Keller Bliesner Report, A Handbook of Design Guidelines and Precautions
Keller Bliesner Report, A Handbook of Design Guidelines and Precautions
Keller Bliesner Report, A Handbook of Design Guidelines and Precautions
A Handbook
of DesignGuidelines
and Precautions
A Hanclbookof DesignGuiclelines
RonD. Bliesner
3, 1987
Publisheclby the
Il/C FittingsDivision
of the lrrigationAssociation
191I North FortMyer Drive
The following manufacturers of P\/C fittings
provided the funding for this study and its publication:
Dura PlasticsPnrducts, Inc.
Eslon Thermoplastics
Lasco Fittings, Philips Industries Inc.
R & G SloaneManufacturing Co., Inc.
SpearsManufacturing Co.
t Thble of Coffents
Handling ............11
Solvent Welding . . .. .11
ThreadedFittings ..........1-t
Thrust Blocking
Tbmperature Expansion Considerations ... .......lz
S Y S T E MM A I N T E N A N C ER E Q U I R E M E N T S ............13
MaintainingAir Relief and Surge Control Equipment ...........18
Precautions in Winterizing the System ...........13
SUMMARY .:.............13
BrBLrOGnAPHy... ........74
List of Ffgures
Frgure 7. Tlpical stress versus time to failure regrnssion curve for PVC pipe .... 2
Frgur€ 8. Tlpical flowrate variations at the pumping plant of a golf course system 8
Flgure 9. Cyclic fatigue life of PVC pipe when subjected to large pressure surges . .. . .. 10
Figure L0. Relationship betuveen hoop stress in the female thread and
tums past finger tight in the makeup of 7lz-inch threaded PVC fittings ....... 11
List of Thbles
Thble 4. Pressurereduction factors for specific operating temperatures above 73F ..,......,.10
Thble 5. Thrust developed per 100 psi of line pnessure for various pipe sizes and
f i t t i n g c o n f i g u r a t i o n s. . . ...,.......l2
This handbook has been prepared for use by PVC piping system designers, installers, oper-
ators and component manufacturers and suppliers to aid in understanding and eliminating
typical pmblems that occur in today's s5rstems.
The guidelines pr€sented have been accumulated and dweloped ftom experience in eval-
uating system performance and troubleshooting pmblems with H/C piping systems in com-
mercial, industrial and irrigation applications over the past 10 years. Many of the pnrblems
identified over these years are repetitious in nature, suggesting a lack of good guidelines to
use in desrgn, installation and maintenance.
ln rccent years, the PVC fitting industry has become concemed that their pmducts were
betn€ used in applications without adequate design precautions and have noted considerable
misunderstanding among desiglrers, installers and operators concerning prcper application
and use. With the support and input of a number of PVC fitting manufacturers, this handbook
has been prepared to address the problems that most ftequently occtrr and to pmvide tech-
niques to avoid these problems at the design, installation and operation phases of a pmject.
I wish to express my thanks to the H/C fitting manufacturers for their support and valuable
technical input in the preparation of this handbook and to the lrrigation Association for its
publication. I also wish to thank Dr. Jack Keller for providing valuable technical rerziew.
Ron D. Bliesner
Vice President
Keller-Bliesner Engineering
Logan, Utah
Inlroduction components. From a pnessure capaci$r standpoint, the
components had strength well beyond the stresses put
The piping industry was revolutionized by the intro-
on them. With plastics, although the strength-to-weight
duction, in the 1940s, of PolyUinyl Chloride) (PVC) pipe
ratio is fair$ high, a given fltting or pipe used in an irri-
and fittings. Piping system components manufactured fram
gation system is not near$ as strong as the steel coun-
PVC exhibit excellent corrosion resistance (PVC is inert to
terpart it replaced. So at the same time that we have extra
most acids, alkalies, fuels and other corrosives), are light
stresses placed on irrigation systems due to equipment
weight, have a high strength-to-weight ratio, are excep-
changes, we have the introduction of components with
tionally durable and have great resiliency. The use of PVC
less strength. This combination can lead to component
has grovrrn steadily since its intruduction, to the point
failure unless careful consideration is given to design and
where about 100,000 miles of PVC pipe is installed each
year in North America alone, The growth of the industry
In view of above considerations, the irrigation industry
has been due, in paft, to the availability of a wider range
needs some guidelines in designing and operating irri-
of PVC pipe sizes and compatible fittings that are inex-
gation systems with PVC components. With care in selec-
pensive and easy to install.
tion of components, in system design and operation, most
No portion of the piping industry has been affected by
of the problems can be eliminated. The following sections
PVC pipe and fittings more than the irrigation industry.
deal with aspects of PVC piping systems that are essential
The large quantity of pipe and the numenrus fittings required
to satisfactory operation.
made PVC a natural choice. The relatively low cost of the
materials, the ease of installation and the corrosion resis-
tant nature of PVC have made PVC irrigation systems the PVC fltrengfih Characterietics
healy favorite for golf course installations, home and com- and Tlpical PVC nitting Failures
mercial installations and agricultural systems.
