Running For A Good Cause
Running For A Good Cause
Running For A Good Cause
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Thursday, November 1, 2018 • Your community news from Evart, Reed City, Hersey, Sears & Chase.
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231-796-7406 Cross Country Team runs for cancer
See page 2
Marion cross country team runs 20 miles to donate money to cancer center
By Victoria Martin honor their grandmothers’ battles
Cadillac News with cancer, according to Keeler and
Wheatlake Practice Manager Jen
EVART — The Marion cross coun- Ames.
try team relayed across 20 miles to The team started their run having
donate almost $2,000 to the Susan P. raised $1,350 but later Keeler had
Wheatlake Regional Cancer Center received a text that they had raised
in Evart. another $450 and then at the end of
With their season coming to a the run he was told the number was
close, 16 team members ran in closer to $2,000.
groups in 3.5 to 8-mile segments The facility was excited to get this
along the Pere Marquette Trail. donation on top of a few others they
After the young men and women have received this month, said Ames
ran their portions of the relay, they who greeted the 16 team members
all met in Reed City where the Pere and others at the entrance of the
Marquette and White Pines trails in- facility.
tersect and ran the remaining mile “It’s a great thing to see young
as a team. athletes not just looking at the wins
“We wear pink in October when and the losses but finding a higher
we race,” said girls cross country purpose in what they do and coming Victoria Martin |
team member Andrea Weaver. “Ev- together as a team,” she said. Weekly Voice
eryone is aware of breast cancer so The money will be used to en- Two members
we were just like ’Let’s back it up’.” hance the services to the center’s of the Marion
Joining the team in their final patients, according to Ames. Cross Country
mile were coach Jason Keeler and “Since the students don’t have a team finish
High School Principal Danyel Pri- specific wish for what their dona- the first por-
elipp. tion should go to, it will go in the tion of the run
According to Keeler, the team general fund,” she said. “We are also before the final
came up with the idea on their own. looking to expand our services to stretch to the
“I can’t tell you how impressed I other forms of therapy like adding f the Susan
am that the team members devel- nutritional education classes, class- P. Wheatlake
oped this challenge,” Keeler said. es with a physical therapist and art Cancer Center
“They talked it over among them- therapy projects to give the patients to present
selves and with one of the parents a nice break from all the stress that their dona-
and decided the cancer center would cancer tends to bring on.” tion to Project
be what they’d support.” Manager Jen
Some students are running to [email protected] | 775-NEWS (6397) Ames.
231-734-6444 at community@weeklyvoice.
net or mailed to Weekly Editor: Matt Seward
Classified representative:
Contact us at (888) 330-4144
6088 6 Mile Rd. Voice, P.O. Box 640, Cadillac, [email protected] customerservice@
Evart, MI MI., 49601.
We're Here
to Help You Succeed
Want to see your As your community newspaper, we’re
invested in helping local business owners
email, and phone number, plus
information about the photo. Linda Ziska
Advertising and Marketing Specialist
* All pictures subject to editor’s discretion. Not all pictures 1-888-330-4144
may be published. Pictures will not be returned. 231.779.4155
[email protected]
Your town. Your Paper. Your VOICE.
Thursday, November 1, 2018 | weekly voice • 3
1:30 p.m. at the Reed City
OR 231.920.9486 CELL Public Library.
TOPS weight loss
OLAH holding monthly meeting
The Deline Family REED CITY— TOPS
meetings weight loss meetings, Reed
EVART— The Osceola City, Chapter 1682, Monday
League for Arts and Hu- weigh-in at 5:30 p.m. and
11376 E 32nd Street Reed City | 231.872.9229 manities will be holding
a monthly meeting on
meeting from 6 to 7 p.m. at
St. Paul Lutheran Church.
