BE1-11g Application Guide PDF
BE1-11g Application Guide PDF
BE1-11g Application Guide PDF
Application Guide
About the Original Author
This Guide contains a summary of information for the protection of various types of electrical
equipment. Neither Basler Electric Company nor anyone acting on its behalf makes any warranty or
representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained
herein, nor assumes any responsibility or liability for the use or consequences of use of any of this
Ground Fault Protection The generator differential function (87)
might be sufficiently sensitive to detect winding
The following information and examples ground faults with low-impedance grounding
cover three impedance levels of grounding: per Fig. 2. This would be the case if a solid
low-, medium- and high-impedance grounding. generator-terminal fault produces approximately
A low-impedance grounded generator is a 100% of rated current. The minimum pickup
generator that has zero or minimal impedance setting of the differential function (e.g., Basler
applied at the wye neutral point so that, BE1-11g, see Table 2) should be adjusted to
during a ground fault at the generator HV sense faults on as much of the winding as
terminals, ground current from the generator possible. However, settings below 10% of full
is approximately equal to three-phase fault load current (e.g., 0.4 A for 4 A full load current)
current. A medium-impedance grounded carry increased risk of misoperation because of
generator is a generator that has substantial transient CT saturation during external faults or
impedance applied at the wye neutral point so during step-up transformer energization. Lower
that, during a ground fault, a reduced but readily pickup settings are recommended only with
detectable level of ground current, typically high-quality CTs (e.g., C400) and a good CT
100-500 A, flows. A high-impedance grounded match (e.g., identical accuracy class and equal
generator is a generator with a large grounding burdens).
impedance so that, during a ground fault, a
nearly undetectable level of fault current flows,
making ground fault monitoring with voltage-
based (e.g., third-harmonic voltage monitoring
and fundamental frequency neutral-voltage-
shift monitoring) protection necessary. The
location of the grounding, generator neutral(s)
or transformer also influences the protection
51N backup. The advantage of the 87 and 87N generator. The transformer should produce
is they do not need to be delayed to coordinate a ground current of at least 50% of generator
with external protection; however, delay is rated current to provide about 95% or more
required for the 51N. One must be aware of the winding coverage.
effects of transient dc offset induced saturation
on CTs during transformer or load energization
with respect to the high-speed operation of
87 relays. Transient dc offset can induce CT
saturation for many cycles (likely not more than
10 cycles), which may cause false operation of
an 87 function and relay systems. This may be
addressed by the following:
• Not block loading the generator
• Avoiding sudden energization of large
• Providing substantially overrated CTs
• Adding a very small time delay to the 87 trip FIGURE 3. SYSTEM GROUNDED EXTERNALLY WITH
• Reducing sensitivity of 87 setting.
Fig. 4 shows a unit-connected arrangement
(generator and step-up transformer directly
connected with no low-side breaker), using
high-impedance grounding. The grounding
resistor and voltage elements are connected
to the secondary of a distribution transformer.
The resistance is normally selected so that the
reflected primary resistance is approximately
equal to one-third of the single-phase line-to-
ground capacitive reactance of the generator,
FIGURE 2. GROUND-FAULT PROTECTION - GENERATOR bus and step-up transformer. This will limit fault
LOW-IMPEDANCE GROUNDING. current to 5-10 A primary. Sufficient resistor
damping prevents ratcheting up of the
The neutral CT should be selected to un-faulted phase voltages in the presence of
produce a secondary current of at least 5 A for a an intermittent ground. The low current level
solid generator terminal fault, providing sufficient minimizes the possibility of sufficient iron
current for a fault near the generator neutral. For damage to require re-stacking. Because of the
example, if a terminal fault produces low current level, the 87 will not operate for
1000 A in the generator neutral, the neutral CT single-phase ground faults.
ratio should not exceed 1000/5. For a fault 10%
from the neutral and assuming I1 is proportional
to percent winding from the neutral, the 51N
current will be 0.5 A, with a 1000/5 CT.
