Sun Outage Predictor v1.4
Sun Outage Predictor v1.4
Sun Outage Predictor v1.4
Sun outages are an unavoidable nuisance on satellite networks. When the Sun is aligned with the earth station and satellite, the
signal is degraded, causing an outage. However, the business will suffer far less if the timing of the outage is known in advance.
Using network data, Sun Outage Predictor keeps you informed of upcoming outages and allows pre-emptive measures to be
taken on site to prepare for the break in IT service.
Predicts Fall / Spring outages for any year Sun Outage Predictor takes a configuration file
containing the latitudes and longitudes of any number
of remote sites and their satellites. From this, the Sun
Achieves an accuracy of +/- 60 seconds for
outages for either the Spring or Fall seasons for any
upcoming and distant future outages
year can be calculated. This method does NOT use the
ephemeris data from satellite operators (where many
Provides information on outage date, start time, site outages have to be interpolated from the nearest
duration and end time sites contained in the ephemeris data list), but instead
uses the raw complex calculations.
Integrates with Signal Analyzer and Auto Helpdesk
to automatically open, fill in and close Sun Outage This allows Sun outages to be predicted any distance
trouble tickets into the future with equal accuracy. In fact, past Sun
outage predictions when compared to actual outages
Produces full reports that can be emailed to site are accurate to +/- 60 seconds. Full reports containing
contacts using the POC Mailer all information about outages can be produced and
emailed - using the POC Mailer - to specific site
What is a Sun Outage?
Drastically reduces diagnosis time
Twice a year, in Spring and Fall, the Sun will be
Allows pre-emptive measures to be taken to positioned so that it is aligned with the satellite and
prepare for the outage the dish on the remote site. For a period of about
two weeks, the signal will be degraded and network
outages will occur. This happens because when the dish
Assists long term assessment of network performance
antenna is looking directly into the Sun, the interference
overrides the signal from the satellite. Outages are
Conveys excellent impression of good, forward- short lived – lasting about 15 minutes. It is not possible
planned network management to prevent such outages, but they are predictable.
|Predicted Outage | Start | End | Duration |
| Date | GMT | GMT | |
| mm/dd/yyyy | hh:mm:ss | hh:mm:ss | mm:ss |
| ---------------------| -------------|------------ |-------------- |
Figure 1
Figure 1 shows the Sun outage predictions
overlaid upon data from Signal Analyzer
The predictions for these days are shown by Signal Parallel is a network management specialist that
Analyzer to be highly accurate as signal performance provides satellite and terrestrial network management
degraded at the expected time – shown by the dark and network operations to some of the largest
blue bands. This allowed pre-emptive measures to be organizations in the world. Key clients include BT,
taken on site to prepare for the outages. Hughes Network Systems, Vivendi Universal, The
British Council and the African Banking Corporation.
SatManage provides the most comprehensive For more information on Sun Outage Predictor or the
management available for satellite and hybrid networks. SatManage suite, please contact Parallel or visit our
Completely vendor independent, the suite delivers web site.
superior networks at reduced costs. Components
manage all the factors that determine network Email: [email protected]
performance, such as response times, traffic levels, Web:
signal quality and even Sun outages.
Parallel US
Designed to be fully compatible with satellite technology, 8000 Towers Crescent Drive Tel: +1 703-442-4951
SatManage complements any existing monitoring and 13th Floor Fax: +1 703-442-4952
control software. But SatManage goes further - using Vienna, VA 22182
visual correlation to quickly identify the root cause USA
of problems, it significantly reduces firefighting and
highlights wasted bandwidth and resources. Even on Parallel UK
the largest of networks, SatManage’s advanced helpdesk Innovation Centre Tel: +44 (0)1234 759610
automation has the proven ability to log 100% of faults University Way Fax: +44 (0)1234 759638
- not just events - automatically, and diagnose and close Cranfield
up to 70% without human intervention. MK43 0BT
United Kingdom
By combining in-depth network management with visual
correlation and unprecedented automation, SatManage
is the next generation in satellite network management. 070305 SO V1.4
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