BS-2790-1992-Design and Manufacture of Shell Boilers of Welded Construction PDF
BS-2790-1992-Design and Manufacture of Shell Boilers of Welded Construction PDF
BS-2790-1992-Design and Manufacture of Shell Boilers of Welded Construction PDF
Gautam Sinharoy
23 September 2002
Specification for
Design and
manufacture of shell
boilers of welded
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
ICS 27.060.30
BS 2790:1992
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Pressure Vessel
Standards Policy Committee (PVE/-) to Technical Committee PVE/16, upon
which the following bodies were represented:
© BSI 02-2000
Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword vi
Section 1. General
1.1 Scope 1
1.2 References 1
1.3 Definitions 1
1.4 Responsibilities 2
1.5 Interpretation 3
1.6 Terminology and symbols 3
1.7 Information and requirements to be agreed and to be
documented 3
Section 2. Materials
2.1 General 5
2.2 Selection of materials 5
2.3 Material specifications 5
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 02-2000 i
BS 2790:1992
5.4 Fabrication and welding approval 76
5.5 Heat treatment 82
5.6 Non-destructive testing 85
5.7 Acceptance criteria for weld defects revealed by visual
examination and non-destructive testing 90
Section 6. Inspection and pressure testing
6.1 Inspectors 97
6.2 Inspection during construction 97
6.3 Pressure tests 97
Section 7. Documentation and marking
7.1 Drawings, documents and data sheets 99
7.2 Certificates 99
7.3 Marking 99
Section 8. Safety valves, fittings and mountings
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ii © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
Figure 3.3(2) — Shape factor 38
Figure 3.3(3) — Openings in ends 39
Figure 3.3(4) — Limits of reinforcement 39
Figure 3.4.4 — Compensation of welded branch up
to one-third of the diameter of the boiler shell 40
Figure 3.5 — Welding of manhole frames and compensating
plates 41
Figure 3.6.2(1) — Welding detail for manhole frame in flat end
plate 42
Figure 3.6.2(2) — Compensation for elliptical manholes and
inspection openings in flat end plates 42
Figure 3.6.2(3) — Compensation for branch in flat end plate 43
Figure 3.8.1(1) — Typical arrangement of end plate on a
multitubular boiler 44
Figure 3.8.1(2) — Typical arrangement of end plate on a
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Cornish boiler 45
Figure 3.8.1(3) — Typical arrangement of end plate on a
Lancashire boiler 46
Figure 3.8.2(1) — Use of sub-circles (twin furnace) 47
Figure 3.8.2(2) — Use of sub-circles (single furnace) 48
Figure 3.8.2(3) — Determination of factor y 49
Figure 3.8.2(4) — Example of a gusset stay that impinges on
the main circle other than at a tangent 50
Figure 3.8.2(5) — Attachment of firebox and reversal chamber
stays 51
Figure 3.8.2(6) — Attachment of bar stays with washers 52
Figure 3.8.2(7) — Access opening for wet back boilers 54
Figure 3.8.2(8) — Typical methods of fitting welded girders to
reversal chambers 55
Figure 3.8.3 — Flat end plates of a vertical boiler 58
Figure — Bar stays for the rear plate of wet back
reversal chambers 59
Figure — Attachment of welded gusset stays 60
Figure — Typical details for welded and pinned
gusset stays 61
Figure — Typical details for diagonal link stays 61
Figure 3.9.2(1) — Typical attachment of stay tubes 62
Figure 3.9.2(2) — Typical attachment of plain tubes 63
Figure — Second moments of area I and
cross-sectional area F 64
Figure — Furnace stiffeners for plain and
corrugated sections 67
Figure — Bowling hoops 68
Figure 3.10.3 — Attachment of fireboxes to shells 69
Figure — Cutting up of the test plate 94
Figure — Transverse bend test specimen 94
Figure — Side bend test specimen 95
Figure — V-notch test piece 95
Figure 5.7.2 — Assessment of inclusions 96
Figure B(1) — Plate preparation for butt-welded longitudinal
and circumferential seams 111
Figure B(2) — Cross seams in end plates 111
Figure B(3) — Attachment of unflanged flat end plates or tube
plates to shell 112
Figure B(4) — Attachment of end plates or tube plates to
reversal chamber or firebox wrapper plates 113
Figure B(5) — Attachment of furnaces to end plates or reversal
chamber tubeplates 115
Figure B(6) — Attachment of furnaces to flanged end plates 116
Figure B(7) — Typical method of attachment of ash drop-out
tube 117
Figure B(8) — Fusion welds of cross tubes 118
Figure B(9) — Foundation ring 118
Figure B(10) — Typical method of attachment of firehole
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
opening 119
Figure B(11) — Standard weld preparation details 120
Figure B(12) — 121
Figure B(13) — 122
Figure B(14) — 123
Set-on branches
Figure B(15) — 124
Figure B(16) — 125
Figure B(17) — 126
Figure B(18) — Weld details for set-in branches 127
Figure B(19) — Set-in branches (partial penetration weld) 128
Figure B(20) — 129
Figure B(21) — Set-in branches (full penetration weld) 130
Figure B(22) — Set-in branches (full penetration asymmetrical
welds) 131
Figure B(23) — Set-in branches (full penetration welds,
welded from one side only) 132
Figure B(24) — 133
Forged branch connections
Figure B(25) — 134
Figure B(26) — Set-on branches with added compensation
rings 135
Figure B(27) — Set-in branches with added compensation
rings 136
Figure B(28) — Butt-welded studded connections 137
Figure B(29) — Fillet-welded studded connections 138
Figure B(30) — Oval manhole frame 138
Figure C(1) — Radiation coefficient h½R for black
exchange (F = 1) 144
Figure C(2) — Determination of overall exchange factor F 145
Figure C(3) — Ratio AR/AC for cylindrical chamber,
diameter D, length L 146
Figure C(4) — Basis convection coefficient hCO
9 147
iv © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
Figure C(5) — Determination of correction factor h CO/hCO
9 148
Figure C(6) — Determination of correction factor hCE/hCO 148
Figure C(7) — Non-dimensional tube area 149
Figure C(8) — Non-dimensional plate area 150
Figure C(9) — Tube/plate area ratio 151
Figure C(10) — Factor ½ 152
Figure C(11) — Factor Ì 153
Figure C(12) — Factor ¶ 154
Figure F(1) — Assumed boiler dimensions for example of a
calculation of the shell stresses in a boiler with leg supports 159
Table 1.1.1 — Limits of application 1
Table 2.5(1) — Carbon and carbon manganese steels with
specified minimum elevated temperature properties 6
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 02-2000 v
BS 2790:1992
This British Standard, first published in 1956 under the title “Cylindrical land
steam boilers of welded construction”, superseded by BS 2790-1 in 1969 and
BS 2790-2 in 1973, and subsequently revised in 1982, 1986 and 1989, has been
prepared under the direction of the Pressure Vessel Standards Policy Committee.
This edition supersedes BS 2790:1989 which is withdrawn.
This 1992 edition incorporates all technical changes up to and including
Amendment No. 3 (31 October 1991) associated with the 1989 edition. Changes of
significance are to:—
a) recommend the operation of a quality system to BS 5750;
b) the tube plate metal temperature for waste heat boilers;
c) safety factors for furnaces in waste heat boilers;
d) the accumulator tests for safety valves.
This British Standard sets forth engineering requirements deemed necessary for
the design and construction of shell boilers of welded construction. The purpose
of this British Standard is unchanged from previous editions. Because of the wide
range of shell boilers that may be designed and manufactured in accordance with
this British Standard, general guidance has been given on some aspects with
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
1) Health and Safety Executive, Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HS.
vi © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to viii,
pages 1 to 174, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the
inside front cover.
BS 2790:1992
Section 1. General
associated safety valves, fittings, mountings and
automatic control equipment. 1.2 References
Table 1.1.1 — Limits of application
The titles of the publications referred to in this
Classification Limits of application standard are listed on page 174.
Class I If either or both of the NOTE Attention is drawn to the additional bibliographical lists
following apply: in C.4 and D.4.
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BS 2790:1992
2 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
Section 2. Materials
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BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
Table 2.5(3) — Values of Et for materials without specified elevated temperature properties
Product Thickness or Values of Et at design temperature shown
BS no. Designation Grade
form diameter 250 °C 300 °C 350 °C 400 °C
2 2 2
mm N/mm N/mm N/mm N/mm2
Plate 1501-1 151 and 161 400 A u 16 163
(withdrawn) > 16 u 40 155
> 40 u 63 152 136 128 125
> 63 u 100 147
430 A u 16 180
> 16 u 40 170
> 40 u 63 167 151 143 139
> 63 u 100 161
164 400 A u 63 171 152 143 134
223 460 A u 63 213 195 184 172
490 A u 63 225 206 193 183
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
8 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
Section 3. Design
3.1 Design criteria The design pressure shall be not less than the
highest pressure at which any safety valve is to be
3.1.1 General. The formulae dealing with the
set to lift. It is desirable that there should be a
calculation of scantlings apply to boilers that are
margin between the actual pressure at which the
constructed throughout under the conditions
boiler is to operate and the lowest pressure at which
required by this standard and that are operated any safety valve is set to lift, to prevent unnecessary
with adequate supervision taking account of the lifting of the safety valves. Safety valves shall be
parameters discussed in Appendix D. It is intended
capable of preventing the boiler pressure from
that boilers designed in accordance with this
increasing to more than 110 % of the design
standard should be operated under conditions free
from internal scale. This requires feed water of a
suitable quality. 3.1.3 Design temperature
CAUTION. If a risk of abnormal working conditions is foreseen, Notation
the scantlings, etc. established by calculation from the given
formulae should receive special consideration [see 1.7.1 a)]. A is the effective radiant heating surface (in m2)
In the case of hot water boilers, the position of flow [see Figure 3.1(1) to Figure 3.1(5)];
openings shall be such that air cannot be retained in
the boiler shell or waterways. e1 is the nominal tube thickness (in mm);
is the nominal plate thickness (in mm);
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 02-2000 9
BS 2790:1992
c) The design temperature for plain plates not In order to determine the required thickness of
swept by flame, for tube plates where the gas refractory, it shall be assumed that the hot face
entry temperature is not greater than 800 °C and temperature of the refractoy is equal to the gas
for reversal chamber wrapper plates, shall be temperature tG and the tube plate waterside
determined in accordance with the following temperature is equal to ts. The tube plate
equations. temperature t, at the interface, shall be
t = (ts + 2e2), or determined by the use of simple heat convection
formula, taking into account the thickness of the
t = (ts + 50), whichever be the greater.
refractory and tube plate, and their individual
d) For tube plates in directly fired boilers where conductivities.
the true gas entry temperature tG exceeds 800 °C,
g) The design metal temperature for furnaces and
the design temperature and the maximum metal
fireboxes shall be determined in accordance with
temperature shall be determined in accordance
the following equation.
with Appendix C, using the data for natural gas
and tG as determined from the following equation. t = ts + 4e2 + 15
3.1.4 Design stress Notation
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
For tube plates in waste heat boilers, the design Et is the value of elevated temperature yield
temperature and maximum metal temperature stress or 0.2 % proof stress at design
shall be determined in accordance with temperature t (see 2.5);
Appendix C using the specified gas entry f is the design stress (in N/mm2);
temperature where this exceeds 800 °C.
Rm is the room temperature tensile strength
e) The maximum metal temperature as (in N/mm2);
determined in accordance with Appendix C shall
t is the design temperature (in °C).
not exceed 420 °C except where tubes produced
from rimming steel are fitted, in which case the The term “design stress”, designated by the
maximum metal temperature shall not symbol f, is the stress to be used in the formulae in
exceed 380 °C. this standard for the calculation of pressure parts.
These requirements apply to the methods of tube The detailed design rules in this section will
attachment shown in Figure 3.9.2(1) and maintain the actual maximum stresses within
Figure 3.9.2(2) where the methods of acceptable limits for the type of loading considered.
construction ensure good thermal contact The designer shall determine the design
between tube and tubeplate. Other constructions stress f from the material properties as defined in
which do not ensure good thermal contact shall section 2 and the factors given in
be used only with the agreement of the
For the steels concerned, it may be assumed that
manufacturer and the Inspecting Authority
post weld heat treatment will not affect the strength
[see c)].
values to be used for calculation purposes.
f) In the case of tube plates of waste heat boilers NOTE Any reduction in the properties of such steels is regarded
where the specified gas entry temperature as being consistent with the overall benefit obtained by stress
exceeds 800 °C and where the maximum metal relief of the structure. However, post weld heat treatment in this
temperature determined in accordance with context means heat treatment within the limits given in 5.5.2. In
designs where slight deformation is important, plate that will
Appendix C would exceed the limits in e), it is meet the minimum specified property values in the normalized
permissible to line the tube plate with plus simulated (3 h) post weld heat treated condition should be
permanently and securely installed refractory specified. See 19.4.3 of BS 1501-1:1980.
and to provide protective ferrules in the tube The design stress f shall be the lower of
entries to reduce the metal temperature. E Rm
In such cases the requirements of c) shall be -------t- and --------
1.5 2.4
applied subject to the thickness of refractory
NOTE For design temperatures other than the temperatures at
being such as to ensure that the design which values of Et are stated in the material specifications,
temperature so determined is not exceeded. intermediate values are determined by linear interpolation.
10 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
3.2 Cylindrical shells under internal 3.2.3 Applicability of the formulae in 3.2.2.
pressure The formulae given in 3.2.2 apply only if the
following conditions are fulfilled:
3.2.1 Notation
a) The ratio of the outside radius to the inside
radius does not exceed 1.5.
C is the corrosion allowance, to be taken
as 0.75 mm unless a higher figure is agreed to b) In the case of welded shells, the mid-thickness
take account of adverse conditions; lines are an extension of each other at each
longitudinal joint.
D is the inside diameter of the shell (in mm);
e is the minimum shell thickness; Deviations of alignment due to manufacturing
imperfections shall not exceed the values
f is the design stress (in N/mm2) (see 3.1.4); indicated in 5.4.10 and 5.4.11.
P is the design pressure (in N/mm2); c) In the calculation of the thickness of cylindrical
Ri is the inside radius of the shell (in mm); shells, stresses due to out-of-roundness up to the
Z is a stress reduction factor maximum limits indicated below need not be
= 1.0 for class I boilers or for seamless shells, taken into consideration, and cylindrical shells
shall conform to the tolerances given in 4.4.2.
= 0.85 for class II boilers,
1.5 % for a ratio of e/D < 0.01,
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 02-2000 11
BS 2790:1992
When boilers with a shell outside diameter equal to 3.3.2 Torispherical, semi-ellipsoidal and
or greater than 1 500 mm are supported on saddles hemispherical unstayed ends, dished from
the circumferential combined stress in the shell plate, having pressure on the concave side
shall be in accordance with the following Torispherical ends. Torispherical ends shall
requirements. comply with the following dimensional relationships
In calculating the stresses all boilers shall be [see Figure 3.3(1)(a)]:
considered fully flooded at the design temperature
which shall be not less than 250 °C. 0.005 Do u e u 0.08 Do Notation (see Figure Ri u Do
A is the distance from boiler end plate to centre ri W 0.1 Do
of saddle (in mm); ri W 2e
B is the width of saddle top plate (in mm) (W 10e);
H W 0.18 Do
ec is the nominal shell thickness minus corrosion
allowance (in mm); Semi-ellipsoidal ends. Semi-ellipsoidal ends
shall comply with the following dimensional
k is the coefficient obtained from
Figure; relationships [see Figure 3.3(1)(b)]:
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
12 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
3.3.4 Openings in dished ends The rules in apply equally to flanged Notation [see Figure 3.3(3) and openings and to unflanged openings simply cut in
Figure 3.3(4)] the plate of an end. No reduction shall be made in
end plate thickness on account of flanging.
A is the effective cross-sectional area of
reinforcement (in mm2) [twice the area shown If openings are flanged the radius rm of the flanging
shaded in Figure 3.3(4)]; shall be not less than 25 mm [see Figure 3.3(1) and
Figure 3.3(3)].
d is the diameter of the largest opening in the
end plate (in mm) [see Figure 3.3(3)] (in the Unreinforced and flanged openings in dished
case of an elliptical opening, the major axis of ends shall be so arranged that the distance from the
the ellipse); edge of the hole to the outside edge of the plate and
the distance between openings are not less than
d1 is the diameter of the smaller hole in
those shown in Figure 3.3(3).
Figure 3.3(3) (in mm); Reinforced openings. Where it is desired to
do is the internal diameter of the reinforcing ring
use a large opening on a dished end of less thickness
(in mm) [see Figure 3.3(4)];
than would be required by the application described
Do is the outside diameter of the dished in, reinforcement of the end shall be
end (in mm); provided. Reinforcement may consist of a ring or
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
e is the actual thickness of the end standpipe welded into the hole, or of reinforcing
plate (in mm); plates welded to the outside and/or the inside of the
l1 is the effective width of the reinforcement end plate in the region of the hole [see Figure 3.3(4)]
(in mm) [see Figure 3.3(4)]; or a combination of both methods.
l2 is the effective length of the reinforcing ring Account shall only be taken of added reinforcing
(in mm) [see Figure 3.3(4)]; material as effective reinforcement up to the
lt is the actual thickness of the reinforcing ring following limits:
(in mm); a) the effective width l1 of reinforcement shall not
rm is the radius of flanging of the flanged exceed Æ2Rie or do/2, whichever is the less;
openings (in mm). b) the effective length l2 of a reinforcing ring shall
Ri is the internal radius of the spherical part of a not exceed dolt.
torispherical end (in mm), or for an ellipsoidal The dimensions l1 and l2 are shown in Figure 3.3(4).
end, the internal radius of the meridian of the The shape factor K for a dished end having a
ellipse at the centre of the opening (in mm). reinforced opening can be read from Figure 3.3(2) by Unreinforced openings. Openings in dished substituting
ends may be circular or approximately elliptical.
