Corrosion Et Protection de L Acier
Corrosion Et Protection de L Acier
Corrosion Et Protection de L Acier
William C. Stone
October 1997
Building and Fire Research Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899
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or via email to
[email protected]
[email protected]
Table of Contents
Abstract iii
Table of Contents v
Acknowledgement vii
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Approach 2
1.3 Objectives and Scope 3
4.8 Plain Concrete: Mixture 5 105
4.9 Plain Concrete: Mixture 6 111
4.10 Plain Concrete: Mixture 7 117
4.11 Plain Concrete: Mixture 8 123
4.12 Masonry Block 129
4.13 Drywall 135
4.14 Glass 141
4.15 Lumber (Dry) 147
4.16 Lumber (Wet) 153
4.17 Plywood (Dry) 159
4.18 Plywood (Wet) 165
4.19 Reinforced Concrete 171
4.20 Rebar Grid 177
The author would like to thank several researchers at M.I.T. Lincoln Lab, including
Dennis Blejer, Steven Scarborough, and Carl Frost, for their assistance with this project.
Their patience, and willingness to discuss at the chalk board, and via endless faxes and
email correspondences, fundamental theory and general “rules of thumb” relating to
radar and electromagnetic wave propagation through matter have contributed signifi-
cantly to the present document. Thanks are also due to Thomas F. Rogers, a distin-
guished electrical engineer and communications pioneer, for his thoughts on the sub-
ject of EM penetration of matter. Lastly, the author thanks NIST technician Erik
Anderson and visiting summer researcher Jose Ortiz for their invaluable assistance in
the laboratory.
Left to Right: NLS Phase 2 Research Team: Carl Frost, Bill Stone, Steve Scarborough, and Dennis Blejer.
1.0 Introduction
Given this foundation it is possible to propagation delay component that
develop a software algorithm which accounts for most of the range error.
takes into account the site geometry and
material properties and predicts the Ongoing research is being directed to
delay in the arrival of the transmitted developing a range-error compensation
pulse due to propagation through engi- model based on non-dispersive ray trac-
neering materials between the transmit- ing techniques, which heretofore have
ter and receiver. In a more sophisticated largely been used for computer graphics
variant of this approach all of the physi- rendering and intra-building cellular
cal phenomena associated with wave phone base station coverage simulators.
propagation (including scattering, con- In this work, CAD models of simulated
structive and destructive interference, construction sites are being developed
reflection, and diffraction) may be taken and material characteristics, based on the
into account and the result used to cor- extensive empirical EM material data
rect the initial measurement. With suffi- reported herein, are being attached to
cient local processing power (in the form entities in the CAD model. This model
of a low power parallel processor array) will be used to estimate range error in
such compensations could be made in a calculated position determined using the
kinematic sense with update rates in NLS system. It will thus allow conclu-
excess of the 10 to 20 Hz commonly asso- sions to be drawn concerning the accura-
ciated with real-time machine control. cy achievable through NLS, and its limi-
tations and possibly will identify avenues
Work in 1996 and 1997, which forms the for further resolution enhancement. The
basis of this paper, concentrated on more complex phenomenon of EM wave
defining propagation and error character- propagation in dispersive media will be
istics of spread spectrum signal penetra- addressed in future research.
tion through construction materials as a
function of the type of material (e.g. 1.3 Objectives and Scope
glass, concrete, wood etc.), frequency
bandwidth, power, signal-to-noise ratio From the data presented in this report it
(and techniques, both physical and ana- is possible to determine several impor-
lytical for improving same), and obstacle tant material-specific characteristics
geometry. needed for the design of engineering sys-
tems which make use of EM signal prop-
The resulting experimental data -- which agation through matter: 1) the power
encompass behavior across 8 GHz of attenuation as a function of the material
bandwidth and comprise one of the most thickness and 2) the values of the electri-
complete sets of information concerning cal permittivity and dielectric constants
electromagnetic (EM) attenuation in con- for a particular material as a function of
struction materials -- form the basis for frequency. The latter can be used to cal-
the development of auto-compensation culate the propagation delay time associ-
algorithms which will account for propa- ated with an EM pulse penetrating
gation delays as the signal passes through a specified thickness of a given
through different materials. It is the material. This information is essential for
error compensation for time-of-flight purposes of illustration and trend we
metrology instrumentation systems. In have included in this report plots of sig-
this report, only the power attenuation nal attenuation (in dB) relative to free
aspects are discussed; dielectric and per- space propagation as a function of fre-
mittivity constants will be discussed in a quency for all of the materials and thick-
future volume. nesses investigated. The manner in
which these were developed is discussed
Because of the unique fashion in which in Chapter 2. Simplified closed-form
the spread spectrum signal was con- regression equations are provided as a
structed -- using discrete 2 MHz continu- means of quickly categorizing the
ous wave (CW) response steps -- data response of a particular material over a
were able to be acquired which represent wide range of frequencies.
the affect on the transmitted signal when These power spectra can also be used to
it penetrates and is re-transmitted derive empirical values for range error
beyond a broad samplling of materials (propagation delay time), and the materi-
and thicknesses for a very wide range of al constants of permittivity and conduc-
frequencies. The bandwidth investigated tivity as a function of both frequency and
extends from 500 MHz through 8 GHz. material thickness. The derivation and
Because this amply covers, and extends presentation of these latter values will be
both well beyond and below, the frequen- discussed in a future paper.
cies allocated for use in mobile and per-
sonal communications equipment, as A large amount of data was acquired in
well as for certain RF based positioning this experimental program. A total of
equipment (most notably GPS), it was 1220 tests were conducted (610 in the
felt that this data would be of wide use to band between 0.5 and 2.0 GHz and 610 in
engineers designing such communica- the band between 3 to 8 GHz). The fre-
tions systems. quency domain and time domain data
(resulting from a chirp-Z transform of the
As such, efforts have been made to limit frequency data) comprise approximately
the theory and background derivations 600 megabytes on digital media. Various
related to non-line-of-sight metrology in post-processing techniques (gating in the
this report. For those interested in fur- time domain to reduce multipath phe-
ther information on the NIST programs nomena, and averaging of the results
in construction automation, and NLS both while sampling in the frequency
metrology in particular, please refer to domain and between ten duplicate tests
[Stone, 1996[1], and Stone, 1996[2]). The conducted at slightly different spatial
data acquired from the tests described in positions on the same specimen) were
Chapter 2 was in the form of calibrated used to produce the smoothed frequency
frequency voltage spectra, that is, com- spectra provided in this report. The
plex data in the frequency domain con- smoothed data (both time and frequency)
taining both in-phase and quadrature can be compressed into 59 Mbytes.
components of the received signal for Requests for digital copies of this data
each discrete step in frequency. There are should be sent to the internet address
many ways of presenting these data. For listed at the beginning of this document.
2.0 Experiment Description
Transmit Receive
Horizontal Polarization
Horizontal Polarization
Vertical Polarization
Vertical Polarization
i80486 - 66 MHz
FR-8005 Tx (transmit)
5 Bits
MODULATOR 2.0-18 GHZ 0.1 - 2.0 GHZ
HP-8530A 10 MHz HP-83623A HP-8511A
of primary concern in the design of a pre-
cision surveying instrument it is dis-
SYSTEM SOURCE cussed first. Position update rate is also
of importance for those items requiring
real-time feedback (e.g. automated opera-
CONVERTER tion of construction machinery).
However, as will become evident, speed
is primarily controlled by processor
CONVERTER speed, which improves every year.
Therefore, the approach discussed below,
while designed primarily for accuracy,
will nonetheless provide the algorithmic
Figure 2.1.2: Simplified schematic of the basis for real-time processing as local
transmission system and means for char- embedded microprocessors become
acterizing the transmitted signal. faster.
The measured time of flight then con- Traditional imaging radars and scat-
verts directly to a straight line distance terometers [4] make use of a swept fre-
between the transmitter and receiver fol- quency for the generation of a response
lowing the equality given by eq (2.1.1). spectrum. An alternative, discrete
approach [5] was used for the NIST NLS
x = c ⋅ δt eq(2.1.1) studies. In this approach, the response of
x = straight line distance (m) the system is obtained at individual con-
tinuous wave frequencies. The discrete
c = speed of light in a vacuum, 3 × 108 m / s
step size is user-definable, but for the
dt = time of flight (s)
Equation (2.1.1) can determine only the
straight line distance from the transmit-
ting antenna to the roving antenna. In
order to acquire a unique three dimen-
sional position of the receiver at least DOWN-
three transmitters are required. The posi-
tion can then be determined based on
three dimensional triangulation. In such HP8511A
calculations it is assumed that precision FREQUENCY
(mm level) surveys will have been made
to establish the benchmark positions of
the transmitting antennas.
Returning now to the determination of
time of flight, the following simplified Figure 2.1.3: Simplified schematic of the
summary will assist in helping to under- receiver system and means for character-
stand the NLS concept. Since accuracy is izing the received signal.
B1 cos(2πft + φ1 ) B1B2 cos(2πft + φ1 )cos(2πft + φ2 )
“I” Channel
Input Signal “In-Phase”
“Q” Channel
B2 cos(2πft + φ2 )
π “Quadrature”
B1 sin(2πft + φ1 )
B1B2 sin(2πft + φ1 )cos(2πft + φ2 )
Phase Shift 90 o
(convert to sin signal)
Figure 2.1.4: Schematic representation of a down conversion “mixer” used for quadra-
ture detection in both the transmitted and received signals. In the NIST NLS tests, a
common mixer oscillator was used as the reference for both signals.
NIST tests, 401 points were used for the recover amplitude and phase in the form
0.5 to 2.0 GHz experiments and 801 of quadrature components.
points for the 3.0 to 8.0 GHz experiments.
This produced a frequency step size of The in-phase component (or “I” compo-
approximately 3.74 MHz and 6.24 MHz, nent) is created by multiplying the trans-
respectively. mitted signal by a reference signal gener-
ated by the mixer oscillator. The input
Figure 2.1.2 is a schematic of the trans- signal is defined as:
mitter subsystem. In the actual system,
the computer directs the HP-83623A to
generate the specified frequency which is B1 cos(2πft + φ1 ) Eq(2.1.2)
then amplified and sent to the transmis-
sion antenna. This same signal is also
tapped to an RF-to-IF converter (HP- The mixer reference signal, generated at
8511A) where the IF signal is sent to the the same frequency, but different ampli-
network analyzer (HP-8530A) for signal tude and phase, is:
detection. The magnitude and phase of
the transmitted signal are extracted in a B2 cos(2πft + φ2 ) Eq(2.1.3)
fashion following that depicted in Figure
2.1.4. This procedure is known as “quad-
rature” detection and can be thought of
as a mixing operation that translates the The result of multiplying the two signals
received (tapped) signal to baseband to is:
can be generated by phase shifting the
B1B2 cos(2πft + φ1 )cos(2πft + φ2 ) Eq(2.1.4) input signal by π/2 radians. The resulting
“quadrature” signal (after multiplication)
Eq (2.1.4) can be expanded by means of is:
standard trigonometric identities to yield:
1 1
B1B2 sin(φ1 − φ2 ) + cos(2ωt + φ1 + φ2 )
2 2
cos(ωt + φ1 − (ωt + φ2 ))
2 Eq (2.1.8)
B1B2 + Eq (2.1.5)
1 Passing this signal through a low-pass fil-
cos(ωt + φ1 + (ωt + φ2 ))
2 ter yields the “quadrature” (or imagi-
nary) component of the input signal as:
~ Wall ~
Transmit A [Vector with Receive B [Vector with
Amplitude and Phase] at Amplitude and Phase] at
Single Frequency Same Single Frequency
1: Ratio of Transmitted
B˜ to Received Signals is a
C˜ RAW = RECEIVE Measure of their
A TRANSMIT Amplitude and Phase
2: Repeat at
Frequencies to Repeat above
Define C as a to form C̃
Function of
3: Use Free Space
Measurement to
Divide Out the
C˜ FREESPACE Hardware System
4: Convert to Time
C˜ (t) = ∑ n = 0 C˜ ( fn )e j 2πfn t
Domain Using N
Fourier Transform
Figure 2.1.5: Impulse synthesis approach used in the NIST NLS tests. Composite sig-
nal with a bandwidth of 1.5 and 5 GHz, respectively, was achieved by recording the
response for discrete single frequency transmissions. The composite time domain
response was synthesized via chirp-Z transform from the discrete frequency response
= Re al Be j( 2 πf0 t + φ B ) ) Eq (2.1.14) The mechanics needed to perform the
= Re al(Be )
division described in Eq(2.1.16) require
jφ B j( 2 πf0 t )
e the use of the following definitions,
which make use of Eqs(2.1.13 and 2.1.17):
and the transmitted signal is:
B˜ B cos φB + jB sin φB
A˜ A cos φ A + jA sin φ A
˜ = A cos(2 πf t + φ )
A 0 A
= Re al Ae j( 2 πf0 t + φ A ) ) Eq (2.1.15) I R = B cos φB Eq (2.1.18)
= Re al( Ae ) QR = jB sin φB
jφ A
e j( 2 πf0 t )
I T = A cos φ A
QA = jA sin φ A
The ratio of the received to transmitted
signals, as depicted in Figure 2.1.5, is: From Eq(2.1.18) it is apparent that the
values for IR, QR, IT, and QT can be deter-
B˜ received mined via quadrature detection as
C = = Eq (2.1.16) expressed in Eqs(2.1.10 and 2.1.12) above.
RAW ˜ transmitted
A We can thus proceed directly to write
that the ratio of received to transmitted
If we substitute Eqs(2.1.14 and 2.1.15) signals is given by:
into Eq(2.1.16) we obtain:
B˜ Be jφ B SR B˜ I + jQR
= = = R Eq (2.1.19)
A˜ Ae jφ A Eq (2.1.17) ST A IT + jQT
= e j (φ B − φ A )
Eq(2.1.19) represents a complex division
The amplitude ratio, B/A, in the above of the form [6]:
equation represents the attenuation of the
signal as a result of propagation through
a lossy medium. The ratio varies from
0.0 to 1.0 with 1.0 representing transmis-
tance involves the velocity of electromag-
A a + jb netic radiation in the atmosphere, as
C c + jd given by Eq(2.1.1). Small errors in the
determination of the propagation velocity
can lead to measurable errors in the
( ac + bd) + j(bc − ad) Eq (2.1.20) straight line distance estimate. Empirical
a +b
2 2
correction factors have been derived for
propagation of radio waves through the
( ac + bd) + j(bc − ad) atmosphere as follows:
a2 + b 2 a2 + b 2
77.6 p 373000e
N= +
T T2
The solution for the ratio of the received
to transmitted signals, at the discrete fre- N
quency, f0, being investigated is: n = 1+ Eq (2.1.22)
S B˜ cvacuum
C˜ RAW = R = = Eq (2.1.21) catmosphere =
ST A˜ n
Eq (2.1.23) ( I I + QRQT )
I RAW = R T2
I R + QR 2 RAW
where the notation is the same as previ-
ously used to describe the normalized in-
(Q I − I RQT )
SF = C˜ FREESPACE = I F + jQF Eq (2.1.24) I R + QR 2 RAW
used for this process are listed in
Appendix A and were written for a PC φCALIBRATED = tan −1 CALIBRATED
running Windows95. ICALIBRATED
Eq (2.1.28)
The calibrated response spectra were
stored as a 5 x n matrix, where n was the
number of discrete frequencies sampled. Eq(2.1.26) are plotted on the y-axis.
As previously described, 401 evenly Efforts have been made to fit simplified
spaced points were acquired for the 0.5 polynomial functions to these curves for
to.0 GHz tests and 801 points were the purposes of characterizing the attenu-
acquired for the 3.0 to 8.0 GHz tests. For ation characteristics of a broad range of
each frequency, the I and Q values (ICALI- materials over a wide frequency band-
width while maintaining a manageable
BRATED and QCALIBRATED as per Eq.2.1.25)
and compact means for accessing that
are stored in the second and third
data. For those who desire the original
columns respectively. The fourth column
digital record sets, see the earlier instruc-
contains the derived calibrated, which is
tions regarding request submissions to
calculated as:
This is a decimal value between 0.0 and
2.2 Antenna Descriptions
1.0, with 1.0 meaning that there was no
attentuation observed during the test for
Two antenna geometries were used for
which a material specimen was placed
this test program. The first, originally
manufactured by Watkins-Johnson and
ACALIBRATED = Eq (2.1.26) now fabricated by Condor Systems, had
a bandwidth of 1.5 GHz between 0.5 and
2.0 GHz. The second, manufactured by
Flam and Russell, had a bandwidth of 5
GHz from 3.0 to 8.0 GHz. Where polar-
between the transmitter and receiver, rel-
ization capability existed, the V-V polar-
ative to the same freespace test. The dec-
ization configuration was employed for
imal amplitude may easily be converted
the NIST tests, as initial studies [1] clear-
to decibels (dB):
ly indicated that multipath distortion due
to ground bounce was minimized
A(dB)=20*log10(A[decimal]) Eq(2.1.27)
through the use of a vertically polarized
plane wave transmission. This polariza-
In addition, the phase angle (radians) for
tion setting was not important to the tests
the calibrated response signal is stored in
described herein because of the presence
the fifth column in each calibrated data
of a multipath shield (see Figure 2.3.1).
file. The phase angle is:
Table 2.2.1: Specifications for0.5 to 2.0 GHz antenna usef for “Low” Bandwidth Tests.
Product Specification AS-48450
Frequency 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Polarization Simultaneous horizontal and vertical
Gain 6 to 12 dBi
Beamwidth, 3dB(BW) 70° to 25°, nominal
Beam squint (3 dB bisector) 5°, maximum
Cross polarization -15 dB, maximum
Isolation between ports 20 dB, minimum
Maximum input power, each connector 70W CW, 3kW peak
RF connectors Type N female
Impedance 50W reference
VSWR 3:1, maximum
Size 444 mm square,
533 mm long (maximum)
Weight 15 kg
These figures demonstrate the relatively
SMA Female broad area illumination provided by this
2.3 9.65
design. Although signal power is
reduced by approximately one half (3dB)
82.5 by an azimuth angle of 30 degrees to
6.4 either side of center, considerable signal
.76 strength can still be measured at azimuth
76.2 angles of 90-degrees. Because of the rela-
tively different radiation pattern geome-
try for this antenna, as contrasted with
that for the 3.0 to 8.0 GHz diagonal horn
14 described below, results presented later
in this report will be antenna specific.
139.7 167.64
Researchers wishing to draw general con-
clusions over the entire frequency band
investigated in this report should take
into account both the test geometry (also
82.6 described below) as well as these radia-
tion patterns.
Figure 2.2.4: Typical E-Plane radiation pattern (Magnitude in dBi as a function of
azimuth angle in degrees) for a WJ-48450 horn operating at the lower, 0.5 GHz, limit of
its design spectrum (Condor Systems, 1996).
Figure 2.2.6: Typical E-plane radiation pattern (Magnitude in dBi as a function of
azimuth angle in degrees) for a WJ-48450 horn operating at the high, 2.0 GHz, limit of
its design spectrum (Condor Systems, 1996).
The particular model used for the NLS Table 2.2.2: Characteristics of Flam & Russell
tests was the FR-6415 3.0 to 8.0 GHz FR-6415 Diagonal Range Illumination Horn
horn, which was designed to serve as
Model Specification FR-6415
a source antenna in the measurement
Frequency (GHz) 3.0 to 8.0
of antenna radiation patterns or as
Gain 1.7 dBi (nominal)
transmit and receive antennas in the
Beamwidth Level 17 degrees nominal
measurement of radar cross-section
Sidelobe -30 dB nominal
data. These antennas exhibit signifi-
VSWR 2:1 maximum
cantly reduced E-plane sidelobes typi-
Isolation 60 dB minimum
cally associated with horn antennas.
The FR-6415 incorporates aperature Aperture Width 261 mm
defocusing to procuce minimal varia- Overall Length 627 mm
tions in gain and beamwidth over a Weight 4.77 kg
frequency range of 2.5:1. Table 2.2.2 Input SMA Female
lists the pertinent manufacturer’s
FR-6415 at an operating frequency of 3.0
specifications for this horn. Dimensions
GHz. Similar data are presented in
are given in Figure
Figures and at 8 GHz.
Figure shows a typical laboratory
2.3 Test Fixtures
setup involving the FR-6415 in which the
effect of a reinforcing bar grid on time-of-
Because of the large number of test speci-
flight distance measurement is being con-
mens, and the representative full-size
ducted. A frequency response spectrum
thicknesses used for the various materi-
was generated from 3.0 to 8.0 GHz with
als, a test set-up was designed that made
this system.
use of an indoor laboratory at NIST
equipped with an overhead crane. The
Figures and present E-Plane
set-up is shown in isometric view in
and H-Plane radiation patterns for the
Figures 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 and in dimen
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?@0M ???
Figure Dimensions of FR-6415 Diagonal Range Illumination Horn. All dimen-
sions are in millimeters.
Figure Flam & Russell Diagonal Range Illumination Horn (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) in
use with concrete reinforcement grid specimen.
Magnitude (dBi)
Magnitude (dBi)
-30 -50
-40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40
Azimuth (degrees) Azimuth (degrees)
Figure E-Plane radiation pattern Figure H-Plane radiation pattern
for FR-6415 at 3.0 GHz. for FR-6415 at 3.0 GHz.
FR-6415 Diagonal Horn FR-6415 Diagonal Horn
8 GHz E-Plane Response 8 GHz H-Plane Response
0 0
-10 -10
Magnitude (dBi)
Magnitude (dBi)
-20 -20
-30 -30
-40 -40
-40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40
Azimuth (degrees) Azimuth (degrees)
Figure E-Plane radiation pattern Figure H-Plane radiation pattern
for FR-6415 at 8.0 GHz. for FR-6415 at 8.0 GHz.
Horn 3mm Aluminum
Sheet EM Shield
Typical 1m x 1m x 304 mm
Test Specimen
n Ax
Movable Platform
Rail Sub-System
Figure 2.3.1: Isometric view of test stand for Phase 2 NLS tests. Mobile table is shown
with specimen in place on opposite side of EM shield from transmitting horn.
914 mm x 914 mm Mounting
Window in EM Shield Platform
Figure 2.3.2: Isometric view of test stand for Phase 2 NLS tests showing central square
window in EM shield.
2.438 m
Specimen Thickness
1.000 m
1.000 m
2.438 m
Specimen Width
1.000 m
914 mm
Figure 2.3.3: End view of test stand for Figure 2.3.4: Plan view of test stand for
Phase 2 NLS tests. Phase 2 NLS tests showing central square
window in EM shield.
1.000m 1.000 m
1.592 m
Figure 2.3.5: Elevation view of test stand for Phase 2 NLS tests
2.4 Specimen Design manship errors and tolerancing. Because
of this, detailed measurements were
A total of 9 different materials were test- taken of both the actual geometry and
ed in this series. A summary of these is material properties at the time of testing.
presented in Table 2.4. More detailed sta- These more detailed data are presented
tistics are given in Chapters 3 and 4. The in Chapters 3 and 4. Since significant
test articles included common construc- variations existed in some situations
tion materials such as brick, masonry (notably batch processing weights for the
block, plain concrete, reinforced concrete, plain concrete) the numbers presented in
glass, lumber, plywood, drywall, and Table 2.4 should only be used as an
reinforcing bars. At least three different approximate reference.
thicknesses, and in some cases four, were
tested for each of the above materials. In Units in Table 2.4 are kilograms per cubic
addition, the lumber and plywood speci- meter for concrete density and millime-
mens were tested in both a wet and dry ters for all thickness specifications.
2.5 Test Protocol
Of particular note is the list of plain con-
crete specimens in Table 2.4. Because of The data for each test consisted of a cali-
the widely varying nature of this com- brated response spectrum. The theory
mon composite, efforts were made to and hardware instrumentation which
construct an experiment matrix that cap- allows for the generation of these spectra
tured some of the most important vari- were presented in Section 2.1and these
ables. These included aggregate size, techniques were implemented in an auto-
water/cement ratio, and slump. The full matic fashion via computer control.
material design matrix included high and
low values for each of the above three The protocol for testing any specimen,
parameters plus three panel thicknesses however, coinsisted of the following
for a total of 24 plain concrete specimens. steps:
Cylinder strengths and other data report-
ed in Chapter 3 are for standard 28-day Step 1: Acquire freespace response spec-
water-cured cylinders. tra. At the start and finish of each day of
testing a response spectrum was acquired
All specimens had a 1 m by 1 m cross using the test setup configured as shown
section. Design thicknesses varied from in Figure 2.3.2, with no specimen loaded.
as little as 6 mm to as great as 600 mm This was used to provide the denomina-
depending on the material and typical tor of Eq. 2.1.23.
usage values at commercial and residen-
tial construction sites. Step 2: Acquire response spectrum for
the test specimen. This step follows the
The values listed in Table 2.4 are design previously described theoretical protocol
values. The actual values differed as a for discrete construction of the response
result of batch processing errors and tol- spectrum but with one important varia-
erances, material availability, and work- tion. Instead of a single measurement
Table 2.4: Design Material Properties for Phase 2 NLS Tests
Volumetric Analysis
Properties Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Batch 4 Batch 5 Batch 6 Batch 7 Batch 8
MSA, mm 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4
w/c 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6
Slump low high low high low high low high
% Cement 15.8 18.2 10.5 12.1 14.1 16.0 9.4 10.7
% Water 19.9 22.9 19.9 22.9 17.8 20.2 17.8 20.2
% CA 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 37.9 37.9 37.9 37.9
% FA 31.9 26.5 37.2 32.6 28.6 24.3 33.3 29.7
% Paste 35.7 41.1 30.4 35.0 31.9 36.2 27.2 30.9
Theoretical Batch weights, SSD Basis, kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m^3)
Cement 497.6 572.5 331.7 381.7 445.3 504.7 296.7 336.5
Water 199.2 228.9 199.2 228.9 177.8 202.1 177.8 202.1
CA 813.3 813.3 813.3 813.3 1032.1 1032.1 1032.1 1032.1
FA 835.9 695.0 973.8 853.7 750.3 637.3 873.9 777.6
Density (kg/m^3) 2345.9 2309.6 2318.0 2277.5 2405.3 2376.2 2380.4 2348.3
Density (g/cc) 2.35 2.31 2.32 2.28 2.41 2.38 2.38 2.35
For each bath there were 3 thickness: 102 mm, 203 mm, and 305 mm
For the remaining engineering materials the following nominal specifications apply:
mission line between the two horns and time domain plot shown in Figure 2.6.2.
the test repeated until a maximum dis- This is a particularly good data set, with
placement of 60 mm had been achieved. very little attenuation involved. In fact,
Each individual test was calibrated dur- as can be seen for certain frequencies
ing the post processing cycle as described around 0.75 GHz in Figure 2.6.1, the cali-
in Section 2.1. Using these ten separate
Calibrated Frequency Response Spectrum
tests, mean and standard deviation of the for 152 mm thick Brick wall
[Sample 1 of 10]
frequency response spectra for a particu- No Post-Processing
lar specimen could be determined. It
was this averaged frequency response
spectrum that was used for subsequent 1
Calibrated Time Domain Response
Gated Time Domain Response
for 152 mm thick Brick wall
for 152 mm thick Brick wall
[Sample 1 of 10] [Sample 1 of 10]
No Post-Processing
0.5 0.6
Gated Amplitude
0 0
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
Range (meters) Range (meters)
Figure 2.6.2: Calibrated Time Domain Response Figure 2.6.3: Gated Time Domain Response for
for 152 mm thick Brick wall (no post processing) 152 mm thick Brick wall for the 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
for the 0.5 to 2.0 GHz test series, Specimen #1 of test series, Specimen #1 of 10.
c Eq. (2.6.1)
εr 0.5
v = actual wave speed in matter (m/s)
ε r = material dielectric constant 0.4
0.5 1 1.5 2
(dimensionless) Frequency (GHz)
3.0 Specimen Material Properties and Geometry
In the following sections, the material Where, “C” designates plain concrete,
properties and geometry of each speci- “7” is the concrete batch number (8 were
men are detailed. In general, these prop- used), “12” was the specimen thickness
erties and dimensions differed from those identifier (in this case 305 mm = 12 inch-
listed previously in Table 2.4 as the nomi- es), “L” means “low” frequency band-
nal design specifications for the test spec- width (0.5 to 2.0 GHz), and “01” was the
imen. Deviations from the design thick- first test for this specimen.
nesses were most pronounced in the con-
crete specimens. There, imprecision in A complete list of specimen names
the fabrication of the wood formwork (minus the within specimen test number
and deflections of the formwork under suffix) for tests in the Low Range series
the hydrostatic loading of the fresh con- (0.5 to 2.0 GHz) is given in Table 3.0.1. A
crete led to occassional differences of sev- similar set is given for the High Range
eral millimeters in thickness across the tests (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) in Table 3.0.2.
specimen width.
