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ALINORM 09/32/15
December 2008



32nd Session
Rome, Italy, 29 June – 4 July 2009



Denpasar, Indonesia
17-21 November 2008

NOTE: This report contains Codex Circular Letter CL 2008/36-ASIA


CX 3/10.2 CL 2008/36-ASIA
December 2008
TO: Codex Contact Points
Interested International Organizations
FROM: Secretary
Codex Alimentarius Commission
Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy

SUBJECT: Distribution of the Report of the Sixteenth Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating
Committee for Asia (ALINORM 09/32/15)

The report of the Sixteenth Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Asia will be considered
by the 32nd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Rome, Italy, 29 June – 4 July 2009).
Draft and proposed draft Standards at Step 8 or 5/8 of the Procedure
1. Draft Regional Standard for Gochujang, at Step 8 (para. 31 and Appendix II)
2. Draft Regional Standard for Ginseng Products, at Step 8 (para. 42 and Appendix III)
3. Proposed draft Regional Standard for Fermented Soybean Paste, at Step 5/8 (para. 51 and
Appendix IV)
Proposed draft Standard at Step 5 of the Procedure
4. Proposed draft Standard for Edible Sago Flour (para. 76 and Appendix V)
Governments and interested international organizations wishing to submit comments on the above texts
should do so in writing, preferably by e-mail, to the Secretary, Codex Alimentarius Commission, Joint
FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy (e-mail:
codex@fao.org; Fax +39 06 570 54593), before 1 April 2009.
ALINORM 09/32/15 iii


The Sixteenth Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Asia reached the following
Draft and proposed draft standards for adoption at Steps 8 or 5/8
The Coordinating Committee agreed to forward:
- draft Regional Standard for Gochujang, for adoption at Step 8 (para. 31 and Appendix II);
- draft Regional Standard for Ginseng Products, for adoption at Step 8 (para. 42 and Appendix III); and
- proposed draft Regional Standard for Fermented Soybean Paste, for adoption at Step 5/8 (para. 51 and
Appendix IV).
Proposed draft standard for adoption at Step 5
The Coordinating Committee agreed to forward:
- proposed draft Regional Standard for Edible Sago Flour, for adoption at Step 5 (para. 76 and
Appendix V)
Implementation of the Codex Strategic Plan 2008-2013
The Coordinating Committee reviewed Activities 4.5: Promote interdisciplinary coordination at the national
and regional levels, 5.4: Strengthen Codex Contact Points and National Codex Committees and 5.5: Enhance
participation of non-governmental organizations at international, regional and national levels of the Codex
Strategic Plan 2008-2013 (paras 10, 99 and 12, respectively).
Participation of developing countries in Codex meetings
The Coordinating Committee noted that countries of the region were already hosting four Codex Committees
and Task Forces and that several recent and upcoming sessions of Codex committees were held in
developing countries under co-hosting arrangements and did not discuss this issue any further noting that the
Codex Committee on General Principles would consider this issue in detail at its 26th session (paras 14-15).
Nomination of the Coordinator
The Coordinating Committee unanimously agreed to recommend to the 32nd Session of the Codex
Alimentarius Commission that Indonesia be reappointed as the Coordinator for Asia for a second term
The Coordinating Committee agreed:
- to return the proposed draft Standard for Non-Fermented Soybean Products to Step2 for by an electronic
working group, led by China (para. 55);
- to return the proposed draft Regional Standard for Chili Sauce to Step 2 for redrafting by an electronic
working group, led by Thailand, with a view to finalizing the standard at its next session (para. 65);
- to adopt the Strategic Plan for the Coordinating Committee for Asia 2009-2014 (para. 96 and
Appendix VI); and
- to request Indonesia to prepare a comprehensive discussion paper to justify the need for new work on
tempe and tempe products (para. 117)
Committee on General Principles (CCGP)
The Coordinating Committee was of the view that the Terms of Reference were sufficiently broad to allow
the development of regional positions and agreed that the current Terms of Reference were adequate.
(para. 17)
iv ALINORM 09/32/15


Summary and Conclusions............................................................................................................ page iii

Report of the 17th Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Asia......................... page 1
Summary Status of Work............................................................................................................... page 17
Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 1-4
Adoption of the Agenda (Agenda Item 1)..................................................................................... 5
Matters arising from the Codex Alimentarius Commission and other Codex Committees and
Task Forces (Agenda Item 2)......................................................................................................... 6-18
Consideration of Draft Standards at Step 7 (Agenda Item 3)
- Draft Regional Standard for Gochujang (N03-2004) (Agenda Item 3a)................................. 19-31
- Draft Regional Standard for Ginseng Products (N01-2004) (Agenda Item 3b)...................... 32-42
Consideration of Proposed Draft Standards at Step 4 (Agenda Item 4)
- Proposed Draft Standard for Fermented Soybean Paste (N03-2004) (Agenda Item 4a)........ 43-51
- Proposed Draft Standard for Non-fermented Soybean Products (N06-2005) (Agenda
Item 4b)................................................................................................................................... 52-55
- Proposed Draft Regional Standard for Chili Sauce (N05-2007) (Agenda Item 4c)................ 56-65
- Proposed Draft Regional Standard for Edible Sago Flour (N06-2007) (Agenda Item 4d)..... 66-76
Activities of FAO and WHO Complementary to the Work of the Codex Alimentarius
Commission (Agenda Item 5)........................................................................................................ 77-81
Draft Strategic Plan for the Coordinating Committee for Asia (Agenda Item 6).......................... 82-96
National Food Control System and Consumer Participation in Food Standard Setting (Agenda
Item 7)............................................................................................................................................ 97-101
Use of Codex Standards at National and Regional Level (Agenda Item 8).................................. 102-108
Nutritional Issues within the Region (Agenda Item 9).................................................................. 109-111
Nomination of the Coordinator (Agenda Item 10)........................................................................ 112
Other Business and Future Work (Agenda Item 11)..................................................................... 113-118
Date and Place of Next Session (Agenda Item 12)........................................................................ 119
Appendix I: List of Participants................................................................................................. page 18
Appendix II: Draft Regional Standard for Gochujang (N03-2004)............................................ page 28
Appendix III: Draft Regional Standard for Ginseng Products (N01-2004)................................. page 37
Appendix IV: Proposed Draft Regional Standard for Fermented Soybean Paste (N02-2004)..... page 44
Appendix V: Proposed Draft Regional Standard for Edible Sago Flour (N06-2007)................. page 48
Appendix VI: Strategic Plan for the Coordinating Committee for Asia 2009-2014.................... page 51
ALINORM 09/32/15 1

1. The 16th Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Asia (CCASIA) was held in Bali,
Indonesia from 17 to 21 November 2008. Mr Kukuh S. Achmad, Director, Laboratory and Inspection Body
Accreditation, National Standardization Agency of Indonesia, chaired the meeting, assisted by Dr
Purwiyatno Hariyadi, Director, Southeast Asia Food and Agricultural Science and Technology Center
(SEAFAST), Bogor Agricultural University. The meeting was attended by 119 participants representing
19 Member Countries of the Region, four Observer Countries, and two international organizations. Mr Ben
Manyindo, Vice-Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, also attended the meeting. The full
List of Participants is attached to this report as Appendix I.
2. Dr Bambang Setiadi, Chairman of the National Standardization Agency of Indonesia, welcomed the
participants. He pointed out that the global movement of foods in recent years had made it difficult for
governments to ensure food safety and emphasized that this Committee’s contribution to the work of Codex
was very important.
3. Dr Biplab Nandi, Senior Food and Nutrition Officer of Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, also
welcomed the participants on behalf of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
and the World Health Organization (WHO). He highlighted the importance of Codex in today’s world and of
consumer demand for legislative action by governments to ensure that food is safe, of acceptable quality and
that the risks of food-borne health hazards are minimized.
4. The Session was officially opened by Dr Zaenal Bachruddin, Director General of Processing and
Marketing for Agriculture Products, on behalf of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia.
He emphasized the role of Codex in facilitating fair practices in the international food trade, and the
protection of public health. He pointed out several important issues to be addressed by this session of the
Coordinating Committee and wished participants a successful meeting.


5. The Coordinating Committee adopted the provisional agenda as the agenda for this session, with the
understanding that the following three items, proposed by Indonesia, would be considered under Agenda
Item 11, if time allowed:
• information on the CCASIA website;
• proposal for new work on tempe and tempe products; and
• progress of the amendment to the Standard for Fermented Milks, pertaining to Drinks based on
Fermented Milk.


6. The Coordinating Committee noted matters referred by the 30th and 31st Sessions of the Commission
regarding: role of coordinators and members elected on a geographical basis; elaboration of new standards
and related texts, including the Guidelines on the Application of the Criteria for the Establishment of Work
Priorities Applicable to Commodities; and relevant decision concerning the work of the CCASIA, including
adoption of texts at Step 5 and approval of new work. It also noted the decision of the 31st Session of the
Commission concerning the Format for Codex Commodity Standards3 and that alignment with the new
format would be made when discussing the standards (Agenda Items 3 and 4).

CX/ASIA 08/16/1; CRD 8 (Proposal by Indonesia); CRD 13 (Proposal by Indonesia)
CX/ASIA 08/16/2 (including information of Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam to Part C of
CL 2008/15-ASIA); CX/ASIA 08/16/2-Add.1 (Information of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan,
Pakistan); CRD 1 (Information of China, Indonesia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic and Thailand); CRD 9
(Comments of Japan); CRD 16 (Information of Malaysia)
ALINORM 08/31/REP, para. 16 and Appendix III
2 ALINORM 09/32/15

7. The Coordinating Committee was informed of the recommendation of the 61st Session of the
Executive Committee regarding the length and content of session report4 and that several other matters
would be discussed under other Agenda Items.
8. Discussions held and decisions made were as follows:
Implementation of the Codex Strategic Plan 2008-2013
Activity 4.5: Promote interdisciplinary coordination at the national and regional level
9. The Coordinating Committee recalled that the Commission, at its 31st Session, had agreed that
coordinating committees review the current status of mechanisms for horizontal coordination and
communication among national delegates to various food-standards-related international organizations and
identify possible actions to be taken with a view to promoting interdisciplinary coordination and
communication at national and regional level and report to the 32nd Session of the Commission5.
10. The Coordinating Committee noted information provided by members in response to Part C (i) of
CL 2008/15-ASIA, which indicated that countries of the region had in place different mechanisms to ensure
interdisciplinary coordination: in some countries a single ministry or agency was in charge of coordination,
while in others interdisciplinary coordination was ensured through proper communication among relevant
ministries or agencies. It was also noted that in some countries national strategic action plans had been
established for this purpose and that various ministries and agencies participated in National Codex
Committees. With regard to coordination at regional level it observed that no mechanism was in place and
that this matter could be considered in conjunction with the draft Regional Strategic Plan for the CCASIA
(see Agenda Item 6).
Activity 5.5: Enhance participation of non-governmental organizations at international, regional and
national levels
11. The Coordinating Committee recalled that the Commission, at its 31st Session, agreed that
coordinating committees review the current status and identify any additional measures to be taken by
governments and other parties, to enhance participation of non-governmental organizations at international,
regional and national levels and report to the 32nd Session of the Commission6.
12. The Coordinating Committee noted information provided by Members in response to Part C (ii) of CL
2008/15-ASIA and that in a majority of countries National Codex Committees also included non-
governmental organizations and had in place mechanisms and tools to disseminate information and consult
with relevant stakeholders. It was further noted that, while there was significant participation of non-
governmental organizations at the national level in Codex activities, e.g. meetings of National Codex
Committees, training courses, etc., their participation at the regional and international levels was limited,
mainly due to financial constraints. The Coordinating Committee agreed that aspects of participation of non-
governmental organizations at the regional level could also be considered in conjunction with the draft
Regional Strategic Plan for the CCASIA (see Agenda Item 6).
Participation of developing countries in Codex meetings
13. The Coordinating Committee recalled that the Commission, at its 31st Session, had recommended that
coordinating committees consider the issue of participation of developing countries and report their views to
the 32nd Session of the Commission7.
14. The Coordinating Committee noted that countries of the region were already hosting four Codex
Committees and Task Forces: Codex Committees on Food Additives and Pesticide Residues (China); on Fats
and Oils (Malaysia); and the ad hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Antimicrobial Resistance (Republic of
Korea). It was also pointed out that recent and upcoming sessions of the Codex Committees on Nutrition and
Food for Special Dietary Uses, on Food Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems and on Food
Hygiene were held in developing countries, under co-hosting arrangements. The Coordinating Committee
further noted that the increasing number of Codex sessions and working groups’ meetings were becoming a
burden not only for developing but also for industrialised countries.

ALINORM 08/31/3A
ALINORM 07/31/REP, para. 141
ALINORM 07/31/REP, para. 146
ALINORM 07/31/REP, paras 152-162
ALINORM 09/32/15 3

15. The Coordinating Committee did not discuss this issue any further noting that the Codex Committee
on General Principles (CCGP) would consider this issue in detail at its 26th session (Paris, France, 30 March
- 3 April 2009).
Terms of reference of the FAO/WHO coordinating committees
16. The Coordinating Committee recalled that the 24th Session of the CCGP had agreed to invite all
coordinating committees to discuss matters on the Terms of Reference for coordinating committees, in
particular the inclusion of a sentence regarding promotion of adoption of regional positions on strategic
17. The Coordinating Committee was of the view that the Terms of Reference were sufficiently broad to
allow the development of regional positions and that the problem of developing regional positions could be
more effectively addressed by implementing specific activities than by amending the Terms of Reference.
Therefore, it agreed that the current Terms of Reference were adequate.
18. In order to facilitate the development of regional positions, the Coordinating Committee agreed to add
to its agenda, as a standing agenda item, the discussion of “Issues relevant to the region” and to request the
Coordinator for the region to prepare a paper on this subject for consideration at its next session. It also noted
that Objectives 3 of the draft Regional Strategic Plan for the CCASIA (see Agenda Item 6) included aspects
related to the discussion of issues of interest to the region and to holding informal meetings of members of
the region prior to Codex meetings.



19. The Coordinating Committee recalled that the 30th Session of the Commission had adopted the
Proposed Draft Standard for Gochujang at Step 5 as a draft regional standard for further elaboration by the
CCASIA with a view to its finalization as a regional standard10. It further recalled that: (i) the food additive
provisions of the draft standard had been reviewed by the 39th Session of the Codex Committee on Food
Additives (CCFA), which recommended some amendments and requested clarification on certain food
additives11; (ii) the labelling provisions of the draft standard had been endorsed by the 36th Session of the
Codex Committee on Food Labelling (CCFL)12; and (iii) the methods of analysis and sampling had been
endorsed / temporarily endorsed by the 28th Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and
Sampling (CCMAS)13.
20. In addition to editorial corrections, the Coordinating Committee considered and amended the draft
Regional Standard as follows.
Section 2.1 Product Definition
21. The Coordinating Committee agreed to amend subparagraph (a) to clarify that Aspergillus species that
are pathogenic or produce toxins should not be used for the preparation of this product. The Coordinating
Committee further agreed to add a new subparagraph (d) to indicate the processes applied to prevent spoilage
of this product.

