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JULY, 2018



Government of Nepal
Gyaneshwor, Kathmandu

This Design Basis Report is developed to provide a unified design approach and a consistent design
criteria and overall methodology to be followed for the preparation of structural and non-structural
type design of multi-hazard resistant school buildings. The report is prepared for the purpose of
earthquake resilient – consistent design outcomes for school buildings that will be reconstructed
utilizing the fund received under Disaster Resilience of Schools Project (DRSP)
I would like to express my sincere thanks to Er. Dr. Purushotam Dangol, Er. Ishwary Prasad Kharel
and Er. Rabindra Adhikari for their enormous, continuous and great efforts to prepare this report
studying several relevant documents, guidelines and standards in consultation with CLPIU
(Education). Special thanks goes to Er.Jitendra Kumar Bothara-International Engineering Advisor
for his valuable suggestion and feedback to make this report more concise and comprehensive.
Thanks also goes to Deputy Project Director Er. Dilip Shekhar Shrestha and Er. Udhab Nepal for
their valuable feedback and suggestion.
This report could be helpful for relevant designers, institutions and stake holders who are working
in the field of disaster resilient building design and construction in Nepal.

Ima Narayan Shrestha

Project Director
Central Level Project Implementation Unit (Education)

BS = Bikram Sambat (Nepali Calendar)
CGI = Corrugated Galvanized Iron
CLPIU = Central Level Project Implementation Unit-Education
CSEB = Cement stabilized earth block
DBR = Design Basis Report
DoE = Department of Education
DRSP = Disaster Resilience of School Project
FEM =Finite Element Method

GoN = Government of Nepal

HFL = Highest Flood Level
IS = Indian Standards
KPa =Kilo Pascal’s
L =Clear Length of structural member
MPa =Mega- Pascal’s
NBC = National Building Code
NEC =Nepal Engineering Council
NS = Nepal Standard
NSET = National Society for Earthquake Technology
OPC = Ordinary Portland Cement
PCC = Plain cement concrete
PDNA = Post Disaster Needs Assessment
PPC = Pozzollana Portland Cement
PVC = Polyvinyl Chloride
RCC = Reinforced Cement Concrete
SBC = Safe Bearing Capacity
SMRF =Special Moment Resisting Frame
SPT = Standard Penetration test
VB = Design Base Shear
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................3
1.1 Background ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Scope and Purpose ........................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Limitation of DBR ........................................................................................................... 4

2 DESIGN PHYLOSOPHY ............................................................................0

3 CODES AND STANDARDS ........................................................................0
4 Design Report ................................................................................................3
5 Design Load ...................................................................................................4
5.1 Dead Loads ....................................................................................................................... 4
5.2 Imposed Load ................................................................................................................... 4
5.3 Super Dead Load .............................................................................................................. 4
5.4 Wind Loads ...................................................................................................................... 5
5.5 Construction Loads .......................................................................................................... 5
5.6 Earthquake Loads ............................................................................................................. 5
5.6.1 Principal Structure .................................................................................................... 5
5.7 Secondary and non-structural members ........................................................................... 6

6 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................8

7 Material Specifications .............................................................................. 10
8 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS ..................................................................... 12
8.1 Method of Analysis ........................................................................................................ 12
8.2 Analysis Approach: ........................................................................................................ 13
8.3 Secondary and Non-structural Components ................................................................... 13

9 DESIGN METHODOLOGY .................................................................... 14

9.1 OVERALL DESIGN PROCEDURE ............................................................................. 14
9.2 BUILDING SITE AND FOUNDATION SYSTEM ..................................................... 15
9.2.1 Selection of appropriate site and hazard mitigation measures ................................ 15
9.2.2 Soil bearing capacity ............................................................................................... 16
9.2.3 Foundation Design Consideration ........................................................................... 16
9.2.4 Tie-Beam................................................................................................................. 17

9.3 Super Structure ............................................................................................................... 17
9.3.1 The Frame Building Structure ................................................................................ 17
9.3.2 Load Bearing Masonry ........................................................................................... 18
9.3.3 Floor ........................................................................................................................ 19
9.3.4 Roof......................................................................................................................... 19
9.3.5 Stairs ....................................................................................................................... 19
9.4 SERVICEABILITY REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................... 20
9.5 Permissible Assumptions in FEM Model: ..................................................................... 21

ANNEXURES ................................................................................................... 22
A. Checklist for Structural Parameters –Frame Structure ......................................................... 22
B. Checklist for Structural Parameters – Masonry Structure .................................................... 26
C. Design Report Format. ......................................................................................................... 31
D. Structural Drawing Outline .................................................................................................. 34


1.1 Background
A major earthquake of shallow depth measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale struck central Nepal on
April 25, 2015 causing widespread destruction. The earthquake was followed by several
aftershocks, including a big one measuring 6.8 on May 12, 2015 causing further causalities and
damage. The Government of Nepal (GoN) in association with several development partners have
developed a comprehensive Post Disaster Need Assessment (PDNA) document. One of the sectors
considered in the PDNA is Education, which identities the needs for rehabilitation and
reconstruction of affected school infrastructure in the most affected 14 districts, alongside less
affected 17 districts. A draft strategy was prepared for reconstruction of school infrastructure after
this disaster, addressing both short term and long-term reconstruction of school infrastructures, in
line with the overall framework of “Build Back Better”.
As part of the rebuilding strategy, guidelines have been developed for the design of new schools –
was considered to be used as interim guidelines prior to revision of the Nepal National Building
Code and standards. It was deemed to have a Design basis report that may be useful for upcoming
It should be noted that the Type design of school buildings, designed following this report will be
constructed in a large scale, hence each Type design need tougher scrutiny for robust analysis and
design, and internal review. Considering severe consequences of any deficiencies in the structure,
it would be prudent to complete a rigorous independent peer-review of the design before
proceeding to construction.
1.2 Scope and Purpose
This Design Basis Report (DBR) is developed to provide a unified approach and a consistent
design criteria and overall methodology to be followed for the structural and non-structural design
of new multi-hazard resistant Type design buildings and its components. It is important to carry
out proper structural design of the Type designs considering various hazards, as well as considering
cost effectiveness in the design and simplification in construction. It is a detailed document
defining the design criteria of school building structures and recording key decisions and
outcomes. It outlines design loading, structural modelling assumptions, material properties,
foundation requirements, and design standards in order to provide a clear explanation for design
of structural and non-structural components (e.g. partition walls, ceiling, etc.).

1.3 Limitation of DBR
This document deals with the Professionally Engineered Structures (part II) as explained by
NBC000-1994: Requirements for State-of-the Art Design - An Introduction. This DBR does not
address any other group of buildings – as defined by the NBC000 from compliance point of view.
These group of buildings are designed by professional engineers following the standard code
requirements (materials, loading, analysis and design, construction safety and site considerations)
that all professionally qualified engineers will recognize and must meet as a minimum when
designing building structure and non-structural components. It covers all usual structures such as
school buildings, residential units, etc.


