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EE 2361 - Introduction to Microcontrollers 
Laboratory # 2a 

Bit Banging an RGB LED in Assembly 



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EE 2361 - Lab # 2a  ECE Department

Serial communications protocols are a fundamental component of operating microcontrollers in
today’s connected devices. Serial communication allows for complex information to pass
between devices over 4, 3, 2 or even just 1 wire. Allowing everything from displays to sensors to
function. These protocols are so common and important, that they often have custom digital
logic, referred to as ​peripherals​ embedded on the MCU
to improve efficiency. In EE1301, we commonly used
the “Serial” connection to output data to a computer
over USB. In later labs, we will learn how to use these
optimized digital circuits to communicate over UART,
I2C, or SPI.

However on the cutting edge of development in custom

systems, electrical engineers often need to develop
software code to implement serial communication
protocols from scratch.

In our case the Individually Addressable RGB LED (iLED), introduced in EE1301, has no such
dedicated digital support circuits. In this lab, we will create our own implementation of a custom
serial communication standard.

In this lab you’ll familiarize yourself with the basic assembly instructions for changing the state of
the GPIO pins on your PIC24 microcontroller. You’ll explore the timing implications of various
instructions and their impact on the resulting output waveform. You’ll combine these skills to
change the color of an individually addressable RGB LED (iLED). In the next lab, you’ll package
up your assembly instructions into a C-library so that you can create sparkly light shows quickly
and easily!

Supplemental Resources 
PIC24FJ64GA004 - Family Datasheet
● Section 10.1 Parallel I/O (PIO) Ports
16-bit MCU and DSC Programmer's Reference Manual
● REPEAT, CALL, and RETURN Functions
iLED from Adafruit References:
● WS2812 Datasheet
● Device Description - Individually Addressable LEDs​ (from EE1301)
● EE1301 - IoT Lab #2 - Section Individually Addressable LEDs

Required Components: 
Standard PIC24 requirements (caps, pullup, debug header, etc.)

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100 Ohm Resistor
Standard LED or LED strip
220 Ohm Resistor

Creating an assembly project in MPLAB X 
As discussed in Lab 1, you will need to create a new project for this lab. Here is a brief outline of
the steps:
1.) In MPLAB X, click on “File” → “New Project…”
2.) Select Microchip Embedded → Standalone Project
3.) Select 16-bit MCU (PIC24) and PIC24FJ64GA002
4.) Leave the Debug Header set to “None”
5.) Select your Tool as “Simulator”
6.) Select your Compiler as “XC16”
7.) Finally, give your project a ​descriptive​ name!
(for example “x500_labX_vXXX” → “orser_lab2_v001”)
8.) Click Finish

Add boilerplate code for assembly language project 

The boilerplate code for an assembly-based project is slightly different than the C-based project
we did in Lab 1. First, create a new assembly language file.
1.) In the “Projects” tab of MPLAB X, right-click on the “Source Files” directory and select
“New” → “AssemblyFile.s” Careful! There are three options that look similar.

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Creating a new Assembly Language File in MPLAB X

2.) Give the file a name like, “orser_lab2_core_v001”, leave Project, folder, and Create File
alone. Make the name unique, as it gets confusing if there are three files open called
3.) In some versions of MPLABX, this doesn’t add the new file to your project! It just creates
an empty file and opens the file for editing. To add the file to your project: Right-click
“Source Files”, select “Add Existing Item…”, click on your new file and click “Select”. It
should appear in your Project under the “Source Files” heading (or complain that the file
is already part of the project, in which case no harm is done).

