Gulika Calculations and Effects

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Mythologically the birth of Gulika is said to be During Treta Yuga, When king of Lanka Ravan, ordered all
the planets to sit in the 11H (the most auspicious house) of his son - Indrajeet when he was about to be

Fearing Ravan all the planet sat in the 11H but Shani moved to 12th house (the most inauspicious house)
just before he was born and as a result Indrajeet had all the other planets in 11H except Shani (12H).

Ravan outraged by this cut Shani's feet and Gulika is said to be the broken feet of Shani.

Similar in density to Rahu-Ketu, Gulika has no mass and is therefore undetectable with the material eye.

It is however vividly obvious to the psychic eye located in the Ajna chakra at the point between the two
material eyes.

Calculation of Gulika

ग�ु लकारम्भ काले यत्स्फुटं तज्जन्मका�लकम ्।

गु�लकं प्रोच्यते तस्माज्जातकस्य फलं वदे त ्।।

The cusp of the sign rising at the beginning of the Gulika segment is considered as Gulika. (Brihat
Parashara Hora Shastra,)

To calculate Gulika divide the duration of day (dinmaan) into 8 equal parts. First segment of the day is
ruled by the day lord, Like sun on Sunday moon on Monday and so on …

The next segment belongs to the planetary lord of the subsequent weekday, and so on till the seventh
segment which too has a planetary lord. The eighth segment is lordless .

For night-time, the first segment (the first one-eighth of the night) belongs to the planetary lord of the
weekday that falls fifth from the weekday under consideration.

The subsequent segments belong similarly to other planets that rule the weekdays in natural order.

In each case, the part belonging to Saturn is known as Gulika.

The eighth part here too is without a lord.

The positions of the Upgrahas are different during the birth in day or the birth during the night and they
are tabulated below:
Week Day Gulika Yamakantak ArdhaPrahar Kala
Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night
Sunday 7th 3rd 5th 1st 4th 7th 1st 4th
Monday 6th 2nd 4th 7th 3rd 6th 7th 3rd
Tuesday 5th 1st 3rd 6th 2nd 5th 6th 2nd
Wednesday 4th 7th 2nd 5th 1st 4th 5th 1st
Thursday 3rd 6th 1st 4th 7th 3rd 4th 7th
Friday 2nd 5th 7th 3rd 6th 2nd 3rd 6th
Saturday 1st 4th 6th 2nd 5th 1st 2nd 5th

Effects of Gulika With Natural Karaka Planets

The natural karaka planets when associated with Gulika destroy or diminish good results of that planet.

Gulika and Sun - Harmful to the longevity of Father.

Gulika and Moon - Loss of comforts from mother.

Gulika and Mars - Adverse family relations with co-borns and suffer from their early death.

Gulika and Mercury - Native remain mentally disturbed.

Gulika and Jupiter - Person misuse the religious feelings of others. Pose himself as religious fanatics.

Gulika and Venus - Suffers due to bad company of doubtful character women and ruins his marital life.

Gulika and Saturn - Suffer from skin and allergy diseases.Gulika and Rahu - Prone to infection and virus

Gulika and Ketu - Fear from bad characters and criminals.

Dasha-AntarDasha And Gulika effects

Gulika's sluggish, retarding effects are most pronounced during the dasha period of planets in
conjunction with Gulika.The native feels a tremendous frustration of being 'held back' against their will.
They sense restraint by Shani-like forces of social rigidity or caste, depending on the domain occupied by

Although muted slightly when Gulika occupies bhava-3, -6, -10, or -11, the long-term, deep- seated but
largely invisible environmental restraint is always felt during the dasha of a graha conjunct Gulika.

Traditionally, the dasha period of any graha that is conjunct Gulika in the navamsha or dashamsha
vargas will also deliver Gulika's effects. Naturally the Gulika slowdown will impact relationship behaviors
if coming from the navamsha, and career/public respect behaviors if coming from dashamsha.
Maraka powers (Killer Powers) - Lord of Gulika is considered a maraka. Lord of the point 180 degrees
opposite of Gulika is also a maraka graha.

Also keep in mind that:

If Shani conjoins Gulika in lagna, the restraint may be nearly unbearable.

Yet the social or material constraints are so diffuse that the native may have a great deal of trouble
getting control of the resistance factors.

Dasha periods of Shani may be acutely difficult.

Gulika in lagna(without Shani) result in retarded recognition of the social personality.

The appearance is unbalanced. The native appears dull-witted, thick or slow. Not a show stopper in
career or marriage, but a downward pull in self-approval which the native feels inwardly, and through
diffused social feedback that one is not attractive.

Gulika in 2H restraint through conservative forces within the family or trouble accumulating provisions.

Gulika in 4H either delayed access to formal education, or retarded social development due to very
conservative, reactionary or fundamentalist educational practices.

Gulika in 9H delay in obtaining religious instruction, or inhibition through dogmatic, punitive, or

conservative religious values.