The structures are designed to provide the spatial requirements in accordance with the purpose of
the buildings taking into account the aesthetic aspect and provision for various services and
systems necessary for the operation of school buildings and other infrastructures. In order to fulfill
such requirements, the structural materials and the structural system has to be determined taking
into account structural integrity, i.e. stability, strength and serviceability, equally important are
availability of construction materials including use of local construction materials and cost
effectiveness of the proposed systems for the school buildings and other school infrastructures.

Structural designs of all buildings located in school premise shall be based primarily on the current
Nepal National Building Code (NBC) which refers to Indian Standards in most instances.
However, when and where required, relevant, American, British, New Zealand and other
international Standards could also be referred to for the purpose of structural and non-structural
design. Moreover, these designs shall meet minimum safety requirements set out by NBC as well
as by this report.
The design standards and guidelines that should be followed for structural design are listed in the
Table 1.
Note: - Any reference values taken from any code, standards or guidelines shall be cited along
with reference clause number.

Table 1: Relevant building codes, standards and guidelines

Codes and Standards Description
Dead and Live Load Determination
IS 875 (Part 1): 1987 Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than Earthquake) for
Buildings and Structures: Part 1 Dead Loads – Unit Weights of
Building Material and Stored Materials (Second Revision)
IS 875 (Part 2): 1987 Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than Earthquake) for
Buildings and Structures: Part 2 Imposed Loads (Second Revision)
IS 875 (Part 3): 1987 Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than Earthquake) for
Buildings and Structures: Part 3 Wind Loads (Second Revision)
Earthquake Load Calculation
IS 1893: 20021 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of structures
Concrete Design and Detailing
IS 456: 2000 Plain and Reinforced Concrete - Code of Practice
SP 34: 1987 Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement and Detailing
IS 13920: 2016 Ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to seismic
forces - Code of practice
NBC201:1994 Mandatory Rules of Thumbs - Reinforced Concrete Building with
Masonry Infill.
NBC110-1994 Plain and Reinforced Concrete.

Any school building designed after June 2018 are encouraged to be designed following IS1893-2016.
Codes and Standards Description
Specification of Materials
IS 383: 1970 Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for
IS 1786: 1985 Specification for high strength deformed steel bars and wires for
concrete reinforcement (superseding IS:1139 -1966)
NS191-2046BS Deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement
IS 808:1989 Dimensions for hot rolled steel beam, column, channel and angle
IS 1161:1998 Steel tubes for structural purposes - specification
IS 811:1987 Specification of cold formed light gauge structural steel sections.
Steel Design and Detailing
IS 800: 2007 Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel (Third Revision)
IS801:1975 Code of practice of use of cold-formed light gauge steel structural
member’s in general building construction.
Timber Design and Detailing
IS 883: 1994 Code of Practice for Design of Structural Timber in Building
NBC 112:1994 Timber
Masonry Design Construction
IS: 1905-1987 Code of Practice for Structural Use of Un-reinforced Masonry.

Geotechnical Investigation
IS1892:1979 Code of practice for subsurface investigations for foundations. Soil
and Foundation Engineering

IS2131:1981 Method for standard penetration test for soils

IS 6403:1981 Code of practice for determination of bearing capacity of shallow


Other Codes
IS:8009-1976 Calculation of settlement of shallow foundations.

IS 1904: 1986 Design and Construction of Foundation in soils: General


Codes and Standards Description
IS2185:1979 Specification for concrete Masonry Units

DOE / MoE: 2016 Structural Design Guideline for School Buildings, 2016

DOE / MoE: 2016 Guidelines for developing type designs for School Buildings in Nepal,
CLPIU/MoE: 2016 Construction Monitoring and Supervision Guidelines –2016

4 Design Report

For each Type design a comprehensive design report outlining loading, construction materials used
and their characteristics, structural parameters, geotechnical properties and other assumptions etc.
shall be prepared. The appendix of the report should include geotechnical report, site descriptions,
design calculations, etc. The design calculations shall provide necessary sketches and refer to the
building drawings for component design. It should also refer and mention the clause number of
the used codes and Standards.

5 Design Load

5.1 Dead Loads

Dead loads are based on section properties and appropriate material densities. Refer IS 875 (Part
1) for unit weights. The dead loads of various components, including their assumed densities used
in the design shall be presented in the report.

5.2 Imposed Load

Live loads shall be based on criteria required by IS 875 (Part-2). All considered live loads shall be
presented in the design report.

5.3 Super Dead Load

Gravity loads such as finishes, ceilings, etc not included under dead and imposed loads shall be
accounted for under super dead load. Refer to Table 2 typical super dead loads.
All the super dead loads shall be followed the provision from IS 875 Part 1. If any other equivalent
loads are encounter in the design these should be well shouted from the referral with respective
standards and code within the provision of this guidelines.
Table 2: Typical super dead loads
Item Remarks
IPS Floor (Kora Masino) Minimum 38mm (shall be based on actual
requirement considering embedded pipelines,
maintaining slope for drainage, etc)
Floor with ceramic tiles
Floor with marble, granite, crazy or mosaic
Ceiling (plywood, plaster board, etc)
including structure
Light metal roof on timber or metal structure
(including structure)
Plaster (wall, ceiling, etc) To be applied to all plastered surfaces
Utilities, services Estimated based on design and specifications
Half brick (115mm thick) walls Estimate actual weight including plaster
weight, if any2. Can be applied to floor
surface area
One brick (230mm thick) wall Estimate actual weight including plaster
weight, if any. Should be applied as line load.
Parapet walls, if any
Light weight partition and claddings
Water-tanks if any.

Generally, 1kPa load on the floor is assumed for the 115mm thick brick partition walls, which could be grossly
deficient depending upon total density of walls in the building.
Note: All the metal or timber trussed roof shall be designed incorporating false ceiling and utilities
(if any), as per the specification of the proposed material of ceiling.
Further, the components of the ceiling and utilities in the roof shall also be properly detailed
(including anchors) to protect against failure/falling in considered design loads.
5.4 Wind Loads
The wind load shall be as per NBC104. This code shall be read in conjunction with IS875 (Part 3).
As required, both principal and secondary structure and non-structural elements shall be checked
and designed for wind load.

5.5 Construction Loads

The design document and Notes of drawings shall clearly specify minimum days, for start of
different types of work on subsequent floor (column casting, wall construction, etc). If construction
equipment has to be installed on the structure during the construction phase, scaffolding and props
shall be designed accordingly to support the equipment.

