General System Theory
General System Theory
General System Theory
Theoretische Biologie
Problems of Life
(in German, English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Japanese)
New York
Copyright © 1968 by Ludwig von Bertalanffy
All rights in this book are reserved.
University of Alberta
Edmonton (Canada)
March 1968
Acknowledgments ................................................................ . XI
1 Introduction ...... ... ... ... .. ... . .... ... ... .. .. .. . ..... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. . .. .. . 3
Systems Everywhere ........................................................ 3
On the History of Systems Theory ............................ 10
Trends in Systems Theory ................. ........... .... ............ 17
2 The Meaning of General System Theory ....... ...... .......... 30
The Quest for a General System Theory ........ ........ 30
Aims of General System Theory ................................ 36
Closed and Open Systems: Limitations of
Conventional Physics .... .............. .. ............ 39
Information and Entropy . .... .. .. .. ... ...... .. . . . .... 41
Causality and Teleology ............................... 44
What Is Organization? .......... ..................................... 46
General System Theory and the Unity of Science .... 48
General System Theory in Education: The
Production of Scientific Generalists ......... .. 49
Science and Society ...... ........................................ 51
The Ultimate Precept: Man as the Individual ... 52
3 Some System Concepts in Elementary Mathematical
Consideration .................................... ........................... 54
The System Concept .... ............... ......................... 54
Growth ............... .......................................... 60
Competition .................. ......... ........ .... ..... .. ..... ...... .......... 63
Wholeness, Sum, Mechanization, Centralization 66
Finality ...... ................ ................................. .................. 75
Types of Finality ............... 77
Isomorphism in Science 80
The Unity of Science ......................................... . 86
4 Advances in General System Theory .... ... ..... .. 87
Approaches and Aims in Systems Science ...... 87
Methods in General Systems Research ..... .............. 94
Advances of General System Theory 99
5 The Organism Considered as Physical System .............. 120
The Organism as Open System 12Q
General Characteristics of Open
Chemical Systems .............................................. . 124
Equifinality ................ ..... ................................ 131
Biological Applications ................................................ 134
6 The Model of Open System ............................................ . 139
The Living Machine and Its Limitations 139
Some Characteristics of Open Systems 141
Open Systems in Biology ..... ...................... 145
Open Systems and Cybernetics ... ...................... 149
Unsolved Problems ... ............... 151
Conclusion ..................................... 153
7 Some Aspects of System Theory in Biology ................... 155
Open Systems and Steady States ... ...... 156
Feedback and Homeostasis ......... ....................... 160
Allometry and the Surface Rule .... ..................... 163
Theory of Animal Growth ......................................... 171
Summary ....................................................... . ... 184
8 The System Concept in the Sciences of Man .. . 186
The Organismic Revolution .................................... . 186
The Image of Man in Contemporary Thought .... . 188
System-Theoretical Re-orientation 192
Systems in the Social Sciences ..................................... . 194
A System-Theoretical Concept of History ......... . 197
The Future in System-Theoretical Aspect ............ . 203
9 General System Theory in Psychology and Psychiatry ... . 205
The Quandary of Modern Psychology .................... . 205
System Concepts in Psychopathology ..................... . 208
Conclusion ........ . 220
10 The Relativity of Categories ..................... ........................ 222
The Whorfian Hypothesis ............................................ 222
The Biological Relativity of Categories 227
The Cultural Relativity of Categories ...................... 232
The Perspectivistic View ......... .................................. 239
Notes ............................................................................... 248
Appendix: The Meaning and Unity of Science .............. 251
References .............................................................................. 254
Suggestions for Further Reading ........................................ 275
Index ........................................................................................ 279
1 Introduction
Systems Everywhere
If someone were to analyze current notions and fashionable
catchwords, he would find "systems" high on the list. The con-
cept has pervaded all fields of science and penetrated into popular
thinking, jargon and mass media. Systems thinking plays a domi-
nant role in a wide range of fields from industrial enterprise
and armaments to esoteric topics of pure science. Innumerable
publications, conferences, symposia and courses are devoted to it.
Professions and jobs have appeared in recent years which, un-
known a short while ago, go under names such as systems design,
systems analysis, systems engineering and others. They are the
very nucleus of a new technology and technocracy; their practi-
tioners are the "new utopians" of our time (Boguslaw, 1965) who
-in contrast to the classic breed whose ideas remained between
the covers of books-are at work creating a New World, brave or
The roots of this development are complex. One aspect is
the development from power engineering-that is, release of large
amounts of energy as in steam or electric machines-to control
engineering, which directs processes by low-power devices and
has led to computers and automation. Self-controlling machines
have appeared, from the humble domestic thermostat to the self-
steering missiles of World War II to the immensely improved
missiles of today. Technology has been led to think not in terms
Table 1.2
An Informal Survey of Main Levels in the Hierarchy of Systems.
Partly in pursuance in Boulding, 1956b
to include open systems, has taken place. This theory has shed
light on many obscure phenomena in physics and biology, and
has also led to important general conclusions of which I will
mention only two.
The first is the principle of equifinality. In any closed system,
the final state is unequivocally determined by the initial condi-
tions: e.g., the motion in a planetary system where the positions
of the planets at a time t are unequivocally determined by their
positions at a time t 0 • Or in a chemical equilibrium, the final
concentrations of the reactants naturally depend on the initial
concentrations. If either the initial conditions or the process is
altered, the final state will also be changed. This is not so in
open systems. Here, the same final state may be reached from
different initial conditions and in different ways. This is what is
called equifinality, and it has a significant meaning for the
phenomena of biological regulation. Those who are familiar with
the history of biology will remember that it was just equifinality
that led the German biologist Driesch to embrace vitalism, i.e.,
the doctrine that vital phenomena are inexplicable in terms of
natural science. Driesch's argument was based on experiments on
embryos in early development. The same final result, a normal
individual of the sea urchin, can develop from a complete ovum,
from each half of a divided ovum, or from the fusion product of
two whole ova. The same applies to embryos of many other
species, including man, where identical twins are the product of
the splitting of one ovum. Equifinality, according to Driesch,
contradicts the laws of physics, and can be accomplished only by
a soul-like vitalistic factor which governs the processes in fore-
sight of the goal, the normal organism to be established. It can
be shown, however, that open systems, insofar as they attain a
steady state, must show equifinality, so the supposed violation
of physical laws disappears (d. pp. 132f.).
Another apparent contrast between inanimate and animate
nature is what sometimes was called the violent contradiction be-
tween Lord Kelvin's degradation and Darwin's evolution, between
the law of dissipation in physics and the law of evolution in
biology. According to the second principle of thermodynamics,
the general trend of events in physical nature is toward states
of maximum disorder and levelling down of differences, with the
so-called heat death of the universe as the final outlook, when
The Meaning of General System Theory 41
all energy is degraded into evenly distributed heat of low temper-
ature, and the world process comes to a stop. In contrast, the
living world shows, in embryonic development and in evolution,
a transition towards higher order, heterogeneity, and organiza-
tion. But on the basis of the theory of open systems, the apparent
contradiction between entropy and evolution disappears. In all
irreversible processes, entropy must increase. Therefore, the
change of entropy in closed systems is always positive; order is
continually destroyed. In open systems, however, we have not
only production of entropy due to irreversible processes, but also
import of entropy which may well be negative. This is the case
in the living organism which imports complex molecules high in
free energy. Thus, living systems, maintaining themselves in a
stead)' state, can avoid the increase of entropy, and may even
develop towards states of increased order and organization.
From these examples, you may guess the bearing of the theory
of open systems. Among other things, it shows that many sup-
posed violations of physical laws in living nature do. not exist,
or rather that they disappear with the generalization of physical
theory. In a generalized version the concept of open systems can
be applied to nonphysical levels. Examples are its use in ecology
and the evolution towards a climax formation (Whittacker), in
psychology where "neurological systems" were considered as "open
dynamic systems" (Krech), in philosophy where the trend toward
"trans-actional" as opposed to "self-actional" and "inter-actional"
viewpoints closely corresponds to the open system model
___' _ A _ ~ _ A R _ : ~ _ ~ _ s __'_~r
Fig. 2.1. Simple feedback scheme.
What Is Organization?
Similar considerations apply to the concept of organization.
The Meaning of General System Theory 47
Organization also was alien to the mechanistic world. The prob-
lem did not appear in classical physics, mechanics, electro-
dynamics, etc. Even more, the second principle of thermodynamics
indicated destruction of order as the general direction of events.
It is true that this is different in modern physics. An atom, a
crystal, or a molecule are organizations, as Whitehead never
failed to emphasize. In biology, organisms are, by definition,
organized things. But although we have an enormous amount of
data on biological organization, from biochemistry to cytology
to histology and anatomy, we do not have a theory of biological
organization, i.e., a conceptual model which permits explanation
of the empirical facts.