Faults near the generator neutral can be
sensed with the 27-3N. When high-impedance
grounding is in use, a detectable level of third-
harmonic voltage usually exists at the generator
neutral, typically 1–5% of generator line-to-
neutral fundamental voltage. The level of third-
harmonic depends on generator design and
can be very low in some generators. A 2/3 pitch
machine will experience a notably reduced third-
harmonic voltage. The level of harmonic voltage
will likely decrease at lower excitation levels and
lower load levels. During ground faults near the
generator neutral, the third-harmonic voltage
in the generator neutral is shorted to ground,
causing the 27-3N to drop out (Fig. 6). It is
important that the 27-3N have high rejection of
FIGURE 4. UNIT-CONNECTED CASE WITH HIGH- fundamental frequency voltage.
To provide 100% stator winding coverage voltage to the maximum continuous rating of
in high-impedance grounded generators, the the relay. If the relay is used for tripping, the
undervoltage (27-3N) and overvoltage (59N) secondary voltage could be as high as the
settings should overlap. For example, if a relay’s ten-second voltage rating. Tripping
generator-terminal fault produces 240 V, is recommended to minimize iron damage
60 Hz across the neutral voltage element (59N), for a winding fault as well as minimizing the
a 1V pickup setting (a fairly sensitive setting) possibility of a multi-phase fault.
would allow all but the last (1/240) • 100 =
0.416% of the winding to be covered by the Where wye-wye voltage transformers (VTs)
overvoltage function. If 20V third-harmonic is are connected to the machine terminals, the
developed across the relay prior to a fault, a secondary VT neutral should not be grounded
1 V third-harmonic dropout setting would to avoid operation of the 59N protection for a
provide dropout for a fault to (1/20) • 100 = 5% secondary ground fault. Instead, one of the
from the neutral. Setting the 59N pickup too phase leads should be grounded (i.e., "corner
low or the 27-3N dropout too low might result in ground"), leaving the neutral to float. This
operation of the ground detection system during connection eliminates any voltage across the
normal operating conditions. The third-harmonic 59N element for a secondary phase-to-ground
dropout level can be the hardest to properly fault. If the VT secondary neutral is grounded,
set, because this level depends on machine a phase-ground VT secondary fault pulls little
design, generator excitation and load levels. It current, so the secondary fuse sees little current
is advisable to measure third-harmonic voltages and does not operate. The fault appears to be a
at the generator neutral during unloaded and high impedance phase-to-ground fault as seen
loaded conditions prior to selecting a setting by the generator neutral-shift sensing protection
for the 27-3N dropout. In some generators, (59N), leading to a generator trip. Alternatively,
the third-harmonic at the neutral can become assume that the VT corner (e.g., phase A) has
almost unmeasurably low during low excitation been grounded. If phase B or C faults to ground,
and low load levels, requiring blocking the then the fault will appear as a phase-to-phase
27-3N tripping mode with a supervising 32 fault, which will pull high secondary currents and
underpower element when the generator is will clear the secondary fuse rapidly and prevent
running unloaded. 59N operation. A neutral-to-ground fault tends
to operate the 59N, but this is a low likelihood
There is also some level of third-harmonic event. An isolation VT is required if the generator
voltage present at the generator high voltage VTs would otherwise be galvanically connected
terminals. A somewhat predictable ratio of to a set of neutral-grounded VTs. Three wye
(V3RD-GEN.HV.TERM)/(V3RD-GEN.NEUTRAL) will exist under VTs should be applied where an iso-phase bus
all load conditions, though this ratio can change (phase conductors separately enclosed) is used
if loading induces changes in third-harmonic to protect against phase-to-phase faults on the
voltages. A ground fault at the generator generator terminals.
neutral will change this ratio, providing another
means to detect a generator ground fault. Two The 59N element in Fig. 4 is subject to
difficulties with this method are these: problems operation for a ground fault on the wye side
with developing a way to accurately sense of any power transformer connected to the
low third-harmonic voltages at the generator generator. This voltage is developed even
high-voltage terminals in the presence of though the generator connects to a delta
large fundamental-frequency voltages and winding because of the transformer inter-
problems with dealing with the changes in the winding capacitance. This coupling is so small
third-harmonic ratio under some operating that its effect can ordinarily be ignored; however,
conditions. this is not the case with the 59N application
because of the very high grounding resistance.
