San Mateo Daily Journal 11-03-18 Edition
San Mateo Daily Journal 11-03-18 Edition
San Mateo Daily Journal 11-03-18 Edition
Jim Delong, Chuck Bruemmer and Antonio Abila load crab traps at Pillar Point Harbor in Half Moon Bay in preparation for
the recreational Dungeness crab season opener Saturday, Nov. 3. Below: Fishermen have been preparing for weeks for crab
season, which is set to start on time this year, at least around the Bay Area. Domoic acid, the leading cause of delayed season
openers, has not been found in crabs tested south of Point Reyes.
breaking Proposition 209, which banned race and gender ime artist Marcel Marceau (1918-2007) was a three-time winner of clothes designer in New York.
preference in hiring and school admissions. (1923-2007) created a charac- the Academy Award for best foreign ***
ter called Bip; a white-faced film. Can you name the movies for While her husband was vice president,
Birthdays clown that wore a striped shirt and bat- which he won the awards? See answer at Lady Bird Johnson (1912-2007) was an
tered hat. Bip hunted butterflies, tamed end. ambassador of goodwill for the White
lions and struggled with umbrellas, all *** House. She traveled to 33 foreign coun-
in mime. Beginning in 1992, opera singer tries over three years.
*** Luciano Pavarotti (1935-2007) held the ***
Merv Griffin (1925-2007), a San Mateo Pavarotti & Friends concert annually in In 2002, Tammy Faye Bakker Messner
native, hosted the game shows “Play his hometown of Modena, Italy. The (1942-2007) was asked to do a televised
Your Hunch” (1958-1963) and “Word for concert raised funds for charities that aid celebrity boxing match against
Word” (1963) before creating and pro- child victims of war. Sylvester Stallone’s mother Jackie
ducing the game shows “Jeopardy!” *** Stallone (born 1921). Tammy Faye
(1964-present) and “Wheel of Fortune” Robert Goulet (1933-2007) was born in turned down the offer.
Comedian-actress Actor Dolph TV personality (1975-present). Massachusetts but moved to Canada at ***
Roseanne Barr is Lundgren is 61. Kendall Jenner is *** age 13. As his singing career took off, Ans wer: “The Virgin Spring” (1960),
66. 23. Although best known as supermarket Ed Sullivan (1902-1974) dubbed Goulet “Through a Glass Darkly” (1961) and
Actress Lois Smith is 88. Actress Monica Vitti is 87. manager Mr. Whipple in Charmin com- the “American baritone from Canada.” “Fanny & Alexander” (1982). Most of
Former Massachusetts Gov. Michael S. Dukakis is 85. Actor- mercials, actor Dick Wilson (1916- *** Bergman’s films were set in Sweden. His
2007) had recurring roles in television Anna Nicole Smith (1967-2007) films were emotionally intense, often
dancer Ken Berry is 85. Actor Shadoe Stevens is 72. Singer
sitcoms including “Bewitched” (1964-
Lulu is 70. Actress Kate Capshaw is 65. Comedian Dennis 1972) “Gidget” (1965-1966) and appeared on the cover of Playboy in with themes of illness, death and insan-
Miller is 65. Actress Kathy Kinney is 65. Singer Adam Ant is “McHale’s Navy” (1962-1966). March 1992. The cover got the atten- ity.
tion of Guess president Paul Marciano
64. Director-screenwriter Gary Ross is 62. Rock musician *** (born 1952) who made her the face of
C.J. Pierce (Drowning Pool) is 46. Actor Francois Battiste Know It All is by Kerry McArdle. It runs in
A popular toy of the 1970s was the Evel Guess jeans the following year.
(TV: “Ten Days in the Valley”) is 42. Olympic gold medal fig- Knievel Super Stunt Set in which kids *** the weekend edition of the Daily Journal.
ure skater Evgeni Plushenko is 36. Actress Julie Berman is 35. could recreate the motorcycle jumps of In 1956, at age 22, the Rev. Jerry Questions? Comments? Email
knowitall(at) or call 344-
Actress Antonia Thomas (TV: “The Good Doctor”) is 32. Evel Knievel (1938-2007). The set Falwell (1933-2007) founded the 5200 ext. 128.
Alternative rock singer/songwriter Courtney Barnett is 31.
Daily Four
50s. Northwest winds 10 to 20 mph.
Sunday : Partly cloudy. Highs in the 60s.
3 23 28 46 62 16 0 6 6 1 Northwest winds 10 to 20 mph. Gusts up
to 35 mph in the afternoon.
Daily three midday
Mega number
2 4 8 mph in the afternoon.
The Daily Derby race winners are Big Ben, No. 4, in Mo nday ni g ht: Partly cloudy. Lows in the mid 50s.
first place; Money Bags, No. 11, in second place; and Tues day : Sunny. Highs in the 60s to mid 70s.
ALONDU Gorgeous George, No. 8, in third place. The race time Tues day ni g ht: Partly cloudy. Lows in the mid 50s.
was clocked at 1:43.81.
Now arrange the circled letters
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Yesterday’s As a public service, the Daily Journal prints obituaries of approximately 200 words or less with a photo one time on the date of the family’s choosing if space allows. To submit
Answer: She wanted to tango with her husband but obituaries, email information along with a jpeg photo to [email protected]. Free obituaries are edited for style, clarity, length and grammar. If you would like to have an
couldn’t get past his — “AVOID-DANCE” obituary printed more than once, longer than 200 words or without editing, please submit an inquiry to our advertising department at [email protected].
003 1103 sat:1103 sat 65 11/2/18 8:39 PM Page 1
iSmile Implant Center Gerry and Harry were married in 1950, at old St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco.
After 3 years, moving south to Burlingame, they bought a home to raise 3 children.
He was a devoted husband and father who truly loved his home, especially when
tinkering, or working to make it a better place for his family. He would do anything
for family or friends, and touched the hearts of all he met.
After retirement in 1987, he enjoyed socializing with family and many new friends
DDS MSD PHD $OFF frormprtichee as a member of the Burlingame Senior Citizens Organization and the Siena Club.
He is survived by his wife Geraldine; children Karen, Mary Beth and Mark, as well
Founder of iSmile Dental. 0% interest regu
as a niece and several nephews.
U.C. Professor financing available
A private family service will be held on Monday, November 5, 2018.
20 Years of implant experience (Implant Fixture + Custom In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to St. Catherine of Siena Catholic
7000 Implants placed Abutment + Crown) Church, 1310 Bayswater Ave., Burlingame, CA 94010.
FBI intercepts second announced this week by U.S. Housing and manent housing and support services
Local briefs Urban Development. through the program, according to HUD.
suspicious package to Tom Steyer “similar in appearance to the others” and HUD’s Annual Homeless Assessment Veterans who are homeless or at immi-
A second suspicious package addressed to was addressed to Steyer, a former hedge fund Report found that veteran homelessness nent risk of becoming homeless should
California billionaire Tom Steyer was inter- manager who has spearheaded a campaign dropped by 4.1 percent in San Francisco, 5.3 contact their local VA Medical Center and
cepted Thursday night calling for the impeachment of President percent in Marin County, 4.8 percent in San ask to speak to a homeless coordinator or
after one was recovered at Donald Trump. Mateo County, 0.3 percent in Santa Clara call the National Call Center for Homeless
a mail facility in The other targets in the attempted mail County and 0.9 percent in Alameda County. Veterans at (877) 4AID-VET.
Burlingame last week, bombings have also been critical of Trump. The report found a national drop of 5.4 per-
FBI officials said. Sayoc was in federal court Friday in cent, and a decrease to nearly half the number Authorities seek help finding man
The packages have Florida and agreed to be transferred to New of homeless veterans reported in 2010. San Mateo County sheriff’s deputies are
been linked to Cesar York, where the U.S. Attorney’s Office for “We’ve made great strides in our efforts to asking for help finding a 55-year-old man
Sayoc, a Florida man the Southern District of New York has end veteran homelessness, but we still have who went missing on
who was arrested on Oct. charged him with five counts. a lot of work to do to ensure those who wore Halloween and recently
26 for allegedly mailing Sayoc faces charges of interstate trans- our nation’s uniform have access to stable changed his habits,
Tom Steyer out explosive materials portation of an explosive, illegal mailing housing,” HUD Secretary Ben Carson said in prompting concern for
to former President of explosives, threats against former presi- a statement. him, sheriff’s officials
Barack Obama, Sen. dents, threatening interstate communica- said.
HUD officials also found a nearly 10 per-
Kamala Harris, D- tions and assaulting federal officers, prose- Marc Bajet was last
cent decline nationally since last year
California, former U.S. cutors said. seen around 11:30 p.m.
among female veterans experiencing home-
Secretary of State Hillary Wednesday. He left per-
Clinton, the news net- HUD report shows drop They attribute the drop to the HUD- Marc Bajet sonal belongings
work CNN and others. including his cellphone
The FBI wrote on
in veteran homelessness Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing pro-
and his car at home.
Twitter late Friday morn- Veteran homelessness across California gram, which combines permanent HUD
Anyone who knows Bajet or sees him is
ing that the package dropped by 5.2 percent since last year, rental assistance with case management and
asked to call the San Mateo County
Cesar Sayoc intercepted Thursday was according to a new national estimate clinical services provided by the VA. Last
Sheriff’s Office at (650) 363-4911.
year, more than 4,000 veterans found per-
Alberta Mussi Rizzato o p h i a S t e l mas h e n k o , of San ***
Obituary Bruno, and Yumeto Shi g i hara, of Laure n S t e v e n s , of Redwood City,
Alberta Mussi Rizzato, late of Millbrae Belmont, were named to the dean’s enrolled at Bard Co l l eg e after complet-
and San Mateo County resident since 1969, Family and friends may visit on Monday,
list at Bo s to n Uni v ers i ty. ing 11-grade.
died in San Francisco Nov. 5, 2018, after 4 p.m. until 8 p.m. at ***
Oct. 30, 2018. the Chapel of the Highlands, El Camino Eri k t o n Ko n o mi , of Dav i d Up c h urc h , of
Wife of the late Real at 194 Millwood Drive in Millbrae, San Mateo, graduated from Burlingame, was named to
Umberto Rizzato. with a 7 p.m. vigil service. Committal Ke n n e s aw S t at e the dean’s list at Central
Mother of Angelo (his prayers will be 1 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 6, at Uni v ers i ty . Ore g o n Co mmun i t y
wife Kathleen), John the Italian Cemetery in Colma. *** Co l l eg e.