5.6 Earthquake Loads

5.6.1 Principal Structure
As per NBC, the proposed Type school designs will be designed as Important Buildings meeting
life safety requirements. The seismic design standard of Nepal (NBC105:1994 - Seismic design of
Buildings in Nepal) was prepared in 1994. It is understood that Department of Urban Development
and Building Construction has initiated a process for updating NBC105. It is expected that the
seismic design forces will be enhanced and provisions of NBC105 will be revised extensively.
In the interim, IS1893:20023 - Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Part 1
General Provisions and Buildings have been proposed for defining loading and compliance
requirements. The following parameters shall be used while defining earthquake forces. Seismic Zone
All the requirements for the zone V as per IS1893:2002 shall be applicable for seismic design of
school infrastructures in Nepal. Response spectra
The response spectra proposed by IS1893:2002 shall be used for design of school infrastructures. Importance factor
The Importance factors as per Table 3 shall be used for design of the school buildings and other
associated the facilities

Any school building designed after June 2018 are encouraged to be designed following IS1893-2016. If IS1893-
2016 has been employed, all the provisions referred in this report from IS1893-2002 has to be replaced by IS1893-
2016. Accordingly, provisions of 13920-2016 shall be applicable for compatibility.
Table 3: Importance factors for earthquake forcesFacility
Facility Importance factor
General accommodation (eg hotels 1.0
with occupancy less than 200),
residential units, toilet
Class room, halls, library, etc 1.5 Response Reduction factor

The response reduction factors shall be in accordance with Table 7 of IS1893:2002. Torsion
Provision shall be made in all buildings for increase in shear forces on lateral force resisting
elements resulting from the horizontal torsional moment arising due to eccentricity between the
centre of mass and centre of rigidity. As recommended by IS1893, appropriate accidental
eccentricity shall be applied. Reference shall be made to relevant clauses of IS1893 for torsion
design of building. Load combinations
Refer to relevant codes and standards for load combinations.
Mixing of loading and load combination factors recommended by different codes and standards
(ie loads from one national standard and load combination factors from another national standards)
is strictly prohibited.
5.7 Secondary and non-structural members
All the secondary building components (230mm thick infill brick walls, chimneys, gable walls,
etc) non-structural components (parapets, partition walls, ceiling, etc) shall be designed for seismic
forces applied to them in the horizontal direction. The non-structural components which are
sensitive to vertical acceleration (eg false ceiling, parapets) shall be checked also for vertical
earthquake forces.
For estimation of seismic force on the secondary and non-strctural components, the floor level
force coefficient suggested by Equation 1 can be applied to the component in absence of more
rigorous analysis.
𝑄 1
𝑎ℎ𝑐𝑖 = 𝑊𝑖 𝑅 (Equation 1)
𝑖 𝑅𝑘

𝑎ℎ𝑐𝑖 : Floor level force coefficient in horizontal direction on a component located at floor
𝑄𝑖 : Design lateral force at floor i,

𝑊𝑖 : Seismic weight of floor i,
R : Response Reduction Factor used for estimation of seismic coefficient, Ah (refer Clause
6.4.2, IS1893-2002)
𝑅𝑘 : Response reduction factor for non-structural and secondary components. Use 1 for
anchors, unreinforced masonry walls under out-of-plane forces; use 2.5 for masonry walls
under out-of-plane forces reinforced with bands4, and anchored to return walls and/or

The total design lateral force on the secondary and non-structural components in the horizontal
direction shall be determined by equation 2 with the following expression:
Vhci = ahci Wci (Equation 2)

𝑉ℎ𝑐𝑖 : Horizontal force on the component located at floor i,𝑎ℎ𝑐𝑖 : Floor level force
coefficient in horizontal direction on a component located at floor i,
𝑊𝑐𝑖 : Weight of the component.

It is common practice to use seismic bands recommended in NBC201, NBC202 and NBC205 for structural integrity
of infill walls of school buildings. It should be noted that these bands have been designed for ordinary building
(Importance factor = 1) and may not meet the compliance requirements of school buildings.

In addition to the strctural design requirements set out in relevant codes and standards, all the
school buildings shall also satisfy the requirements listed in Table 4.
Table 4: Minimum requirements
Sn. Description Requirement
1. Plinth height Minimum 450mm from ground formation level.
2. Foundation depth (framed Minimum depth of the foundation should be 1200 mm,
building) including cushion (such as PCC, soling, etc.), unless
higher depth is required. In the case of hard rock, the
depth can be reduced after appropriate investigation.
However, supplementary design report would be required
confirming foundation safety against compression,
sliding, tension and over turning of the building, as
3. Foundation depth (masonry Minimum depth of the foundation should be 900 mm,
building) including cushion (such as PCC, soling, etc.), unless
higher depth is required. The depth can be reduced to
500mm in case of hard soil or rock or as recommended
by geotechnical investigation. The geotechnical
investigation shall include soil bearing capacity, risk of
seasonal variation, erosion and other site specific risk.
4. Stepped footing (footings on Foundations could be placed at various levels, if the
sloping ground) ground is sloping. Unless a more rigorous analysis has
been completed, the following shall be complied with:
Line joining internal edges of two isolated footings at
their bases shall not be steeper than 1V:2H,
Maximum stepping height of two isolated footings
measured at their bases shall not exceed 2m.
5. Minimum grade of concrete For all reinforced concrete structural members, minimum
grade of concrete shall be M20 (characteristic
compressive strength 20MPa).
For non-structural concrete such as non-suspended floors,
foundation base, etc, M15 (characteristic compressive
strength 15MPa) shall be used.
Only one grade of concrete (Characteristic compressive
strength) be used in all structural elements for one
building unless specific requirement and construction
practice are justified.

Sn. Description Requirement
6. Section sizing of structural As per the requirements of IS 456:2000, IS1893 (Part
member 1):2002, IS883:1994, IS800:2007 or IS13920:19935 as
7. Seismic Gap Normally 100mm per storey cumulative seismic gap
should be provided between two adjoining buildings,
unless a more accurate analysis has been conducted.
7. Shear key for cold joints In the case of concrete construction, shear keys shall be
provided, wherever a cold joint is expected.
8. Minimum wall thickness For single storied load bearing building structures,
minimum thickness of load bearing walls shall be
For two or more than two-storied load bearing building
structures, minimum thickness of load-bearing walls shall
be 230mm.
For framed buildings, infill/partition masonry walls shall
be at least 115mm thick, however all cladding walls
(external walls) shall be no less than 200mm.
However, light weight partition of any thickness can be
provided if it meets structural as well as functional
requirements such as sound, fire, wind and other
environmental requirements.
9. Parapets Unreinforced masonry parapets shall not be provided.
Parapets shall be provided in all accessible roofs and
balconies (if any) with 300mm high masonry parapets at
the base with steel-railings to a total height of at least 1m
from the base of the parapet. The thickness of any steel
section in parapet shall not be less than 2mm. The vertical
post of railing shall be anchored to slab. Alternatively,
reinforced masonry or reinforced concrete or steel parapet
can be provided. The parapets shall be designed
professionally taking into account appropriate forces.
10. Roof bracing All the flexible roofs (steel and timber) shall be provided
with braces to resist in-plane deformations.

