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Approach for Improved Signal-Based Fault Diagnosis

of Hot Rolling Mills

Von der Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften,

Abteilung Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik,
Universität Duisburg-Essen
zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades
Doktorin der Ingenieurwissenschaften
genehmigte Dissertation


Astrid Rother



Gutachter: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Söffker

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mohieddine Jelali, Priv. Doz.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Johannes Gottschling
Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 20. Januar 2016

Sincere thanks to Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. D. Söffker and Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Jelali for the
continuous support of this project and the willingness to examine my thesis. Likewise I
thank Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. J. Gottschling for his effort in examining my thesis.

I would like to express my gratitude to the management of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe

AG, the former director of the hot strip mill Bochum Dipl.-Ing. E.-A. Becker, and the
director of the hot strip mill Bochum Dr.-Ing. C. Evers who gave me the opportunity to
do research in an industiral environment.

I am grateful to my colleagues at ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG, hot strip mill Bochum
for their helpful support. Especially I would like to thank Dr.-Ing. I. Jäckel, Dipl.-Ing.
T. Pulcher, Dipl.-Ing. P.Hoy, and Dipl.-Ing. B. Röttgers for the provision of hardware
and numerous inspiring discussions.

Duisburg, January 2016 Astrid Rother


The approach introduced here is able to detect two specific severe faults, to identify them,
to distinguish between four different system states, and to give a prognosis on the sys-
tem behavior. The presented work investigates the condition monitoring of the complex
production process of a hot strip rolling mill. A signal-based fault diagnosis and fault
prognosis approach for strip travel is developed. A literature review gives an overview
about previous research on related topics. It is shown that the great amount of previous
work does not cope with the problems treated in this work and that further investigation
is necessary to provide a satisfactory solution. The design of a new signal processing
chain is presented and the signal processing steps are detailed. The classification task is
differentiated into fault detection, fault identification and fault prognosis. The proposed
approach combines five different methods for feature extraction, namely short time Fourier
transform, continuous wavelet transform, discrete wavelet transform, Wigner-Ville distri-
bution, and empirical mode decomposition, with two different classification algorithms,
namely support vector machine and a variation of cross-correlation, the latter developed
in this work. Combinations of these feature extraction and classification methods are
applied to rolling force data originating from a hot strip mill.

Der hier vorgestellte Ansatz ist in der Lage, zwei spezifische schwere Fehler zu erkennen, sie
zu identifizieren, zwischen vier verschiedenen Systemzuständen zu unterscheiden und eine
Prognose bezüglich des Systemverhaltens zu geben. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die
Zustandsüberwachung des komplexen Herstellungsprozesses eines Warmbandwalzwerks.
Eine signalbasierte Fehlerdiagnose und ein Fehlerprognoseansatz für den Bandlauf wer-
den entwickelt. Eine Literaturübersicht gibt einen Überblick über die bisherige Forschung
zu verwandten Themen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die große Anzahl vorheriger Arbeiten
diese Thematik nicht gelöst hat und dass weitere Untersuchungen erforderlich sind, um
eine zufriedenstellende Lösung der behandelten Probleme zu erhalten. Die Entwicklung
einer neuen Signalverarbeitungskette und die Signalverarbeitungsschritte sind detailliert
dargestellt. Die Klassifikationsaufgabe wird in Fehlerdiagnose, Fehleridentifikation und
Fehlerprognose differenziert. Der vorgeschlagene Ansatz kombiniert fünf verschiedene
Methoden zur Merkmalsextraktion, nämlich Short-Time Fourier Transformation, kon-
tinuierliche Wavelet Transformation, diskrete Wavelet Transformation, Wigner-Ville Dis-
tribution und Empirical Mode Decomposition, mit zwei verschiedenen Klassifikationsal-
gorithmen, nämlich Support-Vektor Maschine und eine Variation der Kreuzkorrelation,
wobei letztere in dieser Arbeit entwickelt wurde. Kombinationen dieser Merkmalsextrak-
tion und Klassifikationsverfahren werden an Walzkraft-Daten aus einer Warmbreitband-
straße angewendet.

List of Figures iii

List of Tables v

List of acronyms vii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and task of this research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Scientific contribution and structure of the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Literature review 7
2.1 General applications of signal-based analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Time-frequency-based strip rolling mill applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3 Strip travel applications of selected time-frequency-based analysis methods 15
2.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3 Introduction to the application site 19

3.1 Fundamentals of a seven stand hot strip mill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.2 Technical fundamentals of rolling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.3 Deviations in strip travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4 Development of a new signal processing method for fault diagnosis 29

4.1 Definition of system states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.2 Measurement selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.3 Data set selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.4 Signal processing techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.4.1 Preprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.4.2 Signal processing techniques for feature extraction . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.4.3 Processing techniques for classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
4.4.4 Classification for fault detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.4.5 Classification for state identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
4.4.6 Classification for fault prognosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4.5 Validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.5.1 χ2 test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
4.5.2 McNemar’s test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

5 Experimental results and validation 57

5.1 Fault detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.1.1 Graphical results of feature extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.1.2 Classification results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.1.3 χ2 -test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.1.4 McNemar’s test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
5.2 Change identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.2.1 Classification results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
5.2.2 χ2 -test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.2.3 McNemar’s test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
5.3 Fault prognosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.3.1 Classification results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.3.2 χ2 -test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
5.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

6 Summary and future work 85

6.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
6.2 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Bibliography 89

A Journal paper and conference contributions 111

B Appendix 113
List of Figures

1.1 Finishing mill of a hot strip rolling mill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 General signal-based diagnosis and prognosis concept . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Overview on selected methods of condition monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3.1 Hot strip rolling mill of TKSE in Bochum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.2 Furnace compound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3 Roughing mill area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.4 Roller table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.5 Seven-stand finishing mill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.6 Cooling line and down coiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.7 Simplified idea of flatrolling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.8 Simplified idea of flatted roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.9 Illustration of a deviation in strip travel called cobble . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.10 Illustration of a deviation in strip travel called shearing tail . . . . . . . . . 27
3.11 Example for a time signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4.1 Illustration of the effects described by the four system states . . . . . . . . 30

4.2 Position of a load cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.3 Mounted load cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.4 Time signal of a load cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.5 Proposed signal processing chain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.6 STFT resolution as a function of filter window width . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.7 Application of a Hamming window to time signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.8 CWT resolution as a function of filter window width . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.9 Application of a Morlet wavelet window function to a time signal . . . . . 40
4.10 DWT wavelet filter belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.11 Wavelet window function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.12 Visualization of a Wigner Ville distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.13 EMD constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.14 Visualization of signal processing steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4.15 SVM hyperplane separation with maximum margin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

4.16 Cross-Correlation of two input signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4.17 Density function of a χ2 distribution with significance level p . . . . . . . 55

5.1 Graphical representation of pre-processed time signals . . . . . . . . . . . 58

5.2 Graphical results of STFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.3 Graphical results of CWT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.4 Graphical results of DWT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.5 Graphical results of WVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.6 Graphical results of EMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.7 ROC space presenting the detection rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.8 ROC space presenting detection rate of fault identification of State 1 and
State 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
5.9 ROC space presenting detection rate of fault identification of State 3 and 4 76
5.10 Prognosis EMD-CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
5.11 ROC space presenting the fault detection rate in matters of prognosis . . . 81
5.12 ROC space presenting the detection rate of fault identification in matters
of prognosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

B.1 Graphical results of STFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

B.2 Graphical results of STFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
B.3 Graphical results of CWT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
B.4 Graphical results of CWT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
B.5 Graphical results of DWT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
B.6 Graphical results of DWT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
B.7 Graphical results of WVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
B.8 Graphical results of WVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
B.9 Graphical results of EMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
B.10 Graphical results of EMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
B.11 Graphical results of EMD-CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
B.12 Graphical results of EMD-CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
B.13 Graphical results of prediction EMD-CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
B.14 Graphical results of prediction EMD-CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

List of Tables

2.1 Common algorithms and application fields of fault diagnosis . . . . . . . . 10

2.1 Common algorithms and application fields of fault diagnosis . . . . . . . . 11
2.2 Overview on relevant analysis research areas in strip rolling . . . . . . . . 12

5.1 Properties of the presented methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

5.2 Classification: detection rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
5.3 Detection results for χ2 -test and McNemar’s test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.4 Values of χ2 -test applied to detection results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
5.5 McNemar’s test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
5.6 Classification: Detection rate of fault identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
5.7 Detection rate of fault identification for χ2 -test and McNemar’s test . . . . 76
5.8 Results of χ2 -test applied to detection rate of fault identification . . . . . . 77
5.9 McNemar’s test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
5.10 Classification: Detection rate of fault prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
5.11 Classification: Detection rate of fault identification prediction with EMD-CC 81
5.12 Classification rate for χ2 -test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5.13 Results of χ2 -test applied to prediction rate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

List of acronyms

AGC Automatic Gauge Control

ARMA Autoregressive Moving Average

CC Cross Correlation

CWT Continuous Wavelet Transform

DWT Discrete Wavelet Transform

EMD Empirical Mode Decomposition

FFT Fast Fourier Transform

FMEA Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

FN False Negative

FP False Positive

FPR False Positive Rate

FT Fourier Transform

FWT Fast Wavelet Transform

GRNN General Regression Neural Network

HHT Hilbert-Huang Transform

HT Hilbert Transform

IFFT Inverse Fast Fourier Trasform

IMF Intrinsic Mode Function

ISOMAP Isometric Feature Mapping

LMD Local Mean Decomposition

MB Model-based

MCA Morphological Component Analysis

MW Mother Wavelet

NN Neural Networks

ROC Receiver Operating Characteristic

SALSA Split Augmented Lagrangian Shrinkage Algorithm

STFT Short Time Fourier Transform

SVM Support Vector Machine

SWT Stationary Wavelet Transform

TKSE ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG

TN True Negative

TP True Positive

TPR True Positive Rate

TQWT Tunable Q-factor Wavelet Transform

WPT Wavelet Packet Transform

WT Wavelet Transform

WVD Wigner Ville Distribution

1 Introduction

1.1 Motivation and task of this research

Rolling is an important processing method in the metal industry. Strips, plates, and
sheets from hot and cold rolling mills are widely used in industrial processes. From the
customer point of view, slightest changes in geometry, surface condition, and thickness
may spoil a strip. Therefore, the necessary accuracy of product dimension (strip thickness
and flatness) is in the micrometer range. Especially for the automotive industry, the
requirements on surface quality (roughness) are high. Customer demands in product
quality lead to increased process complexity. The variety of possible damages increases.

The general interest of the plant operator is therefore related to the reduction of down-
times, an increase in product quality, a useful lifetime extension of machines and machine
parts. Profound knowledge about the production plant and the exact system state is
needed to cope these demands. Figure 1.1 illustrates the hot strip rolling process. The
rolling stands of a finishing mill are in the background. An orange-whitish glowing metal
strip is passing the mill. In the foreground, a set of seven spare roll pairs is prepared for
the next exchange of work rolls.

The task of system diagnosis can be mastered based on reliable knowledge of the system’s
condition resulting from continuous monitoring of the machine state. To detect faults
in process operation, condition monitoring can be used. Here, the system state fault is
defined as a state or behavior out of given or defined parameters. Consequently, fault
symptoms can be detected as those deviations from regular process behavior.

In the last decades, various condition monitoring systems and approaches emerged. They
are commonly used in diverse industrial areas to detect, diagnose, and analyze the de-
terioration of system performance [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. Analyzing a plant’s condition starts
with the extraction of information embedded in specific signals. To gain such signals,
different measurement principles are available, e.g. optical, acoustical, mechanical, and
combinations of those [6].

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 1.1: Finishing mill of a hot strip rolling mill [7]

The obtained signal may differ, especially if diverse sensors are used. Depending on
the analysis method, it can be difficult to capture the necessary information. Due to
occasionally rough conditions, it may be impossible to capture the aimed signal with the
necessary quality for the next processing steps (like classification). Feng et al. [8] give
an overview of the application of condition monitoring in condition-based maintenance.
Jardine et al. [9] review the three layers of condition-based maintenance: data acquisition,
data processing, and analysis. The authors describe the use of models, algorithms, and
techniques aiming at the scope of maintenance decision support (diagnosis/ prognosis),
emphasizing that both, event data and condition monitoring data, are important.

To reach these goals, several different approaches can be used. The three main strategies
for condition monitoring and prognosis are according to Lee et al. [10]: model-based,
data-driven, and hybrid. Ma et al. [11] further differentiate between data-driven and

Chapter 1 Introduction

Figure 1.2: General signal-based diagnosis and prognosis concept (photos taken from
[14], [15], [7], [16], [17], [18] in numerical order)

signal-based methods, in the way that data-driven approaches use more complex analysis
methods to allow fault detection and isolation tasks. The development of a complete
mathematical model of the considered system and the estimation of the parameters that
depict the actual behavior is usually costly. Isermann [1] gives an overview on different
modeling approaches. Samy et al. [3] compare approaches using a physical model to
methods not using a physical model. An example of modeling and parameter estima-
tion is given by Lal and Tiwari [4]. Hou and Wang [5] prefer data-driven approaches,
that use empirical knowledge about the common case and are able to detect deviations.
The authors claim that since no analytical a priori knowledge is needed, this class of
approaches is less costly and less time consuming compared to model-based approaches.
A fusion of data-driven and model-based methods leads to hybrid models. A hybrid ap-
proach combines the output of both strategies and therefore aims to benefit from the
advantages [12, 13].

So far, signal-based and data-driven approaches in strip rolling mills have received very
little attention in literature. This work presents developments in the use of signal-based
approaches for system monitoring, in detail for fault detection, fault identification, and
fault prognosis. Figure 1.2 shows a generalized signal-based diagnosis concept. Goal is to
improve the use of operational information sources for in-time fault prediction.

Chapter 1 Introduction

To enhance the informative value of operative measured signals, different methods for
feature extraction and classification are applied. The online applicability in an industrial
area is an additional interest of the approaches. In many production lines, the responsi-
bility for the integrity of the process lies in the hand of the operators. The information
given to them by the applied analysis methods should be precise and comprehensible to
allow immediate decisions. Therefore, even small improvements to an existing system can
be a progress.

The contributions on time-frequency-based signal processing in dynamic processes are

reviewed. Special emphasis is given to condition monitoring applied to strip rolling mills.

Figure 1.3: Overview on selected methods of condition monitoring

The selected methods for feature extraction and classification are shown in Figure 1.3,
namely Short Time Fourier Tranform (STFT), Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT),
Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Wigner Ville Distribution (WVD), and Empirical
Mode Decomposition (EMD) for feature extraction and Support Vector Machine (SVM)
and Cross Correlation (CC) for classification. The suitability of the method combinations
for fault detection, fault identification, and fault prognosis is evaluated.

1.2 Scientific contribution and structure of the thesis

In this work, a review of approaches related and applied to hot strip mills is given for
the first time [19], and the corresponding results are discussed. Signal-based fault de-
tection, fault identification, and fault prognosis strategies for an industrial application
are developed. The performance of four renown methods in feature extraction applied to
real process data from a hot strip mill combined with two classifiers is evaluated. The
results show differences in the potential of the methods when applied to real process data.

Chapter 1 Introduction

The development of a new combination of feature extraction and classification is shown.

Feature extraction of the new monitoring approach is accomplished by EMD, and classi-
fication by thresholding of CC with good performance in fault detection, identification,
and prognosis. The relative computational load and response time are reduced by a new
decision making method. In-time shutdown can avoid severe damages on the product
and the production line. Information at an early stage is of great importance for alert
triggering. The prognosis method presented in this work is able to indicate an upcoming
fault early.

This thesis is divided into six chapters. In Chapter 1, the motivation for the work per-
formed in this thesis is given. Chapter 2 presents a literature review on recent develop-
ments in the field of signal-based diagnosis in hot strip mills. In Chapter 3, the application
site is introduced. A short background on rolling is given and the target deviations in strip
travel are described. Chapter 4 details the approach taken and the mathematical tools
used in the analysis and describes the methodology used in the design of the experiments.
In Chapter 5, the experimental results are presented, and the significance of the results
is discussed. Chapter 6 summarizes the main conclusions of this thesis and presents an
outlook for future work.