(his wife LeAnn). Sister Her family appreciates donation to the Ethan Bl ack, of Menlo ***
of Adriana in Italy. Also charity of your choice. Park, was accepted to Vanes s a Lam, of Foster
survived by her grand- DePauw Uni v ers i ty. City, Jo s h ua Tan , of
children Alexander (his As a public serv ice, the Daily Journal *** Hillsborough, and
wife Lisa), Victoria (her husband Stephen) prints obituaries of approx imately 200 So o bi n B al k an d Al e x an de r Wu, of San
and Ariana; along with her great-grandchil- words or less with a photo one time on a Gre g o ry Yu, of Foster Carlos, graduated from
dren Avery, Alessandra and Gunner; includ- City, Je s s i c a Ch av e z - Co l g ate Uni v ers i ty.
space av ailable basis. To submit obituar-
ing nieces and nephews. Nav arro , Sara Chu and ***
A native of Carrara, Tuscany, Italy, age ies, email information along with a jpeg
photo to news@smdaily Free Co l l e e n S ammo n s of Ry an May h an , of
91 years. A member of the Italian Catholic Re dwo o d Ci t y as well as Nat al i e Foster City, enrolled at Hami l t o n
Federation Branch 403, Saint Dunstan, obituaries are edited for sty le, clarity,
Wi ng , of San Mateo, were named to the Co l l eg e.
Millbrae. length and grammar.
dean’s list at Bi o l a Uni v ers i ty. ***
*** Jo hn Brudo s , of Menlo Park, earned
S t e v e n Di t z l e r, of San Mateo, the dean’s scholarship at B al dwi n
enrolled at Co l by Co l l eg e. Wal l ace Uni v ers i ty.
Han n a Kat e s , of Hillsborough,
enrolled at Cl ems o n Uni v ers i ty.
*** Class notes is a column dedicated to school news.
It is compiled by education reporter Austin
Mi chael Hi g g i ns , of Redwood City, Walsh. You can contact him at (650) 344-5200,
enrolled at Bel mo nt Uni v ers i ty. ext. 105 or at [email protected].
Trade gap grew to $54 billion in September By Paul Wiseman punched with import taxes on American
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS products. U.S. exports of soybeans, target-
ed for retaliatory tariffs by China, dropped
29.4 percent in September.
WASHINGTON — Record imports
Trump sees the lopsided trade numbers as
expanded the U.S. trade deficit for the fourth
a sign of U.S. economic weakness and as
straight month in September, as the politi-
the result of bad trade deals and abusive
cally sensitive trade deficit in goods with
practices by U.S. trading partners, especial-
China hit a record.
ly China.
The Commerce Department said Friday Mainstream economists view trade
that the gap between what America sells and deficits as the result of an economic reality
what it buys abroad climbed to $54 billion, unlikely to yield to changes in trade policy:
up 1.3 percent from $53.3 billion in August Americans buy more than they produce, and
and the highest level since February. imports fill the gap. The strong U.S. econ-
Imports climbed 1.5 percent to a record omy also encourages Americans to buy
$266.6 billion, led by an influx of telecom- more foreign products.
munications equipment and clothing. U. S. exports are also hurt by the
Exports also rose 1.5 percent to $212.6 bil- American dollar’s role as the world’s curren-
lion, led by increases in shipments of civil- cy. The dollar is usually in high demand
ian aircraft and petroleum products. because it is used in so many global trans-
President Donald Trump has made a prior- actions. That means the dollar is persistent-
ity of reducing America’s huge, persistent ly strong, raising prices of U.S. products
trade deficits. Despite his tariffs on import- and putting American companies at a disad-
ed steel and aluminum and on Chinese vantage in foreign markets.
goods, the deficit so far this year is up 10.1 In September, the U.S. ran a $23.2 bil-
percent to $445. 2 billion. The goods lion surplus in the trade of services such as
deficit with China rose by 4.3 percent in banking and tourism. But that was offset by
REUTERS FILE PHOTO September to a record $40.2 billion. a $77.2 billion deficit in the trade of goods
Containers are seen at the Yangshan Deep Water Port in Shanghai, China. China and other countries have counter- such as cellphones and cars.
very so often at my school, ing my identity as a yet another story about the high housing prices
the counselors present infor- student and a per- here in California. If you are a homeowner, you likely get
mation to seniors touching son in general. mail almost daily from one Realtor or another, either
on things from graduation require- Though I had my trumpeting their latest sale (Multiple offers! Over asking
ments to scholarship eligibility. I’ve embarrassing price!) or asking if you would consider selling your home.
noticed that at least once every time, moments, I was And renters are not immune: rents have been skyrocketing
the presenter says something along also able to grow all around the region.
the lines of “I know you all want to and learn new things about myself and more common than the aforemen- Normally the laws of supply and demand would dictate
get out [of high school] soon,” or others. I would attribute becoming tioned negative things. that, with such high demand for housing, a lot of new
“You’re all in your final sprint, so more politically aware, confident, When I think about high school, homes would be built. For various reasons, though, not
don’t let up now.” While it may seem kind and socially intelligent to peo- the first thing that comes to mind nearly enough housing has been built over the last decade
trivial, I always notice and am sur- ple who have influenced me through- isn’t a time when I failed a test, or or so to meet demand, resulting in high prices. And what
prised by these remarks. Why are stu- out school, which includes students as when I looked dumb in front of my housing has been built has largely been aimed at the high
dents eager to leave? well as teachers. classmates. I think of the friends and end: for those toward the lower end of the earnings scale,
Looking back, I’ve had as many However, I will not pretend that teachers that I get to interact with finding housing is proving
annoying and embarrassing memories everyone has had the same high and the fun and interesting conversa- especially difficult.
of high school as anyone else. From school experience as me, and I recog- tions we had/will have every single Much of the talk about our
getting pantsed in my P.E. class to nize that others may not have had, or day. housing issues has been focused
being rejected by a girl after asking will have, a great four years. So I So to my fellow seniors, don’t view on those lower-income earners,
her to a dance, I definitely have mem- won’t say that we should all love and this as a “final sprint,” but instead and rightly so. As I walk around
ories I want to forget after leaving. appreciate high school. something more like a jog. You’ll Redwood City and neighboring
The idea of starting over again and the What I will say, though, is that the reach the end of your run either way, communities I see “help want-
freedom of life beyond high school is attitude many students hold through- so don’t go so fast that you miss the ed” signs all over. Those jobs
enticing for some, and I would be out their lives in school can change. faint scent of roses in the air. don’t pay nearly enough to, on
lying if I said I don’t look forward to Rather than focusing on the mundane, their own, enable a worker to
it with nervous excitement. However, embarrassing and frustrating parts of live in the area, and thus the dif-
I am far from counting down the days school, I would encourage others to Vishu Prathikanti is a senior at Burlingame
High School. Student News appears in the ficulty in filling positions.
until the year, and my high school enjoy the small, day-to-day things
life, is over. that may not be as memorable, but are
weekend edition. You can email Student
News at [email protected].
With positions unfilled, service Greg Wilson
is suffering at many businesses.
This isn’t just a problem for businesses such as
McDonald’s or Safeway or Home Depot, though; it is hap-
CITY OFFICES San Bruno Park Elementary School pening at our medical providers as well. As my wife and I,
District Measure X $79 million bond along with some of our friends, have recently learned,
Belmont City Council (three seats) measure (55 percent needed) — YES
Warren Lieberman, Julia Mates and even some doctors and nurses are having trouble affording
Charles Stone San Mateo-Foster City Elementary housing here in the Bay Area.
Foster City Council (two seats) School District Measure V $298 Many years ago my longtime primary care physician
Richa Awasthi and Paul Williams parcel tax measure (Two-thirds
needed) — YES moved to a smaller community in the Sierra foothills, cit-
Half Moon Bay City Council (three seats) ing an inability to make money while giving his patients
Debbie Ruddock, Virginia Turezyn and SamTrans half-cent sales tax
Deborah Penrose the level of care he felt they deserved. I was saddened by
increase for transportation
Redwood City Council (three seats) improvements Measure W (Two- this, but didn’t think of it as the leading edge of a wave —
Giselle Hale, Diane Howard and Rick thirds needed) — NO which in retrospect it probably was. I switched to a new
Hunter provider without give it too much thought. Over the next
San Carlos City Council (three seats) several years I went through a series of doctors, mainly
John McDowell, Laura Parmer-Lohan STATE PROPOSITIONS due to them leaving their practices for varying reasons.
and Adam Rak
Millbrae City Council (two seats) Proposition 1: $4 billion housing bond Resolving to break the seemingly endless cycle, I
Reuben Holober and Anne Oliva LOCAL MEASURES — YES switched to a membership practice where you pay a small
South San Francisco City Council Belmont shift from elected to Proposition 2: Reallocation of mental yearly fee to guarantee timely access to a medical profes-
(three seats) appointed city clerk Measure CC health money for housing — YES sional. For a while, that went well. But last summer my
Mark Addiego, Pradeep Gupta and (Majority needed) — YES assigned provider announced that she was leaving
Mark Nagales Proposition 3: $8.877 billion water-
Belmont shift from elected to related and infrastructure projects Redwood City and, apparently, moving to an office else-
South San Francisco city clerk where in the Bay Area.
Rosa Acosta appointed city treasurer Measure bond — YES
WW (Majority needed) — YES
Proposition 4: $1.5 billion children’s My logical next step was to get reassigned to one of the
Half Moon Bay marijuana taxation other care providers in the Redwood City office of the
SCHOOL BOARDS Measure AA (Majority needed) hospital bond — NO
membership practice. As I quickly discovered, though,
Belmont-Redwood Shores (Majority needed) — NO Proposition 5: Allows homeowners most weren’t taking new patients — and the two that
Elementary School District Board of Half Moon Bay allowance and over 55 or disabled to transfer property
Trustees (three seats) regulation of marijuana starter tax base to new residence — YES were specialize in women’s issues. Thus, I decided to
Suvarna Bhopale, Amy Koo and Rahila plants in existing greenhouses switch to Palo Alto Medical Foundation, or PAMF, with
Passi Proposition 6: Repeal of Senate Bill 1, its large, relatively new medical center in San Carlos.
Measure GG (Majority needed) — YES gas tax and free provisions — NO
San Bruno Park Elementary School Half Moon Bay (advisory) allowance Surely, I thought, I would have no problem finding a
District Board of Trustees (three of mature marijuana plants in Proposition 7: Allows Legislature to doctor there. I was wrong. Multiple searches of their
seats) existing greenhouses Measure EE change to year-round Daylight Saving provider database for an internist accepting new
Teri Chavez, Andrew Mason and Henry (Majority needed) — NO Time — YES
Sanchez patients came up empty. Convinced that I was doing
South San Francisco Unified School Half Moon Bay (advisory) allowance Proposition 8: Regulates charges by something wrong, I called PAMF and had them search.
District Board of Trustees (three of two retail locations Measure SS dialysis clinics — NO No dice. They literally had none. Even widening my
seats) (Majority needed) — NO Proposition 10: Repeals Costa-
Half Moon Bay (advisory) allowance search to include their Palo Alto office proved fruitless.
