Food Hydrocolloids: Laura Salvia-Trujillo, Eric Andrew Decker, David Julian Mcclements
Food Hydrocolloids: Laura Salvia-Trujillo, Eric Andrew Decker, David Julian Mcclements
Food Hydrocolloids: Laura Salvia-Trujillo, Eric Andrew Decker, David Julian Mcclements
Food Hydrocolloids
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Article history: The aim of this study was to assess the impact of an anionic polysaccharide on the physical properties
Received 29 May 2015 and chemical stability of omega-3 enriched nanoemulsions. Fish oil-in-water nanoemulsions stabilized
Received in revised form with a non-ionic surfactant (Tween 80) were mixed with sodium alginate at several concentrations, and
27 July 2015
then their viscosity, creaming stability, particle size, microstructure, and oxidation were measured. The
Accepted 31 July 2015
Available online 19 August 2015
viscosity of the mixed systems (2.5% w/w of oil) increased with polysaccharide addition, and was pri-
marily governed by the alginate rather than the oil droplets. Droplet flocculation was observed at sodium
alginate concentrations exceeding 0.05% (w/w), which led to rapid creaming and an increase in droplet
size due to coalescence. This effect was attributed to depletion flocculation arising from the exclusion of
Omega-3 fatty acids non-adsorbed polysaccharide molecules from the immediate vicinity of the droplet surfaces. Never-
Lemon oil theless, the addition of alginate (0.1% w/w) to the nanoemulsions decreased the rate and extent of lipid
Oxidation oxidation during storage. This effect was probably due to the ability of anionic groups on the alginate
Sodium alginate molecules to chelate pro-oxidant transition metals (such as iron) in the aqueous phase. This study
Food matrix effects highlights the potential of using alginate as a natural antioxidant in nanoemulsions; however, it also
highlights the potential for this polysaccharide to promote physical instability. This information could be
used to optimize the composition and structure of food matrices designed to improve the oxidative
stability of polyunsaturated lipids.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction fatty acids are highly susceptible to lipid oxidation, which can
negatively impact the shelf life, nutritional value, and flavor of
Fish oils are naturally rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as eico- foods (Arab-Tehrany et al., 2012; Sun, Wang, Chen, & Li, 2011). Lipid
sapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which oxidation is the result of a complex reaction between unsaturated
are long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Omega-3 fatty fatty acids and oxygen-reactive species, which can be divided into
acids play an important role in human nutrition, since their con- initiation, propagation, and termination phases (Waraho,
sumption has been associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular McClements, & Decker, 2011).
diseases and cancer, improved brain development, and prevention In oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions, the oxidation of PUFAs is
of inflammatory related pathologies (Adkins & Kelley, 2010; usually initiated by the interaction of lipid hydroperoxides located
Lorente-Cebrian et al., 2013; Shahidi & Miraliakbari, 2004, 2005). at the surface of the oil droplets with transition metals located in
Due to their reported health benefits, the food industry has an the surrounding aqueous phase (Berton-Carabin, Genot, Gaillard,
increasing interest in food fortification with fish oils (Ganesan, Guibert, & Ropers, 2013; Berton-Carabin, Ropers, & Genot, 2014;
Brothersen, & McMahon, 2014). However, there are challenges McClements & Decker, 2000). Transition metals are able to break
associated with their incorporation into food formulations due to down unsaturated lipids into alkyl radicals, but this reaction occurs
their low water-solubility and poor chemical stability. Omega-3 extremely slowly and is therefore not considered to be the main
cause of lipid oxidation (Akoh & Min, 2008). The dominant reaction
