Wildmen Myanmar
Wildmen Myanmar
Wildmen Myanmar
Research Article
KEY WORDS: Hominoidea, pressure ridge, tracks, traditional ecological knowledge, yeti, yeren, sasquatch
from Myanmar, that of Blanford (1891:9-10) our review to the area encompassed within the
who described a “tailless ape” standing modern political boundaries of Myanmar (Fig.
approximately 1.2 m tall reputed to inhabit the 1). We use "Myanmar" and "Burma" inter-
forests around Mount Muleyit in the changeably throughout the text. Because many
Tenasserim (now Tanintharyi) Region of place names have been changed since
southern Myanmar. publication of the original accounts, we
In an attempt to redress this deficiency, we provide both former and new names (when
here present additional published accounts of known) in the text. Finally, it should be noted
wildmen in Myanmar gleaned from a variety that even today there is no official government
of hitherto over-looked and generally obscure gazetteer available and confusion surrounds
sources. We present these accounts in the correct Anglicized spelling of many place
chronological order of publication and place names within Myanmar.
each within a specific geographical context.
We then summarize and discuss biologically WILDMAN NARRATIVES
relevant details and synthesize this
information into a composite overview of The earliest wildman narrative from Myanmar
morphology and natural history. Lastly we of which we are aware (excepting Blanford,
compare our findings to what is known about 1891) is that of Wilson (1910:207). In a book
wildmen in Asia (particularly the Himalayan primarily devoted to big game hunting in
ecoregion, but also central China) and North colonial Burma, Wilson writes that a “Mr.
America. Bruce” (Deputy Conservator of Forests and
deemed a “completely credible observer”) and
METHODS his retinue of camp followers were attacked by
a “big ape” while working in the forests along
We conducted a wide-ranging search of peer- the upper Chindwin River of western
reviewed scientific sources, popular books and Myanmar. Although hesitant to do so, Bruce
articles, travelogues, and gray literature to shot and killed the large primate to “save
locate information on wildmen in Myanmar. human life”. Bruce then laid out the corpse,
Our search proceeded by what Murphy and finding “it a little smaller than the orang-
Henderson (1997:2-3) describe as a "hit-and- outang” [sic] (an adult orangutan [Pongo
miss method with a…snowballing effect," i.e., pygmaeus] measures 120-150 cm in length
one literature source often led to several and weighs 35-100 kg, depending on sex, with
additional sources. Much of our review males being larger than females; Francis,
focused on literature of the British Colonial 2001). Local villagers professed great
Era, now largely forgotten, but nonetheless a familiarity with the animal and according to
rich source of natural history information Wilson, the vernacular name (not given)
(e.g., Thorbjarnarson et al., 2000, 2006). translates as “wild man of the woods”.
Although our search was primarily confined to [Authors note – "Orangutan" is a Malay word
English-language sources, in several in- meaning "Man of the Forest" (Swindler,
stances, Burmese articles were translated by a 1998). We are unaware of any Burmese
native Burmese speaker who is fluent in language descriptor for wildmen that can be
English. Our review eventually included 150- translated as "Man of the Forest".]
200 sources; however, this effort should be Brief reference to an undescribed bipedal
considered incomplete because some primate is made by Dawson (1912:11-12)
references proved unobtainable and others writing in the Burma Gazetteer, a series of
were undoubtedly over-looked. We confined informational volumes published by the
British Colonial Administration describing the older porter described the creature as walking
indigenous people, geography, wildlife, and bipedally “like a man, white-skinned, naked,
natural resources in specific regions of the and with long fair hair on the shoulders, arms,
country. In a paragraph on wildlife of the and head; running at great speed over the
Bhamo District, Dawson states that “Several snow, and carrying a club.” In the end, unsure
varieties of monkeys abound in the foothills, what to make of the tracks and seeming to
including the gibbon and a mysterious dismiss the porters account out-of-hand,
creature called by the Burmans ‘luwun,’ which Kaulback concludes the tracks could only
walks upright and is covered with a coarse have been left by bears. But seemingly
tawny hair, and is possibly one of the larger uncomfortable with his conclusion, Kaulback
species of ape. It is reported to have been met states that he would like to return in the future
on the Tangte hills,” along the eastern bank of "to find out definitely what these beasts could
the Irrawaddy (now Ayeyarwady) River south have been”.