If the 59N protection is used only for The 59N overvoltage element time delay allows
alarming, the distribution transformer voltage the relay to override external-fault clearing.
ratio should be selected to limit the secondary
The Basler BE1-11 family of multifunction and the tendency will be for all generators to
relays with voltage inputs, including the trip. The 51N relay, when connected to a flux
BE1-11g, features the required neutral summation CT, will provide selective tripping
overvoltage (59N), undervoltage (27-3N) and if at least three generators are in service. In
phase overvoltage (59P) units. The single this case, the faulted generator 51N protection
function BE1-59N can also be used as the 59 will then see more current than the other 51N
element is tuned to 60 Hz and the optional elements. The proper 51N will operate before
undervoltage 27-3N element detects the third- the others because of the inverse characteristic
harmonic voltage. A separate 59 phase must be of the relays. Use of the flux summation CT is
installed to block 27-3N operation when the unit limited to those cases where the CT window can
is offline. accommodate the three cables. Fault currents
are relatively low, so care must be exercised
Fig. 4 also shows a 51GN element as a in selecting an appropriate nominal relay
second way to detect a stator ground fault. current level (e.g., 5 A vs. 1 A) and CT ratio. For
The use of a 51GN in addition to the 59N and example, with a 30 A fault level and a 50 to
27-3N is readily justified because the most likely 5 A CT, a 1 A nominal 51N with a pickup of
fault is a stator ground fault. An undetected 0.1 A might be used. With two generators, each
stator ground fault would be catastrophic, contributing 10 A to a terminal fault in a third
eventually resulting in a multi-phase fault with generator, the faulted-generator 51N function
high current flow, which persists until the field sees 2•10/(50/5) = 2 A. Then the relay protects
flux decays (e.g., for 1–4s). The CT shown down to ([0.1]/2) • 100 = 5% from the neutral.
in Fig. 4 could be replaced with a CT in the
secondary of the distribution transformer, When feeder cables are connected to the
allowing use of a CT with a lower voltage generator bus, the additional capacitance
rating. However, the 51GN element would then dictates a much lower level of grounding
be inoperative if the distribution transformer resistance than achieved with a unit-connected
primary becomes shorted. The CT ratio for the case. A lower resistance is required to minimize
secondary-connected configuration should transient overvoltages during an arcing fault.
provide for a relay current about equal to the
generator neutral current (i.e., 5:5 CT). In either
position, the relay pickup should be above the
harmonic current flow during normal operation.
(Typically harmonic current will be less than
1A but the relay can be set lower if the relay
filters harmonic currents and responds only to
fundamental currents.) Assuming a maximum
fault current of 8 A primary in the neutral and
a relay set to pick up at 1 A primary, 88% of
the stator winding is covered. As with the
59N element, the 51GN delay will allow it to
override clearing of a high-side ground fault. An
instantaneous overcurrent element can also be
employed, set at about three times the time- UNITS WILL NOT BE SELECTIVE; 51N PROTECTION
overcurrent element pickup, although it might PROVIDES SELECTIVE PROTECTION IF AT LEAST THREE
not coordinate with primary VT fuses that are GENERATORS ARE IN SERVICE.
connected to the generator terminals.
