Surface Phenomina
Surface Phenomina
Surface Phenomina
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
In this article, we collect a series of laboratory experiments which
mainly concern surface phenomena and colloidal systems. Due to
their number, these experiments will be briefly described. As you
know, our articles do not intend to supply an exhaustive explanation
of the topics we deal with, but rather to give rise to a curiosity toward
them and to give young people exposure to interesting categories of
natural phenomena. We try to achieve these goals through practical
and experimental activities in which hands-on involvement plays an
important role. The way these activities are presented tends to bring
out their amusing aspects and, hopefully, to establish a positive
attitude towards the subjects treated. We are convinced that these
activities will arouse questions in the participants and that they
themselves, through curiosity, will go looking for explanations. We are
also convinced that feeding the desire to know the “how and why” of
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
things, that is, the curiosity spawned within each student is more
important and useful than explanations supplied when a student feels
no need.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
1 -The floating
Carefully place a needle
on the surface of a glass
of water. If the water
does not completely wet
it, you will see the
needle float. To avoid
your fingers disturbing
the surface as you place
the needle, you can
make a small cradle
from wire to hold the
needle as you lower it
gently on to the surface
of the water. Another
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
Figure 3 - Floating
needle. At the bottom of
the pot you can see the
sunken strip of tissue
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
3 - Launch of the needle. With some steel wire, make a ring. Place
a needle on the ring and submerge in soapy water. When you extract
the ring, two membranes will be formed: one at the left side of the
needle and the other at the right side. Now, with a finger burst one of
these membranes. The needle will be thrown away by the surface
tension of the remaining membrane, which quickly contracts, in an
effort to achieve the smallest possible surface area.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
4 - The strength of
the soap films.
With some iron wire,
make a "U" frame and a
slider, as shown by the
figure 4. Plunge the
frame in soapy water.
When you extract it, you
will see that the slider
will be drawn toward the
bottom of the frame by
the surface tension of
the soap membrane. By
holding the slider still
with your fingers, you
can feel the force of the
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
Figure 4 - U-shaped
frame with slider. The
surface tension of the
membrane draws the
slider toward left.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
11 - Surfactant
powered boats. From a
thin wooden or cardboard
sheet, cut three little
"boats" like those
indicated in the figure 9.
They must have an
opening with a seat for a
bit of soap. Place a bit of
soap in the seat of a boat
and put it in a small basin
with water. You will see
the boat move quickly
forward. With the opening on a side or off-center, the boat will turn.
The movement of the boat can be explained by the quick scatter of
surfactant molecules on the water surface, so this little boat would
move by reaction. Another explanation recalls Marangoni's effect,
according to which, in case of a gradient of surface tension from one
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids Surface
Tension ***
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
Why does one fabric absorb water well while another seems to refuse
it? Why does water collect into large drops on a greasy surface and
instead form an adherent film on a clean surface? According to the
nature of the liquid and the solid, a drop of liquid placed on a solid
surface will adhere to it more or less. To understand this phenomenon
it is necessary to take into account the fact that molecules of a liquid
are subject to a cohesive force which keeps them united to one
another, but there is also an adhesive force which is the force with
which the molecules of the liquid adhere to the surface of materials
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
that they contact. When the forces of adhesion are greater than the
forces of cohesion, the liquid tends to wet the surface, when instead
the forces of adhesion are less by comparison to those of cohesion,
the liquid tends to "refuse" the surface. In this people speak of
wettability between liquids and solids. For example, water wets clean
glass, but it does not wet wax.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
4 - Water film. With water and detergent, wash a plate of glass well,
then rinse it a first time with tap water and then with distilled water
and leave it to dry in a place devoid of dust. Now, breathe on it. If the
plate of glass is very clean, it will not mist because the water will
arrange on the surface as a thin and continuous film of water. This
happens because the water has complete wettability toward a clean
glass. If the cleaning method above has not cleaned the plate well
enough, wipe it with a cotton cloth with some pure acetone in it. Use
caution because acetone is inflammable and toxic, so do this
operation outdoors and with care.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids Wettability Contact Angles
Internet keywords: wettability, interfacial tension, IFT, contact angle
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
tension of the liquid and on the contact angle between the liquid and
the wall, r is the internal radius of the capillary tube. So, with the
same liquid and material of the capillary tube, the height of the
column is in inverse proportion to the diameter of the capillary tube.