causing lipid oxidation is the decomposition of lipid hydroperox-
* Corresponding author. Department of Food Science, University of Massachu-
ides into peroxyl and alkoxyl radicals by transition metals, which
setts, Amherst, MA, 01003, USA. are highly reactive species able to react with unsaturated lipids in
E-mail address: (D.J. McClements). the oil droplet surface. In turn, this reaction leads to the formation
0268-005X/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Salvia-Trujillo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 52 (2016) 690e698 691
of lipid radicals that cause the propagation of the lipid oxidation 2. Material and methods
reaction when they interact with other lipid molecules in their
vicinity. The formation of lipid radicals eventually terminates when 2.1. Materials
they react with other radicals due to the formation of non-radical
compounds (McClements & Decker, 2000). The rate and extent of Fish oil (Ropufa 30 n3 food oil) was obtained from DSM
lipid oxidation in emulsion-based food products is affected by Nutritional Products Ltd. (Basel, Switzerland). The oil contained
several factors, including temperature, pH, exposure to UV-light, 101 mg of EPA/g of oil, 148 mg of DHA/g oil, and a total of omega-3
and the ratio of antioxidant to pro-oxidant species present in the PUFA of 312 mg/g of oil. Lemon oil (SC 020207, Lot: 2894308) used
food matrix. Thus, there is a need to investigate the role of specific in this work was kindly donated by International Flavors and Fra-
food constituents on lipid oxidation in food emulsions so as to grances (Union Beach, N.J.). Iso-octane, 2-propanol, methanol,
develop more stable food products that are susceptible to lipid buthanol and ethanol were obtained from Fischer Scientific (MA,
oxidation, such as those enriched with omega-3 fatty acids. USA). Fe2SO4, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), thiocyanate,
O/W nanoemulsions are a type of emulsion-based delivery trichloroacetic acid, thiobarbituric acid, butylated hydroxytoluene
system that consists of small (r < 100 nm) oil droplets dispersed (BHT), ethanol, 1,1,3,3-tetraethoxypropane (TEP), Tween 80, sodium
within an aqueous continuous phase David Julian McClements and acetate, acetic acid, sodium alginate, chitosan, methylcellulose, and
Rao (2011). Edible nanoemulsions are particularly suitable for the Nile Red dye were purchased at SigmaeAldrich (St. Louis, MO). All
encapsulation, protection, and release of omega-3 fatty acids aqueous solutions were prepared using purified water from a Milli-
because of their good physical stability and high optical clarity Q filtration system.
(Walker, Decker, & McClements, 2015). In addition, recent in vivo
studies have shown that nanoemulsions lead to higher intestinal 2.2. Methods
absorption of omega-3 fatty acids compared to conventional
emulsions (Dey, Ghosh, Ghosh, Koley, & Dhar, 2012). The incorpo- 2.2.1. Nanoemulsion formation
ration of omega-3 fatty acids in nanoemulsions has been the focus The lipid phase of nanoemulsions consisted of a mixture of fish
of several research papers, confirming the feasibility to achieve oil and lemon oil (50:50 w/w). Both oils were mixed and stirred for
highly stable delivery systems (Belhaj, Arab-Tehrany, & Linder, 5 min at room temperature. The aqueous phase of the nano-
2010; Gulotta, Saberi, Nicoli, & McClements, 2014). Nevertheless, emulsions consisted of 100 mM acetic-acetate buffer at pH 3.0. A
there is currently a lack of information on the oxidative stability of coarse emulsion was formed by mixing lipid phase (10% w/w),
omega-3 enrich nanoemulsions once they are incorporated into Tween 80 (1% w/w), and aqueous phase (89% w/w) with a high-
food systems. Therefore, there is a need to study the potential in- sheer blender for 2 min at 20,000 rpm. The resulting coarse
teractions between omega-3 nanoemulsions and other ingredients emulsion was then passed three times through a microfluidizer
present in food formulations that might alter their physicochemical (model M110-P, Microfluidics, Newton, MA) working at 15,000 psi
stability. to form a nanoemulsion.
