This document appears to be a final exam for a nursing course. It contains 60 multiple choice questions testing students' knowledge of key concepts in nursing, including:
- The nursing process and its steps
- Types of nursing diagnoses
- Methods of data collection in nursing
- Medical vs nursing diagnoses
- Planning, implementation, and evaluation in nursing care
- Other frameworks and standards used in nursing practice like NANDA, SMART goals, and GOSH.
The exam questions cover topics like assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation which are the core steps in the nursing process, as well as related concepts like data collection methods, types of diagnoses, care planning and standards/frameworks used. The
This document appears to be a final exam for a nursing course. It contains 60 multiple choice questions testing students' knowledge of key concepts in nursing, including:
- The nursing process and its steps
- Types of nursing diagnoses
- Methods of data collection in nursing
- Medical vs nursing diagnoses
- Planning, implementation, and evaluation in nursing care
- Other frameworks and standards used in nursing practice like NANDA, SMART goals, and GOSH.
The exam questions cover topics like assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation which are the core steps in the nursing process, as well as related concepts like data collection methods, types of diagnoses, care planning and standards/frameworks used. The
This document appears to be a final exam for a nursing course. It contains 60 multiple choice questions testing students' knowledge of key concepts in nursing, including:
- The nursing process and its steps
- Types of nursing diagnoses
- Methods of data collection in nursing
- Medical vs nursing diagnoses
- Planning, implementation, and evaluation in nursing care
- Other frameworks and standards used in nursing practice like NANDA, SMART goals, and GOSH.
The exam questions cover topics like assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation which are the core steps in the nursing process, as well as related concepts like data collection methods, types of diagnoses, care planning and standards/frameworks used. The
This document appears to be a final exam for a nursing course. It contains 60 multiple choice questions testing students' knowledge of key concepts in nursing, including:
- The nursing process and its steps
- Types of nursing diagnoses
- Methods of data collection in nursing
- Medical vs nursing diagnoses
- Planning, implementation, and evaluation in nursing care
- Other frameworks and standards used in nursing practice like NANDA, SMART goals, and GOSH.
The exam questions cover topics like assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation which are the core steps in the nursing process, as well as related concepts like data collection methods, types of diagnoses, care planning and standards/frameworks used. The
What kind of data does this information represent: Wife states: "He doesn't seem so sad today."
THAT APPLY) A F . e v e r B Acut . e Pain C Ineffective airway . breathing D Dehyd . ration E Pneu . moni a F. Impaired skin integrity G. He ad ac he H Fluid . Volume deficit I Decubiti . s ulcer J Hypert . hermia 4. The nursing process is a separate entities and do not overlap. A T . r u e B F . a l s e 5. Defined as the nurse's interpretation or conclusions made based off cues 6. What kind of data collection method is defined as the gathering of data by using the senses? 7. The nursing process is the systematic collection of data used to make a clinical nursing judgement about an individual, family, or community. A T . r u e B F . a l s e 8. Check off MEDICAL DIAGNOSES (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) A F . e v e r B Acut . e Pain C Ineffective airway . breathing D Dehyd . ration E Pneu . moni a F. Impaired skin integrity G. Hype rther mia H Hea . dac he I Decubiti . s ulcer J Decreased . Fluid Intake 9. Used for risk and possible nursing diagnosis; preventive measures and also for wellness measures. A Asses . sment B Short- . term goal C Long- . term goal D Pla . nni ng 10. T/F. Clients that possible could not provide accurate data include: young children, clients who are confused, afraid, embarrassed, distrustful, or a cannot understand the nurse's language. A T . r u e B F . a l s e 11. The M in SMART stands for? 12. T/F. A nursing assessment should include the client's perceived needs, health problems, related experience, health practices, values, and lifestyles? A T . r u e B F . a l s e 13. type of diagnosis that is associated with a cluster of A other diagnoses A A . c t u a l B R . i s k C Wel . lne ss D Po . ssi ble E Syn . dro me 14. What are the five steps of the nursing process: A Data . basin g B Asses . sment C Impleme . ntation D Int . erv iew E Dia . gno sis F. Exer cisin g G. Ev al ua tio n H Pla . nni ng 15. Also known as symptoms or covert data; apparent only to the person affected. Consists of sensations, fellings, values, beliefs, attitudes, and perception of personal health status and life situation. 