2 Literature review

The complexity of control systems and operator activities has increased in the last decades.
To reduce the necessity of expert-knowledge in every day use, the degree of automation
is expanded, and automized diagnosis and prognosis become more important tasks in
modern industrial plants [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. The objective is to ensure the structural safety, to
extend the life time of components, and to determine severe failures before they appear.
One approach is the continuous surveillance of industrial machines to gather information
on the system condition. This is common practice in production lines [9]. As Julcher [20]
presents, signal-based analysis methods can well be used for fault diagnosis in industrial

This chapter presents the state of the art and an overview of selected signal-based analysis
methods. So far, the applications to hot strip mills concentrate on models and time-
based or frequency- based analysis. To distinguish the presented approach from the
usual practice, a time-frequency-based approach is used. It will be shown that time-
frequency-based analysis methods rarely found application in the field of hot strip mills.
Based on the evaluation of signal-based analysis methods applied to comparable industrial
environments, five analysis methods are chosen for further investigation. The content of
this chapter is based on contributions already published [19].

2.1 General applications of signal-based analysis

In general, signal-based analysis is done in the time domain, the frequency domain, or
the time-frequency domain [8]. In industrial practice, time-based analysis of signals is
well established in condition monitoring [21]. Intermittency, trend monitoring, threshold
monitoring of statistical characteristics like mean, peak, standard derivation, and root
mean square are common techniques for qualitative fault analysis. As a variation, Cae-
sarendra et al. [22] base their condition monitoring approach on circular domain features
and claim superiority to time-frequency analysis methods. Serido et al. [23] use autore-
gressive moving average-based methods (ARMA), a more elaborate time-based analysis.

Chapter 2 Literature review

Nandi et al. [24] extend the treatment of vibration signal to kurtosis.

Frequency-based analysis allows to handle dynamic attributes, namely for application in

rotating machinery with periodic signals. The most conventional frequency-based analysis
is fast Fourier transform (FFT). The FFT shows frequency components with amplitudes
sufficient to protrude the noise. To extract impacts with very low energy and therefore
hidden features, frequency filters, envelope analysis, side band structure analysis, Hilbert
transform, power spectrum, cepstrum, matched filter (signal to noise ratio) and others
are used.

The mathematical prerequisites for frequency domain analysis do not allow the handling
of non-stationary, non-periodic occurrences. To gain event-related and time-related infor-
mation from such signals, it is recommendable to analyze via the time-frequency domain.
Using this class of methods, periodicity is no longer demanded and singular time events
can be handled. The methods will give information on the occurrence time of events.

A recent overview on the application fields and the benefits and drawbacks of different
fault diagnosis methods is given by Lee et al. [10]. It is stated that no systematic
method for the development of a health monitoring system exists. The authors give a
summary of health monitoring tools applied to five critical components. Table 2.1 gives
a new interpretation of their contribution. The table shows the application fields of the
methods presented by Lee et al. From this table, it can be seen that some methods
are mainly applied to one application field while others are in widespread use, e.g. the
wavelet transform. Some of the methods show only a small number of applications, e.g.
the Wigner-Ville distribution. For the approaches given in table 2.1, commonly analyzed
measurements in matters of bearings and gears are vibration, oil debris, and acoustic
emission. In the field of shaft monitoring, vibration is used. Pump analysis focuses on
vibration, pressure, and acoustic emission. The monitoring of generators is based on
stator current, stator voltage, magnetic fields, and frame vibrations. The characteristics
are to be summarized as follows.

Time domain analysis [25] regards the waveform of an input signal, e.g. the comparison of
two wave forms. It does not provide further information. Fourier transform [26] represents
the frequency components of an input signal, but it is limited to periodic signals and has a
lack of information on the occurrence time. Short time Fourier transform [27, 28] resolves
information on time position and frequency component. It is suited for non-stationary sig-
nals. Wavelet transforms [29, 30] work with dilation and compression of a special window
function. It is applicable to non-stationary signals. Wigner-Ville distributions [28] give a
time-frequency dependent energy density spectrum of the input signal. It generates new
linkages of frequency components. It is suited for non-stationary data. Hilbert-Huang

Chapter 2 Literature review

transforms [31, 32] decompose the input signal into intrinsic mode functions. The input is
represented as energy density over time. As well, it is applicable to non-stationary signals.
Principal component analysis [33, 34] transform the original input into a new representa-
tion of uncorrelated features. Fisher linear discriminants separate the projection of input
data in least square sense. Gaussian mixture models fuse the information in the input
data in a probabilistic model [35]. The set up parameters are not easily definable. Lo-
gistic regression depicts the model fitting the best connection between input and output
data [36, 37]. Statistical pattern recognition compares a given input data to a defined
normal signal [38, 39]. It is only applicable for approximately normal distributions. Par-
ticle filters are a Bayesian approach on state estimation [40]. The input data are sampled
to deduce a probability distribution function. It is applicable to non-stationary signals
if the system dynamics are analytically defined. A high computational load is reported.
Kalman filters are an other Bayesian approach on state estimation with covariance mini-
mization [41, 42]. They are only applicable to linear systems and Gaussian noise. Again,
a system model and a state model have to be defined. Feature map pattern matching
reduces the feature space of the input data to a lower dimensional space [43, 44]. The
orientation of the input space is maintained. No standard algorithm defining the map is

Bayesian networks give the dependencies of variables in an input signal [45, 46]. It is
useful to reduce the number of parameters to describe a signal structure. The learning
phase is rather complex and costly and expert knowledge about the modeled structure is
needed. Neural Networks create a model of the relations between the input and output
data and are able to detect patterns in a data set [47, 48]. The set up resembles to
biological neuronal networks which is adaptable to unknown problem set ups, but no
standard procedure for the network development can be given. The computational load
is high. Fuzzy logic can offer robust and fault tolerant models from incomplete input
data [49, 50]. Support Vector machines map the input data into a high dimensional
vector space until data are separable [51, 52]. This classification method achieves good
decision accuracy because of the maximal margin between the separating hyper plane
and the nearest data point of a different class. The Hidden Markov model is a statistical
model of a Markov processes representing the system [53, 54]. To generate an accurate
model, a large amount of data is needed.

Chapter 2 Literature review

Table 2.1: Common algorithms and application fields of fault diagnosis (cf. Lee [10])

Application field
Bearing Gear Shaft Pump Generator

Time domain analysis [25]

Fourier transform [55, 56] [57] [58] [59] [60]
[64, 65,
Short-time Fourier 66, 67,
[61] [62, 63]
transform 68, 69,
Wigner Ville
[76, 77,
Wavelets [72] [21, 73] [74] [75]
78, 79]
Hilbert-Huang [81, 82,
transform 83]
Principal component
[84] [85]
Particle filter [86]
[87, 88,
Kalman filter [90]
[91, 92, [94, 95, [64, 65, [98, 99, [101,
Neural networks
93] 96, 97] 66] 100] 102, 103]
[105, [107, [109,
Auto regression [104]
106] 108] 110]
[113, [115,
Fuzzy logic [111] [112] [67]
114] 116, 117]
Match matrix [118]
Support vector
[119] [120] [68]
Hidden Markov model [121] [122]
Stochastic model

Chapter 2 Literature review

Table 2.1: Common algorithms and application fields of fault diagnosis (cf. Lee [10])

Application field
Bearing Gear Shaft Pump Generator

Genetic algorithms [68] [117]
Empirical mode [128, [130,
decomposition 129, 81] 131]
Analytical or [132,
numerical models 133]
Petri nets [134]
Instantaneous power
Bispectrum [136] [137]
[138] [139]
hybrid model
Energy index analysis [140]
Envelope analysis [141]
High resolution
[142, 143]
spectral analysis
Expert systems [144, 145]
Higher order statistics [146]
Park’s current vector

2.2 Time-frequency-based strip rolling mill applications

Strip rolling mills are complex steel production plants. The very large and heavy equip-
ment has to operate precisely to achieve a high-quality product meeting the specifications
demanded by customers. Therefore, research in the area of strip rolling mills concentrates
on topics related to production, focusing on bearing fault detection, gauge control, gear
fault detection, and chatter detection or damping. So far, data-driven approaches in strip
rolling mills have received little attention in literature. A considerable number of contri-

Chapter 2 Literature review

butions applies model-based (MB) analysis, for example plant control models [148, 149],
looper models [150, 151], roll shifting strategies [152], reheating furnace control strate-
gies [153], chatter detection/damping [154], material science, or finite element modeling
of strip curvature [155]. An overview is given in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2: Overview on relevant condition monitoring and signal analysis research areas
in strip rolling [19]

Application field Goal / Aim References
Bearing fault Extending life
MB, FFT [156]
detection time
Chatter Improvement of MB, LMD, [154], [157],
detection surface quality STFT, FFT [158]
Improvement of [151], [159],
Gauge control MB, DWT
quality [160], [161]
[162], [163],
Gear fault Extending life
MB, DWT [164], [165],
detection time
[166], [167]
[168], [169],
Improvement of
MB, DWT, [170], [171],
Strip travel surface and
EMD [170], [172],
flatness quality

A variety of analysis methods applied to strip travel can be found in the literature. A
detailed application to a hot strip mill process is given by Peng et al. [159]. The authors
propose a data-based approach for online identification of the variables responsible for spe-
cific quality faults (hydraulic gap control, cooling valve control, bending force control). In
this non-linear application, a total kernel projection to latent structures (T-KPLS) model
with radial basis kernel function is used. The model is built with data from preceding
periods. Process and quality data are evaluated. The result is presented in a contribution
rate plot showing the fault responsible variables. This plot shows the sensitivity of specific
faults to the examined variables. The three above mentioned examples of quality related
faults are successfully identified by this approach.

Wang et al. [158] evaluate the use of local mean decomposition applied to low-speed
helical gearboxes in matters of surveillance and diagnosis. The authors apply the in-
stantaneous time-frequency spectrum resulting from local mean decomposition (LMD) to
vibration signals of a gearbox of a finishing rolling mill to detect gear tooth damages. The
authors propose a parameter to asses the severity of faults. This parameter was stated
to be sensitive only for the wear of monitored components and not to be affected by

Chapter 2 Literature review

other influences such as load and speed changes. The application to practical data shows
the efficiency and reliability of the applied approach in fault detection. The approach
outperforms kurtosis, root-mean-square and peak-to-peak values.

Serido et al. [163] present a residual-based fault detection approach for rolling mills.
As model architecture, a genetic box-cox model for linear components combined with
a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model for non-linear components is proposed. The used data-
driven soft computing techniques transform the original signals into this model space.
According to the authors, no pre-developed analytical respectively physical fault model is
used. For fault detection, the model-based calculated residuals are analyzed online with
statistical techniques. The authors compare the performance of their approach to three
state-of-the-art methods, namely principal component analysis, ARMA, and one-class
SVM. Here, performance means the relation of fault detection (true positive detection
of fault) and false alarm rate (false positive detection of fault). The author’s approach
achieves detection rates from 65% at slight fault symptoms up to 90% at strong fault
symptoms with a false alarm rate of 10%. The tested fault symptoms are simulated. The
total amount of used data is not given.

Li et al. [164] present an improved stochastic resonance approach, which is a method of

using noise to enhance signals. This approach can be applied if the system has two or
more unstable equilibrium positions in resonance phenomena. The noise can be used to
switch the system between the equilibrium positions. Weak fault features are extracted
from background noise to improve the detection of gearbox faults in a rolling mill. The
used multi-stable model increases the signal to noise ratio and analyses the influence of
resonance effects. The approach is tested on real data from a rolling mill. Two specific
gear faults are detected successfully. Shortly later, the authors propose a modification
of their method, the adaptive stochastic resonance with an additional sliding window
technique [165]. In this approach, the window width can be adapted to the fault. The
authors report an increased signal-to-noise ratio in simulation experiments and in practical
application. The practical value of both techniques is stated. For weak signals, the
adaptive technique performs better than the standard stochastic resonance approach.

Hui et al. [160] present a data-driven online algorithm for automatic gauge control. In
steel production, gauge control determines the strip thickness and therefore has a major
influence on strip travel and product quality. The authors combine multiple least square
SVMs to reduce calculation time. The sample data are divided into different groups by
subtractive clustering. Single least square SVMs are performed on each group. The sum of
the weighted outputs of all SVMs gives the predicted thickness. The procedure was tested
on a real hot strip mill. A total number of 300 data sets consisting of rolling force, roll
gap setting value, entry thickness, rolling speed, and entry temperature are used. The

Chapter 2 Literature review

authors state the algorithm’s performance is better than the ones of back propagation
neural networks (NN) and single SVM.

Sanfilippo et al. [171] present an internet-based data reporting system for online monitor-
ing in hot strip mills. The graphical reporting system considers the whole plant, starting
at the furnaces and ending at the coil transfer. Here, cobble diagnosis is of special interest.
Cobble is identified after the plant has stopped. Possible causes for cobble are retrieved
from the data base and listed. A graphical representation of relevant process variables
is displayed to machine operators. The distinction between good and bad conditions of
each plant’s element is based on failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). This expert
knowledge system is implemented using only commercial software elements. Details of
the used mathematical models are not given.

Nandan et al. deal with a multi-objective optimization scheme and its application to
a hot strip mill [169]. Opening with a detailed illustration of the scope of roll shifting
the authors use distance-based Pareto genetic algorithms (DPGA) and strength Pareto
evolutionary algorithms (SPEA) to optimize roll shifting owning to the scope of flatness
and crown. The presented model is able to assess the hot rolling practice, but has not
been implemented online. The study gives a quantitative overview of the connectivity of
surface flatness, rolling schedule and roll shifting.

Arinton et al. investigate the use of artificial NN to handle the non-linear problems in
a cold rolling tandem mill [174]. They present a multilayered dynamic high-order neural
network based model of inter strip tension. Their approach is applied offline for modeling
and residual-based fault detection to real data of a tandem mill. To increase robustness in
fault detection, they propose to obtain the variable threshold from the confidence interval.
The success of this kind of fault detection depends on the model’s accuracy. Assuming
a model with accurate estimation of the system’s output the proposed NN approach is
robust and useful in practice.

Debon et al. give a comparative overview of statistical models for binary data using
receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves [175]. They examine the use of this tech-
nique to visualize, organize and select classifiers based on their performance. The aim is
to identify an optimal model to predict the probability of defective steel coils. Compared
are generalized linear models and classification and regression trees on the basis of short
time histories of temperature and velocity of a typical galvanizing bath. A generalized
additive model was used to confirm the linear relationship. They state classification and
regression trees as useful in steel coil quality prediction for practical needs.

Zhang and Liu propose a cascade predictive control strategy for hydraulic automatic

Chapter 2 Literature review

gauge control (AGC) of hot rolling mills based on data-driven control theory [176]. Their
approach includes a secondary loop control system supervising the main AGC loop control
system to overcome the problems of inaccurate indirect measurements and time-delayed
direct measurements. Secondary loop control is a PID controller. Due to the use of data-
driven control theory the model identification process can be avoided. The authors claim
that their method is able based on simulated results to improve the control precision and
to reject disturbances.

2.3 Strip travel applications of selected

time-frequency-based analysis methods

The suitability of the following time-frequency-based analysis methods: STFT, WT,

WVD, and HHT for industrial applications is emphasized by Lee et al. [10]. Disregarding
that the resolution of STFT and WVD is only scalable in different runs, the disadvan-
tages mentioned by Lee et al. are of minor importance to the diagnosis task. Based on
their widespread application to fault detection in other areas [8], these methods have been
checked for their use for fault diagnosis in hot strip rolling mills. Only a small number of
applications to strip travel faults in rolling mills can be found in the literature.

Short-Time Fourier Transform

An application of STFT to chatter detection is given by Garcia et al. [157]. Chatter is a
specific vibration in a rolling stand that affects surface quality and leads to thickness vari-
ation. The authors consider chatter-related features in the frequency band of 100-300 Hz.
The used mathematical methods are spectrogram analysis and Fourier transform. A non-
linear dimensionality reduction with isometric feature mapping (ISOMAP) is performed
on the spectrogram of STFT results. Parallel feature vectors containing the informa-
tion of signal strength for predefined frequencies are extracted from FFT results. Both
datasets are combined in a general regression neural network (GRNN). The result is given
in a graphic showing characteristic zones related to chatter and non-chatter rolling to the
machine operators.

Wang et al. [177] propose an autocorrelation-threshold-based method to extract the

periodical components of vibration signals associated with mill chattering in strip rolling
mills leading to chatter marks. Chatter marks are unwanted fringes on the strip surface
resulting form mill chatter or insufficient lubrication. Chatter features are hidden in noise.
Since the occurrence frequency is not constant, the application of a band pass filter to

Chapter 2 Literature review

reduce the noise is not useful. Autocorrelation is able to highlight the frequencies occurring
periodically. On these enhanced frequency components FFT is applied to identify the
chatter. The results still contain unwanted components.

The contribution of Garcia is the only recent application of STFT to strip rolling mills that
could be found. The contribution of Wang uses FFT after an autocorrelation generated
short time window of the original signal. Both contributions aim on chatter detection.

