Section 11 Facility Buildings / Toll Plazas
Section 11 Facility Buildings / Toll Plazas
Section 11 Facility Buildings / Toll Plazas
Table of Contents
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11.1 GENERAL...................................................................................................................1
11.2 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS PROCEDURES ...................................1
11.2.1 DCA SUBMISSION SCHEDULE ............................................................................2
11.3 FACILITY BUILDINGS ...............................................................................................3
11.3.1 DISTRICT MAINTENANCE BUILDINGS ...................................................................3
11.3.2 UTILITY (TOLL) BUILDINGS .................................................................................4
11.3.3 SALT STORAGE FACILITIES ................................................................................4
11.3.4 OTHER BUILDINGS .............................................................................................4
11.4 TOLL PLAZAS............................................................................................................5
11.4.1 GEOMETRICS ....................................................................................................5
11.4.2 TOLL BOOTHS AND DATIM ENCLOSURES...........................................................7
11.4.3 TUNNELS, ISLANDS AND CANOPIES ....................................................................7
11.4.4 TOLL PLAZA CONTRACT .....................................................................................8
11.4.5 UTILITY BUILDING ............................................................................................10
11.4.6 TOLL PLAZA SYSTEMS .....................................................................................12
List of Exhibits
Page No
Exhibit 11 - 1 Sample Delineation of Toll System Construction work ..................................15
Exhibit 11 - 2 Toll Plaza Coordination of Work.....................................................................20
Exhibit 11 - 3 Utility Building Standard Operational Plan Diagram.......................................24
Exhibit 11 - 4 Two way Toll Plaza Layout ............................................................................25
Exhibit 11 - 5 One Way Toll Plaza Layout............................................................................26
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NJTA Design Manual Facility Buildings / Toll Plazas
This section addresses the design and construction of the various facility buildings
and toll plazas on the New Jersey Turnpike and Garden State Parkway.
The buildings addressed are the maintenance district buildings, utility buildings at the
toll plazas, salt storage domes, and other secondary buildings. Providing guidance
for the planning and construction of these various buildings shall assist the Authority
in standardization of facilities throughout the system.
The toll plaza is a facility built to collect tolls on the New Jersey Turnpike and Garden
State Parkway. It typically consists of the toll plaza area formed of islands, toll
booths, pavement, tunnel and canopy. Adjacent to the plaza is the utility building
which is built to house the toll collectors and equipment necessary to process tolls in
a secure environment. For all new plazas, a tunnel usually connects the utility
building to the toll booths located on the islands. A parking lot or parking area is
typically required for the toll collector’s vehicles as well as maintenance or state
police vehicles.
The adopted Code and Sub-codes for work on Authority facilities are as follows:
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In addition to those listed above, other ancillary Sub-codes may be needed for
specialized work and construction. The Engineer shall contact the DCA to verify the
currently adopted Code and Sub-codes for the work being designed at the time of
the design. Currently adopted codes can be found at:
Special design standards are required for all renovation, rehabilitation, addition, and
change of use projects. The Engineer and Architect shall coordinate with the DCA to
determine these requirements during Phase “A” design.
Contract plans, specifications and design calculations for the building and toll plaza
work must be submitted to the DCA for review and concurrence to ensure that the
documents are in conformance with the codes. The documents must be signed and
sealed, as appropriate, by a Professional Engineer or Architect Licensed in the State
of New Jersey and should represent the final design, specifications and plans slated
for construction. Instructions for submittal of design calculations, specifications and
plans, along with the project review application and the fee schedule associated with
the reviews can be found under Construction Project Review at:
Approval of the submission and any subsequent revisions will result in a release for
The fee to the DCA, for review of the contract documents, will be paid by the
Engineer or Architect and reimbursed by the Authority.
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If any standard drawings are required to be submitted to the DCA for review,
the Authority’s Engineering Department will forward signed and sealed copies
to the Engineer or Architect upon request.