Individuals desiring specific digital
Each specimen/test combination had a records of the raw, calibrated data should
condensed alphanumeric name which refer to the nomenclature defined in
generally consisted of a one or two letter these two tables. Similar nomenclature
prefix identifying the material, a speci- prefixes apply to the averaged, gated
men identification number, material response spectra described in detail in
thickness identifier, frequency bandwidth Chapters 4 and 5. Requests for digital
identifier, and the test number for the copies of the “raw,” calibrated data
current test. A total of 10 tests were per- (either in the frequency or time domain)
formed for each specimen in which the should be addressed to the author at the
specimen was moved laterally (perpen- email address listed at the front of this
dicular to the signal propagation line) in document. Please specify the test sets
6 mm increments relative to the specimen when doing so.
centerline. Thus test #10 for any given
specimen meant that the specimen was
displaced 60 mm from its original center-
line relative to the centerline of the trans-
mitted signal. An example data file name
would be:
Table 3.1: Parent Specimen Nomenclature for Low Range Tests (0.5 to 2.0 GHz). Each
parent specimen entry has 10 individual associated tests, beginning with suffix 01 and
ending with suffix 10. The centroid of specimen 01 is aligned colinear with the direct
signal path between transmitter and receiver; specimen 10 in each set is shifted lateral-
ly 60 mm from the transmitted signal path; all other tests are uniformly spaced at 6
mm intervals between these two extremes.
Nominal Nominal Nominal
Parent Material Exterior Material Material Thickness Thickness Thickness Total
Specimen (Layer 1) Surface (Layer 2) (Layer 3) (Layer 1) (Layer 2) (Layer 3) Thickness
Name Condition (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Table 3.2: Parent Specimen Nomenclature for High Range Tests (3.0 to 8.0 GHz). Each
parent specimen entry has 10 individual associated tests, beginning with suffix 01 and
ending with suffix 10. The centroid of specimen 01 is aligned colinear with the direct
signal path between transmitter and receiver; specimen 10 in each set is shifted lateral-
ly 60 mm from the transmitted signal path; all other tests are uniformly spaced at 6
mm intervals between these two extremes.
Nominal Nominal Nominal
Parent Material Exterior Material Material Thickness Thickness Thickness Total
Specimen (Layer 1) Surface (Layer 2) (Layer 3) (Layer 1) (Layer 2) (Layer 3) Thickness
Name Condition (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
3.1 Brick 90.4 mm (average)
1067 mm (average)
longitudinal centerline (see Figure 3.1.1).
The bricks had nominal lengths of 193
mm, a width of 90 mm, and a vertical
thickness of 56 mm. The center holes dif-
fered in size with the center hole averag- mm
ing 34 mm in diameter and the two end
holes averaging 37 mm diameter. The
brick is Grade MW, meeting specification 181 mm (average)
ASTM C 652. Detailed properties,
including geometry and material density
are given in Tables 3.1.1, 3.1.2, and 3.1.3.
1067 mm (average)
As shown in Tables 3.1 and 3.2, there
were three “brick wall” thickness config-
urations tested. For convenience, three
nominally 1 x 1 meter single wythe brick
walls were fabricated, following the
dimensions listed shown in Table 3.1.1. mm
271 mm (average)
1067 mm (average)
D2 W
D3 1067
Figure 3.1.1: Individual brick geometry. Figure 3.1.2: Brick wall geometries. Top: single
Definitions of each parameter are given in Table wythe; Middle: double wythe; and Bottom: triple
3.1.2 along with typical measurements and statis- wythe construction. An air gap of between 3 to 5
tical parameters. Individual bricks were used to mm existed between each wall in the multiple-
construct typical residential and commercial wall tests owing to variations in placement of the
building walls of 1,2, and 3 wythe depth, as bricks. Typical mortar joint thicknesses are pre-
shown in Figure 3.1.2. sented in Table 3.1.1.
In order to represent two and three The mortar joints averaged between 13
wythe thickness walls, single wythe and 14 mm thickness, as shown in Table
walls were stacked as shown in Figure 3.1.1. Characteristics for the mortar are
3.1.1 to achieve the necessary thickness. given in Table 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 below and
On average, an air gap of 3 to 5 mm include both mix proportions and densi-
existed between each wall. This was due ty, as well as various standard measures
to variations in the placement of the indi- of the cured strength. The same mortar
vidual bricks in each wall panel. The specified in Tables 3.1.4 and 3.1.5 was
walls were supported by top and bottom used in the lay up of the concrete mason-
steel channel sections connected by ry block walls described in Section 3.2,
threaded rods. Shackles, attached to the below.
threaded rods (not shown) allowed the
wall sections to be handled by an over-
head crane.
BRICK Material Data (from 10 randomly sampled units)
Grade MW Brick, meeting ASTM C 652
General Description: rectangular solid with three circular holes through the thickness
D1 D2 D3
"Left" "Center" "Right" M
W L T Hole Hole Hole Individual
Sample Brick Brick Brick Diameter Diameter Diameter Brick
Number Width Length Thickness #1 #2 #3 Weight
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (g)
W L T D1 D2 D3 M
Avg. 90.4 192.5 56.3 37.5 33.8 37.4 1691.6
S.D. 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.7 1.3 0.7 16.0
Bounding Box Solid Volume [ Vs= W*L*T ] 979.0 cm3
Hole Volume [ Vh = pi *T *(D1^2 + D2^2 + D3^2)/4 ] 174.3 cm3
True Solid Volume [Vt = Vs - Vh ] 804.7 cm3
True Material Density [rho = M/Vt ] 2.1 g/cm3
Apparent (radar) Density [rhoapp = M/Vs ] 1.7 g/cm3
Where: W, L, T, D1, D2, D3, and M are defined in the above table
pi = 3.14159
TABLE 3.1.4: Compressive strength of the mortar used in the construction of the brick
and concrete block wall specimens B1, B2, B3, CB1, CB2, and CB3.
Masonry Block
Material Properties Test Axial Load Compressive Stress
# (kN) (MPa)
TABLE 3.1.5: Mortar grout mix design used for the grout joints for the brick and con-
crete block wall specimens B1, B2, B3, CB1, CB2, and CB3.
3.2 Masonry Block
The concrete masonry block used in this Figure 3.2.1 are defined in Table 3.2.1.
study was also a common variety used in The variables W, T, and L stand for the
residential and commercial construction block width, height, and length, respec-
which included two large, approximately tively. The dimensions for the various
rectangular holes set towards either end pockets and cutouts all have two names,
of the block, a central thin rectangular e.g. L4T and L4B. The “L4” portion
slot; and a cutout on one end of the type refers to the right hand cell. The “T”
typyically used for window frame set- and “B” suffixes indicate whether the
ting. measurement was taken at the top or bot-
tom of the block. These are listed in
The blocks were manufactured by Ernest order to account for the differences in the
Maier of Bladensburg, Maryland and the top and bottom dimensions which
meets ASTM C 90. The geometry key result from the manufacturing process.
for the subsequent data tables is given in Tapered male mold inserts are used in
Figure 3.2.1. The variable names in order to facilitate removal of the blocks
W1T, W1B W3B
L1T, L1B
L2T, W4T,
L3T, L3B
Figure 3.2.1: Masonry block geometry. Typical exterior, average dimensions were 395 mm long, 194 mm
wide by 192 mm high. Weight reduction cells are specified in Table 3.2.1.
approx. 982 mm
from the mold after steam curing. The
difference can be significant and affects
the overall mass of the block. We list
these here for completeness, largely
because they affect the “equivalent densi-
ty” of the block, as seen by the radar
pulse. To the radar pulse, the block is
approx. 982 mm
seen as a series of cells, partitioned by
concrete walls. For real-time metrology
purposes, however, it will be too bur-
densome to include such minute details
in a time-of-flight calculation. Therefore,
we develop an equivalent density equal
194 mm
to the mass of a single block divided by
the overall volume of the block, as if the
Approx. 194 mm
cells were not present. The equivalent
density value can be used as a measure
of the amount of time delay associated
with a pulse propagating through the
block. Those considering more detailed
analyses can make use of the data con-
tained in Table 3.2.1.
Approx. 194 mm
Approx. 194 mm
Approx. 583 mm
TABLE 3.2.1 (Part 1 of 3): Masonry Block Properties
L1 W1 L2T W2T L2B W2B
W L T End End 1st Cell 1st Cell 1st Cell 1st Cell
Sample Block Block Block Notch Notch Top Top Bottom Bottom
Number Width Length Thickness Length Width Length Width Length Width
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
10a 194.4 395.3 192.9 19.2 19.3 128.5 126.0 123.4 120.7
10b 194.4 395.3 191.9 19.1 19.2 129.8 127.1 123.5 120.9
10c 194.0 396.9 191.4 19.1 19.1
10d 194.9 396.1 191.8
10e 194.5 191.7
10f 194.3 191.5
TABLE 3.2.1 (Part 2 of 3): Masonry Block Properties
Slot Slot Slot Slot 2nd Cell 2nd Cell 2nd Cell 2nd Cell I n d i v i d u a l
Sample Top Top Bot. Bottom Top Top Bottom Bottom Brick
Number Len. Width Len. Width Length Width Length Width Weight
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (g)
10a 9.2 129.5 9.2 121.5 127.5 127.2 123.5 120.5 15458.7
10b 9.4 9.2 128.9 126.2 123.6 120.6
10c 9.3
TABLE 3.2.1 (Part 3 of 3): Masonry Block Properties
Summary Table
L1 W1
W L T End End
Brick Brick Brick Notch Notch
Width Length Thickness Length Width
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Average 194.042 395.058 191.7713 18.651 19.2718267
S.D. 0.74851 3.04395 0.741718 0.4733 0.21900078
Vs 14701 cc
Vh 6398.9 cc
Vt 8301.8 cc
rho 1.8369 g/cc
rhoapp 1.0373 g/cc
3.3 Plain Concrete
Plain concrete specimens accounted for and low) while three specimen thickness-
24 of the 58 material specimens tested es were used for all mixes. This led to 24
during this study. This high percentage total specimens. The nominal specimen
relates to the variable nature of concrete thicknesses, as shown below in Figure
and the affect its constituents have on the 3.3.1, were approximately 102 mm, 203
propagation of EM waves. In addition to mm, and 305 mm. However, because of
the principal geometry variable (thick- deformations in the concrete formwork
ness), aggregate size, water/cement ratio, (due to hydrostatic loading during cast-
and slump were investigated. Each of ing), and due to the less precise method
the latter variables had two levels (high of manufacture
Approx. 1000 mm
Approx. 305 mm
Approx. 203 mm
Approx. 102 mm
Figure 3.3.1: Plain concrete specimen geometry. Eight mixes were investigated for each of the three
geometries shown above. Specific data for each specimen are given in Tables 3.3.1 through 3.3.3.
Table 3.3.1: Plain Concrete Wall Specimens, 101.6 mm Nominal Thickness. Actual spec-
imen thicknesses along vertical and horizontal centerlines (mm) are listed below.
from Side
Edge (mm) C14 C24 C34 C44 C54 C64 C74 C84
from Bottom
Edge (mm) C14 C24 C34 C44 C54 C64 C74 C84
Table 3.3.2: Plain Concrete Wall Specimens, 203.2 mm Nominal Thickness. Actual spec-
imen thicknesses along vertical and horizontal centerlines (mm) are listed below.
from Side
Edge (mm) C18 C28 C38 C48 C58 C68 C78 C88 RC881 RC882
50.8 201.5 203.8 203.3 202.6 202.4 202.9 202.5 203.0 207.6 205.9
152.4 201.8 204.1 203.6 202.5 203.1 203.2 203.1 203.1 208.5 206.6
254 201.9 204.1 203.9 202.6 203.7 203.5 203.3 202.6 209.4 206.7
355.6 202.1 204.1 204.2 202.6 204.5 204.2 202.7 202.2 210.3 206.8
457.2 202.4 204.4 204.3 202.6 205.0 204.8 202.5 202.1 210.6 206.9
558.8 202.4 204.4 203.9 202.7 204.8 204.9 202.1 201.9 210.9 206.7
660.4 202.7 204.3 203.5 202.8 204.5 204.7 201.5 201.9 210.5 206.6
762 202.8 204.1 203.1 202.8 204.1 203.8 201.0 202.1 209.7 206.4
863.6 202.8 203.6 202.4 202.6 203.4 203.0 200.9 202.5 208.6 205.9
965.2 202.5 203.4 201.6 202.5 204.3 202.7 200.6 203.1 207.6 205.1
Mean 202.3 204.0 203.4 202.6 204.0 203.8 202.0 202.5 209.4 206.4
S.D. 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.1 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.5 1.2 0.5
from Bottom
Edge (mm) C18 C28 C38 C48 C58 C68 C78 C88 RC881 RC882
50.8 203.9 204.7 206.1 203.7 204.8 206.6 200.2 204.6 207.9 202.9
152.4 203.5 205.0 205.3 203.8 204.8 206.2 200.8 203.9 208.9 203.9
254 203.1 204.8 204.7 203.8 204.6 205.9 201.4 203.3 209.7 204.8
355.6 202.9 204.8 204.4 203.0 204.7 203.4 201.7 202.7 210.4 205.8
457.2 202.6 204.6 203.9 202.7 204.8 204.8 202.1 202.1 210.8 206.4
558.8 202.1 204.4 203.6 202.5 204.9 204.6 201.9 201.7 210.6 206.6
660.4 201.8 204.7 203.3 201.9 204.4 204.3 201.8 201.5 210.2 206.6
762 201.3 204.5 203.3 201.7 204.6 204.1 201.5 201.4 209.5 206.6
863.6 201.2 204.7 203.3 201.4 204.7 203.9 201.7 201.5 208.8 206.0
965.2 201.3 204.5 203.3 201.0 204.5 203.3 202.0 201.5 208.4 205.3
Mean 202.4 204.7 204.1 202.6 204.7 204.7 201.5 202.4 209.5 205.5
S.D. 1.0 0.2 1.0 1.0 0.1 1.2 0.6 1.1 1.0 1.3
Mean 202.3 204.4 203.8 202.6 204.3 204.2 201.8 202.4 209.5 205.9
S.D. 0.7 0.4 1.0 0.7 0.7 1.1 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.0
Table 3.3.3: Plain Concrete Wall Specimens, 304.8 mm Nominal Thickness. Actual spec-
imen thicknesses along vertical and horizontal centerlines (mm) are listed below.
from Side
Edge (mm) C112 C212 C312 C412 C512 C612 C712 C812
from Bottom
Edge (mm) C112 C212 C312 C412 C512 C612 C712 C812
Table 3.3.4: Measured Concrete Mix Properties, as delivered to the Laboratory
Properties Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Batch 4 Batch 5 Batch 6 Batch 7 Batch 8
Job # 203 204 135 136 77 78 79 80
Truck 196 198 196 164 153 153 153 153
Cement (kg) 468.2 538.6 309.1 365.9 418.2 477.3 281.8 431.8
Water (kg) 132.7 135.6 136.6 134.7 101.3 104.7 113.9 157.1
Additional Water (kg) 0* 75.8 11.4 18.9 147.6 151.4 49.3 0**
Total Water (kg) 132.7 211.4 148.0 153.6 248.9 256.1 163.2 157.1
Coarse Aggregate (kg) 805.6 774.1 774.1 778.6 1206.4 1251.6 1057.6 1431.1
Fine Aggregate (kg) 753.3 666.7 913.4 794.1 519.5 506.5 783.0 987.4
Nominal Volume Delivered (m^3) 0.956 0.956 0.956 0.956 0.956 0.956 0.956 1.338
Measured Density (kg/m^3) 2311 2311 2295 2300 2424 2387 2384 2392
Air Content (%) 2.0 1.3 N/A 1.3 1.5 1.0 1.4 N/A
Slump (mm) 57 165 64 222 76 171 83 165
Compressive Strength:
f'c (test 1, 28 days) [MPa] 44.1 38.5 31.9 30.1 32.1 33.0 29.7 31.2
f'c (test 2, 28 days) [MPa] 43.6 39.6 33.8 29.4 32.6 32.7 29.8 31.9
f'c (test 3, 28 days) [MPa] 44.0 40.4 30.5 29.0 33.8 35.1 29.4 31.4
28-day strength (avg) [MPa] 43.9 39.5 32.1 29.5 32.8 33.6 29.6 31.5
Mean Size Aggregate (mm) 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 25.4 25.4 25.4 25.4
Actual Water/Cement Ratio 0.28* 0.39 0.48 0.42 0.60 0.54 0.58 0.36**
Desired Water/ Cement Ratio 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
* Measurements of the amount of water added on site were missing from the delivery ticket.
** Measurements of the amount of water added on site were missing from the delivery ticket.
(as compared to, e.g. a sheet of glass or added on site for those two batches was,
plywood) measurable variances (on the unfortunately, not reported on the deliv-
order of a few millimeters) in specimen ery ticket. For comparison, the desired
thickness across the width and height of w/c ratio for each mix is listed on the
the concrete specimens were noted in final row of Table 3.3.4, which shows
some cases. For completeness, Tables general agreement with the remaining
3.3.1, 3.3.2, and 3.3.3 list precise thick- measured values.
nesses along the vertical and horizontal
centerlines of all concrete specimens.
These were measured using a digital
caliper with a spanner frame accurate to
0.01 mm (see the photo on the cover).
Two reinforced concrete specimens were Details of the reinforced concrete speci-
fabricated for comparison with the 203 mens are given in Figures 3.4.1 and 3.4.2.
mm thick Batch #8 plain concrete speci-
men. Other than the presence of a rein- To allow examination of superposition
forcing bar grid on the centerline of each effects, duplicate rebar grids (identical to
of specimens RC881 and RC882, these the ones embedded in specimens RC881
were identical in all respects to specimen and RC882) were tested in air. Geometry
C88 and were cast at the same time using for these grids are given in Figures 3.4.3
the same concrete batch. Specimen and 3.4.4. All grids were constructed
RC881 had 1% reinforcing steel content. from 19 mm (#6) Grade 60 reinforcement.
This was achieved using 19 mm [#6]
Grade 60 rebar on a 140 mm square grid.
Specimen RC882 had 2% reinforcing steel
and utilized the same square grid format
as RC881 but with half the bar spacing
distance (70 mm).
m m
3 19 mm ReBar
20 3 m 19 mm ReBar
140 mm
70 mm
1000 mm
1000 mm
140 mm
70 mm
000 mm
000 mm
Figure 3.4.1: Reinforced concrete speci- Figure 3.4.2: Reinforced concrete speci-
men RC881, nominally 203 mm thick, men RC881, nominally 203 mm thick,
Batch #8 concrete mix with 1% steel. Batch #8 concrete mix with 2% steel.
19 mm ReBar
19 mm ReBar
140 mm 70 mm
1000 mm
140 mm
1000 mm
70 mm
1000 mm
1000 mm
Figure 3.4.3: Bare rebar grid (the same as Figure 3.4.4: Bare rebar grid (the same as
used in reinforced concrete specimen used in reinforced concrete specimen
RC881). Seven 19 mm bars each in the RC882). Fourteen 19 mm bars each in the
horizontal and vertical directions were horizontal and vertical directions were
used to create a square mesh with 140 used to create a square mesh with 70 mm
mm spacing between bar centers. This spacing between bar centers. This left
left open areas measuring 121 mm square open areas measuring 51 mm square for
for an open area to solid ratio of 75.2% an open area to solid ratio of 53.9%
3.5 Glass
The glass used in this study was an ordi- Sodium oxide is added as a flux for melt-
nary architectural window glass pro- ing temperature reduction in the form of
duced by Libbey Owens Ford (Pilkington soda ash. Further additives, in the form
Group, Toledo, Ohio). Specifically it was of calcium oxide (from limestone) and
soda-lime silica float glass with the magnesium oxide (from dolomite) are
dimensions and properties shown in typically added to improve durability.
Figure 3.5.1 and in Tables 3.5.1 through Small amounts of iron oxide and alu-
3.5.3. Three thicknesses of 5.7, 12.5, and minum oxide are also added to further
18.6 mm were tested. reduce melting temperature and improve
durability. The other components listed
The main constituent (comprising 72% by in Table 3.5.1 are trace contaminants.
mass) of the glass is silicon dioxide.
1000 mm
T = 18.6 mm
T = 12.5 mm
T=5.7 mm
Figure 3.5.1: Glass panel specimens used in the Phase II NLS study. Thicknesses are
measured average values. Properties are presented in Tables 3.5.1 through 3.5.3.
Table 3.5.1: Nominal composition of soda-lime silica float glass.
Table 3.5.2: Properties of soda-lime silica float glass (source: Libbey Owens Ford,
Toledo, Ohio).
Table 3.5.3: MeasuredGeometry, Mass, and Density for Glass Specimens Tested at NIST.
Number G25 G50 G75
3.6 Lumber
The U.S. Span Book for Major Lumber Maryland. The plank was manufactured
Species states that “more than 90%” of by Finlay Forest Industries (Canada) with
dimension lumber used in North the specification KD-SPF #2 & Better,
America comes from four commercial which stands for: “Kiln Dried, Spruce-
species groups: Spruce-Pine-Fir; Douglas Pine-Fir, Grade #2.”
Fir-Larch; Hemlock-Fir, and Southern
Pine. A single “2x12” plank was too narrow to
meet the nominal 1x1 m square specimen
Typical mechanical properties for the size selected for the NLS Phase 2 test
above four types of common construction setup. Composite specimens were thus
lumber are given in Table 3.6.1. Unless built up as shown in Figures 3.6.1
specifically requested, one may be likely through 3.6.4. The nominal 37 mm thick
to receive any of the above species when specimen was constructed of one layer of
asking for, as an example, a “2x12” (38 x planks; the 75 mm thick specimen of two
292 mm) residential construction plank. layers; the 113 mm thick specimen of
Further information on material proper- three layers; and the 151 mm thick speci-
ties for these general species of lumber is men of four layers. In all cases the
available from the Southern Forest planks were hammered firmly in contact
Products Association (New Orleans, LA); with one another prior to edge nailing
the Southern Pine Inspection Board (there were no nails within the central
(Pensacola, FL); and the Canadian Wood portion of the specimen where the mea-
Council (Ottawa, ON). surements would be made). For speci-
mens with more than one layer, each
As can be seen from Table 3.6.1, the layer was alternated with horizontal and
mechanical properties of all of the above vertical layers in order to average the
species are similar. The specific type and affects of stud joints.
grade obtained for the NLS Phase 2 tests
was an off-the-rack “2x12x12-ft” (38 x 292 Both dry and wet specimens were tested.
x 3658 mm) plank from the Lowe’s home Dry specimen names have a “D” suffix;
improvement center in Gaithersburg, while wet specimen names have a “W”
Table 3.6.1: Typical mechanical properties for the four most common species of con-
struction lumber (source: Canadian Wood Council).
Assembly Stud
37 mm
1120 mm
1143 mm
Figure 3.6.1: Specimen L15, a single layer built-up lumber specimen consisting of three
“2x12” planks mounted on a “2x4” exterior frame. Both dry and wet speciments were
75 mm
1142 mm
1143 mm
Figure 3.6.2: Specimen L30, a double layer built-up lumber specimen consisting of six
“2x12” planks. Both dry and wet speciments were tested.
113 mm
1139 mm
1145 mm
Figure 3.6.3: Specimen L45, a triple layer built-up lumber specimen consisting of nine
“2x12” studs. Both dry and wet speciments were tested.
151 mm
1144 mm
1135 mm
Figure 3.6.4: Specimen L60, a quadruple layer built-up lumber specimen consisting of
twelve “2x12” studs. Both dry and wet speciments were tested.
suffix. The “wet” specimens were pre- of spray on both sides. The spray was
pared using the following procedure. maintained for four hours after which the
First, identical specimens to the dry spec- specimens were allowed to “drip dry.”
imens were set up vertically inside a They were then weighed and tested with-
plastic “tent” area. A garden sprinkler in two hours of termination of the soak-
system was activated within this tent ing. Measured densities for both wet an
such that all specimens were in the line dry specimens are given in Table 3.6.2.
Figure 3.6.2: Pine Specimen Geometry and Properties for NLS Phase 2 Tests
NLS Phase II Tests: PINE Specimens
MEASURED Specimen Thicknesses along Horizontal Centerline (mm)
Number L15D L15W L30D L30W L45D L45W L60D L60W
Weight (grams) 19385.8 20293.8 40179.0 41858.8 62742.8 64150.2 83399.8 84761.8
Density (g/CC) 0.409 0.428 0.408 0.425 0.426 0.435 0.425 0.432
L15D = nominally 1-1/2 inch thick lumber panel (built up), DRY
L15W = nominally 1-1/2 inch thick lumber panel (built up), WET
L30D = nominally 3 inch thick lumber panel (built up) DRY
L30W = nominally 3 inch thick lumber panel (built up) WET
L45D = nominally 4-1/2 inch thick lumber panel (built up) DRY
L45W = nominally 4-1/2 inch thick lumber panel (built up) WET
L60D = nominally 6 inch thick lumber panel (built up) DRY
L60W = nominally 6inch thick lumber panel (built up) WET
3.7 Plywood
Three nominal thickness plywood panel by PS-1-95). All were of resin joined, hot-
specimens were fabricated using 6.3 mm pressed construction with an A-C
[1/4 in], 11.8 mm [1/2 in], and 18.8 mm Exterior-use rating. The 19 mm speci-
[3/4 in] plywood as shown in Figure mens were manufactured by Lane
3.7.1. A fourth thickness was created by Plywood Corp., while the 6 and 12 mm
doubling specimens P50 and P75 to form panels were manufactured by Roseburg.
the composite specimen P125 (nominally
31 mm thick). The measured specimen Both dry and wet specimens were tested.
thicknesses differed significantly from Dry specimen names have a “D” suffix;
the nominal warehouse label values (see while wet specimen names have a “W”
Table 3.7.1). suffix. The “wet” specimens were pre-
pared using the same procedure as for
The plywood used in this study met the the lumber specimens. Measured densi-
PS-1-83 material and fabrication specifi- ties for both wet an dry specimens are
cation developed by the American given in Table 3.7.1.
Plywood Association (since superceded
T= 18.8 mm
T = 11.8 mm
1017 mm
T = 6.3 mm
1021 mm
Figure 3.7.1: Nominal Geometry for Plywood Specimens Tested during the NLS Phase
2 experiments. The nominal thicknesses differed substantially from the measured ones
(see Table 3.7.1).
P25: Nominal 6.3 mm
1.9 mm
2.5 mm
1.9 mm
Table 3.7.1: Measured Plywood Specimen Geometry, Mass and Density Data. Both dry
and wet speciments were tested.
Number P25D P50D P75D P25W P50W P75W
3.8 Drywall
Drywall is typically used for interior wall (1/4 in), 9.5 mm (1/2 in), and 12.7 mm
and ceiling panels in most residential and (5/8 in) were tested. Nominal specimen
some commercial construction. Typically, geometries are given in Figure 3.8.1.
12.7 mm panels are used for ceilings and Actual measurements of drywall panel
single layer applications; 9.5 mm panels thickness, mass, and density are present-
are used principally in the double wall ed in Table 3.8.2.
system over wood framing and in repair
and remodeling; and 6.3 mm panels are Table 3.8.1 provides a listing of the mate-
used as a base layer for improving sound rial composition of the drywall used in
control in double layer steel and wood this study.
stud partitions, and for use over old wall
and ceiling surfaces. The latter is some-
times referred to as “ sound deadening
Approx. T=6.3 Glass fiber 0-1
mm Sucrose 0-1
Lignin Sulfonates 0-1
Sulfonated Naphthalene 0-1
Polyvinyl Alcohol 0-0.10
Calcium Stearate 0-0.01
Ammonium Salt 0-0.01
Pentasodium Salt 0-0.01
Boric Acid 0-0.01
Glycerin 0-trace
Figure 3.8.1: Nominal Geometry for Table 3.8.1: SHEETROCK (R) material
Plywood Specimens Tested during the composition [source: U.S. Gypsum].
