Cs Ict1112 Ictpt Ie F 6
Cs Ict1112 Ictpt Ie F 6
Cs Ict1112 Ictpt Ie F 6
DLP Learning Area EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGIES Grade Level 11 Quarter 1st Duration 60mins
No. 3
Learning Evaluate existing websites and online resources based on Code CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ie-f-6
Competency the principles of layout, graphic, and visual message
Key Concepts Manipulate text, graphics, and images to create ICT content intended for an online environment
1. Objectives
Knowledge Discuss the basic principles of graphics and layout
Skills Distinguish basic principles of graphics and layout in web pages
Attitude Practice critical thinking
Values Display concern for others when soliciting ideas from the group
2. Content Imaging and Design for the Online Environment
3. Learning Curriculum Guide : page 2 of 11
Resources Learner’s Material : Empowerment Technologies by IT Works Inc. pp. 103 - 105
4. Procedures
Introductory Ask:
Activity Have you ever visited any website?
Were you attracted to these websites? Why?
Will you keep visiting these websites?
Activity Divide class into groups.
Flash screenshots of web pages from different websites.
DLP Learning Area EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGIES Grade Level 11 Quarter 1st Duration: 120mins
No. 1
Learning Creates an original or derivative ICT content to Code CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ic-d-5
Competency effectively communicate or present data or
information related to specific professional tracks.
Key Concepts use of advanced tools and techniques found in common productivity/software applications in
developing ICT content
1. Objectives
Knowledge Compare traditional mail from computerized mail.
Skills Produce merge document using mail merging feature of Microsoft word
Attitude Perform the task diligently
Values Perform honestly.
2. Content Mail merge and label generation
3. Learning CG, Personal Computer, PowerPoint Presentation, Activity Sheets, LCD Projector
4. Procedures
Introductory Show Pictures of traditional mail and computerized mail through PowerPoint Presentation. Solicit
Activity ideas from students through comparison.
Short Discussion and Presentation of the topic.
(25 minutes)
Activity Demonstration Teaching
Student Return Demo
Merging Document using Microsoft Word feature. (Hands-on Activities)
Students are groups into three
(90 minutes)
Analysis What do you feel about the task given to you?
Was it hard? Easy?
What is mail merging then?
What is the software used in your mail merging activity?
What are the steps in merging your documents?
What are the advantages of Mail Merging?
What are the uses of mail merging?
(10 minutes)
Abstraction What is the importance of mail merging?
What is the impact of mail merging in sending communication?
(10 minutes)
Application Students are grouped into 5. Each group is given sample certificate. They are going to identify the
field to be merged. (3 minutes)
Assessment Product of the Activity/Task is rated based on the following criteria:
Assignment 1. Describe Microsoft PowerPoint?
2. What are the menu tabs found in the PowerPoint Screen?
3. What tab is used to apply animations?
4. What are the three types of movements we can apply to customize our text and graphics.
Concluding Reminders of the Aftercare (3 minutes)
DLP No. Learning Area EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGIES Grade Level Quarter 1st Duration: 120mins
4 11
Learning Creates an original or derivative ICT content to Code CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Ic-d-6
Competency effectively communicate or present data or
information related to specific professional tracks.
Key Concepts use of advanced tools and techniques found in common productivity/software applications in
developing ICT content
1. Objectives
Knowledge Differentiate formula and function
Skills Produce a spreadsheet using the most common functions, advanced functions and formula
Attitude Perform the task diligently
Values Perform honestly.
2. Content Advanced and complex formulas and computations
3. Learning CG, Personal Computer, PowerPoint Presentation, Activity Sheet
Resources Empowerment Technology LM pp. 67 – 77, LCD Projector
4. Procedures
Introductory Show students a sample worksheet: Let them observe and pick up terms which they are not
Activity familiar with until they come up with the most common
functions of Microsoft Excel and a formula.
Flash on the screen the essential terminologies related to
the topic of the day.
Short effective discussion follows.
Activity Divide class into groups. Let each group create an infographics following the written
instructions on the task card. Assign each group a theme.
Group 1 – Color Emotion Guide (psychology)
Group 2 – The Anatomy of a Great Teacher (education)
Group 3 – Reasons to become a Police Officer (criminology)
Group 4 – How our Laws are Made (political science)
Group 5 – Exploring Cebu (tourism)
Analysis What did you feel upon creating your infographics?
Was it enjoyable?
When you read your theme, what came first into your mind?
Were you able to follow the instructions?
Which part of the creation was difficult for you?
Why did you use such graphics?
What was the first step you executed?
What do you think are considered when creating infographics?
What is meant by infographics?
Abstraction What are the principles when creating an infographics?
What are the steps in creating an infographics?
How did you create your infographics?
Application Flash some infographics. Determine whether the given infographics follow basic principles or
not. Mark (/) if it follows, (x) if not.
1. 2.
3. 4.
Assessment Arrange the steps in creating an infographics by numbering them from 1-6.
_____ 1. Fill up the information on the Sign Up page
_____ 2. Create a Piktochart account
_____ 3. Save your work
_____ 4. Edit the block and use the various tools on the left side of the page
_____ 5. Select the blocks and input the information
_____ 6. Select a template for your infographics
Information Graphics are used to represent information, statistical data, or knowledge in a graphical manner
usually done in a creative way to attract the viewer’s attention. Infographics make complex data become more visually
appealing to an average user.