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10/26/2004 The Dipole Moment.

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The Dipole Moment

Note that the dipole solutions:

Qd cosθ
V (r ) =
4πε 0 r 2

Qd 1
E (r ) = ⎡ 2cosθ ˆar + sinθ ˆaθ ⎤⎦
4πε 0 r 3 ⎣

provide the fields produced by an electric dipole that is:

1. Centered at the origin.

2. Aligned with the z-axis.

Q: Well isn’t that just grand.

I suppose these equations are
thus completely useless if the
dipole is not centered at the
origin and/or is not aligned
with the z-axis !*!@!

A: That is indeed correct! The expressions above are only

valid for a dipole centered at the origin and aligned with the z-

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To determine the fields produced by a more general case (i.e.,

arbitrary location and alignment), we first need to define a new
quantity p, called the dipole moment:

p =Q d

Note the dipole moment is a vector quantity, as the d is a vector


Q: But what the heck is vector d ??

A: Vector d is a directed distance that extends from the

location of the negative charge, to the location of the
positive charge. This directed distance vector d thus
describes the distance between the dipole charges (vector
magnitude), as well as the orientation of the charges
(vector direction).

Therefore d = d aˆd , where:


d = distance d between charges



ˆad = the orientation of the dipole

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Note if the dipole is aligned with the z-axis, we find that

d = d aˆz . Thus, since aˆz ⋅ aˆr = cos θ , we can write the
Qd cosθ = Q d ˆaz ⋅ ˆar
= Q d ⋅ ˆar
= p ⋅ ˆar

Therefore, the electric potential field created by a dipole

centered at the origin and aligned with the z-axis can be
rewritten in terms of its dipole moment p:

Qd cosθ
V (r ) =
4πε 0 r 2
1 p ⋅ ˆar
4πε 0 r 2

It turns out that, not only is this representation valid for a

dipole aligned with the z-axis (e.g., d = d ˆaz ), it is valid for
electric dipoles located at the origin, and oriented in any

Q d 1 p ⋅ ˆar
V (r ) =
4πε 0 r 2

Although the expression above is valid for any and all dipole
moments p, it is valid only for dipoles located at the origin (i.e.,
r′ = 0 ).

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Q: Swell. But you have

neglected one significant
detail—what are the fields
produced by a dipole when it
is NOT located at the origin?

A: Finding the solution for this problem is our next task!

Note the electric dipole does not “know” where the origin is, or
if it is located there. As far as the dipole is concerned, we do
not move it from the origin, but in fact move the origin from it!

p p
y z

x y

In other words, the fields produced by an electric dipole are

independent of its location or orientation—it is the mathematics
expressing these fields that get modified when we change our
origin and coordinate system!

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p p
If: Then:

Thus, we simply need to translate the previous field (dipole at

the origin) solution by the same distance and direction that we
move the dipole from the origin.
E (r ) E (r )
r r − r′
p p
z r

r′ y

Just as with charge, the location of the dipole (center) is

denoted by position vector r′ .

Note if the dipole is located at the origin, the position vector r

extends from the dipole the location where we evaluate the
electric field.

However, if the dipole is not located at the origin, this vector

extending from the dipole to the electric field is instead r − r′ .
Thus, to translate the solution of the dipole at the origin to a
new location, we replace vector r with vector r − r′ , i.e.:

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r=r becomes r − r′

r r − r′
aˆr = becomes aˆR =
r r − r′

1 p ⋅ ˆar 1p ⋅ (r-r′)
V (r ) = becomes V (r ) =
4πε 0 r 2 4πε 0 r-r′ 3

Thus, a dipole of any arbitrary orientation and location

produces the electric potential field:

1 p ⋅ ˆaR
V (r ) =
4πε 0 r-r′ 2
1 p ⋅ (r-r′)
4πε 0 r-r′ 3

Jim Stiles The Univ. of Kansas Dept. of EECS

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