Exo Ortho
Exo Ortho
Exo Ortho
2018 JDOR
1 Postgraduate,2Professor,3Professor
and Head,4 Assitant Professor, 5 Ex
Postgraduate, Department of Orthodontics, is rich in it’s history as well as controversies. Controversies unlike
Orthodontics and Dentofacial disputes, never end and cannot be resolved completely validating any one side of
Orthopaedics, Faculty of Dental the argument through scientific evidence. One such controversy is extraction vs non-
Sciences, M.S. Ramaiah University extraction. The last two decades has seen noticeable decline of extraction in
of Applied Sciences, Bengaluru - orthodontic treatment. This is augmented with increased pressure from the referring
dentist to treat the patient without extraction treatment modality, being unaware of
the literature supportive of extractions in specific cases. This review provides a
summary of historical background of the controversy, the perspectives of various
authors, the reasons for decline in extractions and the present understanding of the
Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Vol 14. Issue 01 Jan. 2018 JDOR
surgeon, Julius Wolff demonstrated that bone Association, Calvin Case presented an article,
trabeculae arrange in reaction to the stress lines "The Question of Extraction in Orthodontia”, in
on the bone ("Wolff's law of bone"). Angle was which he strongly disapproved the creationist
impressed by the discovery that the architecture belief of the Angle School, considering their
of bone responds to the stresses placed on that ignorance on heredity as a cause of malocclusion
part of the skeleton and thereby reasoned that, ,their thought that local factors were responsible
forces transmitted to the teeth would cause bone for malocclusion and replacing teeth in their
to grow around, if teeth were placed in a proper planned positions would result in a harmonious
occlusion. He described his edgewise appliance face.4,7
as a ‘bone growing appliance’. Any relapse
observed in any of his treated cases was Calvin Case further presented a patient to prove
considered to be a result of inadequate occlusion. his point. He stated that the patient’s dental
Angle believed that the relationship of the protrusion would have deteriorated if a non-
dentition to the face, and with it the esthetics of extraction treatment was done. Thereby
the lower face, would vary. But for each highlighting that non-extraction treatment cannot
individual, ideal facial esthetics would result be done in all the cases, to achieve a harmonious
when the teeth were placed in ideal occlusion. So face. Even though Case had better argument by
accordingly, his treatment for every patient far, Angle's followers won the day, and extraction
involved expansion of the dental arches and of teeth for orthodontic reasons gradually
elastics as needed to bring the teeth into declined from the American orthodontic scene in
occlusion, and extraction was not necessary for the period between World Wars I and II. (Fig. 5)
stability of result or esthetics.6
Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Vol 14. Issue 01 Jan. 2018 JDOR
case reports on patients who were treated by non indiscriminate premolar extractions. Studies by
– extraction initially using Angle’s treatment Little et al in 1981 and Mc Reynolds et al in 1991,
philosophies and were later re treated with first supported the fact that premolar extraction does
premolar extractions.(Fig. 6) Four first premolar not guarantee stability of tooth alignment.
teeth were removed and the teeth were aligned Overtime, change from fully banded to largely
and retracted. After the retreatment, Tweed bonded appliances made it easier to expand
observed that the occlusion was much more arches, therefore, border line case were generally
stable. This gave rise to the Tweed philosophy treated better without extraction.10,11
owing to the scientific evidence he provided
towards extraction treatment modality. Hence extraction of teeth for orthodontic
Extractions were eventually accepted into purposes was rare in the early 20th century,
orthodontics.8 During the same period, Raymond peaked in the 1960s, declined to about the levels
Begg in Australia was developing an appliance of the early 1950s, in 1990s, and has remained
system based on therapeutic extraction as well there for first few years of the 21st century.7
(Fig. 7). His appliance was based on the theory of 5. REASONS FOR CONTROVERSY
attritional occlusion. This theory was
strengthened by Professor Stockard’s breeding Facial Profile
experiments which indicated that malocclusion
The major concern in choosing between
could be inherited, rather than developing the
extraction and non-extraction treatment modality
potential within each patient. It appeared
is the effect it has on the soft tissue profile of the
necessary for the orthodontist to recognize
patient. Non extractionists believe that
genetically determined disparities between tooth
extractions result in “dish in” of the face, while
size & jaw size, or to acknowledge that the lack
extractionists claim that without extractions in
of proximal wear on teeth produced tooth size –
certain cases the periodontal health will be
jaw size discrepancies during development. In
compromised and the profile will appear full.
