Running For A Good Cause

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Thursday, November 1, 2018 • Your community news from Evart, Reed City, Hersey, Sears & Chase.

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Running for a good cause
sunday, nov. 4-
tuesday, nov. 6
family & friends
3 days only
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HOURS: Sunday 10 aM-5 pM
8 aM-8 pM
231-796-7406 Cross Country Team runs for cancer
See page 2

A packed ballot for Nov. 6 election

By Victoria Martin mayor between Kevinn Beemer, Charter amendment No. 1 Trevor Guiles, Karen Mckin-
Weekly Voice Karen Higgins and John Joyce. looks at changing the city clerk ney and Carol Tillotson are
The second contested race for from an elected position to an seeking re-election while Nate
As election days gets closer, City Clerk is between incum- appointed one starting in 2020. Bailey is seeking his first term.
here is a look at what will be on bent Heather Pattee and new- Charter amendment No. 2, The four with most votes will
the upcoming local ballot. comer Kathryn Bradley. if passed, would reduce the be elected to the council.
At the county level, there is The third race for Evart required number of meetings There are three seats up
for election for the Reed City
Just treats one contested seat for County
Road Commissioner between
School Board is between five
candidates; incumbent Alan
from at least twice a month to
at least once a month. School board. Running for a
Halloween gets a head start in Doug Kanouse and Gary Wem- Bengry, Jeffrey Jackson, Mark Finally, charter amendment four-year term onschool board
Reed City ple. Sochocki, Brad VanBuren and No. 3 changes the city’s tax due are incumbents Derrick Book-
page 7 On the Evart ballot, there Kelley Whitman. The two who date from Aug. 10 to Sept. 15 walter and Christine Mund and
will be three contested races, receive the most votes will be each year. challengers Jamie Eichenberg
three charter changes and a elected to the school board. In Reed City, voters will chose and Stephan Saylor.
millage. There will be three Evart city four city council members. Polls will open on Nov. 6 from
The first contested race is for charter changes on the ballot. Incumbents James Anderlohr, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Reed City brews flowing to new towns

REED CITY — Reed City “Reed City Brewing Com- “Reality is that we are out the company, the taproom will
Brewing company is spread- pany signed a distribution of space here in our cozy little continue to operate in Reed
ing its reach. contract with Ludington Bev- space downtown and are ac- City.
The brewing company an- erage back in August,” wrote tively searching for additional “We are so happy with our
nounced on its Facebook page owner Deanna Murphy, “they space so that RCBC can move growth here in Reed City and
that it is sending out its Plump are eager to work with us to our production operations the support that we have re-
Pumpkin Ale outside of Reed get our beer out for people to for brewing, winemaking and ceived from the community,”
City for the first time. The enjoy.” eventually look to expand wrote Murphy. “We have met
Moving on beer is being distributed to the Though she said she wants into craft distilling,” Murphy some really great people in
Reed City beat Benzie Central in Village Pub and Cafe in Pent- the company to continue to wrote. the beginning of our journey
an MHSAA Division 5 pre-district water and Mr. Pibs in LeRoy. grow, Murphy wants to ease Murphy would like to keep and cannot wait to share our
contest Friday. Recently the company into the beverage market due all production and expan- growth with this wonderful
page 8 signed with Ludington Bever- to the limited capacity of the sion inside Reed City but will town.”
age Company to start expand- current location, at the corner look in the surrounding area More beer from Reed City
ing the Reed City Brewing of Upton Avenue and South if necessary. But no matter Brewing are set to be sent out
outside of its hometown. Higbee Street. where the expansion takes in the upcoming week.

Reed City family leaves more than $150,000 to the area

Money is to be used for Rails to Walter, Florence and Douglas George East Todd Avenue, according to the letter.
Diak,” according to the letter submitted to The estate also left an equal amount to
to Trails, animal control and the city. the Osceola County Animal Control, and

food pantry The money is to be used only for the

memorials and any leftover money is to
Reed City Food Pantry and St. Philip Neri
be used for the maintenance of the White “We are very blessed,” said Osceola
REED CITY — Reed City received nearly Pine Trail and not for any administrative County Animal Control Director Michelle
$60,000 from the estate of Florence Diak. expenses. Kuz.
The check for $58,805.40, made out to Florence, who survived both her hus- Kuz did not wish to give any information
Athlete of the Week Reed City Rails and Trails, is to be used band Walter and her son Douglas, passed out as to what their portion of the estate
Meet Ethan Maddox for a bench or a new light pole “within the in January 2018 in Baldwin. was to be used for at this time.
corporate limits or the city of Reed City, Douglas had moved to Reed City from Neither the food pantry or St. Philip
page 4 near the Hersey River, east of Roth Street Chicago in 2004. Him Florence used to take Neri Church returned calls in time for
in the city of Reed City as a memorial walks along the trail near their home on publication.
2 • weekly voice | Thursday, November 1, 2018

Victoria Martin | Weekly Voice

Marion's cross country team along with family and friends pose in at the entrance of the Susan P. Wheatlake Cancer Center to present their donation to Project Manager Jen Ames.

Marion cross country team runs 20 miles to donate money to cancer center
By Victoria Martin honor their grandmothers’ battles
Cadillac News with cancer, according to Keeler and
Wheatlake Practice Manager Jen
EVART — The Marion cross coun- Ames.
try team relayed across 20 miles to The team started their run having
donate almost $2,000 to the Susan P. raised $1,350 but later Keeler had
Wheatlake Regional Cancer Center received a text that they had raised
in Evart. another $450 and then at the end of
With their season coming to a the run he was told the number was
close, 16 team members ran in closer to $2,000.
groups in 3.5 to 8-mile segments The facility was excited to get this
along the Pere Marquette Trail. donation on top of a few others they
After the young men and women have received this month, said Ames
ran their portions of the relay, they who greeted the 16 team members
all met in Reed City where the Pere and others at the entrance of the
Marquette and White Pines trails in- facility.
tersect and ran the remaining mile “It’s a great thing to see young
as a team. athletes not just looking at the wins
“We wear pink in October when and the losses but finding a higher
we race,” said girls cross country purpose in what they do and coming Victoria Martin |
team member Andrea Weaver. “Ev- together as a team,” she said. Weekly Voice
eryone is aware of breast cancer so The money will be used to en- Two members
we were just like ’Let’s back it up’.” hance the services to the center’s of the Marion
Joining the team in their final patients, according to Ames. Cross Country
mile were coach Jason Keeler and “Since the students don’t have a team finish
High School Principal Danyel Pri- specific wish for what their dona- the first por-
elipp. tion should go to, it will go in the tion of the run
According to Keeler, the team general fund,” she said. “We are also before the final
came up with the idea on their own. looking to expand our services to stretch to the
“I can’t tell you how impressed I other forms of therapy like adding f the Susan
am that the team members devel- nutritional education classes, class- P. Wheatlake
oped this challenge,” Keeler said. es with a physical therapist and art Cancer Center
“They talked it over among them- therapy projects to give the patients to present
selves and with one of the parents a nice break from all the stress that their dona-
and decided the cancer center would cancer tends to bring on.” tion to Project
be what they’d support.” Manager Jen
Some students are running to [email protected] | 775-NEWS (6397) Ames.