16. Also known as signs or overt data; detectable by observer or can be measured or tested against an accepted standard; validates other data to complete the assessment phase of the nursing process 17. Type of nursing diagnoses that deals with one which evidence about a health problem is incomplete or uncles; requires more data either to support or to refute it. A A . c t u a l B R . i s k C Wel . lne ss D Po . ssi ble E Syn . dro me 18. Types of care plans are initial, ongoing, and discharge plans? A T . r u e B F . a l s e 19. What does NANDA stand for? 20.In what part of the NSX process do you continue, modify, or terminate the client's care plan? A Impleme . ntation B Eval . uati on C Ass . essi ng D Dia . gno sis E Pla . nni ng 21. What kind of level of care deals with reducing risk of illness? 22.T/F. You are allowed to combine two nursing diagnoses. A T . r u e B F . a l s e 23.Defined as the casual relationship between a problem and its related or risk factors 24.What is the purpose of nursing process? A To make sure that nurse is . doing their job B Identify a client's health status and actual or potential health . care problems or needs C Establish plans to meet the . identified needs D Deliver specific nursing interventions to . meet those needs E To calm down the patients . support group 25. Defined as actions commonly required for a particular group of clients. 26.Defined as the act of "double-checking" or verifying data to confirm that it is accurate and factual. 27. Evaluation is continuous; continues until the client achieves the health goal or is discharged from the nurses care. A T . r u e B F . a l s e 28.Type of skill dealing with hands-on skill A Cog . niti ve B Interp . ersona l C Tec . hni cal 29.In what part of the nursing process do you document nursing activities? A Diag . nosin g B Imple . mentin g C Eval . uati ng D Ass . essi ng E Pla . nni ng 30. The S in SMART stands for? 31.Defined as the areas of health care that are unique to nursing and separate and distinct from medical management 32.The R in SMART stands for? 33.Type of data that does not change over time; such as race or blood type 34.Defined as the classification system or set of categories arranged based on a single principle or set of principles 35.The T in SMART stands for? 36.The principal methods used to collect data are: observing, interviewing, and examining? A T . r u e B F . a l s e 37. In what part of the NSX process has the purpose of developing an individualized care plan that specifies client goals/desired outcomes, and related nursing interventions? 38.Defined as a data collection method through a planned communication or a conversation with a purpose. 39.The A in SMART stands for? 40.Types of planning: (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) A I . n i t i a l B Inf . or m al C F . o r m al D On . goi ng E Disc . harg e F. Standa rdized G. Indiv idual ized 41. Defined as an understanding between two or more people. 42.Types of assessing (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) A Database . assessment B Initial . assessme nt C Time-lapsed . assessment D Problem-focused . assessment E Emergency . assessment F. Final assessme nt 43.There are three approaches to interviewing? A T . r u e B F . a l s e 44.T/F. Information supplied by the family members, significant others, or other health professionals is considered to be subjective if it is not based on fact. A T . r u e B F . a l s e 45. What level of care deals with restoration of optimal health? 46.Defined as the planned, ongoing, purposeful activity in which clients and health care professionals determine (a) the client's progress toward achievement of goals/outcomes and (b) the effectiveness of the nursing care plan 47. T/F. The family members are the PRIMARY source of data? A T . r u e B F . a l s e 48.What act completes the assessment phase? 49.What characteristic of the nursing process deals with the continuity of the process? A Problem- . oriented B O . p e n C Goal- . oriente d D Cy . cli ca l 50. What is the systematic problem-solving approach toward giving individualized (humanistic) nursing care? 51.T/F. Subjective data may provide CLUES to determine client's unknown problem? A T . r u e B F . a l s e 52.H in GOSH stands for? 53.Defined as subjective or objective data tat can be directly observed by the nurse 54.In what part of the NSX process do you identify health problems, risks, and strengths? A Ass . essi ng B Diag . nosin g C Pla . nni ng D Imple . mentin g E Eval . uati ng 55.What kind of data is: Lung sounds clear bilaterally; diminished in right lower lobe 56.What level of care deals with medical and surgical intervention? 57. S in GOSH stands for? 58.G in GOSH stands for? 59.In what part of the NSX process do you prioritize problems/diagnoses? A Ass . essi ng B Dia . gno sis C Pla . nni ng D Impleme . ntation E Eval . uati on 60.Defined as all the information about a client; including nursing health history, physical assessment, primary care provider's history and physical examination, results of laboratory and diagnostic tests, and material contributed by other health personnel