Characteristic of organization, whether of a living organism or
a society, are notions like those of wholeness, growth, differentia-
tion, hierarchical order, dominance, control, competition, etc.
Such notions do not appear in conventional physics. System
theory is well capable of dealing with these matters. It is possible
to define such notions within the mathematical model of a system;
moreover, in some respects, detailed theories can be developed
which deduce, from general assumptions, the special cases.· A good
example is the theory of biological equilibria, cyclic fluctuations,
etc., as initiated by Lotka, Volterra, Gause and others. It will
certainly be found that Volterra's biological theory and the theory
of quantitative economics are isomorphic in many respects.
There are, however, many aspects of organizations which do
not easily lend themselves to quantitative interpretation. This
difficulty is not unknown in natural science. Thus, the theory of
biological equilibria or that of natural selection are highly de-
veloped fields of mathematical biology, and nobody doubts that
they are legitimate, essentially correct, and an important part of
the theory of evolution and of ecology. It is hard, however, to
apply them in the field because the parameters chosen, such as
selective value, rate of destruction and generation and the like,
cannot easily be measured. So we have to content ourselves with
an "explanation in principle," a qualitative argument which,
however, may lead to interesting consequences.
As an example of the application of general system theory to
human society, we may quote a recent book by Boulding, entitled
The Organizational Revolution. Boulding starts with a general
model of organization and states what he calls Iron Laws which
hold good for any organization. Such Iron Laws are, for example,
the Malthusian law that the increase of a population is, in gen-
eral, greater than that of its resources. Then there is a law of
optimum size of organizations: the larger an organization grows,
the longer is the way of communication and this, depending on
the nature of the organization, acts as a limiting factor and does
not allow an organization to grow beyond a certain critical size.
According to the law of instability, many organizations are not
in a stable equilibrium but show cyclic fluctuations which result
from the interaction of subsystems. This, incidentally, could prob-
ably be treated in terms of the Volterra theory, Volterra's so-
called first law being that of periodic cycles in populations of
two species, one of which feeds at the expense of the other. The
important law of oligopoly states that, if there are competing
organizations, the instability of their relations and hence the
danger of friction and conflicts increases with the decrease of the
number of those organizations. Thus, so long as they are rela-
tively small and numerous, they muddle through in some way of
coexistence. But if only a few or a competing pair are left, as is
the case with the colossal political blocks of the present day,
conflicts become devastating to the point of mutual destruction.
The number of such general theorems for organization can easily
be enlarged. They are well capable of being developed in a
mathematical way, as was actually done for certain aspects.
culture, and means of sustenance are the only way out of un-
controlled fertility and consequent overpopulation. They are the
outcome of the fact that we know and control physical forces
only too well, biological forces tolerably well, and social forces
not at all. If, therefore, we would have a well-developed scief!ce
of human society and a corresponding technology, it woufd be
the way out of the chaos and impending destruction of our
present world.
This seems to be plausible enough and is, in fact, but a modern
version of Plato's precept that only if the rulers are philosophers,
humanity will be saved. There is, however, a catch in the argu-
ment. We have a fair idea what a scientifically controlled world
would look like. In the best case, it would be like Aldous
Huxley's Brave New World, in the worst, like Orwell's 1984.
It is an empirical fact that scientific achievements are put just
as much, or even more, to destructive as constructive use. The
sciences of human behavior and society are no exception. In
fact, it is perhaps the greatest danger of the systems of modern
totalitarianism that they are so alarmingly up-to-date not only
in physical and biological, but also in psychological technology.
The methods of mass suggestion, of the release of the instincts of
the human beast, of conditioning and thought control are de-
veloped to highest efficacy; just because modern totalitarianism
is so terrifically scientific, it makes the absolutism of former
periods appear a dilettantish and comparatively harmless make-
shift. Scientific control of society is no highway to Utopia.
f) a 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0
2) a 0 0 0 0
6 0 0 0
,Ya o--o---o---o b
J1 = J2 = • • ·fn = 0 (3.2)
Qa = Qn*
0 •••••
} (3.3)
dt = j 1 I (Q1,I
dQ/ Q2,I . . . Qn I)
dt = j 21 (Q1,I Q2,I . . . Qn I) (3.5)
dQ,n = j n I
dt (Q1,I Q2,I ...
Qn I)
dt = au Q'
1+ +. a12 Q'
2 ...
dQ2' =
dt a21 Q'
1 + a22 Q'2 + •••
a2n Qn' + a211 Q/ 2 + a212 Q1' Q2' + a222 Q2' 2 + ...
dQn' =
dt Gn1 Q'
+ Gn2 Q'2 + · • •
Gnn Qn' + +
Gnu Q/ 2 Gn12 Q1 Q2
1 1
Gn22 Q2
+ + · ··
A general solution of this system of equations is:
Qn' = Gn1 e' 11 + G,.2 e' 21 + ... Gnn e'nt + Gnu enu + ...
where the G are constants and the 'A the roots of the charac-
teristic equation:
0 (3.8)
Gnn - 'A
The roots 'A may be real or imaginary. By inspection of equa-
tions (3. 7) we find that if all 'A are real and negative (or,
if complex, negative in their real parts), Q,', with increasing time,
approach 0 because e-co = 0; since, however, according to (3.5)
Q, = Q,* - Q:, the Q, thereby obtain the stationary values
Q/. In this case the equilibrium is stable, since in a sufficient
period of time the system comes as close to the stationary state
as possible.
However, if one of the 'A is positive or 0, the equilibrium is
If finally some 'A are positive and complex, the system con-
tains periodic terms since the exponential function for complex
exponents takes the form:
e(a-ib)t = eat (cos bt - i sin bt).
In this case there will be periodic fluctuations, which generally
are damped.
Some System Concepts 59
For illustration, consider the simplest case, n 2, a system
consisting of two kinds of elements:
or developed:
(au - A.) (a22 - A.) - a12a21 = 0,
A. 2 - A.C + D = 0,
"-= ~ ±~-n+(~y,
In the case:
C < 0, D > 0, E = C2 - 4D > 0,
both solutions of the characteristic equation are negative. There-
fore a node is given; the system will approach a stable stationary
state (Q 1 *, Q2 *) as e-co = 0, and therefore the second and follow-
ing terms continually decrease (FIG. 3.2).
In the case:
C < 0, D > 0, E = C2 - 4D < 0,
both solutions of the characteri§l:ic equation are complex with
negative real part. In this case we have a loop, and point (Qv Q2 )
tends towards (Q 1 *, Q2 *) describing a spiral curve.
In the case:
C = 0, D > 0, E < 0,
both solutions are imaginary, therefore the solution contains
periodic terms; there will be oscillations or cycles around the
stationary values. Point (Qv Q 2 ) describes a closed curve around
(Ql*, Q2*).
In the case:
C > 0, D < 0, E > 0,
both solutions are positive, and there is no stationary- state.
Equations of this type are found in a variety of fields, and we
can use system (3.1) to illustrate the formal identity of system
laws in various realms, in other words, to demonstrate the
existence of a general system theory.
This may be shown for the simplest case-i.e., the system con-
sisting of elements of only one kind. Then the system of equations
is reduced to the single equation:
a b
Our system of equations may also indicate competition be-
tween parts.
The simplest possible case is, again, that all coefficients
(a1,oi) = 0, - i.e., that the increase in each element depends only
on this element itself. Then we have, for two elements:
dQl =
ln Q1 - ln c1 ln Q2 - ln c2
t = = ' (3.19)
dQl Ql dQ2
-=a·-·- {3.22)
dt Qz dt
Equation (3.21) states that the relative growth rates (i.e., in-
crease calculated as a percentage of actual size) of the parts under
consideration, Q 1 and Q2 , stand in a constant proportion through-
out life, or during a life cycle for which the allometric equation
holds. This rather astonishing relation (because of the immense
complexity of growth processes it would seem, at first, unlikely
that the growth of parts is governed by an algebraic equation
Some System Concepts 65
of such simplicity) is explained by equation (3.22). According
to this equation, it can be interpreted as a result of a process
of distribution. Take Q2 for the whole organism; then equation
(3.22) states that the organ Q 1 takes, from the increase resulting
lim a;J = 0
t ---t en
influences not one single trait but many, and possibly the total
organism (polygeny of characteristics and polypheny of genes).
In a similar way, in the function of the nervous system there
was apparently the alternative of considering it either as a sum
of mechanisms for the individual functions, or else as a homo-
geneous nervous net. Here, too, the correct conception is that any
function ultimately results from interaction of all parts, but that
certain parts of the central nervous system influence it decisively
and therefore can be denoted as "centers" for that function.