8 AM-11 PM the first Tuesday of each
4 • weekly voice | Thursday, November 1, 2018
Chad W. Comstock
Student Athlete of the week Meet Ethan Maddox
REED CITY — Chad W. Reed City High School, Junior
Comstock, of Reed City,
passed away unexpected- Sport(s) and positions you play:
ly Monday, October 29, Soccer - Striker
2018, at the home of his
parents in Kentwood, What is your pre-game ritual? I
Michigan. He was 45. always make sure I fully understand
Chad was born October the game plan, and then I relax. To
12, 1973, in Lansing, to me, the key is to remain focused,
Jared William and Vir- while not over-hyping yourself to
ginia Eileen (Kushmaul) the point where your nerves control
Comstock. He graduated you.
from Evart High School
in 1992, then graduated What is your fondest memory
with honors from ITT participating in sports in high
Technical Institute. Chad Flowers of Sears, 10 niec- school? I will never forget scoring a
had worked the last 24 es and nephews, four game-winning goal against Clare.
years for Reed City Tool great nieces and neph-
and Die. He loved spend- ews, and his significant What is your favorite class and
ing time with his family, other, Lisa Beemer of Ev- why? Bio-Dome - We go outside.
was an avid Detroit Red art.
Wings fan, enjoyed sport Funeral services hon- What is your favorite pre-game
shooting, motorcycles oring the life of Chad meal? I don’t normally eat before
and cars (especially Cor- William Comstock will games
vettes). be 1 p.m. Thursday, No-
Mr. Comstock is sur- vember 1, 2018, at the What advice would you give
vived by his parents, Jar- First Baptist Church in younger students starting out
ed and Virginia Com- Evart with visitation in sports? Don’t give up and to get
stock of Kentwood, Mich- from 11 a.m. until time of along with your teammates.
igan, his three sisters, services at the church.
Shanda (Robert) Renne Interment will be in the Who is your role model and
of Evart, Denise (Mi- Orient Township Ceme- why? Lionel Messi - his footwork is
chael) Neuhaus of Grand tery, Osceola County, the fastest.
Rapids, Jennifer (Jim) Michigan.
What are your plans after high
I’m very much undecided.
Public record
Osceola County 49th plate. He also was ordered • Alexandria Marie pering with an electronic possessed an imitation tic violence and attempted
Circuit Court to pay $448 in fines and fees Nunn, 23, of Evart was monitoring device. The vi- handgun, and had contact interfering with electronic
REED CITY — The fol- and given 24 months proba- sentenced to between six olation occurred when she with a known felon. communications. The vio-
lowing are arraignments, tion. months and four years in had written contact with a • Jacob John Sellors, 22, lations occurred when he
pleas or sentences occur- • Kristina Charlene prison with 19 days cred- known felon. of Sears was sentenced to tested positive for metham-
ring in 49th Circuit Court Lawie, 25, of Cadillac plead- ited for a guilty plea to as- • Michael Anthony Nor- 4.5 months in jail with 23 phetamine and was found
in Osceola County on the ed guilty plea attempted sault with a dangerous ris, 40, of Sears was sen- days credited for two guilty to be in contact with a
date of Oct. 19: larceny in a building and weapon, a steak knife. She tenced to nine months in pleas to probation viola- known felon.