To better understand the performance of PVC fittings in
The revolution in piping materials has been followed
piping systems it is helpful to examine the streng[h char-
closely in irrigation systems, especially golf course sys-
acteristics of PVC and the types of fitting failure that can
tems, by a revolution in sprinklers and control equipment.
occur. The types of failure fall into four main categories:
The advent of the valve-in-head sprinkler and computer-
1) Burst failure; 2l Long term pressure failure; 3) Cyclic
ized control systems in the last 10 years has provided
surge failure or fatigue; and 4) Mechanical failure due to
nearly unlimited flexibility in system operation. In earlier
external forces. Each of these t5,pes of failures will be
golf course systems, the design consisted of the mainline
discussed separately, although failure may be caused by
system and lateral system, with a control valve separating
a combination of situations.
the two. The pipe and fittings down stream of the control
valve were pressurized on$ when that block was oper-
ating; they were vented to atmosphere through the sprin- PVC Shengfih Characteristice
klers, so high surge pressures were unlikely. Also, the Most PVCpipe and fittings used in the irrigation industry
control systems were less sophisticated, with less flexi- are manufactured from Tlrpe I, Grade I PVC compounds.
bility, which meant that the flowrates in the system could Such a compound has a minimum tensile strength of 7,000
be more easily balanced at design time, reducing the psi before being stressed and a modulus of elasticity in
potential for high surges. tension of 400,000 psi at 73"F. while the initial tensile
Today's systems are usually pressurized continuously. strength of the compound is listed as 7,000 psi, this is
The control points in the systems are now at the sprinkle4, based on a tensile test in which the loading rate is 0.20
subjecting all piping components in the system to maxi- inch/minute. On the other hand, the stress rating of the
mum surges. The flexibility in control systems allows an material is developed through long-term tests (at ledst
operator to put water an5rwhere in the system every few 10,000hours) on pipe under constant stress.The resulting
minutes. Without adequate precautions, very high veloc- longterm strength is divided by a safetSrfactor of 2 to arrive
ities can be generated, leading to high pressure surges. at a 2,000 psi design strength.
Also, the valve-in-head sprinklers often close quite rapidly, The tensile strength of PVC under stress for an extended
creating sudden changes in velocigz at the sprinkler. Pres- period of time is often described by a stress regression
sure surg;es due to valve closure have been measured at plot as sholrn in Figure 1. For example, in Figure 1, if a
over 60 psi in valve-in-head systems and the potential pipe is continuously stressed at 5,000 psi it would be
exists for even higher surges. subject to failing (bursting) after approximately L,000 hours.
Earlyirrigation systems were constructed mainly of steel The plot is based on results from the long-terrn tests on
pipe, especially in the smaller diameters. Sprinkler swing a substantial number of pipe specimens. The outside
joint assemblies were nearly always constructed with steel diameter and minimum wall thickness are deterunined for
H/C fittings removed ftom installations and tested, it appears
that the above observations may not hold true for fittings.
At least the number of cycles to failure maybe considerably
less, due to stress concentrations at points of direction
change in the fittings
Burst Faihrre
Burst failure in PVC pipe and fittings is usually rather
dramatic. It mdy begin at a point of stress concentration
orweakness and may continue by splitting through fittings
and pipe for some distance. T}pical examples of burst
failure are shovrrn in the photos in figures 2A and 28.
Sometimes, the failures will completely shatter a fitting
and the adjacent pipe.
FIGURE f . Tlpical streao versua time to faihue
regpession curve for PVC pipe. Burst failures usually occur during hydraulic transient
conditions that create large pressure variations in the
system. These include rapid valve closure, pumps starting
each specimen so that the hoop stress for each specimen or stopping, rapidly escaping entrapped ajt or an air pocket
can be calculated based on a test pressure. Each specimen shifting within a pipeline. Burst failure will, sometimes,
is then subjected to the selected pressure (hoop stress) occur in a pipe or fitting that was damaged during instal-
and the time to failure is recorded. Specimens subjected lation or that is subject to external loads. In these cases
to highest stresses fail in the shortest time and those at the failure may occur at pressunes well below the expected
lower stresses last longer. By this process, a whole series burst limit of the product.
of stress regnessiondata points are developed. These data
are then analyzed in accordance with the ASTM D2837
method to select mathematically the "best fit" stress
rcgtr€ssionline. As can be seen in Flgure 1, the time required
to bring PVC pipe specimens to failure varies according
to the pressure (stress)being applied: e.g.,individual spec-
imens should withstand 6,000 psi for 10 hours; or 5,000
psi for 60 days (1440hrs); or 4,000 psi for 35 years (306,600
hrs); or 3,800 psi for 100 years (876,000hrs).
These values are for static pressure conditions. Tests
have shown that PVC pipe under continuous static pres-
sure for a long period of time can be subjected to a quick
burst pressure (less that 70 seconds in duration), and will
perform essentially the same as pipe which has not been
subjected to static pnessure testing. It appears that, even
after years of service, PVC pipe maintains its ability to
withstand occasional high pressure surges.
Howeve4 if this pipe is subject to frequent pnessure
variations of a cyclic nature it can fail, even though the
peak pressure never exceeds the design pnessure of the
pipe. The number of cycles to failure depends on the
magnitude of the pressune variation. It appears that the
ability of PVC pipe to withstand cyclic pressure conditions
is independent of its ability to withstand constant static
pressure. PVCpipe seems to have two "funds" uponwhich
to draw one labeled "static pressure life", and the other
"cyclic pressure life".
It should be noted that the above conclusions are based
on limited long terrn testing of PVC pipe. Based on these
tests a design criterion considering cyclic pressure cen-
ditions has been developed and will be discussed later.