You can determine the value of k for water using distilled water at
4 - Try other liquids. Make some other tests with liquids other than
water, such as alcohol, oil, etc. and measure the height of the liquid
column. This height depends by a number of factors such as the
surface tension of the liquid, the contact angle liquid/capillary, the
radius of the capillary, the density of the liquid, the acceleration of
gravity. In fact, the column attains the height of equilibrium between
the ascensional forces and its own weight. Oily substances tend to
contaminate inside the capillary, so when changing from one liquid to
another, clean the capillary well or replace it. The vegetable world
exploits capillarity and osmosis to bring water up to the higher parts
of plants. In this way, some trees succeed in bringing this precious
liquid up to 120 meters above the ground.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
which risk to remain without water. In fact, even if you have asked
your neighbor to water them, you know by experience that after the
first day, he will forget, that's just the way he is. Then, try this
emergency watering system. It bases itself on the fact that a string is
able to carry water among its fibers by capillarity. Place a tank on
some bricks and fill it with water. Place the pots round the drum. Cut
some pieces of string long enough to reach the bottom of the tank
and to be inserted into a pot. Immerse all strings in the water to soak
them well. Tie all the strings together at one end and sink this knot to
the bottom of the drum with a stone or weight. Now, one at the time,
put the free end of each string into a different pot. Each pot has to be
served by a string. Test the system before you go on your vacation.
You have to verify if it works well, to find the suitable type of string
and to proportion the amount of water in the tank to the length of
your absence. Try strings made up of fibers of different dimension, of
different materials, even in plastic. If the string tends to become
encrusted with mineral deposits, add some vinegar to the water. Also
try to insert each string in a thin plastic tube. If the water flow is too
fast, use a thinner string. Check the effect of some drops of detergent
on the flow.
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Internet keywords: capillary, capillarity.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
they end up in suspension and then they are rinsed away. Hence, the
dirt water contains also greasy particles which have been emulsified.
For the same reason, the detergents aid the formation of emulsions.
The substances which lower the surface tension of a liquid are called
surfactants (from: surface-active agents). The lowering of the
surface tension of the water allows the formation of soapy membranes
(figure 12 C), foam and soap bubbles. Notice the special arrangement
of the surfactant molecules in these membranes.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
As long as there has been soap, making soap bubbles has been an
amusement for children. Everybody has played with soap bubbles as a
child. A straw and a glass with soapy water is all that is needed to
amuse a child for hours. One child blows bubbles and others run after
them and play with or pop them. What astonishes the children is the
spherical and perfect shape of the bubbles, their colors, their
transparency, their lightness which competes only with that of the
butterflies and fairies. By means of thin membranes of soapy water, it
is possible to do interesting experiments and amusing games, such as
to blow bubbles of different sizes, concentric bubbles, helical bubbles,
"solids" supported by frames in metal wire, it is possible to observe
and to study the coloured interference figures on the membranes of
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
soapy water, to obtain membranes so thin that they lose all color and
become invisible, to obtain membranes measuring some square
meters of surface and bubbles of some cube meters of volume, so
that you can to trap a friend. And then you will learn to blow cubic
bubbles... by using a square straw, of course! No, just kidding! :)
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
Water is an important ingredient to our recipes. Usually, to produce
soap bubbles, people used a mixture of tap water and soap.
