Unity Curricular Framework Oct 2017
Unity Curricular Framework Oct 2017
Unity Curricular Framework Oct 2017
Table of Contents
Capstone Project
Resource Guide
Intended Audience
The Unity Curriculum Framework was designed for institutional educators that
need to develop robust learning and deliver adaptive teaching, to a continu-
ous group of learners, over a finite period of time. Every aspect of the curriculum
framework was maximized to enable learning content creation and provide
learning resource deployment in this type of environment.
Unity Technologies recognizes that many different types of education providers desire learning
resources in support of the Unity Game Editor and Unity Game Engine. Unity Technologies also
realizes that different learning environments and different learning goals often cause and ac-
company different reader needs. As such, readers outside the intended audience are still en-
couraged to utilize the curriculum framework as they may.
Conceptual Model
Technical Model
The Unity Curriculum Framework employs a modular, competency based, interactive (i.e.
hands-on) instructional model. Learners completing all components of study should gain a
broad understanding of what is involved in the creation of interactive application and video
game creation process; from concept inception to final release.
The recommended duration of time required to complete the entire curriculum framework is 36
calendar weeks, but can (and should) be adjusted, depending upon various real-world environ-
mental factors. These factors include, but are not limited to, the learner’s age, experience level,
and the frequency of their availability for learning.
Components of Study
The Unity Curriculum Framework is comprised of 14 distinct components or “units” of study. Each
unit of study functions like a gear in a mechanical device, adding unique, specific value to the
machine as a whole.
Each unit of study contains the following, standardized sections (in order of appearance):
• Title
• Unit Description
• Major Topics
• Learning Objectives
• Course Outline
• Instructor-Led Training (ILT) Activities
• Self-Pace Learning (SPL) Activities
• Standards Alignment Guide
• Assessment Rubric(s)
• Assessment of Learning Objectives
• Suggested Resources
The 14 units of study provide learning opportunities through a wide variety lessons and experi-
ences to help learners grasp and fully understand what is involved in being an effective devel-
oper. Through research, demonstrations, game play, structured lessons, and tactical training
activities, learners will fully experience the interactive application and game creation process.
The units of study were strategically designed with modularity in mind. This strategy provides op-
timum flexibility for learning content delivery. The units of study can be delivered linearly, as orig-
inally outlined with the Unity Curriculum Framework. However, experienced readers may choose
to deliver the units in a different sequence, in order to better align the curriculum framework with
their existing learning objectives, learner abilities, or other factors.
Capstone Project
The units of study are followed by a final, culminating, critically important component, referred
to as the “capstone project.” The Capstone Project provides each learner the ability to apply all
they have learned towards the creation of a unique interactive application or video game.
The units of study, combined with the Capstone Project, provide a significant quantity of strategic
guidance and tactical resources for educators to develop and deliver a learning experience
that engage learners and prepare them to become professional interactive application and
video game creators.
The Unity Curriculum Framework provides an educational model to state and measure learning
outcomes that is aligned with Blooms taxonomy. Within each unit of study, the Learning Objectives
section and the Assessment of Learning Objectives section provide:
• A series of learning objectives or learning objective assessment statements
• A Blooms cognitive domain mapping for each statement
• A level of difficulty indication for each statement
Blooms Domain Learning Objective Level of Difficulty
Identify basic game
Evaluation design principles, reciting 1 2 3
common choices, styles,
and/or aesthetics (e.g.
visual, audial, interactive, 4 5 6
and narrative).
Learning objectives (and their assessments) are provided to help the educator develop and de-
liver effective learning. The curriculum framework offers these lists as a start, not a finish. Readers
are encouraged to explore Blooms taxonomy, to reflect on the appropriateness of the learning
objectives provided within each unit of study, and to refine the lists (as necessary) for the benefit
of their learners.
For each learning objective statement, a level of difficulty indication is also provided. The level
of difficulty gauge is aligned with the cognitive domain levels within Blooms taxonomy. It serves
to indicate and remind readers that higher level domain mappings often (but not always) pres-
ent greater challenges towards achieving and measuring learning goals in the classroom. That
being said, high level domain mappings have often been regarded as a valuable ingredient for
producing incredibly capable learners.
Standards Alignment
The Unity Curriculum Framework is designed and built upon the Unity Professional Standards
for Interactive Application and Video Game Creation. As a result, the curriculum framework is
closely aligned to several contemporary and prominent standards initiatives today, including:
• Unity Professional Standards for Interactive Application & Video Game Creation
• Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
• STEM Career Clusters (SCC)
• Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
• 21st Century Skills (T21C)
Within each unit of study, readers will be provided references to all these standards models.
Standards initiatives, in the field of education today, are similar to the interactive application
and video game creation industry itself: complex, expansive, and changing. This reality can
make the task of aligning learning content to multiple standards a challenging task. It can also
make the process of differentiating the standards (and the competencies they describe) within
a singular document a feat in itself!
Technical Training
While the Unity Curriculum Framework is adaptable to a variety of game development software
applications, the document is intended to aid in the technical learning of the Unity Game Editor
and Unity Game Engine.
While every effort has been made to align and suggest specific Unity 3d tools, features, and
techniques within each unity of study, the reader is encouraged to reference all resources avail-
able and consider their appropriateness.
The curriculum framework also references a broad selection of high quality learning tutorials,
manuals, and informational resources readily available within the Unity Learn website and the
online Unity Community. Readers are strongly encouraged to explore and utilize these highly
visual and interactive resources.
Within the Unity Curriculum Framework, both formative and summative strategies have been ap-
plied to formally and effectively measure learning.
One important opportunity for formative assessment arises from the (recommended) require-
ment of learners to regularly maintain their Game Developer’s Journal. Another formative assess-
ment opportunity arises from their (recommended) requirement to manage their Game Design
Document (GDD). The successful completion of the Capstone
Project provides a summative assessment, indicative of learner
competency and their ultimate ability to create an interactive
application or video game that meets their stated goals.
The curriculum framework provides additional opportunities for
assessment. These opportunities are highlighted within the units
of study and take the form of activities, tests, assignments, and
exercises. Some of these opportunities are even demonstrated with
sample Assessment Rubrics. Rubrics provide an excellent strategy for
conveying expectations to learners, as well as creating a foundation to
help learners organize their efforts on any given assignment. While
several Assessment Rubrics are provided, readers are encouraged
to develop and deploy their own rubrics in order to meet the spe-
cific needs of their individual learners and learning environments.
Resource Guide
Within the Unity Curriculum Framework, both formative and summative strategies have been ap
The Unity Curriculum Framework contains a resource guide for educators and their learners. In addition
to a glossary, the resource guide contains valuable samples, templates, and other documents that
are referenced frequently within the curriculum framework. Unity Technologies recommends all read-
ers familiarize themselves with the resource guide prior to deploying the curriculum framework.
Before progressing into the units of study, educators should introduce their learners to two criti-
cally important documents within the Unity Curriculum Framework:
1. Game Developer’s Journal
2. Game Design Document (GDD)
At the onset of the learning process, learners should be directed to complete unit specific re-
quirements for these two documents on a regular (i.e. daily) basis. Templates for both of these
documents are available in the resource guide. Maintenance of the Game Developer’s Journal
serves to keep students focused and on track, while offering educator’s ongoing insight into the
learner’s progress. Furthermore, routine contributions to the Game Design Document (GDD) will
produce a practical version of the final documentation that is typically requested (within indus-
try) to accompany any real-world interactive application or video game product release.
Instructor-Led Training (ILT)
Each unit within the Unity Curriculum Framework provides recommendations for Instructor-Led
Training (ILT) activities. These activities may include a collection of tutorials, project manage-
ment exercises, and small group assignments. The activities are provided to the educator, offer-
ing a high level, comprehensive overview of relationships between course components and the
technical skill building opportunities that are connected.
Look for the ‘educator helping learner’ graphic to indicate when instructor-led training is recommended.
Each unit, within the Unity Curriculum Framework, also provides recommendations for Self-Pace
Learning (SPL) activities. These activities have been designed to enable self-pace, out-of-class-
room study. The Self-Pace Learning (SPL) activities ultimately provide a variety of exploratory
and reflective learning opportunities for the learner. These activities may include a collection of
journal entries, research, Game Design Document (GDD) enhancements, and game play testing.
In every aspect, the Unity Curriculum Framework was designed to encourage educators to
recognize, prepare for, and permit learner individuality throughout the entire learning process.
Individuality may take the form of one learner exploring more about a unit topic (of special
interest) than another. Individuality may also take the shape of allowing each learner to choose
the complexity of projects they pursue or the genre of products they produce.
In every aspect, the Unity Curriculum Framework was also designed to encourage educators
to recognize, prepare for, and permit learner personalization throughout the entire learning pro-
cess. Personalization may take the form of a unique approach to the creative appearance of
their Game Developer’s Journal. Personalization may also take form within the strategic design
of their interactive application or video game submission.
In cases of individuality and personalization, the curriculum framework recognizes that these
are not simple tasks for the educator. In fact, integrating individuality and personalization into
a curriculum may serve to be one of the most difficult challenges faced by the educator today.
However, the curriculum framework also challenges educators to strive to do their best. And, for
some, that may involve taking risks and venturing (e.g. learning) far beyond the normal comfort zone.
The authors of the Unity Curriculum Framework cannot stress the importance of integrating
individuality and personalization within the curriculum. At the end of the day, these are guiding
principles for empowering learners (and professionals) to produce the most creative and inno-
vative interactive applications and video games on the market today.
By the end of this unit, learners should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. Identify basic game design principles, reciting common (visual, audial, interactive, narrative,
etc.) choices, styles, and/or aesthetics.
2. Demonstrate the ability to review and summarize contemporary video games; examining intent,
form, and functionality.
3. Implement the fundamental concepts of project management within the context of the
interactive application and video game development process.
4. Utilize the game editor user interface to open and organize a simple project or scene.
5. Differentiate primary components within the game editor; examining their
purpose and function.
6. Distinguish contemporary game genres and platforms.
7. Devise systems to organize and illustrate the interactivity and player immersion that exist within
contemporary video games.
8. Reconstruct the rules of contemporary games, in order to improve the
game play experience.
9. Critique contemporary video games; providing adequate arguments and justification.
10. Interpret the role of game narrative and game play; evaluating its impact on the interactive
storytelling environment.
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content with integrated activities and assess-
ments. When reviewing the content in this unit, important questions to consider may include:
• What learning experiences can your learners engage in during this unit?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into these learning experiences?
• H
ow can you integrate formative assessments into the tangible deliverables (e.g. documents,
projects, test applications, game builds) that your learners produce?
• How can you integrate summative assessments towards the end of this unit?
As these can be challenging questions, this section will provide resources and
recommendations to help you determine the appropriate answers.
This activity will allow learners to get acquainted with the Unity Editor, which will be the prima-
ry tool used for the creation of the Capstone Project. This exercise will also introduce them to
importing assets, the viewer windows, and how to navigate within the Unity Editor. Although this
is a brief exploration of the Unity Editor, it will set the stage for the development work the learners
will produce throughout the course.
Introduce learners to this topic by having them complete the following tutorials, using the Unity
1. Learning the Interface Tutorial:
2. Editor Basics:
Within your Game Developers Journal, enter at least five core game (i.e. product) ideas to be
considered for your final Capstone Project. These do not need to be very detailed ideas, just a
few sentences to capture the main game concept. Later, one of these ideas will be developed
and delivered as your final Capstone Project submission.
1.E.1: Game Modification Plan – Assessment Rubric
1. From memory, learners can list or label basic game design principles.
2. Learners can research online game reviews, citing the vocabulary related to game
play and design elements.
3. Learners can consistently and correctly apply project management fundamentals
as an essential function of game development.
4. Learners can demonstrate how to open a pre-developed scene, view its components, and
configure the user interface within the game editor.
5. Learners will be able to differentiate the following game development components:
i. Assets
ii. Hierarchy
iii. Inspectors/properties
iv. Parenting/Nesting
v. Views: Scene, Game Animation, Light mapping, Occlusion Culling
vi. Prefabs
6. Supplied with a list of contemporary games, learners will consistently and correctly characterize
genre inclusion; providing adequate justification for genre selection. Learners can also
differentiate popular gaming platforms; describing the advantages and disadvantages in terms
of hardware (i.e. peripheral) features and game play modalities.
7. Learners can design a game rating system to rank interactivity and player immersion.
8. Based on the review created by the learner, the learner will formulate a Game Modification Task
Sheet and a Game Modification Plan; identifying key differentiators of the game, possible issues,
and/or areas for improvement.
9. Upon selecting a game of their liking, learners can write a critique using appropriate standards
and terminology.
10. Within small group interactions, learners can argue or defend the value of game narrative and
game play; evaluating its impact on the game being discussed and influencing others within
the group.
By the end of this unit, learners should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. Define creative and critical thinking.
2. Explain contemporary problem solving methods, providing examples.
3. Demonstrate the ability to determine essential questions, issues, and/or problems.
4. Utilize contemporary problem solving techniques.
5. Differentiate between a game review and a critical analysis of a game.
6. Breakdown a problem into its component parts, set priorities, and explore methods of resolution.
7. Gather, generate, and evaluate relevant information through effective research.
8. Develop informed conclusions/solutions.
9. Use logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions,
conclusions, or approaches to problems.