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Thursday, November 1, 2018 | weekly voice • 3

Church hosting bazaar

What’s Happening in the Area
Supporting caregivers tory therapist in the car- years and older. Monthly treatments. Volunteer driv- month at 6:30 p.m. at 207
and lunch EVART — Michigan diac and pulmonary reha- blood pressure screenings ers transport patients from N. Main St., Evart, 231-734-
State University Extension bilitation department, and will be conducted at the their home to cancer treat- 9900.
REED CITY — Reed City (MSUE) will be offering a Cassie Tower, lead respira- OCCOA meal sites in Ev- ment centers, doctor visits Art, antiques, crafts.
United Methodist Church Powerful Tools for Caregiv- tory therapist in the car- art, Marion and Tustin. and other cancer-related ap- Open Thursday, Friday and
is hosting a bazaar and lun- ers series focusing specifi- diopulmonary department pointments.
Evart’s clinic will be held Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5
cheon 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on cally on caregivers. for Big Rapids and Reed on the second Tuesday ev- The American Cancer So- p.m.
Friday, Nov. 2. Topics covered include City Hospitals. ciety is working with Spec-
ery month, 10 a.m. to noon. Lapidary Class, Saturday,
The bazaar will include reducing stress, communi- For more information or The Evart meal site is lo-trum Health Reed City Hos- 1 to 5 p.m.
a bake sale, hand-made cating effectively with chal- to register, call 231-592-4204. cated at 732 West Seventh pital, Susan P. Wheatlake Classes in other areas of
crafts and a white elephant lenging situations, taking St. (U.S. 10). Regional Cancer Center the arts will be offered for
sale. Lunch will be avail- time for yourself, problem to recruit volunteer driv-
Marion and Tustin’s clin- those interested.
able 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and solving, making an action
Free dinner ers and coordinators from
ics will be held on the third
includes soup, sandwiches, plan and much more. at Reed City Church Tuesday each month, 10 Osceola and its surround-
Free health care
salad and desserts. Takeout Sessions will be on Tues- REED CITY— There will a.m. to noon. The Marion ing counties to help drive
will be available. days from Nov. 6 to Dec. be a free dinner every Mon- cancer patients to and from
meal site is at 101 E. Main services
The church is located 11 from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at day from 5 to 7 p.m. at the their treatment. All volun-
St. The Tustin meal site is CADILLAC— Free limit-
at 503 S. Chestnut St. For Evart United Methodist Church of the Firstborn at 213 South Neilson. teers’ need is a few hours ed health care services are
more information, call 231- Church, 619 N. Cherry St. Revival Center, 310 S. Hig- Walk-in clinics. If you during the week and a de- available in Cadillac for
832-9441. The workshop is free. bee. vDonations accepted sire to make a difference.
wish to eat at the meal site, residents of Wexford, Mis-
B o o k s a re p rov i d e d but not necessary. call 231-734-5559 at least aLocal community mem- saukee and parts of Osceo-
through a lending library bers who are interested in
day before to reserve a spot. la and Lake counties with
St. Paul holding bazaar or can be purchased for $30. volunteering for the Road to low income and no health
and luncheon Registration is required
Breakfast buffet at Recovery program should insurance. Weekly health
EVART — St. Paul by contacting Robin at 231- Evart VFW post Food pantries contact the American Can- clinics are scheduled based
Church is hosting a bazaar 832-6139 or eisengar@msu. EVART— A breakfast A food pantry is available cer Society at 1-800-227-2345. on the availability of vol-
and luncheon from 9 a.m. edu. buffet will be held on the to residents in need who unteer healthcare provid-
to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. second and fourth Sundays live in Osceola County. The ers. New patients need to
3. from 7 to 11 a.m., monthly following is a list of the dif-
Dinner with friends at call for an eligibility ap-
Items at the bazaar will
South Quilt Club holding until November, at 4681 ferent locations, hours and St. Paul Lutheran Church pointment.
include a handmade queen- bi-weekly meetings 85th Ave. contact people. EVART— Dinner with Medication assistance
sized quilt, plus homemade EVART— The South Ev- SEARS— Former Orient Friends Community Meal may be available through
cookies sold for $3.75 per art Quilt Club will be hold- Township Hall, next to the will be held on the second the Stehouwer Free Clinic.
pound. Lunch will include ing their bi-weekly quilt- Bingo at Evart VFW Post Office Wednesday of each month Qualified applicants must
soup, sandwich, dessert ing meetings on the first EVART— VFW Post Every Tuesday, 1 to 4 p.m. from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at St. have a Munson Health-
and beverage for a meal do- and third Wednesdays of 7979 will host Bingo each Contact Ken at 231-620- Paul Lutheran Church, 435 care Cadillac Hospital af-
nation of $5. each month through June. Thursday, at 4681 85th Ave. 2504 W. 5th St. Sponsored by St. filiated provider and meet
Will take place at the Evart Doors open at 4 p.m. Early MARION— Marion Food Paul Lutheran Church and guidelines set by pharma-
Township Hall, South Main Bird start at 6 p.m. (License Pantry, 112 N. Clark St., the Evart United Methodist ceutical companies. Eli-
Theatre Guild meets Street, from 11 a.m. until 2 A04340) open 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. the Church. Donations appre- gibility appointments are
REED CITY — The Reed or 3 p.m. with a members' third Wednesday of each ciated. Takeout available. scheduled for Tuesday and
City Theatre Guild month- potluck lunch at noon. month or by appointment For more information, Wednesday mornings.
ly meeting will be held on All quilters or want-to-be Al-Anon meeting Call 231-743-6092 contact 231-734-3585 or 231- Office hours are Monday
Monday, Nov. 5, at 7 p.m. at quilters are welcome. No REED CITY— Al-Anon TUSTIN— Augustana 734-5491. In the event that through Thursday, 9 a.m.
the Theatre, 239 W. Upton dues, just occasional dona- meetings will be held on Lutheran Church school is canceled, Dinner to 4:30 p.m. (closed noon to
Avenue. Everyone is wel- tions for supplies. Mondays at 1 p.m. at St. Every Monday, 9 a.m. to with Friends will not take 1 p.m.)
come to attend. For more information, Philips Church in Reed noon, for Pine River school place. Stehouwer Free Clinic is
contact Margie at 231-734- City and Tuesdays at 7 district residents only. Con- located at 201 N. Mitchell
3857 or Ann at 231-867-3237. p.m., also at the church. tact Katie at 231-768-4418 St. (lower level).
CrossRoads Theatre • EVART— Thursdays LEROY — Rose Lake Free
Free community dinner
presenting These at 7 p.m. at Sacred Heart Methodist Church. Sec- SEARS— Free commu-
Hersey Congregational
Shining Lives T.O.P.S. meets on Church in Evart. ond Tuesday of the month nity dinner will be held
Thursdays from 3-5 p.m. for all Osceola every Saturday night at Church services
REED CITY — The Reed
City CrossRoads Theatre EVART — T.O.P.S. Weight
Fish fry at Evart Moose County residents. Contact 5:45 p.m. in Brooks Corners
Vicky at 231-388-1782 Hall with a contemporary
HERSEY— Service time
for Hersey Congregational
will present These Shining Loss Group meets every Lodge REED CITY— St. Phillip worship at 6:30 p.m. Invite Church, 216 S. Main St., is a
Lives by Melanie Marnich Thursday at 8:20 a.m. at EVART— A fish fry or Neri Church. Every Tues- a friend. 10 a.m. traditional service.
Fridays and Saturday, Nov. Evart United Methodist shrimp dinner will be held day, Thursday, 1 to 4 p.m.
16, 17 23 and 24 at 7 p.m., Church. on Fridays from 5 to 8 p.m. Contact Robert at 231-832-
and Sundays, Nov. 18 and Weigh-in is from 8:30 to at the Evart Moose Lodge, 2624
Health specialty clinic Congregate meal sites
25, at 2 p.m. 9:15 a.m., and the meeting 8400 U.S. 10 in Evart. REED CITY— Urologist, for Osceola County COA
The play chronicles the begins at 9:30 p.m. For more information, John Anema, M.D. will be TUSTIN — Tustin Meal
strength and determina- call 231-734-6181.
AARP meeting offering outpatient ser- Site 213 Neilson. Monday,
tion of four women consid- REED CITY— AARP No. vices at the hospital’s Spe- Tuesday, Thursday. Lunch
ered expendable in their Better Breathers Club Bingo at Evart Moose 2418 meets on the second cialty Clinic twice a month. served at noon
day who worked at a watch forms Wednesday of every month He will be consulting REED CITY— Reed City
factory. Their job was to EVART— Evart Moose at the United Methodist with patients on the second Meal Site. 802 Mill Street.
paint numbers on time- BIG RAPIDS — Spectrum Lodge will host Bingo each Church in Reed City. Friday of the month and Monday, Tuesday, Thurs-
pieces using a radium com- Health Big Rapids Hospital Monday at 8400 U.S. 10. Potluck lunch (bring own performing outpatient sur- day. Lunch served at noon
pound that glows in the is hosting a free support Doors open at 4 p.m. Early table service) will start at gery and other procedures, EVART— Evart Meal
dark. Catherine and her group for people who live bird takes place at 6 p.m. noon followed by a program including lithotripsy on Site. 732 W. 7th Street. Mon-
friends are dying, its true; with lung disease. with regular Bingo at 6:30 starting at 1 p.m. Everyone the fourth Friday. day, Tuesday, Thursday.
but theirs is a story of sur- The meetings are 2 p.m. p.m. (License No. A21600). welcome. The clinic is located at Lunch served at noon
vival in its most transcen- on the third Monday of For more information, con- 300 N. Patterson Road. Con- MARION— Marion Meal
dent sense as they refuse
to allow the company that
each month in the hospi-
tal’s third-floor classroom.
Rock, gem and mineral tact Marylou at 231-832-4938. tact Spectrum Health Reed
City Hospital Specialty
Site. 221 S. Mill Street.
Monday, Tuesday, Thurs-
stole their health to kill Caregivers, as well as lung club meetings Shepherd’s Table Clinic at 231-832-7108 for day
their spirits. disease patients, are wel- BIG RAPIDS — Big Rap- more information.
Tickets cost $10 at the come. ids Rock, Gem and Mineral REED CITY— Church of
door. To make reservations, The classes will be led by Club will hold meetings at the Nazarene, Shepherd’s
Beginning line dancing
call 231-465-4334. Melinda Hutson, a respira- 6:30 p.m. on the first Thurs- Table makes a free meal ev-
Crossroads Quilt Guild classes in Evart
day of the month (March ery Thursday at 5:30 p.m., meeting EVART— Line dancing
through December) at the 5300 220th Ave. Donations REED CITY— The Cross- 101 (beginner line dancing)
Geology lab, room 138, sci- welcome. roads Quilt Guild will hold will be held every Wednes-
ence building, at Ferris meetings on the fourth day from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at
State University. Tuesday of each month, 110 U.S. 10 in Evart.
Volunteers needed except December, from 6 There will be a $3 dona-
for Road to Recovery
HERE’S MY CARD Free blood pressure
to 8 p.m. at the Reed City
REED CITY— Road to Re- Church of the Nazarene.
covery is an American Can-
tion. For more informa-
tion, contact Carol at 231-
EVART— Osceola Coun- cer Society volunteer-based
Activities at the Reed
WINDOW ty Commission on Aging program that provides
is offering free blood pres- transportation for cancer City Senior Center
Breakfast on second
Sunday at Evart VFW
sure clinics for adults 60 patients to and from their REED CITY— The Senior
Center, 219 Todd Ave., has EVART— Breakfast will
the following activities: be held the second Sunday
Check Out Mention This Ad For: Wednesday: Fun Bingo of each month from 7 to 11
Polar Seal Vinyl Windows
Veterans Free
(18 and older) at 12:30 p.m. a.m. at the Evart VFW.
for Your Home! Thursday: Euchre at Includes eggs, sausage,
• Energy Efficient • Maintenance Free • Easily Cleaned
12:30 p.m. bacon, hash browns, bis-
“Your Full Service Glass Shop”
Deer Processing Friday night: Regular cuits and gravy, and pan-
on Veterans Day 11/11
Bingo (weather permit- cakes. All you can eat for
ting). Doors open at 4:30 $6.
800-922-GLAS • 231-779-3960 Located next to Arby’s • Cadillac