The curves drawn with broken lines in Figure 3.3(2)
provide values of K to be used in for ends
with unreinforced openings (e.g. manholes or tube
holes). The selection of the correct curve depends on The shaded area shown in Figure 3.3(4) shall be
the value of d/Æ(Doe). calculated as follows.
Trial calculation is necessary in order to select the a) Calculate the sectional area of reinforcement
correct curve. The following requirements shall be both inside and outside the end plate within the
satisfied in all cases. length l1;
------- shall not exceed 0.1. b) add to it the full sectional area of that part of
Do the stem of the nozzle which projects inside the
end plate up to the distance l2;
------- shall not exceed 0.5.
Do c) add to it the full sectional area of that part of
NOTE It will be seen from Figure 3.3(2) that for any selected
the stern of the nozzle which projects outside the
ratio of H/Do the curve for unpierced ends indicates a value internal surface of the end plate up to the
for d/Æ(Doe) as well as a value for K. distance l2 and deduct from it the sectional area
Holes giving a value of d/Æ(Doe) not greater than the which the stem would have if its thickness were
value so obtained may thus be cut in an end calculated in accordance with equation
designed to be unpierced without any increase in disregarding the minimum thickness from
thickness. Table
© BSI 02-2000 13
BS 2790:1992
If the material of the ring or of the reinforcing plates 3.3.6 Dished and flanged crowns for vertical
has an allowable stress lower than that of the end boilers
plate, then the effective cross section A must be Notation
reduced below that calculated in proportion to the
difference in the allowable stresses for the C is the corrosion allowance, to be taken
materials. As in, trial calculation is as 0.75 mm unless a higher figure is agreed to
necessary in order to select the correct curve. take account of adverse conditions;
No allowance shall be made for the additional e is the thickness of the crown plate (in mm);
strength of material having a higher stress value
f is the design stress (in N/mm2) (see 3.1.4);
than that in the end plate.
f2 = 0.65f;
3.3.5 Dished and flanged ends for Cornish and
Lancashire boilers f3 = 0.5f; Notation f4 = 0.3f;
hf is the total depth of the manhole flange
C is the corrosion allowance, to be taken (in mm);
as 0.75 mm unless a higher figure is agreed to P is the design pressure (in N/mm2);
take account of adverse conditions;
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
14 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992 The thickness of dished and flanged crowns 3.4.4 Reinforced openings. Openings larger than
for vertical boiler fireboxes which are subject to those permitted by 3.4.2 shall be reinforced, but in
pressure on the convex side and are without support no case shall the ratio d/Do be greater
from stays of any kind shall be determined from the than 0.3 unless designed in accordance with the
following formula, but in no case shall the thickness rules for compensation of openings given in
be less than that of the firebox. BS 1113. Wherever practicable, reinforcement shall
be achieved by taking account of the cross-sectional
area of locally disposed material, including the
attachment weld(s), in excess of the minimal
requirements for plate and branch thickness as
The general shape and size of the corner radii shall shown in Figure 3.4.4, the branch thickness being
be the same as specified in increased where required. Compensation shall be
considered adequate when the compensating
3.4 Openings in cylindrical shells area Y (see Figure 3.4.4) is equal to or greater than
3.4.1 Notation the area X requiring compensation.
Area X shall be calculated as the product of the
A see Figure 3.4.4; inside radius of the branch and the thickness A
B see Figure 3.4.4; which would be required for the shell if it were
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© BSI 02-2000 15
BS 2790:1992
If material having a lower allowable stress than bo is the outer minor axis of the compensating
that of the shell is used for compensation, its plate (in mm);
effective area shall be assumed to be reduced in the Di is the diameter of the opening in the shell
ratio of the allowable stress at the design (in mm);
temperature. No allowance shall be made for the
additional strength of material having a higher Do is the diameter of the outer periphery of the
stress value than that in the shell. circular pad or compensating plate (in mm);
Li is the length of leg of the fillet weld around the
Welds attaching branches and reinforcing plates
inner periphery of the pad or compensating
shall be of sufficient dimensions to transmit the full
plate (in mm);
strength of the reinforcing area and all other
loadings to which they may he subjected. Lo is the length of leg of the fillet weld around the
outer periphery of the pad or compensating
In the case of manholes, handholes or openings not
plate (in mm);
fitted with branches attached by welding, the
foregoing method shall apply, but the radius used to X is half the cross-sectional area of the opening
determine X shall be replaced by half the maximum of diameter Di in the shell based on the shell
width of the opening in the shell on the axis parallel thickness determined in accordance with the
to the longitudinal axis of the shell. formula given in 3.2.2 taking Z = 1.0 (in mm2),
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
NOTE Reinforcements designed to these rules will always be disregarding the minimum thickness
adequate but may sometimes be greater than necessary because required by 3.2.2;
of the simplified nature of the design calculations. In special
cases, an alternative design method based on more detailed For elliptical compensating plates,
analyses may be employed by agreement between the
manufacturer, the purchaser and the Inspecting Authority.
3.4.5 Openings in furnaces. Reinforcement for
openings in cylindrical furnaces shall be designed in
accordance with 3.4.4 except that:
a) pad type reinforcement is not permitted; and
b) the calculation shall be made assuming an
internal pressure in the furnace equals to the
design pressure of the boiler. 3.6 Openings and branches
3.5 Fillet welds attaching pads and 3.6.1 Isolated openings in flat end plates
compensating plates to cylindrical supported by stays
shells 3.6.1 Notation
3.5.1 Leg length. The leg length of outer peripheral Manholes, headholes and handholes
fillet welds by which pads (see Appendix B) and [see Figure 3.6.1(1) and Figure 3.6.1(2)
compensating plates [see Figure 3.5(a),
dio is half the mean of the major and minor
Figure 3.5(b) and Figure 3.5(c)] are attached to shell
semi-axes of the opening (in mm);
places shall be determined by using the following
equation, but shall in no case be less than those of D is the greater of the two values: (erep + 75) or
the inner welds nor less than the minimum plate dio (in mm);
thickness referred to in 3.2.2. ecp is the thickness of the flat end plate calculated
in accordance with (in mm);
erep is the nominal thickness of the flat end plate
(in mm);
esr is the thickness of the ring (in mm);
3.5.2 Notation hf is the depth of the ring (in mm).
ai is the inner major axis of the compensating W is the width (in mm) of the opening measured
plate (in mm); on the minor axis.
ao is the outer major axis of the compensating
plate (in mm);
bi is the inner minor axis of the compensating
plate (in mm);
16 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992 Branch openings [see Figure 3.6.1(3)] d) Add to it the area obtained by multiplying the
difference between the actual flat end plate
C is the smaller of the two values: 2.5 erep thickness and its thickness calculated from
or (2.5 eb + erp) (in mm); equation for the part of the end plate
dib is the bore of the branch opening (in mm); under consideration by the length D.
D is the greater of the two values: (erep + 75) e) Add to it the area of the compensating plate
or (dib + 4) (in mm); (if any) within the limits of reinforcement shown
in Figure 3.6.1(3).
eb is the nominal thickness of the branch wall
(in mm); Where material having a lower nominal design
ecb is the thickness of the branch wall calculated stress than that of the flat end plate is taken as
in accordance with the equation for e in 3.2.2 compensation, its effective area shall be reduced in
taking Z = 1.0 (in mm); the ratio of the nominal design stresses at the
design temperature. No credit shall be taken for the
ecp is the thickness of the flat end plate calculated additional strength of material having a higher
in accordance with (in mm); nominal design stress than that of the flat end plate.
erep is the nominal thickness of the flat end plate
Welds attaching branches and compensating plates
(in mm);
shall be of sufficient dimensions to transmit the full
erp is the thickness of the reinforcing plate
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 02-2000 17
BS 2790:1992 Pads and bolted flanges for branches shall be Manholes. Elliptical manholes shall be not
in accordance with BS 10, BS 1560-3.1 or smaller than 400 mm × 300 mm. Circular manholes
BS 4504-3.1, as appropriate. shall be not less than 400 mm diameter.
NOTE Section 30 of the Factories Act 1961 applies if there is a
3.7 Access and inspection likelihood of dangerous fumes being present within a boiler to
such an extent as to involve risk of persons being overcome.
3.7.1 General The relevant part of Section 30 of the Factories Act 1961 states: All boilers shall be provided with openings “The confined space shall, unless there is other adequate
means of egress, be provided with a manhole, which may be
adequate in size and number to allow safe access for rectangular, oval or circular in shape, and shall be not less
fabrication, cleaning, internal inspection and than 18 inches long and 16 inches wide or (if circular) not
ventilation (see also Appendix E). The dimensions of less than 18 inches diameter.”
the openings shall be in accordance with 3.7.2. These sizes are equivalent to 457.2 mm × 406.4 mm
and 457.2 mm diameter respectively. Boilers with a shell diameter of 1 500 mm or Section 30 also applies to the lack of oxygen within a confined
greater shall be designed to permit safe entry of a space. Reference may be made to sub-sections (9) and (10) of
Section 30 for the full legal requirements.
person with or without removal of internal parts of
the boiler and shall be provided with a manhole for If boilers are not provided with openings which
this purpose, except in the case of hot water boilers comply with Section 30 of the Factories Act 1961,
where the distance between the shell and furnace the manufacturer shall inform the purchaser that
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
would not permit safe entry even with the removal precautions need to be taken to ensure that
of tubes. In such cases access shall be provided by dangerous fumes are not liable to be present to such
means of a combination of sight holes, handholes an extent as to involve risk of persons being
and headholes in accordance with overcome.
Boilers with a shell diameter less than 1 500 mm Thickness of internally fitted doors. The
that are capable of being safely entered by a person minimum calculated thickness of a door of flat plate
shall be provided with a manhole. Boilers with a construction (i.e. unstiffened) made from one plate
shell diameter between 800 mm and 1 500 mm shall shall be not less than that determined by the
be provided with a headhole as a minimum following appropriate equation:
requirement. Detachable ends or doors may replace all the
other examination holes, if by their dimensions and
position a general view of the interior is provided at
least equivalent to that obtained by the examination
holes which would otherwise be required. The design of smoke boxes and other
attachments shall be such as to allow adequate where
access for in-service inspection of the boiler seams.
e is the minimum calculated thickness of the
3.7.2 Types and minimum dimensions of flat door at or near the centre;
access and inspection openings p is the calculation pressure (in N/mm2); Sight holes. Sight holes shall have an inside d is the diameter of the opening to which the
diameter of at least 50 mm if the neck height does door is fitted if round (in mm);
not exceed 50 mm (otherwise see a is the minor axis of the opening to which the Handholes. A handhole shall have a size of at door is fitted if an ellipse (in mm);
least 80 mm × 100 mm or an inside diameter b is the major axis of the opening to which the
of 100 mm if the neck height or ring height does not door is fitted if an ellipse (in mm);
exceed 65 mm, or in the case of a conical W is the full load capacity of one stud (effective
shape 100 mm (otherwise see If only one stud area × design stress value at design
handhole is provided, it shall not be less temperature) (in N);
than 100 mm × 120 mm. f is the maximum allowable stress in the plate Headholes. Headhole dimensions shall be at at the design temperature (in N/mm2).
least 220 mm × 320 mm or 320 mm in inside NOTE A design stress value of 50 N/mm2 may be used for
diameter if the neck height or ring height does not carbon steel bolts of grade 4.6 or equivalent for design
temperatures not exceeding 300 °C. For other bolting
exceed 100 mm (otherwise see materials and greater temperatures refer to BS 5500 for If neck or ring heights exceed the limiting allowable stresses when deriving W.
values given in to, the size of the hole 3.7.3 Minimum gasket bearing width and clearance
shall be increased to give an adequate inspection for manhole doors. See 4.8.
18 © BSI 02-2000
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BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
Set-on end plates as shown in Figure B(3)(c) and Figure B(3)(d)
end plate thickness divided by the shell plate thickness
u 1.4 0.33
> 1.4 u 1.6 0.36
> 1.6 u 1.8 0.39
> 1.8 0.42
Set-in end plate as shown in Figure B(3)(a) and Figure B(3)(b) with no internal fillet weld 0.45
Reversal chamber or firebox flat tube plate or end plate attachment to wrapper plates
Flanged end plate as shown in Figure B(4)(a) 0.32
Set-in tube plate or end plate as shown in Figure B(4)(b), Figure B(4)(c), 0.33
Figure B(4)(d) and Figure B(4)(e), with internal fillet weld
Set-in tube plate or end plate as shown in Figure B(4)(b), Figure B(4)(c), 0.45
Figure B(4)(d) and Figure B(4)(e), with no internal fillet weld
Flat end plate attachment to reversal chamber access tube
As shown in Figure 3.8.2(7) with internal fillet weld 0.30
As shown in Figure 3.8.2(7) with no internal fillet weld 0.45
Flat end plate attachment to furnaces
As shown in Figure B(5)(a) and Figure B(5)(b) with internal fillet weld
Plain furnace 0.30
Corrugated furnace with corrugations less than 50 mm deep 0.32
Corrugated furnace with corrugations 50 mm deep or greater
length > 4 m 0.37
length u 4 m 0.34
Bowling hoop furnaces 0.32
As shown in Figure B(5)(a) and Figure B(5)(b) with no internal fillet weld 0.45
Top plates of fireboxes or reversal chambers supported by continuously welded-on girders or 0.51
welded-on girders provided with waterways [see Figure 3.8.2(8)(a) to Figure 3.8.2(8)(f)]
Lower portion of front end plate of twin flue boilers containing the manhole, when the distance 0.27
from the edge of the manhole reinforcing ring to the edge of the furnace or shell is not more
than four times the end plate thickness
If the distance from the edge of the manhole reinforcing ring to the edge of the furnace or shell
is more than four times the end plate thickness, the manhole is ignored when determining the
In applying the formula given in, b shall be taken as the diameter (in mm) of the largest
circle which can be drawn enclosing the manhole and passing through the points of support
formed by the gusset stays and the connections to the shell and furnaces. If the circle passes
through only three of the possible five points of support mentioned, the remaining two shall be
included within the circle.
© BSI 02-2000 21
BS 2790:1992 Bar stays for flat plates. The permissible 3.8.7 Loads on stay tubes and bar stays. Stay
stress in the stays calculated on the net tubes and bar stays shall be designed to carry the
cross-sectional area determined from the nominal whole load due to the pressure on the area to be
diameter without allowance for minus supported, the area being calculated as follows.
manufacturing tolerance, shall not a) For a stay tube within the tube nest the net
exceed 70 N/mm2. The nominal diameter of any stay area to be supported shall be the product of the
shall be not less than 20 mm. horizontal and vertical pitches (in mm) of the stay
Stays in the rear plate of wet back reversal tubes, less the area of the tube holes embraced.
chambers shall comply with the following rule If the pitch of the stay tubes is irregular, the area
(see Figure shall be taken as the square of the mean pitch of
the stay tubes (i.e. the square of one-quarter of
the sum of the four sides of any quadrilateral
bounded by four adjacent stay tubes) less the area
of the tube holes embraced.
where b) For a stay tube in the boundary row, or for a
D is the diameter of the stay (in mm); bar stay, the net area to be supported shall be the
L1 is the shortest distance from the edge of the area (in mm2) enclosed by lines bisecting at right
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
access opening to the centreline of the stay angles the lines joining the stay and the adjacent
furthest away from the access opening (in mm) point of support, less the area of any tubes or
or where there is no access opening half the stays embraced [see Figure 3.8.1(1)].
maximum distance between centrelines of 3.8.8 Gusset and link stays (corner stays)
stays; General. To prevent local deformation of the
L2 is the distance between the rear plate of the shell plates in large diameter boilers with end plates
chamber and the boiler back endplate (in mm). supported by corner stays, it may be necessary to Radial stays for fireboxes. The diameter of spread the load by using a large number of stays.
the stay shall be not less than 22 mm nor less than Therefore consideration should be given to
twice the thickness of the firebox plate, whichever is operating and inspection requirements and when
the greater. space permits longitudinal bar stays should be fitted
in preference to corner stays.