10. Consider the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the most appropriate one.
11. Use oral and written communication skills to clearly communicate and defend their positions or
conclusions with regard to a story specific issue or evaluation.
12. Predict when problems arise or are likely to arise within a given scenario.
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content with integrated activities and assessments.
When reviewing the content in this unit, important questions to consider may include:
• What learning experiences can your learners engage in during this unit?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into these learning experiences?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into the tangible deliverables (e.g.
documents, projects, test applications, game builds) that your learners produce?
• How can you integrate summative assessments towards the end of this unit?
As these can be challenging questions, this section will provide resources and
recommendations to help you determine the appropriate answers.
At this point, learners have opened the Unity Editor and should be familiar with the user inter-
face. This unit will allow them to experiment with importing and manipulating game objects.
Learners can complete the following brief tutorial on game objects in the Unity Editor:
Learners can reference the Unity Manual for additional background on game objects.
Within your Game Developers Journal, use mind-mapping techniques to illustrate your top two
or three ideas (from the five ideas generated during Unit 1). At this point, you should focus on
producing a high level mind-map,illustrating only a few levels deep. You will continue to refine
your decision and add detail to your map as the learning progresses.
Reflect on your play experience.
• What were the game’s apparent design goals? Did it succeed at those
goals? Why or why not?
• What were the mechanics? What was the play experience? What is the
relationship between the two? Did you find any strategies that were exploit-
able? Did the game seem well-balanced?
• What kinds of interesting decisions (and uninteresting ones) were you making
throughout the game? What do you feel was the competitive differential of
the game?
Write your analysis of the game within a new Game Modification Task Sheet.
Include the following information:
• Name of the game and its publisher (this will help get you in the habit of giving credit
where due. It will also ensure everyone references the same game).
• Describe the core mechanics of the game. You do not have to reproduce the rules, but
you should describe the basic play of the game and the main decisions players are
making. Assume your audience has never played the game before!
• Include the Mechanics-Dynamics-Aesthetics (MDA) of the game, showing how they
emerge from the mechanics (if you are not sure, provide a guess).
• State the game’s design goals. Indicate what the designer was trying to do! Then,
indicate whether you feel the game met those goals, explaining why or why not.
• Note anything else you can about the game (such as a particular issue with game
balance or a unique use of game components).
• Lastly, if you were the designer, what would you change about the game (if anything)?
Make specific recommendations for your suggested changes. For example, do not just say
“I would make the game more interactive between players” or “I would fix the problem
that I identified earlier” — say how you would fix things. What rules would change and
what would they change to? Would you change any game objects or values?
• Remember, your audience is made up of other game designers. Write your analysis so
that other designers can learn from the mistakes and successes of the game you chose.
Your goal is to educate and inform them about the game you selected. Another goal is
to discover new lessons about what makes games work or not work. These goals are
more important than a review score!
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Explain your response.
“Not only do we tend to think about the world according to what we want to see and
what we need to see, we tend to think in terms of what we expect to see.”
__ 1.1.7. Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of several game mechanics used in an
existing game.
__ 1.1.20. Examine an existing game and critique its design with respect to functionality and usability.
__ 1.1.21. Examine an existing game and critique its design with respect to artistic impression
and emotional response.
__ 1.2.3. Describe problem-solving processes and their application.
__ 1.2.5. Describe methods for establishing priorities.
__ 1.2.6. Explain the concept of “tradeoffs” in the design process.
__ 1.2.7. Explain how the “optimum solution” is not always the “best” solution.
__ 1.3.8. Use brainstorming techniques to creatively generate a multitude of possible solutions
to a stated problem.
__ SCC02 COMMUNICATIONS: Use oral and written communication skills in creating, expressing
and interpreting information and ideas including technical terminology and information.
__ SCC04 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS: Use information technology tools
specific to the career cluster to access, manage, integrate, and create information.
__ NGSS1: Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)
__ NGSS3: Planning and carrying out investigations
__ NGSS8: Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
2.E.1: Critical Analysis Assignment – Assessment Rubric
1. Learners can define the meaning of critical thinking and creative thinking.
2. Learners can explain the Six-Step Problem-Solving Process and can associate the steps with real-
world examples.
3. Given a paragraph, learners can determine the key questions or issues within the content.
4. Learners can use brainstorming techniques to generate at least five possible solutions for a given
situation or problem.
5. Learners can distinguish a game review versus a critical analysis of a game.
6. Given a series of scenarios, learners can recognize and prioritize likely failure points; studying
common modifications utilized to avoid such failure points.
7. When supplied with an unfamiliar topic, learners can demonstrate an ability to research the
topic; correlating multiple sources of relevant information.
8. Learners can compile all information to propose the most valid solutions.
9. Supplied with a particular problem scenario, learners can generate a range of solutions and
courses of action with benefits, costs, and risks associated with each.
10. After being presented with an application design problem that includes multiple possible
solutions, the learner will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each solution, deciding on a
best option.
11. Learners can play a game reviewed in an online gaming magazine, write their own review, and
compare it with the online reviewers; defending their opinions and conclusions.
12. Given a series of scenarios, learners can predict failure points and recommend modifications to
avoid the failure points.
By the end of this unit, learners should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. Identify common game genres.
2. Categorize contemporary game genres.
3. Summarize important considerations in game design.
4. Describe rule creation and elements of player challenge.
5. Explain the theories behind player motivation.
6. Generate models and materials for project(s) created within the Unity Editor.
7. Apply fundamental concepts of project management.
8. Create a game proposal for a one button game.
9. Differentiate 2D from 3D game environments.
10. Examine the critical elements of puzzle design.
11. Evaluate the importance of iteration and rapid prototyping in game design.
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content with integrated activities and assessments.
When reviewing the content in this unit, important questions to consider may include:
• What learning experiences can your learners engage in during this unit?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into these learning experiences?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into the tangible deliverables (e.g.
documents, projects, test applications, game builds) that your learners produce?
• How can you integrate summative assessments towards the end of this unit?
As these can be challenging questions, this section will provide resources and
recommendations to help you determine the appropriate answers.
As learners become familiar with designing and planning games, they will need to understand
and apply thegame creation tools found in the Unity Editor. The following tutorial will introduce
learners to the importance of models and materials within the game development process and
the tools available within the Unity Editor. It will also help learnersto continue applying game
development knowledge and skills from previous tutorials. Finally, the skills learned in this tutori-
alare essential for ongoing professional development and learners should apply these skills to
their Capstone Project.
Models and Materials in Unity Editor:
Pick your favorite idea from the top three you brainstormed during your
mind-mapping assignment. You may change your mind, if later you desire to
develop a different idea instead.
Understanding and applying project management is an essential skill for a game development
professional. This activity will introduce the learner to basic concepts of managing a project,
within the context of game development and through management of the Capstone Project.
For this activity, the learners should complete a basic project charter using the supplied Project
Charter Form (PCF).
Document the primary rules of a reasonably simple game that you like. Include
a sketch of the user interface; a list of all the buttons and menu items; and a list
of the other modes that may be available. Describe the challenges and actions
that make the game interesting to you.
Play: http://www.games.jocuri-unity3d.com/after-sunset-2-unity-3d.html.
Discuss the goals and objectives of this game.What genre(s) would you classify
this game and why? Describe the game mechanics. How intuitive (i.e. easy)
is it to navigate the game? Explain the constitutive rules and the intuitive rules.
What is the player motivation? How does the challenge compare to the risks
and rewards? Explain why you think this is or is not a balanced game.
Certain genres are found more frequently built using one kind of environment
(i.e. 2D top-down or 3D ground-up) than another. Write a short paper explain-
ing which game environment each genre typically works best on and why. Try
to answer the following question: how do the environment’s features (e.g.
graphic style, mechanics, player controls) and the way that it is used facilitate
or hinder the gameplay in each genre?
Think of an idea you have for a game and answer the following questions:
1. What is the general flavor of the game? You can make references to other
games, movies, books, or any other media if your game contains similar
characters, actions, or ideas.
2. What is the player’s role? Is the player pretending to be someone or some-
thing, and if so, what? Is there more than one? How does the player’s role
help to define the gameplay?
3. Does the game have an avatar or other key character? Describe him/her/it.
4. What is the nature of the gameplay, in general terms? What kinds of chal-
lenges will the player face? What kinds of actions will the player take to
overcome them?
5. Does the game fall into an existing genre? If so, which one?
6. Why would someone want to play this game? Who is the game’s target
7. What is the game’s setting? Where does it take place?
8. Will the game be broken into levels? What might be the victory condition
for a typical level?
9. Does the game have a narrative or story as it goes along? Summarize the
plot in a sentence or two.
3.C.2.D: Rules on Three Levels Exercise
This formal design exercise works best with groups of three learners. Ask the learners to think of a
game that could be played in the classroom. The first person, out of the group of three, is asked
to secretly write down two game rules for the game they are thinking about. Each rule is to be
written on a separate line of the paper, so that when the top rule is covered up, the second rule
remains visible. The next person looks at the second rule and then adds two more rules
onto the list, leaving the last rule visible for the final person to view. The final
person writes down one final rule and then adds a winning
condition. All of the rules are then revealed and the
group fashions a game out of the total set of rules.
The goal of the exercise is to see how rules interact
with each other within the system of a game. Learn-
ers also explore the limits of ambiguity and specifici-
ty in rules by conducting the exercise. If there are
more people in each group, learners should each
write down a single rule, to keep the rule-set from
becoming too complex.
__ Identify the primary steps in the design process (Conceptualize, Prototype, Test, Analyze).
__ Explain the role of iteration in the design process.
__ Explain the difference between game mechanics and gameplay.
__ 1.1.12. Evaluate and describe various 2D & 3D, single & multi-user genre.
__ 1.2.8. Describe the difference between goals and objectives.
__ 1.6.2. Demonstrate understanding and ability to use game mechanics to improve gameplay.
3.E.1: Project Management for the Game Developer Assignment – Assessment Rubric
1. Supplied with a list of video game descriptions, the learner will be able to identify the correct genre(s).
2. Supplied with a list of gameplay characteristics, the learner will be able to categorize each
characteristic within its appropriate game genre.
3. Upon request, the learner will be able to verbally summarize the important considerations in
contemporary game design.
4. Following the Rules on Three Levels assignment, the learner will be able to identify, summarize,
and interpret the implicit, operational, and constitutive rules of several contemporary video
games within a written document.
5. Within a written document, the learner will be able to explain the 11 basic psychological needs
that people can meet by playing video games.
6. Using the Unity Editor, the learner will be able to create models and materials (per technical
guidelines set by the instructor) within the confines of the Unity Editor training assignments.
7. Supplied with a Project Charter Form (PCF), learners will be able to integrate the principles of
project management toward the completion of a basic project charter for their Capstone Project.
8. Within a written document, the learner will be able to create a game proposal for a one button game.
9. Within live, small group settings, learners will be able to communicate the difference between
top-down 2D game environments and ground-up 3D game environments; citing contemporary
examples as necessary to illustrate key points of differentiation.
10. The learner will be able to compose a written analysis of puzzle design; categorizing and
contrasting popular, contemporary puzzle examples and debating the quality and effectiveness
(i.e. good vs. bad) of puzzle design products in the market.
11. Supplied with a complete review of several contemporary games, learners will be able to
evaluate (in writing) the role and importance of rapid prototyping and iteration with the game
production process, citing specific examples for each game. Within live, small-group
environments, the learner will also be able to select a game and judge the importance of
iteration and rapid prototyping within the production process, defending their statements and
debating opposing views.
By the end of this unit, learners should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. Deconstruct and review the general principles of storytelling
2. Explain the benefits of storytelling and thepower of narrative
3. Describe the process of creating characters and designing character actions
4. Explain the use of storyboarding in game design
5. Identify the benefits of creating a storyboard
6. Create and control terrains within the Unity Editor
7. Explain how storyboard techniques can be used to further a storyline
8. Differentiate between the Concept Document, the Story Treatment Document, and the Game
Design Document (GDD)
9. Distinguish components of a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content within a structured course.
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content with integrated activities and assessments.
When reviewing the content in this unit, important questions to consider may include:
• What learning experiences can your learners engage in during this unit?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into these learning experiences?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into the tangible deliverables (e.g.
documents, projects, test applications, game builds) that your learners produce?
• How can you integrate summative assessments towards the end of this unit?
As these can be challenging questions, this section will provide resources and
recommendations to help you determine the appropriate answers.
This tutorial below introduces the concepts of terrain and is a continuation of the development
process for setting up a game build in the Unity Editor. This tutorial introduces the basic skills the
learner will need to start any project in Unity. As learners finalize their game genre, story, and
begin character development, the next tutorials will prepare them for bringing their storyboard
to life within the Unity Editor. Provide time and opportunity for learnersto complete the Terrain
Sculpting Tutorial and previous tutorials as necessary to develop ability to begin the actual
creation of their game for the Capstone Project.
Terrain Sculpting: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/live-training-archive/
In the last unit, learners were introduced to a basic project charter. In this unit, they will learn
how to manage resources (i.e. time and talent) to accurate predict how long a project will
take. They will also create a roadmap, which details the
steps they need to take in order to meet the milestones to
keep the project on track. The Work Breakdown Structure
(WBS) document will be used to itemize specific tasks to
be completed in order to finish a project. This can include
very high level tasks as well as very detailed and highly
specific tasks. For this part of the project, just enough
project management is recommended and learners will
only create a WBS for the higher level tasks. They will
complete the WBS by listing the higher level tasks to be
completed on the Capstone Project. This can be
changed and edited as new knowledge and under-
standing of the process occurs.