3. Room sizes, locations, equipment, storage capacity and materials for the
building shall be discussed with the representatives of the Authority’s
Maintenance Division during Phase “A” of the design process so that
recommendations can be established before final design and plan
The district maintenance building shall be a one story facility with the
following rooms and facilities subject to the Authority’s Maintenance
Department approval:
2 Supervisor’s offices
Separate Men and Women Restrooms/ Locker Rooms/ Bunk Rooms
Lunch Room with cooking facilities
Stock & Inventory Room w/ Maintenance Record Clerk office within
Mechanic’s Room
Mechanical Room with Secure Storage Area
Network Equipment Room
Janitor’s Closet
Garage Bays, number and size to be determined, includes exhaust
removal system
Vehicle Wash Area
Intercom System
Other security and communications systems as directed by the
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4. Site design for a maintenance building facility shall provide for the below
listed items subject to the Authority’s Maintenance Department approval:
2. The salt storage facilities shall conform to a high quality bulk storage
structure as manufactured by Dome Corporation of North America,
Saginaw, MI, or an approved equal. The structures shall be mounted on
a 12 inch thick reinforced concrete retaining wall approximately 8 feet in
height above the ground.
3. The Engineer or Architect shall discuss the parameters of the salt storage
facility design and construction with the Authority’s Maintenance
Department during Phase “A” design to establish the size, storage
capacity, number of entrances, electrical facilities and possible site
condition aspects of the project.
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1. Design Speed
The design speed for the toll plaza area varies from a stop condition at
the booths to the controlling ramp or mainline design speed. Both
horizontal and vertical geometry must be compatible with this variable
design speed.
2. Horizontal Alignment
a. Length - The desirable minimum half-length of the toll plaza area is
500 feet from the plaza centerline to either the ramp nose split or
normal roadway width. The length of the toll plaza area is dependent
upon the geometric controls of the site.
Each split plaza shall be oriented such that the right edge of the lanes
approaching the plaza is approximately tangent, thereby permitting traffic to
disperse to its left, a more natural pattern. Similarly, the configuration of the
lanes leaving the plaza shall also encourage the natural merge left pattern.
3. Vertical Alignment
a. Grades - An initial negative 0.5 percent grade away from the plaza
centerline for about 200 feet is required for all plazas. It is desirable
that relatively flat grades (2 percent or less) be held for at least 500
feet in each direction.
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4. Pavement
a. Pavement types will be established by the Authority’s Engineering
Department. For the initial 500 feet or to the ramp nose, whichever is
less, the shoulder pavement, if present, shall be replaced with full
depth pavement.
For widening of existing toll plazas, the approach and exit pavements
should match the dimensional layout of the adjacent slabs. All new
pavement slabs shall be reinforced as noted above.
5. Plaza Layout
The standard layout for the toll plazas includes the following parameters,
the Standard Drawings TI-1 to TI-7, Exhibit 11 - 4 and Exhibit 11 - 5 at the
end of this Section.
c. 12’-0” lane widths for each outside lane to allow for oversized or wide
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f. A canopy approximately 40 feet wide that covers all toll plaza lanes
and approximately one-half of the outside lanes (as a minimum).
Toll booths for use on the Parkway are not the same construction as those
used on the Turnpike. [Standard Drawings for Parkway Toll Booths will be
published at a later date.] All Parkway toll booths shall be designed and
constructed to accept a coin machine of the current design used by the
Parkway, as well as blister and violation observation window.
Toll booth construction is usually contracted for separately and installed later
by the toll plaza contractor. The toll booths fabricated shall be Industrialized
Building Commission (IBC) Certified in conformance with Section 519.03 of
the Standard Specifications. The DCA must have the certified plans (shop
drawings) submitted to them before there is final approval and release of the
interior and exterior building construction for the toll plaza tunnel. This
requirement promotes the development of an earlier, separate contract for
the toll booths so that toll plaza construction will not be compromised or
delayed waiting for toll booth certification.
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The canopy contract (if separate) usually includes other items such as traffic
signals, overheight vehicle detectors, canopy lighting, E-Z Pass equipment
supports, and roof drains and leaders. The canopy column grillage beam
anchorage is included in the canopy contract while the anchor bolts are
placed by the plaza contractor. The construction limits of these various items
must be clearly shown on the Plans if the canopy is not in the toll plaza
5. Conduits with pull wire embedded in tunnel roof, concrete plaza slab and
islands and other electrical, communication, and toll equipment as
detailed in the Engineering Agreement and described in Subsection
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9. Equipment
See Subsection 11.4.6 for Equipment requirements.
