for
stated. possession of the said rifle, notwithstanding his non-compliance
The appointment given to Licera by Governor Leviste which bears with the legal requirements relating to firearm licenses.1äwphï1.ñët
On December 3, 1965 the Chief of Police of Abra de Ilog, Occidental the date "December 11, 1961" includes a grant of authority to Licera
Mindoro, filed a complaint, subscribed and sworn to by him, with to possess the Winchester rifle in these terms: "In accordance with ACCORDINGLY, the judgment a quo is reversed, and Rafael Licera is
the municipal court of the said municipality, charging Rafael Licera the decision of the Supreme Court in G.R. No. L-12088 dated hereby acquitted. Costs de oficio.
with illegal possession of a Winchester rifle, Model 55, Caliber .30. December 23, 1959, you will have the right to bear a firearm ... for
On August 13, 1966 the municipal court rendered judgment finding use in connection with the performance of your duties." Under the
Licera guilty of the crime charged, sentencing him to suffer an rule then prevailing, enunciated in Macarandang,3 the appointment
indeterminate penalty ranging five years and one day to six years of a civilian as a "secret agent to assist in the maintenance of peace
and eight months of imprisonment. Licera appealed to the Court of and order campaigns and detection of crimes sufficiently put[s] him
First Instance of Occidental Mindoro. within the category of a "peace officer" equivalent even to a
member of the municipal police" whom section 879 of the Revised
In the Court of First Instance, the parties agreed to the joint trial of Administrative Code exempts from the requirements relating to
the case for illegal possession of firearm and another case, likewise firearm licenses.
filed against Licera with the municipal court but already forwarded
to the said Court of First Instance, for assault upon an agent of a Article 8 of the Civil Code of the Philippines decrees that judicial
person in authority, the two offenses having arisen from the same decisions applying or interpreting the laws or the Constitution form
occasion: apprehension of Licera by the Chief of Police and a part of this jurisdiction's legal system. These decisions, although in
patrolman of Abra de Ilog on December 2, 1965 for possession of themselves not laws, constitute evidence of what the laws mean.
the Winchester rifle without the requisite license or permit therefor. The application or interpretation placed by the Court upon a law is
EN BANC cases of this nature, that he is not familiar with the rules governing
cockfights and the duties of referees thereof; that he does not know
G.R. No. L-10010 August 1, 1916 where to find the law on the subject and, finally, that he knows of
no law whatever that governs the rights to the plaintiff and the
CHU JAN, plaintiff-appellee, defendant in questions concerning cockfights.
LUCIO BERNAS, defendant-appellant. The ignorance of the court or his lack of knowledge regarding the
law applicable to a case submitted to him for decision, the fact that
Sulpicio V. Cea for appellant. the court does not know the rules applicable to a certain matter
that is the subject of an appeal which must be decided by him and
ARAULLO, J.: his not knowing where to find the law relative to the case, are not
reasons that can serve to excuse the court for terminating the
On the afternoon of June 26, 1913, a match was held in the cockpit proceedings by dismissing them without deciding the issues. Such
of the municipality of Tabaco, Albay, between two cocks belonging an excuse is the less acceptable because, foreseeing that a case
to the plaintiff and to the defendant respectively. Each of said might arise to which no law would be exactly applicable, the Civil
persons had put up a wager of P160; and as the referee of the Code, in the second paragraph of article 6, provides that the
cockpit had declared the defendant's cock the winner in the bout, customs of the place shall be observed, and, in the absence thereof,
the plaintiff brought suit against the defendant in the justice of the the general principles of law.
peace court of the said pueblo, asking that his own rooster be
declared the winner. The justice of the peace court decided that the Therefore the judgment and the order appealed from, hereinbefore
bout was a draw. From this judgment the defendant appealed to the mentioned, are reversed and to record of the proceedings shall
Court of First Instance of the province. For the purposes of the remanded to the court from whence they came for due trial and
appeal, the plaintiff filed his complaint and prayed this court to judgment as provided by law. No special finding is made with regard
render judgment ordering the defendant to abide by and comply to costs. So ordered.
with the rules and regulations governing cockfights, to pay the
stipulated wager of P160; to return the other like amount (both
sums of wager being held for safe-keeping by the cockpit owner,
Tomas Almonte) and to assess the costs of both instances against
the defendant.
The grounds for the dismissal pronounced by the lower court in the
judgment appealed from ere that the court has always dismissed
EN BANC Norberto Parto for respondents Candelosas, Baes and Garcia.
1. In L-42050-66, one typical Information filed with the Court
G.R. No. L-42050-66 November 20, 1978 Amado C. de la Marced for respondents Simeon Bundalian Jr., et al. presided by Judge Purisima follows:
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner, Manuel F. de Jesus for all the respondents in L-46229-32 and L- THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff, versus PORFIRIO
vs. 46313-16. CANDELOSAS Y DURAN, accused.
INSTANCE OF MANILA, BRANCH VII, and PORFIRIO CANDELOSAS, Norberto L. Apostol for respondent Panchito Refuncion. Crim. Case No. 19639
MAISO, EDUARDO A. LIBORDO, ROMEO L. SUGAY, FEDERICO T. Hon. Amante P. Purisima for and in his own behalf. VIOLATION OF PAR. 3, PRES. DECREE No. 9 OF PROCLAMATION 1081
MENDOZA, respondents. The undersigned accuses PORFIRIO CANDELOSAS Y DURAN of a
These twenty-six (26) Petitions for Review filed by the People of the violation of paragraph 3, Presidential Decree No. 9 of Proclamation
G.R. No. L-46229-32 November 20, 1978 Philippines represented, respectively, by the Office of the City Fiscal 1081, committed as follows:
of Manila, the Office of the Provincial Fiscal of Samar, and joined by
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner, the Solicitor General, are consolidated in this one Decision as they That on or about the 14 th day of December, 1974, in the City of
vs. involve one basic question of law. Manila, Philippines, the said accused did then and there wilfully,
JUDGE MAXIMO A. MACEREN, COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF unlawfully, feloniously and knowingly have in his possession and
MANILA, BRANCH XVIII, and REYNALDO LAQUI Y AQUINO, ELPIDIO These Petitions or appeals involve three Courts of First Instance, under his custody and control one (1) carving knife with a blade of
ARPON, VICTOR EUGENIO Y ROQUE and ALFREDO VERSOZA, namely: the Court of First Instance of Manila, Branch VII, presided 6-½ inches and a wooden handle of 5-1/4 inches, or an overall
respondents. by Hon. Amante P. Purisima (17 Petitions), the Court of First length of 11-¾ inches, which the said accused carried outside of his
Instance of Manila, Branch XVIII, presided by Hon. Maximo A. residence, the said weapon not being used as a tool or implement
G.R. No. L-46313-16 November 20, 1978 Maceren (8 Petitions) and, the Court of First Instance of Samar, with necessary to earn his livelihood nor being used in connection
Hon. Wenceslao M. Polo, presiding, (1 Petition). therewith.
vs. Before those courts, Informations were filed charging the respective Contrary to law. (p. 32, rollo of L-42050-66)
JUDGE MAXIMO A. MACEREN, COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF accused with "illegal possession of deadly weapon" in violation of
MANILA, BRANCH XVIII, and JUANITO DE LA CRUZ Y NUNEZ, SABINO Presidential Decree No. 9. On a motion to quash filed by the The other Informations are similarly worded except for the name of
BUENO Y CACAL, TIRSO ISAGAN Y FRANCISCO and BEN CASTILLO Y accused, the three Judges mentioned above issued in the respective the accused, the date and place of the commission of the crime, and
UBALDO, respondents. cases filed before them — the details of which will be recounted the kind of weapon involved.
below — an Order quashing or dismissing the Informations, on a
G.R. No. L-46997 November 20, 1978 common ground, viz, that the Information did not allege facts which 2. In L-46229-32 and L-46313-16, the Information filed with
constitute the offense penalized by Presidential Decree No. 9 the Court presided by Judge Maceren follows:
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner, because it failed to state one essential element of the crime.
THE HONORABLE WENCESLAO M. POLO, Judge of the Court of First Thus, are the Informations filed by the People sufficient in form and Y AQUINO, accused.
Instance of Samar, and PANCHITO REFUNCION, respondents. substance to constitute the offense of "illegal possession of deadly
weapon" penalized under Presidential Decree (PD for short) No. 9? CRIM. CASE NO. 29677
Jose L. Gamboa, Fermin Martin, Jr. & Jose D. Cajucom, Office of the This is the central issue which we shall resolve and dispose of, all
City of Fiscal of Manila and the Office of Provincial Fiscal of Samar other corollary matters not being indispensable for the moment. VIOL. OF PAR. 3,
for petitioners.
A — The Information filed by the People — PD 9 IN REL. TO LOI
The undersigned First Assistant Provincial Fiscal of Samar, accuses
No. 266 of the Chief PANCHITO REFUNCION of the crime of ILLEGAL POSSESSION OF And while there is no proof of it before the Court, it is not difficult to
DEADLY WEAPON or VIOLATION OF PD NO. 9 issued by the believe the murmurings of detained persons brought to Court upon
Executive dated April 1, 1975 President of the Philippines on Oct. 2, 1972, pursuant to a charge of possession of bladed weapons under P.D. No. 9, that
Proclamation No. 1081 dated Sept. 21 and 23, 1972, committed as more than ever before, policemen - of course not all can be so
INFORMATION follows: heartless — now have in their hands P.D. No. 9 as a most
convenient tool for extortion, what with the terrifying risk of being
The undersigned accuses REYNALDO LAQUI Y AQUINO of a That on or about the 6th day of October, 1976, in the evening at sentenced to imprisonment of five to ten years for a rusted kitchen
VIOLATION OF PARAGRAPH 3, PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 9 in Barangay Barruz, Municipality of Matuginao, Province of Samar knife or a pair of scissors, which only God knows where it came
relation to Letter of Instruction No. 266 of the Chief Executive dated Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorabe Court, the from. Whereas before martial law an extortion-minded peace
April 1, 1975, committed as follows: abovenamed accused, knowingly, wilfully, unlawfully and officer had to have a stock of the cheapest paltik, and even that
feloniously carried with him outside of his residence a deadly could only convey the coercive message of one year in jail, now
That on or about the 28 th day of January, 1977, in the City of weapon called socyatan, an instrument which from its very nature is anything that has the semblance of a sharp edge or pointed object,
Manila, Philippines, the said accused did then and there wilfully, no such as could be used as a necessary tool or instrument to earn a available even in trash cans, may already serve the same purpose,
unlawfully and knowingly carry outside of his residence a bladed livelihood, which act committed by the accused is a Violation of and yet five to ten times more incriminating than the infamous
and pointed weapon, to wit: an ice pick with an overall length of Presidential Decree No. 9. paltik.
about 8½ inches, the same not being used as a necessary tool or
implement to earn his livelihood nor being used in connection CONTRARY TO LAW. (p. 8, rollo of L-46997) For sure, P.D. No. 9 was conceived with the best of intentions and
therewith. wisely applied, its necessity can never be assailed. But it seems it is
B. — The Orders of dismissal — back-firing, because it is too hot in the hands of policemen who are
Contrary to law. (p. 14, rollo of L-46229-32) inclined to backsliding.
In dismissing or quashing the Informations the trial courts concurred
The other Informations are likewise similarly worded except for the with the submittal of the defense that one essential element of the The checkvalves against abuse of P.D. No. 9 are to be found in the
name of the accused, the date and place of the commission of the offense charged is missing from the Information, viz: that the heart of the Fiscal and the conscience of the Court, and hence this
crime, and the kind of weapon involved. carrying outside of the accused's residence of a bladed, pointed or resolution, let alone technical legal basis, is prompted by the desire
blunt weapon is in furtherance or on the occasion of, connected of this Court to apply said checkvalves. (pp. 55-57, rollo of L-42050-
3. In L-46997, the Information before the Court of First with or related to subversion, insurrection, or rebellion, organized 66)
Instance of Samar is quoted hereunder: lawlessness or public disorder.
2. Judge Maceren in turn gave his grounds for dismissing the
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, complainant, versus PANCHITO 1. Judge Purisima reasoned out, inter alia, in this manner: charges as follows:
REFUNCION, accused.
... the Court is of the opinion that in order that possession of bladed xxx xxx xxx
CRIM. CASE NO. 933 weapon or the like outside residence may be prosecuted and tried
under P.D. No. 9, the information must specifically allege that the As earlier noted the "desired result" sought to be attained by
For: possession of bladed weapon charged was for the purpose of Proclamation No. 1081 is the maintenance of law and order
abetting, or in furtherance of the conditions of rampant criminality, throughout the Philippines and the prevention and suppression of
ILLEGAL POSSESSION OF organized lawlessness, public disorder, etc. as are contemplated and all forms of lawless violence as well as any act of insurrection or
recited in Proclamation No. 1081, as justification therefor. Devoid of rebellion. It is therefore reasonable to conclude from the foregoing
DEADLY WEAPON this specific allegation, not necessarily in the same words, the premises that the carrying of bladed, pointed or blunt weapons
information is not complete, as it does not allege sufficient facts to outside of one's residence which is made unlawful and punishable
(VIOLATION OF PD NO. 9) constitute the offense contemplated in P.D. No. 9. The information by said par. 3 of P.D. No. 9 is one that abets subversion, insurrection
in these cases under consideration suffer from this defect. or rebellion, lawless violence, criminality, chaos and public disorder
INFORMATION or is intended to bring about these conditions. This conclusion is
xxx xxx xxx further strengthened by the fact that all previously existing laws that
also made the carrying of similar weapons punishable have not been 3. Judge Polo of the Court of First Instance of Samar We quote in full Presidential Decree No. 9, to wit:
repealed, whether expressly or impliedly. It is noteworthy that expounded his order dismissing the Information filed before him,
Presidential Decree No. 9 does not contain any repealing clause or thus: PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 9
... We believe that to constitute an offense under the aforcited DECLARING VIOLATIONS OF GENERAL ORDERS NO. 6 and NO. 7
xxx xxx xxx Presidential decree, the same should be or there should be an DATED SEPTEMBER 22, 1972, AND SEPTEMBER 23, 1972,
allegation that a felony was committed in connection or in RESPECTIVELY, TO BE UNLAWFUL AND PROVIDING PENALTIES
The mere carrying outside of one's residence of these deadly furtherance of subversion, rebellion, insurrection, lawless violence THEREFORE.
weapons if not concealed in one's person and if not carried in any of and public disorder. Precisely Proclamation No. 1081 declaring a
the aforesaid specified places, would appear to be not unlawful and state of martial law throughout the country was issued because of WHEREAS, pursuant to Proclamation No. 1081 dated September 21,
punishable by law. wanton destruction to lives and properties widespread lawlessness 1972, the Philippines has been placed under a state of martial law;
and anarchy. And in order to restore the tranquility and stability of
With the promulgation of Presidential Decree No. 9, however, the the country and to secure the people from violence anti loss of lives WHEREAS, by virtue of said Proclamation No. 1081, General Order
prosecution, through Assistant Fiscal Hilario H. Laqui, contends in his in the quickest possible manner and time, carrying firearms, No. 6 dated September 22, 1972 and General Order No. 7 dated
opposition to the motion to quash, that this act is now made explosives and deadly weapons without a permit unless the same September 23, 1972, have been promulgated by me;
unlawful and punishable, particularly by paragraph 3 thereof, would fall under the exception is prohibited. This conclusion
regardless of the intention of the person carrying such weapon becomes more compelling when we consider the penalty imposable, WHEREAS, subversion, rebellion, insurrection, lawless violence,
because the law makes it "mala prohibita". If the contention of the which is from five years to ten years. A strict enforcement of the criminality, chaos and public disorder mentioned in the aforesaid
prosecution is correct, then if a person happens to be caught while provision of the said law would mean the imposition of the Proclamation No. 1081 are committed and abetted by the use of
on his way home by law enforcement officers carrying a kitchen Draconian penalty upon the accused. firearms, explosives and other deadly weapons;
knife that said person had just bought from a store in order that the
same may be used by one's cook for preparing the meals in one's xxx xxx xxx NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, Commander-in-Chief
home, such person will be liable for punishment with such a severe of all the Armed Forces of the Philippines, in older to attain the
penalty as imprisonment from five to ten years under the decree. It is public knowledge that in rural areas, even before and during desired result of the aforesaid Proclamation No. 1081 and General
Such person cannot claim that said knife is going to be used by him martial law, as a matter of status symbol, carrying deadly weapons Orders Nos. 6 and 7, do hereby order and decree that:
to earn a livelihood because he intended it merely for use by his is very common, not necessarily for committing a crime nor as their
cook in preparing his meals. farm implement but for self-preservation or self-defense if necessity 1. Any violation of the aforesaid General Orders Nos. 6 and 7
would arise specially in going to and from their farm. (pp. 18-19, is unlawful and the violator shall, upon conviction suffer:
This possibility cannot be discounted if Presidential Decree No. 9 rollo of L-46997)
were to be interpreted and applied in the manner that that the (a) The mandatory penalty of death by a firing squad or
prosecution wants it to be done. The good intentions of the In most if not all of the cases, the orders of dismissal were given electrocution as a Military, Court/Tribunal/Commission may direct,
President in promulgating this decree may thus be perverted by before arraignment of the accused. In the criminal case before the it the firearm involved in the violation is unlicensed and is attended
some unscrupulous law enforcement officers. It may be used as a Court of (First Instance of Samar the accused was arraigned but at by assault upon, or resistance to persons in authority or their agents
tool of oppression and tyranny or of extortion. the same time moved to quash the Information. In all the cases in the performance of their official functions resulting in death to
where the accused were under arrest, the three Judges ordered said persons in authority or their agent; or if such unlicensed firearm
xxx xxx xxx their immediate release unless held on other charges. is used in the commission of crimes against persons, property or
chastity causing the death of the victim used in violation of any
It is therefore the considered and humble view of this Court that the C. — The law under which the Informations in question were filed other General Orders and/or Letters of Instructions promulgated
act which the President intended to make unlawful and punishable by the People. under said Proclamation No. 1081:
by Presidential Decree No. 9, particularly by paragraph 3 thereof, is
one that abets or is intended to abet subversion, rebellion, As seen from the Informations quoted above, the accused are (b) The penalty of imprisonment ranging from twenty years to
insurrection, lawless violence, criminality, chaos and public disorder. charged with illegal possession of deadly weapon in violation of life imprisonment as a Military Court/Tribunal/commission may
(pp. 28-30, rollo of L-46229-32) Presidential Decree No. 9, Paragraph 3. direct, when the violation is not attended by any of the
circumstances enumerated under the preceding paragraph;
President fact, another compelling reason exists why a specification of the
(c) The penalty provided for in the preceding paragraphs shall statute violated is essential in these cases. As stated in the order of
be imposed upon the owner, president, manager, members of the Republic of the Philippines respondent Judge Maceren the carrying of so-called "deadly
board of directors or other responsible officers of any public or weapons" is the subject of another penal statute and a Manila city
private firms, companies, corporations or entities who shall willfully D. — The arguments of the People — ordinance. Thus, Section 26 of Act No. 1780 provides:
or knowingly allow any of the firearms owned by such firm,
company, corporation or entity concerned to be used in violation of In the Comment filed in these cases by the Solicitor General who as Section 26. It should be unlawful for any person to carry concealed
said General Orders Nos. 6 and 7. stated earlier joins the City Fiscal of Manila and the Provincial Fiscal about his person any bowie knife, dirk dagger, kris, or other deadly
of Samar in seeking the setting aside of the questioned orders of weapon: ... Any person violating the provisions of this section shall,
2. It is unlawful to posses deadly weapons, including hand dismissal, the main argument advanced on the issue now under upon conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction, be punished by
grenades, rifle grenades and other explosives, including, but not consideration is that a perusal of paragraph 3 of P.D. 9 'shows that a fine not exceeding five hundred pesos, or by imprisonment for a
limited to, "pill box bombs," "molotov cocktail bombs," "fire the prohibited acts need not be related to subversive activities; that period not exceeding six months, or both such fine and
bombs," or other incendiary device consisting of any chemical, the act proscribed is essentially a malum prohibitum penalized for imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.
chemical compound, or detonating agents containing combustible reasons of public policy.1
units or other ingredients in such proportion, quantity, packing, or Ordinance No. 3820 of the City of Manila as amended by Ordinance
bottling that ignites by fire, by friction, by concussion, by percussion, The City Fiscal of Manila in his brief adds further that in statutory No. 3928 which took effect on December 4, 1957, in turn penalizes
or by detonation of all or part of the compound or mixture which offenses the intention of the accused who commits the act is with a fine of not more than P200.00 or imprisonment for not more
may cause such a sudden generation of highly heated gases that the immaterial; that it is enough if the prohibited act is voluntarily than one months, or both, at the discretion of the court, anyone
resultant gaseous pressures are capable of producing destructive perpetuated; that P.D. 9 provides and condemns not only the who shall carry concealed in his person in any manner that would
effects on continguous objects or of causing injury or death of a carrying of said weapon in connection with the commission of the disguise its deadly character any kind of firearm, bowie knife, or
person; and any person convicted thereof shall be punished by crime of subversion or the like, but also that of criminality in other deadly weapon ... in any public place. Consequently, it is
imprisonment ranging from ten to fifteen years as a Military general, that is, to eradicate lawless violence which characterized necessary that the particular law violated be specified as there
Court/Tribunal/Commission may direct. pre-martial law days. It is also argued that the real nature of the exists a substantial difference between the statute and city
criminal charge is determined not from the caption or preamble of ordinance on the one hand and P.D. 9 (3) on the other regarding the
3. It is unlawful to carry outside of residence any bladed, the information nor from the specification of the provision of law circumstances of the commission of the crime and the penalty
pointed or blunt weapon such as "fan knife," "spear," "dagger," alleged to have been violated but by the actual recital of facts in the imposed for the offense.
"bolo," "balisong," "barong," "kris," or club, except where such complaint or information.2
articles are being used as necessary tools or implements to earn a We do not agree with petitioner that the above-mentioned statute
livelihood and while being used in connection therewith; and any E. — Our Ruling on the matter — and the city ordinance are deemed repealed by P.D. 9 (3). 5 P. D.
person found guilty thereof shall suffer the penalty of imprisonment 9(3) does not contain any repealing clause or provision, and repeal
ranging from five to ten years as a Military 1. It is a constitutional right of any person who stands charged by implication is not favored. 6 This principle holds true with greater
Court/Tribunal/Commission may direct. in a criminal prosecution to be informed of the nature and cause of force with regards to penal statutes which as a rule are to be
the accusation against him.3 construed strictly against the state and liberally in favor of the
4. When the violation penalized in the preceding paragraphs 2 accused. 7 In fact, Article 7 of the New Civil Code provides that laws
and 3 is committed during the commission of or for the purpose of Pursuant to the above, Section 5, Rule 110 of the Rules of Court, are repealed only by subsequent ones and their violation or non-
committing, any other crime, the penalty shall be imposed upon the expressly requires that for a complaint or information to be observance shall not be excused by disuse, or custom or practice to
offender in its maximum extent, in addition to the penalty provided sufficient it must, inter alia state the designation of the offense by the contrary.
for the particular offenses committed or intended to be committed. the statute, and the acts or omissions complained of as constituting
the offense. This is essential to avoid surprise on the accused and to Thus we are faced with the situation where a particular act may be
Done in the City of Manila, this 2nd day of October in the year of afford him the opportunity to prepare his defense accordingly. 4 made to fall, at the discretion of a police officer or a prosecuting
Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-two. fiscal, under the statute, or the city ordinance, or the presidential
To comply with these fundamental requirements of the Constitution decree. That being the case, the right becomes more compelling for
(SGD) FERDINAND E. MARCOS and the Rules on Criminal Procedure, it is imperative for the specific an accused to be confronted with the facts constituting the essential
statute violated to be designated or mentioned 4 in the charge. In elements of the offense charged against him, if he is not to become
an easy pawn of oppression and harassment, or of negligent or is to search for and determine the intent and spirit of the law.
misguided official action — a fear understandably shared by Legislative intent is the controlling factor, for in the words of this While the preamble of a statute is not strictly a part thereof, it may,
respondent Judges who by the nature of their judicial functions are Court in Hidalgo v. Hidalgo, per Mr. Justice Claudio Teehankee, when the statute is in itself ambiguous and difficult of
daily exposed to such dangers. whatever is within the spirit of a statute is within the statute, and interpretation, be resorted to, but not to create a doubt or
this has to be so if strict adherence to the letter would result in uncertainty which otherwise does not exist." (James v. Du Bois, 16
2. In all the Informations filed by petitioner the accused are absurdity, injustice and contradictions. 8 N.J.L. (1 Har.) 285, 294, cited in Words and Phrases, "Preamble")
charged in the caption as well as in the body of the Information with
a violation of paragraph 3, P.D. 9. What then are the elements of the There are certain aids available to Us to ascertain the intent or In Aboitiz Shipping Corporation, et al. v. The City of Cebu, et al. this
offense treated in the presidential decree in question? reason for P.D. 9(3). Court had occasion to state that '(L)egislative intent must be
ascertained from a consideration of the statute as a whole, and not
We hold that the offense carries two elements: first, the carrying First, the presence of events which led to or precipitated the of an isolated part or a particular provision alone. This is a cardinal
outside one's residence of any bladed, blunt, or pointed weapon, enactment of P.D. 9. These events are clearly spelled out in the rule of statutory construction. For taken in the abstract, a word or
etc. not used as a necessary tool or implement for a livelihood; and "Whereas" clauses of the presidential decree, thus: (1) the state of phrase might easily convey a meaning quite different from the one
second, that the act of carrying the weapon was either in martial law in the country pursuant to Proclamation 1081 dated actually intended and evident when the word or phrase is
furtherance of, or to abet, or in connection with subversion, September 21, 1972; (2) the desired result of Proclamation 1081 as considered with those with which it is associated. Thus, an
rebellion, insurrection, lawless violence, criminality, chaos, or public well as General Orders Nos. 6 and 7 which are particularly apparently general provision may have a limited application if read
disorder. mentioned in P.D. 9; and (3) the alleged fact that subversion, together with other provisions. 9
rebellion, insurrection, lawless violence, criminality, chaos, aid
It is the second element which removes the act of carrying a deadly public disorder mentioned in Proclamation 1081 are committed and Second, the result or effects of the presidential decree must be
weapon, if concealed, outside of the scope of the statute or the city abetted by the use of firearms and explosives and other deadly within its reason or intent.
ordinance mentioned above. In other words, a simple act of carrying weapons.
any of the weapons described in the presidential decree is not a In the paragraph immediately following the last "Whereas" clause,
criminal offense in itself. What makes the act criminal or punishable The Solicitor General however contends that a preamble of a statute the presidential decree states:
under the decree is the motivation behind it. Without that usually introduced by the word "whereas", is not an essential part of
motivation, the act falls within the purview of the city ordinance or an act and cannot enlarge or confer powers, or cure inherent NOW, THEREFORE, I , FERDINAND E. MARCOS, Commander-in-Chief
some statute when the circumstances so warrant. defects in the statute (p. 120, rollo of L-42050-66); that the of an the Armed Forces of the Philippines, in order to attain the
explanatory note or enacting clause of the decree, if it indeed limits desired result of the aforesaid Proclamation No. 1081 and General
Respondent Judges correctly ruled that this can be the only the violation of the decree, cannot prevail over the text itself Orders Nos. 6 and 7, do hereby order and decree that:
reasonably, logical, and valid construction given to P.D. 9(3). inasmuch as such explanatory note merely states or explains the
reason which prompted the issuance of the decree. (pp. 114-115, xxx xxx xxx
3. The position taken by petitioner that P.D. 9(3) covers one rollo of 46997)
and all situations where a person carries outside his residence any From the above it is clear that the acts penalized in P.D. 9 are those
of the weapons mentioned or described in the decree irrespective We disagree with these contentions. Because of the problem of related to the desired result of Proclamation 1081 and General
of motivation, intent, or purpose, converts these cases into one of determining what acts fall within the purview of P.D. 9, it becomes Orders Nos. 6 and 7. General Orders Nos. 6 and 7 refer to firearms
"statutory construction." That there is ambiguity in the presidential necessary to inquire into the intent and spirit of the decree and this and therefore have no relevance to P.D. 9(3) which refers to blunt or
decree is manifest from the conflicting views which arise from its can be found among others in the preamble or, whereas" clauses bladed weapons. With respect to Proclamation 1081 some of the
implementation. When ambiguity exists, it becomes a judicial task which enumerate the facts or events which justify the promulgation underlying reasons for its issuance are quoted hereunder:
to construe and interpret the true meaning and scope of the of the decree and the stiff sanctions stated therein.
measure, guided by the basic principle that penal statutes are to be WHEREAS, these lawless elements having taken up arms against our
construed and applied liberally in favor of the accused and strictly A "preamble" is the key of the statute, to open the minds of the duly constituted government and against our people, and having
against the state. makers as to the mischiefs which are to be remedied, and objects committed and are still committing acts of armed insurrection and
which are to be accomplished, by the provisions of the statute." rebellion consisting of armed raids, forays, sorties, ambushes,
4. In the construction or interpretation of a legislative (West Norman Timber v. State, 224 P. 2d 635, 639, cited in Words wanton acts of murders, spoilage, plunder, looting, arsons,
measure — a presidential decree in these cases — the primary rule and Phrases, "Preamble"; emphasis supplied) destruction of public and private buildings, and attacks against
innocent and defenseless civilian lives and property, all of which It is a salutary principle in statutory construction that there exists a 6. Penal statutes are to be construed strictly against the state
activities have seriously endangered and continue to endanger valid presumption that undesirable consequences were never and liberally in favor of an accused.
public order and safety and the security of the nation, ... intended by a legislative measure, and that a construction of which
the statute is fairly susceptible is favored, which will avoid all American jurisprudence sets down the reason for this rule to be
xxx xxx xxx objectionable, mischievous, indefensible, wrongful, evil, and "the tenderness of the law of the rights of individuals; the object is
injurious consequences.9-a to establish a certain rule by conformity to which mankind would be
WHEREAS, it is evident that there is throughout the land a state of safe, and the discretion of the court limited." 11 The purpose is not
anarchy and lawlessness, chaos and disorder, turmoil and It is to be presumed that when P.D. 9 was promulgated by the to enable a guilty person to escape punishment through a
destruction of a magnitude equivalent to an actual war between the President of the Republic there was no intent to work a hardship or technicality but to provide a precise definition of forbidden acts.12
forces of our duly constituted government and the New People's an oppressive result, a possible abuse of authority or act of
Army and their satellite organizations because of the unmitigated oppression, arming one person with a weapon to impose hardship Our own decisions have set down the same guidelines in this
forays, raids, ambuscades, assaults, violence, murders, on another, and so on.10 manner, viz:
assassinations, acts of terror, deceits, coercions, threats,
intimidations, treachery, machinations, arsons, plunders and At this instance We quote from the order of Judge Purisima the Criminal statutes are to be construed strictly. No person should be
depredations committed and being committed by the aforesaid following: brought within their terms who is not clearly within them, nor
lawless elements who have pledged to the whole nation that they should any act be pronounced criminal which is not made clearly so
will not stop their dastardly effort and scheme until and unless they And while there is no proof of it before the Court, it is not difficult to by the statute. (U.S. v. Abad Santos, 36 Phil. 243, 246)
have fully attained their primary and ultimate purpose of forcibly believe the murmurings of detained persons brought to Court upon
seizing political and state power in this country by overthrowing our a charge of possession of bladed weapons under P.D. No. 9, that The rule that penal statutes are given a strict construction is not the
present duly constituted government, ... (See Book I, Vital more than ever before, policemen - of course not all can be so only factor controlling the interpretation of such laws, instead, the
Documents on the Declaration of Martial Law in the Philippines by heartless — now have in their hands P.D. No. 9 as a most rule merely serves as an additional, single factor to be considered as
the Supreme Court of the Philippines, pp. 13-39) convenient tool for extortion, what with the terrifying risk of being an aid in determining the meaning of penal laws. (People v.
sentenced to imprisonment of five to ten years for a rusted kitchen Manantan, 5 SCRA 684, 692)
It follows that it is only that act of carrying a blunt or bladed weapon knife or a pair of scissors, which only God knows where it came
with a motivation connected with or related to the afore-quoted from. Whereas before martial law an extortion-minded peace F. The Informations filed by petitioner are fatally defective.
desired result of Proclamation 1081 that is within the intent of P.D. officer had to have a stock of the cheapest paltik, and even that
9(3), and nothing else. could only convey the coercive message of one year in jail, now The two elements of the offense covered by P.D. 9(3) must be
anything that has the semblance of a sharp edge or pointed object, alleged in the Information in order that the latter may constitute a
Statutes are to be construed in the light of purposes to be achieved available even in trash cans, may already serve the same purpose, sufficiently valid charged. The sufficiency of an Information is
and the evils sought to be remedied. (U.S. v. American Tracking and yet five to ten times more incriminating than the infamous determined solely by the facts alleged therein.13 Where the facts
Association, 310 U.S. 534, cited in LVN Pictures v. Philippine paltik. (pp. 72-73, rollo L-42050-66) are incomplete and do not convey the elements of the crime, the
Musicians Guild, 110 Phil. 725, 731; emphasis supplied) quashing of the accusation is in order.
And as respondent Judge Maceren points out, the people's
When construing a statute, the reason for its enactment should be interpretation of P.D. 9(3) results in absurdity at times. To his Section 2(a), Rule 117 of the Rules of Court provides that the
kept in mind, and the statute should be construed with reference to example We may add a situation where a law-abiding citizen, a defendant may move to quash the complaint or information when
its intended scope and purpose. (Statutory Construction by E.T. lawyer by profession, after gardening in his house remembers to the facts charged do not constitute an offense.