Unfortunately, the mineral salts which make hard water subtract a
part of soap with negative consequences on the formation of the
bubbles. In fact, soap reacts with the calcium and magnesium salts,
which are in the tap water, forming an insoluble precipitate which
subtracts surfactant molecules from the solution. Instead, the
detergents react with the mineral salts of the water producing soluble
compounds, so detergent are less influenced by the hardness of
water. If your tap water is soft, it is OK to use for bubbles. In any
case, you will obtain the best results with distilled water.
After the water, the most important ingredient is the base surfactant.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
1 - How to find
the basic
To find the main
component of your
recipe, the base
surfactant, obtain some
dishwashing detergents,
shampoo, bath soap,
etc. With water, make a
solution in the ratio of 1
to 10 for each
surfactant. In a place
without wind, blow a
bubble of about 7 cm in
diameter. Keep it on the
straw (figure 13) and
measure its duration.
Repeat the test 5 times
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
4 - How to make bigger bubbles. With some thick iron wire, make
a ring of about thirty cm diameter. Immerse it in bubble solution that
you have put in a small basin. Moving the ring quickly in the air, you
should be able to obtain quite large bubbles.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
pressure of the large ones. This also means that two bubbles of equal
diameter have a flat contact surface. After having made some bubbles
in contact with each other, produce some foam and observe it.
Observe that sometimes the shapes of the foam bubbles are the same
as that of cells of biological tissues, in other cases the shapes of the
cells are different because they have to increase their surface of
contact or for other reasons. Note also that the crystals of metals
often have the same shape as the foam bubbles. After all, during the
solidification of a metal, they are deformable spheres very close each
other and which cannot leave empty spaces.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
piece of wire along the axis of the helix and solder it to the two
extremities of the helix.
You can bet your friends you are able to make cubic soap bubbles.
Obviously, they will not believe you. Then you can explain them that
this is possible to you by using a square straw. It is very probable
they will accept the bet. It will be easy for you to win it by making
your cubic bubble inside a cubic frame, as shown in figure 16. Before
blowing the bubble, crush the tip of a straw so to obtain a square
section. This is part of the bet, but you know that with a normal round
straw that the bubble will become cubic due to the frame, not the
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
The figure 21 shows some frames of metal wire which can be made to
study the soap films and to measure the surface tension of liquids. To
build them, we have used galvanized iron wire, cut in segments which
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
then we have soldered with tin. You can also try plastic coating these
frames by dipping them into tool handle coating products which are
sold at hardware stores.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
oily hair can deposit a thin, oily layer on the water’s surface, when
slowly immersed in it.
Creating a Soap Bubble Company (how to get ready a quality soap
solution)*** Bubbles
*** Bubble
explorations *** Bubble
formulae, Bibliography, Internet resources *** Soap Bubbles
(recipes) The bubbles
page Bubblesphere *** Why do bubbles
have color? Bubblemania
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
If you place two
solutions of
concentration side
by side, keeping
them separated
only by means of a
membrane, you will
see the level of the
more concentrated
solution increase
(figure 25). This
happens because
the two solutions
try to attain the
same concentration
by diffusion. The
membrane has to
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
be semipermeable,
that is it has to
allow the passage
of the solvent but
not of the solute.
The molecules of
the solvent have to
be smaller than
those of the
substance. In
practice, this
condition is very
frequent given that
the molecules of
water are very
small. It is
necessary to
remember that it is
possible to make
solutions with other
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
liquids also.
Osmosis is the
tendency of the
system to reach the
same concentration
in both solutions. It
is a phenomenon of
great importance in
biology and which is
also the basis of the
function of the
kidney, of the
absorption of water
by plants and which
is used by
industries to
concentrate or to
purify solutions. In
fact, applying a
pressure on the
side of the more
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solution, it is
possible to reverse
the process and
cause the solvent to
pass to the less
solution. This is the
process of the
reverse osmosis. It
is used also to
purify water, to
solutions, etc.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
experiments, the level of the liquid in the tube increases, but not to
infinity. It goes up until the pressure of the liquid column attains the
equilibrium with the osmotic pressure. The equilibrium pressure
between a solution and its solvent is the osmotic pressure of that
3 - When the dissolved particles are very small. If, instead of the
sugar, you will use salt, the osmotic pressure will result very low. This
happens because in water the salt dissociates itself into the Na+ and
Cl- ions, which are smaller than the molecules of water and they
easily pass through the semipermeable membrane.