It is encouraged to use IS13920: 2016 for designs made after June 2018.
7 Material Specifications

All the materials used shall be as per the specifications listed in NBC101:1994 or relevant IS codes.
However, the minimum specification of the material shall not be lower than values listed in Table
Table 5: Minimum material properties
Cement Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) shall be used for all structural works such as
reinforced concrete or masonry construction. It can be used for any other work.
Pozzolona Portland Cement (PPC) can be used in M15 or leaner grade concrete
works, non-structural masonry walls, flooring, pavements and plaster.
All cement shall be either NS certified or ISO certified and shall conform to
NS49:2041 or IS 8182-1989 or IS12269:1987 for OPC, and IS1489:1991 for
Rebar All rebar shall conform to NS191-2046 BS or IS1786-1985.
All rebar shall be Nepal Standard certified.
Fe415 or Fe500D grade of steel rebars as per Nepal Standard are permitted
having minimum ultimate elongation ratio shall not be less than 14.5%
The maximum permitted size of steel rebar is 25mm for the general reinforced
concrete construction. However up to 32mm diameter rebar may be used, where
special precautions are taken
Minimum diameter of main (longitudinal) rebars shall be at least 12mm for
Structural member other than Seismic bands.
Secondary reinforcement (ties, etc) shall be at least 8mm diameter in all types
of RCC works such as columns, beams walls, etc, other than for bands. Stirrups
in the Seismic bands could be 4.75mm minimum.
Coarse Aggregate shall conform to IS383:1970
Aggregate For all kinds of concrete having thickness equal or higher than 100mm,
Nominal maximum size of aggregate shall be 20mm.
For all types of concrete sections having thickness below 100mm, nominal
maximum size of the aggregate shall be 12.5mm.
For concrete in raft foundation, 40mm nominal size of aggregate is permitted.
Fine Aggregate Fine aggregate shall conform to IS383:1970. The gradation shall be limited to
Zone 1, Zone II and Zone III only as per the zone defined by the code.

10 | P a g e
Masonry Units Brick used in buildings shall have minimum average compressive strength of 5
(Bricks / Blocks / MPa.
Stones) Concrete blocks used in buildings shall have minimum average compressive
strength of 4.5 MPa.
CSEB shall have minimum average compressive strength of 3 MPa.
Soft stone such as phyllite and schist should not be used in structural or partition
walls in building.
Mortar Minimum mortar mix shall be 1:4 (cement: sand) mortar for masonry walls
200mm or thinner. Minimum mortar mix shall be 1:6 (cement: sand) mortar for
230mm or thicker walls. It is encouraged to use admixtures or lime in the
cement sand mortar to improve its workability.
Timber Only hardwood is permitted in structural elements including bands. Softwood
can also be used in non-structural elements.
Only well-seasoned timber shall be used.
Structural Steel Structural steel sections with the following attributes are permitted for
structural use:
 Medium or heavy gauge
 Steel grade Yst240 (Fe410)
 Structural steel of Grade A
 Steel compliant to IS2062.
A higher grade of steel is permitted only on Design and Build construction.
All types of structural plates shall have minimum thickness of 6mm. However,
packing or filling plates can be as thin as 3mm.
Light gauge structural steels can also be used if designed as per IS 801:1975
and protected against environmental effects.
Admixtures for Admixture if used in design shall comply with IS 9103
concreting works

11 | P a g e

8.1 Method of Analysis

The method of analysis and design for seismic forces shall comply with Table 6. For gravity and
wind loads, simple static analysis can be completed.
Table 6: Minimum material properties
Type of structure Permissible method for seismic Permissible method of design
force analysis6
Masonry buildings Equivalent Static Method (Linear Working State Method/ Limit
(upto 2 storey) Static) State Method
RCC-Frame Type 1* Equivalent Static Method (Linear Limit State Method
RCC-Frame Type 2** Equivalent Static Method (Linear Limit State Method
Static) or Dynamic Method
(Response Spectrum Method)
RCC-Frame Type 3*** Linear static and Dynamic Limit State Method
(Response Spectrum Method)
Verify using Non-linear Static
method/ push over analysis
Regular Steel Structure# Linear Static Analysis Working Stress Method/
(upto 2 storey) Limit State Method
Regular Steel Structure# Non-linear Static/Dynamic Working Stress Method/
(more than 2 storey) analysis with P-Δ effect. Limit State Method
Timber Structure (upto Linear Static or Dynamic Analysis Working Stress Method
2 storey)

RCC-Frame Type 1 are SMRF building structures, upto three storey, L/B <=3; H/B<=3, at least
two bays in each direction, and regular as per IS1893:2002.
RCC-Frame Type 2 are SMRF building structures, more than three storey, L/B <=3; H/B<=3,
at least two bays in each direction, and regular as per IS1893:2002.

Any sophisticated analysis without accounting for masonry infill walls is unlikely to reveal any useful result or
behaviour of the building structure, unless infill walls are modelled appropriately, as the infill walls are likely to
control behaviour of the framed buildings. Hence, it is important to account for effect of these infill masonry walls in
the strctural analysis - at least it is essential to understand the behaviour that could degrade the building’s seismic
12 | P a g e
RCC-Frame Type 3 are SMRF structures, which are not Type 1 or Type 2.
All steel structures shall have at least two bays is each direction, and regular as per IS 1893:2002.
Use of structural reinforced concrete walls or reinforced masonry walls is encouraged, particularly
where redundancy is an issue.
Non-linear static push over analysis can be performed with an objective to provide Life Safety
performance under 1000-year return period earthquake and Collapse prevention performance
under 2000-year return period earthquake for Importance Level 2 buildings (Refer Table 3). In this
case, the analysis and design can be carried out as per Structural Design Criteria for School
Buildings – DOE, 2016.
For low occupancy and non-critical building structures in school such as toilet blocks, separate
store-blocks or family residential units can be designed as per latest version of Nepal National
Building Code Mandatory Rule of Thumbs, eg NBC 201, NBC 202 or NBC 205, as applicable.
However, it is encouraged to design these building following approach prescribed for
Professionally Engineered Structures (part II).
8.2 Analysis Approach:
The analysis of the structure or its part can be carried out following any accepted procedure as
long as these meet the requirements set out by the codes referred in section 3 (including the
However, all type of structure as a whole shall be analyzed suitably in which the spatial distribution
of the mass and stiffness of the structure is adequately accounted for and no significant features of
structures shall be missed out. FEM analysis can be carried out using standard Software package,
such as SAP2000, ETABS, STAAD.pro or any common commercial software available in Nepal.
8.3 Secondary and Non-structural Components
Secondary and non-structural building components such as parapets, infill and partition walls,
ceilings, electrical fixture (eg fan, suspended lights, etc), building content (shelves, etc) etc. could
trigger major life-safety and injury hazards to the building occupants and the people outside
buildings. These components shall be well anchored to the building structure to protect them
against toppling, falling. The restrains to these elements shall be designed using seismic design
forces presented in Clause 4.7 of this report. The elements exposed to wind, shall also be checked
for wind load with appropriate load factors. The restrains of the vertical acceleration-sensitive
building components (eg suspended ceiling, anchor of ceiling fans, etc), shall also be checked
against vertical seismic forces in concurrence with horizontal seismic forces.