4.C.1.C: Group Story Generation Exercise
Divide the class into groups of three learners each. Within the small groups, each person is as-
signed a number (one, two, or three). Each group is given a sheet of paper and asked to write
the words “Once Upon A Time…” at the top. Next, write the word “Who?” on the board for the
class to see. Instruct the first person from each group (number one’s) to write one or two sen-
tences, describing who was going to be in the story. Tell them that they only have two minutes
to write their notes, encouraging them to write adjectives and have fun with it. Next, write the
word “Where?” on the board for the class to see. The second person from each group than has
two minutes to write where the story takes place. Continue the process until all of the following
questions are addressed on the sheet of paper:
• When?
• What is the problem?
• Who said What? (Let the learners know that someone in the story has to say something, so
that learners have an opportunity to reinforce quotation marks)
• Who said What back to that person?
• Something bad happens
• Something good happens
• Something funny happens
• How it ends
Direct the learners to work together to convert their sentences into a storyboard with illustrations.
Next, using a ‘round-robin’ type of routine, ask each group to share their story with the class.
Based on this image alone, create a 350-500 word story that includes the scene depicted below.
Discuss what happened to bring the character to this point. How did the fish get into the scene?
What happens after this scene? You are creating the backstory, as well as the future story.
4.C.1.E: Five Card Flicker Exercise
Based on the Five Card Nancy card game, by Scott McLeod, Five Card Flickr is an exercise in
visual storytelling. Players are dealt five random images from a Flickr tag (Instructor note: You
must set up the Flicker images and the tag to ensure learners do not choose inappropriate
images) or by using this link http://5card.cogdogblog.com//play.php?suit=etmooc. Repeat this
process four more times, building a coherent storyline from your five photos, during each round.
In your Game Design Document (GDD), create a storyboard for your game idea.
This is still a pretty high level storyboard, so you do not need all the nitty-gritty
details but at least a storyboard of the major story components. Jot down a few
paragraphs of narrative that introduce your storyline. Introduce the back-story.
What happened just before the action in the game – how did the main charac-
ter end up in the situation they are placed at the beginning of the game? If your
game does not have an actual storyline, jot down the background for how you
developed the idea for your game. What was in your mind? Why do you think
your idea is a good one? What was your inspiration? Remember your game will
have a storyboard even if you are not developing a narrative type game.
In your Game Design Document (GDD), provide details on the main characters
and any supporting characters for your Capstone Project.
• Write out the physical features of the character, using five bullet points.
• Using the provided Character traits list, identify two dominant traits for your
main character. Include an explanation of the character’s development
of those traits.
• In paragraph form, create a back story for the character. The back story
must lead the character up to a point of current conflict, but does not need
to include their current conflict. In paragraph form, write out emotional/per-
sonality of the character.
Create a draft for sections 1.5-Game Atmosphere, 1.6-Game Play, and 2.6-The
Story in your Game Design Document (GDD). You will revisit and revise these
sections as you learn more throughout the course.
4.C.2.B: Contemporary Game Assignment
Now play the game: Minotaur Labyrinth. Explain how the game fits in with your
expectations based on the initial backstory created via the cut scene. How
would you have done the intro scene differently?
Write a short story about a character that is lost. You can choose the setting:
woods, city, mall, etc. What does the setting look like? What is your character
like? Physically? Personality wise? Where did the character come from? How did
your character get lost? What does your character hear? Smell? Think? Feel?
Who do does your character talk to or with whom does your character interact?
How does the problem in the story develop and resolve? Does the drama end in
tragedy or comedy?
Create a storyboard that visually communicates your short story. Sketch out the
scenes, character(s) and major objects. From sketch-to-sketch, include scenes,
actions and transitions that detail the flow of the story. To enhance the com-
munication value of the sketched panels, add titles and notations to detail any
key sounds and special effects.
Write a 150-200 word essay explaining the butterfly effect. Then watch the short
film “The Butterfly Effect” (found at http://unity3d.com/pages/butterfly), created
by Unity Technologies and Passion Pictures. How is this film related to the butter-
fly effect? Discuss the elements used by the creators to generate the feelings
and emotions engendered by the film. What was the “feel” at the beginning of
the film? What techniques did the creators use to change that to the feeling of
the film after the point where the main character encounters the skateboard?
__ 1.1.8. Investigate the concept of “Interactive Narrative” and explain how it could pertain to
game design.
__ 1.1.10. Determine the relevance of character development, backstory and attributes
(power, speed, intelligence, empathy, etc.) in game design.
__ 1.3.1. Use appropriate, accurate terminology when communicating about artistic concepts
and technology.
__ 1.3.2. Write effectively, producing clear, correct, & coherent prose adapted to purpose and
__ 1.3.13. Assemble sketches & annotations into storyboards and presentations for both print
and web.
__ 1.3.14. Create a narrative & storyboard for a new interactive app/video game.
__ 2.3.10. Explain what differentiates characters from other objects.
__ SCC02 COMMUNICATIONS: Use oral and written communication skills in creating, expressing
and interpreting information and ideas including technical terminology and information.
__ SCC04 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS: Use information technology tools
specific to the career cluster to access, manage, integrate, and create information.
__ SCC07 LEADERSHIP AND TEAMWORK: Use leadership and teamwork skills in collaborating
with others to accomplish organizational goals and objectives.
4.E.1: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) – Assessment Rubric
Setting The reader has trouble The reader can figure out Some vivid, descriptive words are Many vivid, descriptive words are used
figuring out when and where when and where the story used to describe when and where to tell when and where the story takes
the story took place. Very took place, but the author the story takes place. place.
little use of descriptive detail. didn’t supply much detail.
Problem/ It is not clear what problem It is fairly easy for the reader It is fairly easy for the reader to It is very easy for the reader to under-
Conflict the main characters face. to understand the problem understand the problem the stand the problem the main characters
the main characters face, main characters face and why it face and why it is a problem.
but it is not clear why it is a is a problem.
Creativity There is little evidence of The story contains a few The story contains a few creative The story contains many creative
creativity in the story. The creative details and/or details and/or descriptions that details and/or descriptions that contrib-
author does not seem to have descriptions, but they contribute to the reader’s ute to the reader’s enjoyment. The
used much imagination. distract from the story. The enjoyment. The author has used author has really used his imagination.
author has tried to use his his imagination.
4.E.3: Character Creation Rubric – Assessment Rubric
Originality Bases ideas on other’s Bases ideas on other’s Character shows some original Character shows a large amount of
games or stories (does not games or stories (giving thought. Characteristics and original thought. Characteristics and
give credit), but there is little them credit), but there is traits are creative and inventive. traits are creative and inventive.
or no evidence of original little evidence of original Descriptions show new insights
thinking. thinking. and ideas.
1. Given a brief storyline, the learner will create character profiles of the protagonist and antagonist.
2. Given a set of character descriptions, the learner will be able to categorize the archetype.
3. Given a specific archetype, the learnerwill be able to summarize the characteristics and typical
function within the storyline.
4. Given an image, the learner will be able to create an original character for use in a story.
5. The learnerwill be able to summarize at least three functions of storyboards and how they
communicate information to the audience.
6. The learner will begin to experience the process of creating characters and stories.
7. The learner will begin the process of creating environments (e.g. terrains) utilizing the Unity Editor.
8. Given a short story, the learnerwill be able to create a storyboard to communicate a visual
depiction of the storyline.
9. The learner will estimate the time and activities required to complete an accurate Work
Breakdown Structure (WBS) as part of applying project management techniques to completion
of the Capstone Project.
5.A: Unit Overview
5.B: Instructional Resource Guide
5.C: Learning Activities Guide
5.D: Standards Alignment Guide
5.E: Assessment Reference Guide
5.F: Suggested Resources
By the end of this unit, learners should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. Define the components of the design and problem solving process
2. Describe the system model as related to game development
3. Create script(s) to perform an action in a game
4. Create a basic script and attach it to one or more game objects
5. Populate properties with values or other game objects
6. Create a bug tracking list for software applications
7. Analyze the sequencing of game actions
8. Differentiate contemporary scripting languages
9. Sequence events by writing variables, operators, and conditionals within a script
10. Evaluate the anatomy of a script
11. Critique Game Design Documents (GDD)
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content within a structured course.
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content with integrated activities and assessments.
When reviewing the content in this unit, important questions to consider may include:
• What learning experiences can your learners engage in during this unit?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into these learning experiences?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into the tangible deliverables (e.g.
documents, projects, test applications, game builds) that your learners produce?
• How can you integrate summative assessments towards the end of this unit?
As these can be challenging questions, this section will provide resources and
recommendations to help you determine the appropriate answers.
This tutorial section covers the basic coding skills required to create a good game. By this Unit,
learners should have experience in the import and setup of objects/models in the Unity Editor.
Now, they need to develop the skill of writing scripts that cause actions to occur in the game,
beyond the basic functions. Learners should complete the following tutorials:
1. Spinning Cube: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/scripting/assignments/
2. Simple Clock: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/scripting/simple-clock
The tutorials listed below address basic commands within a game. In this assignment, learners
will develop their skills and broaden their understanding of creating and writing scripts used to
run and manage the games they create. Learners should complete the following tutorials:
1. Scripts as Behavior Components: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/
2. Variables and Functions: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/scripting/
3. Conventions and Syntax: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/scripting/
4. C# vs JS syntax: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/
5. IF statements: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/
6. Loops: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/scripting/loops
7. Classes: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/script-
5.C.1.C: Systems Thinking and Game Development Planning - Assignment
During the build process, game developers often find themselves facing problems without
simple solutions. To deal with these challenges, developers also need a good grasp of the
fundamentals of design, problem solving, and an understanding of how everything affects the
system as a whole. Introduce a systems model that outlines inputs, processes, outputs, feedback,
and goals to illustrate how a change at one place in the process can affect an outcome at
another point. Explain how changes to any part of the plan can affect the entire system of the
game. Optional activities can include learner group review of a game sequence and the
completion of a “what if” scenario for any changes they try to implement.
Complete your project proposal document for your Capstone Project. Coordinate with your
instructor to gain approval for your game idea.
Now that you have identified the game you want to create, it is time to focus on how all of the
component parts of the game system are interrelated. As you start building a game, you must
also think in linear terms of how the game progresses from start to finish and create a plan for
how that process will be developed.This task is managed with flow charts, events, sequences,
and alignment to the storyboard script. In your Game Design Document (GDD), create a flow
chart that shows all actions that will occur in proper order from start to finish of your game.
Using bug tracking software of your choice, you will enter a bug report for any bugs created or
encountered as you begin learning to code. As you repair bugs, create a Bug Tracking List and
add it to the Game Developers Journal. Enter the solutions into the bug tracking database. The
Bug Tracking List should be part of your final deliverables.
__ NGSS1: Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)
__ NGSS8: Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information
5.E.1: Game Development Plan – Assessment Rubric
1. In writing, the learner will be able to summarize, in detail, the components of the design and
problem solving process.
2. The learner will be able to diagram a “system model” that clearly depicts the game
development process and interdependence of game components.
3. Within the Unity Editor, learners are able to create simple script(s) to perform specific actions in a game.
4. Within the Unity Editor, learners are able to populate properties with values or other game objects.
5. Leaners will create basic structures for discrete code functions to a success rate of 100%
accuracy as demonstrated by fully functioning code.
6. Using bug tracking software, learners are able to create a Bug Tracking List.
7. When provided with several examples, learners are able to effectively analyze the sequencing
of game actions.
8. When provided code samples, learners are able to compare, contrast, and ultimately identify
common scripting languages.
9. Using a contemporary language, learners are able to sequence events by writing variables,
operators, and conditionals within a script.
10. Within a guided session, learners will be able to assess and judge the significance of specific
scripts used in simple games.
11. When provided samples, learners will be able to critique the completeness of a Game Design
Document (GDD) for a simple interactive application or video game.
6.A: Unit Overview
6.B: Instructional Resource Guide
6.C: Learning Activities Guide
6.D: Standards Alignment Guide
6.E: Assessment Reference Guide
6.F: Suggested Resources
By the end of this unit, learners should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. Explain the function and purpose of physics engines.
2. Identify contemporary game development tools.
3. Explain the function and purpose of middleware and 3D engines.
4. Explain the function and purpose of level editors.
5. Write scripts that perform specific functions.
6. Apply vector math within the project development process.
7. Explain the purpose of dynamic libraries.
8. Explain the function and purpose of sound editing tools.
9. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various languages used in game programming.
10. Evaluate middleware, level editors, graphics, video, and sound editing tools.
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content within a structured course.
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content with integrated activities and assessments.
When reviewing the content in this unit, important questions to consider may include:
• What learning experiences can your learners engage in during this unit?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into these learning experiences?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into the tangible deliverables (e.g.
documents, projects, test applications, game builds) that your learners produce?
• How can you integrate summative assessments towards the end of this unit?
As these can be challenging questions, this section will provide resources and
recommendations to help you determine the appropriate answers.
