Nov. 18 Herald
Nov. 18 Herald
Nov. 18 Herald
the H e ral d
No 10
Session notes 4
Birthdays/Thank 6 It’s time to get ready to decorate for the Advent season. Poinsettia or-
Yous ders are now due in the church office. The deadline to place your order is
Calendar 7 Sunday, November 18. We have to call the
order into the greenhouse on Monday, Nov.
Church Happenings 6 19. The cost of the poinsettias will be $8.75.
We will be offering red and white poinsettias
again this year. Order forms will be in the
bulletins starting on November 4.
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the He ral d
One theme I have consistently heard: “We need to grow this church.” Whether for budgetary
reasons, to fill all our volunteer needs or simply from the desire to share the wonderful church
life we enjoy, people have told me this repeatedly.
I completely agree.
The question is, how. To answer, I ask another question: “Why do you try out anything you have not
tried before?” Studies and anecdotal evidence agree the answer is, “I try a new restaurant, a movie, a day
-care, a church because somebody I know and trust recommended it.”
Whom do you know who could find a home at Central Presbyterian? When is the last time you
invited anybody to visit?
If you can think of someone, think next of to what you would invite them. If they have young children,
may I recommend they try our Parents' Night Out as their first point of contact with Central? If they have
recently moved here and you know them to have a church background, worship might fit the bill. If they
have a heart for the poor and oppressed, joining in a Saws ramp build or volunteering with our folks at
14th and Chestnut might do the trick.
You get the idea. Most of us know someone we could invite. If you are like most, the block is not
that you don't know anybody to invite, nor that you do not love your church. The block is that
many of us have come to feel reluctant to extend that invitation. So I encourage you. Pray for the
words and the timing, and I believe God will give them to you.
We have a great church. We really do. Let's share it.
CHANGE OF MEETING DATE: The Tuesday meeting night meal and childcare will
be November 13. Supper and childcare from 5:15 – 8pm.
Are you a U.S Military Veteran? Please join the Sunday School attendees at a
breakfast on Sunday, November 11 at 9:30am.
BIBLE SUNDAY – Bibles will be presented to our 1st and 6th grade students on Sunday,
December 2.
HANGING OF THE GREENS w ill be W ednesday, November 28. Decorating begins
at 5:00 pm followed by the dedication at 6:00 and a pizza supper. Everyone is welcome
to join the festivities of preparing our church building for Advent and Christmas.
During its October meeting, session reviewed reports from commissions and committees and transacted routine business.
Pastor’s Report:
Mike presented his written report. A letter of resignation from Donna Paul-Bonham as Kids Hope director effective November 30
was read and accepted (with one abstention) with great thanks for her incredibly creative service. Mike added that he and Linda
love it here and appreciate being received so well, even as they grieve their previous home. He asked for support for them both as
they adapt to this change in their lives.
Treasurer’s Report
The report for the month of September was approved with thanks and one abstention. Fred Rubey called attention to the high-
lights, noting that compared to last year we are about $23,500 over in expenses with similar income. Quarterly statements were
distributed; those who want a paper copy should contact the office. If there is a shortage in the operating fund at the end of the
year (currently projecting about $17,000)
Page 5
we have funds we can tap. One issue is that the new pastor search was under budgeted, and our PNC has sent sug-
gestions to presbytery to share with other PNCs.
Christian Educator’s Report: Cheryl’s written report was reviewed. This week she is attending the Great Lakes Associ-
ation of Presbyterian Church Educators fall event.
Christian Nurture: on November 11 there will be a breakfast honoring veterans in place of Sunday School. Please let CN
know if your group is not meeting on a Tuesday evening.
The commission proposed a motion to increase the salary of youth director Conner Scanlon by $1000 and his program
budget by $1000. Discussion raised several questions about the original funding arrangements, coordination with Cen-
tenary United Methodist, and contributions from Unity Presbyterian. The motion was tabled until we have more infor-
mation from Centenary, Conner, and the Youth Design Team.
Facilities: we have installed a new computer for the pastor and Cheryl’s hard drive has been placed into the computer
formerly used by the pastor. The AED has been installed in the fellowship hall.
Finance: Session approved a motion to reimburse Cheryl Moles for the cash that was stolen from her purse while the
church was unlocked during evening meetings. We will lock things more carefully now. Some work is being done on the
computerized locking system.
Worship: We will contribute $1500 to the Milliken choir and feed them after their 1/6 concert.
Interpretation and Support: Fred distributed a preliminary budget showing requests and anticipated expenses; the in-
come portion is blank for now.
Personnel: the committee presented a motion to allocate the mileage allowance for the pastor as a monthly expense
rather than use individual vouchers. An amount of $1000 per year, based on the contract suggested estimate, was pro-
posed. Discussion of the tax consequences of this change were raised and the motion was tabled. Lance will research
the tax issues.
The committee proposed hiring Linda Riggins as Kids Hope director upon the resignation of Donna Paul-Bonham. Linda
has expressed an interest in the position. Pending approval from Rev. Susan McGhee, session approved a motion to pro-
ceed with the hiring process (including interviews with Personnel and Mission).
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V o lu me X XX XX I V,
Old Business:
Josh Powers noted that the mission fund has some money that could help fund the part time volunteer coor-
dinator position. The intent is for this person to find mission and community volunteer opportunities, not to
find internal church volunteers such as greeters or coffee hosts or to work with the nominating committee.
Josh and the personnel committee will collaborate on the position description. Nancy Edgerton encouraged
us to research and pursue grant opportunities.
A huge thank you to the members of CPC who so graciously stepped forward in a moment
of safety emergency for the two HEMEFund schools in Kabul, Afghanistan. The resources
were deployed and we invite you to read about it and see the pictures in the October
HEMEFund newsletter available at this church weblink:
November birthdays
1– Mary Symon
4—Madeline Good
6—Murray Pate
9—Charles Rubey
15—Aspen Kershaw
18—Jean Wilkinson
19—Eliza Payne
29 — Keith Hawkins
Page 7
1 Choral Con- 2 3
cert in sanctuary
11Choir 8:45 12 Family Prayer 13 Seekers & 14 Staff 11:15 15 16 17 Ladies Wel-
come Brunch
Sunday school Group 11:00 Searchers Bible Deacons 5:00
Youth Design 11:00
9:30 study 10:00
Team 6:15
Worship 10:30
T3EM meal & Session 7:00
Youth 5:00
meetings Choir 7:00
Service of
Wholeness 6:30
Church Happenings