The BE1-11g neutral differential (87N),
Multiple generators, per Fig. 7, can be neutral directional (67N), or neutral overcurrent
high-impedance grounded, but 59N protection (51N) can be used to detect ground faults
will not be selective. A ground fault anywhere in either solidly or low-impedance grounded
on the generation bus or on the separate generators as shown in Figure 8. The 51N is
generators will be seen by all 59N elements, typically set to 10% of available ground fault
current and must be coordinated with other with external devices. Because the 51 function
system ground fault protections. The 67N operates for external faults, it is not generator-
complements the operation of the 51N, and is zone selective. It will operate for abnormal
set to trip for ground fault current flowing toward external operating conditions such as remote
the generator and has a shorter time delay. faults that are not properly cleared by remote
The 87N element detects the difference current breakers. The 51 pickup should be set at
between the calculated neutral current (3I0) about 175% of rated current to override swings
and the measured ground current (IG). The 87N because of a slow-clearing external fault, the
is more commonly found on generators that starting of a large motor or the reacceleration
already have CTs required for phase differential current of a group of motors. Energization of a
relaying. The 87N will typically operate for transformer might also subject the generator to
ground faults as low as 50% of the phase higher-than-rated current flow.
fault current in these applications. Whichever
approach is used, an effort should be made to
select relay settings to trip for faults as low as
10% of maximum ground fault current levels.
During external phase faults, considerable
87N operating current can occur when there is
dissimilar saturation of the phase CTs caused
by high ac current or transient dc offset effects,
while the generator neutral current is still zero,
assuming balanced conductor impedances to
the fault. The transient monitor feature of the
BE1-11g, 87N, has an adjustable time delay
setting to ride through possible transient CT
saturation caused by these high fault current,
two phase to ground external faults.
higher level of current than indicated by the of higher current contribution from the external
Fig. 10 curves. An estimate of the net fault source; however, the generator is unprotected
current of a pre-loaded generator is a should a fault occur with the breaker open or
superposition of load current and fault current prior to synchronizing.
without pre-loading. For example, assuming a
pre-fault 1 pu rated load at 30 degree lag, at Voltage-restrained or voltage-controlled
one second the three-phase fault value would time-overcurrent elements (51VR, 51VC) can
be 2.4 times rated, rather than 1.75 times rated be used as shown in Fig. 11 to remove any
(1@30° + 1.75@90° = 2.4@69°). Under these concerns about the ability to operate before the
circumstances, the 51 function has more time to generator current drops too low. The voltage
operate before current decays below pickup. feature allows the relays to be set below rated
current. The Basler BE1-11g multifunction
overcurrent generator protection relay, as well
as single function relays such as the
BE1-51/27R voltage-restrained relay, approach
causes the pickup to decrease with decreasing
voltage. For example, the relay might be set
for about 175% of generator rated current with
rated voltage applied; at 25% voltage the relay
picks up at 25% of the relay setting (1.75 • 0.25
= 0.44 times rated).
time-overcurrent (51) element should be at 1.5
times the maximum split-phase current. The
time delay should be set to prevent operation
on CT transient error currents during external
faults. The instantaneous (50) pickup should be
set approximately at seven times the minimum
pickup of the time-overcurrent (51). Fig. 14
shows the split-phase relaying scheme.
5-30 seconds to provide enough time for the
controls to pick up load upon synchronizing
when the generator is initially slower than the
Loss-of-Field Protection
power and then draws reactive power upon
loss of excitation, the reactive swings can
significantly depress the voltage. In addition,
the voltage will oscillate and adversely impact
sensitive loads. If the unit is large compared
to the external reactive sources, it can result in
system instability.
Thermal Protection
Loss of VT Detection
Overexcitation and Over/Under Voltage
nominal, islanding is declared and either the
generator is tripped or the point of common
coupling with the utility is opened.
use of a 60FL function or two 27 elements on
separate VT circuits avoids tripping for a VT fuse
failure. Alternatively, a fuse loss detection or
voltage-balance element (60FL) could be used
in conjunction with a single 27 function to block
FIGURE 28. The directional overcurrent element
of the BE1-11f inadvertent energization (IE).
Negative-Sequence Protection
Negative sequence voltage (47) protection,
while not as commonly used, is another means
to sense system imbalance as well as, in some
situations, a misconnection of the generator to a
system to which it is being paralleled.