The pitch of the stays at the firebox shall not
exceed 14 times the thickness of the firebox plate. Load on each stay. Each gusset or link stay
supporting the flat end plate of a boiler shall be
3.8.6 Longitudinal bar stays designed to carry the whole load due to pressure on The diameter of each bar stay shall be such the area it supports. The area supported by any one
that the stress calculated on the least stay shall be obtained by considering the total area
cross-sectional area determined from the nominal to be supported and dividing this area by boundary
diameter without allowance for minus lines drawn between the stays. These boundary
manufacturing tolerance, shall not exceed the lines shall be at all points equidistant from the
specified minimum tensile strength of the material adjacent points of support in the area under
divided by 5.3. In no case shall the nominal consideration.
diameter of the stay at any point be less Gusset stays. Gusset stays shall be so
than 25 mm. proportioned that the angle V [see Figure
Supports shall be provided for longitudinal bar and Figure] is not less than 60°.
stays 5 000 mm in length and longer. The thickness of the gusset stay shall be determined If bar stays are fitted in vertical boilers, not in accordance with the following.
less than four bar stays shall be fitted to boilers The gusset shall be radiused at the attachment to
of 1 200 mm and over but under 1 500 mm in the shell and end plate as shown in
diameter; five bar stays to boilers of 1 500 mm and Figure
over but under 1 800 mm in diameter; six bar stays
to boilers of 1 800 mm and over in diameter. 2F
bh = --------------
f sin V
e2 u b u 1.7e2
b W 0.7e1
22 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
3.9 Tubes and tube plates For plain tubes and stay tubes exposed to flame or
gas temperatures exceeding 600 °C, the ends of
3.9.1 Thickness of tubes subject to external
welded tubes shall be dressed flush with the welds
pressure. The thickness of tubes under external
and the ends of the expanded tubes shall be as
pressure shall be calculated using the following
shown in Figure 3.9.2(2)(c) and Figure 3.9.2(2)(d). If
formula. not so exposed, the ends of welded tubes shall
e= PD
--------- + C extend a maximum of 10 mm beyond the weld or, in
2f 1 the case of expanded tubes, the tubes shall project
where beyond the tube plate up to a maximum of 15 mm.
C is the corrosion allowance, to be taken Each stay tube shall be designed to carry its due
as 0.75 mm unless a higher figure is agreed proportion of the load on the plates which it
to take account of adverse conditions; supports. The thickness of stay tubes welded into
tube plates shall be such that the axial stress on the
D is the outside diameter of the tube (in mm);
thinnest part of the tube does not exceed 70 N/mm2.
e is the minimum thickness of the tube
(in mm). 3.9.3 Pitch of tubes. The spacing of tube holes
shall be such that the minimum width in
The tube ordered may have a negative millimetres of any ligament between the tube holes
tolerance, and the calculated thickness shall
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24 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
Table — Minimum thickness of straight 3.9.5 Thickness of tube plates within tube
tubes under internal pressure nests
Minimum The minimum thickness of any tube plate where
Nominal outside diameter nominal plain tubes are attached, as shown in
Figure 3.9.2(2)(a) to Figure 3.9.2(2)(d), shall
mm mm be 12.5 mm if the diameter of the tube hole does not
Not exceeding 38 1.75 exceed 50 mm, or 14 mm if the diameter of the tube
Exceeding 38 not exceeding 51 2.16 hole is greater than 50 mm.
Exceeding 51 not exceeding 70 2.40 If the tubes are attached to the tube plates by deep
Exceeding 70 not exceeding 76 2.60 welds which have an unwelded land of not more
Exceeding 76 not exceeding 95 3.05 than 3 mm, the tube plates shall be not less
Exceeding 95 not exceeding 102 3.28 than 9 mm thick.
Exceeding 102 not exceeding 127 3.50 The thickness of tube plates shall be calculated
using the formula given in, taking b as the Where tubes are bent, the following pitch of the plain tubes and y as 1.56.
requirements shall apply. 3.9.6 Horizontal shelves of tube plates forming
a) Thinning part of the shell
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1) At any location around the bend extrados To withstand the vertical load owing to
the reduction in thickness below the calculated pressure on the boiler ends, one of the following two
minimum thickness required for the straight methods shall be used.
tube, expressed as a percentage, (see a) If gussets or other stays are not fitted to the
shall not exceed: shelves, the strength of the parts of the
100 circumferential seams at the top and bottom of
( 4R/D ) + 2 these plates from the outside of one tube plate to
the outside of the other tube plate shall be
sufficient to withstand the whole load on the
R is the mean radius of the bend to the boiler end. The stress on these parts of the
centre line of the tube; circumferential seams shall not exceed Rm/4.5
D is the ordered outside diameter of the (see 3.1.4).
tube. b) If the horizontal shelves of the tube plates are
2) In addition, for cold formed bends that will supported by gussets or other stays, the number
receive no post bend heat treatment, the of such gussets or stays shall be calculated as
amount of thinning at any location around the follows, using the parameter C:
bend extrados shall not exceed 20 % of the
nominal thickness of the tube on the straight.
b) Ovality. The bending process shall be where
controlled so that any distortion from a circular
A is the maximum horizontal dimension of the
cross section tends only to ovality and the ovality
shelf from the inside of the shell plate to the
measured at the bend apex shall not exceed 10 %.
outside of the tube plate (in mm);
The percentage ovality is given by: Di is the inside diameter of the boiler (in mm);
e is the thickness of the tube plate (in mm);
P is the design pressure (in N/mm2).
© BSI 02-2000 25
BS 2790:1992 The shell plates to which the sides of the Notation
tube plates are connected shall be not less
than 1.5 mm thicker than is required by the formula b is the pitch of the furnace corrugations
applicable to shell plates with continuous circularity (in mm);
(see 3.2.2). C is the corrosion allowance = 0.75 mm;
3.9.7 Horizontal tube nests in vertical boilers. d is the mean diameter of furnace (in mm)
If vertical boilers have a nest or nests of horizontal (see note 1);
tubes, so that there is direct tension on the tube dmax is the maximum mean diameter of the
plates due to the vertical load on the boiler ends or furnace (in mm);
to tube plates acting as horizontal ties across the dmin is the minimum mean diameter of the
shell, each alternate tube in the outer vertical rows furnace (in mm);
of tubes shall be a stay tube and the thickness of the e is the furnace plate thickness (in mm);
tube plates shall be determined by the following
E is Young’s modulus of elasticity (in N/mm2)
Et is the specified minimum elevated
temperature yield stress or the 0.2 % proof
stress at the design temperature
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F is the cross-sectional area of a longitudinal
C is the corrosion allowance, to be taken
section of the corrugated furnace wall, of
as 0.75 mm unless a higher figure is agreed
length b and thickness (e – C) (in mm2)
to take account of adverse conditions;
[see Figure to Figure];
D is twice the radial distance of the centre of
I is the second moment of area of one
the outer row of tube holes from the axis of
complete corrugation about its neutral axis,
the shell (in mm);
excluding the corrosion allowance (in mm4)
e is the thickness of the tube plate (in mm);
[see Figure to Figure];
J is the efficiency of ligaments between tube
Is is the second moment of area of a plain
holes expressed as a fraction
stiffener section [see Figure
( S – d) and Figure] about its neutral
S axis, including a length of the furnace
where of 0.55Æ(de) on each side of the stiffener
S is the pitch of the tubes in the outer (in mm4)
vertical row (in mm); (see note 2);
d is the diameter of the tube holes L is the distance between the centres of two
(in mm). effective points of support (in mm)
P is the design pressure (in N/mm2); (see note 3);
Rm is the specified minimum tensile strength at P is the design pressure (in N/mm2);
room temperature (in N/mm2). S1 is the factor of safety
= 2.5 for furnaces in classes I and II directly
Tube plates between the stay tubes shall comply
fired and waste heat boilers,
with the requirements for tube plates (see 3.9.5).
= 3.5 for furnaces in class III directly fired
3.10 Furnaces, furnace components, and waste heat boilers,
wet back reversal chambers and = 2.0 for tubes not exposed to flame;
fireboxes of cylindrical form subject to S2 is the factor of safety
external pressure = 3.0 for classes I and II directly fired and
waste heat boilers,
3.10.1 Furnaces
= 3.9 for class III directly fired and waste Maximum furnace diameter. The mean heat boilers;
diameter of furnaces shall not exceed 1 800 mm. u is the percentage out-of-roundness to be
taken as 1.5 for plain furnaces and 1.0 for
corrugated furnaces;
W is the depth of corrugation (in mm).
NOTE 1 For corrugated furnaces, mean diameter is equal to
inside diameter plus full depth of one corrugation; referring to
Figure this is equal to the inside diameter + e + W.
26 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
NOTE 2 When calculating Is, it is only necessary to take into Furnace components. The thickness of
account a corrosion allowance on the furnace gas side. furnace components, e.g. ash drop-out tubes and
NOTE 3 Stiffeners complying with Figure and boiler
and reversal chamber end plates are considered to be effective fuel inlet connections, shall be calculated in
points of support. accordance with, with a minimum Evaluation of Young’s modulus at the thickness of 10 mm and a maximum thickness
design temperature. Values of E shall be obtained of 22 mm.
from the following table (by linear interpolation if Compensation for openings in furnaces shall be
required). provided in accordance with 3.4 except that the use
Design Values of E of pad reinforcement is not permitted and neither
temperature furnace nor branch shall have a thickness
°C N/mm2 × 103 exceeding 22 mm.
250 195 Corrugated furnaces. The design pressure
of corrugated furnaces shall be determined using
300 191 the following equation but the thickness shall be not
350 186 less than 10 mm and shall not exceed 22 mm.
400 181
450 178
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© BSI 02-2000 27
BS 2790:1992 If stiffeners are made in sections from bar 3.10.2 Reversal chambers
or plate, the abutting ends shall be prepared so as to The thickness of wrapper plates of
ensure that full penetration welds are made. cylindrical reversal chambers of horizontal
The thickness of the stiffening ring shall be kept to multi-tubular boilers shall be calculated in
the minimum required [for limiting dimensions see accordance with the equations given in
Figure and Figure]. Full Where non-circular geometry is employed using
penetration welds shall be used to attach stiffeners plates of differing radii, the thickness shall be
to furnaces. calculated using the maximum radius. Where the Bowling hoops are considered as effective use of reversed curvature sections is involved, a
points of support. The minimum pitch of bowling check shall be made that the sections will sustain
hoop centres shall, for calculation purposes, be the design pressure without the design stress being
taken as not less than 500 mm. If bowling hoops are exceeded and, if necessary, the thickness
used, the furnace thickness shall be calculated appropriately increased. A suggested method is
from The dimensions of bowling hoops given in Appendix G. The thickness shall be not
shall be in accordance with Figure, greater than 35 mm and shall be not less
Figure and Figure and than 10 mm.
their second moment of area, determined from the The thickness of access tubes shall be
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
tables given in these figures, less shall be not than calculated in accordance with with a
required by minimum thickness of 10 mm. If corrugated furnaces are equipped with 3.10.3 Fireboxes and associated components
several stiffeners, e.g. one on each corrugation or on Fireboxes of vertical boilers. The thickness
each second corrugation, the cross-sectional area
of fireboxes shall be obtained by use of the equations
and the second moment of area of the stiffeners shall
given in, where all the symbols have the
also be taken into consideration when using the
same significance except that
equation given in A height of not more
than six times the furnace thickness shall be used d is the mean diameter of firebox (in mm).
for the calculation. If the firebox is tapered, the diameter taken
shall be the mean of that at the top and at Flexibility
the bottom where it meets the substantial Plain furnaces shall not exceed 3 m in support from the flange or ring;
length except in the case of reverse flame boilers, L is the effective length (in mm) of the firebox
which are considered to be inherently flexible. In all as indicated in Figure 3.1(5)(b).
other cases flexibility shall be provided in the
furnace by means of corrugations or bowling hoops. In no case shall the thickness be less than 10 mm,
nor shall it exceed 22 mm, and the mean diameter of
If corrugations are used to provide flexibility, at
fireboxes shall not exceed 1 800 mm.
least one-third of the furnace length shall be
corrugated. Uptakes. The thickness of uptakes shall be
obtained by use of the equations given in If the length of the plain portion of a
using a corrosion allowance of 4 mm instead
corrugated furnace does not exceed 250 mm, it is not
of 0.75 mm.
necessary to calculate the thickness. If the length of
the plain portion of a corrugated furnace Cross tubes. Cross tubes shall not
exceeds 250 mm, the total length of both sections exceed 300 mm internal diameter. The thickness
shall be used for calculating the thickness of the shall be determined from the equation given in 3.2.2
corrugated furnace and 1.5 times the length of the but in no case shall it be less than 10 mm.
plain sections shall be used for calculating the Hemispherical fireboxes. The minimum
thickness of the plain section. thickness of unsupported hemispherical fireboxes
subject to pressure on the convex surface shall be
determined in accordance with but the
thickness shall be not less than 10 mm and shall not
exceed 22 mm.
28 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992 Spherical shells under external Ogee rings and base flanges
pressure [see Figure 3.10.3(a) and Figure 3.10.3(b)]. The General. The design of spherical shells thickness of the Ogee ring or base flange which
shall be checked to ensure that neither elastic connects the bottom of the firebox to the shell of a
instability nor membrane yield occur. The allowable vertical boiler and sustains the whole vertical lead
design pressure shall be the smaller of the values on the firebox shall be determined as follows.
of P obtained in and Calculation of elastic instability. The
design pressure P shall be determined from the
following equation. where
C is the corrosion allowance, to be taken
as 0.75 mm unless a higher figure is agreed
to take account of adverse conditions;
where do is the outside diameter of the lower part of
the firebox where it joins the Ogee ring or
e is the thickness (in mm);
base flange
E is Young’s modulus at the design (in mm);
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BS 2790:1992
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NOTE The radiant heating surface consists of the furnace, the wrapper plate and the wet back rear plate.
Figure 3.1(1) — Wet back boiler
30 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
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NOTE The radiant heating surface consists of the furnace and the wrapper plate.
Figure 3.1(3) — Semi-wet back boiler
© BSI 02-2000 31
BS 2790:1992
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NOTE The radiant heating surface consists of the firebox and the crosstubes.
(a) Part sectional view
Figure 3.1(5) — Vertical boiler
32 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
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(b) Firebox showing the effective length L for use in the equations given in
© BSI 02-2000 33
BS 2790:1992
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Figure 3.1(6) — Relationship between furnace diameter and permissible heat input
34 © BSI 02-2000
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Figure — Design of saddle supports
BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
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Figure 3.3(1) — Typical dished ends
BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
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A is the thickness calculated in accordance with the formula given in 3.2.2 taking Z equal to 1.0 and disregarding the minimum
thickness required by 3.2.2.
B is the thickness of the branch calculated in accordance with the formula given in 3.2.2 taking Z equal to 1.0 and disregarding the
minimum thickness required by 3.2.2.
C is the smaller of the two values: 2.5e or (2.5ea + er).
D is the greater of the two values: (e + 75 mm) or d/2.
X is the area requiring compensation, denoted by
Y is the compensating area, denoted by
NOTE er is to be equal to zero when there is no compensating plate on the side of the shell under consideration.
Figure 3.4.4 — Compensation of welded branch up to one-third of the diameter
of the boiler shell
40 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
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NOTE For details of the weld preparation, see the examples given in Appendix B.
Figure 3.5 — Welding of manhole frames and compensating plates
© BSI 02-2000 41
BS 2790:1992
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Figure 3.6.1(1) — Welding detail for manhole frame in flat end plate
42 © BSI 02-2000
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© BSI 02-2000
Figure 3.6.1(3) — Compensation for branch in flat end plate
BS 2790:1992
BS 2790:1992
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© BSI 02-2000
NOTE For dimensions of breathing spaces, see 3.8.1. If the furnace or end plate is flanged, the breathing space is taken from the commencement of curvature.
Figure 3.8.1(1) — Typical arrangement of end plate on a multitubular boiler
BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
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46 © BSI 02-2000
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© BSI 02-2000
Figure 3.8.2(1) — Use of sub-circles (twin furnace)
BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
© BSI 02-2000
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49 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
BS 2790:1992
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Figure 3.8.2(4) — Example of a gusset stay that impinges on the main circle
other than at a tangent
50 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
NOTE This form of attachment is also suitable for plain bar stays.
(a) (b)
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BS 2790:1992
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NOTE If ew is less than 0.35D, the form of construction shown in Figure 3.8.2(6)(a) is to
be used.
(a) (b)
© BSI 02-2000
NOTE If ew is less than 0.35D, the form of construction shown in Figure 3.8.2(6)(c) is to
BS 2790:1992
be used.
(c) (d)
54 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
NOTE Girders may be shaped to either the full or the chain dotted lines as shown above.
All dimensions are in millimetres.