of Bhamo. Mention of an “unidentified ape” is also
Kaulback (1939: 172-173) provides the only made in the Burma Wildlife Survey, an
first-person account of an encounter with inventory commissioned by the International
wildmen in Myanmar that we have been able Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural
to locate. While traversing the mountainous Resources (IUCN) and American Committee
northeastern frontier of Burma in search of the for International Wild Life Protection to
source of the Salween (now Thanlwin) River, determine the status of wildlife and
Kaulback and four indigenous porters came conservation in post-colonial Myanmar
upon a set of five trackways at 16,000 feet (Milton and Estes, 1963: 56). The two authors
(4877 m). Kaulback describes the trackways conducted field surveys in many areas of
as “running straight down the side of the Myanmar (1959-60), including moun-tainous
valley at what seemed to be an incredible regions in the northern part of the country.
angle.” A thin layer of snow covered the According to Milton and Estes, indigenous
tracks, and although “not very clear … in size hunters in northern Burma maintained “there
and everything else they looked exactly like is another species of ape [besides]…the
the prints of a barefooted man." Kaulback gibbon, with long reddish or pale hair, found
initially attributed the tracks to a group of at high altitudes”. Hunters described the call
bears (Ursidae) moving between mountain of this primate as “quite different from the
valleys, but his porters steadfastly maintained gibbon’s [sic] and more human”. San Hta Zin,
that no bears occurred in the area. Two porters a member of parliament from Kachin State
instead suggested the tracks marked the told the authors that while traversing Chaukan
passing of a group of snow leopards (Panther Pass (high mountain pass between Myanmar
uncia), something Kaulback immediately and India) “many years ago”, he found
discounts, knowing these large cats are “manlike tracks” near three alpine pools and
solitary except when mating or with kittens. later heard a “strange cry”. Lisu tribesmen, an
The other two porters claimed the tracks had ethnic group renowned for their hunting skills
been made by “mountain men – fearsome (Diran, 2001), showed the authors a mountain
creatures who live high up in the snows.” The near Putao (formerly Fort Hertz) reputedly
porters were unanimous in their agreement inhabited by wildmen. The Lisu claimed to
that such creatures existed, and the oldest (45 hunt these primates for food, and a resident of
years old) had reportedly encountered a Putao reportedly “killed one some years ago”.
"mountain man" while hunting wild ungulates The Rawangs (another indigenous group in
in the same area some years previously. The northern Myanmar) were said to believe that
"to look upon the ape will cause sickness or A third incident reported by Hla Aung is in
death". Milton and Estes offered a substantial our opinion, among the most interesting of
reward to anyone who could procure a wildman records from Myanmar. The in-
specimen, but when none was forthcoming cident occurred during November 1946 when
concluded “it is hard to decide whether to take a party of government officials was touring
all of these reports seriously or not from the the hinterlands beyond Putao. When
available evidence”. encamped near Konglu (1828 m; a village five
Perhaps the most comprehensive account of days walk from Putao) on a moonless night,
wildmen in Myanmar is given in a newspaper their pack animals took fright and village dogs
article published in the English-language began barking at the approach of a wild
newspaper, The Working People’s Daily by animal. Thinking a tiger (Panthera tigris) was
Colonel Hla Aung (1969), a career forest about, the party mounted a vigil and although
officer and well-known zoologist (Khin Ma unable to see anything, was “assailed” by a
Ma Thwin et al., 2011). This article was “very strong obnoxious odor” shortly
apparently the second that Hla Aung authored thereafter. On the following day the party
on wildmen in Myanmar as part a series on encountered tracks “of some mysterious
primates published by the newspaper; we have creature almost double the size of a man’s
been unable to locate the first. In the article, footprint” along a trail through the mountains.
