The Internet Galaxy - Reflections On The Internet, Business, and Society (2001) PDF
The Internet Galaxy - Reflections On The Internet, Business, and Society (2001) PDF
The Internet Galaxy - Reflections On The Internet, Business, and Society (2001) PDF
Reflections on the Internet,
Business, and Society
Manuel Castells
GIeat Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP
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©Manuel Castells 2001
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Acknowledgments ix
Index 283
Acknowledgments Acknowledgments
endeavor in whatever contribution this book may represent. My SITRA (Helsinki), Virtual Society Program (United Kingdom),
belated thanks go to: Jerry Feldman, Patrice Riemens, Ilkka Tuomi, Centre Europeen des Mutations et des Reconversions Industrielles
Steven Cisler, Matthew Zook, Bernard Benhamou, Blanca Gordo, (Longwy, France), Higher School of Economics (Moscow),
Barry Wellman, Claude Fischer, Pekka Himanen, William Dutton, . Universidad de Guadalajara (Mexico), Massachusetts Institute of
Paul Di Maggio, Steve Jones, Anna 1. Saxenian, William Mitchell, Technology, and Columbia University (New York).
Christos Papadimitriou, David Lyon, Lisa Servon, Fritjof Capra, Special thanks, as always in my work, go to my students, who are
Martin Carnoy, Erin Walsh, Regis McKenna, Stuart Henshall, key contributors to my thinking and research. I want to mention
Shujiro Yazawa, and Marty Hearst. especially Chris Benner, Matthew Zook, Blanca Gordo, Elsie
I was also fortunate to be able to present and discuss the ideas Harper-Anderson, Miriam Chion, Grace Woo, Manuel Suarez, and
leading to this book at a number of meetings and seminars around Madeleine Zayas. Three Berkeley seminars were particularly influ-
the world. This exchange was an essential part of the intellectual ential in the exchange that led to this analysis: the Seminar on the
process that produced the analysis presented here. I would like to Information Society in the Department of Sociology; the Seminar
highlight two exceptional events of a very different character. One on the Internet and Economic Development in the Department of
was the First Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers City and Regional Planning; and the Seminar on Information
which was held at the University of Kansas, in Lawrence, in Technology and Social Values co-taught with my colleague Jerry
September 2000. Here I experienced the beginning of a new field of Feldman in the Computer Science Department. I would like to
academic research, learned a great deal from the meetings, and was express my gratitude to all the students in these seminars. My
able to contrast my hypotheses with well-informed researchers special thanks go to the members of our private seminar at Berkeley
from many areas, particularly with those of the younger cohorts: on the social implications of information technology, whose ideas,
there is clearly an Internet research generation in the making. The in their contradictory diversity, are present in this book.
other intellectual environment that shaped my views on the Inter- I also wish to reiterate my debt to my copy-editor, Sue Ashton,
net world was the series of seminars in South Africa organized by whose dedication and professionalism are the key link between
the Center of Higher Education Transformation in June-July 2000. this author and you, the reader.
These seminars were not about the Internet, but about the Manuel Castells
relationship between information technology, globalization, devel- Berkeley. California, April 2001
opment, and social change. Yet the content of these discussions
changed my view of the world, and thus of the Internet. I therefore
want to thank publicly the organizers of these seminars, Nico
Cloete, Shireen Badal, and Johan Muller.
A number of lectures, debates, and meetings in institutions
around the world were also influential in forming the analysis
presented here, and I therefore wish to thank the colleagues who
invited me and, even more, the participants in these debates at
the following institutions: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
(Barcelona), University of Southern California, University of
California at Los Angeles, University of California at San Diego,
University of Washington, Santa Clara University, Intel Museum,
x xi
in spite of their advantages in terms of flexibility, networks have created what MacLuhan named the 'Gutenberg Galaxy', we have
traditionally had to reckon with a major problem, in contrast to now entered a new world of communication: the Internet Galaxy.
centralized hierarchies. They have had considerable difficulty in The use of the Internet as a communication system and an organ-
coordinating functions, in focusing resources on specific goals, and izing form exploded in the closing years of the second millennium.
in accomplishing a given task, beyond a certain size and complexity At the end of 1995, the first year of widespread use of the world
of the network. For most of human history, unlike biological evolu- wide web, there were about 16 million users of computer commu-
tion' networks were outperformed as tools of instrumentality by nication networks in the world. In early 2001 there were over 400
organizations able to muster resources around centrally defined million; reliable forecasts point to about 1 billion users in 2005, and
goals, achieved through the implementation of tasks in rational- we could be approaching the 2 billion mark by 2010, even taking
ized, vertical chains of command and control. Networks were pri- into consideration a slowing down of diffusion of the Internet
marily the preserve of private life; centralized hierarchies were the when it enters the world of poverty and technological retardation.