Within this unit, learners will gain a deeper understanding of development tools, engines, and
level design concepts. They should also continue to develop basic scripting skills required to build
any game, and their Capstone Project. The tutorials listed below provide additional hands-on
learning experiences with the Unity Editor. They also provide skills that can be retroactively
applied to the work already completed. Provide adequate time for learners to complete these
tutorials as they cover key scripting topics.
1. Activating Game Objects: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/scripting/activat-
2. Scope and Access Modifiers: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/scripting/
3. Awake and Start: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/scripting/awake-
4. Update and FixedUpdate: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/scripting/
5. Enabling and Disabling Components: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/
6. Translate and Rotate: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/scripting/trans-
7. Look At: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/scripting/look-at
8. GetButton and GetKey: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/
9. Get Axis: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/scripting/
10. OnMouseDown: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/
11. GetComponent: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/begin-
In your Game Design Document (GDD), begin to list the task you will need to address as you
develop your game, using Unity as your game editor and game engine.
• What types of libraries might you need?
• What external file formats might you use?
• Will your game have physics based interactions and, if so, are there any special needs you
must take into account?
• Given that Unity supports multiple languages, which language will you use?
Make notes for yourself as to why you made these choices. This will help spark your memory at a
later time.
Begin to draft sections 2.1 and 2.2 of your Game Design Document (GDD). At this time, focus
most of your attention on gameplay. You will need to consider the physics aspects of the inter-
actions that will occur in your game and depict these in a Game Design Matrix. Things to con-
sider include, but are not limited to: gravity, motion, elasticity, light, and sound.
6.C.2.C: Other Activities
Watch: https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/2d/physics2d as
an introduction to game physics. Then complete this bouncing ball tutorial to
understand how physics works in a gaming environment: http://unity3d.com/
Design a game similar to Angry Birds. (For example – explore monkeys with
slingshots that need to shoot coconuts out of trees.) Your game must incorporate
Newton’s Three Laws of Motion and his Law of Universal Gravitation. Remember
you must account for vertical acceleration and horizontal velocity, as well as
distance traveled, and the effect of gravity. (For this game you may ignore
friction due to air resistance).
__ 1.7.1. Assess and adapt technology tools and processes for producing deliverables that
meet requirements and quality standards.
__ 1.7.9. Demonstrate a working knowledge of game development tools.
__ 1.7.12. Explain the usage of graphic files formats and file interoperability.
__ 1.7.13. Explain the usage of video files formats and file interoperability.
__ 1.7.14. Explain the usage of audio file formats and file interoperability.
__ 2.3.1. Import assets from appropriate file formats for use in development.
__ 2.7.13. Demonstrate an understanding of various programming interfaces.
6.E.1: Level Editor Assignment – Assessment Rubric
1. Learners will be able to hypothesize several ways in which a physics engine might be used within
a game.
2. The learner will be able to estimate the design impacts of adding physics to a game covering
predictability, tuning and control, and emergent behaviors.
3. Learners will be able to discuss the principles of ray casting and explain why it is used.
4. The learner will be able to summarize the major features considered when selecting a level editor
and defend the reasoning behind their feature selection,
5. The learner will be able to compare purposes of static and dynamic libraries and justify
recommendations for the use of each in particular situations.
6. Learners will be able write scripts that Awake and start, update and will run FixedUpdates within
a given project development.
7. The learner will be able to write scripts that activate game objects and adjust scope and access
modifiers within a given project development.
8. Learners will be able apply vector math within a given project development.
9. The learner will be able write scripts that enable and disable components within a given project
10. Learners will be able write scripts that translate and rotate objectsbased on specific criteria.
7.A: Unit Overview
7.B: Instructional Resource Guide
7.C: Learning Activities Guide
7.D: Standards Alignment Guide
7.E: Assessment Reference Guide
7.F: Suggested Resources
By the end of this unit, learners should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. Structure the game environment to enhance the player experience
2. Place objects appropriately within the game environment
3. Integrate navigation and character controllers within the game environment
4. Apply terrain and environment effects within the game environment
5. Utilize game interfaces across platforms and game genres
6. Apply skins to game interfaces
7. Create quality game interfaces
8. Differentiate graphical user interfaces and human machine interfaces
9. Explain the importance of hierarchical structures for managing game objects and transforms
withinthe game editor
10. Apply skyboxes to create dynamic game world environments
11. Manage object properties and object transformations in the game editor
12. Utilize world and local coordinate systems within the game environment
13. Create, manipulate, and transform animation controllers
14. Create animator components
15. Create blended animations using blend trees
16. Utilize scripts to manage animators
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content with integrated activities and assess-
ments. When reviewing the content in this unit, important questions to consider may include:
• What learning experiences can your learners engage in during this unit?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into these learning experiences?
• H
ow can you integrate formative assessments into the tangible deliverables (e.g. documents,
projects, test applications, game builds) that your learners produce?
• How can you integrate summative assessments towards the end of this unit?
As these can be challenging questions, this section will provide resources and
recommendations to help you determine the appropriate answers.
As learners design their game interfaces and interactions, it is valuable for them to develop
animations that run the game action and richen the game environment. The following tutorials
will help learners develop technical animation skills in Unity.
1. Animator Component and Game Objects:
2. Animator Controllers:
3. Avatar Masks:
4. Animator Scripting:
5. The Animation View:
6. Animation Properties:
Learners should be actively building their Capstone Project in Unity. At this time, learners can
animate objects in the game they are creating. By this point, some learners may have already
been trying to animate objects in their game. If that is the case, some learners may require
additional time to adapt, refine, or update their previous work. At this point, game development
should be progressing and some game elements should become playable within the game
environment. Do not be alarmed if there are varying degrees of progress! This is common and
may be caused by several factors, including complexity of their game choice and the individu-
al ability of the learner. In some cases, learners may want to return to work already completed,
refining or replacing specific sections or entire areas of their game.
Within your Game Developers Journal, enter at least five core game (i.e. product) ideas to be
considered for your final Capstone Project. These do not need to be very detailed ideas, just a
few sentences to capture the main game concept. Later, one of these ideas will be developed
and delivered as your final Capstone Project submission.
Introduction to GUI and HMI: In your Game Developers Journal, describe how:
purpose,engagement, interactivity, game management, and environment
relate to graphical user interfaces.
Create a listing of primary controls that should be included in a graphic user
interface and define the role and purpose of each type of control. In addition,
identify the following key terms:
• Assets
• Hierarchy
• Inspector
• Parenting
• Views: Scene, Game, Animation, Light Mapping, Occlusion Culling
• Prefabs
Project Management: In your Game Design Document (GDD), document your
progress by showing your time and recording major changes (or bugs) that you
have made as part of your Project Charter Form (PCF).
Draft sections 2.3.4 – User Interface, 2.3.5 - Heads Up Display of 3.2 - Visual Content in your Game
Design Document (GDD).
Complete a brief research assignment and paper that discusses the difference between a
graphic user interface and the human machine interfaces. Research, identify, and describe
components that make a good user interface. Discuss why the components are effective. Also
identify design components that should be avoided and explain why.
7.C.2.D: Interface Design Activity
In this activity, you will open several games of your choosing from this link:
Think about what you like and do not like about each user interface. Create several sketches
of the user interface for the game you are designing. Think about what controls will be needed
and how you want them to appear, as well as a design for buttons and any other design com-
ponents that you want to include. When you are finished with this assignment, you will have a
final design for the game you are building. You will then be ready to create your own custom
game interface.
Have learners complete a brief design and build exercise to provide them with hands on prac-
tice at creating a Graphic User Interface (GUI) in Unity. The learners should practice using dif-
ferent GUI controls and change skins as they progress. The way players interact in the game
environment can make or break the game, so learners should experiment with different ways
of creating actions such as buttons, popups, scene changes or other prompts that create act-
ing and continuation of the game activities. This can be done on a separate project or added
within the Capstone Project.
In this activity, learners will build a character controller to help them further understand interac-
tions with objects in a scene. Have learners create and use the two default Character Control-
lers - “3rd Person Controller” and “First Person Controller” – in the Unity Editor by completing the
following tutorial: http://cgcookie.com/unity/2011/12/05/introduction-to-character-controllers/
7.E.1: User Interface – Assessment Rubric
1. The learner will be able to differentiate a graphical user interface from a human machine
2. Learners will be able to summarize the role and purpose of controls that are (or should be)
included in a GUI/HMI.
3. Learners will be able to design and create a plan for interface controls to include in their own
game or evaluate ways to improve an existing game.
4. The learner will accurately choose appropriate game assets and effectively assemble them into
the game environment.
5. Learners will be able to apply proper asset management techniques, employ effective
hierarchical strategies, and perform adequate asset transformations within specific game
development projects.
6. The learner will be able to integrate animator controllers, animator components, and blend trees
that meet the requirements of a given project.
7. Learners will be able to apply and manage humanoid avatars within the requirements of a given
8. The learner will be able to utilize animation curves, adjust animation properties and events (as
necessary) to meet the requirements of a given project.
9. Learners will be able to write and execute animation scripts that meet specific project guidelines.
10. The learner will be able to evaluate effective from ineffective uses of interface controls.
11. Learners will be able write scripts that activate game objects and adjust scope and access
modifiers within a given project.
By the end of this unit, learners should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. Select the appropriate assets for projects of adequate format, size and use in a game
2. Sequence game activities from start to finish in regard to both game play sequence and
build process
3. Write scripts that enable and disable components, script GameObjects, move players and
camera, pick-up objects, and perform other specific tasks
4. Create a game using a guided practice project approach
5. Setup and load a game and a development project
6. Import and manage game assets, including: player game objects, cameras, lights,
and backgrounds
7. Create shots, shooting shots, boundaries, hazards ,and explosions within a game
8. Integrate audio, counting points, scores, and game controllers into a simple game
9. Project manage the build process from start to finish for a game
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content with integrated activities and assess-
ments. When reviewing the content in this unit, important questions to consider may include:
• What learning experiences can your learners engage in during this unit?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into these learning experiences?
• H
ow can you integrate formative assessments into the tangible deliverables (e.g. documents,
projects, test applications, game builds) that your learners produce?
• How can you integrate summative assessments towards the end of this unit?
As these can be challenging questions, this section will provide resources and
recommendations to help you determine the appropriate answers.
Learners will need to develop skills in the creation of physics within the games they build. The
Space Shooter game project helps expose them to the build process and the application of
physics within games. Learners may have already included some physics components in their
Capstone Project at this point, so they may need some time to go back and adapt, tweak, or
update previous work. The next set of tutorials will help learners understand the fundamentals
physics tools available in the game editor. Each tutorial takes an average of five minutes to
1. Colliders:
2. Colliders as Triggers:
3. Rigidbodies:
4. AddForce:
5. AddTorque:
6. Physics Materials:
In this activity, you will build a complete working video game, from start to finish. You will use a
game project that will guide you through the entire process. Building of the game is self-paced
and incremental, so follow all the steps in order. Follow the instructions provided in each tutorial
and build the game using your Unity Game Engine and the assets provided. The activity is com-
plete when you have a complete and fully working version of the game. Remember to save
your work often!
The Unity Space shooter tutorial is introduced here to allow learners the ability to practice cre-
ating a game. By using an existing game project, learners will gain a clear understanding of
the build process. This project will also help learners understand how physics are applied in the
game environment. The project will reinforce basic skills developed in early units and will pro-
vide new skills for learners to implement in their Capstone Project.
8C.2.B: Capstone Project Activities
Learners should be actively building their Capstone Project in Unity. Learners will apply lessons
learned about physics to objects in the game they are creating. By this point, learners may
have been trying to animate their game or they may be ready to begin adding animations.
Now they can go back and add physics to objects in order to improve their game performance
and realism. Game development is progressing and game design should be coming together.
In some cases, learners may be going back and revise or update certain aspects of their game.
There are several Project Management approaches that can be applied to the build process.
One simple process it to use a Work In Progress (WIP) naming convention. As a project is built,
save files with a WIP code for each major change. This will provide fall back versions, in events
of crashes or other problems which may arise. The various versions can then be analyzed, if
necessary, to determine when bugs may have occurred. In this assignment, introduce learners
to creating running versions of projects using a WIP1, WIP2, WIP3 method and then ask learners
to rename their Capstone Project files, applying this process
game interface.
__ 1.5.2. Use physics to create realistic motions with objects and characters..
__ 1.5.3. Explain the use of collision geometry for physics-based interactions and as
programming triggers.
__ 1.5.4. Apply and manage the use of Colliders.
__ 1.5.9. Demonstrate the ability to handle object collisions and physics simulations in a
realistic manner.
__ 1.6.2. Demonstrate understanding and ability to use game mechanics to improve
__ 1.6.3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of balancing layouts.
__ 1.6.4. Demonstrate understanding of pathways, choke points, control points, and spawn
points and other design methods for creating balance, timing, pacing and flow.
__ 1.7.15. Describe the basic logic, concepts and key structures behind computer
programming languages.
__ 1.7.17. Determine appropriate programming and scripting languages to create desired
game mechanics, control the environment, UI and gameplay.
__ 1.7.18. Create a hypothetical technology pipeline for an interactive application or video
game project.
