Computational and Theoretical Chemistry
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A systematic study based on the non-covalent interactions (NCI) index was carried out in order to analyze
Received 14 July 2014 the characteristics of the cation p interaction in complexes formed by alkaline cations (Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+,
Received in revised form 2 October 2014 and Cs+) and molecular bowls of increasing size, going from corannulene, C20H10, to the fully closed buck-
Accepted 9 October 2014
minsterfullerene, C60. For this purpose all the possible inner complexes with the cation on the bottom of
Available online 17 October 2014
the bowl were studied. SCF densities were employed at the B3LYP/6-31 + G⁄ level (LANL2DZ effective core
potential basis set was included for Rb+ and Cs+). NCI plots allowed to visualize the characteristics of the
cation p interaction; showing the spatial arrangement of the interaction and locating the regions of
Non-covalent interactions
different interaction strength. Moreover, when the comparison of NCI plot is carried out in an adequate
DFT way, an excellent correlation with the calculated complexation energies was found. Finally, in order to
QTAIM obtain complementary data, QTAIM calculations were carried out for several complexes, locating critical
Cation p interactions points and bond paths.
Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction aromatic systems [9]. In previous work, it has been shown that
the polarization contribution can be the main responsible of the
Non-covalent interactions with the participation of aromatic stability of a cation p complex, even when the electrostatic
rings play a crucial role in a great variety of phenomena in physics, contribution is repulsive [10].
chemistry and biochemistry [1–4]. The ubiquity of these non- The so-called buckybowls are aromatic curved systems formed by
covalent interactions points out the need for a deep knowledge joining six and five carbon rings in a similar way as in fullerenes, the
and understanding of the characteristics of the interaction at a five carbon rings introducing the curvature on the delocalized system
microscopic level. [13,14]. The simplest of these bowls, corannulene C20H10, has already
When aromatic molecules participate in a non-covalent interac- been considered in different studies in order to determine its
tion, it usually corresponds to one of the following three types: structure, barrier for inversion and also its capability for coordinating
p p interaction, XH p hydrogen bond or ion p interaction cations [10,13,15–18]. The curvature of corannulene produces
[4,5]. More specifically, cation p complexes of aromatic different molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) by the convex and
compounds have received great attention in recent years, in part the concave face. The MEP of corannulene is more negative by the
as a result of the role they are believed to play in protein folding, convex face so coordination of cations is mostly favored by this face
neurological signaling, the functioning of certain ion channels [10,16–18]. However, as the size of the bowl grows it becomes more
and other diverse phenomena [3,4,6–8]. A general picture has polarizable, thus increasing induction contribution, and its structure
emerged indicating that the interaction is mainly controlled by gets more closed and similar to that of fullerene. As a consequence of
the electrostatic contribution coming from the interaction of the the reduction on the concave cavity available for locating the cation,
ion and the quadrupole moment of the aromatic system [3,9–12]. the steric repulsion in concave complexes could be important,
However, it has been shown that in cation p systems the role especially in the case of bulky cations [10,17].
played by polarization can be important, especially in extended In a previous work, complexes formed by alkaline cations and a
series of increasingly large buckybowls derived from fullerene
have been studied focusing in their energetic and structural
⇑ Corresponding author. characteristics [10]. In the present work, the focus is the analysis
2210-271X/Ó 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
124 I. González-Veloso et al. / Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1053 (2015) 123–129
of the interaction by means of a topological analysis of the electron its derivatives [21]. In order to obtain information about the inter-
density following the spirit of the Quantum Theory of Atoms in action in the complexes, the plotting of non-covalent interaction
Molecules [19]. This theory, formulated by Bader and co-workers regions was performed using the recently developed NCIPLOT pro-
has proven to be a valuable tool for the qualitative and quantitative gram [20]. This method enables identification of non-covalent
analysis of molecular structure and properties, including the study interactions and it is based on the peaks that appear in the reduced
of cation p interactions. Using an accurate mathematical density gradient (RDG) at low densities. Plotting an RDG isosurface
implementation the topology of the charge density or other for a low value of RDG, the non-covalent regions clearly appear in
three-dimensional density function, the system under study is ana- the supramolecular complex. These interactions correspond to both
lyzed and various kinds of descriptors can be calculated. The usual favorable and unfavorable interactions. In order to differentiate
analysis of non-covalent interactions by applying QTAIM theory is between them, the sign of the second density Hessian eigenvalue
focused in the location of intermolecular critical bonds and bonds times the density is color-mapped onto the isosurface: blue, green
paths, their characteristics being employed as a tool for gaining an red indicate strongly attractive interactions, weak vdW
insight into the characteristics of the interaction. However, in large interactions, and strongly repulsive interactions, respectively. SCF
systems, QTAIM provides an overwhelming amount of informa- densities were employed; B3LYP/6-31 + G⁄ level was used for all
tion: a large number of critical points, their characteristics, a large the complexes and the effective core potential LANL2DZ basis set
set of bond paths, etc. Therefore, it could be desirable a method was included for Rb+ and Cs+. In order to a get a better visualization
allowing visualizing in a quick and simple way the most relevant of the NCI plots, only the RDG surfaces inside the bowl are shown in
features of the interaction. The non covalent interaction index Figs. 2–9.