Continuous Wavelet Transform

Applications of CWT to strip rolling mills could not to be found.

Discrete Wavelet Transform

Chen et al. [172] give a DWT application on roll eccentricity that causes thickness varia-
tions in hot strip mills. Product quality and strip travel are possibly affected. The authors
use a multi-resolution wavelet method that combines mallat algorithm (FWT) with FFT
and inverse FFT (IFFT ) to overcome the aliasing caused by the cutoff frequencies of
the wavelets. Wavelet functions are not designed to minimize the aliasing. Both FFT
and IFFT are used in wavelet decomposition and reconstruction procedures to set those
components to zero, that lay outside of the aimed frequency band. The approach is tested
on a six-stand four-roll-continuous hot strip finishing mill. For the DWT, a sym5 wavelet
is used with six decomposition levels. The algorithm with increased calculation time was
tested on the machine. The in-time compensation in gauge control was able to reduce
thickness variation from ±40 µm to ±15 µm.

Li and Dong [161] present a wavelet and neural network-based fault diagnosis approach
for the hydraulic automatic gauge control of a strip rolling mill. This moving average
model consists of a three layer forward network. It is supposed to improve rolling force
forecasting in real time. Diagnosis is achieved using wavelet transform of the residuals of
predicted rolling force (setting signal) and actual rolling force (sensor signal). The Haar
or DB1 wavelet transform is able to detect the position in time of the occurrence of a
fault. The maximum wavelet coefficient is found at the step in the residual signal. The
degree of fault is indicated by the coefficient value of the DWT. A NN builds the model
of the system. Actual field data are used to establish the model structure. The type of
fault is identified by comparison with data from this model of the system. Additionally,
the wavelet transform de-noises the signal. The method is tested successfully offline on
recorded data of an inner-leak servo fault.

In addition, examples of extended wavelet transform algorithms exist. Using an approach

of Mallat and Zhong [173], Lesecq et al. [162] treat vibrations in the production line that

Chapter 2 Literature review

may affect surface roughness and quality. According to the authors, these vibrations can
be induced by main drives, badly parameterized controllers, frequency converters, torque
changes, or defect components. A time-invariant stationary wavelet transform (SWT)
is used to detect specific vibration faults in a rolling plant’s signals with fuzzy decision
making. Real data of a roughing mill’s twin drive are applied namely torque, current,
and speed of upper and lower motor. First, an SWT is performed on the signal, followed
by soft thresh-holding, fuzzification, and aggregation leading to a symptom. The amount
of testing samples was low (5). Only torsional vibration faults were detected.

Yuan et al. [166] present a fault diagnosis approach for a rolling mill’s main drive gear-
box. This is based on multi-wavelet sliding window neighboring coefficient denoising and
optimal blind deconvolution. The sliding window technique tries to solve a shortcome of
universal wavelet thresh-holding. Important fault features with only small signal compo-
nents might otherwise be masked. The sliding window cuts out time slices with individual
thresholds for weak signals. The relativity of conducted local threshold coefficients to their
neighbors is used for further denoising. Blind deconvolution is used to sharpen and isolate
the implied fault features to be more easily recognized by machine operators. The ap-
proach is applied to two real gearbox fault data sets of a finishing mill. The authors point
out the practical possibility to detect multi-faults characteristics and to avoid missing
weak features. Optimal blind deconvolution is good in detecting transient information
but struggles from heavy disturbances.

The number of recent contributions applying DWT in the field of strip rolling mills shows
some research work in this topic. The number of contributions is considerably higher than
the number of applications of the other methods discussed. The success of the application
of DWT in production is shown by the contribution of Chen et al. [172]. Additionally,
the amount of applications of DWT in different fields of fault detection indicates that this
topic will be important in future.

Wigner-Ville Distribution

Applications of WVD concentrate on periodic signals and cannot be found for strip rolling

Empirical Mode Decomposition

An application of EMD is given by Liu et al. [170], focusing on the remote fault diagnosis
of heavy mills. The authors present a four layer system consisting of a data hunting layer
where the sensor signals get transformed, a knowledge management layer where the data
are stored, an application layer where signal processing is performed, and an user interface.

Chapter 2 Literature review

The pattern recognition is done with a SVM, the fault location with EMD-HHT, and the
remaining useful lifetime prediction is done with SVM regression. Amplitude, frequency,
and kurtosis of vibration signals measured on seven key points are used as characteristic
values. The authors do not give any application or simulation results.

Only one contribution of EMD to strip rolling mills could be found. The method is not
yet widely spread.

2.4 Summary

The application areas of the large variety of fault diagnosis methods focus on periodic
signals mainly in rotating devices. In the field of signal-based analysis of strip rolling
mills only a small number of published results can be found. The focus of researchers lies
on rotating machinery and concerns mostly periodic or quasi-periodic signals. Overall,
applications to non-stationary signals are rare. Introducing new concepts to production
is difficult, since online experiments can lead to costly mistakes. Therefore, all but one
tests found in the literature are made offline.

The review on literature dealing with the five selected methods shows that only three
of them have been applied to strip travel in rolling mills: STFT, DWT, and EMD.
The application of STFT concentrates on chatter detection with mainly periodical sig-
nal components, the application of EMD focuses on vibration signals. The applications
of DWT spread over a wider field of process deviations containing periodical as well as
non-stationary signals.

The question whether or not these promising techniques - which were useful in a wide field
of industrial processes - can be exploited for the diagnosis task on strip travel in hot strip
rolling mills has to be answered. Therefore, it can be concluded that further research is
necessary. This work applies several signal-based diagnosis methods in the field of strip
travel faults in rolling mills. The suitability of the methods for fault detection and fault
identification is evaluated, and a prognosis is deduced.

3 Introduction to the application site

Steel, a metal alloy with iron as principal component, can be given a defined shape in
forming processes. The forming process is a manufacturing process aiming to a plastic
deformation of a material into a defined shape [178]. One of these forming processes is
rolling. Forming enables the production of special grades and properties that cannot be
achieved by casting.

To roll a strip, a steel slab is needed as primary material. The production of a steel slab is
performed via ingot casting or continuous casting. Beside billets, blooms, and monocasts,
steel slabs are the first shaping product of steel after liquid phase. The rolled steel strips
are categorized according to the thickness. Steel strips thicker than 3mm are called heavy
plates and strips thinner are called thin sheet steel. In the basic concept, a two high
stand, the metal is passed through a pair of rolls to reduce the thickness and to enlarge
the length. A uniform surface, width, and thickness is aimed for. The metal is heated
to allow the forming process. Depending on the temperature, the process is called hot
or cold rolling. In case of hot rolling, the rolling temperature is above the recrystalliza-
tion temperature. Hot strip describes a warm and flat rolled forming product. Various
grades of steel with respect to mechanical properties and surface demands lead to differ-
ing production conditions. Consecutively rolled strips may demand varying parameters
in the control circuit. Hot strip is the basis for diverse application fields, for instance
in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, automotive industry, bridge construction, and
container construction. Applications of direct processed hot strips are for example tubes
and tanks. Depending on the field of application, the steel strip is subsequently processed
in other aggregates for fine tuning or surface finishing. Depending on the steel type, ad-
ditional coatings are available. Thin sheets can be enameled, galvanized, nickel-plated,
painted, tinned, or plastic coated [7]. The hot rolled product is delivered in coils. The
finished strips show a manifold range of quality grades, tensile strengths, and bending
strengths. This section gives an introduction to flat rolling in hot strip mills and selected
strip rolling problems. The content of this chapter is based on contributions already
published [19, 179, 180, 181].

Chapter 3 Introduction to application site

Figure 3.1: Hot strip rolling mill of TKSE in Bochum [7]

3.1 Fundamentals of a seven stand hot strip mill

The approach proposed in this thesis is build on real data originating form the hot strip
mill of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG (TKSE) in Bochum [7]. The hot strip rolling mill
in Bochum is rolling semi-continuously. Primarily, it consists of four reheating furnaces
and two pit furnaces, a roughing mill, a coil box, a finishing mill, a cooling line, and down
coilers. An overview is given in Figure 3.1.

The furnace system is composed of three walking-beam furnaces and one pusher type
furnace (see Fig. 3.2). These furnaces are natural gas-fired continuous furnaces, in which
the slabs lay transverse to the transfer direction. In a pusher type furnace, the slabs
are pushed through a hot-cooled supporting tube system. In a walking-beam furnace, the
slabs are moved by a horizontally and vertically moving walking beam conveyor. By lifting
the exposed slabs, the slab’s surface is less stressed during the reheating process. Certain
special grades, for example non-ferrous alloyed steels, are soaked to rolling temperature
in a pit furnace. The rolling temperature depends on the material to be processed.
Temperatures between 1200°C and 1300°C are common. Special grades may differ in
temperature, e.g. titanium is rolled at about 800°C.

Discharged from a furnace, a reheated slab is transferred to the roughing mill compound
starting with the first descaler (see Fig. 3.3). The iron-oxide is removed with 125 bar
hydraulic thrust from the slab surface to prevent scrap marks. The consecutive guiding
side system centers the slabs for threading into the edger. The edger is a vertical stand
sizing the strip width. A four-high reversing stand is following directly. It consists of four
horizontal rolls. The two thicker backup rolls reduce the deflection of the thinner work
rolls. This reversing stand is passed five, seven, nine, or eleven times reducing the entry
slab thickness from 150-260 mm to 35 mm.

After the roughing mill, the resulting transfer bar passes a roller table containing a coil
box, a cropping shear, and a second mechanical descaler (see Fig. 3.4). In coil box mode,

Chapter 3 Introduction to application site

Figure 3.2: Furnace compound [7]

Figure 3.3: Roughing mill area [7]

the transfer-bar is coiled to prevent unwanted thermal effects, like irregular cooling across
the length. The transfer-bar is threaded bottom up into the finishing mill. The homoge-
neous temperature allows a homogeneous roll force. At this point, materials reheated or
soaked in a coil box furnace can be re introduced into to the process line. The cropping
shear straightens the head of the transfer bar to reduce alining difficulties during the
initial pass section. Likewise, the tail is cropped to avoid deformations as e.g. fish tails.
The cropped bar is descaled a second time before threading into finishing mill.

The finishing mill consist of seven continuous rolling four-high stands (see Fig. 3.5).
Each stand contains a pair of work rolls and backup rolls. The diameter of the backup
rolls is higher than that of the work rolls. This gives a higher mechanical stability and
reduces bending of work rolls. These rolls have to be exchanged regularly because of
the abrasion. To ease the maintenance, each roll is mounted by a chock. Between the
stands, a looper with adaptive angle supplies a nearly constant mass flow. The roll gap

Chapter 3 Introduction to application site

Figure 3.4: Roller table [7]

Figure 3.5: Seven-stand finishing mill [7]

is adjusted by a hydraulic mechanism. The continuously variable crown in stands 3, 4,

and 5 gives the possibility to influence profile and flatness to grant a constant course.
The roll force depends on the amount of forming to be made and on the deformability
behavior of the material. The target thickness of the roll gap is adjusted by a hydraulic
screw down. The work rolls are joint by a pinion gear unit to two coupled DC motors.
This synchromesh gearbox drives work rolls with the identical speed. The backup rolls
adapt through friction. The roll force is measured with load cells, located underneath the
lower backup roll’s chocks. Using magneto-elastic effects, up to 40 MN roll force can be
captured. In practice, roll forces up to 30 MN are used. Typical physical dimensions of a
finished strip lay between 1.4–20 mm exit strip thickness, 600–1630 mm width and up to
1 km length.

Having passed the finishing mill, the finished strip is cooled down with respect to the
client specific material requirements. The computer-controlled cooling line reduces the
temperature from finishing to coiling values. Diverse cooling-down strategies are used to
meet the cooling rate, which has the desired effect on material structure. Subsequently,

Chapter 3 Introduction to application site

the strip is coiled down. In Figure 3.6, the cooling line and the down coiler are illustrated.

Figure 3.6: Cooling line and down coiler [7]

3.2 Technical fundamentals of rolling

The forming process realized here is flat rolling. It is used to reduce the cross-sectional
area of a semi-finished product, to stretch it, and to define its material characteristics.
The material structure, the surface properties, the profile, and other features are defined
by the process temperature, the type of treatment, and the type of cooling.

Change in the shape of a metal is caused by displacement of the atomic lattice structure.
Elastic and plastic forming are distinguished. In the elastic range, the displacement of
atoms is so small that they return to their original lattice position after the removal of
stress. This is not the case for plastic forming. Here, the lattice structure is permanently
modified. Plastic forming of rolled material is achieved when the so called deformation
resistance is overcome. This empirical value is inter alia dependent on the material prop-
erties and the temperature. This is used in hot strip rolling where a higher temperature is
applied to reduce the required force. Since a preheated metal is more ductile, meaning its
tension values decrease, strong deformation is possible without loss in material cohesion
at very high temperatures [182].

The amount of deformation ϕh is usually given by the logarithm of the relative strain
h1/h0 [183]

ϕh = ln . (3.1)

Chapter 3 Introduction to application site

The relative deformation is

h0 − h1
εh = . (3.2)

In the considered finishing mill, relative deformations εh between 0.21 and 0.29 are typi-
cally achieved. Flat rolling is supposed to produce a plastic stretching of the material by
thickness reduction. This lateral expansion ∆b is highly dependent on the reduction in
thickness ∆h

Δh = h0 − h1 . (3.3)

Especially in the range of the finishing train of a hot strip mill, the ratio b/h is as large
that the absolute lateral extension amounts to only a few millimeters.

Figure 3.7: Simplified idea of flat rolling modified according to [183]

Hollow-ground cylindrical work rolls are used in the considered finishing mill. Figure
3.7 visualizes the simplified forming geometry of an idealized roll. At loaded contact of
the rolls with the rolled material an elastic flattening of the rolls is determined. With
sufficient mechanical stability, this roll flattening can be negligible in first approximation.
The roll flattening is considered in the following formulas. The meaning of the parameters
can be taken from Figure 3.8. The changed contact length is

ld0 = r0 · ∆h. (3.4)

Chapter 3 Introduction to application site

The contact surface A0d between roll and rolled material depends on the input width b0

A0d = ld0 · b0 . (3.5)

Figure 3.8: Simplified idea of flattened roll modified according to [183]

Starting from an unencumbered contact of the work rolls, the screw down of the roll
adjustment generates a load that bends the components of a roll stand in the elastic
range. The floating Morgoil® chucks bring an additional elasticity to the compound. Also,
the specific plastic-elastic behavior of the rolled material influences the roll gap. These
and further details have to be considered in any analytic or physical model of a rolling
process. In this work, no model of the rolling compound is used for this research. Instead
a signal-based analysis approach was chosen.

3.3 Deviations in strip travel

Strip travel describes the way heated rolling material passes the rolling mill. Ideally,
the rolling material passes all aggregates in center position, without any surface defects,
within the thickness tolerance, and with optimal flatness and profile. In practice, not all
of these goals are achieved in each run. Some of the deviations lead to repairable defects
on the strip, for example indentations and protuberances [184]. Other defects are not
repairable, for example shells. Depending on the required quality and the type of fault,
the rolled material has to be refurbished, devalued or wasted. Strip travel problems appear
as wavy edges, profile out of tolerance, and many more. In the presented contribution,
two specific strip travel deviations are discussed that affect product quality and cause
downtimes: cobbles and shearing tails.

In this context, a cobble is a severe fault in the rolling process. It can appear in the area

Chapter 3 Introduction to application site

Figure 3.9: Illustration of a deviation in strip travel called cobble [7]

of the roughing mill, of the finishing mill, and of the down coiler. The events appearing
in the finishing mill will be discussed here. In case of a cobble, the rolling process is run
as usual, but suddenly the strip bows up between the stands, high enough to loose the
contact to the looper. The strip tension and therefore the mass flow in the roll gap is
no longer under control. The rolled strip does no longer pass through the rolls. Instead,
it becomes twisted and folds to many slings that pile up in between the rolling stands,
compare Figure 3.9. The rolling process can not be continued and the cobble has to
be removed manually. In general, the material has to be sliced to be removed. This
is a time-consuming process, leading to breaks in the production process. The break in
production will last at least half an hour or up to a whole day ore even longer, if secondary
demolitions occur on the aggregates. Depending on the grades, a long term break may
damage the slabs remaining in the oven. Certain grades cannot persist for long time in
the oven. Additionally, certain grades must not be heated twice, otherwise the aimed
structure will not be achievable. To avoid those costly breaks and to enable a continuous
production, it is highly desired to prevent this kind of fault.