As more testing is done, these phenomena will become
better understood and the design techniques refined. Also,
the rcported cyclic testing to date has been performed FIGURE 2A. Examples of typical buret failures in PVC
mainly for pipe and not for fittings. From examination of fittinge.
waterto churn the sand, which produces localized erosion
on the outer surface of the fitting.
also indicates that there may be a marked reduction in over-tightening. Since PVC is visco-elastic, it yields more
burst strength after subjection to a period of cyclic pres- easily on thread make-up than steel. The threads are also
sure conditions. Used tees that had been subject to cyclic smootherand create less fi:iction in make-up.It is therefore
conditions sufficient to cause failure in some fittings were very easy to over-tighten PVC fittings. It is possible, with
removed before failure and tested for burst strength against very little effort, to create circumferential stress beyond
new fittings. The used tees exhibited only about 567o of the failure limit when assembling threaded fittings. This
the burst strength of the new tees. These test results are is even mone pronounced when using some thread lubri-
not all-inclusive due to a limited sample size and limited cants, dopes orsealants. Figure 5 shows examples offailure
data on field conditions, but they do provide an indication of female threads due to overtightening. The failure usually
that cyclic conditions may reduce the strength of PVC appears as a split, perpendicular to the threads, beginning
fittings. at the leading edge and extending into the body of the
Of all the operating conditions that can cr€ate problems, fitting. Occasionally, a split at the base of the female threads
cyclic pressure appears to be the most critical, especially willappear parallel to the thread direction. This will usu.
in golf course systems. Given the cyclic nature of irrigation ally occur in a fitting with a shoulder or thickened place
system operation and their limited capacity to handle near the base of the threads and is mone common when
cyclic pressure conditions, fittings are the weakest system the male part bottoms against a shoulder.
components. Serious consequences may result if this fact A second $rpe of mechanical failure occurs when inad-
is not adlequately considered at the design stage. equate thmstblocking is provided. This allows excessive
pressure to be placed on a fitting as the line pressure tries
Mechanical Failure to displace it while the fitting is restrained by the pipe to
"Mechanical failure" covers a multitude of piping fail- which it is attached.
ures that are unrelated to but may interact with the A third type of mechanical failure occurs due to improper
hydraulics of the system. One of the most common qpes solvent welding or improper fitting assembly. Figure 0
of failure is splitting of female threaded fittings due to shows examples of these problems. Improperpenetration
These Standards deal mainly with workmanship, mate-
rials, dimensions, tolerances and testing. There are no
pressune ratings for PVC fittings in these ASTM Standards.
The only pressune neferences are for burst pressure. The
standards even state that the burst pressures are used
"only as an indication of qualigr" and "do not imply rated
working pressures." The only information given that might
indicate an attempt to construct a fltting for a particular
pressure rating is that the Standard requires the minimum
wall thickness of the fittings to be at least 125% of the wall
thickness of the same Schedule pipe except in the sockets
which are required to be 100% of the thickness of the same
Schedule pipe.Webelieve this maybe an insufficient incrEase
in wall thickness to allow equal working pnessures, even
under ideal conditions. While we recognize that literally
billions of PVC fltting are in use in a varietSzof applications,
the problem with failures in some applications with no
guidelines on working pnessure suggests a need for better
Standards that provide more information to the user con-
cerning suitability for a particular application.
Thble 1 presents the nominal and outside diameters,
burst pressure and working pressure specifications of
Schedule 40 and S0 PVC pipe. The burst pressures shown
also apply to Schedule 40 and 80 solvent weld pVC fittings.
The working pressunes do not apply to fittings, however.
No Standard exists that specifies a working pressure for
fittings.In addition, no testinghas been done to determine
the working pressure of fittings manufactured to these
specifications. Herein lies the problem of proper appli-
cation of these fittings. Historically, most designers have
FIGURE 6. Exarnplee of failure due to irnproper eolvent assumed that a Schedule 40 or 80 fitting would perform
wolding of joints. equally with the same Schedule pipe o4,worse yet, simply
assumed that the term "schedule" meant super heary
duty and they did not bother to check the test specifica-
of pipe into socketed fittings significantly reduces the
strength of the fitting. The tee and bushings sholrm in
Figure 6 were assembled with only 50yosocket penetration,
significantly weakening the assembly. Improper solvent IABLE f . PVC Pipe Pressure Ratings-Schedule 4O and
welding techniques can cause failures in the bonding, aO (only burst preesures apply to fittings)*
creating leaks or separation. Schedule40 epecifrcatione ScheduleE0specifrcatione
Another type of mechanical failure can occur due to Noninal Outside Wall Bumt heeeure Watl BurEt Pr€ssur.e
temperature expansion. If sufficient expansior/contrac- Size Diameter Thickness PresEure Rating ThicknesePressure nadng
(psil (psi) (pei) (psi)
tion allowances are not made by providing expansion
loops, offsets or slip joints, severe stress can be placed on V, 0.U0 0.109 1910 596 0:t47 2720 848
the pipe and fittings. 3/r 1.050 0.113 1540 482 0.154 2200 688
1 1.315 0.133 1440 450 0.179 2020 630
1y4 1.660 0.140 1180 368 0.191 1660 520
PVC Fitting Standards- |y, 1.900 0.145 1060 330 0.2 1510 471,
What They Mean and How Tb Use Them 2 2.375 0.154 890 277 0.218 1290 404
zyz 2.875 0.203 s70 304 0.276 1360 425
Schedule 40 and 80 solvent weld and threaded fittings 3 3.500 0.216 840 263 0.3 1200 375
are covered by the following ASTM Standard Specifica- 3y, 4.000 0.226 770 240 0.318 1110 345
tions: 4 4.500 0.237 710 222 0.337 1040 324
J 5.5t).1 0.258 620 195 0.375 930 289
D2464-Tt\Eaded Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (pVC) plastic pipe o b.bz5 0.280 560 t77 0.432 890 275
Fittings, Schedule 80. 8 8.625 0322 500 155 u.5 750 246
D2466-Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (pVC) plasric pipe Fiftings, 10 10.750 0.365 450 1.41. 0.593 750 234
12 72.750 0406 420 ItL 0.687 730 228
Schedule 40.