Crawford, pp. 604-605, cited in Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. return the bolo used by him to his neighbor who lives about 30
Filipinas Compania de Seguros, 107 Phil. 1055, 1060; emphasis meters or so away and while crossing the street meets a policeman. In U.S.U. Gacutan, 1914, it was held that where an accused is
supplied) The latter upon seeing the bolo being carried by that citizen places charged with knowingly rendering an unjust judgment under Article
him under arrest and books him for a violation of P.D. 9(3). Could 204 of the Revised Penal Code, failure to allege in the Information
5. In the construction of P.D. 9(3) it becomes relevant to the presidential decree have been conceived to produce such that the judgment was rendered knowing it to be unjust, is fatal. 14
inquire into the consequences of the measure if a strict adherence absurd, unreasonable, and insensible results?
to the letter of the paragraph is followed. In People v. Yadao, 1954, this Court through then Justice Cesar
Bengzon who later became Chief Justice of the Court affirmed an
order of the trial court which quashed an Information wherein the was made prior to arraignment of the accused and on a motion to implementation. We have to face the fact that it is an unwise and
facts recited did not constitute a public offense as defined in Section quash. unjust application of a law, necessary and justified under prevailing
1, Republic Act 145. 15 circumstances, which renders the measure an instrument of
Section 8. Rule 117 states that: oppression and evil and leads the citizenry to lose their faith in their
G. The filing of these Petitions was unnecessary because the government.
People could have availed itself of other available remedies below. An order sustaining the motion to quash is not a bar to another
prosecution for the same offense unless the motion was based on WHEREFORE, We DENY these 26 Petitions for Review and We
Pertinent provisions of the Rules of Court follow: the grounds specified in section 2, subsections (f) and (h) of this AFFIRM the Orders of respondent Judges dismissing or quashing the
rule. Information concerned, subject however to Our observations made
Rule 117, Section 7. Effect of sustaining the motion to quash. — If in the preceding pages 23 to 25 of this Decision regarding the right
the motion to quash is sustained the court may order that another Under the foregoing, the filing of another complaint or Information of the State or Petitioner herein to file either an amended
information be filed. If such order is made the defendant, if in is barred only when the criminal action or liability had been Information under Presidential Decree No. 9, paragraph 3, or a new
custody, shall remain so unless he shall be admitted to bail. If such extinguished (Section 2[f]) or when the motion to quash was one under other existing statute or city ordinance as the facts may
order is not made or if having been made another information is not granted for reasons of double jeopardy. (ibid., [h]) warrant.
filed withuntime to be specified in the order, or within such further
time as the court may allow for good cause shown, the defendant, if As to whether or not a plea of double jeopardy may be successfully Without costs.
in custody, shall be discharged therefrom, unless he is in custody on invoked by the accused in all these cases should new complaints be
some other charge. filed against them, is a matter We need not resolve for the present. SO ORDERED.
Rule 110, Section 13. Amendment. — The information or complaint H. — We conclude with high expectations that police
may be amended, in substance or form, without leave of court, at authorities and the prosecuting arm of the government true to the
any time before the defendant pleads; and thereafter and during oath of office they have taken will exercise utmost circumspection
the trial as to all matters of form, by leave and at the discretion of and good faith in evaluating the particular circumstances of a case
the court, when the same can be done without prejudice to the so as to reach a fair and just conclusion if a situation falls within the
rights of the defendant. purview of P.D. 9(3) and the prosecution under said decree is
warranted and justified. This obligation becomes a sacred duty in
xxx xxx xxx the face of the severe penalty imposed for the offense.
Two courses of action were open to Petitioner upon the quashing of On this point, We commend the Chief State Prosecutor Rodolfo A.
the Informations in these cases, viz: Nocon on his letter to the City Fiscal of Manila on October 15, 1975,
written for the Secretary, now Minister of Justice, where he stated
First, if the evidence on hand so warranted, the People could have the following:
filed an amended Information to include the second element of the
offense as defined in the disputed orders of respondent Judges. We In any case, please study well each and every case of this nature so
have ruled that if the facts alleged in the Information do not that persons accused of carrying bladed weapons, specially those
constitute a punishable offense, the case should not be dismissed whose purpose is not to subvert the duly constituted authorities,
but the prosecution should be given an opportunity to amend the may not be unduly indicted for the serious offenses falling under
Information.16 P.D. No. 9.17
Second, if the facts so justified, the People could have filed a Yes, while it is not within the power of courts of justice to inquire
complaint either under Section 26 of Act No. 1780, quoted earlier, into the wisdom of a law, it is however a judicial task and
or Manila City Ordinance No. 3820, as amended by Ordinance No. prerogative to determine if official action is within the spirit and
3928, especially since in most if not all of the cases, the dismissal letter of the law and if basic fundamental rights of an individual
guaranteed by the Constitution are not violated in the process of its
EN BANC team as defendant's employee tied the driving lines of the horses to
the front end of the delivery wagon and then went back inside of The State is liable in this sense when it acts through a special agent,
G.R. No. L-5691 December 27, 1910 the wagon for the purpose of unloading the forage to be delivered; but not when the damages should have been caused by the official
that while unloading the forage and in the act of carrying some of it to whom properly it pertained to do the act performed, in which
S. D. MARTINEZ and his wife, CARMEN ONG DE MARTINEZ, out, another vehicle drove by, the driver of which cracked a whip case the provisions of the preceding article shall be applicable.
plaintiffs-appellees, and made some other noises, which frightened the horses attached
vs. to the delivery wagon and they ran away, and the driver was thrown Finally, masters or directors of arts and trades are liable for the
WILLIAM VAN BUSKIRK, defendant-appellant. from the inside of the wagon out through the rear upon the ground damages caused by their pupils or apprentices while they are under
and was unable to stop the horses; that the horses then ran up and their custody.
Lionel D. Hargis for appellant. on which street they came into collision with the carromata in which
Sanz and Oppisso for appellee. the plaintiff, Carmen Ong de Martinez, was riding. The liability referred to in this article shall cease when the persons
mentioned therein prove that they employed all the diligence of a
The defendant himself was not with the vehicle on the day in good father of a family to avoid the damage.
MORELAND, J.: question.
Passing the question whether or not an employer who has furnished
The facts found by the trial court are undisputed by either party in Upon these facts the court below found the defendant guilty of a gentle and tractable team and a trusty and capable driver is, under
this case. They are — negligence and gave judgment against him for P442.50, with the last paragraph of the above provisions, liable for the negligence
interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 17th of such driver in handling the team, we are of the opinion that the
That on the 11th day of September, 1908, the plaintiff, Carmen Ong day of October, 1908, and for the costs of the action. The case is judgment must be reversed upon the ground that the evidence does
de Martinez, was riding in a carromata on Calle Real, district of before us on an appeal from that judgment. not disclose that the cochero was negligent.
Ermita, city of Manila, P.I., along the left-hand side of the street as
she was going, when a delivery wagon belonging to the defendant There is no general law of negligence in the Philippine Islands except While the law relating to negligence in this jurisdiction may possibly
used for the purpose of transportation of fodder by the defendant, that embodied in the Civil Code. The provisions of that code be some what different from that in Anglo-Saxon countries, a
and to which was attached a pair of horses, came along the street in pertinent to this case are — question we do not now discuss, the rules under which the fact of
the opposite direction to that the in which said plaintiff was negligence is determined are, nevertheless, generally the same.
proceeding, and that thereupon the driver of the said plaintiff's Art. 1902. A person who by an act or omission causes That is to say, while the law designating the person responsible for a
carromata, observing that the delivery wagon of the defendant was damage to another when there is fault or negligence shall be negligent act may not be the same here as in many jurisdictions, the
coming at great speed, crowded close to the sidewalk on the left- obliged to repair the damage so done. law determining what is a negligent act is the same here, generally
hand side of the street and stopped, in order to give defendant's speaking, as elsewhere. (Supreme court of Spain, 4 December, 1903;
delivery wagon an opportunity to pass by, but that instead of Art. 1903. The obligation imposed by preceding article is 16 May, 1893; 27 June, 1894; 9 April, 1896; 14 March, 1901; 2
passing by the defendant's wagon and horses ran into the demandable, not only for personal acts and omissions, but also for March, 1904; 7 February, 1905; 16 June, 1905; 23 June, 1905; 13
carromata occupied by said plaintiff with her child and overturned those of the persons for whom they should be responsible. April, 1903; 7 March, 1902; 12 June, 1900; 2 March, 1907; 18 March,
it, severely wounding said plaintiff by making a serious cut upon her 1898; 3 June, 1901.)
head, and also injuring the carromata itself and the harness upon The father, and on his death or incapacity the mother, is liable for
the horse which was drawing it. the damages caused by the minors who live with them. It appears from the undisputed evidence that the horses which
caused the damage were gentle and tractable; that the cochero was
xxx xxx xxx Guardians are liable for the damages caused by minors or experienced and capable; that he had driven one of the horses
incapacitated persons who are under their authority and live with several years and the other five or six months; that he had been in
These facts are not dispute, but the defendant presented evidence them. the habit, during all that time, of leaving them in the condition in
to the effect that the cochero, who was driving his delivery wagon at which they were left on the day of the accident; that they had never
the time the accident occurred, was a good servant and was Owners of directors of an establishment or enterprise are equally run away up to that time and there had been, therefore, no accident
considered a safe and reliable cochero; that the delivery wagon had liable for the damages caused by the employees in the service of the due to such practice; that to leave the horses and assist in unloading
sent to deliver some forage at Paco Livery Stable on Calle Herran, branches in which the latter may be employed or on account of the merchandise in the manner described on the day of the accident
and that for the purpose of delivery thereof the cochero driving the their duties. was the custom of all cochero who delivered merchandise of the
character of that which was being delivered by the cochero of the way without accident. The refusal of the trial court to charge as injury occurred, the creative reason for the doctrine of res ipsa
defendant on the day in question, which custom was sanctioned by requested left the jury free to find was verdict against the loquitur disappears. This is demonstrated by the case of Inland and
their employers. defendant, although the jury was convinced that these facts were Seaboard Costing Co. vs. Tolson (139 U.S., 551), where the court said (p. 554):
In our judgment, the cochero of the defendant was not negligent in
leaving the horses in the manner described by the evidence in this In the case of Southworth vs. Ry. Co. (105 Mass., 342), it was held: . . . The whole effect of the instruction in question, as applied to the
case, either under Spanish or American jurisprudence. (Lynch vs. case before the jury, was that if the steamboat, on a calm day and in
Nurdin, 1 Q. B., 422; Rumsey vs. Nelson, 58 Vt., 590; Drake vs. That evidence that a servant, whom traders employed to deliver smooth water, was thrown with such force against a wharf properly
Mount, 33 N. J. L., 442; Hoboken Land and Improvement Co. vs. goods, upon stopping with his horse and wagon to deliver a parcel built, as to tear up some of the planks of the flooring, this would be
Lally, 48 N. J. L., 604; Wasmer vs. D. L. & W. R. R. Co., 80 N. Y., 212.) at a house from fifty to a hundred rods from a railroad crossing, left prima facie evidence of negligence on the part of the defendant's the horse unfastened for four or five minutes while he was in the agent in making the landing, unless upon the whole evidence in the
house, knowing that it was not afraid of cars, and having used it for case this prima facie evidence was rebutted. As such damage to a
In the case of Hayman vs. Hewitt (Peake N. P. Cas., pt. 2, p. 170), three or four months without ever hitching it or knowing it to start, wharf is not ordinarily done by a steamboat under control of her
Lord Kenyon said: is not conclusive, as a matter of law, of a want of due care on his officers and carefully managed by them, evidence that such damage
part. was done in this case was prima facie, and, if unexplained, sufficient
He was performing his duty while removing the goods into the evidence of negligence on their part, and the jury might properly be
house, and, if every person who suffered a cart to remain in the The duty, a violation of which is claimed to be negligence in the so instructed.
street while he took goods out of it was obliged to employ another respect in question, is to exercise reasonable care and prudence.
to look after the horses, it would be impossible for the business of Where reasonable care is employed in doing an act not itself illegal There was presented in this case, and by the plaintiffs themselves,
the metropolis to go on. or inherently likely to produce damage to others, there will be no not only the fact of the runway and the accident resulting
liability, although damage in fact ensues. (Milwaukee Ry. Co. vs. therefrom, but also the conditions under which the runaway
In the case of Griggs vs. Fleckenstein (14 Minn., 81), the court said: Arms, 91 U. S., 489; Parrott vs. Wells, 15 Wall., 524; Brown vs. occurred. Those conditions showing of themselves that the
Kendall, 6 Cushing, 292; Jackson Architectural Iron Works vs. defendant's cochero was not negligent in the management of the
The degree of care required of the plaintiff, or those in charged of Hurlbut, 158 N. Y., 34 Westerfield vs. Levis, 43 La. An., 63; Niosi vs. horse, the prima facie case in plaintiffs' favor, if any, was destroyed
his horse, at the time of the injury, is that which would be exercised Empire Steam Laundry, 117 Cal., 257.) as soon as made.
by a person of ordinary care and prudence under like circumstances.
It can not be said that the fact of leaving the horse unhitched is in The act of defendant's driver in leaving the horses in the manner It is a matter of common knowledge as well as proof that it is the
itself negligence. Whether it is negligence to leave a horse proved was not unreasonable or imprudent. Acts the performance universal practice of merchants to deliver merchandise of the kind
unhitched must be depend upon the disposition of the horse; of which has not proved destructive or injurious and which have, of that being delivered at the time of the injury, in the manner in
whether he was under the observation and control of some person therefore, been acquiesced in by society for so long a time that they which that was then being delivered; and that it is the universal
all the time, and many other circumstances; and is a question to be have ripened into custom, can not be held to be themselves practice to leave the horses in the manner in which they were left at
determined by the jury from the facts of each case. unreasonable or imprudent. Indeed the very reason why they have the time of the accident. This is the custom in all cities. It has not
been permitted by society is that they beneficial rather than been productive of accidents or injuries. The public, finding itself
In the case of Belles vs. Kellner (67 N. J. L., 255), it was held that it prejudicial.itc-alf Accidents sometimes happen and injuries result unprejudiced by such practice, has acquiesced for years without
was error on the part of the trial court to refuse to charge that "it is from the most ordinary acts of life. But such are not their natural or objection. Ought the public now, through the courts, without prior
not negligence for the driver of a quite, gentle horse to leave him customary results. To hold that, because such an act once resulted objection or notice, to be permitted to reverse the practice of
unhitched and otherwise unattended on the side of a public in accident or injury, the actor is necessarily negligent, is to go far. decades and thereby make culpable and guilty one who had every
highways while the driver is upon the sidewalk loading goods on the The fact that the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur is sometimes reason and assurance to believe that he was acting under the
wagon." The said court closed its opinion with these words: successfully invoked in such a case, does not in any sense militate sanction of the strongest of all civil forces, the custom of a people?
against the reasoning presented. That maxim at most only creates a We think not.
There was evidence which could have fully justified the jury in prima facie case, and that only in the absence of proof of the
finding that the horse was quite and gentle, and that the driver was circumstances under which the act complained of was performed. It The judgement is reversed, without special finding as to costs. So
upon the sidewalk loading goods on the wagon, at time of the is something invoked in favor of the plaintiff before defendant's ordered.
alleged injury, and that the horse had been used for years in that case showing the conditions and circumstances under which the
THIRD DIVISION (2) Sze Sook Wah, Sze Lai Cho and Sze Chun Yen are the From said decision both parties moved for partial reconsideration,
legitimate children of Yao Kee with Sy Mat [CFI decision, pp. 28-31; which was however denied by respondent court. They thus
G.R. No. L-55960 November 24, 1988 Rollo. pp. 65-68;] and, interposed their respective appeals to this Court.
YAO KEE, SZE SOOK WAH, SZE LAI CHO, and SY CHUN YEN, (3) Aida Sy-Gonzales, Manuel Sy, Teresita Sy-Bernabe and Private respondents filed a petition with this Court docketed as G.R.
petitioners, Rodolfo Sy are the acknowledged illegitimate offsprings of Sy Kiat No. 56045 entitled "Aida Sy-Gonzales, Manuel Sy, Teresita Sy-
vs. with Asuncion Gillego [CFI decision, pp. 27-28; Rollo, pp. 64- 65.] Bernabe and Rodolfo Sy v. Court of Appeals, Yao Kee, Sze Sook Wah,
AIDA SY-GONZALES, MANUEL SY, TERESITA SY-BERNABE, RODOLFO Sze Lai Cho and Sy Chun Yen" questioning paragraphs (3) and (4) of
SY, and HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, respondents. held if favor of the oppositors (petitioners herein) and appointed the dispositive portion of the Court of Appeals' decision. The
Sze Sook Wah as the administratrix of the intestate estate of the Supreme Court however resolved to deny the petition and the
Montesa, Albon, & Associates for petitioners. deceased [CFI decision, pp. 68-69; Rollo, pp. 105-106.] motion for reconsideration. Thus on March 8, 1982 entry of
judgment was made in G.R. No. 56045. **
De Lapa, Salonga, Fulgencio & De Lunas for respondents. On appeal the Court of Appeals rendered a decision modifying that
of the probate court, the dispositive portion of which reads: The instant petition, on the other hand, questions paragraphs (1)
and (2) of the dispositive portion of the decision of the Court of
CORTES, J.: IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the decision of the lower Court is Appeals. This petition was initially denied by the Supreme Court on
hereby MODIFIED and SET ASIDE and a new judgment rendered as June 22, 1981. Upon motion of the petitioners the Court in a
Sy Kiat, a Chinese national. died on January 17, 1977 in Caloocan follows: resolution dated September 16, 1981 reconsidered the denial and
City where he was then residing, leaving behind real and personal decided to give due course to this petition. Herein petitioners assign
properties here in the Philippines worth P300,000.00 more or less. (1) Declaring petitioners Aida Sy-Gonzales, Manuel Sy, Teresita the following as errors:
Sy- Bernabe and Rodolfo Sy acknowledged natural children of the
Thereafter, Aida Sy-Gonzales, Manuel Sy, Teresita Sy-Bernabe and deceased Sy Kiat with Asuncion Gillego, an unmarried woman with I. RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS SERIOUSLY ERRED IN
Rodolfo Sy filed a petition for the grant of letters of administration whom he lived as husband and wife without benefit of marriage for DECLARING THE MARRIAGE OF SY KIAT TO YAO YEE AS NOT HAVE
docketed as Special Proceedings Case No. C-699 of the then Court of many years: (sic) BEEN PROVEN VALID IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAWS OF THE
First Instance of Rizal Branch XXXIII, Caloocan City. In said petition PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA.
they alleged among others that (a) they are the children of the (2) Declaring oppositors Sze Sook Wah, Sze Lai Chu and Sze
deceased with Asuncion Gillego; (b) to their knowledge Sy Mat died Chun Yen, the acknowledged natural children of the deceased Sy II. RESPONDENT COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN
intestate; (c) they do not recognize Sy Kiat's marriage to Yao Kee nor Kiat with his Chinese wife Yao Kee, also known as Yui Yip, since the DECLARING AIDA SY-GONZALES, MANUEL SY, TERESITA SY-BERNABE
the filiation of her children to him; and, (d) they nominate Aida Sy- legality of the alleged marriage of Sy Mat to Yao Kee in China had AND RODOLFO SY AS NATURAL CHILDREN OF SY KIAT WITH
Gonzales for appointment as administratrix of the intestate estate not been proven to be valid to the laws of the Chinese People's ASUNCION GILLEGO. [Petition, p. 2; Rollo, p. 6.]
of the deceased [Record on Appeal, pp. 4-9; Rollo, p. 107.] Republic of China (sic);
I. Petitioners argue that the marriage of Sy Kiat to Yao Kee in
The petition was opposed by Yao Kee, Sze Sook Wah, Sze Lai Cho (3) Declaring the deed of sale executed by Sy Kiat on accordance with Chinese law and custom was conclusively proven.
and Sy Yun Chen who alleged that: (a) Yao Kee is the lawful wife of December 7, 1976 in favor of Tomas Sy (Exhibit "G-1", English To buttress this argument they rely on the following testimonial and
Sy Kiat whom he married on January 19, 1931 in China; (b) the other translation of Exhibit "G") of the Avenue Tractor and Diesel Parts documentary evidence.
oppositors are the legitimate children of the deceased with Yao Kee; Supply to be valid and accordingly, said property should be excluded
and, (c) Sze Sook Wah is the eldest among them and is competent, from the estate of the deceased Sy Kiat; and First, the testimony of Yao Kee summarized by the trial court as
willing and desirous to become the administratrix of the estate of Sy follows:
Kiat [Record on Appeal, pp. 12-13; Rollo, p. 107.] After hearing, the (4) Affirming the appointment by the lower court of Sze Sook
probate court, finding among others that: Wah as judicial administratrix of the estate of the deceased. [CA Yao Kee testified that she was married to Sy Kiat on January 19,
decision, pp. 11-12; Rollo, pp. 36- 37.] 1931 in Fookien, China; that she does not have a marriage
(1) Sy Kiat was legally married to Yao Kee [CFI decision, pp. 12- certificate because the practice during that time was for elders to
27; Rollo, pp. 49-64;] agree upon the betrothal of their children, and in her case, her elder
brother was the one who contracted or entered into [an] agreement
with the parents of her husband; that the agreement was that she immediately together as husband and wife, and from then on, they the validity of said marriage in accordance with Chinese law or
and Sy Mat would be married, the wedding date was set, and lived together; that Sy Kiat went to the Philippines sometime in custom.
invitations were sent out; that the said agreement was complied March or April in the same year they were married; that she went to
with; that she has five children with Sy Kiat, but two of them died; the Philippines in 1970, and then came back to China; that again she Custom is defined as "a rule of conduct formed by repetition of acts,
that those who are alive are Sze Sook Wah, Sze Lai Cho, and Sze went back to the Philippines and lived with Sy Mat as husband and uniformly observed (practiced) as a social rule, legally binding and
Chun Yen, the eldest being Sze Sook Wah who is already 38 years wife; that she begot her children with Sy Kiat during the several trips obligatory" [In the Matter of the Petition for Authority to Continue
old; that Sze Sook Wah was born on November 7, 1939; that she by Sy Kiat made back to China. [CFI decision, pp. 13-15; Rollo, pp. Use of the Firm Name "Ozaeta, Romulo, de Leon, Mabanta and
and her husband, Sy Mat, have been living in FooKien, China before 50-52.] Reyes", July 30, 1979, SCRA 3, 12 citing JBL Reyes & RC Puno,
he went to the Philippines on several occasions; that the practice Outline of Phil. Civil Law, Fourth Ed., Vol. 1, p. 7.] The law requires
during the time of her marriage was a written document [is Second, the testimony of Gan Ching, a younger brother of Yao Kee that "a custom must be proved as a fact, according to the rules of
exchanged] just between the parents of the bride and the parents of who stated that he was among the many people who attended the evidence" [Article 12, Civil Code.] On this score the Court had
the groom, or any elder for that matter; that in China, the custom is wedding of his sister with Sy Kiat and that no marriage certificate is occasion to state that "a local custom as a source of right can not be
that there is a go- between, a sort of marriage broker who is known issued by the Chinese government, a document signed by the considered by a court of justice unless such custom is properly
to both parties who would talk to the parents of the bride-to-be; parents or elders of the parties being sufficient [CFI decision, pp. 15- established by competent evidence like any other fact" [Patriarca v.
that if the parents of the bride-to-be agree to have the groom-to-be 16; Rollo, pp. Orate, 7 Phil. 390, 395 (1907).] The same evidence, if not one of a
their son in-law, then they agree on a date as an engagement day; 52-53.] higher degree, should be required of a foreign custom.
that on engagement day, the parents of the groom would bring
some pieces of jewelry to the parents of the bride-to-be, and then Third, the statements made by Asuncion Gillego when she testified The law on foreign marriages is provided by Article 71 of the Civil
one month after that, a date would be set for the wedding, which in before the trial court to the effect that (a) Sy Mat was married to Code which states that:
her case, the wedding date to Sy Kiat was set on January 19, 1931; Yao Kee according to Chinese custom; and, (b) Sy Kiat's admission to
that during the wedding the bridegroom brings with him a couch her that he has a Chinese wife whom he married according to Art. 71. All marriages performed outside the Philippines in
(sic) where the bride would ride and on that same day, the parents Chinese custom [CFI decision, p. 17; Rollo, p. 54.] accordance with the laws in force in the country where they were
of the bride would give the dowry for her daughter and then the performed and valid there as such, shall also be valid in this country,
document would be signed by the parties but there is no Fourth, Sy Kiat's Master Card of Registered Alien issued in Caloocan except bigamous, Polygamous, or incestuous marriages, as
solemnizing officer as is known in the Philippines; that during the City on October 3, 1972 where the following entries are found: determined by Philippine law. (Emphasis supplied.) ***
wedding day, the document is signed only by the parents of the "Marital status—Married"; "If married give name of spouses—Yao
bridegroom as well as by the parents of the bride; that the parties Kee"; "Address-China; "Date of marriage—1931"; and "Place of Construing this provision of law the Court has held that to establish
themselves do not sign the document; that the bride would then be marriage—China" [Exhibit "SS-1".] a valid foreign marriage two things must be proven, namely: (1) the
placed in a carriage where she would be brought to the town of the existence of the foreign law as a question of fact; and (2) the alleged
bridegroom and before departure the bride would be covered with Fifth, Sy Kiat's Alien Certificate of Registration issued in Manila on foreign marriage by convincing evidence [Adong v. Cheong Seng
a sort of a veil; that upon reaching the town of the bridegroom, the January 12, 1968 where the following entries are likewise found: Gee, 43 Phil. 43, 49 (1922).]
bridegroom takes away the veil; that during her wedding to Sy Kiat "Civil status—Married"; and, 'If married, state name and address of
(according to said Chinese custom), there were many persons spouse—Yao Kee Chingkang, China" [Exhibit "4".] In proving a foreign law the procedure is provided in the Rules of
present; that after Sy Kiat opened the door of the carriage, two old Court. With respect to an unwritten foreign law, Rule 130 section 45
ladies helped her go down the carriage and brought her inside the And lastly, the certification issued in Manila on October 28, 1977 by states that:
house of Sy Mat; that during her wedding, Sy Chick, the eldest the Embassy of the People's Republic of China to the effect that
brother of Sy Kiat, signed the document with her mother; that as to "according to the information available at the Embassy Mr. Sy Kiat a SEC. 45. Unwritten law.—The oral testimony of witnesses, skilled
the whereabouts of that document, she and Sy Mat were married Chinese national and Mrs. Yao Kee alias Yui Yip also Chinese were therein, is admissible as evidence of the unwritten law of a foreign
for 46 years already and the document was left in China and she married on January 19, 1931 in Fukien, the People's Republic of country, as are also printed and published books of reports of
doubt if that document can still be found now; that it was left in the China" [Exhibit "5".] decisions of the courts of the foreign country, if proved to be
possession of Sy Kiat's family; that right now, she does not know the commonly admitted in such courts.
whereabouts of that document because of the lapse of many years These evidence may very well prove the fact of marriage between
and because they left it in a certain place and it was already eaten Yao Kee and Sy Kiat. However, the same do not suffice to establish Proof of a written foreign law, on the other hand, is provided for
by the termites; that after her wedding with Sy Kiat, they lived under Rule 132 section 25, thus:
contracting parties constitute the essential requisite for a marriage (1) Sy Kiat's Master Card of Registered Alien where the
SEC. 25. Proof of public or official record.—An official record or an to be considered duly solemnized in China. Based on his testimony, following are entered: "Children if any: give number of children—
entry therein, when admissible for any purpose, may be evidenced which as found by the Court is uniformly corroborated by authors Four"; and, "Name—All living in China" [Exhibit "SS-1";]
by an official publication thereof or by a copy attested by the officer on the subject of Chinese marriage, what was left to be decided was
having the legal custody of the record, or by his deputy, and the issue of whether or not the fact of marriage in accordance with (2) the testimony of their mother Yao Kee who stated that she
accompanied, if the record is not kept in the Philippines, with a Chinese law was duly proven [Sy Joc Lieng v. Sy Quia, supra., at p. had five children with Sy Kiat, only three of whom are alive namely,
certificate that such officer has the custody. If the office in which 160.] Sze Sook Wah, Sze Lai Chu and Sze Chin Yan [TSN, December 12,
the record is kept is in a foreign country, the certificate may be 1977, pp. 9-11;] and,
made by a secretary of embassy or legation, consul general, consul, Further, even assuming for the sake of argument that the Court has
vice consul, or consular agent or by any officer in the foreign service indeed taken judicial notice of the law of China on marriage in the (3) an affidavit executed on March 22,1961 by Sy Kiat for
of the Philippines stationed in the foreign country in which the aforecited case, petitioners however have not shown any proof that presentation to the Local Civil Registrar of Manila to support Sze
record is kept and authenticated by the seal of his office. the Chinese law or custom obtaining at the time the Sy Joc Lieng Sook Wah's application for a marriage license, wherein Sy Kiat
marriage was celebrated in 1847 was still the law when the alleged expressly stated that she is his daughter [Exhibit "3".]
The Court has interpreted section 25 to include competent evidence marriage of Sy Kiat to Yao Kee took place in 1931 or eighty-four (84)
like the testimony of a witness to prove the existence of a written years later. Likewise on the record is the testimony of Asuncion Gillego that Sy
foreign law [Collector of Internal Revenue v. Fisher 110 Phil. 686, Kiat told her he has three daughters with his Chinese wife, two of
700-701 (1961) citing Willamette Iron and Steel Works v. Muzzal, 61 Petitioners moreover cite the case of U.S. v. Memoracion [34 Phil. whom—Sook Wah and Sze Kai Cho—she knows, and one adopted
Phil. 471 (1935).] 633 (1916)] as being applicable to the instant case. They aver that son [TSN, December 6,1977, pp. 87-88.]
the judicial pronouncement in the Memoracion case, that the
In the case at bar petitioners did not present any competent testimony of one of the contracting parties is competent evidence However, as petitioners failed to establish the marriage of Yao Kee
evidence relative to the law and custom of China on marriage. The to show the fact of marriage, holds true in this case. with Sy Mat according to the laws of China, they cannot be accorded
testimonies of Yao and Gan Ching cannot be considered as proof of the status of legitimate children but only that of acknowledged
China's law or custom on marriage not only because they are The Memoracion case however is not applicable to the case at bar natural children. Petitioners are natural children, it appearing that at
self-serving evidence, but more importantly, there is no showing as said case did not concern a foreign marriage and the issue posed the time of their conception Yao Kee and Sy Kiat were not
that they are competent to testify on the subject matter. For failure was whether or not the oral testimony of a spouse is competent disqualified by any impediment to marry one another [See Art. 269,
to prove the foreign law or custom, and consequently, the validity of evidence to prove the fact of marriage in a complaint for adultery. Civil Code.] And they are acknowledged children of the deceased
the marriage in accordance with said law or custom, the marriage because of Sy Kiat's recognition of Sze Sook Wah [Exhibit "3"] and its
between Yao Kee and Sy Kiat cannot be recognized in this Accordingly, in the absence of proof of the Chinese law on marriage, extension to Sze Lai Cho and Sy Chun Yen who are her sisters of the
jurisdiction. it should be presumed that it is the same as ours *** [Wong Woo full blood [See Art. 271, Civil Code.]
Yiu v. Vivo, G.R. No. L-21076, March 31, 1965, 13 SCRA 552, 555.]
Petitioners contend that contrary to the Court of Appeals' ruling Since Yao Kee admitted in her testimony that there was no Private respondents on the other hand are also the deceased's
they are not duty bound to prove the Chinese law on marriage as solemnizing officer as is known here in the Philippines [See Article acknowledged natural children with Asuncion Gillego, a Filipina with
judicial notice thereof had been taken by this Court in the case of Sy 56, Civil Code] when her alleged marriage to Sy Mat was celebrated whom he lived for twenty-five (25) years without the benefit of
Joc Lieng v. Sy Quia [16 Phil. 137 (1910).] [CFI decision, p. 14; Rollo, p. 51], it therefore follows that her marriage. They have in their favor their father's acknowledgment,
marriage to Sy Kiat, even if true, cannot be recognized in this evidenced by a compromise agreement entered into by and
This contention is erroneous. Well-established in this jurisdiction is jurisdiction [Wong Woo Yiu v. Vivo, supra., pp. 555-556.] between their parents and approved by the Court of First Instance
the principle that Philippine courts cannot take judicial notice of on February 12, 1974 wherein Sy Kiat not only acknowleged them as
foreign laws. They must be alleged and proved as any other fact II. The second issue raised by petitioners concerns the status his children by Asuncion Gillego but likewise made provisions for
[Yam Ka Lim v. Collector of Customs, 30 Phil. 46, 48 (1915); Fluemer of private respondents. their support and future inheritance, thus:
v. Hix, 54 Phil. 610 (1930).]
Respondent court found the following evidence of petitioners' xxx xxx xxx
Moreover a reading of said case would show that the party alleging filiation:
the foreign marriage presented a witness, one Li Ung Bieng, to 2. The parties also acknowledge that they are common-law
prove that matrimonial letters mutually exchanged by the husband and wife and that out of such relationship, which they have
likewise decided to definitely and finally terminate effective
immediately, they begot five children, namely: Aida Sy, born on May Specifically, petitioners rely on the following provision of Republic If any question involving any of the above matters should arise as an
30, 1950; Manuel Sy, born on July 1, 1953; Teresita Sy, born on Act No. 5502, entitled "An Act Revising Rep. Act No. 3278, otherwise incident in any case pending in the ordinary court, said incident shall
January 28, 1955; Ricardo Sy now deceased, born on December 14, known as the Charter of the City of Caloocan', with regard to the be determined in the main case.