Another deviation in strip travel is called shearing-tails, compare Figure 4.1. This fault
occurs at the end of a strip as the name tells. Again, the rolling process is run as usual.
But at the end of the strip, in the tail region, the strip breaks. The damaged strip parts
run through the rolls, get folded and leave marks on the rolls. Once this fault is noticed,
the damaged rolls are removed and exchanged immediately. Exchanging the rolls usually
takes less than half an hour. Afterwards, the control loops will be adapted via a calibration
process called “facing” and the rolling process can be restarted. If a shearing tail is not
noticed immediately, the marks on the roll will leave scratches, grooves, and gouges on
the surface of the consecutive strips and affect their surface quality. Broken parts of the

Chapter 3 Introduction to application site

Figure 3.10: Illustration of a deviation in strip travel called shearing tail [7]

sheared strip may remain as obstacles in the roll gap have to be cut off. These obstacles
would cause further demolitions to the aggregate and might lead to a cobble like scenario.
Therefore, it is desirable to prevent or at least recognize such an event.

The time-signal of a single strip without known deviations is exemplarily shown in Fig-
ure 3.11. The graph on the top visualizes the normalized roll force and the bottom graph
illustrates the angle movement of a looper.

Figure 3.11: Example for a time signal of rollforce and looper angle

4 Development of a new signal
processing method for fault diagnosis

In Chapter 2, the publications presenting signal-based analysis method for strip travel in
hot strip mills are disussed. The lack of research in the field of fault diagnosis concerning
cobbles and shearing tails is pointed out. The commercial need of the analysis of these
deviations in strip travel is summarized in Chapter 3. In the context of this work, signal-
based processing methods for fault diagnosis, focusing on these deviations in strip travel
of hot strip mills were developed. Selected time-frequency analysis methods weretailored
and tested for their aptitude in fault detection, fault identification, and fault prognosis.
The content of this chapter is based on contributions already published [19, 179, 180, 181].

4.1 Definition of system states

Considering the rolling process of a hot strip rolling mill, two common system states catch
the eye. First, a regular rolling process without known deviations. This will further be
referred to as State 1. Second, an idle phase between to slabs, since hot strip mills are
not rolling continuously in contrast to cold rolling mills. This idle phase will further be
referred to as State 2. For this approach, these two states are defined as fault-free system
states of the finishing mill. State 1 with strip in stand, State 2 without strip in stand.
These two states are taken into account because of their frequent occurrence.

Considering the deviating system states of the finishing mill, two different fault types will
be analyzed in this approach: cobble and shearing tail. The fault symptoms and their
possible consequences are described in Chapter 3. These two faulty states are taken into
account because of the severity of the damages emanating from them.

Figure 4.1 gives an imprint of the selected system states. The top-left image presents
State 1, a fault-free case. The strip passes through the finishing mill without any distur-
bances. The top-right image visualizes State 2. Equally, it is fault-free. But in difference
to State 1, it is a case without a strip in the stand. The bottom-left image illustrates

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

State 3. It is a fault case, namely a cobble. The strip is wound up between the stands.

The bottom-right image shows an other faulty case, in this case State 4. The crack in the
strip and a rupture are visible.

Figure 4.1: Illustration of the effects described by the four system states [180]
State 1: rolling; State 2: idle; State 3: cobble; State 4: shearing tail

4.2 Measurement selection

During production, a large number of sensor, control, and event data are captured and
stored in specific data bases. Additionally, parameters originating from the control models
are stored. Avoiding the use of models for control, only the measured signals will be taken
into account. Still, the number of possible input data is huge and the origin is various.
For example, the following values are measured: temperature, load, velocity, lubrication,
dew-point, roughness, thickness, profile, center position, edge quality, and grain size. To
start an analysis of the product line condition, appropriate signals have to be selected.
In coordination with experienced machine operators, measurement data without known

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

influence on strip travel are omitted. This reduces the number of possible input signals
from over 2000 signals stored on the iba® file server to 144 possible input signals.

Considering the two faults, cobble and shearing tail, the roll gap has great influence.
Based on previous work [185] the roll gap is considered as a crucial element in rolling.
In [185] a MATLAB Simulink® model of a four-high stand was build and has shown that
the behavior of a stand is mostly influenced by roll-force parameter. The measured roll
force contains implicit information about the condition of the roll gap. For this reason, it
is selected as input signal for the fault diagnosis of strip travel.

The roll force is measured by load cells underneath the chocks of the backup rolls. In each
stand, two of such load cells are used, one on the drive site and another on the operator
side. Due to the continuous change in control parameters during the rolling process, the
absolute value of roll force is not considered, but the difference of operator and drive side.
To measure the roll force, a Millmate® roll force system with a Millmate 400® controller
is installed. The sensor uses the magneto-elastical effect. Under load conditions, the
magnetic properties of material are influenced. This change is measured and an output
signal is generated proportional to the applied force. Details on the basic concept of the
sensor are given in [186]. For the data used in this approach, the sensor output signal is
sampled with 1kHz and stored on an iba® file server. In Figure 4.2, a simplified four-high
stand is shown and the position of the load cells in the bottom part of a four-high stand
is indicated by two arrows. The cells are not visible when the rolls are mounted. Figure
4.3 shows an original load cell mounted in a roll stand.

Figure 4.2: Position of a load cell [7]

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

As shown in Chapter 2, only little research in the field of time-frequency-based fault

diagnosis has been done so far. So far, the roll force has not been taken into account
for time-frequency-based analysis. In the present approach, the roll force as an essential
process parameter is considered as basis for the evaluation.

Figure 4.3: Mounted load cell (rectangular box in the middle)

4.3 Data set selection

Event-based data sets stored by the machine operators give trustworthy information about
the system condition. They are completed by the information resulting from further
analysis steps executed by machine experts after the events. The sample data sets used
for the present approach are selected according to the information in the event-based

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

For the selection of the sample data sets for the faults, the events assigned to the two fault
types appearing in a certain time period are taken into account. Only two constraints are
applied. The first is, that the strip has been threaded successfully into stand number 1.
This kind of threading problem is to be solved by an other control unit and will not be
considered in this approach. The second constraint is that no cold tips are treated. The
temperature is an important factor in rolling. If the temperature delta is too high, the
control parameters for the process automation must be adapted. Sensor systems in the
production line are meant to solve this problem. Therefore, cold tips are not considered
in this approach. No further pre-selection in matters of material group, material width or
material thickness has been done. The data sets for the regular rolling process without
known deviations and for the idle phase between two slabs are selected from the data base
avoiding the same facing period as for the fault data set.

The time stamp of the collected sample data sets is checked and adapted if aligned with
the time stamp of the event-based data. The data basis for the present approach consists
of 80 data sets, 20 for each system state. Following a procedure by Kohavi [187], the data
base is broadened by a four fold cross-validation. The total number of data sets after
cross-validation is 320, i.e. 80 sets per class.

4.4 Signal processing techniques

The time resolved output of a load cell is exemplarily visualized in Figure 4.4. The
normalized roll force amplitude1 is plotted over time. During the depicted time period
of 18 minutes, six strips have been rolled. They are clearly separated by the idle time
between them, where the rolling force is about zero. During the rolling period of strip
number 4, the machine operator aborted the rolling process due to process deviations
recognizable with expert knowledge. The operator stored corresponding event-based data
on a server and mentioned an upcoming cobble. In the raw time signal, the upcoming
process deviation is not visible. Advanced signal processing techniques have to be applied
to extract the necessary information about the system state.

The proposed treatment of roll force signals is given in Figure 4.5. The measurements of
the load cells are acquired as described above and stored on an iba® file server. According
to the event-data logged by machine operators giving trustworthy information about the
systems condition, the sample data sets are selected for each system state. After a certain
preprocessing, the fault features are to be extracted. Here, advanced methods for feature
extraction and classification are used, namely STFT, CWT, DWT, WVD, and EMD.
For confidentiality reasons.

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

Hereafter, the suitability of the methods to extract hidden information from the signal is
tested. Different diagnostic approaches have been evaluated for their suitability in fault
detection, fault identification, and fault prognosis. The approach of the classification step
is statistically validated via hypothesis test and McNemar’s test.

The following subsections give the mathematical background and details on the applica-
tion of the selected signal processing techniques. It is divided in feature extraction step,
classification, and validation.

Figure 4.4: Time signal of a load cell [7]

Figure 4.5: Proposed signal processing chain

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

4.4.1 Preprocessing
The input data are stored in a coded format on an iba® file server. To import the data into
MATLAB® , a special interface called ibaFilesLite is used. This tool enables the decoding
of the time-based data in MATLAB® . During the import sequence, a plausibility check is
performed on the channel address and the data vector length. If the check is not passed,
an alarm notice is set. The user has to confirm the alarm notice and has to validate the
input channels before the import routine is continued. The imported data are decoded
and stored in a MATLAB® table. After that, frequencies higher than 100 Hz are low-pass
filtered. It is important for the classification task, to balance the length of input data
vectors as an unbalance may influence the classification rate. Therefore, the filtered data
are binned groupwise into pre-defined segments. Each group contains the same amount
of sets for each system state. The length of a strip is individual, since it depends on
the customer’s order in weight, the individual rolling temperature, the individual lattice
structure, and many other parameters. So, the length of a strip is not a possible input
data length. In this approach, a time window of five seconds was set as input data length.
All sample data set segments take a time window of five seconds.

The information on the system state is derived from the event-based data stored on a
SQL data server depending on the arbitration of the operator. These data are used to
define the class of each input segment, thus selecting one of the four machine states. The
class of each input signal is passed on as a label vector. To coordinate the information,
the label vector is concatenated as first column to the input signal. During the further
advanced signal processing approaches, it is ensured that the label vector is not part of
the input data.

4.4.2 Signal processing techniques for feature extraction

For feature extraction, five time-frequency-based data analysis methods are used. The
selection of these methods is described in Chapter 2. This section will give a basic
introduction to the methods and the individual adaption to the diagnosis task in hot
strip mills.

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

Short Time Fourier Transform

Fourier transform (FT) is one of the oldest methods for signal analysis. It was presented
by Joseph Fourier in 1822 and is defined as

ˆ ∞
X (ω) = x (t) e−jωt dt, (4.1)

where t is the time and ω is the frequency parameter. It gives the spectrum of the time
series signal x (t). The FT is meant to show the frequency components of a signal. Due
to its continuous nature and the necessary mathematical conditions, only periodic signal
components are detected. To overcome this drawback, Gabor developed the STFT in 1946.
The STFT results contain information about the temporal alteration of frequency. The
transform slices the signal into short-time windows, which are treated as quasi-stationary,
allowing to localize the frequency components with respect to time.

From a mathematical point of view, the FT is only valid for an indefinitely lasting signal.
In standard FT as well as in STFT, the window function delimits a time slice and has a
substantial effect on frequency resolution and apodization. The window width, however,
has an additional effect on the results. The use of a small window achieves a good time
resolution with a bad frequency resolution as trade-off and vice versa as given in Fig. 4.6.
For discrete data, the discrete Fourier transform is applicable. The discrete formulation
of the STFT is

X (m, ω) = x [n] w [n − m] e−jωn , (4.2)


where X (m, ω) are the Fourier coefficients depending on time index m and frequency
ω, x[n] are the data points at time index n, and w is the window function; see for
example [188].

The STFT is one of the most popular methods in practical applications. The represen-
tation of the results in the time-frequency plane or a spectrogram is easily understood.
One problem in applications is to find a suitable window size.

Schlagner [189] shows that STFT is only suited for weakly non-stationary signals, since
using a fixed window size yields the same time-resolution for all frequencies. Instead of
STFT, the author proposes the wavelet transform (WT).

In the present approach, the STFT is executed with the MATLAB® on-board function
spectrogram. An input signal contains 1000 sampling points. A Hamming window with
a width of 256 samples is applied (compare Figure 4.7). The Hamming filter is used,

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

since it strikes a good balance between a low number of overshooting and a low loss of
time resolution. It has been tested that exchanging the filter window doesn’t lead to
better transformation performance. The window is shifted with 250 overlapping sample
points between adjoining segments. This is resulting in 125 different units characterizing
the time position in the signal shape. The detail is responsible for the expected time

Figure 4.6: STFT resolution as a function of filter window width [19]

Figure 4.7: Application of a Hamming window to time signal; top: Raw time signal;
Middle: Hamming window; bottom: Filtered Signal

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

Continuous Wavelet Transform

The WT is a signal processing tool used in different fields, such as speech analysis, image
analysis, and data compression. The term wavelet was first used by Grossmann and Morlet
in 1984 [190]. The name is deduced from “little wave” and is based on its wavy shape.
A historical overview and mathematical basics can be found in [191], [192], [193]. This
multi-scale analysis method is able to give a suitably related resolution in the time and
the frequency domain, as depicted in Figure 4.8. The resolution problem can be resolved
by adopting the window function. Typically, multiple shrunk and widened versions of
the same window function are applied. These window functions are called wavelets. The
amplitude of a wavelet starts and ends at zero, and its definite integral has to be zero.
Therefore, the wavelet’s envelope is often fading out peripherally. The shape and the
characteristics of wavelets are diverse. Most common wavelets are Haar, Daubechies,
Meyer, and Morlet wavelets.

Lin and Qu [194] give a detailed introduction to wavelet transforms with a focus on
Morlet wavelets. The authors use the WT for feature extraction of vibration signals and
an application example in the field of gear boxes is given. The authors point out a lack of
practical applications. As Sun et al. [195] state, an appropriate wavelet has to be selected
to ensure optimal fault detection. Peng and Chu [21] give an overview of the development
of wavelets and review the application of wavelet transform in condition monitoring and
fault diagnosis. According to the authors, FFT is the most popular method. When dealing
with non-stationary signals, the authors suggest WT for machine diagnostics. Recently,
Yan et al. [196] review the application of wavelet transform in fault diagnosis for rotating
machinery more. The authors identify the need to create new wavelet functions, since
defect-related fault features are better extracted with wavelet functions similar to the

The continuous wavelet transform solves the time-frequency resolution problem by sweep-
ing the window size. A basis function ψ called mother wavelet (MW) is dilated and trans-
lated. This is the important difference to STFT, where the window width is fixed. The
equation of CWT is

CW Tτ,s,ψ (x) = x (t) ψτ,s

(t) dt, (4.3)

where ∗ stands for the conjugate and

1 t−τ
ψτ,s (t) = √ ψ . (4.4)
s s

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

The factor 1/√s normalizes the mother wavelet ψ. The transformed signal is dependent
on the translation parameter τ and the scale parameter s. The parameter τ describes
the translation of the window, accountable for the time position, the parameter s is
proportional to the inverse of the frequency s ∼ 1/f . It constrains the time resolution
as well as the frequency resolution. The higher the number of s, the wider the window
gets and global or lower frequencies are detected. A smaller value of s leads to a faster
variation of the wavelet, so higher frequencies of the signal are detected. All windows are
shrunk or widened versions of the MW. The shortcoming of CWT is a large increase in the
number of data points. This leads to high computational load. A detailed interpretation
of the parameters and the mathematical conditions for the existence of wavelets are given
in [193].

Augner and Flandrin [197] evaluate the use of wavelet transform in multi-scale analysis
of a signal through dilation and translations. The authors claim that WT was able to
extract time-frequency features of a signal effectively and therefore the wavelet transform
was more suitable for the analysis of non-stationary signals. Smith et al. [198] compare the
performance of Haar, Morlet, and Daubechie wavelets on vibration detection. Albadour
et al. [199] use the CWT on vibration signals and claim it would be an effective method in
fault diagnosis, but point out the importance of selecting an appropriate mother wavelet.

Figure 4.8: CWT resolution as a function of filter window width [19]

To execute the CWT, the MATLAB® toolbox for wavelets is used. The function for con-
tinuous wavelet transform cwt computes the coefficients of an input signal at real positive
scales. The wavelet can be set individually, real or complex. Lee et al. [10] point out,
that no systematic scheme has been developed to select a suitable wavelet. The selection
has to be done based on expert judgment. In the present approach, the symmetric Morlet
wavelet is used to avoid a weighing of certain components. An example of the application
of a Morlet wavelet is shown in Figure 4.9. Low scales cause a compressed wavelet, illus-

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

Figure 4.9: Application of a Morlet wavelet window function to a time signal; top: Raw
time signal; Middle: Morlet window; bottom: Filtered Signal

trating the high frequency components. High scales set up a stretched wavelet, capturing
low frequency components.