Figure 3.8.2(8) — Typical methods of fitting welded girders to reversal chambers (continued)
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BS 2790:1992
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Figure 3.8.2(8) — Typical methods of fitting welded girders to reversal chambers (continued)
56 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
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Figure 3.8.2(8) — Typical methods of fitting welded girders to reversal chambers (concluded)
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BS 2790:1992
If stays are fitted, y shall be taken as If stays are note fitted, y shall be taken as 1.56.
defined in
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58 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
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Figure — Bar stays for the rear plate of wet back reversal chambers
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BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
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Figure — Typical details for welded and pinned gusset stays
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BS 2790:1992
© BSI 02-2000
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 02-2000
Figure 3.9.2(2) — Typical attachment of plain tubes
BS 2790:1992
BS 2790:1992
e–C I F
e–C I F
mm × 10
4 4 mm2 × 102
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
e–C I F
mm × 10
4 4
mm2 × 102
9.25 37.7 16.5
10.25 42.2 18.3
11.25 46.8 20.1
12.25 51.5 21.9
13.25 56.3 23.6
14.25 61.3 25.4
15.25 66.4 27.2
16.25 71.8 29.0
17.25 77.3 30.8
(c) Fox type furnaces (150 mm corrugation and 41 mm depth) 18.25 83.0 32.6
19.25 88.9 34.3
20.25 95.0 36.1
21.25 101.4 37.9
64 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
e–C I F
mm4 × 104 mm2 × 102
9.25 38.6 20.2
10.25 43.2 22.4
11.25 47.8 24.6
12.25 52.6 26.8
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
e–C I F
mm4 × 104 mm2 × 102
9.25 45.6 20.5
10.25 50.9 22.7
11.25 56.3 25.0
12.25 61.8 27.2
13.25 67.5 29.4
14.25 73.3 31.6
15.25 79.3 33.8
16.25 85.5 36.1
17.25 91.8 38.3
18.25 98.4 40.5
19.25 105.2 42.7
20.25 112.2 44.9
21.25 119.5 47.2
(e) Morrison type furnaces (200 mm corrugation and 41 mm depth)
All dimensions are in millimitres.
Figure — Second moments of area I and cross-sectional area F (continued)
© BSI 02-2000 65
BS 2790:1992
e–C I F
(f) Fox type furnaces (150 mm corrugation and 50 mm total depth) 18.25 48.3 30.4
19.25 49.2 31.9
20.25 50.1 33.3
21.25 51.0 34.8
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
e–C I F
66 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 02-2000 67
BS 2790:1992
e–C I
mm4 × 106
9.25 1.9
10.25 2.11
11.25 2.32
12.25 2.53
13.25 2.74
14.25 2.96
15.25 3.18
16.25 3.40
17.25 3.62
18.25 3.85
19.25 4.08
20.25 4.31
21.25 4.55
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
e–C I
mm4 × 106
9.25 1.3
10.25 1.44
11.25 1.59
12.25 1.74
13.25 1.90
14.25 2.04
15.25 2.2
16.25 2.36
17.25 2.52
18.25 2.68
19.25 2.84
20.25 3.01
21.25 3.18
e–C I
mm4 × 106
9.25 1.14
10.25 1.28
11.25 1.41
12.25 1.55
13.25 1.7
14.25 1.86
15.25 2.04
16.25 2.22
17.25 2.41
18.25 2.6
19.25 2.8
20.25 3.01
21.25 3.22
All dimensions are in millimetres.
Figure — Bowling hoops
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© BSI 02-2000
Figure 3.10.3 — Attachment of fireboxes to shells
BS 2790:1992
BS 2790:1992
and/or thermal cutting. either when lying horizontal or when set up on end.
If the shell section is checked while lying horizontal,
4.4 Cylindrical shells the maximum and minimum diameters at any cross
4.4.1 Construction. Each ring shall be formed section shall be measured. These reference
from not more than two plates, each plate being bent diameters shall be re-measured after rotating the
to the correct radius to the extreme ends, except shell through 90° about its horizontal axis.
where the design incorporates flat tube plates which The mean of the maxima and the mean of the
form part of the shell. minima from the two sets of measurements shall be
The bending shall be done entirely by machine. used in calculating the out-of-roundness.
Neither local heating nor hammering shall be used. Cold rolling. If cold rolling of a welded shell
The longitudinal seam or seams may be placed in is used to rectify a small departure from circularity,
any suitable position(s), but the seams in successive non-destructive testing in accordance with 5.6 shall
rings shall not fall in line. be carried out after rolling.
Wherever possible, the design shall be such that the
4.5 Reinforcing plates
longitudinal seams are accessible for inspection.
Reinforcing plates shall bed closely to the plates to
4.4.2 Shell sections of completed boilers
which they are to be connected. Any welds in the Straightness. The maximum deviation of the reinforcing plate are to be on the transverse centre
shell from a straight line shall not exceed 0.3 % of line.
the total cylindrical length and 5 mm in any 5 m
Reinforcing plates and saddles of nozzles attached
length. Measurements shall be made to the surface
to the outside of a boiler shall be provided with at
of the parent plate and not to a weld, fitting or other
least one telltale hole. If reinforcing plates are
raised part.
attached to the inside of the shell, tell-tale holes Irregularities in profile shall be drilled in the shell [see Figure 3.5(b)]. Gradual local departures from circularity.
Irregularities in profile (checked by a 20° gauge or a
needle gauge) shall not exceed 5 % of the nominal
shell plate thickness e plus 3 mm.
This maximum value may be increased by 25 % if
the length of the irregularities does not exceed 1 m. Peaking at welded seams. Where any local
departure from circularity is due, either wholly or in
part, to the presence of flats adjacent to a welded
seam, the peaking shall be measured in accordance
with Where a profile gauge is used, its
chord shall extend beyond the flats.
70 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
4.6 End plates and tube plates The extension of tube ends beyond the tube plate
shall be in accordance with 3.9.2. If tubes are
4.6.1 Flat or dished ends shall be made in one piece,
welded to the tube plate in accordance with
except that if the diameter is so large that this is
Figure 3.9.2(1)(a), Figure 3.9.2(1)(b) or
impracticable, flat ends shall be made from two
Figure 3.9.2(1)(c) or Figure 3.9.2(2)(a) or
plates butt-welded together [see and Figure 3.9.2(2)(b), the unwelded portion of the tube
Figure B(2)]. The weld shall be located preferably within the tube hole shall be in full contact with the
between two rows of bar stays or, if there is only one
tube place except that stay tubes more than 6 mm
row of bar stays, between this row and the top row
thick may be welded only, provided that the length
of tubes. Dishing and peripheral flanging of end
of the unwelded land does not exceed four times the
plates shall be done by machine. Such flanging
tube wall thickness.
should preferably be done in one operation, but, if
NOTE Tubes may be welded after stress relief of the boiler.
this is impracticable, creep machine flanging may
be permitted provided that the plate is worked at a 4.7.2 Plain tubes. If tubes are expanded only, the
suitable temperature and heated to an adequate process shall be carried out with roller expanders,
and the expanded portion of the tube shall be
distance beyond the portion under immediate
parallel through the full thickness of the tube plate.
treatment. Care shall be taken to see that the
In addition to expanding, tubes may be belied or
flanges are cylindrical, of good surface, and free
beaded (see 3.9.2).
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BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
The tensile strength and minus tolerances on The method of welding shall be in accordance
thickness given in those standards shall be taken with section 5.
into account. If LAW pipe is used, the longitudinal Flats formed in the firebox for the insertion of water
seam shall be non-destructively tested in tubes shall have an ample radius at the junction of
accordance with the flat and the curved surfaces and shall be free
4.10.2 Out-of-roundness as defined in shall from sharp corners or tool marks. The plate shall
not exceed 1.0 % for corrugated furnaces or 1.5 % for not be thinned below the calculated thickness.
plain furnaces with a maximum variation in An ogee flange, whether integral with the firebox or
diameter of any cross section of 6.5 mm or half the made as a separate ring, shall preferably be formed
thickness, whichever is the greater. Any departure at one heat by suitable machinery and shall be
from circularity shall be gradual. allowed to cool gradually to avoid internal stresses.
4.10.3 The longitudinal welds shall break joint in Rings for firehole openings or foundation rings shall
successive sections by at least 150 mm. be made of steel in accordance with the
4.10.4 If the furnace sections are flanged hot for requirements specified in section 2. Z sections shall
circumferential joints, the flanging shall be carried not be used for foundation rings.
out at one heat. Subsequently, sections shall be Methods of attachment of the firebox to the shell
normalized unless flanging be carried out within the shall be in accordance with Figure 3.10.3(a),
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
normalizing temperature range. If the furnace Figure 3.10.3(b) or Figure 3.10.3(c). Typical
sections are flanged cold, they shall be subsequently methods of attachment of firehole openings are
normalized and the flanges shall be subjected to shown in Figure B(10).
surface crack detection on both sides of the plate by 4.11.2 Hemispherical fireboxes. Hemispherical
the magnetic particle method. Cold spinning of fireboxes shall meet the requirements of 4.6.2.
furnace sections is not permitted.
4.11.3 Water-cooled reversal chambers. Where
4.10.5 Edges of all furnace flanges shall be reversal chamber tube plates or end plates are
machined or thermal-cut by machine. flanged for attachment to wrapper plates the
4.10.6 If stiffeners are required, they shall be cylindrical portion shall be not less than 2e
attached by means of continuous full penetration or 38 mm long, whichever is greater. Flat plates
welding in accordance with Figure connected to wrapper plates shall have an internal
4.10.7 The projection of furnace plates beyond end fillet weld with a minimum leg length of 6 mm
plates or reversal chamber tube plates shall not (see Typical examples of connections are
exceed 3 mm. The end of the furnace plate corner shown in Figure B(4)(a) to Figure B(4)(e).
exposed to flame or hot gas shall be ground to Access opening frames shall be attached as shown
produce a radius of not less than e/2. The cylindrical in Figure 3.8.2(7).
portion of the flanged end plates connected to 4.11.4 Uptakes. Uptakes shall be formed from
furnace plates shall be not less than 50 mm long. seamless or longitudinally welded tube, or
Typical examples of connections are shown butt-welded plate, and shall be butt-welded to the
in Figure B(5), Figure B(5)(a), Figure B(5)(b), upward flange of the opening in the firebox top end
Figure B(5)(c) or Figure B(6). plate.
The depth of the flange of the firebox top end plate
4.11 Fireboxes and reversal chambers
opening from the commencement of the curvature of
4.11.1 Plain circular fireboxes. The cylindrical the flange shall be not less than twice the plate
portion shall preferably be formed from one plate in thickness with a minimum of 25 mm.
a similar manner to the shell plates. The maximum The uptake shall be attached to the shell top end
permissible variation in diameter at any cross plate as indicated in Figure B(5)(a), Figure B(5)(b),
section shall not exceed 6.5 mm for fireboxes up Figure B(5)(c) or Figure B(6).
to 900 mm diameter, or 9.5 mm for fireboxes
over 900 mm diameter, or half the thickness of If the vertical seam of the uptake is butt-welded the
the plate, whichever is the greater. welding shall comply with the requirements of
section 5 and the weld shall be arranged so that it is
Vertical fireboxes shall preferably be tapered, a directly facing the manhole.
taper of 1 in 8 on diameter being recommended.
NOTE The uptake should be fitted with an internal cast iron
The water space at the bottom between the firebox liner extending below the low-water level.
and the shell shall be not less than 50 mm for
boilers up to and including 750 mm diameter and
not less than 63 mm for boilers over 750 mm
© BSI 02-2000 73
BS 2790:1992
4.12 Cross tubes and stays Clearance holes shall be cylindrical having a
diameter not exceeding that of the bar stay by more
4.12.1 Cross tubes. Cross tubes shall be made from
than 3 mm.
seamless steel tubes (see section 2). The tube shall
be fusion-welded in position as shown typically in 4.12.4 Firebox stays. Firebox stays shall be
Figure B(8). secured to the plates which they support by welding
[see Figure 3.8.2(5)(a) and Figure 3.8.2(5)(b)].
4.12.2 Stays. All bar stays or firebox stays shall be
made from solid rolled bar without welds in the 4.12.5 Gusset stays. Gusset stays shall be flat and
length, except those attaching them to the plates perpendicular to the end plates.
they support. Bar stays which have been hot-worked 4.12.6 Girder stays. The attachment of girder
shall be subsequently normalized. stays welded directly to the crown plates shall be by
NOTE 1 When a stay is in position in the boiler, its axis should means of full penetration welds, and shall comply
be normal to the plate it supports. with the details shown in Figure 3.8.2(8)(a) to
A tell-tale hole shall be drilled along the axis of all Figure 3.8.2(8)(f). Each girder shall be of sufficient
bar and firebox stays. strength to support its due proportion of the load on
NOTE 2 The diameter of the holes should not exceed 5 mm and the top end plate independently of the crown plate,
the drilling should extend 13 mm beyond the water surface of the and the attachment welds shall have sufficient
plate. cross-sectional area to carry the applied load
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4.12.3 Bar stays. Bar stays shall be secured to the (see
plates they support by one of the following methods.
a) Plain bars passing through clearance holes in
the plates and welded [see Figure 3.8.2(5)(a)
and Figure 3.8.2(5)(b)].
b) Plain bars passing through clearance holes in
the plates and fitted with washers on the outside,
the stay and washers being welded to the plates
in accordance with any one of the methods shown
in Figure 3.8.2(6)(a) to Figure 3.8.2(6)(d).
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BS 2790:1992
NOTE The above requirements for reverse side fillet welds ere Fillet welds shall only be employed as
dictated by consideration of accessibility for welding but strength welds for pressure parts within the
whenever it is reasonably practicable to insert a fillet weld of the
requisite quality then the weld should be inserted for the full limitations recommended in Appendix B. Complete
circumference of the seam. It is preferable to complete the fillet fusion at the root of the fillet welds shall be ensured
weld before welding from the other side whenever it is practicable by taking particular care in the lay-out of joints with
to do so [see d)].
fillet welds.
In cases where the reverse side fillet weld is omitted
from flat plate attachment welds to shells, furnaces 5.4 Fabrication and welding approval
or reversal chamber access tubes, special
consideration of the welding technique is required to 5.4.1 General. The methods of welding main seams
ensure sound root conditions. Slight lack of root shall provide full penetration and it shall be
penetration up to a maximum of 2.5 mm shall not be demonstrated by approval tests that the welding
cause for rejection. method can produce a weld that is free from
significant defects as described in BS EN 288-3 as If a cylindrical shell is constructed with
supplemented by the requirements of Table 5.4.7(1).
plates of different thicknesses, the plates shall be
NOTE Existing procedures to BS 4870-1 are considered
arranged so that their centrelines form a continuous technically equivalent to BS EN 288-3, when similar types of
circle. The thicker plate shall be equally chamfered tests have been carried out. Thus, the bend tests in BS 4870-1
inside and outside over a circumferential distance are considered equivalent to those in BS EN 288-3 even though
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
not less than twice the difference in the thicknesses the exact number and bend angle differ. Similarly, visual,
radiographic, ultrasonic, surface crack detection, transverse
so that the plates are of equal thickness at the tensile, hardness, macro-examination and impact tests are
longitudinal weld. considered equivalent.
For a circumferential seam, where the difference in 5.4.2 Welding processes. Any process used shall
the thickness is the same throughout the produce satisfactory results when tested in
circumference, the thicker plate shall be reduced in accordance with the procedure approval tests.
thickness by machining to a taper for a distance not NOTE Details of welding processes are not defined in this
less than three times the offset. standard.
(See also 5.4.10 and 5.4.11.) 5.4.3 Welding procedure approval
NOTE The width of the weld may be included as part of If a manufacturing firm can furnish proof,
the taper of the thicker plate.
satisfactory to the purchaser in conjunction with the When welding ash drop-out tubes to Inspecting Authority, that it has previously made
furnaces and shells from one side where the other successful procedure approval tests or successfully
side is inaccessible for welding, lack of root undertaken the manufacture of boiler components
penetration or root concavity shall not exceed 3 mm in respect of method, parent metal, filler metal and
and the opening in the shell shall be reinforced with thickness, within a period of three years in
pad-type compensation [see Figure B(7)]. accordance with the requirements of BS EN 288-3, Corner joints with fillet welds only shall not such a firm shall be deemed exempt from the
be used. necessity of being re-approved under the Where practicable, openings in or near requirements of this standard within the range
welded seams shall be avoided, especially when the covered by the previous tests.
seam is not stress-relieved. The minimum distance If a firm has not had its procedure so approved or
from the centreline of the welded seam to the proof is not available, it shall prove by a welding
nearest point of the weld of the connection or edge of procedure approval test that its organization is
the opening shall be 60 mm or four times the shell capable of welding the materials to be used.
plate thickness (whichever is the larger). Approval testing of welding procedures is to
If this is not possible, the opening shall cross the be carried out in accordance with BS EN 288-3,
welded seam completely and in such a manner that except as otherwise stated in 5.4.7.
the tangent at the point where the axis of the seam
meets the edge of the opening makes an angle with
this axis as close as possible to 90°. In this case, the
welded seam shall be non-destructively tested for a
length of 60 mm or four times the shell plate
thickness (whichever is the larger) at each side of
the opening.
76 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
5.4.4 Welder’s competence approvals. If a The manufacturer shall make available to
manufacturing firm can furnish proof, satisfactory the inspector a certified copy of the record of the
to the purchaser in conjunction with the inspecting approval tests of each welder.
authority, that any welder assigned to manual or The inspector has the right to witness the approval
machine welding on boilers has previously made test of any welder. Subsequently, in case of doubt,
competence approval tests for the type of work and he has the right to request re-approval of any
procedure concerned, and has been successfully welder.
engaged in the manufacture of boiler components
within a period of six months, both in accordance 5.4.6 Welded production test plates
with BS EN 287-1, then any such welder shall be Test specimens
exempt from the necessity of being re-approved NOTE The number of test specimens should be
under the requirements of this standard so long as to Table 5.4.7(1).
the welder remains in the employment of the same Production test plates are required to
manufacturer. represent all butt-welded main seams in boiler
If such proof is not forthcoming, welders assigned to cylindrical components, i.e. shells, furnaces and
manual or machine welding on boilers shall be reversal chambers. If the main longitudinal and
required to pass approval tests carried out in circumferential butt-welded seams in a component
accordance with BS EN 287-1, except as otherwise are welded within the essential variables of the
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
© BSI 02-2000 77
BS 2790:1992
In that case the requirements of 10 m and 30 m 5.4.7 Destructive tests for procedure, welder
in shall be revised to 30 m and 90 m and production control testing
respectively with a minimum of one test plate every Test method. The tests shall be carried out in
three months. accordance with BS EN 287-1 or BS EN 288-3 and The material used for the test plates shall Table 5.4.7(1) as appropriate, except where
comply with the same specification as that used in otherwise stated in 5.4.7.
the construction of the boiler and shall be Test temperatures. The tests shall be
manufactured by the same steel making process. conducted at room temperature.