1956; and Rodolfo Sy, born on May 7, 1958. Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court:
xxx xxx xxx
3. With respect to the AVENUE TRACTOR AND DIESEL PARTS SEC. 91-A. Creation and Jurisdiction of the Court.—
SUPPLY ... , the parties mutually agree and covenant that— As held in the case of Divinagracia v. Rovira [G.R. No. L42615. August
xxx xxx xxx 10, 1976, 72 SCRA 307]:
(a) The stocks and merchandize and the furniture and
equipments ..., shall be divided into two equal shares between, and The provisions of the Judiciary Act to the contrary notwithstanding, xxx xxx xxx
distributed to, Sy Kiat who shall own the court shall have exclusive original jurisdiction to hear and decide
one-half of the total and the other half to Asuncion Gillego who shall the following cases: It is true that under the aforequoted section 1 of Republic Act No.
transfer the same to their children, namely, Aida Sy, Manuel Sy, 4834 **** a case involving paternity and acknowledgment may be
Teresita Sy, and Rodolfo Sy. xxx xxx xxx ventilated as an incident in the intestate or testate proceeding (See
Baluyot vs. Ines Luciano, L-42215, July 13, 1976). But that legal
(b) the business name and premises ... shall be retained by Sy (2) Cases involving custody, guardianship, adoption, revocation provision presupposes that such an administration proceeding is
Kiat. However, it shall be his obligation to give to the aforenamed of adoption, paternity and acknowledgment; pending or existing and has not been terminated. [at pp. 313-314.]
children an amount of One Thousand Pesos ( Pl,000.00 ) monthly (Emphasis supplied.)
out of the rental of the two doors of the same building now (3) Annulment of marriages, relief from marital obligations,
occupied by Everett Construction. legal separation of spouses, and actions for support; xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx (4) Proceedings brought under the provisions of title six and The reason for ths rule is not only "to obviate the rendition of
title seven, chapters one to three of the civil code; conflicting rulings on the same issue by the Court of First Instance
(5) With respect to the acquisition, during the existence of the and the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court" [Vda. de Baluyut v.
common-law husband-and-wife relationship between the parties, of xxx xxx xxx Luciano, G.R. No. L-42215, July 13, 1976, 72 SCRA 52, 63] but more
the real estates and properties registered and/or appearing in the importantly to prevent multiplicity of suits. Accordingly, this Court
name of Asuncion Gillego ... , the parties mutually agree and and the ruling in the case of Bartolome v. Bartolome [G.R. No. L- finds no reversible error committed by respondent court.
covenant that the said real estates and properties shall be 23661, 21 SCRA 1324] reiterated in Divinagracia v. Rovira [G.R. No.
transferred in equal shares to their children, namely, Aida Sy, L-42615, 72 SCRA 307.] WHEREFORE, the decision of the Court of Appeals is hereby
Manuel Sy, Teresita Sy, and Rodolfo Sy, but to be administered by AFFIRMED.
Asuncion Gillego during her lifetime ... [Exhibit "D".] (Emphasis With the enactment of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, otherwise known
supplied.) as the Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980, the Juvenile and SO ORDERED.
Domestic Relations Courts were abolished. Their functions and
xxx xxx xxx jurisdiction are now vested with the Regional Trial Courts [See
Section 19 (7), B.P. Blg. 129 and Divinagracia v. Belosillo, G.R. No. L-
This compromise agreement constitutes a statement before a court 47407, August 12, 1986, 143 SCRA 356, 360] hence it is no longer
of record by which a child may be voluntarily acknowledged [See necessary to pass upon the issue of jurisdiction raised by
Art. 278, Civil Code.] petitioners.
Petitioners further argue that the questions on the validity of Sy Moreover, even without the exactment of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129
Mat's marriage to Yao Kee and the paternity and filiation of the we find in Rep. Act No. 5502 sec. 91-A last paragraph that:
parties should have been ventilated in the Juvenile and Domestic
Relations Court. xxx xxx xxx
FIRST DIVISION claim for tax refund or tax credit.12 It invoked Section 229 of the filed its final adjusted return, was filed beyond the reglementary
National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC): period.15
G.R. No. 162155 August 28, 2007
Sec. 229. Recovery of Taxes Erroneously or Illegally Collected. -- No Respondent moved for reconsideration but it was denied.16 Hence,
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE and ARTURO V. PARCERO suit or proceeding shall be maintained in any court for the recovery it filed an appeal in the CA.17
in his official capacity as Revenue District Officer of Revenue District of any national internal revenue tax hereafter alleged to have been
No. 049 (Makati), Petitioners, erroneously or illegally assessed or collected, or of any penalty On August 1, 2003, the CA reversed and set aside the decision of the
vs. claimed to have been collected without authority, or of any sum CTA.18 It ruled that Article 13 of the Civil Code did not distinguish
PRIMETOWN PROPERTY GROUP, INC., Respondent. alleged to have been excessively or in any manner wrongfully between a regular year and a leap year. According to the CA:
collected, until a claim for refund or credit has been duly filed with
DECISION the Commissioner; but such suit or proceeding may be maintained, The rule that a year has 365 days applies, notwithstanding the fact
whether or not such tax, penalty, or sum has been paid under that a particular year is a leap year.19
CORONA, J.: protest or duress.
In other words, even if the year 2000 was a leap year, the periods
This petition for review on certiorari1 seeks to set aside the August In any case, no such suit or proceeding shall be filed after the covered by April 15, 1998 to April 14, 1999 and April 15, 1999 to
1, 2003 decision2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. SP No. expiration of two (2) years from the date of payment of the tax or April 14, 2000 should still be counted as 365 days each or a total of
64782 and its February 9, 2004 resolution denying reconsideration.3 penalty regardless of any supervening cause that may arise after 730 days. A statute which is clear and explicit shall be neither
payment: Provided, however, That the Commissioner may, even interpreted nor construed.20
On March 11, 1999, Gilbert Yap, vice chair of respondent Primetown without a claim therefor, refund or credit any tax, where on the face
Property Group, Inc., applied for the refund or credit of income tax of the return upon which payment was made, such payment Petitioners moved for reconsideration but it was denied.21 Thus,
respondent paid in 1997. In Yap's letter to petitioner revenue appears clearly to have been erroneously paid. (emphasis supplied) this appeal.
district officer Arturo V. Parcero of Revenue District No. 049
(Makati) of the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR),4 he explained that The CTA found that respondent filed its final adjusted return on Petitioners contend that tax refunds, being in the nature of an
the increase in the cost of labor and materials and difficulty in April 14, 1998. Thus, its right to claim a refund or credit commenced exemption, should be strictly construed against claimants.22 Section
obtaining financing for projects and collecting receivables caused on that date.13 229 of the NIRC should be strictly applied against respondent
the real estate industry to slowdown.5 As a consequence, while inasmuch as it has been consistently held that the prescriptive
business was good during the first quarter of 1997, respondent The tax court applied Article 13 of the Civil Code which states: period (for the filing of tax refunds and tax credits) begins to run on
suffered losses amounting to ₱71,879,228 that year.6 the day claimants file their final adjusted returns.23 Hence, the
Art. 13. When the law speaks of years, months, days or nights, it claim should have been filed on or before April 13, 2000 or within
According to Yap, because respondent suffered losses, it was not shall be understood that years are of three hundred sixty-five days 730 days, reckoned from the time respondent filed its final adjusted
liable for income taxes.7 Nevertheless, respondent paid its quarterly each; months, of thirty days; days, of twenty-four hours, and nights return.
corporate income tax and remitted creditable withholding tax from from sunset to sunrise.
real estate sales to the BIR in the total amount of ₱26,318,398.32.8 The conclusion of the CA that respondent filed its petition for review
Therefore, respondent was entitled to tax refund or tax credit.9 If the months are designated by their name, they shall be computed in the CTA within the two-year prescriptive period provided in
by the number of days which they respectively have. Section 229 of the NIRC is correct. Its basis, however, is not.
On May 13, 1999, revenue officer Elizabeth Y. Santos required
respondent to submit additional documents to support its claim.10 In computing a period, the first day shall be excluded, and the last The rule is that the two-year prescriptive period is reckoned from
Respondent complied but its claim was not acted upon. Thus, on included. (emphasis supplied) the filing of the final adjusted return.24 But how should the two-
April 14, 2000, it filed a petition for review11 in the Court of Tax year prescriptive period be computed?
Appeals (CTA). Thus, according to the CTA, the two-year prescriptive period under
Section 229 of the NIRC for the filing of judicial claims was As already quoted, Article 13 of the Civil Code provides that when
On December 15, 2000, the CTA dismissed the petition as it was equivalent to 730 days. Because the year 2000 was a leap year, the law speaks of a year, it is understood to be equivalent to 365
filed beyond the two-year prescriptive period for filing a judicial respondent's petition, which was filed 731 days14 after respondent days. In National Marketing Corporation v. Tecson,25 we ruled that
a year is equivalent to 365 days regardless of whether it is a regular
year or a leap year.26 Both Article 13 of the Civil Code and Section 31, Chapter VIII, Book I July 15, 1998 to August 14, 1998
of the Administrative Code of 1987 deal with the same subject
However, in 1987, EO27 292 or the Administrative Code of 1987 was matter — the computation of legal periods. Under the Civil Code, a 5th
enacted. Section 31, Chapter VIII, Book I thereof provides: year is equivalent to 365 days whether it be a regular year or a leap
year. Under the Administrative Code of 1987, however, a year is calendar month
Sec. 31. Legal Periods. — "Year" shall be understood to be twelve composed of 12 calendar months. Needless to state, under the
calendar months; "month" of thirty days, unless it refers to a Administrative Code of 1987, the number of days is irrelevant. August 15, 1998 to September 14, 1998
specific calendar month in which case it shall be computed
according to the number of days the specific month contains; "day", There obviously exists a manifest incompatibility in the manner of 6th
to a day of twenty-four hours and; "night" from sunrise to sunset. computing legal periods under the Civil Code and the Administrative
(emphasis supplied) Code of 1987. For this reason, we hold that Section 31, Chapter VIII, calendar month
Book I of the Administrative Code of 1987, being the more recent
A calendar month is "a month designated in the calendar without law, governs the computation of legal periods. Lex posteriori September 15, 1998 to October 14, 1998
regard to the number of days it may contain."28 It is the "period of derogat priori.
time running from the beginning of a certain numbered day up to, 7th
but not including, the corresponding numbered day of the next Applying Section 31, Chapter VIII, Book I of the Administrative Code
month, and if there is not a sufficient number of days in the next of 1987 to this case, the two-year prescriptive period (reckoned calendar month
month, then up to and including the last day of that month."29 To from the time respondent filed its final adjusted return34 on April
illustrate, one calendar month from December 31, 2007 will be from 14, 1998) consisted of 24 calendar months, computed as follows: October 15, 1998 to November 14, 1998
January 1, 2008 to January 31, 2008; one calendar month from
January 31, 2008 will be from February 1, 2008 until February 29, Year 1 8th
1st calendar month
A law may be repealed expressly (by a categorical declaration that
the law is revoked and abrogated by another) or impliedly (when calendar month November 15, 1998 to December 14, 1998
the provisions of a more recent law cannot be reasonably reconciled
with the previous one).31 Section 27, Book VII (Final Provisions) of April 15, 1998 to May 14, 1998 9th
the Administrative Code of 1987 states:
2nd calendar month
Sec. 27. Repealing clause. — All laws, decrees, orders, rules and
regulation, or portions thereof, inconsistent with this Code are calendar month December 15, 1998 to January 14, 1999
hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
May 15, 1998 to June 14, 1998 10th
A repealing clause like Sec. 27 above is not an express repealing
clause because it fails to identify or designate the laws to be 3rd calendar month
abolished.32 Thus, the provision above only impliedly repealed all
laws inconsistent with the Administrative Code of 1987.1avvphi1 calendar month January 15, 1999 to February 14, 1999
Implied repeals, however, are not favored. An implied repeal must June 15, 1998 to July 14, 1998 11th
have been clearly and unmistakably intended by the legislature. The
test is whether the subsequent law encompasses entirely the 4th calendar month
subject matter of the former law and they cannot be logically or
reasonably reconciled.33 calendar month February 15, 1999 to March 14, 1999
12th calendar month No costs.
calendar month Accordingly, the petition is hereby DENIED. The case is REMANDED
to the Court of Tax Appeals which is ordered to expeditiously
September 15, 1999 to October 14, 1999 proceed to hear C.T.A. Case No. 6113 entitled Primetown Property
Group, Inc. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue and Arturo V.
19th Parcero.
FIRST DIVISION Generally, the denial of a Motion to Dismiss in a civil case is community property nor community obligations. 3 As explicitly
interlocutory and is not subject to appeal. certiorari and Prohibition stated in the Power of Attorney he executed in favor of the law firm
G.R. No. L-68470 October 8, 1985 are neither the remedies to question the propriety of an of KARP & GRAD LTD., 336 W. Liberty, Reno, Nevada, to represent
interlocutory order of the trial Court. However, when a grave abuse him in the divorce proceedings:
ALICE REYES VAN DORN, petitioner, of discretion was patently committed, or the lower Court acted
vs. capriciously and whimsically, then it devolves upon this Court in a xxx xxx xxx
HON. MANUEL V. ROMILLO, JR., as Presiding Judge of Branch CX, certiorari proceeding to exercise its supervisory authority and to
Regional Trial Court of the National Capital Region Pasay City and correct the error committed which, in such a case, is equivalent to You are hereby authorized to accept service of Summons, to file an
RICHARD UPTON respondents. lack of jurisdiction. 1 Prohibition would then lie since it would be Answer, appear on my behalf and do an things necessary and proper
useless and a waste of time to go ahead with the proceedings. 2 to represent me, without further contesting, subject to the
Weconsider the petition filed in this case within the exception, and following:
MELENCIO-HERRERA, J.:\ we have given it due course.
1. That my spouse seeks a divorce on the ground of
In this Petition for certiorari and Prohibition, petitioner Alice Reyes For resolution is the effect of the foreign divorce on the parties and incompatibility.
Van Dorn seeks to set aside the Orders, dated September 15, 1983 their alleged conjugal property in the Philippines.
and August 3, 1984, in Civil Case No. 1075-P, issued by respondent 2. That there is no community of property to be adjudicated
Judge, which denied her Motion to Dismiss said case, and her Petitioner contends that respondent is estopped from laying claim by the Court.
Motion for Reconsideration of the Dismissal Order, respectively. on the alleged conjugal property because of the representation he
made in the divorce proceedings before the American Court that 3. 'I'hat there are no community obligations to be adjudicated
The basic background facts are that petitioner is a citizen of the they had no community of property; that the Galleon Shop was not by the court.
Philippines while private respondent is a citizen of the United States; established through conjugal funds, and that respondent's claim is
that they were married in Hongkong in 1972; that, after the barred by prior judgment. xxx xxx xxx 4
marriage, they established their residence in the Philippines; that
they begot two children born on April 4, 1973 and December 18, For his part, respondent avers that the Divorce Decree issued by the There can be no question as to the validity of that Nevada divorce in
1975, respectively; that the parties were divorced in Nevada, United Nevada Court cannot prevail over the prohibitive laws of the any of the States of the United States. The decree is binding on
States, in 1982; and that petitioner has re-married also in Nevada, Philippines and its declared national policy; that the acts and private respondent as an American citizen. For instance, private
this time to Theodore Van Dorn. declaration of a foreign Court cannot, especially if the same is respondent cannot sue petitioner, as her husband, in any State of
contrary to public policy, divest Philippine Courts of jurisdiction to the Union. What he is contending in this case is that the divorce is
Dated June 8, 1983, private respondent filed suit against petitioner entertain matters within its jurisdiction. not valid and binding in this jurisdiction, the same being contrary to
in Civil Case No. 1075-P of the Regional Trial Court, Branch CXV, in local law and public policy.
Pasay City, stating that petitioner's business in Ermita, Manila, (the For the resolution of this case, it is not necessary to determine
Galleon Shop, for short), is conjugal property of the parties, and whether the property relations between petitioner and private It is true that owing to the nationality principle embodied in Article
asking that petitioner be ordered to render an accounting of that respondent, after their marriage, were upon absolute or relative 15 of the Civil Code, 5 only Philippine nationals are covered by the
business, and that private respondent be declared with right to community property, upon complete separation of property, or policy against absolute divorces the same being considered contrary
manage the conjugal property. Petitioner moved to dismiss the case upon any other regime. The pivotal fact in this case is the Nevada to our concept of public police and morality. However, aliens may
on the ground that the cause of action is barred by previous divorce of the parties. obtain divorces abroad, which may be recognized in the Philippines,
judgment in the divorce proceedings before the Nevada Court provided they are valid according to their national law. 6 In this
wherein respondent had acknowledged that he and petitioner had The Nevada District Court, which decreed the divorce, had obtained case, the divorce in Nevada released private respondent from the
"no community property" as of June 11, 1982. The Court below jurisdiction over petitioner who appeared in person before the marriage from the standards of American law, under which divorce
denied the Motion to Dismiss in the mentioned case on the ground Court during the trial of the case. It also obtained jurisdiction over dissolves the marriage. As stated by the Federal Supreme Court of
that the property involved is located in the Philippines so that the private respondent who, giving his address as No. 381 Bush Street, the United States in Atherton vs. Atherton, 45 L. Ed. 794, 799:
Divorce Decree has no bearing in the case. The denial is now the San Francisco, California, authorized his attorneys in the divorce
subject of this certiorari proceeding. case, Karp & Gradt Ltd., to agree to the divorce on the ground of The purpose and effect of a decree of divorce from the bond of
incompatibility in the understanding that there were neither matrimony by a court of competent jurisdiction are to change the
existing status or domestic relation of husband and wife, and to free
them both from the bond. The marriage tie when thus severed as to
one party, ceases to bind either. A husband without a wife, or a wife
without a husband, is unknown to the law. When the law provides,
in the nature of a penalty. that the guilty party shall not marry again,
that party, as well as the other, is still absolutely freed from the
bond of the former marriage.
Without costs.
SECOND DIVISION On January 15, 1986, Division 20 of the Schoneberg Local Court, merely reset the date of the arraignment in Criminal Case No. 87-
Federal Republic of Germany, promulgated a decree of divorce on 52435 to April 6, 1987. Before such scheduled date, petitioner
G.R. No. 80116 June 30, 1989 the ground of failure of marriage of the spouses. The custody of the moved for the cancellation of the arraignment and for the
child was granted to petitioner. The records show that under suspension of proceedings in said Criminal Case No. 87-52435 until
IMELDA MANALAYSAY PILAPIL, petitioner, German law said court was locally and internationally competent for after the resolution of the petition for review then pending before
vs. the divorce proceeding and that the dissolution of said marriage was the Secretary of Justice. 11 A motion to quash was also filed in the
HON. CORONA IBAY-SOMERA, in her capacity as Presiding Judge of legally founded on and authorized by the applicable law of that same case on the ground of lack of jurisdiction, 12 which motion
the Regional Trial Court of Manila, Branch XXVI; HON. LUIS C. foreign jurisdiction. 4 was denied by the respondent judge in an order dated September 8,
VICTOR, in his capacity as the City Fiscal of Manila; and ERICH 1987. The same order also directed the arraignment of both accused
EKKEHARD GEILING, respondents. On June 27, 1986, or more than five months after the issuance of therein, that is, petitioner and William Chia. The latter entered a
the divorce decree, private respondent filed two complaints for plea of not guilty while the petitioner refused to be arraigned. Such
adultery before the City Fiscal of Manila alleging that, while still refusal of the petitioner being considered by respondent judge as
REGALADO, J.: married to said respondent, petitioner "had an affair with a certain direct contempt, she and her counsel were fined and the former
William Chia as early as 1982 and with yet another man named was ordered detained until she submitted herself for arraignment.
An ill-starred marriage of a Filipina and a foreigner which ended in a Jesus Chua sometime in 1983". Assistant Fiscal Jacinto A. de los 13 Later, private respondent entered a plea of not guilty. 14
foreign absolute divorce, only to be followed by a criminal infidelity Reyes, Jr., after the corresponding investigation, recommended the
suit of the latter against the former, provides Us the opportunity to dismissal of the cases on the ground of insufficiency of evidence. 5 On October 27, 1987, petitioner filed this special civil action for
lay down a decisional rule on what hitherto appears to be an However, upon review, the respondent city fiscal approved a certiorari and prohibition, with a prayer for a temporary restraining
unresolved jurisdictional question. resolution, dated January 8, 1986, directing the filing of two order, seeking the annulment of the order of the lower court
complaints for adultery against the petitioner. 6 The complaints denying her motion to quash. The petition is anchored on the main
On September 7, 1979, petitioner Imelda Manalaysay Pilapil, a were accordingly filed and were eventually raffled to two branches ground that the court is without jurisdiction "to try and decide the
Filipino citizen, and private respondent Erich Ekkehard Geiling, a of the Regional Trial Court of Manila. The case entitled "People of charge of adultery, which is a private offense that cannot be
German national, were married before the Registrar of Births, the Philippines vs. Imelda Pilapil and William Chia", docketed as prosecuted de officio (sic), since the purported complainant, a
Marriages and Deaths at Friedensweiler in the Federal Republic of Criminal Case No. 87-52435, was assigned to Branch XXVI presided foreigner, does not qualify as an offended spouse having obtained a
Germany. The marriage started auspiciously enough, and the couple by the respondent judge; while the other case, "People of the final divorce decree under his national law prior to his filing the
lived together for some time in Malate, Manila where their only Philippines vs. Imelda Pilapil and James Chua", docketed as Criminal criminal complaint." 15
child, Isabella Pilapil Geiling, was born on April 20, 1980. 1 Case No. 87-52434 went to the sala of Judge Leonardo Cruz, Branch
XXV, of the same court. 7 On October 21, 1987, this Court issued a temporary restraining
Thereafter, marital discord set in, with mutual recriminations order enjoining the respondents from implementing the aforesaid
between the spouses, followed by a separation de facto between On March 14, 1987, petitioner filed a petition with the Secretary of order of September 8, 1987 and from further proceeding with
them. Justice asking that the aforesaid resolution of respondent fiscal be Criminal Case No. 87-52435. Subsequently, on March 23, 1988
set aside and the cases against her be dismissed. 8 A similar petition Secretary of Justice Sedfrey A. Ordoñez acted on the aforesaid
After about three and a half years of marriage, such connubial was filed by James Chua, her co-accused in Criminal Case No. 87- petitions for review and, upholding petitioner's ratiocinations,
disharmony eventuated in private respondent initiating a divorce 52434. The Secretary of Justice, through the Chief State Prosecutor, issued a resolution directing the respondent city fiscal to move for
proceeding against petitioner in Germany before the Schoneberg gave due course to both petitions and directed the respondent city the dismissal of the complaints against the petitioner. 16
Local Court in January, 1983. He claimed that there was failure of fiscal to inform the Department of Justice "if the accused have
their marriage and that they had been living apart since April, 1982. already been arraigned and if not yet arraigned, to move to defer We find this petition meritorious. The writs prayed for shall
2 further proceedings" and to elevate the entire records of both cases accordingly issue.
to his office for review. 9
Petitioner, on the other hand, filed an action for legal separation, Under Article 344 of the Revised Penal Code, 17 the crime of
support and separation of property before the Regional Trial Court Petitioner thereafter filed a motion in both criminal cases to defer adultery, as well as four other crimes against chastity, cannot be
of Manila, Branch XXXII, on January 23, 1983 where the same is still her arraignment and to suspend further proceedings thereon. 10 As prosecuted except upon a sworn written complaint filed by the
pending as Civil Case No. 83-15866. 3 a consequence, Judge Leonardo Cruz suspended proceedings in offended spouse. It has long since been established, with
Criminal Case No. 87-52434. On the other hand, respondent judge unwavering consistency, that compliance with this rule is a
jurisdictional, and not merely a formal, requirement. 18 While in refrain therefrom, is a matter exclusively within his power and subsequently granted can have no legal effect on the prosecution of
point of strict law the jurisdiction of the court over the offense is option. the criminal proceedings to a conclusion. 22
vested in it by the Judiciary Law, the requirement for a sworn
written complaint is just as jurisdictional a mandate since it is that This policy was adopted out of consideration for the aggrieved party In the cited Loftus case, the Supreme Court of Iowa held that —
complaint which starts the prosecutory proceeding 19 and without who might prefer to suffer the outrage in silence rather than go
which the court cannot exercise its jurisdiction to try the case. through the scandal of a public trial. 20 Hence, as cogently argued 'No prosecution for adultery can be commenced except on the
by petitioner, Article 344 of the Revised Penal Code thus complaint of the husband or wife.' Section 4932, Code. Though
Now, the law specifically provides that in prosecutions for adultery presupposes that the marital relationship is still subsisting at the Loftus was husband of defendant when the offense is said to have
and concubinage the person who can legally file the complaint time of the institution of the criminal action for, adultery. This is a been committed, he had ceased to be such when the prosecution
should be the offended spouse, and nobody else. Unlike the logical consequence since the raison d'etre of said provision of law was begun; and appellant insists that his status was not such as to
offenses of seduction, abduction, rape and acts of lasciviousness, no would be absent where the supposed offended party had ceased to entitle him to make the complaint. We have repeatedly said that the
provision is made for the prosecution of the crimes of adultery and be the spouse of the alleged offender at the time of the filing of the offense is against the unoffending spouse, as well as the state, in
concubinage by the parents, grandparents or guardian of the criminal case. 21 explaining the reason for this provision in the statute; and we are of
offended party. The so-called exclusive and successive rule in the the opinion that the unoffending spouse must be such when the
prosecution of the first four offenses above mentioned do not apply In these cases, therefore, it is indispensable that the status and prosecution is commenced. (Emphasis supplied.)
to adultery and concubinage. It is significant that while the State, as capacity of the complainant to commence the action be definitely
parens patriae, was added and vested by the 1985 Rules of Criminal established and, as already demonstrated, such status or capacity We see no reason why the same doctrinal rule should not apply in
Procedure with the power to initiate the criminal action for a must indubitably exist as of the time he initiates the action. It would this case and in our jurisdiction, considering our statutory law and
deceased or incapacitated victim in the aforesaid offenses of be absurd if his capacity to bring the action would be determined by jural policy on the matter. We are convinced that in cases of such
seduction, abduction, rape and acts of lasciviousness, in default of his status before or subsequent to the commencement thereof, nature, the status of the complainant vis-a-vis the accused must be
her parents, grandparents or guardian, such amendment did not where such capacity or status existed prior to but ceased before, or determined as of the time the complaint was filed. Thus, the person
include the crimes of adultery and concubinage. In other words, was acquired subsequent to but did not exist at the time of, the who initiates the adultery case must be an offended spouse, and by
only the offended spouse, and no other, is authorized by law to institution of the case. We would thereby have the anomalous this is meant that he is still married to the accused spouse, at the
initiate the action therefor. spectacle of a party bringing suit at the very time when he is without time of the filing of the complaint.
the legal capacity to do so.
Corollary to such exclusive grant of power to the offended spouse to In the present case, the fact that private respondent obtained a
institute the action, it necessarily follows that such initiator must To repeat, there does not appear to be any local precedential valid divorce in his country, the Federal Republic of Germany, is
have the status, capacity or legal representation to do so at the time jurisprudence on the specific issue as to when precisely the status of admitted. Said divorce and its legal effects may be recognized in the
of the filing of the criminal action. This is a familiar and express rule a complainant as an offended spouse must exist where a criminal Philippines insofar as private respondent is concerned 23 in view of
in civil actions; in fact, lack of legal capacity to sue, as a ground for a prosecution can be commenced only by one who in law can be the nationality principle in our civil law on the matter of status of
motion to dismiss in civil cases, is determined as of the filing of the categorized as possessed of such status. Stated differently and with persons.
complaint or petition. reference to the present case, the inquiry ;would be whether it is
necessary in the commencement of a criminal action for adultery Thus, in the recent case of Van Dorn vs. Romillo, Jr., et al., 24 after a
The absence of an equivalent explicit rule in the prosecution of that the marital bonds between the complainant and the accused be divorce was granted by a United States court between Alice Van
criminal cases does not mean that the same requirement and unsevered and existing at the time of the institution of the action by Dornja Filipina, and her American husband, the latter filed a civil
rationale would not apply. Understandably, it may not have been the former against the latter. case in a trial court here alleging that her business concern was
found necessary since criminal actions are generally and conjugal property and praying that she be ordered to render an
fundamentally commenced by the State, through the People of the American jurisprudence, on cases involving statutes in that accounting and that the plaintiff be granted the right to manage the
Philippines, the offended party being merely the complaining jurisdiction which are in pari materia with ours, yields the rule that business. Rejecting his pretensions, this Court perspicuously
witness therein. However, in the so-called "private crimes" or those after a divorce has been decreed, the innocent spouse no longer has demonstrated the error of such stance, thus:
which cannot be prosecuted de oficio, and the present prosecution the right to institute proceedings against the offenders where the
for adultery is of such genre, the offended spouse assumes a more statute provides that the innocent spouse shall have the exclusive There can be no question as to the validity of that Nevada divorce in
predominant role since the right to commence the action, or to right to institute a prosecution for adultery. Where, however, any of the States of the United States. The decree is binding on
proceedings have been properly commenced, a divorce private respondent as an American citizen. For instance, private
respondent cannot sue petitioner, as her husband, in any State of of nullity because such declaration that the marriage is void ab initio considered as the offended party in case his former wife actually has
the Union. ... is equivalent to stating that it never existed. There being no carnal knowledge with another, because in divorcing her, he already
marriage from the beginning, any complaint for adultery filed after implicitly authorized the woman to have sexual relations with
It is true that owing to the nationality principle embodied in Article said declaration of nullity would no longer have a leg to stand on. others. A contrary ruling would be less than fair for a man, who is
15 of the Civil Code, only Philippine nationals are covered by the Moreover, what was consequently contemplated and within the free to have sex will be allowed to deprive the woman of the same
policy against absolute divorces the same being considered contrary purview of the decision in said case is the situation where the privilege.
to our concept of public policy and morality. However, aliens may criminal action for adultery was filed before the termination of the
obtain divorces abroad, which may be recognized in the Philippines, marriage by a judicial declaration of its nullity ab initio. The same In the case of Recto v. Harden (100 Phil. 427 [1956]), the Supreme
provided they are valid according to their national law. ... rule and requisite would necessarily apply where the termination of Court considered the absolute divorce between the American
the marriage was effected, as in this case, by a valid foreign divorce. husband and his American wife as valid and binding in the
Thus, pursuant to his national law, private respondent is no longer Philippines on the theory that their status and capacity are governed
the husband of petitioner. He would have no standing to sue in the Private respondent's invocation of Donio-Teves, et al. vs. Vamenta, by their National law, namely, American law. There is no decision
case below as petitioner's husband entitled to exercise control over hereinbefore cited, 27 must suffer the same fate of inapplicability. A yet of the Supreme Court regarding the validity of such a divorce if
conjugal assets. ... 25 cursory reading of said case reveals that the offended spouse one of the parties, say an American, is married to a Filipino wife, for
therein had duly and seasonably filed a complaint for adultery, then two (2) different nationalities would be involved.
Under the same considerations and rationale, private respondent, although an issue was raised as to its sufficiency but which was
being no longer the husband of petitioner, had no legal standing to resolved in favor of the complainant. Said case did not involve a In the book of Senate President Jovito Salonga entitled Private
commence the adultery case under the imposture that he was the factual situation akin to the one at bar or any issue determinative of International Law and precisely because of the National law
offended spouse at the time he filed suit. the controversy herein. doctrine, he considers the absolute divorce as valid insofar as the
American husband is concerned but void insofar as the Filipino wife
The allegation of private respondent that he could not have brought WHEREFORE, the questioned order denying petitioner's motion to is involved. This results in what he calls a "socially grotesque
this case before the decree of divorce for lack of knowledge, even if quash is SET ASIDE and another one entered DISMISSING the situation," where a Filipino woman is still married to a man who is
true, is of no legal significance or consequence in this case. When complaint in Criminal Case No. 87-52435 for lack of jurisdiction. The no longer her husband. It is the opinion however, of the
said respondent initiated the divorce proceeding, he obviously knew temporary restraining order issued in this case on October 21, 1987 undersigned that very likely the opposite expresses the correct
that there would no longer be a family nor marriage vows to protect is hereby made permanent. view. While under the national law of the husband the absolute
once a dissolution of the marriage is decreed. Neither would there divorce will be valid, still one of the exceptions to the application of
be a danger of introducing spurious heirs into the family, which is SO ORDERED. the proper foreign law (one of the exceptions to comity) is when the
said to be one of the reasons for the particular formulation of our foreign law will work an injustice or injury to the people or residents
law on adultery, 26 since there would thenceforth be no spousal Melencio-Herrera, Padilla and Sarmiento, JJ., concur. of the forum. Consequently since to recognize the absolute divorce
relationship to speak of. The severance of the marital bond had the as valid on the part of the husband would be injurious or prejudicial
effect of dissociating the former spouses from each other, hence the to the Filipino wife whose marriage would be still valid under her
actuations of one would not affect or cast obloquy on the other. national law, it would seem that under our law existing before the
new Family Code (which took effect on August 3, 1988) the divorce
The aforecited case of United States vs. Mata cannot be successfully should be considered void both with respect to the American
relied upon by private respondent. In applying Article 433 of the old Separate Opinions husband and the Filipino wife.