John Baker, Eddie Flores and Reem Hawkins Rental Housing Act — NO After a couple of months, Palo Alto Medical
Nasrah of marijuana manufacturing
Measure MM (Majority needed) — NO Proposition 11: Requires private- Foundation managed to hire a handful of new care
San Mateo County Community sector emergency ambulance workers
College District Trustee Area 4 (one Millbrae $12 million bond for providers, and I finally got myself assigned to one. But
seat) recreation center rebuild Measure II to stay on call during work breaks from talking to people both at PAMF and at one of
Tom Mohr (Two-thirds needed) — YES — NO Stanford’s medical clinics, I learned that even large
San Mateo County Board of Redwood City Measure RR half-cent Proposition 12: Establishes new well-respected firms such as these are having trouble
Education District 1 (one seat) sales tax increase to fund city services standards of confinement for specified hiring enough doctors — not to mention nurses and
Susan Alvaro (Majority needed) — YES farm animals — YES other medical professionals — in part because of our
high housing costs. I’m sure that the doctors are well-
paid, but even they appear to be having difficulty with
Letter to the editor the economics of both living and working in the Bay
Our red-hot real-estate prices are not only resulting in
longer lines at Baskin-Robbins, they are resulting in
Support for Diana Reddy higher wages, better health care and more taxes. That’s not “destroying longer waits — significantly longer, if my experience
tenant protections. Our members have jobs” — it’s ensuring the richest cor- is any judge — just to get an appointment to see a doc-
Editor, joined workers on picket lines at porations pay their fair share. We
Recently, the California Apartment tor. I finally connected up with my new internist, but it
Marriott and Pullman hotels in San support Reddy not because she agrees took nearly two months before I could see him for the
Association (CAA) spent over Jose and Redwood City; talked to
$15,000 on mailers attacking with us on everything (indeed, she first time. Homeowners may be loving the increase in
neighbors about the benefits of doesn’t agree about abolishing capi- home values, but that increase is having negative
Redwood City Council candidate
“Medicare for all” single-payer health talism), but because she’s a genuine effects on all of our lives — whether or not we are
Diana Reddy, spotlighting her
endorsement by local chapters of the care; and fought CAA’s efforts to community voice. She’s a longtime homeowners — making things just a little harder when-
Democratic Socialists of America repeal rent control in Mountain View. activist who doesn’t take donations ever we go to the store, go out to eat, or, now, when we
(DSA) in a desperate attempt to scare We care about our community and from corporate interests. She’s the go to the doctor. It makes one wonder: is the tradeoff
off voters. As a leader writing on neighbors, which is why we organize only candidate in this race who sup- really worth it?
behalf of those chapters, I want the and share in each other’s struggles. ports rent control. She will use her
public to know what we stand for, and Diana Reddy will push to protect seat to fight for ordinary people. Vote Greg Wilson is the creator of Walk ing Redwood City, a
why we support Reddy. renters from eviction and abuse from Reddy. blog inspired by his walk s throughout Redwood City and
Peninsula and Silicon Valley DSA profit-obsessed landlords. That’s not
adjacent communities. He can be reached at
are volunteer-run, grassroots organi- “hurting homeowners” — it’s protect-
ing our neighbors. Reddy will push Chet Lexvold greg@walk Follow Greg on Twitter
zations. Like Reddy, we fight for eco-
nomic and social justice, including billion-dollar corporations to pay San Mateo @walk ingRWC.
010 1103 sat:1103 sat 65 11/2/18 6:00 PM Page 1
Turkey: Highest level of Saudi gov’t ordered writer’s slaying read: “We shall rid the Jews who are a cancer on us all.”
By Suzan Fraser Erdogan said he did not believe that ty, we must reveal the identities of the
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Saudi King Salman had ordered the puppet masters behind Khashoggi’s
killing of Khashoggi at the Saudi killing and discover those in whom
ANKARA, Turkey — The order to kill Consulate on Oct. 2. He said Turkey’s Saudi officials —still trying to cover up
Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi came close ties to Saudi Arabia did not mean the murder — have placed their trust.”
from the highest level of the Saudi gov- that Turkey could turn a blind eye to the Istanbul’s chief prosecutor announced
ernment, Turkish President Recep killing of the journalist. Wednesday that Khashoggi, who lived
Tayyip Erdogan said Friday, adding that “We know that the order to kill in exile in the United States, was stran-
the international community had the Khashoggi came from the highest lev- gled immediately after he entered the
responsibility to “reveal the puppet els of the Saudi government,” Erdogan consulate as part of a premeditated
masters” behind the slaying. said. Erdogan wrote: “As responsible killing and that his body was dismem-
In an op-ed in The Washington Post, members of the international communi- bered before being removed.
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012 1103 sat:1103 sat 65 11/2/18 8:56 PM Page 1
help of instructors and his fellow class- contest to charges of identity theft and
Continued from page 1
mates in the Five Keys Program, Cearley
obtained his high school diploma while
serving his jail sentence — and not a day
Comment on
or share this story at
fraud, Michael Davis said he has been hon-
ing skills as a carpenter through a job train-
ing program offered at the jail and was moti-
too soon. Along with three other inmates, vated to complete his high school require-
he received his diploma Friday, Oct. 26, ments through the Five Keys Program so he
Correctional Facility last year, Cearley was with one day to go before his release from inmate who hasn’t already received a high can get a fresh start when he is released in
also faced with an opportunity to complete jail Saturday. school diploma, noting nearly 60 inmates February.
the last few units he needed to obtain a high “This was like a whole different language in county jails are currently in the program.
school diploma, an achievement that previ- Because hiring managers are increasingly Though he said finding time and staying
to me,” he said, of algebra and geometry. “I motivated to study and graduate on time was
ously eluded him. never thought I’d be able to do that.” looking for candidates who have a high
In joining dozens of other inmates cur- school diploma these days, Hayes said the a challenge, for Michael Davis and his sis-
By studying subjects like nutrition, essay ter, the effort was well worth it. For Sabrina
rently in the jail’s Five Keys Program, writing, history and mathematics, among program gives inmates a better shot at more
Cearley revisited the geometry and algebra sustainable employment opportunities they Davis, seeing her brother persevere through
others, inmates in the Five Keys Program challenges and complete a degree that’s
concepts he needed to master so he could spend many hours studying with teachers can live on once they’re released.
earn his diploma. Aimed at providing adults eluded him for several years was nothing
and in groups, said Emily Gable, an instruc- “We think it’s a great asset to the inmates short of inspiring.
and transitional-age youth a chance to tor in the program. She acknowledged start- while they’re in custody … to increase their
restart their education, the program’s cur- ability to gain employment,” she said. “It’s “To see him finish all these years later,
ing school again as an adult can be daunting
riculum is designed to be relevant to adults pretty important to have that high school it’s really, really awesome,” she said.
for students in the program, and noted the
and incarcerated students and is aligned with community of inmates re-entering into diploma at this point.” Diploma in hand, Cearley said he will
state education standards. their studies together can make a big differ- Having watched her brother Michael start planning to move to Texas to be clos-
Having completed general math before he ence in the success of those who graduate. Davis graduate from the program Friday, er to his son upon his release. As he looked
entered the program, Cearley said he had “It’s really a courageous thing to come San Carlos resident Sabrina Davis said she upon a gathering at his graduation ceremo-
moments when he was frustrated with geom- back to school as an adult,” she said. had to fight back tears as he walked in a cap ny, Cearley thanked everyone who believed
etry and algebra homework, which required Nicole Hayes, in-custody case manager and gown to receive his diploma. Michael in him and especially his fellow classmates
him to use a formula to calculate the dis- supervisor for the Sheriff’s Office’s pro- Davis said he dropped out of high school in for supporting him in reaching a milestone
tance between two points, a concept that gram services bureau, said the Five Keys the last month of his senior year and has he had been missing his whole life.
didn’t come naturally for him. Program was first offered in San Mateo been just a few units short of graduating in “We made this happen together,” he said,
But with many hours of studying and the County jails in 2016 and is available to any the years since then. Having pleaded no “If I can do it, you can, too.”
013 1103 sat:1103 sat 65 11/2/18 11:56 PM Page 1
Hillsdale 14, Aragon 13 Peninsula football scores St. Francis at Serra, 2 p.m. SATURDAY
Carlmont 14, Sequoia 7
El Camino at South City, 2 p.m. SATURDAY
M-A 51 , Woodside 0 Capuchino 39, Mills 14 King’s Academy 55, Jefferson 19
SHP 53, Menlo School 15 Terra Nova 27, Half Moon Bay 15 San Mateo at Burlingame,11 a.m. SATURDAY CSM at Chabot, 6 p.m. SATURDAY
hosts Stanford
By Tim Booth
Washington State
continues playoff
push against Cal
Hillsdale’s Ethan Landry, left, celebrates as Aragon place holder Colby Stevens hangs his head following the Dons’ last-minute
game-winning field goal try failed as the Knights held off the Dons 14-13 to win the ‘Battle of the Fleas’ rivalry game at Aragon Friday night. Washington State resumes its longshot
quest to crash the College Football Playoff
as well as its bid to take the Pac-12 North
just 49 yards on 16 carries. Grant finished Aragon didn’t have too much trouble score — which was called back because of a
Continued from page 13
with 43 yards on 12 carries, while Gustaf
Unga finished with 40 yards on just three
moving the ball on the opening drive of the
game. Taking the opening kickoff and start-
ing from their own 20, the Dons drove the
holding call.
No matter. The Knights needed just three
plays to find pay dirt. Facing a second-and-
“That was as stout a run defense we’ve length of the field on 10 plays. 15 after a false start penalty, Sherman took
faced since Terra Nova or M-A,” Sell said. There were two big plays on the drive: the snap and did a little pirouette in the
game, no timeouts and trailing 14-13. Lautaimi was responsible for both Aragon Grant hooked up with Pita for an 18-yard backfield before sweeping around the left
Aragon (2-8 overall) moved the ball down touchdowns — a 2-yard run on the opening catch-and-run before Grant ripped off a 22- end. With his blocking set up, Sherman
to the Knights’ 11 and faced second-and-10 drive and a 14-yard catch in the third quarter. yard run down to the Hillsdale 15. took off down the left sideline and didn’t
with 23 seconds left. Quarterback Cam But as a sign of things to come, Aragon Three plays later, Lautaimi punched into stop until he was in the end zone 64 yards
Grant lofted a fade pass to the corner of the failed on the extra-point attempt following the end zone from 2 yards out to give the later to give the Knights a 14-7 advantage
end zone where Nane Pita made the grab, but Lautaimi’s second score when it had only 10 Dons a 7-0 lead with 8:03 left in the open- — a lead they would not relinquish.
the officials called him out of bounds. Grant men on the field and Hillsdale came hard off ing quarter. “That wasn’t the way we had it drawn up,”
tried to find Pita again and this time the the edge to force the Dons kicker to try a It looked like Aragon was in business Parodi said. “[Sherman] put a little extra
Knights were there to break it up, thus forc- weak pass attempt. again when the Knights fumbled the ball sauce on that.”
ing what was initially a 27-yard field goal That failed attempt preserved a 14-13 away on their first snap from scrimmage, Aragon, meanwhile, spent most of the
attempt. Hillsdale lead with 5:15 left in the third but the Hillsdale defense held, forcing a second half running in place as penalties
But in keeping with the theme for the period. punt. always seemed to crop up at the worst time
Dons on the night, they committed a false Not that things were much easier for The Knights took over at its own 5-yard and stall out their drives.