ALINORM 07/30/33, paras 14-22
ALINORM 07/30/15, Appendix II; CL 2007/32-ASIA; CX/ASIA 08/16/2; CX/ASIA 08/16/3 (Comments of Japan);
CRD 2 (Comments of India and Japan); CRD 11 (Comments of the Republic of Korea)
ALINORM 07/30/REP, para. 84
ALINORM 08/30/12, paras 64-66
ALINORM 08/30/22, para. 47
ALINORM 08/30/23, paras 75-76
4 ALINORM 09/32/15

Section 3.2 Quality Factors

22. The Coordinating Committee noted the concerns of India, as contained in CRD 2, on the possible
harmful health effects arising from higher level of consumption of capsaicin and the recommendation to
consider establishing an upper limit for capsaicin, rather than a minimum level. While appreciating this
concern, some delegations were of the view that there was not enough scientific basis to establish an upper
limit. Several delegations also pointed out that it was not very likely that the consumption of this product led
to an excessive intake of capsaicin, since this product was mainly used as a condiment. It was further noted
that the level for capsaicin in this section was provided as an indicator of pungency, which is an important
organoleptic characteristic of this product, and that capsaicin was not added as an ingredient but contained in
its ingredient, chilli pepper, thus making it difficult to control its level in the product.
23. Based on these observations, the Coordinating Committee agreed not to establish an upper limit for
capsaicin. The Delegation of India maintained its concerns since it believed that there was enough scientific
information indicating the harmful health effects of capsaicin and expressed reservation to this decision.
Section 4 Food Additives
24. The Coordinating Committee considered replacing the food additive listing with a general reference to
the General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA) (CODEX STAN 192-1995), in accordance with the
revised Format for Codex Commodity Standards. However, in view of the difficulty to identify a relevant
food category for this product, it agreed to keep the listing of food additives in this section. The Coordinating
Committee noted that the CCFA was focusing its work on the completion of the GSFA and that the food
additive provisions in this standard would be integrated into the GSFA at a later stage.
25. The Coordinating Committee agreed to amend this section in accordance with the recommendations of
the 39th Session of the CCFA. With regard to the clarifications requested on certain food additives, the
Coordinating Committee noted that sodium sorbate (INS 201) was not listed with the other sorbates because
it was not easy to be dissolved in liquid and that there was no information on the use of this additive in the
product. It was agreed that sodium polyphosphate (INS 452i) and potassium polyphosphate (INS 452ii)
should be listed as acidity regulators with one single maximum use level for phosphates.
Section 5 Contaminants and Section 6 Hygiene
26. The Coordinating Committee agreed to align the texts in these sections with the standard language in
the relevant sections of the new Format for Codex Commodity Standards.
Section 7 Weights and Measures
27. The Coordinating Committee noted that the current text under Section 7.1 was related to net weight
and not to minimum fill and agreed to rename the section as “Minimum Weight” and to introduce
consequential changes in Section 7 accordingly.
Section 8 Methods of Analysis
Determination of capsaicin
28. The Coordinating Committee recalled that the 28th Session of the CCMAS had agreed to endorse the
AOAC method (AOAC 995.03) as Type II and to temporary endorse the methods proposed in Annexes A
and B as Type IV, since these methods were not fully validated. The Committee agreed to delete the method
in Annex B because it was similar to the AOAC method.
29. The Coordinating Committee noted that the Republic of Korea had undertaken further validation of
the method based on gas chromatography in Annex A and that its result had been published (CRD 11) as
requested by the 28th Session of the CCMAS. It was agreed that references to dihydrocapsaicin (DHC)
should be removed throughout in Annex A since DHC was not considered a quality factor in this standard.
Methods for determination for crude protein and moisture
30. The Coordinating Committee noted that the Delegation of the Republic of Korea had undertaken
further study to validate these methods at the request of the 28th Session of the CCMAS and that this
information was contained in CRD 11.
ALINORM 09/32/15 5

Status of the draft Regional Standard for Gochujang (N03-2004)

31. The Coordinating Committee agreed to forward the amended sections on food additives and methods
of analysis and sampling respectively to the CCFA and CCMAS for endorsement and to forward the Draft
Regional Standard to the Commission for adoption at Step 8 (see Appendix II).

32. The Coordinating Committee recalled that the 30th Session of the Commission had adopted the
Proposed Draft Standard for Ginseng Products at Step 5 as a draft Regional Standard for further elaboration
by the CCASIA with a view to its finalization as a regional standard15. It further recalled that: (i) the
labelling provisions had been endorsed by the 36th Session of the CCFL with some amendments16; and (ii) all
methods of analysis and sampling had been endorsed by the 29th Session of the CCMAS as Type IV17.
33. The Coordinating Committee considered the draft Regional Standard section by section and, in
addition to editorial corrections, made the following changes and comments:
Section 1 Scope
34. The Coordinating Committee recalled that the scope of the standard was limited only to ginseng
products used as a food and food ingredient. However, in noting the concern of one delegation that ginseng
products were often associated with “health claims” and were relatively new to some countries and in
recalling the relevant discussion and decision made by the 36th Session of the CCFL, the Coordinating
Committee agreed to add a footnote in the last sentence to indicate that any health claim related to ginseng
products should comply with the Guidelines for Use of Nutrition and Health Claim (CAC/GL 23-1997).
Section 2.1 Product Definition
35. The Coordinating Committee agreed to add a sentence to this section to provide additional provisions
for the packaging aimed at maintaining hygienic, nutritional, technological and organoleptic quality of
ginseng products.
Section 3.2 Quality Factors
36. The Coordinating Committee agreed to add a footnote to “ginsenoside pattern” to provide some
clarification and information on ginsenosides in general and on the presence of ginsenosides Rb1 and Rf in
the products covered by the standard.
Section 3.2.2 Ginseng Extracts
37. The Coordinating Committee agreed to separate the quality provisions for the powdered and liquid
forms of ginseng extracts into two separate sections (i.e. “Liquid form” and “Powdered
form”) and to list under:
• “Liquid form”: the provisions for (a) Solids; (b) Water insoluble solids; (c) Water saturated
1-butanol extracts; and (d) Ginsenoside Rb1; and
• “Powdered form”: the provisions for (a) Moisture;; (b) Water insoluble solids; (c) Water
saturated 1-butnol extracts; and (d) Ginsenoside Rb1.
38. The Coordinating Committee noted that the water activity (Aw) for dried ginseng of 0.14-0.16 did not
support the growth of microorganisms.
Section 4 Contaminants and Section 5 Hygiene
39. The Coordinating Committee agreed to align the sections on contaminants and hygiene with the
revised Format for Codex Commodity Standards.

ALINORM 07/30/15, Appendix III; CL 2007/32-ASIA; CX/ASIA 08/16/2; CX/ASIA 08/16/4 (Comments of
Japan); CRD 3 (Comments of India and Thailand)
ALINORM 07/30/REP, para. 84
ALINORM 08/30/22, paras 48-50
ALINORM 08/30/23, para. 57
6 ALINORM 09/32/15

Sections 6 Weights and Measures

40. The Coordinating Committee noted that the provisions in Section 6.1 “Minimum Fill” were related to
net weight and not to minimum fill and that the General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods
(CODEX STAN 1-1985) included provisions for the mandatory labelling of net content and drained weight
(Section 4.3). Therefore, the Coordinating Committee agreed to delete the entire Section 6 in order not to add
complexity and additional requirements to the standard.
Sections 7 Labelling
41. The Coordinating Committee agreed to maintain the entire section, as amended and endorsed by the
36th Session of the CCFL.

Status of the draft Regional Standard for Ginseng Products (N01-2004)

42. The Coordinating Committee agreed to forward the draft Regional Standard to the Commission for
adoption at Step 8 (see Appendix III).


43. The Coordinating Committee recalled that at its last session it had agreed to hold the proposed draft
Standard for Fermented Soybean Paste at Step 4, with the exception of Section 3.2 (Quality Factors) and to
establish an electronic working group, led by the Republic of Korea, to further consider the provisions under
Section 3.219.
44. The Coordinating Committee noted that the electronic working group had proposed minimum levels
for total nitrogen and amino nitrogen separately for fermented soybean paste manufactured with soybean
only and for fermented soybean paste manufactured with soybean and grains, based on the analysis of
products from several countries of the region, and supported this proposal. The Coordinating Committee
further agreed to add a footnote to “total nitrogen” to clarify the nitrogen conversion factor to be used for the
estimation of protein content.
45. The Coordinating Committee considered the rest of the proposed draft Standard section by section
and, in addition to editorial corrections, amended the text as follows.
Section 2.1 Product Definition
46. The Coordinating Committee agreed to add a new subparagraph (d) to indicate the processes applied
to prevent spoilage of this product.
Section 3.1.2 Optional Ingredients
47. The Coordinating Committee agreed to add other optional ingredients, namely, yeast and/or yeast
extracts, lactococcus and spices and herbs, etc. in order to accommodate various types of fermented soybean
paste produced in the region.
Section 4 Food Additives
48. The Coordinating Committee noted the proposal of the Delegation of Japan (CRD 4) to include
several food additives, as well as provisions for processing aids. After an informal consultation, the
Coordinating Committee agreed to the following:
i) Food additives should be listed under functional classes identified in Class Name and International
Numbering System for Food Additives (CAC/GL 36-1989);
ii) The introductory paragraph should not make a reference to Table 1 and Table 2 of the GSFA but only
to Table 3, because currently in the GSFA there was no provision for Food Category 12.9.1
(Fermented Soybean Pastes);

ALINORM 07/30/15, Appendix IV; CX/ASIA 08/16/5; CX/ASIA 08/16/5-Add.1 (Comments of Japan); CRD 4
(Comments of China, India, Japan and Thailand)
ALINORM 07/30/15, paras 96-97
ALINORM 09/32/15 7

iii) Only food additives not listed in Table 3 of the GSFA would be included in the food additive listing in
this section; and
iv) A new subsection on processing aids, listing the processing aids allowed for this product, would be
added at the end of the section.
Section 5 Contaminants and Section 6 Hygiene
49. The Coordinating Committee agreed to align the texts in these sections with the standard language of
the new Format for Codex Commodity Standards.
Section 7.1 Minimum Fill
50. The Coordinating Committee agreed to maintain the minimum fill requirement as proposed and, in
order to accommodate a variety of products in the region differing in terms of texture, manufacturing
processes and packaging types, to add at the end of paragraph the following sentence: “Taking into account
various characteristics of the products, minimum fill may not be applied to some types of products.”, in order
to clarify that this requirement did not apply to certain types of product, such as those without a distinct
liquid portion.

Status of the proposed draft Standard for Fermented Soybean Paste (N02-2004)
51. The Coordinating Committee agreed to forward the sections on food additives, labelling and methods
of analysis and sampling respectively to the CCFA, CCFL and CCMAS for endorsement and to forward the
proposed draft Standard to the Commission for adoption at Step 5/8 as a regional standard (see Appendix

4b) 20
52. The Coordinating Committee recalled that at its last session it had agreed to establish an electronic
working group, chaired by China and Thailand, with the mandate of redrafting the standard on the basis of an
agreed classification of non-fermented soybean products21.
53. The Coordinating Committee noted the concern of some delegations on the late circulation of the
working document and several comments indicating that there had been some communication problems
among the members of the electronic working group. In this regard it was noted that electronic working
groups should work in accordance with the Guidelines on Electronic Working Groups22 and that working
documents should be distributed at least two months before the opening of the session23.
54. In view of the complexity of the work due to the diversity of the products covered by the standard and
time constraints, the Coordinating Committee agreed to the proposal of the Chairperson to postpone the
discussion of this standard until its next session.

Status of the proposed draft Standard for Non-Fermented Soybean Products (N06-2005)
55. The Coordinating Committee agreed to return the proposed draft Standard for Non-Fermented
Soybean Products to Step 2 for redrafting by an electronic working group, led by China. It was agreed that
the electronic working group, open to all Members of the region and Observers and working in English only,
would revise the proposed draft Standard on the basis of the written comments submitted before and during
the present session, for circulation for comments at Step 3 and further consideration at the 17th Session of the

CX/ASIA 08/16/6; CX/08/16/6-Add.1 (Comments of India and Japan); CRD 5 (Comments of Malaysia); CRD 12
(Comments of China); CRD 19 (Comments of Thailand)
ALINORM 07/30/15, paras 104 and 106
Procedural Manual (Codex Alimentarius Commission)
Guidelines to Host Governments of Codex Committees and ad hoc Intergovernmental Task Forces (Preparation and
Distribution of Papers), Procedural Manual (Codex Alimentarius Commission)
8 ALINORM 09/32/15

56. The Coordinating Committee recalled that the 30th Session of the Commission had approved new work
on a Regional Standard for Chili Sauce and agreed to encourage the CCASIA to consider the comments
made at the session and seek comments and information from Members belonging to other regions25. It
further recalled that the 14th Session of the Codex Committee on Fresh Fruits and Vegetable (CCFFV) had
noted that there should be coordination between the work on fresh chilli (undertaken by the CCFFV) and
chili sauce (undertaken by CCASIA), in particular on the definition of products, in order to avoid any
confusion to the consumer26. The Coordinating Committee noted that the proposed draft Regional Standard
had been prepared by Thailand, as agreed at its previous session, and circulated for comments at Step 3.
57. The Delegation of Thailand briefly introduced the document and explained that the proposed draft
Regional Standard did not cover fermentation and fermented products and did not apply to products for
further processing. A pH of 4.2 (not to be exceeded) had been included in the product definition in order to
differentiate with low acid products; in addition the standard included provisions regarding styles, essential
composition and quality factors, and other requirements in compliance with the Format for Codex
Commodity Standards.
58. The Coordinating Committee congratulated Thailand for the work and had a general discussion on the
proposed draft Regional Standard.
General comments
Name of the product
59. Some delegations proposed to change the name of the standard to make clear the nature of the
products covered by this standard thus avoiding possible confusion, especially in those countries where
tomato-based sauce was referred to as “chili sauce”. In this regard, it was noted that while the scope of the
standard was limited to products having chilli pepper as an ingredient, it allowed for the use of several
optional ingredients such as fruits and vegetables, thus covering a wide variety of products. It was further
noted that the labelling provisions, which provided for the use of other names in accordance with the
composition and the law and custom of the country (section 8.1.1) and for the name of the product to be
accompanied by the term “flavoured with X” as appropriate (section 8.1.3), helped to clarify the nature of the
product and avoid possible confusion. The Coordinating Committee agreed to retain the name “chili sauce”
in the title of the standard.
60. It was proposed to include the scientific name of fresh chili (i.e. Capsicum annum or Capsicum
frustescens), which was used for the processing of chili sauce for the purpose of clarity.
Product definition
61. It was proposed: to either deleting or changing the value of pH or moving it under the quality criteria;
to include Total Soluble Solids (TTS), because it was an important parameter for determining the
consistency of the product, and acidity values. With regard to these comments it was noted that the
characteristics of certain chili sauces made difficult the TTS determination and that it was very difficult to
determine acidity values because of the presence of a mixture of different types of acids in these products.
62. It was suggested to add a style for “Chilli sauce with only crushed pulp”.
63. Several delegations proposed: to move garlic and sugar to section 3.1.2 “Other permitted ingredients”
because their use depended on consumer preference, which varied among different countries; and to allow
for the use of other acids than acetic acid to take account of the ingredients used in other countries.

CX/ASIA 08/16/7; CX/08/16/7-Add.1 (Comments of Japan); CRD 6 (Comments of China, India, Malaysia and
WPTC); CRD 14 (Comments of Indonesia); CRD 17 (Comments of Indonesia); CRD 18 (Comments of Vietnam)
ALINORM 07/30/REP, paras 103-105 and Appendix VII
ALINORM 08/31/35, para. 101
ALINORM 09/32/15 9

Quality criteria
64. A delegation suggested moving the labelling provision for the level of chili pungency (heat value) to
quality criteria. In this regard it was noted that it was very difficult to set a level because the appropriate
pungency of the product depended on customer preference.

Status of the proposed draft Regional Standard for Chili Sauce (N05-2007)
65. The Coordinating Committee agreed to return the proposed draft Regional Standard to Step 2 for
redrafting by an electronic working group, led by Thailand, with a view to finalizing the standard at its next
session. It was agreed that the electronic working group, open to all Members of the region and Observers
and working in English only, would revise the proposed draft Regional Standard on the basis of the written
comments submitted at the present session and the above discussion, for circulation for comments at Step 3
and further consideration at the 17th Session of the CCASIA.

66. The Coordinating Committee recalled that the 30th Session of the Commission had approved new work
on a Regional Standard for Edible Sago Flour28, which was subsequently drafted by Indonesia and circulated
for comments at Step 3.
67. The Delegation of Indonesia briefly introduced the document and explained that the draft had taken
into account the comments of several countries.
68. The Coordinating Committee congratulated Indonesia for the work and considered the proposed draft
Regional Standard section by section and, in addition to editorial corrections, made the following changes
and comments:
Section 1 Scope
69. The Coordinating Committee amended the first sentence to indicate that the products covered by the
standard were intended for direct human consumption for consistency with the language used in other Codex
standards for flours and to specifically differentiate from products that were intended for further processing,
which contained higher quantity of starch (higher than 85%). In noting that some counties of the region
produced a product called “sago flour”, obtained from cassava tubers (tapioca) and that this products were
covered by the Standard for Edible Cassava Flour (CODEX STAN 176-1989), the Coordinating Committee
agreed to add a sentence that would exclude this product (i.e. “sago flour” obtained from cassava tubers)
from the scope of the standard.
Section 3 Essential Composition and Quality Factors
70. The Coordinating Committee agreed to amend Section 3.1.2 to specify that edible sago flour should
also be free from other extraneous matters. In Section 3.2.3, the expression of acidity value was changed to
mg KOH and the value recalculated to express the equivalent acidity, for consistency with AOAC 939.05.
The level of starch content was revised to 65% m/m min, which better reflected average values of starch
content in this product. It was agreed that the value of crude fibre should be expressed as an upper limit as
there was no need to fix the amount of crude fibre in the product.
Section 4 Food Additives
71. The Coordinating Committee noted that the descriptor of Food Category 06.2.1 “Flours” of the GSFA
only included flours produced from the milling of grain, cereals and tubers (e.g. cassava) and that, therefore,
the use in this section of a general reference to the provisions of Tables 1 and 2 of the GSFA might not be
appropriate. In view of this, the Committee agreed: to add in the section the food additive listing
corresponding to food additives listed in the GSFA for Food Category 6.2.1; and to request CCFA to clarify
whether Food Category 06.2.1 was intended to include products like sago flour. It was understood that in
case of a positive reply from the CCFA, the listing of food additives would be replaced by the general
reference to the provision of Tables 1 and 2 of the GSFA.