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4.) In the editor enter the following “boilerplate” text into your new source file:
.include "xc.inc" ; required "boiler-plate" (BP)

;the next two lines set up the actual chip for operation - required

.bss ; put the following labels in RAM

.space 2 ; a variable that takes two bytes (we won’t use
; it for now, but put here to make this a generic
; template to be used later).
.space 32 ; this will be our stack area, needed for func calls

.text ; BP (put the following data in ROM(program memory))

;because we are using the C compiler to assemble our code, we need a "_main" label
;somewhere. (There's a link step that looks for it.)
.global _main ;BP

bclr CLKDIV,#8 ;BP

;; --- Begin your program below here ---

Code Example X: Boilerplate for ASM-only projects

This boilerplate contains all the same functionality as our c-code boilerplate. There are calls to
supporting library definitions using the .include() instead of #include statements. You can see
the flash configuration word declarations (__CONFIG1 and __CONFIG2). And the Clock Divider
setting of 1:1 for full 16 MIPS operation (bclr CLKDIV,#8).

Turn on RA0 
In this part of the lab we will prepare a simple assembly program that turns on the RA0 pin. This
will demonstrate some basic structures of assembly code.

1.) Just like the C-program we need to add code that configures LATA, TRISA, and
AD1PCFG registers. Remember, you can’t load an immediate directly into a general file
register (generic memory location): you must first use a special function register as a
2.) Just for the sake of clarity, let us go look at how the C-program compiles the first few
lines of Lab 1.
a.) If you see the Lab1 Project on the left pane, under “Projects”, Right-Click on the
Lab1 Project, and click “Set as Main”. Otherwise, just use File > Open Project to
open it. You will later go back to your assembly project.
b.) Right-Click on Lab 1 project, click Properties, select Simulator as the target

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c.) Add a breakpoint on the line “AD1PCFG = 0x9fff;”

d.) Click Debug Main Project ( ), if all goes well it should look something like

Example of active breakpoint in Lab1

e.) Click on the menu item Window → Debugging → Disassembly, it should look
something like this:

Example of Disassembled Code

You can see the C-code gets directly converted into two assembly instructions. The first loads a
register (w0) with an ​immediate​ value (0x9FFF). The second copies the contents of the register
(w0) into the memory location of the register (AD1PCFG).
3.) Now mimic this to set AD1PCFG, TRISA, and LATA to the following values:

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a.) Set AD1PCFG to 0x9FFF // This sets all pins to ​digital​ mode
b.) Set TRISA to 0b1111111111111110 // This sets the RA0 pin to ​output​ mode and
the rest of the PORTA pins to input (as a matter of fact, the chip that you work
with has only 5 bits on PORT A, but the microcontroller doesn’t mind us setting
all those 16 bits in TRISA. It will ignore bits 5..15).
c.) Set LATA to 0x0001 // This sets RA0 to output a logic ​high

mov #0x9fff,w0
mov w0,AD1PCFG ; Set all pins to digital mode
mov #0b1111111111111110,w0
mov w0,TRISA ; set pin RA0 to output
mov #0x0001,w0
mov w0,LATA ; set pin RA0 high

4.) It is “bad form” to let your program counter continue to execute past the end of your
program. Add a forever-do-nothing loop:
bra foreverLoop
.end ; this doesn’t actually end anything. Does not translate to assembly
; code. Just a way to tell the compiler we are done with this file.

Example of a forever-do-nothing loop

NOTE: Don’t forget to set Lab 2 as your main project again! This is a very common mistake
while working in MPLAB X.
5.) Right click on Lab Project, click “Set as Main Project”, or, if you don’t see the project on
the left, open it.

6.) Now compile your code, click , clean up any errors that result.
7.) Bring up your logic analyzer and add the signal RA0

8.) If you click ( ) to simulate your code, your code runs forever because there are no
breakpoints that stop the program. Try it!

9.) Click the Pause button ( ). It should look something like these screenshots:

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Example of paused Simulation

Example of RA0 output on Logic Analyzer

10) Now press the “stop” button to stop simulating the program. Add a breakpoint on the line

that says “mov w0,LATA”. Press the Debug Project button ( ) again, and when the
program stops at the breakpoint (make sure the “Logic Analyzer” window is up), press F8 (Step

Over ) a couple of times. You will notice that RA0 makes a transition to 1 in the logic
analyzer window.