Out-of-Step Protection
The use of a single blinder scheme can be Synchronism Check and Auto Synchronizing
implemented in the BE1-11g to minimize the
probability of tripping on recoverable swings. Before connecting a generator to the power
system, it is important that the generator and
The need for 78OOS protection must be system frequency, voltage magnitude and
determined by a system stability study which is phase angle be in alignment, referred to as
typically conducted by the utility to which the synchronism checking (25). Typical parameters
generator is connected. Utility interconnection are shown in Fig. 31. Typical applications call
agreements and power pool agreements may for no more than 6 RPM error, 2% voltage
affect the need for this protection. magnitude difference and no more than 10°
phase angle error before closing the breaker.
The Basler BE1-11g can perform the sync check
Auto synchronizing (25A) refers to a Integrated Application Examples
system to automatically bring a generator
into synchronism with the power system. It Figs. 32 through 36 show examples of
involves sending voltage and speed raise and protection packages.
lower commands to the voltage regulator and
prime mover governor. When the system is in Fig. 32 represents bare-minimum protection,
synchronism, the autosync element is designed with only overcurrent protection. Generators
to send a close command in advance of the with such minimum protection are uncommon in
zero-phase angle error point to compensate this era of microprocessor-based multifunction
for breaker close delays. Typically, the 25 relays. Such protection would likely be seen
function, which usually is set to supervise the only on very small (< 50 kVA) generators used
25A and manual sync function, is set with wider for standby power that is never paralleled with
parameters than the 25A to coordinate with the the utility grid or other generators. It might
actions of the 25A. The auto-synchronization appear to be a disadvantage to use CTs on the
feature is available in the Basler BE1-11g as an neutral side as shown, because the relays might
option. When using the 25A element in the operate faster with CTs on the terminal side. The
BE1-11g, a BE1-25 relay can be used for sync increase in speed would be the result of a larger
check. current contribution from external sources.
However, if the CTs are located on the terminal
side of the generator, there will be no protection
prior to putting the machine online. This is not
recommended, because a generator with an
internal fault could be destroyed when the field
is applied.
the external source contribution, which might elements. Rather, a shorted CT or defective
be greater than the generator contribution. Fast connection will unbalance the differential circuit
disconnection from the external source allows and cause the 87 to trip. Independent CTs
prompt restoration of normal voltage to loads could be used to provide improved back-up
and can reduce damage and cost of repairs. protection, although this seems to be a minimal
advantage. However, a separate CT is used for
the 51N function that provides protection for the
most likely type of fault.
and detects a shorted or open connection
in the generator ground connection or in the
distribution transformer secondary circuit.
The Basler BE1-11g includes a third- FIGURE 36. WYE-CONNECTED VTS, APPROPRIATE WITH AN
harmonic undervoltage function (27-3N) that ISOLATED-PHASE BUS.
provides supervision of the grounding system,
protects for faults near the generator neutral
Application of Numeric Programmable Relays BE1-11g applied to generator protection.
Because of logic complexity, full details are not
Numeric programmable relays contain many shown. Details of these applications can be
of the functions discussed in this guideline in a found in the respective instruction manuals.
single package. Figs. 37 and 38 show the
FIGURE 37. Low Z Grounded Generator with Sequential Trip and Sync Check (J-Case).
FIGURE 38. High Impedance Grounded Generator Protection with Sequential Trip One-Line (J-Case).
Typical Settings and Relays Table 3 lists typical Basler relays applicable
to generator protection. There are two classes
Table 1a and 1b is an example of the typical of relays presented in Table 3; the classic
specifications supplied by the manufacturer single function "utility grade" (i.e., tested to
and/or designer. These data are used to derive IEEE C37.90 standards) BE1-XXX relays and
typical settings for use as a starting point in the the multifunction utility grade relays. Additional
setting determination procedure. The proper information on each relay is available on the
settings are heavily influenced by the specifics Basler Electric web site,
of each application. Typical settings also are
used as an aid in selecting the range where a
choice is available.
Table 2 lists the functions discussed herein
as applied to a 2 MW diesel generator set in
configuration software BESTCOMSPlus® for the
BE1-11g Generator Protection System.