• Andrew James Kehr, the prosecutor agreed to a also was ordered to pay jail with 122 days credited tions stemming from previ-
25, of Paris was sentenced one year delayed sentence. $1,026 in fines and fees. for a guilty plea to a proba- ous convictions to domes-
to 8.5 months in jail with If Lawie is successful, the • Amy Lyn Miscikoski, tion violation stemming
one day credited for a prosecuting attorney will 28, of Sears was sentenced from a previous conviction
guilty plea to possession dismiss the charge as well to between nine months of possession of non-nar-
of marijuana second or as three counts of uttering and two years in prison cotic, Xanax. The violation
subsequent offense and and publishing. She also with 116 days credited for occurred with he admit-
one day in jail with one day was ordered to pay $458 in a guilty plea to a probation ted he consumed alcohol,
credited for a guilty plea to fines and fees and $1,219 in violation stemming from a he failed to complete sub-
unlawful use of a license restitution previous conviction to tam- stance abuse treatment,
Public record
Evart Police Weekly mains open at this time. — Officers were dispatched cers were called to a report message indicating she to assist with a disorderly
• 10/23/2018 Threats — to a civil dispute over child of an injured deer. It was wished to end her life. Offi- juvenile. The 41-year-old
Report Officers were called to a custody. The involved par- determined that the animal cers located the female who mother explained she was
• 10/22/2018 Animal threats complaint. All par- ties were advised to contact needed to be dispatched. accepted a ride to be trans- having behavioral issues
Complaint — Officers were ties involved were advised Friend of the Court to re- The animal was turned ported her to the Spectrum with her 15-year-old daugh-
called to a dog at large com- of the consequences of solve their issue. over to a citizen for process-
Health Reed City campus ter. Officer’s listened to both
plaint. A citation was is- their actions should they • 10/24/2018 Civil Dispute ing. emergency room for a men- the mother and daughter’s
sued to the dog owner. continue. — Officers were called to a • 10/26/2018 Missing — tal evaluation. version of what had hap-
• 10/22/2018 Suspicious • 10/23/2018 Suspicious — civil complaint over prop- Officers were dispatched • Officers received a larce- pened and advised that
Vehicle — Officers were Officers responded to a re- erty. The case remains open to a report of a missing ny complaint from an elder- Child Protective Services
called to a parking com- port of a possible domestic at this time. juvenile. The juvenile was ly resident at the Reed City would be notified as there
plaint. The vehicle was assault. The involved par- • 10/24/2018 Assist — Of- located and a friend’s house Hospital Rehab and Extend- was a need for some type of
tagged and will be towed if ties denied that any alterca- ficers were called to assist and returned to her par- ed Care Facility. The matter intervention between the
the owner does not correct tion had occurred. a local business with a mis- ent’s home. is under investigation. two. The matter has also
the violation. • 10/10/2018 Non-Suffi- communication with a cus- • 10/26/2018 Hit and Run Tuesday 10/23/18 been submitted to the Pros-
• 10/22/2018 No Security/ cient Funds — Officers tomer. Property Damage Accident • Officers responded to ecuting Attorney’s Office to
No Registration — While were called to a complaint • 10/25/2018 Mock Break- — Officers were called to a disorderly conduct com- determine if there was an
on patrol, officers conduct- of a non-sufficient funds ing and Entering — Offi- a hit and run accident. No plaint in the front yard of assault charge.
ed a traffic stop. The driver check at a local business. cers conducted a demon- injuries were reported. The a residence. A 51-year-old • Officers located and
was found to be operating Contact was made with the stration investigation for a case remains open pending female admitted to being served a trespass notice on
an unregistered vehicle subject who had written the high school student. contact with the suspect upset and yelling profanity a 38-year-old male, this due
and did not have insurance. check and they corrected • 10/25/2018 Harassment driver. and stated she would stop. to repeated belligerent be-
The vehicle was towed and the issue with the business. — Officers were called to • 10/27/2018 Property The officer advised if he havior.
an appearance citation was • 10/24/2018 Private Prop- a harassment complaint Damage Accident — Of- had to return for the same Friday 10/26/18
issued. erty Damage Accident — between two recently sepa- ficers were called to a car- type of behavior she would • An ATM card left at the
• 10/23/2018 Defrauding Officers were called to a hit rated subjects. The subjects deer accident. No injuries be going to jail. bank was turned over to of-
and Inn Keeper — Officers and run private property were advised to maintain were reported. • Officers were called to ficers; the officers returned
were called to a complaint damage accident. No inju- their distance from each • 10/27/2018 Possession of a local laundromat regard- it to its owner.
at a local business regard- ries were reported. other and they agreed. Marijuana — Officers were ing a suspicious situation. • Officers received a com-
ing a violation. The case re- • 10/24/2018 Civil Dispute • 10/26/2018 DNR — Offi- dispatched to a location on The 911 caller reported a plaint of a CSC between
a report of a non-compliant young boy banging his head two teenagers. The incident
White Star Motorsport Auctions “sInce
sex offender. The subject against a door and hiding was found to be consen-
was located and found to when a vehicle approach- sual. The matter has been
SNOWMOBILE - ATV be in possession of mari- es. The responding officer turned over to the Prosecu-
& TRAILER AUCTION juana and is currently on spoke with the boy, finding tor for review.