Polysaccharides are commonly used as functional ingredients in
the food industry to formulate emulsion-based foods, e.g., as sta- 2.2.2. Mixing experiments
bilizing, thickening, or gelling agents (Phillips & Williams, 2000). A sodium alginate stock solution was prepared by stirring the
The addition of sufficiently high levels of polysaccharide to the powdered polysaccharide ingredient (2% w/w) into acetic-acetate
aqueous phase of an emulsion inhibits creaming by thickening or buffer (100 mM, pH 3.0) until complete dissolution had occurred.
gelling the aqueous phase. However, over a certain concentration Sodium alginate solution was used immediately without any
range polysaccharides may actually promote physical instability in further storage. A series of nanoemulsions containing different
emulsions by promoting droplet flocculation through a bridging or alginate concentrations (0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1% w/
depletion mechanism (Dickinson, 2003; McClements, 2015). w) but the same oil (2.5% w/w) and surfactant (0.25% w/w) content
Consequently, the amount of polysaccharide added to an emulsion were prepared by mixing sodium alginate stock solution (2% w/w),
as a functional ingredient must be carefully controlled to produce buffer solution (100 mM acetic-acetate, pH 3.0) and nanoemulsions
the desired textural properties and physical stability. Certain types together in different ratios. The systems were stirred for 5 min
of polysaccharides may also play other important roles in stabiliz- before physicochemical characterization.
ing emulsion-based foods. For example, studies have shown that
certain types of anionic polysaccharide can inhibit the oxidation of 2.2.3. Rheological properties
emulsified lipids due to their ability to chelate metallic ions (Kishk The rheological properties of the mixtures containing sodium
& Al-Sayed, 2007). alginate and nanoemulsions were measured using a dynamic shear
The specific aim of the present work was to study the influence rheometer (Kinexus, Malvern Instruments Ltd, Worcestershire, UK).
of polysaccharide addition on the rheology, physical stability, and In addition, sodium alginate solutions with the same poly-
oxidative stability of omega-3 nanoemulsions. Nanoemulsions saccharide concentration range as the mixed systems were also
were prepared from an oil phase that consisted of a blend of fish oil measured. A cup-and-bob measurement cell was used for all
and lemon oil. The fish oil was the source of omega-3 fatty acids, measurements: the bob had a diameter of 25 mm and the cup had a
whereas the lemon oil was used to facilitate nanoemulsion for- diameter of 27.5 mm. The shear stress was measured as a function
mation by lowering the interfacial tension and dispersed phase of shear rate from 0.1 to 100 s1 at 25 C. The apparent shear vis-
viscosity (McClements and Rao, 2011). The impact of sodium algi- cosity is also reported at 10 s1, a rate that is similar to that expe-
nate on the rheology and physical stability of the emulsions was rience by foods during mastication of semi-solid foods (Shama &
examined, whereas the impact of three polysaccharides with Sherman, 1973). The measurements were programmed and recor-
different charge characteristics was used in the oxidation studies: ded using the instrument software (Kinexsus rSpace, Malvern In-
sodium alginate (anionic), chitosan (cationic) and methylcellulose struments Ltd., MA, USA).
(non ionic). Overall, the objective of this research was to provide
information about the potential beneficial or detrimental effects of 2.2.4. Creaming index
polysaccharide addition on the properties and stability of omega-3 Creaming of mixed systems (10 mL) was monitored at room
fatty acid enriched nanoemulsions. temperature by visual observation and measurement with a ruler
692 L. Salvia-Trujillo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 52 (2016) 690e698
of the thickness (mm) of the serum layer formed at the lower part vortexed, kept for 20 min in the absence of light and the absorbance
of glass tubes (HS), expressed as a percentage of the total height of was measured spectrophotometrically (Ultrospec 3000 pro, GE
the emulsions in the tubes (HE): Creaming Index (CI) ¼ 100 HS/HE. Health Sciences, USA) at 510 nm. The concentration of hydroper-
oxides was calculated from a standard curve of cumene peroxide.