Call Us Cut Bonel p.m. Early Birds start at 6

Vacuum P ess p.m. (License No.A22502)

Quilts to Comfort
Open 7 Days acked For further information,
8 am-11 pm ice Frozen contact Carolyn at 231-832-
You have a vision. We have the resources. 2676. REED CITY— Patsy
Same Day S
Blue’s Quilts to Comfort
The mark of a strong business
FlAVORED Free movie nights meets the second Monday
is a strong web presence, but
managing your identity online
3 Jerky, 3 : 6 S n a ck, SEARS— Free movie ofcember, each month, except De-
can be a full-time job in itself. from 10 a.m. to 4
That’s where we come in.
Sausage, u m m e r nights will be held the sec- p.m. to make quilts for the
At CN Digital Solutions, your
presence is our priority. We 15 Brat ond Friday night of the Susan P. Wheatlake Cancer
give you the tools you need and or Breakf month at 7 p.m. at Brooks Center. Guild meetings are
teach you how to use them. We ast Corner Hall, U.S. 66 and 10. the fourth Tuesday, except
work with you to build a web
presence that works for you.
Sausage Free popcorn and hot dogs. December, at 6 p.m. Quil-
ters of all skill levels wel-
Call 231-775-6565 today, to set up your FREE consultation. Day book club All meetings are held at
at Reed City Library Reed City Church of the
REED CITY— A day book Nazarene, 5300 220th Ave.
AT 231.779.4155 DIRECT Wilson’s Deer club will be held on the first For further details, con-
Wednesday of the month at tact Liz at 231-734-9704.

1:30 p.m. at the Reed City
OR 231.920.9486 CELL Public Library.
TOPS weight loss
OLAH holding monthly meeting
The Deline Family REED CITY— TOPS
meetings weight loss meetings, Reed
EVART— The Osceola City, Chapter 1682, Monday
League for Arts and Hu- weigh-in at 5:30 p.m. and
11376 E 32nd Street Reed City | 231.872.9229 manities will be holding
a monthly meeting on
meeting from 6 to 7 p.m. at
St. Paul Lutheran Church.
8 AM-11 PM the first Tuesday of each
4 • weekly voice | Thursday, November 1, 2018

Chad W. Comstock
Student Athlete of the week Meet Ethan Maddox
REED CITY — Chad W. Reed City High School, Junior
Comstock, of Reed City,
passed away unexpected- Sport(s) and positions you play:
ly Monday, October 29, Soccer - Striker
2018, at the home of his
parents in Kentwood, What is your pre-game ritual? I
Michigan. He was 45. always make sure I fully understand
Chad was born October the game plan, and then I relax. To
12, 1973, in Lansing, to me, the key is to remain focused,
Jared William and Vir- while not over-hyping yourself to
ginia Eileen (Kushmaul) the point where your nerves control
Comstock. He graduated you.
from Evart High School
in 1992, then graduated What is your fondest memory
with honors from ITT participating in sports in high
Technical Institute. Chad Flowers of Sears, 10 niec- school? I will never forget scoring a
had worked the last 24 es and nephews, four game-winning goal against Clare.
years for Reed City Tool great nieces and neph-
and Die. He loved spend- ews, and his significant What is your favorite class and
ing time with his family, other, Lisa Beemer of Ev- why? Bio-Dome - We go outside.
was an avid Detroit Red art.
Wings fan, enjoyed sport Funeral services hon- What is your favorite pre-game
shooting, motorcycles oring the life of Chad meal? I don’t normally eat before
and cars (especially Cor- William Comstock will games
vettes). be 1 p.m. Thursday, No-
Mr. Comstock is sur- vember 1, 2018, at the What advice would you give
vived by his parents, Jar- First Baptist Church in younger students starting out
ed and Virginia Com- Evart with visitation in sports? Don’t give up and to get
stock of Kentwood, Mich- from 11 a.m. until time of along with your teammates.
igan, his three sisters, services at the church.
Shanda (Robert) Renne Interment will be in the Who is your role model and
of Evart, Denise (Mi- Orient Township Ceme- why? Lionel Messi - his footwork is
chael) Neuhaus of Grand tery, Osceola County, the fastest.
Rapids, Jennifer (Jim) Michigan.
What are your plans after high
I’m very much undecided.