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mouth will continue to beat for long time, even if they are not
connected to the body any more.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
learned something about it when, in the Disney film: Mickey and the
Beanstalk, he was "walking" on a pudding of the Giant. The emulsion
of oil in water is another substance with unusual properties. Unusual
are also substances such as foams, aerosols, smokes and fogs, not to
mention the solid emulsions and foams. What do all these curious
substances have in common? That is what we will see before long.
These substances are called colloids and they are in some ways
related to the solutions and to the mixtures, even if they do not
belong to the former nor latter. To understand what colloids are, it is
necessary to know what solutions and mixtures are.
A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances.
When placed in water, many substances dissolve and are called
soluble, others do not dissolve and are called insoluble. Salt and sugar
easily dissolve in water. If instead you put sand in water, you can mix
for as long as you want, but you will not succeed in dissolving the
sand. In fact, sand is insoluble in water. In a solution, the material
present in greater quantity is defined solvent and that in smaller
quantity solute. What does it mean to say that a substance is soluble
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
air (nitrogen,
Gas Gas
oxygen, etc.)
moist air (water
Liquid Gas
vapor in air)
Solid Gas
CO2 in water
Gas Liquid (sparkling
wine (water +
Liquid Liquid
marine water
Solid Liquid
(salt in water)
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
gas in silicates
Gas Solid
(pumice stone)
dental alloys
Liquid Solid (mercury in
metal alloys
Solid Solid
(steel, bronze)
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
the stir bar and fill the container with water up to the top. Slowly, add
grains of sugar so they are dissolved by the stir bar as it rotates. Note
the amount of sugar you will have put into the water before it
overflows. Do the same thing with salt and then with sand. Compare
the results and explain the different behaviors.
As we have seen, by mixing sugar with water, a solution is obtained.
If instead we mix sand into water, we obtain a mixture. Also by
mixing bits of coal and iron filings we obtain a mixture. With a pair of
thin tweezers it is possible to take away sand grains from the water or
pieces of coal from the filings, but it is not possible to take away
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
singly molecules of sugar from the water because they are too much
small. Hence, what distinguishes a mixture from a solution? In a
mixture the particles are enough large to be separated by mechanical
means such as tweezers or sieves, in a solution this is not possible
because the particles which form it are so small that they cannot be
seen even with an electron microscope. To separate the components
of a solution it is necessary to use physical method like distillation.
So, mixtures are formed by quite big particles, solution are formed by
very small particles.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
very slowly, the finest ones instead will never deposit. Some other
substances will have gone into solution. It seems the Etruscans
collected the very fine clay which deposited after some days to obtain
the black color of their earthenware.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
We have seen that in the solutions, the molecules of the solute
separate each other and disperse among those of the solvent. In the
mixtures instead, the molecules do not separate and the particles
remain compact. From the point of view of the sizes, solutions are
formed by very small particles (single molecules) and the mixtures by
quite large particles. In an intermediate position, between mixtures
and solutions, there are the colloids. They are dispersions of small
particles, but not molecule sized. What distinguishes mixtures from
colloids and from solutions is therefore the size of the particles
which form them. By convention, a colloid is a dispersion of particles
which size is comprised between 0.2 and 0.002 µm (a micrometer, or
micron, = 10-6 meters). If the particles are larger than 0.2 µm, we
have a mixture, if they are smaller than 0.002 µm, we have a
solution. In general, the components of a colloid are formed by small
aggregates of molecules, while the components of a solution are
single molecules. Anyway, if these molecules are large enough, as it is
the case of many macromolecules, their solution will give a colloid.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
Smoke -
Solid Gas Smoke
Fog -
Liquid Gas Fog
Solid Liquid Sol, Gel
Liquid Liquid Emulsion Milk
Gas Liquid Foam
Solid Solid Amethyst
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Liquid Solid Oily rocks
Gas Solid Solid foam
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6 cm2, the material of the same cube divided into little cubes of 0.002
µm of side, has a surface area of 3000 m2. Because of the wide
surface of contact between the two phases, often the colloids are
studied with the surface phenomena and the discipline which studies
them is called surface and colloid science.