(6) A more general (but less visualizable) formulation of what
was said follows. If the change of Q, be any function F, of the Q,
and their derivates in the space coordinates we have:
(4) I f oF;
- = j (t,
) 11m. oF;
- = 0 : " progressive
. mec h amzatwn
· · , ;
oQ1 t ___,.co oQ1
Q . h "domtnant
(5) If oF; oF;
- » - . oF;
, J rf s, or even:-= 0 : , 1st e
oQ, oQ1 oQ1
(7) The system concept as outlined asks for an important
addition. Systems are frequently structured in a way so that their
individual members again are systems of the next lower level.
Hence each of the elements denoted by Qv Q 2 ••• Q,. is a system
of elements 0,1 , 0, 2 •.• 0,,., in which each system 0 is again
definable by equations similar to those of (3.1):
= ]ii (Oil, O;z, ... O;n).
As we have seen, systems of equations of the type considered
may have three different kinds of solution. The system in ques-
tion may asymptotically attain a stable stationary state with
increasing time; it may never attain such state; or there may be
periodic oscillations. In case the system approaches a stationary
state, its variation can be expressed not only in terms of the
actual conditions but also in terms of the distance from the
stationary state. If Q/1' are the solutions for the stationary state,
new variables:
Q; = Q;·- Q;'
can be introduced so that
Types of Finality
No detailed discussion of the problem of finality is intended
here, but enumeration of several types may be useful. Thus we
can distinguish:
(I) Static teleology or fitness, meaning that an arrangement
seems to be useful for a certain "purpose." Thus a fur
coat is fit to keep the body warm, and so are hairs, feathers,
or layers of fat in animals. Thorns may protect plants
against grazing cattle, or imitative colorations and mimicries
Isomorphism in Science
The present study merely intended to briefly point out the
general aim and several concepts of general system theory.
Further tasks on the one hand would be to express this theory
in a logico-mathematically strict form; on the other hand the
principles holding for any type of systems would have to be
further developed. This is a concrete problem. For example,
demographic dynamics may be developed homologous to mechan-
ical dynamics (Volterra, d. d'Ancona, 1939). A principle of
minimum action may be found in various fields, in mechanics,
in physical chemistry as Le Chatelier's principle which, as may
be proved, is also valid for open systems, in electricity as Lenz's
rule, in population theory according to Volterra, etc. A principle
of relaxation oscillations occurs in physical systems as well as in
many biological phenomena and certain models of population
dynamics. A general theory of periodicities appears as a desidera-
tum of various fields of science. Efforts will therefore have to be
made towards a development of principles such as those of
minimum action, conditions of stationary and periodic solutions
(equilibria and rhythmic fluctuations), the existence of steady
states and similar problems in a form generalized with respect
to physics and valid for systems in general.
General system theory therefore is not a catalogue of well-
known differential equations and their solutions, but raises new
and well-defined problems which partly do not appear in physics,
but are of basic importance in non-physical fields. Just because
the phenomena concerned are not dealt with in ordinary physics,
these problems have often appeared as metaphysical or vitalistic.
General system theory should further be an important regula-
tive device in science. The existence of laws of similar structure
in different fields makes possible the use of models which are
simpler._or better known, for more complicated and less manage-
able phenomena. Therefore general system theory should be,
methodologically,.;tp important means of controlling and instigat-
ing the transfer of principles from one field to another, and
it will no longer be necessary to duplicate or triplicate the
discovery of the same principles in different fields isolated from
Some System Concepts 81
each other. At the same time, by formulating exact criteria,
general system theory will guard against superficial analogies
which are useless in science and harmful in their practical con-
This requires a definition of the extent to which "analogies"
in science are permissible and useful.
We have previously seen the appearance of similar system laws
in various sciences. The same is true of phenomena where the
general principles can be described in ordinary language though
they cannot be formulated in mathematical terms. For instance,
there are hardly processes more unlike phenomenologically and
in their intrinsic mechanisms than the formation of a whole
animal out of a divided sea-urchin or newt germ, the reestablish-
ment of normal function in the central nervous system after
removal or injury to some of its parts, and gestalt perception
in psychology. Nevertheless, the principles governing these dif-
ferent phenomena show striking similarities. Again, when we
investigate the development of the Germanic languages, it may
be observed that, beginning with a primitive language, certain
sound mutations occurred in parallel development in various
tribes, though these were geographically located far apart from
each other; in Iceland, on the British Isles, on the Iberian
peninsula. Mutual influence is out of question; the languages
rather developed independently after separation of the tribes,
and yet show definite parallelism.* The biologist may find a
corresponding principle in certain evolutionary developments.
There is, for instance, the group of extinct hoofed animals, the
titanotheres. During the Tertiary, they developed from smaller
into gigantic forms, while with increasing body size formation
of ever larger horns took place. A more detailed investigation
showed that the titanotheres, starting from those small, early
forms, split up into several groups which developed independently
of each other but still showed parallel characteristics. Thus we
find an interesting similarity in the phenomenon of parallel evo-
lution starting from common origins but developing independ-
ently-here: the independent evolution of tribal languages;· there:
independent evolution of groups within a certain class of
In simple cases, the reason for isomorphism is readily seen.
"I am obliged to Prof. Otto Hofler for having indicated this phenomenon
to me.
physics of the organism. One step in this direction was the so-
called theory of open systems and steady states which essentially is
an expansion of conventional physical chemistry, kinetics and
thermodynamics. It appeared, however, that I could not stop on
the way once taken and so I was led to a still further generaliza-
tion which I called "General System Theory." The idea goes back
some considerable time: I presented it first in 1937 in Charles
Morris' philosophy seminar at the University of Chicago. How-
ever, at that time theory was in bad repute in biology, and I
was afraid of what Gauss, the mathematician, called the "clamor
of the Boeotians." So I left my drafts in the drawer, and it was
only after the war that my first publications on the subject
Then, however, something interesting and surprising happened.
It turned out that a change in intellectual climate had taken
place, making model building and abstract generalizations fash-
ionable. Even more: quite a number of scientists had followed
similar lines of thought. So general system theory, after all,
was not isolated, not a personal idiosyncrasy as I had believed,
but corresponded to a trend in modern thinking.
There are quite a number of novel developments intended to
meet the needs of a general theory of systems. We may enumerate
them in a brief survey:
(l) Cybernetics, based upon the principle of feedback or cir-
cular causal trains providing mechanisms for goal-seeking and
self-controlling behavior.
(2) Information theory, introducing the concept of information
as a quantity measurable by an expression isomorphic to nega-
tive entropy in physics, and developing the principles of its
(3) Game theory analyzing, in a novel mathematical frame-
work, rational competition between two or more antagonists for
maximum gain and minimum loss.
(4) Decision theory, similarly analyzing rational choices, within
human organizations, based upon examination of a given situa-
tion and its possible outcomes.
(5) Topology or relational mathematics, including non-metrical
fields such as network and graph theory.
(6) Factor analysis, i.e., isolation, by way of mathematical
analysis, of factors in multivariable phenomena in psychology
and other fields.
Advances in General System Theory 91
(7) General system theory in the narrower sense (G.S.T.), try-
ing to derive, from a general definition of "system" as a complex
of interacting components, concepts characteristic of organized
wholes such as interaction, sum, mechanization, centralization,
competition, finality, etc., and to apply them to concrete phe-
While systems theory in the broad sense has the character of a
basic science, it has its correlate in applied science, sometimes
subsumed under the general name of Systems Science. This de-
velopment is closely connected with modern automation. Broadly
speaking, the following fields can be distinguished (Ackoff, 1960;
A.D. Hall, 1962):
Systems Engineering, i.e., scientific planning, design, evaluation,
and construction of man-machine systems;
Operations research, i.e., scientific control of existing systems
of men, machines, materials, money, etc.;
Human Engineering, i.e., scientific adaptation of systems and
especially machines in order to obtain maximum efficiency with
minimum cost in money and other expenses.
A very simple example for the necessity of study of "man-
machine systems" is air travel. Anybody crossing continents by
jet with incredible speed and having to spend endless hours
waiting, queuing, being herded in airports, can easily realize that
the physical techniques in air travel are at their best, while
"organizational" techniques still are on a most primitive level.
Although there is considerable overlapping, different concep-
tual tools are predominant in the individual fields. In systems
engineering, cybernetics and information theory and also general
system theory in the narrower sense are used. Operations research
uses tools such as linear programming and game theory. Human
engineering, concerned with the abilities, physiological limita-
tions and variabilities of human beings, includes biomechanics,
engineering psychology, human factors, etc., among its tools.