Hla Aung describes four different encounters The tracks continued up the footpath and at an
with wildmen in the mountains of northern elevation of 2430 m veered from the trail and
Myanmar. It is unclear if the persons involved disappeared into dense jungle. Because the
directly related their experiences to Hla Aung, footpath was muddy, the tracks were “clearly
or as we consider more likely, he gleaned visible” and according to Hla Aung, the “arch
most of these accounts from secondary of the foot below the instep … was apparently
sources. The first encounter Hla Aung two inches higher than the level of the heel
describes occurred in the area of Urong Thara and toe” [italics added].
Pass (3512 m) when a wildman charged an The fourth wildman encounter described by
indigenous hunter with “fangs bared and Hla Aung occurred in January 1956 when a
hands raised." The hunter shot “many group of hill tribesmen were traveling from
poisoned arrows” into the wildman, which Putao to a Christian revival meeting near
reeled back and stumbled downhill. Hkrang Hku. While traversing the snowbound
Apparently traumatized by the experience, the Ahku Htara Pass (2743 m), the party
indigenous hunter reportedly died of “fright” inadvertently began following a lengthy
three days later. The second incident occurred trackway through deep snow thinking it had
in mid-May 1942 during the construction of a been made by fellow pilgrims. It was only
military road from Putao to Chaukan Pass in when the trackway began to descend a steep
the opening days of World War II. At 2700 m rocky slope did one of the party members
on a spur of the Chaukan Range workers suspect the tracks they were following had
drawing water from an alpine pond came upon been left by a wildman rather than a person.
fresh tracks described as “very much human, The tracks were said to be about the same size
but almost double the size”. Strange vocal- as those of a man.
izations (described as “Oo-hu-hu”) were heard The most recently published wildman
by the party when camped that night in the account is that of Morse (1974:132-134),
same area. It is possible this incident is a writing about his experiences as a Christian
variant of a similar account given earlier by missionary living among the Kachin of
Milton and Estes (1963). northern Myanmar during the 1950s and
concerns and chronic, low-intensity military Kingdon-Ward (1954) classified the plant
conflicts. When researchers have taken to the communities of Kachin State along an
field the results are impressive with the elevation gradient as lowland forest (to 700
discovery of new species (Rabinowitz et al., m), subtropical hill forest (700-1700 m), warm
1999; Rappole et al., 2005; Geissman et al., temperate rainforest (1700-2700 m), cold
2011; Dever et al., 2012), rediscovery of temperate rainforest (2700-3000 m),
species believed extinct (Platt et al., 2005; Rhododendron-silver fir (Abies alba) forest
Kuchling et al., 2006; Rheindt et al., 2014), (3000-3700 m), and subalpine scrub (3700-
and significant range extensions (Rabinowitz 4000 m). The upper Chindwin River (by
and Saw Tun Khaing, 1998; S. Platt et al., convention upstream from Homalin), where a
2014), including records of many species not wildman was reportedly shot by a colonial
previously thought to occur in Myanmar forest officer (Wilson, 1910) is in Sagaing
(King et al., 2001; K. Platt et al., 2014). Division, which together with Shan State
Recently described and "rediscovered" taxa in forms the southern boundary of Kachin State.
Myanmar range in size from small amphibians Sagaing Division encompasses much of the
(Dever et al., 2012) and birds (Rappole et al., Naga Hills, a highland region (maximum
2005; Rheindt et al., 2014) to larger mammals, elevation = 3825 m) contiguous with the
including a cervid (Rabinowitz et al., 1999) mountains of Kachin State.
