A-Pile Description Sheet
A-Pile Description Sheet
A-Pile Description Sheet
engineering software
Phone: 512-244-6464
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3003 West Howard Lane E-Mail: [email protected]
Austin, Texas 78728
AP I L E v 20 1 4 (v 6 )
A Program for the Analysis and Design of Axially Loaded Piles
APILE is used to compute the axial capacity, as a function • Load transfer capacities in side resistance (skin friction) and
of depth, of a driven pile in clay, sand, or mixed-soil profiles. end bearing are computed, along with the total capacity of a
Several methods are used by APILE for computations of pile pile to sustained axial loading.
capacity: i) American Petroleum Institute (API RP-2A), ii) U.S.
• Results (graphs and tables of total capacity, skin resistance
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), iii) U.S. Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), and the iv) revised Lambda method. and end bearing) from four different analytical methods are
provided in the basic version. Additional results from four
The special APILE Offshore version includes four other CPT
CPT-based analytical methods are available in the special
based methods: v) Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), vi)
Offshore version of APILE.
Imperial College Pile method (ICP but also referred as the Marine
• A general capacity method is also available that uses peak
Technology Directorate or MTD method), vii) University of West-
load-transfer units specified by the user. This method allows
ern Australia (UWA) and viii) new in APILE v2014 is the Fugro
the user to input any arbitrary values of unit axial load-transfer
method (all mentioned in the latest API RP-2A manuals).
in side resistance and end bearing as a function of depth.
• The development of a plug in an open-ended pipe pile as
it is driven is calculated internally in APILE. Users may
select fully plugged, unplugged or internally calculated for
comparison of pile capacities.
• Graphics of load-distribution curves, load-settlement curves,
and bearing capacity as a function of depth are outputted by
the program.
• APILE 2014 allows the implementation of new LRFD
analyses (AASHTO LRFD) so users may specify independent
reduction factors (resistance factors) for skin friction and end