The plates shall be of the same nominal thickness as
the components represented and preferably selected All-weld tensile test
from the same batch of material as that used in The all-weld tensile strength R obtained
manufacturing the boiler. shall be not less than the minimum specified tensile
The dimensions of a welded test plate shall be strength of the plate material. The elongation A %
sufficient to take out the required test specimens for obtained shall be at least equal to that given by the
testing and any necessary retesting following equation:
(see Figure A = 45 – 0.046 R If weld test plates are provided at both where
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
ends of a longitudinal seam, the dimensions of the R is the tensile strength (in N/mm2).
test plates shall be sufficient to take the required
test specimens from one of them and the specimens In addition, this elongation shall be not less
for any necessary retesting from the other. than 80 % of the equivalent elongation specified for
the parent material. The test plates shall be supported or
reinforced during welding in order to prevent undue The reduction in area shall be not less
distortion. than 35 %.
The test plates shall be subjected to the same heat Transverse bend test (for plate u 10 mm
treatment as required for the work piece to which thick) [see Figure and Table 5.4.7(2)]. Face
they belong. bend tests shall be conducted with the surface of the
test plate corresponding to the outer surface of the
If it is desired to straighten test plates that have boiler in tension. Root bend tests shall be conducted
become distorted during welding, this shall be done with the surface of the test plate corresponding to
at a temperature below the temperature of heat the inner surface of the boiler in tension.
treatment of the shell to which they belong and On completion of the test, no crack or other defect at
before final heat treatment. the outer surface of the test specimen shall have a Non-destructive testing. The welds in dimension greater than 1.5 mm. Slight tearing at
production test plates shall be subjected to the same the edges of the test specimen shall not constitute
non-destructive testing procedure (see 5.6) and failure to comply with this standard.
acceptance criteria (see 5.7) as for the seam they Side bend test (for plate exceeding 10 mm
represent. thick) [see Figure and Table 5.4.7(2)]. On
If any defects in the weld of a test plate are revealed completion of the test, no crack or other defect at the
by non-destructive testing, their position shall be outer surface of the test specimen shall have a
clearly marked on the plate and test specimens shall dimension greater than 3 mm Slight tearing at the
be selected from such other parts of the test plate as edge of the test specimen shall not constitute failure
may be agreed upon between the manufacturer and to comply with this standard.
the Inspecting Authority.
The cause of such defects in the production test
plate shall be ascertained.
78 © BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
Table 5.4.7(1) — Number of test specimens for weld procedure approval and
production control tests
Test specimen
see Figure, Double-sided Single-sided Fillet welds
Figure, Figure and butt joints butt joints in plate
Figure welds
Macro-examination 1 2 2 4
Hardness survey 1 1 1 1
Transverse tensile 1 2 — —
see BS 709
All-weld tensile 1 1 — —
Root bend 1 3 — —
for plate u 10 mm thick
Face bend 1 1 — —
Side bend (for material > 10 mm thick) 2 1 — —
Fillet weld fracture — — 3 —
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Table 5.4.7(2) — Bend test requirements Impact tests (class I boilers only)
Free space (see Figure
Diameter between Three notched bar impact test specimens
of former supports at
end of test shall be taken transversely to the weld parallel to
the plate surface and as near as possible to the face
Carbon steels 2e 4.2e side of the last pass of the weld with the axis of the
Rm < 430 N/mm2 notch perpendicular to the surface of the plate. The
Carbon steels 3e 5.2e impact tests shall be carried out by the Charpy
Rm = 430 to 530 N/mm2 V-notch method and where the thickness of the
Carbon-manganese steels 4e 6.2e material permits, the dimensions of the specimens,
Rm > 530 N/mm2 each of square section 10 mm × 10 mm, shall be in
accordance with BS EN 10045-1. Where the
NOTE e is the thickness of the test specimen (see BS 709). thickness of the material does not permit the
Bending angle required = 180°.
preparation of 10 mm wide test pieces the width Macro-examination. The specimen for (along the notch) shall be machined to 7.5 mm
macro-examination shall be taken from material or 5 mm as appropriate. The greatest width of test
that has not been affected by flame cutting piece that can be obtained from the section of the
operations. The weld shall be sound, i.e. free from material shall be selected.
cracks and substantially free from discontinuities The average value obtained from the three
such as slag inclusions and porosity, to an extent impact test specimens shall be not less than 27 J
equivalent to that given in BS EN 288-3 for for 10 mm × 10 mm specimens, 21.5 J
procedure tests, BS EN 287-1 for welder test and 5.7 for 10 mm × 7.5 mm specimens and 19 J
for production control tests. If there is any doubt as for 10 mm × 5 mm specimens (see
to the condition of a weld as shown by macro One individual value may be below the specified
etching, the area concerned shall be examined value provided that it is not less than 70 % of that
microscopically. value. Retests Tensile tests. Where a tensile test specimen
fails to meet the requirements, two retests shall be
made. Bend tests. Where a bend test specimen
fails to meet the requirements, two retests shall be
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BS 2790:1992 Impact tests. If the average of the three Fitting and alignment
impact values is less than the specified value or if Plates that are being welded shall be
any one value is lower than 70 % of the specified fitted, aligned and retained in position during the
value, three additional test pieces shall be taken welding operation.
from the same sample and tested. The average value
of the six test results shall be not less than the Bars, jacks, clamps, tack welds, or other
specified value. Not more than two of the individual appropriate means may be used to hold the edges to
values shall be lower than the specified value and be welded in line. Tack welds shall be removed
not more than one may be lower than 70 % of this unless they are to be completely fused into the weld.
value. The edges of butt joints shall be held Failure of retest specimens. If any of the during welding so that the tolerances of 5.4.10
retest specimens fail to meet the specified and 5.4.11 are not exceeded in the completed joint.
requirements, the welded seams represented by If fitted circumferential joints have deviations
these tests shall be deemed not to comply with the exceeding the permitted tolerances, the head or
requirements of this standard. If any retest shell ring, whichever is out-of-true, shall be
specimen fails during weld procedure approval tests adjusted until the errors are within the limits
then the cause of failure shall be established and the specified. If fillet welds are used, the pieces shall fit
whole procedure test shall be repeated. closely.
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BS 2790:1992
slope of 1 : 4. standard.
5.4.12 Finished longitudinal and Plates welded prior to hot or cold forming.
circumferential joints. Welds shall have a If it is necessary to butt-weld plates together prior to
smooth finish without valleys and shall merge into hot forming, the welded joint shall be
the plates without significant under-cutting or non-destructively tested throughout its length
abrupt irregularity. by ultrasonic or radiographic methods after hot
Undercutting shall be considered significant if the forming.
depth exceeds 0.5 mm. Cold forming of welded plates shall only be carried
To ensure that the weld grooves are completely out under the following conditions.
filled so that the surface of the weld metal at any a) Forming precaution. Before cold forming the
point does not fall below the surface of the adjoining weld reinforcement shall be ground smooth and
plate, weld metal may be built up as reinforcement the manufacturer shall take precautions, where
on each side of the plate. This reinforcement shall necessary, to avoid crack formation in the weld
not exceed the following thicknesses. metal or the heat-affected zone.
Thicker plate thickness, Maximum b) Limiting thicknesses:
b reinforcement thickness
1) up to 20 mm thickness for coarse grained
b u 12 mm 2.5 mm steels;
12 mm < b u 25 mm 3 mm 2) up to 25 mm thickness for fine grained
b > 25 mm 5 mm steels.
NOTE The reinforcement need not be removed except to the c) Forming. If the inside radius of curvature after
extent that it exceeds the permissible thickness, or if required forming is less than 10 times the thickness, an
by and appropriate heat treatment shall be applied as
agreed between purchaser, manufacturer and
5.4.13 Fillet welds. Fillet welds shall be made in
Inspecting and/or Regulating Authority
such a manner that there is no significant
[see g)].
undercutting, as defined in 5.4.12, or other harmful
defects, and the deposition of weld metal shall be d) Control. After cold forming, the welded joints
such as to ensure fusion with the parent metal at shall be visually examined and non-destructively
the root of the weld. Sufficient weld metal shall be tested throughout their length by ultrasonic or
deposited to meet the specified requirements. Not radiographic methods, and on both sides by
less than two weld runs shall be employed when magnetic particle or penetrant methods.
making fillet welds. NOTE For the purposes of this standard, coarse and fine
grained steels are defined according to their McQuaid Ehn grain
If internal fillet welds are present in flat unflanged size, coarse grained having a grain size of 1 to 5 and fine grained
end plate or tubeplate joints to shells, furnaces and having a grain size of 5 to 8 (see BS 970-1 and BS 4490).
reversal chamber wrapper plates, the profile of the Only small departures from circularity of a
fillet weld shall be such as to minimize notch effects. welded shell shall be rectified by cold rolling.
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BS 2790:1992 In cases where post weld heat treatment of 5.4.15 Repair of weld defects
a completed boiler is required by this standard Any repair to a weld carried out by the
(see 5.5.2), the attachment of nozzles, pads, manufacturer shall be reported to the Inspecting
branches, pipes and non-pressure parts shall be Authority.
carried out before heat treatment unless this is
manifestly not practicable, e.g. when smoke boxes If the repair is made as a consequence of a
are welded to pressure parts or in other exceptional radiographic examination, the films of the original
circumstances. In such cases, the following defects shall be made available. If the defects form a
requirements shall be complied with in addition to continuous line, the manufacturer and the
all the other appropriate requirements of section 5. Inspecting Authority shall agree either to repair the
defective part of the weld or to remove and reweld
a) Hydrogen controlled welding electrodes dried the entire weld [see h)].
to at least scale B of BS 5135 shall be used or,
NOTE If the whole seam or an appreciable part of the seam has
alternatively, a process giving such potential to be rewelded, the purchaser or Inspecting Authority may
hydrogen levels shall be used, e.g. TIG welding. require that the original test plates be similarly treated or that
new test plates of the same quality and thickness of material be
b) The weld metal shall blend smoothly with the attached to the end of the seam and welded with it.
component material and shall be dressed if so Except for local repairs made by manual
required by the non-destructive testing
welding, all repairs or rewelding referred to
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
in shall, where practicable, be carried out
c) After completion of all welding and dressing, by the same process as was used for the original
welds with throat thicknesses exceeding 6 mm weld. An alternative process shall only be used with
shall be examined over their full length by the full knowledge and approval of the purchaser
magnetic particle methods. and Inspecting and/or Regulating Authority, and if Attachments approved in accordance with 5.4.3. Lugs, brackets, stiffeners, and other
attachments shall be contoured to fit the curvature
5.5 Heat treatment
of the surface to which they are to be attached. 5.5.1 Preheating Temporary attachments welded to the To avoid hard zone cracking in the
pressure parts shall be kept to a practical minimum. heat-affected zones of thermally-cut surfaces and Temporary attachments shall be removed welds, consideration shall be given to preheating
(see prior to the first pressurization unless the parent metal prior to the commencement of
they have been designed to the same standard as thermal-cutting or welding, including tack welding.
permanent attachments. NOTE The preheating temperature will depend upon the type
of joint, the metal thickness, the composition of the steel, the heat The welding of all attachments shall be input to each run of weld and the hydrogen potential of the weld
carried out by approved welders and according to an metal. Recommendations for preheating temperatures given in
approved procedure. Table and Table should be considered as a
general guide to good practice. Removal of attachments Other preheating temperatures are permitted provided that they
are proved to be satisfactory by weld procedure approval tests. If construction attachments are to be
Calculations of preheating temperature to suit particular
removed, the technique used shall be such as to combinations of heat input, material composition and thickness
avoid damaging the pressure part. Such removal for carbon and carbon manganese steels may be made by
shall be by chipping, grinding, or thermal cutting reference to the following:
followed by chipping or grinding. a) BS 5135;
b) Welding steels without hydrogen cracking. F. R. Coe. The areas from which temporary The Welding Institute, available from the Welding Institute,
attachments have been removed shall be dressed Research Laboratory, Abington Hall, Abington, Cambs.,
smooth and be examined by an appropriate CB1 6AL.
non-destructive test to the satisfaction of the parties No welding or tack welding shall be carried out
concerned. when the temperature of the parent metal
within 150 mm of the joint is less than 50 °C.
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BS 2790:1992
the flame on the boiler. welded in accordance with 5.4.6 shall receive the
e) The boiler shall be cooled in the furnace same heat treatment where applicable as the shell
to 300 °C at a rate not exceeding the values given they represent.
in the following table. Where the shell is given a primary heat treatment
Shell or end plate thickness, e Rate of cooling in every way similar to that to be given to it on
completion, the test plates shall be heat treated
Up to and including 25 mm 275 °C/h attached to or lying inside or alongside the shell.
Over 25 mm 6 875/e °C/h or Where the shell is not given a primary heat
55 °C/h, whichever treatment, or is given a primary treatment that is
is the greater not identical with the final treatment, the test
plates may be heat treated with another shell which
Below 300 °C, the boiler may be cooled in
is to be heat treated in accordance with this
still air.
standard. The heat treatment shall take place in a
f) The temperatures specified shall be the actual furnace in which the drum or shell to which the test
temperatures of any part of the boiler as plates relate will receive its final treatment. In such
determined by thermocouples in contact with the cases temperature-time records shall be provided to
boiler. show that the test plates and the parts to which they
Furnace atmosphere temperatures may be used relate have received similar treatment in respect of
to indicate metal temperatures provided that heating, soaking and cooling.
evidence exists that such readings correspond to Where test plates are heat treated independently,
the metal temperatures within close limits and the following factors shall be the same for both the
that such limits have been agreed between the test plate and the related shell:
manufacturer and the Inspecting Authority
1) rate of heating;
[see i)].
2) maximum temperature;
A sufficient number of temperatures shall be
recorded continuously and automatically to 3) time held at temperature;
ensure that all the requirements of are 4) condition of cooling.
complied with. Heat treatment temperatures of separately heated Check of post weld heat treatment. The test plates shall be recorded.
inspector shall satisfy himself that post weld heat 5.5.3 Heat treatment of test materials.
treatment has been correctly performed and that The pre-heat, interpass temperature, intermediate
the temperature readings comply with the and post-heat treatments, as applicable, for test
requirements. materials shall be the same as for production
welding, although the pre-heat temperature used
during fabrication may be increased by up to 100 °C
without requalification.
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BS 2790:1992
Subsequent heat treatment of test materials, Non-destructive testing personnel shall hold
i.e. normalizing or grain refining, tempering or an appropriate certificate of competence
stress relief, shall be the same for the test as for (e.g. CSWIP) which is recognized by the Inspecting
production welding. Authority; otherwise the Inspecting Authority shall
5.5.4 Other heat treatments satisfy itself as to the competence of such personnel. A normalizing heat treatment, or other 5.6.2 Extent of non-destructive testing
treatments according to the type of steel, as agreed Parent material. In the case of set-on end
between the manufacturer, purchaser and plates in accordance with Figure B(3)(c) and
Inspecting and/or Regulating Authority, shall be Figure B(3)(d) the requirements of quality grades
carried out before or after welding hot-formed parts, L4 and C4 of BS 5996 shall apply.
unless the process of hot forming is carried out To minimize the risk of laminar type defects
within the appropriate temperature occurring near welds of set-in plates it is
range [see j)]. recommended that the edges of shell and furnace If a normalizing heat treatment is carried plates be ultrasonically tested in areas which will be
out, the part to be normalized shall be brought up to located adjacent to end plate welds, and that edge
the required temperature slowly and held at that discontinuity quality grade E of BS 5996 should be
temperature for a period just sufficient to soak the used as a guide to acceptability. Imperfections
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
part thoroughly. If the geometry of the part causes affecting the plate edges shall only be repaired by
insufficiently homogeneous cooling, a welding procedures approved in accordance
stress-relieving heat treatment shall be applied with 5.4.3. Repaired areas shall be subjected to
after the normalizing heat treatment. repeat ultrasonic tests.
