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Activity # 3

Induced magnetism

 induce magnetism in a magnetic material
 infer the polarity of the magnetized object

 bar magnet
 nail or paperclips
 what happen if you nails close together ( or
touching each of fer )?
 If you put a bar magnet close con touching the
fist iron nail can the fist iron nail attact the 2nd
iron nail ? 3rd iron nail ?
 What happen if you change the distance of the
magnet in the fist nail
 If the north pole suspend the nail by attraction
what is the nail polarity of the induced
magnetism in the region?
Nothing will happen.
Yes the fist iron nail attract the 2nd nailed and
also the 3rd nail attract by the 2nd nail.
The 2nd and 3rd nail falling down.

 The process by which the screws become magnet

(magnetic ). induction this some process is the reason why
magnet (attract) non-magnetized substances like screws
the screw become (induced) magnet will the end near the
magnet having (the some ) polarity to that of the
permanent magnet . tierce attraction (after) magnetic
induction .
Activity 4
Detecting and creating magnetism

1. Objectives
 Identify the polarities and strength of a
bar magnet and magnetized objects
using a compass
 Demonstrate magnetization by stroking
 Materials
Bag magnet
Test tube
Iron fillings
2.a north meets south
 What happens when you random by
move the bar magnet found about
and above the compass one foot.
 Compass needles are tiny magnets
that free to indicate the north and
south poles. What do you need to do
know the magnet polarity?
 Answer
 The compass needle is attracted by the bar
magnet so it moves.
 When the bar magnet randomly move around
the compass on tiny needle are moving because
when you move the north pole(blue) around the
compass the white tiny needle attracts and when
the south pole is move around the compass the
red tiny needle attrack
Activity # 6
Magnetic field around
Current carrying conductor

 Using the compass determine the direction
of the magnetic field around a current
carrying conductor
 using the compass determine the direction
of the magnetic field
A . straight carrying conductors
B . current carrying coil
 Straight current carrying conductor
(copper wire)
 Current carrying coil
 Compass
 Block of wood
3. Procedure
 As states in the manual
 Current carrying coil

 Questions
 With conventional current clockwise
from top view on what direction does the
north pole of the compass needle at
center of the current coil of wire print
when the polarity was reversed
 How will you compare the magnitude of
the compass needle deffetions for the
deferent number of loops on the current
 Answer
o The north pole if the compass right
follow the current and also to fate
counter clock wise
o A decrease in no of loops in the coil
means a shorter wire and a magnetic
field casing visible compass needle
Activity # 7
Making a simple de electric motor

1. Objectives
 Make a simple de motor
 Explain the basic concept of a de motor
 Copper wire
 Tape
 Note book / pen
 AAA battery
 Magnet
 Question
 What observation can you make
regarding your simple electric motor?
 Answer – the observation I make is
wlien the battery is connected in the
wire coil and the magnet is below in the
coil the coil will make a move and it will
to fate because of the current that
comes from the battery
 What happens when you increase
amount of current
 Answer- if you increase the amount of
current the coil loops of coil will move
faster / rotate more faster

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