Bass Clarinet Multiphonics Rehfeldt PDF

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Belat soprano (E-flat sopranino and A soprano) multiphonies—continued. 3 £ ae 1 ake Bass clarinet multipbonics. ‘Note: Category 4 is not applicable to bass clarinet. Category 1 (all dynamics, flexible). ayen coo1le coo10oe 3° ° ° Bass clarinet multiphonics—continued. “ Pr # ag CARRS learn send). [te ta. ta, ‘2, ois 2, iz, Category 6 (variable in upper * ee bs) ‘pee partials, shrill, two or more partials possible). ‘le, bey le “ine Bass clarinet multiphonics—continued. Multiple Sonorities MULTIPHONIC SEQUENCES Multiphonic sequences can work well as long as sufficient time is provided to al- low the sonorities to sound. Extremely fast changes should be considered as essen- tially nonidiomatic. The Plain example (3.10) mixes types 1, 2, and 4 from the above categories. MULTIPHONIC TRILLS AND TREMOLOS There are literally hundreds of possibilities for trills, tremolos, and key vibratos with multiphonic sonorities. The Heininen example (3.11) illustrates a quarter tone trill which begins with the fundamental alone, moves to the full sonority, drops out the fundamental, and ends as it began. The last event is a normally fin- Example 3.10: Gerald Plain, Showers of Blessings for Clarinet, and Tape (1370). LIGHT cS» 54 (change every 2°or 3")

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