C4 Containers
C4 Containers
C4 Containers
If software architecture is about the structure of a software system, it’s worth understanding
what the major building blocks are and how they fit together at differing levels of abstraction.
C4: context, containers, components and classes 104
Assuming an OO programming language, the way that I like to think about structure is as
follows … a software system is made up of a number of containers, which themselves are
made up of a number of components, which in turn are implemented by one or more classes.
It’s a simple hierarchy of logical building blocks that can be used to model most software
• Classes: for most of us in an OO world, classes are the smallest building blocks of our
software systems.
• Components: a component can be thought of as a logical grouping of one or more
classes. For example, an audit component or an authentication service that is used
by other components to determine whether access is permitted to a specific resource.
Components are typically made up of a number of collaborating classes, all sitting
behind a higher level contract.
• Containers: a container represents something in which components are executed or
where data resides. This could be anything from a web or application server through
to a rich client application or database. Containers are typically executables that are
started as a part of the overall system, but they don’t have to be separate processes in
their own right. For example, I treat each Java EE web application or .NET website as
a separate container regardless of whether they are running in the same physical web
server process. The key thing about understanding a software system from a containers
C4: context, containers, components and classes 105
It’s easy to see how we could take this further, by putting some very precise definitions behind
each of the types of building block and by modelling the specifics of how they’re related. But
I’m not sure that’s particularly useful because it would constrain and complicate what it is
we’re trying to achieve here, which is to simply understand the structure of a software system
and create a simple set of abstractions with which to describe it.
Visualising this hierarchy is then done by creating a collection of system context, container,
component and (optionally) class diagrams to summarise the static structure of a software
1. Context: A high-level diagram that sets the scene; including key system dependencies
and actors.
2. Container: A container diagram shows the high-level technology choices, how
responsibilities are distributed across them and how the containers communicate.
3. Component: For each container, a component diagram lets you see the key logical
components and their relationships.
4. Classes: This is an optional level of detail and I will draw a small number of high-level
UML class diagrams if I want to explain how a particular pattern or component will
be (or has been) implemented. The factors that prompt me to draw class diagrams for
parts of the software system include the complexity of the software plus the size and
experience of the team. Any UML diagrams that I do draw tend to be sketches rather
than comprehensive models.
This simple sketching approach works for me and many of the software teams that I work
with, but it’s about providing some organisational ideas and guidelines rather than creating
C4: context, containers, components and classes 106
a prescriptive standard. The goal here is to help teams communicate their software designs
in an effective and efficient way rather than creating another comprehensive modelling
UML provides both a common set of abstractions and a common notation to describe them,
but I rarely find teams who use either effectively. I’d rather see teams able to discuss their
software systems with a common set of abstractions in mind rather than struggling to
understand what the various notational elements are trying to show. For me, a common
set of abstractions is more important than a common notation.
Most maps are a great example of this principle in action. They all tend to show roads,
rivers, lakes, forests, towns, churches, etc but they often use different notation in terms of
colour-coding, line styles, iconography, etc. The key to understanding them is exactly that
- a key/legend tucked away in a corner somewhere. We can do the same with our software
architecture diagrams.
It’s worth reiterating that informal boxes and lines sketches provide flexibility at the expense
of diagram consistency because you’re creating your own notation rather than using a
standard like UML. My advice here is to be conscious of colour-coding, line style, shapes,
etc and let a consistent notation evolve naturally within your team. Including a simple
key/legend on each diagram to explain the notation will help. Oh, and if naming really is
the hardest thing in software development, try to avoid a diagram that is simply a collection
of labelled boxes. Annotating those boxes with responsibilities helps to avoid ambiguity while
providing a nice “at a glance” view.
There seems to be a common misconception that “architecture diagrams” must only present a
high-level conceptual view of the world, so it’s not surprising that software developers often
regard them as pointless. Software architecture diagrams should be grounded in reality, in
the same way that the software architecture process should be about coding, coaching and
collaboration rather than ivory towers. Including technology choices (or options) is usually
a step in the right direction and will help prevent diagrams looking like an ivory tower
architecture where a bunch of conceptual components magically collaborate to form an end-
to-end software system.
A single diagram can quickly become cluttered and confused, but a collection of simple
diagrams allows you to effectively present the software from a number of different levels
of abstraction. This means that illustrating your software can be a quick and easy task that
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requires little ongoing effort to keep those diagrams up to date. You never know, people might
even understand them too.
