ISDA Collateral Glossary Chinese Trans
ISDA Collateral Glossary Chinese Trans
ISDA Collateral Glossary Chinese Trans
担保术语词汇表 – 中文翻译
• 为担保从业人员提供教育性的参考工具;
• 就ISDA出版的信用支持附件和信用支持契据所使用的主要担保品术语提供
• 为担保从业人员在场外衍生交易需要使用英文与中文文本的场合提供实用指
For reference and further information, please also review the following collateral documents and
reference materials as provided by ISDA:
ISDA wishes to bring to the attention of all users of this Glossary of Collateral Terms - Chinese Translation (the
“Glossary”’) the following important warnings and disclaimers:
1. The precise documentation of each individual collateral agreement remains the responsibility of the parties
concerned. ISDA assumes no responsibility for any use to which this Glossary may be put, including, without
limitation, any use of the Glossary in connection with any collateral agreement.
2. ISDA assumes no responsibility in relation to the suitability of the collateral terminology described in this
Glossary or the use to which the Glossary is put.
3. This document has been made available for educational and discussion purposes in relation to OTC
derivatives trades only. It does not constitute formal advice, and ISDA accepts no responsibility for errors,
omissions or inaccuracies.
4. All users of the Glossary are strongly advised to seek their own independent verification of all information
presented and to seek their own independent legal, tax, accounting and other advice as appropriate before
undertaking any form of collateral management activity.
5. This Glossary is provided as a practical guide for collateral practitioners in relation to OTC derivatives trades
only and has not been reviewed in detail by any legal advisors. Any inconsistencies within this Glossary or
with other ISDA documents should be brought to the attention of ISDA.
6. The Glossary may be subject to periodic revision and may be published exclusively online, so please check
the ISDA website for updates.
国际掉期及衍生工具协会(“ISDA”) 提请《担保术语词汇表中文翻译》(“本词汇表”)的所有
1. 每一具体的担保协议的有关方应对准确编制合同文本负责。ISDA对以任何方式使用本词汇
2. ISDA 对于本词汇表中所描述的担保术语的适宜性、及其以任何方式被使用,概不承担任
3. 本文件仅就场外衍生交易供教育及讨论之用,不构成正式的意见,且ISDA对文件的错误、
4. 强烈建议本词汇表的所有使用者就本词汇表所载的全部资料进行独立核证,并且在从事任
5. 本词汇表仅就场外衍生交易为担保从业人员提供实务指引,不曾被任何法律顾问详细审
6. 本词汇表可定期修改,也可以仅在互联网上公布,因此敬请留意ISDA网站的最新资料。
To terminate the transactions under 指终止衍生产品协议项下的交易。视引发
a derivatives agreement. Close Out
can affect one, several or all 终止的事件情况,终止可能影响一项、几
transactions, depending on the 项或所有交易。
event that triggers the Close Out.
See Netting. 请参考净额结算。
5. Collateral 担保品
(i) Cash in any currency; (i) 任何货币的现金;
(ii) securities of any kind;and
(ii) 任何种类的证券;和
(iii) any asset commonly used as
Collateral. (iii)通常用作担保品的任何资产。
6. Collateral Arrangement 担保安排
Any Margin, Collateral or security 与订立的净额结算协议有关的任何保证
arrangement or other credit
enhancement related to a Netting
agreement entered into, including 包括 (但并不限于):
(without limitation): (i) 在担保品上设立的质押或任何其他形式
(i) a Pledge or any other form of 的担保物权;
Security Interest in Collateral;
(ii) a security arrangement based on (ii) 根据担保品所有权的转让作出的担保安
the transfer of title to Collateral, 排,不论是以买断式出售还是担保形式作
whether by outright sale or by way of 出,包括 (但并不限于) 买卖协议或不寻常
security, including (without limitation) 的质押;和
a sale and repurchase agreement or
an irregular Pledge; and (iii) 由或向一份或多份合格金融合约的一
(iii) any guarantee, letter of credit or 方就该等合约出具的任何保证、信用证或
reimbursement obligation by or to a 偿付责任。
party to one or more qualified
financial contracts, in respect of
those qualified financial contracts.
7. Collateral Opinion 担保意见
A Collateral Opinion is often 担保意见通常由外部律师提供,主要探讨
obtained from external legal counsel
to discuss whether Collateral
Arrangements are enforceable in a 行。ISDA 向其成员提供超过 35 个司法管
particular jurisdiction. ISDA provides 辖区情况的法律意见。ISDA 还提供关于终
Collateral Opinions for its members 止净额结算可执行性的法律意见。
on more than 35 jurisdictions.
Similarly, ISDA provides legal
opinions on the enforceability of
close-out Netting.
See Credit Support Annex. 请参考信用支持附件定义。
14. Delivery Amount 交付金额
The amount of Collateral required to 指满足担保品的要求的担保品金额。
satisfy a Collateral Call.