If set-on end plates in accordance with
5.6 Non-destructive testing Figure B(3)(c) and Figure B(3)(d) are employed, the
5.6.1 General plates shall be subjected to 100 % ultrasonic
inspection over a 150 mm wide band from the For acceptance purposes, class I and class II
periphery and 100 % ultrasonic inspection of
boilers shall be subjected to non-destructive testing
deposited weld metal after intermediate stress relief
in accordance with the requirements of 5.6.2
and machining of weld profile. The plate material so
and 5.6.3.
tested shall satisfy edge discontinuity grade
NOTE 1 For the purposes of this standard the term ES of BS 5996. The deposited weld metal shall
“non-destructive testing” covers the conventional techniques of
radiographic, ultrasonic, magnetic particle and/or liquid comply with 5.7 of this standard.
penetrant testing as specified in 5.6.2 and 5.6.3. Visual The edges of shell and furnace plates adjacent to the
inspection is also, in principle, a non-destructive method of
examination but in this standard is distinguished (see welds of set-in end plates shall be ultrasonically
from the conventional non-destructive testing methods. tested to the same percentage as that given in
NOTE 2 Non-destructive testing is not required for class III Table after completion of the welding of the
boilers for the purposes of this standard. seams. The acceptance level for laminar type defects
NOTE 3 Non-destructive testing may also be used by the
manufacturer during construction as part of the quality control
shall be edge discontinuity grade E of BS 5996.
process. Lamellar tearing shall not be permitted. Plate edge
NOTE 4 Non-destructive testing of tube-to-tube plate and bar imperfections shall only be repaired by welding
stay-to-flat plate welds is not required. procedures approved in accordance with 5.4.3.
NOTE 5 Non-destructive testing may be carried out before post Repaired areas shall be subjected to repeat
weld heat treatment.
ultrasonic tests.
If during the application of any one of the
non-destructive techniques, the results obtained do Welded seams
not permit a final decision to be made in accordance Butt-welded seams. Butt-welded seams
with the acceptance criteria specified in 5.7 another shall be subjected to radiographic or ultrasonic
of the techniques shall be applied in order to reach a testing as given in Table
final decision. In addition to the requirements of,
all welds of class I, class II and class III boilers shall
be visually inspected in accordance with the
recommendations of BS 5289. Non-destructive testing shall be carried out
to written procedures provided by the manufacturer
and approved by the Inspecting Authority.
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BS 2790:1992 Welds other than those covered by For class II boilers, it shall be permissible to
Table reduce the amount of non-destructive
a) General. When welds are to be examined on the examination to 10 %.
basis of a percentage of their length, the g) Fillet welds other than those referred to in (b)
section(s) to be examined shall be selected at to (f). For class I boilers, 25 % of the total length
random. of fillet welds shall be examined for surface flows
b) Full penetration welds of branches and pads. by magnetic particle or penetrant methods.
For class I boilers, 25 % of the total length of For class II boilers, it shall be permissible to
branch welds, including the pad attachment reduce the amount of non-destructive
welds that are welded to the same procedure, examination to 10 %.
shall be subjected to non-destructive examination Acceptance of spot non-destructive testing.
by radiographic or ultrasonic methods where the If a welded seam reveals an unacceptable defect
thickness of the thickest part exceeds 40 mm. If (see 5.7) the entire seam shall be subjected to
the thickness of the parts being joined is equal to non-destructive testing.
or less than 40 mm, at least 25 % of the total Non-destructive testing of repaired seams.
length of weld shall be examined for surface flaws
After a repair has been carried out to a welded seam,
by magnetic particle or penetrant methods.
the repaired section shall be fully non-destructively
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
For class II boilers, it shall be permissible to tested by all the techniques specified for the original
reduce the amount of non-destructive weld.
examination to 10 %.
5.6.3 Non-destructive testing techniques
c) Gusset and link stay attachment welds. For
class I and class II boilers, the full length of each Radiographic techniques
gusset or link stay attachment weld, when of the Radiographic examination shall be in
full penetration type, shall be ultrasonically accordance with BS 2600-1, BS 2600-2 or BS 2910,
examined. When attached by fillet welds, the full as appropriate. Because several techniques with
length of each weld shall be examined for surface differing sensitivities are detailed in these
flaws by magnetic particle or penetrant methods. standards, it is necessary to specify for each
d) End plate reverse side fillet welds. For class I particular application which technique is required
and class II boilers, the reverse side fillet weld of to be used. For thicknesses up to 50 mm X-ray
boiler end plate to shell attachments and furnace techniques shall normally be used. Other
to end plate and reversal chamber tubeplate techniques may be used provided it can be
attachments shall be examined for surface flaws demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Inspecting
over their full length, or as far as access permits, Authority that adequate sensitivity can be obtained.
by magnetic particle or dye penetrant methods, Radiographic sensitivity shall be determined in
except when the fillet weld was completed before accordance with Table 7 of BS 3971:1980, which
welding from the other side. In this case, it shall gives attainable values for thicknesses up
be permissible to reduce the amount of magnetic to 150 mm. The values given in section A of
particle or dye penetrant testing to not less Table 7 of BS 3971:1980 shall be regarded as the
than 10 % of the total length of welding of each maximum acceptable percentage sensitivity values
seam. for techniques 1 and 2 of BS 2600-1:1983,
e) Lifting lug attachment welds. Lifting lug equipment groups A, B, C, and D of BS 2600-2:1973
attachment welds of the full penetration type and techniques 1, 7 and 13 of BS 2910:1986.
shall be examined over their full length by the The values in section B of Table 7 of BS 3971:1980
ultrasonic method. When lifting lugs are attached shall be used for the remaining techniques in these
by fillet welds, the welds shall be examined for standards.
surface flaws over their full length by magnetic
particle or penetrant methods.
f) Welds of permanent major load carrying
attachments. For class I boilers, the welds shall
be examined over 25 % of their length by
ultrasonic methods in the case of full penetration
welds, and by magnetic particle or penetrant
methods in the case of fillet welds.
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BS 2790:1992 Marking and identification of radiographs. Penetrant method. The surface shall be
Each section of weld radiographed shall have free of any foreign matter which would interfere
suitable symbols affixed to identify the following: with the application and interpretation of the test.
a) the job or work-piece serial number, order Care shall be taken to avoid masking of flaws by
number, or similar distinctive reference number; distortion of surface layers by any dressing process
which may be necessary.
b) the joint; Reporting of non-destructive testing
c) the section of the joint;
examinations. The following information shall be
d) arrows, or other symbols, alongside but clear of given in reports
the outer edges of the weld to identify its position General
clearly. The symbols, consisting of lead arrows,
letters and/or numerals, shall be positioned so a) The date and timing, e.g. before or after stress
that their images appear in the radiograph to relief, of the examination and report.
ensure unequivocal identification of the section. b) The name(s) of the personnel responsible for
If radiographs are required of the entire length of a the examination and the interpretation.
welded seam, sufficient overlap shall be provided to c) Identification of the boiler and seam under
ensure that the radiographs cover the whole of the examination.
welded seam and each radiograph shall exhibit a
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Table 5.7(2) — Radiographic acceptance levels
BS 2790:1992
NOTE The following symbols are used.
e is the parent metal thickness. In the case of dissimilar thicknesses, e applies to the thinner component
w is the width of the defect
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Volumetric (Vl) w or I u 5 mm
h W 3 mm
Planar longitudinal (Pl) lesser of
h W 3 mm e
I u --- or u 5 mm
E 20 % to 100 % D.A.C. Planar surface (Ps) I u 5 mm
(D.A.C. – 14 dB to D.A.C.) (see note 2)
h W 3 mm
Multiple (M) I, w, or h u 5 mm
(see note 3)
Isolated point (Is) I u 5 mm
h u 3 mm
e = Parent metal thickness. In the case of dissimilar thickness, e applies to the smaller thickness.
h = Through-wallDimension of flaw.
I = Length of flaw.
w = Width of flaw.
NOTE 1 Definition of types of indication: the following definitions apply to the types of indication detailed in Table 5.7(3).
— Threadlike (Th): indications having measurable length but no measurable width or through-wall dimension, and which are
not classified as planar (e.g. linear inclusion).
— Volumetric (Vl): indications having measurable length and/or width and measurable through-wall dimension, and which are
not classified as planar (e.g. linear or globular cavity or inclusion).
— Planar longitudinal (Pl): indications having a planar nature, which lie parallel to, or closely parallel to, the weld axis
(e.g. longitudinal crack, lack of side-wall fusions, lack of inter-run fusion).
— Planar transverse (Pt): indications having planar nature, which lie transverse to the weld axis (e.g. transverse crack).
— Planar surface (Ps): indications of types Pl or Pt, which lie within 25 % of e, or 6 mm (whichever is the smaller) of the nearest
surface, where e is the parent metal thickness or, in the case of dissimilar joined thicknesses, the smaller thickness
(e.g. longitudinal and transverse cracks, lack of side-wall fusion, lack of root fusion and lack of root penetration).
— Multiple (M): group or cluster of indications in which individual indications cannot be resolved at the reference sensitivity
(e.g. group or cluster of cavities or inclusions).
— Isolated Point (Is): indications having no measurable dimension and which can be resolved at the reference sensitivity from
neighbouring indications. (It is not possible to determine from the ultrasonic information alone whether an isolated point
indication is actually a pore, inclusion, short crack or small area of lack of fusion.)
NOTE 2 Indications shall be disregarded only by agreement between the manufacturer and the Inspecting Authority.
NOTE 3 Where adjacent, linearly aligned indications are separated by a distance of less than twice the length of the longest
indication, they shall be considered as continuous. The total, combined length shall then be assessed against the appropriate flaw
size criteria in Table 5.7(3).
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records shall be kept by the manufacturer for a b) the manufacturer’s serial number;
period of not less than five years. c) the design pressure;
d) the minimum design pressure of the vessel
7.2 Certificates
where it is other than atmospheric;
The manufacturer shall issue a certificate that each e) the design temperature;
boiler has been designed, constructed and tested in
every respect in accordance with this British f) maximum continuous rating;
Standard, and this certificate shall be g) the year of manufacture;
countersigned by the Inspecting Authority as h) the date of the hydrostatic test, and the test
evidence that it has been so constructed and tested. pressure;
If erection is inspected by a second Inspecting i) the mark of the Inspecting Authority;
Authority each Inspecting Authority shall sign the
certificate in respect of the work it has supervised. j) any other mark required by statute in the
country in which the boiler will operate;
If the design and fabrication functions are carried
out by separate organizations, each organization k) the number of this British Standard and class
shall issue a certificate in respect of the work it has of boiler, e.g. BS 2790:19922) Class 1;
performed; alternatively a joint certificate signed by
each organization in respect of the work it has
performed shall be issued (see 1.4.2 and
Each certificate shall be countersigned by the
Inspecting Authority as required above.
2) Marking BS 2790:1992 on or in relation to a product represents a manufacturer’s declaration of conformity, i.e. a claim by or on
behalf of the manufacturer that the product meets the requirements of the standard. The accuracy of the claim is therefore solely
the responsibility of the person making the claim.
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BS 2790:1992
8.1 Safety valves NOTE The term “from and at 100 °C” is an abbreviation
indicating the evaporation from feedwater at 100 °C to steam
8.1.1 General at 100 °C and as such is the basis of determining the peak load
equivalent evaporation of a steam boiler. Materials, design and construction of safety Full rated discharge capacity. The full rated
valves shall be in accordance with BS 6759-1.
discharge capacity of the safety valves shall be The minimum bore of the valve seat of any achieved without causing the boiler pressure to
safety valve directly connected to a boiler shall be increase to more than 110 % of the design pressure
not less than 15 mm. (see 3.1.2). Every boiler, with the exception of open On steam boilers this shall be demonstrated by the
vented hot water boilers, shall have at least one carrying out of an accumulation test at the
safety valve sized for the rated output of the boiler, maximum evaporative capacity with the stop valve
and this valve shall be mounted on the boiler shell closed, in the presence of the Inspecting Authority,
in accordance with the requirements of 8.1.3. before the boiler is put into normal operation.
Additionally, where a superheater is fitted, it shall During this test, no more feedwater shall be
have at least one safety valve mounted on the outlet supplied than is necessary to maintain a safe
side, and this valve shall have a nominal capacity working water level. Tests shall not be carried out
of 25 % of the boiler rated output. on boilers fitted with superheaters where
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI When a boiler is fitted with an integral overheating may occur, and special consideration
superheater without an intervening stop valve, the shall be given to boilers fired with solid fuels.
safety valves fitted on the superheater may be 8.1.3 Attachment to the boiler
considered as forming part of the safety valve
relieving capacity of the boiler. Safety valves shall be mounted, without any
intervening valve, on pads or branches used for no Where a superheater is fitted with a valve other purpose. The axis of the valve shall be vertical.
intervening between it and the boiler, the The cross-sectional area of the bore of each pad or
superheater safety valves shall not be taken into branch shall be at least equal to the area of the bore
account when assessing the boiler safety valve of the inlet of the safety valve or, where two or more
relieving capacity. safety valves are mounted on the same pad or Where an economiser is fitted with a valve branch, at least equal to the sum of the areas of the
intervening between it and the boiler, it shall be inlet bores of all the safety valves.
fitted with a safety valve which shall not be counted Branches shall be as short as possible with
as forming part of the boiler safety valve capacity. minimum protrusion into the boiler shell. Where a safety valve is required for an Pressure drop in the inlet branch shall not
economiser, its capacity shall be calculated on the exceed 3 % of the set pressure or 1/3 of the
basis of the economiser thermal capacity. The valve maximum allowable blowdown permitted by
shall be sized for steam. BS 6759-1, whichever is the least, at actual flow, There shall be no intervening valves that is certified capacity divided by 0.9.
between the boiler and its protective safety valves or NOTE Excessive pressure loss at the inlet of a safety valve will
between the safety valves and their point of cause extremely rapid opening and closing of the valve which is
discharge to atmosphere. known as “chattering” or “hammering”. This may result in
reduced capacity and damage to seating faces and other parts of In cases where sub-atmospheric pressures the valve.
may occur which the boiler could not sustain, a Reference should be made to the recommendations given in
vacuum break device shall be provided. Appendix B of BS 6759-1:1984. Boiler blowdown and drain valves shall be NOTE Attention is directed to Section 34 of the Factories
attached to the boiler by pipes that are as short as Act, 1961 which states “No person shall enter or be in any steam
boiler which is one of a range of two or more steam boilers unless:
practicable. a) all inlets through which steam or hot water might
8.7.2 Blowdown valves or cocks. Blowdown otherwise enter the boiler from any other part of the range are
disconnected from that part; or
valves or cocks shall be placed as near as practicable
b) all valves or taps controlling the entry of steam or hot water
to the lowest point of the boiler. are closed and securely locked, and, where the boiler has a
8.7.3 Continuous and automatic blowdown blow-off pipe in common with one or more other boilers or
delivering into a common blow-off vessel or sump, the blow-off
mountings. When specified in the contract, valves, valve or tap on each such boiler is so constructed that it can
cocks and mountings required to control the water only be opened by a key which cannot be removed until the
conditions in a boiler shall be fitted at appropriate valve or tap is closed and is the only key in use for that set of
positions. blow-off valves or taps.”
8.7.4 Drains. Valves or cocks shall be fitted to drain 8.8 Boiler main stop valves
all parts of boilers that are not drained by
blowdowns. 8.8.1 General. Boiler main stop valves shall comply
with BS 759-1.
8.7.5 Safety arrangements
8.8.2 Cast iron valves. The use of flake All blowdown mountings and drain valves graphite (grey) cast iron to BS 1452, grade 220 and
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
connected directly to the boiler and discharging into above, and nodular graphite (SG) cast iron to
the boiler blowdown system shall either be capable BS 2789, with a minimum elongation > 12 %, shall
of being locked in the closed position or be protected be permitted for valves up to and including DN200
by a second valve at their discharge which is capable where the operating pressure and temperature does
of being locked in the closed position not exceed 13 bar and 220 °C respectively.
NOTE The expression “connected directly to the boiler” covers
any valve that cannot itself be isolated from the boiler. However, the use of flake graphite cast iron is not
permitted for main stop valves on steam boilers. Where manually operated blowdown valves
or cocks from more than one boiler deliver into a 8.8.3 Main stop valves for steam boilers. The
common discharge, a common handle or stop valve connecting the boiler to the steam pipe
operating/interlocking device shall be provided shall be attached directly to the boiler or shall be as
which is capable of being removed only when such near as practicable to it. In the case of a boiler with
valves or cocks are fully closed. No other a superheater, the stop valve shall be located as
arrangement is permissible. near to the outlet from the superheater header as is
convenient and practicable. When at least two boilers are equipped with
a continuous and/or automatic boiler blowdown Where two or more boilers are connected to a
system leading to a common main, this common common header, in addition to the boiler stop valve,
main shall be separate from and independent of any a second valve shall be incorporated in the steam
main to which manually operated valves are connection and this valve shall be capable of being
connected. The discharges from the two mains shall locked in the closed position. Unless a separate
be led to separate disposal points such that non-return valve is fitted in the steam connection,
inadvertent pressurization of the manual one of the two stop valves shall incorporate a
blowdown main cannot occur. All such systems shall non-return facility.
be either fitted with a stop valve, capable of being NOTE 1 An isolating valve is necessary to enable an individual
locked in the closed position, and a check valve, in boiler to be isolated from a common header or manifold to
facilitate maintenance and examination.
addition to any regulating valves or devices NOTE 2 It is also essential that drainage facilities are
required to control the blowdown flow or, incorporated in steam supply pipework for removal of
alternatively, a globe stop and check valve, capable condensate.
of being locked in the closed position, may be
substituted for the stop valve and the check valve.