CTR 1200:5
VTR 4:1
Any power system and measurement parameters including nameplate data, CT or VT ratios should be configured when using
digital relays prior to modifying protection settings and making them active. To follow the example, please visit to download configuration software BESTCOMSPlus. See instruction manual for the BE1-11g Generator
Protection System (publication 9424200994) for additional details.
Table 2 - Typical Settings(1)
IEEE No. Fig. Function Typical Settings and Remarks BE1-11g BESTCOMSPlus® Settings(2)
24 24, Overexcitation PU: 1.2 • V/ Hz; Time Delay: 60 s; Definite Time Timer 1 PU: 2.40;
26 Alarm PU: 1.1 • V/ Hz; Alarm delay: 6 s Timer 1 Time Delay: 60000;
Alarm Pickup: 2.20;
Alarm Time Delay: 6000
25 24, Synchronism Check Max Slip: 6 RPM; Max phase angle error: 10°; Voltage Diff: 2; Slip Angle: 10;
31 Max V error: 2.5% V Slip Freq: 0.10
32 18, Reverse Power PU: turbine 1% of rated; 15 s; 32-1 element mode: Total Power;
20 (one stage) PU: Reciprocating engine: 10% of rated; 5 s PU: 83; Time Delay: 5000;
Direction: Reverse; Over Under: Over
32-1 20 Reverse Power PU: same as 32; 3 s 32-2 element same as 32-1 with
Nonelectrical Trip Time Delay: 3000
40 18, Loss-of-field (VAR Level 1 PU: 25% VA rating; Delay: 0.2 s; PU: 625.5;
21 Flow Approach) Level 2 PU: 40% VA rating: 0.1 s Time Delay: 200
46 29 Negative-Sequence I PU: 10% I; K = 10 51-1 element mode: I2;
Overcurrent Source: CT Circuit 1 (stator output);
PU: 0.500; Time Dial: 10;
Curve: 46 – K Factor
49 23 Stator Temperature Lower: 95°C; Upper: 105°C 49RTD-1(3) element mode: Under;
(RTD) Source: RTD Group 1; PU(4): 95;
Time Delay: 0; Voting: 1
49RTD-2(3) element mode: Over;
Source: RTD Group 1; PU(4): 105;
Time Delay: 0; Voting: 1
50/27 IE 27 Inadvertent 50: 10% I 50-1 element mode: 3 Phase;
Energization 27: 85% V (81: Similar) Source: CT Circuit 1 (stator output);
Overcurrent with 27, PU: 0.500; Time Delay: 0
81 Supervision 27P-1 element mode: One of Three;
PU: 58.9 Vpn; Inhibit Level: 0.0 Vpn;
Timing Mode: Definite Timing;
Time Delay: 0
81-1 element mode: Under;
Source: Phase VT; PU: 51;
Time Delay: 0; Voltage Inhibit: 0.0 Vpn(5)
50/51N 2 Stator Ground PU: 10% I; Curve E1; TD4; Inst 100% I. 51-2 element mode: IG; Source: IG1;
Overcurrent (Low-, Higher PU if required to coordinate with load. PU: 0.500; Time Dial: 4.00; Curve: E1
Med.-Z Gnd, Neutral No higher than 25% I 50-2 element mode: IG;
CT or Flux Summation Source: IG1; PU 5.010;
CT) Time Delay: 0
51VR 11 Voltage Restrained PU: 175% I; Curve: V1; TD: 4. 51-3 element mode: 3 Phase;
Overcurrent Zero Restraint Voltage: 100% V Source: CT Circuit 1 (stator output);
PU: 8.26; Time Dial: 4.00; Curve: V1;
Voltage Restraint Mode: Restraint;
Threshold: 69 Vpn
See Figure 39 for a screenshot of the BE1-11g Protection Summary tab. See Figure 40 for a screenshot of the BE1-11g 87 Phase Differential
settings screen.
Only settings as applied to the example specifications provided in Table 1 are shown in this column. Settings appearing in BESTCOMSPlus but not
shown here, are unchanged from their default values except in the case of the 49 element where the source and voting settings depend on prior
RTD module configuration. Numbered elements may be different on relay models with the IEC 61850 option.