D2467-Socket-T}pe Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (pVC) plastic *The same burst
pressures apply to fittings but they carry no pressure
Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80. ratings.
It may seem that, since fittings have the same burst question, and it cannot be answered with any degree of
pFessune requirements as the equivalent pipe, the rated confidence until cyclic and long term tests are conducted
wor*ing pnessunes should be equal. I-et's examine a fitting and pressure standards developed. Howeveq by analyzing
and see why this isn't the case. Figure 7 depicts a cross the iorces on the fitting, we can make some educated
section of a t5pical 2 inch Schedule 40 tee' The straight guesses and provide some general ggidelines to use in the
side of the tee is str€ssed much like an equivalent leng[h absence ofpressure standards based on tests'
of pipe. HoweveD the branch side of the tee is stressed If the fitting received no additional strength from the
-""tt differently. In fact, a tee manufactured strictly to the pipe cemented into the sockets, then the highest expected
ASTM Standard will be about 257oweaker on this side than p""ttnt* ratin$ would be about 75Voof that of the equiv-
an equivalent length of pipe if only the tee is considered hent schedule pipe. Tests conducted on alimited number
(no sirength derived from the inserted pipe). As the fitting of 2 inch Schedule 40 PVC tees that had been subjected
is configured for standard ASTM testing, the branch side to conditions causing fatigue and,/or sustained pnessure
would only be about 107o weaker than equivalent pipe if failures in similar fittings in the same system trurst at 567o
it is assumed that the stress placed on the center of the of the pressure required to burst new fittings under burst
fitting can be resisted by the fitting wall in the sockets' test conditions. Using standard stress rcgression plots, the
This is a fair assumption under quick burst conditions used fittings should have been capable ofat least ToVoof
(less than 70 seconds) since the material that is over- the original burst strength. The capacity of the fittings
stressed has not had sufficient time to deform' HoweveD under cyclic conditions is not knovrrn, but appears to be
under long term pressure conditions or cyclic conditions, significantly less than for equivalent Schedule pipe' For
the unsupported portion of the fitting will carry higher these reasons it is estimated that Schedule 40 and 80 PVC
stresses and will tend to fatigue in these stress concen- fittings should carry/ a pnessure rating of not more that
tration areas. The failure locations shovvn on the tees in 6070 ;f the rating for the equivalent Schedule PVC pipe'
Figures 3 and 4 identi$r these stress concentration aneas' Thble 2 lists these pnessuneratings. It should be noted that
How then, is a desi$ner to decide how to use these these limits are based on very little hard data and should
fittings, if no pressure rating is given? That is the key be used with caution. Certain circumstances may require
even lower pnessune ratings. It should also be noted that
pressure" for Schedule 80 threaded pipe is 507o of
ih" p."ttrr." rating forunthreaded pipe' Some further de-
rating of Schedule 80 threaded fittings may be needed that
is not reflected in the values in Thble 2.
Some PVCfittingmanufacturers are now offering orplan
to offer higher str€ngth tees and elbows that are reinforced
with extra material in the stress concentration areas'These
fittings exceed the thickness requirements of the current
ASTM Standards and would normally be capable of with-
6 I
standing greater pressunes. Howeveq no test results have estimate the pressure rating requirements of the piping
been published and no new Standards set forthese fittings. system.Although the table showsvalues ofvelocity change
Also, there is some consideration in the industry to push up to 10 feet per second (fos),it is advisable to limit veloc-
for pressure rated solvent weld fittings. This approach ities to 5 fos to control maximum surges.
would ease the difficulty of the designer in selecting the
appropriate fittings. Controlling the Magpritude of
Pressure Surges in the Design Phase
kessure Sur(es-W'hat Canrses A number of design techniques are used to control water
Them and Hffi'Tb Conlrol Them hammer in piping systems. To limit surges generated by
pump operation, air chambers or surge tanks that absorb
Causes of Preesure Sur$ee
surges in conjunction with pressune regulating and pres-
Few piping systems are operated under "static" con- sure reliefvalves are often installed in the pumping station.
ditions for long periods of time. Hydraulic transient con- Packaged pumping plants with all necessary controls and
ditions or "surges" occur in every irrigation system. A equipment are available from a number of manufacturers
pnessure surge or "water hammer" is created any time the and are commonly used in golf course irrigation systems.
flowrate changes in a piping system. This may be caused When allvalves and controls are properlysized and adjusted,
byvalve operation, pumps starting or stopping, line breaks, surges generatedby changes inpump flows and,/ordemands
or rapid escape of entrapped air. are reduced to non-harrnful levels. If a packaged pumping
14/hen a pipe contains a column of moving liquid, there plant is not used, the pump station should include, at the
is considerable kinetic eners/ stored in the liquid byvirtue very least, a pr€ssure regulating valve to maintain constant
of its mass and velocigz. If the velocitSr is suddenly decreased down stream pnessure regardless ofthe flow rate. Pressure
(by the quick closing of a valve) this energy cannot be tanks decrease the pressure fluctuation seen at the valve
absorbed by the liquid, since the liquid is nearly incom- and increase the pressure modulation in the system.
pressible. It appears as an instantaneous shock to the pipe Controlled valve closure speed is critical in limiting the
which may lead to excessively high pressures. This effect magnitude of pressure surges in the system. A typical
is greater as the pipe line is longe4 the velocigz change valve-in-head sprinklerwill close in 6 to 10 seconds, which
greater and the closing time of the valve shorter. seems sufficiently slow to limit surges to acceptable levels.
