VKIC Annual Report 2018-2019
VKIC Annual Report 2018-2019
VKIC Annual Report 2018-2019
v Foreword 2
v Forest-Community Interface 3
v ‘Namghar Eti Sanskritik Sikhayalay’ 7
v Discussion in Diphu on Intellectual Property Rights 9
and its Status in Karbi Anglong
v Gita Jayanti Celebration 10
v 5th Dr Minati Hazarika Memorial Lecture 11
v Second Panel Discussion on Development through Culture 13
v Foundation Day 2018 14
v Exploring Emerging Opportunities for India in South East Asia 15
v New Book Releases 22
v VKIC, Yoga Activities 24
v Some events in which VKIC karyakartas participated 25
v VKIC Reference Library 27
v Members of EC and RAC 30
v List of Donors 31
v VKIC Publications 32
v Audit Report 33
Dr. P. C. Bhattacharjee
Director, Research Advisory Council
Forest-Community Interface
(A new lecture series under Sanskriti Anveshak)
‘Traditional Knowledge of land, water and forest resource management
among the tribes of North East India – an untapped potentiality for
leveraging sustainable development’
Noted conservation activist and documentary filmmaker Sri Jayanta Kumar Sarma
delivered a talk organised under the Sanskriti Anveshak lecture series on Saturday,
April 22, 2017. He spoke about some of the issues related to traditional knowledge and
practices which have existed among select indigenous communities living in Assam
and neighbouring states.
Based on his grassroots
experiences, and under-
standing he divided TK
broadly into ecological,
technical, and values and
ethics. All of these interfaced
with one another depending
on spatial and temporal
circumstances. Land is an
inclusive term that embraces
many components - soil,
vegetation, microbes among
others. In regard to the
communities, however,
animals are seen differently. They are taken as signifiers, each carrying different
meanings. Proximity to nature, their dependence on ecological services also spill over
into the traditional methods of natural resource management. It is reflected on their
world view. In Meghalaya it is often said that Khasis live with Nature and Nature lives
with Khasis. It is an existence that is almost symbiotic. However, with the advent of
colonialisation such world views were undermined or eroded.
Sri Pulin Kalita, a senior journalist working with the Dainik Assam newspaper,
delivered a lecture on the topic ‘Namghar Eti Sanskritik Sikhayalay’ (Namghar – A
school for cultural education) in Mangaldoi on July 16, 2017. The event that was part of
a follow up activity of VKIC’s research work on the Namghar was held with support
from Viveknanda Kendra’s Mangaldoi branch.
Sri Kalita, who is carrying out research
on Vaishnavite culture of Assam, provided
visual documentation of a number of
Namghars stating that architecturally they
have evolved from a distinct shape that was
originally conceived by Srimanta
Sankardeva’s followers near about his time.
It was initially built on certain principles of
architecture, but with time some of those
have become diluted. However, they still
continue to have an east-west orientation
with the Manikut in the east.
Jyoti Prasad Agarwala, a cultural icon of
Assam, had visited and made notes on many
Namghars and found that they have some
modernistic features just like some other
buildings of his time. In many villages the
Namghar used to be the biggest structure, thanks to the participation of the villagers in
its construction. An array of sculptures can be found in a Namghar, which include
Namsingha, Garuda, Jai-Bijoi to name a few. Many of the old ones have intricate wood
carvings of natural objects and figurines, revealing aesthetic taste.
One of the main attractions of a Namghar is the Thapana. It could be several feet
in height containing three, five or seven platforms one stacked on top of the other. It
usually has beautiful carvings in attractive hues. Jyoti Prasad Agarwala saw in it a
The challenge before India is how to upgrade its relations with ASEAN. The Act
East Policy will not succeed unless we bring the North East into the policy in a big way
and that can be done through better connectivity, better border management, more
people to people contact, and I think deeper cultural connect. Because the culture of
North East is very rich and it influenced South East Asian countries like Myanmar,
Thailand etc. So if we have to bring the North East into our discourse – India ASEAN
discourse – the North East can play a big role through culture, connectivity and so on.
And if the trilateral highway comes through it will also bring in lots of opportunities
for the development of the North East. So with these words I would like to stop here
and thank the organisers for giving me the opportunity to share some of my thoughts.
Once again I wish you all the very best.
w ‘It is all in the Perspective – Revering Northeast India’ Invited talk delivered at
the National Symposium on ‘Re-transforming Bharateeya Education, Science
& Technology’ held on 24 & 25 March, 2018 at IIT Guwahati. Organised by:
IGNCA, IIT-Guwahati, Gauhati University, Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal &
Research for Resurgence Foundation
Dr Sushma Wanengbam
w Presented a paper on, “Umang Lai of Manipur: Ancestral Beliefs and
Conservation” – at the First National Symposium on Retransforming Bharatiya
Education, Science and Technology, BEST, 2018, IIT Guwahati, India, during
24th to 25th March, 2018.