Discrete Wavelet Transform

In the early 1980s, Strömberg [200] dealt with the mathematical foundations for the use
of discrete wavelets. Compared to CWT, the resulting number of data points can be
reduced by calculating a low number of values corresponding to a lower time resolution so
that a multi-scale analysis is possible. This is achieved by the discrete wavelet transform
(DWT). The general mathematical expression is as follows

DW Tm,k (x) = x (t) ψm,k (t) dt, (4.5)


t − kτ0
ψm,k (t) = √ m ψ . (4.6)
s0 s0 m

The wavelet ψ is translated by kτ0 and scaled by s0 m . In difference to CWT, the indices
m and k are positive integers, so that the evaluation is completely discrete. Using DWT,
the signal passes a filter belt (series of filters of different cutoff frequencies), which splits

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

the signal into its frequency components. In practice, the parameters s0 = 2 and τ0 = 1
are chosen. The signal is split in the middle of the frequency band by high-pass and
low-pass filters repeatedly until the width of the window is reached. The filtered signals
contain redundant information. According to Nyquist’s rule, downsampling by factor of 2
is allowed without aliasing [201]. This is visualized in Figure 4.10. The computational
load can be reduced considerably by the use of downsampling [202].

Let the impulse response of the low-pass filter be g. The filter algorithm can then be
written as

y [n t0 ] = (x ∗ g) [n t0 ] = x [k] g [n t0 − k] , (4.7)


where (x ∗ g) is the convolution operation and square brackets denote the row character
of signals. The output from the low-pass filter has lost the detail information. The re-
sulting values are called approximation coefficients. To preserve the detail coefficients,
simultaneously a high-pass filter h is applied. The high pass and the low pass filter have
to build a quadrature mirror filter, where h ejΩ = g ej(π−Ω) holds. The parameter Ω is
the normalized cutoff frequency, in this case Ω = π/2. This condition is held by orthogonal
wavelets, for instance the Daubechies wavelets [192].

Figure 4.10: DWT wavelet filter belt [19]

In Figure 4.10, a wavelet filter belt is illustrated, where x(n) denotes the input signal, h(n)
the high pass filter, g(n) the low pass filter, D the detail component (high frequencies),
and A the wavelet coefficient of the approximation component (low frequencies). This is
repeated several times so that the details of the first approximation coefficient are noted
as AD et sequentes.

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

Figure 4.11: Wavelet window function; top: Raw signal; middle left: Scaling function;
middle right: Mother wavelet; bottom: Filtered signal

Yao et al. [203] investigate online chatter detection and identification based on wavelet
transform and a support vector machine during milling. For feature extraction from ex-
perimental data, DWT and wavelet packet transform (WPT) are used. The authors define
three machine states as classes. For each class 10 training data sets and 5 test data sets
are used. The authors claim the method would be robust for different machine conditions
during the milling process with a detection rate of 95%. The work of Luczak et al. [204]
compares the application of DWT, CWT, and DWT-FT to detect the resonance frequen-
cies resulting from a mathematical simulation of a direct drive. Resonance frequencies
could be detected using WT. The CWT is redundant and generates a high computational
load. The DWT-FT allows to identify the mechanical resonance frequency components.

Variations of the standard DWT methods are used by a number of authors [205, 206, 207].
Cai et al. [205], e.g., suggest a sparsity-enabled decomposition method for feature extrac-
tion based on tunable Q-factor wavelet transform (TQWT), morphological component
analysis (MCA), and split augmented Lagrangian shrinkage algorithm (SALSA) . By
nonlinear decomposition, the proposed method exploits information on different oscilla-
tory components. The merits of the new method have been verified by simulated and
practical gearbox vibration signals. This application shows, that WT is suited to detect
vibrational components of non-stationary signals in a noisy environment. Also, wavelet
transform is commonly used for data compression and image processing [206, 207].

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

For DWT, the MATLAB® toolbox for wavelets is used. A Multilevel 1-D wavelet decom-
position is performed on the input signals using wavdec. This function decomposes an
input signal into its approximation and detail vectors. The highest decomposition level is
computed for each particular wavelet. Also, wavelet decomposition filters can be set. In
the present case, a Daubechie wavelet is used, since no further mathematical conditions
have to be fulfilled using these orthogonal wavelets. The order of the wavelet does not
give remarkable changes in the results. Therefore, the simplest - appart from the Haar
wavelet- is used, a DB2 wavelet. The wavelet consitsts of two parts, a scaling function
and a mother wavelet. The scaling function acts as the low pass filter and the mother
wavelet as the highpass filter. The effect of the two functions applied as a window to a
time signal is shown in Figure 4.11.

Wigner-Ville Distribution

In 1932, Wigner developed a distribution to apply quantum corrections to classical statis-

tical mechanics. Ville identified the same function as quadratic representation of a signal’s
local time-frequency energy in 1948. Today, several names are used for this algorithm, a
common one is Wigner-Ville Distribution, which is defined by

W V Dx (t, ω) = x (t + τ/2) x∗ (t − τ/2) e−jωτ dτ. (4.8)


The WVD is calculated for each point represented by the data triplet of signal x, time t,
and frequency ω. In analogy to STFT, a window is shifted over the signal. In WVD the
signal itself is simultaneously shifted into the opposite direction. The window x∗ is the
complex conjugate of the original signal. This comparison of the signal’s information with
its own information at another time has a structural resemblance to an autocorrelation
function modified by the phase shift function e−jwτ .

This time-frequency energy distribution is a Cohen’s class member, meaning it is covariant

under translation in time and frequency. The interpretation of transformation results of
real signals (non complex) is difficult so that the signal has to be expanded by its analytic
associate given by the Hilbert Transform (HT) of the same signal as imaginary part.
Basically, the HT gives the possibility to establish a relation between real and imaginary
part of the Fourier transform of an analytical signal. Applied to general time functions,
the transform is given by the following equation

1 x (τ )
y (t) = P dτ, (4.9)
π t−τ

where x(τ ) is the original time-dependent signal and y(t) denotes the Hilbert-transformed

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

Figure 4.12: Visualization of a Wigner Ville distribution

signal. To avoid the singularity at t = τ , the Cauchy principal value of the integral
indicated by P is evaluated, this allows to calculate the value of the integral. An overview
of the steps of a WVD is given in Figure 4.12.

A specific property of the transform are negative output values, which do not correspond
to physically meaningful results. In the original application of the transform to quantum
mechanics this property is no hinderance. As a quadratic function, it will lead to inter-
ference terms, which will mislead the analysis and have to be considered carefully [21].
The reduction of the interference terms is achieved by averaging. This means low-pass
filtering and leads to a loss of time-frequency resolution. This has to be kept in mind
during interpretation.

These shortcomings of the method are substantial when applied to multi-frequency signals.
Therefore WVD is rarely used in applications concerning such data.

Application examples to experimental data can be found at Lamraoui et al. [208] and
Climente-Alarcona et al. [209]. Lamraoui et al. use WVD for a cyclostationary approach
for monitoring chatter and tool wear in milling. It is applied to experimental accelerometer
data. According to the authors, the results show that Wigner-Ville spectrums are useful
parameters for early diagnosis. Climente-Alarcona apply WVD for the detection of rotor
asymmetries and eccentricity through high-order harmonics. In both cases, the sought
features are successfully detected. The Hilbert transform of the original data does not
show any characteristic pattern. Therefore the graph of the Hilbert transform is not show

Before calculating the WVD, a Hilbert transform is performed using hilbert. The real
data are transposed to an analytic signal. Additionally, a plausibility check is performed.
For the MATLAB® application a column vector is needed. This ensures that the trans-

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

lation parameter tau is shifted in the right direction. The signal component at t + τ is
multiplied with the complex conjugate of the signal component at t − τ . After that, a
standard MATLAB® FFT is executed using f f t to calculate the WVD. To cancel negative
interference terms in the result, absolute values are regarded.

Empirical Mode Decomposition

Basically, the HT establishes a relation between real and imaginary part of the Fourier
transform of an analytic signal. In 1998, Huang et al. [31] developed the idea to extend
the application of HT to non-analytical signals. Hereto, the signals are decomposed into
components which are sufficiently analytic. The decomposition is detailed in the following

Non-stationary signals contain multi-frequency components, so that the relation between

frequency (retrieved from real part of FT) and phase ( retrieved from imaginary part
of FT) does not hold. The Empirical Mode Decomposition decomposes any given sig-
nal into Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMF). The IMF are treatable as mono-component
functions, so that the HT relation between phase ϕ (t) and frequency ω (t) holds approxi-
mately. A recently published review on EMD is given by Lei et al. [210]. Here, theoretical
drawbacks of EMD are evaluated, stating that no practical disadvantages are observed
examining fault diagnosis of rotating machinery.

An IMF represents specific kinds of oscillation modes of the original signal. Following the
definition of Huang, the IMF has to satisfy two conditions “[...] the number of extrema
and the number of zero crossings must either equal or differ at most by one” in the whole
data set and “the mean value of the envelope defined by the local maxima and the envelope
defined by the local minima is zero” [31]. These constraints are visualized in Figure 4.13.
The number of IMF necessary to reconstruct the original signal is finite and often small.
Bisu et al. [211] note an experimental approach on dynamic analysis for monitoring and
diagnosis of a milling process. The authors apply EMD followed by HT, which is called
Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT), using the described envelope method to identify the
dynamic behavior of a milling process. The values of warning and alarm thresholds are
determined considering the optimal machine performance.

Georgoulas et al. [212] combine EMD and SVM for anomaly detection in rotating ma-
chinery. For feature extraction, EMD is used, and selected IMF are transferred to three
different anomaly detectors. The test data set provides four different load conditions.
Eleven data sets are used. The results show that all fault states can be detected without
false alarms using an attribute bagging scheme and all three detectors.

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

Peng et al. [213] give the following algorithm for EMD.

EMD Algorithm [213]:

(1) Initialize: r1 = x (t) , and i = 1

(2) Extract the ith IMF

(a) Initialize: hi(k−1) = ri , k = 1

(b) Extract the local extrema and the minima of hi(k−1)

(c) Cubic spline interpolation of local extrema from upper and lower envelopes of hi(k−1)

(d) Calculate the mean mi(k−1) of the upper and lower envelopes of hi(k−1)

(e) Let hik = hi(k−1) − mi(k−1)

(f) If hik is an IMF then set IM F i = hik , else go to step (b) with k = k + 1

(3) Define ri+1 = ri − IM F i

(4) If ri+1 still has least 2 extrema then go to step (2) else decomposition process is finished

and ri+1 is the residue of the signal

Figure 4.13: EMD constraints [19]

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

The essential MATLAB® functions needed to perform the EMD are cubic spline interpo-
lation spline and peak search f indpeaks. The maxima and minima in the input data are
located by the appropriate MATLAB® function. The maxima respectively the minima are
interpolated by the MATLAB® cubic spline function. The two mathematical conditions
for EMD are that the mean value has to be zero and the amount of maxima and minima
must not differ by more than one. These are tested in two iterative loops, resulting in a
vector holding the intrinsic mode function.

Figure 4.14: Visualization of signal processing steps

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

4.4.3 Processing techniques for classification

The results of the feature extraction step have to be arranged in groups coresponding
to the machine states. In the basic concept, a suited classifier has to be picked out. In
this approach, a self-learning algorithm SVM is used. Additionally, in the case of EMD,
the correlation coefficients of a cross correlation are used for thresholding to classify the
system state. The combination of these methods has not been found in the literature
and is a new signal processing technique presented in the present work. In this section,
a basic theoretical background is given and the set-up for three different classification
tasks are discussed: 1) the fault detection, 2) the fault identification, and 3) the fault
prognosis. The combination of the signal processing steps is visualized in Figure 4.14.
The focus lies on the pre-processed time signal and the effect of the feature extraction, in
this case exemplarily performed by CWT. This method has been choosen for its graphical
representation that shows an eye-catching impression of the effect of feature extraction.
The results of the classification are presented in detail in Chapter 5.

Support Vector Machine

The Support Vector Machine algorithm realizes the classification of data. It is trained
with prepared data sets of known classes (training data) to distinguish between certain
patterns. The trained model is used to classify unknown data (test data). Abe [214] gives
a comprehensive resume. The training data are given in vector-form

(y1 , x1 ) . . . (yn , xn ) x ∈ Rn , y ∈ {−1, +1} . (4.10)

The linear SVM can be used on easily spreadable classes. The hyper plane is defined as

n o
H (w, b) := ∀x|wT x + b = 0 , (4.11)

where w is the normal vector to the hyperplane and b is the parameter needed to calculate
the normal distance of the hyperplane to the origin. The Parameters in Equation 4.11
are scalable, meaning that

n o
H (w, b) = ∀x|cwT x + cb = 0 (4.12)

with c ∈ R and c 6= 0 leads to the same hyperplane as Equation 4.11.

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

A unique hyperplane can be defined by scaling the parameters w and b to fulfil the

min|wT xi + b| = 1 (4.13)

for the vectors xi of the training data set. Such a hyperplane is called canonic hyperplane.

The euclidean distance of a point xi to the hyper plane is

|wT xi + b|
d (H; x) := . (4.14)

The data poits xi closest to the hyperplane are the support vectors. The distance of the
support vectors to the hyperplane shall reach a maximum. This distance, the margin ζ
is calculated by

1 1
ζ (H) = min d (H; x i) = min |w T
x i + b| = . (4.15)
xi ||w|| xi ||w||

To maximize ζ, ||w|| hast to be minimized. The following optimization problem has to

be solved

Θ (w) = arg min ||w||2 . (4.16)
w,b 2

To achieve this without violating the condition of a canonic hyper plane (Eq. 4.13), the

yi wT xi + b ≥ 1, i = 1, . . . n (4.17)

has to be fulfilled. This optimization problem with constraints is solved using the method
of Lagrange multipliers, resulting in
w̄ = (4.18)
ᾱi yi xi

for w̄, with ᾱi being the Lagrange multipliers, and

b̄ = − w̄ [xr + xs ] (4.19)

for b̄, where the indices r and s indicate the support vectors and

ᾱr , ᾱs > 0, yr = 1, ys = −1. (4.20)

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

The optimal separating canonical hyper plane results in

f (x) = sign w̄T x + b̄ . (4.21)

In practice, non-spreadable single data points will appear in the wrong class and may
lead to malfunction of the algorithm. A certain number of wrongly classified data points
is allowed within a soft margin. Data points on the wrong side of the hyper plane are
measured with ξi . Therefore, Θ is changed to
Θ̄ = Θ + C (4.22)
ξi ,


yi xTi w + b ≥ 1 − ξi , ξi ≥ 0. (4.23)

Figure 4.15 illustrates the optimization problem exemplary. Two features are to be sepa-
rated by an optimal hyperplane, giving a maximum margin to the nearest data point.

Figure 4.15: SVM hyperplane separation with maximum margin

In the present approach, a non-linear SVM is used with a kernel function that may
transform the data from the inputspace I to a suited feature space F in which a separation
of the classes is possible. The SVM is applied to the features extracted with STFT,
CWT, DWT, WVD, and EMD. For the realization of the SVM, the open source toolbox
LIBSVM [215] programmed by Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin is used.

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

A grid search varying the values of two parameters defining the used kernel is performed to
achieve best classification accuracy. Over-fitting of the kernel may lead to bad performance
of the classifier, because the restrictions for the identification of the classes becomes too
narrow. To avoid over-fitting, the second best results of the grid search are used. Due to
the feature extraction step, some of the data are arranged in matrix form. This applies
to the output of STFT, CWT, and WVD. The output of DWT and EMD is arranged in
several linear vectors. For the application of SVM, all output data sets are rearranged to
form a single vector. The training and test data sets contain each a label vector with true
classes. The training and test data are stratified. When applying cross correlation, it is
ensured that no signal is in both groups in the same test cycle.


The cross-correlation measures the similarity of two given inputs signals. The correlation
function is
TF /2

Rxy (τ ) = lim x (t) y (t + τ ) dt, (4.24)

TF →∞ TF −TF /2

where Rxy is the correlation function depending on the time lag τ , where t represents
the time, and TF the time window. The input signals x(t) and y(t) are swept along the
time axis and thus compared to each other. An accordance between the signals can be
assumed for positive values of Rxy . Higher values indicate stronger, smaller values weaker
similarity, and values of Rxy near zero show the absence of a connection between the input
signals. Vice versa, for negative values of Rxy an opposing connection can be assumed.
An example to illustrate the effect of CC is shown in Figure 4.16, where two rectangular
signals with the time difference 100 are used. The result of CC shows the maximum, in
this case Rxy = 1 , at time value 100, corresponding to the time difference of the signals.

Applied to the features extracted by EMD, the results of a CC are used to distinct the level
of symmetry of the IMFs of a signal. Hereto, the input signal is split into half. The second
signal half is mirrored, and the two half-signals are cross-correlated. The amplitude and
the position of the maximum of the correlation coefficients gives information about the
symmetry of input signals. High symmetry will lead to a value near one at time position
zero. One or more IMFs may show this behavior. Cross correlation is applied to all of
them and the highest correlation factor is used to discriminate the classes. The thresholds
for the different classes can be varied. A high value may miss a regular condition leading
to high rate of false alarms. A low value may rate a faulty conditions as regular condition
leading to false negative results.