Instantaneous valve closure is often assumed in com- Howeveq, the valves are electrically controlled hydraulic
puting the maximum surge pressure per unit change in valves that operate on the principle of pressure difference
velocigz. Table 3 indicates the maximum surge pressure across the valve for closure. The higher the pressure drop
for various PVC pipe sizes and SDR values for a range of across the valve, the faster it closes. Therefore, the closer
velocity changes. These values can be used in design to the valve is to being closed, the faster it closes, which
IABLE 3. Maximum pressure surge with inetantaneoue valve cloeure for water flowing in pv6 pipe.
Preasure Velocity Change-fps
Wave (-not recommended-)
Velocity 4 5 6 a 1 0
SDR fUsec Pressure
13.5 1.502 20.2 40.4 60.6 80.8 101.0 '1.21,.2
'1.4 161.6 201.9
1,474 19.8 39.6 59.4 79.2 99.1 118.9 158.5 198.1
17 1331 17.9 3s.8 cJ. / 71.6 89.5 107.4 743.2 179.O
18 1292 17.4 34.8 52:1. 69.5 86.9 1o4.3 139.0 173.8
2't 1193 16.0 32.1. 48:t 64.2 80.2 96.3 128.3 1,60.4
25 1091 14.7 29.3 44.O 58.7 88:0 117.3 146.7
26 1069 1.4.4 28.7 43.1, 77.9 86.2 't43.7
32.5 954 t2.8 25.6 38.5 51.3 64.1, 76.9 1.O2.6 128.2
41, 847 11.4 22.8 34.2 45.6 57.O 68.3 91.1 113.9
There are many potential sources for air in pipelines
2-4 and the sources are usually multiple in any $iven system'
2.2 The most likely source is entrapment of air during fiIlin$'
2.O either initially or when refilled after drainage' In some
€ 1.E systems, air re-enters each time the pumps are shut off
$t t.6
as the pipelines drain through low lying sprinklers or open
r! 1.1
Air is often introduced at the point where water enters
o.6 the system. This is an especially common problem with
o.3 gravity fed pipelines, but may occur with pumped systems
o..t as well. Even water pumped from deep wells may be
o.2 subject to air entrance from cascading water in the well'
16 17 1A t9 20 21 X2 23 24 1 2 5',t A less obvious source of air comes from the release of
Tima ot DoY dissolved air in the wateq due to changes in temperature
at the pumping and/or pressure. The quantities may be small in this case'
FIGURE a. Tlpical flowrate variations
plant of a golf course oystGm. but accumulations over time can create problems'
It is also common for air to enter through air release positively when water reaches them. These valves operate
valves orvacuum breakers when the pressure drops below either by a buoyant float closing the valve as the water
atmospheric pnessure. This can occur during pump shut- rises or by the impact of the water against a plate or other
down or during negative surges. valve closure element. The valve remains closed until the
pressure drops below atmospheric pressune, as would
Why is Entoapped Air a Problem? result from draining the line. These S,rpesof valves close
rapidly and will cause a significant change in velocit5z at
Airin apiping system tends to accumulate at high points
closure, thus care should be used in their sizing and
during low flow or static conditions. As the flowrate
increases, the air can be forced along the pipeline by the
Combination valves are manufactured to perform the
movingwaterand maybecome lodged atthe more extreme
functions of both continuous-acting and ventfuacuum air
high points where it reduces the area available for flow
release valves. Upon filling, a large orifice is opened. Once
Thus, these pockets of air cause flow restrictions which
water reaches the valve, the large orifice closes and allows
reduce the efficiency and performance of the system.
air to escape only thnrugh the smaller orifice that is actuated
As an air pocket grows, the velocit;r past that point
by a float mechanism.
increases until eventually the air is swept on toward an
outlet. While line restrictions are problems, a more serious
situation can occur when air is rapidly vented from the Pressure Pipe Design and Selection
system under pressure. Water is about 5 times more dense The selection of the proper pnessure rating of compo-
than air at 100 psi, so when a pocket of compressed air nents of a piping system is a most important design con-
reaches an outlet, such as a sprinkler head, it escapes very sideration. Tfpically, the designer carefully determines the
rapidly. As it escapes/ water rushes in to replace the void. normal operating pnessure range of the system, adds an
When water reaches the opening, the velocit5r suddenly appropriate value for expected surge, and selects com-
decreases,since air escapesabout 5 times faster than water ponents that are rated at this pressure or higher. Although
at 100 psi. The result is similar to instantaneous valve for many applications this is an adequate approach, con-
closure, except that the velocity change can far in exceed sideration should also be given to operating temperature
the normal flow velociqr in the pipeline. During tests at and cyclic surges.
Colorado State UniversitS,,pressure surges up to 15 times
the operating pnessunehave been recorded when entrapped Pressure Rating
air was rapidly vented under pressure. Such pressure
The ASTM pressune rating system for PVC pipe is based
surges can easily exceed the strength of the system com-
on a hydrostatic pressure design basis using a material
ponents and even at lower magnitudes, repeated surges
strength of 4,000 psi and a safet5rfactor of 2. Therefore, the
will weaken the system with time.
