City of Carmel-By-The-Sea City Council Staff Report: TO: Submit T Ed By: Approved by
City of Carmel-By-The-Sea City Council Staff Report: TO: Submit T Ed By: Approved by
City of Carmel-By-The-Sea City Council Staff Report: TO: Submit T Ed By: Approved by
Staff Report
November 6, 2018
Adopt Resolution 2018-119, approving the conversion from an uncontrolled to a 2-way stop-controlled Intersection at
Mountain View Avenue and Torres Street, from a 2-way to 4-way stop-controlled intersection at Fourth Avenue and
Mission Street, and from a 1-way to 3-way stop-controlled intersection at San Carlos Street and Ninth Avenue.
On September 12, 2018, the Traffic Safety Committee, comprised of the Director of Public Safety, Director of Public
Works, and Director of Community Planning and Building, met to discuss issues ranging from apparent speeding,
parking, loading zones, and traffic calming. Of particular concern, and most urgent, appears to be inadequate stop
control at the following three intersections:
Mountain View Avenue/Torres Street: Currently there are no stop signs at this location. Mountain View Avenue
runs at a skew angle across Torres Street, which limits visibility and results in offset centerlines between Torres north
of the intersection and Torres south of the intersection. Based on the unusual geometrics of the intersection and a
recent accident, the Traffic Safety Committee recommends that stop signs be installed for Torres Street, both
northbound and southbound. While this would significantly enhance safety compared to existing conditions, this site
will be monitored for effectiveness following installation.
Fourth Avenue/Mission Street: Currently there are stop signs for Mission Street both north and south of the
intersection. However, visibility for northbound travelers is completely obscured from eastbound Fourth Avenue
vehicles due to a significant tree in the southwest corner of the intersection. Southbound Mission Street travelers also
have site obstructions, namely the mass of the building and the potential for trucks or vans to park near the northeast
corner of the intersection blocking the view of westbound vehicles along Fourth Avenue. The Traffic Safety Committee
recommends that stop signs be installed for both eastbound and westbound Fourth Avenue which would result in a
four-way stop-controlled intersection.
For the prior two intersections, the Traffic Safety Committee considered several alternatives to installing additional
stop signs, such as reducing speed limits, constructing bulb outs, and landscaping; however, the Committee noted that
none of these alternatives would be as effective as stop signs. No one from the public had any objections to the
proposed stop signs at the Traffic Safety Committee meeting.
San Carlos Street/Ninth Avenue: San Carlos Street is part of the City's truck/bus route linking vehicles from
downtown Carmel to Rio Road. San Carlos has no stop signs between Eighth Avenue and Thirteenth Avenue, and
the posted speed limit is 25 mph. According to local residents, speeding is consistently a problem. One crosswalk
exists across San Carlos at the south side of Ninth Avenue near the San Carlos driveway to Sunset Center. This
crosswalk receives low levels of night lighting on the east side of the intersection, but has no lighting on the west side.
There is potential for someone being in the crosswalk at night, wearing dark clothes, in a rainstorm or fog, and an
inattentive driver could cause a serious injury or fatal accident. Staff feels strongly that something must be done, and it
must be done within the aesthetic spirit of the Village.
The Traffic Safety Committee discussed several options for this crosswalk. First, the crosswalk could be removed, but
this would result in pedestrians having to travel two more blocks to reach their destination. Second, a lighted
crosswalk could be installed for approximately $20,000 to $25,000; however, this may set an undesirable precedence
for possible future applications across the City and likely conflicts with the City's more informal design elements.
Accordingly, the Committee recommends placing stop signs on San Carlos for both northbound and southbound traffic
at the Ninth Avenue intersection as the "best fit" option for this location.
All intersections are unique in terms of speed limit, line of site visibility, roadway widths, alignments, centerline offsets,
grades, and pavement markings. Therefore, the Director of Public Works, with confirmation by the Director of Public
Safety, will determine if ancillary safety upgrades are prudent, such as installing "Stop Ahead" signs and/or painting
pavement markings, when the stop signs are installed.
The estimated cost for six (6) stop signs, and potential 'Stop Ahead' signs, is $1,200. Sufficient funding is available in
the Public Works Operating Budget account 101-119-40-42105. Additionally, there will be an incremental, minor
extra cost associated with annual painting of traffic pavement legends at these intersections.
On February 6, 2018, Council adopted Resolution 2018-019, approving the conversion from 2-way to 4-way stop-
controlled intersections at Carmelo Street/Eight Avenue, Dolores Street/Twelfth Avenue, and Lincoln Street/Seventh