DC Motor Parameter Estimation
DC Motor Parameter Estimation
DC Motor Parameter Estimation
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3 authors:
Hasan Erdal
Marmara University
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el has been veriied with the Root-mean-square driver are established in Matlab-Simulink environ-
(RMS) error method. Open loop and closed loop ment. Measurements and experiments have been
with PI controller tests have been made. performed to acquire data necessary for estimat-
Linear and non-linear models can be estab- ing the motor parameters deined in the simulation
lished in order to ind the parameters of a system. model. Estimated parameter values are implement-
Basic non-linear parameters like Coulomb fric- ed into the simulation model and evaluated by ob-
tion and dead zone are included in the non-linear serving real-time response of the dc motor. Then,
model. Hammerstein non-linear system approach Matlab-Parameter Estimation tool has been used
is used to estimate the non-linear system model. for parameter calibration while acquiring approxi-
Thus, a concurrent model of a system like a dc mate values with regard to the real-time output re-
motor can be established by using the linear and sponse of the motor.
non-linear models.[7]
The Hartley modulating functions (HMF) meth-
od can be used for physical parameter estimation 2. Experiment apparatus setup
of the nonlinear continuous-time systems, where
a frequency-weighted least squares formulation is Experiment apparatus setup in this study is con-
applied base on input-output records over a inite stituted of an Electric Machines Test Bed (EMTB),
time interval. In [8], thyristor driven dc-motor pa- an externally-excited wound-pole brushed dc mo-
rameters are experimentally estimated by using the tor with driver, a DAQ card installed computer
HMF-method. Another approach in the modeling and a digital multimeter.
of non-linear systems is using NARMAX (Nonlin- Our testing unit, TQ Equipment Company FH2
ear AutoRegressive Moving Average with eXog- model (EMTB) is designed to test common elec-
enous input) model which is a method giving quite tric machines in the range with various fractional
accurate and eficient results. This method is based horse-powers like Three Phase Wound Pole Motor
on a general parametric model that is constituted (FH100), Step Motor (FH150) and Wound-Pole
of the polynomials that contain various linear and Brushed DC motor (FH50). It has a taco-genera-
non-linear concepts which unite the inputs, out- tor for measuring the rotor speed (rpm), a strain-
puts and modeled system errors. In [9], a dc mo- gauge for obtaining the rotor shaft torque (Nm)
tor is modeled with the NARMAX approach. MLP and a Foucault-brake for altering the load of the
(Multilayer Perceptron) network is used in order to motor. By the help of analog IO ports that EMTB
establish the structure of the NARMAX model. has; measured speed, applied reference voltage to
In [10], DC Decay test has been performed on the motor and motor load values can be transferred
a 4,5 KW ASEA synchronous machine which is to the DAQ installed computer. A standard PC and
one of the necessary methods of estimating the pa- a 100 Ks/S, 12 bit DAQ card is used in this setup.
rameters of synchronous machine. DC Decay test For measuring the motor current, a multimeter that
includes holding a machine’s rotor at a certain posi- has a computer connection via serial port (rs232)
tion and applying a small amount of dc voltage and and software support, is preferred. Experiment ap-
acquiring of the parameters by experimental tech- paratus setup can be seen in Figure 1.
niques. This method is also called standstill time-
domain test or DC Decay test. This method is quite
advantageous and worth noticing since it does not
need any special test equipments.
This study is focused on estimating the model
parameters of a wound-pole brushed dc motor ex-
perimentally to develop a linear model of the sys-
tem by using ODEs. Open-loop experiments have
been performed in order to deine and calibrate the Figure 1. The view of FH2 EMTB and experiment
response of the sensors and the motor driver. Then, apparatus setup.
simulation models of the dc motor and the motor
d ω (t )
Tm ( t ) = J + B ω ( t ) + T L ( t ) ....... (5)
is as shown above. The terms and explanations
of the terms used in these correlations are deined
as follows:
ea (t ) = Armature Voltage (110 V)
Figure 3. The electro-mechanical structure of the ia (t ) = Armature current (1 A)
used dc motor.
Ra = Armature resistance (Ohm)
According to the above scheme, the correla- eb (t ) = Back-EMF (V)
tions that will be used to calculate the parameters ω (t ) = Angular velocity (rad/s)
of the dc motor are as follows [13]:
K b = Back-EMF constant (V/rad/s) In the other method for estimating K b ; the mo-
tor is operated as a dc generator while measur-
Tm (t ) = Shaft torque (Nm)
ing the different values it generates at different
J = Inertia (Nm/rad/s2)
B = Friction (Nm/rad/s) rotation-speeds, as a result, the value of K b has
been acquired approximately as 0.7182. Now that
TL (t ) = Load torque (Nm)
this value is close to the value acquired in the irst
K m = Torque constant (Nm/A)
method, found K b value in the irst method will
rad s .
be used as 0.6739
3. Estimation of the motor parameters V
quired. When this equation is matched with the current at the instance of irst rotation and torque
equation Tm (t ) = B.ω (t ) + TL (t ) , B = 0.0001 and constant K m .
TL = 0.0865 are acquired.
