Discrete Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Course Syllabus
Optional materials:
Textbook: Learning Mobile App Development: A Hands-on Guide to Building Apps with iOS and Android.
Jakob Iversen & Michael Eierman
Published by Pearson, 2014
ISBN-10: 032194786X
ISBN-13: 9780321947864
Course Description:
Credit hours: 4
Description: This course will cover the technologies, tools, frameworks and languages that are most commonly
used in developing mobile applications for multiple mobile platforms, including (but not limited to) iOS,
Android and Windows Mobile. Topics include mobile application design, user interfaces, mobile application
demographic and platform delivery, mobile networking, hosting infrastructure, and mobile security. Students
will investigate alternate frameworks for app development, including technologies for rapid development of
applications. Students will also learn the fundamental principles on which these topics are based, so that they
will be prepared for the new technologies that are constantly being developed.
This course will delve into the practicalities of mobile application development. Programming topics will cover
the basics of different mobile architectures, security and performance considerations, and mobile programming
technologies. Emphasis is placed on structure and clarity as well as correctness. The course includes a team
project in which students are given hands-on experience to analyze a business problem and design a native
mobile-application software solution.
The major method of instruction will be lecture/discussion and hands-on projects/labs. Student interaction is
expected and encouraged. Students will be graded based on their performance in a series of tests, and both
individual assignments/labs and team projects. Students will design, develop and implement programs. Tests
will cover material from both the textbook and projects/assignments/labs. All tests are non-cumulative, and
may be given outside of class time (take-home test) at the discretion of the instructor. Pop quizzes may be
given for variable credit through-out the course, during class time. Pop quizzes may not be made-up, even with
an excused absence; therefore attendance to each and every class session is strongly encouraged.
We will use D2L to post class materials, submit assignments and to communicate notifications to students in
cases of sudden changes to class requirements, instructor office hours/availability, and assignment deadlines. It
is the student’s responsibility to keep up with all posted class materials. Please check the class website for
updates often.
REMEMBER this is a computer science course. All students are required to participate in activities associated
with programming, i.e. the design and development of software. The class and team activities emphasize the
building blocks of programming, together with the key elements of the software development: requirements and
specifications, design and implementation, and validation and testing. Details will be discussed in class.
Course outcomes: The goal for students in this course is to learn about mobile application development. After
successful completion of this class, students will be able to:
• Understand the programming techniques required to develop Hybrid and Native Mobile applications.
• Understand the basics of different mobile architectures, including security and performance considerations.
• Design and implement standard mobile application programming scenarios, using typical application
development tools.
• Understand project roles, and work in a team for the development of a mobile application.
Academic conduct: Collaboration with your classmates in studying and understanding the material is strongly
encouraged. Copying another's work will be considered cheating; all students involved will receive a grade of
zero, a reduction in the course grade, and possibly other penalties including failure of the course and dismissal
from the University. Collaboration or cheating on examinations will result in a grade of zero, a reduction in the
course grade, and possibly other penalties including failure of the course and dismissal from the University.
Plagiarism, fabrication, or other academic dishonesty or misconduct will result in a grade of zero, a reduction in
the course grade, and possibly other penalties, including failure of the course and dismissal from the University.
Unsatisfactory grades earned because of academic misconduct cannot be removed from your grade point
average by repeating the course and students cannot do extra credit work to make up for misconduct.
Assignments: Assignments will be posted on the class web page (D2L) about a week before they are due.
Assignments are due ON or BEFORE the due date.
• Assignments and Projects: Project and programming assignments will be due throughout the term.
Each of these assignments is weighted individually. You may turn assignments in early. Assignments
will be submitted to the course site (D2L) or turned in during class, depending on the assignment
requirements. Late assignments are due BEFORE the following class-time (i.e. if an assignment is due
Monday, and you do not complete it by the deadline, then you have until BEFORE the next class
BEGINS on Wednesday to turn it in).
Late assignments will be graded at 10% discount if submitted before the next class meeting,
beyond which they will not be accepted.
• Students will be given specific guidance on the amount of collaboration permitted for each assignment.
Unless otherwise specified, all assignments are individual assignments.
• Makeup examinations will not be given unless you make prior arrangements with the instructor.
• Guidelines for submitting work: All assignments will either be submitted to the course site (D2L) or
turned in during class, depending on the assignment requirements. All submissions must be received
prior to the stated deadline. Assignments must be typed or computer printed. Handwritten material is
not acceptable.