15. Dispute Resolution 争议解决
The process of either agreeing or 指当一方质疑已经计得的交付金额、返还
revaluing the portfolio or Collateral
when a party disputes the calculated 金额或信用支持余额时,有关方商定或重
Delivery Amount, Return Amount or 新评估证券组合或担保品价值的程序。
Credit Support Balance.
16. Distributions 派息
Amounts transferred by the 指(担保品)受让人向担保品的提供人转
(Collateral) Transferee to the
Collateral Provider, of equivalent 让的金额,与受让人持有的证券的息票价
value to coupons arising from 值相等。
securities held by the Transferee.
17. Eligible Collateral 合格担保品
Eligible Collateral is a term used in 合格担保品是适用纽约州法律的信用支持
the NY law CSA, and has the same
meaning as Eligible Credit Support 附件中使用的术语,与适用英格兰法律的
in the English law CSA. It is the 信用支持附件所述的合格信用支持意义相
Collateral (Cash and securities) that 同,为信用支持附件各方已经同意接受的
both parties to the CSA have agreed 担保品(现金和证券),用以满足担保品
to accept to satisfy Collateral
demands. 的要求。
18. Eligible Credit Support 合格信用支持
It is the Collateral (Cash and 指信用支持附件各方已经同意接受用以满
securities) that both parties to the
CSA have agreed to accept to 足担保品的要求的担保品(现金和证
satisfy Collateral demands. 券)。
19. Eligible Currency 合格货币
An additional currency ( which can 指各方同意可作为担保品的额外货币(可包
include the Base Currency) that
parties agree can be used as 括基准货币)。如果希望将现金当作合格担
Collateral as well. Parties need to 保品,交易各方应当将合格货币列入合格
include the Eligible Currency under 信用支持之内。
Eligible Credit Support if they wish to
include Cash as Eligible Collateral.
A method of passing Collateral 指一种通过转移担保品而在该担保品上设
transfer in which a Security Interest
in Collateral is created. The 立担保物权的方法。担保提供人,即出质
Collateral Provider, the Pledgor, 人,保留资产的法律上所有权 ,担保受让
retains the legal ownership of the 人,即质权人,有权在担保品的提供人违
assets. The Collateral Pledgee has 约时保留资产。
the right to keep the assets in the
Event of Default by the Collateral
42. Pledgor 出质人
Under a NY law CSA, the party 在适用纽约州法律的信用支持附件项下, 指
giving the Collateral; the Collateral
Transferee being ‘the Secured 提供担保品的一方;担保品的受让人是“担
Party’. 保权人”。
43. Pledgee 质权人
Under a NY law CSA, Collateral 在适用纽约州法律的信用支持附件项下, 提
granted by the Pledgor over its
property to another, the Pledgee. 供其财产上的担保品的一方是出质人,接
44. Posting 提供
Posting Collateral is a term “提供担保品”是一个与适用纽约州法律的
associated with the NY law CSA, but
still widely used to indicate a 信用支持附件相关的术语,但仍被广泛地
Collateral transfer. 用于表达担保品的转让。
45. Provider 提供人
The unexposed party. Referred to 指无风险敞口的一方。在适用英格兰法律
as Transferor in the English law CSA
and Pledgor in the NY law CSA and 的信用支持附件中,指转让人;而在适用
other Pledge documentation. 纽约州法律的信用支持附件和其它质押文
46. Reconciliation 和解
A trade-by-trade comparison which 就每项交易逐个进行比较,以使双方对于
allows two parties to agree on the
number of transactions and their 交易的数目及其市值可以达成一致意见。
mark to market value.
47. Rehypothecation / Re-Use 再质押/再使用
This allows a Pledgee under a 允许质押协议项下的质权人再次使用收到
Pledge agreement (Pledgee) to re-
use Collateral received. 的担保品。
In cases where the Transferee holds 若受让人持有多余的担保品,提供人可要
excess Collateral, the Provider may
demand the return of this excess 求返还该等多余的担保品,以使受让人持
Collateral such that the value of 有的担保品的价值(信用支持余额)与被
Collateral held (Credit Support 担保的风险敞口金额(信用支持金额)相
Balance) again equals the Exposure 等。
to be collateralised (Credit Support
49. Resolution Time 解决的期限
The deadline for resolution of a 指有关方在进行协商后解决争议的期限。
dispute following consultation
between the parties. The CSA 信用支持附件规定了有关方未能在解决的
provides for a Dispute Resolution 期限解决争议情况下的争议解决机制。
mechanism if the parties fail to solve
a dispute by the Resolution Time.
See Dispute Resolution. 请参考争议解决。
50. Rounding Amount 取整金额
The process of rounding the 指将担保转让金额按照担保协议规定的变
Collateral transfer amounts up or
down to incremental levels specified 化标准上下取整的过程。例如,若一份协
in the Collateral agreement. For 议规定变化倍数为 10,000 美元,而计算出
example, if an agreement specifies 的交付金额为 275,000 美元,则应按照最
an increment of US$10,000 and the 接近的 10,000 美元的倍数将该金额取整为
calculated Delivery Amount is
US$275,000, the amount is rounded 280,000 美元。
up to US$280,000, the nearest
multiple of US$10,000.