The present survey is not concerned with applied systems
science; the reader is referred to Hall's book as an excellent
textbook of systems engineering (1962). However it is well to
keep in mind that the systems approach as a novel concept in
science has a close parallel in technology.
The motives leading to the postulate of a general theory of
systems can be summarized under a few headings.
(l) Up to recent times the field of science as a nomothetic en-
It will easily be seen that all systems studies follow one or the
other of these methods or a combination of both. Each of the
approaches has its advantages as well as shortcomings.
(1) The first method is empirico-intuitive; it has the advantage
that it remains rather close to reality and can easily be illustrated
and even verified by examples taken from the individual fields
of science. On the other hand, the approach lacks mathematical
elegance and deductive strength and, to the mathematically
minded, will appear naive and unsystematic.
Nevertheless, the merits of this empirico-intuitive procedure
should not be minimized.
The present writer has stated a number of "system principles,"
partly in the context of biological theory and without explicit
reference to G.S.T. (von Bertalanffy, 1960a, pp. 37-54), partly in
what emphatically was entitled an "Outline" of this theory (Chap-
ter 3). This was meant in the literal sense: It was intended to call
attention to the desirability of such a field, and the presentation
was in the way of a sketch or blueprint, illustrating the approach
by simple examples.
However, it turned out that this intuitive survey appears to be
remarkably complete. The main principles offered such as whole-
ness, sum, centralization, differentiation, leading part, closed and
open system, finality, equifinality, growth in time, relative growth,
competition, have been used in manifold ways (e.g., general
definition of system: Hall and Fagen, 1956; types of growth:
Keiter, 1951-52; systems engineering: A.D. Hall, 1962; social work:
Hearn, 1958). Excepting minor variations in terminology intended
for clarification or due to the subject matter, no principles of
similar significance were added-even though this would be highly
desirable. It is perhaps even more significant that this also applies
to considerations which do not refer to the present writer's work
and hence cannot be said to be unduly influenced by it. Perusal
The simplest forms of growth which, for this reason, are par-
ticularly apt to show the isomorphism of law in different fields
are the exponential and the logistic. Examples are, among many
others, the increase of knowledge of number of animal species
(Gessner, 1952), publications on drosophila (Hersh, 1942), of
manufacturing companies (Haire, 1959). Boulding (l956a) and
Keiter (1951-52) have emphasized a general theory of growth.
The theory of animal growth after Bertalanffy (and others)-
which, in virtue of using overall physiological parameters ("an-
abolism," "catabolism") may be subsumed under the heading of
G.S.T. as well as under that of biophysics-has been surveyed
in its various applications (Bertalanffy, l960b).
oQ; = T. + P. (5.1}
ot ' '
T, represents the velocity of transport of the element Q, in a
volume element at a certain point of space, while P, is the rate
of production.
Many equations appearing in physics, biology and even so-
ciology, can be considered as special cases of (5.1). For example,
in molecular magnitude, the P, are functions indicating the rate
of reactions by which the substances Q, are formed and destroyed;
the T, will have different forms depending on the system con-
cerned. If, for example, no outer forces influence the masses, the T,
will be expressed by Fick's diffusion equation. In case T, dis-
appears, we have the usual equations for a set of reactions in a
closed system; if P, disappears, we have the simple diffusion equa-
tion where T, has the form: T, = D;v·2 Q" the Laplacian symbol
v 2 representing the sum of the partial derivatives in x, y, z, the
The Organism Considered as Physical System 127
D; the diffusion coefficients. In biology, equations of this type
are found, e.g., in growth; and they appear in sociology and
. population dynamics. In general, the rate of change of a popula-
tion equals the population movement (immigration minus emi-
gration) plus rate of reproduction (birth minus death rate).
In general, we therefore have a set of simultaneous partial
differential equations. P; as well as T; will, in general, be non-
linear functions of Qi and other system variables Qi and further-
more functions of the space coordinates x, y, z and timet. For
solving the equation, we must know the special form of the
equations, and the initial and limiting conditions.
For our purpose, two considerations are important, which we
may call temporal cross and longitudinal sections. The first prob-
lem is the maintenance in a steady state which, biologically, is
the fundamental problem of metabolism. The second concerns
changes of the system with respect to time, biologically expressed,
e.g. as growth. Briefly we shall also mention a third problem-
i.e., periodic changes as, in the organismic realm, are characteristic
of autonomic processes such as automatic-rhythmical movements,
etc. These three aspects correspond to the general problems of
the three main fields of physiology (d. pp. 121£.).
The problem of "longitudinal temporal section," of the changes
of the system in time, will be answered by solution of differential
equation of type (5.1).
As a simple example, consider an open chemical system, consist-
ing of only one component Q, reaction material being continually
imported and resulting reaction products removed. Let E be the
amount of imported reaction material per time unit; k, the reac-
tion constant according to the law of mass action; kQ, therefore,
the amount of change per time unit; then, presupposed the
amount imported at the beginning is greater than that trans-
formed, the concentration of the system will increase according
to the equation:
dQ = E- kQ. (5.2}
and equations:
- = K1(X- x1) - k1x1 + k2x2 - k3x1 = x1
dt (- K 1 - k1 - k3) + k2x2 + K1X
- = k1x1 - k2x2 (5.4)
The Organism Considered as Physical System 129
For eliminating the constant in the first equation, equate it
to 0; x 1 *, x 2 * ... be the roots of these equations. We introduce
· as new variables:
' =
X 1 X1 . - X1 . . . (5.5)
dx'1 =
dt aux , 1 + a12x ,z + ... +
dx'2 =
dt a21x , 1 + a22x, + 2 ...
+ (5.6)
· · · Gnn- A
We now consider the temporal cross-section, i.e. the distribution
of components in the time-independent steady state.
In general, a system defined by equation (5.1) can have three
different solutions. First, there can be unlimited increase of the
Q;; secondly, a time-independent steady state may be attained;
thirdly, there may be periodic solutions.
It is difficult to prove the existence of a steady state for the
general system (5.1), yet it can be shown in certain cases. Suppose
that both terms are linear in the Q, and independent of t. Then
the solution can be found by standard methods of integration
and is of the form:
T, + P, = 0 (5.10}
One important characteristic of biological systems is circum-
scribed by terms like "purposiveness," "finality," "goal-seeking,"
etc. Let us see whether physical considerations can contribute to
a clarification of these terms.
It has often been emphasized that every system attaining an
equilibrium shows, in a certain way, "finalistic" behavior as was
discussed previously (pp. 75f.).
More important is the following consideration. Frequent at-
tempts have been made to understand organic regulations as
Biological Applications
It should have become evident by now that many characteristics
of organismic systems, often considered vitalistic or mystical, can
be derived from the system concept and the characteristics of
certain, rather general system equations, in connection with
thermodynamic and statistical-mechanical considerations.
If the organism is an open system, the principles generally
applying to systems of this kind must apply to it (maintenance in
change, dynamic order of processes, equifinality, etc.) quite ir-
respective of the nature of the obviously extremely complicated
relations and processes between the components.
Naturally, such a general consideration does not give an ex-
planation for particular life phenomena. The principles discussed
should, however, provide a general frame or scheme within which
quantitative theories of specific life phenomena should be pos-
sible. In other terms, theories of individual biological phenomena
should turn out as special cases of our general equations. Without
striving for completeness, a few examples may show that and
how the conception of organism as open chemical system and
steady state has proved an efficient working hypothesis in various
Rashevsky (1938) investigated, as a highly simplified theoretical
model of a cell, the behavior of a metabolizing droplet into which
substances diffuse from outside, in which they undergo chemical
reactions, and from which reaction products flow out. This con-
sideration of a simple case of open system (whose equations are
special cases of our equation [5.1]) allows mathematical deduction
of a number of characteristics always considered as essential life
phenomena. There results an order of magnitude for such sys-
tems corresponding to that of actual cells, growth and periodic
division, the impossibility of spontaneous generation (omnis
cellula e cellula), general characteristics of cell division, etc.