13 | P a g e


Analysis and design of the school building structures should be performed following the steps
outlined below, but not limited to:
1) Select of appropriate site. In hills and mountains, rock sliding, land sliding, rock
falling could be an issue. Similarly, liquefaction, ground slumping, lateral
movement of ground could be an issue in the river valley and Terai.
2) Select suitable construction materials and structural system depending upon the
site, its remoteness and availability of construction materials.
3) Develop structural system/concept for each building type considering structural
demands, availability of local materials, economy of design and construction.
4) Understand effect of the interaction between structural and non-structural elements.
Plan how the adverse effects of the interaction could be accounted for in the design,
5) Complete preliminary proportioning of structural elements before proceeding to
any analytical modelling or rigorous analysis.
6) Develop a Finite element model, if required, with varying complexity and
refinement suitable for understanding the building response. Appropriate section
modification factors should be applied to the structural members, where required.
7) Carry out simple static analysis for gravity (dead, imposed and super dead) and
wind loads. Adopt analysis method for understanding seismic response and
estimating seismic actions on building elements depending upon building type
(Refer Table 6). Elastic analysis shall be conducted for critical load combinations
including design earthquake load as per codes and standards permitted by this
document. Non-linear pushover analysis shall be carried out as required by Section
8 to check sufficiency of design for the building type identified in the Table 6.
8) Complete flexural design of structural components using the relevant codes,
standards and guidelines listed in Section 3. The building structure to remain elastic
under critical load combination including gravity and design earthquake load
(reduced by “Response Reduction Factor”, R), as appropriate. Verify the structural
design using non-linear pushover static analysis, if required by Section 7. If other
loads such as wind load are critical, the structural components shall be designed
including these loads.
9) Shear design of the elements shall be completed for over strength loads, as required
by relevant Standards, eg. shear design of the columns, beams, beam-column joints
of framed building shall be completed for over strength loads calculated from

14 | P a g e
flexural capacities. The effect of axial forces, torsions shall also be included as
10) The adverse effects caused by the infill walls (short column effect, soft storey
mechanism, concentration of actions, distressing of building components, etc) in a
framed building shall be carefully evaluated and mitigated, although, beneficial
effects due to infill walls (both strength and stiffness) could be ignored.
11) In the case of RC frame buildings, check the columns for “short column effect”, if
their height is reduced by infill walls or equivalent masonry compression strut. The
sufficiency of column capacity could be checked against shear demand due to over
strength load. Alternatively, shear capacity of column could be checked against
shear demand based on elastic seismic actions (Response Reduction Factor, R=1).
12) Design the foundation system considering lateral forces. For the low-rise buildings,
special provisions have been proposed. Refer to the following sections.
13) Design restraining systems for secondary and non-structural components (infill and
partition walls, parapets, ceilings, etc.).
14) After the design is completed, structural design drawings and detailing is prepared
including specifications.
15) Complete full internal review and peer review by independent reviewer of the
analysis and design including assumptions made. It is recommended to involve
independent peer reviewer from the very early stage of the analysis and design.


9.2.1 Selection of appropriate site and hazard mitigation measures7
The selection of appropriate site shall be completed as per clause 1.2.1 of Construction Monitoring
and Supervision Guideline, Part 2 -2016. At least walk over survey shall be completed by a
qualified professional to investigate rock fall, rock slide and landslide risk of the site if the site is
located in the hills and mountains. If such risk is present, either the proposed school site shall be
avoided depending on magnitude of the risk, or risk be mitigated using suitable protection measures.
In the case of valleys and the Terai, risk posed by liquefaction, soil slumping and lateral spreading
of soil, as appropriate for a given site, shall be investigated and appropriate measure shall be taken

Mitigation of geotechnical risks such as liquefaction, soil slumping and lateral spreading of soil are usually expensive
and may not be feasible to implement in a given economic context. However, if the buildings have good integrity, life
safety risk posed by these geotechnical hazards are usually low, although structural damage such as building lean
could be high. The risk could be accepted after discussion and agreement with relevant authority and contrary to this,
Case may not be the same in the case of land slide, rock slide and rock fall as these pose serious life safety hazard,
and must be addressed by before selecting the site for a school.
15 | P a g e
to mitigate the risk. These geotechnical risks should be carried out for the sites where the foundation
soil is cohesion-less, and water table rises close to the depth of foundation.

The building foundation shall be resilient against washout from possible floods or water leaches and
other environmental factors that may occur. In such case, plinth shall be provided at least 1m higher
than identified HFL at the site. The building site shall not be in proximity to river/stream such that,
there is risk of erosion to building foundation. The building foundation shall be at least 15m away
from the river-bank unless the site safety is assured by engineering analysis or engineering measures.
If the building is located on the sloping ground, the foundation of the building could be placed at
various levels to minimize earthwork and to avoid potential landslide due to the deep bench cutting.
9.2.2 Soil bearing capacity
A detailed geotechnical investigation using appropriate methods of soil testing should be carried
for foundation design. However, if a detailed investigation is not feasible, a simplified
investigation including at least test soil pits and visual investigation of soil must be completed
prior to design of the foundation for buildings. Simplified investigation is acceptable for buildings
up to 3 storeys high only. Such test shall be carried out by suitably qualified, certified civil or
geotechnical engineer and reported with details of observed results along with the Name, Nepal
Engineering Council Registration Number, signature and site photographs.
Based on type of soil obtained from the geotechnical investigation conducted at the school site,
foundation type considered, the allowable soil bearing capacities shall be determined. The results
shall be reviewed by another suitably qualified engineer.

9.2.3 Foundation Design Consideration

The foundation design of buildings shall consider all possible multi-hazards applicable to the
specific site.
Multi-storey buildings (higher than three storeys) with isolated or combined or strip footing is
normally not recommended on soil having SBC<100 KN/m2, unless the design is supplemented
by a detailed soil-investigation report and analysis of footing for all combinations of loads and
necessary measures taken.
The footing shall be designed to safely transfer worst combination of unfactored loads (if working
stress method has been employed) to the soil below, The structural design of foundation element
(such as footing pad) shall be designed for critical combination of factored loads as applicable
based on adopted method of design. However, for buildings up to three storey high, having
building height ≤ 3 width (H ≤ 3B) and located on soil with safe bearing capacity of 150 KPa or
more, the bearing area of footing (ie base of the foundation) may be designed considering only

16 | P a g e
unfactored gravity loads8, provided foundation soil is not susceptible to geotechnical hazards such
as liquefaction.
The design of foundation should geometrically simple to allow good workmanship and finishing.
For RCC footing, pad-footing is allowed without the provision of slope (Trapezoidal).
Eccentric footings are not preferred. Where eccentric footing are provided, it should be ensured
that, the bearing pressure are within limits and the capacity of footing is sufficient to resist the
design forces. Usually, strap beams would be necessary in case of eccentric footing.
9.2.4 Tie-Beam
The foundation-level tie beam (lower tie beam) is compulsory in case of soils having SBC<150
KN/m2. These beams can be provided at either top of the foundation or bottom of the beam could
be matched with the foundation base. These beams shall connect all the columns in both orthogonal
directions and shall be designed as per IS1893:2002.
Tie beams (or plinth beams) shall be provided at plinth level in framed building structures. The
beams shall connect all the columns in each of two orthogonal directions. Masonry walls should
be provided under all the plinth beams. These beams shall be incorporated in the analytical model
of the building. The plinth-beam shall be designed to carry moment and shear actions transferred
from the columns to these beams.
To carry flexural and shear actions transferred from columns to the tie beams, a composite beam
consisting of lower tie beam, upper tie beam and sandwiched masonry can be developed to provide
an economic alternative for transfer of actions, if the lower tie beam has been provided.