fiefdoms of power and production. Now, however, the introduction The influence of Internet-based networking goes beyond the
of computer-based information and communication technologies, number of users: it is also the quality of use. Core economic, social,
and particularly the Internet, enables networks to deploy their flex- political, and cultural activities throughout the planet are being
ibility and adaptability, thus asserting their evolutionary nature. At structured by and around the Internet, and other computer net-
the same time, these technologies allow the coordination of tasks, works. In fact, exclusion from these networks is one of the most
and management of complexity. This results in an unprecedented damaging forms of exclusion in our economy and in our culture.
combination of flexibility and task performance, of coordinated Yet, in spite of the pervasivenes of the Internet, its logic, its lan-
decision-making and decentralized execution, of individualized guage, and its constraints are not well understood beyond the realm
expression and global, horizontal communication, which provide a of strictly technological matters. The speed of transformation has
superior organizational form for human action. made it difficult for scholarly research to follow the pace of change
In the last quarter of the twentieth century, three independent with an adequate supply of empirical studies on the whys and
processes came together, ushering in a new social structure pre- wherefores of the Internet-based economy and society. Taking
dominantly based on networks: the needs of the economy for man- advantage of this relative void of reliable investigation, ideology
agement flexibility and for the globalization of capital, production, and gossip have permeated the understanding of this fundamental
and trade; the demands of society in which the values of individual dimension of our lives, as is often the case in periods of rapid social
freedom and open communication became paramount; and the change. Sometimes this has been in the form of futurological
extraordinary advances in computing and telecommunications prophecies based on the simplistic extrapolation of social conse-
made possible by the micro-electronics revolution. Under these quences from the technological wonders emerging from science
conditions, the Internet, an obscure technology without much and engineering; at other times, it appears as critical dystopias,
application beyond the secluded worlds of computer scientists, denouncing the supposedly alienating effects of the Internet before
hackers, and countercultural communities, became the lever for even practicing it. The media, keen to inform an anxious public, but
the transition to a new form of society-the network society-and lacking the autonomous capacity to assess social trends with rigor,
with it to a new economy. oscillate between reporting the amazing future on offer and follow-
The Internet is a communication medium that allows, for the ing the basic principle of journalism: only bad news is worthy news.
first time, the communication of many to many, in chosen time, on The volatility of the stock market contributes to this ambivalent
a global scale. As the diffusion of the printing press in the West feeling toward the Internet. Once upon a time, before April 2000,
2 3
The Network is the Message The Network is the Message
any business related to the Internet was greeted by the market with and this is even more so in the case of the Internet, a technology of
staggeringly high valuation, regardless of its performance. By the communication. Conscious communication (human language) is
beginning of 2001, most technology stocks were battered by what makes the biological specificity of the human species. Since
the flight of investors, again without much discrimination between our practice is based on communication, and the Internet trans-
good and bad management and business prospects. The new finan- forms the way in which we communicate, our lives are deeply
cial markets are strongly influenced by crowd psychology and affected by this new communication technology. On the other hand,
information turbulences, rather than by a sound evaluation of the by doing many things with the Internet, we transform the Internet
relatively new conditions under which business currently operates. iself. A new socio-technical pattern emerges from this interaction.
The effect of these developments is that we are entering, full speed, Moreover, the Internet was purposely designed as a technology
the Internet Galaxy in a state of informed bewilderment. of free communication, for historical and cultural reasons that I
And yet, while we do not know enough about the social and eco- will present in this book. It is not the result of this project that we
nomic dimensions of the Internet, we know something. This book are free at last thanks to the Internet-as I hope I will be able to
presents some of this knowledge, and reflects on the meaning of show: it all depends on context and process. But it follows that the
what we know. In the pages that follow you will find no predic- Internet is a particularly malleable technology, susceptible of being
tions about the future, since I think we barely understand our deeply modified by its social practice, and leading to a whole range
present, and I deeply distrust the methodology underlying these of potential social outcomes-to be discovered by experience, not
predictions. You will not find moral admonitions either-or, proclaimed beforehand.