CX/ASIA 08/16/8; CX/ASIA 08/16/8-Add.1 (Comments of Japan); CRD 7 (Comments of India)
ALINORM 07/30/REP, para. 107 and Appendix VII
10 ALINORM 09/32/15

Section 6 Hygiene
72. The Coordinating Committee agreed to delete Sections 6.3 and 6.4 because the provisions included
therein were already covered in Sections 6.1 (General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969) and
codes of hygienic practices and codes of practices) and 6.2 (Principles for the Establishment and Application
of Microbiological Criteria for Foods (CAC/GL 21-1997)) respectively.
Section 8 Packaging
73. The Coordinating Committee agreed to delete Sections 8.3 because it was already covered in
Section 8.2.
Section 9 Methods of Analysis and Sampling
74. The Coordinating Committee corrected the references to ISO methods for the determination of
moisture content and crude fibre in Sections 9.1 and 9.4; it further amended the expression of acidity for
consistency with its previous decision (see para. 70); and deleted Section 9.5 (Determination of particle size),
because it was not needed from a practical point of view, and Section 9.7 (Detection of other starches),
because it was not considered a practical detection method.
75. The Coordinating Committee noted that a section on sampling was not necessary where special
provisions were not included and that the provisions contained in the General Guidelines on Sampling
(CAC/GL 50-2004) would apply to any standard even if it was not mentioned in the standard.

Status of the proposed draft Regional Standard for Edible Sago Flour (N06-2007)
76. The Coordinating Committee agreed to forward the sections on food additives, food labelling and
methods of analysis and sampling respectively to the CCFA, CCFL and CCMAS for endorsement and the
proposed draft Regional Standard to the Commission for adoption at Step 5 (see Appendix V).


77. The Representative of FAO, on behalf of FAO and WHO, provided an overview of FAO/WHO
activities in the areas of capacity building and provision of scientific advice implemented since the last
session of the CCASIA.
78. The Representative informed the Coordinating Committee that FAO and WHO continued to be
involved in a number of projects and activities in Asia and the Pacific with the purpose of strengthening
countries’ capacity in the area of food safety. The assistance provided by FAO and WHO included
development of different tools in terms of manuals, guidelines and training material, as well as provision of
training courses and organisation of workshops, seminars and expert consultations. One of the latest training
activities provided was the Codex Training Course for Asia and the Pacific, held in Denpasar, Bali on 13-15
November 200830.
79. The Representative also provided the Coordinating Committee with an update of the International
Portal on Food Safety, Animal and Plant Health (IPFSAPH) and of the activities of the International Food
Safety Network (INFOSAN), the purpose of which was to improve food safety information exchange and
collaboration between different international and national authorities.

CX/ASIA 08/16/9-Part 1 and Part 2; CX/ASIA 08/16/9-Add.1 (Activities of the STDF Programme in the Region –
Update on Recent Developments in the SPS Committee and the Standards and Trade Development Facilities)
Organized by the FAO/WHO Codex Trust Fund, FAO, WHO and Codex Secretariat and with the assistance from
the Governments of Indonesia, Malaysia and New Zealand
ALINORM 09/32/15 11

80. The Representative briefly informed the Coordinating Committee of the recent and ongoing incidents
involving melamine. INFOSAN had closely collaborated with China to provide technical support and
expertise. Through INFOSAN, several documents, including toxicological guidance documents, lists of
products in which melamine had been detected and list of laboratories that offered melamine testing services,
had been disseminated to Member States to keep them up to date with the latest situation and to help national
authorities around the world manage the event. FAO had also assisted countries in the region in getting food
samples tested for the content of melamine and selected countries in the region (i.e. Bangladesh, Lao
People’s Democratic Republic and Viet Nam) in assessing the needs for capacity building in order for them
to analyse food products for melamine contamination. WHO was in urgent need of specific data related to
the outbreak, including detailed breakdown of all patients affected and treated. These data would form the
necessary background for a full international scientific assessment of the melamine event, as well as the
necessary public health action to prevent any future events. In this regard WHO and FAO were collaborating
on the holding of an expert meeting to review the toxicological aspects of melamine and cyanuric acid from
1-4 December 2008 in Ottawa (Canada).
81. The Coordinating Committee was also informed of projects and capacity building activities in Asia,
implemented and funded by the Standard and Trade Development Facility (STDF). These activities were
being implemented in close cooperation with FAO and WHO and were supporting other regional capacity
building programmes, such as the APEC Food Safety Cooperation Forum.


(Agenda Item 6) 31
82. The Coordinating Committee recalled that at its last session it had agreed to the elaboration of a
Strategic Plan for the CCASIA and to circulate a preliminary draft, prepared by Malaysia, for comments. It
had been further agreed that Malaysia would collate the comments and redraft the document for further
consideration at the present session32.
83. The Delegation of Malaysia briefly introduced the document and stated that comments received
indicated that a number of points needed to be addressed in order to finalize the Strategic Plan.
General comments
84. The Coordinating Committee congratulated Malaysia and expressed general support for the draft. It
was agreed that the goal of the Strategic Plan for the CCASIA should be consistent with the Terms of
Reference of coordinating committees and that the Strategic Plan should be in line with, and should not
duplicate the goals of the Codex Strategic Plan 2008-2013. It was further emphasized that the Strategic Plan
should support Codex; strengthen the effectiveness of the CCASIA and the region’s contribution to Codex;
and take into account the different situations of countries of the region.
85. The Coordinating Committee agreed that the timeframe for the Strategic Plan should be 2009-2014 in
view on the difficulty to start its implementation in the current year and considering the CCASIA’s schedule
of session (every two years) would allow the Coordinating Committee to also meet in 2014, before its
86. In view of the need to complete the Strategic Plan and not to further defer its implementation, the
Coordinating Committee agreed to consider the draft document in detail and, in addition to editorial
corrections, made the following changes and comments:
Title and Introduction
87. The Coordinating Committee agreed to revise the title to reflect the new timeframe decided above. In
the second paragraph, the last sentence was amended to bring more clarity to the text emphasizing the
importance of technical assistance to developing countries.

CL 2007/1-ASIA; CX/ASIA 08/16/10; CRD 15 (Comments of Indonesia)
ALINORM 07/30/15, para. 162
12 ALINORM 09/32/15

Objective 1
88. The Coordinating Committee agreed to maintain the objective as proposed in the draft in recognizing
that strengthening national food regulatory system was necessary to allow the implementation of the
activities of the strategic plan and that this objective was consistent with the Terms of Reference of
coordinating committees.
89. The Coordinating Committee acknowledged that resources were necessary to implement the Strategic
Plan’s activities and to strengthen national food regulatory systems, Codex Contact Points and National
Codex Committees, including participation in Codex work and that, in some cases, resources were already
available in the country. The language in Actions 1.1 and 1.3 was amended to emphasize the importance to
identify both resources required and source of funding and timeline of these actions was changed to “2009-
2010” because identification of needs had to be completed at an earlier stage.
90. The Coordinating Committee agreed to replace the timeline indicated as “on-going” with “2009-2014”
throughout the document to reflect its previous decision regarding the timeframe for the implementation of
the Strategic Plan for the CCASIA (see para. 85).
91. In Action 1.5, the term “attachment” was deleted for clarity purpose. The responsible party for
implementation of Action 1.6 was changed to “interested member countries” to recognize that not all
countries in the region had established a National Codex Committee.
Objective 2
92. The Coordinating Committee agreed to delete “develop” in Action 2.3 recognizing that the CCASIA
website had been already developed (see Agenda Item 11). Action 2.4 was deleted because the promotion of
networking with Codex Contact Points outside the region was not within the responsibilities of the
Objective 3
93. The Coordinating Committee amended Action 3.1 to delete “to the region” and acknowledged that
organizing informal meetings prior to Codex meetings was an important activity to develop common
positions, share information and consider comments that were made available only at meetings; and that
many informal meetings of CCASIA Members had already been organized. “Coordinator” was added as a
responsible party for Action 3.2 to recognize its role in promoting and coordinating discussion on Codex
issues of interest to the region. Action 3.4 was deleted because it duplicated actions already covered in
Objective 1.
Objective 4
94. The Coordinating Committee replaced “facilitating countries” with “Coordinator” as the responsible
party for Action 4.2. Responsible party for Action 4.7 was amended to “interested member countries” in
order to recognize the different situation of countries of the region. Action 4.8 was deleted as the selection of
experts in the Joint FAO/WHO expert bodies was a responsibility of FAO and WHO and “promotion of
participation of regional experts” could conflict with FAO/WHO procedure for the selection of experts33.
Objective 6
95. Action 6.1 was amended in order not to create confusion with Codex physical/electronic working
groups, established by Codex committees (see Guidelines for Physical/Electronic Working Group in
Procedural Manual): the “Coordinator on the recommendation of interested member countries” was indicated
as responsible for this action. The language of Action 6.2 was amended to align with Codex mandate to
protect the health of consumers and ensure fair practices in food trade; the responsible party was amended to
indicate “interested member countries”.
96. The Coordinating Committee agreed to adopt the Strategic Plan for the Coordinating Committee for
Asia (CCASIA) 2009-2014 (see Appendix VI) and to inform the 32nd Session of the Commission. It further
agreed to request the Coordinator to monitor the implementation of the Strategic Plan and to present a report
on the status of implementation at the 17th Session of the CCASIA.

See FAO/WHO Framework for the Provision of Scientific Advice on Food Safety and Nutrition
(http://www.fao.org/ag/agn/agns/files/Final_Draft_EnglishFramework.pdf )
ALINORM 09/32/15 13


STANDARD SETTING (Agenda Item 7)34
97. The Coordinating Committee noted and had a brief discussion on the information on national food
legislation, food control, Codex structure and consumer participation contained in written submissions in
response to Part A of CL 2008/15-ASIA or presented during the session.
98. While recognizing the value of information submitted, the Coordinating Committee noted that the
information varied in terms of scope (i.e. covering different aspects of food control system), details and
presentation and was difficult to analyse. The Coordinating Committee agreed to consider how this
information could be better utilized and noted that a similar discussion had taken place at the Tenth Session
of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for North America and Southwest Pacific (CCNASWP). The
CCNASWP had agreed to prepare a questionnaire, which would link more directly the information on the
status of national food legislation, food control, Codex structure, and consumer participation to the objectives
and activities of the Strategic Plan for the CCNASWP 2008-201335.
99. The Coordinating Committee considered that the CCNASWP undertaking was practical and agreed to
establish an electronic working group, led by Indonesia and working in English only, to develop a new
template that would facilitate the analysis of the information on food control systems and link it to the
activities of the Strategic Plan for the CCASIA. The Coordinating Committee noted that the electronic
working group would also start incorporating the information already submitted into the new template and
request Members of the region to submit additional information to fill gaps, if necessary.
Activity 5.4 of Codex Strategic Plan 2008-2013
100. With regard to Activity 5.4 of Codex Strategic Plan 2008-2013 “Strengthen Codex Contact Points and
National Codex Committees” the Coordinating Committee recalled the request of the 31st Session of the
Commission to review the operation and activities of Codex Contact Points and other National Codex
Committees and to discuss ways to strengthen their functions36.
101. On the basis of written submissions in response to Part A of CL 2008/15-ASIA, the Coordinating
Committee noted: that Codex Contact Points effectively helped managing the Codex work at the national
level and in some countries had already ensured the involvement of relevant stakeholders; in some countries
National Codex Committees had already been established and functional, while in other countries they were
either to be strengthened, under development or not existent. It was also noted that the Strategic Plan for the
CCASIA 2009-2014 contained Objective 1 “To develop and strengthen national food regulatory system and
Codex Contact Point and/or National Codex Committee” and that implementation of Actions agreed for this
Objective would help strengthening their functions (see paras 88-89).


(Agenda Item 8)37
102. The Coordinating Committee recalled that this Agenda Item had been added by the 57th Session of the
Executive Committee for consideration by the coordinating committees in order to obtain their views on how
Codex standards and related texts were used at national and regional level.
103. The Coordinating Committee noted the information that several countries of the region had provided
in response to Part B of CL 2008/15-ASIA, which addressed the following five points related to the use of
Codex standards at national and regional level:

CX/ASIA 08/16/11 (Information of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Pakistan,
Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam to Part A of CL 2008/15-ASIA); CRD 1 (Information of China, Indonesia, Lao
People’s Democratic Republic and Thailand); CRD 16 (Information of Malaysia); CRD 20 (Information of the
Republic of Korea)
ALINORM 09/32/32, paras 49-50
ALINORM 08/31/REP, para. 145
CX/ASIA 08/16/12 (Information of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Pakistan,
Philippines, Singapore and Viet Nam to Part B of CL 2008/15-ASIA); CRD 1 (Information of Indonesia, Lao
People’s Democratic Republic and Thailand); CRD 16 (Information of Malaysia)
14 ALINORM 09/32/15

(i) Use of Codex Standards and related texts at the national and regional level
104. The Coordinating Committee noted that Codex standards were mostly used in the region as a reference
in developing their national legislation.
(ii) Non-use of Codex standards and related texts at the national and regional level, with reasons where
105. With regard to this and the previous point, it was noted that countries had difficulties to answer
because “use” or “non-use” of Codex texts also depended on their nature (i.e. numerical or descriptive) and
type of texts (i.e. standards, codes of practice or guidelines). It was therefore suggested that the Commission
consider reformulating these questions to facilitate the replies by countries. It was also noted that the
WTO/SPS Committee had recently changed its rule concerning the notification of SPS measures and that
starting from the 1st December 2008, all WTO Members were requested to notify SPS measures also when
they conformed with international standards.
(iii) Difficulties encountered in the use or application of Codex standards and related texts at the
national and regional level
106. Information provided indicated that some countries of the region encountered difficulties in the use of
Codex standards due to either lack of awareness or lack of capabilities and human resources. Delegations
which intervened noted: that some Codex texts, e.g. methods of analysis, inspection systems and risk
assessment, were of difficult application at national level; that capabilities of developing countries be taken
into account when developing Codex texts; that small-scale industries in the region were encountering
problems in applying Codex texts.
(iv) Relevance of Codex standards and related texts as a basis for harmonization of legislation and
regulation, including the perspective of economic integration
107. Information provided indicated that Codex texts were relevant as a basis for harmonisation as well as
for the development of national legislation and regulations.
(v) Any other health and/or trade problems related to standardization at the national and regional
108. A country had reported in its written comment that lack adequate financial support and human
resources in food control agencies had resulted in a growing number of uncontrolled small and private
enterprises engaged in food activities, which posed serious risk to the health of consumers.


109. The Coordinating Committee recalled that this matter had been placed on the Provisional Agenda at
the request of the Coordinator (Indonesia), FAO and WHO. The Coordinating Committee noted that many
delegations had submitted substantive information on nutritional issues in the region in response to Part D of
CL 2008/15-ASIA, which had been compiled in working documents and CRDs examined at the current
110. The Coordinating Committee shared information and discussed nutritional issues in the region. The
discussion showed that in the region: there was an increasing incidence of non-communicable diseases
(NCDs), including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, due to changes
in life-style and dietary habits; micro-nutrients deficiencies (iron, iodine, vitamins A, D etc.) were still
present in many countries; there was an increasing incidence of obesity and over-weight in the population,
including children; in some countries of the region there were still problems of under-nutrition, especially in
children, although recent surveys had showed a decreased incidence of malnutrition.

CX/ASIA 08/16/13 (Information of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Pakistan,
Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam to Part D of CL 2008/15-ASIA); CRD 1 (Information of China, Indonesia, Lao
People’s Democratic Republic and Thailand); CRD 16 (Information of Malaysia)
ALINORM 09/32/15 15

111. The Coordinating Committee noted that to address these problems: many countries of the region had
developed nutritional strategies, plans of action and programmes; nutritional and health surveys were
conducted in many countries to monitor the nutritional and health status of the population; many countries
were developing and enforcing laws and regulations to respond to these problems, including mandatory
nutritional labelling and health and nutritional claims regulations for selected foods, regulations aimed at
controlling food advertisements during television programmes for children; food fortification and
supplementation were used in many countries to address micro-nutrient deficiencies; health and nutritional
education campaign and awareness programmes for general population and children (at school) had been
developed and implemented in many countries. It was also noted that more data would be useful to judge the
impact (benefits and challenges) of the use of nutritional labelling by consumers.