A sol is a dispersion of very thin solid particles in a liquid. It has a
liquid consistency and resembles a true solution. An aqueous sol
appears clear, very similar to common water. Anyway, if you shine an
intense beam of light across it, a part of the light will be diffused from
the particles which are in suspension. These particles are very small,
but they are still enough large to obstruct the light and diffuse it. This
phenomenon is called Tyndall effect. You can observe it with sols, but
not with true solutions.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
A gel is a dispersion of very thin solid particles in a liquid and it has a
gelatinous consistency. Increasing the concentration of the particles, a
sol can pass to the state of gel. On the contrary, by diluting a gel you
will obtain a sol. So, what makes a sol different from a gel is its fluid
or gelatinous consistency. Also the temperature can determine the
passage from sol to gel and vice versa. For example, broth gelatin is
gelatinous at room temperature, but it becomes liquid when it is
heated. Animal gelatin is a reversible gel because depending on the
temperature it can pass from gel to sol and vice versa The albumen of
eggs instead is not reversible because when heated it coagulates and
it does not come back to the state of sol. Silica gel absorbs moisture
and keeps its properties with broad concentrations of water. Because
its affinity for water it is used as dehumidifier. When left to rest, a sol
can spontaneously jell and come back to the state of sol simply by
mixing it (eg: aqueous suspensions of kaolin).
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
tests. Some
Gum Fun (experiments with polysaccharides). Hydrocolloids, Vegetable
Gums References. Gums
and stabilizers (formula and other information).
Internet keywords: polysaccharides, hydrocolloids, experiments,
82 of 98 6/16/17, 2:28 PM
Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids Chemistry of
Photography Miscellaneous
Photographic Formulas and Information.
Photography books of recipes.
William Crawford; The Keepers of Light : A History and Working Guide
to Early Photographic Processes (a book).
Internet keywords: photographic gelatin recipe / formula,
photography sensitizing processes, photography chemistry.
An emulsion is a dispersion of an insoluble liquid in another liquid. For
instance, the oil is not soluble in water. If you pour some oil in a
container with water, it will float it and keeps separate from the
water. Instead, if you vigorously shake the container, you will obtain a
dispersion of small drops of oil in water, however these drops quickly
join together, so that in a short time nearly all the oil will return as
before. To make the emulsion more stable, before shaking the
container, add some detergent. The surfactant molecules will arrange
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on the surface of the oil drops with the heads outward. As these
heads have an electrical charge and as this charge is always the
same, the oil drops will repel each other and be unable to return to
the homogeneous layer as before. So, surfactants can help you to
obtain more stable emulsions. There are special surfactants for
emulsions, endowed of a higher capability to stabilize the oil drops
than the detergents. There are also emulsifying agents for alimentary
use such as lecithin and emulsifiers for industrial purposes which are
not edible. Butter is formed by small water drops suspended in fat.
Cheese and mayonnaise too are considered emulsions. A lot of creams
used both in pharmacy and in cosmetics are emulsions. Fuels
emulsified with water have been produced. Emulsified oils are used in
machine working to make it easier to cut metals with machine tools.
In fact, metal cutting can create an intense heat, which has to be
removed if you want to avoid burning the tools. The oil and water in
the cutting fluid help remove the heat and make it possible to cut
metals efficiently. Milk is another emulsion made up by small greasy
drops in an aqueous phase.
