Collection Analysis Book-Compressed
Collection Analysis Book-Compressed
Collection Analysis Book-Compressed
Measurement Chart………………………………………………………………………34
Part 7: Garment Packaging/ Presentation………………………………………………..49
Evaluation Sheet…………………………………………………………………………………51
Part A: Summary Line Sheet
Summary Line Sheet Images
Part B: Collection Reference Guide
Fabrics Continued
Fabrics Continued
Notions Continued
Notions Continued
Part C: Fabric and Notion Analysis
Fabric/ Material Characteristics Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
Affecting Yardage Utilization
There were no patent or latent defects The fibre content of the neoprene was 90%
that occurred with this fabric. However, polyester and 10% lycra which worked well the
the edges of the neoprene roll had some style of an athletic wear collection. The yarn
areas that could no be used due to the quality and size does not apply to this fabric,
fusing of the neoprene there was excess because it was bonded together with glue to create
glue and unpadded fabric. Just being a double layer neoprene. The weight was a little
careful with the edges of the material too heavy, and when the designer was sewing, the
when laying out the pattern was all that jacket became heavier and heavier. Overall it was
was required when prepping the neoprene too stiff for this collection, and the designer would
for cutting and production. The width of recommend using a single layer neoprene in future
the fabric worked well for the two jackets production. There was very little drapability when
that was it was constructed from it. it came to the jackets. They were very structure,
were no structural or applied designs with the
Fabric/ Material Characteristics Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
Affecting Yardage Utilization
This rayon fabric had only one patent The fibre content of this fabric was 89% rayon and
flaw, but no latent flaws. There were 11% nylon which created a soft fabric. With fine
fabric flaws through the material prior to quality and yarn size, the fabric weight was light
cutting, which required the designer to and breathable, which helps sell the fact that it is
place the pattern pieces around the flaws athletic wear and the designer wants to create
in order to not include them in the something comfortable and breathable for the
garments. The overall width of the wearer. Since the fabric was lightweight and a fine
material was effective because it had to rayon material, it had a very good drapability and
fit two pairs of pants and a jacket, which was effective when it came to gather either around
worked well, even considering the fabric the waistband or at the cuff of the pants. The yarns
flaws that were included on the material. were dyed prior to assembly of the fabric, which
applied either.
Fabric/ Material Characteristics Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
Affecting Yardage Utilization
There were no patent defects within The 80% nylon and 20% spandex fibres were very
troughing, however it did have one latent fine and thin. The material was used mainly as
defect that was an issue throughout contrast on tops and dresses. The lightweight
production. The snapback on the material fabric was a single ply fibre that drapes very well.
was extensive, and the designer had to Prior to assembly of the fabric, the fibres were
recut pieces because of how slippery that dyed black. The structurally applied designed
fabric was on the table. However, the were created while the material was being knitted
width of the material was good, because together. Since it is a mesh, a special machine that
there were not that many large pieces cut knits fabrics together created this design. There
from this material so it was easy to were no final finishes applied this this material.
The designer would use this material again
Wave Length
Fabric/ Material Characteristics Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
Affecting Yardage Utilization
This knit fabric had both patent and latent The 86% polyester and 14% spandex blend fabric
defects that the designer had to lookout is soft tech fabric that easily wicks away sweat
for. The patent defect was the width which is meant for an athletic wear collection. The
variation throughout the entire roll, as it fine, single ply yarn is a high quality polyester that
was inconsistent and varied. The latent allows it to be a lightweight material. The
defect that occurred was during cutting, drapability of the fabric works well when it was
which was the snapback, however, it was being gathered in the pants, but also worked well
not that extensive. There was a lot of when it was meant to be a form fitting dress,
pieces that used large sections of this because it flows and moves nicely with
material, so it was important to lay movement. The subtle pattern was added it when
everything properly and most effectively it was being knit together in the factory, which is
as the designer could, however with the apart of the structural design. There were no added
maximize fabric utilization. The designer would use this fabric again as it was
pieces, such as the hem of the sweater, so instead
Fabric/ Material Characteristics Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
Affecting Yardage Utilization
The nylon based material had no patent The 86% nylon and 14% polyester material was
defects that occurred, but it did have very thin and easy to produce with. The single ply
snapback, which is a latent defect. The yarns were knitted together to create a stretch
designer had to cautiously lay the fabric that was lightweight and somewhat sheer.
material on a flat surface and ensure that As it was lightweight, it draped very nicely once
no snapback would occur when cutting. the garments were constructed. It made up two
Furthermore, the only other issue was pieces in the collection, a top and a dress. The top
that the fabric was a pure white, so it got was a surplice design so it draped nicely off the
dirty easily, so during production, extra bodice, and the dress it was made of had a flowing
care had to be taken when producing it. skirt that moved quite nicely when the wearer was
during production. It adds a nice contrast to the
Fabric/ Material Characteristics Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
Affecting Yardage Utilization
There were no patent defects with Cresting was a super soft material with the fibre
cresting, and the only latent defect that content of 66.5% Rayon Bamboo, 28.5% Cotton,
the designer had to keep in mind while and 5% Spandex. The two ply fibre adds strength
cutting was the snapback. However, it to the rayon bamboo and cotton fibre, because
was not that severe of a snapback, and it since it is natural, the more plies, the better. The
care was taken when cutting, there was lightweight fabric drapes off the body, and since
no issue. The only piece that was made the style it is used in is a oversized sweater, the
out of this material was a sweater, so movement within it is easy and flows with the
laying out the pattern pieces was simple, body. The colour is an off white which is applied
and in a major production line it would prior to the knitting process, and no applied
be straightforward as it is only one style designs or finishes are added after the fact.