9.3 Super Structure

9.3.1 The Frame Building Structure Moment resisting frame
It is common practice in Nepal to erect masonry walls in the moment resisting framed building to
provide protection against environment and divide internal space. These masonry infill walls
interact with the frame and convert the moment resisting frame into hybrid system. These masonry
infill walls provides significant strength and stiffness to the structural system; however, these infill
walls causes many deficiencies to the frame as well. Hence, it is prudent to account for strength
and stiffness of the masonry infill walls while designing the building structure. As a minimum,
adverse effects caused by the infill walls to the building system shall be assessed and mitigated,
although, beneficial effects due to these infill walls could be ignored.

It is prudent to use and evaluate all possible combination of loads for designing foundation size for the most critical
one. However, considering limited evidence of damage to the low-rise buildings due to the foundation failure
(provided soil is not liquefiable) and because of the economic reasons, it was decided to relax the rules.
17 | P a g e
For framed building structure, only special moment resisting frame is permitted for school
buildings. Each frame shall have at least two bays as a minimum in each direction for redundancy.
For structures, where two bays are not possible to provide, reinforced concrete structural walls
could be employed in the direction that lacks redundancy or the frame should be specifically
designed following performance-based design approach as per Structural Design Criteria for
School Building – DOE, 2016.
The design of the frame shall follow strong column – weak beam approach. The ultimate flexural
capacity ratio between columns and beams shall not be less than 1.2, except in the top-floor.
To suppress brittle mode of failures, the shear design of all the beams, columns and joints shall be
completed following capacity design approach as required by IS13920. The shear design of beam,
column and joints shall follow IS13920.
The beam-column joint shall be checked in accordance with relevant IS code for multi-storied
moment resisting frame buildings. The joint shall be properly detailed as per the requirements of
relevant IS codes.
The frame shall be checked against adverse effects, such as short column, soft storey, etc due to
the infill walls. Where column height is reduced by penetrations in the infill walls, these columns
shall be checked for short columns and if short column is found to exist, provisions shall be made
to mitigate this failure mechanism. The frame shall also be checked for weak/ soft storey if sudden
changes in the characteristics of the building structure is present along its height. The structure
should be proportioned in such a way that, there are no soft or weak stories.
In case of moment resisting frame structures, inter-storey drift shall not exceed 0.4% under action
of unfactored design horizontal base shear, VB. Infill Masonry Walls
The mass/ weight and stiffness/ strength of the infill walls in frame structure shall be appropriately
considered in the structural model. Equivalent compression strut model as per IS1893:2016 can be
adopted to consider the effect of infill walls in the frame. Follow relevant clauses of IS1893: 2016
for infill walls.
Infill and partition walls shall be tied to frame to make structural integrity by protecting them
against toppling.
9.3.2 Load Bearing Masonry
The structural design of load-bearing walls shall be as per IS 1905:1987, if Working Stress Method
has been adopted.
Load bearing masonry buildings shall be developed as a box. A sufficient number of horizontal
bands, vertical reinforcements, stitches and other earthquake resistant elements shall be provided
for improving earthquake resistance of load bearing masonry buildings. These elements can be
designed following rational approach.

18 | P a g e
In the case of load bearing wall structures, its maximum elastic inter-storey drift shall not exceed
0.4% under action of design base shear, VB, with partial safety factor for load of 1.
9.3.3 Floor
All the suspended floors shall be designed for factored gravity loads.
The floors and roof of building structure should be provided with sufficient strength and stiffness
to act as a diaphragm. In case of load-bearing masonry, bond beams (Monolithic beam with RCC
slab) could be required to carry tensile forces.
Length of any openings in floors (except stair-opening) of masonry building shall not be more than
2.5m or 25% of wall length whichever is lesser. If an opening is provided in the floor/ roof slab, a
bond-beam shall be provided along the opening perimeter. Further, the corners of slab openings
(if any) shall be strengthened sufficiently to prevent propagation of corner cracks.
All the members in flexible floor system (such as timber and steel floors) shall be ensured to be
fixed in position by proper anchors. The in-plane stiffness of such floors could be improved with
suitably designed in-plane braces. In case of timber floors, plywood or two layers of planks laid in
the orthogonal direction or laid in the diagonal direction to supporting joists or plywood boards
could be used.
9.3.4 Roof
RCC roof slabs shall be designed similar to the RCC floor slabs.
Light roof structures constructed of timber and steel supporting light roofing materials (such as
CGI, PVC, etc.) shall be designed to resist most critical combinations of loads including wind load
calculated on the basis of wind speed recommended by NBC 104:1995. All the members of the
roof system shall be ensured to be fixed in position by proper anchors. The in-plane stiffness of
such roof shall be improved with suitably designed in-plane braces.
Where false ceiling are provided, the supporting members shall be sufficiently designed to
undertake loads from the possible variants of false ceilings. Further, it should be clearly indicated
in the drawings, to which roof member, the ceiling is to be hanged and the members designed
accordingly. Moreover, the bracket, hangers, battens and joists, if applicable shall be designed for
dead load and wind load combination appropriately.
Restriction shall be placed to avoid storage of any material above the ceiling.
9.3.5 Stairs
The Stair can be modelled and designed as one of the following alternatives in case of moment
resisting frame buildings:
a) If the stair is monolithic to main structure, the waist slab acts as compression-strut and
tension tie when the building is under lateral load in the direction of the waist slab. In this
case, the waist slab should be modelled monolithic to the frame structure, and designed for

19 | P a g e
the imposed actions, which is usually not feasible. Hence, it is recommended to isolate the
stair from the main structure.
b) To isolate the stair from the main building structure, one end of the waist slab be provided
with wedge and gap joint. Alternatively, the landing beam of stairs shall be isolated from
the main structural frame, but, these landing beams shall be anchored to the frame (column)
with dowel bars and the beam shall be separated from column (filled with crushable
material such as lean mortar / thermocol / polystyrene) by 75mm minimum on each side.
These dowels shall be designed to take the tension force induced to them due to dead and
live loads from the waist slab and infill wall above the landing beam assuming absence of
any infill wall below the landing beam. A typical connection detail of isolated stair with
frame system at landing level is shown in figure below. The wall supporting the stair-
landing shall be at least 230mm wide.
If the landing beam is isolated from the structure, this shall not be modelled in the building model.


