Caunter Camo Tamiya Colors
Caunter Camo Tamiya Colors
Caunter Camo Tamiya Colors
BS 64 Portland Stone
Mix: 6 pts XF2 + 1 pt XF3 + 1 pt XF57. It could stand a fraction more XF2 and perhaps a fraction less
XF57 but if I tweaked it then the proportions of the other colours would be realy silly
There is going to be at least one happy bunny out there now. This is the official colour used as one of
the disrupters with Slate in the 'Caunter' scheme. In use on all types of AFVs and other vehicles in Egypt
from mid to late 1940 till cancelled in December 1941.
Mix: 7pts XF21 + 1pt XF19 +1pt XF4. Be careful with XF4 as even a little too much will throw this colour
far too green. Err on the light side. I got this yesterday and ran a couple of test shots today.
BS.34 Slate
At last the final colour for Caunter. After a lot of failed attempts it has turned out to be an easy mix. This
colour was specified as the darkest colour to be used on vehicles painted with the Caunter scheme.
Came into use in 1940 and apparently retained as one of the alternative colours to be used with the
1942 patterns.
Mix: 1prt XF24 + 1 prt XF4. This is a fraction dark compared to the standard but a touch of white or light
grey will tone it down