GM Notes (Mini-Concert)

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Grand Mass “Mini Concert”

Overall GM Heads​: Davidson Uong, Ping Chung, Kevin Garcia, Exxon Yu

Mini Concert Team​: Joshua Uy, TJ Lao, Kenneth Gan, Miles Ong, Galvin Ngo, Mick Cootauco


- This mini concert is not a concert per se. We do not want to package it as a
regular concert that serves as a talent show or performance. We want to portray
it as a complement to the grand mass.
- For internal reference, we will stick with the term “mini concert” for easier
understanding of the activity
- The mini concert is similar to Hangad concerts, only less in scale and will only be
around an hour long
- It will take place after the mass; we want to make a smooth transition after the
final song of the mass
- The objective is to provide a venue for reflection on the attendees’ Days
experience and subsequent 4th Day, as well as to provide an opportunity for the
community to gather as one.

Mini Concert Proper

- Performers will be comprised of different participants ranging from students to
- Venue is the MPC
- The theme is the journey of the Days Weekend (Doubt the 1st, Weep the 2nd,
Trust the 3rd, Live the 4th)
→ As such, each song will be based on the following journeys of a Dazer
→ The goal is to reminisce and reflect through hearing the songs of the Days
- Proposed number of songs per theme is 2 each with a total of 8

Proposed Songs Performers Confirmed Production Value Theme

Magkasama Na Naman MuC Intro

Ikaw Lamang Marco Lim and Jolo Doubt

Stay With Me Terence Ang Doubt

Say A Prayer Bob and Jacob Yulo YES Weep

I’ll Be There Bob and Jacob Yulo YES Weep

Let Me Be With You Denovo w/ Fr. Art YES Trust

Gising Na/First Break of Denovo YES Trust


You and I Junior MuC Live

Adsum Domine Senior MuC Live

Basta Ikaw Marvin Ong and MuC Encore

We’ve Only Just Begun MuC + other performers Encore

w/ intro solo by Kyle Sy

Things to do​:
1. Spiels
- 1. Performers who will start each each theme with a song will be the one to do
the spiels
- 2. Get possible guest spielers: Father Art, Days core group (Abu), student
2. Make the script
- Note: Spiels should be short and sweet and should happen every segment,
meaning before the start of every theme. There can be an introduction to each
song just so people can try to familiarize the song (i.e. when do we usually play
the song during the weekend, what is the meaning of the song, etc)
- Can add reflection points after each spiel (ex.​when was your last "Basta Ikaw"
3. Look for a stage manager (Josh and KOG)
- A stage manager is basically the director of the concert who makes sure the flow
of the event is smooth
- He must be familiar with the songs, performers, and movements of each
- Coordinate with Logistics regarding floor plan
- Must present floor plan with entry and exit routes for performers
4. Think of a name for the concert
- The “subtitle” of the activity
- ReminiSING Our Xavier Days
5. Visuals for the Concert
- Basically what to put in the screen during each performance
- Coordinate with promotions team (​Dodie​)
- Visuals at the back would enhance the concert
→ Could add pictures pertaining to Days (get pictures from archives, ask KOG)
→ Don’t put lyrics on screen when we want to focus on the emotion of a song
6. Rehearsals
- Reserve a day for the performers to practice and so we can check the logistics
and tech stuff
- Target dates: The week before the GM (Feb 18)
- Hold a dry run the night before GM
7. Transition of Mass
- Video after final song
- For video, we could make an AVP
→ Interview with Fr Ly, Fr Barbi, other Dazers, etc
→ Consider recycling from “40 years” video
- Video peg:
→ asking questions to Fathers, students (SJ and Nuvali), Oldies
→ reminiscing video made to be chill and funny
→ possible questions: (should be funny and engaging)
How was your Days weekend
What was the most embarrassing moment during your Days
What is DWTL for you
Paano ka nasindak
Ano naalala mong pagkain sa Days
→ Video should transition to the first song of Magkasama nanaman
- Nuvali MuC will join in the concert
- Instruments needed:
1. Kahon
2. Shaker
3. Guitar
4. Keyboard
→​ Coordinate with Log 1 (​Kyler​)
- Arrangement of the songs need not be the same as the original or the Days way.
It is possible to rearrange the composition/style of the song depending on the
style the performers want to do. However, this will be subject to our approval to
make sure that they don’t deviate very much and so that the song retains its
- Get confirmation with Kenric Wee for keyboard duties
- Exxon will talk to Denovo regarding participation while Marco will contact MuC
- Make sure cords and materials are ready in the MPC (must ask Xavier PPO or
whoever handles this)
→ We can hide cords with ornaments (ex. plants) to make the stage look cleaner
→ Priority is to not make the stage look cluttered during the mass and concert
→ ​Coordinate with Log 1 (​Kyler​)
- Abu does first spiel to make people understand the theme and purpose of the
GM activities (that we’ve only just begun)
List of Materials Needed for Grand Mass