NLS Phase 2 experiments.
Table 3.8.2: Measured Drywall Specimen Geometry, Mass and Density Data.
Number D25 D375 D50
4.0 Response Spectra
In this chapter we present a compact but strength and attenutated amplitudes are
complete summary of the received signal represented as negative exponents.
amplitude as a function of frequency for When we use the term “relative to free
various target thicknesses. These data space” to describe the normalized data, it
have been calibrated, or normalized, with means that the signal penetrating the
respect to a similarly recorded measure- solid structure is compared to the line-of-
ment with no target material between the sight signal (in air) when the structure
transmitter and receiver. was not present in the transmission path.
The data are presented in the form of two Conversion between the two plot pairs is
pairs of facing tables and graphs for accomplished using Eq(2.1.26). The deci-
each generic material (e.g. “Brick”, bel scale is particularly useful for view-
“Concrete” etc). The first pair comprise ing the transmission characteristics of
the low band test results. For these, a particularly absorptive materials, such as
Condor Systems 48450 quad-ridged horn, concrete, where signal attenuation of an
operating over a frequency range of 0.5 order of magnitude or more difference
to 2.0 GHz, was used. The second pair of can be observed between thinner and
graphs and tables present the high-band thicker specimens. To those unfamiliar
test results. For these tests, Flam and with decibels, the decimal plots provide a
Russell FR-6415 range illumination horns clear feeling for the ability of the NLS
operating over a frequency of 3.0 to 8.0 approach to penetrate common engineer-
GHz were used. ing materials. Only in the case of thicker
concrete specimens (greater than 200
For the left page in each pair, decimal mm) was significant attenuation
units are used for the received, normal- observed, and that was for a transmission
ized amplitude; on the right page of each power level of less than a milliwatt.
pair the units are in decibels (dB). To fur- Higher transmission power can be used
ther reinforce this difference in amplitude to increase penetration range.
scales we have used the ordinate title
“Transmission Coefficient” for decimal The graphs contain, usually, three sets of
data and “Received Signal Magnitude” curves, one group for each target thick-
for decibel data. In the case of the deci- ness for the given specimen. Each set
mal normalized data, a value of 1.0 indi- contains a solid central line (the mean
cates, nominally, lossless transmission signal amplitude) and two dotted lines
(that is, 100% of the power gets through) representing one standard deviation from
while 0.0 would represent complete the mean. It was possible to construct
absorption (or reflection) of the signal by these statistically based curves because of
the target material. In the decibel units the ten independent sets of data that
plots, 0.0 represents no loss of signal were taken for each test. Since the ampli-
tude was sampled at ten different loca-
tions for each specimen at each discrete
frequency, the standard deviation line
can be constructed on a point by point
basis for each discrete frequency of trans-
mission. That is why the reader may
notice variations in standard deviation
with frequency.
4.1 Brick
The following four tables (4.1a through while Figures 4.1c and 4.1d are for the
4.1d) present the response spectra for range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz. The decimal atten-
brick. The ordinate values represent the uation values are presented first, fol-
ratio of the received to transmitted sig- lowed by the same ordinate set converted
nal. Figures 4.1a and 4.1b cover the band to decibels.
from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz,
Figure 4.1: Test setup for specimen B3L (three-wythe deep brick wall) for frequency
response determination from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz. See Figures 4.1a and 4.1b.
Table 4.1a: Regression Coefficients (DECIMAL) for BRICK Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.1a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the fre-
quency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Brick Attenuation Curves (0.5-2.0GHz)
Regression Coefficients
Curve Identification Format M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 R
B1L Decimal 3.9639 -14.581 28.08 -29.294 17.034 -5.1913 0.64614 0.99991
B1L + sigma Decimal 4.5257 -17.17 32.792 -33.64 19.218 -5.7648 0.70796 0.99994
B1l - sigma Decimal 3.402 -11.993 23.368 -24.947 14.849 -4.6177 0.58433 0.99986
B2L Decimal 1.0632 -1.5358 2.6528 -3.1728 2.1941 -0.77778 0.10904 0.99999
B2L + sigma Decimal 1.518 -3.8092 7.087 -7.5039 4.4849 -1.4097 0.18071 0.99998
B2L - sigma Decimal 0.60845 0. 73763 -1.7813 1.1583 -0.096713 -0.14587 0.037369 0.99999
B3L Decimal 1.2692 -2.6303 4.8103 -5.7441 3.9546 -1.4052 0.1983 0.99998
B3L + sigma Decimal 1.722 -4.9095 9.2863 -10.126 6.2539 -2.0278 0.26699 0.99998
B3L - sigma Decimal 0.81643 -0.35111 0.33429 -1.362 1.6553 -0.78258 0.12961 0.99998
[1.0 = complete transmission; 0.0 = full attenuation]
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.5 1 1.5 2
frequency (GHz)
Table 4.1b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for BRICK Transmission versus Frequency Curves Plotted in
Figure 4.1b. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the
frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Brick Attenuation Curves (0.5-2.0 GHz)
Regression Coefficients
Curve Identification Format M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 R
Figure 4.1b: Received Signal Magnitude for Brick (relative to free space)
B1L = 89 mm; B2L = 178 mm; B3L = 267 mm nominal Target Thickness.
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz. Amplitude Units: (dB)
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.1c: Regression Coefficients (dB) for BRICK Transmission versus Frequency Curves Plotted in
Figure 4.1c. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the
frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0-8.0 GHz GHz.
Brick Attenuation Curves (2.0-8.0 GHz)
Curve Identification
Coefficient B1H B1H + sigma B1H - sigma B2H B2H + sigma B2H - sigma B3H B3H + sigma B3H - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 0.1643 0.17818 0.15042 132.71 130.74 134.67 26.089 28.255 23.922
M1 0.0072085 -0.0095906 0.024008 -191.44 -188.62 -194.26 -38.424 -41.635 -35.213
M2 -0.0004138 0.009587 -0.010415 113.49 111.65 115.33 23.418 25.391 21.445
M3 -0.0004548 -0.0033807 0.0024711 -34.4 -33.608 -35.192 -7.3919 -8.0213 -6.7625
M4 0.00010601 0.00055481 -0.0003428 4.9945 4.7294 5.2596 1.1648 1.265 1.0646
M5 -1.11E-05 -4.52E-05 2.30E-05 -0.029182 0.039 -0.097365 -0.032867 -0.035492 -0.030242
M6 4.79E-07 1.50E-06 -5.42E-07 -0.10789 -0.12011 -0.095673 -0.019848 -0.021703 -0.017993
M7 0.017073 0.018455 0.015692 0.0034948 0.0038266 0.003163
M8 -0.0011524 -0.0012397 -0.001065 -0.0002477 -0.0002719 -0.0002236
M9 3.02E-05 3.26E-05 2.79E-05 6.73E-06 7.40E-06 6.06E-06
R 1 1 1 0.99975 0.9999 0.99932 0.9995 0.99915 0.99962
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.1d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for BRICK Transmission versus Frequency Curves Plotted in
Figure 4.1d. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the
frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0-8.0 GHz
Brick Attenuation Curves (2.0-8.0 GHz)
Curve Identification
Coefficient B1H B1H + sigma B1H - sigma B2H B2H + sigma B2H - sigma B3H B3H + sigma B3H - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -15.651 -14.988 -16.294 24953 19635 34260 40922 34886 53110
M1 0.3304 -0.45205 1.0861 -36332 -28599 -49934 -61423 -52428 -79588
M2 -0.0033608 0.45549 -0.44798 21707 17029 29989 38073 32507 49346
M3 -0.02876 -0.16097 0.099196 -6665.8 -5161.9 -9354 -12282 -10463 -15999
M4 0.0065649 0.026479 -0.012619 1007.3 740.95 1490.9 2025.7 1706.4 2697.3
M5 -0.0006953 -0.0021688 0.00071188 -21.912 -0.21939 -63.032 -87.288 -64.749 -141.35
M6 2.99E-05 7.26E-05 -1.04E-05 -17.55 -17.077 -18.049 -26.917 -25.188 -28.811
M7 2.915 2.6614 3.3406 5.1505 4.6766 5.9312
M8 -0.19837 -0.17862 -0.23252 -0.37218 -0.3365 -0.43363
M9 0.0051939 0.0046684 0.0061143 0.010163 0.0091967 0.011845
R 1 1 1 0.997 0.991 0.993 0.986 0.98452 0.98
Figure 4.1d: Received Signal Magnitude for Brick (relative to free space)
B1L = 89 mm; B2L = 178 mm; B3L = 267 mm nominal Target Thickness.
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0-8.0 GHz. Amplitude Units: (dB)
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
4.2 Brick-Faced Concrete Wall
The following four tables (4.2a through Figures 4.2a and 4.2b cover the band
4.2d) present the frequency response from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.2c
spectrum for a composite brick-faced and 4.2d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
concrete wall. This is a single-wythe The ordinate values represent the ratio of
brick wall followed by a 203-mm thick the received to transmittedsignal. The
plain concrete wall (Batch 8 concrete). decimal attenuation values are presented
An air gap of approximately 3 to 5 mm first, followed by the same ordinate set
existed between the two walls, owing to converted to decibels.
irregularities in the respective wall thick-
Figure 4.2: Test setup for specimen B3C88L (single-wythe deep brick wall facing a 203
mm thick concrete wall) for frequency response determination from 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
See Figures 4.2c and 4.2d.
Table 4.2a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Composite Brick/Concrete Wall Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.2a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Composite Brick/Concrete Attenuation Curves (2.0-8.0 GHz)
Curve Identification
Coefficient B3C84L B3C84L + sigma B3C84L - sigma B3C88L B3C88L + sigma B3C88L - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 0.38431 0.31606 0.45255 0.16354 0.16083 0.16624
M1 -0.3322 0.18069 -0.84509 -0.32384 -0.30867 -0.33901
M2 0.50372 -0.87713 1.8846 0.67832 0.64272 0.71391
M3 -0.75838 1.0444 -2.5611 -0.87974 -0.822276 -0.93673
M4 0.58992 -0.639 1.8188 0.58042 0.532 0.62883
M5 -2.15E-01 2.05E-01 -6.36E-01 -0.1854 -0.16606 -0.20475
M6 2.99E-02 -2.71E-02 8.70E-02 0.023088 0.020194 0.025982
R 1 1 0.99999 1 1 1
[1.0 = complete transmission; 0.0 = complete absorption]
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.2b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Composite Brick/Concrete Wall Transmission versus
Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.2b. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Composite Brick/Concrete Attenuation Curves (2.0-8.0 GHz)
Curve Identification
Coefficient B3C84L B3C84L + sigma B3C84L - sigma B3C88L B3C88L + sigma B3C88L - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -6.6728 -10.896 -2.4035 -16.266 -18.242 -14.003
M1 -18.39 10.231 -47.343 -13.338 -1.582 -26.855
M2 37.664 -35.535 111.74 11.241 -16.478 43.241
M3 -51.957 40.694 -145.75 1.5373 35.354 -37.512
M4 35.823 -26.025 98.442 -18.011 -39.49 6.8261
M5 -1.1905E+01 8.94E+00 -3.30E+01 12.188 18.884 4.4136
M6 1.54E+00 -1.26E+00 4.37E+00 -2.3299 -3.1371 -1.3865
R 1 1 1 1 1 1
Figure 4.2b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Composite Brick/Concrete Wall (relative to free space)
B3C84L = 90 mm Brick backed by 102mm of plain concrete (type 8);
B3C88L = 90 mm Brick backed by 203mm of plain concrete (type 8).
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
q Low Range
y g 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.2c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Composite Brick/Concrete Wall Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.2c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 - 8.0 GHz.
Composite Brick/Concrete Attenuation Curves (3.0-8.0 GHz)
Curve Identification
Coefficient B3C84H B3C84H + sigma B3C84H - sigma B3C88H B3C88H + sigma B3C88H - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 0.04924 0.017529 0.08095 0.013063 0.0077828 0.041694
M1 -0.037976 0.0016424 -0.077594 -0.016246 -0.00658 -0.059819
M2 0.01901 -0.0011594 0.039179 0.0098738 0.0029523 0.037251
M3 -0.0050585 0.00031375 -0.010431 -0.0032383 -0.0074505 -0.012246
M4 0.00070611 -8.09E-05 0.00014931 0.00054217 0.00010342 0.00020922
M5 -5.0523E-05 9.50E-06 -1.11E-04 -2.08E-05 -7.38E-06 -0.00010764
M6 1.49E-06 -3.67E-07 3.36E-06 -8.70E-06 2.12E-07 -2.45E-05
M7 5.07E-06
M8 -3.78E-07
M9 1.05E-08
R 1 1 1 1 1 0.99999
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.2d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Composite Brick/Concrete Wall Transmission versus
Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.2d. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 - 8.0 GHz.
Composite Brick/Concrete Attenuation Curves (3.0-8.0 GHz)
Curve Identification
Coefficient B3C84H B3C84H + sigma B3C84H - sigma B3C88H B3C88H + sigma B3C88H - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 1393.3 -469.24 9746.1 2167.9 -708.51 8041.2
M1 -2210.6 648.53 -14962 -3329.8 980.76 -12115
M2 1414.7 -402.48 9492.9 2067.3 -611.45 7522.5
M3 -469.93 132.2 -3155.4 -673.47 201.82 -2459.8
M4 78.518 -2.36E+01 545.7 115.37 -36.281 428.36
M5 -2.6481000 1.7913000 -28.8580000 -6.84E+00 2.78E+00 -28.181
M6 -1.3919000 0.0912470 -6.4064000 -9.96E-01 1.54E-01 -2.95E+00
M7 0.2632800 -0.0296730 1.3543000 0.21959 -0.051084 7.23E-01
M8 -0.0198160 0.0022121 -0.1028700 -0.016009 0.0040733 -5.38E-02
M9 0.0005711 -0.0000569 0.0029316 4.29E-04 -1.16E-04 1.46E-03
R 1 1 1 0.99997 0.99999 0.99957
Figure 4.2d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Composite Brick/Concrete Wall (relative to free space)
B3C84L = 90 mm Brick backed by 102mm of plain concrete (type 8);
B3C88L = 90 mm Brick backed by 203mm of plain concrete (type 8).
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0 - 8.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
4.3 Brick-Faced Masonry Block
The following four tables (4.3a through Figures 4.3a and 4.3b cover the band
4.3d) present the frequency response from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.3c
spectrum for a composite brick-faced and 4.3d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
masonry block wall. This is a single- The ordinate values represent the ratio of
wythe brick wall followed by a 203-mm the received to transmittedsignal. The
thick masonry block wall. An air gap of decimal attenuation values are presented
approximately 3 to 5 mm existed first, followed by the same ordinate set
between the two walls, owing to irregu- converted to decibels.
larities in the respective wall thicknesses.
Figure 4.3: Test setup for specimen B3MB8L (single-wythe deep brick wall facing a 203
mm thick masonry block wall) for frequency response determination from 3.0 to 8.0
GHz. See Figures 4.3c and 4.3d.
Table 4.3a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Composite Brick/Masonry Block Wall Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.3a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Composite Brick/Masonry Block Attenuation Curves (0.5-2.0 GHz)
Curve Identification
Coefficient B3MB8L B3MB8L + sigma B3MB8L - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 0.492520 0.525160 0.459890
M1 0.064577 -0.119500 0.248640
M2 -0.913710 -0.251100 -1.576300
M3 0.808720 -0.332260 1.949700
M4 -0.069060 -0.879950 -1.019300
M5 -0.132840 -0.506170 0.240800
M6 0.035009 0.090922 -0.020904
R 0.999970 0.999830 0.999930
[1.0 = complete transmission; 0.0 = complete absorption]
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.3b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Composite Brick/Masonry Block Wall Transmission versus
Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.3b. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Composite Brick/Masonry Block Attenuation Curves (0.5-2.0 GHz)
Curve Identification
Coefficient B3MB8L B3MB8L + sigma B3MB8L - sigma
dB dB dB
M0 -10.060000 -9.308500 -10.771000
M1 22.891000 16.778000 28.728000
M2 -59.770000 -36.133000 -82.866000
M3 49.211000 8.961400 89.004000
M4 -11.871000 21.084000 -44.648000
M5 -2.299700 -15.114000 10.486000
M6 0.985250 2.892600 -0.921490
R 0.999920 0.999650 0.999920
Figure 4.3b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Composite Brick/Masonry Block Walls
(relative to free space)
B3MB8L = 90 mm Brick backed by 194 mm Block Wall
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.3c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Composite Brick/Masonry Block Wall Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.3c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Composite Brick/Masonry Block Attenuation Curves (3.0 to 8.0 GHz)
Curve Identification
Coefficient B3MB8H B3MB8H + sigma B3MB8H - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 1.8578E+00 -5.6151E+00 9.3306E+00
M1 -2.7637E+00 8.7131E+00 -1.4240E+01
M2 1.7520E+00 -5.5957E+00 9.0997E+00
M3 -5.9409E-01 1.9059E+00 -3.0941E+00
M4 1.1269E-01 -3.5019E-01 5.7556E-01
M5 -1.0549E-02 2.5690E-02 -4.6788E-02
M6 3.9837E-05 2.2292E-03 -2.1496E-03
M7 8.9027E-05 -6.3359E-04 8.1165E-04
M8 -7.7230E-06 5.0896E-05 -6.6342E-05
M9 2.1482E-07 -1.4807E-06 1.9130E-06
R 9.9998E-01 9.9996E-01 9.9965E-01
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.3d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Composite Brick/Masonry Block Wall Transmission versus
Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.3d. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Composite Brick/Masonry Block Attenuation Curves (3.0 to 8.0 GHz)
Curve Identification
Coefficient B3MB8H B3MB8H + sigma B3MB8H - sigma
dB dB dB
M0 9.3306E+00 -8.0230E+02 -1.0550E+04
M1 -1.4240E+01 1.2864E+03 1.6209E+04
M2 9.0997E+00 -8.4533E+02 -1.0406E+04
M3 -3.0941E+00 2.5916E+02 3.5390E+03
M4 5.7556E-01 -2.2454E+01 -6.4842E+02
M5 -4.6788E-02 -9.1938E+00 4.7261E+01
M6 -2.1496E-03 3.3195E+00 4.1589E+00
M7 8.1165E-04 -4.7732E-01 -1.1700E+00
M8 -6.6342E-05 3.3586E-02 9.3519E-02
M9 1.9103E-06 -9.5017E-04 -2.7076E-03
R 9.9965E-01 9.9983E-01 9.9928E-01
Figure 4.3d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Composite Brick/Masonry Block Walls
(relative to free space)
B3MB8H = 90 mm Brick backed by 194 mm Block Wall
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
4.4 Plain Concrete: Batch 1 Mix maximum crushed agreggate size of 12.7
mm (“small”), a cement content by
The following four tables (4.4a through weight of 22% and an average density of
4.4d) present the frequency response 2.31 g/cc.
spectrum for a plain concrete wall. The
specimens in this series bear the designa- Figures 4.4a and 4.4b cover the band
tion C1XXL and C1XXH, where the “XX” from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.4c
defines the specimen thickness in inches, and 4.4d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
and the L and H denote “low” (0.5 to 2.0 The ordinate values represent the ratio of
GHz) and “high” (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) fre- the received to transmitted signal. The
quency bandwidths. decimal attenuation values are presented
first, followed by the same ordinate set
The batch 1 concrete specimens had an converted to decibels.
approximate water cement ratio of 0.4*, a
slump of 57 mm (“low”), a nominal *the exact delivered value was not able to
be calculateddue to the omission of the
water added on site from the delivery
Table 4.4a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 1 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.4a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C14L C14L + sigma C14L - sigma C18L C18L + sigma C18L - sigma C112L C112L + sigma C112L - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 4.2829E-01 3.8905E-01 4.6752E-01 1.2864E-01 1.3301E-01 1.2426E-01 7.4321E-02 7.0682E-02 7.7960E-02
M1 -1.2022E-01 1.9569E-01 -4.3612E-01 3.2106E-02 1.4186E-03 6.2796E-02 -1.7565E-01 -1.6427E-01 -1.8703E-01
M2 -3.2189E-01 -1.1961E+00 5.5232E-01 -3.3455E-01 -2.5888E-01 -4.1022E-01 1.7475E-01 1.7119E-01 1.7830E-01
M3 4.1577E-01 1.5621E+00 -7.3058E-01 4.5016E-01 3.7132E-01 5.2901E-01 -2.8414E-02 -4.2724E-02 -1.4104E-02
M4 -1.8072E-01 -9.5228E-01 5.9083E-01 -2.8115E-01 -2.4076E-01 -3.2154E-01 -5.2759E-02 -3.6218E-02 -6.9300E-02
M5 2.2805E-02 2.8139E-01 -2.3578E-01 8.4769E-02 7.4696E-02 9.4843E-02 3.1249E-02 2.4385E-02 3.8113E-02
M6 1.8124E-03 -3.2476E-02 3.6103E-02 -9.8875E-03 -8.9169E-03 -1.0858E-02 -5.2285E-03 -4.2159E-03 -6.2412E-03
R 0.99999 1 0.99998 1 1 1 0.99975 0.99985 0.99964
[1.0 = complete transmission; 0.0 = complete absorption]
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.4b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 1 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.4b. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C14L C14L + sigma C14L - sigma C18L C18L + sigma C18L - sigma C112L C112L + sigma C112L - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -7.9286E+00 -9.7672E+00 -6.0598E+00 -1.9516E+01 -1.9965E+01 -1.9973E+01 -1.9320E+01 -1.9874E+01 -1.8879E+01
M1 5.3499E-01 1.3658E+01 -1.2776E+01 1.2151E+01 1.5324E+01 1.4838E+01 -2.7660E+01 -2.9674E+01 -2.4683E+01
M2 -1.2311E+01 -4.6550E+01 2.2368E+01 -4.3788E+01 -5.0952E+01 -4.9105E+01 -3.0002E+01 -1.3976E+01 -4.8861E+01
M3 9.3891E+00 5.2673E+01 -3.4393E+01 4.7941E+01 5.6012E+01 5.1657E+01 1.0578E+02 7.7935E+01 1.3745E+02
M4 -8.4422E-01 -2.9225E+01 2.7824E+01 -2.5801E+01 -3.0704E+01 -2.6500E+01 -9.4379E+01 -7.3213E+01 -1.1818E+02
M5 -1.4187E+00 7.9041E+00 -1.0823E+01 6.5042E+00 8.0386E+00 6.2677E+00 3.5923E+01 2.8371E+01 4.4373E+01
M6 3.9117E-01 -8.2580E-01 1.6172E+00 -5.7868E-01 -7.7288E-01 -4.9816E-01 -5.1097E+00 -4.0730E+00 -6.2674E+00
R 0.99999 1 0.99999 1 1 1 0.9995 0.9997 0.99923
Figure 4.4b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 1 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C14L = 102 mm; C18L = 203 mm; C112L = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
C1 1 2 L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.4c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 1 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.4c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C14H C14H + sigma C14H - sigma C18H C18H + sigma C18H - sigma C112H C112H + sigma C112H - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 5.1013E-01 5.2142E-01 4.9888E-01 2.7950E-02 2.8330E-02 2.7562E-02 1.8400E-03 2.1752E-03 1.4950E-03
M1 -6.8984E-01 -7.0613E-01 -6.7362E-01 -3.4066E-02 -3.4094E-02 -3.4028E-02 -2.6178E-03 -3.0958E-03 -2.1251E-03
M2 4.2180E-01 4.3185E-01 4.1180E-01 2.0177E-02 2.0062E-02 2.0288E-02 1.6111E-03 1.9038E-03 1.3094E-03
M3 -1.2626E-01 -1.2936E-01 1.2320E-01 -5.7195E-03 -5.6238E-03 -5.8140E-03 -4.6437E-04 -5.5677E-04 -3.6933E-04
M4 1.6003E-02 1.6443E-02 1.5572E-02 5.5084E-04 5.1483E-04 5.8685E-04 4.7371E-05 6.1869E-05 3.2557E-05
M5 1.0723E-03 1.0792E-03 1.0635E-03 1.2131E-04 1.2905E-04 1.1352E-04 8.3175E-06 7.9096E-06 8.6944E-06
M6 -6.7554E-04 6.8828E-04 -6.6255E-04 -4.5794E-05 -4.6798E-05 -4.4774E-05 -3.2792E-06 -3.5224E-06 -3.0203E-06
M7 9.8276E-05 1.0027E-04 9.6264E-05 6.2614E-06 6.3381E-06 6.1829E-06 4.43E-07 4.8522E-07 3.9819E-07
M8 -6.5776E-06 -6.7150E-06 -6.4393E-06 -4.1499E-07 -4.1805E-07 -4.1181E-07 -2.8770E-08 -3.1738E-08 -2.5658E-08
M9 1.7403E-07 1.7775E-07 1.7029E-07 1.1076E-08 1.1122E-08 1.1027E-08 7.5170E-10 8.3089E-10 6.6872E-10
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
C18H C112H
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.4d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 1 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.4d. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C14H C14H + sigma C14H - sigma C18H C18H + sigma C18H - sigma C112H C112H + sigma C112H - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 3.3110E+01 3.3330E+01 3.2886E+01 1.6811E+02 1.4175E+02 1.9955E+02 6.7802E+01 7.6859E+01 5.9012E+01
M1 -8.8319E+01 -8.8568E+01 -8.8062E+01 -3.2842E+02 -2.8711E+02 -3.7760E+02 -2.2797E+02 -2.3778E+02 -2.1945E+02
M2 5.3943E+01 5.4132E+01 5.3746E+01 2.0689E+02 1.8050E+02 2.3830E+02 1.4618E+02 1.5080E+02 1.4277E+02
M3 -1.6053E+01 -1.6123E+01 -1.5978E+01 -6.6763E+01 -5.7975E+01 -7.7235E+01 -4.6098E+01 -4.7412E+01 -4.5223E+01
M4 2.0035E+00 2.0173E+00 1.9879E+00 1.0358E+01 8.8556E+00 1.2155E+01 6.1910E+00 6.5559E+00 5.8463E+00
M5 1.3960E-01 1.3872E-01 1.4092E-01 -7.4879E-02 -5.8497E-03 -1.6011E-01 3.9922E-01 2.8260E-01 5.4872E-01
M6 -8.4168E-02 -8.4366E-02 -8.4032E-02 -2.5409E-01 -2.3313E-01 -2.7840E-01 -2.7700E-01 -2.4883E-01 -3.1635E-01
M7 1.2014E-02 1.2065E-02 1.1968E-02 4.3347E-02 3.9133E-02 4.8287E-02 4.27E-02 3.8631E-02 4.8422E-02
M8 -7.9082E-04 -7.9549E-04 -7.8639E-04 -3.1547E-03 -2.8359E-03 -3.5292E-03 -3.0410E-03 -2.7315E-03 -3.4760E-03
M9 2.0626E-05 2.0787E-05 2.0471E-05 8.9365E-05 8.0241E-05 1.0009E-04 8.6331E-05 7.6653E-05 9.9795E-05
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Figure 4.4d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 1 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C14H = 102 mm; C18H = 203 mm; C112H = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
4.5 Plain Concrete: Batch 2 Mix
The following four tables (4.5a through maximum crushed agreggate size of 12.7
4.5d) present the frequency response mm (“small”), a cement content (by
spectrum for a plain concrete wall. The weight) of 25%, and an average density
specimens in this series bear the designa- of 2.31 g/cc.
tion C2XXL and C2XXH, where the “XX”
defines the specimen thickness in inches, Figures 4.5a and 4.5b cover the band
and the L and H denote “low” (0.5 to 2.0 from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.5c
GHz) and “high” (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) fre- and 4.5d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
quency bandwidths. The ordinate values represent the ratio of
the received to transmitted signal. The
The Batch 2 concrete specimens had an decimal attenuation values are presented
approximate water cement ratio of 0.39, a first, followed by the same ordinate set
slump of 165 mm (“high”), a nominal converted to decibels.
