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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181

Vol. 6 Issue 05, May - 2017

Assessment of Location of Centre of Mass and

Centre of Rigidity for Different Setback Buildings
B G Naresh kumar Punith N
Professor, Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Maharaja Institute of Technology Mysore Maharaja Institute of Technology Mysore
Mandya, India Mandya, India

Bhyrav Raj B Arpitha T P

UG Student, UG Student,
Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
Maharaja Institute of Technology Mysore Maharaja Institute of Technology Mysore
Mandya, India Mandya, India

Abstract— Buildings are mainly classified into regular and 2) Vertical Irregularity
irregular buildings. Nowadays due to our requirements and Structures having significant physical discontinuities in a
aesthetic point of view, we are making the buildings more vertical configuration or in their lateral force resisting
irregular than regular. An irregular building is as a building that systems are termed as vertically irregular structure. The
lacks symmetry and has a discontinuity in geometry (setback),
mass or load resisting elements. The presence of structural vertical irregularities in structures are Stiffness irregularity,
irregularities has an adverse effect on the seismic response of the Mass irregular, Vertical geometric irregularity, Discontinuity
structure. The structural irregularity can be broadly classified in capacity.
as plan irregularities and vertical irregularities. In this present
study, the effect of vertical irregularity on seismic response of a A. Centre of Mass
structure is studied. In particular, a setback in buildings are The centre of mass is a position defined as the average
considered and behavior of the structure with respect to the
position of all the parts of the system, weighted according to
location of the center of mass and center of rigidity is assessed
using pushover analysis. The analysis tool used to assess the their masses. The distribution of mass is balanced around the
building is ETABS 2015. centre of mass and the average of the weighted position
coordinates of the distributed mass defines its coordinates.
Keywords— Vertical irregularities, Centre of mass, Centre of During an earthquake, acceleration-induced inertia forces will
rigidity, Setback, pushover, ETABS 2015. be generated at each floor level and it will act at a point,
where the mass of entire story may be assumed to be
I. INTRODUCTION concentrated. In a building having a symmetrical distribution
In the present scenario, structures are becoming manmade of mass the positions of the centers of floor masses will not
astonishing wonders. By considering the aesthetical point of differ from floor to floor. However, irregular mass
view and based on our requirements structures are designed. distribution over the height of a building may result in
While designing the structure, it is essential to consider variation in centers of masses at various floors.
earthquake load because it most dangerous unpredictable
natural disaster. It is been observed that as the irregularity in B. Centre of Rigidity
the building increases deformation due to earthquake load The centre of rigidity is a point at a particular story as the
also increases hence it is most important to design structure location of application of lateral load at that point will not
for earthquake load. As per IS 1893(Part-1):2002 for produce rotation of that story. This definition is valid when
earthquake resistant design of structure, there are two types of the slab is modeled as a rigid diaphragm. A Diaphragm
irregularities namely Constraint causes all of its constrained joints to move
1) Plan Irregularity together as a planar diaphragm that is rigid against membrane
2) Vertical Irregularity deformation.
As a function of structural properties, the center of rigidity is
1) Plan Irregularity independent of loading.
The condition of being non-uniform in the plan of a
structure is called plan irregularity. These can be C. Setback Buildings
characterized by five different types such as torsional, re- The Setback buildings are characterized by an immediate
entrant corners, diaphragms discontinuity, out of plane offset reduction in floor area with respect to the height of the
and nonparallel system for plan irregularity. building, with results in drop in stiffness, mass and strength.
Height-wise changes in stiffness and mass provide the

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 05, May - 2017

dynamic characteristics of these buildings different from the During analysis, ETABS automatically calculates this
regular building. Setback buildings show more deformation coordinate for each floor diaphragm. The diaphragm must be
on seismic action than any other structure. These buildings present and defined in the model.
exhibit more deformation even though the structure is
designed under current seismic codes. This inferior
performance due to seismic load has been allocated to the
combined action of structural irregularities i.e., to the
combined non-uniform distribution of mass, stiffness, and
strength along the height of setback frames, and to
concentrate on the inelastic action at setback level.