and primate (Geissman et al., 2011). Taken Unfortunately, little habitat-specific infor-
together, this body of research indicates the mation accompanies most wildman narratives
biodiversity of Myanmar remains incom- from Myanmar. Elevations given in descript-
pletely known with much yet to be discovered. tions of trackways and encounters range from
With two exceptions (Blanford, 1891; 1800 to 4800 m (Kaulback, 1939; Hla Aung,
Wilson, 1910), reports of Burmese wildmen 1969 Morse, 1974) strongly suggesting that if
emanate from Kachin State in northernmost such creatures exist, Burmese wildmen inhabit
Myanmar (Dawson, 1912; Kaulback, 1939; upper montane forests (warm temperate
Milton and Estes, 1963; Hla Aung, 1969; rainforest, cold temperate rainforest, and
Morse, 1974). Notably, northeastern Kachin Rhododendron-silver fir forest of Kingdon-
State is also where the recently described Ward, 1954). McNeely et al. (1978) likewise
Burmese snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus concluded that yeti are largely restricted to the
strykeri) was discovered (Geissman et al., montane forest zone (2800-4500 m) in the
2011) suggesting this area is biotically under- Himalayas, and attribute tracks found in high-
explored and might host other unknown elevation snowfields and glaciers (e.g.,
primates. Kachin State (Fig. 1) is bordered by Shipton, 1952; Cronin, 1979) to animals
India to the west and China in the north and moving between forested valleys across the
east, and considered among the most remote intervening high mountain passes. McNeely et
and least known regions of Southeast Asia al. (1978) considered the diversity of plant and
(Rabinowitz, 2001; Khin Ma Ma Thwin et al., animal resources in montane forest habitats
2011). Much of Kachin State is encompassed sufficiently ample to support large primates.
within the Himalayan Ecoregion and consists Indeed, snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus
of extremely rugged mountainous terrain spp.) inhabiting high-elevation forests have
(maximum elevation = 5710 m) characterized evolved physiological traits allowing them to
by a diverse matrix of plant communities that consume a diet of such hard-to-digest foods as
correspond to gradients in elevation, slope, leaves, bark, lichens, and Pinus seeds (Zhou et
and aspect (Rabinowitz et al., 1999; al., 2014). In Myanmar, montane forests and
Rabinowitz, 2001; Rao et al., 2011). other high elevation habitats are above the
upper elevational limits of shifting cultivation mention a divergent hallux (great toe) as often
(approximately 1500 m, but often lower; Platt seen in yeti tracks from the Himalayas
el al., 2013), and rarely visited by indigenous (Meldrum, 2006). To our knowledge, plaster
people except to hunt, collect non-timber casts or photographs of wildman tracks have
forest resources (particularly medicinal never been made in Myanmar, an important
plants), and graze mithun (Bos frontalis) and consideration when evaluating track evidence
mithun-yak hybrids (B. frontalis × grunniens) because the active constructional nature of the
(Robert Tizard, Wildlife Conservation human mind makes it near-certain that
Society-Myanmar Program, pers. comm.). recollections will change unless recorded in
Inaccessibility of montane habitats coupled hard form (Forman and Russell, 1983; Bates
with the reported nocturnal habits of wildmen and Byrne, 2007). Recollections are even less
(Hla Aung, 1969) make encounters with reliable when people are confronted by novel
humans (Homo sapiens) infrequent and might or threatening experiences (e.g., encountering
contribute to perceptions of rarity by large tracks of a potentially aggressive and
indigenous people (Milton and Estes, 1963; dangerous animal).
Morse, 1974). Intriguingly, Hla Aung (1969) described
Wildmen tracks are mentioned in three of what seem to be pressure ridges ("…arch of
the published accounts from Myanmar the foot below the instep…was apparently two
(Kaulback, 1939; Hla Aung, 1969; Morse, inches higher than the level of the heel and
1974). Tracks represent an important body of toe") in wildman tracks left along a muddy
scientific data that can reveal a great deal footpath. Pressure ridges are dynamic features
about the natural history of an organism to an of tracks formed when a relatively plastic
experienced observer (Stander et al., 1997) substrate (e.g., mud) is forced upwards
and provide a degree of objectivity not always proximal to the midfoot as the animal moves
attainable with other types of observational forward (Meldrum, 2004, 2006). Pressure
data (Meldrum, 2006). Wildman tracks from ridges are a consequence of the midtarsal
Myanmar are described as being superficially flexibility of the hominoid foot, which unlike
similar to human footprints (presumably that of humans lacks a fixed longitudinal arch
pentadactyl), and approximately the same size and specialized weight-bearing ball; weight is
(Kaulback, 1939) to almost twice the size of instead distributed more evenly across the
human tracks (Hla Aung, 1969). Assuming plantar surface (Meldrum, 2004, 2006).