Table 4.5a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 2 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.5a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C24L C24L + sigma C24L - sigma C28L C28L + sigma C28L - sigma C212L C212L + sigma C212L - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 1.5115E+00 1.6781E+00 1.3449E+00 1.0107E-01 1.0711E-01 9.5039E-02 3.3972E-03 3.8931E-03 2.9014E-03
M1 -5.2542E+00 -6.0063E+00 -4.5020E+00 -1.4674E-01 -1.7823E-01 -1.1524E-01 1.3835E-02 1.3173E-02 1.4496E-02
M2 9.6710E+00 1.1003E+01 8.3387E+00 1.9452E-01 2.5916E-01 1.2987E-01 -3.6608E-02 -3.4865E-02 -3.8349E-02
M3 -9.7143E+00 -1.0897E+01 -8.5322E+00 -1.9013E-01 -2.5662E-01 -1.2364E-01 4.7143E-02 4.4977E-02 4.9308E-02
M4 5.3957E+00 5.9593E+00 4.8322E+00 1.1100E-01 1.4833E-01 7.3667E-02 -3.1261E-02 -2.9872E-02 -3.2648E-02
M5 -1.5524E+00 -1.6902E+00 -1.4146E+00 -3.3090E-02 -4.4083E-02 -2.2097E-02 1.0453E-02 1.0003E-02 1.0903E-02
M6 1.7967E-01 1.9313E-01 1.6621E-01 3.8416E-03 5.1721E-03 2.5111E-03 -1.3842E-03 -1.3264E-03 -1.4421E-03
R 0.99995 0.99996 0.99994 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
C 212L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.5b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 2 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.5b. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C24L C24L + sigma C24L - sigma C28L C28L + sigma C28L - sigma C212L C212L + sigma C212L - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 1.1993E+01 1.4623E+01 9.3794E+00 -1.8223E+01 -1.7443E+01 -1.8996E+01 -4.8331E+01 -4.7388E+01 -4.9369E+01
M1 -8.5297E+01 -9.5034E+01 -7.5738E+01 -2.3568E+01 -2.7458E+01 -1.9725E+01 2.0854E+01 1.8576E+01 2.3473E+01
M2 1.3576E+02 1.4780E+02 1.2424E+02 3.6488E+01 4.4031E+01 2.9056E+01 -5.5733E+01 -4.9608E+01 -6.2786E+01
M3 -1.1670E+02 -1.2112E+02 -1.1296E+02 -4.0541E+01 -4.7841E+01 -3.3367E+01 7.2279E+01 6.4413E+01 8.1345E+01
M4 5.0742E+01 4.9114E+01 5.2796E+01 2.4156E+01 2.8129E+01 2.0253E+01 -4.8148E+01 -4.2967E+01 -5.4120E+01
M5 -9.2480E+00 -7.6983E+00 -1.0924E+01 -6.9012E+00 -8.0748E+00 -5.7456E+00 1.6157E+01 1.4438E+01 1.8139E+01
M6 2.3748E-01 -6.4144E-02 5.5357E-01 7.3263E-01 8.7879E-01 5.8815E-01 -2.1534E+00 -1.9262E+00 -2.4154E+00
R 0.99996 0.99997 0.99996 1 1 1 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998
Figure 4.5b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 2 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C24L = 102 mm; C28L = 203 mm; C212L = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
C2 1 2 L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.5c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 2 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.5c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C24H C24H + sigma C24H - sigma C28H C28H + sigma C28H - sigma C212H C212H + sigma C212H - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 -3.3982E-02 -3.4025E-02 -3.3939E-02 5.3294E-03 3.8223E-03 6.8360E-03 -9.6950E-04 -3.5358E-04 -1.5866E-03
M1 1.0009E-01 1.0072E-01 9.9459E-02 -3.5110E-03 -1.5624E-03 -5.4590E-03 1.6303E-03 6.9823E-04 2.5642E-03
M2 -4.9740E-02 -5.0108E-02 -4.9371E-02 1.8400E-03 8.3829E-04 2.8415E-03 -1.0119E-03 -4.2150E-04 -1.6033E-03
M3 1.4413E-02 1.4541E-02 1.4285E-02 -5.0589E-04 -2.3754E-04 -7.7417E-04 3.2845E-04 1.3482E-04 5.2241E-04
M4 -2.3603E-03 -2.3827E-03 -2.3378E-03 7.2570E-05 3.3094E-05 1.1204E-04 -5.7326E-05 -2.5529E-05 -8.9183E-05
M5 1.9434E-04 1.9625E-04 1.9243E-04 -5.4904E-06 -2.4746E-06 -8.5055E-06 3.9208E-06 2.9053E-06 4.9408E-06
M6 -6.2169E-06 -6.2804E-06 -6.1534E-06 1.7894E-07 8.5542E-08 2.7231E-07 3.5814E-07 -1.9601E-07 9.1252E-07
M7 -9.37E-08 8.25E-09 -1.96E-07
M8 7.1806E-09 -3.0570E-10 1.4673E-08
M9 -2.0039E-10 9.7493E-12 -4.1069E-10
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
C212H C28H
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.5d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 2 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.5d. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C24H C24H + sigma C24H - sigma C28H C28H + sigma C28H - sigma C212H C212H + sigma C212H - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -3.9676E+01 -3.9621E+01 -3.9723E+01 -5.4103E+02 -7.1967E+02 -3.3765E+02 -6.9460E+02 -2.1031E+02 -1.8542E+03
M1 1.5142E+01 1.5194E+01 1.5077E+01 7.2328E+02 9.9960E+02 4.0904E+02 9.3418E+02 1.9603E+02 2.7002E+03
M2 -6.6584E+00 -6.7040E+00 -6.6049E+00 -4.4701E+02 -6.2314E+02 -2.4683E+02 -5.8715E+02 -1.2102E+02 -1.7010E+03
M3 1.6625E+00 1.6817E+00 1.6408E+00 1.4860E+02 2.0657E+02 8.2690E+01 1.9317E+02 3.9744E+01 5.5968E+02
M4 -2.3213E-01 -2.3611E-01 -2.2773E-01 -2.8212E+01 -3.7647E+01 -1.7439E+01 -3.3154E+01 -7.2781E+00 -9.5167E+01
M5 1.5765E-02 1.6179E-02 1.5313E-02 2.8975E+00 3.1234E+00 2.6158E+00 1.7807E+00 6.3180E-01 4.6590E+00
M6 -3.8830E-04 -4.0531E-04 -3.6991E-04 -1.1265E-01 7.8407E-02 -3.2360E-01 3.6696E-01 8.3213E-03 1.1862E+00
M7 -0.0047492 -0.039242 0.033621 -7.76E-02 -7.02E-03 -2.41E-01
M8 4.8423E-04 3.0353E-03 -2.3566E-03 5.8257E-03 5.8149E-04 1.7946E-02
M9 -6.0888E-06 -7.8684E-05 7.4729E-05 -1.6332E-04 -1.6103E-05 -5.0273E-04
R 1 1 1 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 1.00000 1.00000 0.99999
Figure 4.5d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 2 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C24H = 102 mm; C28H = 203 mm; C212H = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
4.6 Plain Concrete: Batch 3 Mix
The following four tables (4.6a through weight) of 14%, and an average density
4.6d) present the frequency response of 2.3 g/cc.
spectrum for a plain concrete wall. The
specimens in this series bear the designa- Figures 4.6a and 4.6b cover the band
tion C3XXL and C3XXH, where the “XX” from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.6c
defines the specimen thickness in inches, and 4.6d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
and the L and H denote “low” (0.5 to 2.0 The ordinate values represent the ratio of
GHz) and “high” (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) fre- the received to transmitted signal. The
quency bandwidths. decimal attenuation values are presented
first, followed by the same ordinate set
The Batch 3 concrete specimens had an converted to decibels.
approximate water cement ratio of 0.48, a
slump of 64 mm (“low”), a nominal
maximum crushed agreggate size of 12.7
mm (“small”), a cement content (by
Figure 4.6: Adjusting low frequency (0.5 to 2.0 GHz) band receiver antenna for 203 mm
concrete wall test.
Table 4.6a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 3 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.6a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C34L C34L + sigma C34L - sigma C38L C38L + sigma C38L - sigma C312L C312L + sigma C312L - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 4.2776E-01 3.0514E-01 5.5038E-01 2.0234E-01 2.3758E-01 1.6710E-01 7.8438E-02 1.1841E-01 3.8467E-02
M1 8.6563E-02 9.1873E-01 -7.4561E-01 -4.5876E-01 -6.2262E-01 -2.9490E-01 -2.0568E-01 -4.1654E-01 5.1782E-03
M2 -8.0631E-01 -2.8811E+00 1.2685E+00 7.3542E-01 1.0341E+00 4.3669E-01 2.7561E-01 7.1789E-01 -1.6667E-01
M3 1.0256E+00 3.5560E+00 -1.5048E+00 -7.3591E-01 -1.0095E+00 -4.6234E-01 -1.5727E-01 -6.3031E-01 3.1577E-01
M4 -6.0124E-01 -2.2193E+00 1.0168E+00 4.1901E-01 5.5537E-01 2.8265E-01 1.6998E-02 2.9254E-01 -2.5855E-01
M5 1.6754E-01 6.9004E-01 -3.5495E-01 -1.2308E-01 -1.5863E-01 -8.7521E-02 1.5224E-02 -6.8167E-02 9.8615E-02
M6 -1.7584E-02 -8.4947E-02 4.9780E-02 1.4379E-02 1.8184E-02 1.0573E-02 -4.0641E-03 6.2091E-03 -1.4337E-02
R 0.99999 1 0.99999 1 1 1 0.99997 0.99996 0.99994
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.3 C34L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency ( GHz)
Table 4.6b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 3 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.6b. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C34L C34L + sigma C34L - sigma C38L C38L + sigma C38L - sigma C312L C312L + sigma C312L - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -8.3108E+00 -1.2347E+01 -4.2289E+00 -1.0690E+01 -8.0046E+00 -1.3357E+01 -1.9398E+01 -4.3670E+00 -3.4874E+01
M1 7.1829E+00 3.3363E+01 -1.9285E+01 -4.0618E+01 -5.1772E+01 -2.9567E+01 -3.4404E+01 -1.1452E+02 4.8087E+01
M2 -2.7770E+01 -9.1391E+01 3.6511E+01 6.3805E+01 8.1145E+01 4.6609E+01 5.4500E+00 1.7513E+02 -1.6930E+02
M3 3.0264E+01 1.0647E+02 -4.6656E+01 -6.3207E+01 -7.6055E+01 -5.0297E+01 5.5335E+01 -1.2795E+02 2.4422E+02
M4 -1.5903E+01 -6.3930E+01 3.2517E+01 3.2112E+01 3.7319E+01 2.6653E+01 -6.5451E+01 4.2428E+01 -1.7675E+02
M5 3.8767E+00 1.9206E+01 -1.1558E+01 -7.3492E+00 -8.5070E+00 -6.0346E+00 2.8585E+01 -4.3503E+00 6.2608E+01
M6 -3.2541E-01 -2.2837E+00 1.6440E+00 4.9598E-01 6.0954E-01 3.5283E-01 -4.4284E+00 -3.4795E-01 -8.6481E+00
R 0.99999 1 0.99999 1 1 1 0.99998 0.99997 0.99996
Figure 4.6b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 3 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C34L = 102 mm; C38L = 203 mm; C312L = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
C3 1 2 L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency ( GHz)
Table 4.6c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 3 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.6c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C34H C34H + sigma C34H - sigma C38H C38H + sigma C38H - sigma C312H C312H + sigma C312H - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 -2.9934E-02 -3.0970E-02 -2.8898E-02 5.9671E-03 5.1018E-03 6.8326E-03 -7.1213E-04 -5.6040E-04 -8.6356E-04
M1 1.1300E-01 1.1495E-01 1.1106E-01 -3.6329E-03 -2.3919E-03 -4.8740E-03 1.2155E-03 1.0522E-03 1.3784E-03
M2 -5.6986E-02 -5.7900E-02 -5.6072E-02 1.8756E-03 1.2491E-03 2.5022E-03 -5.8874E-04 -5.0609E-04 -6.7121E-04
M3 1.6782E-02 1.7030E-02 1.6534E-02 -5.0386E-04 -3.3667E-04 -6.7107E-04 1.4238E-04 1.1990E-04 1.6482E-04
M4 -2.7576E-03 -2.7956E-03 -2.7196E-03 6.9284E-05 4.4460E-05 9.4112E-05 -1.8860E-05 -1.5502E-05 -2.2212E-05
M5 2.2586E-04 2.2892E-04 2.2280E-04 -4.9726E-06 -3.0585E-06 -6.8870E-06 1.2755E-06 1.0152E-06 1.5353E-06
M6 -7.1731E-06 -7.2733E-06 -7.0728E-06 1.5444E-07 9.5086E-08 2.1381E-07 -3.3388E-08 -2.5181E-08 -4.1582E-08
R 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 0.99990 0.99990 0.99991
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.6d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 3 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.6d. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C34H C34H + sigma C34H - sigma C38H C38H + sigma C38H - sigma C312H C312H + sigma C312H - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -3.3066E+01 -3.3386E+01 -3.2716E+01 2.2593E+02 1.8339E+02 2.7831E+02 -3.2895E+04 -2.6831E+04 -4.4191E+04
M1 9.8512E+00 1.0372E+01 9.2908E+00 -3.5366E+02 -3.0015E+02 -4.1934E+02 4.9856E+04 4.0662E+04 6.6973E+04
M2 -4.1713E+00 -4.4435E+00 -3.8788E+00 1.8537E+02 1.5818E+02 2.1868E+02 -3.1374E+04 -2.5595E+04 -4.2134E+04
M3 1.0578E+00 1.1333E+00 9.7662E-01 -5.0913E+01 -4.3703E+01 -5.9724E+01 1.0327E+04 8.4242E+03 1.3877E+04
M4 -1.5147E-01 -1.6318E-01 -1.3893E-01 7.7190E+00 6.6678E+00 9.0000E+00 -1.7641E+03 -1.4369E+03 -2.3785E+03
M5 1.0370E-02 1.1332E-02 9.3415E-03 -6.1421E-01 -5.3435E-01 -7.1121E-01 9.0695E+01 7.2780E+01 1.2597E+02
M6 -2.5438E-04 -2.8671E-04 -2.1992E-04 2.0010E-02 1.7543E-02 2.2996E-02 2.0646E+01 1.7146E+01 2.6756E+01
M7 -4.2707E+00 -3.5252E+00 -5.6100E+00
M8 3.1898E-01 2.6313E-01 4.1981E-01
M9 -8.9352E-03 -7.3734E-03 -1.1758E-02
R 1 1 1 0.99998 0.99998 0.99996 0.99537 0.99640 0.99270
Figure 4.6d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 3 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C34H = 102 mm; C38H = 203 mm; C312H = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
4.7 Plain Concrete: Batch 4 Mix
The following four tables (4.7a through maximum crushed agreggate size of 12.7
4.7d) present the frequency response mm (“small”), a cement content (by
spectrum for a plain concrete wall. The weight) of 17%, and an average density
specimens in this series bear the designa- of 2.3 g/cc.
tion C4XXL and C4XXH, where the “XX”
defines the specimen thickness in inches, Figures 4.7a and 4.7b cover the band
and the L and H denote “low” (0.5 to 2.0 from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.7c
GHz) and “high” (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) fre- and 4.7d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
quency bandwidths. The ordinate values represent the ratio of
the received to transmitted signal. The
The Batch 4 concrete specimens had an decimal attenuation values are presented
approximate water cement ratio of 0.42, a first, followed by the same ordinate set
slump of 222 mm (“high”), a nominal converted to decibels.
Figure 4.7: Erik Anderson and Jose Ortiz measure thickness sections for 305 mm nomi-
nal thickness plain concrete panel.
Table 4.7a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 4 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.7a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C44L C44L + sigma C44L - sigma C48L C48L + sigma C48L - sigma C412L C412L + sigma C412L - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 3.6137E-01 3.0968E-01 4.1307E-01 1.8544E-01 1.8572E-01 1.8516E-01 2.0851E-02 2.2612E-02 1.9091E-02
M1 -2.1255E-02 3.2766E-01 -3.7017E-01 -4.3886E-01 -4.2972E-01 -4.4800E-01 -3.5753E-02 -4.7188E-02 -2.4318E-02
M2 -5.2662E-01 -1.3801E+00 3.2687E-01 7.0080E-01 6.6261E-01 7.3900E-01 5.2305E-02 8.0928E-02 2.3682E-02
M3 7.2753E-01 1.7490E+00 -2.9391E-01 -6.9923E-01 -6.4025E-01 -7.5822E-01 -3.6926E-02 -7.1389E-02 -2.4627E-03
M4 -4.3799E-01 -1.0819E+00 2.0596E-01 4.0136E-01 3.5820E-01 4.4451E-01 9.9079E-03 3.1950E-02 -1.2134E-02
M5 1.2248E-01 3.2819E-01 -8.3228E-02 -1.1955E-01 -1.0434E-01 -1.3475E-01 8.4547E-04 -6.3382E-03 8.0291E-03
M6 -1.2624E-02 -3.8909E-02 1.3660E-02 1.4208E-02 1.2124E-02 1.6292E-02 -5.9596E-04 3.4148E-04 -1.5334E-03
R 1 1 0.99999 1 1 1 0.99993 0.99993 0.99993
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
C 412L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.7b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 4 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.7b. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C44L C44L + sigma C44L - sigma C48L C48L + sigma C48L - sigma C412L C412L + sigma C412L - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -9.8867E+00 -1.2183E+01 -7.5780E+00 -1.0157E+01 -1.0721E+01 -9.5919E+00 -3.2301E+01 -3.0832E+01 -3.3853E+01
M1 5.6682E+00 2.0305E+01 -9.0571E+00 -4.9691E+01 -4.5190E+01 -5.4196E+01 -2.3759E+01 -3.3321E+01 -1.3691E+01
M2 -2.6365E+01 -6.1109E+01 8.6001E+00 8.3592E+01 7.1440E+01 9.5754E+01 3.2058E+01 5.6045E+01 6.8701E+00
M3 2.8748E+01 6.9509E+01 -1.2280E+01 -8.8286E+01 -7.2830E+01 -1.0374E+02 -1.8803E+01 -4.7921E+01 1.1753E+01
M4 -1.4677E+01 -3.9980E+01 1.0792E+01 4.9417E+01 3.9394E+01 5.9425E+01 1.2067E+00 2.0074E+01 -1.8597E+01
M5 3.2913E+00 1.1272E+01 -4.7419E+00 -1.3262E+01 -1.0032E+01 -1.6482E+01 2.9157E+00 -3.3297E+00 9.4738E+00
M6 -2.1513E-01 -1.2240E+00 8.0021E-01 1.2848E+00 8.7342E-01 1.6943E+00 -7.8271E-01 4.5338E-02 -1.6525E+00
R 1 0.99999 0.99999 1 1 1 0.99991 0.99991 0.99991
Figure 4.7b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 4 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C44L = 102 mm; C48L = 203 mm; C412L = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
C4 1 2 L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.7c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 4 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.7c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C44H C44H + sigma C44H - sigma C48H C48H + sigma C48H - sigma C412H C412H + sigma C412H - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 -2.5627E-02 2.0714E-02 -7.1967E-02 5.1733E-03 8.1318E-03 2.2138E-03 -4.8994E-04 1.1261E-04 -1.0896E-03
M1 9.1244E-02 3.2472E-02 1.5002E-01 -1.5825E-03 -4.9407E-03 1.7769E-03 1.1571E-03 2.7513E-04 2.0352E-03
M2 -4.5467E-02 -1.4670E-02 -7.6265E-02 7.1915E-04 2.3239E-03 -8.8623E-04 -7.4820E-04 -1.9907E-04 -1.2952E-03
M3 1.3261E-02 4.7720E-03 2.1750E-02 -1.9953E-04 -5.9600E-04 1.9710E-04 2.4319E-04 6.6759E-05 4.1915E-04
M4 -2.1831E-03 -8.8459E-04 -3.4817E-03 2.5750E-05 7.8593E-05 -2.7114E-05 -4.3159E-05 -1.6067E-05 -7.0247E-05
M5 1.7987E-04 7.5565E-05 2.8417E-04 -1.7203E-06 -5.3187E-06 1.8798E-06 3.6202E-06 3.5636E-06 3.7019E-06
M6 -5.7382E-06 -2.3110E-06 -9.1655E-06 5.6527E-08 1.5446E-07 -4.1451E-08 1.2751E-08 -6.8618E-07 7.0539E-07
M7 -2.71E-08 8.94E-08 -1.43E-07
M8 1.8784E-09 -6.4251E-09 1.0137E-08
M9 -3.9649E-11 1.8942E-10 -2.6761E-10
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz))
Table 4.7d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 4 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.7d. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C44H C44H + sigma C44H - sigma C48H C48H + sigma C48H - sigma C412H C412H + sigma C412H - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -3.5412E+01 -2.0154E+01 -5.0866E+01 -1.4430E+03 -8.7228E+02 -2.0460E+03 1.9642E+02 4.1401E+02 -2.2286E+02
M1 1.0029E+01 -9.3100E+00 2.9621E+01 2.1084E+03 1.2387E+03 3.0272E+03 -4.1396E+02 -7.4628E+02 2.2332E+02
M2 -4.0741E+00 5.9880E+00 -1.4270E+01 -1.3240E+03 -7.7555E+02 -1.9034E+03 2.6226E+02 4.7190E+02 -1.3794E+02
M3 9.6873E-01 -1.7747E+00 3.7494E+00 4.3794E+02 2.5777E+02 6.2831E+02 -8.5432E+01 -1.5355E+02 4.4630E+01
M4 -1.2878E-01 2.8455E-01 -5.4782E-01 -7.7080E+01 -4.6805E+01 -1.0911E+02 1.3369E+01 2.4232E+01 -7.7778E+00
M5 7.7213E-03 -2.4869E-02 4.0769E-02 5.0383E+00 3.7196E+00 6.4500E+00 -1.2659E-01 -3.4394E-01 5.3283E-01
M6 -1.3585E-04 9.1367E-04 -1.2003E-03 5.8075E-01 1.5685E-01 1.0245E+00 -3.1449E-01 -5.3878E-01 4.9230E-02
M7 -0.14127 -0.058484 -0.22823 5.27E-02 9.20E-02 -1.32E-02
M8 1.0681E-02 4.5543E-03 1.7120E-02 -3.7071E-03 -6.5376E-03 1.0548E-03
M9 -2.9446E-04 -1.2294E-04 -4.7476E-04 1.0003E-04 1.7851E-04 -3.1077E-05
R 1 1 1 0.99998 0.99999 0.99997 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
Figure 4.7d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 4 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C44H = 102 mm; C48H = 203 mm; C412H = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz))
4.8 Plain Concrete: Batch 5 Mix
The following four tables (4.8a through maximum crushed agreggate size of 25.4
4.8d) present the frequency response mm (“large”), a cement content (by
spectrum for a plain concrete wall. The weight) of 17%, and an average density
specimens in this series bear the designa- of 2.42 g/cc.
tion C5XXL and C5XXH, where the “XX”
defines the specimen thickness in inches, Figures 4.8a and 4.8b cover the band
and the L and H denote “low” (0.5 to 2.0 from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.8c
GHz) and “high” (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) fre- and 4.8d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
quency bandwidths. The ordinate values represent the ratio of
the received to transmitted signal. The
The Batch 5 concrete specimens had an decimal attenuation values are presented
approximate water cement ratio of 0.60, a first, followed by the same ordinate set
slump of 76 mm (“low”), a nominal converted to decibels.
Figure 4.8: Test setup for specimen C58L (203 mm thick plain concrete wall) for fre-
quency response determination from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz. See Figures 4.8a and 4.8b.
Table 4.8a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 5 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.8a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C54L C54L + sigma C54L - sigma C58L C58L + sigma C58L - sigma C512L C512L + sigma C512L - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 4.2273E-01 3.0341E-01 5.4204E-01 2.4365E-01 2.8104E-01 2.0626E-01 4.6061E-02 5.0459E-02 4.1663E-02
M1 -2.7851E-02 7.9352E-01 -8.4923E-01 -5.4943E-01 -7.4803E-01 -3.5083E-01 -5.0757E-02 -7.3741E-02 -2.7772E-02
M2 -5.9126E-01 -2.6728E+00 1.4903E+00 8.8667E-01 1.3020E+00 4.7130E-01 3.7062E-02 8.5538E-02 -1.1413E-02
M3 8.0743E-01 3.3841E+00 -1.7693E+00 -8.9354E-01 -1.3327E+00 -4.5434E-01 -8.3134E-03 -5.8203E-02 4.1576E-02
M4 -4.7886E-01 -2.1490E+00 1.1913E+00 5.1252E-01 7.6565E-01 2.5940E-01 -5.6374E-03 2.1981E-02 -3.3256E-02
M5 1.3205E-01 6.7798E-01 -4.1389E-01 -1.5168E-01 -2.2779E-01 -7.5568E-02 3.9411E-03 -4.0004E-03 1.1883E-02
M6 -1.3405E-02 -8.4572E-02 5.7763E-02 1.7882E-02 2.7236E-02 8.5275E-03 -7.1533E-04 2.1899E-04 -1.6497E-03
R 1 1 0.99998 1 1 1 1 1 1
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
C 512L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.8b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 5 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.8b. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C54L C54L + sigma C54L - sigma C58L C58L + sigma C58L - sigma C512L C512L + sigma C512L - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -8.4885E+00 -1.2991E+01 -3.9371E+00 -8.7038E+00 -5.9012E+00 -1.1467E+01 -2.6881E+01 -2.5534E+01 -2.8230E+01
M1 5.3858E+00 3.4842E+01 -2.4380E+01 -4.3026E+01 -5.7469E+01 -2.8820E+01 -8.2154E+00 -1.5160E+01 -1.3062E+00
M2 -2.5367E+01 -9.7866E+01 4.7841E+01 7.1051E+01 1.0023E+02 4.2400E+01 -3.1728E+00 1.1026E+01 -1.7184E+01
M3 2.7480E+01 1.1540E+02 -6.1213E+01 -7.3379E+01 -1.0335E+02 -4.3957E+01 1.1250E+01 -2.6635E+00 2.4828E+01
M4 -1.3966E+01 -7.0040E+01 4.2528E+01 3.9785E+01 5.6979E+01 2.2852E+01 -9.1801E+00 -1.8221E+00 -1.6281E+01
M5 3.1592E+00 2.1256E+01 -1.5050E+01 -1.0269E+01 -1.5525E+01 -5.0627E+00 3.3985E+00 1.3616E+00 5.3449E+00
M6 -2.1594E-01 -2.5516E+00 2.1314E+00 9.4236E-01 1.6064E+00 2.7995E-01 -4.9309E-01 -2.6006E-01 -7.1403E-01
R 1 1 0.99998 1 1 1 1 1 1
Figure 4.8b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 5 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C54L = 102 mm; C58L = 203 mm; C512L = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
C5 1 2 L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.8c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 5 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.8c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C54H C54H + sigma C54H - sigma C58H C58H + sigma C58H - sigma C512H C512H + sigma C512H - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 -4.4403E-02 -3.8098E-02 -5.0708E-02 2.4582E-03 1.1059E-03 3.8109E-03 -4.1218E-03 -1.3105E-02 4.8745E-03
M1 1.1728E-01 1.1081E-01 1.2376E-01 1.0306E-03 2.8488E-03 -7.8799E-04 6.9668E-03 2.0637E-02 -6.7223E-03
M2 -5.8217E-02 -5.4325E-02 -6.2108E-02 -4.4871E-04 -1.4143E-03 5.1705E-04 -4.4705E-03 -1.3087E-02 4.1568E-03
M3 1.6836E-02 1.5719E-02 1.7954E-02 1.1484E-04 3.8258E-04 -1.5296E-04 1.5075E-03 4.3593E-03 -1.3474E-03
M4 -2.7470E-03 -2.5578E-03 -2.9362E-03 -2.2079E-05 -6.2953E-05 1.8803E-05 -2.6831E-04 -7.6509E-04 2.2886E-04
M5 2.2613E-04 2.0834E-04 2.4394E-04 1.9853E-06 5.2359E-06 -1.2658E-06 1.5788E-05 4.5334E-05 -1.3736E-05
M6 -7.2667E-06 -6.5886E-06 -7.9449E-06 -5.6896E-08 -1.6192E-07 4.8142E-08 2.8865E-06 7.5716E-06 -1.8130E-06
M7 -6.53E-07 -1.71E-06 4.02E-07
M8 5.1018E-08 1.3067E-07 -2.8764E-08
M9 -1.4875E-09 -3.7223E-09 7.5060E-10
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.00000 0.99999 1.00000
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz))
Table 4.8d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 5 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.8d. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C54H C54H + sigma C54H - sigma C58H C58H + sigma C58H - sigma C512H C512H + sigma C512H - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -4.1911E+01 -3.5645E+01 -4.9467E+01 1.1496E+02 6.4431E+01 1.7367E+02 -6.0914E+03 -7.7427E+03 -2.0996E+03
M1 1.8910E+01 1.1238E+01 2.8272E+01 -2.1550E+02 -1.5134E+02 -2.8989E+02 9.1683E+03 1.1667E+04 3.1137E+03
M2 -8.6628E+00 -4.6207E+00 -1.3622E+01 1.1590E+02 8.2718E+01 1.5430E+02 -5.7783E+03 -7.3532E+03 -1.9552E+03
M3 2.2415E+00 1.1366E+00 3.6065E+00 -3.2698E+01 -2.3735E+01 -4.3049E+01 1.9016E+03 2.4275E+03 6.2435E+02
M4 -3.2569E-01 -1.5905E-01 -5.3311E-01 5.0993E+00 3.7660E+00 6.6358E+00 -3.2278E+02 -4.1767E+02 -9.3311E+01
M5 2.3791E-02 1.0721E-02 4.0201E-02 -4.1851E-01 -3.1495E-01 -5.3756E-01 1.5518E+01 2.2496E+01 -7.5398E-01
M6 -6.7060E-04 -2.5843E-04 -1.1936E-03 1.4090E-02 1.0812E-02 1.7849E-02 4.1007E+00 4.6249E+00 2.6407E+00
M7 -8.26E-01 -9.79E-01 -4.29E-01
M8 6.1433E-02 7.3466E-02 3.0297E-02
M9 -1.7190E-03 -2.0609E-03 -8.3300E-04
R 1 1 1 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99992 0.99976 0.99993
Figure 4.8d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 5 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C54H = 102 mm; C58H = 203 mm; C512H = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz))
4.9 Plain Concrete: Batch 6 Mix
The following four tables (4.9a through maximum crushed agreggate size of 25.4
4.9d) present the frequency response mm (“large”), a cement content (by
spectrum for a plain concrete wall. The weight) of 19%, and an average density
specimens in this series bear the designa- of 2.39 g/cc.
tion C6XXL and C6XXH, where the “XX”
defines the specimen thickness in inches, Figures 4.9a and 4.9b cover the band
and the L and H denote “low” (0.5 to 2.0 from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.9c
GHz) and “high” (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) fre- and 4.9d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
quency bandwidths. The ordinate values represent the ratio of
the received to transmitted signal. The
The Batch 6 concrete specimens had an decimal attenuation values are presented
approximate water cement ratio of 0.54, a first, followed by the same ordinate set
slump of 172 mm (“high”), a nominal converted to decibels.