2.2.5. Nanoemulsion characteristics
The droplet size distribution and electrical charge (z-potential) TBARS test. The method used to determine the secondary
of the nanoemulsions were measured during 16 days of storage oxidation products was based on a previously reported method
time at room temperature. The particle size distribution was (McDonald & Hultin, 1987). An aliquot of 1 mL of sample was added
measured by static light scattering (SLS) (Mastersizer 2000, Mal- to 2 mL of the TBA reagent in a screw cap test tube. The TBA reagent
vern Instruments, Worcestershire, UK). The refractive index of the was prepared in advance by mixing 100 mL of a solution containing
oil phase (50:50 w/w fish oil:lemon oil), measured with a refrac- 20% w/v trichloroacetic acid (TCA), 0.375% w/v thiobarbituric acid
tometer, was 1.479. Samples were diluted in 100 mM acetic-acetate (TBA) and 0.25 M HCl with 3 mL of 2% w/v of BHT in ethanol. Test
buffer (pH 3.0) to avoid multiple scattering effects, and then stirred tubes were then heated in a boiling water bath for 15 min, cooled
in the dispersion unit of the instrument at a speed of 1250 rpm to down in a water bath, and centrifuged at 1000 g for 15 min. The
ensure they were homogeneous prior to analysis. The particle size absorbance was measured spectrophotometrically in a quartz
is reported as the volume-weighted mean diameter (d43) in mm cuvette at 532 nm. The concentration of secondary oxidation spe-
(McClements, 2015). cies was determined by means of a 1,1,3,3-tetraethoxypropane
The z-potential of the particles was measured by phase-analysis (TEP) standard curve.
light scattering (Zetasizer NanoZS, Malvern Instruments, Worces-
tershire, UK). Samples were diluted 1:10 with 100 mM acetic- 2.2.8. Statistical analysis
acetate buffer solution (pH 3.0) and then placed in a capillary cell The mixing experiments were carried out in duplicate. The
equipped with two electrodes to assess the electrophoretic measurements of the creaming index and the particle size of the
mobility of the particles. mixed systems were determined in duplicate whereas the rheo-
logical properties, z-potential, and oxidation tests were carried out
2.2.6. Confocal fluorescence microscopy in triplicate. The results were expressed as the mean and the
Confocal fluorescence microscopy images were taken to deter- standard deviation. A statistical analysis software program (JMP 8,
mine destabilization phenomena in the mixed systems. The mixed SAS Institute Inc.) was used to perform the analysis of variance. The
systems were dyed with Nile red, a fat-soluble fluorescent dye that Student's t test was run to determine significant differences at a 5%
was previously dissolved at 0.1% (w/v) in ethanol. An air-cooled significance level (p < 0.05).
argon ion laser Model IMA1010 BOS (Melles Griot, Carlsbad, CA)
was used to excite Nile red at 488 nm. A Nikon Confocal Microscope 3. Results and discussion
(Nikon D-Eclipse C1 80i, Nikon, Melville, NY) with a 60 oil im-
mersion objective lens was used to capture the confocal images. 3.1. Influence of polysaccharide on rheological properties
The resulting fluorescent spectra of Nile red were detected in the
515 nm channel equipped with a narrow pass filter (HQ 515/30 m) The rheological behavior of the samples was characterized by
with a pinhole size of 150 mm. The images generated had a size of measuring the shear stress versus shear rate dependence, and then
512 512 pixels, with a pixel size of 414 nm, and a pixel dwell time calculating the apparent viscosity. Measurements were made for
of 61.44 ms. All images were taken and processed using the in- samples containing different amounts of sodium alginate in both
strument software program (EZ- CS1 version 3.8, Nikon, Melville, the absence and presence of nanoemulsion droplets. The results for
NY). the sodium alginate solutions containing no emulsion droplets are
shown in Fig. 1. Similar results were obtained for the sodium algi-
2.2.7. Oxidation measurements nate solutions containing nanoemulsion droplets, and therefore
The concentration of hydroperoxides was used as an indication this data is not shown. In both cases, the apparent viscosity
of the primary oxidation products formed in the nanoemulsions as significantly increased with increasing polysaccharide concentra-
a result of oxidation, whereas the concentration of thiobarbituric tion, which is expected since biopolymers alter the flow profile of
acid reactive substances (TBARS) was used as an indication of aqueous solutions leading to greater energy dissipation. Samples
secondary oxidation products. A 100 mM Fe2þ solution (prepared containing relatively high levels of polysaccharide (>0.05% w/w)
from Fe2SO4 and containing 100 mM EDTA) was incorporated into showed distinct shear thinning behavior, i.e., the apparent viscosity
the mixed systems to achieve a final concentration of 50 mM of Fe2þ decreased with increasing shear rate (Fig. 1). This effect can be
in the samples. The ferrous solution in mixed systems was added to attributed to disentanglement, alignment, and deformation of the
induce the oxidation reaction and allowing the determination of polysaccharide molecules within the shear field at high shear rates.