Public record
Osceola County 49th plate. He also was ordered • Alexandria Marie pering with an electronic possessed an imitation tic violence and attempted
Circuit Court to pay $448 in fines and fees Nunn, 23, of Evart was monitoring device. The vi- handgun, and had contact interfering with electronic
REED CITY — The fol- and given 24 months proba- sentenced to between six olation occurred when she with a known felon. communications. The vio-
lowing are arraignments, tion. months and four years in had written contact with a • Jacob John Sellors, 22, lations occurred when he
pleas or sentences occur- • Kristina Charlene prison with 19 days cred- known felon. of Sears was sentenced to tested positive for metham-
ring in 49th Circuit Court Lawie, 25, of Cadillac plead- ited for a guilty plea to as- • Michael Anthony Nor- 4.5 months in jail with 23 phetamine and was found
in Osceola County on the ed guilty plea attempted sault with a dangerous ris, 40, of Sears was sen- days credited for two guilty to be in contact with a
date of Oct. 19: larceny in a building and weapon, a steak knife. She tenced to nine months in pleas to probation viola- known felon.
• Andrew James Kehr, the prosecutor agreed to a also was ordered to pay jail with 122 days credited tions stemming from previ-
25, of Paris was sentenced one year delayed sentence. $1,026 in fines and fees. for a guilty plea to a proba- ous convictions to domes-
to 8.5 months in jail with If Lawie is successful, the • Amy Lyn Miscikoski, tion violation stemming
one day credited for a prosecuting attorney will 28, of Sears was sentenced from a previous conviction
guilty plea to possession dismiss the charge as well to between nine months of possession of non-nar-
of marijuana second or as three counts of uttering and two years in prison cotic, Xanax. The violation
subsequent offense and and publishing. She also with 116 days credited for occurred with he admit-
one day in jail with one day was ordered to pay $458 in a guilty plea to a probation ted he consumed alcohol,
credited for a guilty plea to fines and fees and $1,219 in violation stemming from a he failed to complete sub-
unlawful use of a license restitution previous conviction to tam- stance abuse treatment,

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Send your photos to [email protected],

and watch for your photos on the community page. 1-888-330-4144
Your town. Your Paper. Your VOICE.
Thursday, November 1, 2018 | weekly voice • 5

Church hosts seminar on the dangers of marijuana and Proposal One

According to Schafer,
By Victoria Martin to marijuana, according to
marijuana has become an-
Weekly Voice the National Institute of
other beast with the modi- Drug Abuse.
EVART — A proposal fications made to the plant Adding to being addic-
one and marijuana semi- over the years. tive to some, marijuana
nar was held at Evart’s “What we are talking can also lead to the use of
Free Methodist Church to about is not the marijuana other drugs for some, ac-
get more information on from our grandmothers in cording to Schafer.
the proposal and dangers the 70’s,” she said. “Marijuana users are
of today’s marijuana be- “People will say it is nat- 2.6 times more likely to
fore people vote on Nov. 6. ural,” Schafer later said, use other substances,” she
Proposal one, if passed, “but once something is so said. “So is marijuana a
would make recreational genetically modified, it is gateway drug? The honest
use of marijuana legal in no longer natural.” answer is yes and no. It’s
Michigan. The average potency of not a gateway drug for ev-
With the proposal, those THC in marijuana extract erybody but it is a gateway
21-years-old and older has risen to around 50 per- drug for some.”
would be allowed to have cent and some extracts go- Though the National
up to 2.5 ounces of mari- ing as high as 80 percent, Institute of Drug Abuse
juana on their person, according to the National agrees that information
grow up to 12 plants as Institute of Drug Abuse. points to marijuana being
long as they are not visible Going into the dangers a gateway drug, they also
from a public place, store of marijuana, Schafer report the majority of
up to 10 ounces in one’s brought up the addiction people who use marijuana
home so long as it is stored factor that plays into the do not go on to use harder
in locked containers and issues with the recreation- drugs and that alcohol and Victoria Martin | Weekly Voice
to drive under the influ- al use of the plant. nicotine have been found Deb Schafer demonstrated what 10 grams of marijuana, the legal amount to have locked away in
ence of marijuana. “Marijuana is addictive. to just as likely be used be- ones home should proposal one pass, looks like using Italian seasoning to her audience at Evart’s
It would remain illegal Marijuana is not addictive fore other substances. Free Methodist Church’s proposal one meeting.
to smoke marijuana in to everyone who uses it Though against the pro-
public places, sell to any- but neither is beer or oth- posal, Schafer did bring she would feel better about ers, those who continue or Fund in proportion to the
one under the age of 21 er types of alcohol,” she some positives to the re- the proposal if it were start to allow retailers in number of retail stores
and would allow landlords said. “But they are addic- search being done on the designed more specifically their town will gain from and microbusinesses with-
to prohibit smoking on tive to people who may be chemicals in marijuana. like alcohol regulations. the renationalization, ac- in the municipality.”
their properties. genetically predisposed to “(The FDA) are looking “I’m against the pro- cording to their 2018 over- Before people went out
Ten 16 Recovery Net- addiction, those who have at the positives of some posal altogether,” she said. view of the proposal. and voted or talked to
work’s Prevention and addiction in their family of the chemicals in this “I work with addiction “Each municipal- others about what they
Outreach Manager Deb or those who use it for the plant,” she said. “One Sa- prevention, so I have to be. ity would be allowed to learned at the seminar,
Schafer, was invited to the first time, have a good ex- tivex and it’s benefits for But yes, I would feel more charge an annual fee of up Schafer encouraged peo-
church to give a seminar perience and really like it, those with MS. Something comfortable if it were ac- to $5,000 per establishment ple to go out and do their
on the issues with the pro- it becomes addictive.” I am excited about, as it tually designed by lawyers to defray the application, own research and form
posal and the legalization Dependency shows in is something I struggle and made more specific administrative, and en- their own opinion on the
of marijuana. about nine percent of with.” like has been done with forcement costs associated topic.
“This proposal has some those who use marijuana There are 100 different alcohol.” with the operation of the “If someone does their
things in it that are kind and rises to 17 percent chemicals, according to While the Senate Fis- marijuana establish- research and is still all for
of missing. The legislation for those who use in their Schafer, in marijuana and cal Agency agrees there ments,” the agency report- the proposal, that’s fine,
says to ’regulate marijua- teens. Those who use the FDA is doing research would be a dip in finances ed. “In addition, munici- but at least they are in-
na like alcohol’. Alcohol before the age of 18 are as to which have benefits for the municipalities who palities would receive 15% formed. That’s really what
regulations are 300 plus four to seven times more and for what. do not wish to have recre- of the unspent balance of this is about,” she said
pages, this proposal is 22.” likely to become addicted Schafer did specify that ational marijuana retail- the Marihuana Regulation after the seminar.