112. On the proposal of the Delegation of Malaysia, the Coordinating Committee unanimously agreed to
recommend to the 32nd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission that Indonesia be reappointed as the
Coordinator for Asia for a second term. The Delegation of Indonesia thanked all the countries for their
support and accepted the nomination.


113. The Coordinating Committee recalled that when adopting the Provisional Agenda it had agreed to
consider three items (see Agenda Item 1).
Establishment of the CCASIA website
114. The Delegation of Indonesia, referring to CRD 8, informed delegations of the development of the
CCASIA website (www.CCASIA.org), which aimed at promoting regional coordination, including
information exchange between Asian Member countries. The website offered several features and menus
including news, event calendar, informal discussion forum and newsletter.
Proposal for new work on tempe and tempe products
115. The Delegation of Indonesia introduced the proposal for new work on the development of a standard
for tempe and tempe products, as contained in CRD 8.
116. One delegation, while not objecting to considering the proposal, recalled the concern expressed at the
15th Session of the CCASIA regarding the late availability of project documents and expressed the view that
no decision should be made at the current session because the proposal was made available only at the
meeting thus making it difficult to consult with relevant national stakeholders. It was also noted that project
documents for new work should be prepared according to the format set out in the current revision of the
Procedural Manual and provide sufficiently detailed relevant information, with particular regard to the
evidence-based assessment against each of all the Criteria for the Establishment of Work Priorities41 and
taking into account the Guidelines on the Application of the Criteria for the Establishment of Work Priorities
applicable to Commodities42.
117. The Coordinating Committee agreed to request Indonesia to prepare a comprehensive discussion paper
to justify the need for new work and including a detailed project document, as per the above comments, for
consideration at its next session.
Progress of the Amendment to the Standard for Fermented Milks pertaining to Drinks Based on
Fermented Milk
118. The Delegation of Indonesia, referring to CRD 13, informed delegations of the status of progress of
the draft Amendment to the Standard for Fermented Milks pertaining to Drinks Based on Fermented Milk
that had been advanced to Step 5 by the 31st Session of the Commission43 and invited delegation to submit
written comments to CL 2008/23-MMP (deadline: 30 September 2009).

CX/ASIA 08/16/14 Rev.
CRD 8 (Information and Proposals of Indonesia); CRD 13 (Information of Indonesia)
ALINORM 07/30/REP, para. 96
ALINORM 08/31/3, Appendix II
ALINORM 08/31/REP, para. 68 and Appendix VIII
16 ALINORM 09/32/15


119. The Coordinating Committee was informed that its 17th Session would be held in approximately two
years’ time and that more detailed arrangements would be communicated to Members following the
appointment of the Coordinator by the 32nd Session of the Commission.
ALINORM 09/32/15 17



(ALINORM 09/32/15)
Draft Regional Standard for Gochujang 8 Governments para. 31 and Appendix II
(N03-2004) 30th CCMAS, 41st CCFA
32nd CAC
Draft Regional Standard for Ginseng 8 Governments para. 42 and Appendix III
Products (N01-2004) 32nd CAC
Proposed draft Regional Standard for 5/8 Governments para. 51 and Appendix IV
Fermented Soybean Paste (N02-2004) 30th CCMAS, 41st CCFA,
37th CCFL
32nd CAC
Proposed draft Regional Standard for 5 Governments para. 76 and Appendix V
Edible Sago Flour (N06-2007) 30th CCMAS, 41st CCFA,
37th CCFL
32nd CAC
Proposed draft Standard for Non- 2/3 Electronic working group para. 55
fermented Soybean Products 17th CCASIA
Proposed draft Regional Standard for 2/3 Electronic working group para. 65
Chili Sauce (N05-2007) 17th CCASIA
Status of Implementation of the - Coordinator para. 96
Strategic Plan for the Coordinating 17th CCASIA
Committee for Asia 2009-2014
Discussion paper on tempe and tempe - Indonesia para. 117
18 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix I

Appendix I
Chairperson: Mr Kukuh S. Achmad
President: Director, Laboratory and Inspection Body Accreditation
Presidente: National Standardization Agency of Indonesia
Manggala Wanabakti IV Lt. 4
Jakarta, 10270
Tel: +62 21 574 7043
Fax: +62 21 579 02948
e-mail: kukuh@bsn.or.id
Vice-Chairperson: Dr. Purwiyatno Hariyadi
Vice-Président: Director, Southeast Asia Food and
Vicepresidente: Agricultural Science and Technology Centre (SEAFAST)
Bogor Agricultural University
Tel: +62 251 8629903
Fax: +62 251 8629903
e-mail: hariyadi@seafast.org
AFGHANISTAN / AFGANISTÁN Pengiran Hajah Rosidah Binti Pengiran Haji Metussin
Acting Senior Special Duties Officer
Mr Saduddin Safi Department of Agriculture
Director General Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources
Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, General Headquarters, Old Airport Road,
Director of Food Security and Quality Control Bandar Seri Begawan BB 3510
Jamal mina Kabul University road Brunei Darussalam
Afghanistan Tel: +673 2388003; 2388000
Tel : +93 799 240 012 Fax: +673 2381639; 2388226
E-mail : saduddinsafi@yahoo.com or Email: rosidah_metussin@agriculture.gov.bn
Mr Hamid Furmuly
Drug and Food Quality Control Department Director Mr Chuon Khlauk
Ministry of Public Health Deputy Director General
Wazir Mohamad Akbar khan meena CAMCONTROL- Directorate General, Ministy of
Great Masoud Square Commerce
Kabul-Afghanistan # 50, Str. Hassakan (144), Sankat Phsar Kandal 1, Khan
Tel : +93 799 332 956 Daun Penh, Cambodia
E-mail : furmuly_h_s@yahoo.com Tel: +855-12908080
Fax: +855-23-426166
BHUTAN / BHOUTAN / BHUTÁN E-mail: camcontrol@comnet.com.kh
Mr Jambay Dorji Mr Theng Dim
Food Safety / Planning Officer Lab Director
Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority CAMCONTROL, Directorate General, Ministry of
(BAFRA) Commerce
BAFRA, MoA, Thimphu, PO Box # 1071 Bhutan # 50, Str. Hassakan (144), Sankat Phsar Kandal 1, Khan
Tel : 00975-2-327031 Daun Penh, Cambodia
Fax : 00975-2-327032 Tel: +855-12526660
E-mail : jamsdor77@moa.gov.bt Fax: +855 23426166
Mr Nim Dorji E-mail: dimtheng@gmail.com
Food Inspector
Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority
BAFRA, MoA, Thimphu Bhutan Prof. Weixing Yan
Tel : 00975-77220840/17659340 Researcher
Fax : 00975-2-327032 National Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, China CDC
E-mail : nim_dorji@yahoo.com No.7 Panjiayuan Nanli Chaoyang District, Bejing, China,
100021 China
Tel : 86-10-67776706
Fax : 86-10-67711813
E-mail : yanwx1128@hotmail.com
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix I 19


National Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, China CDC CORÉE / REPÚBLICA POPULAR DEMOCRÁTICA
No.7 Panjiayuan Nanli Chaoyang District, Bejing, China, DE COREA
100021 China
Tel : 86-10-87720035 Prof Dr. Kim Myong Guk
Fax : 86-10-67711813 Vice President
E-mail : afantiii@gmail.com Academy of Health & Food Science
Ryongbuk-dong, Taesong District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Mr Xiangbo Li Tel : 850-2-18111 8011
Engineer Fax : 850-2-3814605
China General Chamber of Commerce E-mail : ksctc@co.chesin.com
25# yuetanbei street Xicheng district, Beijing China
Tel : 8610-68391812 Dr Kim Song Guk
Fax : 8610-68391852 Senior Officer
E-mail : LXB337@163.com Academy of Health & Food Science
Ryongbuk-dong, Taesong District, Pyongyang, DPR Korea
Prof Dr Jieping Shi Tel : 850-2-18111 8011
Director of Division of Surveillance and Evaluation Fax : 850-2-3814605
Department of Food Safety Supervision E-mail : ksctc@co.chesin.com
State Food and Drug Administration, P.R.China
A38, Beilishi Road, Beijing 100810, P.R. China INDIA / INDE / INDIA
Tel : 0086-10-88330509 Mr Amit Mohan Prasad
Fax : 0086-10-88370947 Director
E-mail : shijp@sda.gov.cn, foodsafety@yahoo.cn Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
Room No. 201 ‘D’ Wing, Ministry of Health and Family
Ms Yan Wang
Engineer Welfare, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi-110108 India
Development Center of Science and Technology, Ministry of Tel : +91-11-23062288
Agriculture Fax : +91-11-23062288
18 Maizidian street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100125 E-mail : am.prasad@nic.in
Tel : 8610-59195082
Fax : 8610-59194550 Ms Nus Nuzulia Ishak
E-mail : wang_yan@agri.gov.cn Director of Supervision and Quality Control,
Ministry of Trade
Mr Xudong Zhang Jl. Raya Bogor km. 26 Ciracas, East Jakarta Indonesia, 13720
Deputy Director of Division Tel : +62-21-8710321
Ministry of Health Fax : +62-21-8710478
No.1 Nanlu Xizhimenwai, Beijing China Email : nus_depdag@cbn.net.id
Tel : 86-10- 68792594
Fax : 86-10- 68792408 Dr Nyoman Oka Tridjaja
E-mail : zhangxd@moh.gov.cn Director of Standardization and Quality Assurance,
Ministry of Agriculture
Mr Zhenshan Zhang D Building 3rd Floor Jl. Harsono RM No. 3
High-Level Engineer Ragunan – Jakarta 12550
Beijing Soybean Products & Food Industry Co. Tel : +62-21-7815881
19# Zaolin qian Street, Xuanwu district, Beijing China Fax : +62-21- 7811468
Tel : 8610-83543202 E-mail : ntridjaja@yahoo.com
Fax : 8610-63521149
E-mail : shan0901@163.com Mrs Tetty Helfery Sihombing
Director of Food Product Standardization
Dr WangYao National Agency for Drug and Food Control
Deputy Secretary General Jl. Percetakan Negara No.23 Jakarta Pusat 10560 Indonesia
China General Chamber of Commerce Tel : +62 21 42875584
25# yuetanbei street Xicheng distric, Beijing Fax : +62 21 42875780
Tel : 8610-68392480 E-mail : tettyhelfery@yahoo.com
Fax : 8610-68392489
E-mail : yaowang@mx.cei.gov.cn Mrs Yelita Basri
Director of Food Industry
Ms Zang Lijun Ministry of Industry
Deputy Director of Department Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan, 17th Floor DKI
China General Chamber of Commerce Jakarta Indonesia
25# yuetanbei street Xicheng distric, Beijing Tel/Fax : 62-21-5252709
Tel : 8610-68391814 E-mail : dir_makanan@yahoo.co.id, dirmak@depperin.go.id
Fax : 8610-68391814
E-mail : yaowang@mx.cei.gov.cn
20 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix I

Mr Suharto Dr Antarjo Dikin

Director, Centre of Information and Biosafety Head of Cooperation and Public Relation
Indonesian Agricultural Quarantine Agency, Ministry of Indonesian Agricultural Quarantine Agency, Ministry o
Agriculture Agriculture
E Building 5th Floor Jl. Harsono Rm No. 3 Ragunan – E Building 5th Floor Jl. Harsono Rm No. 3 Ragunan –
Jakarta 12550 Jakarta 12550
Tel/Fax : +62-21-7821367 Tel : +62-21-7816480 ext.1704
E-mail : tsuhartoshma@yahoo.com Fax : +62-21-7804337
E-mail : antarjo_dikin@yahoo.com
Mr E.D. Syarief Syamsuri
Head, Bureau of International Cooperation Ms Sofia Rahayu
National Agency for Drug and Food Control Head of Veterinary Public Health Laboratorium
Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 23 Jakarta 15160 Indonesia Province Government of DKI Jakarta
Tel : +62-21-428-75379 Jl. Raya Bambu Apus Cipayung – Jakarta Timur Indonesia
Fax : +62-21-428-75379 Tel : +62-21-8455748
E-mail : kerjasamaln_bpom@yahoo.co.id Fax : +62-21-8455753
E-mail : labkesmavetdki@yahoo.co.id
Mr Edinur, MM
Head of Sub Directorate for Processed Food Standardization Ms Sylvia N. Utama
National Agency for Drug and Food Control Head, Division of Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation
Jl. Percetakan Negara No.23 Jakarta 10560 Indonesia National Agency for Drug and Food Control
Tel : +62-21-42875584 Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 23 Jakarta 15160 Indonesia
Fax : +62-21-42875780 Tel : +62-21-428-75379
E-mail : subdit_spo@yahoo.com Fax : +62-21-428-75379
E-mail : kerjasamaln_bpom@yahoo.co.id
Mr Gasilan
Head of Subdirectorate for Raw Material and Food Additives Ms Dedeh Endawati
Standardization Head, Division of International Organization Cooperation
National Agency for Drug and Food Control National Agency for Drug and Food Control
Jl. Percetakan Negara No.23 Jakarta 10560 Indonesia Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 23 Jakarta 15160 Indonesia
Tel : +62-21-42875584 Tel : +62-21-428-75379
Fax : +62-21-42875780 Fax : +62-21-428-75379
E-mail : subdit.bb_btp@yahoo.com E-mail : kerjasamaln_bpom@yahoo.co.id
Ms Erniningsih Haryadi Ms Yuli Hijrah Saputri
National Standardization Agency of Indonesia Head, Sub Division of Food Safety Cooperation
Manggala Wanabhakti Building Block IV 4th Floor Jl. Jend. National Agency for Drug and Food Control
Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta 10270, Indonesia Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 23 Jakarta 15160 Indonesia
Tel : +62-21-5747043 Tel : +62-21-428-75379
Fax : +62-21-5747045 Fax : +62-21-428-75379
E-mail : ning@bsn.or.id E-mail : kerjasamaln_bpom@yahoo.co.id
Ms Sjamsinar Ms M.R. Arwindia R.A
Expert, Indonesian Codex Contact Point Staff, Bureau of International Cooperation
National Standardization Agency of Indonesia National Agency for Drug and Food Control
Manggala Wanabhakti Building Block IV 4th Floor Jl. Jend. Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 23 Jakarta 15160 Indonesia
Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta 10270, Indonesia Tel : +62-21-428-75379
Tel : +62-21-5747043 Fax : +62-21-428-75379
Fax : +62-21-5747045 E-mail : kerjasamaln_bpom@yahoo.co.id
Mr Arius Sunarso Mrs Martha Santi Siburian
Deputy of Director for Standardization and Technology, Head of Sub Directory of Quality Standardisation
Ministry of Industry Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Jl. Gatot Subroto kav 52-53 Jakarta Indonesia Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16, Jakarta Indonesia
Tel : +62-21-5252236 Tel : +62-21-3500149
Fax : +62-21-5252236 Fax : +62-21-3500149
E-mail : pt_perikanan@dkp.gp.id
Mrs Sri Sulasmi
Head of Cooperation and Harmonization Sub Directorate, Mrs Theresia Istihastuti Pratiwiningsih
Ministry of Agriculture Head of Section of Quality Standard Analysis
D Building 3rd Floor Jl. Harsono Rm No. 3 Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Ragunan – Jakarta 12550 Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16, Jakarta Indonesia
Tel : +62-21-7815881 Tel : +62-21- 3500149
Fax : +62-21-7811468 Fax : +62-21- 3500149
E-mail : ciamikid@yahoo.com E-mail : imam_thurmudzy@dkp.gp.id
Mr M. Maman Rohaman Mr Davi Warsyah
Center for Agro-Based Industry (CABI) Ministry o Industry Head of Section of Standard Application
Jl. Ir. H Juanda No. 11 Bogor 16122 Indonesia Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Tel : +62-251-8324068 Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16, Jakarta Indonesia
Fax : +62-251-8323339 Tel : +62-21- 3500149
E-mail : cabi@bbia.go.id mamanrohaman@yahoo.com Fax : +62-21- 3500149
E-mail : dwarsyah@yahoo.com
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix I 21