the accounts are accurate (see below), such Midfoot or midtarsal pressure ridges are
variability is to be expected in physical considered a distinctive signature of North
attributes of any natural population American sasquatch tracks (Meldrum, 2004,
(Fahrenbach, 1998). Only Morse (1974) 2007) and were recently noted in tracks
provides a quantitative estimate of track attributed to the Chinese yeren (Meldrum and
length; at 14-16 inches (ca. 35-40 cm) these Guoxing, 2012), but to our knowledge have
tracks were larger than the footprints of most not been previously described in wildman
adult human males and similar in size to tracks from the Himalayan region. According
purported tracks of the North American to Meldrum and Guoxing (2012), the presence
sasquatch (Fahrenbach, 1998; Meldrum, 2004, of midfoot pressure ridges in hominoid tracks
2006) and Chinese yeren (Meldrum and from North America and western China
Guoxing, 2012). Morse (1974) also stated that provides independent corroboration of an
wildman tracks were narrower than human undescribed bipedal hominoid with a circum-
footprints, an attribute not mentioned in other Pacific distribution. Confirmation of similar
accounts. Nor do any accounts from Myanmar pressure ridges in hominoid tracks from
Myanmar would obviously lend further on input from his indigenous porters. TEK is
support to this hypothesis. defined as a cumulative body of knowledge
Although accounts vary, the composite concerning the relationship of organisms with
picture that emerges from physical one another and their environment,
descriptions of Burmese wildmen is one of a empirically acquired, and passed down by oral
bipedal hominoid standing 120-245 cm in tradition (Berkes et al., 2000; Huntington,
height, covered in longish pale-tawny-orange- 2000). For a variety of reasons science has
red hair with a prominent head-neck ruff of been slow to embrace TEK as a research
longer hair. This morphotype is reflected in methodology (Huntington 2000; Nadasdy,
the Burmese vernacular name luwun (Dawson, 2003), and folk accounts of cryptic hominoids
1912), which translates literally as "Man are usually dismissed as inaccurate
Bear" suggesting a hirsute, bipedal non-human exaggerations of credulous peoples, deliberate
primate. For the most part, descriptions of attempts to dupe investigators, or descriptions
Burmese wildmen are consistent with of imaginary, non-empirical beings (Meldrum,
accounts of the yeti (Sanderson, 1961; Napier, 2006; Forth, 2012). In short, rather than
1973), and display considerable resemblance serving as a starting point for serious enquiry,
to the Chinese yeren (Zhou, 1982; Meldrum ethnographic evidence of hominoids is
and Guoxing, 2012). Burmese wildmen are generally ignored and often trivialized by
also said to emit a pungent, noxious body odor natural scientists (Forth, 2012).
(Hla Aung, 1969), utter distinctive That said, we find nothing in Burmese
vocalizations (Milton and Estes, 1963; Hla wildman narratives to suggest indigenous
Aung, 1969), and on occasion exhibit informants were deliberately attempting to
aggressive behavior directed at humans beguile investigators. We also consider it
(Wilson, 1910; Kaulback, 1939; Hla Aung, implausible that wildmen would be confused
1969), all of which are common elements of with bears (Ursus thibetanus and U.
wildman reports from the Himalayas (Izzard, malayanus), langurs (Trachypithecus spp.) or
1955; Stonor, 1955; Sanderson, 1961; Napier, macaques (Macaca spp.) by indigenous
1973) and North America (Greenwell et al., people who regularly hunt these taxa for
1999; Meldrum, 2006). Bindernagel (1998) subsistence and commercial purposes
maintains that many behaviors attributed to (Rabinowitz et al., 1998; Rao et al., 2005).