In the upper right corner of the each page you turn in, put the following information in the order shown:
Your Name
CSC 4360 - Durham (be sure to put instructor name here)
The date of the class when the item is turned in (due date)
Identification of the item (Assignment #)
• If the work you are turning in has more than one page, staple the pages together in the upper left corner.
• If a project is designated a “group” assignment or project, then students will work in assigned groups on
the assignment and turn in one submission that is the collaborative effort of the group.
Exams: Test content will come from the text and other material presented in lecture sessions as well as
assignments. Note that material presented in class will supplement the assigned reading. Therefore, class
attendance and good note-taking are essential tactics for success. No electronic copies of textbooks, etc., will be
allowed for use during an examination – not even during an “open-book” examination.
All examinations will have multiple choice, short-answer and true-false questions. Tests will cover material
from lectures as well as from both the textbook and projects/assignments. All tests are non-cumulative, and
may be given outside of class time (take-home test) at the discretion of the instructor.
A grade of zero will be assigned for all exams missed for which a student does not have an excused absence. It
is the student’s responsibility to arrange for an excused absence before the exam. If an exam must be missed
due to unforeseeable circumstances that would result in an excused absence, then a make-up examination may
be allowed at the discretion of the instructor.
Grading plan:
Projects / Group Assignments 40%
Exams 20%
Labs / Homework Assignments 25%
Attendance/Pop Quizzes 15%
Extra Credit** 5%
Grading scale:
A: 90 and above
B: 80-89.9
C: 70-79.9
D: 60-69.9
F: Below 60
Class attendance policy: The Instructor expects your attendance at each and every class; however, actual
attendance is up to the student. Grade performance is a demonstrated function of attendance, preparation and
participation. You can get behind very easily by skipping classes, resulting in missed pop quizzes which cannot
be made-up and a poor understanding of the material, which will show up as a poor grade for the class. Any
class sessions missed by the student are the student's responsibility to make up and obtain notes for, not the
instructor's. Students are responsible for all announcements and assignments made in the class lecture. If you
miss part or the entire class lecture, call or email another student. Do not call/email me to repeat the lecture.
Further, if you know that you will be absent for an extended period of time during the semester, you MUST
notify me for discussion of consequences. Late arrival that causes disruption, early departure that causes
disruption, excessive conversation among students (a disruption in its own right), use of electronic devices that
cause disruptions and other actions that disrupt the classroom are unacceptable. ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES
Students with disabilities: Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this
class are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Services at (404) 413-1560 as soon as possible to better
ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion.
Withdrawal Policy: The last day to withdraw with a W will be announced. Ceasing to attend class or oral
notice thereof DOES NOT constitute official withdrawal from the course. Students who simply stop attending
classes without officially withdrawing usually are assigned failing grades. Students wish to withdraw after the
scheduled change period (add/drop) must obtain and complete a withdrawal form from the Academic Services
Department in the Registrar’s Office.
Enrollment Policy: Only those students who are enrolled in the class may attend lectures, receive assignments,
take quizzes and exams, and receive a grade in the class. If a student is administratively withdrawn from this
course, they will not be permitted to attend class nor will they receive any grade for the class.
Electronic Devices: In order to minimize the level of distraction, all watches, tablets, laptops, and cellular
phones must be on quiet mode during class meeting times. ALL CELL PHONES MUST BE SILENCED OR
Email Messages: If you have a question or concern, you are welcome to email me. Remember to put “CSC
4360 – Mobile App Dev” in the subject field of every e-mail message that you send to me. E-mail messages
that are missing this information are likely to be moved to a folder the instructor will seldom check.
Modifications to this syllabus: This document is an initial syllabus. The syllabus is a living document, and
may change (in whole or in part) based on the needs of this class, at the discretion of the instructor. Any
changes will be posted on the class D2L site, as part of the class materials. It is the student’s responsibility to
keep up with all posted class materials. Please check the class website for updates often.
**Extra Credit: Extra credit is IN ADDITION TO the full credit for the course. Extra credit eligibility will be
determined based on student class participation and attendance. In other words, students who request extra
credit opportunities must attend all lectures and complete all class assignments ON TIME. Extra credit is only
available to students who have demonstrated that they are putting in 100% of the required effort.