Prof Rosmawati Paranginangin Ms Noviana Kus Yuniati

Researcher at Marine Affairs and Fisheries Agency Staff of Quality Control Export Commodity Division,
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Directorate of Supervision And Quality Control, Ministry of
Indonesia Trade
Tel : +62-21- 53850157 Raya Bogor Street Km. 26, Ciracas, East Jakarta. Indonesia
Fax : +62-21- 53650158 Tel : +62-21-8710323
E-mail : prpse@cbn.net.id Fax : +62-21-8710478
E-mail : juniati_ana@yahoo.com
Dr Josephine Wiryanti
Expert at Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Mrs Dewi Sakti Murniati
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Directorate of Food Safety Evaluation
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16, Jakarta Indonesia National Agency for Drug and Food Control
Tel : +62-21- 4243738 Jl. Percetakan Negara No.23 Jakarta 10560 Indonesia
E-mail : josiew@cbn.net.id Tel : +62 21 42800221
Fax : +62 21 4245267
Ms Yeni Restiani
Head of Section Functional Food Mrs Etty Tresna
Directorate General of Small and Medium Scale Industry,,
National Agency for Drug and Food Control Ministry of Industry
Jl. Percetakan Negara No. 23 Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan, 14th Floor DKI
Jakarta 10560, Indonesia Jakarta Indonesia
Tel: +62 21 42875584 Tel : +62-21-5253526
Fax: +62 21 42875780 Fax : +62-21-5253526
Email: restiani75@yahoo.comFi E-mail : s_yunianti@yahoo.com
Mr Reza Wiranataamdja Mr Bakri Rosidi
Directorate of Trade, Industry, Investment and IPR's Ministry Center for Agro-Based Industry (CABI) Ministry of Industry
of Foreign Affairs Jl. Ir. H Juanda No 11 Bogor 16122 Indonesia
Jl. Taman Pejambon No. 6 Jakarta Indonesia Tel : +62-251-8324068
Tel : +62-21-3812133 Fax : +62-251-8323339
Fax : +62-21-3859593 E-mail : cabi@bbia.go.id
Mrs Ni Ketut Suningsih Ms Dyah Setyowati
Head of Provincial Laboratory for Fish and Fishery Product Staff for Food Product Standardization
Quality – Bali National Agency for Drug and Food Control
Jl. Pattimura No. 77 Denpasar – Bali Indonesia Jl. Percetakan Negara No.23 Jakarta 10560 Indonesia
Tel : +62-361- – 233219, Tel : +62-21-42875584
Fax : +62-361- 223562 Fax : +62-21-42875780
E-mail : diskanbali@wasantara.net.id E-mail : deeyas_fa@yahoo.com
Mr Agus Sutopo Mrs Sri Hadisetyanan
Sub-Directorate Standardization & Technology Ministry of Chief of Section Directorate General of Agricultural Based
Industry and Chemicals Industry
Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan, 17th Floor DKI Ministry of Industry
Jakarta Indonesia Jl. Gatot Subroto kav 52-53 Jakarta Indonesia
Tel : +62-21-5252709 Tel : 62-21 5252236
Fax : +62-21-5252709 Fax : 62-21 5252236
E-mail : agussutopo@ymail.com E-mail : sri_hadisetyana@yahoo.com
Mrs Emmy Yuliantien Mr Sulistio Sukamto
Chief of Section Directorate General of Agricultural Based Technical Staff, Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry
and Chemicals Industry of Agriculture
Ministry of Industry Jl. Aup, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan Indonesia
Jl. Gatot Subroto kav 52-53 Jakarta Indonesia Tel : 62-21-7819117
Tel : +62-21-5252236 Fax : 62-21- 78845628
Fax : +62-21-5252236
E-mail : emmyyuli@yahoo.com Mrs Loise Riani Sirait
National Quality Control for Drug and Food Control
Mrs Lasrida Yuniaty National Agency for Drug and Food Control
Head of Section for Codex Jl. Percetakan Negara No.23 Jakarta 10560 Indonesia
National Agency for Drug and Food Control Tel : +62-21-4245075
Jl. Percetakan Negara No.23 Jakarta 10560 Indonesia Fax : +62-21-4245150
Tel : +62-21-42875584 Email: siraitloise@yahoo.com
Fax : +62-21-42875780
E-mail : lasridalyb@yahoo.com Mrs Dian Putranti
Food Product Inspection and Certification
National Agency for Drug and Food Control
Jl. Percetakan Negara No.23 Jakarta Pusat 10560 Indonesia
Tel : +62 21 4241781
Fax : +62 21 4253857
22 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix I

Mrs Netty Rustam Mrs Meithy Raintjung

Head of Section Food Additives GAPMMI Member
National Agency for Drug and Food Control Kantor Pusat Dept Pertanian Gedung F Lt.2 No.224A
Jl. Percetakan Negara No.23 Jakarta Pusat 10560 Indonesia Jl.Harsono RM No.3 Ragunan Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan
Tel : +62 21 4241781 12550 Indonesia
Fax : +62 21 4253857 Tel : +62-21-70322626/27
E-mail : meithy.devijanti@indofood.co.id
Prof FG. Winarno
Director, Mbrio Biotekindo JAPAN / JAPON / JAPÓN
JI. Pajajaran Indah V, No. 1-C
Baranangsiang-Bogor 16143 Mr Ryosuke Ogawa
Indonesia Director
Tel: +62 251 377973 International Affairs Division, Food Safety and Consumer
Fax: +62 251 377973 Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and
Email: fgw@mbrio-food.com Fisheries
1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8950 Japan
Dr Kartika Adiwilaga Tel : +81 3 3502 8732
Regulatory Scientific Affairs Leader South East Asia Fax : +81 3 3507 4232
Cargill Health and Nutrition E-mail : ryousuke_ogawa@nm.maff.go.jp
Jalan Destarata Raya No 7, Bogor Indonesia
Tel : +62-816-1892-602 Dr Fukushima Kazuko
E-mail : Kartika_Adiwilaga@cargill.com Deputy Director
Office of International Food Safety, Dept. of Food Safety,
Mrs Ratih Puspitasari Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
Regulatory Affairs Manager 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
PT Nestle Indonesia 100-8916 Japan
Wisma Nestle 5th floor, Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia, Jl TB Tel : +81-3-3595-2326
Simatupang Kav 88 Jakarta 12520 Indonesia Fax : +81-3-3503-7965
Tel : +62-21-78836000 ext 2291 E-mail : fukushima-kazuko@mhlw.go.jp
Fax : +62-21-78836001
E-mail : ratih.puspitasari@id.nestle.com Mr Jun Koide
Associate Director
Prof Dr Ir Mary Astuti MS International Affairs Division, Food Safety and Consumer
Anggota Bidang Keahlian PIPIMM Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and
Departemen Perindustrian Fisheries
Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto 52-53 , Jakarta Indonesia 1-2-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8950 Japan
Tel : +62-274-558280; +62811266361 Tel : +81 3 3502 8732
Fax : +62-274-558280 Fax : +81 3 3507 4232
E-mail : ana_food@yahoo.com
Ms Yuko Watanabe
Ms Ning Rahayu Associate Director
Ketua Bidang Edukasi PIPIMM (Pusat Informasi Produk Food Industry Promotion Division, Ministry of Agriculture,
Industri Makanan & Minuman) Forestry and Fisheries
Dep. Perindustrian – Lt.3 Jl. Jend.Gatot Subroto Kav.52-53 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8950 Japan
Jakarta 12950 Indonesia Tel : +81-3-3502-5744
Tel : 021-525 5509 ext. 2261; 529 20970 Fax : +81-3-3502-0614
Fax : 021-529 20970 E-mail : yuko_watanabe@nm.maff.go.jp
E-mail : ning-rahayu@cbn.net.id
Mr Fumiaki Sano
Mr Cahyo Konstitusianto Office of Marketing and Processing for Fruit and Vegetables,
GAPMMI Member Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Kantor Pusat Dept Pertanian Gedung F Lt.2 No.224A 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8950 Japan
Jl.Harsono RM No.3 Ragunan Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan Tel : + 81-3-3502-5958
12550 Indonesia Fax : +81-3-3502-0899
Tel : 021- 70322626/27 E-mail : fumiaki_sano@nm.maff.go.jp
Ms Marlina Darmadi Ms Ayako Yoshio
GAPMMI Member International Affairs Division, Food Safety and Consumer
Kantor Pusat Dept Pertanian Gedung F Lt.2 No.224A Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and
Jl.Harsono RM No.3 Ragunan Pasar Minggu Jakarta Selatan Fisheries
12550 Indonesia 1-2-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, Japan, 100-8950
Tel : +62-21-70322626/27 Japan
Tel : +81-3-3502-8732
Ms Patricia Ruthyanti Tobing Fax : +81-3-3507-4232
PT. Indofood Sukse Makmur E-mail : ayako_yoshio@nm.maff.go.jp
Jl. Ancol I No. 4-5 Jakarta Utara 14430
Tel : +62-21-6909432 ext 338 Mr Yoshihide Obata
Fax: +62-21-6904518 Managing Director
Japan Federation of Miso Manufacturers Cooperatives
26-19, Shinkawa 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0033 Japan
Tel : +81-3-3551-7163
Fax : +81-3-3551-7168
E-mail : 4410-obata@miso.or.jp
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix I 23


REPÚBLICA DEMOCRÁTICA POPULAR LAO Ministry of Economic Development/ Maldives Standards and
Metrology Unit
Mrs Khamphoui Louanglath 2nd Floor, H.Maizaan, Sosun Magu
Director Malé 20067, Republic Of Maldives
Department of Agriculture Tel : (960) 3324643
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Fax : (960) 332 2566
Patouxay Square, Lanexang Street, Vientiane 01000 E-mail : solih.hussain@trade.gov.mv
Lao PDR P.O. Box 811
Tel : 856 21 263490 Ms Shibana Abdulla Didi
Fax : 856 21 412349 Technologist-Food Safety
E-mail : phoui2@hotmail.com Maldives Food and Drug Authority
Sosun Magu, Male, Maldives
Mrs Viengxay Vansilalom Tel : +960 7915540
Codex Contact Point Fax : +9603312281
Food and Drug Department, Ministry of Health E-mail : shibana.ab@mfda.gov.mv
Simeuang Road,Vientiane 01000
Tel : 00856-21-214013-4
Fax : 00856-21-214015 Mrs Enkhtungalag Batsaikhan
E-mail: codexcontactpoint_Lao@yahoo.com Head, Nutrition & Food Safety Unit
vsysanhouth@yahoo.com Secretariat, National Codex Team
Nutrition Research Centre, Public Health Institute of the
Public Health Institute Peace Avenue -17, Bayanzurkh
Ms Shamsinar Abdul Talib District, Ulaanbaatar -211049, Mongolia
Deputy Director (Codex) Tel : 976 -11- 455600
Food Safety and Quality Division Ministry Of Health Fax : 976 -11- 458645
Malaysia E-mail : dulaanuul@hotmail.com,
Level 3, Block E7, Parcel E Federal Government enkhee9965@yahoo.com
Administrative Centre 62590 Putrajaya Malaysia
Tel : +603-8883 3508 Mr Tsegmed Bayambaa
Fax : +603-8889 3815 Officer in charge
E-mail : shamsinar@moh.gov.my Strategic Policy, Planning Department
Ministry of Food Agriculture and Light Industry
Dr Abdul Manan Dos Mohamed Government Bldg # 9, Enkhtaivan avenue 16A Ulaanbaatar-
Head, Downstream Division 210349, Mongolia
Craun Research Sdn. Bhd. Tel : 976 -51- 262591
Lot 3147, Block 14, Jalan Sultan Tengah Fax : 976 -11- 452454
93055 Kuching, Sarawak Malaysia E-mail : tsegmee02@yahoo.com
Tel : 082-446 489
Fax : 082-447 385 MYANMAR
E-mail : manandos@craunresearch.com.my
Dr Shwe Sin Hlaing
Dr Moktir Singh Gardir Singh Food and Drug Administration
Senior Veterinary Officer Department of Health
Diagnostic and Quality Assurance Department of Veterinary Tel : 95 1 245331
Services Fax : 95 1 250282
Level 2, Block Podium 1A, Lot 4G1 Precinct 4 E-mail : dirfda@myanmarcom.mm
62630 Putrajaya Malaysia
Fax : +603-8888 5755 Mrs Almueda C. David
E-mail : moktir@jph.gov.my Food Drug Regulation Officer IV
Bureau of Food and Drugs, Department of Health
Civic Drive, Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa
Mr Adam Manik City 1781 Philippines
Director Tel : +632 842 46 25;+632 809 43 90
Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture Fax : +632 842 46 25 ; +632 807 07 51
Ghazee Building, Ameer Ahmed Magu, E-mail : acdavid24@yahoo.com
Malé, Republic of Maldives
Tel : (960) 332 2625 Ms Elias E. Escueta
Fax : (960) 332 6558 Director Philippine Chamber of Food Manufacturers
E-mail : adam.manik@fishagri.gov.mv 10F Kingscourt Bldg., Pasong Tamo Street
Makati City
Tel : +632 8498272
Fax : +632 8498289
E-mail : eescueta@apac.ko.com
24 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix I


Mr Sin-I Chu
Dr. Sang-bae Han Head, Food Legislation & Factory Control Branch
Deputy Director Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore
Food & Risk Standardization Division/Korea Food & Drug 5, Maxwell Road, Tower Block, MND Complex, #18-00,
Administration Singapore 069110
#194, Tongilro, Eunpyeung-gu, Seoul 122-704, Republic of Tel : (65) 6325 8582
Korea Fax : (65) 6324 4563
Tel : 82-2-380-1699 E-mail : chu_sin-i@ava.gov.sg
Fax : 82-2-383-2870
E-mail : difco64@kfda.go.kr THAILAND / THAÏLANDE / TAILANDIA

Dr. Do-hyong Choi Mrs Oratai Silapanapaporn

International Affairs Specialist Director, Office of Commodity and System Standards,
Food Standardization Team/ Korea Food Research Institute National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food
#516, Baekhyeon-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam City, Standards,
Gyeongi Province South Korea 50 Phahanyotin Rd. Ladyao, Chatuchak
Tel : 82+31-780-9306 Bangkok 10900
Fax : 82+31-780-9333 Tel : 662 561 2277
E-mail : choi0313@kfri.re.kr Fax : 662 561 3357, 662 561 3373
E-mail : oratai@acfs.go.th
Dr Jae-hong Chang
Deputy Director Mrs Somkid Ruenparkwoot
Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Senior Expert on Agricultural Products
88 Gwanmun-ro, Gwacheon-Si Gyeonggi-do Republic of Postharvest and Products Processing Research and
Korea Development Office,
Tel : 82-2-500-1873 Department of Agriculture
Fax : 82-2-504-6659 50 Paholyothin Rd. Chatuchak
E-mail : changjh@mifaff.go.kr Bangkok 10900
Tel : 662 940 6996
Dr Jeong-hae Rho Fax : 662 940 6996
Senior Research Scientist E-mail : t_somkid@hotmail.com
Traditional Foods Research Centre / Korea Food Research
Institute Ms Korwadee Phonkliang
#516, Baekhyeon-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam City, Standards Officer, Office of Commodity and System
Gyeongi Province Republic of Korea Standards
Tel : 82+31-780-9158 National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food
Fax : 82+31-780-9060 Standards
E-mail : drno@kfri.re.kr 50 Paholyothin Rd. Chatuchak
Bangkok 10900
Ms Jeong-mi Hong Tel : 662 561 2277
Scientific Researcher Fax : 662 561 3357, 662 561 3373
Food Safety Policy Division/Korea Food & Drug E-mail : korwadee@acfs.go.th
#194, Tongilro, Eunpyeung-gu, Seoul 122-704, Republic of MsDaranee Mukhajonpun
Korea Senior Expert in Food Safety and Consumption,
Tel : 82-2-380-1726 Food and Drug Administration,
Fax : 82-2-388-6396 Ministry of Public Health, Tiwanon Rd. Nonthaburi 11000
E-mail : hjm0514@kfda.go.kr Thailand
Tel : 662 590 7153
Dr Seong-weon Jeong Fax : 662 591 8446
Principal Research Scientist E-mail : daraneem@fda.moph.go.th
Food Standardization Team/ Korea Food Research Institute
#516, Baekhyeon-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam City, Ms Jarunee Intrasook
Gyeongi Province Republic of Korea Food Technologist
Tel : 82+31-780-9158 Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Public Health
Fax : 82+31-780-9333 88/24 Tiwanon Road, Nonthaburi Province. 11000 Thailand
E-mail : donow@kfri.re.kr Tel : 66 2590 7179
Fax : 66 2590 7177
Ms Yoo-ran Kim E-mail : jar204j@fda.moph.go.th
Senior Researcher
Food Safety Support Division/Korea Food & Drug Ms Thitipa Sappreecha
Administration Scientist, Department of Agriculture
#194, Tongilro, Eunpyeung-gu, Seoul 122-704, Republic of 50 Paholyothin Road Chatuchak Bangkok 10900
Korea Tel : 0-2940-6464
Tel : 82-2-380-1347 Fax : 0-2940-6470
Fax : 82-2-385-2415 E-mail : thitipa@hotmail.com;
E-mail : yurani00@kfda.go.kr qpsig@yahoo.co.th
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix I 25