Figure 4.9: Test setup for specimen C612H (305 mm thick plain concrete wall) for fre-
quency response determination from 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Table 4.9a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 6 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.9a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C64L C64L + sigma C64L - sigma C68L C68L + sigma C68L - sigma C612L C612L + sigma C612L - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 3.9821E-01 4.3714E-01 3.5928E-01 1.8358E-01 1.9656E-01 1.7060E-01 2.7250E-02 2.6570E-02 2.6570E-02
M1 -2.9347E-01 -4.7552E-01 -1.1142E-01 -4.6695E-01 -5.3441E-01 -3.9950E-01 -4.7470E-02 -4.6196E-02 -4.6196E-02
M2 1.6115E-01 4.9084E-01 -1.6853E-01 7.6959E-01 9.0750E-01 6.3168E-01 4.8906E-02 5.4399E-02 5.4399E-02
M3 -1.7899E-01 -4.6785E-01 1.0986E-01 -7.8972E-01 -9.2990E-01 -6.4954E-01 -1.0070E-02 -2.1841E-02 -2.1841E-02
M4 1.7735E-01 3.0783E-01 4.6876E-02 4.6501E-01 5.4203E-01 3.8799E-01 -1.3669E-02 -4.4065E-03 -4.4065E-03
M5 -8.1433E-02 -1.1023E-01 -5.2640E-02 -1.4187E-01 -1.6398E-01 -1.1975E-01 8.9116E-03 5.5819E-03 5.5819E-03
M6 1.3624E-02 1.6000E-02 1.1248E-02 1.7302E-02 1.9920E-02 1.4685E-02 -1.5817E-03 -1.1241E-03 -1.1241E-03
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.99989 0.99987 0.99987
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
C 612L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.9b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 6 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.9b. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C64L C64L + sigma C64L - sigma C68L C68L + sigma C68L - sigma C612L C612L + sigma C612L - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -7.7569E+00 -6.8515E+00 -8.6497E+00 -7.0894E+00 -6.3369E+00 -7.7260E+00 -2.9707E+01 -2.9851E+01 -2.9729E+01
M1 -8.6884E+00 -1.2284E+01 -5.1857E+00 -7.0842E+01 -7.3736E+01 -6.8661E+01 -2.3157E+01 -2.4779E+01 -2.0341E+01
M2 9.2704E+00 1.4052E+01 4.7506E+00 1.3152E+02 1.3493E+02 1.2982E+02 1.3420E+01 2.3814E+01 -1.3491E-01
M3 -1.6696E+01 -1.8498E+01 -1.5250E+01 -1.4570E+02 -1.4621E+02 -1.4721E+02 1.5231E+01 -1.2079E+00 3.5559E+01
M4 1.4858E+01 1.4043E+01 1.5921E+01 8.5023E+01 8.4038E+01 8.7252E+01 -2.2619E+01 -1.0777E+01 -3.6939E+01
M5 -6.0590E+00 -5.3103E+00 -6.8932E+00 -2.4165E+01 -2.3700E+01 -2.5008E+01 1.0211E+01 6.1139E+00 1.5106E+01
M6 9.3595E-01 7.9103E-01 1.0924E+00 2.5986E+00 2.5447E+00 2.6974E+00 -1.5993E+00 -1.0465E+00 -2.2546E+00
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.99981 0.99979 0.99982
Figure 4.9b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 6 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C64L = 102 mm; C68L = 203 mm; C612L = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
C 612L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.9c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 6 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.9c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C64H C64H + sigma C64H - sigma C68H C68H + sigma C68H - sigma C612H C612H + sigma C612H - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 -2.2557E-02 -2.3815E-02 -2.1299E-02 1.9586E+00 2.0215E+00 1.8958E+00 3.6336E-03 2.8635E-03 4.4061E-03
M1 8.2637E-02 8.5391E-02 7.9883E-02 -2.7092E+00 -2.8033E+00 -2.6151E+00 -3.1840E-03 -1.6616E-03 -4.7101E-03
M2 -4.1607E-02 -4.3128E-02 -4.0085E-02 1.5367E+00 1.5949E+00 1.4785E+00 9.5514E-04 -2.2760E-04 2.1402E-03
M3 1.2265E-02 1.2723E-02 1.1807E-02 -4.3715E-01 -4.5587E-01 -4.1843E-01 5.1962E-05 5.2865E-04 -4.2556E-04
M4 -2.0195E-03 -2.0947E-03 -1.9443E-03 5.3100E-02 5.6211E-02 4.9990E-02 -1.0931E-04 -2.1602E-04 -2.4087E-06
M5 1.6621E-04 1.7251E-04 1.5990E-04 3.4999E-03 3.3444E-03 3.6554E-03 3.1704E-05 4.4085E-05 1.9298E-05
M6 -5.3164E-06 -5.5282E-06 -5.1046E-06 -2.1168E-03 -2.1505E-03 -2.0831E-03 -4.6618E-06 -5.0312E-06 -4.2902E-06
M7 0.00030063 0.00030735 0.00029392 3.87E-07 3.12E-07 4.62E-07
M8 -1.9803E-05 -2.0283E-05 -1.9322E-05 -1.7315E-08 -8.7165E-09 -2.5909E-08
M9 5.1908E-07 5.3198E-07 5.0617E-07 3.2738E-10 4.5872E-11 6.0882E-10
R 1 1 1 0.99973 0.99974 0.99971 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz))
Table 4.9d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 6 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.9d. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C64H C64H + sigma C64H - sigma C68H C68H + sigma C68H - sigma C612H C612H + sigma C612H - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -3.8240E+01 -3.8513E+01 -3.7938E+01 3.2287E+04 3.1552E+04 3.3151E+04 -4.9613E+03 -5.1764E+03 8.6949E+03
M1 1.2897E+01 1.3478E+01 1.2273E+01 -4.8428E+04 -4.7309E+04 -4.9743E+04 7.4199E+03 7.8117E+03 -1.3554E+04
M2 -5.7874E+00 -6.1148E+00 -5.4368E+00 2.9825E+04 2.9135E+04 3.0636E+04 -4.6776E+03 -4.9546E+03 8.6321E+03
M3 1.5144E+00 1.6104E+00 1.4118E+00 -9.4197E+03 -9.2105E+03 -9.6660E+03 1.5594E+03 1.6507E+03 -2.8239E+03
M4 -2.2331E-01 -2.3875E-01 -2.0683E-01 1.4365E+03 1.4111E+03 1.4668E+03 -2.8065E+02 -2.9016E+02 4.4645E+02
M5 1.6335E-02 1.7635E-02 1.4950E-02 -1.4530E+01 -1.7287E+01 -1.1489E+01 2.0702E+01 1.7790E+01 -4.3765E+00
M6 -4.5554E-04 -5.0017E-04 -4.0803E-04 -3.2063E+01 -3.0658E+01 -3.3667E+01 1.4598E+00 2.6332E+00 -1.0919E+01
M7 5.3331 5.1294 5.5667 -4.28E-01 -6.05E-01 1.90E+00
M8 -3.7462E-01 -3.6076E-01 -3.9053E-01 3.3111E-02 4.6078E-02 -1.3981E-01
M9 1.0186E-02 9.8107E-03 1.0616E-02 -9.1484E-04 -1.2954E-03 3.9995E-03
R 1 1 1 0.99259 0.99306 0.99189 0.99977 0.99985 0.99878
Figure 4.9d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 6 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C64H = 102 mm; C68H = 203 mm; C612H = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz))
4.10 Plain Concrete: Batch 7 Mix
The following four tables (4.10a through maximum crushed agreggate size of 25.4
4.10d) present the frequency response mm (“large”), a cement content (by
spectrum for a plain concrete wall. The weight) of 12%, and an average density
specimens in this series bear the designa- of 2.38 g/cc.
tion C7XXL and C7XXH, where the “XX”
defines the specimen thickness in inches, Figures 4.10a and 4.10b cover the band
and the L and H denote “low” (0.5 to 2.0 from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.10c
GHz) and “high” (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) fre- and 4.10d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0
quency bandwidths. GHz. The ordinate values represent the
ratio of the received to transmitted sig-
The Batch 7 concrete specimens had an nal. The decimal attenuation values are
approximate water cement ratio of 0.87, a presented first, followed by the same
slump of 83 mm (“low”), a nominal ordinate set converted to decibels.
Figure 4.10: Concrete panel specimens lined up for low frequency (0.5 to 2.0 GHz) test
Table 4.10a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 7 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.10a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C74L C74L + sigma C74L - sigma C78L C78L + sigma C78L - sigma C712L C712L + sigma C712L - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 4.5326E-01 4.8295E-01 4.2358E-01 2.7709E-01 2.6557E-01 2.8862E-01 3.6287E-02 4.3184E-02 2.9391E-02
M1 -1.4898E-02 -6.4268E-02 3.4466E-02 -6.2320E-01 -5.2515E-01 -7.2125E-01 -4.6302E-02 -7.8300E-02 -1.4304E-02
M2 -5.4759E-01 -6.7594E-01 -4.1923E-01 1.0189E+00 7.5004E-01 1.2878E+00 3.9930E-02 9.9612E-02 -1.9752E-02
M3 6.3929E-01 1.0229E+00 2.5571E-01 -1.0418E+00 -6.9658E-01 -1.3871E+00 -5.7698E-03 -6.2051E-02 5.0511E-02
M4 -2.9246E-01 -6.4098E-01 5.6068E-02 6.0347E-01 3.7611E-01 8.3083E-01 -1.2483E-02 1.6532E-02 -4.1497E-02
M5 5.1100E-02 1.8731E-01 -8.5107E-02 -1.8029E-01 -1.0572E-01 -2.5487E-01 7.7221E-03 -1.0735E-04 1.5551E-02
M6 -1.0912E-03 -2.0858E-02 1.8675E-02 2.1529E-02 1.1849E-02 3.1210E-02 -1.3804E-03 -5.1387E-04 -2.2468E-03
R 0.99999 1 0.99998 1 1 1 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
C 712L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.10b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 7 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.10b. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C74L C74L + sigma C74L - sigma C78L C78L + sigma C78L - sigma C712L C712L + sigma C712L - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -7.4920E+00 -7.3807E+00 -7.5248E+00 -7.4629E+00 -9.3763E+00 -5.5346E+00 -2.8743E+01 -2.6123E+01 -3.1397E+01
M1 3.0412E+00 5.6047E+00 -6.6853E-03 -4.3735E+01 -3.0714E+01 -5.6858E+01 -1.0652E+01 -2.2614E+01 1.4297E+00
M2 -1.6580E+01 -2.8827E+01 -3.1769E+00 7.3574E+01 4.1529E+01 1.0585E+02 -1.9754E+00 1.9804E+01 -2.3898E+01
M3 1.4213E+01 3.4562E+01 -7.4952E+00 -7.6654E+01 -3.8504E+01 -1.1504E+02 1.7784E+01 -2.0407E+00 3.7663E+01
M4 -3.8593E+00 -1.9288E+01 1.2400E+01 4.1785E+01 1.8246E+01 6.5431E+01 -1.7212E+01 -7.3755E+00 -2.7041E+01
M5 - 3 . 9 2 4 4 E - 0 1 5.1229E+00 -6.1611E+00 -1.0986E+01 -3.7229E+00 -1.8267E+01 6.9579E+00 4.4037E+00 9.5035E+00
M6 2.4525E-01 -5.1324E-01 1.0342E+00 1.0614E+00 1.7201E-01 1.9508E+00 -1.0525E+00 -7.8032E-01 -1.3233E+00
R 0.99999 1 0.99998 1 1 1 0.99999 0.99998 0.99999
Figure 4.10b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 7 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C74L = 102 mm; C78L = 203 mm; C712L = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
C7 1 2 L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.10c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 7 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.10c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C74H C74H + sigma C74H - sigma C78H C78H + sigma C78H - sigma C712H C712H + sigma C712H - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 9.7788E-03 2.7046E-03 1.6854E-02 7.0611E-03 6.4596E-03 7.6619E-03 -4.1998E-02 -4.5607E-02 -3.8387E-02
M1 1.4753E-01 1.5970E-01 1.3536E-01 7.0122E-03 8.3633E-03 5.6622E-03 9.4489E-02 1.0250E-01 8.6468E-02
M2 -7.1367E-02 -7.6871E-02 -6.5862E-02 -4.3674E-03 -5.0878E-03 -3.6476E-03 -7.7022E-02 -8.3429E-02 -7.0612E-02
M3 2.0328E-02 2.1769E-02 1.8888E-02 1.2982E-03 1.5007E-03 1.0959E-03 3.1878E-02 3.4449E-02 2.9307E-02
M4 -3.3935E-03 -3.6089E-03 -3.1782E-03 -2.2867E-04 -2.6107E-04 -1.9629E-04 -7.3206E-03 -7.8856E-03 -6.7554E-03
M5 2.8920E-04 3.0591E-04 2.7249E-04 2.0758E-05 2.3474E-05 1.8044E-05 8.9466E-04 9.5856E-04 8.3075E-04
M6 -9.6399E-06 -1.0163E-05 -9.1171E-06 -7.2743E-07 -8.1879E-07 -6.3611E-07 -3.8327E-05 -4.0152E-05 -3.6503E-05
M7 -3.27E-06 -3.64E-06 -2.90E-06
M8 4.4285E-07 4.8381E-07 4.0188E-07
M9 -1.4597E-08 -1.5889E-08 -1.3305E-08
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.99965 0.99960 0.99970
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz))
Table 4.10d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 7 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.10d. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C74H C74H + sigma C74H - sigma C78H C78H + sigma C78H - sigma C712H C712H + sigma C712H - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -2.9468E+01 -2.9456E+01 -2.9479E+01 -6.8692E+02 -6.5468E+02 -7.2261E+02 -3.9381E+04 -3.4233E+04 -4.9443E+04
M1 1.4362E+01 1.4582E+01 1.4136E+01 9.8928E+02 9.4123E+02 1.0425E+03 5.7992E+04 5.0488E+04 7.2723E+04
M2 -6.8886E+00 -6.9653E+00 -6.8104E+00 -6.2581E+02 -5.9582E+02 -6.5898E+02 -3.5531E+04 -3.0963E+04 -4.4548E+04
M3 1.8272E+00 1.8438E+00 1.8102E+00 2.0706E+02 1.9723E+02 2.1794E+02 1.1535E+04 1.0044E+04 1.4500E+04
M4 -2.7445E-01 -2.7663E-01 -2.7221E-01 -3.5539E+01 -3.3833E+01 -3.7432E+01 -2.0438E+03 -1.7687E+03 -2.5960E+03
M5 2.0981E-02 2.1159E-02 2.0793E-02 1.8100E+00 1.7027E+00 1.9319E+00 1.5965E+02 1.3348E+02 2.1291E+02
M6 -6.3054E-04 -6.3763E-04 -6.2287E-04 4.3131E-01 4.1803E-01 4.4519E-01 6.0144E+00 6.5202E+00 4.9270E+00
M7 -0.089354 -0.086268 -0.092659 -2.29E+00 -2.16E+00 -2.57E+00
M8 6.7230E-03 6.4956E-03 6.9668E-03 1.7580E-01 1.6354E-01 2.0171E-01
M9 -1.8969E-04 -1.8358E-04 -1.9621E-04 -4.7007E-03 -4.3733E-03 -5.4137E-03
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.97877 0.98247 0.96779
Figure 4.10d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 7 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C74H = 102 mm; C78H = 203 mm; C712H = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz))
4.11 Plain Concrete: Batch 8 Mix
The following four tables (4.11a through maximum crushed agreggate size of 25.4
4.11d) present the frequency response mm (“large”), a cement content (by
spectrum for a plain concrete wall. The weight) of 14%, and an average density
specimens in this series bear the designa- of 2.38 g/cc.
tion C8XXL and C8XXH, where the “XX”
defines the specimen thickness in inches, Figures 4.11a and 4.11b cover the band
and the L and H denote “low” (0.5 to 2.0 from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.11c
GHz) and “high” (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) fre- and 4.11d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0
quency bandwidths. GHz. The ordinate values represent the
ratio of the received to transmitted sig-
The Batch 8 concrete specimens had an nal. The decimal attenuation values are
approximate water cement ratio of 0.36, a presented first, followed by the same
slump of 165 mm (“high”), a nominal ordinate set converted to decibels.
Figure 4.11: Test setup for specimen C812L (305 mm thick plain concrete wall) for fre-
quency response determination from 3.0 to 8.0 GHz. See Figures 4.11c and 4.11d.
Table 4.11a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 8 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.11a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C84L C84L + sigma C84L - sigma C88L C88L + sigma C88L - sigma C812L C812L + sigma C812L - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 3.9261E-01 3.2877E-01 4.5646E-01 1.9574E-01 2.1489E-01 1.7659E-01 3.7269E-02 3.8848E-02 3.5690E-02
M1 -2.5243E-01 1.7877E-01 -6.8363E-01 -4.9081E-01 -5.8680E-01 -3.9481E-01 -5.3262E-02 -6.0641E-02 -4.5883E-02
M2 4.5625E-02 -1.0246E+00 1.1158E+00 8.0792E-01 9.9712E-01 6.1872E-01 6.8098E-02 8.6298E-02 4.9900E-02
M3 - 2 . 2 5 8 6 E - 0 2 1.2787E+00 -1.3239E+00 -8.3060E-01 -1.0186E+00 -6.4256E-01 -5.4013E-02 -7.5671E-02 -3.2356E-02
M4 8.1722E-02 -7.5028E-01 9.1372E-01 4.9001E-01 5.9206E-01 3.8796E-01 2.2128E-02 3.5810E-02 8.4461E-03
M5 -5.4640E-02 2.1442E-01 -3.2370E-01 -1.4966E-01 -1.7878E-01 -1.2054E-01 -3.3519E-03 -7.7342E-03 1.0302E-03
M6 1.0761E-02 -2.3988E-02 4.5509E-02 1.8226E-02 2.1659E-02 1.4792E-02 -5.1188E-05 5.0721E-04 -6.0955E-04
R 1 1 0.99999 1 1 1 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
C 812L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.11b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 8 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.11b. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C84L C84L + sigma C84L - sigma C88L C88L + sigma C88L - sigma C812L C812L + sigma C812L - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -8.1679E+00 -1.1223E+01 -5.0922E+00 -7.5025E+00 -6.1221E+00 -8.7903E+00 -2.7598E+01 -2.6900E+01 -2.8353E+01
M1 -6.0224E+00 1.3507E+01 -2.5688E+01 -6.4597E+01 -7.0406E+01 -5.9339E+01 -1.8415E+01 -2.2076E+01 -1.4415E+01
M2 2.6371E+00 -4.4385E+01 4.9984E+01 1.1751E+02 1.2639E+02 1.0988E+02 2.1544E+01 3.0913E+01 1.1338E+01
M3 -8.8756E+00 4.7127E+01 -6.5253E+01 -1.2896E+02 -1.3519E+02 -1.2414E+02 -1.5258E+01 -2.6675E+01 -2.8155E+00
M4 1.0721E+01 -2.4501E+01 4.6165E+01 7.4256E+01 7.6711E+01 7.2597E+01 3.6460E+00 1.1139E+01 -4.5284E+00
M5 -5.0736E+00 6.1611E+00 -1.6374E+01 -2.0580E+01 -2.1214E+01 -2.0164E+01 1.0297E+00 -1.4844E+00 3.7745E+00
M6 8.4753E-01 -5.8610E-01 2.2889E+00 2.0961E+00 2.1840E+00 2.0306E+00 -4.3310E-01 -9.7174E-02 -7.9992E-01
R 1 1 0.99999 1 1 1 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999
Figure 4.11b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 8 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C84L = 102 mm; C88L = 203 mm; C812L = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.11c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Concrete Type 8 Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.11c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C84H C84H + sigma C84H - sigma C88H C88H + sigma C88H - sigma C812H C812H + sigma C812H - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 2.9799E-02 2.9505E-02 3.0093E-02 8.5008E-03 8.7618E-03 8.2397E-03 -5.0974E-04 -4.4285E-04 -5.8435E-04
M1 3.3405E-02 3.5684E-02 3.1127E-02 -5.7899E-03 -5.8974E-03 -5.6824E-03 1.3805E-03 1.3002E-03 1.4715E-03
M2 -1.7539E-02 -1.8676E-02 -1.6401E-02 2.7328E-03 2.7595E-03 2.7060E-03 -9.2188E-04 -8.7702E-04 -9.7278E-04
M3 5.3405E-03 5.6573E-03 5.0236E-03 -7.0006E-04 -7.0104E-04 -6.9909E-04 3.1953E-04 3.0631E-04 3.3446E-04
M4 -9.5007E-04 -9.9913E-04 -9.0100E-04 9.3971E-05 9.2931E-05 9.5014E-05 -6.4113E-05 -6.2093E-05 -6.6339E-05
M5 8.4011E-05 8.7818E-05 8.0204E-05 -6.4726E-06 -6.2918E-06 -6.6536E-06 7.1799E-06 7.0755E-06 7.2735E-06
M6 -2.8509E-06 -2.9672E-06 -2.7346E-06 1.8601E-07 1.7739E-07 1.9464E-07 -3.5036E-07 -3.6326E-07 -3.3041E-07
M7 -6.74E-09 -4.37E-09 -1.01E-08
M8 1.4050E-09 1.2646E-09 1.6063E-09
M9 -4.0075E-11 -3.7111E-11 -4.4564E-11
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.02 C88H
0.01 C812H
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz))
Table 4.11d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Concrete Type 8 Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.11d. The regression equation is of the form
Received Signal Magnitude (relative to free space)
= M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C84H C84H + sigma C84H - sigma C88H C88H + sigma C88H - sigma C812H C812H + sigma C812H - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -3.0433E+01 -3.0162E+01 -3.0738E+01 2.1087E+02 2.0579E+02 2.1482E+02 -1.4288E+02 -1.5325E+02 -7.6299E+01
M1 6.5631E+00 6.5120E+00 6.6502E+00 -3.3034E+02 -3.2375E+02 -3.3550E+02 1.0867E+02 1.2633E+02 4.7141E+00
M2 -3.1947E+00 -3.1628E+00 -3.2458E+00 1.7179E+02 1.6855E+02 1.7428E+02 -6.7188E+01 -7.9231E+01 -3.0508E-01
M3 8.5973E-01 8.5119E-01 8.7357E-01 -4.6890E+01 -4.6076E+01 -4.7497E+01 2.2457E+01 2.6611E+01 1.3064E-01
M4 -1.3183E-01 -1.3059E-01 -1.3387E-01 7.0653E+00 6.9559E+00 7.1434E+00 -4.5277E+00 -5.1896E+00 -7.8233E-01
M5 9.8529E-03 9.7752E-03 9.9933E-03 -5.5888E-01 -5.5155E-01 -5.6371E-01 5.7683E-01 5.6584E-01 4.5179E-01
M6 -2.8023E-04 -2.7946E-04 -2.8291E-04 1.8103E-02 1.7918E-02 1.8205E-02 -4.9986E-02 -2.6467E-02 -1.1754E-01
M7 3.37E-03 -7.18E-04 1.62E-02
M8 -1.8481E-04 1.2875E-04 -1.1504E-03
M9 5.6351E-06 -3.7738E-06 3.3487E-05
R 1 1 1 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
Figure 4.11d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Concrete Type 8 Walls
(relative to free space). Nominal thicknesses:
C84H = 102 mm; C88H = 203 mm; C812H = 305 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
-30 C84H
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz))
4.12 Masonry Block density (external block volume divided
by the block mass) as seen by the radar
The following four tables (4.12a through was approximately 1.04 g/cc. One could,
4.12d) present the frequency response alternatively, consider the results in terms
spectrum for masonry block walls. The of “apparent thickness,” that is, the total
specimens in this series bear the designa- thickness minus the internal cell width.
tion CBXXL and CBXXH, where the “XX”
defines the specimen thickness in inches, Figures 4.12a and 4.12b cover the band
and the L and H denote “low” (0.5 to 2.0 from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.12c
GHz) and “high” (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) fre- and 4.12d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0
quency bandwidths. GHz. The ordinate values represent the
ratio of the received to transmitted sig-
Three specimen thicknesses, 203 mm, 406 nal. The decimal attenuation values are
mm, and 609 mm, were tested. The aver- presented first, followed by the same
age material density was 1.84 g/cc. ordinate set converted to decibels. The
However, because the specimens were generally high standard deviations are
hollow (see Section 3.2) the “apparent” attributed to the presence of the cells.
Figure 4.12: Test setup for specimen CB3L (3 layers deep of 203 mm masonry block,
total thickness 609 mm) for frequency response determination from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz. See
Figures 4.12a and 4.12b.