Ta = K m .iamax ........................... (8)
As for acceleration, it can be derived from the
3.3 The Estimation of Torque Constant ( K m ) : slope of the time-speed graphic that will be ac-
quired when the nominal operating voltage is ap-
The correlation (4) can be used to estimate the plied to the dc motor.
torque related to the electrical part. Torque con- ωn
stant can be found by using the current absorbed aw = .............................. (9)
by the motor and measured shaft torque. In the ex-
periment done for this purpose, the motor has been
operated at nominal values in the no-load condi-
tion, then the applied torque has been increased
starting from 0 and Tm (t ) values corresponding to
ia (t ) values are recorded, the graphic in Figure 6
has been acquired as shown below.
4. Analysis and calibration of the estimated have been acquired, the model of the experiment
parameters system has been established in Simulink environ-
ment as seen in Figure 9.
In order to test the accuracy of these estimated
parameters; the model of the system is needed
to be established and the model should be simu-
lated by using estimated parameters. The results
acquired from simulation and the real system re-
sponses are needed to be compared. With the ex-
periments done so far, the parameters of the dc
motor which is the main component in the system
model have been acquired.
As it can be seen in Figure 2, the motor is Figure 8. The three different step response of the
driven by an electronic-driver which generates dc dc motor driver
output voltage (motor operating voltage) between
0-110 VDC with a reference input signal between After the Simulink Simscape model have been
0-6 VDC. For this reason, the response of the established, the parameters acquired by the exper-
driver is determined before observing the motor iments, performed in section 3, have been imple-
model. Three different levels of step inputs have mented into the simulation. After the comparison
been applied to the driver and input – output real- of the real system response and the simulation
time responses are observed. As a result, the fol- results, it has been observed that the simulation
lowing graphic is obtained representing the driver results are almost coincident with the real-time re-
characteristic (Figure 8). sponse. In order to have better simulation results,
In Figure 8, the response of the driver with re- parameter-calibration task has been applied by us-
gard to the three different step inputs demonstrates ing Simulink-Parameter Estimation tool, in which
certain incline and decline slopes, as 22.5 and the values of unknown parameters in both contin-
-20.4(V/s), respectively. After the driver responses uous-time and discrete-time models are estimated
and/or known parameters are calibrated by using the use of “non-linear least squares” method with
experimental data. This is especially useful when “Trust-Region-Relective” algorithm in the tool,
some parameters cannot be measured experimen- which only focuses on inding local minimums.
tally or estimated parameters are needed to be cali- Thus, deining the range for the parameters to be
brated within acceptable values. When the tool is predicted improves the accuracy for the results of
utilized, it compares the real-time measured data the calibration process and reduces the computa-
with the data generated by the Simulink model. tional time elapsed by optimization algorithms.
Using optimization techniques, the software esti- Calibrated and validated motor parameters are
mates the parameters and (optionally) initial con- seen in Table 1 with respect to the estimated pa-
ditions of the states, to minimize a user-selected rameters in section 3.
cost function. The cost function typically calcu-
lates a least-square error between the empirical
and model data signals [14].
Parameter-Estimation tool is started within the
system model created in Simulink environment.
Then input data, which will be applied both to the
model and the real system, is prepared and applied
to real system. Real system response is recorded
since it will be a reference for the tool while cali- Figure 10. Deining estimation parameter value
brating the parameter values. After input and out- ranges within Parameter-Estimation tool.
put data are imported into the tool, the parameters
to be calibrated and their value ranges are deined.
When assumed that more than one parameter will 5. Discussion
be calibrated within the tool, the change in the
each parameter values is expected to affect the When the estimated and calibrated parameters
others. So, it’s important to deine value ranges in in Table 1 are examined, there exists more ratio-
consideration with the calculated values. For ex- nal change in Friction (B) -800.00%- and Inertia
ample, Ra is estimated as 31 .825Ω in section 3.1 (J) -44.97%- values than in the other parameters.
and by measuring with the ohmmeter, the value This is considerable because in physical systems
of Ra is observed approximately 30 ohm. There- like dc motor, estimating B and J values are hard-
fore, the acceptable initial-guess value range for er than the other parameter’s estimation. In Fig-
ure 11, graphic shows the motor’s simulation re-
Ra can be deined as 27 ohm minimum and 35 sponse with the estimated parameters in section 3
ohm maximum in the tool. versus the simulation response with the calibrated
The results of our experiments show that, ig- parameters in section 4 and the motor real output
noring the initial guess min/max values may cause response.
the tool to calculate insensible parameter values,
like inding Ra or J negative. This may be due to
Figure 11. DC motor non-calibrated vs. calibrated parameters simulation and real output response
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linear System Identiication for a DC Motor using
NARMAX Approach”, AsiaSENSE, pp. 305–311,
10. Biró, K., A., Szabó, L., Iancu, V., Hedesiu, H.,
C. and Barz, V., “On The Synchronous Machine
Parameter Identiication”, Workshop On Electri-
cal Machines Parameters, May, 2001.
Corresponding author
Barış DOĞAN,
Research Assistant in Mechatronics Education Dept.,
Marmara University,
E-mail: [email protected]