Director, Food Industry Club, Federation of Thai Industries GUINÉE / PAPUA NUEVA GUINEA
Tel : 662 261 2684-6
Fax : 662 261 2996-7 Ms Janet Haua
E-mail : thaifood@thaifood.org Food Inspector
NCDC Health Division
Mrs Linda Pleanprasert P.O. BOX 7270 Boroko NCD PNG
Assistant Manager Tel : +675 3250280
Thai Food Processors’ Association Fax: + 675 3251182
Tel : 662 261 2684-6
Fax : 662 261 2996-7 Mr Benzamin Zairo
E-mail : linda@thaifood.org Technical Standard Officer
MrsWacharawan Chomdong P.O. Box 3042, Boroko, NCD PNG
Assistant Executive Director, Tel : +675 3231852
Thai Frozen Foods Association. Fax : +675 3258793
Tel : 662 235 5622-4, 662 636 9001-4 E-mail : benzamin.zairo@nisit.gov.pg
Fax : 662 235 5625
E-mail : wacharawan@thai-frozen.or.th UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / ÉTATS-UNIS
Mr Syed Ali
Dr Vu Ngoc Quynh International Issues Officer
Director of Vietnam Codex Office U.S. Codex Office
General Secretary U.S. Department of Agriculture
Vietnam National Codex Committee Room 4861-South Building
70 Tran Hung Dao, Ha Noi Vietnam Washington, DC 20250-3700
Tel : (84)4 4 39426605 Tel : 202-205-0574
Fax : (84)4 4 38222520 Fax : 202-720-3157
E-mail : vnquynhcodex@tcvn.gov.vn E-mail: syed.ali@usda.gov
Dr Nguyen Hung Long Mr Paul Trupo
Deputy Director General International Trade Specialist
Vietnam Food Administration United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Ministry of Health 1400 Independence Ave, SW Stop 1014, Room 5932
135 Nui truc Street, Hanoi Vietnam Washington DC 20250 USA
Tel : (84-4) 384 64490 Tel : +(1)202-720-1335
Fax : (84-4) 384 63739 Fax : +(1)202-720-0433
E-mail : nguyenhunglong@vfa.gov.vn E-mail : paul.trupo@fas.usda.gov
COOK ISLANDS / ÎLES COOK/ ISLAS COOK Deputy Executive Director
Uganda National Bureau of Standards
Mr Ngatoko Ta Ngatoko P.O. Box 6329
Quarantine Adviser/National Codex Contact Point Kampala
Ministry of Agriculture, Government of the Cook Islands Uganda
P.O.Box 96, Rarotonga, Cook Islands Phone: +256 414 505995
Tel : + 682 28 711 Fax: +256 0414 286123
Fax : + 682 21 881 Email:ben.manyindo@unbs.go.ug;
E-mail : nngatoko@agriculture.gov.ck benm552000@yahoo.co.uk
Mr William Taripo
Chief Health Officer
Ministry of Health Cook Islands ORGANIZATIONS / ORGANISATIONS
PO BOX 109 Avarua Raratonga Cook Island
Fax: +682 29100
E-mail: w.taripo@health.gov.ck
Mr Sundararaman Rajasekar Dr Biplab Nandi
Senior Programme Manager (CODEX) Senior Food and Nutrition Officer
New Zealand Food Safety Authority Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
PO BOX 2835 Wellington New Zealand FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
Tel : +6448942576 39, Phra Atit Road Bangkok-10200
Fax : +6448942583 Thailand
E-mail : raj.rajasekar@nzfsa.govt.nz Tel : +66 2 697 4143
Fax : +66 2 697 4445
E-mail : biplab.nandi@fao.org
26 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix I

Mr Peter Sousa Hoejskov Mr Singgih Harjanto

Food Quality and Safety Officer Codex Contact Point Secretariat
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific National Standardization Agency of Indonesia
39, Phra Atit Road Bangkok-10200 Gdg. Manggala Wanabhakti Blok IV, Lt 4
Thailand Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta 10270-Indonesia
Tel : +66 2 697 4198 Tel : +62-21-5747043
Fax : +66 2 697 4445 Fax : +62-21-5747045
E-mail : peter.hoejskov@fao.org E-mail : singgih@bsn.or.id
PERSONAL DE LA OMS National Standardization Agency of Indonesia
Gdg. Manggala Wanabhakti Blok IV, Lt 4
Mrs Catherine Mulholland Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta 10270-Indonesia
Administrator, FAO/WHO Project and Fund for Enhanced Tel : +62-21-5747043
Participation in Codex (Codex Trust Fund) Fax : +62-21-5747045
World Health Organization E-mail : syaiful@bsn.or.id
20 Avenue Appia, CH-1211, Geneva 27, Switzerland
Tel : +41 22 791 3080 Mr Pungki Aryanto
Fax : +41 22 791 4807 National Standardization Agency of Indonesia
E-mail : mulhollandc@who.int Gdg. Manggala Wanabhakti Blok IV, Lt 4
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta 10270-Indonesia
Tel : +62-21-5747043
ORGANIZATIONS / ORGANISATIONS NON- E-mail : pungki@bsn.or.id
GUBERNAMENTALES National Standardization Agency of Indonesia
Gdg. Manggala Wanabhakti Blok IV, Lt 4
INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta 10270-Indonesia
Dr Ratih Dewanti-Hariyadi Fax : 021-5747045
International Commission On Microbiological Specification E-mail : yuniar@bsn.or.id
for Foods (ICMSF) Ms Arini Widyastuti
Jl. Raflesia Raya 20 Taman Yasmin Bogor Indonesia National Standardization Agency of Indonesia
Tel : 0251-8620517 Manggala Wanabhakti Building Block IV 4 th Floor Jl. Jend.
Fax : 0251-8629903 Gatot Subroto, Senayan, Jakarta 10270, Indonesia
E-mail : dewanti@ipb.ac.id, rdewantih@yahoo.com Tel : +62-21-5747043
Dr Masanori Kohmura Directorate General of Agro & Chemical Industry Directorate
Scientific Adviser of Food Industry
487/I Si Ayutthaya Road, Khwaeng Thanon Phaya Thai, Ministry of Industry
Khet Ratchathewi Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 52-53 Jakarta Selatan, 17th Floor DKI
Bangkok 10400 Thailand Jakarta Indonesia
Tel : +66-2248-7241 Tel : +62-21-5252709
Fax : +66-2248-7242 Fax : +62-21-5252709
Email: masanori_kohmura@ajinomoto.com E-mail : berlianto@depperin.go.id
Ms Ning Ima Arie Wardayanie
Food Research and Standardization Division
Center for Agro-Based Industry (CABI)
Agency of Industry Research and Development
Mr Suprapto Indonesia
Head of Centre for Standard Application System Tel : +62-251-8324068
National Standardization Agency of Indonesia Fax : +62-251-8323339
Manggala Wanabhakti Bld., Block IV, 4th Fl. E-mail : cabi@bbia.go.id ; ni_arie@yahoo.com
Jl Gatot Subroto, Senayan Jakarta 10270 Ms Ati Widya Perana
Indonesia Staff for Food Product Standardization
Tel : +62-21-5747043 National Agency for Drug and Food Control
Fax : +62-21-5747045 Jl. Percetakan Negara No.23 Jakarta 10560 Indonesia
E-mail : suprapto@bsn.or.id Tel : +62-21-42875584
Fax : +62-21-42875780
E-mail : athee77@yahoo.com
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix I 27

Mr Imam Thurmudzy
Staff for Section of Quality Standard Analysis
Ministry Of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur No. 16, Jakarta Indonesia
Tel : +62-21- 3500149
Fax : +62-21- 3500149
E-mail : imam_thurmudzy@dkp.gp.id
Mr Nazly Al Mahdi
Staff for Cooperation and Harmonization Sub Directorate
Ministry of Agriculture
The Headquarter of Ministry of Agriculture
D Building 3th Floor Jl. Harsono Rm No. 3
Ragunan – Jakarta 12550
Tel : +62-21-7815881
Fax : +62-21-7811468
E-mail : codex_pertanian@yahoo.com
Ms Eni Tulak
Supervision and Quality Control
Ministry of Trade
Jl. Raya Bogor km. 26 Ciracas, East Jakarta Indonesia, 13720
Tel : +62-21-8710321
Fax : +62-21-8710478
Email : subditekspor.ppmb@gmail.com


Mr Masashi Kusukawa
Food Standards Officer
Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
Tel : +39-06-570-54796
Fax : +39-06-570-54593
E-mail : masashi.kusukawa@fao.org
Ms Annamaria Bruno
Foods Standards Officer
Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
Tel : +39 06 570 56254
Fax : +39 06 570 54593
Email : annamaria.bruno@fao.org
Mr Ym Shik Lee
Food Standards Officer
Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
Tel : +39-06-570-55854
Fax : +39-06-570-54593
E-mail : ymshik.lee@fao.org
28 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix II

(At Step 8 of the Procedure)

This standard applies to the product defined in Section 2 below and offered for direct consumption including
for catering purposes or for repacking if required. It does not apply to the product when indicated as being
intended for further processing. This standard does not apply to chilli paste or chilli sauce products having
red pepper as the main ingredient.

Gochujang is a red or dark red pasty fermented food manufactured through the following process:
(a) Saccharified material is manufactured by saccharifying grain starch with powdered malt, or by
cultivating Aspergillus sp. (which are not pathogenic and do not produce toxin) in grains;
(b) Salt is mixed with the saccharified material obtained in the above (a). Subsequently, the mixture is
fermented and aged;
(c) Red pepper powder is mixed and other ingredients may be mixed with the mixture before or after the
fermentation process (b) above.
(d) Processed by heat, in an appropriate manner before or after being hermetically sealed in a container,
so as to prevent spoilage.


3.1.1 Basic Ingredients
(a) Grains
(b) Red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) powder
(c) Salt
(d) Potable water
3.1.2 Optional Ingredients
(a) Powdered meju*
* Fermented material of soybeans or the mixture of soybeans and grains using microorganisms
(bacteria, molds and yeasts) in a state of nature
(b) Soybeans
(c) Sugars
(d) Distilled alcohol derived from agricultural products
(e) Soy sauce
(f) Fermented soybean paste
(g) Fish sauce
(h) Sea food extract
(i) Fermented wheat protein
(j) Fermented rice
(k) Yeast extract
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix II 29

(l) Hydrolyzed vegetable protein

(m) Other ingredients
3.2.1 Quality Factors
(a) Capsaicin not less than 10.0 ppm (w/w)
(b) Crude protein not less than 4.0% (w/w)
(c) Moisture not more than 55.0% (w/w)
3.2.2 Gochujang shall have its unique flavour, odour, and the following qualities.
(a) Colour: The product shall have a red or dark red colour derived from red pepper
(Capsicum annuum L.).
(b) Taste: The product shall have a hot and savoury taste. It may also have a somewhat sweet taste
and a somewhat salty taste.
(c) Texture: The product shall have an appropriate level of viscosity.
Any container that fails to meet the applicable quality requirements, as set out in Sections 3.2, should be
considered a “defective”.
A lot should be considered as meeting the applicable quality requirements referred to in Section 3.2, when
the number of “defectives”, as defined in Section 3.3, does not exceed the acceptance number (c) of the
appropriate sampling plans.

The food additives listed below can be used within the scope of a permitted amount.
(INS No) (Name of food additives) (Maximum level)
200 Sorbic acid 1000mg/kg as sorbic acid,
202 Potassium sorbate singly or in combination
203 Calcium sorbate
621 Monosodium L-glutamate limited by GMP
508 Potassium chloride limited by GMP
325 Sodium lactate limited by GMP
296 Malic acid (DL-) limited by GMP
339(i) Monosodium orthophosphate
339(ii) Disodium orthophosphate
340(i) Monopotassium orthophosphate 5000 mg/kg as phosphorus,
340(ii) Dipotassium orthophosphate singly or in combination
452(i) Sodium polyphosphates
452(ii) Potassium polyphosphates
30 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix II

412 Guar gum limited by GMP
414 Gum arabic (acacia gum) limited by GMP
415 Xanthan gum limited by GMP

The products covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum levels of the Codex General
Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods (CODEX/STAN 193-1995).
The products covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum residue limits for pesticides
established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

6.1 It is recommended that the products covered by the provisions of this Standard be prepared and
handled in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code of
Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969) and other relevant Codex texts
such as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice.
6.2 The products should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with the
Principles for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods
(CAC/GL 21-1997).


As for a product whose indicated weight is not more than 1,000g, the tolerance allowed shall be less than
15g. As for a product whose indicated weight is 1,000-5,000g, the net weight of the product shall not be less
than 98.5% of the indicated weight. As for a product whose indicated weight is more than 5,000g, the net
weight of the product shall not be less than 99% of the indicated weight.
A container that fails to meet the requirement for minimum weight of Section 7.1 shall be considered a
A lot should be considered as meeting the requirements of Section 7.1, when the number of "defectives", as
defined in Section 7.2, does not exceed the acceptance number (c) of the appropriate sampling plan.

In addition to the provisions of the Codex General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods
(CODEX STAN 1-1985), the following specific provisions apply.
8.1.1 The name of product shall be “Gochujang”.
8.1.2 The name of product can be labelled in accordance with domestic laws, so that its characteristics
may be expressed.
Information for non-retail containers shall be given on the container or in accompanying documents, except
that the name of the product, lot identification and the name and address of the manufacturer, packer or
distributor, as well as storage instructions, shall appear on the container. However, lot identification, and the
name and address of the manufacturer, packer or distributor may be replaced by an identification mark,
provided that such mark is clearly identifiable with the accompanying documents.
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix II 31


Sampling shall be conducted as follows:
(a) Samples shall be stored in such a way as materials may not be heated up;
(b) Great care shall be taken so that samples, sampling equipment, and sampling containers may be
protected from outside pollution;
(c) Samples shall be kept in a clean and dry container with its lid. The container shall carry detailed
descriptions about sampling such as sampling date, seller's name, and other particulars of
consignment sale.
9.2.1 Determination of Capsaicin
According to AOAC 995.03 or the method described in Annex.
9.2.2 Determination of Crude protein
According to AOAC 984.13 (Nitrogen conversion factor: 6.25).
9.2.3 Determination of Moisture
According to AOAC 934.01.
32 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix II

Determination of capsaicin in Gochujang using Gas Chromatography (GC) detection

This method is suitable for the determination of capsaicin in Gochujang using chromatographic detection.
The method uses squalene as an internal standard. The concentration of capsaicin is expressed as ppm.

To extract capsaicin, the mixture is blended to a homogeneous consistency. Capsaicin in Gochujang is
extracted with 100% methanol, followed by methanol – hexane fractionation to remove hydrophilic and
hydrophobic interfering substances by a separating funnel. Capsaicin in methanol layer is extracted with
dichloromethane (DCM) and the saturated NaCl, concentrated by a rotary evaporator. A portion of the
concentrated sample extract is then taken and completely solved with DCM containing squalene as an
internal standard for analysis using gas chromatographic detection.


During the analysis, unless otherwise stated, use only reagent of recognized analytical grade and water of at
least grade 3 as defined in ISO 3696.
3.1 Reagents
3.1.1 Capsaicin (99 + %, C18H27NO3, Fw 305.42, CAS 404-86-4)
3.1.2 Squalene (CAS 111-02-4)
3.1.3 Hexane
3.1.4 Methanol
3.1.5 Methanol + Water (80 + 20)
3.1.6 Dichloromethane
3.1.7 Sodium chloride
3.1.8 Sodium sulfate
3.2. Preparation of standard solution
3.2.1 Capsaicin Stock solution (A)
Weigh approximately 100 mg of capsaicin, making up to 100 ml in a volumetric flask with DCM to give
solution (A) of approximate 1000 μg/ml.
3.2.2 Capsaicin working solution (B)
Prepare 100 ml intermediate solution B by dilution of 10 ml solution A (3.2.1) with 100 ml of DCM to
exactly 100 μg/ml in DCM.
3.2.3 Squalene internal standard working solution (C)
Weigh approximately 100 mg squalene and make up to 250 ml in a volumetric flask with DCM to give a
solution (C) of approximately 400 μg/ml in DCM.
3.3 Calibration solutions of capsaicin
Dispense volumes of the 100 μg/ml solution (B, 3.2.2) into 50 ml round flask, dried up and add 2 ml of
internal standard working solution (C, 3.2.3) to give 10.0, 50.0, 100.0, 300.0, 500.0 μg/ml capsaicin.