Public record
Evart Police Weekly mains open at this time. — Officers were dispatched cers were called to a report message indicating she to assist with a disorderly
• 10/23/2018 Threats — to a civil dispute over child of an injured deer. It was wished to end her life. Offi- juvenile. The 41-year-old
Report Officers were called to a custody. The involved par- determined that the animal cers located the female who mother explained she was
• 10/22/2018 Animal threats complaint. All par- ties were advised to contact needed to be dispatched. accepted a ride to be trans- having behavioral issues
Complaint — Officers were ties involved were advised Friend of the Court to re- The animal was turned ported her to the Spectrum with her 15-year-old daugh-
called to a dog at large com- of the consequences of solve their issue. over to a citizen for process-
Health Reed City campus ter. Officer’s listened to both
plaint. A citation was is- their actions should they • 10/24/2018 Civil Dispute ing. emergency room for a men- the mother and daughter’s
sued to the dog owner. continue. — Officers were called to a • 10/26/2018 Missing — tal evaluation. version of what had hap-
• 10/22/2018 Suspicious • 10/23/2018 Suspicious — civil complaint over prop- Officers were dispatched • Officers received a larce- pened and advised that
Vehicle — Officers were Officers responded to a re- erty. The case remains open to a report of a missing ny complaint from an elder- Child Protective Services
called to a parking com- port of a possible domestic at this time. juvenile. The juvenile was ly resident at the Reed City would be notified as there
plaint. The vehicle was assault. The involved par- • 10/24/2018 Assist — Of- located and a friend’s house Hospital Rehab and Extend- was a need for some type of
tagged and will be towed if ties denied that any alterca- ficers were called to assist and returned to her par- ed Care Facility. The matter intervention between the
the owner does not correct tion had occurred. a local business with a mis- ent’s home. is under investigation. two. The matter has also
the violation. • 10/10/2018 Non-Suffi- communication with a cus- • 10/26/2018 Hit and Run Tuesday 10/23/18 been submitted to the Pros-
• 10/22/2018 No Security/ cient Funds — Officers tomer. Property Damage Accident • Officers responded to ecuting Attorney’s Office to
No Registration — While were called to a complaint • 10/25/2018 Mock Break- — Officers were called to a disorderly conduct com- determine if there was an
on patrol, officers conduct- of a non-sufficient funds ing and Entering — Offi- a hit and run accident. No plaint in the front yard of assault charge.
ed a traffic stop. The driver check at a local business. cers conducted a demon- injuries were reported. The a residence. A 51-year-old • Officers located and
was found to be operating Contact was made with the stration investigation for a case remains open pending female admitted to being served a trespass notice on
an unregistered vehicle subject who had written the high school student. contact with the suspect upset and yelling profanity a 38-year-old male, this due
and did not have insurance. check and they corrected • 10/25/2018 Harassment driver. and stated she would stop. to repeated belligerent be-
The vehicle was towed and the issue with the business. — Officers were called to • 10/27/2018 Property The officer advised if he havior.
an appearance citation was • 10/24/2018 Private Prop- a harassment complaint Damage Accident — Of- had to return for the same Friday 10/26/18
issued. erty Damage Accident — between two recently sepa- ficers were called to a car- type of behavior she would • An ATM card left at the
• 10/23/2018 Defrauding Officers were called to a hit rated subjects. The subjects deer accident. No injuries be going to jail. bank was turned over to of-
and Inn Keeper — Officers and run private property were advised to maintain were reported. • Officers were called to ficers; the officers returned
were called to a complaint damage accident. No inju- their distance from each • 10/27/2018 Possession of a local laundromat regard- it to its owner.
at a local business regard- ries were reported. other and they agreed. Marijuana — Officers were ing a suspicious situation. • Officers received a com-
ing a violation. The case re- • 10/24/2018 Civil Dispute • 10/26/2018 DNR — Offi- dispatched to a location on The 911 caller reported a plaint of a CSC between
a report of a non-compliant young boy banging his head two teenagers. The incident
White Star Motorsport Auctions “sInce
sex offender. The subject against a door and hiding was found to be consen-
was located and found to when a vehicle approach- sual. The matter has been
SNOWMOBILE - ATV be in possession of mari- es. The responding officer turned over to the Prosecu-
& TRAILER AUCTION juana and is currently on spoke with the boy, finding tor for review.
“AmerIcA’s LArgest snowmobILe AuctIons” probation. The subject was the boy lived nearby and Saturday 10/27/18
Saturday, November 3, 2018 @ 8:45 AM arrested and transported was doing his laundry. • Officers were dis-
517-369-1153 One mile east of Bronson, Michigan on US-12 to the Osceola County Jail Wednesday 10/24/18 patched to a local bar and
where they were lodged on • Officers were dispatched grill regarding a complaint
BID “ON-SITE LIVE” - OR - BID “ABSENTEE ON-LINE” FROM YOUR HOME their violations. to a local business parking from a 19-year-old female.
YOU CAN BUY OR SELL. ONLY $25 & 3% TO SELL. Reed City Police Weekly lot to perform a well-being The woman reported feel-
Over 118 snowmobiles as new as 2018. check. The caller reported ing uncomfortable with the
Also: Watercraft, ATVs, RVs, trailers, motorcycles, cars, trucks, GREAT
Report a child left in a car seat with repeated advances from a
campers, go carts, lawn equipment, golf carts, and much more. FUN TIMES - Monday 10/22/18 no one around. The matter 37-year-old male. The man
Inventory pictures, auction price reports, motel listings, maps, & all info at: BRING YOUR BUDDIES - • Officers received infor- was unfounded. was advised not to have any
10% buyer’s premium, 3% credit card service fee, 6% sales tax
FRIENDLY! mation regarding a 31-year- Thursday 10/25/18 further contact with the
old female sending a text • Officers were dispatched woman.

Get your paper, the Weekly Voice,

delivered to your home every Thursday!

Family rememb
ers Tax cuts likel
reduce utility
y to
for less
former Hill iff ors orderin
g utilities to
State regulat of new federal tax cuts,
served as study impact s can be passed on Conn eCtio n
Robert “Bob”
Wexford County
of 1970s
how saving pAge A2
on Your Comm unitY cadillac neWs C1
during much
on pAge A3

c News per

Weekend, december 9-10, 2017

ber 28, 2017



Veterans museum
75¢ FREE a history lover’s dream
‘Sheriff Joe’ mulls
run for US Senate
Arctic air
Manton Veterans Memorial
please take one Museum

features photos of over Former Arizona lawman
Connected. 500 area vets,
Trusted. Local. www.weeklyvoice. items dating back to Revolutionary would seek seat vacated
net War

by Trump foe Sen. Jeff Flake

settles in
on page C1

The good
Area 3 section

on page
The losses are
a4 Area 2

Cadillac News
Thursday, December starting to add up:
r Reed City, Hersey, Sears & Chase.
WEEKEND, December 9-10, 2017morE prEpS
28, 2017 • Your commun
ity news from Evart,
The Pistons lost their
straight game, falling to the
lioNS b3

old ‘days’
SportS briEfS b4
GOOD PEOPLE reg ion defending champion Warriors.
B4 | weekend,
ScorEboard b4

december 9-10, 2017


Bitter cold expecgh Editor: Marc Vieau | sports@cadillacnews
.com | (231) 775-NEWS

Traverse City CentralMissau

connecTed. Sports
CREDIT to linger throu cadillac news | TrusTed. local.