Table 4.12a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Masonry Block Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.12a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient CB1L CB1L + sigma CB1L - sigma CB2L CB2L + sigma CB2L - sigma CB3L CB3L + sigma CB3L - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 5.1710E-01 0.5979 4.3630E-01 6.1626E-01 6.3842E-01 5.9410E-01 5.3364E-02 6.0813E-02 4.5916E-02
M1 6.7249E-01 3.0885E-01 1.0361E+00 -1.3796E+00 -1.3698E+00 -1.3894E+00 1.8802E-02 1.2808E-02 2.4795E-02
M2 -3.8783E+00 -3.1181E+00 -4.6385E+00 1.5051E+00 1.4814E+00 1.5288E+00 -1.1534E-01 -1.1070E-01 -1.1997E-01
M3 5.5193E+00 4.6895E+00 6.3490E+00 -7.3537E-01 -7.5417E-01 -7.1656E-01 1.5970E-01 1.5579E-01 1.6360E-01
M4 -3.4453E+00 -2.9643E+00 -3.9262E+00 1.0979E-01 1.5817E-01 6.1411E-02 -1.0757E-01 -1.0517E-01 -1.0997E-01
M5 9.8550E-01 8.4614E-01 1.1249E+00 2.8706E-02 -2.2677E-03 5.9680E-02 3.5787E-02 3.4938E-02 3.6635E-02
M6 -1.0371E-01 -8.7903E-02 -1.1952E-01 -8.4654E-03 -1.8271E-03 -1.5104E-02 -4.6812E-03 -4.5636E-03 -4.7987E-03
R 0.99991 9.9997E-01 0.99976 0.99999 0.99999 0.99998 1 1 1
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.12b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Masonry Block Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.12b. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal Magnitude =
M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient CB1L CB1L + sigma CB1L - sigma CB2L CB2L + sigma CB2L - sigma CB3L CB3L + sigma CB3L - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -1.7808E+01 -15.63 -2.0013E+01 -7.0249E+00 -6.5323E+00 -7.7221E+00 -2.6225E+01 -2.5053E+01 -2.7559E+01
M1 8.9222E+01 7.7737E+01 1.0084E+02 3.0414E+00 1.1823E+00 6.4468E+00 7.9288E+00 6.5269E+00 9.6252E+00
M2 -2.5509E+02 -2.2820E+02 -2.8236E+02 -7.1560E+01 -5.9690E+01 -8.8628E+01 -3.0368E+01 -2.7202E+01 -3.4191E+01
M3 3.0965E+02 2.7814E+02 3.4169E+02 1.1536E+02 9.4815E+01 1.4321E+02 3.8844E+01 3.4777E+01 4.3766E+01
M4 -1.8510E+02 -1.6588E+02 -2.0468E+02 -8.0206E+01 -6.4029E+01 -1.0135E+02 -2.5317E+01 -2.2582E+01 -2.8640E+01
M5 5.3652E+01 4.7828E+01 5.9602E+01 2.6496E+01 2.0189E+01 3.4448E+01 8.2547E+00 7.3251E+00 9.3905E+00
M6 -6.0000E+00 -5.3075E+00 -6.7093E+00 -3.4085E+00 -2.4178E+00 -4.6140E+00 -1.0622E+00 -9.3869E-01 -1.2144E+00
R 0.9999 0.99995 0.99978 1 0.99999 0.99996 1 1 1
Figure 4.12b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Masonry Block Walls
(relative to free space).
Nominal thicknesses: CB1L = 203 mm; CB2L = 406 mm; CB3L = 610 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.12c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Masonry Block Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.12c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient CB1H CB1H + sigma CB1H - sigma CB2H CB2H + sigma CB2H - sigma CB3H CB3H + sigma CB3H - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 -3.5380E-02 -0.010959 -5.9800E-02 -5.5132E+01 -6.7389E+01 -4.2875E+01 -2.8270E+00 7.1842E+00 -1.2838E+01
M1 2.2871E-01 2.4203E-01 2.1539E-01 8.9368E+01 1.1138E+02 6.7360E+01 6.1321E+00 -8.4907E+00 2.0755E+01
M2 -1.1111E-01 -1.1792E-01 -1.0431E-01 -5.8783E+01 -7.4411E+01 -4.3155E+01 -4.8129E+00 3.9465E+00 -1.3572E+01
M3 3.0930E-02 3.2995E-02 2.8865E-02 1.9681E+01 2.5242E+01 1.4119E+01 1.7701E+00 -9.1401E-01 4.4543E+00
M4 -4.8634E-03 -5.2020E-03 -4.5247E-03 -3.2169E+00 -4.1724E+00 -2.2614E+00 -2.7302E-01 1.2444E-01 -6.7047E-01
M5 3.8809E-04 4.1636E-04 3.5982E-04 7.7397E-02 1.0086E-01 5.3934E-02 -1.4144E-02 -1.8857E-02 -9.4311E-03
M6 -1.2190E-05 -1.3123E-05 -1.1257E-05 6.3083E-02 8.3569E-02 4.2598E-02 1.2323E-02 4.3094E-03 2.0337E-02
M7 -0.011089 -0.014803 -0.0073755 -0.00197 -0.00067924 -0.0032608
M8 7.9218E-04 1.0651E-03 5.1930E-04 1.4117E-04 5.3753E-05 2.2859E-04
M9 -2.1648E-05 -2.9294E-05 -1.4003E-05 -3.9504E-06 -1.6591E-06 -6.2417E-06
R 1 1 1 0.99697 0.99777 0.99019 0.99767 0.99823 0.99641
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz))
Table 4.12d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Masonry Block Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.12d. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal Magnitude =
M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient CB1H CB1H + sigma CB1H - sigma CB2H CB2H + sigma CB2H - sigma CB3H CB3H + sigma CB3H - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -2.5922E+01 -23.383 -2.7998E+01 -3.3039E+04 -3.5063E+04 -2.0688E+04 -1.6712E+04 -4.4124E+03 -4.0676E+04
M1 1.1336E+01 1.0567E+01 1.0829E+01 5.0251E+04 5.3365E+04 3.1648E+04 2.5604E+04 7.3317E+03 6.1222E+04
M2 -5.2156E+00 -4.9537E+00 -4.7410E+00 -3.1459E+04 -3.3386E+04 -2.0009E+04 -1.5991E+04 -4.8237E+03 -3.7795E+04
M3 1.3617E+00 1.3182E+00 1.1910E+00 1.0179E+04 1.0764E+04 6.5944E+03 5.0189E+03 1.5009E+03 1.1918E+04
M4 -2.0058E-01 -1.9761E-01 -1.6995E-01 -1.6588E+03 -1.7298E+03 -1.1284E+03 -7.1037E+02 -1.6047E+02 -1.8037E+03
M5 1.4936E-02 1.5059E-02 1.2073E-02 6.0594E+01 5.3176E+01 6.1169E+01 -1.9803E+01 -3.4403E+01 1.4680E+01
M6 -4.3635E-04 -4.5228E-04 -3.3281E-04 2.5021E+01 2.8811E+01 1.1785E+01 2.3327E+01 1.3899E+01 4.0707E+01
M7 -4.5858 -5.1287 -2.4678 -3.6012 -1.9689 -6.6857
M8 3.2723E-01 3.6355E-01 1.8131E-01 2.4801E-01 1.3374E-01 4.6560E-01
M9 -8.8712E-03 -9.8347E-03 -4.9654E-03 -6.7025E-03 -3.6333E-03 -1.2570E-02
R 1 1 1 0.9874 0.98742 0.97947 0.98886 0.99194 0.97547
Figure 4.12d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Masonry Block Walls
(relative to free space).
Nominal thicknesses: CB1H = 203 mm; CB2H = 406 mm; CB3H = 610 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
4.13 Drywall
Figures 4.13a and 4.13b cover the band
The following four tables (4.13a through from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.13c
4.13d) present the response spectrum for and 4.13d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0
drywall panels. The specimens in this GHz. The ordinate values represent the
series bear the designation DXXL and ratio of the received to transmitted sig-
DXXH, where the “XX” defines the speci- nal. The decimal attenuation values are
men thickness in inches, and the L and H presented first, followed by the same
denote “low” (0.5 to 2.0 GHz) and ordinate set converted to decibels.
“high” (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) frequency band- Figures 4.13c and 4.13d show transmis-
widths. sion coefficients close to or slightly
greater than 1.0 in the decimal range (0
Three specimen thicknesses, 6 mm, 13 or slightly positive in dB) for some fre-
mm, and 16 mm were tested. The aver- quencies. These may be attributed to
age material density was 0.87 g/cc. for constructive interference within the mate-
the 6 mm specimens and 0.66 for the 13 rial and to resolution limitations of the
mm and 16 mm specimens. measurement system.
Figure 4.13: Test setup for specimen D25L (nominal 6 mm thick drywall panel) for fre-
quency response determination from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz. See Figures 4.13a and 4.13b.
Table 4.13a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Drywall Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.13a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient D25L D25L + sigma D25L - sigma D25L D25L + sigma D25L - sigma D25L D25L + sigma D25L - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 1.0120E+00 1.0217 1.0024E+00 1.0132E+00 1.0145E+00 1.0119E+00 1.0138E+00 1.0146E+00 1.0129E+00
M1 -4.5483E-02 -4.8958E-02 -4.2010E-02 -4.5454E-02 -3.5784E-02 -5.5134E-02 -4.7934E-02 -3.8792E-02 -5.7076E-02
M2 -3.4007E-02 -1.2588E-02 -5.5421E-02 -3.6504E-02 -2.5642E-02 -4.7347E-02 -3.1643E-02 -2.1601E-02 -4.1683E-02
M3 6.3383E-02 4.0933E-02 8.5828E-02 6.7589E-02 4.9882E-02 8.5277E-02 6.1056E-02 4.4591E-02 7.7520E-02
M4 -4.9455E-02 -3.6062E-02 -6.2845E-02 -5.2301E-02 -3.9673E-02 -6.4917E-02 -4.8109E-02 -3.6322E-02 -5.9895E-02
M5 1.9210E-02 1.4778E-02 2.3640E-02 2.0169E-02 1.5548E-02 2.4787E-02 1.8817E-02 1.4497E-02 2.3137E-02
M6 -2.8969E-03 -2.3007E-03 -3.4930E-03 -3.0254E-03 -2.3664E-03 -3.6840E-03 -2.8515E-03 -2.2354E-03 -3.4676E-03
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 D25L (fraction)
D25L+sigma (fraction)
D25L-sigma (fraction)
D50L (fraction)
D50L+sigma (fraction)
[1.0 = complete transmission; 0.0 = complete absorption]
D6 2 5 L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.13b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Drywall Transmission versus Frequency Curves Plotted in
Figure 4.13b. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal Magnitude =
M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient D25L D25L + sigma D25L - sigma D25L D25L + sigma D25L - sigma D25L D25L + sigma D25L - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 1.0177E-01 0.18498 1.7610E-02 1.1164E-01 1.2358E-01 9.9376E-02 1.1682E-01 1.2507E-01 1.0830E-01
M1 -3.7653E-01 -4.0794E-01 -3.4359E-01 -3.7506E-01 -2.9825E-01 -4.4994E-01 -3.9706E-01 -3.2439E-01 -4.6797E-01
M2 -3.4312E-01 -1.4362E-01 -5.4856E-01 -3.6647E-01 -2.5031E-01 -4.8986E-01 -3.2299E-01 -2.1556E-01 -4.3673E-01
M3 5.9856E-01 3.8808E-01 8.1527E-01 6.3649E-01 4.6043E-01 8.2014E-01 5.7808E-01 4.1465E-01 7.4814E-01
M4 -4.6255E-01 -3.3449E-01 -5.9483E-01 -4.8783E-01 -3.6305E-01 -6.1772E-01 -4.5065E-01 -3.3436E-01 -5.7141E-01
M5 1.7912E-01 1.3599E-01 2.2380E-01 1.8759E-01 1.4186E-01 2.3520E-01 1.7566E-01 1.3297E-01 2.1999E-01
M6 -2.6954E-02 -2.1080E-02 -3.3050E-02 -2.8084E-02 -2.1552E-02 -3.4886E-02 -2.6556E-02 -2.0457E-02 -3.2890E-02
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
D25L (dB)
D25L+sigma (dB)
D25L-sigma (dB)
D25L D50L (dB)
D50L+sigma (dB)
D50L-sigma (dB)
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
D6 2 5 L
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.13c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Drywall Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.13c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient D25H D25H + sigma D25H - sigma D50H D50H + sigma D50H - sigma D625H D625H + sigma D625H - sigma
decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal
M0 6.0134E-01 0.6047 5.9799E-01 8.6272E-01 8.6619E-01 8.5924E-01 9.8255E-01 9.8641E-01 9.7872E-01
M1 2.6860E-01 2.6803E-01 2.6914E-01 5.1441E-02 5.1697E-02 5.1196E-02 -3.2132E-02 -3.1460E-02 -3.2842E-02
M2 -9.2323E-02 -9.1855E-02 -9.2782E-02 1.0819E-02 1.0781E-02 1.0852E-02 4.8537E-02 4.8387E-02 4.8706E-02
M3 2.0894E-02 2.0748E-02 2.1038E-02 -6.2370E-03 -6.2465E-03 -6.2261E-03 -1.5920E-02 -1.5911E-02 -1.5935E-02
M4 -2.8179E-03 -2.7969E-03 -2.8385E-03 9.8820E-04 9.9094E-04 9.8523E-04 2.0619E-03 2.0650E-03 2.0595E-03
M5 1.8957E-04 1.8807E-04 1.9105E-04 -7.8599E-05 -7.8834E-05 -7.8347E-05 -1.2109E-04 -1.2181E-04 -1.2041E-04
M6 -4.8090E-06 -4.7647E-06 -4.8524E-06 2.7051E-06 2.7115E-06 2.6983E-06 2.8106E-06 2.8488E-06 2.7737E-06
R 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 1 1 1 1 1 1
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.13d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Drywall Transmission versus Frequency Curves Plotted in
Figure 4.13d. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal Magnitude =
M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient D25H D25H + sigma D25H - sigma D50H D50H + sigma D50H - sigma D625H D625H + sigma D625H - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -3.6610E+00 -3.6213 -3.7009E+00 -1.3024E+00 -1.2673E+00 -1.3376E+00 -4.6243E-01 -4.2225E-01 -5.0279E-01
M1 2.4242E+00 2.4133E+00 2.4352E+00 5.6703E-01 5.6717E-01 5.6687E-01 1.6090E-01 1.5967E-01 1.6215E-01
M2 -7.9028E-01 -7.8451E-01 -7.9606E-01 4.7116E-02 4.6465E-02 4.7784E-02 1.7497E-01 1.7647E-01 1.7346E-01
M3 1.6723E-01 1.6559E-01 1.6887E-01 -4.6679E-02 -4.6521E-02 -4.6841E-02 -6.9699E-02 -7.0386E-02 -6.9001E-02
M4 -2.1237E-02 -2.1002E-02 -2.1474E-02 8.2634E-03 8.2438E-03 8.2837E-03 7.9927E-03 8.1647E-03 7.8183E-03
M5 1.3407E-03 1.3236E-03 1.3579E-03 -7.1352E-04 -7.1179E-04 -7.1530E-04 -3.4621E-04 -3.6632E-04 -3.2581E-04
M6 -3.1210E-05 -3.0705E-05 -3.1716E-05 2.5864E-05 2.5785E-05 2.5944E-05 4.9902E-06 5.8154E-06 4.1533E-06
R 0.99999 1 0.99999 1 1 1 1 1 1
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
4.14 Glass
The following four tables (4.14a through Figures 4.14a and 4.14b cover the band
4.14d) present the frequency response from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.14c
spectrum for silica float glass panels (typ- and 4.14d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0
ical architectural window glass). The GHz. The ordinate values represent the
specimens in this series bear the designa- ratio of the received to transmitted sig-
tion GXXL and GXXH, where the “XX” nal. The decimal attenuation values are
defines the specimen thickness in inches, presented first, followed by the same
and the L and H denote “low” (0.5 to 2.0 ordinate set converted to decibels.
GHz) and “high” (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) fre-
quency bandwidths.
Figure 4.14: Test setup for specimen G75H (19 mm thick silica float glass panel) for fre-
quency response determination from 3.0 to 8.0 GHz. See Figures 4.14c and 4.14d.
Table 4.14a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Glass Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.14a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient G25L G25L + sigma G25L - sigma G50L G50L + sigma G50L - sigma G755L G75L + sigma G75L - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 1.1348E+00 1.1684 1.1011E+00 1.0531E+00 1.0393E+00 1.0669E+00 9.3305E-01 9.3003E-01 9.3608E-01
M1 -5.0150E-01 -7.2417E-01 -2.7884E-01 -6.5103E-01 -5.9802E-01 -7.0403E-01 -5.5790E-01 -5.5488E-01 -5.6091E-01
M2 5.7774E-01 1.1067E+00 4.8839E-02 8.2106E-01 7.4504E-01 8.9708E-01 7.2419E-01 7.4382E-01 7.0456E-01
M3 -4.8200E-01 -1.0649E+00 1.0088E-01 -7.3820E-01 -6.5504E-01 -8.2134E-01 -6.7911E-01 -6.9777E-01 -6.6044E-01
M4 2.3613E-01 5.8282E-01 -1.1057E-01 3.7675E-01 3.2360E-01 4.2989E-01 3.7057E-01 3.7817E-01 3.6298E-01
M5 -5.6425E-02 -1.6422E-01 5.1369E-02 -9.4567E-02 -7.7528E-02 -1.1160E-01 -1.0184E-01 -1.0365E-01 -1.0002E-01
M6 4.4928E-03 1.8198E-02 -9.2124E-03 8.5765E-03 6.4328E-03 1.0720E-02 1.0703E-02 1.0928E-02 1.0478E-02
R 1 0.99999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.14b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Glass Transmission versus Frequency Curves Plotted in
Figure 4.14b. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal Magnitude =
M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient G25L G25L + sigma G25L - sigma G50L G50L + sigma G50L - sigma G755L G75L + sigma G75L - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 1.1444E+00 1.4489 8.4091E-01 5.5734E-01 4.1902E-01 6.9685E-01 -4.8576E-01 -5.2131E-01 -4.4929E-01
M1 -4.1804E+00 -6.1723E+00 -2.1976E+00 -6.1539E+00 -5.6180E+00 -6.6977E+00 -6.0418E+00 -5.9921E+00 -6.0979E+00
M2 4.6468E+00 9.3273E+00 -3.0783E-03 7.5398E+00 6.7300E+00 8.3727E+00 7.8315E+00 7.9813E+00 7.7003E+00
M3 -3.8722E+00 -8.9783E+00 1.1898E+00 -6.7859E+00 -5.8482E+00 -7.7565E+00 -7.5311E+00 -7.6129E+00 -7.4755E+00
M4 1.8625E+00 4.8889E+00 -1.1357E+00 3.3498E+00 2.7485E+00 3.9725E+00 4.1246E+00 4.1251E+00 4.1408E+00
M5 -4.1623E-01 -1.3588E+00 5.1816E-01 -7.6848E-01 -5.8022E-01 -9.6312E-01 -1.1108E+00 -1.1074E+00 -1.1190E+00
M6 2.6245E-02 1.4666E-01 -9.3270E-02 5.5140E-02 3.2328E-02 7.8674E-02 1.1126E-01 1.1148E-01 1.1156E-01
R 1 0.99999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.14c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Glass Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.14c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient G25L G25L + sigma G25L - sigma G50L G50L + sigma G50L - sigma G755L G75L + sigma G75L - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 -2.8863E-01 -0.29862 -2.7864E-01 -2.2856E-01 -2.1475E-01 -2.4237E-01 -6.1924E-01 -6.1640E-01 -6.2206E-01
M1 1.0385E+00 1.0523E+00 1.0247E+00 1.2246E+00 1.2160E+00 1.2332E+00 1.4234E+00 1.4239E+00 1.4229E+00
M2 -4.5350E-01 -4.5982E-01 -4.4718E-01 -5.9079E-01 -5.8724E-01 -5.9435E-01 -6.2104E-01 -6.2104E-01 -6.2103E-01
M3 1.1776E-01 1.1936E-01 1.1615E-01 1.6438E-01 1.6359E-01 1.6517E-01 1.5583E-01 1.5588E-01 1.5579E-01
M4 -1.7566E-02 -1.7793E-02 -1.7339E-02 -2.5655E-02 -2.5558E-02 -2.5751E-02 -2.2182E-02 -2.2205E-02 -2.2160E-02
M5 1.3553E-03 1.3719E-03 1.3386E-03 2.0271E-03 2.0210E-03 2.0332E-03 1.6405E-03 1.6436E-03 1.6374E-03
M6 -4.1583E-05 -4.2080E-05 -4.1086E-05 -6.2768E-05 -6.2618E-05 -6.2919E-05 -4.8891E-05 -4.9022E-05 -4.8760E-05
R 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 1 1 1 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.14d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Glass Transmission versus Frequency Curves Plotted in
Figure 4.14d. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal Magnitude =
M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient G25L G25L + sigma G25L - sigma G50L G50L + sigma G50L - sigma G755L G75L + sigma G75L - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -1.4824E+01 -14.878 -1.4768E+01 -1.2190E+01 -1.1992E+01 -1.2390E+01 -1.7088E+01 -1.7006E+01 -1.7171E+01
M1 1.2201E+01 1.2295E+01 1.2107E+01 1.1883E+01 1.1734E+01 1.2034E+01 1.4896E+01 1.4856E+01 1.4937E+01
M2 -5.1640E+00 -5.2059E+00 -5.1217E+00 -5.4546E+00 -5.3915E+00 -5.5186E+00 -6.2841E+00 -6.2665E+00 -6.3019E+00
M3 1.2814E+00 1.2915E+00 1.2712E+00 1.4330E+00 1.4183E+00 1.4479E+00 1.5197E+00 1.5157E+00 1.5237E+00
M4 -1.8346E-01 -1.8482E-01 -1.8209E-01 -2.1186E-01 -2.0995E-01 -2.1379E-01 -2.0985E-01 -2.0941E-01 -2.1030E-01
M5 1.3703E-02 1.3798E-02 1.3608E-02 1.5879E-02 1.5751E-02 1.6007E-02 1.5169E-02 1.5147E-02 1.5192E-02
M6 -4.0969E-04 -4.1242E-04 -4.0695E-04 -4.6484E-04 -4.6153E-04 -4.6819E-04 -4.4443E-04 -4.4402E-04 -4.4486E-04
R 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 1 1 1 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
4.15 Lumber (Dry)
The following four tables (4.15a through The average material density (dry) varied
4.15d) present the response spectrum for from 0.409 (38 mm thickness) to 0.425
lumber panels (fabricated from spruce- g/cc (152 mm thickness).
pine-fir grade material). The specimens
in this series bear the designation LXXDL Figures 4.15a and 4.15b cover the band
and LXXDH, where the “XX” defines the from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.15c
specimen thickness in inches, “D” is for and 4.15d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0
dry, and the L and H denote “low” (0.5 to GHz. The ordinate values represent the
2.0 GHz) and “high” (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) fre- ratio of the received to transmitted sig-
quency bandwidths. nal. The decimal attenuation values are
presented first, followed by the same
Four nominal specimen thicknesses, 38 ordinate set converted to decibels.
mm, 76 mm, 114 mm, and 152 mm were
Figure 4.15: Test setup for specimen L45DH (114 mm thick spruce-pine-fir panel) for
frequency response determination from 3.0 to 8.0 GHz. See Figures 4.15c and 4.15d.
Table 4.15a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Lumber (Spruce-Pine-Fir) (Dry) Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.15a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient L15DL L15DL + sigma L15DL - sigma L30DL L30DL + sigma L30DL - sigma L45DL L45DL + sigma L45DL - sigma L60DL L60DL + sigma L60DL - sigma
decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal
M0 9.5901E-01 0.8799 1.0381E+00 1.0967E+00 6.6067E-01 1.5328E+00 1.0438E+00 1.0630E+00 1.0246E+00 0.70229 0.6112 0.79339
M1 -6.7361E-01 -1.5271E-01 -1.1945E+00 -1.1459E+00 1.5488E+00 -3.8407E+00 -1.0973E+00 -1.1666E+00 -1.0280E+00 -0.1929 0.50888 -0.89468
M2 1.2281E+00 9.8449E-02 2.3577E+00 2.3858E+00 -3.8969E+00 8.6684E+00 2.2033E+00 2.5822E+00 1.8244E+00 0.0104 -1.8942 1.915
M3 -1.5147E+00 -3.5713E-01 -2.6722E+00 -2.9633E+00 4.2928E+00 -1.0219E+01 -2.8437E+00 -3.6361E+00 -2.0513E+00 -0.13737 2.3401 -2.6148
M4 9.9192E-01 3.8382E-01 1.6000E+00 1.8198E+00 -2.6144E+00 6.2540E+00 1.8338E+00 2.5558E+00 1.1119E+00 0.18676 -1.4812 1.8547
M5 -3.1470E-01 -1.5803E-01 -4.7137E-01 -5.2911E-01 8.4657E-01 -1.9048E+00 -5.6575E-01 -8.6565E-01 -2.6585E-01 -0.086031 0.47541 -0.64747
M6 3.8690E-02 2.3302E-02 5.4078E-02 5.8620E-02 -1.1231E-01 2.2955E-01 6.7384E-02 1.1412E-01 2.0647E-02 0.013748 -0.061096 0.088591
R 1 0.99999 0.99999 1 0.99999 0.99999 1 1 1 1 1 0.99999
[1.0 = complete transmission; 0.0 = complete absorption]
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.15b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Lumber (Spruce-Pine-Fir) (Dry) Transmission versus
Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.15b. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal
Magnitude = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient L15DL L15DL + sigma L15DL - sigma L30DL L30DL + sigma L30DL - sigma L45DL L45DL + sigma L45DL - sigma L60DL L60DL + sigma L60DL - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -3.7815E-02 -0.99962 9.3376E-01 1.3400E+00 -3.7974E+00 6.5128E+00 1.0902E+00 1.7270E+00 4.6826E-01 -2.934 -4.8032 -1.0456
M1 -8.4443E+00 -2.3448E+00 -1.4619E+01 -1.2841E+01 1.8338E+01 -4.4237E+01 -1.4021E+01 -1.7810E+01 -1.0341E+01 -3.3868 10.035 -16.942
M2 1.6274E+01 3.3533E+00 2.9377E+01 2.6101E+01 -4.5579E+01 9.8259E+01 2.8164E+01 4.0526E+01 1.6023E+01 2.7721 -32.384 38.268
M3 -2.0175E+01 -7.2370E+00 -3.3321E+01 -3.0397E+01 5.1258E+01 -1.1254E+02 -3.4100E+01 -5.3670E+01 -1.4723E+01 -6.2594 38.441 -51.38
M4 1.3042E+01 6.4411E+00 1.9765E+01 1.6748E+01 -3.2410E+01 6.6148E+01 1.9815E+01 3.5306E+01 4.3990E+00 5.5957 -23.991 35.451
M5 -4.0665E+00 -2.4365E+00 -5.7324E+00 -4.1246E+00 1.0884E+01 -1.9188E+01 -5.3377E+00 -1.1280E+01 5.9489E-01 -2.1818 7.6408 -12.09
M6 4.9020E-01 3.4087E-01 6.4375E-01 3.4943E-01 -1.4847E+00 2.1876E+00 5.3373E-01 1.4148E+00 -3.4778E-01 0.31941 -0.97486 1.6245
R 1 0.99999 0.99998 1 0.99999 0.99999 1 1 1 1 1 0.99999
Figure 4.15b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Lumber (Spruce-Pine-Fir) (Dry) Panels
(relative to free space).