__ 1.8.3. Define game design documentation (GDD), its purpose & components.
__ 1.8.4. Create, iterate and maintain a full set of game design documentation.
__ 1.8.5. Prepare a plan of work based on an approved GDD including deliverables, tasks,
resources, schedule, Gantt & pert charts.
__ 2.1.6. Demonstrate the use of object preferences and inspector tools.
__ 2.1.7. Accurately transform objects with respect to coordinate systems (translate, rotate and
__ 2.1.8. Describe and change the active status of objects.
__ 2.1.9. Describe and change the enabled status of components.
__ 2.2.2. Understand and use hierarchical structures for organization.
__ 2.2.3. Create effective naming conventions for objects and assets.
__ 2.2.4. Apply descriptive tags, labels, and use layers for asset management.
__ 2.5.3. Demonstrate the creation, transformation, modification and use of cameras.
__ 2.6.1. Use various techniques for effectively animating objects & component properties.
__ 2.7.1. Demonstrate an understanding of mathematical concepts, logic and syntax shared
by various programming languages.
__ 3.2.4. Deploy, use and demonstrate a revision control system for a new or existing project.
1. The learner will create a Resource List that indicates how to acquire digital assets and all
resources related to digital assets.
2. Learners will analyze a variety of game development plans before designing a plan of their own.
3. Within the assigned game project, the learner will create and write scripts that enable/disable
components and manipulate and transform game assets.
4. Learners will write code that moves players in the game space and correctly applies and
integrates cameras, lighting, and background into the assigned game project.
5. The learner will write and create code required to create shots and player actions into the
assigned game project.
6. Learners will write and create code required to create hazards, boundaries, and explosions into
the assigned game project.
7. The learner will create and manage game controllers within the assigned game project.
8. Learners will integrate audio and spawning waves into the assigned game project.
9. The learner will design and write code required to integrate counting points and score displays
into the assigned game project.
By the end of this unit, learners should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. Plan and draw maps on paper, collect references, and create top down sketches for gameplay
2. Explain the principles of level design
3. Compare and contrast various game flows
4. Define and implement game pathways, choke points, spawn points, and methods of defining
where game objects will meet at choke points
5. Explain the concept of a balanced layout
6. Describe how game levels are used to support game story
7. Create a sketch of a level layout for a hypothetical game
8. Communicate level design ideas, concepts, and models in a variety of ways
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content with integrated activities and assess-
ments. When reviewing the content in this unit, important questions to consider may include:
• What learning experiences can your learners engage in during this unit?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into these learning experiences?
• H
ow can you integrate formative assessments into the tangible deliverables (e.g. documents,
projects, test applications, game builds) that your learners produce?
• How can you integrate summative assessments towards the end of this unit?
As these can be challenging questions, this section will provide resources and
recommendations to help you determine the appropriate answers.
In this activity, learners will experience many topics within level design, including: viewpoints,
balance, and functionality. The tutorials listed below examine these topics in detail:
1. Joints:
2. Raycasting:
3. OnCollisionEnter:
Some learners may have already included physics components in the Capstone Project at this
point. As a result, some learners may desire additional time to adapt, tweak, or update previous
In your Game Design Document (GDD), complete sections 2.8 - Design and 2.81 - Copy.
For each level, be sure to include the following:
• World Description
• Location
• Time of day: Does it stay the same or change?
• Weather: Does it stay the same or change?
• Are there any pertinent terrain features?
For the story setup, consider the following:
• What main story points set up the player for the current level or mission?
• Story continuity: How does this level support the overall storyline of the game?
• Story points that are reinforced with this mission or level.
Mission or level summary
• Textual summary of walk-through description of mission or level.
• Topographic map
• Specific objectives or goals: What does the player need to accomplish – what are the challenges of the
Opening Scene
• What non-player characters are present and what is their purpose? Note: This may overlap enemies.
• What entities are present in the opening scene for the level?
• Are there any special effects like fireballs, erupting geysers, jagged lighting in the sky or anything else to note
about the opening scene?
• How will sound and music be used, if at all?
Gameplay notes for the level
• Clear rules of gameplay
• Special considerations, exceptions and implications
9.C.2.C: Project Management
In your Game Design Document (GDD), chart your project progress and identify specific chang-
es, updates or other changes as part of your Project Charter Form (PCF).
At this point, you should be actively building your Capstone Project in Unity. Now is time to
create your design levels! Use this opportunity to apply the learning you received about level
design and balance within the game you are creating. By this point, you should have enough
content to begin integrating objects. You may also be ready to begin adding animations. Lastly,
you can also add physics to objects to improve their game performance and realism. As game
development is progressing, your game designs should also be coming together. Just remem-
ber, you may need to return to update, tweak, or revise your project. That is no cause for con-
cern. Design iteration is a natural part of the game development process!
Discuss the game flow. What are the obvious chokepoints? Explain why you believe this
is or is not a balanced layout. Your task is to design a new level for this game. Sketch the
layout of this new level. Identify major game pathways, choke points, and spawn points.
Write a 75-100 word description of what challenges the player will encounter in your level,
what the player will have to accomplish to conquer the challenges, and what the
consequences of failure are.
HS-ETS1-2: Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller,
more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering.
9.E.1: Level Design – Assessment Rubric
1. Using a pencil and paper, the learner will be able to design a complete level map.
2. Learners will be able to create a thorough and detailed written level walkthrough, including map
sketches, for at least two levels of their Capstone Project.
3. Within a live, small group environment, the learner will be able explain the purpose of
chokepoints and discuss the six principles of flow point design.
4. Learners will be able to design a game level incorporating (at least 6 of the 8 dimensions of) flow
and indicate how the layout and challenges of the level achieve each element.
10.A: Unit Overview
10.B: Instructional Resource Guide
10.C: Learning Activities Guide
10.D: Standards Alignment Guide
10.E: Assessment Reference Guide
10.F: Suggested Resources
By the end of this unit, learners should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. Apply the Rule of Thirds
2. Demonstrate the importance of scene balancing
3. Explain how viewpoint impacts gameplay
4. Create atmosphere and enhance emotion through the principles of lighting
5. Position lighting and cameras in order to focus attention within a game
6. Create and place cameras within 2D and 3D game environments
1. Fundamentals of Lighting
a. Understand how real world, practical lighting works
b. Basic color theory
c. Types: Point, Area, Directional, Ambient, Spot
d. Lighting models: ambient, diffuse, emissive, and specular
e. Properties: color, shape/size, direction, intensity
f. Three-point lighting: Key light (or Main), Fill light, and Rim light (or Backlight)
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content with integrated activities and assess-
ments. When reviewing the content in this unit, important questions to consider may include:
• What learning experiences can your learners engage in during this unit?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into these learning experiences?
• H
ow can you integrate formative assessments into the tangible deliverables (e.g. documents,
projects, test applications, game builds) that your learners produce?
• How can you integrate summative assessments towards the end of this unit?
As these can be challenging questions, this section will provide resources and
recommendations to help you determine the appropriate answers.
This tutorial provides a brief overview on the camera features in Unity and is used to supplement
live instruction. Instructors are encouraged to supplement this tutorial with live instruction on the
use of camera techniques for creating engaging game environments and immersive player
This tutorial provides a brief overview on the lighting features in Unity and is used to supplement
live instruction. Instructors are encouraged to supplement this tutorial with live instruction on
the use of lighting techniques for creating engaging game environments and immersive player
Some learners may have already included cameras and lighting in their Capstone Project. If so,
they may desire additional time to return to their project and adapt, tweak, or update previous
In your Game Developers Journal, discuss your ideas for scene composition in your game. What
type of atmosphere do you want to convey and what techniques will you use to accomplish
this? What types of lighting do you anticipate needing for your game? Make notes on why you
need these types of lighting. Discuss the perspective you want to use and explain why this is the
right perspective for your design. Establish desired camera viewpoints and set up lights in the
Capstone Project to achieve desired mood and atmosphere.
Revisit section 1.5 in your Game Design Document (GDD). Be sure to include an atmosphere
mood board. If you are not familiar with this type of board you will need to do some research
In your Game Design Document (GDD), chart your project progress and identify specific changes,
updates or other changes as part of your Project Charter Form (PCF).
View the provided video clips of various video games and critique the lighting and camera
positions. Discuss emotional impact and the effect on player immersion. What feel is created by
the lighting and viewpoint? What lighting modalities are used?
• Amnesia: The Dark Descent https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M627-obxNzg
• Spiderman: The Game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLuBxePSNOU
• Final Fantasy IV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT12DW2Fm9M
• Myst III https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyQxuk5Jkqc
• Mirror’s Edge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N1TJP1cxmo
Create a simple room and light it three different ways to evoke different emotions: sadness, fear,
comfort. Save this file for use in the unit on sound and audio.
10.C.2.F: Three-Point Lighting Tutorial
Complete the Three-point lighting tutorial found at http://www.3drender.com/light/3point.html-
following tutorial
None of the objects in the scene have shaders or UV maps. You do not have to add shaders to
the model, but if you do, spend only minimal time setting up a few fairly generic shaders. This
assignment is primarily concerned about lighting techniques and that is what you will be evalu-
ated on.
10.E.1: Mood Board – Assessment Rubric
Lighting Little thought put into Lighting setup is basic but Lighting has clear focus and goes Lighting has clear focus. Lighting
techniques: lighting setup. Main subject solid. Focus may not be beyond basic 3-light setup to show goes beyond basic 3-light setup to
may not be clear. Other entirely clear. Lighting of nuances in form and surfaces. Most show exceptional nuances in form
focus and surfaces may be lit poorly. other surfaces may work surfaces are neither too bright nor and surfaces. Lighting is neither too
direct light for some objects and not too dim. Light color, intensity, and bright nor too dim in any part of the
others. Image may have fall off work with scene. frame. Light color, intensity, and fall
areas of excessive bright- off enhance scene.
ness or dimness. Some
poor color or light intensity
Lighting GI or bounce lighting is miss- GI or bounce lighting GI or bounce lighting is balanced GI or bounce lighting is balanced
techniques: ing or minimal may not be working on all with direct/key lighting and adds with direct/key lighting and adds
areas. realism to some areas of the scene. realism throughout the scene.
GI or indirect
Shadows Several shadows are missing Some objects are miss- All objects have appropriate and Objects have appropriate and
and/or basic properties of ing contact shadows or believable contact shadows or am- believable contact shadows or am-
shadows not working. contact shadows are not bient occlusion. Primary lights cast bient occlusion. Primary lights cast
convincing. Cast shadows shadows with appropriate color and shadows with appropriate color and
may have errors in color or softness. softness.
Aesthetic/ Little attention to aesthetic Some aesthetic choices Good use of aesthetic principles in Exceptional attention to aesthetic
design prin- principles; elements work work, but some do not scene design and composition of principles in scene design and com-
against content support the content. Some frame; elements reinforce the con- position of frame; lighting used as
ciples: color, lighting may not work with tent. compositional element that enriches
composition composition or scene the content.
1. The learner will be able to compare and contrast various ways to simulate light in a computer
graphics environment. This includes: light mapping to light placement, explaining the
advantages and disadvantages of each method, and hypothesizing on when each type of
light is best employed.
2. Learners will create a focal point lighting scheme, focusing the viewer’s attention to a specific
element of an image.
3. The learner will be able to light a basic room, evoking three different emotions (i.e., sadness, fear,
and comfort).
11.A: Unit Overview
11.B: Instructional Resource Guide
11.C: Learning Activities Guide
11.D: Standards Alignment Guide
11.E: Assessment Reference Guide
11.F: Suggested Resources
By the end of this unit, learners should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. List the different types of audio files used in most game engines
2. Describe how sound files and music are used to enhance game experience and provide realism
3. Apply audio and audio effects to create realistic game environments
4. Manage priority settings of multiple sound sources
5. Explain the Doppler Effect and describe how to apply it within the game environment
6. Create scripts to manage audio files within the game environment
7. Apply 2D and 3D sounds appropriately within the game environment
8. Position sounds within the game environment to improve gameplay
9. Manipulate sound to create realistic effects like “roll-off” in a game
10. Implement basic sound compression techniques in a game
11. Manage external sound and music assets that contain intellectual property
protection agreements
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content with integrated activities and assess-
ments. When reviewing the content in this unit, important questions to consider may include:
• What learning experiences can your learners engage in during this unit?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into these learning experiences?
• H
ow can you integrate formative assessments into the tangible deliverables (e.g. documents,
projects, test applications, game builds) that your learners produce?
• How can you integrate summative assessments towards the end of this unit?
As these can be challenging questions, this section will provide resources and
recommendations to help you determine the appropriate answers.
As you have learned so far in this course, it is not easy to come up with original ideas. You have
placed significant effort into development of your game and you expect to own what you have
created. The same is true for creators of software, music, sound files, 3D models, and other assets
that may be used in the development of a game. The content and assets are considered intel-
lectual property and as such they are owned by the developer. As a game developer, you must
respect their ownership of such intellectual property. However there are ways to access and
acquire rights to use such intellectual property and how to manage your own IP.
Conduct a web search on copyright and use of intellectual property in game development
and define the following in your Game Design Document (GDD):
• Copyright
• Shareware
• Licensing
• Royalties
• Stock Audio
• Trade Secrets
• Patents
• Trademarks
Create a list of sound clips that you will need to acquire for your game and
record the asset names in your Game Design Document (GDD). Identify music
style or genres that will help your game become more exciting and engaging.