Gulika in 11H a useful location for this malefic. Indeed delays obtainment of gains and income. However,
the eventual results of financial discipline induced by a long-term income constraint are in the end
beneficial, and the native eventually sets forth to earn handsomely with very little waste.

B.V. Raman, in A Catechism of Astrologyp. 97 [4th edition, 1992] writes :

"Ancient writers have not attached much significance to Gulika. Reference to this is mostly to be found in
Tamil books on astrology. Maandi or Gulika plays an important part in the determination of lagna (in
doubtful cases), maraka planets and also in finding out the probable period of death.”

1st Bhava - cruel, thief, devoid of modesty, voracious eater, deformed eye, irritable nature 2nd -
quarrelsome, will be poor, not true to his word, and devoid of all wealth.

3rd - ill-tempered, unsocial, ostentatious, devoid of brothers and sisters, 4th - unfortunate and poor.

5th - fickle-minded, badly disposed.

6th - brave, versed in Kshudra Mantras and a terror to his foes.

7th - quarrelsome, loose morals, ungrateful 8th - weak and impaired eyes.

9th - unhappy on account of children and deserted by them.

10th - heterodoxical tendencies having no faith in religion, miserly 11th - happiness, children, power,
and plenty.

12th - poor, will have high expenditure, dislikes sexual pleasures.

Gulika and Raja Yogas

Even with many unfavorable traits mentioned above, Gulika posses the powers of conferring Raja Yoga
like honoring the native with highest position in profession/career, dignity and honor throughout life,
political powers leading to holding ministerial post. Name and fame and comforts of luxurious life.

These Raja Yogas will fructify in case the dispositor of Gulika; its Navamsa lords are placed in Kendra or
trikona houses or in its own sign or in its exaltation. These avasthas of Gulika dispositor nullify the
adverse effects of Gulika and give Raj Yoga results. But its propensity as maraca remain intact.

A Special Rule
A point 180º from Gulika is also considered as acutely malefic in the natal chart. This point must be
taken into consideration when the lethal potential of a planet is to be determined. This is better known
as the Pramaana Gulika in Vedic astrology. The dispositor of Gulika or Pramaana Gulika may prove fatal
during its dasha, etc., displacing the other maraka or killer planets.
Dashas and Transits
The dasha periods of the dispositor of Gulika or its navamsha lord may prove hazardous.

Example: film actress: Samita Patil.

Lagna - Meena (Pisces) while Gulika occupies Kumbha (Aquarius) in the 12th house.

“She died of meningitis on 13 Dec 1986 age 31, barely two weeks after having given birth to her son, in
the Saturn-Mars period. Saturn is the rashi lord of Gulika while Mars is its navamsa lord.”

Gulika in houses 1, 5 or 9 authorises the lagna lord to disburse the maraka effect during its dasha.
Trouble results during the dasha of a planet that happens to be an associate of Gulika in the rashi chart.

Severe troubles are also likely during the dasha of any planet associating with Gulika in the navamsha or
the dwadashamsha charts.

Specially adverse results ensue during the dasha period, of Jupiter or Saturn when they associate with
Gulika in the navamsha, or the dasha of the Sun when it associates with Gulika in the dwadashamsha, or
that of the Moon associating with Gulika in the Trimamsha chart.

The Pramaana Gulika deserves the same treatment as Gulika (vide supra).

The transit of Saturn and Jupiter over the navamsha sign lord of Gulika, that of the Sun over the
Dwadashamsha sign lord of Gulika, and that of the Moon over the Trimshamsha sign lord of Gulika, put
the native in trouble. This is according to the Prashna Marga, which states:

All trikona (1, 5, 9) rashis should be considered in application of transits.

Gulika and Accidents

The lagna, the Moon and Gulika falling in mutual trikonas in the navamsha chart, particularly in rashis 4,
8 and 12 are fatal. Such a native is disease prone and accident prone. This is according to the dictum of
the Prashna Marga.

Gulika is extremely important as an active killer in Vedic astrology. It is used in the judgement of
longevity, along with dasha and transit.

The lagna, the Moon and Gulika falling in Dwiswabha (dual) or Sthira (fixed) signs prompt multiple
ailments and fatality. In Chara (movable) signs, it leads to good health and long life.

Gulika and Longevity

For the calculation of longevity, the lagna, the Moon the Sun and Gulika are all important. A special rule
for assessment of longevity involves using the cusp of the lagna and the longitudes of the Sun, the Moon
and Gulika. This is as follows:

When Lagna longitude multiplied by 5 and added to Gulika Sphuta, we get Prana Sphuta.

Longitude of Lagna * 5 + Gulika House =Prana Sphuta

When Chandra's Longitude is multiplied by 8 and added to Gulika Sphuta, we get Deha Sphuta.