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

Figure 4.16: Cross-Correlation of two input signals

4.4.4 Classification for fault detection

At the vary beginning of an event, the reaction of machine operators on upcoming cobbles
and shearing tails is similar. It would already be useful to know about the deviation
during the production process. Therefore, the first classification task of fault detection is
meant to distinguish two general system states: a regular state without deviations and a
deviated system state. This is of great importance for the practical application to preserve
the machine aggregates.

In matters of fault detection, all sample data sets are used. The initial four classes are
summarized as two new classes. The regular State 1 with strip in stand without known
deviation and the regular State 2 without strip in stand without known deviation are
summarized as one class. The deviated State 3 and the deviated State 4 are summarized
as the second class. A new label vector is generated mirroring the new classes. The
feature extraction with STFT, CWT, DWT, WVD, and EMD is executed for each data
set individually. The resulting features are used as input for the classifiers. Using the
data base broadened by cross-validation, 320 data sets with 160 data sets per class are
available. For training, 240 data sets with 120 data sets per class are used. The remaining
80 data sets with 40 per class are used for testing. The feature extraction results of the
five methods are used as input for the support vector machine. The feature extraction
results of EMD show a particularity that lead to the idea of symmetry considerations for
fault detection. Therefore, the feature extraction results of EMD are used as input for the
cross-correlation. The correlation coefficient is thresholded to derive the system state.

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

4.4.5 Classification for state identification

In general, it is desirable to distinguish all of the machine states. This means that the
states are no longer combined to two classes but treated separately. The four classes are
regular without known deviation with strip in stand, regular without known deviation
without strip in stand, deviated by cobble, and deviated by shearing tail. The task is to
distinguish the four states, especially the two deviated states.

For the task of state identification, all sample data sets are used. The label vector is not
changed, it distinguishes betwen four classes. The feature extraction with STFT, CWT,
DWT, WVD, and EMD is executed for all data sets. The resulting features are used
as input for the classifier. Here, the data base broadened by cross-validation contains
320 data sets with 80 data sets per class. For training, 240 data sets with 60 data sets
per class are used. The remaining 80 data sets with 20 per class are used for testing.
The extracted features are used as input for a SVM. Additionally, the newly developed
classification method is applied. The symmetry degree of the IMF is regraded to classify
the system states by cross-correlation coefficients.

4.4.6 Classification for fault prognosis

Fault prognosis describes the prediction of a deviated system state. Based on the evalu-
ation of the classification rates, the newly developed approach combining the EMD with
CC is used, because it leads to the best results regarding fault detection rate as well as a
low rate of false alarms.

For the prognosis task, a detection rate of fault detection and fault identification are
evaluated. For the detection rate, the two states without known deviation are summarized
as one class and the two states with deviation are summarized as the second class. This
leads to 240 training data sets with 120 per class and 80 test data sets with 40 per class.
The detection of an upcoming fault is of vital importance for production process, because
it can avoid severe damages. Additionally, the identification of the fault avoided by the
detection will be helpful for quality management purposes. To obtain the detection rate
of fault identification, all four states are differentiated. This leads to 240 training data
sets with 60 sets per class and 80 test data sets with 20 per class. To predict of the
state development, the original set length is cut from five to three seconds in advance
of the fault. The newly introduced method combination of EMD with CC is applied to
the shortened vector. The amplitude of the cross-correlation coefficients is thresholded.
This threshold gives information on the symmetry degree of the input signal and enables
a classification.

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

4.5 Validation
The results are validated by statistical analysis. Several statistical methods can be applied
depending on the kind of analysis. Notably, there are two kinds of statistical analysis: the
dependence analysis and the independence analysis. In this approach, the dependence of
not normally distributed variables is to be examined. The χ2 -test is the method of choice
for this task. The application of the χ2 -test is legitimate, since the number of data sets is
high enough [216]. Two additional thumb rules are given as prerequisites for the test [216].
Depending on the sources, the minimal values for the expected class counts are demanded
to be higher than values between 1 and 5. In this application, this condition is not met
in the case of STFT-SVM. A correction after Yates could be applied, leading to a more
conservative interpretation. An over-correction may fail to reject the null hypothesis.
Therefore, this correction has not been applied here. Additionally, a McNemar’s test
is performed to determine whether paired samples are interrelated or not. When other
statistical tests require independence of the tested observations and cannot be applied to
correlated data, McNemar’s test has been developed especially for this task. A correction
according to Edwards has been applied to the McNemar’s test to yield conservative results.

4.5.1 χ2 test
The χ2 hypothesis test compares a statistical model of the data to the observed data.
Two statistical models are chosen here to be compared. The first null hypothesis H0.1 is
assuming a normal distribution or random occurrence for the results. This assumption
means that the mathematical method applied to the data is not able to identify the
machine states at all but classifies randomly. The alternative hypothesis H1.1 is stating
that the respective method is performing not randomly. If the null hypothesis can be
significantly rejected, the alternative hypothesis H1.1 is chosen, meaning that the tested
distribution is not random. If the null hypothesis cannot be rejected, this does not
automatically lead to the acceptance of the null hypothesis. The only possible statement
is that it cannot be proven that the method is performing otherwise than randomly
classified results. In Nachtigall et al. [217], the test formula is given as

(fo,i − fe,i )2
χ =
i=1 fe,i

In this context, fo are the observed frequencies and fe the expected frequencies. The
parameter k gives the number of possible outcomes.

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

Figure 4.17: Density function of a χ2 distribution with significance level p

The second null hypothesis H0.2 is assuming that the results of the respective method
will hit the correct class with a probability of 80%. The third null hypothesis H0.3 is
assuming a probability of 90%. The values of 80% and 90%, respectively, are chosen
corresponding to the observed results. If the compared method performs better or worse,
the respective null hypothesis will be rejected. The absolute values state if the method
performs better or worse than 80% or 90% probability. A significance level of p = 0, 05 is
accepted as appropriate to reject the null hypothesis. Figure 4.17 visualizes the density of
the χ2 distribution for an exemplary degree of freedom. The cross-hatched sector shows
the quantile of the significance level p.

4.5.2 McNemar’s test

To validate the experimental results and to point out the non-random classification, a
McNemar’s test is performed [218]. A McNemar’s test is a statistical method to determine
whether paired samples are interrelated or not. The null hypothesis is that no variation
takes place, consequently the alternative hypothesis is that a variation takes place. The
original application of McNemar’s test was to medical research. The expected outcome
was to decide whether or not a difference after a medical treatment was statistically
relevant. The test is applied here to the output of the different algorithms to decide if
the results are significantly different. Examined are the numbers of data sets that are
faultily or correctly classified by both compared methods. Two possible assumptions can
be made on the results of the algorithms. The first is that all data sets faultily classified
by one method are also faulty classified by the second method. The other assumption
would be that both classifications are distinct. The first assumption leads to conservative
numbers, assuming a greater similarity of the compared algorithms. Therefore, this option
is chosen. As stated above, a continuity correction after Edwards [219] is executed to yield

Chapter 4 Development of signal processing method for fault diagnosis

a conservative result. The test is applied to the broadened data base. Thus, classes with
less than five entries are avoided.

The formula of McNemar’s test resembles to a χ2 -distribution with one degree of free-
dom [218]. The formula corrected after Edwards is

(|n01 − n10 | − 1)2

χ =2
, (4.26)
n01 + n10


n00 := number of objects wrong classified by A and B

n01 := number of wrong classifications by A, which are true by B
n10 := number of wrong classifications by B, which are true by A
n11 := number of objects true classified by A and B.

5 Experimental results and validation

In this chapter, fault detection, fault identification, and prognosis will be applied to
real data from a seven stand finishing mill to detect deviations in strip travel. In this
context, the meaning of these terms is defined as follows. Fault detection means that a
deviated system condition can be derived from the signal. Fault detection is important
in applications where the deviation is not visible during the running process. If the
fault can be detected by an automated system, possibly severe damages may be avoided.
Fault identification will give further information on the type of deviation. The fault
identification has to meet higher requirements. Therefore, the detection rate of fault
identification is expected to be poorer than the detection rate of fault detection. The
prevention of deviations and damages on the machine is desired. Fault prognosis will
enable in-time reactions to prevent deviations. The content of this chapter is based on
contributions already published [19, 179, 180, 181].

5.1 Fault detection

In this chapter, the mathematical methods previously introduced are applied to real
data. This is followed by a detailed performance assessment. The fault detection rate
is examined, meaning the probability to distinguish a regular from a deviating system
state. The results are statistically validated. The data sets with a length of five seconds
are visualized in Figure 5.1. The graph indicated by “a” is a fault-free state, meaning
that the process with slab i stand is running without failure. The graph in the middle
indicated by “b” is a fault case “cobble”, and the graph in the bottom indicated by “c” is
a fault case “shearing tail”. The time signal of fault-free case does not show characteristic
frequencies as has been tested in previous work [185]. The deviations from mean value
are primarily randomly distributed, showing some vibrations that are not typical for the
process and vary with different rolling conditions. The time signal of cobble (Fig. 5.1.b)
shows an increase before the occurrence of the fault. From Figure 4.4, it can be argued
that similar variations of the roll force difference also appear in fault-free states. Therefore
the increase on its own is not an indicator of a cobble. The same argument is applicable
to shearing tales (Fig. 5.1.c).

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

(a) Time signal of fault-free case

(b) Time signal of cobble

(c) Time signal of shearing tail

Figure 5.1: Graphical representation of pre-processed time signals

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

5.1.1 Graphical results of feature extraction

For feature extraction, the five selected time-frequency analysis methods (cf. Chapter 4)
are applied. The graphical representation of the method’s results for all four system states
is given in Appendix A. Figures 5.2-5.6 show exemplarily the graphical results of three
states. In all figures, the top figure shows the result for the fault-free case, system State 1,
denoted by “a”, the figure placed in the middle, denoted by “b”, shows the result for the
fault case “cobble”, system State 3, and the figure at the bottom, denoted by “c” shows
the result of feature extraction for the fault case “shearing tail”, system State 4. The
abscissa shows the index number of the result data. In case of time scales, as in STFT
and CWT, this corresponds to 5 seconds.

Short-Time Fourier Transform

In Fig. 5.2, the results of STFT are illustrated in a time-frequency plane. The fault-
free case is shown in Figure 5.2a, the fault case “cobble” is shown in Figure 5.2b , and
the fault case “shearing tail” is shown in Figure 5.2c. The scaling of the amplitude ( in
arbitrary units) is the same in all three figures. The three system conditions show similar
behavior up to the time of occurrence of the fault at about 3.2 seconds in case of cobble
and 3.6 seconds in case of shearing tail. At these points in time, the STFT results show
a strong deviation in both fault cases compared to the results of the fault-free case. A
broadband distribution of frequency components is visible. The intensity decays to higher
frequencies. This is a well known behavior of FT at sharp signal edges.

Continuous Wavelet Transform

The results of the application of CWT to the data sets are illustrated in Figure 5.3. The
results are presented on a time-scale plane as scalogram. Low frequencies correspond to
the upper edge of the graphical representations whereas higher frequencies correspond to
the lower edge. The graphical representation of both fault cases (Fig. 5.3b and Fig. 5.3c)
are clearly distinguishable from fault-free case (Fig. 5.3a) by machine operators or experts.
For scale values of about 700, the fault-free case shows nearly continuous behavior, whereas
the fault case “cobble” shows a strong increase in amplitude, and the fault case shearing
tail shows a decrease at low times and an increase at higher time values. In both fault
cases, starting at about 1.5 seconds, this change is visible before the occurrence of the
fault. In contrast to STFT, the time of the fault occurrence known from the event-based
data is not clearly visible.

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

Discrete Wavelet Transform

The graphical representation of the results using DWT (Fig. 5.4) shows the decomposition
levels from higher to lower frequencies respectively from top to bottom. The abscissa
scales give sample numbers, in case of the upper frame of the graphic from 500 to 1000.
This corresponds to the number of data points in the high frequency part of the result,
which is 500 due to downsampling. In each following subplot, the number of data points
is reduced by a factor of two. In all subplots, the abscissa corresponds to the total
elapsed time, regardless of the number of data points. In the fault-free case (Fig. 5.4a),
essentially noise-like features can be seen in the first two decomposition levels. A high
frequency glitch in the first decomposition level of the fault case “cobble” (Fig. 5.4b)
indicates the occurrence time of the fault. The same applies to the fault case “shearing
tail” (Fig. 5.4c). Compared to the fault-free case (Fig. 5.4a), the absolute values of the
first seven decomposition levels of the two fault cases are at least one, mostly two orders
higher in magnitude.

Wigner-Ville Distribution

The 3D plot in Fig. 5.5 shows the graphical representation of the results of the application
of WVD to the data sets. Near 0 Hz and 100 Hz, contributions with values several
magnitudes higher than in the middle part of the time-frequency plane appear. Therefore,
the first and the last 100 data points along the frequency axis and for similar reasons the
first and the last 20 data points along the time axis are omitted to show the behavior
of the result in the middle part of the time-frequency plane. In the illustration, some
features result from interference terms ot the non-linear algorithm. The results of the
application to the fault-free case are represented in Figure 5.5a. The absolute values of
the magnitude (arbitrary values) in the shown time-frequency area are less than five. The
data of the fault case “cobble” in Figure 5.5b show higher amplitudes in the region of
2-3 seconds and around 4.5 seconds. The fast changes in amplitude indicate that these
structures are results of interference terms. Obviously, they cannot be assigned to the
occurrence of the fault. In the fault case, “shearing tails” in Figure 5.5.c, the data show
additional strong oscillations for low frequencies. Again, these structures will have to be
assigned to interference terms.

Empirical Mode Decomposition

At first glance, the graphical results of EMD as given in Fig. 5.6 seem to be similar to
those applying DWT to the same data. The intrinsic mode functions shown span the
whole time scale. There is no explicit frequency filtering in the algorithm. Instead, the
IMF are empirically adapted oscillating modes of the time trend. The IMF in the first
line of the graphic shows the detailed changes in the original time signal. Each following

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

line gives the remaining time-dependent behavior of the signal until the last line shows
the residual. The IMF’s shapes of the fault-free case (Fig. 5.6a) are rather symmetrical.
As with DWT, a glitch indicates the time position of the fault in fault case “cobble” in
Figure 5.6b in the first, second and third IMF. In the fault case, “shearing tail”, such
glitches are visible in the first and second line of the graphic in Figure 5.6c. For both
fault cases, the lack of symmetry is obvious.

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

(a) Application of STFT to fault-free case [19]

(b) Application of STFT to fault case (cobble) [19]

(c) Application of STFT to fault case (shearing tail)

Figure 5.2: Graphical results of STFT

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation




Scales [-]






1 2 3 4 5
Time [s]

(a) Application of CWT to fault-free case [19]




Scales [-]






1 2 3 4 5
Time [s]

(b) Application of CWT to fault case (cobble) [19]




Scales [-]






1 2 3 4 5
Time [s]

(c) Application of CWT to fault case (shearing tail)

Figure 5.3: Graphical results of CWT

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

(a) Application of DWT to fault-free case [19]

(b) Application of DWT to fault case (cobble) [19]

(c) Application of DWT to fault case (shearing tail)

Figure 5.4: Graphical results of DWT

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

(a) Application of WVD to fault-free case [19]

(b) Application of WVD to fault case (cobble) [19]

(c) Application of WVD to fault case (shearing tail)

Figure 5.5: Graphical results of WVD

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

lMF level

1 2 3 4 5
Time [s]

(a) Application of EMD to fault-free case [19]

lMF level

1 2 3 4 5
Time [s]

(b) Application of EMD to fault case (cobble) [19]

IFM Level

0 1 2 3 4 5
TIme [s]

(c) Application of EMD to fault case (shearing tail)

Figure 5.6: Graphical results of EMD

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

Summary of Properties

The properties of the presented methods are summarized in Table 5.1. Computational
load and applicability are derived from the applied algorithms. All methods transform the
time-based input signal into the time-frequency domain. The STFT preserves constant
resolution for all frequencies, since the window is the same for the entire signal. Good
frequency resolution at low frequencies (wide windows) comes with a low time resolution
at high frequencies. The advantage of STFT is the easy interpretation of the result. That
is why it is used in numerous investigations concerning acoustics and vibrations, where
the square of the transform result is plotted as a spectrogram. At WT, the resolution
can be adapted via the width of the window function. Therefore, it is well suited for
non-stationary signals. The computational load and the amount of generated data are
significant for CWT. Both can be reduced in DWT. The only non-linear transformation
in this list is WVD. Due to interference terms, it is difficult to analyze the results if the
original signal contains several frequency elements, which is the case here as it is in most
practical applications. Commonly, EMD is applied together with HT to HHT. The advan-
tages of this method are the high resolution and the good applicability to non-staionary
signals, coming together with medium computational load.