Water shall still be visible in the water level gauge e) When the water level in the pressurizing
glass when the independent overriding control equipment in a category 2 system falls to a
operates. This control shall also cause an audible predetermined level below the normal operating
alarm to sound and shall be of the lock-out type level. This control shall also cause an audible
requiring manual resetting. alarm to operate.
Where mounted externally to the boiler, the f) When the pressure in a category 2, 3 or 4
overriding control shall be provided with its own system falls to a predetermined pressure below
chamber and independent connections to the boiler the specified operating pressure. This
and shall comply with the requirements predetermined pressure shall be at a level that
of 9.1.2 where applicable. will ensure that the water does not reach boiling
point in any part of the system while working
9.3 Automatic controls for hot water temperature is maintained.
boilers g) When the pressure in a category 3 system
9.3.1 Types of system. For the purpose of ensuring increases to within 0.35 bar of the safety valve
compliance with the requirements of this section, set pressure. The safety valve set pressure shall
fully flooded boiler systems shall be divided into four be such that it will not allow the design pressure
basic categories: of any part of the boiler to be exceeded.
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
category 1: static head systems open to h) Loss of water within the boiler. This control
atmosphere; shall be of the lock-out type requiring manual
category 2: closed pressurized systems with
separate gas cushioned pressurizing vessels and 9.3.3 Independent overriding controls. In
provision for make-up water; addition to the automatic controls required by 9.3.2,
all categories of fully flooded hot water boilers shall
category 3: sealed pressurized systems with be provided with independent overriding controls
separate diaphragm or bladder type pressurizing that cut off the fuel supply to oil or gas burners or
vessels and provision for make-up water;
cut off the air supply and, where required, the fuel
category 4: continuously pumped pressurized supply to solid fuel firing equipment in the event of
systems with provision for make-up water. one or more of the following circumstances arising.
Boilers pressurized by steam are classified as steam a) When the temperature of the water at or near
boilers and shall comply, where applicable, with the the boiler flow outlet rises to a predetermined
requirements for steam boilers. temperature providing a margin below the
9.3.2 Automatic controls. All categories of fully temperature of saturated steam corresponding
flooded hot water boilers shall be provided with with the pressure at the highest point of the
automatic controls. Automatic controls shall shut circulating system above the boiler. For oil or gas
off the supply of fuel to oil or gas burners or shall fired boilers this margin shall be at least 6 °C and
shut off the air supply and, if necessary, the fuel for solid fuel fired boilers it shall be at least 10 °C.
supply to solid fuel firing equipment in the event of This control shall be of the lock-out type requiring
one of more of the following circumstances arising. manual resetting.
a) Flame failure or pilot flame failure in oil or gas b) When the water level in the pressurizing
fired boilers. This control shall be of the lock-out equipment of a category 2 system falls to a
type requiring manual resetting. predetermined level below the level referred to
b) Failure to ignite the fuel within a in 9.3.2 e). This control shall lock out the firing
predetermined time in oil or gas fired boilers. equipment and shall be of a type that requires
This control shall be of the lock-out type requiring manual resetting.
manual resetting. NOTE In the case of solid fuel firing, the heat should be
dissipated from the fuel bed as quickly as possible. Ways of
c) Failure of forced or induced draft fan or an achieving this will depend upon the type of installation
automatic flue damper. concerned.
single-bevel and single-J welds, and, if these are given as alternatives, it is recommended in general that
preferences be given to the latter if the depth or throat thickness of the weld exceeds about 16 mm.
B.5 Connections of the types specified in Figure B(3), Figure B(12) to Figure B(17) and
Figure B(19) to Figure B(28)
B.5.1 The dimensions and shape of the detail chosen can influence the feasibility and/or efficiency of
ultrasonic examination. This may also be a function of the equipment and time available. If ultrasonic
examination is specified, these factors should be given due consideration.
B.5.2 If welds are made from one side only, the penetration bead should have a smooth contour and be flat
or slightly convex.
B.5.3 The use of ring-type compensation is not suitable for cases where there are severe temperature
B.5.4 If ring-type compensation is used, the material used for the ring should be of the same nominal
strength as that of the shell.
B.5.5 If partial penetration joints are used, it is possible that root defects may be present. Since such
defects cannot always be detected or interpreted by means of non-destructive testing, the use of partial
penetration joints is not suitable for cases where there are severe temperature gradients, especially when
these are of a fluctuating nature.
B.5.6 If ultrasonic inspection is required by this standard, it may be necessary to examine the welded
connection between the branch and shell prior to fitting the compensation ring.
B.6 Branches of the types shown in Figure B(12) to Figure B(17) and Figure B(19)
to Figure B(28)
B.6.1 Weld dimensions. The dimensions of the welds shown have been proportioned to develop the full
strength of the parts joined (see also B.4.2 and B.4.3, as well as B.7.2.1).
B.6.2 Weld preparation details. While both single-bevel and single-J welds have been shown as acceptable
in the smaller sizes, in general the latter are to be preferred because of the sounder root conditions
obtained, and it is recommended that single-bevel welds be limited in size to about 16 mm in depth
(see also B.4.3 and B.4.5).
B.7 Branches without compensation rings in Figure B(12) to Figure B(17) and Figure B(19)
to Figure B(25)
B.7.1 Set-on branches. Consideration should be given to the necessity for examining the shell plate for
laminations around the branch hole if set-on branches are used.
There may be service conditions for which smaller welds are adequate. In such cases the weld sizes may be
reduced subject to agreement with the Inspecting Authority.
B.7.2.2 Gap between branch and shell. The gap between the branch and the shell should not exceed 3 mm.
Wider gaps increase the tendency to spontaneous cracking during welding, particularly as the thickness of
the parts joined increases.
B.7.2.3 Removal of internal sharp edge in branch bore. The internal edges in the bores of set-in branches
are shown radiused because a stress concentration occurs at this point. This precaution is recommended if
the branch connection is fully stressed or subjected to fatigue, but may not be necessary if these conditions
do not occur.
B.7.2.4 Preparation of hole in shell. In the case of set-in branches of the types shown in Figure B(19) to
Figure B(22) inclusive, the hole in the shell may be cut and profiled in two ways as follows.
a) The depth of the grooves B and D may be constant around the hole as shown in Figure B(18)(e).
This, the normal case, is the basis upon which the drawings have been prepared.
b) The roots of the weld grooves may be in one plane, as for example, when they are machine bored, in
which case the depths of the grooves will vary around the hole as shown in Figure B(18)(f).
B.8 Branches with added compensation rings in Figure B(26) and Figure B(27)
B.8.1 General. Compensation rings should be a close fit to the shell and tell-tale holes should be
provided in them.
B.8.2 Set-in branches. The gap between the branch and the shell should not exceed 3 mm. Wider gaps
increase the tendency to spontaneous cracking during welding, particularly as the thickness of the parts
joined increases.
B.9 Flanges. See BS 806 for weld details of flanges.
NOTE The use of the minimum gap and the minimum angle should be associated with the maximum radius r of 10 mm.
Conversely, the maximum gap and the maximum angle should be associated with the minimum radius r of 5 mm.
Figure B(1) — Plate preparation for butt-welded longitudinal and circumferential seams
NOTE 1 The use of minimum angle should be associated with a maximum radius r of 10 mm. Conversely, the maximum angle
should be associated with a minimum radius r of 5 mm.
(a) (b)
NOTE 2 Figure B(1)(3)(c) and Figure B(1)(3)(d) are for attachment of end plates to shell in waste heat boilers if there is danger of
lamellar tearing of the shell plate. These methods of attachment should be used in class I boilers only.
NOTE 3 Conventional butt joints are used and may not necessarily be of the form shown.
NOTE 4 If a gas box flange is attached by welding as shown, a machined groove to reduce stress concentration is preferred.
NOTE 5 For non-destructive testing requirements, see 5.6.2.
Figure B(3) — Attachment of unflanged flat end plates or tube plates to shell
NOTE 1 The plate edge radius of not less than e/2 is only required when the furnace end is exposed to a flame or a comparably
high temperature, e.g. at the entry to the reversal chamber.
NOTE 2 The front end of the furnace can protrude beyond the weld provided that the protrusion and the weld area are adequately
insulated to prevent overheating.
NOTE 1 The plate edge radius of not less than e/2 is only required when the furnace end is exposed to a flame or a comparably
high temperature, e.g. at the entry to the reversal chamber.
NOTE 2 The front end of the furnace can protrude beyond the weld provided that the protrusion and the weld area are adequately
insulated to prevent overheating.
All dimensions are in millimetres.
Figure B(5) — Attachment of furnaces to end plates or reversal chamber tubeplates
NOTE 1 The plate edge radius of not less than e/2 is only required when the furnace end is exposed to a flame or a comparably
high temperature, e.g. at the entry to the reversal chamber.
NOTE 2 The front end of the furnace can protrude beyond the weld provided that the protrusion and the weld area are adequately
insulated to prevent overheating.
NOTE 3 The position of the welds can be reversed if desired in order to deposit the larger weld from the outside.
Dimensions are in millimetres.
Figure B(7) — Typical method of attachment of ash drop-out tube
See B.4.4
All dimensions are in millimetres.
Figure B(8) — Fusion welds of cross tubes
NOTE 1 These recommendations have been included for general guidance. Discretion should be used in applying the maximum
and minimum dimensions quoted which are subject to variation according to the welding procedure employed (for example, size and
type of electrodes), the position in which the welding is carried out and the practicability of carrying out satisfactory non-destructive
testing, where necessary.
NOTE 2 It is recommended that in no case should the gap between the branch and shell exceed 3 mm. Wider gaps increase the
tendency to spontaneous cracking during welding, particularly as the thickness of the parts joined increases.
Figure B(11) — Standard weld preparation details
NOTE Preference should be given to the detail shown in Figure B(12)(b) if e exceeds about 16 mm.
Figure B(12) — Set-on branches
NOTE The backing ring material should be of the same nominal composition as that of the vessel shell. Care should be taken to
ensure close fitting of the backing rings which should be removed after welding. After the removal of backing rings the surface should
be ground smooth and examined for cracks by dye penetrant, magnetic, or other equivalent methods.
Figure B(13) — Set-on branches
NOTE These details are recommended only where the bore of the branch is readily accessible for welding. The joint should be
back-gouged from the side most accessible and suitable for this purpose, generally the outside.
Figure B(14) — Set-on branches
NOTE These joints are generally used for small branch-to-shell diameter ratios.
Figure B(15) — Set-on branches
NOTE These joints are generally used for small branch-to-shell diameter ratios.
Figure B(16) — Set-on branches
NOTE These joints are generally used for small branch-to-shell diameter ratios.
Figure B(17) — Set-on branches
© BSI 02-2000
Figure B(18) — Weld details for set-in branches
BS 2790:1992
BS 2790:1992
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
NOTE As a general recommendation, all set-in branches should be welded on the inside of the shell as shown in Figure B(19)
to Figure B(22) if they are accessible for the purpose; otherwise preference should be given to set-on branch connections shown in
Figure B(12) to Figure B(17). However, the connections shown above in Figure B(23)(a) and Figure B(23)(b) are considered to be
acceptable if assurance can be provided that the welding procedure employed will ensure sound and consistent root conditions with
uniform penetration.
Figure B(23) — Set-in branches (full penetration welds, welded from one side only)
NOTE Forging should be carried out within the correct range of temperature for the materials used.
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
NOTE Conventional butt joints are used to weld the forged branch connection to the shell and branch and may not necessarily be
of the form shown. See B.4.4 and B.4.5.
Figure B(24) — Forged branch connections
NOTE Conventional butt joints are used to connect the forging to the shell and may not necessarily be of the form shown.
See also B.4.4 and B.4.5. These forgings connecting branches to shells are used with various forms of profile.
Figure B(25) — Forged branch connections
© BSI 02-2000
Figure B(26) — Set-on branches with added compensation rings
BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
© BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
NOTE If partial penetration joints are specified, the details given in Figure B(19) are recommended (see also B.5.5).
Figure B(28) — Butt-welded studded connections
NOTE 1 Fillet welded details are not recommended if the boiler is subjected to pulsating loads; in this case preference should be
given to the details shown in Figure B(28).
NOTE 2 The sizes of the fillet welds should be based on the loads transmitted paying due regard to all fabrications and service
requirements but in any case should not be less than 6 min. (See also Figure B(11) for standard weld preparation details.)
Figure B(29) — Fillet-welded studded connections
See B.4.4
Figure B(30) — Oval manhole frame
a is the heat input area to the tube plate element from the tube plate face [see Figure C(8)];
A is the heat input area to the tube plate element from the tube inside surfaces [see Figure C(7)];
AC is the total effective water cooled surface area in reversal chamber;
AR is the total refractory surface area in the reversal chamber;
C is the correction factor for tube-to-tube plate contact thermal resistance;
d is the inside diameter of the convection tube (in mm);
D is the reversal chamber inside diameter (for cylindrical chambers) (in mm);
e is the tube plate thickness (in mm);
F is the overall exchange factor for radiation interchange in the reversal chamber
[see Figure C(2)];
G is the tube specific gas flow rate [in kg/(m2·s)];
hCE is the tube entrance convection coefficient [in W/(m2 · K)] [see Figure C(6)];
hCO is the corrected basis convection coefficient [in W/(m2 · K)] [see Figure C(5)];
h½CO is the hypothetical basis convection coefficient [in W/(m2 · K)] [see Figure C(4)];
hm is the tube plate thermal conductance (in W/(m2 · K);
hR is the radiation coefficient for the tube plate face [in W/(m2 · K)];
h½R is the radiation coefficient for black exchange [in W/(m2 · K)] [see Figure C(1)];
ht is the weighted average heat transfer coefficient [in W/(m2 · K)];
L is the reversal chamber inside length (for cylindrical chambers) (in mm);
LB is the reversal chamber radiation beam length (in mm);
N = 4 000;
p is the average pitch between the tube centres (in mm);
t is the tube plate average (design) temperature (in °C);
tC is the initial estimate of tM (in °C);
tG is the true gas temperature at the tube entrance (in °C);
tM is the tube plate hot face metal temperature (in °C);
tS is the boiler water temperature (in °C);
¶ is the tube plate average temperature factor [see Figure C(12)];
½ is the heat transfer factor for the tube plate element [see Figure C(10)];
2 is the tube plate thermal conductivity [in W·mm/(m2 · K)]
= 40,000 for steel grades 460 and 490;
= 45,000 for steel grades 400 and 430;
Ì is the tube plate hot face temperature factor [see Figure C(11)].
For chambers which are not cylindrical, the radiation beam length is given by the following formula.
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
VC is the chamber volume
ACS is the chamber surface area
In calculating the chamber surface area no reduction shall be made for tube holes or furnace opening.
For chambers containing refractory linings AR/AC is the ratio of the total effective (reflecting) refractory
surface area to the effective cooled (absorbing) surface area in the chamber.
AC includes the total area enclosed within the tube plate perimeter, i.e. no reduction for tube holes or
furnace opening.
AR/AC for cylindrical chambers may be obtained from Figure C(3).
For fully water cooled chambers AR/AC = 0.
Determine the overall exchange factor F from Figure C(2), then the radiation coefficient for the tube plate
face is given by the following formula.
hR = Fh ′R
Radiation to the tube inside surfaces is taken into account by use of the coefficient 0.5hR in the equation for
the weighted average heat transfer coefficient ht.
C.3.2 Convection coefficients. The hypothetical basis convection coefficient h½CO is dependent on the specific
gas flow rate G in the convection tubes and on the tube inside diameter d. For the products of combustion
of oil fuels, natural gas and coal determine h½CO from Figure C(4). Determine the correction
factor hCO/h½CO for the tube entry gas temperature from Figure C(5), using the oil fuel curve for coal
products. Then the basis convection coefficient for fully developed tube flow at temperature tG is given by
the following formula.
For other gases where the values of specific heat, thermal conductivity or viscosity are different from those
for the products of combustion of oil or natural gas, the value of hCO may be calculated from the equation
for fully developed flow inside tubes as follows.
Nu = 0.023 R 0.8
e r
P 0.33 (see, for example, [3])
Nu is the Nusselt number based on the tube
Re is the Reynolds number inside diameter, d;
Pr is the Prandtl number.
Determine the correction factor hCE/hCO for the tube entrance region from Figure C(6), then the average
convection coefficient, hCE, for the tube inside surface over the effective length for heat input to the tube
plate, is given by the following formula.
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Convective heat transfer to the tube plate face is taken into account by the use of the coefficient hCO in the
equation for the weighted average heat transfer coefficient ht.
C.3.3 Weighted average gas-side heat transfer coefficient. For the tube plate element, bounded by tube
inside surfaces and planes containing tube centrelines, the heat input areas A (tube inside surfaces) and a
(tube plate face) are determined from Figure C(7) and Figure C(8).
The weighted average heat transfer coefficient is then calculated as follows.
C = 0.90 for tubes expanded only;
C = 0.95 for tubes expanded and welded;
C = 1.0 for tubes full penetration welded.
C.3.4 Tube plate thermal conductance. The tube plate thermal conductance is given by the following
C.3.5 Water-side heat transfer. Heat transfer conditions at the water side surfaces are taken into account
in the equations for the tube plate metal temperatures by use of the constant N.
C.3.6 Tube plate temperatures. The following equations for the tube plate hot face and average metal
temperatures are based on equations developed by Gardner [10].