Osterhout (1932-33) applied, and quantitatively elaborated,
the open-system consideration to phenomena of permeability. He
The Organism Considered as Physical System 135
studied permeation in cell models consisting of a non-aqueous
layer surrounded by an aqueous outer and inner fluid (the latter
corresponding to cell sap). An accumulation of penetrating sub-
stances takes place within this cell, explained by salt formation
of the penetrating substance. The result is not an equilibrium
but a steady state, in which the composition of the cell sap
remains constant under increase of volume. This model is similar
to that mentioned on p. 126. Mathematical expressions were
derived, and the kinetics of this model is similar to that in living
Open systems and steady states generally play a fundamental
role in metabolism although mathematical formulation has been
possible only in simple cases or models. For example, the con-
tinuation of digestion is only possible because of the continuous
resorption of the products of enzymatic action by the intestine;
it therefore never reaches a state of equilibrium. In other cases,
accumulation of reaction products may lead to stopping the
reaction which explains some regulatory processes (cf. von Bert-
alanffy, 1932, p. 191). This is true of the use of depot materials:
Decomposition of starch stored in the endosperm of many plant
seeds into soluble products is regulated by the need of the grow-
ing plant for carbohydrates; if development is experimentally
inhibited, the use of starch in the endosperm stops. Pfeffer and
Hansteen (quoted from Haber, 1926, p. 870) made it probable
that the accumulation of sugar originating from digestion of
starch and not used up by the inhibited seedling is the cause
for the stopping of starch breakdown in the endosperm. If the
endosperm is isolated and connected with a small plaster column,
the breakdown of starch continues in the endosperm if the sugar
diffuses through the plaster column into a quantity of water, but
is inhibited if the column is placed in a small quantity of water
only so that the concentration of sugar inhibits hydrolysis.
One field where processes can already be formulated in the
form of equations, is the theory of growth. It can be assumed
(von Bertalanffy, 1934), that growth is based on a counteraction
of anabolic and catabolic processes: The organism grows when
building-up surpasses breaking-down, and becomes stationary,
when both processes are balanced. It can further be assumed
that, in many organisms, catabolism is proportional to volume
(weight), anabolism is proportional to resorption, i.e., a surface.
- = 1/S- KW. (5.13)
-- --- ---
150 L 1--"' -- _
v .... ....
/ ....
.E /
.... 100
L _.... , __ ............ I
.I .... ........... ... ....,I
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
Time in days
Fig. 6.1. Equifinality of growth. Heavy curve: normal growth of rats.
Broken curve: at the 50th day, growth was stopped by vitamin deficiency.
After reestablishment of normal regime, the animals reached the normal
final weight. (After Rober from von Bertalanffy, 1960b).
The Model of Open System 143
physico-chemical systems, the same final state can therefore be
reached equifinally from different initial conditions and after
disturbances of the process. Furthermore, the state of chemi-
cal equilibrium is independent of catalyzers accelerating the
processes. The steady state, in contrast, depends on catalyzers
present and their reaction constants. In open systems, phenomena
of overshoot and false start (FIG. 6.2) may occur, with the system
Fig. 6.2. Asymptotic approach to steady state (a) , false start (b) , and
overshoot (c), in open systems. Schematic.
Table 6.1
Turnover rates of intermediates of cellular metabolism. (After B. HEss 196!1)
turnover time
structure species organ
in seconds
Table 6.2
Protein turnover determined by introduction of glycine labelled with 15N.
rate (r)
total protein 0.04
proteins of liver, plasma and internal organs 0.12
rest of body 0.033
total protein 0.0087
proteins of liver and serum 0.0693
protein of musculature and other organs 0.0044
Table 6.3
Rate of mitosis in rat tissues. (After F. D. BERTALANFFY 1960)
nisms appears (d. pp. 160ff.). In the present context a few remarks
will suffice.
The basis of the open-system model is the dynamic interaction
of its components. The basis of the cybernetic model is the feed-
back cycle (FIG. I.l) in which, by way of feedback of inform~tion,
a desired value (Sollwert) is maintained, a target is reached, etc.
The theory of open systems is a generalized kinetics and thermo-
dynamics. Cybernetic theory is based on feedback and informa-
tion. Both models have, in respective fields, been successfully
applied. However, one has to be aware of their differences and
The open-system model in kinetic and thermodynamic formu-
lation does not talk about information. On the other hand, a
feedback system is closed thermodynamically and kinetically; it
has no metabolism.
In an open system increase of order and decrease of entropy is
thermodynamically possible. The magnitude, "information," is
defined by an expression formally identical with negative en-
tropy. However, in a closed feedback mechanism information can
only decrease, never increase, i.e., information can be transformed
into "noise," but not vice versa.
An open system may "actively" tend toward a state of higher
organization, i.e., it may pass from a lower to a higher state of
order owing to conditions in the system. A feedback mechanism
can "reactively" reach a state of higher organization owing to
"learning," i.e., information fed into the system.
In summary, the feedback model is preeminently applicable to
"secondary" regulations, i.e., regulations based on structural ar-
rangements in the wide sense of the word. Since, however, the
structures of the organism are maintained in metabolism and
exchange of components, "primary" regulations must evolve from
the dynamics in an open system. Increasingly, the organism
becomes "mechanized" in the course of development; hence
later regulations particularly correspond to feedback mechanisms
.(homeostasis, goal-directed behavior, etc.).
The open-system model thus represents a fertile working hy-
pothesis permitting new insights, quantitative statements and
experimental verification. I would like, however, to mention some
important unsolved problems.
The Model of Open System 151
Unsolved Problems
At present, we do not have a thermodynamic criterion that
would define the steady state in open systems in a similar way
as maximum entropy defines equilibrium in closed systems. It
was believed for some time that such criterion was provided by
minimum entropy production, a statement known as "Prigogine's
Theorem." Although it is still taken for granted by some
biologists (e.g., Stoward, 1962), it should be emphasized that
Prigogine's Theorem, as was well known to its author, applies
only under rather restrictive conditions. In particular, it does not
define the steady state of chemical reaction systems (Denbigh,
1952; von Bertalanffy, 1953a, 1960b; Foster et al., 1957). A more
recent generalization of the theorem of minimum entropy pro-
duction (Glansdorff and Prigogine, 1964; Prigogine, 1965) en-
compassing kinetic considerations has still to be evaluated in its
Another unsolved problem of a fundamental nature originates
in a basic paradox of thermodynamics. Eddington called entropy
"the arrow of time." As a matter of fact, it is the irreversibility
of physical events, expressed by the entropy function, which gives
time its direction. Without entropy, i.e., in a universe of com-
pletely reversible processes, there would be no difference between
past and future. However, the entropy functions do not contain
time explicitly. This is true of both the classical entropy function
for closed systems by Clausius, and of the generalized function
for open systems and irreversible thermodynamics by Prigogine.
The only attempt I know of to fill this gap is a further generali-
zation of irreversible thermodynamics by Reik (1953), who at-
tempted to introduce time explicitly into the equations of
A third problem to be envisaged is the relation between irre-
versible thermodynamics and information theory. Order is the
basis of organization and therefore the most fundamental prob-
lem in biology. In a way, order can be measured by negative
entropy in the conventional Boltzmann sense. This was shown,
e.g., by Schulz (1951) for the nonrandom arrangement of amino
acids within a protein chain. Their organization in contrast to
hazard arrangement can be measured by a term called chain
entropy (Kettenentropie). However, there exists a different ap-
The model of the organism as open system has proved useful
in the explanation and mathematical formulation of numerous
life phenomena; it also leads, as is to be expected in a scientific
( __I-+___
A;~~~s ~ ~
~ t " Pancreas
lpancreo trq>ic H.
Hypophysis ~M;Q!L__
' A-cells
thyreotropic H. Thyroxin
i Somatotropin
Blood sugar Liver storage
- Blood 1--
receptors Muscle energy
in +---
( sugar consumption
pancreas, Regulation level
C, N.S. mg% Kidney I I
- Blood sug~~
overflow ,
(hypothetical valve
t_______Disturbance system
Table 7.1
Metabolism in dogs. (After RuBNER around 1880)
Table 7.2
Equations relating quantitative properties with body weights among mammals.
(After ADOLPH 1949; modified)
regression a = regression a =
10- -----::-.-:-- --- ---r-··- ____________ --- -- Bram
8,.- • - --- -- Liver
................:: ....... ..._ -....._ Heart
7c- ............................. ..._ I --:::::::Lungs
6'- ·-----::________________ Thymus
4- ·----~ Diaphrag1
I I I I I I I ' I I l _l I I
20 30 40 50 50 80 100 200 300 400
Body weight in g
Fig. 7.3. Qo2 (1-'10 2 jmg dry wt.jhr.) of several rat tissues. Only regression
lines are shown in this and the following figures; for complete data see
originals. (After von Bertalanffy & Pirozynski, 1953.)
Table 7.3
Intraspecific and interspecific allometry (constants "') in organs of mammals.
I ~;~
. . . -.. . . "".A
Haul (Wtntl!r) ~- -·+
~ ~',
\Ieight in Gur111
30 40 60 80 100 200 400
Fig. 7.4. Size dependence of metabolic rates in rat under basal and non-
basal conditions. Animals fasted for 18 hrs. prior to experiment (small
animals less); determinations at 29°-30°C; conditions of muscular rest.