Penal Code, substantially the same as Article 333 of the Revised
Penal Code, which punished adultery "although the marriage be The recent case of Van Dorn v. Romillo, Jr. (139 SCRA [1985]) cannot
afterwards declared void", the Court merely stated that "the apply despite the fact that the husband was an American can with a
lawmakers intended to declare adulterous the infidelity of a married PARAS, J., concurring: Filipino wife because in said case the validity of the divorce insofar
woman to her marital vows, even though it should be made to as the Filipino wife is concerned was NEVER put in issue.
appear that she is entitled to have her marriage contract declared It is my considered opinion that regardless of whether We consider
null and void, until and unless she actually secures a formal judicial the German absolute divorce as valid also in the Philippines, the fact
declaration to that effect". Definitely, it cannot be logically inferred is that the husband in the instant case, by the very act of his
therefrom that the complaint can still be filed after the declaration obtaining an absolute divorce in Germany can no longer be Separate Opinions
On June 20, 1974, Felicisimo married respondent Felicidad San Luis, they bought sometime in 1982. Further, she presented the decree
THIRD DIVISION then surnamed Sagalongos, before Rev. Fr. William Meyer, Minister of absolute divorce issued by the Family Court of the First Circuit,
of the United Presbyterian at Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, State of Hawaii to prove that the marriage of Felicisimo to Merry
G.R. No. 133743 February 6, 2007 California, U.S.A. 7 He had no children with respondent but lived Lee had already been dissolved. Thus, she claimed that Felicisimo
with her for 18 years from the time of their marriage up to his death had the legal capacity to marry her by virtue of paragraph 2, 13
EDGAR SAN LUIS, Petitioner, on December 18, 1992. Article 26 of the Family Code and the doctrine laid down in Van
vs. Dorn v. Romillo, Jr. 14
FELICIDAD SAN LUIS, Respondent. Thereafter, respondent sought the dissolution of their conjugal
partnership assets and the settlement of Felicisimo’s estate. On Thereafter, Linda, Rodolfo and herein petitioner Edgar San Luis,
x ---------------------------------------------------- x December 17, 1993, she filed a petition for letters of administration separately filed motions for reconsideration from the Order denying
8 before the Regional Trial Court of Makati City, docketed as SP. their motions to dismiss. 15 They asserted that paragraph 2, Article
G.R. No. 134029 February 6, 2007 Proc. No. M-3708 which was raffled to Branch 146 thereof. 26 of the Family Code cannot be given retroactive effect to validate
respondent’s bigamous marriage with Felicisimo because this would
RODOLFO SAN LUIS, Petitioner, Respondent alleged that she is the widow of Felicisimo; that, at the impair vested rights in derogation of Article 256 16 of the Family
vs. time of his death, the decedent was residing at 100 San Juanico Code.
FELICIDAD SAGALONGOS alias FELICIDAD SAN LUIS, Respondent. Street, New Alabang Village, Alabang, Metro Manila; that the
decedent’s surviving heirs are respondent as legal spouse, his six On April 21, 1994, Mila, another daughter of Felicisimo from his first
DECISION children by his first marriage, and son by his second marriage; that marriage, filed a motion to disqualify Acting Presiding Judge
the decedent left real properties, both conjugal and exclusive, Anthony E. Santos from hearing the case.
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.: valued at ₱30,304,178.00 more or less; that the decedent does not
have any unpaid debts. Respondent prayed that the conjugal On October 24, 1994, the trial court issued an Order 17 denying the
Before us are consolidated petitions for review assailing the partnership assets be liquidated and that letters of administration motions for reconsideration. It ruled that respondent, as widow of
February 4, 1998 Decision 1 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV be issued to her. the decedent, possessed the legal standing to file the petition and
No. 52647, which reversed and set aside the September 12, 1995 2 that venue was properly laid. Meanwhile, the motion for
and January 31, 1996 3 Resolutions of the Regional Trial Court of On February 4, 1994, petitioner Rodolfo San Luis, one of the disqualification was deemed moot and academic 18 because then
Makati City, Branch 134 in SP. Proc. No. M-3708; and its May 15, children of Felicisimo by his first marriage, filed a motion to dismiss Acting Presiding Judge Santos was substituted by Judge Salvador S.
1998 Resolution 4 denying petitioners’ motion for reconsideration. 9 on the grounds of improper venue and failure to state a cause of Tensuan pending the resolution of said motion.
action. Rodolfo claimed that the petition for letters of
The instant case involves the settlement of the estate of Felicisimo administration should have been filed in the Province of Laguna Mila filed a motion for inhibition 19 against Judge Tensuan on
T. San Luis (Felicisimo), who was the former governor of the because this was Felicisimo’s place of residence prior to his death. November 16, 1994. On even date, Edgar also filed a motion for
Province of Laguna. During his lifetime, Felicisimo contracted three He further claimed that respondent has no legal personality to file reconsideration 20 from the Order denying their motion for
marriages. His first marriage was with Virginia Sulit on March 17, the petition because she was only a mistress of Felicisimo since the reconsideration arguing that it does not state the facts and law on
1942 out of which were born six children, namely: Rodolfo, Mila, latter, at the time of his death, was still legally married to Merry Lee. which it was based.
Edgar, Linda, Emilita and Manuel. On August 11, 1963, Virginia
predeceased Felicisimo. On February 15, 1994, Linda invoked the same grounds and joined On November 25, 1994, Judge Tensuan issued an Order 21 granting
her brother Rodolfo in seeking the dismissal 10 of the petition. On the motion for inhibition. The case was re-raffled to Branch 134
Five years later, on May 1, 1968, Felicisimo married Merry Lee February 28, 1994, the trial court issued an Order 11 denying the presided by Judge Paul T. Arcangel.
Corwin, with whom he had a son, Tobias. However, on October 15, two motions to dismiss.
1971, Merry Lee, an American citizen, filed a Complaint for Divorce On April 24, 1995, 22 the trial court required the parties to submit
5 before the Family Court of the First Circuit, State of Hawaii, United Unaware of the denial of the motions to dismiss, respondent filed their respective position papers on the twin issues of venue and
States of America (U.S.A.), which issued a Decree Granting Absolute on March 5, 1994 her opposition 12 thereto. She submitted legal capacity of respondent to file the petition. On May 5, 1995,
Divorce and Awarding Child Custody on December 14, 1973. 6 documentary evidence showing that while Felicisimo exercised the Edgar manifested 23 that he is adopting the arguments and
powers of his public office in Laguna, he regularly went home to evidence set forth in his previous motion for reconsideration as his
their house in New Alabang Village, Alabang, Metro Manila which
position paper. Respondent and Rodolfo filed their position papers Somera. 31 It found that the marriage between Felicisimo and
on June 14, 24 and June 20, 25 1995, respectively. Merry Lee was validly dissolved by virtue of the decree of absolute Petitioners also contend that respondent’s marriage to Felicisimo
divorce issued by the Family Court of the First Circuit, State of was void and bigamous because it was performed during the
On September 12, 1995, the trial court dismissed the petition for Hawaii. As a result, under paragraph 2, Article 26, Felicisimo was subsistence of the latter’s marriage to Merry Lee. They argue that
letters of administration. It held that, at the time of his death, capacitated to contract a subsequent marriage with respondent. paragraph 2, Article 26 cannot be retroactively applied because it
Felicisimo was the duly elected governor and a resident of the Thus – would impair vested rights and ratify the void bigamous marriage.
Province of Laguna. Hence, the petition should have been filed in As such, respondent cannot be considered the surviving wife of
Sta. Cruz, Laguna and not in Makati City. It also ruled that With the well-known rule – express mandate of paragraph 2, Article Felicisimo; hence, she has no legal capacity to file the petition for
respondent was without legal capacity to file the petition for letters 26, of the Family Code of the Philippines, the doctrines in Van Dorn, letters of administration.
of administration because her marriage with Felicisimo was Pilapil, and the reason and philosophy behind the enactment of E.O.
bigamous, thus, void ab initio. It found that the decree of absolute No. 227, — there is no justiciable reason to sustain the individual The issues for resolution: (1) whether venue was properly laid, and
divorce dissolving Felicisimo’s marriage to Merry Lee was not valid view — sweeping statement — of Judge Arc[h]angel, that "Article (2) whether respondent has legal capacity to file the subject petition
in the Philippines and did not bind Felicisimo who was a Filipino 26, par. 2 of the Family Code, contravenes the basic policy of our for letters of administration.
citizen. It also ruled that paragraph 2, Article 26 of the Family Code state against divorce in any form whatsoever." Indeed, courts
cannot be retroactively applied because it would impair the vested cannot deny what the law grants. All that the courts should do is to The petition lacks merit.
rights of Felicisimo’s legitimate children. give force and effect to the express mandate of the law. The foreign
divorce having been obtained by the Foreigner on December 14, Under Section 1, 39 Rule 73 of the Rules of Court, the petition for
Respondent moved for reconsideration 26 and for the 1992, 32 the Filipino divorcee, "shall x x x have capacity to remarry letters of administration of the estate of Felicisimo should be filed in
disqualification 27 of Judge Arcangel but said motions were denied. under Philippine laws". For this reason, the marriage between the the Regional Trial Court of the province "in which he resides at the
28 deceased and petitioner should not be denominated as "a bigamous time of his death." In the case of Garcia Fule v. Court of Appeals, 40
marriage. we laid down the doctrinal rule for determining the residence – as
Respondent appealed to the Court of Appeals which reversed and contradistinguished from domicile – of the decedent for purposes of
set aside the orders of the trial court in its assailed Decision dated Therefore, under Article 130 of the Family Code, the petitioner as fixing the venue of the settlement of his estate:
February 4, 1998, the dispositive portion of which states: the surviving spouse can institute the judicial proceeding for the
settlement of the estate of the deceased. x x x 33 [T]he term "resides" connotes ex vi termini "actual residence" as
WHEREFORE, the Orders dated September 12, 1995 and January 31, distinguished from "legal residence or domicile." This term
1996 are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE; the Orders dated Edgar, Linda, and Rodolfo filed separate motions for reconsideration "resides," like the terms "residing" and "residence," is elastic and
February 28 and October 24, 1994 are REINSTATED; and the records 34 which were denied by the Court of Appeals. should be interpreted in the light of the object or purpose of the
of the case is REMANDED to the trial court for further proceedings. statute or rule in which it is employed. In the application of venue
29 On July 2, 1998, Edgar appealed to this Court via the instant petition statutes and rules – Section 1, Rule 73 of the Revised Rules of Court
for review on certiorari. 35 Rodolfo later filed a manifestation and is of such nature – residence rather than domicile is the significant
The appellante court ruled that under Section 1, Rule 73 of the Rules motion to adopt the said petition which was granted. 36 factor. Even where the statute uses the word "domicile" still it is
of Court, the term "place of residence" of the decedent, for construed as meaning residence and not domicile in the technical
purposes of fixing the venue of the settlement of his estate, refers In the instant consolidated petitions, Edgar and Rodolfo insist that sense. Some cases make a distinction between the terms
to the personal, actual or physical habitation, or actual residence or the venue of the subject petition for letters of administration was "residence" and "domicile" but as generally used in statutes fixing
place of abode of a person as distinguished from legal residence or improperly laid because at the time of his death, Felicisimo was a venue, the terms are synonymous, and convey the same meaning as
domicile. It noted that although Felicisimo discharged his functions resident of Sta. Cruz, Laguna. They contend that pursuant to our the term "inhabitant." In other words, "resides" should be viewed or
as governor in Laguna, he actually resided in Alabang, Muntinlupa. rulings in Nuval v. Guray 37 and Romualdez v. RTC, Br. 7, Tacloban understood in its popular sense, meaning, the personal, actual or
Thus, the petition for letters of administration was properly filed in City, 38 "residence" is synonymous with "domicile" which denotes a physical habitation of a person, actual residence or place of abode.
Makati City. fixed permanent residence to which when absent, one intends to It signifies physical presence in a place and actual stay thereat. In
return. They claim that a person can only have one domicile at any this popular sense, the term means merely residence, that is,
The Court of Appeals also held that Felicisimo had legal capacity to given time. Since Felicisimo never changed his domicile, the petition personal residence, not legal residence or domicile. Residence
marry respondent by virtue of paragraph 2, Article 26 of the Family for letters of administration should have been filed in Sta. Cruz, simply requires bodily presence as an inhabitant in a given place,
Code and the rulings in Van Dorn v. Romillo, Jr. 30 and Pilapil v. Ibay- Laguna. while domicile requires bodily presence in that place and also an
intention to make it one’s domicile. No particular length of time of Muntinlupa was still a municipality and the branches of the Regional Thus, pursuant to his national law, private respondent is no longer
residence is required though; however, the residence must be more Trial Court of the National Capital Judicial Region which had the husband of petitioner. He would have no standing to sue in the
than temporary. 41 (Emphasis supplied) territorial jurisdiction over Muntinlupa were then seated in Makati case below as petitioner’s husband entitled to exercise control over
City as per Supreme Court Administrative Order No. 3. 51 Thus, the conjugal assets. As he is bound by the Decision of his own country’s
It is incorrect for petitioners to argue that "residence," for purposes subject petition was validly filed before the Regional Trial Court of Court, which validly exercised jurisdiction over him, and whose
of fixing the venue of the settlement of the estate of Felicisimo, is Makati City. decision he does not repudiate, he is estopped by his own
synonymous with "domicile." The rulings in Nuval and Romualdez representation before said Court from asserting his right over the
are inapplicable to the instant case because they involve election Anent the issue of respondent Felicidad’s legal personality to file the alleged conjugal property. 53
cases. Needless to say, there is a distinction between "residence" for petition for letters of administration, we must first resolve the issue
purposes of election laws and "residence" for purposes of fixing the of whether a Filipino who is divorced by his alien spouse abroad may As to the effect of the divorce on the Filipino wife, the Court ruled
venue of actions. In election cases, "residence" and "domicile" are validly remarry under the Civil Code, considering that Felicidad’s that she should no longer be considered married to the alien
treated as synonymous terms, that is, the fixed permanent marriage to Felicisimo was solemnized on June 20, 1974, or before spouse. Further, she should not be required to perform her marital
residence to which when absent, one has the intention of returning. the Family Code took effect on August 3, 1988. In resolving this duties and obligations. It held:
42 However, for purposes of fixing venue under the Rules of Court, issue, we need not retroactively apply the provisions of the Family
the "residence" of a person is his personal, actual or physical Code, particularly Art. 26, par. (2) considering that there is sufficient To maintain, as private respondent does, that, under our laws,
habitation, or actual residence or place of abode, which may not jurisprudential basis allowing us to rule in the affirmative. petitioner has to be considered still married to private respondent
necessarily be his legal residence or domicile provided he resides and still subject to a wife's obligations under Article 109, et. seq. of
therein with continuity and consistency. 43 Hence, it is possible that The case of Van Dorn v. Romillo, Jr. 52 involved a marriage between the Civil Code cannot be just. Petitioner should not be obliged to live
a person may have his residence in one place and domicile in a foreigner and his Filipino wife, which marriage was subsequently together with, observe respect and fidelity, and render support to
another. dissolved through a divorce obtained abroad by the latter. Claiming private respondent. The latter should not continue to be one of her
that the divorce was not valid under Philippine law, the alien spouse heirs with possible rights to conjugal property. She should not be
In the instant case, while petitioners established that Felicisimo was alleged that his interest in the properties from their conjugal discriminated against in her own country if the ends of justice are to
domiciled in Sta. Cruz, Laguna, respondent proved that he also partnership should be protected. The Court, however, recognized be served. 54 (Emphasis added)
maintained a residence in Alabang, Muntinlupa from 1982 up to the the validity of the divorce and held that the alien spouse had no
time of his death. Respondent submitted in evidence the Deed of interest in the properties acquired by the Filipino wife after the This principle was thereafter applied in Pilapil v. Ibay-Somera 55
Absolute Sale 44 dated January 5, 1983 showing that the deceased divorce. Thus: where the Court recognized the validity of a divorce obtained
purchased the aforesaid property. She also presented billing abroad. In the said case, it was held that the alien spouse is not a
statements 45 from the Philippine Heart Center and Chinese In this case, the divorce in Nevada released private respondent from proper party in filing the adultery suit against his Filipino wife. The
General Hospital for the period August to December 1992 indicating the marriage from the standards of American law, under which Court stated that "the severance of the marital bond had the effect
the address of Felicisimo at "100 San Juanico, Ayala Alabang, divorce dissolves the marriage. As stated by the Federal Supreme of dissociating the former spouses from each other, hence the
Muntinlupa." Respondent also presented proof of membership of Court of the United States in Atherton vs. Atherton, 45 L. Ed. 794, actuations of one would not affect or cast obloquy on the other." 56
the deceased in the Ayala Alabang Village Association 46 and Ayala 799:
Country Club, Inc., 47 letter-envelopes 48 from 1988 to 1990 sent by Likewise, in Quita v. Court of Appeals, 57 the Court stated that
the deceased’s children to him at his Alabang address, and the "The purpose and effect of a decree of divorce from the bond of where a Filipino is divorced by his naturalized foreign spouse, the
deceased’s calling cards 49 stating that his home/city address is at matrimony by a competent jurisdiction are to change the existing ruling in Van Dorn applies. 58 Although decided on December 22,
"100 San Juanico, Ayala Alabang Village, Muntinlupa" while his status or domestic relation of husband and wife, and to free them 1998, the divorce in the said case was obtained in 1954 when the
office/provincial address is in "Provincial Capitol, Sta. Cruz, Laguna." both from the bond. The marriage tie, when thus severed as to one Civil Code provisions were still in effect.
party, ceases to bind either. A husband without a wife, or a wife
From the foregoing, we find that Felicisimo was a resident of without a husband, is unknown to the law. When the law provides, The significance of the Van Dorn case to the development of limited
Alabang, Muntinlupa for purposes of fixing the venue of the in the nature of a penalty, that the guilty party shall not marry again, recognition of divorce in the Philippines cannot be denied. The
settlement of his estate. Consequently, the subject petition for that party, as well as the other, is still absolutely freed from the ruling has long been interpreted as severing marital ties between
letters of administration was validly filed in the Regional Trial Court bond of the former marriage." parties in a mixed marriage and capacitating the Filipino spouse to
50 which has territorial jurisdiction over Alabang, Muntinlupa. The remarry as a necessary consequence of upholding the validity of a
subject petition was filed on December 17, 1993. At that time, divorce obtained abroad by the alien spouse. In his treatise, Dr.
Arturo M. Tolentino cited Van Dorn stating that "if the foreigner avoid the absurd situation where the Filipino spouse remains Thus, we interpret and apply the law not independently of but in
obtains a valid foreign divorce, the Filipino spouse shall have married to the alien spouse who, after obtaining a divorce, is no consonance with justice. Law and justice are inseparable, and we
capacity to remarry under Philippine law." 59 In Garcia v. Recio, 60 longer married to the Filipino spouse. must keep them so. To be sure, there are some laws that, while
the Court likewise cited the aforementioned case in relation to generally valid, may seem arbitrary when applied in a particular case
Article 26. 61 Interestingly, Paragraph 2 of Article 26 traces its origin to the 1985 because of its peculiar circumstances. In such a situation, we are not
case of Van Dorn v. Romillo, Jr. The Van Dorn case involved a bound, because only of our nature and functions, to apply them just
In the recent case of Republic v. Orbecido III, 62 the historical marriage between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner. The Court held the same, in slavish obedience to their language. What we do
background and legislative intent behind paragraph 2, Article 26 of therein that a divorce decree validly obtained by the alien spouse is instead is find a balance between the word and the will, that justice
the Family Code were discussed, to wit: valid in the Philippines, and consequently, the Filipino spouse is may be done even as the law is obeyed.
capacitated to remarry under Philippine law. 63 (Emphasis added)
Brief Historical Background As judges, we are not automatons. We do not and must not
As such, the Van Dorn case is sufficient basis in resolving a situation unfeelingly apply the law as it is worded, yielding like robots to the
On July 6, 1987, then President Corazon Aquino signed into law where a divorce is validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse. With literal command without regard to its cause and consequence.
Executive Order No. 209, otherwise known as the "Family Code," the enactment of the Family Code and paragraph 2, Article 26 "Courts are apt to err by sticking too closely to the words of a law,"
which took effect on August 3, 1988. Article 26 thereof states: thereof, our lawmakers codified the law already established through so we are warned, by Justice Holmes again, "where these words
judicial import a policy that goes beyond them."
All marriages solemnized outside the Philippines in accordance with
the laws in force in the country where they were solemnized, and Indeed, when the object of a marriage is defeated by rendering its xxxx
valid there as such, shall also be valid in this country, except those continuance intolerable to one of the parties and productive of no
prohibited under Articles 35, 37, and 38. possible good to the community, relief in some way should be More than twenty centuries ago, Justinian defined justice "as the
obtainable. 64 Marriage, being a mutual and shared commitment constant and perpetual wish to render every one his due." That wish
On July 17, 1987, shortly after the signing of the original Family between two parties, cannot possibly be productive of any good to continues to motivate this Court when it assesses the facts and the
Code, Executive Order No. 227 was likewise signed into law, the society where one is considered released from the marital bond law in every case brought to it for decision. Justice is always an
amending Articles 26, 36, and 39 of the Family Code. A second while the other remains bound to it. Such is the state of affairs essential ingredient of its decisions. Thus when the facts warrants,
paragraph was added to Article 26. As so amended, it now provides: where the alien spouse obtains a valid divorce abroad against the we interpret the law in a way that will render justice, presuming
Filipino spouse, as in this case. that it was the intention of the lawmaker, to begin with, that the
ART. 26. All marriages solemnized outside the Philippines in law be dispensed with justice. 69
accordance with the laws in force in the country where they were Petitioners cite Articles 15 65 and 17 66 of the Civil Code in stating
solemnized, and valid there as such, shall also be valid in this that the divorce is void under Philippine law insofar as Filipinos are Applying the above doctrine in the instant case, the divorce decree
country, except those prohibited under Articles 35(1), (4), (5) and concerned. However, in light of this Court’s rulings in the cases allegedly obtained by Merry Lee which absolutely allowed Felicisimo
(6), 36, 37 and 38. discussed above, the Filipino spouse should not be discriminated to remarry, would have vested Felicidad with the legal personality to
against in his own country if the ends of justice are to be served. 67 file the present petition as Felicisimo’s surviving spouse. However,
Where a marriage between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner is In Alonzo v. Intermediate Appellate Court, 68 the Court stated: the records show that there is insufficient evidence to prove the
validly celebrated and a divorce is thereafter validly obtained validity of the divorce obtained by Merry Lee as well as the marriage
abroad by the alien spouse capacitating him or her to remarry, the But as has also been aptly observed, we test a law by its results; and of respondent and Felicisimo under the laws of the U.S.A. In Garcia
Filipino spouse shall have capacity to remarry under Philippine law. likewise, we may add, by its purposes. It is a cardinal rule that, in v. Recio, 70 the Court laid down the specific guidelines for pleading
(Emphasis supplied) seeking the meaning of the law, the first concern of the judge and proving foreign law and divorce judgments. It held that
should be to discover in its provisions the intent of the lawmaker. presentation solely of the divorce decree is insufficient and that
xxxx Unquestionably, the law should never be interpreted in such a way proof of its authenticity and due execution must be presented.
Legislative Intent as to cause injustice as this is never within the legislative intent. An Under Sections 24 and 25 of Rule 132, a writing or document may
indispensable part of that intent, in fact, for we presume the good be proven as a public or official record of a foreign country by either
Records of the proceedings of the Family Code deliberations showed motives of the legislature, is to render justice. (1) an official publication or (2) a copy thereof attested by the
that the intent of Paragraph 2 of Article 26, according to Judge Alicia officer having legal custody of the document. If the record is not
Sempio-Diy, a member of the Civil Code Revision Committee, is to kept in the Philippines, such copy must be (a) accompanied by a
certificate issued by the proper diplomatic or consular officer in the together as husband and wife without the benefit of marriage, or
Philippine foreign service stationed in the foreign country in which their marriage is void from the beginning. It provides that the In view of the foregoing, we find that respondent’s legal capacity to
the record is kept and (b) authenticated by the seal of his office. 71 property acquired by either or both of them through their work or file the subject petition for letters of administration may arise from
industry or their wages and salaries shall be governed by the rules her status as the surviving wife of Felicisimo or as his co-owner
With regard to respondent’s marriage to Felicisimo allegedly on co-ownership. In a co-ownership, it is not necessary that the under Article 144 of the Civil Code or Article 148 of the Family Code.
solemnized in California, U.S.A., she submitted photocopies of the property be acquired through their joint labor, efforts and industry.
Marriage Certificate and the annotated text 72 of the Family Law Any property acquired during the union is prima facie presumed to WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. The Decision of the Court of
Act of California which purportedly show that their marriage was have been obtained through their joint efforts. Hence, the portions Appeals reinstating and affirming the February 28, 1994 Order of
done in accordance with the said law. As stated in Garcia, however, belonging to the co-owners shall be presumed equal, unless the the Regional Trial Court which denied petitioners’ motion to dismiss
the Court cannot take judicial notice of foreign laws as they must be contrary is proven. 77 and its October 24, 1994 Order which dismissed petitioners’ motion
alleged and proved. 73 for reconsideration is AFFIRMED. Let this case be REMANDED to the
Meanwhile, if respondent fails to prove the validity of both the trial court for further proceedings.
Therefore, this case should be remanded to the trial court for divorce and the marriage, the applicable provision would be Article
further reception of evidence on the divorce decree obtained by 148 of the Family Code which has filled the hiatus in Article 144 of SO ORDERED.
Merry Lee and the marriage of respondent and Felicisimo. the Civil Code by expressly regulating the property relations of
couples living together as husband and wife but are incapacitated to
Even assuming that Felicisimo was not capacitated to marry marry. 78 In Saguid v. Court of Appeals, 79 we held that even if the
respondent in 1974, nevertheless, we find that the latter has the cohabitation or the acquisition of property occurred before the
legal personality to file the subject petition for letters of Family Code took effect, Article 148 governs. 80 The Court described
administration, as she may be considered the co-owner of Felicisimo the property regime under this provision as follows:
as regards the properties that were acquired through their joint
efforts during their cohabitation. The regime of limited co-ownership of property governing the union
of parties who are not legally capacitated to marry each other, but
Section 6, 74 Rule 78 of the Rules of Court states that letters of who nonetheless live together as husband and wife, applies to
administration may be granted to the surviving spouse of the properties acquired during said cohabitation in proportion to their
decedent. However, Section 2, Rule 79 thereof also provides in part: respective contributions. Co-ownership will only be up to the extent
of the proven actual contribution of money, property or industry.
SEC. 2. Contents of petition for letters of administration. – A petition Absent proof of the extent thereof, their contributions and
for letters of administration must be filed by an interested person corresponding shares shall be presumed to be equal.
and must show, as far as known to the petitioner: x x x.
An "interested person" has been defined as one who would be
benefited by the estate, such as an heir, or one who has a claim In the cases of Agapay v. Palang, and Tumlos v. Fernandez, which
against the estate, such as a creditor. The interest must be material involved the issue of co-ownership of properties acquired by the
and direct, and not merely indirect or contingent. 75 parties to a bigamous marriage and an adulterous relationship,
respectively, we ruled that proof of actual contribution in the
In the instant case, respondent would qualify as an interested acquisition of the property is essential. x x x
person who has a direct interest in the estate of Felicisimo by virtue
of their cohabitation, the existence of which was not denied by As in other civil cases, the burden of proof rests upon the party who,
petitioners. If she proves the validity of the divorce and Felicisimo’s as determined by the pleadings or the nature of the case, asserts an
capacity to remarry, but fails to prove that her marriage with him affirmative issue. Contentions must be proved by competent
was validly performed under the laws of the U.S.A., then she may be evidence and reliance must be had on the strength of the party’s
considered as a co-owner under Article 144 76 of the Civil Code. This own evidence and not upon the weakness of the opponent’s
provision governs the property relations between parties who live defense. x x x 81
SECOND DIVISION Petitioners appealed the RTC decision but the CA affirmed the trial
Nine years later, on January 26, 1991, petitioner Uypitching, court’s decision with modification, reducing the award of moral and
G.R. No. 146322 December 6, 2006 accompanied by policemen,5 went to Avesco-AVNE Enterprises to exemplary damages to P300,000 and P100,000, respectively.13
recover the motorcycle. The leader of the police team, P/Lt. Arturo Petitioners sought reconsideration but it was denied. Thus, this
ERNESTO RAMAS UYPITCHING and RAMAS UYPITCHING SONS, INC., Vendiola, talked to the clerk in charge and asked for respondent. petition.
petitioners, While P/Lt. Vendiola and the clerk were talking, petitioner
vs. Uypitching paced back and forth inside the establishment uttering In their petition and memorandum, petitioners submit that the sole
ERNESTO QUIAMCO, respondent. "Quiamco is a thief of a motorcycle." (allegedly) issue to be resolved here is whether the filing of a
complaint for qualified theft and/or violation of the Anti-Fencing
On learning that respondent was not in Avesco-AVNE Enterprises, Law in the Office of the City Prosecutor warranted the award of
DECISION the policemen left to look for respondent in his residence while moral damages, exemplary damages, attorney’s fees and costs in
petitioner Uypitching stayed in the establishment to take favor of respondent.
photographs of the motorcycle. Unable to find respondent, the
CORONA, J.: policemen went back to Avesco-AVNE Enterprises and, on petitioner Petitioners’ suggestion is misleading. They were held liable for
Uypitching’s instruction and over the clerk’s objection, took the damages not only for instituting a groundless complaint against
Honeste vivere, non alterum laedere et jus suum cuique tribuere. To motorcycle. respondent but also for making a slanderous remark and for taking
live virtuously, not to injure others and to give everyone his due. the motorcycle from respondent’s establishment in an abusive
These supreme norms of justice are the underlying principles of law On February 18, 1991, petitioner Uypitching filed a criminal manner.
and order in society. We reaffirm them in this petition for review on complaint for qualified theft and/or violation of the Anti-Fencing
certiorari assailing the July 26, 2000 decision1 and October 18, 2000 Law6 against respondent in the Office of the City Prosecutor of Correctness of the Findings of the RTC and CA
resolution of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No. 47571. Dumaguete City.7 Respondent moved for dismissal because the
complaint did not charge an offense as he had neither stolen nor As they never questioned the findings of the RTC and CA that malice
In 1982, respondent Ernesto C. Quiamco was approached by Juan bought the motorcycle. The Office of the City Prosecutor dismissed and ill will attended not only the public imputation of a crime to
Davalan,2 Josefino Gabutero and Raul Generoso to amicably settle the complaint8 and denied petitioner Uypitching’s subsequent respondent14 but also the taking of the motorcycle, petitioners
the civil aspect of a criminal case for robbery3 filed by Quiamco motion for reconsideration. were deemed to have accepted the correctness of such findings.
against them. They surrendered to him a red Honda XL-100 This alone was sufficient to hold petitioners liable for damages to
motorcycle and a photocopy of its certificate of registration. Respondent filed an action for damages against petitioners in the respondent.
Respondent asked for the original certificate of registration but the RTC of Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Branch 37.9 He sought to
three accused never came to see him again. Meanwhile, the hold the petitioners liable for the following: (1) unlawful taking of Nevertheless, to address petitioners’ concern, we also find that the
motorcycle was parked in an open space inside respondent’s the motorcycle; (2) utterance of a defamatory remark (that trial and appellate courts correctly ruled that the filing of the
business establishment, Avesco-AVNE Enterprises, where it was respondent was a thief) and (3) precipitate filing of a baseless and complaint was tainted with malice and bad faith. Petitioners
visible and accessible to the public. malicious complaint. These acts humiliated and embarrassed the themselves in fact described their action as a "precipitate act."15
respondent and injured his reputation and integrity. Petitioners were bent on portraying respondent as a thief. In this
It turned out that, in October 1981, the motorcycle had been sold connection, we quote with approval the following findings of the
on installment basis to Gabutero by petitioner Ramas Uypitching On July 30, 1994, the trial court rendered a decision10 finding that RTC, as adopted by the CA:
Sons, Inc., a family-owned corporation managed by petitioner Atty. petitioner Uypitching was motivated with malice and ill will when he
Ernesto Ramas Uypitching. To secure its payment, the motorcycle called respondent a thief, took the motorcycle in an abusive manner x x x There was malice or ill-will [in filing the complaint before the
was mortgaged to petitioner corporation.4 and filed a baseless complaint for qualified theft and/or violation of City Prosecutor’s Office] because Atty. Ernesto Ramas Uypitching
the Anti-Fencing Law. Petitioners’ acts were found to be contrary to knew or ought to have known as he is a lawyer, that there was no
When Gabutero could no longer pay the installments, Davalan Articles 1911 and 2012 of the Civil Code. Hence, the trial court held probable cause at all for filing a criminal complaint for qualified
assumed the obligation and continued the payments. In September petitioners liable to respondent for P500,000 moral damages, theft and fencing activity against [respondent]. Atty. Uypitching had
1982, however, Davalan stopped paying the remaining installments P200,000 exemplary damages and P50,000 attorney’s fees plus no personal knowledge that [respondent] stole the motorcycle in
and told petitioner corporation’s collector, Wilfredo Veraño, that costs. question. He was merely told by his bill collector ([i.e.] the bill
the motorcycle had allegedly been "taken by respondent’s men." collector of Ramas Uypitching Sons, Inc.)[,] Wilfredo Veraño[,] that
Juan Dabalan will [no longer] pay the remaining installment(s) for publicly ridicule respondent. Petitioners acted in an excessively
the motorcycle because the motorcycle was taken by the men of Petitioner corporation failed to bring the proper civil action harsh fashion to the prejudice of respondent. Contrary to law,
[respondent]. It must be noted that the term used by Wilfredo necessary to acquire legal possession of the motorcycle. Instead, petitioners willfully caused damage to respondent. Hence, they
Veraño in informing Atty. Ernesto Ramas Uypitching of the refusal of petitioner Uypitching descended on respondent’s establishment should indemnify him.22
Juan Dabalan to pay for the remaining installment was [‘]taken[’], with his policemen and ordered the seizure of the motorcycle
not [‘]unlawfully taken[’] or ‘stolen.’ Yet, despite the double without a search warrant or court order. Worse, in the course of the WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED. The July 26, 2000
hearsay, Atty. Ernesto Ramas Uypitching not only executed the illegal seizure of the motorcycle, petitioner Uypitching even decision and October 18, 2000 resolution of the Court of Appeals in
[complaint-affidavit] wherein he named [respondent] as ‘the mouthed a slanderous statement. CA-G.R. CV No. 47571 are AFFIRMED.
suspect’ of the stolen motorcycle but also charged [respondent] of
‘qualified theft and fencing activity’ before the City [Prosecutor’s] No doubt, petitioner corporation, acting through its co-petitioner Triple costs against petitioners, considering that petitioner Ernesto
Office of Dumaguete. The absence of probable cause necessarily Uypitching, blatantly disregarded the lawful procedure for the Ramas Uypitching is a lawyer and an officer of the court, for his
signifies the presence of malice. What is deplorable in all these is enforcement of its right, to the prejudice of respondent. Petitioners’ improper behavior.
that Juan Dabalan, the owner of the motorcycle, did not accuse acts violated the law as well as public morals, and transgressed the
[respondent] or the latter’s men of stealing the motorcycle[,] much proper norms of human relations. SO ORDERED.
less bother[ed] to file a case for qualified theft before the
authorities. That Atty. Uypitching’s act in charging [respondent] with The basic principle of human relations, embodied in Article 19 of the
qualified theft and fencing activity is tainted with malice is also Civil Code, provides:
shown by his answer to the question of Cupid Gonzaga16 [during
one of their conversations] - "why should you still file a complaint? Art. 19. Every person must in the exercise of his rights and in the
You have already recovered the motorcycle…"[:] "Aron motagam performance of his duties, act with justice, give every one his due,
ang kawatan ug motor." ("To teach a lesson to the thief of and observe honesty and good faith.