for that matter, policy prescriptions or management advice. My Let me provide some examples to illustrate this statement. Take
purpose here is strictly analytical since I believe that knowledge the new economy. If e-business is understood as the commercial-
should precede action, and action is always specific to a given ization of the Internet by firms, this would be an interest-
context and a given purpose. But I hope that by rooting my reflec- ing, innovative, and sometimes profitable business, but rather
tion in observations concerning various domains of the practice of limited in its overall economic impact. If, as I shall argue, the new
the Internet I will be able to shed some light on the interaction economy is based on unprecedented potential for productivity
between the Internet, business, and society. Furthermore, I hope growth as a result of the uses of the Internet by all kinds of business
that this will help to illuminate the path to better our society and to in all kinds of operations, then we are entering, probably, a new
stabilize our economy-since volatility, insecurity, inequality, and business world. A world that does not cancel business cycles or
social exclusion go hand in hand with creativity, innovation, prod- supersede economic laws, but transforms their modalities and their
uctivity, and wealth creation in these first steps of the Internet- consequences, while adding new rules to the game (such as
based world. The improvement of our condition will depend on increasing returns and network effects). In one perspective, the
what people do, including you and me. But in this book, as the aca- new economy is the economy of Internet industry. In another
demic researcher I am, my job, and indeed my responsibility, is to approach, we observe the growth of a new economy from within
provide you with the best possible intellectual tools I can, within the old economy, as a result of the use of the Internet by business,
the limits of my knowledge and experience. for its own purpose and in specific contexts.
The point of departure of this analysis is that people, institutions, Consider a very different issue. I believe that the Internet is a
companies, and society at large, transform technology, any technol- fundamental instrument for development in the Third World. And
ogy, by appropriating it, by modifying it, by experimenting with it. so do some of the people who can really make a difference, such as
This is the fundamental lesson from the social history of technology, Kofi Annan, Thabo Mbeki, and Ricardo Lagos. However, this does
4 5
The Network is the Message The Network is the Message
not mean that by diffusing the Internet without altering the of the matter, I could not finish the work I had undertaken on
context of its appropriation we can reverse the current situation, in gender and the Internet, although there are some remarks on this
which about 50 percent of humankind barely survives with less issue in different passages of the book. I have vowed to myself (and
than two dollars a day. to the reader) to continue working on this topic, and to have it
Unless we act on a broader development strategy, we could find ready for a possible second edition of this book.
ourselves in the situation I found myself on landing in Bogota in The pages that follow simply try to anchor current discussion of
April 1999. I was initially thrilled by the headline of EI Tiempo: the Internet in documented observation, thus laying the ground for
"New uses of Internet in Colombia." I care very much about further research in an open, interactive process. This observation is
Colombia, so I was eager to see any small sign of light at the end of limited in terrns of its social and cultural context. Most of the data
its tunnel of violence. Yet, it turned out that, confronted with the and sources refer to North America. This is partly because it is
flight from Bogota of the upper middle class, barricaded in its sub- where the practice of the Internet is most developed, and partly
urban gated communities, extortionists and kidnappers had because it is the area about which we have most information. I
resorted to the Internet to distribute their threats by the hundreds have tried to compensate for this bias by gathering information on
through electronic mailing lists; then had proceeded to selective other countries, and by familiarizing myself, during 1998-2001,
kidnapping to enforce their threats, so cashing in on their Internet- with discussions on the social and economic dimensions of the
based, mass-produced extortion business. In other words, some Internet in a variety of contexts, beyond my Californian hub,
sectors of Colombian society were appropriating the Internet for including Spain, England, Finland, France, The Netherlands,
their own purposes, their criminal practices, rooted in a context of Sweden, Portugal, Germany, Ireland, Russia, Brazil, Argentina,
social injustice, political corruption, drug economy, and civil war. Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and South Africa. I have not
The elasticity of the Internet makes it particularly susceptible to undertaken a systematic investigation in all these contexts, and so
intensifying the contradictory trends present in our world. Neither I do not have specific findings to report. However, by interacting
utopia nor dystopia, the Internet is the expression of ourselves- with researchers, social actors, business managers, technologists,
through a specific code of communication, which we must under- and politicians in these countries, and by asking them the ques-
stand if we want to change our reality. tions I consider in this book, I was able to record a differential feed-
This book proposes a number of ideas on the interaction between back, which I have tried to take into account when reaching my
the Internet, the economy, and society, on the basis of selective conclusions. The Internet is a global communication network, but
observations. It does not exhaust the sources of available informa- its use and its evolving reality are the product of human action
tion because research cannot be completed when the object of the under the specific conditions of differential history. It is up to the
research (the Internet) develops and changes much faster than reader to filter, interpret, and use, according to his or her own
the subject (this researcher-or, for that matter, any researcher). It context, the analytical contribution I can offer on the basis of my
does not deal either with all the relevant themes, simply because I own theory and observation.