pressune rating is computed on the basis of a design hoop
stress, S : 2,000 psi. The pressune rating can then be
Dealing with Entrapped Air computed by:
Obviously, the best way to reduce problems caused by P _ 2SI(SDR-1)
entrapped air would be to prevent it from entering the : Hydrostatic pressure rating, psi
Where P
system. Precautions should be taken to eliminate air - Design hoop
S stress, 2,000 psi
entrance. When systems are filled, either initially or after
SDR : Standard dimension ratio
draining for winterization or repai4 they should be filled
: Outside pipe diameter/ wall thickness
slowly, at a velocit5z of 1.0 fos or less, and the air should
be vented from the high points before the system is pres- The above procedure does not apply to PVC fittings for
surized. Even with these precautions, some air can remain reasons previously discussed. In the absence of better
in the system. information on fitting pnessure ratings, values from Thble
To deal with this remaining air or newly admitted aiq, 2 can be used as a guide for Schedule 40 and 80 pVC
continuous-acting air relief valves should be installed at fittings.
high points in the line and lines should be laid to grade
wherever possible. Continuous-acting valves contain a float Tbrnperature Consideratione in Deeign
mechanism which allows the air to vent through a small
Most irrigation systems operate at water temperatures
orifice, even when the line is pressurized. The orifice diam-
below 73 F. HoweveA if higher fluid or ambient tempera-
eter should be about 1 percent of the diameter of the pipe
tures are expected, thepressure capacigzofthe pVC piping
on which it is installed to allow the entrapped air to be
components should be reduced appropriately. Thble 4lists
slowly released.
reduction factors for pressure ratings at elevated temper-
Several combination air ventfuacuum relief valves are atures for various dimension ratios. To compute the pres-
available for control of air in systems. Air and vacuum sure capaci$z at an elevated temperature for both fittings
release valves are designed to exhaust large volumes of air and pipe, multiply the standard pressure rating by the
Iiom pipelines during the filling pnocess and to close factors shown for the expected temperature.
TABLE 4. Pressure reduction factors for epecific Thus, the peak internal pressure is:
operating temperaltures above 73o F.
P : 100 + 64 -- 164 psi.
Reduction Factor* Furthermore, the expected number of cycles during
Tbmperature as a % of rated preseure at 73o F
the system's life is:
up to 73oF 7OO7o C' : 60/day x 250 days/year x 50 years :
80"F 9OVo 75O,OOO
100'F 62Vo
120'F 39Vo
Thus, the peak hoop stress should not exceed:
140'F 22Vo S' : (5.0SX lO21/ZSO,O00)o+zo+: 1,694 psi
and the required dimension ratio is:
*Use linear interpolation for intermediate temperatures.
DR : 2 x1694/164 20.7
Thus, SDR 21 pipe would be required. Fittings of
Deeiening for Cyclic Surge Capacity equal pressur€ rating (200 psi) would also be
As noted earlieD cyclic surges are not adequately required. From Thble 3, fittings smaller than Z-inch
addressed by standard design techniques. In cases wherc could be Schedule 40, 2-inch through 4-inch fittings
should be Schedule 80. Fittings larger than 4-inch
total pressure variation due to cyclic surges equals or
exceeds SOVoof. the working pnessure, the potential for should be pressure rated fittings capable of 200 psi
fatigue failure is significant. H.W Vinson (1) has developed working pnessure.
an empirical technique for computing the dimension ratio An alternative method for determining the required DR
requlred to withstand cyclic surges in which the required is to use Figure 9. Entering Figure I with C' : 7.5 x 7Os
design hoop stress is computed as follows: and P : 164 psi gives a DR between 27 and 26, thus SDR
s' : (5.05 x1027/C',)o+204 21 pipe should be used.
: required design peak hoop stress, psi It may be noted that the Vinson equations used above
where S'
: Anticipated number of cycles in the life of are conseryative. Howeve4 for extreme cyclic surge appli-
cations, such as goHcourses,the added safetyfactor obtained
the system.
by using these equations is justified.
Having determined the required design peak hoop stress,
the required dimension ratio for the pipe and fittings can
now be calculated by: Installation Considerations
DR :25,/P + 7 One of the characteristics of PVC piping systems that
: required design peak hoop stress, psi makes them attractive is the ease of installation, due to
where S'
P - peak intemal pipe or fitting pnessure
(hydrostatic * surge),psi
DR : dimension ratio
Given: o
= +
\T \
The surge pressure from Table 3 (assume SDR 21) : FIGURE 9. Cyclic fatigue life of PvC pipe when eubjected
64 psi. to large presonre surg;es.
their light weight and ease of fabrication. Howeve4 pre- easily, allowing deeper thread makeup with less torque.
cautions must be taken, as with other materials, in storing, In some cases,it is even possible to over-tighten the fittings
handling, joining, laying, blocking, backfilling, filling and by hand.
pressure testing.
Amiving at a guideline for assembling threaded pVC
fitting joints is difficult. The amount of torque required to
Ilandling assemble two fittings will vary with the thread taper and
Because of the light weight of pVC, there may be a tolerance, the tlpe of sealant used, the temperature, the
temptation to handle it roughly. Care should be taken to size of the fitting, etc. The number of exposed threads is
avoid dropping pipe or fittings since undetected fractures even less precise as a guide to proper assembly.The method
could result, causing later problems. Also, physical dam- that seems to work best is to first tighten the fittings "finger
age to the pipe or fittings in terms of scratches or gouges tight" and then add another 1 to 2 turns. Although "finger
may significantly reduce the long term strength of the tight" is qualitative, it is a fair measure of the required
component, especially under cyclic surge conditions. Spe- initial tightness, and will rarely result in overtightened
cial care should be taken in cold weather to avoid impact fittings. Tightening a fitting more than 2 turns past "finger
damage due to the increased brittleness of the material at tight" can exceed the design strength of the fitting. Figure
reduced temperatures. 10 shows a plot of the number of turns past "finger tight"
If pipe and fittings are going to be stored for extended and the associated hoop stress generated in the female
time periods, they should be shielded from direct sunlight thread body. Two turns past finger tight for these Il/z-inch
by some opaque covering, allowing air circulation around fittings produced 2,000 psi hoop stress which is the stan-
the components to avoid over-heating. Storage at high dard design stress for PVC pressure pipe.