start penalty before the snap, moving them Hillsdale (3-7), which ends the season on a with just over six minutes left in the first They did manage to put one scoring drive
back five yards and then misfired on the 32- three-game winning streak. Like Aragon, quarter. Twice the Aragon defense stopped together after recovering a Hillsdale fumble
yard attempt to seal the win for the Knights. the Knights were reduced to using a running the Knights on third down, only to twice be deep in the Knights’ end. On first down from
Aragon was penalized nine times for 80 back as their starting quarterback and not called personal foul penalties. the 14, Grant took a snap, rolled right,
yards. unexpectedly, the Knights didn’t do a lot of The second of which really cost the Dons avoided one tackler and then lofted a pass to
“When I saw how they defended the run, I passing. because on the ensuing play — the first of Lautaimi at the 5-yard line. He made a twist-
knew it would be tough sledding,” said They did, however, do a lot of running. the second quarter — Iskander took a hand- ing, acrobatic catch to haul it in and flopped
Aragon head coach Steve Sell. “I thought we Nate Iskander ran for a game-high 106 yards off up the gut, got past the wash at the line into the end zone for the Dons’ second score
could hold them to two touchdowns and we on 14 carries, while quarterback Quincy of scrimmage and bolted the rest of the way of the night.
would score three.” Sherman accounted for 90 yards on 18 car- untouched for a 46-yard score to tie the The missed extra point, however, had
A week after rushing for more than 400 ries as the Knights finished with 208 yards game at 7. Aragon playing catch-up the rest of the
yards, the Dons’ ground attack was pretty on the ground. “That play was a little bit of an ad lib,” game.
well grounded by the Hillsdale defense, Both Iskander and Sherman also scored Parodi said. “It came down to can we get some first
holding Aragon to just 149 yards rushing. for Hillsdale. It was still tied at 7-all when Hillsdale downs and then can we pop one?,” Parodi
Paul Lautaimi, who went over the 200-yard “I knew it would be a struggle to move the received the second-half kickoff and John said. “We were looking for that crease and
mark against Menlo a week ago, was held to ball,” Parodi said. Catanzarita went 77 yards for an apparent we found two.”
offense, which is averaging 40.8 points, and a “They play really good defense,” Cal coach “If it’s initially not there, he’d going to bide
California defense that is the best in the Pac-12 Justin Wilcox said. “We’ve got a ton of respect his time and find a window,” Wilcox said.
against the pass. The Bears knocked previous for them.” “You’ve got to play the whole down.”
Continued from page 13 No. 15 Washington out of the Top 25 when Wilcox said one key for the Bears will be Washington State is seeking its first Pac-12
they beat the Huskies 12-10 last weekend. constantly changing the formations that North title and can secure it by winning its final
Leach is known for thinking the playoff field Cal allows just 165 passing yards per game Cougars quarterback Gardner Minshew sees four games. The Cougars’ 11-game home win-
should be expanded. At minimum, all confer- and they have held seven of eight opponents across the line of scrimmage. ning streak is the fourth-longest in the nation,
ence champions should be in the playoffs, under 350 yards of total offense. behind Alabama (24), Clemson (12) and
Minshew is adept at extending plays until he Washington (12).
Leach said. “They bounce around on defense,” Leach finds an open receiver. Many other quarter-
With just four teams, “really good” programs said. “They play hard. They’re physical.” backs will throw the ball away if no one is Last year, Cal shut down the Air Raid and
are left out, Leach said. The big problem for California is that the open, Wilcox said. Minshew, who has a deep clobbered the Cougars 37-3 in Berkeley.
Saturday’s game will feature a classic show- Bears don’t score much, and WSU also has a and talented receiving corps, doesn’t do that Leach said there was not much to take from
down between Washington State’s potent solid defense. often. that game.
Brand New Day is an HMO SNP health plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in Brand New Day depends on contract
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017 1103 sat:1103 sat 65 11/2/18 12:01 AM Page 1
Continued from page 13
ented tight end Hunter Bryant, who has yet to play due to an
offseason knee injury.
“We’re sitting in there every week figuring out how do we
Hillsdale at Aragon, Terra Nova at Half Moon Bay, Menlo School vs Sacred Heart Prep at make this a little bit better. We will make progress,”
Woodside,Woodside at Menlo-Atherton, Carlmonyt at Sequoia, Jefferson at King’s Acad- Washington coach Chris Petersen said.
emy, Capuchino at Mills, 7:30 p.m. The Cardinal (5-3, 3-2 Pac-12) are already in the position Stanford’s biggest question will be the status of running
of needing extra help after losing to Washington State last back Bryce Love, who has rushed for only 413 yards and
Girls’ volleyball week. A third conference loss would essentially eliminate three touchdowns while dealing with a lingering ankle
CCS championship any hopes of a division title. problem. Love had 71 yards rushing last week against
Division II
No. 1 Aragon (26-6) vs No. 3 Mountain View (29-6) at Gunn High School-Palo Alto, 5 p.m.
Washington’s situation isn’t as precarious but a loss Washington State, but carried just six times.
would be a huge blow. The Huskies (6-3, 4-2) still have a
Division IV
No. 3 Notre Dame-Belmont (26-11) vs No. 4 Harker School (17-11) at Gunn, 7:30 p.m.
matchup with Washington State in the regular-season MORE TACKLES
finale. A win Saturday plus a win over Oregon State in two
weeks could mean the Apple Cup rivalry game will be a win- Washington LB Ben Burr-Kirven continues to lead the
Boys’ water polo
CCS playoffs ner-take-all affair for the second time in three seasons. country in tackles with 122, 38 more
Open Division But it’s still a huge disappointment for Stanford and than he had all last season in 13 games.
No. 6 St. Francis (13-13) vs No. 3 Menlo School (20-7) at Gunn, 4 p.m.
Washington to be in this position. In a sign of how much Burr-Kirven has recorded at least 13 tack-
No. 8 Soquel (20-4) vs No. 1 Sacred Heart Prep (24-2) at Aptos, 5:30 p.m. les in six of Washington’s nine games.
luster has come off what was supposed to be one of the
Division I biggest Pac-12 North games of the season, the Huskies and Burr-Kirven had 14 last week against
No. 6 Menlo-Atherton (11-13) at No. 3 Palo Alto (16-11), 7 p.m.
Cardinal are being relegated to the Pac-12 Network. California.
No. 7 Woodside (19-7) vs No. 2 Los Gatos (16-9) at Los Altos, 4 p.m. “When I watch tapes of his high school
Washington’s biggest question will be how it reacts after
Division II games, all he does is tackle everybody.
last week’s offensive slog in a 12-10 loss to California that
No. 8 Mills (18-4) vs No. 1 Santa Cruz (15-6) at Lynbrook, 5:30 p.m. Since he’s been at Washington, all he’s
included the benching of starting quarterback Jake
done is tackle everybody. Call him a
Girls’ water polo Browning in the second half. The Huskies have been Ben
CCS playoffs tweener or call him a safety-linebacker,
regressing offensively in recent weeks, but should be get-
Open Division
ting a boost with the possible return of running back Myles Burr-Kirven the guy is a great football player, ”
No. 6 Los Gatos (23-2) vs No. 3 Sacred Heart Prep (20-6) at Los Altos, 2:30 p.m. Stanford coach David Shaw said.
Gaskin after he missed the past two games with a shoulder
Division I
No. 8 Woodside (12-9) at No. 1 Los Altos (14-12), 5:30 p.m.
San Mateo at Burlingame, 11 a.m.; El Camino at South City, St. Francis at Serra, 2 p.m.;
CSM at Chabot-Hayward, 6 p.m.
American League
BALTIMORE ORIOLES — Reinstated RHP Pedro Araujo, LHP Richard Bleier, OF Austin
Hays and DH Mark Trumbo from the 60-day DL.
CLEVELAND INDIANS — Reinstated OFs Leonys Martin and Tyler Naquin and RHPs Nick
Opening Soon!!
Goody, James Hoyt, Danny Salazar and Cody Anderson from the 60-day DL. Assigned OF
Brandon Barnes outright to Columbus (IL), who declined and declared free agency.
DETROIT TIGERS — Claimed INF Brandon Dixon off waivers from Cincinnati and LHP
Jose Fernandez from Toronto.
KANSAS CITY ROYALS —RHP Brandon Maurer declined outright assignment to Omaha
(PCL) and elected free agency. Assigned OF Paulo Orlando and INF Ramon Torres out-
right to Omaha (PCL).Reinstated INF Cheslor Cuthbert, OF Jorge Soler and RHP Jesse Hahn
from the 60-day DL.
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(650) 333-0290
doesn’t have a point of view, it just doesn’t no fault of his own, he has managed to dis- keeps the viewer at a bit of a distance.
Continued from page 19
rush to demonize the people putting Jared in
this situation. The administrators at the
center (including Flea as an ex-con there to
appoint them and he carries that shame.
The center devolves into a place of hor-
rors as the weeks go on, but there is a glint
For Edgerton as a writer and director, “Boy
Erased” is very strong, albeit less flashy,
follow-up to his first film “The Gift,” a taut
muscle the kids into submission) do that of hope as Nancy, who is stewarding her son thriller that couldn’t be more different from
well enough on their own, and without to and from the sessions while they stay in this one. “Boy Erased” is undoubtedly more
things like domestic violence, alcoholism external embellishment or contrivances. important, however, and even though it
and pedophilia. But they’re also the kind of a local hotel, starts to read up on their
might be difficult to watch at times, it’s
family who believes that this mentality The story is told in real time peppered philosophies and techniques. It’s an arc that
done with such evident love and sensitivity
comes from love, not intolerance or preju- with various flashbacks as Jared wrestles I didn’t see coming and one that justifies
that it’s hard to imagine a human being not
dice. with what he’s been through (including an why someone as brilliant as Kidman was
connecting in some way, and perhaps even
And so, after some tears and consulting incredibly traumatic and upsetting incident necessary. Even Crowe, who is mostly
learning something along the way.
with local men of the church who’ve “dealt” that I won’t say anything more about here), absent, gets his own few minutes of affect-
“Boy Erased,” a Focus Features release, is
with things like this before, Marshall what he’s felt and what he wants to do. We ing emotion by the end.
rated R by the Motion Picture Association
decides to ship Jared off to conversion ther- don’t get much of Jared’s internal mono- You do wish you got to know everyone a of America for “sexual content including an
apy to be fixed in a program run by a man logue, but there is the sense that there is real little better, especially Jared’s therapy- assault, some language and brief drug use.”
named Victor Sykes (played by Edgerton conflict in him. He’s a good kid who is used mates (Troye Sivan, Jesse LaTourette, Running time: 114 minutes. Three stars out
himself). This is not to say that the film to pleasing his parents, and now, through Britton Sear among them) but the film of four.
021 1103 sat:1103 sat 65 11/2/18 5:28 PM Page 1
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022 1103 sat:1103 sat 65 11/2/18 5:33 PM Page 1
Academy and the San Carlos
Continued from page 1
a year. Three Daly City police officers
involved in a struggle with 34-year-
old Warren Ragudo Jan. 16 — during
Estate Sale. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Good Children’s Theater. $15. For more which a Taser was deployed — were
Shepherd Episcopal Church, 1300 information call 353-6591. also found by the District Attorney’s
Fifth Ave., Belmont. Vintage and mod- charges against the officers is not war- Office to have acted in accordance with
ern items. All proceeds will benefit Zoppé: An Italian Family Circus ranted.