Conduct a web search to find resources for your sound files or create your
own. Make sure any sounds you use are not copyright protected.
Draft the audio portion of section 1.5 in the Game Design Document (GDD).
IFirst, analyze your game, placing a special focus on audio for player engagement. Afterwards,
create a new audio script that identifies audio and sound effects that you can apply to make
your game more engaging and exciting.
To assist in your analysis, play one or two existing games and investigate how sound made that
game engaging. Then apply what you experienced with audio to enhance and engage play-
ers within the game you are creating. By this point, you may have already been adding audio
to your game. If that is the case, you can review your game and add or adjust audio to improve
game performance and realism. Below are a few samples of game promotions or actual games:
• The Chase Demo: http://unity3d.com/pages/the-chase
• Among the Sleep: http://unity3d.com/showcase/case-stories/among-the-sleep
• Bowling: http://www.games.jocuri-unity3d.com/bowling-3d.html
11.C.2.E: Additional Skill Development
The tutorial in this unit is intended to help learners fully understand how music and sound effects
add to engagement and excitement in the game:
Audio Listeners & Sources: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/audio/lessons/
Sound design is an important part of creating a fun and engaging game. Choosing the correct
sound format can make or break an interactive application or video game. Sometimes music
and sounds do not properly support the theme or the outcome of the game. If integrated poor-
ly, they can distract the player or reduce the sense of engagement of being in the game. As
game developers storyboard and plan the game, sound and audio files must be selected or
designed for use in the game. In order to be effective in sound and audio design, you must be
knowledgeable of sound and audio source formats, resources, sound properties, and parameters.
1. Create the Roll a Ball Game, http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/projects/roll-a-ball in Unity. Add
sounds to objects in the game that evoke specific moods, actions, or that increase the level of
excitement. ntegrate as many sounds and effects, as possible, to add enhance the quality of
the game environment. Be sure to add sound effects to objects (e.g. rolling ball) that add realism
to the game.
2. Comparison/Contrast Paper Activity: Read the audio section in the Unity Manual (http://
docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Audio.html ) and develop a brief comparison and contrast paper
identifying the predominant music and sound file formats.
a. Identify the most common files used in audio video game development and describe their primary
attributes and capabilities.
b. List advantage and disadvantages of each file format for game development.
3. Audio Components Activity: View this tutorial (http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/comp-
AudioGroup.html) on audio and refer to the audio section in the Unity Manual. Utilize those
references to define the following terms in your Game Design Document (GDD):
• 2D Sound
• 3D Sound
• Doppler Effect
• Sound Rolloff
• Monophonic Sound
• Stereophonic Sound
• Compression
• Reverb
• Loop
• Effects
• Audio Clip
• Pitch
__ 1.7.1. Assess and employ various technology and processes for producing deliverables that
meet requirements and quality standards.
__ 1.7.14. Explain the usage of audio file formats and file interoperability.
__ Define “Codec” and describe their use.
__ 1.7.6. Demonstrate a working knowledge of audio capture & editing tools.
__ 2.4.1. Implement environmental designs into 2D & 3D levels.
__ 2.4.4. Create, edit and enhance environments to optimize quality.
11.E.1: Capstone Audio Assignment – Assessment Rubric
Fade No use of fade or level Smooth fade in and out of Smooth fade in and fade out of Smooth fade in and fade out of each
Placement adjustment. some sections. Sections each section, sections placed ap- section, sections placed appropriate-
placed inappropriately propriately, but with poor levels. ly with good levels.
and Gain and poor levels.
1. The learner will compare and contrast: common audio and sound file formats, their applications
in the game, and the methods for acquiring the assets.
2. Learners will summarize the science of how each sound effect works and can recommend use
case scenarios for common sound effects within the game environment.
3. Through the creation of a game snippet, the learner will integrate the Doppler Effect in the game
4. The learner will write scripts to position sounds within the game environment.
5. Through individual research activities, learners will identify genres of music and will record
judgments as to which genre is most appropriate for a given type of video game.
6. Within a written document, the learner will summarize and paraphrase the various rules and laws
pertaining to the proper utilization of external intellectual property within a game.
12.A: Unit Overview
12.B: Instructional Resource Guide
12.C: Learning Activities Guide
12.D: Standards Alignment Guide
12.E: Assessment Reference Guide
12.F: Suggested Resources
By the end of this unit, learners should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. Design engaging and efficient user interfaces for a variety of devices and platforms
2. Create unique interface skins that are applicable to multiple devices
3. Create, manipulate, and transform animation controllers
4. Create animator components
5. Create animations that utilize blend trees
6. Assemble animator assets that are part of a project
7. Manage animators with scripts
8. Manipulate humanoid avatars and animation properties
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content within a structured course.
The tutorials listed below introduce intermediate level techniques for creating textures, skins, and
environments for high quality game interfaces. They are offered to help learners enhance the
design of their game. After viewing the tutorials, direct learners to return to their Capstone Project
and examine ways to improve the user interfaces in their game.
1. Unity GUI Tutorial – Scale UI to the Right Size for Every Resolution
2. Creating a GUI in Photoshop and Unity 3d Part 1
3. 3d Modeling Architecture Part 1: Planning your textures
4. Unity Game Design: Part 22-Gui Skin
At this point, learners have created their game environment. But how creative, innovative, and
effective are their GUI’s and animations? The next set of tutorials helps to expand learner skills
with animation and GUI’s. Direct learners to complete the tutorials listed below. These tutorials
will help them improve animation performance and player engagement:
1. Animation Advanced
2. Humanoid Avatars
3. Blend Trees
Write a short paper on Animation in Game Development and discuss briefly the following topics:
1. How does animation occur in video games?
2. What are the requirements for models to be animated?
3. How are models for animation created? And what software is most often used in this process?
4. What is character rigging?
Integrate the lessons learned in this unit towards the ongoing development
of your Capstone Project. You should now possess the knowledge and skills
necessary to enhance the animation and better engage the players
within your game.
__ 1.5.2. Use physics to create realistic motions with objects and characters.
__ 1.5.3. Explain the use of collision geometry for physics-based interactions and as
programming triggers.
__ 1.5.4. Apply and manage the use of Colliders.
__ 1.5.9. Demonstrate the ability to handle object collisions and physics simulations in a realistic manner.
__ 1.6.2. Demonstrate understanding and ability to use game mechanics to improve gameplay.
__ 1.6.3. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of balanced layouts.
__ 1.6.4. Demonstrate an understanding of pathways, choke points, control points, spawn
points and other design methods for creating balance, timing, pacing and flow.
__ 1.7.15. Describe the basic logic, concepts and key structures behind computer
programming languages.
__ 1.7.17. Determine appropriate programming and scripting languages to create desired
game mechanics, control the environment, UI and gameplay.
__ 2.1.6. Demonstrate the use of object preferences and inspector tools.
__ 2.1.7. To reposition objects using the transform (translate, rotate, scale) tools, with respect to
World and Local coordinate systems.
__ 2.1.8. Describe and change the active status of objects.
__ 2.1.9. Describe and change the enabled status of components.
__ 2.2.2. Assess and employ strategies for hierarchical structures, used for organization.
__ 2.2.3. Create an effective naming conventions for objects and assets.
__ 2.2.4. Apply descriptive tags, labels, and use layers for asset management.
__ 2.5.3. Demonstrate the creation, transformation, modification and use of cameras.
__ 2.6.1. Use various techniques for effectively animating objects & component properties
__ 2.7.1. Demonstrate an understanding of mathematical concepts, logic and syntax shared
by various programming languages.
__ 3.2.4. Assess and execute strategies for a revision control system within a new or existing project.
__ 3.3.7. Demonstrate the use of a debugger to inspect code at runtime.
1. The learner will be able to create and manage Blend Trees and states of animated models.
2. Learners will be able to create unique skins or graphic user interfaces (GUI’s) to an interactive
application or video game.
3. Within their Capstone Project, the learner will demonstrate their ability to rig and animate a
humanoid avatar in a game environment.
13.A: Unit Overview
13.B: Instructional Resource Guide
13.C: Learning Activities Guide
13.D: Standards Alignment Guide
13.E: Assessment Reference Guide
13.F: Suggested Resources
By the end of this unit, learners should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. Explain the importance of QA and testing
2. Explain the importance of documentation during testing stages
3. Explain the necessity of a defect tracking database
4. Describe basic troubleshooting strategies
5. Perform successful debugging and troubleshooting activities within a game environment
6. Locate bugs within a game environment using debugging software tools
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content within a structured course.
1. Overview of testing
a. Purpose of testing
b. Who does the testing
c. When testing should be done
2. Verification versus validation
3. Relationship between testing, quality assurance, and quality control
4. Levels of software testing
a. Functional
i. Acceptance testing: alpha, beta
5. Non-functional
a. Performance: load and stress testing
b. Usability
c. Security
d. Portability
6. Testing Documentation: test plan, test cases/scenarios
7. Defect Tracking
a. Parameters
b. Defect life cycle
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content with integrated activities and assess-
ments. When reviewing the content in this unit, important questions to consider may include:
• What learning experiences can your learners engage in during this unit?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into these learning experiences?
• H
ow can you integrate formative assessments into the tangible deliverables (e.g. documents,
projects, test applications, game builds) that your learners produce?
• How can you integrate summative assessments towards the end of this unit?
As these can be challenging questions, this section will provide resources and
recommendations to help you determine the appropriate answers.
The instructor will need to create a C# program, with bugs included, for learners to locate.
Instructions for the activity are provided below:
Open up the <provide a simple C# program with bugs.> This C# program’s functionality is
straightforward. The correct code should enable you <describe what the code should do when
working properly>
The learner’s task is to utilize the buggy code, taking note of any error mes-
sages that appear. Note that not all of the errors will be indicated at the be-
ginning. This is because some of the bugs may prevent entire functions from
executing. Only when the general structure of the function is fixed will more
obscure bugs, within the function, be detected. Debugging is not an easy task,
so the learners should not get frustrated if this assignment takes them a signif-
icant amount of in-class time to complete. Below are some hints to help your
learners get started.
Debugging techniques:
a. Look at the line indicated by the error message. You will want to go to that line in
the code to take a closer look at the error.
b. Print out values. It is often helpful to print out the values of certain variables to
check if they are correct, and to tell you what is happening in the program. It is
possible the bug is caused by a variable holding an incorrect value. Printing out a
value within a loop, for example, will show you how many times a loop executes,
or if it executes at all.
c. Adopt proper formatting techniques by spacing out your code and indenting it
properly. This will make it easier to read and isolate errors.
d. Fix each error and update your file. After you fix errors, save your code and reload
the page. This will show you the results of your debugging, printing out more errors
when new problems are uncovered.
Finding common errors:
e. Check code structure. Does the code contain all required parentheses and curly
braces? Are commenting tags closed? A missing closing brace will prevent entire
functions from working, so you may want to check this at the beginning.
f. Check for misspelled words. An error message stating that some variable or
function is not defined may actually be caused by a typo. The program will
not understand a mistyped word, so it will be noted as undefined. Check for
capitalizations of words as well.
g. Look for incorrect values in loops and conditions. Are your loops executing the right
number of times and incrementing by the correct amount? Are array positions
h. Check parameters and return values. You may have neglected to pass in a
correct parameter to the function, or the wrong value is being returned from a
In your Game Design Document (GDD), create a test plan for your Capstone Project.
__ SCC02 COMMUNICATIONS: Use oral and written communication skills in creating, expressing
and interpreting information and ideas including technical terminology and information.
__ SCC03 PROBLEM-SOLVING AND CRITICAL THINKING: Solve problems using critical thinking
skills (analyze, synthesize, and evaluate) independently and in teams. Solve problems using
creativity and innovation.
__ SCC10 TECHNICAL SKILLS: Use the technical knowledge and skills required to pursue the
targeted careers for all pathways in the career cluster, including knowledge of design,
operation, and maintenance of technological systems critical to the career cluster
NGSS: Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)
1. Which type of error is caused when code is executed but there are undesired results?
a. Browser
b. Syntax
c. Runtime
d. Logic
2. Define breakpoint and explain how they are used in debugging.
3. Consider the following code. When running the code a warning is issued at line 11. What would
the warning be?
public class A {
2 public A foo() {
3 if (flag)
4 return null;
5 return new A();
6 }
8 public void var() {
9 A a = foo();
10 if (flag)
11 a.foo();
12 }
14 private int flag;
15 }
4. Consider the code snippet below. The purpose of the code is to add the numbers from one to
ten. The result when run is 0. Explain the error and how it could be corrected.
5. Identify the problem with the following code and offer a possible solution.
1. D
2. Marks a point in your code where the debugger will halt execution or “take a break.” Once
you have placed a breakpoint, you can just run your application like you normally would. What
happens now is that the application is executed just like normal, but as soon as a line with a
breakpoint is reached, the execution is stopped right before that line would be executed. This
allows you to see what values exist prior to that piece of code.
3. Possible null pointer exception.
4. The problem is an error in the logic - the loop never executes. The startLoop variable should be 1
and the endLoop variable 11.
5. This will create an infinite loop. Possible solution options are: Don’t modify the list you are working
on, save list. Count to a variable and use that variable in the loop. Learner may come up with
other alternative.