L15DL = 38 mm; L30DL = 76 mm; L45DL = 114 mm; L60DL = 152 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.15c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Lumber (Spruce-Pine-Fir) (Dry) Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.15c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient L15DH L15DH + sigma L15DH - sigma L30DH L30DH + sigma L30DH - sigma L45DH L45DH + sigma L45DH - sigma L60DH L60DH + sigma L60DH - sigma
decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal
M0 -1.6053E-01 -0.1402 -1.8087E-01 -1.1390E-01 -1.3643E-01 -9.1373E-02 2.6982E-03 1.6294E-02 -1.0895E-02 0.027905 -0.55338 0.60919
M1 7.7684E-01 7.5711E-01 7.9657E-01 5.0837E-01 5.5793E-01 4.5882E-01 2.2310E-01 2.2229E-01 2.2392E-01 0.10128 0.84398 -0.64141
M2 -3.5007E-01 -3.3793E-01 -3.6222E-01 -2.3602E-01 -2.6942E-01 -2.0261E-01 -1.0581E-01 -1.0439E-01 -1.0723E-01 -0.051557 -0.4363 0.33319
M3 9.4176E-02 9.0607E-02 9.7746E-02 6.3589E-02 7.4898E-02 5.2280E-02 2.9468E-02 2.9094E-02 2.9841E-02 0.015359 0.11931 -0.088593
M4 -1.4603E-02 -1.4048E-02 -1.5159E-02 -9.6970E-03 -1.1746E-02 -7.6483E-03 -4.7322E-03 -4.6898E-03 -4.7746E-03 -0.002721 -0.01815 0.012708
M5 1.1667E-03 1.1238E-03 1.2096E-03 7.5784E-04 9.4529E-04 5.7040E-04 3.8913E-04 3.8709E-04 3.9117E-04 0.00024545 0.0014365 -0.00094556
M6 -3.6915E-05 -3.5611E-05 -3.8219E-05 -2.3524E-05 -3.0289E-05 -1.6759E-05 -1.2625E-05 -1.2584E-05 -1.2665E-05 -8.57E-06 -4.59E-05 2.88E-05
R 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 1 1 1 1 1 0.99999 0.99998
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.1 L60DH
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.15d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Lumber (Spruce-Pine-Fir) (Dry) Transmission versus
Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.15d. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal
Magnitude = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient L15DH L15DH + sigma L15DH - sigma L30DH L30DH + sigma L30DH - sigma L45DH L45DH + sigma L45DH - sigma L60DH L60DH + sigma L60DH - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -1.6547E+01 -16.087 -1.7010E+01 -2.0122E+01 -2.1139E+01 -1.9108E+01 -2.4170E+01 -2.2925E+01 -2.5546E+01 -39.722 -122.06 44.041
M1 1.2399E+01 1.1961E+01 1.2837E+01 1.1806E+01 1.3596E+01 1.0015E+01 1.1601E+01 1.0823E+01 1.2481E+01 25.664 129.83 -80.242
M2 -5.4636E+00 -5.2319E+00 -5.6952E+00 -5.2732E+00 -6.3741E+00 -4.1711E+00 -5.4335E+00 -5.0375E+00 -5.8805E+00 -13.004 -66.517 41.368
M3 1.4022E+00 1.3393E+00 1.4649E+00 1.3594E+00 1.7045E+00 1.0137E+00 1.4424E+00 1.3394E+00 1.5582E+00 3.5173 17.838 -11.022
M4 -2.0711E-01 -1.9790E-01 -2.1623E-01 -1.9937E-01 -2.5806E-01 -1.4055E-01 -2.1806E-01 -2.0345E-01 -2.3446E-01 -0.53078 -2.6343 1.6025
M5 1.5876E-02 1.5207E-02 1.6532E-02 1.5069E-02 2.0182E-02 9.9424E-03 1.6930E-02 1.5891E-02 1.8095E-02 0.040883 0.20152 -0.12182
M6 -4.8509E-04 -4.6620E-04 -5.0340E-04 -4.5414E-04 -6.3196E-04 -2.7576E-04 -5.2171E-04 -4.9207E-04 -5.5528E-04 -1.24E-03 -6.22E-03 3.80E-03
R 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 1 1 1 1 1 0.99998 0.99997
Figure 4.15d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Lumber (Spruce-Pine-Fir) (Dry) Panels
(relative to free space).
L15DH = 38 mm; L30DH = 76 mm; L45DH = 114 mm; L60DH = 152 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
4.16 Lumber (Wet)
The following four tables (4.16a through The average material density (dry) varied
4.16d) present the frequency response from 0.428 (38 mm thickness) to 0.432
spectrum for lumber panels (fabricated g/cc (152 mm thickness). All specimens
from spruce-pine-fir grade material). The were soaked (see Section3.6) and allowed
specimens in this series bear the designa- to drip dry prior to testing.
tion LXXWL and LXXWH, where the
“XX” defines the specimen thickness in Figures 4.16a and 4.16b cover the band
inches, the “W” is for wetted, and the L from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.16c
and H denote “low” (0.5 to 2.0 GHz) and and 4.16d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0
“high” (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) frequency band- GHz. The ordinate values represent the
widths. ratio of the received to transmitted sig-
nal. The decimal attenuation values are
Four nominal specimen thicknesses, 38 presented first, followed by the same
mm, 76 mm, 114 mm, and 152 mm were ordinate set converted to decibels.
Table 4.16a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Lumber (Spruce-Pine-Fir) (Wet) Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.16a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient L15WL L15WL + sigma L15WL - sigma L30WL L30WL + sigma L30WL - sigma L45WL L45WL + sigma L45WL - sigma L60WL L60WL + sigma L60WL - sigma
decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal
M0 0.82917 0.8378 8.2054E-01 1.5830E+00 1.5221E+00 1.6440E+00 1.1196E+00 1.0745E+00 1.1648E+00 0.5885 0.4282 0.7488
M1 1.1303E-01 1.0732E-01 1.1873E-01 -3.1336E+00 -2.6777E+00 -3.5895E+00 -1.5041E+00 -1.1608E+00 -1.8474E+00 -0.02743 0.97531 -1.0302
M2 -3.7344E-01 -3.4554E-01 - 4 . 0 1 3 0 E - 0 1 5.8085E+00 4.6394E+00 6.9775E+00 3.1182E+00 2.3416E+00 3.8949E+00 -0.49513 -2.8042 1.814
M3 4.4380E-01 4.0972E-01 4.7782E-01 -6.1830E+00 -4.7250E+00 -7.6409E+00 -4.3139E+00 -3.4808E+00 -5.1470E+00 0.59934 3.2148 -2.0162
M4 -2.7125E-01 -2.5054E-01 - 2 . 9 1 9 4 E - 0 1 3.4540E+00 2.4928E+00 4.4151E+00 3.0586E+00 2.5872E+00 3.5300E+00 -0.3189 -1.8841 1.2463
M5 8.3517E-02 7.7323E-02 8.9701E-02 -9.4668E-01 -6.2403E-01 -1.2693E+00 -1.0456E+00 -9.0865E-01 -1.1825E+00 0.076928 0.55233 -0.39848
M6 -1.0280E-02 -9.5533E-03 -1.1005E-02 1.0027E-01 5.6856E-02 1.4369E-01 1.3817E-01 1.2201E-01 1.5433E-01 -0.006383 -0.064204 0.051439
R 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.99999 1
[1.0 = complete transmission; 0.0 = complete absorption]
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.16b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Lumber (Spruce-Pine-Fir) (Wet) Transmission versus
Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.16b. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal
Magnitude = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient L15WL L15WL + sigma L15WL - sigma L30WL L30WL + sigma L30WL - sigma L45WL L45WL + sigma L45WL - sigma L60WL L60WL + sigma L60WL - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -1.6379E+00 -1.5452 -1.7318E+00 5.2482E+00 4.3055E+00 6.1990E+00 3.7409E+00 3.0867E+00 4.4101E+00 -4.8427 -8.1666 -1.4954
M1 1.2351E+00 1.1492E+00 1.3250E+00 -2.6780E+01 -2.0308E+01 -3.3310E+01 -3.0069E+01 -2.5626E+01 -3.4615E+01 0.92997 21.109 -19.411
M2 -4.0036E+00 -3.6454E+00 -4.3737E+00 4.5340E+01 2.9237E+01 6.1598E+01 6.7570E+01 5.8019E+01 7.7366E+01 -9.9686 -55.544 35.994
M3 4.7313E+00 4.3030E+00 5.1727E+00 -4.2576E+01 -2.2729E+01 -6.2622E+01 -8.7389E+01 -7.7467E+01 -9.7589E+01 9.9268 60.716 -41.306
M4 -2.8839E+00 -2.6255E+00 -3.1500E+00 1.8234E+01 5.1944E+00 3.1410E+01 5.7273E+01 5.1787E+01 6.2927E+01 -4.3506 -34.261 25.823
M5 8.8617E-01 8.0903E-01 9.6549E-01 -2.7354E+00 1.6494E+00 -7.1680E+00 -1.8263E+01 -1.6692E+01 -1.9887E+01 0.70746 9.644 -8.3072
M6 -1.0890E-01 -9.9835E-02 -1.1821E-01 -4.9102E-02 -6.4178E-01 5.5022E-01 2.2689E+00 2.0844E+00 2.4601E+00 -0.001346 -1.07 1.0765
R 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.99999 1
Figure 4.16b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Lumber (Spruce-Pine-Fir) (Wet) Panels
(relative to free space).
L15WL = 38 mm; L30WL = 76 mm; L45WL = 114 mm; L60WL = 152 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.16c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Lumber (Spruce-Pine-Fir) (Wet) Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.16c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient L15WH L15WH + sigma L15WH - sigma L30WH L30WH + sigma L30WH - sigma L45WH L45WH + sigma L45WH - sigma L60WH L60WH + sigma L60WH - sigma
decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal
M0 -5.1516E-01 -0.5695 -4.6082E-01 -1.0443E-01 -4.4426E-01 2.3541E-01 -2.2519E-02 -2.7090E-02 -1.7948E-02 -0.0024898 -0.034619 0.029639
M1 1.0381E+00 1.0963E+00 9.7992E-01 2.9343E-01 7.0730E-01 -1.2044E-01 1.2780E-01 1.3997E-01 1.1564E-01 0.053956 0.096654 0.011259
M2 -5.0131E-01 -5.2291E-01 -4.7972E-01 -1.4270E-01 -3.4337E-01 5.7961E-02 -6.5971E-02 -7.1493E-02 -6.0450E-02 -0.027229 -0.049981 -0.0044763
M3 1.4337E-01 1.4687E-01 1.3987E-01 4.1823E-02 9.1866E-02 -8.2199E-03 1.9824E-02 2.1421E-02 1.8228E-02 0.0081103 0.014416 0.0018047
M4 -2.2760E-02 -2.2794E-02 -2.2726E-02 -6.9503E-03 -1.3652E-02 -2.4865E-04 -3.3180E-03 -3.5615E-03 -3.0746E-03 -0.0013754 -0.0023315 -0.00041928
M5 1.8207E-03 1.7813E-03 1.8602E-03 5.8470E-04 1.0369E-03 1.3252E-04 2.7643E-04 2.9458E-04 2.5828E-04 0.00011554 0.0001905 4.06E-05
M6 -5.7089E-05 -5.4657E-05 -5.9521E-05 -1.9244E-05 -3.1108E-05 -7.3796E-06 -8.9116E-06 -9.4551E-06 -8.3682E-06 -3.71E-06 -6.07E-06 -1.34E-06
R 0.99999 0.99999 0.99998 0.99999 0.99995 0.99985 1 1 1 1 1 1
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.16d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Lumber (Spruce-Pine-Fir) (Wet) Transmission versus
Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.16d. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal
Magnitude = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient L15WH L15WH + sigma L15WH - sigma L30WH L30WH + sigma L30WH - sigma L45WH L45WH + sigma L45WH - sigma L60WH L60WH + sigma L60WH - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -2.4127E+01 -23.007 -2.5726E+01 -3.3675E+01 -4.7522E+01 -1.9352E+01 -3.3121E+01 -3.1267E+01 -3.5990E+01 -29.032 -42.859 -15.978
M1 1.7162E+01 1.5642E+01 1.9324E+01 1.9658E+01 3.6289E+01 2.4386E+00 1.3001E+01 1.1461E+01 1.5680E+01 0.013127 17.649 -16.597
M2 -7.4272E+00 -6.5329E+00 -8.6725E+00 -9.1433E+00 -1.7010E+01 -9.8940E-01 -6.0203E+00 -5.2200E+00 -7.3560E+00 1.1032 -7.9784 9.6254
M3 1.9329E+00 1.6662E+00 2.3000E+00 2.4510E+00 4.3448E+00 4.8597E-01 1.5954E+00 1.4003E+00 1.9127E+00 -0.48865 1.9399 -2.7567
M4 -2.8797E-01 -2.4385E-01 -3.4788E-01 -3.7372E-01 -6.1530E-01 -1.2287E-01 -2.3610E-01 -2.1145E-01 -2.7472E-01 0.10049 -0.25444 0.42987
M5 2.2031E-02 1.8285E-02 2.7059E-02 2.9349E-02 4.4547E-02 1.3561E-02 1.7226E-02 1.5847E-02 1.9247E-02 -0.011401 0.015403 -0.036062
M6 -6.6578E-04 -5.4104E-04 -8.3228E-04 -9.1427E-04 -1.2710E-03 -5.4369E-04 -4.7452E-04 -4.5573E-04 -4.9550E-04 5.21E-04 -2.93E-04 1.26E-03
R 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99992 0.99984 1 1 1 1 1 1
Figure 4.16d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Lumber (Spruce-Pine-Fir) (Wet) Panels
(relative to free space).
L15WH = 38 mm; L30WH = 76 mm; L45WH = 114 mm; L60WH = 152 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
-20 L45WH
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
4.17 Plywood (Dry)
Figure 4.17: Test setup for specimen P50H (13 mm dry plywood panel) for frequency
response determination from 3.0 to 8.0 GHz. See Figures 4.17c and 4.17d.
Table 4.17a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Plywood (Dry) Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.17a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient P25DL P25DL + sigma P25DL - sigma P50DL P50DL + sigma P50DL - sigma P75DL P75DL + sigma P75DL - sigma P125DL P125DL + sigmaP125DL - sigma
decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal
M0 1.0640E+00 1.0586 1.0693E+00 1.0607E+00 1.0392E+00 1.0822E+00 1.0293E+00 1.0115E+00 1.0471E+00 1.0427 1.0366 1.0488
M1 -1.9480E-01 -2.0136E-01 -1.8824E-01 -1.9577E-01 -1.1324E-01 -2.7831E-01 -1.7839E-01 -1.0433E-01 -2.5245E-01 -0.39032 -0.36903 -0.41163
M2 1.4377E-01 2.0014E-01 8.7404E-02 1.4143E-01 1.1263E-02 2.7161E-01 1.0333E-01 -1.4440E-02 2.2109E-01 0.452 0.42903 0.47499
M3 -1.0416E-01 -1.5899E-01 -4.9341E-02 -9.8323E-02 5.2038E-02 -2.4869E-01 -4.3341E-02 9.1697E-02 -1.7837E-01 -0.43949 -0.41076 -0.46825
M4 4.1431E-02 6.8583E-02 1.4281E-02 3.4895E-02 -6.1276E-02 1.3107E-01 -4.1308E-03 -9.0292E-02 8.2026E-02 0.25116 0.23078 0.27155
M5 -3.2702E-03 -1.1323E-02 4.7825E-03 -3.6758E-04 2.9967E-02 -3.0704E-02 1.2587E-02 3.9836E-02 -1.4660E-02 -0.070414 -0.063708 -0.077125
M6 -1.1922E-03 -1.0925E-04 -2.2752E-03 -1.6501E-03 -5.4140E-03 2.1141E-03 -3.3267E-03 -6.7284E-03 7.4775E-05 0.0074462 0.006607 0.0082861
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.17b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Plywood (Dry) Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.17b. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal Magnitude =
M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient P25DL P25DL + sigma P25DL - sigma P50DL P50DL + sigma P50DL - sigma P75DL P75DL + sigma P75DL - sigma P125DL P125DL + sigmaP125DL - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 5.4784E-01 0.50124 5.9586E-01 5.2046E-01 3.3170E-01 7.1115E-01 2.5407E-01 9.3873E-02 4.1607E-01 0.4172 0.35737 0.47769
M1 -1.6494E+00 -1.7001E+00 -1.6098E+00 -1.6565E+00 -9.2550E-01 -2.4008E+00 -1.5237E+00 -8.5406E-01 -2.2048E+00 -3.6322 -3.4135 -3.8551
M2 1.1830E+00 1.6349E+00 7.6405E-01 1.1466E+00 - 3 . 4 7 9 8 E - 0 2 2.3662E+00 7.7456E-01 -3.0824E-01 1.8885E+00 4.2968 4.0184 4.5867
M3 -8.7390E-01 -1.2808E+00 -5.1196E-01 -7.9810E-01 5.9151E-01 -2.2398E+00 - 2 . 4 7 9 3 E - 0 1 1.0152E+00 -1.5537E+00 -4.3415 -3.9734 -4.7253
M4 3.3208E-01 5.2435E-01 1.6743E-01 2.5451E-01 -6.3178E-01 1.1728E+00 -1.3730E-01 -9.4202E-01 6.9417E-01 2.5 2.2461 2.7635
M5 -9.7020E-03 -6.8722E-02 4.1569E-02 2.3782E-02 2.9992E-01 -2.6134E-01 1.5509E-01 4.0690E-01 -1.0442E-01 -0.6916 -0.61123 -0.77465
M6 -1.4473E-02 -5.9404E-03 -2.2189E-02 -1.9714E-02 -5.3422E-02 1.4941E-02 -3.7016E-02 -6.8001E-02 -5.1910E-03 0.070952 0.061315 0.080875
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Figure 4.17b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Plywood (Dry) Panels
(relative to free space).
P25DL = 6 mm; P50DL = 13 mm; P75DL = 19 mm; P125DL = 32 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.17c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Plywood (Dry) Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.17c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient P25DH P25DH + sigma P25DH - sigma P50DH P50DH + sigma P50DH - sigma P75DH P75DH + sigma P75DH - sigma P125DH P125DH + sigmaP125DH - sigma
decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal
M0 -2.5942E-01 -0.25971 -2.5913E-01 -2.9631E-01 -3.0708E-01 -2.8556E-01 -3.4218E-01 -3.4493E-01 -3.3943E-01 -0.77519 -0.76401 -0.78638
M1 1.1761E+00 1.1810E+00 1.1712E+00 1.2065E+00 1.2249E+00 1.1881E+00 1.2313E+00 1.2446E+00 1.2181E+00 1.4203 1.4006 1.44
M2 -5.2085E-01 -5.2329E-01 -5.1842E-01 -5.3419E-01 -5.4267E-01 -5.2571E-01 -5.5401E-01 -5.6025E-01 -5.4776E-01 -0.64104 -0.62729 -0.65479
M3 1.3813E-01 1.3873E-01 1.3754E-01 1.4034E-01 1.4243E-01 1.3825E-01 1.4561E-01 1.4724E-01 1.4398E-01 0.175 0.17035 0.17964
M4 -2.1341E-02 -2.1416E-02 -2.1265E-02 -2.1311E-02 -2.1597E-02 -2.1025E-02 -2.1813E-02 -2.2052E-02 -2.1573E-02 -0.027135 -0.026321 -0.02794 9
M5 1.7078E-03 1.7123E-03 1.7033E-03 1.6745E-03 1.6946E-03 1.6543E-03 1.6823E-03 1.7004E-03 1.6643E-03 0.0021554 0.0020844 0.0022265
M6 -5.4157E-05 -5.4258E-05 -5.4057E-05 -5.2242E-05 -5.2812E-05 -5.1672E-05 -5.1546E-05 -5.2085E-05 -5.1007E-05 -6.77E-05 -6.53E-05 -7.02E-05
R 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.17d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Plywood (Dry) Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.17d. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal Magnitude =
M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient P25DH P25DH + sigma P25DH - sigma P50DH P50DH + sigma P50DH - sigma P75DH P75DH + sigma P75DH - sigma P125DH P125DH + sigmaP125DH - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -1.3704E+01 -13.624 -1.3783E+01 -1.3497E+01 -1.3504E+01 -1.3489E+01 -1.3703E+01 -1.3598E+01 -1.3809E+01 -23.512 -23.382 -23.644
M1 1.3197E+01 1.3153E+01 1.3242E+01 1.2736E+01 1.2811E+01 1.2661E+01 1.2495E+01 1.2493E+01 1.2497E+01 19.042 18.84 19.247
M2 -5.8051E+00 -5.7850E+00 -5.8254E+00 -5.5360E+00 -5.5706E+00 -5.5008E+00 -5.4318E+00 -5.4346E+00 -5.4291E+00 -7.9679 -7.8332 -8.1035
M3 1.4778E+00 1.4722E+00 1.4834E+00 1.3948E+00 1.4026E+00 1.3867E+00 1.3660E+00 1.3668E+00 1.3651E+00 1.9912 1.9465 2.0361
M4 -2.1707E-01 -2.1614E-01 -2.1800E-01 -2.0241E-01 -2.0334E-01 -2.0147E-01 -1.9646E-01 -1.9657E-01 -1.9635E-01 -0.28871 -0.28094 -0.29652
M5 1.6594E-02 1.6512E-02 1.6676E-02 1.5281E-02 1.5332E-02 1.5228E-02 1.4632E-02 1.4636E-02 1.4628E-02 0.021917 0.021241 0.022595
M6 -5.0589E-04 -5.0306E-04 -5.0876E-04 -4.6046E-04 -4.6149E-04 -4.5940E-04 -4.3452E-04 -4.3446E-04 -4.3458E-04 -0.00066748 -0.00064438 -0.00069069
R 1 1 1 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999
Figure 4.17d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Plywood (Dry) Panels
(relative to free space).
P25DH = 6 mm; P50DH = 13 mm; P75DH = 19 mm; P125DH = 32 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
4.18 Plywood (Wet) specimens were
Figure 4.18: Test setup for specimen P50WH (13 mm wetted plywood panel) for fre-
quency response determination from 3.0 to 8.0 GHz. See Figures 4.18c and 4.18d.
Table 4.18a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Plywood (Wet) Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.18a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient P25WL P25WL + sigma P25WL - sigma P50WL P50WL + sigma P50WL - sigma P75WL P75WL + sigma P75WL - sigma P125WL P125WL + sigma P125WL - sigma
decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal
M0 1.0715E+00 1.0596 1.0835E+00 1.0104E+00 9.9931E-01 1.0215E+00 1.0216E+00 1.0396E+00 1.0035E+00 0.88958 0.88273 0.89642
M1 -5.1379E-01 -4.6696E-01 -5.6063E-01 -4.0697E-01 -3.4299E-01 -4.7093E-01 -4.7879E-01 -5.9385E-01 -3.6373E-01 -0.35921 -0.32298 -0.39542
M2 6.5154E-01 5.8763E-01 7.1546E-01 4.8159E-01 3.7487E-01 5.8828E-01 6.1525E-01 8.8380E-01 3.4669E-01 0.45257 0.4002 0.50492
M3 -6.8482E-01 -6.0528E-01 -7.6437E-01 -4.8797E-01 -3.6648E-01 -6.0941E-01 -6.4398E-01 -9.2288E-01 -3.6506E-01 -0.47169 -0.40785 -0.53552
M4 3.9133E-01 3.3679E-01 4.4588E-01 2.7305E-01 1.9309E-01 3.5299E-01 3.8164E-01 5.3967E-01 2.2361E-01 0.28825 0.24475 0.33174
M5 -1.0695E-01 -8.9282E-02 -1.2462E-01 -7.2673E-02 -4.6325E-02 -9.9013E-02 -1.1075E-01 -1.5848E-01 -6.3019E-02 -0.087469 -0.073059 -0.10187
M6 1.1073E-02 8.8668E-03 1.3280E-02 7.1755E-03 3.7536E-03 1.0596E-02 1.2431E-02 1.8393E-02 6.4684E-03 1.04E-02 8.50E-03 1.22E-02
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.18b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Plywood (Wet) Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.18b. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal Magnitude =
M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient P25DL P25DL + sigma P25DL - sigma P50DL P50DL + sigma P50DL - sigma P75DL P75DL + sigma P75DL - sigma P125DL P125DL + sigma P125DL - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 7.0553E-01 0.58131 8.3281E-01 1.5955E-01 3.8468E-02 2.8353E-01 2.8839E-01 4.5981E-01 1.1864E-01 -0.94451 -1.0293 -0.85734
M1 -4.8813E+00 -4.3672E+00 -5.4141E+00 -3.9717E+00 -3.2770E+00 -4.6835E+00 -4.7902E+00 -5.8705E+00 -3.7218E+00 -4.0194 -3.566 -4.4868
M2 6.3624E+00 5.5619E+00 7.2098E+00 4.8050E+00 3.5842E+00 6.0674E+00 6.4163E+00 8.8947E+00 3.9708E+00 5.2694 4.5475 6.0259
M3 -6.8000E+00 -5.7896E+00 -7.8685E+00 -4.9824E+00 -3.5458E+00 -6.4754E+00 -6.9476E+00 -9.4600E+00 -4.4767E+00 -5.7184 -4.8052 -6.6774
M4 3.7592E+00 3.1060E+00 4.4449E+00 2.7254E+00 1.7845E+00 3.7048E+00 4.1048E+00 5.5241E+00 2.7081E+00 3.5288 2.9131 4.1734
M5 -9.5921E-01 -7.6311E-01 -1.1632E+00 -6.8494E-01 -3.8123E-01 -1.0011E+00 -1.1648E+00 -1.6003E+00 -7.3461E-01 -1.0652 -0.86587 -1.273
M6 8.8941E-02 6.6363E-02 1.1217E-01 6.0964E-02 2.2489E-02 1.0098E-01 1.2631E-01 1.8197E-01 7.1064E-02 1.25E-01 9.96E-02 1.51E-01
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Figure 4.18b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Plywood (Wet) Panels
(relative to free space).
P25WL = 6 mm; P50WL = 13 mm; P75WL = 19 mm; P125WL = 32 mm
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation]
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.18c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Plywood (Wet) Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.18c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient P25DH P25DH + sigma P25DH - sigma P50DH P50DH + sigma P50DH - sigma P75DH P75DH + sigma P75DH - sigma
decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal
M0 -5.3832E-01 -0.55892 -5.1773E-01 -6.1972E-01 -6.7122E-01 -5.6822E-01 -1.5508E-01 -2.0561E-01 -1.0454E-01
M1 1.0774E+00 1.1034E+00 1.0513E+00 1.1971E+00 1.2663E+00 1.1279E+00 5.5829E-01 6.3090E-01 4.8567E-01
M2 -4.9546E-01 -5.0702E-01 -4.8391E-01 -5.5889E-01 -5.9176E-01 -5.2601E-01 -2.3524E-01 -2.7270E-01 -1.9778E-01
M3 1.3596E-01 1.3865E-01 1.3326E-01 1.5623E-01 1.6459E-01 1.4786E-01 7.1457E-02 8.1998E-02 6.0916E-02
M4 -2.0459E-02 -2.0797E-02 -2.0122E-02 -2.4482E-02 -2.5612E-02 -2.3352E-02 -1.3020E-02 -1.4663E-02 -1.1376E-02
M5 1.5497E-03 1.5713E-03 1.5281E-03 1.9475E-03 2.0219E-03 1.8732E-03 1.1992E-03 1.3306E-03 1.0679E-03
M6 -4.6217E-05 -4.6780E-05 -4.5656E-05 -6.1050E-05 -6.2882E-05 -5.9218E-05 -4.2450E-05 -4.6630E-05 -3.8270E-05
R 1 1 1 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.6 P75WH
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.18d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Plywood (Wet) Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.18d. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal Magnitude =
M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient P25DH P25DH + sigma P25DH - sigma P50DH P50DH + sigma P50DH - sigma P75DH P75DH + sigma P75DH - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -1.9642E+01 -19.793 -1.9490E+01 -2.3351E+01 -2.3431E+01 -2.3241E+01 -2.3092E+01 -2.3829E+01 -2.2334E+01
M1 1.2480E+01 1.2718E+01 1.2240E+01 1.7474E+01 1.7708E+01 1.7203E+01 1.6171E+01 1.7327E+01 1.4982E+01
M2 -4.8766E+00 -4.9855E+00 -4.7668E+00 -7.3831E+00 -7.4714E+00 -7.2766E+00 -6.8619E+00 -7.4655E+00 -6.2402E+00
M3 1.2182E+00 1.2434E+00 1.1929E+00 1.8786E+00 1.8931E+00 1.8596E+00 1.8090E+00 1.9734E+00 1.6394E+00
M4 -1.7620E-01 -1.7931E-01 -1.7307E-01 -2.7588E-01 -2.7627E-01 -2.7490E-01 -2.8506E-01 -3.0952E-01 -2.5979E-01
M5 1.3127E-02 1.3325E-02 1.2927E-02 2.1008E-02 2.0869E-02 2.1109E-02 2.3759E-02 2.5625E-02 2.1828E-02
M6 -3.8798E-04 -3.9321E-04 -3.8274E-04 -6.3750E-04 -6.2726E-04 -6.4678E-04 -7.9178E-04 -8.4878E-04 -7.3275E-04
R 1 1 1 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999
Figure 4.18d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Plywood (Wet) Panels
(relative to free space).
P25WH = 6 mm; P50WH = 13 mm; P75WH = 19 mm.
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
4.19 Reinforced Concrete
The following four tables (4.19a through Figures 4.19a and 4.19b cover the band
4.19d) present the frequency response from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.19c
spectrum for reinforced concrete walls. and 4.19d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0
The specimens in this series bear the des- GHz. The ordinate values represent the
ignation RC88XL and RC88XH, where ratio of the received to transmitted sig-
the “X” defines the percent reinforce- nal. The decimal attenuation values are
ment, and the L and H denote “low” (0.5 presented first, followed by the same
to 2.0 GHz) and “high” (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) ordinate set converted to decibels.
frequency bandwidths.
m m
3 19 mm ReBar m
20 3 19 mm ReBar
140 mm
70 mm
1000 mm
1000 mm
140 mm
70 mm
000 mm
000 mm
Figure 4.19: Specimens RC881 (left) and RC882 (right). Concrete batch was the same as
for specimens C88. The results of these specimens are compared in this section with
the reinforced samples.