Article 19, also known as the "principle of abuse of right," prescribes
Moreover, the existence of malice, ill will or bad faith is a factual that a person should not use his right unjustly or contrary to
matter. As a rule, findings of fact of the trial court, when affirmed by honesty and good faith, otherwise he opens himself to liability.19 It
the appellate court, are conclusive on this Court. We see no seeks to preclude the use of, or the tendency to use, a legal right (or
compelling reason to reverse the findings of the RTC and the CA. duty) as a means to unjust ends.
Petitioners Abused Their Right of Recovery as Mortgagee(s) There is an abuse of right when it is exercised solely to prejudice or
injure another.20 The exercise of a right must be in accordance with
Petitioners claim that they should not be held liable for petitioner the purpose for which it was established and must not be excessive
corporation’s exercise of its right as seller-mortgagee to recover the or unduly harsh; there must be no intention to harm another.21
mortgaged vehicle preliminary to the enforcement of its right to Otherwise, liability for damages to the injured party will attach.
foreclose on the mortgage in case of default. They are clearly
mistaken. In this case, the manner by which the motorcycle was taken at
petitioners’ instance was not only attended by bad faith but also
True, a mortgagee may take steps to recover the mortgaged contrary to the procedure laid down by law. Considered in
property to enable it to enforce or protect its foreclosure right conjunction with the defamatory statement, petitioners’ exercise of
thereon. There is, however, a well-defined procedure for the the right to recover the mortgaged vehicle was utterly prejudicial
recovery of possession of mortgaged property: if a mortgagee is and injurious to respondent. On the other hand, the precipitate act
unable to obtain possession of a mortgaged property for its sale on of filing an unfounded complaint could not in any way be considered
foreclosure, he must bring a civil action either to recover such to be in accordance with the purpose for which the right to
possession as a preliminary step to the sale, or to obtain judicial prosecute a crime was established. Thus, the totality of petitioners’
foreclosure.18 actions showed a calculated design to embarrass, humiliate and
EN BANC court as commissioner, and on April 29, 1955, judgment was his petition of June 21, 1955 stated: "That he has a good and valid
rendered ordering defendant to pay plaintiff P2,000.00 as actual defense against plaintiff's cause of action, his failure to marry the
G.R. No. L-20089 December 26, 1964 damages; P25,000.00 as moral and exemplary damages; P2,500.00 plaintiff as scheduled having been due to fortuitous event and/or
as attorney's fees; and the costs. circumstances beyond his control." An affidavit of merits like this
BEATRIZ P. WASSMER, plaintiff-appellee, stating mere conclusions or opinions instead of facts is not valid.
vs. On June 21, 1955 defendant filed a "petition for relief from orders, (Cortes vs. Co Bun Kim, L-3926, Oct. 10, 1951; Vaswani vs. P.
FRANCISCO X. VELEZ, defendant-appellant. judgment and proceedings and motion for new trial and Tarrachand Bros., L-15800, December 29, 1960.)
reconsideration." Plaintiff moved to strike it cut. But the court, on
Jalandoni & Jamir for defendant-appellant. August 2, 1955, ordered the parties and their attorneys to appear Defendant, however, would contend that the affidavit of merits was
Samson S. Alcantara for plaintiff-appellee. before it on August 23, 1955 "to explore at this stage of the in fact unnecessary, or a mere surplusage, because the judgment
proceedings the possibility of arriving at an amicable settlement." It sought to be set aside was null and void, it having been based on
BENGZON, J.P., J.: added that should any of them fail to appear "the petition for relief evidence adduced before the clerk of court. In Province of
and the opposition thereto will be deemed submitted for Pangasinan vs. Palisoc, L-16519, October 30, 1962, this Court
The facts that culminated in this case started with dreams and resolution." pointed out that the procedure of designating the clerk of court as
hopes, followed by appropriate planning and serious endeavors, but commissioner to receive evidence is sanctioned by Rule 34 (now
terminated in frustration and, what is worse, complete public On August 23, 1955 defendant failed to appear before court. Rule 33) of the Rules of Court. Now as to defendant's consent to
humiliation. Instead, on the following day his counsel filed a motion to defer for said procedure, the same did not have to be obtained for he was
two weeks the resolution on defendants petition for relief. The declared in default and thus had no standing in court (Velez vs.
Francisco X. Velez and Beatriz P. Wassmer, following their mutual counsel stated that he would confer with defendant in Cagayan de Ramas, 40 Phil. 787; Alano vs. Court of First Instance, L-14557,
promise of love, decided to get married and set September 4, 1954 Oro City — the latter's residence — on the possibility of an amicable October 30, 1959).
as the big day. On September 2, 1954 Velez left this note for his element. The court granted two weeks counted from August 25,
bride-to-be: 1955. In support of his "motion for new trial and reconsideration,"
defendant asserts that the judgment is contrary to law. The reason
Dear Bet — Plaintiff manifested on June 15, 1956 that the two weeks given by given is that "there is no provision of the Civil Code authorizing" an
the court had expired on September 8, 1955 but that defendant and action for breach of promise to marry. Indeed, our ruling in
Will have to postpone wedding — My mother opposes it. Am his counsel had failed to appear. Hermosisima vs. Court of Appeals (L-14628, Sept. 30, 1960), as
leaving on the Convair today. reiterated in Estopa vs. Biansay (L-14733, Sept. 30, 1960), is that
Another chance for amicable settlement was given by the court in "mere breach of a promise to marry" is not an actionable wrong. We
Please do not ask too many people about the reason why — That its order of July 6, 1956 calling the parties and their attorneys to pointed out that Congress deliberately eliminated from the draft of
would only create a scandal. appear on July 13, 1956. This time. however, defendant's counsel the new Civil Code the provisions that would have it so.
informed the court that chances of settling the case amicably were
Paquing nil. It must not be overlooked, however, that the extent to which acts
not contrary to law may be perpetrated with impunity, is not
But the next day, September 3, he sent her the following telegram: On July 20, 1956 the court issued an order denying defendant's limitless for Article 21 of said Code provides that "any person who
aforesaid petition. Defendant has appealed to this Court. In his wilfully causes loss or injury to another in a manner that is contrary
NOTHING CHANGED REST ASSURED RETURNING VERY SOON petition of June 21, 1955 in the court a quo defendant alleged to morals, good customs or public policy shall compensate the latter
APOLOGIZE MAMA PAPA LOVE . excusable negligence as ground to set aside the judgment by for the damage."
default. Specifically, it was stated that defendant filed no answer in
PAKING the belief that an amicable settlement was being negotiated. The record reveals that on August 23, 1954 plaintiff and defendant
applied for a license to contract marriage, which was subsequently
Thereafter Velez did not appear nor was he heard from again. A petition for relief from judgment on grounds of fraud, accident, issued (Exhs. A, A-1). Their wedding was set for September 4, 1954.
mistake or excusable negligence, must be duly supported by an Invitations were printed and distributed to relatives, friends and
Sued by Beatriz for damages, Velez filed no answer and was affidavit of merits stating facts constituting a valid defense. (Sec. 3, acquaintances (Tsn., 5; Exh. C). The bride-to-be's trousseau, party
declared in default. Plaintiff adduced evidence before the clerk of Rule 38, Rules of Court.) Defendant's affidavit of merits attached to drsrses and other apparel for the important occasion were
purchased (Tsn., 7-8). Dresses for the maid of honor and the flower
girl were prepared. A matrimonial bed, with accessories, was
bought. Bridal showers were given and gifts received (Tsn., 6; Exh.
E). And then, with but two days before the wedding, defendant,
who was then 28 years old,: simply left a note for plaintiff stating:
"Will have to postpone wedding — My mother opposes it ... " He
enplaned to his home city in Mindanao, and the next day, the day
before the wedding, he wired plaintiff: "Nothing changed rest
assured returning soon." But he never returned and was never
heard from again.
Per express provision of Article 2219 (10) of the New Civil Code,
moral damages are recoverable in the cases mentioned in Article 21
of said Code. As to exemplary damages, defendant contends that
the same could not be adjudged against him because under Article
2232 of the New Civil Code the condition precedent is that "the
defendant acted in a wanton, fraudulent, reckless, oppressive, or
malevolent manner." The argument is devoid of merit as under the
above-narrated circumstances of this case defendant clearly acted
in a "wanton ... , reckless [and] oppressive manner." This Court's
opinion, however, is that considering the particular circumstances of
this case, P15,000.00 as moral and exemplary damages is deemed to
be a reasonable award.
Not being liable for both actual and moral damages, neither can
petitioners Lim and Hotel Nikko be made answerable for exemplary
damages72 especially for the reason stated by the Court of Appeals.
The Court of Appeals held –
Not a few of the rich people treat the poor with contempt because
of the latter’s lowly station in life.l^ This has to be limited
somewhere. In a democracy, such a limit must be established. Social
equality is not sought by the legal provisions under consideration,
but due regard for decency and propriety (Code Commission, pp.
33-34). And by way of example or correction for public good and to
avert further commission of such acts, exemplary damages should
be imposed upon appellees.73
All told, and as far as Ms. Lim and Hotel Nikko are concerned, any
damage which Mr. Reyes might have suffered through Ms. Lim’s
exercise of a legitimate right done within the bounds of propriety
and good faith, must be his to bear alone.
EN BANC G.R. No. L-17396 May 30, 1962 the contents of which reveal not only their infatuation for each parents, brothers and sisters, the trial court considered their
other but also the extent to which they had carried their complaint not actionable for the reason that they failed to prove
CECILIO PE, ET AL., plaintiffs-appellants, relationship. The rumors about their love affairs reached the ears of that defendant deliberately and in bad faith tried to win Lolita's
vs. ALFONSO PE, defendant-appellee. Lolita's parents sometime, in 1955, and since then defendant was affection Thus, the trial court said: "In the absence of proof on this
forbidden from going to their house and from further seeing Lolita. point, the court may not presume that it was the defendant who
Cecilio L. Pe for and in his own behalf as plaintiff-appellant. The plaintiffs even filed deportation proceedings against defendant deliberately induced such relationship. We cannot be unmindful of
Leodegario L. Mogol for defendant-appellee. who is a Chinese national. The affair between defendant and Lolita the uncertainties and sometimes inexplicable mysteries of the
BAUTISTA ANGELO, J.: continued nonetheless. human emotions. It is a possibility that the defendant and Lolita
Plaintiffs brought this action before the Court of First Instance of simply fell in love with each other, not only without any desire on
Manila to recover moral, compensatory, exemplary and corrective Sometime in April, 1957, Lolita was staying with her brothers and their part, but also against their better judgment and in full
damages in the amount of P94,000.00 exclusive of attorney's fees sisters at their residence at 54-B España Extension, Quezon City. On consciousness of what it will bring to both of them. This is specially
and expenses of litigation. April 14, 1957, Lolita disappeared from said house. After she left, so with respect to Lolita, being an unmarried woman, falling in love
her brothers and sisters checked up her thing and found that Lolita's with defendant who is a married man."
Defendant, after denying some allegations contained in the clothes were gone. However, plaintiffs found a note on a crumpled
complaint, set up as a defense that the facts alleged therein, even if piece of paper inside Lolita's aparador. Said note, written on a small We disagree with this view. The circumstances under which
true, do not constitute a valid cause of action. slip of paper approximately 4" by 3" in size, was in a handwriting defendant tried to win Lolita's affection cannot lead, to any other
recognized to be that of defendant's. In English it reads: conclusion than that it was he who, thru an ingenious scheme or
After trial, the lower court, after finding that defendant had carried trickery, seduced the latter to the extent of making her fall in love
on a love affair with one Lolita Pe, an unmarried woman, being a Honey, suppose I leave here on Sunday night, and that's 13th of this with him. This is shown by the fact that defendant frequented the
married man himself, declared that defendant cannot be held liable month and we will have a date on the 14th, that's Monday morning house of Lolita on the pretext that he wanted her to teach him how
for moral damages it appearing that plaintiffs failed to prove that at 10 a.m. to pray the rosary. Because of the frequency of his visits to the
defendant, being aware of his marital status, deliberately and in bad latter's family who was allowed free access because he was a
faith tried to win Lolita's affection. So it rendered decision Reply collateral relative and was considered as a member of her family,
dismissing the complaint.1äwphï1.ñët the two eventually fell in love with each other and conducted
Love clandestine love affairs not only in Gasan but also in Boac where
Plaintiffs brought this case on appeal before this Court on the Lolita used to teach in a barrio school. When the rumors about their
ground that the issues involved are purely of law. The disappearance of Lolita was reported to the police authorities illicit affairs reached the knowledge of her parents, defendant was
and the NBI but up to the present there is no news or trace of her forbidden from going to their house and even from seeing Lolita.
The facts as found by the trial court are: Plaintiffs are the parents, whereabouts. Plaintiffs even filed deportation proceedings against defendant who
brothers and sisters of one Lolita Pe. At the time of her is a Chinese national. Nevertheless, defendant continued his love
disappearance on April 14, 1957, Lolita was 24 years old and The present action is based on Article 21 of the New Civil Code affairs with Lolita until she disappeared from the parental home.
unmarried. Defendant is a married man and works as agent of the which provides: Indeed, no other conclusion can be drawn from this chain of events
La Perla Cigar and Cigarette Factory. He used to stay in the town of than that defendant not only deliberately, but through a clever
Gasan, Marinduque, in connection with his aforesaid occupation. Any person who wilfully causes loss or injury to another in a manner strategy, succeeded in winning the affection and love of Lolita to the
Lolita was staying with her parents in the same town. Defendant which is contrary to morals, good customs or public policy shall extent of having illicit relations with her. The wrong he has caused
was an adopted son of a Chinaman named Pe Beco, a collateral compensate the latter for the damage. her and her family is indeed immeasurable considering the fact that
relative of Lolita's father. Because of such fact and the similarity in he is a married man. Verily, he has committed an injury to Lolita's
their family name, defendant became close to the plaintiffs who There is no doubt that the claim of plaintiffs for damages is based family in a manner contrary to morals, good customs and public
regarded him as a member of their family. Sometime in 1952, on the fact that defendant, being a married man, carried on a love policy as contemplated in Article 21 of the new Civil Code.
defendant frequented the house of Lolita on the pretext that he affair with Lolita Pe thereby causing plaintiffs injury in a manner
wanted her to teach him how to pray the rosary. The two eventually contrary to morals, good customs and public policy. But in spite of WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is reversed. Defendant is
fell in love with each other and conducted clandestine trysts not the fact that plaintiffs have clearly established that in illicit affair hereby sentenced to pay the plaintiffs the sum of P5,000.00 as
only in the town of Gasan but also in Boac where Lolita used to was carried on between defendant and Lolita which caused great damages and P2,000.00 as attorney's fees and expenses of
teach in a barrio school. They exchanged love notes with each other damage to the name and reputation of plaintiffs who are her litigations. Costs against appellee.
THIRD DIVISION On December 6,1972, the Manila police investigators submitted a the labor arbiter's decision. However, the Secretary of Labor, acting
laboratory crime report (Exh. "A") clearing private respondent of on petitioners' appeal from the NLRC ruling, reinstated the labor
G.R. No. 81262 August 25, 1989 participation in the anomalies. arbiter's decision. Tobias appealed the Secretary of Labor's order
with the Office of the President. During the pendency of the appeal
GLOBE MACKAY CABLE AND RADIO CORP., and HERBERT C. HENDRY, Not satisfied with the police report, petitioners hired a private with said office, petitioners and private respondent Tobias entered
petitioners, investigator, retired Col. Jose G. Fernandez, who on December 10, into a compromise agreement regarding the latter's complaint for
vs. 1972, submitted a report (Exh. "2") finding Tobias guilty. This report illegal dismissal.
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS and RESTITUTO M. TOBIAS, however expressly stated that further investigation was still to be
respondents. conducted. Unemployed, Tobias sought employment with the Republic
Telephone Company (RETELCO). However, petitioner Hendry,
Atencia & Arias Law Offices for petitioners. Nevertheless, on December 12, 1972, petitioner Hendry issued a without being asked by RETELCO, wrote a letter to the latter stating
memorandum suspending Tobias from work preparatory to the that Tobias was dismissed by GLOBE MACKAY due to dishonesty.
Romulo C. Felizmena for private respondent. filing of criminal charges against him.
Private respondent Tobias filed a civil case for damages anchored on
On December 19,1972, Lt. Dioscoro V. Tagle, Metro Manila Police alleged unlawful, malicious, oppressive, and abusive acts of
CORTES, J.: Chief Document Examiner, after investigating other documents petitioners. Petitioner Hendry, claiming illness, did not testify during
pertaining to the alleged anomalous transactions, submitted a the hearings. The Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila, Branch IX,
Private respondent Restituto M. Tobias was employed by petitioner second laboratory crime report (Exh. "B") reiterating his previous through Judge Manuel T. Reyes rendered judgment in favor of
Globe Mackay Cable and Radio Corporation (GLOBE MACKAY) in a finding that the handwritings, signatures, and initials appearing in private respondent by ordering petitioners to pay him eighty
dual capacity as a purchasing agent and administrative assistant to the checks and other documents involved in the fraudulent thousand pesos (P80,000.00) as actual damages, two hundred
the engineering operations manager. In 1972, GLOBE MACKAY transactions were not those of Tobias. The lie detector tests thousand pesos (P200,000.00) as moral damages, twenty thousand
discovered fictitious purchases and other fraudulent transactions for conducted on Tobias also yielded negative results. pesos (P20,000.00) as exemplary damages, thirty thousand pesos
which it lost several thousands of pesos. (P30,000.00) as attorney's fees, and costs. Petitioners appealed the
Notwithstanding the two police reports exculpating Tobias from the RTC decision to the Court of Appeals. On the other hand, Tobias
According to private respondent it was he who actually discovered anomalies and the fact that the report of the private investigator, appealed as to the amount of damages. However, the Court of
the anomalies and reported them on November 10, 1972 to his was, by its own terms, not yet complete, petitioners filed with the Appeals, an a decision dated August 31, 1987 affirmed the RTC
immediate superior Eduardo T. Ferraren and to petitioner Herbert C. City Fiscal of Manila a complaint for estafa through falsification of decision in toto. Petitioners' motion for reconsideration having been
Hendry who was then the Executive Vice-President and General commercial documents, later amended to just estafa. Subsequently denied, the instant petition for review on certiorari was filed.
Manager of GLOBE MACKAY. five other criminal complaints were filed against Tobias, four of
which were for estafa through Falsification of commercial document The main issue in this case is whether or not petitioners are liable
On November 11, 1972, one day after private respondent Tobias while the fifth was for of Article 290 of' the Revised Penal Code for damages to private respondent.
made the report, petitioner Hendry confronted him by stating that (Discovering Secrets Through Seizure of
he was the number one suspect, and ordered him to take a one Correspondence).lâwphî1.ñèt Two of these complaints were refiled Petitioners contend that they could not be made liable for damages
week forced leave, not to communicate with the office, to leave his with the Judge Advocate General's Office, which however, in the lawful exercise of their right to dismiss private respondent.
table drawers open, and to leave the office keys. remanded them to the fiscal's office. All of the six criminal
complaints were dismissed by the fiscal. Petitioners appealed four On the other hand, private respondent contends that because of
On November 20, 1972, when private respondent Tobias returned of the fiscal's resolutions dismissing the criminal complaints with the petitioners' abusive manner in dismissing him as well as for the
to work after the forced leave, petitioner Hendry went up to him Secretary of Justice, who, however, affirmed their dismissal. inhuman treatment he got from them, the Petitioners must
and called him a "crook" and a "swindler." Tobias was then ordered indemnify him for the damage that he had suffered.
to take a lie detector test. He was also instructed to submit In the meantime, on January 17, 1973, Tobias received a notice (Exh.
specimen of his handwriting, signature, and initials for examination "F") from petitioners that his employment has been terminated One of the more notable innovations of the New Civil Code is the
by the police investigators to determine his complicity in the effective December 13, 1972. Whereupon, Tobias filed a complaint codification of "some basic principles that are to be observed for the
anomalies. for illegal dismissal. The labor arbiter dismissed the complaint. On rightful relationship between human beings and for the stability of
appeal, the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) reversed the social order." [REPORT ON THE CODE COMMISSION ON THE
PROPOSED CIVIL CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES, p. 39]. The framers of leave private respondent with no relief because Article 21 of the employer who harbors suspicions that an employee has committed
the Code, seeking to remedy the defect of the old Code which Civil Code provides that: dishonesty might be justified in taking the appropriate action such
merely stated the effects of the law, but failed to draw out its spirit, as ordering an investigation and directing the employee to go on a
incorporated certain fundamental precepts which were "designed to Art. 21. Any person who wilfully causes loss or injury to another in a leave. Firmness and the resolve to uncover the truth would also be
indicate certain norms that spring from the fountain of good manner that is contrary to morals, good customs or public policy expected from such employer. But the high-handed treatment
conscience" and which were also meant to serve as "guides for shall compensate the latter for the damage. accorded Tobias by petitioners was certainly uncalled for. And this
human conduct [that] should run as golden threads through society, reprehensible attitude of petitioners was to continue when private
to the end that law may approach its supreme ideal, which is the This article, adopted to remedy the "countless gaps in the statutes, respondent returned to work on November 20, 1972 after his one
sway and dominance of justice" (Id.) Foremost among these which leave so many victims of moral wrongs helpless, even though week forced leave. Upon reporting for work, Tobias was confronted
principles is that pronounced in Article 19 which provides: they have actually suffered material and moral injury" [Id.] should by Hendry who said. "Tobby, you are the crook and swindler in this
"vouchsafe adequate legal remedy for that untold number of moral company." Considering that the first report made by the police
Art. 19. Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the wrongs which it is impossible for human foresight to provide for investigators was submitted only on December 10, 1972 [See Exh. A]
performance of his duties, act with justice, give everyone his due, specifically in the statutes" [Id. it p. 40; See also PNB v. CA, G.R. No. the statement made by petitioner Hendry was baseless. The
and observe honesty and good faith. L-27155, May 18,1978, 83 SCRA 237, 247]. imputation of guilt without basis and the pattern of harassment
during the investigations of Tobias transgress the standards of
This article, known to contain what is commonly referred to as the In determining whether or not the principle of abuse of rights may human conduct set forth in Article 19 of the Civil Code. The Court
principle of abuse of rights, sets certain standards which must be be invoked, there is no rigid test which can be applied. While the has already ruled that the right of the employer to dismiss an
observed not only in the exercise of one's rights but also in the Court has not hesitated to apply Article 19 whether the legal and employee should not be confused with the manner in which the
performance of one's duties. These standards are the following: to factual circumstances called for its application [See for e.g., Velayo right is exercised and the effects flowing therefrom. If the dismissal
act with justice; to give everyone his due; and to observe honesty v. Shell Co. of the Phil., Ltd., 100 Phil. 186 (1956); PNB v. CA, supra; is done abusively, then the employer is liable for damages to the
and good faith. The law, therefore, recognizes a primordial Grand Union Supermarket, Inc. v. Espino, Jr., G.R. No. L-48250, employee [Quisaba v. Sta. Ines-Melale Veneer and Plywood Inc.,
limitation on all rights; that in their exercise, the norms of human December 28, 1979, 94 SCRA 953; PAL v. CA, G.R. No. L-46558, July G.R. No. L-38088, August 30, 1974, 58 SCRA 771; See also Philippine
conduct set forth in Article 19 must be observed. A right, though by 31,1981,106 SCRA 391; United General Industries, Inc, v. Paler G.R. Refining Co., Inc. v. Garcia, G.R. No. L-21871, September 27,1966, 18
itself legal because recognized or granted by law as such, may No. L-30205, March 15,1982,112 SCRA 404; Rubio v. CA, G.R. No. SCRA 107] Under the circumstances of the instant case, the
nevertheless become the source of some illegality. When a right is 50911, August 21, 1987, 153 SCRA 183] the question of whether or petitioners clearly failed to exercise in a legitimate manner their
exercised in a manner which does not conform with the norms not the principle of abuse of rights has been violated resulting in right to dismiss Tobias, giving the latter the right to recover
enshrined in Article 19 and results in damage to another, a legal damages under Article 20 or Article 21 or other applicable provision damages under Article 19 in relation to Article 21 of the Civil Code.
wrong is thereby committed for which the wrongdoer must be held of law, depends on the circumstances of each case. And in the
responsible. But while Article 19 lays down a rule of conduct for the instant case, the Court, after examining the record and considering But petitioners were not content with just dismissing Tobias. Several
government of human relations and for the maintenance of social certain significant circumstances, finds that all petitioners have other tortious acts were committed by petitioners against Tobias
order, it does not provide a remedy for its violation. Generally, an indeed abused the right that they invoke, causing damage to private after the latter's termination from work. Towards the latter part of
action for damages under either Article 20 or Article 21 would be respondent and for which the latter must now be indemnified. January, 1973, after the filing of the first of six criminal complaints
proper. against Tobias, the latter talked to Hendry to protest the actions
The trial court made a finding that notwithstanding the fact that it taken against him. In response, Hendry cut short Tobias'
Article 20, which pertains to damage arising from a violation of law, was private respondent Tobias who reported the possible existence protestations by telling him to just confess or else the company
provides that: of anomalous transactions, petitioner Hendry "showed belligerence would file a hundred more cases against him until he landed in jail.
and told plaintiff (private respondent herein) that he was the Hendry added that, "You Filipinos cannot be trusted." The threat
Art. 20. Every person who contrary to law, wilfully or negligently number one suspect and to take a one week vacation leave, not to unmasked petitioner's bad faith in the various actions taken against
causes damage to another, shall indemnify the latter for the same. communicate with the office, to leave his table drawers open, and Tobias. On the other hand, the scornful remark about Filipinos as
to leave his keys to said defendant (petitioner Hendry)" [RTC well as Hendry's earlier statements about Tobias being a "crook"
However, in the case at bar, petitioners claim that they did not Decision, p. 2; Rollo, p. 232]. This, petitioners do not dispute. But and "swindler" are clear violations of 'Tobias' personal dignity [See
violate any provision of law since they were merely exercising their regardless of whether or not it was private respondent Tobias who Article 26, Civil Code].
legal right to dismiss private respondent. This does not, however, reported the anomalies to petitioners, the latter's reaction towards
the former upon uncovering the anomalies was less than civil. An
The next tortious act committed by petitioners was the writing of a persistence, filed at least six criminal complaints against respondent, investigation was "still under follow-up and a supplementary report
letter to RETELCO sometime in October 1974, stating that Tobias all of which were dismissed. will be submitted after all the evidence has been gathered,"
had been dismissed by GLOBE MACKAY due to dishonesty. Because defendants hastily filed six (6) criminal cases with the city Fiscal's
of the letter, Tobias failed to gain employment with RETELCO and as To constitute malicious prosecution, there must be proof that the Office of Manila, five (5) for estafa thru falsification of commercial
a result of which, Tobias remained unemployed for a longer period prosecution was prompted by a design to vex and humiliate a document and one (1) for violation of Art. 290 of the Revised Penal
of time. For this further damage suffered by Tobias, petitioners person and that it was initiated deliberately by the defendant Code, so much so that as was to be expected, all six (6) cases were
must likewise be held liable for damages consistent with Article knowing that the charges were false and groundless [Manila Gas dismissed, with one of the investigating fiscals, Asst. Fiscal de Guia,
2176 of the Civil Code. Petitioners, however, contend that they have Corporation v. CA, G.R. No. L-44190, October 30,1980, 100 SCRA commenting in one case that, "Indeed, the haphazard way this case
a "moral, if not legal, duty to forewarn other employers of the kind 602]. Concededly, the filing of a suit by itself, does not render a was investigated is evident. Evident likewise is the flurry and haste
of employee the plaintiff (private respondent herein) was." person liable for malicious prosecution [Inhelder Corporation v. CA, in the filing of this case against respondent Tobias," there can be no
[Petition, p. 14; Rollo, p. 15]. Petitioners further claim that "it is the G.R. No. 52358, May 301983122 SCRA 576]. The mere dismissal by mistaking that defendants would not but be motivated by malicious
accepted moral and societal obligation of every man to advise or the fiscal of the criminal complaint is not a ground for an award of and unlawful intent to harass, oppress, and cause damage to
warn his fellowmen of any threat or danger to the latter's life, honor damages for malicious prosecution if there is no competent plaintiff.
or property. And this includes warning one's brethren of the evidence to show that the complainant had acted in bad faith [Sison
possible dangers involved in dealing with, or accepting into v. David, G.R. No. L-11268, January 28,1961, 1 SCRA 60]. x x x
confidence, a man whose honesty and integrity is suspect" [Id.].
These arguments, rather than justify petitioners' act, reveal a In the instant case, however, the trial court made a finding that [RTC Decision, pp. 5-6; Rollo, pp. 235-236].
seeming obsession to prevent Tobias from getting a job, even after petitioners acted in bad faith in filing the criminal complaints against
almost two years from the time Tobias was dismissed. Tobias, observing that: In addition to the observations made by the trial court, the Court
finds it significant that the criminal complaints were filed during the
Finally, there is the matter of the filing by petitioners of six criminal x x x pendency of the illegal dismissal case filed by Tobias against
complaints against Tobias. Petitioners contend that there is no case petitioners. This explains the haste in which the complaints were
against them for malicious prosecution and that they cannot be Defendants (petitioners herein) filed with the Fiscal's Office of filed, which the trial court earlier noted. But petitioners, to prove
"penalized for exercising their right and prerogative of seeking Manila a total of six (6) criminal cases, five (5) of which were for their good faith, point to the fact that only six complaints were filed
justice by filing criminal complaints against an employee who was estafa thru falsification of commercial document and one for against Tobias when they could have allegedly filed one hundred
their principal suspect in the commission of forgeries and in the violation of Art. 290 of the Revised Penal Code "discovering secrets cases, considering the number of anomalous transactions
perpetration of anomalous transactions which defrauded them of thru seizure of correspondence," and all were dismissed for committed against GLOBE MACKAY. However, petitioners' good
substantial sums of money" [Petition, p. 10, Rollo, p. 11]. insufficiency or lack of evidence." The dismissal of four (4) of the faith is belied by the threat made by Hendry after the filing of the
cases was appealed to the Ministry of Justice, but said Ministry first complaint that one hundred more cases would be filed against
While sound principles of justice and public policy dictate that invariably sustained the dismissal of the cases. As above adverted Tobias. In effect, the possible filing of one hundred more cases was
persons shall have free resort to the courts for redress of wrongs to, two of these cases were refiled with the Judge Advocate made to hang like the sword of Damocles over the head of Tobias. In
and vindication of their rights [Buenaventura v. Sto. Domingo, 103 General's Office of the Armed Forces of the Philippines to railroad fine, considering the haste in which the criminal complaints were
Phil. 239 (1958)], the right to institute criminal prosecutions can not plaintiffs arrest and detention in the military stockade, but this was filed, the fact that they were filed during the pendency of the illegal
be exercised maliciously and in bad faith [Ventura v. Bernabe, G.R. frustrated by a presidential decree transferring criminal cases dismissal case against petitioners, the threat made by Hendry, the
No. L-26760, April 30, 1971, 38 SCRA 5871.] Hence, in Yutuk V. involving civilians to the civil courts. fact that the cases were filed notwithstanding the two police reports
Manila Electric Co., G.R. No. L-13016, May 31, 1961, 2 SCRA 337, the exculpating Tobias from involvement in the anomalies committed
Court held that the right to file criminal complaints should not be x x x against GLOBE MACKAY, coupled by the eventual dismissal of all the
used as a weapon to force an alleged debtor to pay an cases, the Court is led into no other conclusion than that petitioners
indebtedness. To do so would be a clear perversion of the function To be sure, when despite the two (2) police reports embodying the were motivated by malicious intent in filing the six criminal
of the criminal processes and of the courts of justice. And in Hawpia findings of Lt. Dioscoro Tagle, Chief Document Examiner of the complaints against Tobias.