“AmerIcA’s LArgest snowmobILe AuctIons” probation. The subject was the boy lived nearby and Saturday 10/27/18
Saturday, November 3, 2018 @ 8:45 AM arrested and transported was doing his laundry. • Officers were dis-
517-369-1153 One mile east of Bronson, Michigan on US-12 to the Osceola County Jail Wednesday 10/24/18 patched to a local bar and
where they were lodged on • Officers were dispatched grill regarding a complaint
BID “ON-SITE LIVE” - OR - BID “ABSENTEE ON-LINE” FROM YOUR HOME their violations. to a local business parking from a 19-year-old female.
YOU CAN BUY OR SELL. ONLY $25 & 3% TO SELL. Reed City Police Weekly lot to perform a well-being The woman reported feel-
Over 118 snowmobiles as new as 2018. check. The caller reported ing uncomfortable with the
Also: Watercraft, ATVs, RVs, trailers, motorcycles, cars, trucks, GREAT
Report a child left in a car seat with repeated advances from a
campers, go carts, lawn equipment, golf carts, and much more. FUN TIMES - Monday 10/22/18 no one around. The matter 37-year-old male. The man
Inventory pictures, auction price reports, motel listings, maps, & all info at: BRING YOUR BUDDIES - • Officers received infor- was unfounded. was advised not to have any
10% buyer’s premium, 3% credit card service fee, 6% sales tax
FRIENDLY! mation regarding a 31-year- Thursday 10/25/18 further contact with the
old female sending a text • Officers were dispatched woman.
Family rememb
ers Tax cuts likel
reduce utility
y to
for less
former Hill iff ors orderin
g utilities to
State regulat of new federal tax cuts,
served as study impact s can be passed on Conn eCtio n
Robert “Bob”
Wexford County
of 1970s
how saving pAge A2
on Your Comm unitY cadillac neWs C1
during much
on pAge A3
c News per
Weekend, december 9-10, 2017
ber 28, 2017
Veterans museum
75¢ FREE a history lover’s dream
‘Sheriff Joe’ mulls
run for US Senate
Arctic air
Manton Veterans Memorial
please take one Museum
features photos of over Former Arizona lawman
Connected. 500 area vets,
Trusted. Local. www.weeklyvoice. items dating back to Revolutionary would seek seat vacated
net War
by Trump foe Sen. Jeff Flake
settles in
on page C1
The good
Area 3 section
on page
The losses are
a4 Area 2
Cadillac News
Thursday, December starting to add up:
r Reed City, Hersey, Sears & Chase.
WEEKEND, December 9-10, 2017morE prEpS
28, 2017 • Your commun
ity news from Evart,
The Pistons lost their
straight game, falling to the
lioNS b3
old ‘days’
SportS briEfS b4
GOOD PEOPLE reg ion defending champion Warriors.
B4 | weekend,
ScorEboard b4
for return of
CadillaC News games."
the Area 4 the first Hannah Emingtonfive steals. eight points apiece. Makayla
FOR EVERYONE! after three losses to start Cadillac led 12-11 after
considers new policies for
seven assists and
A hidde
blast Area news
cadillac 1 at half- Knight added seven.
An Arctic season. quarter and trailed 27-22 points,
McBain Days
CADILLAC — atures plung-
to- Kallie Poulos had 12 • Cadillac won the freshman
"The girls played together on in the
Manton Vet time before turning it steals.
PUSH - PULL - DRAG has sent temperin Northern TRAVERSE CITY —
Now, each
night and started trusting Kaye third quarter.
three rebounds and three game 49-39.
ing below
and the bitter
cold that's more like it.
a strong other," Cadillac coach
The Vikings outscored
TC Cen- Cadillac (1-3 overall,
hosts Manistee on Tuesday
1-1 BNC)
. Emma McTaggart paced
12 points while
purchasing, bidding
By Karen Hopper
UsHer is likely to
remain into
the Cadillac put together
effort from start to finish
and Johns said. "I
way they played.
am proud of the
tral 21-12 to take a 43-34 lead into
• Cadillac won the JV
game Vikings with
Madi Drabik had 11,
Livi Meyer
new year. 58-47 that the fourth quarter. eight. Rules cover use of
packed with
beat Traverse City Central nine and Chesni Birgy
12 42-22.