Dr Kathakali Bhattacharjee
w Attended a workshop in Dimapur, Nagaland From 8 December to 10 December
2017, on “Social Responsibility”. Janajati Vikash Samiti, Nagaland (Kalyan
Ashram) and Zeliangrong Heraka Youth Organisation Dimapur jointly organised
the workshop. Spoke on “World Religion (Indigenous Faith and its Relevance)”
and “Challenges and Response” during the programme.
w Attended a Seminar entitled ‘Gyan Sangam’ organised by Intellectual Forum of
North East on 10th and 11th February, 2018 in Gauhati University.
w Presented a paper from VKIC on “Culture nurtures unity: with special reference
to Arunachal Pradesh” in the First National Symposium on ‘Retransforming
Bharatiya Education, Science and Technology’ hosted at IIT Guwahati. The
symposium was organised on 24th and 25th March 2018 by IIT Guwahati, Gauhati
University, Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal, Research for Resurgence Foundation
New Delhi, Indira Gandhi National Centre of Arts, New Delhi.
1. Dr. A. K. Trehan
C-3/ 185, Janak Puri 6,200/-
New Delhi
We have obtained all the information and explanation which to the best of our
knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of the audit. In our opinion, proper
books of account have been kept by the Head Office of the above named trust visited
by us so far as appears from our exmination of the books, subject to the comments
given below :
In our opinion and to the best of our information, and according to explanations
given to us, the said accounts give a true and fair view:
(i) In the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the above named
trust/institution as at 31st March, 2018 and
(ii) In the case of the Income and Expenditure Account, of the excess of Income
over Expenditure for the year ended 31st March, 2017.
The prescribed particulars are annexed hereto.
N. K. Pareek
Dated : 04.07.2018 (Proprietor)
Place : Guwahati PAN: AKIPP8616P
M.No: 062624
FRN: 325482E
N. K. Pareek
Dated : 04.07.2018 (Proprietor)
Place : Guwahati PAN: AKIPP8616P
M.No: 062624
FRN: 325482E
(b) Provisions:
Rates & Taxes 16,595.00
Electricity Charges 19,956.00 19,096.00
Telephone Charges 2,300.00 4,749.00
38,851.00 23,845.00
Total: 1,29,816.00 50,210.00
VKIC Publications K 3,55,023.00 4,08,720.00
Activity of Objectives J 14,34,422.00 12,90,891.00
Administrative Expenses L 14,84,530.50 13,48,681.00
Repairs and Maintenance M 9,75,562.00 2,86,432.00
Depreciation C 1,69,969.00 1,73,254.00
N. K. Pareek
Dated : 04.07.2018 (Proprietor)
Place : Guwahati PAN: AKIPP8616P
M.No: 062624
FRN: 325482E
Cash in hand 0.00 0.00
Cash at Bank 2,52,149.49 2,70,529.49
General Donation 8,58,169.00 1,59,503.00
Auditorium Donation 7,77,500.00 3,95,750.00
Yoga Activity 4,01,721.00 3,19,000.00
Yoga Certificate Course Receipts 1,32,000.00 1,58,400.00
Annual Donation 11,000.00 22,000.00
Conference Hall Donation 70,000.00 1,00,200.00
Foundation Day Donation 1,42,400.00 91,852.00
FD Interest 54,027.00 45,699.00
On Savings Bank Account 20,231.00 15,725.00
Library Membership 580.00 315.00
Journal Subscription 1,34,650.00 450.00
Auditorium Advance 20,500.00 2,37,000.00
Sale of VKIC Publication 58,968.00 1,84,461.00
Contribution from Mins. of Sports 15,00,000.00 0.00
Grant receive from NCW 2,80,000.00 0.00
Contribution from VK NEDF Dibrugarh 13,00,000.00
Donation for New Publications 30,000.00
FD Encashment 5,00,000.00 5,00,000.00
Accrued Interest On FD 32,057.00 0.00
N. K. Pareek
Dated : 04.07.2018 (Proprietor)
Place : Guwahati PAN: AKIPP8616P
M.No: 062624
FRN: 325482E
Bank Charges 3087.50 1,437.00
Electricity Charges 2,60,012.00 2,28,824.00
N. K. Pareek
Dated : 04.07.2018 (Proprietor)
Place : Guwahati PAN: AKIPP8616P
M.No: 062624
FRN: 325482E