Palm Sunday 2018
Palm Sunday 2018
Palm Sunday 2018
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L i t u r g y of the W o r d
X P R O F E S S I O N of F A I T H T H E B R E A K I N G of the B R E A D
FIRST READING Isaiah 50:4-7 See inside front cover of Gather or Celebremos/Let Us Celebrate pg. 20.
P S AL M Psalm 22:2, 8-9, 17-20, 23-24 L i t u r g y of the E u c h a r i s t
P R E S E N T A T I O N and P R E P A R A T I O N of the G I F T S
O Sacred Head Surrounded Gather 512
All who see me deride me.
They curl their lips, they toss their heads.
“He trusted in the Lord, let him save him;
Let his release him if this is his friend.” O R A T E, F R A T R E S
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the
Many dogs have surrounded me, PRIEST: Pray, brethren (brothers and sisters),
sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace.
A band of the wicked beset me. that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable
They tear holes in my hands and my feet, to God, the almighty Father.
I can count every one of my bones. PEOPLE: May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands
T H E I N V I T A T I O N to H O L Y C O M M U N I O N
They divide my clothing among them. for the praise and glory of his name,
They cast lots for my robe. for our good and the good of all his holy Church. PRIEST: Behold the Lamb of God,
behold him who takes away the sins of the world.
O Lord, do not leave me alone, Blessed are those who are called to the supper of the Lamb.
My strength, make haste to help me.
The Eucharistic Prayer PEOPLE: Lord, I am not worthy
I will tell of your name to my brethren that you should enter under my roof,
and praise you where they are assembled. PREFACE DIALOGUE
but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.
“You who fear the Lord give him praise;”
PRIEST: The Lord be with you.
All sons of Jacob, give him glory.
PEOPLE: And with your spirit.
PRIEST: Lift up your hearts.
PEOPLE: We lift them up to the Lord.
SECOND READING Philippians 2:6-11 PRIEST: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
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COMMUNION SONG Bread of Life, Hope of the World SAINT MARY of the I M M A C U L A T E C O N C E P T I O N
Lamb of God, Most Holy Parish Choir Nicolaus Decius, 1531, tr. Arthur Russel
German Chorale, 1540, arr. F. Melius Christiansen (1871-1955) F R E D E R I C K S B U R G, V I R G I N I A
12:30 Sun.
Father, If This Cup May Not Pass Matthew 26:36-46; Leo Nestor
bb Antiphon
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I must drink it, thy will be done, thy will be done."
Verses (Choir)
“Sit here while I go yonder to pray.” concluding rites
Then he began to feel sorrow and distress. Antiphon. B L E S S I N G and D I S M I S S A L
“My soul is saddened, even unto death.
Stay here and keep vigil with me.” Antiphon.