either case, extraction was frequently necessary.9
Studies conducted by Rushing et al in 1995,
Stephens et al in 2005 and Erdinc et al in 2007,
support the fact that general dentists and
orthodontists were unable to distinguish between
the facial profiles of subjects treated with
extraction and non-extraction.12–14 A three-
dimensional soft-tissue analyses by Solem et al in
2013 following treatment by extraction revealed
that, distinct changes were observed in patients
who had protrusion, and the retraction of the lip
was directly associated with retraction of the
upper and lower incisors.15 Therefore, extraction
Fig. 5 Charles Tweed Fig. 6 Raymond Begg
in few patients with fuller profiles, does not
The era of 1970-1990’s saw the revival of non- necessarily cause “dish-in” of the face, and in fact
extraction treatment. There came a period in can result in better esthetics than non-extraction
orthodontics when premolars were extensively treatment in such patients. Hence, clinicians have
being extracted for correction of malocclusion to plan the cases suitably, to avoid over-retraction
with Tweed edgewise philosophy and the Begg of the anterior segment leading to unfavourable
appliance. This resulted in unattractive facial profile changes. The mandible grows more than
features. Subsequently, facial harmony and the maxilla, which tends to straighten the profile
esthetics was given more importance by over-time, throughout adulthood. This was
orthodontists thereby reducing the rate of attributed to the fourth dimension ‘’time’’, as
termed by Sarver and Ackerman in 2003. This
Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Vol 14. Issue 01 Jan. 2018 JDOR
could be a confounding factor. They advised the Stability and Impaction Risk
orthodontists to give adequate emphasis on the
growth of soft tissues, maturation and aging in In 1999, Bowman cautioned that adhering to a
their treatment planning.7,16–20 non–extraction protocol would not always be the
best for many patients. Since the patients most
Extractions & Temporomandibular Joint likely to experience ineffective orthodontic
Disorders (TMD) treatment are those with crowding and protrusion,
a non-extraction approach may not provide
A radical district court case in 1987, involved a optimum esthetics, function, periodontal health,
sixteen year-old girl, diagnosed with Angle’s and stability in such cases. On the contrary,
Class II, division 1 malocclusion. Her Erdinc et al in 2006, suggested that the extraction
orthodontist planned the treatment with premolar of premolars for orthodontic treatment to
extractions and the use of headgear. alleviate crowding may not enhance stability.25,26
Subsequently, her family claimed that the
treatment had caused TMD and sued the According to Casetta et al 2013, an increased
orthodontist. Their family dentist debated that the prevalence of mandibular second-molar
extractions and use of headgear caused excessive impactions may be correlated with the increasing
incisor retraction resulting from distal fame of non-extraction therapy. A study by
displacement of the mandible and thereby, Turkuz et al in a Turkish population in 2013
internal derangement. The orthodontist was associated increased risk of third-molar
convicted by the jury for mistreatment, and the impactions with non-extraction protocols. 81.8%
case was widely conversed among the dental of the patients who did not undergo extractions
professionals. Most orthodontists did not believe had impacted third molars, compared to 63.6% of
that premolar extractions could lead to TMD, yet the patients who underwent premolar extractions.
their fear of malpractice suits was heightened if Saysel et al in 2005, found angulation of third
they advocated extraction treatment modality. In molars to be more favorable, as well as increased
the early 1990s, the orthodontic scientific third-molar eruption space, following extraction
community took charge and put forth high- treatment.27–29
quality evidence stating that there is no direct
relationship between TMD and orthodontic 6. REASONS FOR DECLINE IN
treatment. The literature also discusses and EXTRACTIONS
supports the contention that any type of Bonding
orthodontic treatment has a neutral effect.21,22 Bonding of fixed appliances that replaced
Buccal Corridors banding to quite an extent, permitted non-
extraction treatment in more patients, since band
Few orthodontists are of the belief that extracting thicknesses tended to promote crowding.
maxillary premolars leads to narrowing of the
dental arch, resulting in broader buccal corridors Airotor Stripping (ARS)
which is not esthetic. Dr. Jack Sheridan promoted ARS or
interproximal enameloplasty. He believed that if
nature could reduce the interproximal enamel,
To the contrary, studies by Janson et al in 2011, without resulting in increased caries risk or
Ioi et al in 2012, and Meyer et al in 2014 are of periodontal problems, orthodontists could also do
the opinion that the dental arch does not become the same, if they exploit the advantages of full-
narrow with maxillary premolar extraction and arch bonding, which opens the interproximal
more importantly, broader buccal corridors are areas and allows for reshaping. Around 6-8mm of
not always unattractive.23,24 the space can be gained to resolve protrusion,
crowding or a combination of both.30,31
Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Vol 14. Issue 01 Jan. 2018 JDOR
Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Vol 14. Issue 01 Jan. 2018 JDOR
past. The fear of pain and loss of teeth appliances and the extraction
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option, even if it is not in the best interest of the molars in their relation to orthodontia.
patient.39 Dent Cosm. 1903;45:173–8.
6. Wahl N. The last graduate. PCSO Bull.
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10. Little RM, Wallen TR, Riedel RA.
Identifying guidelines for the extraction vs non- Stability and relapse of mandibular
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complex task. Presently, the controversy is not extraction cases treated by traditional
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years ago and both treatment options are still 11. McReynolds DC, Little RM. Mandibular
open. The option to treat with extraction or non- second premolar extraction—
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12. Rushing SE, Silberman SL, Meydrech
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Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Vol 14. Issue 01 Jan. 2018 JDOR
Journal of Dental & Oro-facial Research Vol 14. Issue 01 Jan. 2018 JDOR