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Toggle RA0 
In this section of the lab you will toggle RA0 and learn to carefully control the duration of the
high/low logic pulses.

When properly configured our PIC24 operates on a 32 MHz internal Clock, which results in a 16
MIPS (million instructions per second). This is called Fcy=16MHz in the PIC manual. This
means most instructions take 1/16MHz = 62.5ns to execute. We can use a combination of two
programming methods to create blocking delays of precisely N times 62.5ns.

NOP Delay Method 

The most basic instruction for this purpose are “nop”. Which does exactly what it says “No
Operation” for 62.5ns. For example the following code produces the following output.

Example of toggling RA0

Notice how the first pulse is narrower than the subsequent pulses? The first rising edge on RA0
happened because of the “mov w0, LATA”, before the “foreverLoop” label. There were only two
nop instructions between that instruction and the clr instruction, which results in a falling edge
on RA0. However, when we are inside the loop, there are three instructions between the
instruction causing a rising edge (inc LATA), and the falling edge (clr LATA). The branch
instruction (bra foreverLoop) takes two instruction cycles, resulting in a total of 5 instruction
cycles for the high part of the signal as opposed to only 3 during the low-time of the signal.

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REPEAT Delay Method 

The second method is excellent for creating precise delays of longer duration. The REPEAT
instruction can be found in the 16-bit PIC Programmers Reference Manual (page 355 as of the
current printing.)

Basically the REPEAT #N command repeats the next instruction N+1 times, where N is the
argument of REPEAT, a ​#l4lit​ (a 14-bit integer number between 0 and 16383).

Take a look at the following example code and simulation:

Example use of REPEAT with comments

REPEAT can create precise delays of between (3)*62.5ns = 187.5ns and (16385)*62.5ns =
1,024,062.5 ns (slightly more than 1 ms). This makes it a fantastic tool for precise delays less
than or equal to 1ms. The code is readable and takes a minimum of program memory space.

There are several instructions that cannot follow a REPEAT (including the CALL instruction
discussed in the next section) see the 16-bit PIC Programmers Reference Manual for a
complete list.

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CALL and RETURN instructions 

Function calls (often referred to as subroutines in the PIC documentation) are executed in
assembly via the CALL and RETURN instructions. These instructions take several cycles each
to store/retrieve important registers, update the program counter, and flush the instruction
fetch+decode stage. They are both defined in detail in the ​16-bit PIC Programmers Reference
Manual​. We’ll briefly review them here, but if you need further information ​please​ read the
manual before approaching your TA or instructor.

The CALL instruction requires one argument, the address of the subroutine to be called (in our
case actually a label.) CALL takes 2 cycles to execute. The RETURN instruction doesn’t require
any arguments. RETURN takes 3 cycles. These extra cycles need to be accounted for when
building precise timing code.

In assembly, a function is simply a label with a RETURN instruction at the end.

; 2 cycles for function call
repeat #3 ; 1 cycle to load and prep
nop ; 3+1 cycles to execute NOP 4 times
return ; 3 cycles for the return

Example of a function in assembly

You call this function with the CALL instruction.


​call ​ wait_10cycles ; 10 cycles

clr LATA ; set pin RA0 low = 1 cycle

nop ; 2 cycles to match BRA delay

nop ;
repeat #8 ; 1 cycle to load and prep
nop ; 8+1 cycles to execute NOP 9 times
Inc LATA ; set pin RA0 high = 1 cycle
; Total = 13 cycles high, 13 cycles low
bra foreverLoop

Example of a function call in assembly

In the pre-lab deliverables section below you will have to modify this above example to make
the pulse generation its own function.

HINT: It is possible to create wait functions for each pulse width (high and low). However, if you
never reuse the function, it's a waste of time and energy to write it. Instead, you should write the
REPEAT/NOP instruction in-line.

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Pre-Lab Deliverables 
For the Week 2 Pre-Lab, on your own, you need to create several pieces of complete assembly
code. These will be used in lab!