CadillaC News of minus "They dug deep and found paced Ca- and look for good prices
A reading in a Big North Conference
girls had Makenna Bryant Little paced the Vikings
the Wexfor
fire to compete and win
that eight Baily credit cards by staff, but not expected to
etting splashe s- night. have
t on Wedne basketball contest Friday the first couple of
items from a bidding process.
Vikings been missing
$1,000 County Airpor large purchases
by a firema
mid- g was the result It's the first win for the For purchases of $500
hose in the day mornin y
dle of the
MINIMUM night, accord
calm Tuesda
of a frigid, ing to Gay-
r 1700s to today 1 2
By kaRen hoppeR UsheR
CadillaC News
to $5,000, the depart-
ment head would have
can be great The al Weathe to approve
r, anyway.
$150 mo.
maNtoN are considering new be
Teams of
the Michig an 57 credit card and pur- expected to hold an
around g ed, tc WESt ucked into the in-
TC West
push a bucket cooled kids standin
✔ Bankruptcy and the elevatio
ki explain
hills, Zoltows n can help
mcbaiN Nmc 66
corner of Man-
NMC girls rally to 6 chasing rules. formal bidding process
over phone or email.
ton’s Rotary County employees
nearby. of the perfect atures plum- 45 For purchases of
so it was kind those temper tc chriStiaN Memorial Park, have been using their
score a big win over
“It was hot, City Councilman
game,” recalled
✔ Foreclosures
that feature
da met. effect clouds 79 Manton
the Area Veter-
7 own credit cards to $5,000 to $10,000, a for-
buy mal bidding process
stories head Oliveira A2 maNtoN and Google Maps aerial Still, Manton Under the current pol-
I’m trying for the tuRn to pAge
and host mother Tracie Koopman. CometsWar were down
Cadillac News readers can vote Museum is pictured in this commissioner
a lot
“That’s what moved here celebration.” For more, curator and TheKorean
The halfManton Area Veterans Memorial season with a the 63-57 win s that icy, the board reviews
le lates but
Roberts family Corner of M-55 & M-66 digits in the first
online, on Facebook, Twitter all
Reed City
said. The , he said.
Rick cHARMoli | Weekly Voice
piNE rivEr 54
veteran Neal Bennett
double Traversestill Citypurchases
West in would purchases greater than
community third
n is aylittshare
South of Lake City but took stories
all, control in the needtheto be work-
small-town r celebra 34
knows them the north but they the opening game of
n to Luther
“I am soHe is of my
proud Rick chaRmoli Nielsen explained that
1-800-55-4LESS Ginger rEEd city 46 is all about.”
giving uplocation on because of all of weigh in beginning Saturday While ‘It's always
the invoicing system because the board meets
of Luther, and clawing
personal , on credit cards issued
ing withthe thegame the years. To vote, go to https://
By Ben Glick holds her in it,” NMC
ries of almost everycoachvet- Jason throughout 017 was big year for
The museumaexpansion
Dec. 27. The following
15 stories
with nice to win
to county employees can be burdensome
on Dec. 26
big were chosen by m/ the win, things like housing
Weekly Voice son, Makaio, a lasting
eran forTowers said. “We just said
legacy. stories, 2014 the dueCadil- the Cadillac would make purchases and
was started in and forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScea0- Rangers furnace grants.
es four week shortly after Main Events at halftime
Complimentin that the game’s
g this lac was
News wants you, the
News newsroom as the
staff VP91xAcrU7wU7fb51gLi-
your first
more transparent and
coach Ry- easier to track. The topic received
Makaio Mattos
REED CITY — Tracie to overcrowding
his birth on They had of nine debated which stories
“gift Koop- impressive collection
not over. individ-
w, which means man was madereader,possibletoby decide should 7gucSVjo2a-5QpitP9cFcaQ/ an Hiller much discussion during
sion of Matthe
a high school junior
she left Reed City and
Tuesday. Wrestling:
Manton Invitation- photos are points from six
a variety of feet behind
one was
and thegroup donations.