Cadillac girls score win over

Trusted. Local. Connected.
arrival of new $1.50
Committee plan
(3-1) with 11 points while
r sinn
kee County board while
rebounds and six steals Area 5
had 15 points, Brown
and Molly Anderson

for return of
CadillaC News games."
the Area 4 the first Hannah Emingtonfive steals. eight points apiece. Makayla
FOR EVERYONE! after three losses to start Cadillac led 12-11 after
considers new policies for

seven assists and

A hidde
blast Area news
cadillac 1 at half- Knight added seven.
An Arctic season. quarter and trailed 27-22 points,

McBain Days
CADILLAC — atures plung-
to- Kallie Poulos had 12 • Cadillac won the freshman
"The girls played together on in the
Manton Vet time before turning it steals.
PUSH - PULL - DRAG has sent temperin Northern TRAVERSE CITY —
Now, each
night and started trusting Kaye third quarter.
three rebounds and three game 49-39.
ing below
and the bitter
cold that's more like it.
a strong other," Cadillac coach
The Vikings outscored
TC Cen- Cadillac (1-3 overall,
hosts Manistee on Tuesday
1-1 BNC)
. Emma McTaggart paced
12 points while
purchasing, bidding
By Karen Hopper
UsHer is likely to
remain into
the Cadillac put together
effort from start to finish
and Johns said. "I
way they played.
am proud of the
tral 21-12 to take a 43-34 lead into
• Cadillac won the JV
game Vikings with
Madi Drabik had 11,
Livi Meyer
new year. 58-47 that the fourth quarter. eight. Rules cover use of
packed with
beat Traverse City Central nine and Chesni Birgy
12 42-22.
CadillaC News of minus "They dug deep and found paced Ca- and look for good prices
A reading in a Big North Conference
girls had Makenna Bryant Little paced the Vikings
the Wexfor
fire to compete and win
that eight Baily credit cards by staff, but not expected to

Comeback Comets jew

d dillac with 22 points,
degrees at

etting splashe s- night. have
t on Wedne basketball contest Friday the first couple of

items from a bidding process.

Vikings been missing
$1,000 County Airpor large purchases
by a firema
mid- g was the result It's the first win for the For purchases of $500
hose in the day mornin y
dle of the
MINIMUM night, accord
calm Tuesda
of a frigid, ing to Gay-
r 1700s to today 1 2
By kaRen hoppeR UsheR
CadillaC News
to $5,000, the depart-
ment head would have
can be great The al Weathe to approve
r, anyway.

You not only get the big weekend edition of the

the pur-
lord Nation
Top Scores
In the summe ed in McBain a ologist Jeff chase, the money would
happen Service meteor by chris lamphere LAKE CITY — Missaukee
game last
couple years
hoses to
firemen used street. The
Payments As Low As Zoltowski. on a norther
Cadillac sits plateau of
n boys Hoops
cadillac neWs 4 County commissioners have to be in the budget,
and employees would

$150 mo.
maNtoN are considering new be
Teams of
the Michig an 57 credit card and pur- expected to hold an
around g ed, tc WESt ucked into the in-

TC West
push a bucket cooled kids standin
✔ Bankruptcy and the elevatio
ki explain
hills, Zoltows n can help
mcbaiN Nmc 66
corner of Man-
NMC girls rally to 6 chasing rules. formal bidding process
over phone or email.

ton’s Rotary County employees
nearby. of the perfect atures plum- 45 For purchases of
so it was kind those temper tc chriStiaN Memorial Park, have been using their
score a big win over
“It was hot, City Councilman
game,” recalled
✔ Foreclosures
that feature
da met. effect clouds 79 Manton
the Area Veter-
7 own credit cards to $5,000 to $10,000, a for-
buy mal bidding process

Cadillac News but the Weekly Voice and Cadillac News

While lake
Rangers to face host
making games cause rEEd city Museum things the county needs would
Smith are variety of
✔ Repossession showers can 72 Memorial
Smith. Roberts and
Mayor Joey something like it,
again. and activiti
es, Smith
there have
and snow
to move in
both NEWaygo
is a hidden jewel of
as- online and are then
be required, and
the county administra-
s, games, he-
plans to do
McBain Days,
it, or
the city’s
summe r celebra-
. In the
said. He’s
been told
dinners, concert to catch a
intermittently, it was been chicken and even a contest
CadillaC News
File PHoTo
the needle
Zoltows ki said,
directions, tial snow is pro- hEritagE chr. sembled
history just
to be enjoyed cadillacbynews
Among the biggest news stories
8 Petoskey in imbursed.
Under a proposed
tor would have to ap-
prove the purchase.
tion, has been
held only
Smith has
lived in McBain TO CHOOSE FROM
licopter rides
was a pan- could soon return
under a new
McBain Days summer celebration has
little substan
jected for
Wexford County
bEth havEN
gIrLs Hoops the public.MANTON — Stay calm.
in the dispute over Cadillac of 2017 were, clockwise, from
Junction, the Skatetricity fire, top left, the Green Mill Motel invitational today
CadillaC News file
explosion and fire, the court photos
revised policy, de-
partment heads and For purchases greater
three years greased pig. he remembers, there Some light
snow 58Hanging on the and the opening of the new ruling than $10,000, commis-
name. The city’s ently. In the three years cadillac
WE CAN HELP! this week.
of Rob- by Fri- defense.
themore Wexford County Jail. approved employees

What was the big story of 2017

held just once.g it back is a key part of his At the one and a parade, he said. 1-3 inches 47 the museum
of Extendare cadillac news sioners would need
st d in recent held only intermitt has lived in it could bring r 2-3 tc cENtral All will be
than 500 pictures of fine.
vet- would be able to have to
But bringin and a big part cake breakfa
photos archive an Doug Smith with anothe Chris- approve the purchase
for the city Cadillac News tanks and a greased
-pole City Councilm held just once. But bringing day, he said, of whom
Northern live
Michigan county
The good credit cards

? delivered right to your home every Thursday.

erts’ plan office, he said. Joey d. 51
tc St. fraNciS erans, PETOSKEY — and the there would
to run for Tennessee, years show
dunk McBain, it was Smith and Mayor over the weeken tuRn to pAge
21 lived tian
within rallied to beat Manton
a 20-mile with credit limits of
motivation in Knoxville, . Smith the a key part of part of his For more, mcbaiN or news is they won. have to be a formal,
up heard
contest back is a big in a Highland Confer- $2,000.
news is
Roberts grew up in McBain. He’s be. recently named “a summer for the city and radius of Manton.
but his wife
Days used
The city council to bring back Roberts’ plan run for office, Smith said.
mcbaiN Nmc 48Each photoence girls a story, contest
The not-so-goodCounty
they've got a lottor to work on Administra-
competitive, sealed
what McBain to get back to,” he a committee Tulio Herani motivation to
of 41 Friday
former museumnight. photo. Precia
opened itsGarland told

stories head Oliveira A2 maNtoN and Google Maps aerial Still, Manton Under the current pol-
I’m trying for the tuRn to pAge
and host mother Tracie Koopman. CometsWar were down
Cadillac News readers can vote Museum is pictured in this commissioner

a lot
“That’s what moved here celebration.” For more, curator and TheKorean
The halfManton Area Veterans Memorial season with a the 63-57 win s that icy, the board reviews

le lates but
Roberts family Corner of M-55 & M-66 digits in the first
online, on Facebook, Twitter all

Reed City
said. The , he said.
Rick cHARMoli | Weekly Voice
piNE rivEr 54
veteran Neal Bennett
double Traversestill Citypurchases
West in would purchases greater than

community third

n is aylittshare
South of Lake City but took stories
all, control in the needtheto be work-
small-town r celebra 34
knows them the north but they the opening game of

connection with Brazil

was a summe www.classicche Evart $2,000. Garland said
CoURTesY PHoTo what Amer- feet to related. Clerk Jessica
McBain Days quarter.
that “signify had to moveByto another Petoskey Invitational. that doesn’t go far, and

n to Luther
“I am soHe is of my
proud Rick chaRmoli Nielsen explained that
1-800-55-4LESS Ginger rEEd city 46 is all about.”
giving uplocation on because of all of weigh in beginning Saturday While ‘It's always
the invoicing system because the board meets

s’ baby bors early

Mattos, 13 an audiofor not Dec. 9, through Wednesday , weekend paper.
making girls CadillaC News
NEWaygo items they amassed just once a month, it
231-839-7231 sto- the back happy

of Luther, and clawing
personal , on credit cards issued

ing withthe thegame the years. To vote, go to https://
By Ben Glick holds her in it,” NMC
ries of almost everycoachvet- Jason throughout 017 was big year for
The museumaexpansion
Dec. 27. The following
15 stories
with nice to win
to county employees can be burdensome
on Dec. 26
big were chosen by m/ the win, things like housing
Weekly Voice son, Makaio, a lasting
eran forTowers said. “We just said
legacy. stories, 2014 the dueCadil- the Cadillac would make purchases and
was started in and forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScea0- Rangers furnace grants.
es four week shortly after Main Events at halftime
Complimentin that the game’s
g this lac was
News wants you, the
News newsroom as the
staff VP91xAcrU7wU7fb51gLi-
your first
more transparent and
coach Ry- easier to track. The topic received