the antioxidant capacity of sodium alginate. The mixed systems The apparent viscosity (at 10 s1 shear rate) of aqueous solu-
were incubated at 37 C in 25-mL plastic tubes during 16 days in the tions containing different amounts of sodium alginate was
dark. compared in the absence and presence of nanoemulsion droplets
(Fig. 2). These results indicate that the rheology of the mixed sys- Hydroperoxides test. The method used to determine hy- tems was dominated by the presence of the alginate molecules,
droperoxides in the nanoemulsions was adapted from a previously rather than by the nanoemulsion droplets. For both systems, there
reported method (Shantha & Decker, 1994). A 0.3-mL aliquot of was a gradual significant increase in shear viscosity with increasing
sample was added to 1.5 mL of iso-octane/2-propanol blend (3:1), alginate concentration from around 0 to 0.05 % (w/w), followed by a
vortexed 3 times for 10 s each and successively centrifuged (CL10 much steeper increase as the polysaccharide concentration was
centrifuge, Thermo Scientific) for 1 min at 1000 g. The upper increased further. Other authors have also reported a steep increase
organic phase was collected to determine the hydroperoxide value. in the viscosity of nanoemulsions with increasing alginate con-
A 0.2-mL aliquot of the organic phase was mixed with 2.8 mL of a centration above a certain concentration (Levi c et al., 2015). This
methanol:butanol solution (2:1), 15 mL of 3.94 M thiocyanate so- increase is a result of stronger chainechain interactions in more
lution and 15 mL of 0.072 M Fe2þ solution. The mixture was concentrated biopolymer solutions, and tends to lead to distinct
L. Salvia-Trujillo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 52 (2016) 690e698 693
Fig. 1. Shear stress (Pa) vs. shear rate (s1) of sodium alginate solutions at different concentrations without mixing with omega-3 nanoemulsions.
non-Newtonian behavior (Manojlovic, Djonlagic, Obradovic, significantly different from those containing no oil droplets (Fig. 2)
Nedovic, & Bugarski, 2006). The fact that the apparent viscosity can be attributed to the relatively low level of oil droplets (2.5% w/
of the sodium alginate solutions containing oil droplets was not w) present in the mixtures. Other authors have reported an
appreciable increase in the apparent viscosity of alginate solutions
after mixing with O/W emulsions (Sosa-Herrera, Lozano-Esquivel,
0.02 Ponce de Leo n-Ramírez, & Martínez-Padilla, 2012). However,
these authors used much higher oil droplet concentrations (30% w/
Apparent viscosity (Pa.s)
0.015 w) and droplet diameters (10 mm) than the ones used in our study.
0.25 0.01
3.2. Physical stability
0.2 The physical stability of omega-3 nanoemulsions containing
0 sodium alginate was studied by measuring changes in gravitational
0.15 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 separation, particle size, z-potential, and microstructure.
100 24 hours
48 hours
192 hours
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Sodium alginate (%)
Fig. 3. Creaming index (CI) of omega-3 nanoemulsions after being mixed (24, 48 and 192 h) with sodium alginate solutions at different concentrations.