CA, G.R. No. L-20047, June 30, 1967. 20 SCRA 536 the Court upheld Manila Police Department, clearing plaintiff of participation or
the judgment against the petitioner for actual and moral damages involvement in the fraudulent transactions complained of, despite Petitioners next contend that the award of damages was excessive.
and attorney's fees after making a finding that petitioner, with the negative results of the lie detector tests which defendants In the complaint filed against petitioners, Tobias prayed for the
compelled plaintiff to undergo, and although the police following: one hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) as actual
damages; fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) as exemplary damages; Petitioners next question the award of moral damages. However,
eight hundred thousand pesos (P800,000.00) as moral damages; the Court has already ruled in Wassmer v. Velez, G.R. No. L-20089,
fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) as attorney's fees; and costs. The December 26, 1964, 12 SCRA 648, 653, that [p]er express provision
trial court, after making a computation of the damages incurred by of Article 2219 (10) of the New Civil Code, moral damages are
Tobias [See RTC Decision, pp. 7-8; Rollo, pp. 154-1551, awarded him recoverable in the cases mentioned in Article 21 of said Code."
the following: eighty thousand pesos (P80,000.00) as actual Hence, the Court of Appeals committed no error in awarding moral
damages; two hundred thousand pesos (P200,000.00) as moral damages to Tobias.
damages; twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) as exemplary
damages; thirty thousand pesos (P30,000.00) as attorney's fees; Lastly, the award of exemplary damages is impugned by petitioners.
and, costs. It must be underscored that petitioners have been guilty Although Article 2231 of the Civil Code provides that "[i]n quasi-
of committing several actionable tortious acts, i.e., the abusive delicts, exemplary damages may be granted if the defendant acted
manner in which they dismissed Tobias from work including the with gross negligence," the Court, in Zulueta v. Pan American World
baseless imputation of guilt and the harassment during the Airways, Inc., G.R. No. L- 28589, January 8, 1973, 49 SCRA 1, ruled
investigations; the defamatory language heaped on Tobias as well as that if gross negligence warrants the award of exemplary damages,
the scornful remark on Filipinos; the poison letter sent to RETELCO with more reason is its imposition justified when the act performed
which resulted in Tobias' loss of possible employment; and, the is deliberate, malicious and tainted with bad faith. As in the Zulueta
malicious filing of the criminal complaints. Considering the extent of case, the nature of the wrongful acts shown to have been
the damage wrought on Tobias, the Court finds that, contrary to committed by petitioners against Tobias is sufficient basis for the
petitioners' contention, the amount of damages awarded to Tobias award of exemplary damages to the latter.
was reasonable under the circumstances.
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby DENIED and the decision of the
Yet, petitioners still insist that the award of damages was improper, Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 09055 is AFFIRMED.
invoking the principle of damnum absque injuria. It is argued that
"[t]he only probable actual damage that plaintiff (private SO ORDERED.
respondent herein) could have suffered was a direct result of his
having been dismissed from his employment, which was a valid and
legal act of the defendants-appellants (petitioners
herein).lâwphî1.ñèt " [Petition, p. 17; Rollo, p. 18].
EN BANC some of her clothes to the room of Pacita Noel in St. Mary's Hall, purpose was to study, and she was domiciled in Cebu City, and that
which was their usual trysting place. she intended to return after two years. The application was
G.R. No. L-19671 November 29, 1965 approved, and she left for the United States. On 22 August 1950,
Although planned for the midnight following their marriage, the she filed a verified complaint for divorce against the herein plaintiff
PASTOR B. TENCHAVEZ, plaintiff-appellant, elopement did not, however, materialize because when Vicente in the Second Judicial District Court of the State of Nevada in and for
vs. went back to her classes after the marriage, her mother, who got the County of Washoe, on the ground of "extreme cruelty, entirely
VICENTA F. ESCAÑO, ET AL., defendants-appellees. wind of the intended nuptials, was already waiting for her at the mental in character." On 21 October 1950, a decree of divorce,
college. Vicenta was taken home where she admitted that she had "final and absolute", was issued in open court by the said tribunal.
I. V. Binamira & F. B. Barria for plaintiff-appellant. already married Pastor. Mamerto and Mena Escaño were surprised,
Jalandoni & Jarnir for defendants-appellees. because Pastor never asked for the hand of Vicente, and were In 1951 Mamerto and Mena Escaño filed a petition with the
disgusted because of the great scandal that the clandestine Archbishop of Cebu to annul their daughter's marriage to Pastor
REYES, J.B.L., J.: marriage would provoke (t.s.n., vol. III, pp. 1105-06). The following (Exh. "D"). On 10 September 1954, Vicenta sought papal
morning, the Escaño spouses sought priestly advice. Father Reynes dispensation of her marriage (Exh. "D"-2).
Direct appeal, on factual and legal questions, from the judgment of suggested a recelebration to validate what he believed to be an
the Court of First Instance of Cebu, in its Civil Case No. R-4177, invalid marriage, from the standpoint of the Church, due to the lack On 13 September 1954, Vicenta married an American, Russell Leo
denying the claim of the plaintiff-appellant, Pastor B. Tenchavez, for of authority from the Archbishop or the parish priest for the Moran, in Nevada. She now lives with him in California, and, by him,
legal separation and one million pesos in damages against his wife officiating chaplain to celebrate the marriage. The recelebration did has begotten children. She acquired American citizenship on 8
and parents-in-law, the defendants-appellees, Vicente, Mamerto not take place, because on 26 February 1948 Mamerto Escaño was August 1958.
and Mena,1 all surnamed "Escaño," respectively.2 handed by a maid, whose name he claims he does not remember, a
letter purportedly coming from San Carlos college students and But on 30 July 1955, Tenchavez had initiated the proceedings at bar
The facts, supported by the evidence of record, are the following: disclosing an amorous relationship between Pastor Tenchavez and by a complaint in the Court of First Instance of Cebu, and amended
Pacita Noel; Vicenta translated the letter to her father, and on 31 May 1956, against Vicenta F. Escaño, her parents, Mamerto
Missing her late afternoon classes on 24 February 1948 in the thereafter would not agree to a new marriage. Vicenta and Pastor and Mena Escaño, whom he charged with having dissuaded and
University of San Carlos, Cebu City, where she was then enrolled as met that day in the house of Mrs. Pilar Mendezona. Thereafter, discouraged Vicenta from joining her husband, and alienating her
a second year student of commerce, Vicenta Escaño, 27 years of age Vicenta continued living with her parents while Pastor returned to affections, and against the Roman Catholic Church, for having,
(scion of a well-to-do and socially prominent Filipino family of his job in Manila. Her letter of 22 March 1948 (Exh. "M"), while still through its Diocesan Tribunal, decreed the annulment of the
Spanish ancestry and a "sheltered colegiala"), exchanged marriage solicitous of her husband's welfare, was not as endearing as her marriage, and asked for legal separation and one million pesos in
vows with Pastor Tenchavez, 32 years of age, an engineer, ex-army previous letters when their love was aflame. damages. Vicenta claimed a valid divorce from plaintiff and an
officer and of undistinguished stock, without the knowledge of her equally valid marriage to her present husband, Russell Leo Moran;
parents, before a Catholic chaplain, Lt. Moises Lavares, in the house Vicenta was bred in Catholic ways but is of a changeable disposition, while her parents denied that they had in any way influenced their
of one Juan Alburo in the said city. The marriage was the and Pastor knew it. She fondly accepted her being called a daughter's acts, and counterclaimed for moral damages.
culmination of a previous love affair and was duly registered with "jellyfish." She was not prevented by her parents from
the local civil register. communicating with Pastor (Exh. "1-Escaño"), but her letters The appealed judgment did not decree a legal separation, but freed
became less frequent as the days passed. As of June, 1948 the the plaintiff from supporting his wife and to acquire property to the
Vicenta's letters to Pastor, and his to her, before the marriage, newlyweds were already estranged (Exh. "2-Escaño"). Vicenta had exclusion of his wife. It allowed the counterclaim of Mamerto
indicate that the couple were deeply in love. Together with a friend, gone to Jimenez, Misamis Occidental, to escape from the scandal Escaño and Mena Escaño for moral and exemplary damages and
Pacita Noel, their matchmaker and go-between, they had planned that her marriage stirred in Cebu society. There, a lawyer filed for attorney's fees against the plaintiff-appellant, to the extent of
out their marital future whereby Pacita would be the governess of her a petition, drafted by then Senator Emmanuel Pelaez, to annul P45,000.00, and plaintiff resorted directly to this Court.
their first-born; they started saving money in a piggy bank. A few her marriage. She did not sign the petition (Exh. "B-5"). The case
weeks before their secret marriage, their engagement was broken; was dismissed without prejudice because of her non-appearance at The appellant ascribes, as errors of the trial court, the following:
Vicenta returned the engagement ring and accepted another suitor, the hearing (Exh. "B-4").
Joseling Lao. Her love for Pastor beckoned; she pleaded for his 1. In not declaring legal separation; in not holding defendant
return, and they reconciled. This time they planned to get married On 24 June 1950, without informing her husband, she applied for a Vicenta F. Escaño liable for damages and in dismissing the
and then elope. To facilitate the elopement, Vicenta had brought passport, indicating in her application that she was single, that her complaint;.
The good faith of all the parties to the marriage (and hence the only provides for legal separation (Title IV, Book 1, Arts. 97 to 108),
2. In not holding the defendant parents Mamerto Escano and validity of their marriage) will be presumed until the contrary is and, even in that case, it expressly prescribes that "the marriage
the heirs of Doña Mena Escaño liable for damages;. positively proved (Lao vs. Dee Tim, 45 Phil. 739, 745; Francisco vs. bonds shall not be severed" (Art. 106, subpar. 1).
Jason, 60 Phil. 442, 448). It is well to note here that in the case at
3 In holding the plaintiff liable for and requiring him to pay bar, doubts as to the authority of the solemnizing priest arose only For the Philippine courts to recognize and give recognition or effect
the damages to the defendant parents on their counterclaims; and. after the marriage, when Vicenta's parents consulted Father Reynes to a foreign decree of absolute divorce betiveen Filipino citizens
and the archbishop of Cebu. Moreover, the very act of Vicenta in could be a patent violation of the declared public policy of the state,
4. In dismissing the complaint and in denying the relief sought abandoning her original action for annulment and subsequently specially in view of the third paragraph of Article 17 of the Civil Code
by the plaintiff. suing for divorce implies an admission that her marriage to plaintiff that prescribes the following:
was valid and binding.
That on 24 February 1948 the plaintiff-appellant, Pastor Tenchavez, Prohibitive laws concerning persons, their acts or property, and
and the defendant-appellee, Vicenta Escaño, were validly married to Defendant Vicenta Escaño argues that when she contracted the those which have for their object public order, policy and good
each other, from the standpoint of our civil law, is clearly marriage she was under the undue influence of Pacita Noel, whom customs, shall not be rendered ineffective by laws or judgments
established by the record before us. Both parties were then above she charges to have been in conspiracy with appellant Tenchavez. promulgated, or by determinations or conventions agreed upon in a
the age of majority, and otherwise qualified; and both consented to Even granting, for argument's sake, the truth of that contention, and foreign country.
the marriage, which was performed by a Catholic priest (army assuming that Vicenta's consent was vitiated by fraud and undue
chaplain Lavares) in the presence of competent witnesses. It is influence, such vices did not render her marriage ab initio void, but Even more, the grant of effectivity in this jurisdiction to such foreign
nowhere shown that said priest was not duly authorized under civil merely voidable, and the marriage remained valid until annulled by divorce decrees would, in effect, give rise to an irritating and
law to solemnize marriages. a competent civil court. This was never done, and admittedly, scandalous discrimination in favor of wealthy citizens, to the
Vicenta's suit for annulment in the Court of First Instance of Misamis detriment of those members of our polity whose means do not
The chaplain's alleged lack of ecclesiastical authorization from the was dismissed for non-prosecution. permit them to sojourn abroad and obtain absolute divorces outside
parish priest and the Ordinary, as required by Canon law, is the Philippines.
irrelevant in our civil law, not only because of the separation of It is equally clear from the record that the valid marriage between
Church and State but also because Act 3613 of the Philippine Pastor Tenchavez and Vicenta Escaño remained subsisting and From this point of view, it is irrelevant that appellant Pastor
Legislature (which was the marriage law in force at the time) undissolved under Philippine law, notwithstanding the decree of Tenchavez should have appeared in the Nevada divorce court.
expressly provided that — absolute divorce that the wife sought and obtained on 21 October Primarily because the policy of our law cannot be nullified by acts of
1950 from the Second Judicial District Court of Washoe County, private parties (Civil Code,Art. 17, jam quot.); and additionally,
SEC. 1. Essential requisites. Essential requisites for marriage are State of Nevada, on grounds of "extreme cruelty, entirely mental in because the mere appearance of a non-resident consort cannot
the legal capacity of the contracting parties and consent. (Emphasis character." At the time the divorce decree was issued, Vicenta confer jurisdiction where the court originally had none (Area vs.
supplied) Escaño, like her husband, was still a Filipino citizen.4 She was then Javier, 95 Phil. 579).
subject to Philippine law, and Article 15 of the Civil Code of the
The actual authority of the solemnizing officer was thus only a Philippines (Rep. Act No. 386), already in force at the time, expressly From the preceding facts and considerations, there flows as a
formal requirement, and, therefore, not essential to give the provided: necessary consequence that in this jurisdiction Vicenta Escaño's
marriage civil effects,3 and this is emphasized by section 27 of said divorce and second marriage are not entitled to recognition as valid;
marriage act, which provided the following: Laws relating to family rights and duties or to the status, condition for her previous union to plaintiff Tenchavez must be declared to be
and legal capacity of persons are binding upon the citizens of the existent and undissolved. It follows, likewise, that her refusal to
SEC. 27. Failure to comply with formal requirements. No marriage Philippines, even though living abroad. perform her wifely duties, and her denial of consortium and her
shall be declared invalid because of the absence of one or several of desertion of her husband constitute in law a wrong caused through
the formal requirements of this Act if, when it was performed, the The Civil Code of the Philippines, now in force, does not admit her fault, for which the husband is entitled to the corresponding
spouses or one of them believed in good faith that the person who absolute divorce, quo ad vinculo matrimonii; and in fact does not indemnity (Civil Code, Art. 2176). Neither an unsubstantiated charge
solemnized the marriage was actually empowered to do so, and that even use that term, to further emphasize its restrictive policy on the of deceit nor an anonymous letter charging immorality against the
the marriage was perfectly legal. matter, in contrast to the preceding legislation that admitted husband constitute, contrary to her claim, adequate excuse.
absolute divorce on grounds of adultery of the wife or concubinage Wherefore, her marriage and cohabitation with Russell Leo Moran is
of the husband (Act 2710). Instead of divorce, the present Civil Code technically "intercourse with a person not her husband" from the
standpoint of Philippine Law, and entitles plaintiff-appellant not new in the Philippines, and the answer to them was given in being of age, she was entitled to judge what was best for her and
Tenchavez to a decree of "legal separation under our law, on the Barretto vs. Gonzales, 58 Phil. 667: ask that her decisions be respected. Her parents, in so doing,
basis of adultery" (Revised Penal Code, Art. 333). certainly cannot be charged with alienation of affections in the
The hardship of the existing divorce laws in the Philippine Islands absence of malice or unworthy motives, which have not been
The foregoing conclusions as to the untoward effect of a marriage are well known to the members of the Legislature. It is the duty of shown, good faith being always presumed until the contrary is
after an invalid divorce are in accord with the previous doctrines the Courts to enforce the laws of divorce as written by Legislature if proved.
and rulings of this court on the subject, particularly those that were they are constitutional. Courts have no right to say that such laws
rendered under our laws prior to the approval of the absolute are too strict or too liberal. (p. 72) SEC. 529. Liability of Parents, Guardians or Kin. — The law
divorce act (Act 2710 of the Philippine Legislature). As a matter of distinguishes between the right of a parent to interest himself in the
legal history, our statutes did not recognize divorces a vinculo The appellant's first assignment of error is, therefore, sustained. marital affairs of his child and the absence of rights in a stranger to
before 1917, when Act 2710 became effective; and the present Civil intermeddle in such affairs. However, such distinction between the
Code of the Philippines, in disregarding absolute divorces, in effect However, the plaintiff-appellant's charge that his wife's parents, Dr. liability of parents and that of strangers is only in regard to what will
merely reverted to the policies on the subject prevailing before Act Mamerto Escaño and his wife, the late Doña Mena Escaño, alienated justify interference. A parent isliable for alienation of affections
2710. The rulings, therefore, under the Civil Code of 1889, prior to the affections of their daughter and influenced her conduct toward resulting from his own malicious conduct, as where he wrongfully
the Act above-mentioned, are now, fully applicable. Of these, the her husband are not supported by credible evidence. The testimony entices his son or daughter to leave his or her spouse, but he is not
decision in Ramirez vs. Gmur, 42 Phil. 855, is of particular interest. of Pastor Tenchavez about the Escaño's animosity toward him liable unless he acts maliciously, without justification and from
Said this Court in that case: strikes us to be merely conjecture and exaggeration, and are belied unworthy motives. He is not liable where he acts and advises his
by Pastor's own letters written before this suit was begun (Exh. "2- child in good faith with respect to his child's marital relations in the
As the divorce granted by the French Court must be ignored, it Escaño" and "Vicenta," Rec. on App., pp. 270-274). In these letters interest of his child as he sees it, the marriage of his child not
results that the marriage of Dr. Mory and Leona Castro, celebrated he expressly apologized to the defendants for "misjudging them" terminating his right and liberty to interest himself in, and be
in London in 1905, could not legalize their relations; and the and for the "great unhappiness" caused by his "impulsive blunders" extremely solicitous for, his child's welfare and happiness, even
circumstance that they afterwards passed for husband and wife in and "sinful pride," "effrontery and audacity" [sic]. Plaintiff was where his conduct and advice suggest or result in the separation of
Switzerland until her death is wholly without legal significance. The admitted to the Escaño house to visit and court Vicenta, and the the spouses or the obtaining of a divorce or annulment, or where he
claims of the very children to participate in the estate of Samuel record shows nothing to prove that he would not have been acts under mistake or misinformation, or where his advice or
Bishop must therefore be rejected. The right to inherit is limited to accepted to marry Vicente had he openly asked for her hand, as interference are indiscreet or unfortunate, although it has been held
legitimate, legitimated and acknowledged natural children. The good manners and breeding demanded. Even after learning of the that the parent is liable for consequences resulting from
children of adulterous relations are wholly excluded. The word clandestine marriage, and despite their shock at such unexpected recklessness. He may in good faith take his child into his home and
"descendants" as used in Article 941 of the Civil Code cannot be event, the parents of Vicenta proposed and arranged that the afford him or her protection and support, so long as he has not
interpreted to include illegitimates born of adulterous relations. marriage be recelebrated in strict conformity with the canons of maliciously enticed his child away, or does not maliciously entice or
(Emphasis supplied) their religion upon advice that the previous one was canonically cause him or her to stay away, from his or her spouse. This rule has
defective. If no recelebration of the marriage ceremony was had it more frequently been applied in the case of advice given to a
Except for the fact that the successional rights of the children, was not due to defendants Mamerto Escaño and his wife, but to the married daughter, but it is equally applicable in the case of advice
begotten from Vicenta's marriage to Leo Moran after the invalid refusal of Vicenta to proceed with it. That the spouses Escaño did given to a son.
divorce, are not involved in the case at bar, the Gmur case is not seek to compel or induce their daughter to assent to the
authority for the proposition that such union is adulterous in this recelebration but respected her decision, or that they abided by her Plaintiff Tenchavez, in falsely charging Vicenta's aged parents with
jurisdiction, and, therefore, justifies an action for legal separation on resolve, does not constitute in law an alienation of affections. racial or social discrimination and with having exerted efforts and
the part of the innocent consort of the first marriage, that stands Neither does the fact that Vicenta's parents sent her money while pressured her to seek annulment and divorce, unquestionably
undissolved in Philippine law. In not so declaring, the trial court she was in the United States; for it was natural that they should not caused them unrest and anxiety, entitling them to recover damages.
committed error. wish their daughter to live in penury even if they did not concur in While this suit may not have been impelled by actual malice, the
her decision to divorce Tenchavez (27 Am. Jur. 130-132). charges were certainly reckless in the face of the proven facts and
True it is that our ruling gives rise to anomalous situations where circumstances. Court actions are not established for parties to give
the status of a person (whether divorced or not) would depend on There is no evidence that the parents of Vicenta, out of improper vent to their prejudices or spleen.
the territory where the question arises. Anomalies of this kind are motives, aided and abetted her original suit for annulment, or her
subsequent divorce; she appears to have acted independently, and
In the assessment of the moral damages recoverable by appellant (4) That an action for alienation of affections against the
Pastor Tenchavez from defendant Vicente Escaño, it is proper to parents of one consort does not lie in the absence of proof of malice
take into account, against his patently unreasonable claim for a or unworthy motives on their part.
million pesos in damages, that (a) the marriage was celebrated in
secret, and its failure was not characterized by publicity or undue WHEREFORE, the decision under appeal is hereby modified as
humiliation on appellant's part; (b) that the parties never lived follows;
together; and (c) that there is evidence that appellant had originally
agreed to the annulment of the marriage, although such a promise (1) Adjudging plaintiff-appellant Pastor Tenchavez entitled to a
was legally invalid, being against public policy (cf. Art. 88, Civ. Code). decree of legal separation from defendant Vicenta F. Escaño;
While appellant is unable to remarry under our law, this fact is a
consequence of the indissoluble character of the union that (2) Sentencing defendant-appellee Vicenta Escaño to pay
appellant entered into voluntarily and with open eyes rather than of plaintiff-appellant Tenchavez the amount of P25,000 for damages
her divorce and her second marriage. All told, we are of the opinion and attorneys' fees;
that appellant should recover P25,000 only by way of moral
damages and attorney's fees. (3) Sentencing appellant Pastor Tenchavez to pay the appellee,
Mamerto Escaño and the estate of his wife, the deceased Mena
With regard to the P45,000 damages awarded to the defendants, Escaño, P5,000 by way of damages and attorneys' fees.
Dr. Mamerto Escaño and Mena Escaño, by the court below, we
opine that the same are excessive. While the filing of this unfounded Neither party to recover costs.
suit must have wounded said defendants' feelings and caused them
anxiety, the same could in no way have seriously injured their
reputation, or otherwise prejudiced them, lawsuits having become a
common occurrence in present society. What is important, and has
been correctly established in the decision of the court below, is that
said defendants were not guilty of any improper conduct in the
whole deplorable affair. This Court, therefore, reduces the damages
awarded to P5,000 only.
St. Louis Realty also contends that the decision is contrary to law
and that the case was decided in a way not in conformity with the
rulings of this Court. It argues that the case is not covered by article
26 which provides that "every person shall respect the dignity,
personality, privacy and peace of mind of his neighbors and other
persons". "Prying into the privacy of another's residence" and
"meddling with or disturbing the private life or family relations of
another" and "similar acts", "though they may not constitute a
criminal offense, shall produce a cause of action for damages,
prevention and other relief".
THIRD DIVISION the same day when her husband posted a bond for her temporary a. PNB Check No. C-347108 dated November 30, 1992 in the
liberty. amount of ₱9,564.00;
G.R. No. 179799 September 11, 2009
On December 5, 1997, Gregorio filed before the MeTC a Motion6 for b. PNB Check No. C-347109 dated November 30, 1992 in the
ZENAIDA R. GREGORIO, Petitioner, Deferment of Arraignment and Reinvestigation, alleging that she amount of ₱19,194.48; and
vs. could not have issued the bounced checks, since she did not even
COURT OF APPEALS, SANSIO PHILIPPINES, INC., and EMMA J. have a checking account with the bank on which the checks were c. PNB Check No. C-347104 dated December 2, 1992 in the amount
DATUIN, Respondents. drawn, as certified by the branch manager of the Philippine National of ₱10,000.00
Bank, Sorsogon Branch. She also alleged that her signature was
DECISION patently and radically different from the signatures appearing on and that the above-mentioned PNB Checks bounced when
the bounced checks. deposited upon maturity;
The MeTC granted the Motion and a reinvestigation was conducted. 6. That as a result of the filing of the "Affidavit of Complaint" (Annex
This is a petition1 for certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court In the course of the reinvestigation, Datuin submitted an Affidavit of "A") wherein defendant Emma J. Datuin falsely charged the plaintiff
assailing the Decision2 of the Court of Appeals (CA) dated January Desistance7 dated August 18, 1998, stating, among others, that with offenses of Estafa and/or violation of B.P. Blg. 22 on three (3)
31, 2007 and its Resolution3 dated September 12, 2007 in CA-G.R. Gregorio was not one of the signatories of the bounced checks counts, the Office of the City Prosecutor of Manila issued a
SP No. 63602, entitled "Sansio Philippines, Inc., et al. v. Hon. Romulo subject of prosecution. Resolution dated April 1, 1996 finding the existence of a probable
SG. Villanueva, et al." cause against the plaintiff for violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 on
Subsequently, the assistant city prosecutor filed a Motion to three counts;
The case arose from the filing of an Affidavit of Complaint4 for Dismiss8 dated November 12, 1998 with respect to Criminal Case
violation of Batas Pambansa Bilang (B.P. Blg.) 22 (Bouncing Checks Nos. 236544-46. The MeTC granted the motion and ordered the B.P. xxxx
Law) by respondent Emma J. Datuin (Datuin), as Officer-in-Charge of Blg. 22 cases dismissed.9
the Accounts Receivables Department, and upon authority of 7. That in the "MEMO OF PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION" attached
petitioner Sansio Philippines, Inc. (Sansio), against petitioner On August 18, 2000, Gregorio filed a complaint10 for damages hereto as Annex "C," signed by defendant Emma J. Datuin she
Zenaida R. Gregorio (Gregorio) and one Vito Belarmino, as against Sansio and Datuin before the Regional Trial Court (RTC), falsely indicated the address of plaintiff to be at No. 76 Peñaranda
proprietors of Alvi Marketing, allegedly for delivering insufficiently Branch 12, Ligao, Albay. The complaint, in part, reads — Street, Legaspi City when the truth of the matter is that the latter’s
funded bank checks as payment for the numerous appliances correct address is at Barangay Rizal, Oas, Albay;
bought by Alvi Marketing from Sansio. 4. That on or about December 15, 1995, defendant Emma J. Datuin
filed with the Office of the City Prosecutor of Manila an "Affidavit of 8. That as a consequence of the aforegoing false and misleading
As the address stated in the complaint was incorrect, Gregorio was Complaint" wherein, among others, she alleged under oath that as indication of address, plaintiff was therefore not duly notified of the
unable to controvert the charges against her. Consequently, she was an Officer In-charge of the Accounts Receivables Department of charges filed against her by defendant Emma J. Datuin; and more,
indicted for three (3) counts of violation of B.P. Blg. 22, docketed as SANSIO PHILIPPINES, INC., she was duly authorized and empowered she was not able to controvert them before the investigating
Criminal Case Nos. 236544, 236545, and 236546, before the by said company to file cases against debtors, customers and prosecutor, finally resulting in the filing in court of three (3)
Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC), Branch 3, Manila. dealers of the company; informations accusing her of violating B.P. 22;
The MeTC issued a warrant5 for her arrest, and it was served upon xxxx xxxx
her by the armed operatives of the Public Assistance and Reaction
Against Crime (PARAC) of the Department of Interior and Local 5. That while acting under authority of her employer namely the 9. That as pernicious result of the unwarranted and baseless
Government (DILG) on October 17, 1997, Friday, at around 9:30 a.m. defendant SANSIO PHILIPPINES, INC., defendant EMMA J. DATUIN accusation by the defendants which culminated in the filing of three
in Quezon City while she was visiting her husband and their two (2) falsely stated in the "Affidavit of Complaint" (Annex "A"), among (3) informations in the Metropolitan Trial Court of Manila, Branch 3
daughters at their city residence. Gregorio was brought to the others, that plaintiff Zenaida R. Gregorio issued and delivered to indicting the plaintiff on three counts of the offense of violating B.P.
PARAC-DILG Office where she was subjected to fingerprinting and their office the following checks, to wit: 22, the said court issued a Warrant of Arrest on July 22, 1996
mug shots, and was detained. She was released in the afternoon of ordering the arrest of the plaintiff;
xxxx irrefutable, defendants had no recourse but to concede and (f). Chapter President and Municipal Coordinator, Albay Women
recognize the verity that they had wrongly accused an innocent Volunteers Association, Inc., Legaspi City;
10. That taking extra effort to expedite the apprehension of plaintiff, person, in itself a brazen travesty of justice, so much so that
defendants’ retained private prosecutor managed to obtain the defendant Emma J. Datuin had to execute an Affidavit of Desistance (g). Regent, Daughters of Mary Immaculate International Virgo
Warrant for the Arrest of said plaintiff from the Court as evidenced (Annex "O") admitting that plaintiff is not a signatory to the three Clemens Circle, Oas, Albay;
by the copy of the letter of lawyer Alquin B. Manguerra of Chua and bouncing checks in question, rationalizing, albeit lamely, that the
Associates Law Office (Annex "H") so much so that in the morning of filing of the cases against the plaintiff was by virtue of an honest (h). Secretary, Girl Scout of the Philippines District Association; and
October 17, 1997, while plaintiff was visiting her husband Jose mistake or inadvertence on her (Datuin’s) part;
Gregorio and their two daughters at their city residence at 78 K-2 (i). Director, Albay Electric Cooperative (ALECO),
Street, Kamuning, Quezon City, and without the slightest 14. Be that as it may, incalculable damage has been inflicted on the
premonition that she was wanted by the law, armed operatives of plaintiff on account of the defendants’ wanton, callous and reckless not to mention the undue aspersion cast upon her social,
the Public Assistance and Reaction Against Crime (PARAC) of DILG disregard of the fundamental legal precept that "every person shall professional and business reputation because of defendants’
suddenly swooped down on their residence, arrested the plaintiff respect the dignity, personality, privacy and peace of mind of his tortious act of accusing her of Estafa and/or issuing bouncing checks
and brought her to the PARAC DILG Office in Quezon City where she neighbors and other persons" (Art. 26, Civil Code of the Philippines); – even without a scintilla of evidence;
was fingerprinted and detained like an ordinary criminal;
15. That the plaintiff, being completely innocent of the charges 16. That to compound the aforegoing travails and sufferings of the
xxxx against her as adverted to in the preceding paragraphs, was socially plaintiff she had to devote and spend much of her time, money and
humiliated, embarrassed, suffered physical discomfort, mental efforts trying to clear her tarnished name and reputation, including
11. That feeling distraught, helpless and hungry (not having eaten anguish, fright, and serious anxiety as a proximate result of her traveling to and from Manila to confer with her lawyer, attend the
for a whole day) the plaintiff languished in her place of confinement unjustified indictment, arrest and detention at the PARAC hearings at the prosecutor’s office and at the Metropolitan Trial
until the late afternoon of October 17, 1997 when her husband was headquarters – all of these ordeals having been exacerbated by the Court;
able to post a bond for her temporary liberty and secure an order of fact that plaintiff is a woman who comes from a respected family in
release (Annex "J") from the court. It was providential that a city Oas, Albay, being the wife of an executive of the Philippine National 17. By and large, defendants’ fault or, at the very least, their
judge was available in the late afternoon of October 17, 1997 which Construction Corporation, the mother of two college students reckless imprudence or negligence, in filing the three (3) criminal
was a Friday, otherwise plaintiff would have remained in studying in Manila, a pharmacist by profession, a businesswoman by cases against the plaintiff unequivocally caused damage to the latter
confinement for the entire weekend; occupation, and an incumbent Municipal Councilor (Kagawad) of and because of defendants’ baseless and unjustified accusations,
Oas, Albay, at the time of her arrest and detention; and that she plaintiff was constrained to retain the services of a lawyer to
12. That because of her desire to prove and establish her innocence previously held the following positions: represent her at the Metropolitan Trial Court and at the Office of
of the unjustified charges lodged against her by the defendants, the the City Prosecutor at Manila in order to establish her innocence
plaintiff was thus compelled to retain the services of counsel (a). President, Philippine Pharmaceutical Association (Albay and cause the dismissal of the three (3) criminal cases filed against
resulting in the filing of a Motion for Deferment of Arraignment and Chapter); her, reason for which she spent ₱20,000.00; and in order to institute
Reinvestigation (Annex "K") which was granted by the court; the this instant action for the redress of her grievances, plaintiff have to
filing of a Request for Reinvestigation with the prosecutor’s office (b). Chairman of the Board, Albay Pharmaceutical Marketing pay the sum of ₱50,000.00 as attorney’s fees and incur litigation
(Annex "L"); and the submission of a Counter-Affidavit to the Cooperative (ALPHAMAC); expenses in the amount of ₱35,000.00;
investigating prosecutor. All of these culminated in the filing by the
investigating prosecutor of a Motion to Dismiss (Annex "M") the (c). Charter Secretary, Kiwanis Club of Oas; 18. That by reason of all the aforegoing and pursuant to the
three criminal cases as a consequence of which the Court issued an provision of law that "whoever by act or omission causes damage to
Order dated June 1, 1999 (Annex "N") dismissing Criminal Cases No. (d). Chairman, Polangui Ladies Multi-Purpose Cooperative, Polangui, another, there being fault or negligence, is obliged to pay for the
236544, No. 236545 and No. 236546, copy of which was received by Albay; damage done," (Article 2176, Civil Code of the Philippines), the
plaintiff only on July 7, 2000; plaintiff is entitled to and hereby claims the following items of
(e). Vicarial Regent, Daughters of Mary Immaculate International, damages:
13. That previous to the filing of the above-mentioned Motion to District IX;
Dismiss by the prosecutor and having been faced with the truth and a. ₱3,000,000.00 as moral damages
righteousness of plaintiff’s avowal of innocence which was
b. ₱50,000.00 as actual damages On January 31, 2007, the CA rendered a Decision on the certiorari alleging either fault or negligence on the part of Sansio and Datuin,
case granting the petition and ordering the dismissal of the damage Gregorio never imputed to them any bad faith in her complaint.
c. ₱50,000.00 as nominal damages suit of Gregorio. The latter moved to reconsider the said Decision
but the same was denied in the appellate court’s Resolution dated Basic is the legal principle that the nature of an action is determined
d. ₱70,000.00 as attorney’s fees September 12, 2007. by the material averments in the complaint and the character of the
relief sought.24 Undeniably, Gregorio’s civil complaint, read in its
e. ₱35,000.00 as litigation expenses Hence, this petition. entirety, is a complaint based on quasi-delict under Article 2176, in
relation to Article 26 of the Civil Code, rather than on malicious
19. That defendants herein are jointly and solidarily liable for the The core issue to be resolved, as culled from the factual prosecution.