Quantity Item Notes

1 Kahon From Performer or Music Department of Xavier

1 Shaker From Performer or Music Department of Xavier

3 Guitars From Performer or Music Department of Xavier

Cables PPO or Performers

2-4 Amplifiers/Speakers PPO or Performers

4 Mics and Mic stands PPO

2 Wireless Mics From Denovo or PPO

4 Plants PPO


Greetings of Good Peace and Salutations!
Tonight is special as we, dazers, across all generations have come together to
culminate and celebrate Jesus' love. And what better way to express our love for our
best friend through the means of song. So tonight, sit back, relax and relive your days
weekend through the melodic tunes of the Days weekend. Music will always flesh out a
certain emotion our of us. Tonight we compress the 4 main feelings of the weekend,
doubt, weep, trust and live through song. Now that the last weekend of the year is over,
it will always be a challenge to live out our fourth day, however we should not forget that
we are not alone in this journey for we have Jesus and we have each other. The first
song speaks of camaraderie, community and togetherness. Let us celebrate the idea of
brotherhood with magkasama na naman.

Coming into the days weekend, you may have felt a sense of fear. This fear came from
the numerous rumors about the weekend and probably through the sindakan activity.
The two songs speak of your probable context before the days weekend. Your world
may have been distraught and messy giving a sense of unworthiness. Specifically, we
have experiences and feelings of being alone in this world. When you think no one
understands you or listen to you, you begin to doubt everything that is loving. However,
the next two songs bring about a sense of offering and hope. We are meant to let go of
all our fears and open our heavy hearts to jesus' love.

Moving on to the next part of the weekend, after letting go of all the doubt, the weekend
begins to let you realize that your life is full of blessings and love. In our darkest
moments, there is light and we weep at the fact that we do not notice this or care about
this. We weep because of our shortcomings and lack of love and thanksgiving. Our
family and friends who will always be our crying shoulder, will always be there for us
through our rough times and hardships. Support is an overlaying theme of weeping,
jesus supports us in every moment in our life, he brings the sunshine back into our life.

We are imperfect people with dark pasts. As the days weekend progress, we
acknowledge this and start to trust in Jesus to bring us back in our paths. Just as we
recognize that we can trust in Jesus, we consciously make an effort to build our
relationship with him. Jesus is the perfect example of being a guy with a goal. He was
full on committed to his mission, just as how we must trust in our own selves to achieve
our personal goals. Amidst our pasts, let us always know that there will be a tomorrow
with new beginnings.

As the days weekend comes to a close, all of us were given a challenge to live out our
fourth days. This next song speak about how we are not alone in our mission. As living
the fourth day is the toughest journey in our life we must not fret for we are reminded us
that someone is by our side all throughout. Offering our whole selves to Jesus and his
mission is a key element to living our fourth days. As we leave the weekend with a
cleansed heart, we come in and celebration of our renewed relationship with jesus.

As we go on with our daily lives, we might have forgotten the experiences and feelings
we have felt in our days weekend. These musical performances encapsulates the whole
weekend and hopefully reminds us of our encounters with Jesus. Moreover, the most
important thing is that we never forget that we are part of his big barkada and that we
have only just begun. He reintroduces himself to us in many different ways, every single
day, and as we continue to rediscover him in living out our fourth days.

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