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church. 2018. 4 p.m. to midnight. Circus Tent the law in April.
Free. For more information call 593- at Red Morton Park, 1455 Madison In a letter sent to Redwood City Because an autopsy report concluded
4844. Ave., Redwood City. Founded in Police Chief Dan Mulholland Saad died as a result of cardiac arrest
Venice, Italy in 1842, the Zoppé Italian
Seeing Patterns. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Family Circus has been entertaining Thursday, District Attorney Steve occurring during physical exertion,
Main Gallery, 1018 Main St., Redwood audiences for seven generations with Wagstaffe concluded use of force by physical restraint and Taser, Wagstaffe
City. A solo exhibition of gallery artist its enchanting exhibition of
Jean Thrift. Thrift’s work shows us the European circus. Cost $12 to $28. For Officers Matthew Cydzik, Daniel Di said the investigation and recent Taser-
beauty in patterns all around us. Free. more information call 780-7311. Bona, Oscar Poveda and Brian related events have caused law enforce-
For more information call (415) 987- Simmons and contributing to the death was able to breathe and that he was, in
7360. Dia de los Muertos (Day of the ment officials to try to learn more
Dead). 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. San Mateo of Ramzi Saad Aug. 13 did not involve fact, breathing, the officers noticed about the role Tasers played in the
Plan your California Trend Setting County History Museum, 2200 a violation of any California criminal moments later Saad’s body become incidents. Based on the report avail-
Landscape. 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Broadway, Redwood City. Within the
Redwood City Public Works Museum will be kid’s crafts, including statutes. less rigid and was non-responsive. able, Wagstaffe noted it’s not clear
Department, 1400 Broadway, the decoration of a clay calavera. The By employing procedures learned Paramedics attending to his mother exactly which of the three causes of
Redwood City. Learn the principles of altars traditionally salute family were unable to revive him with life-
garden design. Free. For more infor- members who have passed and through Crisis Intervention Training death identified caused Saad’s heart to
mation call 349-3000. include some simple and some elab- and in an attempt to subdue Saad — a 6- saving measures, according to the let- fail and said he’s asked the Coroner’s
orate creations. For more information foot-1-inch man weighing 273 pounds ter.
Friends of the Millbrae Librar y call 299-0104. Office to further investigate each of
Book Sale. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Millbrae who earlier in the evening forcibly Wagstaffe said there is no other way them.
Library, 1 Library Ave., Millbrae. For Tim Griffith Foundation Annual pushed his 83-year-old mother to the to describe the incident other than a Because multiple factors could have
more information call 697-0319. Gala Dinner and Silent Auction.
5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. San Mateo Elks ground — the four officers acted in tragedy beginning when a man with a had a role in each of the three Taser-
Drought-tolerant Native Plant and Club, 229 W. 20th Ave., San Mateo. The accordance with the law, said history of schizophrenia, bipolar dis- related deaths this year, Wagstaffe also
Pollinator Gardens for Residential event will support the foundation’s order, diabetes, high blood pressure
Back yards. 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. North Meadowlark Retreat weekend pro- Wagstaffe. wondered what effect another non-
Coast County Water, 2400 Francisco gram for parents who have lost a As the first officer to arrive at the and high cholesterol did not take his lethal weapon could have had on the
Blvd., Pacifica. Learn how to create a child, as well as for Tim’s House, a tran- home on the 500 block of Lanyard medication.
native plant pollinator garden and sitional housing facility for young individuals under the same set of cir-
habitats for backyards. Free. For more men in substance abuse treatment. Drive where Saad lived with his moth- “[Poveda] was following every step cumstances. Though he acknowledged
information call 349-3000. The Tim Griffith Foundation helps to er, Poveda learned from neighbors that they teach officers to do,” said the ongoing debate about the use of
heal and strengthen Bay Area com-
Free Influenza Vaccine. 10 a.m. to 2 munities by providing support and Saad had mental health issues and low- Wagstaffe. “It was just a tragedy that Tasers by law enforcement has height-
p.m. Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda services to those affect by addiction, ered his voice when he invited Saad to Mr. Saad’s life came to an end.” ened in the wake of the three deaths,
de las Pulgas, Belmont. Given by the violence and loss. Cost $50. For more The end of the district attorney’s
Stanford Flu Crew. Free. For more information call 701-6687. sit down on the curb. But after Saad Wagstaffe said it’s ultimately up to city
information call 591-8286. suddenly attempted to punch Poveda, investigation into Saad’s death comes councils and police departments to
South San Francisco 38th Annual Live Concert and Sing-along. 6:30 the officer deployed his Taser and less than a month after a 36-year-old have those conversations.
Holiday Boutique. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Molloy’s Tavern, 1655
Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroy Mission Road, South San Francisco. struck Saad twice while at the same unarmed man, Chinedu Valentine Though questions may remain about
Drive, South San Francisco. Over 50 Music from a variety of decades. For time telling Saad to put his hands Okobi, died following an altercation the use of Tasers among law enforce-
vendors, free refreshments and raffle more information call 544-3623.
tickets. For more information call 829-
behind his back, an order the man with San Mateo County sheriff’s ment officials, for Wagstaffe, what was
3820. Dance Night at Odd Fellows. 7:30 refused, according to the letter. deputies in Millbrae Oct. 3 in which a clear was that four officers responding
p.m. to 10 p.m. Off Fellows Lodge, 526 Taser was deployed multiple times. to a call for help at Saad’s home that
George Post: Family and Friends. Main St., Half Moon Bay. Music by DJ Poveda managed to handcuff Saad
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Kerwin Galleries, Blake Markes who will take requests. despite his kicking and resisting the Wagstaffe expected the ongoing inves- night did not break any laws.
1107 California Drive, Burlingame. Art No partner needed. Free. For more officer before the three other officers tigation into Okobi’s death to take at “Our hope is that these never occur,”
exhibit to celebrate Kerwin Galleries’ information call 219-3522.
55 years in Burlingame. For more arrived at the scene and held the man least another six weeks, noting the he said. “We know that every so often
information call 340-8400. SUNDAY, NOV. 4 to the ground. Though they ensured he October incident marks the third Taser- they do.”
Adult Board Game Meetup. 12:30
Academic and Career Coaching p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Menlo Park Main
with VetNow by Brainfuse. 10:15 Library, 800 Alma St., Menlo Park.
mer and early fall and typically go mercial boats are allowed to go out.
p.m. South San Francisco Main
Library, 840 W. Orange Ave. South San
Francisco. Learn about VetNow a new
service for Veterans and their families
that provides a live benefits naviga-
Games are provided for free. For more
information call 330-2501.
Friends of the Millbrae Library Big
Book and Media Sale. 1 p.m. to 3
Continued from page 1
away by November when crab season
begins. But in recent years, warmer
waters have lingered later into the
“It’s more dodging buoys than any-
thing else [once the commercial sea-
son opens] and it gets to be too crazy
tor, online career assistance and aca- p.m. Millbrae Library, 1 Library Ave., year, as has the toxic algae. out there,” Delong said, adding that
demic skills building. For more infor- Millbrae. Many Chinese materials for
mation call 829-3860. kids and adults. Books and media of One “hot crab” as it’s called was it’s not uncommon for other fishermen
all kinds. For more information call longtime fisherman and president of found near Bodega Bay, though the to steal crabs from their pods. “We just
Financial Literacy Workshop. 10:30 697-0319. the Half Moon Bay Seafood Marketing crabs tested south of Point Reyes are do it for fun. And for the free crab.”
a.m. to noon. Belmont Library, 1110 Association. “Usually the whole park-
Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont. Family Tree 50th Anniversary all clean by now, said Jim Anderson, a Sport fishermen are limited to 10
Come and learn the formula to build- Celebration. 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. ing lot is full and people park trailers. fisherman and member of the crabs per person, which is not hard for
ing wealth and making good finan- Mahany Hall, 1336 Arroyo Ave., San It gets pretty crazy here and there’ll be
cial decisions. Free. For more informa- Carlos. To register or for more infor- Dungeness Crab Task Force. In addi- them to reach during those first two
tion call 591-8286. mation call 591-9524. at least a couple of hundred boats tion to testing for toxins, crabs are weeks. But once the commercial sea-
launching [on Saturday].” also tested for quality — they must son opens, their catches diminish sig-
Saturday Morning Yarn. 10:30 a.m. Golden Gate Radio Orchestra Fall
South San Francisco Main Library, 840 Concert. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Crystal Nov. 3 is the recreational season contain a certain amount of meat nificantly.
W. Orange Ave., South San Francisco. Springs UMC, 2145 Bunker Hill Drive,
San Mateo. Cost $15. For more infor- opener for crab. Commercial fisher- before they can be harvested. McHenry expects a slow season
Experienced staff will be on hand to
help you learn the basics. Supplies are mation call (310) 504-0359. men like McHenry will have to wait But in Half Moon Bay, there are so because last year he didn’t see a lot of
limited so feel free to bring a skein of
until Nov. 15, though they may have many recreational fishermen that qual- “short crabs” — immature crabs that
worsted weight yarn and size 8 knit-
ting needles or size ‘J’ crochet hook. Free Adult Computer Classes. 8 a.m. to wait longer than that depending on ity assessments are based off of their would, by now, be ready for harvest —
to noon and 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. South where they fish. McHenry plans to set
For experienced knitters, bring a proj-
San Francisco Adult Education, 825 catches. but no one really knows what to expect
ect and any questions you might his traps off the coast of Humboldt
have to this social knitting circle. For Southwood Drive, South San “Everyone is waiting to see what the until the recreational season is under-
more information call 829-3860. Francisco. Learn proper typing tech- County, where the season has already sport fishermen do in terms of the way.
niques, saving and retrieving files in
Windows 10 and working in been delayed because of domoic acid, a quantity and quality of their catch,” Anderson said he and his fellow fish-
Cure the Outbreak : Time Loop
Puzzle Game. Noon. South San Microsoft Office Suite 2016. You can toxin produced by algae blooms in rel- Anderson said. ermen have found countless 1-inch
Francisco Main Library, 840 W., learn Windows, Word, Excel, atively warm waters that can accumu-
Orange Ave., South San Francisco. PowerPoint, Access, emailing, etc. All Jim Delong, Antonio Abila and crabs this year and last year, but they
Registration required for all teams. levels welcome. Free. For more infor- late in shellfish and potentially kill Chuck Bruemmer have been fishing for won’t be ready for harvest until next
Maximum number of team members mation call 827-8455. humans who consume it. crab out of Half Moon Bay for 20 or so year.
is six people. For more information
call 829-3860. Tai Chi for Mobility and Balance. The algae blooms responsible for years and only do it for the first two “It’s hard to predict, but it looks like
9:45 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Little House,
The Roslyn G. Morris Activity Center, domoic acid are common in the sum- weeks of the season before the com- a decent future,” he said.