In this present study, we are focusing on the behavior of

buildings with respect to the center of mass and centre of
rigidity under the action of seismic load using pushover Fig 2: Centre of rigidity
analysis on a setback buildings. Here we can observe the
shifting of centre of mass and centre of rigidity with respect II. MATERIAL AND METHODS
to different setback buildings as shown in figure 1. It is The software used in the present study is ETABS-2015
possible to evaluate the seismic performance of setback (Extended 3D Analysis of Building System). ETABS
building accurately using ETABS 2015 software. software was developed by CSI, Berkeley California. The
method of analysis used is Nonlinear Static Analysis also
known as Pushover Analysis. The first model is a regular
model with equal elevation (figure 1 model 1). The second
model is the setback model with floors are reduced at top
right corner of its front elevation, in the similar manner
model 3 and 4 are setbacked by reducing its floors. Both
centre of mass and centre of rigidity models consist of 5
floors i.e., (G+4), with the floor heights being 3.5m each.
Totally five bays are provided in x-direction and 3 bays are
provided in y-direction with each bay size being 5m.The
dimension of the columns being fixed at 230mm x 600mm
and that of the beams at 230mm x 450mm at top stories and
230x300 at plinth level as shown in table 1. The beam and
column dimensions are fixed as per IS 456: 2000. The
column positions have so been fixed, that the spans of all the
beams in both X and Y directions are kept same and equal to
5m. The roof modeling considered in the present study is a
rigid diaphragm. For analyzing the center of mass and centre
of rigidity of structure, the loading and the other parameters
are kept same. Also, both the centre of mass and centre of
rigidity models have been analyzed for rigid diaphragm

In this study, ETABS-2015 software is used for the
Fig 1: Elevation of regular building (model 1) and setback buildings
(model 2, 3 and 4)
analysis of building model.

For a given floor diaphragm, centre of rigidity is The structure was modeled in ETABS by considering the
calculated through the following process: parameters shown in table.1. Model shown in figure 1 was
subjected to both dead load and live loads to check the
Case 1 applies a global-X unit load to an arbitrary point, capacity of preliminary dimensions of the structural members
perhaps the centre of mass, such that the diaphragm rotates of the building model. The seismic analysis is carried out
Rzx. only if all the members are safe with design check. If
Case 2 applies a global-Y unit load at the same point, causing members are not safe, then the dimensions of the members
rotation Rzy. are revised (should be as per IS 456: 2000). To carry out the
pushover analysis, the non-linear static load patterns and load
Case 3 applies a unit moment about global-Z, causing rotation cases are defined along X and Y directions. The mass source
Rzz. These three load cases are shown in Figure 2. is defined by taking percentage of impact load (As per 1893-
Centre of rigidity (X, Y) is then computed as X = -R zy / Rzz part1 2002) for the calculation of seismic load. Then the
and Y = Rzx / Rzz. columns and beams are assigned with hinges based on the
hinge properties taken from ASCE 41-13 table. After

IJERTV6IS050488 802

(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 05, May - 2017

assigning hinges the model is checked for errors. Then the TABLE II. LOCATION OF CENTRE OF MASS FOR DIFFERENT
model is analyzed which is subjected to lateral pushover
loads as per displacement control method. Run analysis after MODEL LOCATION OF CENTRE OF
selecting to calculate centre of mass and rigidity. After the MASS(m)
pushover analysis is complete, the push over results like TYPE XCM YCM
centre of mass and centre of rigidity for all storeys is MODEL 1 12.5 7.5
tabulated and reviewed. MODEL 2 7.5 7.5
MODEL 3 5 7.5
MODEL 4 2.5 7.5
Structure Type Ordinary moment resisting
No. of storey G+4
Typical storey height 3.5m MODEL OF RIGIDITY(m)
Type of building use Public cum office building TYPE XCR XCR
Foundation type Isolated footing
Seismic zone V MODEL 1 12.5 7.5
Material properties
MODEL 2 9.9432 7.5
Grade of concrete M20
Grade of steel Fe500 MODEL 3 6.794 7.5
Density of concrete 2
25 kN /m
Member properties MODEL 4 3.0192 7.5
Slab thickness 0.150m
Beam size 0.230m x 0.450 m
Also, the Graph 1 and Graph 2 show the plots of
Plinth beam size 0.230m x 0.300 m
locations/positions of centre of mass and center of rigidity for
Column size 0.230m x 0.600m models 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Both the plots i.e. graph 1
Wall size 0.230m and 2 have been plotted with respect to the location of the
Dead load intensities center (i.e. centers of mass and rigidity) at top storey along X
Roof finishes 2.0 kN/m2 and Y directions for the respective models.
Floor finishes 1.0 kN/m2
Live load intensities
Roof 3.0 kN/m2
Floor 4.0 kN/m2
Earthquake live load on slab as per clause 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 of IS:
1893(Part-1) 2002
Roof 0.25 x 3.0 = 0.75 kN/m2

