EMT 2 Course Folder Complete
EMT 2 Course Folder Complete
EMT 2 Course Folder Complete
Department of Physics
Email [email protected]
Assignments : 10%
Announced Quizzes : 15%
Midterm Examination : 25%
Terminal Examination : 50%
Attendance Policy:
75% Attendance and participation is required for all classes, and you are responsible
for changes and announcements made in class.
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Pre-requisites: Electromagnetic Theory I
Electrodynamics: Electromotive force: Ohm’s law, electromotive force, motional emf,
electromagnetic induction: Faraday’s law, the induced electric field, inductance, energy
in magnetic fields, Maxwell’s equations: electrodynamics before Maxwell, how Maxwell
fixed Ampere’s law, Maxwell’s equations, magnetic charges, Maxwell’s equations in
matter, boundary conditions.
Conservation Laws: Charge and energy: the continuity equation, Poynting’s theorem,
momentum: Newton’s third law in electrodynamics, Maxwell’s stress tensor,
conservation of momentum, angular momentum.
Electromagnetic Waves: Waves in one dimension: the wave equation, sinusoidal waves,
boundary conditions, reflection and transmission, polarization, electromagnetic waves in
vacuum: the wave equation for E and B, monochromatic plane waves, energy and
momentum in electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic waves in matter: propagation in
linear media, reflection and transmission at normal incidence, reflection and transmission
at oblique incidence, absorption and dispersion: electromagnetic waves in conductors,
reflection at a conducting surface, the frequency dependence of permittivity, guided
waves: wave guides, the waves in a rectangular wave guide, the coaxial transmission line.
Potentials and Fields: The potential formulation: scalar and vector potentials, gauge
transformations, Coulomb gauge and Lorentz gauge, continuous distributions: retarded
potentials, Jefimenko’s equations, point charges: Lienard-Wiechert potentials, the field of
a moving point charge.
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momentum, relativistic kinematics, relativistic dynamics, relativistic electrodynamics:
magnetism as a relativistic phenomenon, how the field transform, the field tensor,
electrodynamics in tensor notation, relativistic potentials.
Recommended Books:
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Jefimenko’s equations, point charges: Lienard-Wiechert
potentials, the field of a moving point charge, what is radiation,
9 Assignment 2
electric dipole radiation, magnetic dipole radiation, radiation
from an arbitrary source, point charges.
Final Term
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