considerably less than that observed at intermediate alginate and particle size distribution measured after 16 days storage at
concentrations. The origin of this effect can be attributed to the room temperature (Figs. 4 and 5). The initial droplet diameter of the
ability of the non-adsorbed alginate molecules to induce depletion nanoemulsions prepared by microfluidization was 135 nm, and this
flocculation, as well as to increase the viscosity of the continuous size remained relatively unchanged throughout storage in the
phase. The lipid droplets were coated by a non-ionic surfactant absence of alginate. The addition of sodium alginate to the aqueous
(Tween 80), and therefore there should not have been a strong phase of the nanoemulsions led to a significant increase in the oil
attraction between the polysaccharide molecules and the droplet droplet diameter after storage, by an amount that depended on
surfaces. In the absence of alginate, there would be a strong steric polysaccharide concentration. It should be noted that any flocs
repulsion between the lipid droplets because of the polymeric present in an emulsion that are held together by osmotic attraction
nature of the hydrophilic surfactant head groups. In the presence of are usually dissociated when the sample is diluted for particle size
alginate, there will be an osmotic attraction generated between the measurements (McClements, 2015). This phenomenon occurs
droplets due to exclusion of the polymer molecules from the vi- because dilution causes the polymer concentration to fall below the
cinity of the droplet surfaces. The strength of this osmotic attraction critical amount required to induce depletion flocculation. Conse-
increases as the concentration of non-adsorbed alginate molecules quently, any observed increase in droplet diameter can be
in the aqueous phase increases. Eventually, the strength of the
attractive forces (van der Waals and osmotic) are strong enough to
overcome the repulsive interactions (steric) leading to flocculation.
At intermediate alginate concentrations the solution viscosity was
still relatively low (Fig. 2), and so the flocculated droplets tended to
cream rapidly because of the increase in particle size. At high
alginate concentrations, the droplets were still strongly attracted to
each other, but the aqueous phase viscosity was so high that they
could not move rapidly upward. Other authors have also reported
that non-adsorbed polysaccharides can promote droplet aggrega-
tion in emulsions through a depletion mechanism at intermediate
droplet concentrations (Cao, Dickinson, & Wedlock, 1990; Cho &
McClements, 2009; Dickinson, Goller, & Wedlock, 1995;
Dickinson, Semenova, Antipova, & Pelan, 1998; Rebiha, Moulai-
Mostefa, & HadjSadok, 2012). Besides their concentration, the
structure of polysaccharide molecules also impacts their ability to
induce depletion flocculation. Theoretical calculations indicate that
only small amounts of highly extended polysaccharide molecules
are required to induce depletion flocculation in aqueous solutions
(McClements, 2000). This would account for the fact that less than
0.1% sodium alginate was required to promote depletion floccula-
tion in this study.
0 1% 5 10 15
-1 0.75%
-2 0.25%
Zeta-potential (mV)
Fig. 5. Particle size distribution of omega-3 nanoemulsion-sodium alginate mixtures
immediately after mixing (A) and after 16 days of storage (B). -9
Storage time (days)
Fig. 6. z-potential of omega-3 nanoemulsion-sodium alginate mixtures during storage
time (16 days).
attributed to coalescence, rather than flocculation. The most drastic
increase in the mean droplet size was observed at intermediate
alginate concentrations, i.e., 0.5% w/w (Figs. 4 and 5). These results Alternatively, it may simply have been due to the fact that there
are in agreement with the creaming stability measurements were more anionic alginate molecules in the measurement cell of
(Fig. 3), indicating that depletion flocculation promoted droplet the micro-electrophoresis instrument (Pawar & Edgar, 2012),
coalescence. Presumably, the osmotic attraction between the oil which contributed to the signal used to calculate the z-potential.
droplets was strong enough to force the droplets together and However, the micro-electrophoresis technique does not allow one
disrupt the interfacial layers that normally separate them. Inter- to distinguish the contribution of each species to the overall elec-
estingly, 0.75% or 1% (w/w) sodium alginate led to a more modest trical charge of the system.