(NCI) has been devised with this purpose [20,21]. In the present On the other hand, the topology of the electron density was
work, the NCI approach is applied to a series of complexes formed analyzed according to the AIM theory developed by Bader [19].
by the alkaline cations with a series of buckybowls of increasing For this purpose the Multiwfn program was employed and the dif-
size derived from fullerene [10]. Starting from corannulene, new ferent critical points and paths between them were obtained [22].
layers of atom carbons are added to finally reach fullerene. After The same electron density than that for NCIPLOT was used.
each layer is added, the bowl is properly saturated with the neces- In all cases the wavefunction were obtained with the Gauss-
sary hydrogen atoms. This way, a series of bowls is constructed ian09 program package [23] and the geometry of the complexes
showing significantly different molecular electrostatic potentials, was taken from Ref. [10].
which will reflect in the intensity and characteristics of the inter-
action. Also, as the bowl becomes larger and more closed, steric
effects are expected to appear in complexes formed by the concave 3. Results and discussion
face. It is expected that their relevance in the interaction will be
revealed by the NCI analysis. In order to carry out a systematic comparison, all the complexes
where the alkaline cation is placed inside the bowl (on the bottom
of it) were chosen. Fig. 1 shows the structure of the bowls and that
2. Computational details
of C60, buckminsterfullerene. Figs. 2–7 show the computed NCI
plots for the interaction of the five alkaline cations (Li+, Na+, K+,
The non-covalent interactions (NCI) index identifies interactions
Rb+, Cs+) with P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, and C60, respectively. Fig. 2 shows
in a chemical system solely on the basis of the electron density and
a clear trend running from Li+ to Cs+: as the cation size increases
Fig. 2. NCIPLOT gradient isosurfaces (0.55 a.u.) of P1 X+ (X = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs)
Fig. 1. Structure of the bowls P1–P5 and C60. complexes. Complexation energies (kcal mol 1) in parentheses taken from Ref. [10].
I. González-Veloso et al. / Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 1053 (2015) 123–129 125
Fig. 3. NCIPLOT gradient isosurfaces (0.55 a.u.) of P2 X+ (X = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs)
complexes. Complexation energies (kcal mol 1) in parentheses taken from Ref. [10].
Fig. 5. NCIPLOT gradient isosurfaces (0.55 a.u.) of P4 X+ (X = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs)
complexes. Complexation energies (kcal mol 1) in parentheses taken from Ref. [10].
Fig. 7. NCIPLOT gradient isosurfaces (0.55 a.u.) of C60 X+ (X = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs)
Fig. 6. NCIPLOT gradient isosurfaces (0.55 a.u.) of P5 X (X = Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs) complexes. Complexation energies (kcal mol 1) in parentheses taken from Ref. [10].
complexes. Complexation energies (kcal mol 1) in parentheses taken from Ref. [10].
Fig. 9. NCIPLOT gradient isosurfaces (0.55 a.u.) of X Cs+ (X = P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, C60)
complexes. Complexation energies (kcal mol 1) in parentheses taken from Ref. [10].
For each bowl the reduced density gradient (RDG) surfaces show
the spatial arrangement of the interaction, and the color scale
(corresponding to the second density Hessian eigenvalue) allows
comparing its strength in the different regions. Moreover, the NCI
results correlates very well with the values of complexation
Only Li+, and to a lesser extent Na+, remain anchored to the
bottom of all bowls. However, the bulkiest cations, as the size of
the bowls increases, quickly leave the bottom and form a large
interaction surface, which finally becomes a full sphere with C60.
As the size of the surface increases, the interaction is increasingly
weak (which is easily visualized by the disappearance of the blue
tone and its replacement by ocher or reddish).
On the other hand, when the comparison of NCI plots is
established between complexes formed by the same cation and
the different increasing bowls, the results are not so good, except
in the case of the bulkiest cations (especially Cs+). So, in these cases
the NCI plots are almost insensitive to the change of complexation
energy. A possible explanation of this problem could be the very
large difference of total electron density between the complexes
compared. As the size of the bowl increases, the total number of
electrons increases very much, and therefore, the comparison of
RDG surfaces becomes worthless. Thus, it seems clear that if an
adequate comparison between NCI plots wants to be established
then the molecular systems being compared cannot have very
different sizes.
The NCI plots, like QTAIM, are based on the electron density and
its derivatives. The NCI index facilitates the visualization and
Fig. 11. QTAIM molecular graphs of X Cs+ (X = P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, C60) showing the enables identification of non-covalent interactions in a quick and
bond paths (lines) and the different critical points: violet = nuclear critical point,
simple way, which is especially useful in large systems where
NCP (3, 3), orange = bond critical point, BCP (3, 1), yellow = ring critical point,
RCP (3, +1), green = cage critical point, CCP (3, +3). (For interpretation of the QTAIM provides an excessive amount of information, very
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of awkward to be analyzed.
this article.)
In order to assess the validity of the results obtained at the
B3LYP level, several calculations were performed using a long- The authors want to express their gratitude to the CESGA (Cen-
range corrected version of B3LYP and a substantially larger basis tro de Supercomputación de Galicia) for the use of their computers.
set. For this purpose we have chosen all the complexes with the D.J. thanks the Spanish Ministry of Education for FPU scholarship.
heaviest cation (Cs+) since it is likely to be the case in which the
greatest deviations emerge. These results (see Supportting
Appendix A. Supplementary material
Information) provide no noteworthy novelty with respect to those
already mentioned.
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
Finally, a QTAIM analysis was carried out for all the complexes
the online version, at
between Cs+ and the six increasing bowls of Fig. 9; the results are
shown in Fig. 11. Only in the case of the smallest bowl P1, the
behavior is similar to that of Li+ and a pattern with a pentagonal
pyramid is obtained. However, already for the second bowl P2, References
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