which make the list.
game.’Garland also proposed
the commissioners’
baby landed in Makaio was items related to the mili-line.ual
the (three-point)
town Once the voting has conclud- viewform?c=0&w=1
or vote his team revising the county’s fi-
inthis the Cadillac News’ Facebookvia
UsHer of God.” SaoasPaulo, al. 9 a.m. With
“People thatin mind, readers nance committee meet-
By Karen Hopper red a Christm Big Rap- Brazil in 1986. the first tary andthose U.S. awayconflictsand it’s a five- ed, the top five stories purchasing
Hiller policy.
Still conside 26 arrival, the will havebeen extremely gen- has to do Ryan ing Thursday.
CadillaC News Dec. Recalling
familyit more than 30 baby born at Hockey:
from thepointRevolutionary
have the opportunity to announced in the Dec.
will be or Twitter accounts. Purchases
manton boys under $500
despite his gave the later, Livonia Franklin at erous,” Bennett said. Area 7 a much would Commissioners are
woman l Auxiliary years aftershe was surprised Big Rapids War to today. “The seniors really Bennett said they re- 30-Jan. 1 See full STory on A8
be considered
coach due to vote Tuesday
S — A Luther ids Hospita
The first baby by born
how quickly a remark Hospital after Cadillac. Noon. up andaled the team finished a 1,500-foot Area 6
include better job basic basketball
and routine.
BIG RAPID a few hours too late a gift basket. will get one, too. of Such items
stepped during the board’s regu-
Christmas of fromquitcently rebound- Employees
son interest and n
birthed her to the wheelchair They never would be
baby. the new year contains a sleep sack, local rotary club woodenback. addition onto the west lar monthly meeting.
Subscribe today!
turned a WWII- He was also childhood ing, expected to and
Call 231-775-6565
com, bridge needs at Reed City Middle
Tulio Herani Oliveira, an exchange passed away.
“I thought
from noon
policies to encour- News reporter November 2017, and Reed it. We've got a lot to work
said. personally keeping CadillaC
Two-day forecast
School, remembered ans whotonight,” heage an updated City fi-
hopes: redevelopment in the
Stats: 0
of us
ing especially friendly He said she got the bestprogram, foundation for investment heartmarc our| cadillac news
you know!
UPC of
Cadillac not understanding that Our youthCommunity of Vieau going
halftime. It was 46-39
Baker, 100, . and
nMCS stude
of Evart and coping tralDo Not long after that, the his team for taking much Turn Tohosts
pageLake City of the Cadillac
Hey kids! Brazil called points and 11 points. Dar-Commons farmers market, which
with the new culture your artwork
Cuiaba, a city
grant helps
in the NMC with 16 ad. five Highland) a2 was funded with
you create the perfect
ton with 14 points and helpscored
each from the
she experi-
We wantof
tonearly to
mans received a call
to make the better care of the ball Maddie on Tuesday while Manton
Michigan Economic Development
poppins’ ius Potter added six points
enced extreme homesickness. it residents. from the
had 11 rebounds while
on to help
on A4 Corporation.
See obituaries tary it off or mail c, MI, organization that organizes second half. The Comets steals while Jaden Wilder on
Cameron, 9, she begged her
phone n Elemen In
calls back home she said DropCarla’s l,experience
Mitchel Cadilla
present ‘Mary
foreign exchange program. the playoffs. Get can count
Deaths half Lanser had 12
points, eight
had 11 points and eight
(3-2, 0-1) is at Pine River
Weeightoffer FREE* ads too!
parents to be 130 theand look as it on the
page A8
17 turnovers in the first Two-day forecast
rebounds and eight steals. Thursday.
forshe adjusted rebounds. Brianna Puffer
all the details. Codebut • Merchandise Under $300
167 to Carla’s son, Tulio Herani cut Terri to seven in the
Vol. 146 No. thatAnn
Friday 49601, pace of aofsmall Desiree Ebels had nine
page the town in a
sent back home.