Table 5.1: Properties of the presented methods [19]

computational to non-
domain resolution linear
load stationary
STFT limited low yes bad
CWT variable high yes good
DWT variable low yes good
WVD high medium quadratic satisfying
EMD high medium yes good

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

5.1.2 Classification results

The methods STFT, CWT, DWT, WVD, and EMD are applied to the input signals for
fault detection. To classify the data, a SVM is trained with a selection from the feature
extraction of the pre-processed input signals and tested with the remaining input signals.
Alternatively, the classification is done in new way via symmetry degree of IMF’s of given
input signals. The application of the method combinations to the database broadened
by cross-validation gives the results shown in Table 5.2. Correctly detected deviations
in system behavior are displayed as true positive (TP), correct classification as regular
system behavior are displayed as true negative (TN). In contrast, deviations in system
behavior that are not detected are displayed as false negative (FN), and states falsely
classified as deviation are displayed as false positive (FP).

In Table 5.2, the absolute number n of classified data sets is shown, followed by the
relative number m, given as a percentage (n : m). Disregarding STFT-SVM, the results
for TP and TN are lying between 85% and 100%. The performance of STFT-SVM is the
worst with 15% TN and 50% TP. In contrast, the method combination of EMD-CC leads
to the best results, showing 100% for TP and 95% for TN.

Disregarding STFT, a FP result appears for 5% to 10% of datasets and FN for 0% to 15%.
Again, EMD-CC leads to the best results, zero cases for FN and two cases, respectively,
5% for FP. The performance of STFT-SVM is poor with 85% FP and 50% FN.

Of course, a high number of TP and a low number of FP is desirable. The case of FP is

of great importance in practical applications, since a possibly fault-free process would be
aborted inadvertently.

Table 5.2: Classification: detection rate


TP 20: 50% 36: 90% 34: 85% 37: 92,5% 38: 95% 40: 100%
TN 6: 15% 38: 95% 38: 95% 38: 95% 36: 90% 38: 95%
FP 34: 85% 2: 5% 2: 5% 2: 5% 4: 10% 2: 5%
FN 20: 50% 4: 10% 6: 15% 3: 7,5% 2: 5% 0: 0%

The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) gives graphically the performance of a binary
classification. In a ROC space, the true positive rate (TPR) is plotted against the false
positive rate (FPR). Each classification result of Table 5.2 is represented by one point in

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

Figure 5.7: ROC space presenting the detection rate; STFT-SVM is indexed with A,
CWT-SVM with B, DWT-SVM with C, WVD-SVM with D, EMD-SVM with E and
EMD-CC with F

the graph. The best possible classification would have 100% TPR and 0% FPR, giving
a point in the upper left corner, marked in red in Figure 5.7. In figure 5.7, the method
combination STFT-SVM is indexed with A, CWT-SVM with B, DWT-SVM with C,
WVD-SVM with D, EMD-SVM with E and EMD-CC with F in blue. The dotted green
line represents a random distribution. All points above that dotted green line work out
better than random. Those underneath work worse, meaning a misinterpretation during

It is clearly visible that only STFT-SVM (index A) performs really badly. The points
representing the other five methods lean towards perfect prediction. The EMD-CC (in-
dex F) is closest to the perfect prediction point and shows the largest distance to the line
of random result, meaning this method combination has the best balance between TPR
and classification error.

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

5.1.3 χ2 -test
The data basis, on which the hypotheses are applied, is resumed in Table 5.3. Compared
are the detection results of the combined methods STFT-SVM, CWT-SVM, DWT-SVM,
WVD-SVM, EMD-SVM, and EMD-CC. The results of the hypothesis test are given in
Table 5.4. The null hypothesis H0.1 assumes random performance. For all tested method
combinations, the null hypothesis H0.1 can be rejected significantly, as shown in the left
column of Table 5.4. This means that non of the methods is performing randomly. This
is also true for STFT and consistent with the previous interpretation of Figure 5.7. From
the distance of point A to the dotted green line of random distribution in the ROC space
(Fig. 5.6), it can be inferred that the classification is unlikely to perform randomly. The
position of point A beneath that line shows that the classification is systematically wrong.

The second null hypothesis H0.2 assumes an 80% hit rate for the classification. This
hypothesis is rejected for all method combinations as the second column of Table 5.4
shows. This means that none of the methods has a hit rate of 80% but is performing
statistically significantly better or worse.

The third null hypothesis H0.3 assumes a hit rate of 90%. This hypothesis can be rejected
for STFT-SVM and EMD-CC. The probability of DWT-SVM to perform 90% is 1. The
other methods perform near to 90% so the null hypothesis H0.3 could not be rejected,
as shown in the third column of Table 5.4. The STFT-SVM performs worse that 90%.
The null hypothesis H0.3 is rejected for EMD-CC because this newly introduced algorithm
performs better than 90%.

5.1.4 McNemar’s test

Based on Table 5.2, the conservative assumption is made that detection of an error appears
at the same particular cases for all methods. A significance level of p = 0, 05 is defined as
appropriate to reject the null hypothesis. In contrast to the standard hypothesis test, it
is legit to draw conclusions from the rejection of the null hypothesis in a McNemar’s test.
The results of the application of a McNemar test are given in Table 5.5. It becomes clear
that the STFT-SVM is performing vastly differently from the other method combinations.
With regard to the numbers in Table 5.3, it is stated that STFT-SVM performs worse.
The performance of CWT-SVM, DWT-SVM, WVD-SVM, and EMD-SVM is comparable,
the null hypothesis can not be rejected. The performance of EMD-SVM and WVD-SVM
is statistically not distinguishable. EMD-CC performs statistically different from STFT-
SVM, and DWT-SVM, in this case better.

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

Table 5.3: Detection results for χ2 -test and McNemar’s test

STFT- CWT- DWT- WVD- EMD- EMD- Ran- 80% 90%

True 26 74 72 75 74 78 40 64 72
False 54 6 8 5 6 2 40 16 8

Table 5.4: Values of χ2 -test applied to detection results

Random 80% 90%

STFT- χ2 = 9.8 χ2 = 112.8 χ2 = 293.9
SVM → p << 0.01 → p << 0.001 → p << 0.001
CWT- χ2 = 57.8 χ2 = 7.81 χ2 = 0.56
SVM → p << 0.001 → p < 0.01 → p ≈ 0.4
DWT- χ2 = 51.2 χ2 = 5 χ2 = 0
SVM → p << 0.001 → p ≈ 0.025 χ2 =→ p = 1
WVD- χ2 = 61.25 χ2 = 9.45 χ2 = 1.25
SVM → p << 0.001 → p < 0.01 → p ≈ 0.3
EMD- χ2 = 57.8 χ2 = 7.81 χ2 = 0.56
SVM → p << 0.001 → p < 0.01 → p ≈ 0.4
EMD- χ2 = 72.2 χ2 = 15.31 χ2 = 5
CC → p << 0.001 → p < 0.001 → p ≈ 0.025

5.2 Change identification

The fault detection discussed in Chapter 5.1 is of prime importance in practical applica-
tions, since the reaction at the production site will be similar for both faults discussed
here. Fundamentally, all four states regarded here have to be identified. The evaluation
for fault identification has to differentiate four system states from each other. Therefore,
the detection rate of fault identification is regarded, meaning the probability to distin-
guish between four system states. Regarding all four system states separately, TP, TN,
FP, and FN are redefined. The true classification of a particular state is marked as TP,
the correct negation as TN. A missed identification of the state is listed as FN. A state
erroneously classified as this specific state is listed as FP, false positive.

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

5.2.1 Classification results

Table 5.6 shows the results for FP and TP classification. The total number of data stets
for each state is eighty in the data set broadened by cross-validation. Shown in the table
are the absolute and the relative values for all states and all methods. The relative values
are calculated with respect to a total number of twenty for TP and a total number of sixty
for FP. The absolute number n of classified data sets is followed by the relative number
m, given as a percentage (n : m). The States 1-4 are defied in Section 4.1.

No method is able to identify all states. Again, EMD-CC shows the best over-all results.
For EMD-CC, all TP rates of fault identification lie between 80% and 90%. The fault State
3 is identified in 80% and the fault State 4 in 90% of the cases. Second best performing
is DWT-SVM, giving values between 75% and 100%. Fault State 3 is identified in 75%
and fault State 4 in 80% of the cases. Both methods are able to differentiate between
all four states. For the fault states, the FP identification is 3.3% respectively 6.7% with
EMD-CC and 3.3% respectively 5% with DWT-SVM. The detailed results show that in
most FP cases State 3 and State 4 are mixed up. This means that the deviation is correct
detected but identified wrongly.

Since the initial reaction of machine operators is the same in both fault states, this mixing-
up of the states is of minor importance in practice.

The classification results of the state identification given in Table 5.6 are plotted as a ROC
space. The States 1 and 2 are shown in Figure 5.8, State 3 and 4 in Figure 5.9. In this
case, the TPR is plotted against the FPR. In both figures, the best possible classification
with 100% identification and 0% FPR is given in a red point in the upper left corner.
The dotted green line represents a random distribution. The method combination STFT-
SVM is indexed with A, CWT-SVM with B, DWT-SVM with C, WVD-SVM with D,
EMD-SVM with E and EMD-CC with F.

In Figure 5.8, State 1 has the additional index 1, the data points are colored magenta.
The index 2 is added for State 2, the data points are in cyan. In Figure 5.9, State 3 has
the additional index 3, the data points are plotted in blue. Index 4 is added for State 4,
data points are marked in green. All points above the dotted green line work out better
than random. Those underneath the dotted linework worse, meaning a misinterpretation
during classification. This representation points out which method combination is most
suitable for each state, giving base for a possible decision fusion. Figure 5.8 visualizes
that State 1 is best classified by EMD-CC (F1). State 2 is best classified by DWT (C2)
and similarly good by EMD-CC (F2). Figure 5.9 visualizes that State 3 and State 4 are
best classified by EMD-CC (F3, F4). Both figures show that STFT-SVM is not suited.
The points with index A for STFT are lying near the line of random result.

Chapter 5

Table 5.5: McNemar’s test


STFT- χ2 = 46, 02 χ2 = 44.02 χ2 = 47.02 χ2 = 46.02 χ2 = 50.02

SVM → p << 0.001 → p << 0.001 → p << 0.001 → p << 0.001 → p << 0.001

CWT- χ2 = 0.5 χ2 = 1.33 χ2 = 1 χ2 = 2.25

SVM → p < 0.5 → p < 0.3 → p < 0.4 → p < 0.2

DWT- χ2 = 0.5 χ2 = 1.33 χ2 = 0.5 χ2 = 4.17

SVM → p < 0.5 → p < 0.3 → p < 0.5 → p < 0.05

WVD- χ2 = 1.33 χ2 = 1.33 χ2 = 0 χ2 = 1.33

SVM → p < 0.3 → p < 0.3 →p=1 → p < 0.3

EMD- χ2 = 1 χ2 = 0.5 χ2 = 0 χ2 = 2.25

SVM → p < 0.4 → p < 0.5 →p=1 → p < 0.2

Experimental results and validation
Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

Table 5.6: Classification: Detection rate of fault identification


TP 3: 15: 18: 17: 20: 18:
15% 75% 90% 85% 100% 90%
TN 60: 55: 60: 57: 50: 58:
100% 91.7% 100% 93.3% 83.3% 96.7%
FP 0: 5: 0: 3: 10: 2:
0% 8.3% 0% 5% 16.7% 3.3%
FN 17: 5: 2: 3: 0: 2:
85% 25% 10% 15% 0% 10%
TP 3: 14: 20: 14: 8: 18:
15% 70% 100% 70% 40% 90%
TN 55: 52: 54: 53: 55: 56:
91.7% 86.7% 90% 88.3% 91.7% 93.3%
FP 5: 8: 6: 7: 5: 4:
8.3% 13.3% 10% 11.7% 8.3% 6.7%
FN 17: 6: 0: 6: 12: 2:
85% 30% 0% 30% 60% 10%
TP 0: 12: 15: 11: 6: 16:
0% 60% 75% 55% 30% 80%
TN 56: 53: 58: 53: 55: 58:
93.3% 88.3% 96.7% 88.3% 91.7% 96.7%
FP 4: 7: 2: 7: 5: 2:
6.7% 11.7% 3.3% 11.7% 8.3% 3.3%
FN 20: 8: 5: 9: 14: 4:
100% 40% 25% 45% 70% 20%
TP 19: 15: 16: 16: 18: 18:
95% 75% 80% 80% 90% 90%
TN 14: 56: 57: 55: 48: 56:
23.3% 93.3% 95% 91.7% 80% 93.3%
FP 46: 4: 3: 5: 12: 4:
76.7% 6.7% 5% 8.3% 20% 6.7%
FN 1: 5: 4: 4: 2: 2:
5% 25% 20% 20% 10% 10%

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation


Figure 5.8: ROC space presenting detection rate of fault identification of State 1 and
State 2; STFT-SVM is indexed with A, CWT-SVM with B, DWT-SVM with C, WVD-
SVM with D, EMD-SVM with E and EMD-CC with F

5.2.2 χ2 -test
Likewise as in Section 5.1.3, a hypothesis test is performed with equivalent constraints.
Again, the first null hypothesis H0.1 is assuming a normal distribution or random occur-
rence for the results. If the null hypothesis cannot be rejected, this is not sufficiently
significant to accept the null hypothesis, but the method is not proven to be better than
randomly chosen results. The second null hypothesis H0.2 is assuming that the results of
the respective method will hit the correct class with a probability of 80%. The value of
80% is chosen corresponding to the observed results. If the compared method performs
better or worse, the null hypothesis will be rejected. A significance level of p = 0, 05 is
defined as appropriate to reject the null hypothesis.

Table 5.7 resumes the data base of the detection rates of fault identification of STFT-
SVM, CWT-SVM, DWT-SVM, WVD-SVM, EMD-SVM, and EMD-CC. Table 5.8 lists
the results of the χ2 -test. For all method combinations, the null hypothesis H0.1 can be

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation


Figure 5.9: ROC space presenting detection rate of fault identification of State 3 and
4; STFT-SVM is indexed with A, CWT-SVM with B, DWT-SVM with C, WVD-SVM
with D, EMD-SVM with E and EMD-CC with F

rejected. None of them is performing randomly. The second null hypothesis H0.2 can
be significantly rejected for STFT-SVM, CWT-SVM, and EMD-SVM. Lokking at the
absolute values in Table 5.7, it becomes clear that these methods are performing worse
than 80%. The performance of the other method combinations is statistically similar to
80%. For these, the null hypothesis H0.2 could not be rejected.

Table 5.7: Detection rate of fault identification for χ2 -test and McNemar’s test


True 25 56 64 58 52 70 40 64
False 55 24 16 22 28 10 40 16

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

Table 5.8: Results of χ2 -test applied to detection rate of fault identification

Random 80%
STFT- χ2 = 11, 25 χ2 = 118.83
SVM → p ≈ 0.001 → p << 0.001
CWT- χ2 = 12.8 χ2 = 5
SVM → p < 0.001 → p ≈ 0.025
DWT- χ2 = 28.8 χ2 = 0
SVM → p < 0.001 →p≈1
WVD- χ2 = 16.2 χ2 = 2.81
SVM → p < 0.001 → p < 0.1
EMD- χ2 = 7.2 χ2 = 11.25
SVM → p < 0.01 → p < 0.001
EMD- χ2 = 45→ p < χ2 = 2.81
CC 0.001 → p < 0.1

5.2.3 McNemar’s test

A significance level of p = 0.5 is defined as appropriate to reject the null hypothesis

that the methods are performing similarly. Compared are STFT-SVM to CWT-SVM to
DWT-SVM to WVD-SVM to EMD-SVM to EMD-CC. Details on the results are given
in Table 5.9. The probability level is given in percent. The rejection of the null hypoth-
esis does not give any information about the quality of the compared methods. This
information has to be derived from the results themselves. The results in Table 5.9 show
that STFT-SVM is performing significantly differently from the other method combina-
tions. Table 5.7 completes this information and shows that it is performing significantly
worse. The WVD-SVM and EMD-SVM perform statistically similar to CWT-SVM. Best
performing is EMD-CC: statistically significantly better than the second best performing
method combination DWT-SVM and way better than the other compared method com-
binations. As discussed above, these are the both methods able to distinguish the four

Experimental results and validation

Table 5.9: McNemar’s test

STFT- χ2 = 29.03 χ2 = 37.02 χ2 = 31.03 χ2 = 25.03 χ2 = 43.02
SVM → p << 0.001 → p << 0.001 → p << 0.001 → p << 0.001 → p << 0.001
CWT- χ2 = 6.12 χ2 = 0.5 χ2 = 2.25 χ2 = 12.07
SVM → p ≈ 0.01 → p ≈ 0.5 → p < 0.2 → p ≈ 0.001
DWT- χ2 = 6.12 χ2 = 4.16 χ2 = 10.08 χ2 = 4.16
SVM → p ≈ 0.01 → p < 0.05 → p ≈ 0.001 → p < 0.05
WVD- χ2 = 0.5 χ2 = 4.16 χ2 = 4.16 χ2 = 10.08
SVM → p ≈ 0.5 → p < 0.05 → p < 0.05 → p ≈ 0.001
EMD- χ2 = 2.25 χ2 = 10.08 χ2 = 4.16 χ2 = 16.05
SVM p < 0.2 → p ≈ 0.001 → p < 0.05 → p < 0.001
Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

5.3 Fault prognosis

For severe faults, prediction is highly desirable to avoid system damage and long down-
times. The prediction method has to be precise enough to avoid false alarms that lead
to loss of production time on the one hand, and on the other hand not to miss upcoming
faults to reach the desired detection. In this work, the best performing signal analysis
method for the tested set-up is used: EMD-CC. Additionally, to the good classification
performance, a benefit of EMD-CC is the relatively low computational load.