payment of the above items of damages being co-tortfeasors. circumstances of this case, is whether the complaint, a civil suit filed
Moreover, defendant SANSIO PHILIPPINES, INC. is vicariously liable by Gregorio, is based on quasi-delict or malicious prosecution. In every tort case filed under Article 2176 of the Civil Code, the
as the employer of defendant Emma J. Datuin who patently acted plaintiff has to prove by a preponderance of evidence: (1) the
within the scope of her assigned tasks (Vide: Art. 2180, Civil Code of It is the position of Sansio and Datuin that the complaint for damages suffered by him; (2) the fault or negligence of the
the Philippines).11 damages filed by Gregorio before the RTC was for malicious defendant or some other person to whose act he must respond; (3)
prosecution, but it failed to allege the elements thereof, such that it the connection of cause and effect between the fault or negligence
Sansio and Datuin filed a Motion to Dismiss12 on the ground that was aptly dismissed on appeal by the CA on the ground of lack of and the damages incurred; and (4) that there must be no preexisting
the complaint, being one for damages arising from malicious cause of action. In their comment, citing Albenson Enterprise contractual relation between the parties.25
prosecution, failed to state a cause of action, as the ultimate facts Corporation v. Court of Appeals,20 they posit that Article 26 of the
constituting the elements thereof were not alleged in the complaint. Civil Code, cited by Gregorio as one of the bases for her complaint, On the other hand, Article 26 of the Civil Code grants a cause of
Gregorio opposed13 the Motion. Sansio and Datuin filed their and Articles 19, 20, and 21 of the same Code, mentioned by the RTC action for damages, prevention, and other relief in cases of breach,
Reply14 to the Opposition. Gregorio, in turn, filed her Rejoinder.15 as bases for sustaining the complaint, are the very same provisions though not necessarily constituting a criminal offense, of the
upon which malicious prosecution is grounded. And in order to following rights: (1) right to personal dignity; (2) right to personal
On October 10, 2000, the RTC issued an Order16 denying the further buttress their position that Gregorio’s complaint was indeed security; (3) right to family relations; (4) right to social intercourse;
Motion to Dismiss. Sansio and Datuin filed a Motion for one for malicious prosecution, they even pointed out the fact that (5) right to privacy; and (6) right to peace of mind.26
Reconsideration17 of the October 10, 2000 Order, but the RTC Gregorio prayed for moral damages, which may be awarded only in
denied the same in its Order18 dated January 5, 2001. case of malicious prosecution or, if the case is for quasi-delict, only if A scrutiny of Gregorio’s civil complaint reveals that the averments
physical injury results therefrom. thereof, taken together, fulfill the elements of Article 2176, in
Sansio and Datuin went to the CA via a petition19 for certiorari relation to Article 26 of the Civil Code. It appears that Gregorio’s
under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court alleging grave abuse of We disagree. rights to personal dignity, personal security, privacy, and peace of
discretion on the part of the presiding judge of the RTC in denying mind were infringed by Sansio and Datuin when they failed to
their motions to dismiss and for reconsideration. A perusal of the allegations of Gregorio’s complaint for damages exercise the requisite diligence in determining the identity of the
readily shows that she filed a civil suit against Sansio and Datuin for person they should rightfully accuse of tendering insufficiently
Meanwhile, on March 20, 2003, the RTC rendered its Decision in the filing against her criminal charges for violation of B.P. Blg. 22; that funded checks. This fault was compounded when they failed to
civil case for damages instituted by Gregorio, directing Sansio and respondents did not exercise diligent efforts to ascertain the true ascertain the correct address of petitioner, thus depriving her of the
Datuin, jointly and solidarily, to pay Gregorio ₱200,000.00 as moral identity of the person who delivered to them insufficiently funded opportunity to controvert the charges, because she was not given
damages; ₱10,000.00 as nominal damages; ₱35,000.00 as litigation checks as payment for the various appliances purchased; and that proper notice. Because she was not able to refute the charges
expenses; ₱30,000.00 as attorney’s fees; and costs of the suit. The respondents never gave her the opportunity to controvert the against her, petitioner was falsely indicted for three (3) counts of
RTC expressly stated in its Decision that the complaint was one for charges against her, because they stated an incorrect address in the violation of B.P. Blg. 22. Although she was never found at No. 76
damages based on quasi-delict and not on malicious prosecution. criminal complaint. Gregorio claimed damages for the Peñaranda St., Legaspi City, the office address of Alvi Marketing as
embarrassment and humiliation she suffered when she was stated in the criminal complaint, Gregorio was conveniently arrested
Aggrieved by the March 20, 2003 Decision, Sansio and Datuin suddenly arrested at her city residence in Quezon City while visiting by armed operatives of the PARAC-DILG at her city residence at 78
appealed to the CA, and the same is now pending resolution. her family. She was, at the time of her arrest, a respected Kagawad K-2 St., Kamuning, Quezon City, while visiting her family. She
in Oas, Albay. Gregorio anchored her civil complaint on Articles suffered embarrassment and humiliation over her sudden arrest
26,21 2176,22 and 218023 of the Civil Code. Noticeably, despite and detention and she had to spend time, effort, and money to clear
her tarnished name and reputation, considering that she had held
several honorable positions in different organizations and offices in
the public service, particularly her being a Kagawad in Oas, Albay at
the time of her arrest. There exists no contractual relation between
Gregorio and Sansio. On the other hand, Gregorio is prosecuting
Sansio, under Article 2180 of the Civil Code, for its vicarious liability,
as employer, arising from the act or omission of its employee
Sansio and Datuin are in error when they insist that Gregorio’s
complaint is based on malicious prosecution. In an action to recover
damages for malicious prosecution, it must be alleged and
established that Sansio and Datuin were impelled by legal malice or
bad faith in deliberately initiating an action against Gregorio,
knowing that the charges were false and groundless, intending to
vex and humiliate her.27 As previously mentioned, Gregorio did not
allege this in her complaint. Moreover, the fact that she prayed for
moral damages did not change the nature of her action based on
quasi-delict. She might have acted on the mistaken notion that she
was entitled to moral damages, considering that she suffered
physical suffering, mental anguish, fright, serious anxiety,
besmirched reputation, wounded feelings, moral shock, and social
humiliation on account of her indictment and her sudden arrest.
Verily, Gregorio was only acting within her right when she instituted
against Sansio and Datuin an action she perceived to be proper,
given the factual antecedents of the case.
THIRD DIVISION Consequently, the arraignment and pre-trial were reset by the RTC
of Pasig City, in view of the filing of the Motion to Suspend Aggrieved, private respondent filed an appeal before the CA.
G.R. No. 183805 July 3, 2013 Proceedings filed by petitioner.
Thus, in a Decision5 dated February 1, 2008, the CA reversed and set
JAMES WALTER P. CAPILI, PETITIONER, In the interim, the RTC of Antipolo City rendered a decision aside the RTC’s decision. The fallo reads:
vs. declaring the voidness or incipient invalidity of the second marriage
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES AND SHIRLEY TISMO-CAPILI, between petitioner and private respondent on the ground that a WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Order dated 07 July 2006 of
RESPONDENTS. subsequent marriage contracted by the husband during the lifetime the Regional Trial Court of Pasig City, Branch 152 in Crim. Case No.
of the legal wife is void from the beginning. 128370 is REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The case is remanded to the
DECISION trial court for further proceedings. No costs.
Thereafter, the petitioner accused filed his Manifestation and
PERALTA, J.: Motion (to Dismiss) praying for the dismissal of the criminal case for SO ORDERED.6
bigamy filed against him on the ground that the second marriage
Before us is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the between him and private respondent had already been declared Petitioner then filed a Motion for Reconsideration against said
Rules of Court seeking the reversal of the Decision1 dated February void by the RTC. decision, but the same was denied in a Resolution[7] dated July 24,
1, 2008 and Resolution2 dated July 24, 2008 of the Court of Appeals 2008.
(CA) in CA-G.R. CR No. 30444. In an Order4 dated July 7, 2006, the RTC of Pasig City granted
petitioner’s Manifestation and Motion to Dismiss, to wit: Accordingly, petitioner filed the present petition for review on
The factual antecedents are as follows: certiorari alleging that:
The motion is anchored on the allegation that this case should be
On June 28, 2004, petitioner was charged with the crime of bigamy dismissed as a decision dated December 1, 2004 had already been THERE IS NO LEGAL BASIS FOR THE COURT OF APPEALS TO
before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig City in an Information rendered by the Regional Trial Court of Antipolo City, Branch 72 in DISREGARD EXISTING JURISPRUDENCE PRONOUNCED BY THIS
which reads: Civil Case No. 01-6043 (entitled: "Karla Medina-Capili versus James HONORABLE SUPREME COURT AND TO REVERSE THE ORDER DATED
Walter P. Capili and Shirley G. Tismo," a case for declaration of JULY 7, 2006 OF THE TRIAL COURT (REGIONAL TRIAL COURT, PASIG
On or about December 8, 1999, in Pasig City, and within the nullity of marriage) nullifying the second marriage between James CITY, BRANCH 152) ISSUED IN CRIMINAL CASE NO. 128370
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the accused being previously Walter P. Capili and Shirley G. Tismo and said decision is already GRANTING THE MOTION TO DISMISS THE CASE OF BIGAMY AGAINST
united in lawful marriage with Karla Y. Medina-Capili and without final. PETITIONER, INASMUCH AS THE ISSUANCE OF THE SAID ORDER IS
said marriage having been legally dissolved or annulled, did then BASED ON THE FINDINGS AND/OR FACTS OF THE CASE IN THE
and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously contract a second In the opposition filed by the private prosecutor to the motion, it DECISION OF THE REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF ANTIPOLO CITY,
marriage with Shirley G. Tismo, to the damage and prejudice of the was stated, among others, that the issues raised in the civil case are BRANCH 72, IN CIVIL CASE NO. 01-6043 AND THE CONCLUDING AND
latter. not similar or intimately related to the issue in this above-captioned DISPOSITIVE PORTION IN THE SAID DECISION WHICH STATES THAT,
case and that the resolution of the issues in said civil case would not AFTER PERUSAL OF THE EVIDENCE ON RECORD AND THE
Contrary to law.3 determine whether or not the criminal action may proceed. TESTIMONIES OF WITNESSES X X X, THE MARRIAGE BETWEEN
Petitioner thereafter filed a Motion to Suspend Proceedings alleging WHEREFORE, after a judicious evaluation of the issue and SHIRLEY G. TISMO, IS HEREBY NULL AND VOID.
that: (1) there is a pending civil case for declaration of nullity of the arguments of the parties, this Court is of the humble opinion that
second marriage before the RTC of Antipolo City filed by Karla Y. there is merit on the Motion to dismiss filed by the accused as it THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED AND ABUSED ITS
Medina-Capili; (2) in the event that the marriage is declared null and appears that the second marriage between James Walter P. Capili DISCRETION AMOUNTING TO LACK OF JURISDICTION IN HOLDING
void, it would exculpate him from the charge of bigamy; and (3) the and Shirley G. Tismo had already been nullified by the Regional Trial THAT THE DECLARATION OF NULLITY OF MARRIAGE BETWEEN
pendency of the civil case for the declaration of nullity of the second Court, Branch 72 of Antipolo City which has declared "the voidness, PETITIONER JAMES WALTER P. CAPILI AND SHIRLEY G. TISMO BY THE
marriage serves as a prejudicial question in the instant criminal case. non-existent or incipient invalidity" of the said second marriage. As REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF ANTIPOLO CITY, BRANCH 72 IN ITS
such, this Court submits that there is no more bigamy to speak of. DECISION IN CIVIL CASE NO. 01-6043, IS ON THE GROUND THAT IT IS
ARTICLE VIII, SECTION 14 OF THE 1987 CONSTITUTION, AND IN petitioner’s innocence or guilt in the criminal case for bigamy,
CONCLUDING THAT THE SAID DECLARATION OF NULLITY OF The elements of the crime of bigamy, therefore, are: (1) the because all that is required for the charge of bigamy to prosper is
MARRIAGE IS NOT A GROUND FOR DISMISSAL OF THE BIGAMY CASE offender has been legally married; (2) the marriage has not been that the first marriage be subsisting at the time the second marriage
AGAINST THE PETITIONER, WHICH RULING IS NOT IN ACCORDANCE legally dissolved or, in case his or her spouse is absent, the absent is contracted.
WITH THE FACTS OF THE CASE OF THE SAID DECISION AND WHICH IS spouse could not yet be presumed dead according to the Civil Code;
CONTRARY TO APPLICABLE LAWS AND ESTABLISHED (3) that he contracts a second or subsequent marriage; and (4) that Thus, under the law, a marriage, even one which is void or voidable,
JURISPRUDENCE. the second or subsequent marriage has all the essential requisites shall be deemed valid until declared otherwise in a judicial
for validity.9 proceeding. In this case, even if petitioner eventually obtained a
THE CASE OF TENEBRO V. COURT OF APPEALS SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. IT declaration that his first marriage was void ab initio, the point is,
IS AN EXCEPTION TO EXISTING JURISPRUDENCE INVOLVING In the present case, it appears that all the elements of the crime of both the first and the second marriage were subsisting before the
DECLARATION OF NULLITY OF MARRIAGE AND IS APPLICABLE ONLY bigamy were present when the Information was filed on June 28, first marriage was annulled.11
DECLARATION OF NULLITY OF MARRIAGE IS PSYCHOLOGICAL In like manner, the Court recently upheld the ruling in the
INCAPACITY, HENCE, THERE IS NO LEGAL BASIS FOR ABANDONING It is undisputed that a second marriage between petitioner and aforementioned case and ruled that what makes a person criminally
EXISTING JURISPRUDENCE AS WHERE IN THE INSTANT CASE THE private respondent was contracted on December 8, 1999 during the liable for bigamy is when he contracts a second or subsequent
GROUND FOR DECLARATION OF NULLITY OF MARRIAGE IS subsistence of a valid first marriage between petitioner and Karla Y. marriage during the subsistence of a valid first marriage. It further
VIOLATIVE OF ARTICLE 3 IN RELATION TO ARTICLE 4 OF THE FAMILY Medina-Capili contracted on September 3, 1999. Notably, the RTC of held that the parties to the marriage should not be permitted to
CODE. Antipolo City itself declared the bigamous nature of the second judge for themselves its nullity, for the same must be submitted to
marriage between petitioner and private respondent. Thus, the the judgment of competent courts and only when the nullity of the
THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN NOT HOLDING THAT subsequent judicial declaration of the second marriage for being marriage is so declared can it be held as void, and so long as there is
THE USE BY RESPONDENT SHIRLEY G. TISMO OF THE SURNAME bigamous in nature does not bar the prosecution of petitioner for no such declaration the presumption is that the marriage exists.
"CAPILI" IS ILLEGAL INASMUCH AS THE DECISION OF THE REGIONAL the crime of bigamy. Therefore, he who contracts a second marriage before the judicial
TRIAL COURT OF ANTIPOLO CITY, BRANCH 72 IN CIVIL CASE NO. 01- declaration of the first marriage assumes the risk of being
6043 DECLARING NULL AND VOID THE MARRIAGE BETWEEN JAMES Jurisprudence is replete with cases holding that the accused may prosecuted for bigamy.12
WALTER P. CAPILI AND SHIRLEY G. TISMO HAD LONG BECOME FINAL still be charged with the crime of bigamy, even if there is a
AND UNAPPEALABLE AS OF THE DATE OF THE SAID DECISION ON subsequent declaration of the nullity of the second marriage, so Finally, it is a settled rule that the criminal culpability attaches to the
DECEMBER 1, 2004 AND DULY RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF long as the first marriage was still subsisting when the second offender upon the commission of the offense, and from that instant,
ENTRIES IN THE CORRESPONDING BOOK IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIVIL marriage was celebrated. liability appends to him until extinguished as provided by law.13 It is
REGISTRAR OF PASIG CITY AND THE NATIONAL STATISTICS OFFICE.8 clear then that the crime of bigamy was committed by petitioner
In Jarillo v. People,10 the Court affirmed the accused’s conviction from the time he contracted the second marriage with private
In essence, the issue is whether or not the subsequent declaration for bigamy ruling that the crime of bigamy is consummated on the respondent. Thus, the finality of the judicial declaration of nullity of
of nullity of the second marriage is a ground for dismissal of the celebration of the subsequent marriage without the previous one petitioner’s second marriage does not impede the filing of a criminal
criminal case for bigamy. having been judicially declared null and void, viz.: charge for bigamy against him.
We rule in the negative. The subsequent judicial declaration of the nullity of the first WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is DENIED. The
marriage was immaterial because prior to the declaration of nullity, Decision dated February 1, 2008 and Resolution dated July 24, 2008
Article 349 of the Revised Penal Code defines and penalizes the the crime had already been consummated. Moreover, petitioner’s of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CR No. 30444 are hereby
crime of bigamy as follows: assertion would only delay the prosecution of bigamy cases AFFIRMED.
considering that an accused could simply file a petition to declare
Art. 349. Bigamy. – The penalty of prision mayor shall be imposed his previous marriage void and invoke the pendency of that action SO ORDERED.
upon any person who shall contract a second or subsequent as a prejudicial question in the criminal case. We cannot allow that.
marriage before the former marriage has been legally dissolved, or
before the absent spouse has been declared presumptively dead by The outcome of the civil case for annulment of petitioner’s marriage
means of a judgment rendered in the proper proceedings. to [private complainant] had no bearing upon the determination of
Ancajas thereafter filed a complaint for bigamy against petitioner.4 EXISTENCE OF THE FIRST MARRIAGE AND INSUFFICIENCY OF
G.R. No. 150758 February 18, 2004 The Information,5 which was docketed as Criminal Case No. 013095- EVIDENCE.
L, reads:
vs. That on the 10th day of April 1990, in the City of Lapu-lapu, CRIME OF BIGAMY DESPITE CLEAR PROOF THAT THE MARRIAGE
THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, respondent. Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the BETWEEN THE ACCUSED AND PRIVATE COMPLAINANT HAD BEEN
aforenamed accused, having been previously united in lawful DECLARED NULL AND VOID AB INITIO AND WITHOUT LEGAL FORCE
DECISION marriage with Hilda Villareyes, and without the said marriage having AND EFFECT.11
been legally dissolved, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J.: feloniously contract a second marriage with LETICIA ANCAJAS, which After a careful review of the evidence on record, we find no cogent
second or subsequent marriage of the accused has all the essential reason to disturb the assailed judgment.
We are called on to decide the novel issue concerning the effect of requisites for validity were it not for the subsisting first marriage.
the judicial declaration of the nullity of a second or subsequent Under Article 349 of the Revised Penal Code, the elements of the
marriage, on the ground of psychological incapacity, on an CONTRARY TO LAW. crime of Bigamy are:
individual’s criminal liability for bigamy. We hold that the
subsequent judicial declaration of nullity of marriage on the ground When arraigned, petitioner entered a plea of "not guilty".6 (1) that the offender has been legally married;
of psychological incapacity does not retroact to the date of the
celebration of the marriage insofar as the Philippines’ penal laws are During the trial, petitioner admitted having cohabited with (2) that the first marriage has not been legally dissolved or, in case
concerned. As such, an individual who contracts a second or Villareyes from 1984-1988, with whom he sired two children. his or her spouse is absent, the absent spouse could not yet be
subsequent marriage during the subsistence of a valid marriage is However, he denied that he and Villareyes were validly married to presumed dead according to the Civil Code;
criminally liable for bigamy, notwithstanding the subsequent each other, claiming that no marriage ceremony took place to
declaration that the second marriage is void ab initio on the ground solemnize their union.7 He alleged that he signed a marriage (3) that he contracts a second or subsequent marriage; and
of psychological incapacity. contract merely to enable her to get the allotment from his office in
connection with his work as a seaman.8 He further testified that he (4) that the second or subsequent marriage has all the essential
Petitioner in this case, Veronico Tenebro, contracted marriage with requested his brother to verify from the Civil Register in Manila requisites for validity.12
private complainant Leticia Ancajas on April 10, 1990. The two were whether there was any marriage at all between him and Villareyes,
wed by Judge Alfredo B. Perez, Jr. of the City Trial Court of Lapu-lapu but there was no record of said marriage.9 Petitioner’s assignment of errors presents a two-tiered defense, in
City. Tenebro and Ancajas lived together continuously and without which he (1) denies the existence of his first marriage to Villareyes,
interruption until the latter part of 1991, when Tenebro informed On November 10, 1997, the Regional Trial Court of Lapu-lapu City, and (2) argues that the declaration of the nullity of the second
Ancajas that he had been previously married to a certain Hilda Branch 54, rendered a decision finding the accused guilty beyond marriage on the ground of psychological incapacity, which is an
Villareyes on November 10, 1986. Tenebro showed Ancajas a reasonable doubt of the crime of bigamy under Article 349 of the alleged indicator that his marriage to Ancajas lacks the essential
photocopy of a marriage contract between him and Villareyes. Revised Penal Code, and sentencing him to four (4) years and two requisites for validity, retroacts to the date on which the second
Invoking this previous marriage, petitioner thereafter left the (2) months of prision correccional, as minimum, to eight (8) years marriage was celebrated.13 Hence, petitioner argues that all four of
conjugal dwelling which he shared with Ancajas, stating that he was and one (1) day of prision mayor, as maximum.10 On appeal, the the elements of the crime of bigamy are absent, and prays for his
going to cohabit with Villareyes.1 Court of Appeals affirmed the decision of the trial court. Petitioner’s acquittal.14
motion for reconsideration was denied for lack of merit.
On January 25, 1993, petitioner contracted yet another marriage, Petitioner’s defense must fail on both counts.
this one with a certain Nilda Villegas, before Judge German Lee, Jr. Hence, the instant petition for review on the following assignment
of the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City, Branch 15.2 When Ancajas of errors: First, the prosecution presented sufficient evidence, both
learned of this third marriage, she verified from Villareyes whether documentary and oral, to prove the existence of the first marriage
the latter was indeed married to petitioner. In a handwritten I. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED, AND THIS between petitioner and Villareyes. Documentary evidence
letter,3 Villareyes confirmed that petitioner, Veronico Tenebro, was ERROR IS CORRECTIBLE IN THIS APPEAL – WHEN IT AFFIRMED THE presented was in the form of: (1) a copy of a marriage contract
indeed her husband. DECISION OF THE HONORABLE COURT A QUO CONVICTING THE between Tenebro and Villareyes, dated November 10, 1986, which,
as seen on the document, was solemnized at the Manila City Hall merely attest that the respective issuing offices have no record of he argues that, since his marriage to Ancajas was subsequently
before Rev. Julieto Torres, a Minister of the Gospel, and certified to such a marriage. Documentary evidence as to the absence of a declared void ab initio, the crime of bigamy was not committed.21
by the Office of the Civil Registrar of Manila;15 and (2) a record is quite different from documentary evidence as to the
handwritten letter from Villareyes to Ancajas dated July 12, 1994, absence of a marriage ceremony, or documentary evidence as to This argument is not impressed with merit.
informing Ancajas that Villareyes and Tenebro were legally the invalidity of the marriage between Tenebro and Villareyes.
married.16 Petitioner makes much of the judicial declaration of the nullity of
The marriage contract presented by the prosecution serves as the second marriage on the ground of psychological incapacity,
To assail the veracity of the marriage contract, petitioner presented positive evidence as to the existence of the marriage between invoking Article 36 of the Family Code. What petitioner fails to
(1) a certification issued by the National Statistics Office dated Tenebro and Villareyes, which should be given greater credence realize is that a declaration of the nullity of the second marriage on
October 7, 1995;17 and (2) a certification issued by the City Civil than documents testifying merely as to absence of any record of the the ground of psychological incapacity is of absolutely no moment
Registry of Manila, dated February 3, 1997.18 Both these marriage, especially considering that there is absolutely no insofar as the State’s penal laws are concerned.
documents attest that the respective issuing offices have no record requirement in the law that a marriage contract needs to be
of a marriage celebrated between Veronico B. Tenebro and Hilda B. submitted to the civil registrar as a condition precedent for the As a second or subsequent marriage contracted during the
Villareyes on November 10, 1986. validity of a marriage. The mere fact that no record of a marriage subsistence of petitioner’s valid marriage to Villareyes, petitioner’s
exists does not invalidate the marriage, provided all requisites for its marriage to Ancajas would be null and void ab initio completely
To our mind, the documents presented by the defense cannot validity are present.19 There is no evidence presented by the regardless of petitioner’s psychological capacity or incapacity.22
adequately assail the marriage contract, which in itself would defense that would indicate that the marriage between Tenebro Since a marriage contracted during the subsistence of a valid
already have been sufficient to establish the existence of a marriage and Villareyes lacked any requisite for validity, apart from the self- marriage is automatically void, the nullity of this second marriage is
between Tenebro and Villareyes. serving testimony of the accused himself. Balanced against this not per se an argument for the avoidance of criminal liability for
testimony are Villareyes’ letter, Ancajas’ testimony that petitioner bigamy. Pertinently, Article 349 of the Revised Penal Code
All three of these documents fall in the category of public informed her of the existence of the valid first marriage, and criminalizes "any person who shall contract a second or subsequent
documents, and the Rules of Court provisions relevant to public petitioner’s own conduct, which would all tend to indicate that the marriage before the former marriage has been legally dissolved, or
documents are applicable to all. Pertinent to the marriage contract, first marriage had all the requisites for validity. before the absent spouse has been declared presumptively dead by
Section 7 of Rule 130 of the Rules of Court reads as follows: means of a judgment rendered in the proper proceedings". A plain
Finally, although the accused claims that he took steps to verify the reading of the law, therefore, would indicate that the provision
Sec. 7. Evidence admissible when original document is a public non-existence of the first marriage to Villareyes by requesting his penalizes the mere act of contracting a second or a subsequent
record. – When the original of a document is in the custody of a brother to validate such purported non-existence, it is significant to marriage during the subsistence of a valid marriage.
public officer or is recorded in a public office, its contents may be note that the certifications issued by the National Statistics Office
proved by a certified copy issued by the public officer in custody and the City Civil Registry of Manila are dated October 7, 1995 and Thus, as soon as the second marriage to Ancajas was celebrated on
thereof (Emphasis ours). February 3, 1997, respectively. Both documents, therefore, are April 10, 1990, during the subsistence of the valid first marriage, the
dated after the accused’s marriage to his second wife, private crime of bigamy had already been consummated. To our mind,
This being the case, the certified copy of the marriage contract, respondent in this case. there is no cogent reason for distinguishing between a subsequent
issued by a public officer in custody thereof, was admissible as the marriage that is null and void purely because it is a second or
best evidence of its contents. The marriage contract plainly indicates As such, this Court rules that there was sufficient evidence subsequent marriage, and a subsequent marriage that is null and
that a marriage was celebrated between petitioner and Villareyes presented by the prosecution to prove the first and second void on the ground of psychological incapacity, at least insofar as
on November 10, 1986, and it should be accorded the full faith and requisites for the crime of bigamy. criminal liability for bigamy is concerned. The State’s penal laws
credence given to public documents. protecting the institution of marriage are in recognition of the
The second tier of petitioner’s defense hinges on the effects of the sacrosanct character of this special contract between spouses, and
Moreover, an examination of the wordings of the certification subsequent judicial declaration20 of the nullity of the second punish an individual’s deliberate disregard of the permanent
issued by the National Statistics Office on October 7, 1995 and that marriage on the ground of psychological incapacity. character of the special bond between spouses, which petitioner
issued by the City Civil Registry of Manila on February 3, 1997 would has undoubtedly done.
plainly show that neither document attests as a positive fact that Petitioner argues that this subsequent judicial declaration retroacts
there was no marriage celebrated between Veronico B. Tenebro and to the date of the celebration of the marriage to Ancajas. As such, Moreover, the declaration of the nullity of the second marriage on
Hilda B. Villareyes on November 10, 1986. Rather, the documents the ground of psychological incapacity is not an indicator that
petitioner’s marriage to Ancajas lacks the essential requisites for this particular case, the act of the accused displays a deliberate
validity. The requisites for the validity of a marriage are classified by disregard for the sanctity of marriage, and the State does not look
the Family Code into essential (legal capacity of the contracting kindly on such activities. Marriage is a special contract, the key
parties and their consent freely given in the presence of the characteristic of which is its permanence. When an individual
solemnizing officer)23 and formal (authority of the solemnizing manifests a deliberate pattern of flouting the foundation of the
officer, marriage license, and marriage ceremony wherein the State’s basic social institution, the State’s criminal laws on bigamy
parties personally declare their agreement to marry before the step in.
solemnizing officer in the presence of at least two witnesses).24
Under Article 5 of the Family Code, any male or female of the age of Under Article 349 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, the
eighteen years or upwards not under any of the impediments penalty for the crime of bigamy is prision mayor, which has a
mentioned in Articles 3725 and 3826 may contract marriage.27 duration of six (6) years and one (1) day to twelve (12) years. There
being neither aggravating nor mitigating circumstance, the same
In this case, all the essential and formal requisites for the validity of shall be imposed in its medium period. Applying the Indeterminate
marriage were satisfied by petitioner and Ancajas. Both were over Sentence Law, petitioner shall be entitled to a minimum term, to be
eighteen years of age, and they voluntarily contracted the second taken from the penalty next lower in degree, i.e., prision
marriage with the required license before Judge Alfredo B. Perez, Jr. correccional which has a duration of six (6) months and one (1) day
of the City Trial Court of Lapu-lapu City, in the presence of at least to six (6) years. Hence, the Court of Appeals correctly affirmed the
two witnesses. decision of the trial court which sentenced petitioner to suffer an
indeterminate penalty of four (4) years and two (2) months of
Although the judicial declaration of the nullity of a marriage on the prision correccional, as minimum, to eight (8) years and one (1) day
ground of psychological incapacity retroacts to the date of the of prision mayor, as maximum.
celebration of the marriage insofar as the vinculum between the
spouses is concerned, it is significant to note that said marriage is WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the instant petition for
not without legal effects. Among these effects is that children review is DENIED. The assailed decision of the Court of Appeals in
conceived or born before the judgment of absolute nullity of the CA-G.R. CR No. 21636, convicting petitioner Veronico Tenebro of the
marriage shall be considered legitimate.28 There is therefore a crime of Bigamy and sentencing him to suffer the indeterminate
recognition written into the law itself that such a marriage, although penalty of four (4) years and two (2) months of prision correccional,
void ab initio, may still produce legal consequences. Among these as minimum, to eight (8) years and one (1) day of prision mayor, as
legal consequences is incurring criminal liability for bigamy. To hold maximum, is AFFIRMED in toto.
otherwise would render the State’s penal laws on bigamy
completely nugatory, and allow individuals to deliberately ensure SO ORDERED.
that each marital contract be flawed in some manner, and to thus
escape the consequences of contracting multiple marriages, while
beguiling throngs of hapless women with the promise of futurity
and commitment.
As such, we rule that the third and fourth requisites for the crime of
bigamy are present in this case, and affirm the judgment of the
Court of Appeals.
256, a Petition for the Annulment of her marriage with Socrates on In its Order14 dated August 3, 2007, the RTC denied the motion. It In so ruling, the RTC said that at the time the accused had
the ground of the latter’s psychological incapacity as defined under found respondent's argument that with the declaration of nullity of contracted a second marriage on January 24, 1983, i.e., before the
Article 36 of the Family Code, which was docketed as Civil Case No. her first marriage, there was no more first marriage to speak of and effectivity of the Family Code, the existing law did not require a
01-204. On July 18, 2003, the RTC of Muntinlupa, Branch 256, thus the element of two valid marriages in bigamy was absent, to judicial declaration of absolute nullity as a condition precedent to
rendered an Amended Decision5 declaring the marriage of have been laid to rest by our ruling in Mercado v. Tan15 where we contracting a subsequent marriage; that jurisprudence before the
respondent with Socrates null and void. Said decision became final held: Family Code was ambivalent on the issue of the need of prior
and executory on October 13, 2003.6 judicial declaration of absolute nullity of the first marriage. The RTC
In the instant case, petitioner contracted a second marriage found that both marriages of respondent took place before the
On May 14, 2004, petitioner Merlinda Cipriano Montañez, Silverio’s although there was yet no judicial declaration of nullity of his first effectivity of the Family Code, thus, considering the unsettled state
daughter from the first marriage, filed with the Municipal Trial Court marriage. In fact, he instituted the Petition to have the first of jurisprudence on the need for a prior declaration of absolute
of San Pedro, Laguna, a Complaint7 for Bigamy against respondent, marriage declared void only after complainant had filed a letter- nullity of marriage before commencing a second marriage and the
which was docketed as Criminal Case No. 41972. Attached to the complaint charging him with bigamy. For contracting a second principle that laws should be interpreted liberally in favor of the
complaint was an Affidavit8 (Malayang Sinumpaang Salaysay) dated marriage while the first is still subsisting, he committed the acts accused, it declared that the absence of a judicial declaration of
August 23, 2004, thumb-marked and signed by Silverio,9 which punishable under Article 349 of the Revised Penal Code. nullity should not prejudice the accused whose second marriage was
alleged, among others, that respondent failed to reveal to Silverio declared once and for all valid with the annulment of her first
that she was still married to Socrates. On November 17, 2004, an That he subsequently obtained a judicial declaration of the nullity of marriage by the RTC of Muntinlupa City in 2003.
