(Ebook) - Osprey Publishing - Aircam Aviation Series No. 039 - Messerschmitt BF 109B-C-D-E in Luftwaffe and Foregin Service PDF
(Ebook) - Osprey Publishing - Aircam Aviation Series No. 039 - Messerschmitt BF 109B-C-D-E in Luftwaffe and Foregin Service PDF
(Ebook) - Osprey Publishing - Aircam Aviation Series No. 039 - Messerschmitt BF 109B-C-D-E in Luftwaffe and Foregin Service PDF
(Val. 1 j
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bcrn .-oulnped w ~ l hF r y p r ~ r h a u s~t y s l t - ~ r l
! o a wrdcTy-held hellef that the fighter was badIy undcr- th:m ahour 300 m.p.h. T h e completion of rhc Bf 109V10
.jrrt.ssed. I n fact no such wcakne~rcuisted. On the othcr prorotvpc I~n~vvvrr reprcscntcd a cubstantial improvcmmr;
h-lnd ~t wnr confirmed that thc Uf 109 was undcr~unned- ilclng a rtandard B-2 airframe, it was pwcrtld lly a
t v t n h> t11c ptandord~of. t h c Civil \Tar-~hilr rhree other development DH 650 engine of 960 h.p., and thih rctilrncd
weakne~ser; werc rrcopisrd: that of ruddcr buffct. of a maximum spccd o I 320 m.p.h. T h e ncxr two protorvpes,
a l n g \huddtr rccultinq from the autnmaric slats opcning V-11 and Y-12 (also uqlng R-Z airtrame.;) were fltted
at ton low an nrrspeed, and ~nhercnrundercarri~gt.w ~ a k - with production DR 600,4 cnglnes. snd thesc aircraft rvcrc
n r s p (this latter penl\ting thrtnughout the lll9'\ lift and patrtrnq for rhr RI 10913 protiucrion ver5tm which had a
ilu-ays demandinfi spcclal care when landing and tnxling). maximum spced of 323 m.p.11. and a qervicc ce~lingof
yo~wlthstandinp thcsc shortcom~ngs, German pilots 31,200 fret. Rv uslnl: I3-2 nirframcs a $mall prc-production
gamed ctmslderahle succesces i n air vornbnt. and amonR batch of Rf 109D-0.; u7a5 completed earlv In 1938 armcd
t h t scores a ~ l a l n e d by lLicc~crschrnltt pilols who wcrc to with twn wing-rnountcd MG 13\ and a vinglr hub-fir~ng
f~aursprominently In tlic Sccnnd World War were those FF cannon.
b ) Wrrner MnFders (14). Herbert Ihlrfeld (7>, Rcinhnrd Ds5pite the improvement5 in power provided by thc
Seiler <9), W1alter Oernu !X) a t ~ dGhnthcr Lutzuw ( 5 ) . DH hW. such wa\ the rnpidiw ol cnglne dt.velr>pment In
ETorrs t o rcmcdy tIic arnlarnent sllorrcomin~shad con- Gcrnmanv in 1937-38, the Ef l09D rvas 5horrlivcd in
tinucd unchecked a t Aup~hurg: the Bf l04VX prurotype T,ufrrr~af(efir-r-I~ne use. It ic helieved that only about 350
included the ~dditionof t w o wing-mountcd M G 17 gun.; w c h aircraft. t h e HI 10913-1, wrre built : ~ n dthat these only
and the Bf 109V9 i'catured lwa win^-maunrcd 70-mm. FT: cquippcd nnc Y a g d ~ r u p p ein Gcrmanv in 193s l'hev were
gun5 (nlmost clmulrancouslv In Rritnm the Hurricane was witl~drawn from operational usc and re-J~striburinn to
being readied for experlmental 1n51allalion of a pair of 6phrrr schools in small numbers, n,fi!le othcrs contlnucd
20-mrn Runs under t h e winp). I'hc outcomc o l these to he flown h y Srnh SrajJeln of combat unity a s late nq
protutvpc., waq thc fif 117PGthc p r d u c t i o n verfion 1941 (one or ~ w o cvcn featuring in low rccords duslng rht.
which occupied the axsemblv linc durnng September to alr hstrlcs of 1940). Silch was the ascendancv nnricipatcd
Octohcr 1937. T h e prc-product~nn Rf 1WC-0 and early in thc Iarer verqinnq rhnt Gtrmanv [rlr. confidrnt in allow-
C-1s were armed with two now-mo~intcdand two wlng- ing rhc cxporr of rhrce Bf IR9C-Zc to Hungnrv late in 1938
rntluntcd MG 17 rnachlnc-guns. whilc the C-2 ~ncludcd and ten to Switzerland. Dthcr Bf lfl9D-1s scrvcd wlrh
the hub-tir~nghlG 17 In addlhnn. T w c (:-Is wcre sent to Z~r+torerfesc/ru~arler
Spa~ri as rcplncrmcnt\ for ~ u ~ d g v u p p7J8R's c 2 S~nffcl T h e SU'IISRf IWC\ were regi\tered as 7-70! to 9-310.