Table 4.19a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Reinforced Concrete Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.19a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C88L C88L + sigma C88L - sigma RC881L RC881L + sigma RC881L - sigma RC882L RC882L + sigma RC882L - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal Decimal
M0 1.9574E-01 2.1489E-01 1.7659E-01 0.11632 0.12819 0.10445 8.8034E-02 9.2206E-02 8.3863E-02
M1 -4.9081E-01 -5.8680E-01 -3.9481E-01 -0.038559 -0.097943 0.020824 -1.2997E-01 -1.5205E-01 -1.0789E-01
M2 8.0792E-01 9.9712E-01 6.1872E-01 -0.14826 -0.033705 -0.26282 1.5164E-01 2.0077E-01 1.0251E-01
M3 -8.3060E-01 -1.0186E+00 -6.4256E-01 0.14603 0.038506 0.25355 -1.4795E-01 -2.0002E-01 -9.5885E-02
M4 4.9001E-01 5.9206E-01 3.8796E-01 -0.014967 0.039006 -0.068939 1.0358E-01 1.3238E-01 7.4778E-02
M5 -1.4966E-01 -1.7878E-01 -1.2054E-01 -0.023988 -0.038072 -0.0099049 -4.0443E-02 -4.8468E-02 -3.2418E-02
M6 1.8226E-02 2.1659E-02 1.4792E-02 0.0065792 0.0080924 0.0050661 6.2570E-03 7.1446E-03 5.3694E-03
R 1 1 1 0.99999 0.99999 0.99999 1 1 1
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.19b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Reinforced Concrete Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.19b. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal Magnitude =
M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C88L C88L + sigma C88L - sigma RC881L RC881L + sigma RC881L - sigma RC882L RC882L + sigma RC882L - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -7.5025E+00 -6.1221E+00 -8.7903E+00 -18.774 -18.305 -19.105 -1.9363E+01 -1.8639E+01 -2.0090E+01
M1 -6.4597E+01 -7.0406E+01 -5.9339E+01 -7.8074 -8.4393 -8.0524 -2.5150E+01 -2.8706E+01 -2.1612E+01
M2 1.1751E+02 1.2639E+02 1.0988E+02 18.292 14.693 24.066 4.1211E+01 4.8086E+01 3.4491E+01
M3 -1.2896E+02 -1.3519E+02 -1.2414E+02 -59.486 -49.468 -72.189 -5.6320E+01 -6.1846E+01 -5.1128E+01
M4 7.4256E+01 7.6711E+01 7.2597E+01 64.724 55.575 75.611 4.4126E+01 4.6001E+01 4.2547E+01
M5 -2.0580E+01 -2.1214E+01 -2.0164E+01 -28.832 -25.23 -32.996 -1.7168E+01 -1.7299E+01 -1.7155E+01
M6 2.0961E+00 2.1840E+00 2.0306E+00 4.5809 4.0568 5.1773 2.5310E+00 2.4960E+00 2.5836E+00
R 1 1 1 0.99999 0.99998 0.99999 1 1 1
Figure 4.19b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Reinforced Concrete Walls
(relative to free space).
All Specimens are 203 mm Thick. Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
C88L = Unreinforced Reference; RC881L = 1% Steel; RC882L = 2% Steel
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.19c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Reinforced Concrete Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.19c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C88H C88H + sigma C88H - sigma RC881H RC881H + sigma RC881H - sigma RC882H RC882H + sigma RC882H - sigma
Decimal Decimal Decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal
M0 8.5008E-03 8.7618E-03 8.2397E-03 0.0072087 0.0070249 0.0073922 2.8272E-03 4.6088E-03 1.0470E-03
M1 -5.7899E-03 -5.8974E-03 -5.6824E-03 -0.0039265 -0.0035561 -0.0042964 3.0774E-04 -1.7448E-03 2.3586E-03
M2 2.7328E-03 2.7595E-03 2.7060E-03 0.0017313 0.0015383 0.0019241 -3.6695E-04 6.4895E-04 -1.3821E-03
M3 -7.0006E-04 -7.0104E-04 -6.9909E-04 -0.00041259 -0.00035941 -0.00046571 1.3022E-04 -1.4153E-04 4.0176E-04
M4 9.3971E-05 9.2931E-05 9.5014E-05 4.91E-05 4.08E-05 5.74E-05 -2.7350E-05 1.3654E-05 -6.8327E-05
M5 -6.4726E-06 -6.2918E-06 -6.6536E-06 -2.89E-06 -2.20E-06 -3.57E-06 2.7480E-06 -5.1612E-07 6.0100E-06
M6 1.8601E-07 1.7739E-07 1.9464E-07 7.07E-08 4.80E-08 9.33E-08 -9.9968E-08 5.9965E-09 -2.0587E-07
R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.19d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Reinforced Concrete Transmission versus Frequency Curves
Plotted in Figure 4.19d. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal Magnitude =
M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient C88H C88H + sigma C88H - sigma RC881H RC881H + sigma RC881H - sigma RC882H RC882H + sigma RC882H - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 2.1087E+02 2.0579E+02 2.1482E+02 51.337 41.974 61.136 5.5418E+00 5.2986E+01 -5.1414E+01
M1 -3.3034E+02 -3.2375E+02 -3.3550E+02 -126.92 -115.03 -139.33 -7.7524E+01 -1.3466E+02 -9.0516E+00
M2 1.7179E+02 1.6855E+02 1.7428E+02 65.976 59.989 72.206 4.3696E+01 7.1752E+01 1.0178E+01
M3 -4.6890E+01 -4.6076E+01 -4.7497E+01 -18.072 -16.501 -19.7 -1.3085E+01 -2.0244E+01 -4.5693E+00
M4 7.0653E+00 6.9559E+00 7.1434E+00 2.7352 2.5093 2.9684 2.1692E+00 3.1667E+00 9.8904E-01
M5 -5.5888E-01 -5.5155E-01 -5.6371E-01 -0.21832 -0.20148 -0.23561 -1.9028E-01 -2.6190E-01 -1.0607E-01
M6 1.8103E-02 1.7918E-02 1.8205E-02 0.0071561 0.0066503 0.0076719 6.8546E-03 8.9184E-03 4.4448E-03
R 0.99998 0.99998 0.99998 1 1 0.99999 0.99999 1 0.99997
Figure 4.19d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Reinforced Concrete Walls
(relative to free space).
All Specimens are 203 mm Thick. High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
C88L = Unreinforced Reference; RC881L = 1% Steel; RC882L = 2% Steel
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
4.20 Rebar Grid MPa) steel deformed reinforcement.
The reinforcement grids are as shown
The following four tables (4.20a through in Figure 4.20 (below) and were identi-
4.20d) present the frequency response cal to the grids used in the reinforced
spectrum for steel reinforcing rod (rebar) concrete specimens (Section 4.19).
grids. The specimens in this series bear
the designation REXL and REXH, where Figures 4.20a and 4.20b cover the band
the “X” defines the volumetric percent- from 0.5 to 2.0 GHz, while Figures 4.20c
age of reinforcement relative to speci- and 4.20d are for the range 3.0 to 8.0
mens C88L and C88L. The L and H GHz. The ordinate values represent the
denote “low” (0.5 to 2.0 GHz) and ratio of the received to transmitted sig-
“high” (3.0 to 8.0 GHz) frequency band- nal. The decimal attenuation values are
widths. presented first, followed by the same
ordinate set converted to decibels.
All specimens were fabricated from 19
mm diameter Grade 60 (yield stress 414
Table 4.20a: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Reinforcing Bar Grid Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.20a. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Rebar Grid Attenuation Curves (0.5 to 2.0 GHz)
Curve Identification
Coefficient RE1L RE1L + sigma RE1L - sigma RE2L RE2L + sigma RE2L - sigma
decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal
M0 6.5645E-01 8.2826E-01 4.8464E-01 0.10422 0.14179 0.066658
M1 -2.2744E-02 -7.7363E-01 7.2813E-01 0.41864 0.23067 0.60661
M2 1.6691E-01 1.3736E+00 -1.0398E+00 -1.1158 -0.74372 -1.4878
M3 -2.9442E-01 -1.1575E+00 5.6858E-01 1.399 1.0271 1.771
M4 3.8773E-01 6.5343E-01 1.2206E-01 -0.78225 -0.57795 -0.98654
M5 -1.9888E-01 -2.1713E-01 -1.8064E-01 0.19803 0.13932 0.25673
M6 3.4080E-02 3.0091E-02 3.8070E-02 -0.01821 -0.011311 -0.02511
R 1 1 1 1 1 1
Figure 4.20a: Transmission Coefficients for Rebar Grids (relative to free space).
RE1RL = 19 mm bars on 140 mm square grid
RE2RL = 19 mm bars on 70 mm square grid
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
[1.0 = complete transmission; 0.0 = complete absor
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
ble 4.20b: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Rebar Grid Transmission versus Frequency Curves Plotted
in Figure 4.20b. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal Magnitude =
M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
he correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 0.5 to 2.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient RE1L RE1L + sigma RE1L - sigma RE2L RE2L + sigma RE2L - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -3.9873E+00 -1.4936E+00 -6.4737E+00 -17.993 -15.847 -20.151
M1 1.9272E+00 -9.4768E+00 1.3243E+01 18.812 7.8252 29.851
M2 -3.8192E+00 1.5906E+01 -2.3237E+01 -57.469 -35.195 -79.823
M3 4.4558E+00 -1.1665E+01 2.0102E+01 82.429 59.686 105.22
M4 -1.0471E+00 5.4843E+00 -7.2203E+00 -54.714 -42.114 -67.325
M5 -4.2203E-01 -1.6182E+00 6.4328E-01 17.214 13.59 20.836
M6 1.4873E-01 2.1424E-01 1.0173E-01 -2.0991 -1.6744 -2.5231
R 1 1 1 1 1 1
Figure 4.20b: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Rebar Grids
(relative to free space).
RE1RL = 19 mm bars on 140 mm square grid
RE2RL = 19 mm bars on 70 mm square grid
Low Range Data: 0.5 to 2.0 GHz
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[ 0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
0.5 1 1.5 2
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.20c: Regression Coefficients (decimal) for Rebar Grid Transmission
versus Frequency Curves Plotted in Figure 4.20c. The regression equation is of the form
Transmission Coefficient = M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6 etc.
where F is the frequency in GHz. The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text.
Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Rebar Grid Attenuation Curves (3.0 to 8.0 GHz)
Curve Identification
Coefficient RE1H RE1H + sigma RE1H - sigma RE2H RE2H + sigma RE2H - sigma
decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal decimal
M0 -7.9473E-01 -8.0232E-01 -7.8714E-01 -0.27782 -0.34225 -0.21339
M1 1.4472E+00 1.4722E+00 1.4222E+00 0.79174 0.89753 0.68593
M2 -6.6937E-01 -6.8407E-01 -6.5467E-01 -0.39285 -0.45472 -0.33097
M3 1.8363E-01 1.8772E-01 1.7953E-01 0.11412 0.13276 0.09548
M4 -2.7857E-02 -2.8395E-02 -2.7318E-02 -0.017376 -0.02043 -0.014322
M5 2.1365E-03 2.1666E-03 2.1065E-03 0.0012969 0.0015537 0.0010402
M6 -6.4617E-05 -6.5075E-05 -6.4159E-05 -3.76E-05 -4.63E-05 -2.90E-05
R 1 1 1 1 1 1
Figure 4.20c: Transmission Coefficients for Rebar Grids (relative to free space).
RE1RL = 19 mm bars on 140 mm square grid
RE2RL = 19 mm bars on 70 mm square grid
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
[1.0 = complete transmission; 0.0 = complete abso
Transmission Coefficient (decimal)
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
Table 4.20d: Regression Coefficients (dB) for Rebar Grid Transmission versus Frequency Curves Plotted
in Figure 4.20d. The regression equation is of the form Received Signal Magnitude =
M0+M1*F+M2*F^2+M3*F^3+M4*F^4+M5*F^5+M6*F^6, where F is the frequency in GHz.
The correlation coefficient, R, is defined in the text. Data are for the Frequency Range 3.0 to 8.0 GHz.
Curve Identification
Coefficient RE1H RE1H + sigma RE1H - sigma RE2H RE2H + sigma RE2H - sigma
dB dB dB dB dB dB
M0 -2.1005E+01 -2.0424E+01 -21.586 -1.3237E+01 -13.573 -12.921
M1 1.5522E+01 1.5067E+01 15.974 4.5845E+00 5.4441 3.7409
M2 -6.2548E+00 -6.0698E+00 -6.4368 -1.5544E+00 -2.1036 -1.0108
M3 1.5567E+00 1.5137E+00 1.5988 4.8611E-01 0.65674 0.31651
M4 -2.2387E-01 -2.1759E-01 -0.23002 -8.3460E-02 -0.11186 -0.055158
M5 1.6654E-02 1.6118E-02 0.017182 6.7194E-03 0.009133 0.004309
M6 -4.9322E-04 -4.7366E-04 -0.00051259 -2.0257E-04 -0.00028454 -0.0001206
R 1 1 1 1 1 1
Figure 4.20d: Received Signal Magnitude (dB) for Rebar Grids
(relative to free space).
RE1RL = 19 mm bars on 140 mm square grid
RE2RL = 19 mm bars on 70 mm square grid
High Range Data: 3.0 to 8.0 GHz
Dotted Curves represent +/- 1 standard deviation from mean (Solid Curves).
Received Signal Magnitude (dB)
[0.0 dB = no attenuation ]
3 4 5 6 7 8
Frequency (GHz)
5.0 Summary
The above data represent a fairly compre- panel dissipated only 6% of the transmit-
hensive set of information concerning the ted power. In a few special cases for
most common construction materials and thinner specimens subjected to signals in
their susceptibility to penetration by elec- the 3.0 to 8.0 GHz regime (specifically the
tromagnetic (EM) radiation in the 0.5 to drywall and glass specimens), the
8.0 GHz (60 cm to 4 cm wavelength) received signal, at certain discrete fre-
range. quencies, approached or slightly exceed-
ed the transmitted power level. This is a
Perhaps the most striking aspect of these well known phenomenon of resonance
data is the relative “transparency” of the that is exploited in radome design.
majority of these materials to EM waves
within the frequency range tested, which The strongest signal absorption ocurred
constituted relatively long wavelength for concrete specimens. However, mea-
radiation as compared with, for example, surable signals were acquired for slabs of
visible light. As an example, the average up to 305 mm thick. Previous tests
power of the received signal for a broad- [Stone, 1996] indicated a limiting thick-
band pulse in the 0.5 to 2.0 GHz regime ness penetration of between 0.5 to 0.75 m
incident upon a 3-wythe thick (267 mm) for a 1 mW signal).
brick wall was on the order of 40% that
of the transmitted signal power. And this Several observations concerning rein-
was for a transmission power level of forced concrete are worth discussing.
only 1 mW. Similar characteristics apply The most important appears to be a rela-
to masonry block walls, a staple of com- tive EM penetration insensitivity to sig-
mercial construction practice. A one mW nificant changes in the concrete con-
signal penetrating three layers of mason- stituents. A 100% increase in aggregate
ry block (610 mm thick) was received at a size has no observable effect on received
power level of approximately 0.05 mW, signal power. Nor, apparently, does the
still well above the noise threshold of the water-cement ratio. The most measur-
receiving instrumentation. able effect appears to be related to the
slump (a measure of the flow-ability of
Other materials more common to resi- the mixture per ASTM standard proce-
dential construction -- plywood, lumber dures). Even this, however, is not a dra-
studs, glass, and drywall -- were pene- matic effect: an 8% reduction in received
trated even more easily. A 13 mm thick signal power for a 4-fold increase in
plywood panel dissipated only 10% of slump (see Figure 5.1).
the power of the transmitted signal; two
layers of solid fir planks (76 mm thick) Another useful means of comparing the
dissipated 30% of the transmitted signal transparency of engineering materials is
strength; a 19 mm thick glass panel dissi- to calculate the signal loss per unit thick-
pated 30%; and a 13 mm thick drywall ness (expressed in dB/mm). This quanti-
Transmission through Concrete Transmission through Concrete
at 1.0 GHz at 1.5 GHz
0.3 0.3
0.25 0.25
Transmission Coefficient
Transmission Coefficient
0.2 0.2
0.15 0.15
y = 0.27064 + -0.00056787x R= 0.7763
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250
Slump (mm) Slump (mm)
Figure 5.1: Signal attenuation versus slump relationship considering all eight concrete
mixtures at two representative discrete frequencies (1.0 and 1.5 GHz) for 102 mm thick
plain concrete specimens.
ty, for a limited number of tests involving In general, the signal attenuation
various materials, is plotted in Figure 5.2 (dB/mm) increases with increasing fre-
as a function of the measured material quency. A one milliwatt signal penetrat-
density (in g/cc). For this plot, the densi- ing a 305 mm thick concrete wall will
ty for the brick and masonry block speci- undergo a loss of approximatey 90 dB at
mens was the true density of the solid 8 GHz. While this can be recovered from
material (not counting the cores). the background noise in a laboratory set-
Likewise, the loss per unit thickness for ting, that is not guaranteed in an indus-
the brick and masonry block specimens trial situation such as a constructiion site
was calculated on the assumption that or busy inner city complex.
the EM signal penetrated the thinnest
sidewall distance, propagated across the The data presented herein were taken
air gap in the cells, and then continued largely to prepare for the development of
through the opposite wall, with the NLS metrology systems, since accurate
power dissipation occurring only during distance measurement will require com-
the penetration of the front and rear pensation of the range errors which
walls. Despite the scatter in the data, result from propagation delays as the sig-
Figure 5.2 strongly supports the notion nal travels through the solid material. In
that, at least in non-conducting materials, their present form, the data should be of
the signal loss per unit thickness is pro- general use as a material reference hand-
portional to the material density. book to mobile and portable communica-
Atten (db/mm) 1GHz
Atten (db/mm) 1.5 GHz
0.15 Masonry
Batch 1
Drywall Glass
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Figure 5.2: Signal loss per unit material thickness (expressed in dB/mm) as a function
of the material density (g/cc). The above data represent a very small sampling of the
available database at only two discrete frequencies. Attenuation increases, generally,
with increasing signal frequency.
6.0 References
Appendix A: MatLab Scripts
The following pages contain MatLab scripts for post-processing the test data in order
to create the tables and plots presented in Chapter 4. The radar data acquisition and
storage program was a proprietary code (DataPro) developed by Flam & Russell.
Following the acquisition of the initial frequency power spectra for each test, DataPro
was used to perform three subsequent digital signal processing steps: 1) Conversion of
the frequency domain data to time domain (using a chirp-Z algorithm); 2) Time
domain gating (using a band-pass filter) to eliminate unwanted multipath signals; and
3) production of a gated frequency spectra (using an inverse FFT algorithm). Any of
these steps could have also been accomplished using standard commercial packages
such as MatLab, IDL etc. Unprocessed frequency domain data (ten complete frequency
response spectras for each material specimen) from these tests are available through
NIST (and amount to approximately 600 Mbytes of disk space). Also available, as indi-
cated earlier, are digital copies of the gated time and frequency data.
Time domain gating of the above data was centered on the average peak time for the
ten sample files taken for each specimen. A 1 nanosecond gate, was used for the low
frequency data (0.5 to 2.0 GHz) and a 0.5 nanosecond gate was used for the high fre-
quency data (3.0 to 8.0 GHz). For convenience, and machine portability, the data
processed using DataPro were stored in Network Common Data Form (netCDF) at the
conclusion of each test. NetCDF is a computing platform independent data format
developed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR, Boulder,
CO) for the National Science Foundation. The data can be accessed and manipulated
with a set of FORTRAN and C-callable subroutines contained in a self-extracting
archive file named ‘NETCDF.EXE’ which is available from UCAR, NSF, and USGS.
In order to provide more easily usable data the netCDF data files were subsequently
post-processed using a series of MatLab routines which read the data, performed sta-
tistical functions (average and standard deviation calculations), peak detection, data
decimation, etc. and wrote the subsequent processed data to ASCII format output files.
These files were then subsequently used for plotting of the data on a PowerMac 8100
using Excel and KaleidaGraph. The MatLab program flow, with a brief functional
description of each routine, is as follows:
All of the above routines were written by Carl Frost at MIT Lincoln Lab.
function nistgate(tag)
%NISTGATE tabulates and plots statistics for specified Gated NIST NLS
% files in netCDF format, given a data set identifier or 'tag'.
% example:
% nistgate('B1L')
% Created Sept 3, 1996 by C. E. Frost
orient tall %Set plot mode
c=.2998; %Speed of light in Gigameters/sec
[favg,fdev,f]=gateavg([tag,'*.GDF']); %Get frequency stats for 'tag'.
if favg > 0
gfretbl(f,favg,fdev,[tag,'.GFR']); %Write the table file.
subplot(2,1,1); %Plot frequency on top half.
fdbplot(f,favg,fdev,['"',tag,'" GATED FREQUENCY RESPONSE']); %Plot.
[tavg,tdev,t,r0]=gateavg([tag,'*.GDT']); %Get time stats for 'tag'.
if tavg > 0
r=c*t+r0; %Compute absolute range
gtimtbl(r,tavg,tdev,[tag,'.GTI']); %Write the table file.
subplot(2,1,2); %Plot range(time) on bottom half.
rdbplot(r,tavg,tdev,['"',tag,'" GATED TIME DOMAIN RESPONSE']); %Plot.
eval(['print -dps ',tag,'.PS']); %Generate postscript plot file.
function [avg,stdev,x,r0]=gateavg(filespec)
%GATEAVG procuces a matrix of averages and standard deviations for the
% netCDF files matching the input file specification.
% example:
% [avg,stdev,x,r0]=gateavg(filespec)
% where:
% filespec is a wild card netCDF file specification
% avg is the average of the file contents
% stdev is the standard deviation of the file contents
% x is the frequency or time scale
% r0 is the calibration range in meters
% The length of the data arrays in the files must match.
% Created Sept 3, 1996 by C. E. Frost
[filelist,nfiles] = dosfiles(filespec);
if nfiles > 0
for n=2:nfiles,
disp(['ERROR ',filespec,' NOT FOUND']);
fclose(fid); %Close the temp file.
delete(tempfile) %Delete the temp file.
function [y,x,r0]=cdflamin(path)
%CDFLAMIN extracts data from a netCDF format Flam & Russel 959 file.
% example:
% [y,x,r0]=cdflamin(path)
% where:
% y is the frequency or time domain data.
% x is the frequency(GHz) or time(ns) scale.
% r0 is the calibration range in meters.
% Created Sept 3, 1996 by C. E. Frost. This version is capable
% of extracting data only from netCDF FR959 files containing
% one polarization, and one antenna position.
old_ncopts=mexcdf('SETOPTS',0); %Set mode to NOVERBOSE
cdfid=mexcdf('OPEN', path, 'NOWRITE'); %Open the file readonly
% Get the file content properties:
[ndims, nvars, natts, recdim, status] = mexcdf('INQUIRE', cdfid);
dimlen=zeros(1,ndims); %Initialize the dimension length matrix
for dimid=0:ndims-1, %Populate the dimension length matrix
for varid=0:nvars-1, %Parse through the variables for what we want
[varname,dtype,ndims,dim,natts,status] = mexcdf('VARINQ',cdfid,varid);
if strcmp(upper(varname),'FREQUENCY'), %Get the frequency or time variable
x =mexcdf('VARGET',cdfid,varid,zeros(1,ndims),dimlen(dim+1));
if strcmp(upper(varname),'FREQUENCY_DOMAIN'), %Get the Time/Freq Domain
count=[dimlen(dim(1:ndims-1)+1),1]; %Form the count matrix
rcorner=zeros(1,ndims); %Form the real corner matrix
icorner=[zeros(1,ndims-1),1]; %Form the imaginary corner matrix
%Extract and combine the real and imaginary components.
%Get the calibration range.
% code = mexcdf('PARAMETER', 'NC_...');
% status = mexcdf('DIMDEF', cdfid, 'name', length);
% dimid = mexcdf('DIMID', cdfid, 'name');
% ['name',length,status] = mexcdf('DIMINQ', cdfid, dimid);
% status = mexcdf('DIMRENAME', cdfid, 'name');
% status = mexcdf('VARDEF', cdfid, 'name', datatype, ndims, [dim]);
% status = mexcdf('VARID', cdfid, 'name');
% ['name',datatype,ndims,[dim],natts, status] = mexcdf('VARINQ', cdfid, varid);
% status = mexcdf('VARPUT1', cdfid, varid, [coords], value);
% ['name',dtype,ndims,[dim],natts, status] = mexcdf('VARINQ', cdfid, varid);
% [value,status] = mexcdf('VARGET1', cdfid, varid, [coords]);
% status = mexcdf('VARPUT', cdfid, varid, [start], [count], [value]);
% [value,status] = mexcdf('VARGET', cdfid, varid, [start], [count]);
% status = mexcdf('VARRENAME', cdfid, varid, 'name');
% status = mexcdf('ATTPUT', cdfid, varid, 'name', datatype, len, [value]);
% [datatype, len, status] = mexcdf('ATTINQ', cdfid, varid, 'name');
% [value], len, status] = mexcdf('ATTGET', cdfid, varid, 'name');
% status = mexcdf('ATTCOPY', incdf, invar, 'name', outcdf, outvar);
% ['name', status] = mexcdf('ATTNAME', cdfid, varid, attnum);
% status = mexcdf('ATTRENAME', cdfid, varid, 'name', 'newname');
% status = mexcdf('ATTDEL', cdfid, varid, 'name');
function gfretbl(f,favg,fdev,outfile)
%GFRETBL tabulates frequency domain statistical data.
% Created Sept 3, 1996 by C. E. Frost
fprintf(fid,' %15.15s %15.15s %15.15s\n','frequency (GHz)','average','std. deviation');
fprintf(fid,' %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n',[f,favg,fdev]');
function fdbplot(f,favg,fdev,tag)
%FDBPLOT plots average frequency domain data with one standard devation
% upper and lower bounds in dB.
% Created Sept 3, 1996 by C. E. Frost
xlabel('FREQUENCY (GHz)');
function gtimtbl(r,tavg,tdev,outfile)
%GTIMTBL tabulates time domain statistical data.
% Created Sept 3, 1996 by C. E. Frost
fprintf(fid,' %15.15s %15.15s %15.15s\n','range (m)','average','std. deviation');
fprintf(fid,' %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n',[r,tavg,tdev]');
function rdbplot(r,tavg,tdev,tag)
%RDBPLOT plots average time domain data with one standard devation
% upper and lower bounds in dB.
% Created Sept 3, 1996 by C. E. Frost
xlabel('RANGE (m)');
function madbcols(filespec)
%MADBCOLS adds columns for the average and standard deviation in dB
% for the gated spectrum and time domain tables produced by
% GFRETBL and GTIMTBL matching the input file specification.
% example:
% madbcols('B*.GTI')
% For use only with the MS Windows version of Matlab.
% Created Sept 19, 1996 by C. E. Frost
[files,nfiles]=dosfiles(filespec); % Get file list matching filespec
if nfiles > 0
for n=1:nfiles
disp(files(n,:)); % Display the file name
addbcols(files(n,:)); % Add the dB columns to the table
function addbcols(infile)
%ADDBCOLS reads in an existing time or frequency domain file containing
% tabulated statistical data, and adds two columns for the
% average and standard deviations in dB.
% Created Sept 19, 1996 by C. E. Frost
fid=fopen(infile,'r'); %Open the input file to read.
hdr=fgetl(fid); %Read in the header line without \n
[dat,ndat]=fscanf(fid,'%g',[3,inf]); %Read the data into a 3 row matrix.
fclose(fid); %Close the input file.
%Append the new column headers to the old:
hdr=[hdr,sprintf(' %15.15s %15.15s\n','average(db)','std. dev(db)')];
dbavg=20*log10(dat(2,:)); %Convert the average to dB.
dbdev=20*log10(dat(3,:)); %Convert the standard deviation to dB.
dat=[dat',dbavg',dbdev']'; %Transpose, concatenate, and transpose
fid=fopen(infile,'w'); %Open the file to write
fprintf(fid,'%s',hdr); %Write the header.
%Write out the data in five columns:
fprintf(fid,' %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g %15.7g\n',dat);
fclose(fid); %Close the fil;e