South San Francisco Women’s Club
Fall Soup and Salad Luncheon. 800 Middle Ave., Menlo Park. This
Noon. South San Francisco Women’s course requires no experience and is
Club Clubhouse, 470 Grand Ave., suitable for anyone who can stand A
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
\P]hff^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V
South San Francisco. Soup and salad comfortably for several minutes. 1 D ? 7 [TccTabd
S^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SS SXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb
Every six weeks on Monday and ^]PPQ
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
H^d\\Ph^^][hd dbTT
luncheon benefiting Juvenile
Wednesday until Dec. 17. Cost $180 F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
Diabetes Research Foundation. $30.
To register or for more information for members, $208 for non-members. 6 > : 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb
For more information call 326-2025. 0 6 ; <
1>66;4 H>DA1
call 438-0914.
B20;4 A0C8=6
Film Screening and Discussion of Mindfulness Meditation. 10 a.m. to
‘Patient No More: People with 11 a.m. San Mateo Pride Center, 1021 "[[TccTab,
, _
_^X]c $ , 2WWP\_
Disabilities Securing Civil Rights.’ S. El Camino Real, San Mateo. Monthly #[[TccTab,
_^X]cb $ , 4 g_Tac
1:30 p.m. Millbrae Library, 1 Library meditation for all experience levels.
Group sits for part of the time and 1h3
:]daTZ $[[TccTab,
_^X]cb % , ? a^
Ave., Millbrae. The Paul
K. Longmore Institute on Disability then members share their experi- %[[TccTab,
_^X]cb " % %,, 66P\Ta
_^X]cb ! " ",, AA^^ZXT
2 = B
ences with others. Breakfast will be
will illuminate an overlooked
moment in U.S. history when people served. Free. For more information '[[TccTab,
, _
_^X]cb !
0 \PcTda
with disabilities occupied a govern- call 591-0133. ([[TccTab,
, $_
_^X]cb , ,
Caah PV
ment building to demand their
Kaiser Knit For a Cause. 1:30 p.m.
rights. For more information call 697- A
Kaiser Cancer Treatment Center, 220
> 4
Oyster Point Blvd., South San
Francisco. The Kaiser Permanente FT_ _dcb
Fall Tea Party. 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. San
Knitting Group meets twice a month ^U[[TccTab2
Mateo Senior Center, 2645 Alameda
de las Pulgas, San Mateo. Enjoy classic at Kaiser Permanente Cancer
Treatment Center and is open to all
tea sandwiches and tasty desserts at [TccTab
knitters. For more information call
; 0 4
our Fall Tea. Reservations required.
$15 per person. For more information
call 522-7490.
How to Cope with Grief and
Bombay Fitness Party. 2 p.m. to 3 Everyday Losses. 6:30 p.m. to 7:30
p.m. San Mateo Public Library, 55 W. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
p.m. Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda
A C 6 ?
de las Pulgas, Belmont. Learn how to Third Ave., San Mateo. A discussion
with Brad Leary, a licensed clinical
dance an array of styles and themes.
Free. For more information call 591- social worker. Learn coping strategies
8286. based on current models in the grief
field. For more information call 522-
‘The Girl with the Golden Locks.’ 3 7818.
p.m. to 5 p.m. McKinley School 1>66;4XXbPPccaPST\PaZ^^U7
7PbQa^88]R " '
Auditorium, 400 Duane St., Redwood For more events visit !! '7
SUDOKU Want More Fun
ANSWERS and Games?
O Each row and each column must contain the
numbers 1 through 6 without repeating.
The numbers within the heavily outlined boxes,
O called cages, must combine using the given operation 5VOESB0WFSUIF)FEHF$PNJDT$MBTTJmFET
(in any order) to produce the target numbers in the
top-left corners. #PHHMF1V[[MF&WFSZEBZJO%BUF#PPL
O Freebies: Fill in single-box cages with the number in
the top-left corner.
2 years experience
Immediate placement
The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking
Caregivers Wanted
Caregivers Wanted
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4600 EEll CCamino
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Day or Night
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Required: 2 years
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Must Drive
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SALES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales
Representative needed to sell newspa-
per print and web advertising and event
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full time, benefits, will train.
Clean DMV. Lifting 50 pounds.
025-030 1103 sat:Class Master Odd 11/2/18 3:24 PM Page 2
110 employment 203 public notices 203 public notices tundra tundra tundra
FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe
StateMent #279075 StateMent #279115
neWSpaper internS The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
JournaliSM as: Chico’s Service Station, 401 Linden as: Garibaldi Properties, 7361-7395 Mis-
Ave., SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA sion St, DALY CITY, CA 94014. Regis-
The Daily Journal is looking for in- tered Owners: 1) Harry P. Aubright III,
terns to do entry level reporting, re- 94080. Registered Owner: Fu Chico
Inc., CA. The business is conducted by Trustee, 401 Magnolia Ave, Millbrae, CA
search, updates of our ongoing fea-
tures and interviews. Photo interns al- a Corporation. The registrant com- 94030 2) Irene A. Aubright, trustee,
so welcome. menced to transact business under the same address 3) Richard Garibaldi,
FBN on 8/08/2018. Trustee, 2308 Easton Dr, Burlingame,
We expect a commitment of four to /s/Jeannie Fu/ CA 94010 4) Dennis Green, Trustee,
eight hours a week for at least four This statement was filed with the Asses- 2871 Greenville Ln, Santa Rosa, CA
months. The internship is unpaid, but sor-County Clerk on 10/5/18. (Published 95401 5) Barney Morris, Trustee, 1079
intelligent, aggressive and talented in- in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Bird St, Oroville, CA 95965 6) Donald J.
terns have progressed in time into 10/13/18, 10/20/18, 10/27/18, 11/3/18). Garibaldi, Trustee, 32 Olcese Ct, Daly
paid correspondents and full-time re- City, CA 94015 7) Donald L. Hennig,
porters. Trustee, 46 El Cerrito Ave, San Mateo,
CA 94402 8) Carol G. Hennig, Trustee,
FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe same address 9) Paul F Meyer, Trustee,
College students or recent graduates StateMent #279106
are encouraged to apply. Newspaper 340 Robinwood, Hillsborogh, CA 94010
The following person is doing business
experience is preferred but not neces- as: INTEGRAF, 2268 Westborough Blvd.
10) Ethel L Meyer, Trustee, same ad- over the hedge over the hedge over the hedge
sarily required. dress. The business is conducted by an
Ste. 302-145, SOUTH SAN FRANCIS- Unincorporated Association other than a
CO, CA 94080. Registered Owner: IN- Partnership. The registrant commenced
Please send a cover letter describing TEGRAF LLC, WA. The business is
your interest in newspapers, a resume to transact business under the FBN on
and three recent clips. Before you ap- conducted by a Limited Liability Compa- 11/15/2012.
ply, you should familiarize yourself ny. The registrant commenced to trans- /s/Harry P. Aubright III/
with our publication. Our Web site: act business under the FBN on This statement was filed with the Asses- 11/10/2008. sor-County Clerk on 10/11/18. (Publish-
/s/Alec Jeong/ ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
Send your information via e-mail to This statement was filed with the Asses- 10/13/18, 10/20/18, 10/27/18, 11/3/18).
[email protected] or by reg- sor-County Clerk on 10/10/18. (Publish-
ular mail to 1900 Alameda de las Pul- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
gas #112, San Mateo CA 94403 10/13/18, 10/20/18, 10/27/18, 11/3/18).
FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe
StateMent #279119
FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe The following person is doing business
StateMent #279051 as: Santos Hauling And Cleaning, 861 N.
The following person is doing business Claremont ST, SAN MATEO, CA 94401.
127 elderly care as: ZRERD.COM, 755 Mountain Vw, #8, Registered Owner: Miquel C. Dos San-
DALY CITY, CA 94014. Registered tos, same address. The business is con-
Owner: Helen Angeldones, same ad- ducted by an Individual. The registrant
FaMily reSource dress. The business is conducted by an commenced to transact business under
Individual. The registrant commenced to the FBN on N/A.
203 public notices 203 public notices 296 appliances
guiDe transact business under the FBN on N/A. /s/Miquel C. Dos Santos/
The San Mateo Daily Journal’s /s/Helen Angeldones/ This statement was filed with the Asses-
FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe Mixa Mixer with bowel twin motor
StateMent #279236 notice oF penDency oF action $50.00 (650)576-5026
twice-a-week resource guide for This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk on 10/11/18. (Publish- STATE OF NEW MEXICO
sor-County Clerk on 10/4/18. (Published ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, The following person is doing business
children and families. as: Alban Interior Plant Service, 777 El COUNTY OF SANTA FE neW, Singer Sewing Machine Univer-
every tuesday & Weekend in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/13/18, 10/20/18, 10/27/18, 11/3/18). FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT sal Carry Case Model 620, Free Arm Ma-
10/13/18, 10/20/18, 10/27/18, 11/3/18). Camino Real, Apt 6, BURLINGAME, CA
94010. Registered Owner: Moises Ubal- Case No.: D-101-CV-2018-01875 chine Compatible, $35, (650)483-1222
Look for it in today’s paper to FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe do Alban Lozano, same address. The
find information on family FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe StateMent #279193 business is conducted by an Individual. WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCI- riccar 500 hi performance upright vac-
StateMent #279117 The following person is doing business The registrant commenced to transact ETY, FSB, D/B/A CHRISTIANA TRUST, uum $75.00 (650)576-5026
resources in the local area, NOT INDIVIDUALLY BUT AS TRUSTEE
including childcare. The following person is doing business as: Clean Fresh, 1600 E. 3rd Ave. Apt. business under the FBN on 9-4-2012. FOR HILLDALE TRUST, Plaintiff, rooM heater Electric 1320 Watts, Ar-
as: Caring Companions, 192 Camelia 2314, SAN MATEO, CA 94401. Regis- /s/Moises Ubaldo Alban Lozano/ vs. vin Air Fan Forced Automatic $5.
Drive, DALY CITY, CA 94015. Regis- tered Owner: Henry F. Castillo, same ad- This statement was filed with the Asses- KENNETH G. BAIRD III; NATASHA F. (650)952-3500
tered Owner: Nemesia Quitain, same ad- dress. The business is conducted by an sor-County Clerk on 10/23/18. (Publish- TURKICH; THE BAIRD FAMILY REVO-
dress. The business is conducted by an Individual. The registrant commenced to ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, SeWing Machine-royal XL 6000
201 personals Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the FBN on N/A. 10/27/18, 11/3/18, 11/10/18, 11/17/18).
11/29/2007, Defendants.
Dressmaker Sewing Machine. $150.
transact business under the FBN on /s/Henry F. Castillo/ (650)342-8436.