in M a y 1938, and the following A u ~ s t12 cuch alrcraft deliverier b c i n ~cornpletcd b y mid-lanuarv 1939: they
rc-cqulppcd thc 3 Sraffel-later led with w c h success wesr mainly riped for conversion tralninq ~ n wcrc d dlstrih-
bv Molders. n 15 nnd 21 of the Sw15s
uted among P l ~ e g e r k o r n p a ~ i e1;.
Tlrc Rf lfl9G-4 was an unsuccessful variant armed with Alr Force bawd a t Thun. Payerne and D u k n d o r f
four MG 17 m n r and a huh-fir in^ 20-mm. FF cannon, respcctir.cly.
but the wc~_ehtof armament lim~tcdrllc speed to no more
than 172 m.p.h., while the cannon c n ~ l r ~ n u c dto p v c The "Ernil'" appears
lurthcr pcrwstcnt trouhle.
'The cnglne development referred to above cenrred princi-
Mora powerful engines at l a s t pally ;ibnut carburnrion nnd ~uprrchnrgirq-~ndrcd
German eneineers l~arl for some vear< bccn advancing in
Nune of the rMeqwrrchmitr\ which werc cent to Spain up direct lurl ~nlc.ctionand it was r ~ c o g n l ~ ethat
d cllminaiion
l o the 5umrncr of 1938 urere capabtc of %peed.;greater ot rhc customary carburettor would bectow cun\idrrah]e
White 1 1 o l II /JG 1 roseu-odor In
thc sI,,nw un UE.KO] airf~eld.
( H a n s Oberr)
ir t ) t l O 9 E n: 1 1 1 /JG 77 ( 7 ~ ' l ylanded nn n Norweq~aoalrffeld ( H A ~nh~rt)
to close escort duties, a chore that frustrated the fighter tiations a n initial contract for 50 Bf 109E-3s was signed,
pilots' Instinct for individua11sm. Sticking close to *low and t h ~ swas lollowed by an order for a further 50. In
Immkrs, which ra~dedfurther and further into England, the event only 73 arr~ved for scrvice with the y u ~ o -
resulted in thc RE 109s running dangerouvEy short of fuel, slocbnr.ko kraitevsko rarnn cw&hnplou~wu (JKRL'), They
90 thnt not only were they nftcn forced ro break off combat served with the (IZ.Lm:ncka p u p a . and the 102. and 161.
and leave the bombers unescorted, bur thelr pilots had to eskdrzlla of the S1.Lrwacka q u p a of the 6th Fighter
nurse thcir aircraft hack acrosq the Ionelv watcrs of the Regirnenr, the 31.Lswacka gridpa of the 2nd Flghter
Channel wonder~ng whether the dreaded fuel warning Reg~ment, and with the Fighter Training Squadron
Iight would signal a watery landing. Seldom after the (SomusraIna e\kadr~lralwacke j-hnle), At thr rime of the
opening weeks of the Batrle were the Rf 109s permitted German invasion of Yugoslavia on 6 April 1941 only 46
ro fly unre~trictcdfret: chases bur when thcv did (as In Bf 109Es a c r e available at combat readiness, and ~ h e ~ r
the first weck of September) the RAF suffered crueIly. p11ots Rave a creditable account of themselves (nfren fight-
T h e mistaken use of his best aircraft was one of the basic jng agalnst s i m l l ~ rWf 109Es of the L ~ i j z w o f f but
~ ) wcrc
errors which cmt Goring the Batde. coon ovenvhrImcd by the huge weight of the German
The "'Ernil"' in foreign colaurs A Lufrwafle misslon ro Romania in September 1940
was folPoweci by that country's joining Gcrmany in the
Between I939 and 1941 a tord of 284 Bf 109Es was ex- Trlparrite Pact on 23 Nwcrnbrr, and resulted in a
parted; in addition, there was a number of others, which, quantity of German rnilltary aircraft being nrdcrcd-
lortunes of war, found themselve~ m the colours of including 40 Rf 109E-47. Hy thc time of the Gcrman
other natlons-including ar least four flown in Britsin, invaslon of Russia in 1941, these aircraft had nor been
one in France and onc in Sweden. The i'rrqt Bf 109E, integrated in10 the Forrelor Acrlene Read d s Rorninra
believcd to havc h e n a n E-3, was forced down at Amicns, {Rorat Alr Forccq n l Romanla, or FARR) and the
France, on 2 Mav 1940. Ir was immediately painted in Romanian elemcnts of Lufrflorr~4 suffcrcd considerable
French colours, although only one pilot of the Armie de nttririon on the Bes~arabianFront. Early in 1942 Florila I
I'Alr flew it; it was a l w flown by pllots of Nos. 1 and 73 clndroare was wlthdrnivn for rc-equipping, it.; surviving
Squadrons of thc RAF, repaintcd in British colourc and He ll2.R: and PZL F.Z41!s being replaced by the RT
transferred to Boscombe Don- where it was extensively 109E-4, of which a total of 69 had bv then arrived
flown. Within six months a furrher rhree Rf 109s west from Germany. These aircraft were concentrated in two
flying in British co1our.;-a Rf 109F-I and two 11-45, fighter groups of the 1st Air Corps ( C ~ p u lI Aerian) and
TIrc Swedish example was an E-I YWhlte 3" of 4/7G fought lor atwut six month., in the Ukrainc until replaced
77, lVerke Nr. DRZO) which accidentally forcelanded in hy 13E IflYG-6s and G-Hs.