1.) Create an assembly function and calling assembly program

a.) The ​assembly​ function should be of the form (pseudocode):
void write_bit_stream(void) {}
(NOTE: Remember your function should be in ​assembly​, where inputs and
outputs are passed by either the “stack” or registers. In this case there are
b.) The function should generate a 24-cycle high, 32-cycle low pulse
2.) Place your function within your program within a forever loop (HINT: you’ll have to add a
couple NOPs to account for the forever loop BRA instruction and trim a couple cycles
from the high/low delay in the function.) The waveform is shown in the diagram below.
Be prepared to demonstrate this program to your TA at the start of lab (ie., hit simulate
and view the logic analyzer.)

Request Output Pulse Train Specification for Pre-Lab Week 1

3.) Create two additional subroutines using REPEAT to provide ​exact​ delays:
● Delay 100us
● Delay 1ms

Pre-Lab Checklist 
❏ Take pre-lab quiz on LATx, PORTx, ADxPCFG
❏ Complete the walk-through to create an assembly project in MPLAB X
❏ Bring to lab a single assembly project that fulfills the ​Pre-Lab Deliverables
❏ Read through the ​iLED specification​. Note that the package and pins on our iLED are
different from the figure in the specs document.

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Lab Procedure 
Verify PIC24 hardware operation 
In this section you will connect your pre-lab program up to an oscilloscope and verify the output
pulse train is of the correct duration. First setup your PIC, something like this:

iLED pins

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Schematic and Wiring Diagram for Test and Debug of WS2812-based iLED

1.) Load your program onto your PIC24

Remember​: You can do this by:
a.) Right-clicking on the project → Select Properties
b.) If the “Hardware Tool” box is greyed out, select the UNLOCK button
c.) Scroll down to the bottom of the Hardware Tool: Box
d.) Select “chipKitProgrammer - SN xxxxxx”
e.) Click OK

f.) Click “Make and Program” ( )

2.) Connect your output (RA0) to scope (CH1), don’t forget to connect GND too.
3.) Configure your scope to trigger on CH1, rising edges @ 1.65V
4.) Configure your scope to measure positive pulse width and negative pulse width

You should see a continuous pulse train with a positive pulse width of 1.5us and a negative
pulse width of 2.0us (plus or minus <5%).

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Create a fixed serial bit pattern for WS2812 chip 

The WS2812 is the chip at the heart of our iLEDs. The chip specification should be closely
reviewed before this lab begins. When looking at this specification, it is easy to be confused.
After you’ve read the specification (trust us, this is important), review the details below.

The iLED specification, page 4, shows that a narrow pulse width is used for transmitting a “0”,
wide pulse width for transmitting a “1” and finally a long period of low as a RESet signal. Each of
these patterns are outlined in the iLED specification and replicated below:

WS2812 - Original Specification

This specification is a bit confusing at first. For example, you might deduct from the table above
that adding T0H + T0L = 1.15μs, yet the text at the top says “TH+TL=1.25μs”, which looks like a
discrepancy. But what the table is telling us is the ​range​ of pulse widths that would be
interpreted as a 0 code or a 1 code. In the example we just considered, 1.15μs is still a
legitimate value within the range of 1.25μs ± 0.6us.

Perhaps it would be easier to see the big picture if we translate the above table to the following
ones that spell out the min/max values for the parameters:

Data Transfer Time (TH+TL)

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0.65μs .. 1.85μs

T0H T0L T0 Period

0.2μs .. 0.5μs 0.65μs .. 0.95μs 0.85μs .. 1.45μs

T1H T1L T1 Period

0.55μs .. 0.85μs 0.45μs .. 0.75μs 1μs .. 1.5μs

A long LOW value of > 50μs would be considered a reset signal. We highly recommend that you
translate the above tables to the number of cycles your PIC24 should waste to create these
delay ranges.

Looking at page 5 of the specification, the required sequence of bits to fully programing the
iLED is 24-bits in total, followed by a long low (RESET/Latch) command. This should load the
iLED with the data and cause the color to change.