Seeking gentleMan, young at 10/9/2018. This statement was filed with the Asses-
heart, who loves life. I'm 69, F. widowed, STATE OF NEW MEXICO to Defend-
/s/Nemesia A. Quitain/ sor-County Clerk on 10/17/18. (Publish- FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe ants, Kenneth G. Baird III, Natasha F. VacuuM cleaner (reconditioned)
coastsider, kind, loving, fun. Love walk- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, $20 Call Ed (415)298-0645
ing, swimming, singing, photography, This statement was filed with the Asses- StateMent #279299 Turkich and The Baird Family Revocable
sor-County Clerk on 10/11/18. (Publish- 10/20/18, 10/27/18, 11/3/18, 11/10/18). The following person is doing business Living Trust U/A/D 11/29/2007:
travel. Lets talk! WRITE: Box 3756, WeStern WaShBoarD Sales made
HMB, 94019. ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, as: MAC Brows by Giao, 424 N San Ma-
You are hereby notified that the above- of brass and wood, Golden Beam #25-C.
10/13/18, 10/20/18, 10/27/18, 11/3/18). FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe teo Dr #500, SAN MATEO, CA 94401. $75. phone 650-369-2486.
StateMent #279150 Registered Owner: Giao Dinh, 15122 named Plaintiff Wilmington Savings Fund
203 public notices The following person is doing business Beatty St., San Leandro, CA 94579. The Society, FSB, D/B/A Christiana Trust, not
FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe as: Happy Kids Daycare and Preschool, business is conducted by an Individual. individually but as trustee for Hilldale 297 Bicycles
FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe StateMent #278881 733 Rand Street, SAN MATEO, CA The registrant commenced to transact Trust has filed a civil action against you
The following person is doing business in the above-entitled Court and cause, aDult BikeS 1 regular and 2 with bal-
StateMent #279103 94401. Registered Owners: Galina Gal- business under the FBN on N/A.
the general object thereof being to fore-
as: Teacher Lin’s Peace Train, 803 North ant, same address. The business is con- /s/Giao Dinh/ loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356
The following person is doing business Humboldt St. #311, SAN MATEO, CA close a mortgage on real property locat-
ducted by an Individual. The registrant This statement was filed with the Asses-
as: LHC Heating and Cooling, 267 36th 94401. Registered Owner: Linda Joan commenced to transact business under sor-County Clerk on 10/25/18. (Publish-
ed at 804 Brillantes Arenas, Santa Fe, chilD’S SchWinn Bicycle, Blue in
Ave., SAN MATEO, CA 94403. Regis- Fenn, same address. The business is NM 87501. The real property which is good condition. $20. (650) 355-5189.
the FBN on N/A. ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, the subject matter of this action is legally
tered Owner: Kong Don Lee, same ad- conducted by an Individual. The regis- /s/Galina Galant/ 10/27/18, 11/3/18, 11/10/18, 11/17/18).
trant commenced to transact business described as follows: Mountain bike for sale $35. Runs good.
dress. The business is conducted by an This statement was filed with the Asses-
under the FBN on August 14, 2018. sor-County Clerk on 10/15/18. (Publish- Burlingame. Phone 650-342-5220.
Individual. The registrant commenced to /s/Linda Joan Fenn/ ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe
transact business under the FBN on N/A. ON PLAT ENTITLED "VALLE DEL SOL, Mountain Bike new 21 gears $100.
This statement was filed with the Asses- 10/20/18, 10/27/18, 11/3/18, 11/10/18). StateMent #279172 A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, (650)722-3634
/s/Kong Don Lee/ sor-County Clerk on 9/18/18. (Published The following person is doing business SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO; PROPERTY
This statement was filed with the Asses- in the San Mateo Daily Journal, as: S.A.M. Singapore Math, 1031 E. Hill- MAP PHASE ONE (1), UNITS 1-31, Mountain Bike. Top brand. Runs
10/13/18, 10/20/18, 10/27/18, 11/3/18). FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe sdale Blvd. Suite F, FOSTER CITY, CA good. $39. (660)342-5220
sor-County Clerk on 10/10/18. (Publish- StateMent #279199 SHEET 1 AND 2", FILED JANUARY 20,
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 94404. Registered Owner: Sin & Cos 1975, AS DOCUMENT NOS. 371,434
The following person is doing business
10/13/18, 10/20/18, 10/27/18, 11/3/18). StateMent oF aBanDonMent oF as: Reka Jane Photography, 7 Ashton
LLC, CA, 100 Grand Ln. #130, Foster AND 371,435, AND RECORDED IN 298 collectibles
Ave, MILLBRAE, CA 94030. Registered City, CA 94404. The business is con- PLAT BOOK 38, PAGES 25-26, IN THE
the uSe oF a FictitiouS BuSineSS ducted by a Limited Liability Company. RECORDS OF SANTA FE COUNTY,
Owner: Reka Szepesvari, same address. BaDge, 7 Star Special Security Offi-
naMe StateMent 259231 The registrant commenced to transact NEW MEXICO. cer;$25- will text picture (650)218-0121
Registered Owner (Legal Entity) aban- The business is conducted by an Individ-
FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe doning the use of the Fictitious Business ual. The registrant commenced to trans- business under the FBN on N/A. San Carlos
StateMent #279104 /s/Grace Chang/ If there is a conflict between the legal de-
Name: Juan Antonio Romero. Name of act business under the FBN on N/A. scription and the street address, the legal
The following person is doing business /s/Reka Szepesvari/ This statement was filed with the Asses- BarBie Doll of the World collection
Business: Maximas Cleaning System. sor-County Clerk on 10/16/18. (Publish- description shall control. $10.00. Call (650)872-2371
as: My 3 Cents, 76 Duane Street, RED- Date of original filing: 01/16/2014. Ad- This statement was filed with the Asses- Unless you serve a pleading or motion in
sor-County Clerk on 10/18/18. (Publish- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
WOOD CITY, CA 94062. Registered dress of Principal Place of Business: 11/3/18, 11/10/18, 11/17/18, 11/24/18). response to the Complaint in said cause BeautiFul herMan Miller pendulum
950 Main St. #201, REDWOOD CITY, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, on or before thirty (30) days after the last
Owner: Ralph A. Lentz, same address. 10/20/18, 10/27/18, 11/3/18, 11/10/18). clock. Rich wood finish - works well; nice
CA 94063. Registrant: Well-Connected publication date, judgment by default will chime! $65; 650-591-8851.
The business is conducted by an Individ- Leader, Inc. The business was conduct- FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe be entered against you.
ual. The registrant commenced to trans- ed by an Individual. FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe StateMent #279369 DepreSSion glaSS Dining Plate. 8
act business under the FBN on 9/1/18. /s/Juan Antonio Romero/ StateMent #279191 The following person is doing business McCARTHY & HOLTHUS, LLP 3/4", crows foot pattern, clear ruby red.
This statement was filed with the Asses- Karen Weaver $12 (650)762-6048
/s/Ralph A. Lentz/ The following person is doing business as: Clifford Real Estate, 1721 Marco Po- Susan Barela
This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo as: Redwood Creek Advisors, 255 Con- lo Way #12, BURLINGAME, CA 94010.
County on 10/26/18. stitution Dr #B-1008, MENLO PARK, CA 6501 Eagle Rock NE, Suite A-3 lennox reD Rose, Unused, hand
sor-County Clerk on 10/10/18. (Publish- Registered Owner: John E. Clifford Inc., Albuquerque, New Mexico 87113 painted, porcelain, authenticity papers,
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- 94025. Registered Owner: Steven Kalo- CA. The business is conducted by a
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, nal, 11/3/18, 11/10/18, 11/17/18, geras, 3578 Brook St Apt 4, Lafayette Telephone No.: (505) 219-4900 $12.00. (650) 578 9208.
Corporation. The registrant commenced [email protected]
10/13/18, 10/20/18, 10/27/18, 11/3/18). 11/24/18). CA 94549. The business is conducted to transact business under the FBN on Attorneys for Plaintiff Miller lite Neon sign , work good
by an Individual. The registrant com- June 1985.
menced to transact business under the $59 call (650)218-6528
/s/John E. Clifford/
FBN on 10/15/2018 This statement was filed with the Asses- (Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- olD, antique, Bottle Collection: 20
/s/Steven Kalogeras/ sor-County Clerk on 10/31/18. (Publish- nal 11/3/18, 11/10/18, 11/17/18) bottles in total. $40 for all. (650)762-6048
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 10/17/18. (Publish- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
11/3/18, 11/10/18, 11/17/18, 11/24/18). porcelain Doll collection $10.00.
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Call (650)872-2371.
10/20/18, 10/27/18, 11/3/18, 11/10/18).
SMall rug beater. $15.00 (650)207-
orDer to ShoW cauSe For 4162
FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe change oF naMe
CASE# 18CIV05305
StateMent #279198
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, 210 lost & Found Star WarS R2-D2, original 1998 un-
opened action figure. $15 in San Carlos.
The following person is doing business
as: Me Him and Jim, 3441 Crestmoor Dr, COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, loSt cat. Black and White. Black Steve 650-518-6614
SAN BRUNO, CA 94066. Registered 400 COUNTY CENTER RD, patch on right eye. REWARD.
Owners: Patrick McErlain, same address REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 Call (323) 439-7713. teleScope-celeStron aStro
and Rex Hinegardner, 415 W. Orange PETITION OF Master Newtonian Reflector, w/ tro/pod
Grove Ave, Pomona CA 91768. The Ross Andrew McGowian stand, Like New $150.00
business is conducted by a General Part- TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Books Call (415)239-1348.
nership. The registrants commenced to Petitioner: Ross Andrew McGowian filed
trans act business under the FBN on a petition with this court for a decree JaMeS patterSon hardback books. toppS BaSeBall complete set 1987
N/A. changing name as follows: 2 @ $3.00 each. (650)341-1861 thru 1992, 1998,1999 $99 Rick (415)999-
/s/Rex Hinegardner/ Present name: 4474
This statement was filed with the Asses- Ross Andrew McGowian nicholaS SparkS hardback books.