10. Utilities
The utility relocations associated with toll plazas are generally discussed
in Section 7 (Utility Installations, Relocations and Adjustments) of the
Procedures Manual. The Engineer is responsible for coordinating at least
the following relocations with both the Architect and utility company.
c. Power - The Engineer shall provide the conduits to and make the
arrangements for power services to pad mounted transformers
outside the utility building. The Architect is responsible for
connections from the transformer to the building. Load requirements
for the building, the toll booth equipment, the interchange lighting, etc.
must both be considered.
11. Drainage
As previously indicated, the drainage pattern in the toll plaza area is an
important consideration in the development of both the horizontal and
vertical geometry. Ponding of water is not permitted in the pavement
area. Transverse drainage troughs or slotted drains are not allowed in
the toll plaza area. Treadle drains for new construction, as shown on
Standard Drawing TI-7, are to be provided in each New Jersey Turnpike
exit lane and each Garden State Parkway lane.
12. Lighting
All lighting associated with a toll plaza is to be provided as outlined in
Section 7 (Lighting and Power Distribution Systems) of this Manual.
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2. The architectural design quality and language of the utility building shall
become definitive through exploration of multiple schemes, the
consideration of existing conditions and direct design coordination with
the Authority’s Engineering Department. High performance / “green
building” design strategies shall be explored where schedule and budget
4. Materials and finishes considered for the utility building shall be cost
effective, durable and low maintenance. Consideration shall be given to
materials that are derived from renewable resources and contain a high
recycled content. The exterior of new buildings should be comprised of
highly durable and long lasting materials such as brick, masonry or pre-
cast concrete. Roofing should consist of energy efficient standing seam
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Electrical Room
Mechanical Room
ETC Room
Radio Room
Storage Room
Janitor’s Closet
Access to the Tunnel
10. Utility building shall conform to the requirements of Subsection 10.2, DCA
Procedures. The review and approval for construction may take 3
months or more and can be separated from the DCA submittal of the
tunnel and canopy. The separation of the two elements may provide a
better construction scenario if either the building or the toll plaza is on an
accelerated construction schedule.
The Engineer shall coordinate with the Authority’s Engineering, ETC, Internal
Security and TAS Departments to determine the most recent direction, model
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information, and installation requirements for each of the below Systems, and
any additional systems that may be required. This coordination shall occur
during the Phase “A” design, and a report shall be put together detailing the
requirements and system design intent, including block diagrams of each
system, for the Phase “A” Submission. Many of the systems require
components to be installed in both the toll plaza booths, tunnel, and utility
buildings. The Engineer and Architect shall coordinate accordingly.
All toll plazas shall also be provided with Uninterruptible Power Supply
(UPS) systems. This system shall be fed from the Emergency panel, and
shall be used to power only the critical loads of toll collection, revenue,
and communications systems. To allow for future expansion and
reliability of operation, the UPS shall be sized to run at no more than 50%
capacity and shall run for at least 30 minutes for all connected loads.
Where possible, three-phase redundant “hot-backup” systems shall be
installed to ensure maintenance is possible without any power outages to
connected equipment. The Engineer shall coordinate with the TAS and
ETC Departments to determine if any additional design criteria are
required for the UPS installation.
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The Engineer shall utilize the standard toll equipment layout shown in
Standard Drawing XX (to be published at a later date) in order to properly
locate the equipment for all low-speed toll lanes. Locations of equipment
shall be shown on the plans within the tolerances allowed, but installation
shall be shown by others. Continuous paths consisting of conduit,
wireway, and raceway shall be provided between the lane equipment and
the Lane Equipment Cabinets mounted either in the tunnel and/or booths
according to the requirements of Standard Drawing XX (to be published
at a later date).
The Engineer shall contact the Authority’s Engineering, TAS, and ETC
Departments during the Phase A design to determine any specific
requirements for E-ZPass™ systems that may be supplemental to the
direction given here.