34. Context diagram
A context diagram can be a useful starting point for diagramming and documenting a
software system, allowing you to step back and look at the big picture.
1. What is the software system that we are building (or have built)?
2. Who is using it?
3. How does it fit in with the existing IT environment?
Draw a simple block diagram showing your system as a box in the centre, surrounded by its
users and the other systems that it interfaces with. For example, if you were diagramming
a solution to the financial risk system, you would draw the following sort of diagram.
Detail isn’t important here as it’s your wide angle view showing a big picture of the system
landscape. The focus should be on people and systems rather than technologies and protocols.
Context diagram 109
Example context diagrams for the financial risk system (see appendix)
These example diagrams show the risk system sitting in the centre, surrounded by its users
and the other IT systems that the risk system has a dependency on.
These are the users of the system. There are two main types of user for the risk system:
• Business user (can view the risk reports that are generated)
• Admin user (can modify the parameters used in the risk calculation process)
IT systems
Depending on the environment and chosen solution, the other IT systems you might want
to show on a context diagram for the risk system include:
It’s useful to annotate the interactions (user <-> system, system <-> system, etc) with some
information about the purpose rather than simply having a diagram with a collection of boxes
and ambiguous lines connecting everything together. For example, when I’m annotating user
to system interactions, I’ll often include a short bulleted list of the important use cases/user
stories to summarise how that particular type of user interacts with the system.
You might ask what the point of such a simple diagram is. Here’s why it’s useful:
A context diagram doesn’t show much detail but it does help to set the scene and is a starting
point for other diagrams. Finally, a context diagram should only take a couple of minutes to
draw, so there really is no excuse not to do it.
• Technical and non-technical people, inside and outside of the immediate software
development team.
Context diagram 111
Let’s look at an example. The techtribes.je website provides a way to find people, tribes
(businesses, communities, interest groups, etc) and content related to the tech, IT and digital
sector in Jersey and Guernsey, the two largest of the Channel Islands. At the most basic level,
it’s a content aggregator for local tweets, news, blog posts, events, talks, jobs and more. Here’s
a context diagram that provides a visual summary of this.
Context diagram 112
Context diagram 113
Again, detail isn’t important here as this is your zoomed out view. The focus should be on
people (actors, roles, personas, etc) and software systems rather than technologies, protocols
and other low-level details.
35. Container diagram
Once you understand how your system fits in to the overall IT environment with a context
diagram, a really useful next step can be to illustrate the high-level technology choices with
a container diagram.
Draw a simple block diagram showing your key technology choices. For example, if you were
diagramming a solution to the financial risk system, depending on your solution, you would
draw the following sort of diagram.
Container diagram 115
Example container diagrams for the financial risk system (see appendix)
These example diagrams show the various web servers, application servers, standalone
applications, databases, file systems, etc that make up the risk system. To enrich the diagram,
often it’s useful to include some of the concepts from the context diagram diagram, such as
users and the other IT systems that the risk system has a dependency on.
By “containers”, I mean the logical executables, applications or processes that make up your
software system; such as:
• Web servers and applications¹ (e.g. Apache HTTP Server, Apache Tomcat, Microsoft
IIS, WEBrick, etc)
• Application servers (e.g. IBM WebSphere, BEA/Oracle WebLogic, JBoss AS, etc)
• Enterprise service buses and business process orchestration engines (e.g. Oracle Fusion
middleware, etc)
• SQL databases (e.g. Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc)
• NoSQL databases (e.g. MongoDB, CouchDB, RavenDB, Redis, Neo4j, etc)
¹If multiple Java EE web applications or .NET websites are part of the same software system, they are usually executed
in separate classloaders or AppDomains so I show them as separate containers because they are independent and require
inter-process communication (e.g. remote method invocation, SOAP, REST, etc) to collaborate.
Container diagram 116
• Name: The logical name of the container (e.g. “Internet-facing web server”, “Database”,
• Technology: The technology choice for the container (e.g. Apache Tomcat 7, Oracle
11g, etc)
• Responsibilities: A very high-level statement or list of the container’s responsibilities.
You could alternatively show a small diagram of the key components that reside in each
container, but I find that this usually clutters the diagram.
• The purpose of the interaction (e.g. “reads/writes data from”, “sends reports to”, etc).
• Communication method (e.g. Web Services, REST, Java Remote Method Invocation,
Windows Communication Foundation, Java Message Service).