2 @ $3.00 each. Call (650)341-1861
sor-County Clerk on 10/18/18. (Publish- Proposed Name: 299 computers
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Ross Andrew Gustavson V.logVinoV, unuSual Journey to the
10/20/18, 10/27/18, 11/3/18, 11/10/18). Country of Cyclic Arithmetic, 2017, Rus- 19" color Monitor with stand VG con-
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons sian, 104p $25 (650)638-1695 dition power cord/owners manual includ-
interested in this matter shall appear be- ed $60.00 OBO 1-415-279-4857
FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe fore this court at the hearing indicated
StateMent #279295 below to show cause, if any, why the pe- 295 art recorDaBle cD-r 74, Sealed, Unop-
The following person is doing business tition for change of name should not be ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X,
as: g’s hard ginger beer, 935 Washington granted. Any person objecting to the BruSheD FiniSh, 15" X 20" frame (650) 578 9208
Street, SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. Reg- holds 18 various size photos. Never
istered Owner: Brew4U, LLC, CA. The name changes described above must file used. $20. 650-369-2486.
business is conducted by a Limited Lia- a written objection that includes the rea- 300 toys
bility Company. The registrant com- sons for the objection at least two court
days before the matter is scheduled to oil painting-canVaSS, Victorian
menced to transact business under the Scene, With Frame 56”x44” $350.00 aMerican Flyer locomotive runs
FBN on N/A. be heard and must appear at the hearing OBO (650)515-6091 good #21085 $75.00 (650) 867-7433
/s/Christopher Garrett/ to show cause why the petition should
This statement was filed with the Asses- not be granted. If no written objection is large StuFFeD ANIMALS - $3 each
sor-County Clerk on 10/24/18. (Publish- timely filed, the court may grant the peti- 296 appliances Great for Kids (650) 952-3500
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, tion without a hearing. A hearing on the
10/27/18, 11/3/18, 11/10/18, 11/17/18). petition shall be held on 11/15/18 at 9 air conDitioner 10000 BTU w/re- Star WarS Celebration 3 Darth Vader
a.m., Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG $20 new w/case Dan (650)303-3568
Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this brand $199 runs like new. (650)235-
FictitiouS BuSineSS naMe Order to Show Cause shall be published 0898 302 antiques
StateMent #279233 at least once each week for four succes-
The following person is doing business sive weeks prior to the date set for hear- hotpoint heaVy Duty Dryer excellent antique heMingray Glass Tele-
as: Farmhouse Coffee, 2718 Alpine ing on the petition in the following news- working condition Burlingame $50 Call graph Pole Insulator. Aqua colored. Pris-
Road, PORTOLA VALLEY, CA 94028. paper of general circulation: Dan (408)656-0958 tine condition. 4.5"X3.25" $15 (650)762-
Registered Owner: Atlee Frechette, 2720 San Mateo Daily Journal 6048
Alpine Road, Portola Valley, CA 94028. Filed: 10/4/2018 kenMore WinDoW A/C (vert. open-
The business is conducted by an Individ- /s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ ing) 8700 btu. New in box. $200.00 as
is. David Butler (415)608- 1214. Beer SteinS-original from Germa-
ual. The registrant commenced to trans- Judge of the Superior Court ny, three different $99 ea. Call for info
act business under the FBN on N/A. Dated: 10/2/2018 (650)592-7483
/s/Atlee Frechette/ Maytag WaSher excellent working
(Published 10/13/18, 10/20/18, condition Burlingame $50 Call Dan
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 10/23/18. (Publish- 10/27/18, 11/3/18). (408)656-0958
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
Mahogany antique Secretary desk,
10/27/18, 11/3/18, 11/10/18, 11/17/18). MFg h20laBS Model 300 exc cond 72” x 40” , 3 drawers, Display case, bev-
counter top $25 Burl (650)248-3839. elled glass, $150. (650)766-3024.
025-030 1103 sat:Class Master Odd 11/2/18 3:24 PM Page 3
Garage Sales 379 open houses 470 rooms 620 Automobiles 630 trucks & SuV’s 670 Auto Parts
hondA ‘06 Element-Sp, 4wd, Black, ford ‘90 F-250, 7.5litre v8, 4wheel dr., CheVy/GMC 1994. Full size. Front
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Non-Profit Home Sharing Program
GArAGe SAleS oPen houSe San Mateo County
(650)348-6660 MAzdA ‘12 CX-7 SUV Excellent con-
dition One owner Fully loaded Low
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memory care community nestled in a
potential home buyers & residential neighborhood just blocks
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moving sale, renters a day, from downtown Menlo Park PontiAC ‘97 Passenger Van. Aluminum
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Rims with good tires. Needs engine
estate sale, from South San Francisco Call today to Schedule a Visit work! $900. Call (650)365-8287 or cell
MotorCyCle SAddlebAGS,
with mounting hardware and other parts
White StAr Tire Chains, never used.
P195/75R14. $25 obo. (650)745-6309.
to Palo Alto. (650)322-4100
yard sale, toyotA ‘13 Corolla - Black, Excellent
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680 Autos Wanted
in your local newspaper. 645 boats
rummage sale, condition Like new, Automatic, One own-
er, $7,295.00 (650)212-6666. Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
Novas, running or not
clearance sale, or Call (650)344-5200 515 office Space 625 Classic Cars
boAt- 7 FT Livingston Fiber Glass., 2.5
HP. NIssan Outboard Motor. $800. Parts collection etc.
So clean out that garage
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whatever sale you -VirtuAl offiCeS- CAdillAC ‘85 Classic El Dorado
Give me a call
Joe 650 342-2483
MAlibu 24 ft with tower. Completely re-
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and headliner $2,975 OBO (650)218-
built and re-finished. Boat and Motor.
20K obo. (650)851-0878.
420 Acreage & lots *Business Internet *Phone Answering 4681.
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Reach over 83,450 readers 2 fenCed lots, each approx. 75’.4 x
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Upholstery. Call (650)898-5732.
from South San Francisco San Mateo. Perfect for Boat or RV stor-
age. $1,978 per month.
(650) 373-2000 obo. (650)952-4036. 650 rVs
bay Area executive offices
to Palo Alto. [email protected] for infor- CheVy ‘86 CorVette. Automatic. Gulf StreAM, Sun Voyager ‘04.
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obo. (650) 952-4036.
36 ft, Excellent Condition. $39,500.
440 Apartments offiCe SPACe for lease in Half CorVette ‘69 350 4-SPeed. 50k
Call (650)344-5200 belMont APArtMentS -1br, 2br, Moon Bay 700 Monte Vista Lane
94019, 5800 Sq foot this is a must
MileS. New upgrades $24,500 OBO..
rV toW bar blue ox 2" ball model b330
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3br; Prime Location, Quiet Buildings, No (650)481-5296.
Smoking, No Pets, $2100.00 and up see amazing location with stunning
(650)595-0805 ocean views and state of the art dAtSun ‘79 510 Sedan grey original 670 Auto Service
amenities. Call 650-924-6270 for condition clean inside and out $4,000
more information. (650)364-3562
MerCedeS ‘74 450 SEL, One owner,
No Accidents, Needs engine work, Pale Complete Repair & Service
620 Automobiles Yellow, $2,500 OBO (650)375-1350. $29.75 plus certificate fee
(most cars) exp 11/30
MerCedeS ‘79 450 SL with hard top. 869 California Drive .
don’t lose money Completely rebuilt. 20K obo. (650)851- Burlingame
on a trade-in or 0878
(650) 340-0492
consignment! MerCedeS ‘89 300e, Low Miles, Excel.
Condition, Good Engine, Needs paint,
$13,900 (650)303-4257. Leave msg.
Sell your vehicle in the 670 Auto Parts
daily Journal’s
Auto Classifieds. 630 trucks & SuV’s 1960S CAdillAC
hub caps $40
1 JFK __ Airport
2 Worries
3 Big brand in
4 Anthills and
beehives, e.g.
5 Morse character
6 Go (for)
7 Airport transport
8 Attention-getting By Brian E. Paquin
marker 11/03/18
©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
025-030 1103 sat:Class Master odd 11/2/18 3:25 PM Page 5
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025-030 1103 sat:Class Master Odd 11/2/18 3:25 PM Page 6
Continued from page 1
reached the highest point on records dating
from 1992.
“It doesn’t get any better than this,” said
nomic growth. The economic expansion is
now the second-longest on record, and
October marked the 97th straight month of
jobs. Manufacturers added 32,000 after two
months of smaller gains, defying fears that
Trump’s trade fights would slow hiring in
Sun Wong Sohn, chief economist at SS hiring, a record streak. that sector. Construction companies added
Economics. “Evidently, the word has spread Strength in their customer demand has 30,000 positions.
Healthy economic growth is spurring that there are good jobs to be had at decent been a key factor leading companies to Retailers barely hired, adding just 2,400
employers to hire at a rapid pace that shows wages.” steadily add workers. Though economists positions, possibly reflecting the Sears
no sign of flagging even with the economy have predicted that hiring will eventually bankruptcy. Restaurants and hotels gained
in its 10th year of expansion. With the sup- Cheyenne Mauzy of Springfield,
Missouri, had held out for higher pay when slow as the pool of unemployed Americans 33,000, most of them lower-paying.
ply of unemployed dwindling, companies dwindles, there’s no sign of that happening
appear to be finally putting up generous she started job hunting in June. She felt she In the July-September quarter, consumer
needed a high enough hourly wage to make yet. spending grew by the most in four years and
enough pay raises to attract and retain
employees. up for the cost of child care for her three Still, the latest month of healthy job helped the economy expand at a 3.5 percent
Average hourly wages rose 3.1 percent in children. growth might not tip many votes in the annual rate. That growth followed a 4.2 per-
October from a year earlier, the fastest annu- “There was a minimum we had to make,” midterm elections. Polls have suggested cent annual pace in the April-June quarter.
al gain since 2009. Mauzy, 28, said, referring to calculations that while Americans generally approve of Combined, the two quarters produced the
Still, inflation has picked up a bit in the she made with her husband. “I had to bring the economy’s performance, that sentiment strongest six-month stretch of growth in
past year as well, eating away at some of home enough on top of child care. If I am hasn’t necessarily broadened support for four years.
those pay raises. And the increase in wages just going to work to pay for our child care, President Donald Trump or for Republican Housing remains a weak spot in the econ-
last month also partly reflected a one-time I should be our child care.” congressional candidates. omy, with sales of existing homes having
drop in pay a year ago because of Hurricane In late August, she took a job at a hospi- The strong job growth and bigger pay fallen for six straight months as mortgage
Harvey. tal in Springfield that pays $11.22 an hour. increases will likely encourage the Federal rates have risen to nearly 5 percent. But
Even so, October’s increase suggests that Becky Frankiewicz, president of staffing Reserve to keep raising short-term interest slower sales have started to limit home
after a decade of anemic growth, wage firm ManpowerGroup North America, said rates. Most analysts expect the Fed to price increases, which had been running at
growth is picking up. At the same time, an companies are trying a variety of strategies resume its rate hikes in December. more than twice the pace of wage gains.
influx of new job-seekers increased the pro- to fill jobs. Many retailers are removing the Hurricane Michael, which slammed into Although pay increases can help boost
portion of Americans with jobs to its high- label “seasonal” from their job postings the Florida Panhandle and southern Georgia spending and propel the economy’s growth,
est level since 2009. and looking for permanent workers instead. last month, had no discernible effect on the they can also lead companies to raise prices
The economy has now added jobs for 97 Others are dropping their requirements for a jobs data, the government said. Still, to cover their higher labor costs. That
straight months, a record. That steady hir- college degree. October’s outsize gain might have reflected, trend, in turn, can accelerate inflation.
ing has helped reduce the unemployment “We absolutely see employers getting in part, a rebound from September, when So far, though, inflation remains in
rate for Latinos to 4.4 percent, a record low. more and more creative about ways to get Hurricane Florence depressed job growth. check. The Federal Reserve’s preferred price
Teenage unemployment dropped last month people in,” Frankiewicz said. Hiring in October was strong in higher- measure rose 2 percent in September com-
to 11.9 percent, also the lowest on records. By some measures, consumers are the and middle-income jobs. Professional and pared with a year earlier, slightly lower than
And the proportion of Americans without a most confident they have been in 18 years, business services, which include engineers, the year-over-year increase in August.
032 1103 sat:1103 sat 65 11/2/18 1:41 PM Page 1