Makaio Mattos
REED CITY — Tracie to overcrowding
his birth on They had of nine debated which stories

“gift Koop- impressive collection
not over. individ-
w, which means man was madereader,possibletoby decide should 7gucSVjo2a-5QpitP9cFcaQ/ an Hiller much discussion during
sion of Matthe
a high school junior
she left Reed City and
Tuesday. Wrestling:
Manton Invitation- photos are points from six
a variety of feet behind
one was
and thegroup donations.
which make the list.
game.’Garland also proposed
the commissioners’
baby landed in Makaio was items related to the mili-line.ual
the (three-point)
town Once the voting has conclud- viewform?c=0&w=1
or vote his team revising the county’s fi-
inthis the Cadillac News’ Facebookvia
UsHer of God.” SaoasPaulo, al. 9 a.m. With
“People thatin mind, readers nance committee meet-
By Karen Hopper red a Christm Big Rap- Brazil in 1986. the first tary andthose U.S. awayconflictsand it’s a five- ed, the top five stories purchasing
Hiller policy.
Still conside 26 arrival, the will havebeen extremely gen- has to do Ryan ing Thursday.
CadillaC News Dec. Recalling
familyit more than 30 baby born at Hockey:
from thepointRevolutionary
have the opportunity to announced in the Dec.
will be or Twitter accounts. Purchases
manton boys under $500
despite his gave the later, Livonia Franklin at erous,” Bennett said. Area 7 a much would Commissioners are
woman l Auxiliary years aftershe was surprised Big Rapids War to today. “The seniors really Bennett said they re- 30-Jan. 1 See full STory on A8
be considered
coach due to vote Tuesday
S — A Luther ids Hospita
The first baby by born
how quickly a remark Hospital after Cadillac. Noon. up andaled the team finished a 1,500-foot Area 6
include better job basic basketball
and routine.
BIG RAPID a few hours too late a gift basket. will get one, too. of Such items
stepped during the board’s regu-
Christmas of fromquitcently rebound- Employees
son interest and n

birthed her to the wheelchair They never would be
baby. the new year contains a sleep sack, local rotary club woodenback. addition onto the west lar monthly meeting.

Subscribe today!
turned a WWII- He was also childhood ing, expected to and

‘Getting your house in order’

to be a true born four intoan-
, a stuffed a plane ticket to
2017. the WWIkept era,their composure.” and be prudent
Mattos was The basket a blanket theof the building will taking care of the ball
On Deck side [email protected] | 775-News
Makaio way , his bibs, Brazil’s most t
populated era Jeep, a chest used
by after
led 14-10 friends with museum (6397)
ure. In that at Spec- clothing, onesies, while a babyshebracele city -
officerand was up this Labor Day, they
28-14 founders Neil Perry hitting free throws.
weeks premat , a knew a word
barely first quarter
a.m. on Dec.
26 imal, a book, to Bill Kerans of a high-ranking holding a special event "It's always nice to win
birth at 3:19 Big Rapids Hospita
l according Portuguese. in George Washington’s
at halftime before NMC beout-
public to and John Robbins, who
and a cap, ist at Spec- to invite
the the earlier this your first game," Hiller
trum Health
and ns special The transition from a army, vintage
scored the Rangers 19-2 in it out.
uniforms passed away
was both early communicatio small check said. "I think our expecta-
Birthing Center, trum Health.
town to a large ,
in at 7 pounds atcity is daunting
from every third branch
quarter Communities hope to encourage
oftothelead 33-30.
In the meantime, Ben-
“It’s a tough loss for tions are pretty high
late. , Makaio ’s mom, “Makai o weighe d enough,
20 inches
, and was entstated.
longto do so in a differ- military, and Manton coach Jon Paul
the loss is
artifacts. on said he
nett growth opens the
us,” Bennett said. “John with redevelopment program my team knows it can
Ginger Mattos mas sur- county, and in a different other priceless
Katona said
her “Christ 12 ounces release said many of museum to interested
By Ben Glick
a good friend
wasprogram of better than it did tonight.
called him language was a challenge,
birth,” a news | 775-News (6397) Bennett him. the week The assesses the readi- and "There were a few times
she getCadillaCduring
do-job tovisitors News I knew him my Evart submitted its resolu-
prise.” TheName. remembered. the items “I havefeelbeen
it’s my and Sat- ness mine.
of investment or develop- we could have put them
to Behind an ver- them over theto playand the on Fridays ment whole life.” tion around the
is the Hawaii
Koopman, now an English nated tothe girls ready CADILLAC urdays,
veter- the museum is
— Area communities in communities based on six City submitted same time. Lake away but let them back
Makaio DNR tells Reed City teacher years bygame familiesand of I failed to do that
are adopting to 4 practice criteria that include its resolution in

Call 231-775-6565
com, bridge needs at Reed City Middle
Tulio Herani Oliveira, an exchange passed away.
“I thought
from noon
policies to encour- News reporter November 2017, and Reed it. We've got a lot to work
said. personally keeping CadillaC

Two-day forecast
School, remembered ans whotonight,” heage an updated City fi-

Your community news

to be replaced a mo- his home country. Tulio’s mother, student from Brazil, speaks to a group of students Rick cHARMoli | Weekly Voice museum
investment Bennett
in theand economic mastertoplan,
Suhs contributed this submitted its resolution on and I think our guys
ment when she was at Carla Oliveira, was also an at Reed City High School about The veterans
we were a step growthbehind through most of the vet- making Mardi
zoning ordinances easy to on Dec. 4. that after
dinner Man- knew a statewide “Our focus for community nally understand
pagE 2 with her host family. The exchange student at Reed
City High School. started itssecondlife in the
half. sistance program. erans whose military to
as- followstory.
and building permits (6397)
| 775-neWseasy development is on downtown this game."
Darsha Day Daily
Albrecht, 49,
erupted in laughter, but
for its warmness and
Koopman remembered
openness, “But then we got Fading ton Area Historical
seum a couple
“I thought Over
we got
the last
pictures line the
year, cities have
walls. [email protected]
in order to build a solid
ning, building and development plan- Area 8
revitalization, really encouraging Manton led 16-8 after
didn’t know why — evidently Carla be- Carla’s husband. a call from played andjoined the Redevelopment Ready first quarter and 30-27

hopes: redevelopment in the
Stats: 0
of us

ing especially friendly He said she got the bestprogram, foundation for investment heartmarc our| cadillac news
you know!
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Cadillac not understanding that Our youthCommunity of Vieau going
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Baker, 100, . and