being dealt with. The designer would use this again, however,
colours would also be a good option, so that if
Wave Speed
Fabric/ Material Characteristics Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
Affecting Yardage Utilization
There were no patent defects to wave Wave speed is composed of 100% polyester, and
speed, however there were two latent there is no yarn size, rather an abundance of fibres
defects that occurred during production tangled together to create the cushioning mesh
and after the wearer has been wearing it fabric. Considering how thick the fabric was, it
awhile. During production it stretches out was very light weight and breathable, due to the
of shape and then retains that shape tangled fibres. The very structured material works
which made it difficult to sew with. well with the neoprene to create a stiff framework
Furthermore, after wearing it awhile, the and solid jacket. The fibres are dyed prior to the
air mesh begins to pill. Since its only air jets tangling them together, and the mesh
used in small, selected areas of two application is a structural component done after
jackets it does not wear that quickly, but the fabric has been formed. There are no finishes
without the pilling to occur. The designer likes the colour and the functional
neoprene created thick seams and was difficult to
Fabric/ Material Characteristics Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
Affecting Yardage Utilization
There were no patent defects within this Ripple is 81% nylon and 19% spandex, and with a
fabric selection, however, since it is a very fine yarn size, it allows for a very lightweight
very stretchy knit, the snapback while fabric. Having a lot of drapability allows for flow
cutting was severe. Some pieces had to and movement in the garments it is constructed
be recut because of the cutting issues, so with. Prior to the fibres being spun together, they
that needs to be taken into consideration were dyed blue and then assembled. While it was
when going into production. The width of being knitted together, a structural design was
the fabric was wide enough for the tops made on the face of the fabric which was subtle,
to be cut. yet added a nice pattern on the two tops that were
more colours offered in this fabric, it would make
Fabric/ Material Characteristics Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
Affecting Yardage Utilization
There was no patent or latent defects with 95% cotton and 5% spandex based ribbing was a
this material at all. Smooth and easy to medium weight quality and size of yarns used to
cut, and there was little to no fabric knit it in a tubular fashion. It is a medium weight
waste, because all of the pieces that were ribbing that has very little drape and movement.
cut out of this material were rectangles, Prior to weaving together, it was dyed grey. There
which were stacked on top of each other. were no applied designs, however during the
Fabric/ Material Characteristics Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
Affecting Yardage Utilization
There were no latent defects, however 100% tricot fusing was a lightweight woven
there was two patent defects that material that drapes well, however, when the glue
occurred. There was width variation on the face of the fusing melts to other fabric, it
throughout the purchase fusing, and there hardens and structures the fabric. The finish that
were fabric flaws. For fabric flaws, there was applied was the bonding agent applied to
were sections of glue that clumped attach the fusing to the self fabric was the only
activating. It was only used for select The designer would use this fusing again because
pieces within the collection so the width it worked well with the rayon and poly-spandex
was wide enough for the waistbands and material for the waistband of the three pairs of
Reflective Tape
Would use it again Material Overall Performance
The reflective tape was a key component of the
Would use it again Notion Overall Performance
The 100% gunmetal snaps were effective as
Elastic Band
Would use it again Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
The elastic band used in the waistband of the pants
properly. It was sturdy enough to hold up the
will occur.
Cording (Drawstring)
Would use it again Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
The drawstring that was used in the pants and the
other materials)
Would use it again Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
The caps used in this collection were effective,
and difficult to fit the drawstring cording in and tie
Brand Labels
Would use it again Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
Poly-cotton blend labels were effective and easy
Size Labels
Would use it again Notion Overall Performance
Woven size labels that are not irritating against the
Yes skin, and are easily sewn onto the brand label. The
Hang Tags
Would use it again Notion Overall Performance
The hangtags used for Flux by chAOs were
Safety Pins
Would use it again Notion Overall Performance
Gunmetal safety pins go with the gunmetal snaps.
the garment, and were sturdy enough for holding
Content Labels
Would use it again Notion Overall Performance
In the future, the designer would opt to use softer
Would use it again Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
Strong and sturdy thread. The 100% polyester
Would use it again Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
Strong and sturdy thread. The 100% polyester
Would use it again Fabric/ Material Overall Performance
Strong and sturdy thread. The 100% polyester
Part D: Garment Specifications
Front and Back Technical Views
Illustrated Point of Measure: Technical Front
Illustrated Point of Measure: Technical Back
Measurement Chart
3 Shoulder seam ¼” 3 ¼”
4 Chest measurement from AH notches (since
sleeve) ½” 24”
notch to cuff) ½” 18 ½”
14 Width of bottom of pocket ¼” 5”
15 Height of shorter side of pocket ¼” 2”
16 Diagonal measurement of pocket ¼” 2 ½”
17 Width of pocket on the top ¼” 2 ½”
18 Height of pocket ¼” 5”
19 Width of under sleeve ¼” 3 ½”
20 Front AH (shoulder seam to side seam of
jacket) ½” 9 ¾”
jacket ¼” 2 ½”
the SS begin) ½” 7”
25 Length of SS ½” 12 ½”
26 Length of CB ½” 25”
27 Width of SB at AH notches ½” 4 ½”
28 Back measurement from AH notches (since
of sleeve ½” 17”
30 Width of air mesh along back neckline ½” 10 ¼”
31 High neck point to shoulder seam ¼” 9”
32 Shoulder seam ¼” 3 ¼”
33 Shoulder seam (width of air mesh) ¼” 1”
34 Shoulder seam (width of neoprene) ¼” 2 ¼”
35 Back AH (shoulder seam to side seam of
jacket) ½” 10 ¼”
Part E: Garment Analysis and Style Specification
Locations of Retailers/ Sourcers
M5V 2B4
(416) 504-4117
M5B 1E9
(416) 979-5264
V6X 2K4
(604) 273-5316
M5T 2C2
(416) 913-4868