Longitude of Moon * 8 + Gulika House =Deha Sphuta

When Gulika Sphuta is multiplied by 7 and added to Surya Sphuta, we get Mrityu Sphuta. Longitude of
Gulika *7 + Sun Sphuta = Mrityu Sphuta

When the sum of Prana and Deha is more then the Mrityu, the native is
likely to live long.

However, if Mirtyu is bigger than the Sun of Prana and Deha, a rudder end of life is indicated.

Gulika and Progeny

Gulika in the 5th house, particularly in rashis 3, 6, 10 and 11, leads to lack of children. In such a situation,
the native is likely to have some defect in his generative organs.

Gulika may ensure successful conception when: (1)Gulika and the Moon are in the same sign;

Gulika is with the fifth lord;

Gulika is aspected by the fifth lord;

Gulika in the other sign of the fifth lord;

Navamsha lords of Gulika and the Moon are related mutually.

A successful conception results when Jupiter transits the times of Gulika rashi or Gulika navamsha rashi.

When Gulika is in any of the first six rashis (Mesha to Kanya), consider the transit of Jupiter from the
Gulika rashi.

When it is in the last six signs (Tula to Meena), consider the transit from Gulika navamsha rashi.

Gulika in Special Lagnas

Gulika in houses 1 or 7 in the Arudha Lagna causes grey hair, ill health and serious disease of the

When AK and Gulika occupy the Karkamsha lagna and both are aspected by the waxing Moon, there
ensue losses from repeated theft.

The native dies of poisoning if Gulika in Karkamsha lagna is not aspected by any planet.

It may be noted that the same aspects, as applicable to the natal chart, are to be applied to all the
special lagna charts like Karakamsha, Pada, Upa- pada, Navamsha, etc.

Raja-yoga from Gulika

The dispositor of Gulika, and its navamsha lord, placed in a kendra or trikona, or in its own sign or in
exaltation, mollifies the adverse effects of Gulika and gives yoga effects, though its lethal propensity
(markatwa) would remain intact.

The Phaladeepika states:

Phala Deepika Chapter 25 sloka – 18 describe as follows:

गु�लकभवननाथे केन्द्रगे वा �त्रकोणे ब�ल�न �नजगह

ृ स्थे स्वोच्च�मत्रिस्थते वा।
रथगजतरु गाणां नायको मारतल्
ु यो म�हतपथ
ृ य
ु शास्स्यान्मे�दनीमण्डलेन्द्रः।।

That is: Let the Gulika be in a kendra, a trikona, or be strong, in its own house, or in exaltation or in a
friendly house. A potent Raja-yoga results from this disposition.

Daily Results of Gulika

Add the cusp of the lagna to the ‘longitude’ of Gulika. The month when the Sun transits the resultant
sign leads to troubles and miseries.

The most hazardous day is when the Moon transits the sign obtained from adding the longitude of the
Moon to that of Gulika.

Add the lagna, the Moon and Gulika. The resultant ‘rashi’ is to be considered fatal.

The month, the day and the lagna indicated by the sum obtained above must be avoided in all major

Important Results
Gulika in the first house most certainly reduces the good results of the chart. The impact is maximum in
malevolence when the cusp of the lagna and the Gulika are close in degrees. This means that birth
taking place at the commencement of the Gulika-kaala suffers the maximum affliction. In such a
situation, the Raja-yogas or other benefic yogas lose their potence. That is: Determine all adverse results
from Gulika's association.

When the nakshatra of the lagna and Gulika are mutually trinal, the basic benevolence of the lagna
nakshatra lord (LNL) is lost. Nakshatras 1, 10 and 19 are mutually trinal.
Gulika spoils the benefic significations of most of the houses by occupying them. Thus, all troubles ensue
when Gulika occupies the lagna. In the second house, it curtails family comforts and financial savings.

Poor social status results when Gulika occupies the fourth house. In the fifth, it leads to troubles from
progeny. And so on.

Of all the sub-planets, Gulika and Yamakantaka (the subplanet represented by Jupiter's segment)
surpass all others in maleficence and beneficance respectively.

Only in houses 3, 6, 10 and 11 does Gulika generate benefical results. In the tenth house, however, it
indicates delay in getting established in a career.

The good results of Gulika (from its placement in the above houses) are lost when the rashi and
navamsha lords of Gulika are neecha (debilitated) or combust.

To Mitigate the Evil Results of Gulika

The evil of Gulika must be neutralised by prescribed remedies. Rishi Parashara thus recommends that
one should worship lord Shiva regularly in the evening, bow down to the Sun- god and lord Vishnu in the
morning, and light a holy lamp of ‘ghee’ before a Shiva temple. This would defy the evil arising out of an
adverse disposition of Gulika.

If both Gulika and Saturn are together in a Rasi, then evil aspects of Gulika is higher.

However, we if Jupiter aspecting it, then Gulika's evil effects is lowered.

However, you can do a small Gulikaraja puja with a sankalpa of removing obstacles/doshas due to its
conjunction with Saturn and in Lagna and also do 'Mustard' daanam to a learned Brahmin after the puja.

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