6. Compilation: errors that prevent your program from running. Typically caused by mistakes made
when typing code.
7. Run-time: errors that occur while your program runs. These typically occur when the program
attempts an operation that is impossible to carry out. Logic: errors that prevent your program
from doing what you intended it to do. The code may compile and run without error, but the
result of an operation produces unexpected results.
1. Given a test application containing at least 15 defects/inconsistencies, learners will identify the
defects/inconsistencies and enter them appropriately into the bug tracking database.
2. Given a section of code with at least 15 bugs, learner will resolve the problems, updating their
progress in the bug tracking database.
14.A: Unit Overview
14.B: Instructional Resource Guide
14.C: Learning Activities Guide
14.D: Standards Alignment Guide
14.E: Assessment Reference Guide
14.F: Suggested Resources
By the end of this unit, learners should be able to perform the following tasks:
1. Explain the concepts and rationale behind versioning schemes and procedures
2. Describe how versions are used by different groups in the development process
3. Create a versioning system for a game development project
4. Utilize numbering systems to version complex development projects
5. Describe the factors that constitute a release candidate
6. Explain how versioning is used through each stage of a game
7. Explain how versions are used by different processes in the lifecycle of a game
8. Describe the various distribution options for release candidates
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content within a structured course.
This section provides a guide for delivering the unit content with integrated activities and assess-
ments. When reviewing the content in this unit, important questions to consider may include:
• What learning experiences can your learners engage in during this unit?
• How can you integrate formative assessments into these learning experiences?
• H
ow can you integrate formative assessments into the tangible deliverables (e.g. documents,
projects, test applications, game builds) that your learners produce?
• How can you integrate summative assessments towards the end of this unit?
As these can be challenging questions, this section will provide resources and
recommendations to help you determine the appropriate answers.
As the course comes to a conclusion, you should prepare yourself to provide the following:
• A completed Game Design Document (GDD).
• A functional game.
• A 10 minute in-class presentation on how the game may be distributed.
• A description of what could be included in future versions.
• A justification for why the game is ready to be called a release candidate.
Return to the game you have been developing and identify the stages of your development
that were the Alpha phase, Beta phase, and Release Candidate. Then evaluate and determine
how you would number each correctly.
14.C.1.C: Software Versioning Research Project
Create a narrative brief or paper that defines and discusses the major con-
cepts related to game versioning. Enter the following work in your Game De-
veloper’s Journal:
• Describe the development stages for game versioning.
• Describe and discuss various numbering schemes used to version games and applications.
• Describe and discuss the topic of sequencing a development project.
__ 3.2.1. Explain the stages of game deployment (Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta stages, Release
Candidate, “going gold”, etc.).
__ 3.2.2. Explain how software versioning is used and why.
__ 3.2.3. Compare revision control software options and discuss pros and cons from several
specific examples.
__ 3.2.4. Deploy, use and demonstrate a revision control system for a new or existing project.
__ SCC02 COMMUNICATIONS: Use oral and written communication skills in creating, expressing
and interpreting information and ideas including technical terminology and information.
__ SCC04 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS: Use information technology tools
specific to the career cluster to access, manage, integrate, and create information.
14.E.1: Versioning Research Project – Assessment Rubric
1. The learner will be able to compare and contrast the various types of versioning.
2. Within a written document, the learner will summarize major concepts related to game
3. Within a written document, learners will summarize the significance and importance of versioning
to members of a design team, a technical support team, and a product marketing team.
4. The leaner will be able to define the following terms:
• Pre-alpha
• Alpha
• Beta
• Release Candidate
• Versioning Numbers
• Commercial Distribution
• Shareware
5. Learners will be able to produce a master list of resources for distributing games and applications
1.A: Overview
1.B: Submission Requirements
1.C: Milestones
1.D: Final Deliverables
1.E: Dependencies
1.F: Task Breakdowns
1.G: Timeline
1.H: Standards Alignment
1.I: Assessment
The purpose of the Capstone Project is to gain experience in taking an original game through the
entire process: from concept to completion. Each learner will work on their Capstone Project through-
out the year, culminating in a complete game design for their graduation portfolio. During the first week
of class, learners should begin generating core ideas for games. Don’t stress them, however! These do
not need to be fully developed ideas, just “seeds” for their imagination. Later, each learner will
choose one of these ideas as the basis for their Capstone Project. As the course progresses through
the units of study, learners will begin to create the elements that will grow into their Capstone Project.
Learners should keep the following Big Three Questions in the front of your mind:
Learners may work in 1, 2, or 3 person teams to create their game. If they choose to work in a team, their
project should be graded as a team. At the end of the year, the instructor should ask each learner how
much each team member contributed, including themselves. Lack of participation will result in a lower
grade for that team member. Great teams have great contributors, each contributing equally.
Learners should think carefully about their team members: Will it be possible for their team to meet on a
regular basis? What skills do the different individuals bring to the team? (e.g. art, design, programming,
testing, project management)
Learners should be encouraged to form a heterogeneous team made up of individuals with varying
types of skills.
And lastly, there is one very important concept to covey:
An organized project =
a happy game developer!
1.C: Milestones
Listed below are the three project phases and their primary deliverables:
__ Primary Deliverable: Game prototype (i.e. a working version of the game).
The game may not have all the bells and whistles, but a user can play from
start to finish.
Milestone Sign-Off Form
Utilize the form below to receive instructor sign-off on the milestones for your Capstone Project:
A well-defined Game Design Document (GDD): This will be a 15+ page document
that each learner will complete for their game. Learners are expected to work
on this document throughout the course as the instructor teaches different
aspects of game development.
A set of printouts depicting models and levels; sufficient to show that the game
design is functional. These documents should be included in the Game Design
Document (GDD).
This is where learners should note which of the milestones require the completion of other mile-
stones in order to be successful. For example: developers need to know their storyline before
designing their levels. Think about what game developers need to know and have accom-
plished in order to achieve each milestone.
Learners develop and manage their timeline by referencing the Milestones, the Task Breakdowns,
and the units of study. Learners should pace themselves carefully. If they finish their work deliverables
on an ongoing basis, they should be able to submit a complete Capstone Project. Be sure learners
leave time in their schedule to resolve issues that surface during the development process.
The Capstone Project should align to the following standards initiatives:
__ HS-ETS1-1: Analyze a major global challenge to specify qualitative and quantitative criteria
and constraints for solutions that account for societal needs and wants.
__ HS-ETS1-1: Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into
smaller, more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering.
__ HS-ETS1-1: Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria
and trade-offs that account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and
aesthetics, as well as possible social, cultural, and environmental impacts.
__ HS-ETS1-1: Use a computer simulation to model the impact of proposed solutions to a
complex real-world problem with numerous criteria and constraints on interactions within
and between systems relevant to the problem.
1.I.1: Game Pitch Proposal – Assessment Rubric
Naming Game items are named with Most game items are named correctly. Game names are not specific or do not
Conventions prefixes and name reflects content. use prefixes.
Prefixes include spr, snd, back, scr,
font, obj, and room
Game Info Includes game name, your name, Missing 1 item. Missing 2 or more items.
Screen how to play, rules, scoring
Multimedia Includes background image, back- Missing 1 item. Missing 2 or more items.
ground music and sound effects.
1.I.3: Game Design – Assessment Rubric
Game Play Game play interface is intuitive and May need to read info screen to understand Game play interface does not follow
Interface easy to understand. how to play the game. standard conventions.
Game Play Characters interact correctly with Characters work correctly except for the Characters don’t work correctly either
world. Interactions and collisions occasional glitch. within the world, or with other game
work correctly and as expected objects. Multiple problems with play.
with all game objects.
Scoring There is an obvious way to progress There is a way to progress from level to level, but There is no way to progress from level to
from level to level. It may be lives, it is not obvious by playing the game. You level, or there is only one level.
points or achieving some level should understand by reading the Info screen.
objective such as reaching the exit.
Level Design There are at least 3 different levels There are at least 3 different levels but a player There are only 1 or 2 levels in the game.
and they progress in difficulty but has difficulty winning a level.
are still winnable.
1.I.4: Final Game Product Submission – Assessment Rubric
1.I.4: Final Game Product Submission – Assessment Rubric Game Required Elements
Game Play
1.I.4: Final Game Product Submission – Assessment Rubric Game Required Elements
Work Ethic and Presentation
__ Glossary
__ Reference Documents / Templates
Game Developer’s Journal
Game Design Document (GDD)
Game Design Document (GDD) Template
Game Modification Plan
Game Modification Task Sheet
Game Pitch Proposal
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Project Charter
__ Miscellaneous Technical Web Resources
Unity Game Engine / Game Editor Software
Unity Learning Materials and References
Unity Game Assets and Program Extensions
(Supplemental) Art, Modeling, and Asset Creation Software Products
Textures Assets
Audio Assets
Model Assets
(Supplemental) Bug Tracking Software Products
__ Sample Diagrams and Matrices
Interaction Matrices
Class Diagrams
Game Flow Diagrams
__ Miscellaneous Game Industry Information
Bug Tracking List Records the problems or issues encountered within an interactive
application or video game.
Capstone Project Final culminating project, typically executed in the final period of study.
Also referred to as a keystone project.
Concept Document Utilized to introduce stakeholders to the intended game and initiate (i.e.
“greenlight”) the game development process. Also referred to as the
high level concept document or the concept proposal document.
Game Design Serves as the primary design blueprint for a game. The Game Design
Document (GDD) Document (GDD) often encompasses many sub-documents, including,
but not limited to:
• Art Document
• Concept Document
• Technical Design Document (TDD)
Game Developers Serves to organize and record the development process from an
Journal individual’s perspective.
Game Flow Provides visual documentation of a game design. The Game Flow Diagram
Diagram is helpful in analyzing the relationships between objects in a game.
Learning Objective Brief statements that describe what individuals will be expected to learn
by the end of a finite period of study.
Project Charter Serves as an internal document that captures high level planning
Form (PCF) information (scope, deliverables, assumptions, etc.) about the project.
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines strategy as: “a careful plan or method for achieving a particular
goal usually over a long period of time.” Industry veterans typically state that good games require a
sound strategy for success.
Good project management is no different! Maintenance of the Game Developer’s Journal serves to
keep developers focused and on track while also offering management (i.e. your instructors) ongoing
insight into your daily progress.
The Game Developer’s Journal will serve as physical, written evidence of the strategic thinking, hard
work, personal creativity, and technical prowess that you have completed in your studies.
The journal should be treated like an important, valuable, yet unique resource. As such, it should be a
well protected and personalized asset for you.
Protect it!
The journal should have a hardcover to protect it from the weather/elements.
Bind It!
The journal should be bound, like an artist’s sketchbook, but also have folder pockets
capable of collecting loose papers, handouts, napkin sketches, game advertisements,
and anything else that helped youduring the game development process.
Personalize it!
The paper in the journal can be lined or unlined, whichever you prefer. It can include
colors, pictures, drawings, and doodles if you like (or) be crisp and professional like a
legal document. It is your resource, you decide!
Game developers need to keep their eyes on the prize! The journal is your collect-all and fail-safe to
ensure this happens. As such, be sure you:
1. Record all your ideas and state how you got them. What was your inspiration?
2. Write about the challenges you experienced during the process and how youresolved them.
3. Do not erase notes or entries, but revise and expand upon them.
4. Add sketches and drawings to make things clear.
5. Put a date each time you start a new entry. This will help you track progression.
6. Jot down your ideas and sketch them out when appropriate. Sometimes it is easier to draw
pictures that illustrate the connections between ideas, sequences, or events.
And lastly, it is best to ensure the Game Developer’s Journal records your entire process. As such, be
sure you:
1. Keep your journal with you as much as possible in order to capture your ideas promptly.
2. Share your journal entries with your instructors and peers in order to receive feedback and tips.
Below are examples of typical entries within the Game Developer’s Journal:
February 27, 2015: My game design teacher reviewed the Project Charter Form
(PCF). I now understand why this document is import to the game design pro-
cess. Moving forward, I will create and update a PCF for my capstone project.
Introduce the learner to the Game Design Document (GDD) early in the learning process. In this way, learners
can use it as a reference tool and begin to document their plans in preparation for the Capstone Project.
A template version of the Game Design Document (GDD) begins on the next page so the instructor may
easily separate and distribute it.
Concept Document
The concept document serves the purpose as a way to present a game concept. A general overview
of the game, with the idea anyone can read and understand what the game is like. This part of the
document is one that will change very little once the concept is accepted.
Title Page
The title page includes general information about the game:
Game Name :
Game Logo :
Game Catch Phrase :
Document Type :
Document Version :
Credit Page
The credit page should present information about the person who authored the document and for
what company.
Document Purpose:
Document Version:
Working Title:
Game Concept:
Game Document Author:
The sign-off section lists all the people involved (by rank and role) and confirms that each member of
the team has read through the document and agrees with the current plan.
Lead Artist:
Lead Designer:
Lead Programmer:
Lead Producer:
The introduction should include a brief sentence or two about the game, its genre, player type, tech-
nical form, references and theme. Everyone that reads this should be able to understand what the
basic idea of this game is.
A new purpose for the introduction can also be the reason for the concept and history of the game
the concept is based upon. Here is a short list of subjects to address in the introduction:
• Genre • History
• Player Type • Reference
• Game Play • Theme
• Technical Form • Design Intentions (original or cloned)
Game Analysis
The game analysis provides a general overview of the game.