temperatures may cause some distortion of the compo- Much controversy exists over the g,pe of thread sealant
nents of the piping system and should be avoided. to use. Some manufacturers recommend a liquid or paste
sealant and some recommend Teflon tape. As long as care
Solvent Welding is taken to follow manufacturers' recommendations, either
Solvent weld joints require care during assembly. ASTM can be used successfully.Howevel designers and installers
Standard D2855 should be followed, as well as any man- should be aware of a few precautions for each type of
ufacturer's recommendations. Common problems asso- sealant.
ciated with solvent cement ioints are: With paste or liquid thread sealants/ extreme care must
1. Inadequate primer or poor priming techniques which be used in selecting a sealant which is suitable for pVC
fail to provide sufficient glaze breaking and softening pipe. Standard pipe dope and even some of the Teflon
of the joining surfaces. paste compounds are not compatible with PVC, so be
certain that the sealant used has been tested and approved
2. Improper application of cement, resulting in non-
for PVCfittings. For fittings that will be subjected to move-
uniform coverage, e.g. dry places on either of the
ment, such as swing joint risers, the paste or liquid sealant
joining surfaces or puddling inside the joint.
must be non-setting. The higherviscosigz sealants that do
3. Allowing the cement to become too drybefore assem- not dry seem to perform better in applications requiring
bly, resulting in poor bonding. movement.
4. Incomplete insertion of the spigot into the socket on
assembly, reducin$ the solvent weld contact area.
If problems such these occult, inadequate bonding
betr,veenthe spigot and socket occul which may lead to
failure as shovrm in Figure 6. Although some force was T
required to separate the two surfaces, little fusing had
taken place, indicating insufficient solvent penetration. e?
Threaded Fittings
With threaded steel piping the onlyproblem pipe fitters E
Moxlmum |@mm.ndd tightn@
needed to worry about was to make sure the threaded
fltting didn't leak. To make sure, the joint was tightened
a little more. With threaded PVC fittings, that technique
can lead to fitting failure. The biggest single cause of failure
o 2 , + 6
in female threaded PVC fittings is over-tightening. This is Tuh. po.t flng.r Ught
easy to do because PVC threads are much smoother than
the threads in iron pipe fittings and, with today's lubri- FIGURE 1O. Relationship between hoop stoess in the
female thread and turns past linger tight in
cating thread sealants, it is very easy to over-tighten a
the makeup of ryp-inch {breaded pVC
threaded PVCfitting. In addition, the pVC will deform more fittings.
With Teflon tape, application is the primary precaution Given:
because the thickness of the tape varies widely among A 6-inch PVC 90 elbow operated at 100 psi maximum
manufacturers. With very thin tape, multiple vwaps may pressute is installed in a loam soil which is between
be required to achieve leak-free joints' Howevex' when a sand and a soft claY.
appl)4ng multiple wraps, the risk of thick and thin areas Analysis:
is increased. Such non-uniform application can cause From Table 5, the thrust which must be supported
additional stresses on the fittings' Uneven application can by the soil equals 4,000 lbs.
be avoided by using a tape that is at least as wide as the
From Table 6, the bearing strength of the soil is about
width of the threaded anea on the fitting' (Thke care to
keep the tape from hanging over the end of the male
Therefore, the required thrust block contact area must
threads as this excess tape can break loose and plugvalves
and screens.) Multiple wraps are made directly on top of be:
the previous wrap without spiralling, cr€ating a uniforrn contact area : 4,OOo/750 : 5.3 square feet
thickness. Sufficient wraps (usually 2 to 5 depending on Consideratione
Tbmperature Expaneion
the tape thickness) should be used to insure that the
threads do not "gall" or "lock-up" on make-up' A few test All pipe materials expand and contract with changes in
make-ups should be made as a trial. After make-up, the temperiture and this dimensional change must be con-
parts shouldbe disassembled and inspected'The number sidered in the design and installation of piping systems'
bf -tupt should be adjusted until no evidence is seen of As a general rule, a 10oFchange in temperature will cause
broken tape in the threads. WC lipe to expand or contract 3/8 in for every 100 ft of
tengtft. f'o. example, a 1,000-foot pipeline installed in the
An additional precaution is necessary when handling
,rrrirn", when the ambient temperature is 90"F would
threaded fittings. It is a fair$ common practice to pre-
shrink about 20 inches if the soil cooled to 40oF in the
assemble sprinkler swing joint assemblies and stock-pile
winter. This change in length must be accommodated or
them for laier installation. If this is done, the assemblies
severe damage to the pipe and fittings will result'
should be kept in a shaded, ventilated storage area until
installation. Excessive heat on the assembled fittings can There are several methods for dealing with thermal
cause the PVC to relax and loosen the fitting. leakage may expansion and contraction. The most common today'
result, or, if the joints are re-tightened, the fittings could especially for 4-inch or larger diameter pipe, is the use of
become over-stressed when cooled. pipe can be
gurt ioints. A 3-inch or smaller diameter
Thruet Blocking
TA"BLE 5. Thruet developed per loo pei ol line preesure
Water under pnessune exerts thrust forces in piping sys- for various PiPe eizes and fitting
tems at: changes in pipe size or direction, dead ends, valves
and hydrants. The size, shape and type of thrust blocking Valvee,
required depends on the maximum system pressure, pipe Pipe Fitting
goo Elbow
45o Elbow Dead Ende
size, appurtenance size, t5pe of fitting, line profile and soil (inch) (lbe. force) (lbe. force) (lbe. force)
7tA 300 200 200
The design of thrust blocking requires knowledge of the 2. 500 300 400
ttuust generated and the bearing strcngth of the soil against 3 1,000 800
whichihe thrust block will be placed. Thrusts developed 4 1,800 1,100
2,3OO 2p00
per 100 psi of line pressure for various pipe sizes and 6 4,000
8 7,2OO 4,10O
htting qpes are presented in Thble 5. These values can be t7,200 6,300 7,SOO
used in conjunction with the soil bearing strength data 12 16,000 9,100 11,300
presented in Table 6 to calculate thrust block sizes'
It is a fairly common practice to install thrust blocks at
TA"BLE 6. Estimated bearing sfrength of gpical eoils
the locations discussed above. HoweveD several pnecau-
tions are necessary to assur€ that the thrust blocks are Bearing Strengflh
adequate. To be effective, a thmst block must: 1) be placed Soil TVPe
air compressors. The water is literally blolrrn from the
pipes. This method is used since it is far less expensive
than laying the many thousands of feet of pipe to grade
and installing drains.