-4 all of Swanson,
Livonia Franklin
new MONDAY Customer:
second 59, formerlyStats: 0
“How do 13you| Low culture and the snowy
c News. a foreign 3075-Cadillac
• Merchandise Wanted
& Chase.
that climate of Cadillac
High 14 | Low out?”
High School, and Koopman
Ordered By: BWA: 0.0030
8 See obituaries
Date Run: 01/07/2003
from a country where A4 Specialist
Heated win like one of When Carla returned man said.
Stay Up to
the family.
zil, Koopman and
to Bra- In January 2017, Tulio
arrived • Lost & Found
beat the
Fully immersed in the
Competition gets heated culture remained close. her family in Reed City, following said.
chili cookoff
in Evart and language, it wasn’t
long When Koopman’s parents mother’s footsteps 30
in his
years later. Call Jessica or Jenifer yourorclassified
cadillac news
* MustGraham
the game,
be placed online
getting good
for the FREE ad.
before Koopman began qualify
not only traveled to “It’s a good experience.
pagE e Via Text
to adaptor Email
but also Brazil in 1997, they Doing specialists today CADILLAC — Cadillac
shots but weren't getting
8 remembered the excitement thrive.
Send us your drawings!
She everything
to your Phon
stayed with Carla.
she did. It’s pretty Vol.rvice@cadi
customerse a lot of second chances,"
Alerts sent timeol
Clos she neat,” Tulio said. 146 No. 152
Sabina, first grade, St. Ann’s dropped a 4-1 decision he said. "They were really
New s Scho
felt for the•first
she was
they saw her after
/classads/ Hey kids! Do youtolikeLivonia Franklin in
good in the defensive zone
s • Breaking of a conversation
Koopman valued the
able to understand every all those years, it was
like she experi- to draw? hockey
Weather Alert lerts the dinner
word never left,” Koopman
“Families you stayed cadillac news
8 11885 00600 Monday We want to publishnon-conference
Drop it off orgame
artwork. at the Wex- and their goaltender was
certainly a part of that,
In the summer of 2009, with you 7
mail it
when High 27 | Low 17 High 26 | Low to
Civic Arena.
have that kind of have PHoto couRtesy of tRAcie kooPMAn 130 N. Mitchell, ford "We needed a much
Sign up at
“It was a much different Carla, her husband and
children connection a special Oliveira at
the Statue of Liberty on a
EVART — With the lead Cadillac News 12 Cadillac, MI, scored
The Patriots Fast-moving flames force
more physical presence
perience once I understood
ex- visited the U.S. they stayed with,” she said.
trip to New York.
Cold and snowy
49601, and look for
the it the of the first
on goal people
language,” Koopman the Koopman’s family, and
did so
The familiarity between
the at halftime, Pine River
front page of
and then built a 2-0
in the to flee on a moment’s notice
front of their net
us to
Stay Up to Date
said. again in 2013. Koopman’s family and
the Oli- off Evart's second-half the Cadillac period
Pine River’s News. because they pushed
And not only did Koopman gram to get the full benefits lead before the Vikings pagea bit."
become conversational “We realized it was important veras is so deep that Tulio now the program, and said of surge Friday for a 54-34 Logan Powell the outside quite a7the
ly profi- calls Koopman’s parents girls puts up a shot got moving. That continued into
for her Brazilian family families Highland Conference
cient in Portuguese, to meet pa and grandma. grand- can start by "We came out with a lot well, and
but began her Michigan family,” hosting students. basketball win. against the pres- third period, as
to think and dream in Koopman After a year at Reed City of good offensive zone off the
it as well. said. Throughout the year, High Logan Powell led the defense of kept the Vikings
“You don’t even know Tulio School, Tulio, a senior and Alerts sent to your Phone Via Evart’s Cyanna sure and did a lot of good
that you When Koopman’s daughter has attended classes left to re- Bucks with 17 points Text or Email Ca- scoreboard.
dream in a language at Reed turn to Cuiaba on Dec. things defensively, too," "They prevented us
until you went on a hik City High School, played
so 26. four assists, while An- Dellar dur-
ach Scott Graham
6 • weekly voice | Thursday, November 1, 2018
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