Genre: • Describe the Genre
Construction & Management
Game Elements: • Game elements are the basic activities the player will be doing for fun
during the game.
Theme: • Example:
Style: • Example:
Old School
Player: • The Number players that can play the game at once
Game Taxonomy: • Game Taxonomy is here as a reminder of what the design direction is.
• Game Taxonomy is made up of Simulation-, Game- and Narrative-based.
These can further be divided into Chance vs. Skill, Fiction vs. Non-Fiction
and Physical vs. Virtual. Based on Lankoski and Björk: “Lindley (2003) slightly
modifies Caillois’ (1961) classical four elements... identifying three primary
descriptors (narrative, ludology, and simulation), upon which operate
additional dimensions differentiating the level of chance vs. skill, fiction vs.
non-fiction and physical vs. virtual.
• Example: Xyanide is a Fictional Game/Narrative, while Sim City is a Non-
Fictional Simulation/Game.
Player Immersion: • This is an attempt to understand what kind of enjoyment the player will
receive from the game.
Reference: • References can come from anywhere.
• The idea is to describe your game’s story, play, and style with references.
Technical Form: • Basically there is 2D graphics (Flat) and 3D graphics (Form)
View: • Camera view the player will experience the game from
Consumer Group: • This could involve conducting a research or focus group with actual
consumers to gather or validate market acceptance data
Payment: • This could involve discussions on monetizing the game and receiving
payments from customers
Estimated Price: • This could involve market sizing and market pricing strategies for the game
Game Atmosphere
In the game atmosphere section, it is best to have a mood board or a clear description of the
game’s style. This is a good place to start interacting with a graphic designer.
Game Play
The game play section is utilized to create a descriptive paragraph about how the game is played.
The idea is that you want the person imagine they are actually playing the game. Try not to use ge-
neric (i.e. broad, non-descriptive) names when writing about the game play.
Example: Few readers want to hear statements such as: “enemy_1 will have more hit points than
enemy_2.” Instead, it is better to make statements such as: “the Lazarus Fighter has more armor than
the Apollo Fighter.”
Selling Features
This is a list of features that could be potentially helpful to market and/or sell a game. If a game has
any copyrightable material, note it here. It may be a good idea to research the key points below or
consult with a professional marketer.
Design Document
This document describes how game objects behave, controlled and properties they have. This is
often referred to as the “mechanics” of the game. This documentation is primarily concerned with
the game itself. This part of the document is meant to be modular, meaning that you could have
several different Game Design documents attached to the Concept Document.
Design Version
A version can single out a certain series of devices that may have limitations, different OS or more
advanced features. A code convention for different versions would be advisable.
Example: Such as J1.1
(J): (JAVA) Developed for a particular Technology
(1.): Concept Update
(.1): Content Update
Design Guidelines
This is an important statement about any creative restrictions that need to be regarded and includes
brief statements about the general (i.e. overall) goal of the design.
Game Matrix
The game matrix is a spreadsheet containing the generic names of the player and antagonistic
elements and their game properties. This should allow an easy cross reference for any elements in the
game that have numerical or other descriptive values associated with their name.
Game flow charts should represent Objects, Properties and Actions that are present in the game.
Flow chart objects, properties and actions should have a number reference to where they exist with
in the game mechanics document.
Player Elements
The player elements section lists all the elements that are directly related to the player or serve to
benefit of the player.
Devise two sets of names for player elements. One set is a generic name (or code) and the other is its
game name. Describe the terminology that you use to describe the player’s properties.
This is a good place to interact with a graphic designer to ensure the game graphics match the
game names. Graphics that will be seen during game play should be exhibited here.
Multi-player issues should also be mentioned here.
• Default (Status): What are the default settings • Default Properties: How does the player begin
for the player at the beginning of the game or the game?
level? • Winning: How can the player win?
• Actions: What can the player do? • Loosing: How does the player lose?
• Information (Status): What information about
the game is available for the player?
Player Definition
Use the player definition section to make quick descriptions that define the player.
Below is a suggested list of player definitions:
Player Properties
Make a list within the player properties section that defines the properties for each player. Player
properties can be affected by player’s action or interaction with other game elements. Define the
properties and how they affect the player’s current game.
A suggested list of player definitions may include:
• Health
• Weapons
• Actions
• Etc.
Each property should mention a feedback as a result of the property changing!
worst layout is, then ask yourself if your UI is it still playable?
A visual representation can be added, where we relate the physical controls to the actions in the game.
When designing the UI, it may be valuable to research quality control and user interface (UI) design information.
Player View
A screen shot is very necessary in the player view section.
It is also beneficial to include a definition of how the camera moves for the player.
Finally, a (mock-up) overview of the level relative to the screen size will help create a perspective of a
levels size compared to what is actually seen.
Antagonistic Elements
This is where a list of antagonistic (i.e. enemies, opponent) objects should be listed with graphics and
written description.
Describe the terminology that you used to describe antagonistic properties.
Devise two sets of names for player elements. One set is a generic name (or code) and the other is its
game name.
This is another good place to collaborate with a graphic designer to ensure the game graphics
match the game titles, names, and descriptors.
Antagonistic Definitions
This where a description goes of what makes an antagonistic element.
Antagonistic Properties
This is a list of properties that antagonistic elements have in common.
Antagonistic List
This is where a list of all the antagonistic elements goes.
• Normal State: What is the object doing if it has not come in contact with the player?
• Detection State: What does it take for this object to detect the player?
• Reaction State: What does the object do as an action after passing the reaction state?
• End State: What happens to the object after player has reacted correctly or incorrectly to object?
The Story
This is where the story can be described in detail. A story board can be used to tie in graphics to the
text. This can later be used for splash screen concepts.
Concept Art
Sketches that are used for the concept can go into this section as visual reference. In the case of a
brand, certain creative restrictions should be noted here. This is a good place to collaborate with a
graphic designer to ensure game graphics match game names.
Level Design
This is where information pertaining to level design and visuals of the level design goes. Level design
can best be shown as a flow chart. Use generic names to create level design.
Level Copy
This is where the script for in game characters or story information during the cut scenes would be placed.
Game Architecture
The game architecture section is best produced using a flow chart to represent the overall game.
Be sure to identify (i.e. name, number) each screen.
• Title Screen
• Option Screens
• Game Modes
• End Screens
Architecture Copy
All text from the game can be compiled here.
Review the Game Architecture Overview section.
How To Play Copy
This section will organize the game copy. The game copy includes information for the player, clearly
describing how to play the game.
Technical Document
The information concerning the technical aspects of the game should be placed here. The technical
document is best achieved with consensus from the people responsible for the Visual, Programming,
and Audio aspects. This part of the document is meant to be modular. This means that it is possible to
have several Game Technical documents attached to the Game Design Document (GDD).
System Requirements
This is a list of system requirements that a device will have to meet to run the game.
This also represents the restrictions that may apply to the end product.
Visual Content
A list of technical requirements from those in concerned with the visual aspects of the game. All
objects should be listed with their generic names.
__ General
File Size Restrictions
File Format Type
File Quality Type
Visual Scale
__ Player Elements
Type of States (Default, Damage, Destroyed, ect.)
• Amount Animation Frames
__ Heads Up Display (HUD)
Type Icons
Font Type
__ Antagonistic Elements
Type of States (Default, Damage, Destroyed, ect.)
Amount Animation Frames
__ Global Elements
Font Type
Audio Content
This is the section for organizing the audio content. It is very important to communicate with the audio
designer before and while the audio content is being developed.
__ General
File Size Restrictions
File Format Type
File Quality Type
__ Player Elements
Type of Sound f/x
Device Vibration
__ Antagonistic Elements
Type of Sound f/x
Device Vibration
__ Global Elements
Ambient Music
__ Splash Screens
Ambient Music
__ Menus
Type of Sound f/x
Programming Content
The programming content section should help permit good collaboration with the programmer. The
objective of this section (and task) is to try to organize and modulate as much as possible.
__ General
File Size Restrictions
File Format Type
Specify Coding Conventions
Language/Device Restrictions
Screen Type (Small, Medium, Large)
__ Player Elements
Type of Event
__ Antagonistic Elements
Type Event
__ Global Elements
Type of Event
__ Splash Screens
Type of Event
__ Menus
Type of Event
Type of Options
Code Structure
This is where an overview of how objects/functions/data interact, a list of what specified func-
tions/routines do and a list of what order modules will be written.
The resources section lists applications and equipment that are acceptable for use in the development
of this game. This begins to satisfy a legal challenge that developers must begin to be aware of.
Technical Matrix
The technical matrix section will be split into the different device series for each content category.
The technical matrix includes the content lists of Audio, Visual, and Programming.
1. Create a revised object of the game based on your ideas and recommendations to improve it.
2. List 3 or more specific changes you would make to the game. Why and how will these changes
improve the game?
3. List 3 or more reasons why the original designers did not choose these changes and ideas you identified.
4. List 3 or more reasons why these changes may be difficult to include if the game were revised.
5. Briefly explain why you would like to make these changes.
3. List 3 or more things you do not like about the game. Why?
List 3 or more reasons why you think the game you are reviewing is successful.
i. Menus: (1/2 page max) initial menu screen and any options include a sketch.
j. Controls: (1/2 page max) Describe interface (up, down, run, shoot, fast, slow).
k. Sounds: (1/2 page max) Describe background sounds: music, footsteps, Vehicle, Door, etc.
4. Summary (1/2 page max): This is the final sales pitch. Include a brief summary that would make
someone want to buy your game!
1.1 Identify assets 1.1.2 Research and locate assets Purchase and download game assets
Level WBS Code Element Name Definition
(Development Steps) (Clearly define work to be done)
Project Charter
Project Name
Project Description
Project Sponsor
Project Objectives
Project Milestones
We agree that this is a viable project. The Project Team Member(s) are authorized to begin the
planning, design, and development process for this project.
Project Sponsor
• Unity 3d (http://unity3d.com/unity/download)
Textures Assets
• CG Textures (http://www.cgtextures.com/) The world’s largest texture site, this site offers a plethora of high
quality photo references to be used for texture generation. In addition this site also offers a small selection of
useful tutorials.
• Texture King (http://www.textureking.com) Offers textures in concrete, grunge, wood, stone/rock, metals,
fabric, paint, rust, plastic, dirt/sand, liquids, glass and plaster.
• 2 Textured (http://www.2textured.com) Good resource for weapon, food, animal, and vehicle textures and
images among other things.
• Stock Textures (http://stocktextures.com/) Free and open archive for high-quality, tileable textures.
Audio Assets
Model Assets
• Bugzilla (http://www.bugzilla.org/) Bugzilla is a server-side bug tracking system that allows you to keep
track of outstanding bugs in your product. You can track bugs and code changes, communicate with
collaborators, submit and review patches, and manage quality assurance.
• Landfill (http://landfill.bugzilla.org/) Landfill is the home of test installations for Bugzilla. These are demo
installations that you can use to “try out” Bugzilla.
Example 2: Cortex
A class diagram is a breakdown of all interactive objects within your game. Within each box, there are
three (i.e. smaller box) sections. The top section provides the name of the class. The middle section
should contain all the attributes of the class. The bottom section will contain methods and operations
which are used by the class.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Example 1: Pac-Man
Below you will find examples of game Taxonomy, Genres, Elements, Content, Themes, and Styles.
While this section offers a thorough coverage, it is not exhaustive.
Taxonomy Role-play
__ Simulation Simulator
Story Strategy
Play __ More Specific
Chance Abstract (i.e., Arkanoid)
• Fiction Adventure
• Non Fiction Arcade (very generalised
__ Story
Flight Sim/Space Sim
FPS (first-person shooter)
MMOG (Massive Multi-player
• Fiction
• Non Fiction
• MMORPG (role playing
__ Play game)
Story • MMORTS (real time
Chance strategy)
Simulation • MMOTBS (turn base
• Fiction
• Non Fiction
Genres Racing
__ Basic RPG (role-playing game)
Adventure RTS (real-time strategy)
Arcade (any “twitch” Shoot-em-up (scrolling
element) shooter)
Construction & TBS (turn based strategy)
Management Trading
Elements Themes
__ Alignment __ Abstract
__ Catch __ Crime
__ Chase __ Fantasy
__ Collecting __ Noir
__ Combat __ Porn
__ Cooperation __ Sci-Fi
__ Dodging __ Spy
__ Escape __ War
__ Fighting __ Western
__ Forbidden Act
__ Hiding Styles
__ Jump __ Abstract
__ Luck __ Cartoon
__ Maze __ Manga
__ Nursing __ Old School
__ Obstacles __ Realism
__ Puzzle
__ React
__ Resource Management
__ Seeking
__ Shooting
__ Story Comprehension
__ Target
__ Trading
__ Trivia
__ Timing
__ Action
__ Drama
__ Erotic
__ Horror
__ Humor
__ Pure Play
__ Realism
__ Thriller
(Listed in alphabetical order, by last name)
Michael Edmonds
Mary Helen Hendrix
Dushan Horvat
James Justice
Michael Sehgal
Diane Erlich
Harleigh Aysia
Devon Millard
Michael Sehgal
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Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research
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Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds,
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parties for whom they have a professional responsibility.
To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to
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