Effects of Personal Selling To Promote The Products

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International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248

Volume: 4 Issue: 9 110 – 112


Effects of Personal Selling to Promote the Products

Mrs.V. Kannagi, M.Com (CA)., M.Phil., P.Veerammal

Associate Professor,Department of Commerce, M.Phil- Research scholar,Department of Commerce,
Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences for Women Vivekanandha College of Arts and Sciences for Women
Elayampalayam, Tiruchengode Elayampalayam, Tiruchengode

ABSTRACT: The strength of private commercialism lies within the facts that it allow communicative interchange, a methoda lot of
refined however, at the somedays, a lot of venture some than classical strategies like advertising, that place confidence in one- approach
communication. In terms of potency, communicative interchange ends up in reduction of reach losses; it’s of primary importance within the
selling of commodities that ought to be explained or incontestable to the customer and notably, so in industrial selling and also the selling
services. It’s recognized however that non-public commercialism could be a comparatively pricy suggests that of communication.



The hallmark of each business is to spot, anticipate  To investigate the result of private commercialism on
and satisfy customers want maximized profit, possess client relationship management.
competitive advantages and stay relevant with in the market  To ascertain if personal commercialism will influence
place this will solely be a achieved through the adoption of shopper purchase call of mobilephone.
private commercialism as promotion combine strategy.  To investigate the result of private commercialism on
Personal commercialism plays a significant role in making client relationship management.
direct contacts and interactions between customers and  To confirm the role of private commercialismon client
sellers producers moreover as enhances productivity of loyalty to a firm products.
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM  Across- the- counter commercialism.
Despite the large contributions of private  Field commercialism
commercialism to completely different business  Building product awareness
organization, critics still fails to acknowledge it as a selling  Providing information
strategy to reckon with. They tends to put a lot of emphases  Creating interest
on variable like a advertising, publicity, commercial etc.  Stimulating demand
They believe that non- public commercialism is dear and  Reinforcing the brand
doesn’t bring fast response to product giving and increase
sales volume. However, sales representative of mobile fails IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY
to influence prospective customers to and don’t give the Personal selling is a very important selling tool is a
mandatory info’s that may inspire potential consumers to veryimportant selling tool for smaller businesses,
shop for product and services that may be of advantages to significantly people who sell complicated or high- price
them. Indeed, by showing less emphases on personal products and services to alternative businesses, instead of
commercialism such marketers and organization as an entire shoppers.
fails to grasp the very fact that non- public commercialism  Persuading prospects
aside from causation, gathering market info conjointly  Selling complex products
facilitate customers to grasp the option of a ascertained that  Managing the sales cycle
this drawback is worsened by the very fact that a number of  Developing customer relation
the sales persons area lacks the flexibility to possessing self-
However, all isn’t well with method of private
commercialism. There area unit sure limitations that one

IJFRCSCE | September 2018, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 4 Issue: 9 110 – 112
ought to take underconsideration before giving the  High cost
conclusions needs to its real value.  Poor reach
 It is expensive  Potential ethical problems
 Difficulty of getting right kind of sales man
 Stake in consumer loyalty PERSONAL SELLING IS MOST HELPFUL FOR A
 More administrative problem REPLACEMENT PRODUCT BECAUSE OF SOME
TYPES OF PERSONAL SELLING  Customers don’tsimply settle for new product and also
Personal selling is of three types: the personal commercialism is most significant to
 Retail selling convert them to shop for the merchandise.
 Business- to- business selling  Many non- personal sorts of promotion, like a magnitude
 Trade selling relation ad, area unit inflexible, a minimum of within the
short- term, and can’t be simply adjusted to with
1. RETAIL SELLING audience queries thus personal commercialism is better
In retail commercialism, the employee p communicates of collect and handle customer’s feedback concerning
directly with individual customers. He/ She sells product to new product.
the shopper through business establishment or door to door  Personal commercialism is that the most sensible
visit. The sales person, commercialism merchandise and promotional possibility for reaching client united nations
services from the business establishment, trot out the agency aren’t simply reaches through alternative ways.
shoppers visiting the sorters. In door to door
commercialism, the sales person visits door to door to look IMPROVING THE NAMEE OF PRIVATE
potential client and persuade them to shop for the COMMERCIALISM
merchandise. Personal commercialism involves specific steps,
needs coaching and skill, and employs some extremely
2. BUSINESS- TO- BUSINESS SELLING proficient individuals. Sadly personal commercialism is
In business- to- business commercialism, the employee additionally normallyperceived as being a but prestigious
sells products to industrial consumers. It involves the sales field of labor. Unethical sales people, aggressive or
of kit, plants & machineries etc. to the commercial client. advertising ways, and dishonorable sales pitches have
The commercial sales person ought to be trained and smart created several client caution of private seller as luck would
technical data regarding the product he/ she sells have it, a lot of has been done to deal with this issues.
Commercialism association like the direct commercialism
3. TRADE COMMERCIALISM several firms conjointly vote the employment of
In trade commercialism, the employee sells product to dishonorable info or pressure ways to create a buying deal.
selling intermediaries like retailers and wholesalers. Trade
sales person ought to contact regular with the distributer III. CONCLUSION
and retailers to receive bulk order from them. Promotion of use of private commercialism is dear,
and a great deal of cash and time, except for a particular
MERITS OF PERSONAL SELLING product like new product and costly product personal
The strength of private commercialism is measured commercialism is a good thanks to reach any potential
in terms of the deserves to its credit as a definite style of client.
promotion. And most significantly is additionally the non-
 Flexibility and adaptability public power of the non- public commercialism. They must
 Minimum waste have data of the merchandise, information, supply have
 Acts as a feedback smart angle they’re the leading edge of direct sales, which
 Creates lasting impression can manufacture profit and a decent angle they’re the
 Pulls through logical sequence leading edge of direct sales, which can manufacture profit
and a decent company reputation.
There are unit some drawbacks in personal REFERENCE
commercialism. [1]. N. Moorthy&U.Bhojanna”, business research methods,
 Inconsistent messages kalyani publishing, second edition, 2001.
 Sales force
 Management conflict
IJFRCSCE | September 2018, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 4 Issue: 9 110 – 112
[2]. “Dr. R.L. Varshney& Dr. S.L. Gupta” marketing
management, sultan chand& sons, new delhi, first edition
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publishing house, Mumbai,millinioum edition 2000.
[6]. “Saravanavel” Research Methodology Kitabmahal,
Allahabad,Fourth Edition,2003.

IJFRCSCE | September 2018, Available @ http://www.ijfrcsce.org

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