increase in droplet size than at intermediate levels. This suggests
that high concentrations of polysaccharide may protect the drop-
lets from coalescence, perhaps by retarding their movement,
3.2.4. Confocal microscopy
thereby inhibiting their ability to come into close contact. On the
The microstructure of nanoemulsions containing different
other hand, nanoemulsions containing 0.05% (w/w) or lower so-
amounts of sodium alginate was evaluated after 16 days storage
dium alginate did not show a remarkable increase in droplet size
using confocal fluorescence microscopy (Fig. 7). The microscopy
after storage. In this case, the osmotic attraction between the
images of the nanoemulsions confirmed the results of the creaming
droplets may not have been strong enough to disrupt the interfacial
stability and particle size measurements. In the absence of alginate,
layers separating them. A number of previous studies have also
the oil droplets were evenly distributed throughout the samples
reported that droplet flocculation can promote droplet coalescence
indicating that they were stable to flocculation. At intermediate
in emulsions by bringing the droplets into close proximity
alginate concentrations (0.5% w/w), the oil droplets were present in
(Dickinson & Pawlowsky, 1997; Klongdee, Thongngam, &
large irregularly shaped flocs. The large dimensions of these flocs
Klinkesorn, 2012; Ye, Hemar, & Singh, 2004).
would account for the high susceptibility of these nanoemulsions to
creaming instability (Fig. 3). The fact that the droplets were forced
3.2.3. z-potential into close proximity within the flocs would account for the
The electrical characteristics of the nanoemulsion droplets were extensive droplet coalescence observed by particle size analysis
measured during storage to determine if there was any changes in (Fig. 4). At high alginate concentrations, the oil droplets were still
surface charge due to various physicochemical events: generation flocculated but the flocs appeared smaller, more tenuous, and more
of ionic lipid oxidation or hydrolysis products (such as free fatty evenly dispersed (Fig. 7). The more open structure of the flocs may
acids); adsorption/desorption of multivalent ions (such as Fe2þ); have been because of the increase in the osmotic attraction be-
adsorption of polysaccharide molecules (such as alginate). Overall, tween the oil droplets in the presence of high alginate levels. When
the electrical charge (z-potential) on the nanoemulsion droplets two or more droplets stick together they tend to remain in their
was slightly anionic and remained relatively low and constant original positions, rather than rolling around, which leads to a more
throughout the storage period (Fig. 6). The low charge on the tenuous internal floc structure (lower fractal dimension)
droplets can be attributed to the fact that they are stabilized by a (Dickinson, 2013). The smaller size and more even distribution of
non-ionic surfactant, and so one would not expect a large droplet the flocs may have been due to the relatively high aqueous phase
charge or that the anionic polysaccharide molecules would adsorb viscosity, which inhibited the movement of individual oil droplets
to the droplet surfaces. There was a slight increase in the magnitude and flocs. Other authors have also used confocal microscopy to
of the negative charge with increasing alginate concentration. This monitor changes in the microstructure of emulsions after mixing
may have occurred due to cationic ions (such as Fe2þ) being pulled with biopolymers due to bridging or depletion mechanisms
away from the lipid droplet surfaces because they became bound by (Moschakis, Murray, & Biliaderis, 2010; Moschakis, Murray, &
anionic groups on the non-adsorbed alginate molecules. Dickinson, 2006).
696 L. Salvia-Trujillo et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 52 (2016) 690e698
Fig. 7. Confocal microscopy images of omega-3 nanoemulsions-sodium alginate mixtures after 16 days of storage time.
Indeed, studies have shown that cationic chitosan molecules can
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fects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry,
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droplets (Mun, Decker, & McClements, 2006). This observation Akoh, C. C., & Min, D. B. (2008). Food lipids: Chemistry, nutrition, and biotechnology.
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generally, our results indicate that the charge of a polysaccharide Belhaj, N., Arab-Tehrany, E., & Linder, M. (2010). Oxidative kinetics of salmon oil in
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4. Conclusions Cao, Y., Dickinson, E., & Wedlock, D. J. (1990). Creaming and flocculation in emul-
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Cho, Y.-H., & McClements, D. J. (2009). Theoretical stability maps for guiding
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the viscosity of the nanoemulsions, which may be advantageous for Dey, T.k., Ghosh, S., Ghosh, M., Koley, H., & Dhar, P. (2012). Comparative study of
some applications (such as dressings, sauces, or dips), but unde- gastrointestinal absorption of EPA & DHA rich fish oil from nano and conven-
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