There are some inherent dangers in using compressed
air to "blow out" pipelines. Remembering the discussion
of air-induced pressure surges in pipe lines, the risk of
high surge pressunes is great if the water and air become
mixed, or air pockets form within areas that are not totally
drained. The velocities created can be very high and the
surge potential is equally high
If compressed air must be used to evacuate pipelines,
lf thrusts, due to high pressure, are expected, anchoa valves as
Thru line cotlnectioil,
Thru line cotvectiott,
considerable care should be exercised. A high volume
beiow. At vertical bends, anchor to resist outward thrusts.
3. Diection chdkge, elbow compr€ssor shonld be used, but the output pnessuneshould
4. Choilge line size, re.luccr
J. Diectioil change, tee usad be limited to less than 507o of the system operating pres-
6. Direction cheilge, crott usul sure. If a sufficient volume of air can be developed at lower
7. Dircction change
8. Thru line connlctioil, \|.r( pressure/ so much the better. Valves should first be opened
10. Dirccion chdfige vettical, in the low points and at distal ends of lines to drain tha
largerdiameterpipes and remove the majority ofthewater.
Pressureshould be limited to about 25 to 307oof the normal
operating pressure during this phase. Once the major lines
FIGURE f r. Tfilical thruet block inetallatione.
ar€ evacuated,the close-invalves shouldbe closedto allow
evacuation of more distant segments. It will probably take
snaked in the trench to accommodate the thermal expan- two to three passes through the system, working from
sion. For larger diameter pipe with solvent weld ioints, upstream to downstream to completely evacuate the water
periodic expansion joints, offsets or expansion loops must from all lines. A pressune gauge should be installed on the
be used to accommodate the length change. pipeline near the compnessor and monitored continu-
ously during the operation. pressure should be built up
System Maintenance Requirements slowly to allow the water columns to begin moving grad-
ually, avoiding any sudden pnessure surges. If the line
MaintainingAir Relief and Eurge Conhol Equipment pnessune gauge fluctuates dramatically, the air pnessure
should be reduced to lower the risk of pipe damage.
Automatic air relief and surge control equipment are
on$ effective in limiting the magnitude of pressune surges
when it is operating properly. In practice it is not uncom- Summary
mon to find an irrigation system with a number of the air
PVC piping offers many advantages over other g,pes of
vents closed or inoperable. Air vents, pressune relief valves,
piping, especially to the irrigation industry. If the systems
pnessune regulation valves and surge tanks should be
are carefully designed, installed and maintained, the pip-
inspected and serviced at least annually to assure that
ing will give years of satisfactory service. Howeveq, inade-
they are operating properly.The small orifices on contin-
quate consideration of potential hydraulic situations, faulgz
uous-acting air relief valves can become plugged and may
installation, or improper operation can lead to significant
need foequent periodic cleaning. As with any mechanical
problems, if not immediately, then at some time in the
device, periodic maintenance is necessary to maintain
future. The cost of system failure is too great to ignore
reliable operation.
these potential problems, especially since moderate
adjustrhents in system design can eliminate many of these
hecautione in Winterizing the System
problems. We hope that using the guidelines presented
Systems that are not installed below the frost line must herein will aid designers and operators in meeting the
be drained during the winter. The most effective method rigorous demands placed on them. We also hope that
of draining the system is to install the pipelines on grade additional per:formance testing can be accomplished on
with drain valves at the low points. Howeve4 with many Schedule 40 and 80 fittings and that, ultimately, all pVC
golf course systems, the common method of removing the fittings can be pressure rated to eliminate the confusion
water fiom the lines is with high pressurp-high volurng that now exists in regard to their appropriate applicationt.
Bibliography' Selected References
f;or Flrr{her Reading
1. Vinson, H. W., "Response of PVC Pipe to Large, Repetitive
Pressure Surges," Proceedings of the International Con- Handbook of PVC Pipe, Design and Construction
ference on Underground Plastic Pipe, American Sociegr of Uni-Bell Plastic Pipe Association
Civil Engineers, New York, N.Y. (March 1981) 2655 Villa Creek Drive, Suite 150
Dallas, Texas 75234
Pipeline Design for Water and Wastewater
American Society of Civil Engineers
345 East 47th Street
New York, New York 10017
Plastics Piping Manual
Plastics Pipe Institute
SocietSrof the Plastics Industry
355 t€xington Ave.
New York, New York 10017