The method’s suitability for fault prediction from one strip to an other is tested. The
special case of two consecutive strips of the same grade with the same dimension was
analyzed for strip-to-strip prediction. Here, the first strip passed without disturbances,
the second caused a cobble. Even in that case, no critical deviations in State 1 and State 2
could be detected.

Rolling is a dynamic process and faults treated in this approach occur rapidly. For this
reason, the prediction test is applied to signal segments in immediate advance of the fault.



Correaltion amplitude




0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Data index n

Figure 5.10: Prognosis EMD-CC; green line: State 1, red line: State 3 [179]

5.3.1 Classification results

From the event-based data, the fault occurrence time is determined. Signal segments in
advance of that time mark are generated and EMD-CC is applied. Similar features as

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

described in Section 5.1 and 5.2 are visible. The amplitude and the maxima of the IMF
coefficients give information on the system state. Figure 5.10 shows exemplary correlation-
coefficients of IMF 5 and 6. Both dotted green lines represent a regular system state
(State 1), and the red lines represent a signal captured two seconds before the occurrence
of a cobble (State 3).

In practice, the distinction between regular system behavior and deviated system behavior
is of importance. Therefore, the fault prediction is regarded as a fault detection task,
first. Table 5.10 gives the details. Truly detected deviations in system behavior are
displayed as true positive (TP), true classification as regular system behavior are displayed
as true negative (TN). In contrast, deviations in system behavior that are not detected
are displayed as false negative (FN), and falsely as deviation classified states are displayed
as false positive (FP). The absolute number n of classified data sets is followed by the
relative number m, given in percentage (n : m).

In the prediction of faults, the EMD-CC achieves 100% TP with 7.5% FP. This means,
that all faults are detected, but three of the fault-free samples are indexed as faults.

Table 5.10: Classification: Detection rate of fault prediction

TP 40: 100%
TN 37: 92.5%
FP 3: 7.5%
FN 0: 0%

The ROC space plot of the results in Table 5.10 is given in Figure 5.11. The TPR is
plotted against the FPR, the best possible classification is marked in red and the random
distribution is represented by the dotted green line.

It is clearly visible that the prognosis is far away from the random distribution, leaning
towards the point of perfect prediction.

The detection of the two specified faults is important in practical applications. Addition-
ally, the performance of the evaluated methods concerning the identification of all four
system states is complemented. The results of the identification are listed in Table 5.11.
The TPR is between 95% and 65%, State 1 is identified best. The FPR is with 0% lowest
for State 2, and lies between 8.3% and 11,7% for the three other states.

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

Table 5.11: Classification: Detection rate of fault identification prediction with EMD-CC

State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4

TP 19: 95% 13: 65% 13: 65% 17: 85%
TN 55: 91.7% 60: 100% 54: 90% 53: 88.3%
FP 5: 8.3% 0: 0% 6: 10% 7: 11.7%
FN 1: 5% 7: 35% 7: 35% 3: 15%


Figure 5.11: ROC space presenting the fault detection rate in matters of prognosis;
EMD-CC is indexed with F

The results shown in Table 5.11 are plotted in a ROC space graph in Figure 5.12. The
TPR is plotted against the FPR, the best possible classification is marked in red and the
random distribution is represented by the dotted green line. State 1 has the additional
index 1, the data point is colored magenta. The index 2 is added for State 2, the data
point is in cyan. State 3 has the additional index 3, the data point is plotted in blue.
Index 4 is added for State 4, data point is marked in green. Figure 5.12 visualizes that
State 1 is identified best and State 3 worst.

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation


Figure 5.12: ROC space presenting the detection rate of fault identification of State 1-4
in matters of prognosis; EMD-CC is indexed with F

5.3.2 χ2 -test
A hypothesis test is performed on the results of the prognosis in case of detection as well
as of identification, given in Table 5.12. Again, the first null hypothesis H0.1 is assuming
a normal distribution or random occurrence for the results. The second null hypothesis
H0.2 is assuming that the results of the respective method will hit the correct class with
a probability of 80%. The value of 80% is chosen corresponding to the observed results.
If the compared method performs better or worse, the null hypothesis will be rejected. A
significance level of p = 0, 05 is defined as appropriate to reject the null hypothesis.

The results are given in Table 5.13. The null hypothesis H0.1 can be significantly rejected
for prognosis detection as well as prognosis identification. Both approaches perform better
than random. The second null hypothesis H0.2 can be rejected significantly for prognosis
detection, whereas prognosis identification performs statistically similar to 80% TPR. The
null hypothesis H0.2 cannot be rejected.

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

Table 5.12: Classification rate for χ2 -test

Detection Identification Random 80%

True 77 62 40 64
False 3 18 40 16

Table 5.13: Results of χ2 -test applied to prediction rate

Random 80%
Detection χ2 = 68.45 χ2 = 6.75
EMD-CC → p << 0, 001 → p < 0, 01
Identification χ2 = 24.2 χ2 ≈ 0
EMD-CC → p << 0, 001 → p ≈ 100%

5.4 Discussion

The results of the application of all five methods to real data of a hot strip rolling mill
reveal that CWT and WVD come along with practical problems. The computation time
for CWT is considerably higher than that for the other methods. The number of data
points scales quadratically, so for a typical data set length of a thousand the number of
points in the result is one million.

The number of data points in the result of WVD is also squared, whereas the calculation
time is comparable to the other methods. The WVD’s main shortcoming is the appearance
of interference terms due to the quadratic behavior of the method.

The results of the presented STFT application show a strong effect of the fault in the
time scale. A broad distribution of energy along the frequency axis can be seen. The fault
can be localized, but its identification is difficult, not to say impossible. So, for faults like
cobble and shearing tail, the method does not seem suitable. The application of CWT
does not resolve the timing of the fault. Instead, strong changes in the result appear
several seconds before the fault occurs. Since other methods perform better in detection
and identification of the faults, CWT has not been considered for prognosis. In contrast
to CWT with 3D graphics of the results, DWT gives data vectors in several decomposition
levels. The DWT method is the one with the lowest computation time and the smallest
number of data points in the result, namely the same number as in the original data

Chapter 5 Experimental results and validation

set. The fault occurrence is precisely indicated by a glitch in the high frequency part of
the result. Further evaluation of the resulting data vectors needs expert knowledge. The
results of WVD show too many interference terms due to the multi-frequency terms of real
data. Filtering these interference terms needs pre-knowledge of the interference frequency
bands, therefore it is not suitable for these applications. The EMD splits a signal into
several vectors. As with DWT, the interpretation of EMD needs expert knowledge. For
each IMF, the number of data points remains constant, so that the total number typically
is seven times higher than that of the original data. An automated interpretation of the
EMD results is possible by additional mathematical treatment for classification.

One of the applied classification approaches is a SVM. The performance of a classifier is

strongly depending on the quality of feature extraction. This is shown by the results in
Table 5.2 and Table 5.6. Still, four methods performed better than random in case of de-
tection and in case of identification. Only STFT showed a consequent miss-interpretation
of the features. In case of detection, EMD-SVM performed better than the other SVM
combinations. In case of identification, DWT had the best over all performance. In detail,
State 1 was best detected by EMD-SVM, State 2 by DWT-SVM, State 3 by DWT-SVM,
and State 4 by EMD-SVM. As a new classification function, the EMD is supplemented
by CC. The results are thresholded for interpretation. This method combination out-
performes all the SVM approaches in matters of detection and identification of all four

To check the probability of fault prediction, the best performing method EMD-CC is
used. The prognosis from strip to strip is not possible. Regarding time slices in imme-
diate advance, EMD-CC is able to detect all faults with a FP rate of 7.5%. In case of
identification, State 1 and 4 are classified best. In a practical application, the distinction
between the upcoming faults is not a prior task, the detection is sufficient. Therefore, fault
prediction and generation of an alarm seems possible with the new method of EMD-CC.

6 Summary and future work
6.1 Summary
The presented work investigates the condition monitoring of the complex production
process of a hot strip rolling mill. A signal-based fault diagnosis and fault prognosis
approach for strip travel is developed. The new approach introduced here is able to
detect two specific severe faults, to identify them, to distinguish between four different
system states, and to give a prognosis on the system behavior.

In the first chapter of this work, the motivation for the investigation is given. A general
description of the problems treated here and an overview on the methods tested in the
present work for their suitability is presented.

In Chapter 2, a literature review gives an overview about previous research on related

topics. It is shown that a great amount of the applications of fault diagnosis methods deal
with rotating machinery and focus on periodic or quasi periodic signals. A small number of
previous publications on the application of signal-based analysis in the field of strip rolling
mills could be found. Only three of the five methods applied in the presented contribution,
namely short time Fourier transform, discrete wavelet transform, and empirical mode
decomposition, have been used in the previous applications. Continuous wavelet transform
and Wigner Ville distribution, have not yet been applied to strip travel in strip rolling
mills. None of the previous works solves the diagnosis problem of cobbles and shearing
tails. Therefore, further investigation is necessary to provide a satisfactory solution.

In Chapter 3, the application site is introduced and the background of rolling is summed
up. A brief glimpse is thrown on the forming process. The technical fundamentals of the
strip rolling mill that provided the data used in this work are presented together with the
fundamentals of rolling. Additionally, the target deviations in strip travel are described.

In Chapter 4, the design of the new signal processing chain is presented. Starting with
the definition of system states, the selection of input signals, and the generation of data
sets the signal processing steps are detailed. The selection of a suited input signal is an
essential step to explore distinguishable features of different system states. The mathe-
matical background on the pre-processing, the feature extraction, and the classification is

Chapter 6 Summary and future work

rolled out. The classification task is differentiated into fault detection, fault identification
and fault prognosis. The proposed approach combines four different methods for feature
extraction with two different classification algorithms. Combinations of these feature ex-
traction and classification methods are applied to rolling force data originating from a
hot strip mill. Especially, the suitability of the methods not yet applied to hot strip mills
is evaluated. In this work, the new combination of empirical mode decomposition and
cross-correlation is developed to make in-time fault diagnosis possible.

In Chapter 5, the results of the application to industrial data and their statistical valida-
tion is given. The applied signal-based methods perform differently in fault detection and
fault identification. The occurrence time of faults is clearly indicated by short time Fourier
transform, discrete wavelet transform, and empirical mode decomposition. Disregarding
short time Fourier transform, the methods combined with support vector machine, re-
spectively, cross-correlation are able to detect the two fault types treated in this work.
The short time Fourier transform results show a misinterpretation of the features.

The performance in fault identification differs for the discussed methods. Again, short
time Fourier transform combined with support vector machine is not able to identify
the faults. Best results are achieved by empirical mode decomposition combined with
cross-correlation. The new combination of empirical mode decomposition combined with
cross-correlation has been used for fault prognosis. Usable information can be extracted
in a time slice a few seconds in advance of the fault. With this information, empirical
mode decomposition combined with cross-correlation is able to predict upcoming faults,
and an alarm signal for machine operators can be generated.

6.2 Future work

The implementation of the presented fault detection approach into the production plant
is proposed to solve specific condition monitoring tasks in hot strip mills. An alarm for
machine operators can be generated or an automatized reaction executed. Once imple-
mented, multiple other fault types can be treated and the fault detection performance in
matters of other faults can be evaluated.

The available amount of data for this work was limited. The measured system data are
stored for short-time only, because of limited disc space. Therefore, only faults occurred
since the beginning of the research could be evaluated. Since this is an industrial produc-
tion process and not a laboratory experiment, the faults cannot be provoked, but have
to occur during the process. A linkage with the event-based data server might allow an
automatized storage in case of certain faults. This way, the needed test and training data

Chapter 6 Summary and future work

for further studies of other fault types can be generated.

Another aspect to be realized in future work is to integrate a decision fusion approach.

The introduced approaches have individual performance rates for the four different system
states. In case of uncertain classifications, an additional feature extraction and classifica-
tion step might improve the false positive rate.


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publications and/or presented at the corresponding conferences.

Journal article
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Conference papers
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on SVM Applied to Industrial Data, in: EWSHM-7th European Workshop on Struc-
tural Health Monitoring, Nantes, France, July 8-11, 2014.

B Appendix
The graphical representation of the application results of the five methods applied for
feature extraction are given in Figures B.1-B.10. Figures B.11-B.12 visualize the corre-
lation coefficients of EMD-CC for State 1-4. Figures B.13-B.14 illustrate the results of
EMD-CC applied for fault prognosis.


(a) Application of STFT to fault-free case State 1 [19]




Frequency [Hz]







1 2 3 4 5
Time [s]
(b) Application of STFT to fault-free case State 2

Figure B.1: Graphical results of STFT


(a) Application of STFT to fault case State 3 [19]

(b) Application of STFT to fault case State 4 [19]

Figure B.2: Graphical results of STFT





Scales [-]






1 2 3 4 5
Time [s]
(a) Application of CWT to fault-free case State 1 [19]




Scales [-]






1 2 3 4 5
Time [s]
(b) Application of CWT to fault-free case State 2

Figure B.3: Graphical results of CWT





Scales [-]






1 2 3 4 5
Time [s]
(a) Application of CWT to fault case State 3 [19]




Scales [-]






1 2 3 4 5
Time [s]
(b) Application of CWT to fault case State 4 [19]

Figure B.4: Graphical results of CWT


(a) Application of DWT to fault-free case State 1 [19]

(b) Application of DWT to fault-free case State 2

Figure B.5: Graphical results of DWT


(a) Application of DWT to fault case State 3 [19]

(b) Application of DWT to fault case State 4 [19]

Figure B.6: Graphical results of DWT


(a) Application of WVD to fault-free case State 1 [19]

(b) Application of WVD to fault-free case State 2

Figure B.7: Graphical results of WVD


(a) Application of WVD to fault case State 3 [19]

(b) Application of WVD to fault case State 4 [19]

Figure B.8: Graphical results of WVD


lMF level

1 2 3 4 5
Time [s]

(a) Application of EMD to fault-free case State 1 [19]

(b) Application of EMD to fault-free case State 2

Figure B.9: Graphical results of EMD


lMF level

1 2 3 4 5
Time [s]

(a) Application of EMD to fault case State 3 [19]

IFM Level

0 1 2 3 4 5
TIme [s]

(b) Application of EMD to fault case State 4 [19]

Figure B.10: Graphical results of EMD



Correlation amplitude





-500 -200 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500
Data index n
(a) Application of EMD-CC to fault-free case State 1


Correlation amplitude



-500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500
Data index n
(b) Application of EMD-CC to fault-free case State 1

Figure B.11: Graphical results of EMD-CC



Correlation amplitude



-500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500
Data index n
(a) Application of EMD-CC to fault case State 3



Correlation amplitude






-500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500
Data index n
(b) Application of EMD-CC to fault case State 4

Figure B.12: Graphical results of EMD-CC








-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Data index n
(a) Prediction EMD-CC State 1







-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Data index n
(b) Prediction EMD-CC State 2

Figure B.13: Graphical results of prediction EMD-CC








-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Data index n
(a) Prediction EMD-CC State 3







-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
Data index n
(b) Prediction EMD-CC State 4

Figure B.14: Graphical results of prediction EMD-CC


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