Floor 0.5 x 4.0 = 2 kN/m2

But in the present study, we are analyzing the movement of

centre of mass and centre of rigidity for setback buildings for
the top storey obtained from pushover analysis.
Graph 1. Location of Centre of Mass with Respect to X and Y Axes
Results obtained from the analysis with regards to the shift
in the position of center of mass and center of rigidity with
respect to different models considered in the analysis. Table 2
shows the location of centre of mass with respect to X and Y
directions for different models and table 3 shows the location
of centre of rigidity with respect to X and Y directions for
different models. In the tables, XCM and YCM represent the
location of centre of mass with respect to X and Y directions
respectively and similarly XCR and YCR represent the
location of centre of rigidity with respect to X and Y
directions respectively.

IJERTV6IS050488 803

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Published by : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 6 Issue 05, May - 2017

[1] Anagnostopoulos S. A., Kyrkos M.T. and Stathopoulos K.G., "
Earthquake Induced Torsion in Buildings: Critical Review and
State of the Art ", Advances in Structural Engineering and
Mechanics(ASEM-13), September 8-12,2013.
[2] Lucchini, G. Monti and S. Kunnath, "A Simplified Pushover
Method for Evaluating the Seismic Demand in Asymmetric-
Plan Multi-Storey Buildings", 14th World Conference on
Earthquake Engineering October 12-17, 2008.
[3] Duggal S K, "Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures",
Oxford University Press, 2009.
[4] IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002," Criteria for earthquake resistant design
of structures", Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India.
[5] Kazem Shakeri, Karim Tarbali, and Mohtasham Mohebbi, “An
adaptive modal pushover procedure for asymmetric-plan
buildings", Engineering Structures, March 2012.
[6] Kenji Fujii, Yoshiaki Nakano and Yasushi Sanada, “Simplified
Nonlinear Analysis Procedure For Asymmetric Buildings ",
Graph 2. Location of Centre of Rigidity with Respect to X and Y Axes 13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper No.
149, August 1-6, 2004.
From Graph 1 it can be observed that the value of centre of [7] Stathopoulos K. G. and Anagnostopoulos S. A., "Earthquake
mass goes on reducing for model 1 to model 4 as the mass Induced Inelastic Torsion in Asymmetric Multistory
and the area of the models goes on reducing from model 1 to Buildings", 13th World Conference on Earthquake
model 4. This due to the concentration of building towards Engineering, Paper No. 558, August 1-6, 2004.
the origin of the building. Similarly, Graph 2 indicates that [8] Vojko Kilar and Peter Fajfar "Simple Push-Over Analysis of
Asymmetric Buildings" Earthquake Engineering & Structural
the value of centre of rigidity goes on reducing for model 1 to Dynamics, February 1997.
model 4 as the mass and the area of the models goes on
reducing from model 1 to model 4. This due to the
concentration of building towards the origin of the building.

Nowadays the buildings with irregularities are more
common because of the need or requirement of the individual
and due to aesthetic appearance of the buildings. Also, the
consideration of centre of mass and centre of rigidity while
designing a structure for seismic loads plays a major role.
From the present study it can be seen that for a vertical
regular building the centre of mass and centre of rigidity were
exactly at the centre of building in plan view. Whereas for a
structure with vertical irregularities like setback buildings the
location of centre of mass and centre of rigidity moves to a
concentrated region or in other words the point moves
towards the region of more area.

We acknowledge the principal and head of the department
of our college, Maharaja Institute of Technology Mysore for
providing an opportunity to publish an international journal.
We also acknowledge International Journal of Engineering
Research and Technology for helping in sharing the
knowledge of the authors with other parts of the world
through their journal. Also, we acknowledge each and every
single author of our paper without which the paper would not
have completed according to prescribed manner and
according to the technical perspective.

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