A break in the regression lines is assumed at a body weight of 110 gm.,
corresponding with many physiological changes (c£. Fig. 7.11) . "Basal
Summer" determinations were made with a climatization period of 15-18
hours at thermoneutrality preceding experiment; "Basal Winter" without
climatization; "Nonbasal conditions" with 10 hours fasting, followed by
a meal 45-60 minutes prior to experiment. a<! , b 'i! (Unpublished
data by Racine & von Bertalanffy.)
15 20 25 30
Table 7.4
Metabolic types and growth types. w, l: Weight, length at time t; w 0 , 10 :
initial weight, length; w"', l"': final weight, length; 'lJ, k: constants of
anabolism and catabolism.
• !v'
II l-
. :: 1e,• .; I
' .. 8
30 eo
200 JOO
aoo ~ 3040 eo eo1oo 200 300
W.igl'lt in mg Weight in mg e 311.?~4-1+++11-.+:'-hi·i~,._,l"-1'1
b ~
~ 70 100 200
W.igl-lt in mg
= 700
140 riT
1 4
1 1 • I .r ~·-I
v' I
IJ [::..-
iv' -·
7 IJ
v I • X
1 [/ I fiI
I ... 20
!h, ..... Ll
• 8 10 12
Time- in Wftks
20 40 60
Time- in hours
80 • 8 12 16 20
Time in weeks
I m
Fig. 7.8. Metabolic and growth types. Type 1: Lebistes reticulatus; type
II: insect larvae; type III: Planorbis sp. a: dependence of metabolic rate
on body size; b: growth curves. (After von Bertalanffy, 1942.)
Table 7.5
Growth of Acipenser stellatus (After VON BERTALANFFY 1942)
time length in em
in years observed calculated k
1 21.1 21.1
2 32.0 34.3 0.062
3 42.3 41.5 0.062
4 51.4 50.8 0.061
5 60.1 59.5 0.061
6 68.0 67.8 0.061
7 75.3 75.5 0.060
8 82.3 82.8 0.060
9 89.0 89.7 0.059
10 95.3 96.2 0.059
11 101.6 102.3 0.059
12 107.6 108.0 0.060
13 112.7 113.4 0.059
14 117.7 118.5 0.059
15 122.2 122.5 0.058
16 126.5 127.9 0.059
17 130.9 132.2 0.059
18 135.3 136.2 0.059
19 140.2 140.0 0.060
20 145.0 143.5 0.061
21 148.6 146.9 0.061
22 152.0 150.0 0.061
(~-1) in mm.
Time in weeks
Fig. 7.10. Growth of Lebistes reticulatus. Upper lines: & , lower lines:~
o weight, • length. In the Guppy, growth in females and males shows
considerable difference, the females reaching a multiple of body weight
of the males. Data are logarithmically plotted according to the integral
of Equation 7.8; the close fit shows that the growth curves are correctly
reproduced. The growth equations so obtained give a ratio of I: 1.5
for the anabolic constants 'I') in females and males. According to theory,
metabolic rates in females and males should stand in the same ratio,
1:1.5 as is actually found (Fig. 7.8,1). (After von Bertalanffy, 1938, 1960b.)
criticism does not help, and the decision whether or not a model
is suitable, exclusively rests with facts of observation and experi-
ment. On the other hand, no model should be taken as conclu-
sive; at best it is an approximation to be progressively worked
out and corrected. In close interaction between experiment and
conceptualization, but not in confinement to experimentation or
construction of purely speculative models, lies the further develop-
ment of a field like quantitative biology of metabolism.
I. The theories of open systems, feedback, allometry and growth
according to Bertalanffy are reviewed with respect to their experi-
mental applications.
2. The models of both open system and feedback apply to a wide range
of phenomena in physiology, and represent essential expansions of
physical theory. The two conceptions should be clearly distinguished;
the feedback model (homeostasis) should not be considered a
cover-all for physiological regulation in general or identified with
"systems theory."
3. The allometric equation represents the simplest possible relation
between body size and metabolic processes. It is of a wide appli-
cability and expresses the harmonization of processes in living sys-
tems. However, there is no "surface" or "3 j 4-power law" or "law of
progressive reduction of metabolic rates." The allometric relationship
greatly varies in physiological phenomena. .
4. Variations of the relation between body size and metabolic rate
may occur (a) in different tissues or in different species; (b) due to
changes of physiological conditions; (c) due to different experi-
mental designs. Among the conditions altering this relation are such
factors as physiological activities, sex, season, previous acclima-
tion, etc.
5. The size-dependence of total metabolism in mammals is different
under basal conditions, in a nonthermoneutral environment, and
under conditions of muscular activity. The variations follow Locker's
rule, i.e., with an absolute increase of metabolic rate (expressed by
the constant b of the allometric equation) , regression with respect
to body size (expressed by the slope of the allometric line, a) tends
to decrease.
6. The growth equations after Bertalanffy represent a highly simplified
model which, however, covers many phenomena and regularities
found in the physiology of metabolism and growth. The parameters
occuring in these equations have been verified by physiological
experiments in many cases.
7. In view of the changes of the size-metabolism relation mentioned
under (5), Bertalanffy's so-called metabolic and growth types should
Some Aspects of System Theory in Biology 185
be considered as ideal cases realizable under certain standard condi-
tions, rather than as invariable characteristics of the species or
group of species concerned.
8. Seasonal variations of metabolic rates and growth rates seem to
show correspondence.
9. Urgent problems for further research with respect to each of the
basic models are outlined.
8 The System Concept 1n the
Sciences of Man
System theory in psychology and psychiatry is not a dramatic
denouement of new discovery, and if the reader has a deja vu
feeling, we shall not contradict him. It was our intention to show
that system concepts in this field are not speculation, are not an
attempt to press facts into the straitjacket of a theory which
happens to be in vogue, and have nothing to do with "mentalistic
anthropomorphism," so feared by behaviorists. Nevertheless, the
system concept is a radical reversal with respect to robotic theories,
leading to a more realistic (and incidentally more dignified)
image of man. Moreover, it entails far-reaching consequences for
the scientific world view which can only be alluded to in the
present outline:
(1) The system concept provides a theoretical framework which
is psychophysically neutral. Physical and physiological terms such
action potentials, chemical transmission at synapses, neural net-
work, and the like are not applicable to mental phenomena, and
even less can psychological notions be applied to physical phe-
nomena. System terms and principles like . those discussed can
be applied to facts in either field.
(2) The mind-body problem cannot be discussed here, and the
author has to refer to another investigation (von Bertalanffy,
1964a). We can only summarize that the Cartesian dualism be-
tween matter and mind, objects outside and ego inside, brain
and consciousness, and so forth, is incorrect both in the light of
direct phenomenological experience and of modern research in
various fields; it is a conceptualization stemming from 17th-
century physics which, even though still prevailing in modern
debates (Hook, 1961; Scher, 1962), is obsolete. In the modern view,
science does not make metaphysical statements, whether of the
materialistic, idealistic, or positivistic sense-data variety. It is a
conceptual construct to reproduce limited aspects of experience
in their formal structure. Theories of behavior and of psychology
should be similar in their formal structure or isomorphic. Pos-
sibly systems concepts are the first beginning of such "common
General System Theory in Psychology and Psychiatry 221
language" (compare Piaget and Bertalanffy in Tanner and
Inhelder, 1960). In the remote future this may lead to a "unified
theory" (Whyte, 1960) from which eventually material and mental,
conscious and unconscious aspects could be derived.
(3) Within the framework developed, the problem of free will or
determinism also receives a new and definite meaning. It is a
pseudo-problem, resulting from confusion of different levels of
experience and of epistemology and metaphysics. We experience
ourselves as free, for the simple reason that the category of
causality is not applied in direct or immediate experience.
Causality is a category applied to bring order into objectivated
experience reproduced in symbols. Within the latter, we try to
explain mental and behavioral phenomena as causally determined
and can do so with increasing approximation by taking into
account ever more factors of motivation, by refining conceptual
models, etc. Will is not determined, but is determinable, par-
ticularly in the machine-like and average aspects of behavior, as
motivation researchers and statisticians know. However, causality
is not metaphysical necessity, but is one instrument to bring order
into experience, and there are other "perspectives" (Chapter 10),
of equal or superior standing.
(4) Separate from the epistemological question is the moral and
legal question of responsibility. Responsibility is always judged
within a symbolic framework of values as accepted in a society
under given circumstances. For example, the M'Naghten rules
which excuse the offender if "he cannot tell right from wrong,"
actually mean that the criminal goes unpunished if his symbolic
comprehension is obliterated; hence his behavior is determined
only by "animal" drives. Killing is prohibited and is punished
as murder within the symbolic framework of the ordinary state
of society, but is commanded (and refusal of the command is
punished) in the different value frame of war.