84 of 98 6/16/17, 2:28 PM
Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
1 - Stability
of the
Fill two plastic
bottles halfway
with water, then
put 5 cc (about a
spoonful) of
vegetable oil in
each. Only in
one of these
bottles, put 0.5
cc (about 20
drops) of liquid
detergent for
dishes. Close the
bottles and
shake them for a
couple of
85 of 98 6/16/17, 2:28 PM
Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
minutes to
emulsify the oil,
then place them
on a table and
observe them.
The drops of oil
will try to
reassemble and
to surface. By
comparing the
two emulsions,
you will see that
the one with
detergent will be
much more
stable (figure
28). In fact,
even after a
month, the white
color of this
86 of 98 6/16/17, 2:28 PM
Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
indicates that
there is a great
deal of small oil
drops in the
liquid, while in
the other bottle
the liquid is
become nearly
transparent, this
is a sign that
near all the oil
drops have fused
together and
2 - Vinegar and
vegetable oil.
Using a kitchen
whisk, emulsify a
teaspoon of
vinegar with 125
87 of 98 6/16/17, 2:28 PM
Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
cc of peanut oil
or olive oil. The
emulsion will
result instable.
Figure 28 - The two emulsions of the experiment 1
after 24 hours of rest. In the right bottle, some
detergent has produced a more stable emulsion.
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
90 of 98 6/16/17, 2:28 PM
Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
2 - Make a solid foam. Beat egg whites and some sugar, then cook
it so to obtain its solidification: you will have obtained a meringue,
just an edible solid foam.
than-air_20solid Develop a lighter-than-air solid (a discussion)
91 of 98 6/16/17, 2:28 PM
Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
92 of 98 6/16/17, 2:28 PM
Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
Goo, you can make your own by dissolving 1/2 cup of white glue with
1/2 cup of water, then adding 3 tablespoons of Borax, while stirring
well. You will obtain a substance which is apparently solid, but which
loses its shape within some minutes, becoming like a liquid puddle...
which however you will able to lift it as if it was a carpet.
93 of 98 6/16/17, 2:28 PM
Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
1 - Anato
bottle. Oft
breaks so,
them brok
try to unde
not work a
repair it.
spray bottle
2 - Build
build a sm
two thin str
shown in fi
of the horiz
plug with a
94 of 98 6/16/17, 2:28 PM
Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
straw, mo
with water
force in th
The air jet
the hole w
low pressur
can which
water up th
away atom
an air jet,
rubber syr
type of at
also to hum
house plan
introduction to the colloids.
95 of 98 6/16/17, 2:28 PM
Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids A lot of
experiments on water, solutions, etc.
Recipes: Solutions and Materials
/index.html The Science House. Also experiments on colloids and surface
tension. What are Colloids &
Colloidal Suspension? Definition and history of the colloids. Laurie's Colloid & Interface
Science Page. A lot of useful information and a good bibliography.
/disciplines/ Interesting links of chemistry and polymers. Hypertext Guide to
Terms in Colloid and Polymer Science Terms and words
frequently used in the Sol-Gel area. Toiletries Listservice.
Making your own Lotions, Creams, Soaps, Personal Care Products, and
related subjects. Recipes to make cosmetic products.
/Lifestyle_Chemistry.html Lifestyle Chemistry
Google, Excite, Yahoo With these or other search engines, look for these
96 of 98 6/16/17, 2:28 PM
Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
Surface phenomena and colloids concern many objects, products and
events of our everyday life, which are not immediately explainable
with the physics we usually study at school. Having introduced some
principles, and suggested some experiments in this field which until
now may have been quite mysterious seemed to us useful and
important. Not only, but you have also noticed how fascinating these
topics are and how amusing is to do laboratory activities with them.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Books on surfactants and colloids.
R. Aveyard, D. A. Haidon: "An Introduction to the Principles of Surface
Chemistry", Cambridge Chemistry Texts
C. C. Miller, P. Neogi: "Interfacial Phenomena", Marcel Dekker inc.,
N.Y. (1985).
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Experiments on Surface Phenomena and Colloids
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