Sweden on 24 October 1940. Littlc 1s known of the fete of At the 5ame tlme hat the Bf 109E-4s joined the
this aircraft save lhaf it was the subject of a diplomatic Romanian CYorpuI 1 Auem, a further 40 Bf 109E-4s
exchange in November 1940, suggesting that it was re- were supplied to re-equip Hunjyrian alr elemenr~ of
covered intact and probably flown In Swedish coIours. Suftflozte 4 %hose Fiat C.K.42 biplanes had also quffcred
The pdot, Uffz. Frclba, was interned. consrderably m Russ~anskies.
Thc Iargesr forcign cusromer far rhe "Emil" was Swit- Ana~licr signarorv of tY~c Axis Tripartite Pact was
zerland. I h ~ r t y R t 109Es, powcred by the 1,100 h.p. Bulgaria, and by the time of the signlng of the Pact its
D.)B601Aa and armed w11h two 7.45-mm. and two 20-mm, air arm (an integral part of the D u l ~ ~ r i aArmy) n had
Hlspano cannon, were dcllvered hetwecn 14 April 1939 ordcrcd 19 Bf 109E-4s.Nevertheless, unltke Romania and
and the end of June that year. A furrhcr ordcr for 50 Hungary, Bulgaria tmk n o significant part in the early
s l r n ~ h r aircraft was quickly placed, and dclrveries or campaigns la Russia and it is rhuught unlikelv that her
these w a s completcd by 27 April 1940. By mid-1940 SEX BS 1091% saw combat service.
n , 6 , 7 , 8, 9, 15 and 21 had reached
F l ~ e g e r k o m p a ~ n ~ eNos. O n lhe other hand, following the formation of the
full opcratronal s t a m . Despitr SWISS neutraliry, frcqucnt Slorakian RepubIic in 1939, a semi-autonomous Slovak
evcurslons rhrouph her sirspace resulted in numcmus corn- Air Force particlparcd alongside the Lufrmafle in the
bats w t h the warring airforces. On rhc whole the Swrss Polish campalp of t h a ~ ycar. The following year 16
nf 109 pilot^ Seem to havc given a good acmunl of them- Bf 109E-3s wcrc supplted ta this Air Force and in 1941
<elves. 'Thc impurtrd "Ern~l\"' were registered 3-311 to two squadrons of Bf 109Es f o u ~ h twith the German forces
3-390. Rf 109s werc also h u h under l~cenccIn Switzerland, Invading Russia.
although I ? fa bel~eved that production by the Dornlm- This cumpleres the list or "Emils" exportcd for servlcc
Wcrkc AG of Altenrheln, Switzerland, was ~ntended to wirh foreign air forccs, akhough it is known that at least
proclde spares and llrn~ted rcplaccments; in thr: event, five such alrcraft werc supplied ro the U.S.S.R. in 1939-40.
only nine complete alrcrafr, four sets of wing-s and sevrn T w o further aircrzft werc sh~pped to Japan where it
fu~rlageswcre produced between April 1944 rind M a r c h was inrrnded to licence-build the lypc at the Kawasaki
1946; rhe cornplefcd arrcrafr wcrc reg~stered 7-311 to planr, but this plan never mxtcrialiscd.