10 The Relativity of Categories
is applied (La Barre, 1954, pp. 197 ff.). The Hopi "has no general
notion or intuition of time as a smooth flowing continuum in
which everything in the universe proceeds at an equal rate, out
of a future, through a present, into a past." (Wharf, 1952, p. 67).
Instead of our categories of space and time, Hopi rather dis-
tinguishes the "manifest," all that which is accessible to the senses,
with no distinction between present and past, and the "un-
manifest" comprising the future as well as what we call mental.
Navaho (cf. Kluckhohn and Leighton, 1951) has little develop-
ment of tenses; the emphasis is upon types of activity, and thus
it distinguishes durative, perfective, usitative, repetitive, iterative,
optative, semifactive, momentaneous, progressive, transitional,
conative, etc., aspects of action. The difference can be defined
that the first concern of English (and Indo-European language
in general) is time, of Hopi-validity, and of Navaho-type of
activity (personal communication of Professor Kluckhohn).
Wharf asks:
of perceived time. For man, the instant is about lfl8 sec., i.e.,
impressions shorter than this duration are not perceived separately
but fuse. It appears that the duration of the instant depends not
on conditions in the sense organs but rather in the central nervous
system, for it is the same for different sense organs. This flicker
fusion is, of course, the raison d' etre of movie pictures when
frames presented in a sequence faster than 18 per second fuse
into continuous motion. The duration of the instant varies in
different species. There are "slow motion-picture animals" (von
U exkiill) which perceive a greater number of impressions per
second than man. Thus, the fighting fish (Betta) does not recog-
nize its image in a mirror if, by a mechanical device, it is pre-
sented 18 times per second. It has to be presented at least 30
times per second; then the fish attacks his imaginary opponent.
Hence, these small and very active animals consume a larger
number of impressions than man does, per unit of astronomical
time; time is decelerated. Conversely, a snail is a "rapid motion-
picture animal." It crawls on a vibrating stick if it approaches
four times per second, i.e., a stick vibrating four times per second
appears at rest to the snail.
Experienced time is not Newtonian. Far from flowing uniformly
(aequilabiliter fluit, as Newton has it), it depends on physio-
logical conditions. The so-called time memory of animals and
man seems to be determined by a "physiological clock." Thus
bees, conditioned to appear at a certain time at the feeding place,
will show up earlier or later if drugs which increase or decrease
the rate of metabolism are administered (e.g., von Stein-Beling,
1935; Kalmus, 1934; Wahl, 1932; and others).
Experienced time seems to fly if it is filled with impressions,
and creeps if we are in a state of tedium. In fever, when body
temperature and metabolic rate are increased, time seems to
linger since the number of "instants" per astronomical unit in
Uexkiill's sense is increased. This time experience is paralleled by
a corresponding increase of the frequency of the a-waves in the
brain (Hoagland, 1951). With increasing age, time appears to
run faster, i.e., a smaller number of instants is experienced per
astronomical unit of time. Correspondingly, the rate of cicatriza-
tion of wounds is decreased proportional to age, the psychological
as well as physiological phenomena obviously being connected
The Relativity of Categories 231
with the slowing-down of metabolic processes m senescence (du
Noiiy, 1937).
Several attempts (Brody, 1937; Backman, 1940; von Bertalanffy,
1951, p. 346) have been made to establish a biological as com-
pared to astronomical time. One means is the homologization of
growth curves: If the course of growth in different animals is
expressed by the same formula and curve, the units of the time
scale (plotted in astronomical time) will be different, and im-
portant physiological changes presumably will appear at cor-
responding points of the curve. From the standpoint of physics,
a thermodynamic time, based upon the second principle and
irreversible processes, can be introduced as opposed to astronomi-
cal time (Prigogine, 1947). Thermodynamic time is nonlinear
but logarithmic since it depends on probabilities; it is, for the
same reason, statistical; and it is local because determined by the
events at a certain point. Probably biological time bears an
intimate although by no means simple relation to thermodynamic
How the categories of experience depend on physiological states,
is also shown by the action of drugs. Under the influence of
mescaline, e.g., visual impressions are intensified, and the percep-
tion of space and time undergoes profound changes (d. Anschutz,
1953; A. Huxley, 1954). It would make a most interesting study
to investigate the categories of schizophrenics, and it would prob-
ably be found that they differ considerably from those of "normal"
experience, as do indeed the categories in the experience of
Even the most fundamental category of experience, namely,
the distinction of ego and nonego, is not absolutely fixed. It
seems gradually to evolve in the development of the child. It is
essentially different in the animistic thinking of the primitives
(still in force even in the Aristotelian theory where everything
"seeks" its natural place), and in Western thinking since the
Renaissance which "has discovered the inanimate" (Schaxel,
1923). The object-subject separation again disappears in the
empathic world view of the poet, in mystical ecstasy and in states
of intoxication.
There is no intrinsic justification to consider as "true" repre-
sentation of the world what we take to be "normal" experience
theory, game theory and the like, which do not fit into the popular
notion of mathematics as a "science of quantities"; hence the in-
dividual physicist's predilection for, say, "macroscopic" classical
thermodynamics or "microscopic" molecular statistics, for matrix
mechanics or wave mechanics to approach the same phenomena.
Or, speaking more generally, the analytic type of mind concerned
with what is called "molecular" interpretations, i.e., the resolu-
tion and reduction of phenomena to elementaristic components;
and the holistic type of mind concerned with "molar" interpre-
tations, i.e., interested in the laws that govern the phenomenon
as a whole. Much harm has been done in science by playing one
aspect against the other and so, in the elementaristic approach,
to neglect and deny obvious and most important characteristics;
or, in the holistic approach, to deny the fundamental importance
and necessity of analysis.
It may be mentioned, in passing, that the relation between
language and world view is not unidirectional but reciprocal, a
fact which perhaps was not made sufficiently clear by Whorf.
The structure of language seems to determine which traits of
reality are abstracted and hence what form the categories of
thinking take on. On the other hand, the world outlook de-
termines and forms the language.
A good example is the evolution from classical to medieval
Latin. The Gothic world view has recreated an ancient language,
this being true for the lexical as well as the grammatical aspect.
Thus the scholastics invented hosts of words which are atrocities
from the standpoint of Cicero's language (as the humanists of
the Renaissance so deeply felt in their revivalistic struggle) ;
words introduced to cope with abstract aspects foreign to the
corporeally-thinking Roman mind, like leonitas, quidditas and
the rest of them. Equally, although the superficial rules of gram-
mar were observed, the line of thinking and construction was
profoundly altered. This also applies to the rhetorical aspect,
as in the introduction of the end-rhyme in contrast to the classical
meters. Comparison, say, of the colossal lines of the Dies irae
with some Virgilian or Horatian stanza makes obvious not only
the tremendous gap between different "world-feelings" but the
determination of language by the latter as well.
The Relativity of Categories 239
not identical with the space and time of direct experience; they
already are constructs of physics. This, of course, is true even
more of the theoretical structures of modern physics.
Thus, what is specific of our human experience is progressively
eliminated. What eventually remains is only a system of mathe-
matical relations.
Some time ago it was considered a grave objection against the
theory of relativity and quantum theory that it became increas-
ingly "unvisualizable," that its constructs cannot be represented
by imaginable models. In truth, however, this is a proof that
the system of physics detaches itself from the bondage of our
specifically human sensory experience; a pledge that the system
of physics in its consummate form-leaving it undecided whether
this is attained or even is attainable at all-does not belong to
the human ambient (umwelt in Uexkiill's sense) any more but
is universally committal.
In a way, progressive de-anthropomorphization is like
Muenchhausen pulling himself out of the quagmire on his own
pigtail. It is, however, possible because of a unique property of
symbolism. A symbolic system, an algorithm, such as that of
mathematical physics, wins a life of its own as it were. It becomes
a thinking machine, and once the proper instructions are fed in,
the machine runs by itself, yielding unexpected results that
surpass the initial amount of facts and given rules, and are thus
unforeseeable by the limited intellect who originally has created
the machine. In this sense, the mechanical chess player can out-
play its maker (Ashby, 1952a), i.e., the results of the automatized
symbolism transcend the original input of facts and instructions.
This is the case in any algorithmic prediction, be it a formal
deduction on any level of mathematical difficulty or a physical
prediction like that of still unknown chemical elements or planets
(d. von Bertalanffy, l956a). Progressive de-anthropomorphization,
that is, replacement of direct experience by a self-running al-
gorithmic system, is one aspect of this state of affairs.
