Adenocarcinoma at Angle of Treitz: A Report of Two Cases With Review of Literature
Adenocarcinoma at Angle of Treitz: A Report of Two Cases With Review of Literature
Adenocarcinoma at Angle of Treitz: A Report of Two Cases With Review of Literature
of two cases with review of literature
Koli Pushpa, Dewoolkar VV, Butale U
Department of General Surgery, K.J. Somaiya Hospital and Research Centre, Everad Nagar, Mumbai,
We report two patients with adenocarcinoma at angle of treitz who presented with upper GI(gastrointestinal) obstruction
and underwent segmental resection of duodeno-jejunal junction. Preoperative investigations failed to reveal the nature of
the lesion suggesting the elusive nature of these lesions, importance of clinical suspicion and decision-making.
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Koli et al.: Adenocarcinoma at angle of treitz
mesenteric artery syndrome(SMA syndrome), as the comprises 80% of the length of gastrointestinal tract,
duodenum was dilated till the third part, beyond which yet it counts for only 1% of all GIT malignancies. True
scope could not be negotiated Though ultrasound incidence of adenocarcinomas occurring at ligament
abdomen was normal, CT scan suggested the possibility of treitz is unknown, but duodenal adenocarcinomas
of SMA Syndrome, hence the patient was explored. constitute about 0.3 to 0.4 % of all GIT cancers.
On exploration the duodenum was dilated and there Adenocarcinomas usually present in the 6th and 7th
was a growth at ligament of treitz measuring 4 cm decades. In a study of 129 patients with primary
without involvement of serosa or enlarged lymph nodes small bowel cancers by Tocchi et al, [1] 33% were
[Figure 1]. There was no ascites or liver metastases. adenocarcinomas, 29% were carcinoids and 19% were
Duodenojejunal segmentectomy with 1cm margin and lymphomas. Half of all adenocarcinomas occur in the
duodenojejunal anastomosis was done. Postoperatively duodenum, nearly 20% in jejunum and a little over
the patient recovered well and histopathology 10% in ileum and 14% occur in unspecified sites.[2]
suggested moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma
[Figure 2] which was reaching serosa without perineural/ Among the duodenal carcinomas two third occur in the
lymphovascular invasion. Patient was given chemotherapy periampullary region. Risk factors that are associated
and at six months of follow-up is doing well. with small bowel adenocarcinoma include familial
adenomatous polyposis coli, Gardners and Turcots
Discussion syndrome, Crohns disease, Coeliac disease, Lynch
syndrome, immunosuppression. etc., however, both of
Small bowel cancers are a rare entity. The small bowel our patients did not have any predisposing factors. The
second patient was only HBSAg positive.
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Koli et al.: Adenocarcinoma at angle of treitz
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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
endoscopy of the upper gastrointestinal tract including
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