4.1 Gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector (FID)
The following conditions have been found to be suitable:
4.1.1 Injector / Detector temperature : 320°C / 350°C
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix II 33

4.1.2 Oven temperature program: 220°C for 1 minute, ramp at 5°C/min to 250°C, hold for 13 minutes and
raise to 280°C holding 5 min by 20°C/min. Helium carrier gas at 1.5 ml/minute
4.1.3 Make split injection of 1.0uL with split ratio 1:5
4.2 GC column, 30 m x 0.32 μm, 0.25 μm film thickness, HP-1 or equivalent
4.3 Analytical balance, capable of weighing to 4 decimal places
4.4 Shaker, capable of attaining 2,000 rpm
4.5 Centrifuge, capable of attaining 3,500 rpm
4.6 Filter paper (Waterman No. 2 or equivalent)

On receipt, samples are given a unique sample number. Gochujang sample is stored at below 4°C. All other
samples are stored at room temperature in an air tight container prior to analysis.

6.1 Laboratory sample
Samples should be minced or grated to a homogeneous mixture. All samples should be stored in the air-tight
container and at room temperature prior to analysis. All samples should be mixed thoroughly to a
homogeneous mixture before analysis.
6.2 Test sample
6.2.1. Thoroughly mix the sample. Weigh, to the nearest 0.01 g, and 10 g portion of Gochujang into a
centrifuge bottle (250 ml, Nalgene).
6.2.2 Add 50 ml of methanol and shaking for 2 hours, extracting capsaicin.
6.2.3 Filter the extract with Watman No. 2 filter paper into a 250 ml flask (Ext-A).
6.2.4 Add additional 30 ml of methanol to residue and shaking for 1 hour, extracting capsaicin (Ext-B).
6.2.5 Repeat step 6.2.3 to 6.2.4 (Ext-C)
6.2.6 Combine Ext-A, Ext-B and Ext-C in 250 ml round bottom flask, concentrating up to approximately 5
6.2.7 Solve the concentrate with 20 ml of 80% methanol and 20 ml of hexane.
6.2.8 Transfer the solution into a 250 ml separating funnel.
6.2.9 Shake and separate into two layers, methanol layer (M1-layer, upper) and hexane layer (H1-layer,
6.2.10 Reserve H1-layer in 100ml flask and transfer M1-layer (6.2.9) into a separating funnel and add
additional 20 ml of hexane.
6.2.11 Repeat step 6.2.9 to 6.2.10 (M2-layer and H2-layer)
6.2.12 Repeat step 6.2.9 to 6.2.10 (M3-layer and H3-layer)
6.2.13 Combine H1-layer, H2-layer and H3-layer (HC-layer) in the 250ml separating funnel, adding 20 ml
80% methanol, shaking and separating into two layers, methanol layer (M’1-lower layer) and hexane layer
(H’1-upper layer).
6.2.14 Reserve M’1-layer in the new 250 ml flask.
6.2.15 Add 20 ml of 80% methanol into the separating funnel containing HC-layer, shaking and separating
into two layers (M’2-layer and H’2-layer)
6.2.16 Combine the all M-layer in the new separating funnel (250 ml), adding 20 ml of saturated NaCl and
20 ml of DCM.
6.2.17 Shake and separate into two layers (D1-layer and WM1-layer) in the 250 ml separating funnel.
34 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix II

6.2.18 Transfer D1-layer into the new 250 ml round flask.

6.2.19 Add additional 20 ml DCM into the separating funnel (6.2.16), shaking and separating into two layers
(D2-layer and WM1-layer)
6.2.20 Repeat step 6.2.16 (D3-layer and WM1-layer)
6.2.21 Combine D1-layer, D2-layer and D3-layer into the 250 round flask, concentrating it (C-D)
6.2.22 Transfer the concentrate (C-D, 6.2.21) into a 100 ml round flask, solving it completely with DCM.
6.2.23 Mount approximate 3 g of sodium sulfate on the filter paper and dehydrate C-D by passing through
sodium sulfate
6.2.24 Collect the dehydrated C-D layer in 50 ml round flask and concentrate to dryness by the rotary
6.2.25 Solve the concentrate with 2 ml of DCM containing squalene as the internal standard solution (C,
6.2.26 Analyze the sample solution by GC


7.1 Measure the area of the capsaicin and squalene peaks.
7.2 Calculate the ratio of the capsaicin and squalene peak areas.
7.3 Construct a calibration graph for the standards by plotting the peak area ratio against the weight in
microgram of capsaicin in the vial.
7.4 Calculate the slope of the calibration line.
7.5 Divide the peak area ratio of the unknowns by the value of the slope to give the weight of capsaicin per
vial for the unknown samples.


Results are expressed as ppm and quoted to 2 significant digits.

1. W. Hawer and J. Ha et al. : Effective separation and quantitative analysis of major heat principles in red
pepper by capillary GC, Food Chemistry, 49, pp.99-103, 1994.
2. J. Jung and S. Kang : A new method for analysis of capsaicinoids content in microcapsule, Korean J. Food
Sci. Technol., Vol.32, No. 1, pp.42-49, 2000.
3. C.A. Reilly et al. : Quantitative analysis of capsaicinoids in fresh peppers, oleoresin capsicum and pepper
spray products, J. of Forensic Science, Vol.43, No. 3, pp.502-509, 2001.
4. Ha et al. : Gas Chromatography Analysis of Capsaicin in Gochujang, Journal of AOAC International
Vol. 91. No. 2.2008.
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix II 35

Appendix I.

Table 1. Summary of repeatability test for trial proper samples (ppm)

Test No. Gochujang - K
1 64.7
2 69.0
3 70.6
4 71.8
5 70.5
Mean 69.3
RSD,% 3.99

Table 2. Summary of recovery test for trial proper samples (%)

Test No. Gochujang – K
1 80.47
2 77.29
3 87.97
4 91.00
5 95.18
Mean 86.38
RSD,% 8.56
36 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix II

Appendix II

Fig.1. Calibration curve of capsaicin by GC method.

Fig. 2. GC chromatogram of capsaicin standards.

Fig. 3. GC chromatogram of capsaicin in Gochujang.

ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix III 37

Appendix III


(At Step 8 of the Procedure)

1.1 This standard applies to the ginseng products as defined in Section 2 below and offered for direct
consumption, including for catering purposes or for repacking if required. It does not apply to the
product when indicated as being intended for further processing. This standard applies to ginseng
products 1 used as a food or food ingredient and does not apply to products used for medicinal
1.2 This Standard applies only in those jurisdictions where products defined in 2.1 are regulated as foods.

The compulsory ingredient of ginseng product is fresh ginseng roots suitable to eating, derived from Panax
ginseng C.A. Meyer and P. quinquefolius L., cultivated for commercial purposes and used for foods.
Ginseng products should be packaged in such a manner as to safeguard the hygienic, nutritional,
technological and organoleptic quality of the products.
2.2.1 Dried Ginseng Dried Raw Ginseng
Dried Raw Ginseng is manufactured when fresh ginseng roots are sun dried or hot air dried or dried using
other recognized methods. The product may be classified into one of such product types that have the main
root and/or lateral roots or that are powdered or sliced. Dried Steamed Ginseng
Dried Steamed Ginseng is manufactured when fresh ginseng roots are prepared using the steaming method or
other recognized methods, and dried. The product may be classified into one of such product types that have
the main root and/or lateral roots or that are powdered or sliced.
2.2.2 Ginseng Extract Raw Ginseng Extract
Raw Ginseng Extract is manufactured when soluble components of fresh ginseng roots or Dried Raw
Ginseng are extracted, using water, ethanol or their mixture and then, they are filtered and concentrated. This
product has a dark brown colour and a high viscosity when much of the water is removed from it. The
product may be also presented as a powdered type through spray- or freeze-drying. Steamed Ginseng Extract
Steamed Ginseng Extract is manufactured when soluble components of Dried Steamed Ginseng are extracted,
using water, ethanol or their mixture and then, they are filtered and concentrated. This product has a dark
brown colour and a high viscosity when much of the water is removed from it. The product may be also
presented as a powdered type through spray- or freeze-drying.


Fresh ginseng roots as defined in Section 2.1.

Any health claims should comply with the Codex Guideleines for Use of Nutrition and Health Claims (CAC/GL 23-
38 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix III


Ginseng product shall have normal flavour, colour, taste and a ginsenoside pattern2 unique to ginseng as well
as be free from foreign matters.
3.2.1 Dried Ginseng
(a) Moisture: no more than 14.0% (Powdered type: no more than 9.0%)
(b) Ash: no more than 6.0%
(c) Water-saturated 1-butanol extracts: no less than 20 mg/g
(d) Ginsenoside Rb1: to be identified
In addition, in case of the product manufactured from P. ginseng C.A. Meyer, ginsenoside Rf should
be also identified.
3.2.2 Ginseng Extracts Ginseng Extracts (liquid form)
(a) Solids: no less than 60.0%
(b) Water-insoluble solids: no more than 3.0%
(c) Water-saturated 1-butanol extracts: no less than 70 mg/g
(d) Ginsenoside Rb1: to be identified
In addition, in case of the product manufactured from P. ginseng C.A. Meyer, ginsenoside Rf should
be also identified. Ginseng Extracts (powdered form)
(a) Moisture: no more than 8.0%
(b) Water-insoluble solids: no more than 3.0%
(c) Water-saturated 1-butanol extracts: no less than 70 mg/g
(d) Ginsenoside Rb1: to be identified
In addition, in case of the product manufactured from P. ginseng C.A. Meyer, ginsenoside Rf should
be also identified.
The following defects shall be applied to the dried ginseng.
(a) Insect-damaged ginseng: Ginseng that is visibly damaged by insects or contains dead insects
(b) Mouldy ginseng: Ginseng that is visibly affected by mould
A container that fails to meet one or more of the applicable quality requirements, set out in Sections 3.2 and
3.3, shall be considered a "defective".
A lot can be considered as meeting the applicable quality requirements referred to in Sections 3.2 and 3.3,
when the number of "defectives", defined in Section 3.4, does not exceed the acceptance number (c) of the
appropriate sampling plan.

The unique constituents of ginseng are found to be a complex mixture of saponins often referred to as ginsenosides,
and more than 30 ginsenosides are known. Rb1 (ginsenoside b1) or Rf (ginsenoside f) is one of the major ginsenosides.
Rb1 is identified in all ginseng species in quantities, while Rf is identified mainly in Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer.
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix III 39

The products covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum levels of the Codex General
Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods (CODEX/STAN 193-1995).
The products covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum residue limits for pesticides
established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

5.1 It is recommended that the product covered by the provisions of this Standard be prepared and
handled in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code of
Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969), and other relevant Codex texts,
such as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice.
5.2 The product should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with the
Principles for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods
(CAC/GL 21-1997).

The product covered by this Standard shall be labelled in accordance with the Codex General Standard for
the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985). In addition, the following specific provisions
The name of the products defined in subsections,, and shall be “Dried Raw
Ginseng”, “Dried Steamed Ginseng”, “Raw Ginseng Extract”, and “Steamed Ginseng Extract”, respectively.
In this case, the products manufactured with P. ginseng C.A. Meyer can be named “White Ginseng”, “Red
Ginseng”, “White Ginseng Extract”, and “Red Ginseng Extract”.
All ginseng products shall be labelled the scientific or common name of the ginseng that is used as raw
material. The common names of the ginseng shall be declared in accordance with the law and custom of the
country where the product is consumed, in a manner not to mislead the consumer.
The country of origin of the product and/or raw material shall be declared if its omission is likely to mislead
or deceive the consumer.
Information about non-retail containers shall be given on the container or in accompanying documents,
except that the name of the product, lot identification and the name and address of the manufacturer, packer
or distributor, as well as storage instructions, shall appear on the container. However, lot identification, and
the name and address of the manufacturer, packer or distributor may be replaced by an identification mark,
provided that such a mark is clearly shown in the accompanying documents.
Except when otherwise specified by national legislation, the products should have a clear marking to indicate
that they are not intended for medicinal purposes, including other labelling(s) stipulated by any country where
ginseng products are distributed.


According to AOAC 924.45.
According to AOAC 924.45 and calculated by subtracting the content of water from 100%.
40 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix III


According to AOAC 923.03.
According to the method described in Annex A.
According to the method described in Annex B.
According to the method described in Annex C.
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix III 41

Annex A

Determination of Water-insoluble Solid Content

Place ca 1 g sample in 25 ml centrifugal tube with constant weight. Add 15 ml of distilled water and dissolve
the sample. Centrifuge for 15 min at 3000 rpm and discard supernatant. Repeat twice this centrifugation. Dry
centrifugal tube and residue to constant weight at 105°C. Report results in percent.

water-insoluble solid content (%) = (W1-W0)/ S × 100

S: weight of sample (g)
W1: weight of centrifugal tube and residue after drying (g)
W0: weight of centrifugal tube (g)

* The method mentioned in Annex A is stipulated in the Korean Food Standards Law and modifies the
“AOAC Official Method 950.66.”
42 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix III

Annex B

Determination of water-saturated 1-butanol extracts

1. Preparation of water-saturated 1-butanol

Mix 1-butanol with water in separatory funnel in the ratio of 70:30 and shake it vigorously. Let stand until
the upper and lower phases are separated. Discard lower layer (water layer).
2. Analysis method
2.1 Dried Ginseng
Weigh ca 5 g test portion, ground to pass 80 mesh or finer sieve, into 250 ml erlenmeyer flask and reflux
with 50 ml water saturated 1-butanol on a water bath at 80°C for 1 hour. Decant 1-butanol into another
250 ml erlenmeyer flask. Repeat twice the above extraction. Combine the solvent and filter into a 250 ml
separatory funnel. Add 50 ml of distilled water. Shake and stand until the upper and lower layer are
separated completely into two layers. Collect 1-butanol layer (upper layer) in an evaporation flask, vacuum-
evaporate to dryness. Add 50 ml of diethyl ether, re-flux it on a water bath approximately at 46°C for 30
minutes, and decant the diethyl ether. Dry flask and contents to constant weight at 105°C. Report increase in
weight flask as "1-butanol extracts in ginseng". Express the result as mg per gram on dried ginseng.

water-saturated 1-butanol extracts(mg/g) = (A-B)/ S

S: weight of sample (g)

A: weight of flask after concentrating and drying extracts (mg)
B: weight of flask (mg)
2.2 Ginseng Extract (including a powered type)
Place 1~2 g sample in 250 ml erlenmeyer flask, dissolve in 60ml water and transfer into separating
funnel. Add 60ml of diethyl ether. Shake and stand until the upper and lower layer are separated. Collect
lower layer and extract with 60 ml water saturated 1-butanol for three times. Combine the solvent into a 250
ml separatory funnel. Add 50 ml of distilled water. Shake and stand until the upper and lower layer are
separated completely into two layers. Collect 1-butanol layer (upper layer) in an evaporation flask with
constant weight, vacuum-evaporate to dryness. Dry flask and contents to constant weight at 105°C. Report
increase in weight flask as "1-butanol extracts in ginseng extract". Express the result as mg per gram on
ginseng extract.

1. Planta Medica, Vol. 25, pp 194-202, 1974
2. Chem. Pharm Bull., Vol. 14, pp 595-600, 1966
3. Korean J. Ginseng Sci., Vol. 10(2), pp 193-199, 1986
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix III 43

Annex C

Identification of ginsenosides Rb1 and Rf

Ginsenosides in ginseng products can be identified either by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) or High
Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).
1. Preparation of sample solution
Dilute the dried 1-butanol extract of Annex B with ten-fold volume of methanol, dissolve completely, and
filter through 0.45 µm membrane filter.
2. Preparation of standard solution
Dissolve standard ginsenosides, such as ginsenoside-Rb1 and -Rf, in methanol to make a 1% solution and
filter through 0.45 µm membrane filter.
3. Identification
3.1 Thin Layer Chromatography
Spot 2-5 µl of the standard and sample solutions, as indicated in the above, on TLC plate (silica gel),
previously dried at 110°C for 15 minutes in dry oven. Develop with an upper solution of 1-
butanol:ethylacetate:water (5:1:4, v/v/v) or a lower solution of chloroform:methanol:water (65:35:10, v/v/v).
Spray 10% sulfuric acid or 30% sulfuric acid-ethanol solution over TLC plate and oven dry it at 110°C for 5-
10 minutes to reveal its colour. Identify the ginsenosides of Ginseng products by comparing the Rf values
and colours with those of standard ginsenosides.
3.2 High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Prepare standard and sample solutions, as indicated in the above. Analyze ginsenoside with HPLC depending
upon the operating condition. Identify ginsenosides of sample by comparing retention times of peaks with
those of the standard.
<Operating condition>
Column: NH2 column, µ-Bondapak C18 column, carbohydrate analyzing column or equivalent
Detector: UV (203 nm) or ELSD
Eluent: UV: acetonitrile: water (30:70, v/v)
ELSD: acetonitrile: water: isopropanol (94.9:5.0:0.1, v/v/v)
Flow rate: 1.0 ml/min ~ 2.0 ml/min

1. Journal of Chromatography, Vol. 921, Issue 2, 2001, pp 335-339
2. Journal of Chromatography, Vol. 868, Issue 2, 2000, pp 269-276
3. Journal of Chromatography, Vol. 356, 1986, pp 212-219
4. Journal of Chromatography, Vol. 499, 1990, pp 453-462
5. Planta Medica, Vol. 212, Issue 1, 1981, pp 37-49
6. J. Pharm. Soc. Korea, 23(3,4), 1979, pp181-186
44 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix IV



(At Step 5/8 of the Procedure)

This standard applies to the product defined in Section 2 below and offered for direct consumption including
for catering purposes or for repacking if required. It does not apply to the product when indicated as being
intended for further processing.