Thus, the development of physics naturally depends on the
psychophysical constitution of its creators. If man would not
perceive light but radium or x-rays which are invisible to us,
not only the human ambient but also the development of physics
would have been different. But in a similar way, as we have
discovered, by means of suitable apparatus and supplementing
The Relativity of Categories 245
our sensory experience, x-rays and all the range of electromagnetic
radiations, the same would be true of beings with an entirely
different psychophysical constitution. Suppose there are intelligent
beings or "angels" on a planet of the Sirius who perceive only
x-rays; they would have detected, in a corresponding way, those
wave lengths that mean visible light to us. But not only this:
The Sirius angels would possibly calculate in quite different
systems of symbols and theories. However, since the system of
physics, in its consummate state, does not contain anything
human any more, and the corresponding thing would be true
of any system of physics, we must conclude that those physics,
although different in their symbolic systems, have the same con-
tent, that is, the mathematical relations of one physics could be
translated by means of a suitable "vocabulary" and "grammar"
into those of the other.
This speculation is not quite utopian, but, to a certain extent,
seen in the actual development of physics. Thus, classical thermo-
dynamics and molecular statistics are different "languages" using
different abstractions and mathematical symbolisms, but the state-
ments of one theory can readily be translated into the other.
This even has quite timely implications; thermodynamics and
the modern theory of information obviously are similarly isomor-
phic systems, and the elaboration of a complete "vocabulary"
for translation is in progress.
If, in the sense just indicated, the system of physics in its ideal
state, which can be approached only asymptotically, is absolute,
we must, however, not forget another and in some way antithetical
aspect. What traits of reality we grasp in our theoretical system
is arbitrary in the epistemological sense, and determined by
biological, cultural and probably linguistic factors.
This, again, has first a trivial meaning. The Eskimos are said
to have some 30 different names for "snow," doubtless because
it is vitally important for them to make fine distinctions while,
for us, differences are negligible. Conversely, we call machines
which are only superficially different, by the names of Fords,
Cadillacs, Pontiacs and so forth, while for the Eskimos they
would be pretty much the same. The same, however, is true
in a non-trivial sense, applying to general categories of thinking.
It would be perfectly possible that rational beings of another
structure choose quite different traits and aspects of reality for
I. This and other examples in Whorf's argument are criticized by
Whatmough (1955). "As Brugmann showed (Syntax des einfachen
Satzes, 1925, pp. 17-24), fulget, pluit, tonat are simple old ti-stems
(nouns 'lightning there, rain there, thunder there') and Whorf was
quite wrong when he said that tonat (he used that very word) is
structurally and logically unparalleled in Hopi." Similarly, "the
Hopi for 'prepare,' we are told, is 'to try-for, to practise-upon.' But
this is exactly prae-paro.'' "It will not do to say that Hopi physics
could not have had concepts such as space, velocity, and mass, or
that they would have been very different from ours. Hopi has no
physics because the Hopi are hindered by taboo or magic from
experimental investigation." Although one has to surrender to the
linguist's authority, it seems amply demonstrated that the style of
thinking is different in the several civilizations even though Whorf's
supposition that this is more or less solely due to linguistic factors,
is open to criticism.
The Relativity of Categories 249
2. It is interesting to note that exactly the same viewpoint was stated
by Lorenz (1943) in terms of the biological determination of
categories: "The terms which language has formed for the highest
functions of our rational thinking still bear so clearly the stamp
of their origin that they might be taken from the 'professional
language' of a chimpanzee. We 'win insight' into intricate connec-
tions, just as the ape into a maze of branches, we found no better
expression for our most abstract ways to achieve goals than 'method,'
meaning detour. Our tactile space still has, as it were from time to
non-jumping lemurs, a particular preponderance over the. visual.
Hence we have 'grasped' (erfasst) a 'connection' (Zusammenhang)
only if we can 'comprehend' (begreifen, i.e., seize) it. Also the
notion of object (Gegenstand, that which stands against us) origi-
nated in the haptic perception of space .... Even time is represented,
for good or wrong, in terms of the visualizable model of space
(p. 344) .... Time is absolutely unvisualizable and is, in our
categorical thinking, made visualizable always [?; perhaps a Western
prejudice, L. v. B.] only by way of spatio-temporal processes ....
The 'course of time' is symbolized, linguistically and certainly also
conceptually, by motion in space (the stream of time). Even our
prepositions 'before' and 'after,' our nouns 'past, present and future'
originally have connotations representing spatio-temporal configura-
tions of motion. It is hardly possible to eliminate from them the
element of motion in space" (pp. 351 ff.).
3. As far as can be seen, this simple demonstration of the non-
Euclidean structure of the visual space was first indicated by von
Bertalanffy (1937, p. 155), while "curious enough, no reference
whatever is found in the literature on the physiology of perception"
(Lorenz, 1943, p. 335).
4. An excellent analysis on the culture-dependence of perception, cogni-
tion, affect, evaluation, unconscious processes, normal and abnormal
behavior, etc., is given in Kluckhohn (1954). The reader is referred
to this paper for ample anthropological evidence.
5. I find that Toynbee (1954, pp. 699 ff.), in his otherwise not overly
friendly comment on Spengler's theory of types of mathematical
thinking, arrives at an identical formulation. He speaks of a different
"penchant" of civilizations for certain types of mathematical reason-
ing, which is the same as the above-used notion of "predilection."
The present writer's interpretation of Spengler was, in the essentials,
given in 1924, and he has seen no reason to change it.
6. This perhaps can lead to a fairer interpretation of Goethe's "Theory
of Colors." Goethe's revolt against Newtonian optics which is a
scandal and completely devious within the history of occidental
physics, can be understood in this way: Goethe, an eminently
eidetic and intuitive mind, had the feeling (which is quite correct)
that Newtonian optics purposely neglects, and abstracts from, exactly
those qualities which are most prominent in sensory experience. His
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by W. H. Westphal, Braunschweig, Vieweg, 1953. Revised ed. with
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Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Feedback and Control
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Social Sciences
BUCKLEY, W., Sociology and Modern Systems Theory, Englewood
Cliffs (N.J.), Prentice-Hall, 1967.
DEMERATH III, N.J., and R. A. PETERSON (eds.), System, Change,
and Conflict. A Reader on Contemporary Sociological Theory and
the Debate over Functionalism, New York, Free Press, 1967.
HALL, Arthur D., A Methodology for Systems Engineering, Princeton
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PARSONS, Talcott, The Social System, New York, Free Press, 1957.
SIMON, Herbert A., Models of Man, New York, Wiley, 1957.
SOROKIN, P. A., Sociological Theories of Today, New York, London,
Harper & Row, 1966.
Ackoff, R. L., 9, 91, 100, 101 Aristotle, 70, 79, 212, 216, 223, 225,
Actions of animal and human body, 231, 246
feedback mechanisms in Arrow, K. J., 113, 115
regulation of, 43-44 Ashby, W. R., 25, 46, 94, 96--99, 244
Active personality system, model of Atomic energy development, 118, 187
man as, 192-93 Attneave, F., 100
Actuality principle, 116 Ausubel, David P., 194
Adams, fl., 159 Automata, theory of, 22, 25, 141
Adaptiveness, model for, 46 Automation Revolution, 187
Adolph, E. F., 171
Afanasjew, W. G., 12 Backman, G., 231
Alexander, Franz, 207 Bavink, B., 76, 243
Allesch, G. J. von, 229 Bayliss, L. E., 22
Allometric equation: definition, Beadle, G. W., 152
63--65; in biology, 163-71 (tables, Beckner, M., 12
figs.); in social phenomena, 103 Beer, S., 96
Allport, Floyd, 205 Behavior: adaptiveness, purposiveness,
Allport, Gordon W., 193, 205, 206, and goal-seeking in, 45-46, 79, 92,
207, 208, 209, 212, 216 131; unitary and elementalistic
American Association for the conceptions of, 7o--71; stimulus-
Advancement of Science, 15 response (S-R) scheme, 107,
American Psychiatric Association, 7 188-89, 191, 193, 209; and
Analogies in science: definition, 84, principle of rationality, 115-16;
85; value 35-36 and environmentalism, 189--90;
Analytical procedure in science, equilibrium principle in, 190;
18-19 principle of economy in, 190;
Anderson, Harold, 205 see also Human behavior
Anschutz, G., 231 Behavioristic psychology, 7, 107, 187
Appleby, Lawrence, 216 Beier, W., 145, 149
Archaeology, process-school of, 9 Bell, E., 100
Arieti, Silvano, 194, 205, 207, 211, 212, Bendmann, A., 12
214-15, 216, 217 Benedict, Ruth, 201, 219