Rounding Amounts are set to
facilitate the operational aspects of
managing Collateral agreements. 的操作。市场的惯例是交付金额被向上取
Market standard is for Delivery 整,而返还金额被向下取整。
Amounts to be rounded up with
Return Amounts rounded down.
A small Rounding Amount, to say 采用小数值的取整金额(比如 10,000 欧元
€10,000 equivalent, is fairly standard 的等值额)是相当标准的市场惯例,这对
market practice and has no real 信贷的使用没有实质影响。
impact on credit utilisation.
51. Schedule 附录
An attachment to the ISDA Master 指 ISDA 主 协 议的附 录, 其 中包 括 针对
Agreement, which contains the
variable nominations and ISDA 主协议条款作出的各种指定和变更
amendments (or elections and (或选择与变量),使得各方可按实际需
variables) to the ISDA Master 要定制协议。
Agreement. It allows the parties to
customise the agreement.
See also Paragraph 11 and 请参阅第 11 段和第 13 段。
Paragraph 13.
52. Set-off 抵销
The discharge of opposite 指按照较小的责任金额解除相应的责任;
obligations to the extent of the
smaller obligation; a right to Set-off 抵销权通常由法律或有关方的协议(合约抵
may exist generally at law or by 销 )而产生。净额结算具有同样的商业结
agreement between the parties 果,但实现的方式可能不同。
(contractual Set-off); Netting has the
same commercial result but may be
achieved in different ways.
53. Secured Party 担保权人
Under the NY law CSA, the exposed 指适用纽约州法律的信用支持附件项下接
party that takes in Collateral.
Referred to as Transferee in the 受担保品的具有风险敞口的一方。在适用
English law CSA and Pledgee in the 英格兰法律的信用支持附件中,被称为受
NY law CSA and other Pledge 让人,而在适用纽约法律的信用支持附件
documentation. 和其它质押文件中被称为质权人。
54. Security Interest 担保物权
The method of creating a lien over 指在担保品上设立留置权的方法。如果出
Collateral. If the Pledgor fails to
meet its obligations, the securities 质人未能履行义务,可出售担保品,质权
can be sold and the proceeds used 人就出售所得收益抵销任何损失。
by the Pledgee to offset any losses.
The Substitution of Collateral 指对于已经交付的担保品,以另一件至少
delivered for another piece of
Collateral, of at least equal market 市场价值与之相等的担保品来替代。有
value. Sometimes a party wants to 时,一方会希望将已被作为担保品交付的
get an asset back that it has 资产取回,可能是因为该一方应当将借来
delivered as Collateral. It may have 的担保品退还,或该一方可能有更好的方
to return it to where it was borrowed
from, or it may have a better use for 式利用该担保品。担保的提供人或者出质
it. The Collateral Provider, or 人就要求质权人将其持有的担保品转换为
Pledgor, requests that the Pledgee 另一种双方同意的类型。信用支持附件载
switches Collateral it holds for a
different agreed type. The CSA
gives explicit guidelines of when the 在被替代的担保品被退还之前,总是应先
parties have to make their Collateral 交付新的担保品。必须要使担保权人满意
moves. New Collateral always has 该等新的资产已在其控制之下并具有足够
to be delivered before the Collateral
to be substituted has to be returned.
The Secured Party has to be able to
satisfy itself that the new asset is in
its control, and is of sufficient market
This is a NY law CSA term. The 这是适用纽约州法律的信用支持附件所使
equivalent term in the English Law 用的术语。在适用英格兰法律的信用支持
CSA is “Exchange”. 附件文件中使用的相等术语是交换
56. Termination Events 终止事件
Under the ISDA Master Agreement, 在 ISDA 主协议项下,指属于一方所无法
events beyond the control of a party
that allow for Close Out of either the 控制的、将允许受影响的交易或所有交易
transactions affected by the event or 被终止的事件。
the entire portfolio.
Email: [email protected]
The International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (“ISDA”) is the global trade
association representing participants in the privately negotiated derivatives industry, a
business covering swaps, and options across all asset classes (interest rate, currency,
commodity, energy, credit and equity). ISDA was chartered in 1985, and today numbers over
670 member institutions from 47 countries on six continents. These members include most
of the world’s major institutions who deal in, as well as leading end-users of’, privately
negotiated derivatives. The membership also includes associated service providers and
Since its inception, ISDA has pioneered efforts to identify and reduce the sources of risk in
the derivatives and risk management business. Among its most notable accomplishments
are: developing the ISDA Master Agreement; publishing a wide range of related
documentation materials and instruments covering a variety of transaction types; producing
legal opinions on the enforceability of netting and collateral arrangements (available only to
ISDA members); securing recognition of the risk-reducing effects of netting in determining
capital requirements; promoting sound risk management practices, and advancing the
understanding and treatment of derivatives and risk management from public policy and
regulatory capital perspectives.