Fermented Soybean Paste is a fermented food whose essential ingredient is soybean. The product is a paste
type which has various physical properties such as semi-solid and partly retained shape of soybean and
which is manufactured from the ingredients stipulated in Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 through the following
(a) Boiled or steamed soybeans, or the mixture of boiled or steamed soybeans and grains, are fermented
with naturally occurring or cultivated microorganisms;
(b) Mixed with salt or brine and others;
(c) The mixture or solid part of the mixture shall be aged for a certain period of time until the quality of
the product meets the requirements stipulated in Section 3.2 Quality Factors; and
(d) Processed by heat, in an appropriate manner before or after being hermetically sealed in a container,
so as to prevent spoilage.


3.1.1 Basic Ingredients
(a) Soybeans
(b) Salt
(c) Potable water
(d) Naturally occurring or cultivated microorganisms (Bacillus spp. and/or Aspergillus spp., which are
not pathogenic and do not produce toxins)
3.1.2 Optional Ingredients
(a) Grains and/or flour (wheat, rice, barley, etc.)
(b) Yeast and/or yeast extracts
(c) Lactobacillus and/or lactococcus
(d) Distilled ethyl alcohol derived from agricultural products (tapioca, sugar cane, sweet potato, etc.)
(e) Sugars
(f) Starch syrup
(g) Natural flavouring raw materials (powder or extract from dried fish or seaweed, spices and herbs,
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix IV 45


Fermented soybean paste manufactured Fermented soybean paste manufactured

with soybean only with soybean and grains
Total nitrogen (w/w)1 No less than 1.6 % No less than 0.6 %
Amino nitrogen (w/w) No less than 0.3 % No less than 0.12 %
Moisture (w/w) Not more than 60 %

The product shall have the flavour, odour, colour and texture characteristic of the product.
Any container that fails to meet the applicable quality requirements, as set out in Section 3.2, should be
considered a "defective".
A lot should be considered as meeting the applicable quality requirements referred to in Section 3.2, when
the number of "defectives", as defined in Section 3.3, does not exceed the acceptance number (c) of the
appropriate sampling plans.

Acidity regulators, antioxidants, colours, flavours enhancers, preservatives, stabilizers and sweeteners listed
in Table 3 of the Codex General Standard for Food Additives (CODEX STAN 192-1995) are acceptable for
use in food conforming to this standard.
INS No. Name of Food Additive Maximum Level
336(i) Monopotassium tartrate Limited by GMP
INS No. Name of Food Additive Maximum Level
30 mg/kg
539 Sodium thiosulphate
as sulphur dioxide
INS No. Name of Food Additive Maximum Level
101(i) Riboflavin, synthetic 10 mg/kg
INS No. Name of Food Additive Maximum Level
200 Sorbic acid 1000 mg/kg
202 Potassium sorbate as sorbic acid,
203 Calcium sorbate singly or in combination
210 Benzoic acid 1000 mg/kg
211 Sodium benzoate as benzoic acid,
212 Potassium benzoate singly or in combination
INS No. Name of Food Additive Maximum Level
950 Acesulfame potassium 350 mg/kg
954 Sodium saccharin 200 mg/kg
INS No. Name of Processing Aid
The nitrogen conversion factor of 5.71 should be used.
46 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix IV

1101(i) Protease
1104 Lipase
472c Citric and fatty acid esters of glycerol
270 Lactic acid
452(i) Sodium polyphosphates, glassy
452(ii) Potassium polyphosphates

The products covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum levels of the Codex General
Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods (CODEX/STAN 193-1995).
The products covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum residue limits for pesticides
established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

6.1 It is recommended that the product covered by the provisions of this Standard be prepared and
handled in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code of
Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969), and other relevant Codex texts,
such as Codes of Hygienic Practice and Codes of Practice.
6.2 The product should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with the
Principles for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods
(CAC/GL 21-1997).


The container should be well filled with the product which should occupy not less than 90% (minus any
necessary head space according to good manufacturing practices) of the water capacity of the container. The
water capacity of the container is the value of distilled water at 20ºC which the sealed container will hold
when completely filled. Taking into account various characteristics of the products, minimum fill may not be
applied to some types of products.
A container that fails to meet the requirement for minimum fill of section 7.1 should be considered as a
A lot should be considered as meeting the requirements of section 7.1 when the number of “defectives”, as
defined in section 7.2 does not exceed the number (c) of the appropriate sampling plan.

The product covered by the provisions of this standard shall be labelled in accordance with the Codex
General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985).
The name of the product shall be "Fermented Soybean Paste". Other names may be used if allowed by
national legislation in the country where the product is consumed. The name of the product may include the
name of an ingredient which characterizes the product.
Claims on “Halal” fermented soybean paste shall follow the appropriate section of the Codex General
Guidelines for Use of the Term “Halal” (CAC/GL 24-1997).
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix IV 47


Information for non-retail containers shall be given on the container or in accompanying documents, except
that the name of the product, lot identification and the name and address of the manufacturer, packer or
distributor, as well as storage instructions, shall appear on the container. However, lot identification, and the
name and address of the manufacturer, packer or distributor may be replaced by an identification mark,
provided that such a mark is clearly identifiable with the accompanying documents.


According to AOAC 984.13.
According to AOAC 920.154 B (Sorensen Method) on the following conditions:
Preparation of test samples
Weigh 2 g of sample into a 250 ml beaker and mix the sample with 100 ml of cold (15°C) NH3-free H2O
and then stir the mixture for 60 min. Next, decant the mixture through a quantitative filter and collect the
filtrate in a 100 ml volumetric flask.
A pH meter shall be used to determine the endpoint instead of optical verification of colours.
According to AOAC 934.01 at a drying temperature of 70ºC or lower.
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix V 48



(At Step 5 of the Procedure)

This standard applies to Edible Sago Flour obtained from the processing of the pith or soft core of palm tree
(Metroxylon sp.) intended for direct human consumption. This standard does not apply to products obtained
from cassava tubers (tapioca), which are called sago flour in some region.

2.1. Product Definition
Edible Sago flour is the product prepared from the pith or soft core of palm tree be like sago palm
(Metroxylon sp.) by a mechanical treatment (pounding, grinding, milling) followed by soaking and settling,
then drying.


3.1.1. Edible Sago flour shall be free from abnormal flavours, odours, and living insect.
3.1.2. It must be free from filth (impurities of animal origin including dead insects) and other extraneous
3.1.3. It shall be free from other starch besides sago starch.
3.2.1. Moisture content 13% m/m max
3.2.2. Ash Inorganic extraneous matter 0.5% m/m max
3.2.3. Acidity (mg KOH/100 g) 220 max
3.2.4. Starch content 65% m/m min
3.2.5. Crude fibre 0.1% m/m max
3.2.6. Particle size not less than 95% flour shall pass through a 100 mesh sieve
3.2.7. Other starches 0

Flour treatment agents used in accordance with Tables 1 and 2 of the Codex General Standard for Food
Additives (CODEX STAN 192-1995) in food category 06.2.1 “flours” are acceptable for use in foods
conforming to this standard.
INS Name of Additive Maximum Level
220 Sulfur dioxide 200 mg/kg
221 Sodium sulfite as residual SO2
222 Sodium hydrogen sulfite
223 Sodium metabisulfite
224 Potassium metabisulfite
225 Potassium sulfite
49 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix V

INS Name of Additive Maximum Level

227 Calcium hydrogen sulfite
228 Potassium bisulfite
539 Sodium thiosulfate
925 Chlorine 2 500 mg/kg (treatment level)
926 Chlorine dioxide 2 500 mg/kg (treatment level)
927a Azodicarbonamide 45 mg/kg
928 Benzoyl peroxide 75 mg/kg
1100 alpha-Amylase from Aspegillus orizae var. GMP
1101(i) Protease GMP

The products covered by this Standard shall comply with the maximum levels of the Codex General
Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Foods (CODEX/STAN 193-1995).
The products covered by this Standard shall comply with maximum residue limits for pesticides established
by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

6.1. It is recommended that the product covered by the provisions of this standard be prepared and
handled in accordance with the appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code of
Practice – General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969), and other relevant Codex texts
such as codes of hygienic practice and codes of practice.
6.2. The products should comply with any microbiological criteria established in accordance with the
Principles for the Establishment and Application of Microbiological Criteria for Foods
(CAC/GL 21-1997).

The products covered by the provisions of this Standard shall be labelled in accordance with the Codex
General Standard for the Labelling of Prepackaged Foods (CODEX STAN 1-1985). In addition, the
following specific provisions apply:
The name of the product to be shown on the label shall be “Edible Sago Flour”.
Information for non-retail container shall either be given on the container or in accompanying documents,
except that the name of the product, lot identification and the name and address of the manufacturer or
packer shall appear on the container. However, lot identification and the name and address of the
manufacturer or packer may be replaced by identification mark, provided that such a mark is clearly
identifiable with the accompanying documents.

8.1. Edible Sago Flour shall be packaged in containers which will safeguard the hygienic, nutritional,
technological, and organoleptic qualities of the product.
8.2. The containers, including packaging material, shall be made of substances which are safe and
suitable for their intended use. They should not impart any toxic substances or undesirable odour or
flavour to the product.
50 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix V


According to ISO 712 (1985).
According to ISO 2171 (1980) – Cereals, Pulses and Derived Products – Pulses and Derived Products –
Determination of Ash (Type I Method).
According to AOAC.2005.939.05C.
According to ISO 6541 (1981) – Determination of Crude Fiber Content – Modified Sharrer method
According to AOAC.2005.920.44.
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix VI 51

The importance of the Asian region in international food trade has long been recognized since more than half of the world population resides in the Asian region.
The pace of economic development in these countries is undoubtedly amongst the highest in the world. There has been a significant increase in production of food
from this region over the years. In line with this development, the need to produce safe and quality foods cannot be overemphasized. Towards this end, countries in
the region have increasingly realized the importance of Codex in protecting the health of the consumers and ensuring fair practices in the food trade. In this regard,
the participation of Asia countries in Codex forum has also increased significantly. However, the effectiveness of its member countries participation can still be
further improved.
In order to maintain focus and properly coordinate the views of the countries in the region, the Strategic Plan for the CCASIA has been a long time felt need. The
Strategic Plan for CCASIA has been formulated consistent with the goals, programme areas and the planned activities of the Strategic Plan being finalized by the
Codex Alimentarius Commission. The regional strategic plan aims to fulfil amongst others the need for strengthening the national food regulatory system and greater
coordination, enable better interaction among member countries and promote harmonization. The Plan also addresses food safety issues that affect the region. Due to
the diverse levels of development of countries within the Asian region, the socio-economic status of the population as well as the differences in the regulatory
system, the strategic plan has also taken into account the need to extend technical assistance to members to enable them to implement and accomplish the measures
as outlined in the Strategic Objectives.
To strengthen the food safety infrastructure of all member countries of Asia and the region’s contribution to the work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

Objectives 1: To develop and strengthen national food regulatory system and Codex Contact Point and/or National Codex Committee
Actions Responsible party Timeline
1.1 - To identify capacity-building needs in national food regulatory system and to identify the resources required Member countries 2009-2010
including funding.
1.2 - To organise technical exchange programmes amongst member countries of the region on a mutual basis. Interested member 2009-2014
1.3 - To identify the capacity-building needs of the Codex Contact Points to facilitate and strengthen the implementation Member countries 2009-2010
and participation in Codex work, and to identify the resources required including funding.
1.4 - To assist CCASIA Member Countries in developing and strengthening national food regulatory system and Codex Member countries with Initiate by 2010
Contact Point and/or National Codex Committee such as mentoring and training programme with the assistance of the required capability
FAO/WHO and other international organizations.
52 ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix VI

1.5 - To organise on-the-job training at Codex Contact Points of member countries to observe structural work Member countries with Initiate by 2010
programme and implementation processes with the assistance of FAO/WHO and other international organizations. the required capability
1.6 - To conduct national workshops on effective functioning of Codex Contact Points and National Codex Committee. Interested member 2009-2014
1.7 - To conduct regional workshops on effective functioning of Codex Contact Points and National Codex Committee Coordinator Initiated by 2010
with the support of FAO, WHO and other international organizations.

Objective 2. To strengthen communication & coordination amongst the CCASIA members, with other regions and Codex Secretariat as well as other relevant
Actions Responsible party Timeline
2.1 - To maintain an up-to–date directory of the National Codex Contact Points of the CCASIA member countries. Coordinator Initiate by 2009
2.2 - To optimize the use of electronic communication systems in countries of the region by Coordinator and member Initiate by 2009
i) conducting e-discussions amongst member countries on issues of mutual interest from time to time countries
ii) sharing of national positions/written comments on issues of interest to the region on a regular basis
iii) encouraging the development of a web page for each contact point
iv) promoting regional networking among Codex Contact Points to improve communication and share experiences
on Codex and related issues.
2.3 - To update and maintain a virtual page for CCASIA and to encourage its use. Interested member Initiate by 2010
Objective 3. To achieve maximum and effective participation of member countries in the activities of CCASIA, Codex Alimentarius Commission and its
subsidiary bodies
Actions Responsible party Timeline
3.1 - To organize informal meetings of CCASIA prior to Codex meetings to develop common position, where possible, Coordinator 2009-2014
on issues of interest as well as to update on national and regional activities.
3.2 - To discuss Codex issues of interest to the region including those issues arising from Commission and other Codex Coordinator and Member 2009-2014
subsidiary bodies during CCASIA sessions. countries
3.3 - To seek funding to participate in Codex Meetings and support other Codex activities from “FAO/WHO Project and Member countries 2009-2014
Fund for Enhancing the Participation of Developing Countries in the Work of Codex”, as well as other sources funded
by WHO, FAO, UNDP, STDF and other international organizations.
Objective 4. To strengthen scientific and technical capacities of member countries in the region
Actions Responsible party Timeline
4.1 - To identify and prioritize food safety and Codex issues that affect the region and where appropriate seek the Member countries 2009-2014
assistance of FAO/WHO for scientific advice.
4.2 - To develop a list of experts and institutions available in the region which can provide the required Coordinator Complete by 2009
scientific/technical expertise.
ALINORM 09/32/15, Appendix VI 53

4.3 - To establish e-Working Groups to address prioritized regional issues. Interested member Initiate by 2010
4.4 - To collate and generate quality data on issues of interest to the region and submit to the Joint FAO/WHO expert Lead countries Initiate by 2010
bodies and consultation. FAO and WHO to assist countries in this activity in line with the Working Principles for Risk
Analysis for Application in the Framework of the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
4.5 - To promote the consistent application of risk analysis principles at the national level. Member countries 2009-2014
4.6 - To organize and conduct regional workshops/training courses with assistance of FAO/WHO and other Facilitating countries Initiate by 2009
international organizations to facilitate the development of the technical capacity of the members of the region including
risk analysis.
4.7 - To establish scientific and technical networks amongst the experts and institutions in the countries of the region. Interested member Initiate by 2010
Objective 5. To promote use of Codex standards and related texts as a basis for national legislation
Actions Responsible party Timeline
5.1 - To train technical personnel and policy makers responsible for the elaboration of food safety policy (including Member countries 2009
regulations) on the significance of and need to consider Codex standards and related texts, with technical assistance
from FAO/WHO.
5.2 - To increase awareness on the importance of Codex amongst relevant stakeholders i.e. government, industries, Member countries 2009-2014
consumers, academia and professional bodies.
5.3 - To assist member countries in terms of capacity building to harmonize national legislation with that of Codex with Member countries 2009-2014
assistance of FAO/WHO and other international organizations.
Objective 6. To develop and/or review Codex standards and related texts taking into account regional interests
Actions Responsible party Timeline
6.1 - To convene informal meeting (physical or electronic) to address issues of common interest to the region as and Coordinator on the 2009-2014
when necessary. recommendation of
interested member
6.2 - To identify specific food products of interest to the region that requires standard to be developed in order to protect Interested member 2009-2014
the health of the consumers and ensure fair practices in food trade countries

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