Requires RTD module and additional configuration before these settings become enabled. Voting may be changed depending on the number of
RTDs in each configured group. Source name reflects default labeling. See BE1-11g instruction manual for more information.
BESTCOMSPlus defaults thermal settings in terms of degrees Fahrenheit. If settings are in terms of degrees Celsius, as in this example, the display
units should be changed to metric in “Settings Explorer>General Settings>Display Units” before making settings active.
Table 2 continued - Typical Settings(1)
IEEE No. Fig. Function Typical Settings and Remarks BE1-11g BESTCOMSPlus® Settings(2)
81 24 Over/underfrequency Generator protection: 57 Hz, 62Hz, 0.5 s; 81-2 element mode: Under; PU: 57;
Island detection: 59 Hz, 61Hz, 0.1 s Time Delay: 500; Voltage Inhibit: 0.0;
81-3 element mode: Over; PU: 62;
Time Delay: 500; Voltage Inhibit: 0.0;
81-4 element mode: Under; PU: 59;
Time Delay: 100; Voltage Inhibit: 0.0;
81-5 element mode: Over; PU: 61;
Time Delay: 100; Voltage Inhibit: 0.0
87G 13A Generator Phase BE1-87G: 0.4A; 87 element mode: Percent Differential;
Differential BE1-11g: Min PU: 0.1 • tap; Minimum Rest. PU: 0.10;
Tap: I; Slope: 15% Slope Mode: Maximum
Restraint Slope 1: 15; Time Delay: 0
87N 8 Generator Ground BE1-11g: Min PU: 0.1 • tap; Slope 15%; 87N element mode: Enabled; Iop
Differential Time delay: 0.1s; choose low tap Minimum: 1.5A; Time Delay: 50 ms;
BE1-67N: current polarization; time: 0.25A; Overcorrection Coefficient: 1.2; CT Flip:
Curve: VI; TD: 2; Instantaneous: disconnect No; CT Source: CT2, IG2; Transient
Time Delay: 100 ms
Elements that compose 50/27 IE must be further configured in BESTlogic™Plus. Consult the BE1-11g instruction manual for more information on
using BESTlogicPlus.
Table 3 – Basler Electric Relay Application Matrix
IEEE Number Single Function Multifunction (1)
BE1- X=Included ◊=Optional
BE1-851 BE1-11f BE1-CDS BE1-11g
21 X
24 24 X X X
25 25 ◊ X
25A 25A X
27 27 X X X
27/50IE 50/51B, 50, 27 X X
27/59 27/59 X X
32 32R, 32O/U X X
40 40Q X
46 46N X X X X
47 47N X X X
49 49 X
50/51G (2)
50/51B, 51 X ◊ X X
50/51N (3)
50/87 50/51B, 50 X X X X
51P 50/51B, 51 X X X X
51VC 51/27C X X X
51VR 51/27R X X X
59P 59 X X X
59N, 27-3N, 59P 59N ◊ (4) X
60FL 60 X X X
64 64F
67IE 67 X X
81 51O/U X X X
87G 87G X
87N 67N ◊ ◊ X
87UD 87T X X
Not all functions in relays are shown. Relays also may include multiple set points and setting groups.
50/51G - Indicates a relay that monitors a ground CT source.
50/51N - Indicates a relay that calculates residual (3I0) from phase currents.
BE1-11g and BE1-11f have standard capability to calculate 3V0 from wye-connected phase CTs. VAUX input is
optional for BE1-11f .
1. IEEE C37.101, IEEE Guide for Generator Ground Protection
2. IEEE C37.102, IEEE Guide for AC Generator Protection
3. IEEE C37.106, IEEE Guide for Abnormal Frequency Protection for Generating Plants
4. J. Lewis Blackburn, “Protective Relaying: Principles and Applications”, 2nd Edition, Marcel Dekker,
Inc., 1998.
5. S. Horowitz and A. Phadke, “Power System Relaying”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1992.
Revision E.1 March 2014