Chapter I Introduction
Chapter I Introduction
Chapter I Introduction
The purpose of internship training is to facilitate the intern to practice the acquired skills
independently or under supervision, as mentioned in the respective discipline course contents.
The focus of internship training should be to develop the methods and modalities for actual
practice of management study. Emphasis should be laid on ‘Hands on experience’. The settings
of internship should be preferably a decentralized setting in an organization structure like
production, marketing, human resource and finance department. At the end of the internship, the
intern should be a confident, more helpful in futures.
The Indian textile is a grooming, most raw material consuming sector in present. The foremost
the scope and opportunities have made its
limitationin very crunched. It prized the gap between the govt. Policies andundertaking business
activities. So far as the limitation is concern it is in this row:-
•The finding of the study may not be applicable to other places except Gujarat.
The respondents were too busy to give exact answer to all questions.
There is chance of under estimation of sales and income as it is the nature of human
This study analysis is opinion of retailers only.
The results may not hold good in the long run as taste and preference of human beings
are subject to change over a period of time.
There are chances of sampling error.
Chances of biased data collections to respondents