The factors ½, Ì and ¶ are dependent on A/a [from Figure C(9)] and on ht/hm and are obtained from
Figure C(10), Figure C(11) and Figure C(12).
The gas temperature tG at the tube entrance shall be the true value as would be measured by a
multi-shield high velocity suction pyrometer (an ordinary thermocouple will always read low; the error may
be as much as 300 °C).
C.4 Bibliography
1. LUCAS, D.M. and LOCKETT, A.A. Mathematical Modelling of Heat Flux and Temperature Distribution
in Shell Boilers. Proc. 4th Syrup. on Flames and Industry, 1972, BFRC — Inst. Fuel.
2. KERN, D.Q. Process Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, 1950.
3. McADAMS, W.H. Heat Transmission, McGraw-Hill, 1954.
4. GORE, W.H., GUNN, D.C. and HORSLER, A.G. Natural Gas Firing of Shell Boilers, Inst. Fuel,
March 1972.
6. JACOB, M. Heat Transfer, John Wiley, 1949.
7. ECKERT, E.R.G. and DRAKE, R.M. Heat and Mass Transfer, McGraw-Hill, 1959.
8. FRAAS, A.P. and OZISIK, M.N. Heat Exchanger Design, John Wiley, 1965.
9. PERRY, K.P. Heat Transfer by Convection from a Hot Gas Jet to a Plane Surface. Proc. I.
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
C.5.3 Calculation of convection coefficients. The calculation of convection coefficients hCO and hCE is carried
out as described in C.3.2.
From Figure C(4) hCO′ = 61 W/(m2 · K)
- = 0.67 where p
From Figure C(8) ----- 88 = 1.563
= --------------
d2 d 56.3
For tubes expanded and welded C = 0.95.
C.5.5 Calculation of tube plate thermal conductance. The calculation of tube plate thermal conductance hm
is carried out as described in C.3.4.
For 430 grade steel Æ = 45 000 (see C.2).
C.5.6 Calculation of tube plate temperatures. The calculation of tube plate temperatures t and tm is carried
out as described in C.3.6.
ht 187
---------- = ------------- = 0.09144
hm 2045
From Figure C(9) A ----- = 0.9
From Figure C(10), Figure C(11) and Figure C(12)
½ = 1.72, Ì = 0.885, ¶ = 0.935
Ü Tube plate hot face metal temperature is given by
BS 2790:1992
BS 2790:1992
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
G 0.8
NOTE h ′CO = 20.2 -----------
d 0.2
Figure C(4) — Basis convection coefficient h ′CO
© BSI 02-2000
Figure C(7) — Non-dimensional tube area
BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
© BSI 02-2000
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© BSI 02-2000
Figure C(9) — Tube/plate area ratio
BS 2790:1992
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BS 2790:1992
© BSI 02-2000
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© BSI 02-2000
Figure C(11) — Factor Ì
BS 2790:1992
BS 2790:1992
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D.2.3 Filling the boiler. On initial start up and on subsequent refilling after the boiler and/or system have
been drained down, the boiler and system should be filled only with fully treated water. If the system is a
large one, it may be advisable to fill with demineralised water. Before filling the system and boiler, the
water should be analysed and the pH and oxygen scavenger content should be adjusted to conform with
Table 2 of BS 2486:1978. Neglect of this has been known to cause serious failures with hot water boilers.
D.2.4 Contact with the atmosphere. It is not correct to assume that a hot water system is fully closed. There
will be some leakages from the system thus requiring make-up and, at some stage, system water may be
in contact with the atmosphere, e.g. in a header tank or over-flow vessel. The requirements for feed water
and boiler water in BS 2486 should be followed.
D.2.5 Deposits. Impurities introduced into the boiler with feed water can produce scale or other deposits
which impede the transfer of heat and may restrict the flow of water. In addition to reducing boiler
efficiency, either effect leads to insufficient cooling of the metal heat transfer surface which may then
become so hot that it is no longer strong enough to withstand the operating pressure. Deposits may also
lead to corrosion by shielding the underlying metal from protective conditions in the water or steam.
D.2.6 Scale. Calcium, magnesium and silicon compounds are the main constituents and can form scales of
widely differing characteristics with thermal conductivities varying from 216 to 3 450 W·mm/(m2 · K). In
practice this means that some silicon based scales of only 0.1 mm thickness can impede the transfer of heat
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
as effectively as a calcium sulphate scale 1.6 mm thick. It is therefore important that any scale build-up is
detected and removed as soon as possible. It is essential that the cause also be investigated and corrected
as in many instances it is not possible to determine the composition of the scale without chemical analysis.
Some silicon-based scales are almost invisible to the naked eye and are detected more easily by the use of
a special instrument.
D.2.7 Foam
D.2.7.1 There is always a small unavoidable degree of carry-over of water with the steam generated from
a boiler. However, under certain conditions when contaminants are present the boiler water may foam
badly and this can cause the following difficulties.
a) Gross carry-over of boiler water into the steam main can occur. Traps may be overloaded and pipes
flooded leading to a dangerous water hammer. Slugs of water travelling at speeds approaching one
hundred and fifty kilometres an hour can cause serious damage.
b) Float switches are designed to float in water not in foam. Lockout of the boiler may result from
malfunctioning of float switches.
c) Foam in contact with heated surfaces does not conduct heat away from them as effectively as water.
The boiler metal may overheat, perhaps dangerously.
D.2.7.2 Causes of foam include the following.
a) Detergents, oils, and fats.
b) Excessive alkalinity (this can cause other problems, e.g. chemical attack on gauge glasses).
c) Suspended solids.
d) High total dissolved solids content.
D.2.8 Corrosion. Corrosion is most commonly due to the presence of oxygen in the boiler water and it is
therefore necessary to ensure that the oxygen content of the feed water is at the lowest possible level. The
use of hot feed water and, where economically feasible, the installation of deaeration equipment is
recommended, but in all cases a suitable oxygen scavenging agent should be present in reserve in the boiler
water at all times, even when the boiler is idle.
partial vacuum can be created resulting in air being drawn in. This can be eliminated by following correct
shut-down procedures which should include closing steam valves.
D.3.3 If boilers are used on hot water service, gas-side corrosion can occur if care is not taken to avoid
dewpoint conditions.
D.3.4 High metal temperature at the entrance to the first tube pass owing to incomplete combustion can
cause cracking of tube plate ligaments and cracking of welds and tube ends at the tube plate attachments.
D.4 Bibliography
1. The treatment of water for shell boilers, Shell Boiler Group of the PGCA3)
2. Guidance Note PM5: Safe operation of automatically controlled steam and hot water boilers, Health and
Safety Executive4)
3) Obtainable from the Power Generation Contractors Association, Westminster Tower, 3 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SL.
4) Obtainable from HSE Books, PO Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6FS.
The quantities Mø/W, Mx/W, Nøt/W, Nxt/W for values of Cø/Cx = 0.8 and 64r/t (Cx/r)2 = 235.5 are obtained
from Figures G.2(5) to G.2(8) of BS 5500. It is necessary to interpolate a value of 2Cx/Le = 0.164
between 2Cx/Le = 0.05 and 2Cx/Le = 0.2.
-------- = 0.0524 therefore Mø = 0.0524 × 49 119
= 2 574 N·mm/mm
------- = 0.0212 therefore Mx = 0.0212 × 49 119
= 1 041 N·mm/mm
NÌ t
---------- = – 0.0562 therefore
= – 0.0562 × 49 119-
Nø = – 230 N/mm
NÌ t
---------- = –0.101 therefore Nx = – 101 × 49 119
W 12
= – 413.4 N/mm
----------x = 0.164 0.0524 0.0212 – 0.0562 – 0.101
----------x = 0.2 0.05 0.02 – 0.055 – 0.095
F.5 Determination of stresses considering boiler fully flooded and no internal pressure
(see also G. of BS 5500)
F.5.1 Membrane stresses. These are calculated as follows:
circumferential = --------Ì- = – 230
--------------- = – 19.17 N/mm2
t 12
longitudinal = -------x- = – 413.4
---------------------- = – 34.45 N/mm2
t 12
F.5.2 Membrane plus bending stresses. These are calculated as follows:
N 6M Ì
circumferential --------Ì- ± -------------
t t2
N 6M
longitudinal = -------x- ± ------------x-
t t2
F.6 Effect of internal pressure. In G. of BS 5500 it is stated that a conservative result will be
obtained by adding the pressure stresses to those due to local loads.
From B.3.2 of BS 5500:
circumferential stress (pressure)
PR i 1.38 × 900
= ------------ = ------------------------------ = 103.50 N/mm2
t 12
longitudinal stress (pressure)
NOTE The longitudinal stress (pressure) calculated as above does not take into account the effect of end-to-end staying and it is
permissible to reduce the longitudinal stress (pressure) if necessary by applying the loaded area supported by the shell to evaluate
the shell longitudinal stress due to pressure.
Therefore, the membrane plus bending plus pressure stresses are as follows:
circumferential = + 88.08 + 103.50 = + 191.58 N/mm2
– 126.42 + 103.50 = – 22.92 N/mm2
longitudinal = + 8.93 + 51.41 = + 60.34 N/mm2
– 77.83 + 51.41 = – 26.42 N/mm2
F.7 Allowable stress values. From A.3.3.1 of BS 5500:
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
the membrane stress is not to exceed 1.2f = 1.2 × 120 = 144 N/mm2;
the membrane plus bending stress is not to exceed 2f = 2 × 120 = 240 N/mm2;
the membrane plus bending plus pressure stress is not to exceed 2f = 2 × 120 = 240 N/mm2.
From A.3.3.3 of BS 5500, the membrane plus bending stress (total compressive stress) is not to
exceed – 0.9Et = – 0.9 × 180 = – 162 N/mm2, where Et is as defined in 2.3.1. Hence, all calculated stresses
are within the limits specified.
F.8 Stresses in reinforcing plates (see also G.3.1.5 of BS 5500). The stresses in the reinforcing plate
which occur at the edge of the loaded area 2CÌ × 2 Cx corresponding to the leg dimensions should also be
investigated. The stresses are calculated in a manner similar to the calculations in F.1 to F.7, assuming a
shell thickness of (t + t1), where t1 is the thickness of reinforcing plate (in mm). It is assumed that the
reinforcing plate and boiler shell share the moments MÌ and Mx in proportion to the cube of their
thicknesses and the membrane forces NÌ and Nx in direct proportion to their thicknesses.
The shell design stress used in the Appendix F sample calculation is derived from the 250 °C minimum mean
metal temperature requirement of Is it permissible when considering the fully flooded hydraulic test
condition to derive an allowable design stress based upon the material yield strength property at 20 °C?
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
All boilers should be considered fully flooded at the design temperature which should not be taken as less
than 250 °C.
The reference standard, BS 5500 has no explicit limit on local stresses in shells at supports under hydraulic
test conditions; the stress limits in Appendix A of BS 5500 apply to design conditions.
Enquiry Case 2790/23: April 1988
to BS 2790:1986
BS 3923-1:1986 refers to Examination Levels based on the use of a 3 mm hole, whereas BS 2790:1986 refers
to specific defect sizes for acceptance purposes. Can the committee give guidance as to how to proceed when
the BS 2790:1986 defect size limit is less than 3 mm.
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Until further data becomes available, as an interim solution it is recommended, subject to agreement
between the manufacturer and Inspecting Authority, that either Table 5.7 of BS 2790:1986 or an
Examination Level in BS 3923:1986 appropriate to the defect size limit of Table 5.7 in BS 2790:1986, be
Enquiry Case 2790/26: July 1993
to BS 2790:1992
Item g) of 7.3.2 of BS 2790:1992 requires that any other necessary particulars shall be marked on a boiler.
In the UK, Regulation 5(4) and Schedule 4 of the Pressure Systems and Transportable Gas Containers
Regulations (PSR 1989) apply. Item 7 of Schedule 4 is “the design temperature”. Noting that several
different design temperatures may apply to the various elements within a shell boiler, advice is requested
on how compliance with the legal requirements may be achieved.
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The committee recognizes the difficulty presented by the wording of PSR 1989 Regulation 5(4) and
Schedule 4 in relation to the case of shell boilers. It does not however have the authority or competence to
make a legally binding determination of this issue.
The committee can however advise its opinion that the intent of the regulation in respect to design
temperature might be met by including in the marking the following primary information:
a) for steam boilers, the saturation temperature corresponding to the design pressure;
b) for hot water boilers, the design outlet water temperature.
The committee is further of the opinion that design temperatures for individual elements of a steam boiler
are generally derived from, or supplemental to, this primary information, and that marking of such
temperatures, which may in any case be impracticable, should not be essential to meet the intent of the
Enquiry Case 2790/27: July 1993
to BS 2790:1992
The requirements for furnace stiffening rings are contained in of the standard, but the material
requirements are not. Do stiffening rings have to be manufactured from the same material as that for the
furnace to which they are attached?
No. Stiffening rings can be manufactured from a different material, providing it conforms to 2.1 of the
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Enquiry Case 2790/28: July 1996
to BS 2790:1992
5.4.6 of the standard defines the number of test plates that are required and 5.4.7 defines the associated
levels of destructive testing.
The draft European Standard for shell boiler manufacture also defines these requirements.
For consistency, should the requirements of section 9 of the draft EN Shell Boiler standard be adopted for
these items?
The requirements for weld production control test plates for class III boilers are not clearly defined in
BS 2790. Can this also be clarified at the same time?
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Yes. The requirements of the draft EN Shell Boiler standard can be adopted as follows.
Frequency of testing
The number and type of test specimens to be taken from the test plate are dependent on the plate thickness
and are derailed in Table 1, and the symbols for the table are given in Table 2.
Table 1 — Number and type of specimens
Plate thickness
e k 12 1-FB, 1-RB, 1-MA
12 < e k 35 3-IW, 1-MA
35 < e k 3-IW, 1-TT, 1-LT, 1-MA
Table 2 — Symbols
Designation Symbol
Face bend test to BS EN 910 FB
Root bend test to BS EN 910 RB
Transverse tensile test to BS EN 895 TT
Longitudinal tensile test to BS EN 876 LT
Impact test, weld to BS EN 875 IW
Impact test, HAZ to BS EN 875 IH
Macro examination MA
Test plates should be of sufficient size to allow for the required number of specimens, including an
allowance for re-tests.
The results of all tests should be recorded. If any test specimen shows an unsatisfactory result, the reason
for the failure should be investigated and two re-test specimens should be prepared and tested. If it can be
shown that the failure has resulted from a local or accidental defect and the re-test results are satisfactory,
the re-test results should be accepted.
Production factors may result in scatter of mechanical test results which may occasionally fall below the
agreed specification level. Where individual tests do not comply with the above requirements, the reasons
for this failure should be investigated and if no unacceptable imperfections are found the following re-tests
should be made:
a) tensile test: two re-tests;
b) bend test: two re-tests;
c) impact test: three additional tests.
Should any of the re-tests fail to comply with these requirements, then the joints/boiler represented by the
test plate should be deemed not to be in compliance with this standard.
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Publications referred to
BS 10, Specification for flanges and bolting for pipes, valves and fittings (obsolescent).
BS 21, Specification for pipe threads for tubes and fittings where pressure-tight joints are made on the
threads (metric dimensions).
BS 499, Welding terms and symbols.
BS 499-1, Glossary for welding, brazing and thermal cutting.
BS 639, Specification for covered carbon and carbon manganese steel electrodes for manual metal-arc
BS 709, Methods of destructive testing fusion welded joints and weld metal in steel.
BS 759, Valves, gauges and other safety fittings for application to boilers and to piping installations for and
in connection with boilers — Part 1: Specification for valves, mountings and fittings.
BS 806, Specification for design and construction of ferrous piping installations for and in connection with
land boilers.
BS 970, Specification for wrought steels for mechanical and allied engineering purposes.
BS 970-1, General inspection and testing procedures and specific requirements for carbon, carbon
manganese, alloy and stainless steels.
BS 1113, Specification for design and manufacture of water-tube steam generating plant (including
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
BS 4504, Circular flanges for pipes, valves and fittings (PN designated).
BS 4504-3.1, Specification for steel flanges.
BS 4870, Specification for approval testing of welding procedures.
BS 4870-1, Fusion welding of steel (withdrawn).
BS 4871, Specification for approval testing of welders working to approved welding procedures.
BS 4871-1, Fusion welding of steel (withdrawn).
BS 4882, Specification for bolting for flanges and pressure containing purposes.
BS 5044, Specification for contrast aid paints used in magnetic particle flaw detection.
BS 5135, Specification for arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels.
BS 5289, Code of practice for visual inspection of fusion welded joints.
BS 5500, Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels.
BS 5750, Quality systems.
BS 5996, Methods for ultrasonic testing and specifying quality grades of ferritic steel plate.
BS 6072, Method for magnetic particle flaw detection.
Licensed Copy: Gautam Sinharoy, Bechtel Ltd, 23 September 2002, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI
Published by the Health and Safety Executive and obtainable from HSE Books, PO Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6FS.
6) Published by and obtainable from The Welding Institute, Research Laboratory, Abington Hall, Abington, Cambs. CB1 6AL.
© BSI 02-2000
BS 2790:1992
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This does not preclude the free use, in the course of implementing the standard,
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details are to be used for any other purpose than implementation then the prior
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