Follow the procedure below:

1.) Create two new assembly functions modeled after your ​write_bit_stream​ function:
void write_0(void) {} // Create a 0.35us pulse in a 1.25us
void write_1(void) {} // Create a 0.70us pulse in a 1.25us
Note that we picked 1.25μs because it conforms to the specs (satisfies both the T0 and T1
Period constraints). Why did we pick the same period for both 0 and 1? Because you want
these functions to be called interchangeably, thus it would be a plus if they take exactly the
same number of cycles to operate (including all REPEAT, CALL, RETURN overhead). That way
we know exactly how many cycles it will take to change colors on the iLED regardless of the
RGB color value.

We suggest you do NOT call delay functions inside the write_0 and write_1 functions. You can
use repeat and nop to create the right amount of delay directly.

When these functions are complete, test them out in hardware before proceeding:
2.) Re-write the “foreverLoop”, calling each of write_0 and write_1 twice like so:
call write_0
call write_1
call write_0

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call write_1
bra foreverLoop

3.) “Clean and Build” your program to check for errors

4.) “Make and Program” your device
5.) View the output on the oscilloscope, you should see a stuttering waveform
6.) Press the “Single Seq” or “Single Acquisition” button on your scope to view a snapshot in
time of the waveform coming out of your PIC. You should see an alternating pattern of
skinny pulses and fat pulses on a period of 1.2us.
7.) Measure the pulse widths, and period to verify they are correct

Once we are certain that all the timing is correct, write 24-bits to the iLED!
8.) Since we are going to show only one color, we don’t have to send the color data in a
forever loop. You can delete instructions from your forever loop (don’t remove the bra
forever Loop instruction!!!), and add serial transmission of RGB colors before the forever
Loop label. Rewrite your code such that it contains 24 write_0 or write_1 calls (any
combination that you choose). Remember that 24-bits = a color. Precede transmission of
colors by a long reset signal (longer than 50μs), and remember that you have to make
RA0 LOW for the reset.
Remember​: You wrote delay functions for the prelab.

Take some time now and play with the output bit stream. Can you determine a ​major​ error in the
WS2812 datasheet? (HINT: It is on page 5.)

9.) When you are ready, prepare the HTML-based color tag that your TA has requested and
demonstrate it to them.

Hint​: You will need to determine the correct color order and bit endianness of the serial
protocol. You can’t always depend on the accuracy of the datasheet!

Lab Procedure Checklist 

❏ Determine the color order and endianness of the iLED
❏ Have a configurable assembly program that sets the iLED to any of 16M colors
❏ Configure and Demonstrate your program and iLED to your TA

Lab Report 
This lab will have little in the way of report requirements, the full report will be at the end of
Lab2b. But as an interim report, submit your assembly code, and show your delay calculations
(number of cycles) that you used in your code to implement write_0 and write_1. List any bugs

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that you had to fix for the iLED to show the colors you wanted. Also list what test patterns you
used to test your program (i.e., what combination of write_0 and write_1 you used).

Appendix: Reminders about iLEDs  

Note this is an abbreviated introduction, please see the WS2812 specification, Adafruit page,
and EE1301 Device Description for more details.

These “iLEDs” are part of a class of devices that are called ​individually addressable​ RGB LEDs.
This means that contained in each packaged iLED there are three LEDs and a very small LED
driver chip with a serial data input. When wired up in a chain, every iLED can be individually set
to a different color. Each iLED requires a shared power supply and ground pin. Additionally
each iLED has a Data_In and Data_Out pin. When connected in series, the first iLED in the
string grabs the first 24-bits (color setting) and then passes the rest of the data to the next iLED
down the chain, which grabs the next 24-bits (second color setting) passing the rest of the data
on, etc.

iLED Pinout Diagram 

Pin Description
Note: These devices need ​+5V power supplies​.

WARNING: Plugging these iLEDs in backwards (even for a second) will destroy them!!!

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