7-399. 'Thcrc is nu doubt that the Bf 1O9E was the finest
Next largest quantity of cxporred Rf lD9Es went to fighter based an the Europcan continent between July and
Yugmlavra, wl~ich during 1938 emharkcd o n substantial neccrnher 1940, but by the lime Gcrmany attacked
fighrcr re-equ~pmcnt,endeavouring tn a c q u h such fightcrs R u s w ir had been overlaken by thc Rf ln9F, and the
a\ wcre permltrcd for <ale by El~rnpeangavernmenr\, as "Ernil" nevcr a g i n enjoyed rhe unquestioned ~upcriorily
~ build them. Afrcr rnonthr nf nego-
well as I ~ c e n c c to rt Iound in the months that prccsdcd the fall of Francc.
I- 1
:I( , (G Jous vla M . C . Wlndrow)
--. Y
kbrdn & Inlt i . ! J C 7 7 sior:iv afr.:r 1 i e . r arrival irr
Crimkvrt. 1 1 1 l " 4 l ( Y : ~ r sOher']
- . I d
lPU" I.
,,:.it. :1 1 - , 1 , , r , .. . , .. , , ' ,,Itl, , !I: I , l,,,l,
*Y A?.
Above & h ~ l o wR f 103L 47 91 JG 5 ov a F11nus4 nlr'lr~l- .+r m o w c a d hills and t r r r s have t e e n palnted on the hanqsr doors ( U Hrelm)
. .-
t .
:r '+ . I..
. - I -
0.1 a F i n n ~ s airf~eld.
!~ ( H a n s Oherr)
- .d
A Bf 1098 cf a r u i k n o w n F i l e ~ e r s c b ~ in
~ l e1940
stvle carnouflaqa, t k e w h i l e or vcl ow fuseiags band
Inrgc i : ~ m e r a l swas starxfard c,n F T S a~ccra't
(mans Ubrn)
--- -
, - - .
. - -
.- .*
Bf 109R.1 of 2 . I J 88, Condor Legion, rn ovsrall grey scheme.
Condor Legion
Pale Plue
Bf l 0 9 E 1 . 1 /JG 1 Herbsl. 1939
-- 2
- Bt 109f 3, a IJG 2 R~cnlhofen Beaumont In R a ~ e r Frame,
. 1940
81 #b€4, m [I m n d w r Ill IJG 6 Whlte Sen aras 1942
-by Hstqlb Pmr (S mher Schdz
Bf IMIE-I 0 I J G 26 "Slageler" Dusseldorf. August 1939
Marmeuvb rnarklngs.
81 l O B E 1 7 . / J G 5 1 . "Mbldsrs" Summer 1939
01 10gE.3. I./JG 52 Lwn-Cauwon, Franee, 1940. Shut d m during
-tn+ of m n I
W Em-a,7 . M 62. C h a m Coart a ~ e a&ring the c f w g ~dew of
\ Phs&rbdFEsnw.lW
Bf 109E.3. l./JG 53 D~nerrlTrel~van, Frmce. 1840 Shot down at
Lengley Eaa!bnuma. Sussex. on the aflemoon ol the 30th Smptamber
Bf 109E-1. 3 IJE 63 PI^ As" Wlesbaden. Gerrnarrv. winter 1838-39
81 109E-1. I V I J G 132 Iatsr I IJG 7 7 June 1939, 1
€if lMb-2, JsgtH+ispepwhuls,
o-L II. €My 183%
. .
-- .
q. 1.
Y 0
Bf 1OSE-4. Slweltian Ar Force,
I I=-Bwh
$ Air W e .
81 109E-3. Sw18sAir Forco
61 109E-3. Swias AII Force
Rf l O 9 C - i '
n 2./JG 51 In ovpralr
arscn black sc'lcme. 1 3 3 1
B f 103C.1 of I .lJG 132:
note red tall hand shol.in black
Bf 109E-1 01 I . / J G 61. The insignla of 3 /JG
233 aopearpd on Ihe p o r l s ~ d ?anly.
7 / J G 51. W h ~ t eon
green camou'laga
3 . / J G 1 3 3 . WII:~ an
prren eanouflage.
,, -;
;.- .: ;--, -.
NIL Substituted for Squiggle in 1941 but
Squ~ggleused by some units for the
durat~onof the war.
\\ ,
111. G R u W E L+ . .1 G R u p E (variant)
Ef 10YE-7. Jagdflirrjrrschule. Cufl4re1skornrnnndoII. early t 938scheme.
Grey on Pare
,\bov$ A -.:I r ol Fc~-r,,-r~i,.~ Air
Furcc 31 10!1L 4s o f I'lr 1st F ghter
Group f o r m a : ~ n ~w ~ t al Luf:waflr
a~rcraft.(R. War?)
1 . Upprr surtaca derarls for G6.