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EXHIBIT 11 - 1
Description Furnished Installed Connected
Treadle Frame with filler strip Contractor Contractor N/A
Treadle Sys. Vendor Sys. Vendor Sys. Vendor
Communications Systems
Telephone Cables Contractor Contractor NJTA
Police Radio Cables Contractor Contractor NJTA
Alarm Cables Contractor Contractor NJTA
CCTV Cables Contractor Contractor NJTA
Communications Systems Equipment NJTA NJTA NJTA
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3. Telephone
Telephone systems shall be installed in the booths and/or tunnel as
detailed below:
All Parkway Toll Plazas utilize external (“Bell Phone”) lines. Some plazas
are supplemented with internal (“GSP Phone”) lines in addition to the
external lines. Terminated phone jacks and cable shall be installed and
tested in all rooms and toll booths. The cable shall be home-runned and
terminated on a Type 66 communications punch block in the Radio
Room. All cables shall be labeled on both ends so cables can be
identified in the future.
All Turnpike Toll Plazas utilize external (“Grey Phone”) lines. Terminated
phone jacks and cable shall be installed and tested in all rooms and toll
booths. The cable shall be home-runned and terminated on a Type 66
communications punch block in the Radio Room. All cables shall be
labeled on both ends so cables can be identified in the future.
4. Ethernet
Terminated Category 5e Ethernet jacks and cable shall be installed and
tested in all rooms and toll booths at all toll plazas on the Parkway and
Turnpike. All cables shall be terminated on a Category 5e Patch Panel
mounted to a 19 inch open rack. All hardware shall be provided by the
Contractor. The Authority’s TAS Department will designate the exact
quantity and specific locations of these jacks.
5. Intercom
Intercom stations shall be provided in all booths, and a master intercom
station shall be provided in the Toll Plaza Supervisor’s office, located in
the utility building. Appropriate intercom cabling shall be used to connect
the various equipment to ensure a completely operational system.
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The intercom system manufacturer used is the same for both roadways,
however specific model numbers differ, as different equipment is
installed. The Engineer shall coordinate with the Authority’s TAS
Department for further direction regarding the intercom system.
The Plans shall note that all installations of intercom systems shall be
performed by a manufacturer-certified installer/maintainer. Notes shall be
provided on the Plans indicating that the complete system shall come with
a complete on site one-year warranty and must interact with all current
intercom systems installed across the various Authority facilities. As the
intercom system is viewed as an employee and patron safety issue, the
Contractor shall repair any failures that occur within six (6) hours.
For more specific requirements, the Engineer shall coordinate with the
Authority’s Internal Security and Engineering Departments.
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See Section 8 (ITS and Communication Systems) of this Manual for more
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The Engineer shall design the tunnel to meet these requirements and
avoid the need for Fire Suppression in the tunnel.
On the Turnpike, air supply to booths shall be by central duct system. Air
supply shall be taken from a clean-air location near the utility building, fed
through the tunnel through a large stainless steel duct, and directed to
each booth through a Variable Air Volume (VAV) damper, located in the
tunnel. Hydronic piping shall be run through the length of the tunnel and
connected to heat exchangers for control of temperature. Thermostats
shall be provided inside each booth for control. Each booth shall be
provided with 2 vents, one located under each counter, and the vents
shall be connected by means of a recessed floor pan cast into the island
concrete under the booth. Design air volume per booth shall be 400
Lane Use Signals (“X-Arrow Signals”) shall be utilized on the front canopy
fascia of each active toll lane. Lane Use signals shall be incorporated
into the design as shown on Standard Drawing XX (to be published at a
later date). Mounting shall be through-bolted to canopy fascia. The
Plaza Contract shall include all conduit and wiring for the Lane Use
Signals, and the wiring shall be coiled and left for termination by the
System Vendor at the coordinated location.
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Because there are many accepted details for the installation of Lightning
Protection System devices, please see Standard Drawing XX (to be
published at a later date) for details to be utilized at various plazas and
EXHIBIT 11 - 2
(To be developed for each toll plaza)
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18. ELEC.
20. “M” BOXES
AND RACKS Buildings Tunnel
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** If there is no separate canopy contract, this work is included with toll plaza contract.
F= Furnish I= Install CONTR = Contractor
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EXHIBIT 11 - 3
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EXHIBIT 11 - 4
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EXHIBIT 11 - 5
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