A-Pile Description Sheet

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AP I L E v 20 1 4 (v 6 )
A Program for the Analysis and Design of Axially Loaded Piles
APILE is used to compute the axial capacity, as a function • Load transfer capacities in side resistance (skin friction) and
of depth, of a driven pile in clay, sand, or mixed-soil profiles. end bearing are computed, along with the total capacity of a
Several methods are used by APILE for computations of pile pile to sustained axial loading.
capacity: i) American Petroleum Institute (API RP-2A), ii) U.S.
• Results (graphs and tables of total capacity, skin resistance
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), iii) U.S. Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), and the iv) revised Lambda method. and end bearing) from four different analytical methods are
provided in the basic version. Additional results from four
The special APILE Offshore version includes four other CPT
CPT-based analytical methods are available in the special
based methods: v) Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), vi)
Offshore version of APILE.
Imperial College Pile method (ICP but also referred as the Marine
• A general capacity method is also available that uses peak
Technology Directorate or MTD method), vii) University of West-
load-transfer units specified by the user. This method allows
ern Australia (UWA) and viii) new in APILE v2014 is the Fugro
the user to input any arbitrary values of unit axial load-transfer
method (all mentioned in the latest API RP-2A manuals).
in side resistance and end bearing as a function of depth.
• The development of a plug in an open-ended pipe pile as
it is driven is calculated internally in APILE. Users may
select fully plugged, unplugged or internally calculated for
comparison of pile capacities.
• Graphics of load-distribution curves, load-settlement curves,
and bearing capacity as a function of depth are outputted by
the program.
• APILE 2014 allows the implementation of new LRFD
analyses (AASHTO LRFD) so users may specify independent
reduction factors (resistance factors) for skin friction and end

Input of Circular Pile Properties

The APILE program also provides a flexibility allowing users

to specify any set of values for load transfer in side resistance
and end bearing as a function of depth. This feature is useful
for cases when site data is available from instrumented axial
load tests.
A short-term, load-settlement curve is generated for the mod-
eled pile using nonlinear soil models and elastic pile material
deformation. The APILE program uses two sets of internally
generated t-z curves (load-transfer in axial side resistance as
function of movement) and Q-w curves (load-transfer in end
bearing as function of movement) for developing the load-
settlement predictions.
Computation Methods Used in APILE
AP I L E v 20 1 4 (v 6 )
Analysis and Design of Axially Loaded Piles
bearing on each soil layer in the model. This new feature (lbs, in and ft) or SI units (kN, mm and m). The program
may also be useful to implement strength reductions during converts automatically all entered values when switching
pile driving, or for overall pile-group reduction factor. units.
• APILE has the ability to read cone penetration test (CPT) data • The files of input data and output reports are plain text and
files and convert to equivalent SPT-N values and equivalent may be edited from within APILE employing the user's pre-
shear strength versus depth. ferred text editor.
• APILE produces the input data file for the GRLWEAP pro-
gram for dynamic pile driving analyses.
• The program produces output tables of numerical values and
graphs. Pile capacities in skin friction, tip resistance, and
total pile capacity may be plotted as a function of depth.
• The program can produce graphs of the total axial load versus
settlement and total axial capacity versus pile length.
• APILE can output the internally-generated nonlinear soil-
transfer curves in skin friction (t-z curves) at any depth
specified by the user.
• New electronic manuals are installed with the program, both
manuals with completely new format and revised contents.
The copyrighted Technical Manual features all the relevant
Mechanical model of axially-loaded pile used in APILE
design theories and equations. The User’s Manual includes
• APILE can perform computations for tensile (uplift) loading a full description of all commands contained in the program
with user-specified reduction factors. and example problems are supplied for reference and instruc-
• The user may also enter variations of cross-sectional area as
a function of depth, for controlled computations of elastic • APILE 2014 is fully compatible to all current releases of the
deformations. Windows OS, including 8.1, 8 and 7 in 32 and 64-bit releases
(as well as Windows Server 2012 and 2008).
• Many pile types may be analyzed by APILE: circular pipe
piles, steel shapes, precast concrete piles or also many FHWA
piles of varying sections (tapered piles, timber piles, or
Raymond-type step taper or uniform taper piles).
• The user may instruct the program to exclude a length at the
top of the pile with zero side resistance in order to account for
possible remolding of clays from excessive lateral deflections
or due to other factors.
• New in APILE 2014 is the ability to specify a pile stickup
above ground (many offshore structures have stickup in wa-
ter) to calculate properly the full elastic deformation of the
• Improved file-management features are included to help the
user during program execution. A standard single-program
module is used for data input, program execution, and for
the graphical observation of output-data curves.
• Output reports in APILE 2014 have been extended to include
program and data file information, running date and clean
echo printing of all inputted parameters.
• Input for the APILE models may be entered in English units Total Pile Capacity vs Depth
for various computational methods

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