In order to control deflection of structural elements and limit the crack width, the structural design
shall satisfy the following requirements of limit state of serviceability:

a) Total deflection of a slab or a beam from as cast level shall be limited to L/250, L
being the effective span of the member. The deflection after erection of partitions
and completion of finishes should be limited to lesser of L/325 or 20 mm.
b) The maximum flexural crack-width in any concrete member under gravity load
including shrinkage, creep shall be limited to 0.3mm.

20 | P a g e
Criteria (a) is deemed-to-be met, if span/depth ratio as per clause 23.2.1 of IS:456-2000 is satisfied.
Criteria (b) is not mandatory for structural members, less than or equal to 5m in length.

9.5 Permissible Assumptions in FEM Model:

Table 7: Permissible Assumptions in FEM modelling
SN. Description Remarks
1. Fixed at Plinth In case of a framed building, the columns could be
fixed at plinth level.
2. Seismic Mass Mass can be assumed lumped at floor levels.
However, it should be ensured that all the mass are
appropriately considered, including at top-floor.
3. Modeling Slab Slab can be modelled using shell elements having
only in-plane stiffness or using thin-shell element,
or omitting the slab and applying load directly to
supporting beam (may be executed using “none”
area-element in commonly available FEM
4. Eccentricity All the lateral seismic force analysis shall include
the calculated and accidental eccentricity as per the
requirements of code.
5. Modelling of frame elements All the frames (beams, columns, braces) can be
modelled with one dimensional line elements.
6. Wall The reinforced concrete walls could be modelled as
shell elements.
Infill walls that are supposed to affect the
performance of structure can be modelled as
compression “only” struts.
7. Meshing of shell All the shell elements shall be appropriately meshed
(not coarser than 450mm) such that the analysis is
fairly accurate.

21 | P a g e

A. Checklist for Structural Parameters –Frame Structure

Ministry of Urban Development
Department of Urban Development & Building
Building Code Division
Babarmahal, Kathmandu
S.No Description Quantity Unit Adop. Code Remarks

A General Information:
A.1 Owner’s Name:
A.3 Types of Building:
A.4 Structural Designed By:
Consultancy Firm:
Designers’ Name:
Nepal Engineering Council No:

B Geometrical Configuration of Building:

B.1 No. of Block:
B.2 No. of Story:
B.3 Story Height:
Ground Floor
B.4 No. of column:
B.5 No. of Lift:
B.6 No. of staircase:
B.7 Total height of structure:
B.8 Total height for Fundamental
time period calculation:
B.9 Height to width ratio of
B.10 building: to width ratio of
B.11 building:joints if any
B.12 Floor wise Stiffness
B.13 Irregularities:
Floor wise Mass Irregularities:
B.14 Centre of Mass
B.15 Centre of Rigidity
B.16 Eccentricity/Permissible eccentricity

C Geological Investigation:
C.1 Soil Investigation Report:
C.2 Soil Investigation Done By:
22 | P a g e
S.No Description Quantity Unit Adop. Code Remarks
C.3 Allowable Bearing Capacity:
C.4 N- value:
C.5 Type of Soil:
C.6 Water Table:
C.7 Liquefaction Potential:
C.8 Calculated Maximum
Pressure in Foundation:

D Structural Analysis and Design

D.1 Structural Analysis Software:(version)
D.2 Structural System:
D.3 Foundation System:
D.4 Loading Parameters:
i. Dead Load: ………… As per NBC102:1994)
ii. Live Load: ….
………… As per NBC 103:1994)
iii. Other Load if any ….
D.5 Concrete Grade Used : ………… for Column
………… Foundation, Beam,
D.6 Reinforcement Grade Used: ….
………… Slab
Reinforcement Grade Used for ………… ….
D.7 Mechanical
shea Properties of ….
i. Brick
her construction materials
ii. Steel Section
iii. Other
D.8 Seismic Load (AS per
NBC105 or IS 1893:2002) :-
D.8.1 Zone Factor (Z):
D.8.2 Importance Factor(I):
D.8.3 Soil Type:
D.8.4 Fundamental Time ………… sec
D.8.5 Response
Period(Tx/y): Reduction Factor ….
D.8.6 Design
(R): horizontal Seismic
D.8.7 Seismic
D.8.8 Design Seismic Base Shear(Vbx/y):
D.8.9 Base Shear from Dynamic Analysis (Response spectrum analysis or time history)
D.8.10 Damping:
D.9 Seismic Analysis Method:
D.9.1 Seismic Analysis method
D.9.2 No. of modes Considered:
D.9.3 Type of Modal Combination:

23 | P a g e
S.No Description Quantit Unit Adopted Remarks
y Code
D.9. Modal Mass Participation Factor:
4 In X-direction
In Y-direction
D.9. Scale Factor
5 i. Along X-direction:
ii. Along Y-Direction:
D.9. Total Deflection of Building:
6 i. Along X-direction: ……...…permissible
ii. Along Y-Direction: …………permissible
D.9. Inter Story Deflection (Drift):
D.9. Separation Between blocks if
D.9. any: Combination Considered:
Load (NBC105 or IS 1893:2002)
E. Reinforced Concrete Design
E. Concrete Design code Referred: IS456:2000 or ……….
1E. Ductile Detailing code Referred: (IS13920:1993
2 Typical
E. design of )
3 structural elements
foundation, slab,
staircase, retaining wall
F Earthquake
etc: Resistant measures adopted for non-structural
i. …………………
ii. …………………
iii. …………………etc

G Retrofitting Design, if existing building

G. Non Destructive Test of structural elements
1 i. Smith Hammer
ii. Rebar Detection test
iii. Utrasonic test
iv. Other, if any
G. Retrofitting design code referred
2 Retrofitting Analysis Method:
3 Non Linear Analysis/
Performance based
G. Method of retrofitting

24 | P a g e
S.No Description Quantit Unit Adopted Remarks
y Code
H Attachments:
H. Application form
H. Comprehensive Structural Design Report
H. Detailed Architectural Drawings
H. Detailed Structural Drawings with ductile details
H. CD of Structural Analysis
H. NDT test report, Retrofit Design &drawing if existing building

…………………… ……………………..
Signature Signature
Owner’s Name: Designer’s Name:

25 | P a g e
B. Checklist for Structural Parameters – Masonry Structure
Ministry of Urban Development
Department of Urban Development & Building Construction
Building Code Division
Babarmahal, Kathmandu

S.No Description Quantity Unit Remarks

A General Information:
A.1 Owner’s Name:
A.2 Address:
A.3 Types of Building:
A.4 Structural Designed By:
Consultancy Firm:
Designers’ Name:
Nepal Engineering Council No:

B Geometrical Configuration of Building:

B.1 No. of Blocks:
B.2 No. of Story:
B.3 Story Height:
Ground Floor
B.4 No. of staircase:
B.5 Total height of structure:
Total height for Fundamental time
period calculation:
B.7 Height to width ratio of building:
B.8 Length to width ratio of building:
B.9 Seismic joints if any
B.10 Floor wise Stiffness Irregularities:
B.11 Floor wise Mass Irregularities:
B.12 Centre of Mass
B.13 Centre of Rigidity
B.14 Eccentricity/Permissible eccentricity
B.15 Floor wise: Wall Height
i) Ground Floor
ii) First Floor
iii) Second Floor

26 | P a g e
S.No Description Quantity Unit Remarks

B.16 Opening Details:

i) Least distance from corner
Does the total length of opening in
any wall exceed 50% of its length?
Does the horizontal distance between
iii) any two opening less than 600mm or
1/2 of height of shorter opening?
Does the Vertical distance between
iv) two opening less than 600mm or 1/2
of width of smaller opening?
If any of the above mentioned cases do
v) not comply, do you have provision for
strengthening around opening?

C Geological Investigation:
C.1 Soil Investigation Report:
C.2 Soil Investigation Done By?:
C.3 Allowable Bearing Capacity:
C.4 N- value:
C.5 Type of Soil:
C.6 Water Table:
C.7 Liquefaction Potential?:
C.8 Calculated Maximum Pressure in Foundation:
C.9 Depth of Foundation
C.10 Width of Foundation

D Structural Analysis and Design Procedure:

D.1 Structural Analysis Software:(version)
D.2 Structural System:
D.3 Foundation System:
D.4 Load Patterns Used:

D.5 Load Combinations used:

27 | P a g e
S.No Description Quantity Unit Remarks

D.6 Mass source considered?:

D.7 Concrete Grade Used :
For Column:
For Beam:
For Slab:
For Foundation:
D.8 Reinforcement Grade Used:
Reinforcement Grade Used for
shear reinforcement:
Mechanical Properties of other
construction materials used:
i. Brick, crushing strength:
ii. Steel Section:
iii. Brick Crushing Strength:
iv. Mortar ratio for load bearing masonry:

Seismic Coefficient Method (AS per

NBC105 or IS 1893:2002) :-
Design horizontal
D.10.2 Coefficient(Ah x/y)/(Cd
Basic Seismic Coefficient,(C) (NNBC105):
D.10.3 Zone Factor (Z):
D.10.4 Importance Factor(I):
Response Reduction Factor(R )/
Performance factor (K):
D.10.6 Soil Type:
D.10.7 Fundamental Time Period(Tx/y):
D.10.8 Average response acceleration coeff (Sa/g):
D.10.9 Seismic Weight:
D.10.10 Design Seismic Base Shear(Vbx/y):
Base Shear from Dynamic Analysis
(Response spectrum analysis or time
history) Rx=
D.10.12 Damping:
D.11 Dynamic Analysis Method:
D.11.1 Seismic Analysis method
D.11.2 No. of modes Considered:
D.11.3 Type of Modal Combination:

28 | P a g e
D.11.4 Modal Mass Participation Factor:
In X-direction
In Y-direction
D.11.5 Scale Factor
i. Along X-direction:
ii. Along Y-Direction:
D.11.6 Total Deflection of Building:
i. Along X-direction:
ii. Along Y-Direction:
D.11.7 Inter Story Deflection (Drift):
D.11.8 Separation Between blocks if any:
D.11.9 Strength of masonry in out of plane bending:
i) Check for tension and compression:
σc max
σt max
ii) Check for Shear:
iii) Check for sliding:
Lateral force/Resisting force
D.11.10 Strength of masonry in in-plane bending
i) Check for tension and compression:
σc max
σt max
ii) Check for Shear:
iii) Check for sliding done?:
Lateral force/Resisting force:
D.11.11 Foundation Design
Connection pad in case of wooden post
Foundation Connection Details Provided?
D.12 RC Band Design
i) Plinth
ii) Sill
iii) Lintel
iv) Roof
v) Dowel Stitch

Maximum Vertical Spacing of Dowel Band

lies within the range 500-700mm?
Through Stones of a length equal to the full
D.12.3 wall thickness used in every 600mm
lift at not more than 1.2m apart horizontally?

29 | P a g e
Provision of buttresses at not exceeding
12 times the wall thickness if the
maximum length of unsupported wall
exceeds 12 times its thickness?
Connection of vertical band/post
with foundation?

E. Reinforced Concrete Design

E. Concrete Design code Referred:
E. Ductile Detailing code Referred:
2 Typical design of structural elements
3 foundation, slab, staircase, retaining wall etc:

Earthquake Resistant measures adopted

for non-structural elements:
i. Sill Band, Lintel Band …………………
ii. …………………
iii. …………………etc

G Retrofitting Design, if existing building

G.1 Non Destructive Test of structural elements
i. Smith Hammer
ii. Rebar Detection test
iii. Ultrasonic test
iv. Other, if any
G.2 Retrofitting design code referred
Retrofitting Analysis Method: Non
G.3 Linear Analysis/ Performance based
G.4 Method of retrofitting
H Attachments:
H.1 Application form Yes
H.2 Comprehensive Structural Design Report Yes
H.3 Detailed Architectural Drawings Yes
H.4 Detailed Structural Drawings with ductile
H.5 CD of Structural Analysis Yes
NDT test report, Retrofit Design
&drawing if existing building

C. Design Report Format.

---------- School
(Block Name )
(Place), (Name of Local Municipality-Ward no), (District)

Submitted to
CLPIU (Address)

Prepared for
NGO/INGO or Project Detail

Prepared BY
Consultancy detail

Month, Year













D. Structural Drawing Outline
Outline of Structural Drawing Requirements

1. General notes –
- Describes the general notes that will be supportive to the user of the design and
- Specific structural requirements.
- Other specific notes.
2. Structural details
- Special and general structural details showing typical connection details of beam
column joints, primary and secondary beams, seismic bands details, elevation and plan
of typical column showing rebar’s, stirrups joints, spacing , locations.
- Rebar’s lap zone and lap lengths
3. Trench plan
- It should include the adjoining structure/blocks in plan if the block is near proximity of
seismic gap.
4. Foundation Plan
5. Foundation section and details for each type.
6. Column Plan
7. Column Section details
8. Each level beam plan
9. Wall section detail of total representative buildings
10. Each grid and level beam details
11. Each section details of beams
12. Each slab plan showing reinforcement detail, along with cross section in each direction.
13. Stair detail and landing beam (if applicable) along with plan, cross section and
reinforcement detail.
14. Structural steel, roof truss layout, purlin layout with cross bracing at roof level, each
connection detail nut-bolts size, hole dia., weld size and length, each joining plate detail,
relevant elevation and section of details. Further it should be clearly mentioned the
structural steel grade in design, respective steel section sizes and length.

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