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a technical reinvestment.
News MAG: 1.00
a joke was in the hospital and news communities,” Michelle
VanPolen during
Code Type: 3075-Cadillac
Eunice Elnora “She was one of those but the goodinitiative Park-
A win at
BWA: 0.0030
had been told and she people was very tonight assistance Michigan Christian's fourth quarter.
n, Georgia behind offered by the konen, manager of the into the
sick,” Koopman said. against Northern
Order #: Symbol Width: 1.0200
of Carrollto Symbol Height: couldn’t that you have an instant put this Economic Many into the paint
communities Redevelop-
P.O. #:
wski, understand it. is the girls Michigan
Manton's Jaden ed Wilder drives have decid- the 48-41. Ethan Ancick paced
Lewando connec-
Tampa Bay is Development beat ment Rangers
Carla was diagnosed Ready
Patricia Marie an, Wisconsin
Ordered Up Flexo Width:
tion to, and that was and we’re to take part.
contest. The Comets program, said. “It’s
them already Corporation,
Send us your drawi
She was unable to commu- not ever go- cancer, with a public-private, Highland Conference Cadillac submitted about getting with 26 points and
Friday’s Rangers
thy staff you
Date Run:
Sheboyg and its your
a must if the
77, of ing to change,” Koopman she passed away in next
ready fornonprofit week.” resolution of intent to work house
added ninein rebounds.
, 83, nicate with her host organization. 14 rebounds while Jayden
we have local, trustwor
said. points and four steals. ... and being open
Noreen A. Robinson family for Carla was from draw?
March 2016. Towers also commended with the MEDC in February (2-0 overall, 1-0
to business.”
News, Madelyn Yount paced NMC Crews work onPerry Salani
you like to a city .in cen- nts
the first few months, 2017,
Lions hope Abby Brown paced Man-For more,
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the future
At the Cadilla
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poppins’ ius Potter added six points
enced extreme homesickness. it residents. from the
had 11 rebounds while
on to help
on A4 Corporation.
See obituaries tary it off or mail c, MI, organization that organizes second half. The Comets steals while Jaden Wilder on
Cameron, 9, she begged her
phone n Elemen In
calls back home she said DropCarla’s l,experience
Mitchel Cadilla
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family eventually won Specialist

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Stay Up to
the family.
zil, Koopman and
to Bra- In January 2017, Tulio
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beat the
Fully immersed in the
Competition gets heated culture remained close. her family in Reed City, following said.
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years later. Call Jessica or Jenifer yourorclassified
cadillac news
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getting good
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Send us your drawings!
She everything
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stayed with Carla.
she did. It’s pretty Vol.rvice@cadi
customerse a lot of second chances,"
Alerts sent timeol
Clos she neat,” Tulio said. 146 No. 152
Sabina, first grade, St. Ann’s dropped a 4-1 decision he said. "They were really
New s Scho
felt for the•first
she was
they saw her after
/classads/ Hey kids! Do youtolikeLivonia Franklin in
good in the defensive zone
s • Breaking of a conversation
Koopman valued the
able to understand every all those years, it was
like she experi- to draw? hockey
Weather Alert lerts the dinner
word never left,” Koopman
“Families you stayed cadillac news
8 11885 00600 Monday We want to publishnon-conference
Drop it off orgame
artwork. at the Wex- and their goaltender was
certainly a part of that,
In the summer of 2009, with you 7
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Civic Arena.
have that kind of have PHoto couRtesy of tRAcie kooPMAn 130 N. Mitchell, ford "We needed a much
Sign up at
“It was a much different Carla, her husband and
children connection a special Oliveira at
the Statue of Liberty on a
EVART — With the lead Cadillac News 12 Cadillac, MI, scored
The Patriots Fast-moving flames force
more physical presence
perience once I understood
ex- visited the U.S. they stayed with,” she said.
trip to New York.
Cold and snowy
49601, and look for
the it the of the first
on goal people
language,” Koopman the Koopman’s family, and
did so
The familiarity between
the at halftime, Pine River
front page of
and then built a 2-0
in the to flee on a moment’s notice
front of their net
us to

Stay Up to Date
said. again in 2013. Koopman’s family and
the Oli- off Evart's second-half the Cadillac period
Pine River’s News. because they pushed
And not only did Koopman gram to get the full benefits lead before the Vikings pagea bit."
become conversational “We realized it was important veras is so deep that Tulio now the program, and said of surge Friday for a 54-34 Logan Powell the outside quite a7the
ly profi- calls Koopman’s parents girls puts up a shot got moving. That continued into
for her Brazilian family families Highland Conference
cient in Portuguese, to meet pa and grandma. grand- can start by "We came out with a lot well, and
but began her Michigan family,” hosting students. basketball win. against the pres- third period, as
to think and dream in Koopman After a year at Reed City of good offensive zone off the
it as well. said. Throughout the year, High Logan Powell led the defense of kept the Vikings
“You don’t even know Tulio School, Tulio, a senior and Alerts sent to your Phone Via Evart’s Cyanna sure and did a lot of good
that you When Koopman’s daughter has attended classes left to re- Bucks with 17 points Text or Email Ca- scoreboard.
dream in a language at Reed turn to Cuiaba on Dec. things defensively, too," "They prevented us
until you went on a hik City High School, played
so 26. four assists, while An- Dellar dur-
ach Scott Graham
6 • weekly voice | Thursday, November 1, 2018

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Reed City blanks Benzie in playoff opener

out on that opportunity to host
By Marc Vieau since 2011.
which frustrates us. It is what it
weekly voice The Huskies threw a different
is. We’re focusing on a one-week- look at the Coyotes early but ad-
REED CITY — Their end goal is at-a-time mentality so we’ve got justments didn’t take long.
quite clear. to rise to the occasion with our “Benzie came in and they were
That goal, though, can’t be focus in practice and our inten- diving on the defensive line re-
reached in one night or in one sity.” ally hard and coming hard off
week. The Coyotes have largely been the edge,” Price said. “We weren’t
It’s something that’s going to on cruise control since a Week prepared for that because we
take some time to achieve and so 1 win over fellow powerhouse hadn’t seen them do that.
it’s all about taking the steps nec- Montague springboarded their “It was a little bit of a change
essary to get there. season. from what our kids prepared for
Reed City took that first step, The fact that they’re a heavy fa- all week but we adapted to it. We
beating Benzie Central 48-0 in an vorite each week — and often liv- challenged our offensive line to
MHSAA Division 5 pre-district ing up to that — means there are get physical and I thought they
contest Friday at home. times the execution or discipline did.”
The Coyotes (10-0 overall) will isn’t what it should be. To that Senior running back Phillip
host Clare (9-1) in a district final end, Reed City keeps the focus on Jones-Price took care of the rest.
at 7 p.m. on Friday. itself. Jones-Price accounted for 204
After Friday’s win, it was all “We feel as a program that yards and six touchdowns on 17
about looking forward to step there is one team that can beat us carries. He also caught a 49-yard
two. and that’s us,” Price said. “That’s pass from Jackson Price.
“It’s the process ... the process been our mantra all year is that Reed City was up 12-0 after the
to play for a state championship,” we have to focus on us. first quarter on touchdowns by
veteran Reed City coach Monty “Our lack of execution or our Payton Hansen and Jones-Price
Price said. “You’ve got to have a lack of discipline and attention before taking a 42-0 lead into half-
little bit of luck along the way. to detail will give opportunities time.
“We’re not feeling like we for teams to beat us. We’ve kind Connor Agan added 53 yards on
had a little bit of luck with the of been doing that all year. That’s six carries while Hansen had 50
state draw and not because of the only way to build a champion- yards on six carries. Price was 4
(Saginaw) Swan Valley. I want ship program is to focus on the of 9 passing for 93 yards.
to make that clear ... we’re not things you do and the things you Cody S. Kailing led the defense
afraid to play Swan Valley. It’s can control.” with six tackles while Mason
just frustrating that the two Reed City certainly figured to Bush had four. Jackson Price
highest-seeded teams in Division control Friday’s game against a picked off two passes as the Coy-
5 have to play each other in a re- Benzie Central (6-4) team back otes held Benzie Central to just 31
gional. Someone’s going to lose in the playoffs for the first time yards of total offense.


Reed City’s Payton Hansen picks up some yardage. Reed City’s Phillip Jones-Price scores a touchdown. Reed City’s Brandon Major defends against Benzie Central’s
Tom Ross.

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