North American sasquatch (and by extension Furthermore, while acknowledging that
to Asian hominoids) have also been observed ethnographic data should never be uncritically
in field studies of great apes. Moreover, accepted by natural scientists, we see no a
anecdotal observations and empirical studies priori reason to dismiss folk accounts simply
by primatologists suggest male orangutans and because indigenous people lack scientific
gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) are capable of training. Our view is consistent with a
emitting pungent odors when in a state of growing body of literature indicating that
excitement or agitation (Meldrum, 2006; indigenous people can be reliable observers of
Klailova and Lee, 2014). the natural world and make significant
As by now obvious, wildman reports from contributions to science and natural resource
Myanmar are overwhelmingly based on the management (Gilchrist et al., 2005; Anadón et
traditional ecological knowledge (TEK; also al., 2008; Davy et al., 2011; Meijaard et al.,
known as "folk knowledge") of indigenous 2011; Nabhan and Martinez, 2012; Cano and
informants. Kaulback (1939) appears to be Telleria 2013). Neither are we ready to ascribe
the only authority with firsthand experience of supernatural status to the Burmese wildman
wildmen and even his narrative draws heavily given that indigenous accounts contain
remarkably few mythical elements. to Pongo (e.g., tailless with long, deep
Moreover, the fact that wildman reports are ferruginous hair, body size consistent with
for the most part centered on a specific region female P. pygmaeus).
with distinct ecological boundaries argues for In conclusion, the wildman narratives we
the existence of a real animal rather than a review here together with the rich fossil record
cultural construct inhabiting only the ima- suggest that a bipedal primate as yet unknown
gination of informants. We contend that a to science may inhabit high-elevation forests
mythical animal, not being constrained by in the mountains of northern Myanmar.
ecological or biogeographical factors, would Although funding agencies have so far proved
be more widely reported within Myanmar. On reluctant to support research on cryptic
a continuum of scientific credibility with hominoids, scientists working in the region
imaginary beings at one end and empirical should be alert to the possibility of collecting
referents (i.e., species recognized by modern additional evidence in the form of casts or
science) at the other (Forth, 2012), the photographs of tracks, hair and fecal samples,
Burmese wildman would seem to fall or even physical remains obtained from
somewhere just short of the latter. hunters. Most importantly, indigenous peoples
In contrast to North America, where critics should be solicited for additional information
argue the dearth of fossil evidence precludes about wildmen. An in-depth interview survey
the existence of an undescribed primate such (e.g., Meijaard et al., 2011) would go far
as sasquatch (Meldrum, 2006), primates towards establishing a basis for future field
including hominoids are well-represented in research and perhaps provide tentative
the fossil record of mainland Southeast Asia answers to questions concerning the natural
and adjacent southern China (Kelley, 2002; history of undescribed hominoids in
Chaimanee et al., 2008; Jaeger et al., 2011; Myanmar.
Harrison et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2014). Of
particular relevance to the reports of wildmen ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
in Myanmar are Gigantopithecus blacki,
which persisted until the Middle Pleistocene We thank Madeline Thompson and Deb
in southern China and possibly elsewhere Levinson (Wildlife Conservation Society-New
(Zhao and Zhang, 2013) and several species of York) for locating a number of obscure
Pongo, one (P. devosi) of which survived into references, Kyaw Zay Ya for preparing our
the Holocene on mainland Southeast Asia map, and Kalyar Platt for translating Burmese
(Delgado and van Schaik, 2000; Harrison et sources into English. We are also grateful to
al., 2014). Undiscovered relict populations of Saw Tun Khaing for bringing the newspaper
Gigantopithecus blacki in North America and article by Colonel Hla Aung to our attention
Asia have been proposed to explain sasquatch many years ago, thus sparking our interest in
and yeti, respectively (reviewed by Meldrum, Burmese wildmen. Our manuscript benefited
2006), and some elements of Burmese greatly from discussions with our Burmese
wildman narratives (e.g., large body size and colleagues, Robert Tizard, and comments by
hirsuteness) are consistent with physical Anna Nekaris and two anonymous reviewers.
reconstructions of this taxa by Ciochon et al. Support for SGP was provided by Wildlife
(1990). Conversely, the wildman described by Conservation Society-Myanmar Program.
Blanford (1891) bears a notable resemblance
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Thorbjarnarson JB, Platt SG, and Saw Tun Khaing 1310.
Figure 1. Map of Myanmar showing political boundaries of Kachin State, Shan State, and
Sagaing Division, major rivers, principal urban centers, and localities mentioned in text. Place
names in accordance with current usage.