• Communication style (e.g. synchronous, asynchronous, batched, two-phase commit,
• Protocols and port numbers (e.g. HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP/HTTP, SMTP, FTP, RMI/IIOP,
Container diagram 117
System boundary
If you do choose to include users and IT systems that are outside the scope of what you’re
building, it can be a good idea to draw a box around the appropriate containers to explicitly
demarcate the system boundary. The system boundary corresponds to the single box that
would appear on a context diagram (e.g. “Risk System”).
Where a context diagram shows your software system as a single box, a container diagram
opens this box up to show what’s inside it. This is useful because:
As with a context diagram, this should only take a couple of minutes to draw, so there really
is no excuse not to do it either.
• Technical people inside and outside of the immediate software development team;
including everybody from software developers through to operational and support
The following diagram shows the logical containers that make up the techtribes.je website.
Container diagram 118
Container diagram 119
Put simply, techtribes.je is made up of an Apache Tomcat web server that provides users with
information, and that information is kept up to date by a standalone content updater process.
All data is stored either in a MySQL database, a MongoDB database or the file system. It’s
worth pointing out that this diagram says nothing about the number of physical instances
of each container. For example, there could be a farm of web servers running against a
MongoDB cluster, but this diagram doesn’t show that level of information. Instead, I show
physical instances, failover, clustering, etc on a separate deployment diagram. The containers
diagram shows the high-level shape of the software architecture and how responsibilities are
distributed across it. It also shows the major technology choices and how the containers
communicate with one another. It’s a simple, high-level technology focussed diagram that is
useful for software developers and support/operations staff alike.
36. Component diagram
Following on from a container diagram showing the high-level technology decisions, I’ll then
start to zoom in and decompose each container further. How you decompose your system is
up to you, but I tend to identify the major logical components and their interactions. This
is about partitioning the functionality implemented by a software system into a number of
distinct components, services, subsystems, layers, workflows, etc. If you’re following a “pure
Object Oriented” or Domain-Driven Design approach, then this may or may not work for
Whenever people are asked to draw “architecture diagrams”, they usually end up drawing
diagrams that show the logical components that make up their software system. That is
basically what this diagram is about, except we only want to see the components that reside
within a single container at a time. Here are some examples of component diagrams if you
were designing a solution to the financial risk system.
Component diagram 121
Example component diagrams for the financial risk system (see appendix)
Whenever I draw a component diagram, it typically only shows the components that reside
within a single container. This is by no means a rule though and, for small software systems,
often you can show all of the components across all of the containers on a single diagram. If
that diagram starts to become too cluttered, maybe it’s time to break it apart.
If you were designing a solution to the financial risk system, you might include components
These components are the coarse-grained building blocks of your system and you should
be able to understand how a use case/user story/feature can be implemented across one or
more of these components. If you can do this, then you’ve most likely captured everything.
If, for example, you have a requirement to audit system access but you don’t have an audit
component or responsibilities, then perhaps you’ve missed something.
For each of the components drawn on the diagram, you could specify:
• Name: The name of the component (e.g. “Risk calculator”, “Audit component”, etc).
• Technology: The technology choice for the component (e.g. Plain Old [Java|C#|Ruby|etc]
Object, Enterprise JavaBean, Windows Communication Foundation service, etc).
• Responsibilities: A very high-level statement of the component’s responsibilities (e.g.
either important operation names or a brief sentence describing the responsibilities).
To reiterate the same advice given for other types of diagram, it’s useful to annotate the
interactions between components rather than simply having a diagram with a collection
of boxes and ambiguous lines connecting them all together. Useful information to add the
diagram includes:
• The purpose of the interaction (e.g. “uses”, “persists trade data through”, etc)
• Communication style (e.g. synchronous, asynchronous, batched, two-phase commit,
A component diagram shows the logical components that reside inside each of the containers.
This is useful because:
• It shows the high-level decomposition of your software system into components with
distinct responsibilities.
• It shows where there are relationships and dependencies between components.
• It provides a framework for high-level software development estimates and how the
delivery can be broken down.
Designing a software system at this level of abstraction is something that can be done in a
number of hours or days rather than weeks or months. It also sets you up for designing/coding
at the class and interface level without worrying about the overall high-level structure.
As illustrated by the container diagram, techtribes.je includes a standalone process that pulls
in content from Twitter, GitHub and blogs. The following diagram shows the high-level
internal structure of the content updater in terms of components.
Component diagram 124