Information10 for Bigamy was filed against respondent with the RTC the first marriage was immaterial. To repeat, the crime had already
been consummated by then. x x x16
Dissatisfied, a Motion for Reconsideration was filed by the In Labaro v. Panay, this Court dealt with a similar defect in the
prosecution, but opposed by respondent. In a Resolution dated following manner: In this case, it appears that when respondent contracted a second
January 2, 2008, the RTC denied the same ruling, among others, that marriage with Silverio in 1983, her first marriage with Socrates
the judicial declaration of nullity of respondent's marriage is It must, however, be stressed that if the public prosecution is celebrated in 1976 was still subsisting as the same had not yet been
tantamount to a mere declaration or confirmation that said aggrieved by any order ruling of the trial judge in a criminal case, the annulled or declared void by a competent authority. Thus, all the
marriage never existed at all, and for this reason, her act in OSG, and not the prosecutor, must be the one to question the order elements of bigamy were alleged in the Information. In her Motion
contracting a second marriage cannot be considered criminal. or ruling before us. x x x to Quash the Information, she alleged, among others, that:
Aggrieved, petitioner directly filed the present petition with us Nevertheless, since the challenged order affects the interest of the xxxx
raising the following issues: State or the plaintiff People of the Philippines, we opted not to
dismiss the petition on this technical ground. Instead, we required 2. The records of this case would bear out that accused's marriage
I. Whether the judicial nullity of a first marriage prior to the the OSG to comment on the petition, as we had done before in with said Socrates Flores was declared void ab initio on 14 April
enactment of the Family Code and the pronouncement in Wiegel vs. some cases. In light of its Comment, we rule that the OSG has 2003 by Branch 256 of the Regional Trial Court of Muntinlupa City.
Sempio-Diy on the ground of psychological incapacity is a valid ratified and adopted as its own the instant petition for the People of The said decision was never appealed, and became final and
defense for a charge of bigamy for entering into a second marriage the Philippines. (Emphasis supplied)22 executory shortly thereafter.
prior to the enactment of the Family Code and the pronouncement
in Wiegel vs. Sempio-Diy? Considering that we also required the OSG to file a Comment on the 3. In other words, before the filing of the Information in this case,
petition, which it did, praying that the petition be granted in effect, her marriage with Mr. Flores had already been declared void from
II. Whether the trial court erred in stating that the jurisprudence such Comment had ratified the petition filed with us. the beginning.
prior to the enactment of the Family Code and the pronouncement
in Wiegel vs. Sempio-Diy regarding the necessity of securing a As to the merit of the petition, the issue for resolution is whether or 4. There was therefore no marriage prior to 24 January 1983 to
declaration of nullity of the first marriage before entering a second not the RTC erred in quashing the Information for bigamy filed speak of. In other words, there was only one marriage.
marriage ambivalent, such that a person was allowed to enter a against respondent.
subsequent marriage without the annulment of the first without 5. The basic element of the crime of bigamy, that is, two valid
incurring criminal liability.19 Article 349 of the Revised Penal Code defines and penalizes bigamy marriages, is therefore wanting.25
as follow:
Preliminarily, we note that the instant petition assailing the RTC's Clearly, the annulment of respondent's first marriage on the ground
dismissal of the Information for bigamy was filed by private Art. 349. Bigamy. – The penalty of prision mayor shall be imposed of psychological incapacity was declared only in 2003. The question
complainant and not by the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) upon any person who shall contract a second or subsequent now is whether the declaration of nullity of respondent's first
which should represent the government in all judicial proceedings marriage before the former marriage has been legally dissolved, or marriage justifies the dismissal of the Information for bigamy filed
filed before us.20 before the absent spouse has been declared presumptively dead by against her.
means of a judgment rendered in the proper proceedings.
Notwithstanding, we will give due course to this petition as we had We rule in the negative.
done in the past. In Antone v. Beronilla,21 the offended party The elements of the crime of bigamy are: (a) the offender has been
(private complainant) questioned before the Court of Appeals (CA) legally married; (b) the marriage has not been legally dissolved or, in In Mercado v. Tan,26 we ruled that the subsequent judicial
the RTC's dismissal of the Information for bigamy filed against her case his or her spouse is absent, the absent spouse could not yet be declaration of the nullity of the first marriage was immaterial,
husband, and the CA dismissed the petition on the ground, among presumed dead according to the Civil Code; (c) that he contracts a because prior to the declaration of nullity, the crime of bigamy had
others, that the petition should have been filed in behalf of the second or subsequent marriage; and (d) the second or subsequent already been consummated. And by contracting a second marriage
People of the Philippines by the OSG, being its statutory counsel in marriage has all the essential requisites for validity. The felony is while the first was still subsisting, the accused committed the acts
all appealed criminal cases. In a petition filed with us, we said that consummated on the celebration of the second marriage or punishable under Article 349 of the Revised Penal Code.
we had given due course to a number of actions even when the subsequent marriage.23 It is essential in the prosecution for bigamy
respective interests of the government were not properly that the alleged second marriage, having all the essential In Abunado v. People,27 we held that what is required for the
represented by the OSG and said: requirements, would be valid were it not for the subsistence of the charge of bigamy to prosper is that the first marriage be subsisting
first marriage.24 at the time the second marriage is contracted.28 Even if the accused
eventually obtained a declaration that his first marriage was void ab second or subsequent marriage during the subsistence of a valid In Marbella-Bobis v. Bobis, the Court pointed out the danger of not
initio, the point is, both the first and the second marriage were marriage. enforcing the provisions of Article 40 of the Family Code, to wit:
subsisting before the first marriage was annulled.29
Parties to the marriage should not be permitted to judge for In the case at bar, respondent’s clear intent is to obtain a judicial
In Tenebro v. CA,30 we declared that although the judicial themselves its nullity, for the same must be submitted to the declaration nullity of his first marriage and thereafter to invoke that
declaration of the nullity of a marriage on the ground of judgment of competent courts and only when the nullity of the very same judgment to prevent his prosecution for bigamy. He
psychological incapacity retroacts to the date of the celebration of marriage is so declared can it be held as void, and so long as there is cannot have his cake and eat it too. Otherwise, all that an
the marriage insofar as the vinculum between the spouses is no such declaration the presumption is that the marriage exists.34 adventurous bigamist has to do is disregard Article 40 of the Family
concerned, it is significant to note that said marriage is not without Therefore, he who contracts a second marriage before the judicial Code, contract a subsequent marriage and escape a bigamy charge
legal effects. Among these effects is that children conceived or born declaration of nullity of the first marriage assumes the risk of being by simply claiming that the first marriage is void and that the
before the judgment of absolute nullity of the marriage shall be prosecuted for bigamy.35 subsequent marriage is equally void for lack of a prior judicial
considered legitimate. There is, therefore, a recognition written into declaration of nullity of the first. A party may even enter into a
the law itself that such a marriage, although void ab initio, may still Anent respondent's contention in her Comment that since her two marriage license and thereafter contract a subsequent marriage
produce legal consequences. Among these legal consequences is marriages were contracted prior to the effectivity of the Family without obtaining a declaration of nullity of the first on the
incurring criminal liability for bigamy. To hold otherwise would Code, Article 40 of the Family Code cannot be given retroactive assumption that the first marriage is void. Such scenario would
render the State’s penal laws on bigamy completely nugatory, and effect because this will impair her right to remarry without need of render nugatory the provision on bigamy.38
allow individuals to deliberately ensure that each marital contract securing a judicial declaration of nullity of a completely void
be flawed in some manner, and to thus escape the consequences of marriage. WHEREFORE, considering the foregoing, the petition is GRANTED.
contracting multiple marriages, while beguiling throngs of hapless The Order dated September 24, 2007 and the Resolution dated
women with the promise of futurity and commitment.31 We are not persuaded. January 2, 2008 of the Regional Trial Court of San Pedro, Laguna,
Branch 31, issued in Criminal Case No. 4990-SPL, are hereby SET
And in Jarillo v. People,32 applying the foregoing jurisprudence, we In Jarillo v. People,36 where the accused, in her motion for ASIDE. Criminal Case No. 4990-SPL is ordered REMANDED to the trial
affirmed the accused's conviction for bigamy, ruling that the reconsideration, argued that since her marriages were entered into court for further proceedings.
moment the accused contracted a second marriage without the before the effectivity of the Family Code, then the applicable law is
previous one having been judicially declared null and void, the crime Section 29 of the Marriage Law (Act 3613),37 instead of Article 40 of SO ORDERED.
of bigamy was already consummated because at the time of the the Family Code, which requires a final judgment declaring the
celebration of the second marriage, the accused’s first marriage previous marriage void before a person may contract a subsequent
which had not yet been declared null and void by a court of marriage. We did not find the argument meritorious and said:
competent jurisdiction was deemed valid and subsisting.
As far back as 1995, in Atienza v. Brillantes, Jr., the Court already
Here, at the time respondent contracted the second marriage, the made the declaration that Article 40, which is a rule of procedure,
first marriage was still subsisting as it had not yet been legally should be applied retroactively because Article 256 of the Family
dissolved. As ruled in the above-mentioned jurisprudence, the Code itself provides that said "Code shall have retroactive effect
subsequent judicial declaration of nullity of the first marriage would insofar as it does not prejudice or impair vested or acquired rights."
not change the fact that she contracted the second marriage during The Court went on to explain, thus:
the subsistence of the first marriage. Thus, respondent was properly
charged of the crime of bigamy, since the essential elements of the The fact that procedural statutes may somehow affect the litigants'
offense charged were sufficiently alleged. rights may not preclude their retroactive application to pending
actions. The retroactive application of procedural laws is not
Respondent claims that Tenebro v. CA33 is not applicable, since the violative of any right of a person who may feel that he is adversely
declaration of nullity of the previous marriage came after the filing affected. The reason is that as a general rule, no vested right may
of the Information, unlike in this case where the declaration was attach to, nor arise from, procedural laws.1âwphi1
rendered before the information was filed. We do not agree. What
makes a person criminally liable for bigamy is when he contracts a
FIRST DIVISION motion to withdraw the sought suspension of proceedings due to
On its part, BF Homes claimed that it withheld the delivery of the 20 the intervening termination of the receivership.9
G.R. No. 166836 September 4, 2013 TCTs for parcels of land purchased under the third deed of sale
because Atty. Orendain had ceased to be its rehabilitation receiver On October 23, 2000, the OCP Las Piñas rendered its resolution,10
SAN MIGUEL PROPERTIES, INC., PETITIONER, at the time of the transactions after being meanwhile replaced as dismissing San Miguel Properties’ criminal complaint for violation of
vs. receiver by FBO Network Management, Inc. on May 17, 1989 Presidential Decree No. 957 on the ground that no action could be
SEC. HERNANDO B. PEREZ, ALBERT C. AGUIRRE, TEODORO B. pursuant to an order from the SEC.4 filed by or against a receiver without leave from the SEC that had
ARCENAS, JR., MAXY S. ABAD, JAMES G. BARBERS, STEPHEN N. appointed him; that the implementation of the provisions of
SARINO, ENRIQUE N. ZALAMEA, JR., MARIANO M. MARTIN, BF Homes refused to deliver the 20 TCTs despite demands. Thus, on Presidential Decree No. 957 exclusively pertained under the
ORLANDO O. SAMSON, CATHERINE R. AGUIRRE, AND ANTONIO V. August 15, 2000, San Miguel Properties filed a complaint-affidavit in jurisdiction of the HLURB; that there existed a prejudicial question
AGCAOILI, RESPONDENTS. the Office of the City Prosecutor of Las Piñas City (OCP Las Piñas) necessitating the suspension of the criminal action until after the
charging respondent directors and officers of BF Homes with non- issue on the liability of the distressed BF Homes was first
DECISION delivery of titles in violation of Section 25, in relation to Section 39, determined by the SEC en banc or by the HLURB; and that no prior
both of Presidential Decree No. 957 (I.S. No. 00-2256).5 resort to administrative jurisdiction had been made; that there
BERSAMIN, J.: appeared to be no probable cause to indict respondents for not
At the same time, San Miguel Properties sued BF Homes for specific being the actual signatories in the three deeds of sale.
The pendency of an administrative case for specific performance performance in the HLURB (HLURB Case No. REM-082400-11183),6
brought by the buyer of residential subdivision lots in the Housing praying to compel BF Homes to release the 20 TCTs in its favor. On February 20, 2001, the OCP Las Piñas denied San Miguel
and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) to compel the seller to Properties’ motion for reconsideration filed on November 28, 2000,
deliver the transfer certificates of title (TCTs) of the fully paid lots is In their joint counter-affidavit submitted in I.S. No. 00-2256,7 holding that BF Homes’ directors and officers could not be held
properly considered a ground to suspend a criminal prosecution for respondent directors and officers of BF Homes refuted San Miguel liable for the non-delivery of the TCTs under Presidential Decree No.
violation of Section 25 of Presidential Decree No. 9571 on the Properties’ assertions by contending that: (a) San Miguel Properties’ 957 without a definite ruling on the legality of Atty. Orendain’s
ground of a prejudicial question. The administrative determination claim was not legally demandable because Atty. Orendain did not actions; and that the criminal liability would attach only after BF
is a logical antecedent of the resolution of the criminal charges have the authority to sell the 130 lots in 1992 and 1993 due to his Homes did not comply with a directive of the HLURB directing it to
based on non-delivery of the TCTs. having been replaced as BF Homes’ rehabilitation receiver by the deliver the titles.11
SEC on May 17, 1989; (b) the deeds of sale conveying the lots were
Antecedents irregular for being undated and unnotarized; (c) the claim should San Miguel Properties appealed the resolutions of the OCP Las Piñas
have been brought to the SEC because BF Homes was under to the Department of Justice (DOJ), but the DOJ Secretary denied
Petitioner San Miguel Properties Inc. (San Miguel Properties), a receivership; (d) in receivership cases, it was essential to suspend all the appeal on October 15, 2001, holding:
domestic corporation engaged in the real estate business, claims against a distressed corporation in order to enable the
purchased in 1992, 1993 and April 1993 from B.F. Homes, Inc. (BF receiver to effectively exercise its powers free from judicial and After a careful review of the evidence on record, we find no cogent
Homes), then represented by Atty. Florencio B. Orendain (Orendain) extra-judicial interference that could unduly hinder the rescue of reason to disturb the ruling of the City Prosecutor of Las Piñas City.
as its duly authorized rehabilitation receiver appointed by the the distressed company; and (e) the lots involved were under Established jurisprudence supports the position taken by the City
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),2 130 residential lots custodia legis in view of the pending receivership proceedings, Prosecutor concerned.
situated in its subdivision BF Homes Parañaque, containing a total necessarily stripping the OCP Las Piñas of the jurisdiction to proceed
area of 44,345 square meters for the aggregate price of in the action. There is no dispute that aside from the instant complaint for
₱106,248,000.00. The transactions were embodied in three violation of PD 957, there is still pending with the Housing and Land
separate deeds of sale.3 The TCTs covering the lots bought under On October 10, 2000, San Miguel Properties filed a motion to Use Resulatory Board (HLURB, for short) a complaint for specific
the first and second deeds were fully delivered to San Miguel suspend proceedings in the OCP Las Piñas,8 citing the pendency of performance where the HLURB is called upon to inquire into, and
Properties, but 20 TCTs covering 20 of the 41 parcels of land with a BF Homes’ receivership case in the SEC. In its comment/opposition, rule on, the validity of the sales transactions involving the lots in
total area of 15,565 square meters purchased under the third deed BF Homes opposed the motion to suspend. In the meantime, question and entered into by Atty. Orendain for and in behalf of BF
of sale, executed in April 1993 and for which San Miguel Properties however, the SEC terminated BF Homes’ receivership on September Homes.
paid the full price of ₱39,122,627.00, were not delivered to San 12, 2000, prompting San Miguel Properties to file on October 27,
Miguel Properties. 2000 a reply to BF Homes’ comment/opposition coupled with a
As early as in the case of Solid Homes, Inc. vs. Payawal, 177 SCRA 72, However, an exception to this rule is provided in Quiambao vs.
the Supreme Court had ruled that the HLURB has exclusive Osorio cited by the respondents. In this case, an issue in an On a final note, absent grave abuse of discretion on the part of the
jurisdiction over cases involving real estate business and practices administrative case was considered a prejudicial question to the prosecutorial arm of the government as represented by herein
under PD 957. This is reiterated in the subsequent cases of Union resolution of a civil case which, consequently, warranted the public respondent, courts will not interfere with the discretion of a
Bank of the Philippines versus HLURB, G.R. [No.] 953364, June 29, suspension of the latter until after termination of the administrative public prosecutor in prosecuting or dismissing a complaint filed
1992 and C.T. Torres Enterprises vs. Hilionada, 191 SCRA 286. proceedings. before him. A public prosecutor, by the nature of his office, is under
no compulsion to file a criminal information where no clear legal
The said ruling simply means that unless and until the HLURB rules Quiambao vs. Osorio is not the only instance when the Supreme justification has been shown, and no sufficient evidence of guilt nor
on the validity of the transactions involving the lands in question Court relaxed the application of the rule on prejudicial question. prima facie case has been established by the complaining party.
with specific reference to the capacity of Atty. Orendain to bind BF
Homes in the said transactions, there is as yet no basis to charge In Tamin vs. CA involving two (2) civil actions, the Highest Court WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant Petition for Certiorari
criminally respondents for non-delivery of the subject land titles. In similarly applied the rule on prejudicial question when it directed and Mandamus is hereby DENIED. The Resolutions dated 15 October
other words, complainant cannot invoke the penal provision of PD petitioner therein to put up a bond for just compensation should 2001 and 12 July 2002 of the Department of Justice are AFFIRMED.
957 until such time that the HLURB shall have ruled and decided on the demolition of private respondents’ building proved to be illegal
the validity of the transactions involving the lots in question. as a result of a pending cadastral suit in another tribunal. SO ORDERED. 15
WHEREFORE, the appeal is hereby DENIED. City of Pasig vs. COMELEC is yet another exception where a civil The CA denied San Miguel Properties’ motion for reconsideration on
action involving a boundary dispute was considered a prejudicial January 18, 2005.16
SO ORDERED.12 (Emphasis supplied) question which must be resolved prior to an administrative
proceeding for the holding of a plebiscite on the affected areas. Issues
The DOJ eventually denied San Miguel Properties’ motion for
reconsideration.13 In fact, in Vidad vs. RTC of Negros Oriental, Br. 42, it was ruled that Aggrieved, San Miguel Properties is now on appeal, raising the
in the interest of good order, courts can suspend action in one case following for consideration and resolution, to wit:
Ruling of the CA pending determination of another case closely interrelated or
Undaunted, San Miguel Properties elevated the DOJ’s resolutions to REVERSIBLE ERRORS WHEN IT DISMISSED PETITIONER’S CERTIORARI
the CA on certiorari and mandamus (C.A.-G.R. SP No. 73008), It thus appears that public respondent did not act with grave abuse AND MANDAMUS PETITION TO ORDER AND DIRECT RESPONDENT
contending that respondent DOJ Secretary had acted with grave of discretion x x x when he applied the rule on prejudicial question SECRETARY TO INDICT RESPONDENTS FOR VIOLATION OF SECTION
abuse in denying their appeal and in refusing to charge the directors to the instant proceedings considering that the issue on the validity 25, PD. 957 IN THAT:
and officers of BF Homes with the violation of Presidential Decree of the sale transactions x x x by x x x Orendain in behalf of BF
No. 957. San Miguel Properties submitted the issue of whether or Homes, Inc., is closely intertwined with the purported criminal THE OBLIGATION OF PRIVATE RESPONDENTS TO DELIVER TO
not HLURB Case No. REM-082400-11183 presented a prejudicial culpability of private respondents, as officers/directors of BF Homes, PETITIONER THE TITLES TO 20 FULLY-PAID LOTS IS MANDATED BY
question that called for the suspension of the criminal action for Inc., arising from their failure to deliver the titles of the parcels of SECTION 25, PD 957. IN FACT, THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT HAD
violation of Presidential Decree No. 957. land included in the questioned conveyance. DULY CONFIRMED THE SAME PER ITS DECISION DATED 27 JANUARY
In its assailed decision promulgated on February 24, 2004 in C.A.- All told, to sustain the petitioner’s theory that the result of the INC.".
G.R. SP No. 73008,14 the CA dismissed San Miguel Properties’ HLURB proceedings is not determinative of the criminal liability of
petition, holding and ruling as follows: private respondents under PD 957 would be to espouse an A FORTIORI, PRIVATE RESPONDENTS’ FAILURE AND/OR REFUSAL TO
absurdity. If we were to assume that the HLURB finds BFHI under no DELIVER TO PETITIONER THE SUBJECT TITLES CONSTITUTES
From the foregoing, the conclusion that may be drawn is that the obligation to delve the subject titles, it would be highly irregular and CRIMINAL OFFENSE PER SECTIONS 25 AND 39, PD 957 FOR WHICH IT
rule on prejudicial question generally applies to civil and criminal contrary to the ends of justice to pursue a criminal case against IS THE MINISTERIAL DUTY OF RESPONDENT SECRETARY TO INDICT
actions only. private respondents for the non-delivery of certificates of title which PRIVATE RESPONDENTS THEREFOR.
they are not under any legal obligation to turn over in the first place.
(Bold emphasis supplied)
IN ANY EVENT, THE HLURB CASE DOES NOT PRESENT A [T]he High Court has consistently ruled that the NHA or the HLURB
"PREJUDICIAL QUESTION" TO THE SUBJECT CRIMINAL CASE SINCE As early as August 1987, the Supreme Court already recognized the has jurisdiction over complaints arising from contracts between the
THE FORMER INVOLVES AN ISSUE SEPARATE AND DISTINCT FROM authority of the HLURB, as successor agency of the National Housing subdivision developer and the lot buyer or those aimed at
THE ISSUE INVOLVED IN THE LATTER. CONSEQUENTLY, THE HLURB Authority (NHA), to regulate, pursuant to PD 957, in relation to PD compelling the subdivision developer to comply with its contractual
CASE HAS NO CORRELATION, TIE NOR LINKAGE TO THE PRESENT 1344, the real estate trade, with exclusive original jurisdiction to and statutory obligations.
CRIMINAL CASE WHICH CAN PROCEED INDEPENDENTLY THEREOF. hear and decide cases "involving specific performance of contractual
and statutory obligation filed by buyers of subdivision lots … against Hence, the HLURB should take jurisdiction over respondent’s
IN FACT, THE CRIMINAL CULPABILITY OF PRIVATE RESPONDENTS the owner, developer, dealer, broker or salesman," the HLURB, in complaint because it pertains to matters within the HLURB’s
EMANATE FROM THEIR MALA PROHIBITA NON-DELIVERY OF THE the exercise of its adjudicatory powers and functions, "must competence and expertise. The proceedings before the HLURB
TITLES TO TWENTY (20) FULLY-PAID PARCELS OF LAND TO interpret and apply contracts, determine the rights of the parties should not be suspended.
PETITIONER, AND NOT FROM THEIR NON-COMPLIANCE WITH THE under these contracts and award[s] damages whenever
HLURB’S RULING IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE CASE. appropriate." While We sustain the Office of the President, the case must be
remanded to the HLURB. This is in recognition of the doctrine of
NONETHELESS, BY DECREEING THAT PETITIONER’S CRIMINAL Given its clear statutory mandate, the HLURB’s decision to await for primary jurisdiction. The fairest and most equitable course to take
COMPLAINT IS PREMATURE, BOTH THE COURT OF APPEALS AND some forum to decide – if ever one is forthcoming – the issue on the under the circumstances is to remand the case to the HLURB for the
RESPONDENT SECRETARY HAD IMPLIEDLY ADMITTED THE authority of Orendain to dispose of subject lots before it proper presentation of evidence.21
EXISTENCE OF SUFFICIENT PROBABLE CAUSE AGAINST PRIVATE peremptorily resolves the basic complaint is unwarranted, the issues
RESPONDENTS FOR THE CRIME CHARGED.17 thereon having been joined and the respective position papers and Did the Secretary of Justice commit grave abuse of discretion in
the evidence of the parties having been submitted. To us, it upholding the dismissal of San Miguel Properties’ criminal complaint
It is relevant at this juncture to mention the outcome of the action behooved the HLURB to adjudicate, with the usual dispatch, the for violation of Presidential Decree No. 957 for lack of probable
for specific performance and damages that San Miguel Properties right and obligation of the parties in line with its own appreciation cause and for reason of a prejudicial question?
instituted in the HLURB simultaneously with its filing of the of the obtaining facts and applicable law. To borrow from Mabubha
complaint for violation of Presidential Decree No. 957. On January Textile Mills Corporation vs. Ongpin, it does not have to rely on the The question boils down to whether the HLURB administrative case
25, 2002, the HLURB Arbiter ruled that the HLURB was inclined to finding of others to discharge this adjudicatory functions.19 brought to compel the delivery of the TCTs could be a reason to
suspend the proceedings until the SEC resolved the issue of Atty. suspend the proceedings on the criminal complaint for the violation
Orendain’s authority to enter into the transactions in BF Homes’ After its motion for reconsideration was denied, BF Homes appealed of Section 25 of Presidential Decree No. 957 on the ground of a
behalf, because the final resolution by the SEC was a logical to the CA (C.A.-G.R. SP No. 83631), raising as issues: (a) whether or prejudicial question.
antecedent to the determination of the issue involved in the not the HLURB had the jurisdiction to decide with finality the
complaint before the HLURB. Upon appeal, the HLURB Board of question of Atty. Orendain’s authority to enter into the transaction Ruling of the Court
Commissioners (HLURB Board), citing the doctrine of primary with San Miguel Properties in BF Homes’ behalf, and rule on the
jurisdiction, affirmed the HLURB Arbiter’s decision, holding that rights and obligations of the parties to the contract; and (b) whether The petition has no merit.
although no prejudicial question could arise, strictly speaking, if one or not the HLURB properly suspended the proceedings until the SEC
case was civil and the other administrative, it nonetheless opted to resolved with finality the matter regarding such authority of Atty. 1.
suspend its action on the cases pending the final outcome of the Orendain.
administrative proceeding in the interest of good order.18 Action for specific performance, even if pending in the HLURB, an
The CA promulgated its decision in C.A.-G.R. SP No. 83631,20 administrative agency, raises a prejudicial question BF Homes’
Not content with the outcome, San Miguel Properties appealed to decreeing that the HLURB, not the SEC, had jurisdiction over San posture that the administrative case for specific performance in the
the Office of the President (OP), arguing that the HLURB erred in Miguel Properties’ complaint. It affirmed the OP’s decision and HLURB posed a prejudicial question that must first be determined
suspending the proceedings. On January 27, 2004, the OP reversed ordered the remand of the case to the HLURB for further before the criminal case for violation of Section 25 of Presidential
the HLURB Board’s ruling, holding thusly: proceedings on the ground that the case involved matters within Decree No. 957 could be resolved is correct.
the HLURB’s competence and expertise pursuant to the doctrine of
The basic complaint in this case is one for specific performance primary jurisdiction, viz: A prejudicial question is understood in law to be that which arises in
under Section 25 of the Presidential Decree (PD) 957 – "The a case the resolution of which is a logical antecedent of the issue
Subdivision and Condominium Buyers’ Protective." involved in the criminal case, and the cognizance of which pertains
to another tribunal. It is determinative of the criminal case, but the Article 1191. The power to rescind obligations is implied in or not BF Homes’ directors and officers were criminally liable for
jurisdiction to try and resolve it is lodged in another court or reciprocal ones, in case one of the obligors should not comply with withholding the 20 TCTs. The resolution of the former must
tribunal. It is based on a fact distinct and separate from the crime what is incumbent upon him. obviously precede that of the latter, for should the HLURB hold San
but is so intimately connected with the crime that it determines the Miguel Properties to be not entitled to the delivery of the 20 TCTs
guilt or innocence of the accused.22 The rationale behind the The injured party may choose between the fulfillment and the because Atty. Orendain did not have the authority to represent BF
principle of prejudicial question is to avoid conflicting decisions.23 rescission of the obligation, with the payment of damages in either Homes in the sale due to his receivership having been terminated by
The essential elements of a prejudicial question are provided in case. He may also seek rescission, even after he has chosen the SEC, the basis for the criminal liability for the violation of Section
Section 7, Rule 111 of the Rules of Court, to wit: (a) the previously fulfillment, if the latter should become impossible. x x x (Emphasis 25 of Presidential Decree No. 957 would evaporate, thereby
instituted civil action involves an issue similar or intimately related supplied) negating the need to proceed with the criminal case.
to the issue raised in the subsequent criminal action, and (b) the
resolution of such issue determines whether or not the criminal Accordingly, the injured party may choose between specific Worthy to note at this juncture is that a prejudicial question need
action may proceed. performance or rescission with damages. As presently worded, not conclusively resolve the guilt or innocence of the accused. It is
Article 1191 speaks of the remedy of rescission in reciprocal enough for the prejudicial question to simply test the sufficiency of
The concept of a prejudicial question involves a civil action and a obligations within the context of Article 1124 of the former Civil the allegations in the information in order to sustain the further
criminal case. Yet, contrary to San Miguel Properties’ submission Code which used the term resolution. The remedy of resolution prosecution of the criminal case. A party who raises a prejudicial
that there could be no prejudicial question to speak of because no applied only to reciprocal obligations, such that a party’s breach of question is deemed to have hypothetically admitted that all the
civil action where the prejudicial question arose was pending, the the contract equated to a tacit resolutory condition that entitled the essential elements of the crime have been adequately alleged in the
action for specific performance in the HLURB raises a prejudicial injured party to rescission. The present article, as in the former one, information, considering that the Prosecution has not yet presented
question that sufficed to suspend the proceedings determining the contemplates alternative remedies for the injured party who is a single piece of evidence on the indictment or may not have rested
charge for the criminal violation of Section 2524 of Presidential granted the option to pursue, as principal actions, either the its case. A challenge to the allegations in the information on the
Decree No. 957. This is true simply because the action for specific rescission or the specific performance of the obligation, with ground of prejudicial question is in effect a question on the merits of
performance was an action civil in nature but could not be instituted payment of damages in either case.28 the criminal charge through a non-criminal suit.30
elsewhere except in the HLURB, whose jurisdiction over the action
was exclusive and original.25 On the other hand, Presidential Decree No. 957 is a law that 2.
regulates the sale of subdivision lots and condominiums in view of
The determination of whether the proceedings ought to be the increasing number of incidents wherein "real estate subdivision Doctrine of primary jurisdiction is applicable
suspended because of a prejudicial question rested on whether the owners, developers, operators, and/or sellers have reneged on their
facts and issues raised in the pleadings in the specific performance representations and obligations to provide and maintain properly" That the action for specific performance was an administrative case
case were so related with the issues raised in the criminal complaint the basic requirements and amenities, as well as of reports of pending in the HLURB, instead of in a court of law, was of no
for the violation of Presidential Decree No. 957, such that the alarming magnitude of swindling and fraudulent manipulations consequence at all. As earlier mentioned, the action for specific
resolution of the issues in the former would be determinative of the perpetrated by unscrupulous subdivision and condominium sellers performance, although civil in nature, could be brought only in the
question of guilt in the criminal case. An examination of the nature and operators,29 such as failure to deliver titles to the buyers or HLURB. This situation conforms to the doctrine of primary
of the two cases involved is thus necessary. titles free from liens and encumbrances. Presidential Decree No. jurisdiction. There has been of late a proliferation of administrative
957 authorizes the suspension and revocation of the registration agencies, mostly regulatory in function. It is in favor of these
An action for specific performance is the remedy to demand the and license of the real estate subdivision owners, developers, agencies that the doctrine of primary jurisdiction is frequently
exact performance of a contract in the specific form in which it was operators, and/or sellers in certain instances, as well as provides the invoked, not to defeat the resort to the judicial adjudication of
made, or according to the precise terms agreed upon by a party procedure to be observed in such instances; it prescribes controversies but to rely on the expertise, specialized skills, and
bound to fulfill it.26 Evidently, before the remedy of specific administrative fines and other penalties in case of violation of, or knowledge of such agencies in their resolution. The Court has
performance is availed of, there must first be a breach of the non-compliance with its provisions. observed that one thrust of the proliferation is that the
contract.27 The remedy has its roots in Article 1191 of the Civil interpretation of contracts and the determination of private rights
Code, which reads: Conformably with the foregoing, the action for specific performance under contracts are no longer a uniquely judicial function
in the HLURB would determine whether or not San Miguel exercisable only by the regular courts.31
Properties was legally entitled to demand the delivery of the
remaining 20 TCTs, while the criminal action would decide whether
The doctrine of primary jurisdiction has been increasingly called into given a reasonable construction to preclude absurdity in its
play on matters demanding the special competence of application.35 Hence, a literal application of the principle governing
administrative agencies even if such matters are at the same time prejudicial questions is to be eschewed if such application would
within the jurisdiction of the courts. A case that requires for its produce unjust and absurd results or unreasonable consequences.
determination the expertise, specialized skills, and knowledge of
some administrative board or commission because it involves San Miguel Properties further submits that respondents could not
technical matters or intricate questions of fact, relief must first be validly raise the prejudicial question as a reason to suspend the
obtained in an appropriate administrative proceeding before a criminal proceedings because respondents had not themselves
remedy will be supplied by the courts although the matter comes initiated either the action for specific performance or the criminal
within the jurisdiction of the courts. The application of the doctrine action.1âwphi1 It contends that the defense of a prejudicial
does not call for the dismissal of the case in the court but only for its question arising from the filing of a related case could only be raised
suspension until after the matters within the competence of the by the party who filed or initiated said related case.
administrative body are threshed out and determined.32
The submission is unfounded. The rule on prejudicial question
To accord with the doctrine of primary jurisdiction, the courts makes no distinction as to who is allowed to raise the defense. Ubi
cannot and will not determine a controversy involving a question lex non distinguit nec nos distinguere debemos. When the law
within the competence of an administrative tribunal, the makes no distinction, we ought not to distinguish.36
controversy having been so placed within the special competence of
the administrative tribunal under a regulatory scheme. In that WHEREFORE, the Court AFFIRMS the decision promulgated on
instance, the judicial process is suspended pending referral to the February 24, 2004 by the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP NO. 73008;
administrative body for its view on the matter in dispute. and ORDERS petitioner to pay the costs of suit.
Consequently, if the courts cannot resolve a question that is within
the legal competence of an administrative body prior to the SO ORDERED.
resolution of that question by the latter, especially where the
question demands the exercise of sound administrative discretion
requiring the special knowledge, experience, and services of the
administrative agency to ascertain technical and intricate matters of
fact, and a uniformity of ruling is essential to comply with the
purposes of the regulatory statute administered, suspension or
dismissal of the action is proper.33