did not have the time or energy to write another encyclopedic book The book is organized along a sequence of topics, covering some
covering most dimensions of social life. I want to mention two of the most important areas of Internet use. I start with the histor-
particularly blatant omissions. I do not deal with the uses of the ical and cultural process of the creation of the Internet because it
Internet in education, and particularly in e-Iearning, a key domain provides the clues to understanding what the Internet is, both as a
of activity that is transforming the world where I live; that is, the technology and a social practice. Then I examine the role played
world of educational institutions. And, because of the complexity by the Internet in the emergence of the new economy, considering
6 7
The Network is the Message
Lessons from the History of the Internet Lessons from the History of the Internet
to the constitution of the Internet in its current form; that is, as a California, Santa Barbara, and the University of Utah. In 1971,
global network of computer networks made user-friendly by the there were fifteen nodes, most of them university research centers.
world wide web, an application running on top of the Internet. The design of ARPANET was implemented by Bolt, Beranek and
Newman (BBN), a Boston engineering acoustics firm converted
into applied computer science, which was founded by MIT profes-
The History ofthe Internet, 1962-1995: An Overview sors, and usually staffed by MIT and Harvard scientists and engi-
neers. In 1972, the first successful demonstration of ARPANET
The origins of the Internet are to be found in ARPANET, a com- took place at an international conference in Washington, DC.
puter network set up by the Advanced Research Projects Agency The next step was to make ARPANET's connection with other
(ARPA) in September 1969. ARPA was formed in 1958 by the computer networks possible, starting with the communication net-
Defense Department of the United States with the task of mobiliz- works that ARPA was managing, PRNET and SATNET. This intro-
ing research resources, particularly from the university world, duced a new concept: a network of networks. In 1973, two
toward building technological military superiority over the Soviet computer scientists, Robert Kahn, from ARPA, and Vint Cerf, then
Union in the wake of the launching of the first Sputnik in 1957. at Stanford University, wrote a paper outlining the basic Internet
ARPANET was only a minor program emerging from one of architecture. They built on the efforts of the Network Working
ARPA's departments, the Information Processing Techniques Group, a cooperative technical group formed in the 1960s by repre-
Office (IPTO), established in 1962 on the basis of a pre-existing sentatives from the various computer centers linked by ARPANET,
unit. The aim of this department, as defined by its first director, including Cerf himself, Steve Crocker, and Jon Postel. among
Joseph Licklider, a psychologist turned computer scientist at the others. For computer networks to talk to each other they needed
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), was to stimulate standardized communication protocols. This was partly accom-
research in interactive computing. As part of this effort, the build- plished in 1973, at a Stanford seminar, by a group led by Cerf,
ing of ARPANET was justified as a way of sharing computing time Gerard Lelann (from the French Cyclades research group), and
on-line between various computer centers and research groups Robert Metcalfe (then at Xerox PARC), with the design of the trans-
working for the agency. mission control protocol (TCP). In 1978 Cerf, Postel. and Crocker,
To build an interactive computer network, IPTO relied on a rev- working at the University of Southern California, split TCP into two
olutionary telecommunications transmission technology, packet parts, adding an inter-network protocol (IP), yielding the TCP/IP
switching, developed independently by Paul Baran at Rand protocol. the standard on which the Internet still operates today.
Corporation (a Californian think-tank often working for the However, ARPANET continued for some time to operate on a dif-
Pentagon) and by Donald Davies at the British National Physical ferent protocol, NCP.
Laboratory. Baran's design of a decentralized, flexible communica- In 1975, ARPANET was transferred to the Defense Communica-
tion network was a proposal from the Rand Corporation to the tion Agency (DCA). In order to make computer communication
Defense Department to build a military communications system available to different branches of the armed forces, the DCA decided
able to survive a nuclear attack, although this was never the goal to create a connection between various networks under its control.
behind the development of ARPANET. IPTO used this packet- It established a Defense Data Network, operating on TCP/IP proto-
switching technology in the design of ARPANET. The first nodes of cols. In 1983 the Defense Department, concerned about possible
the network in 1969 were at the University of California, Los security breaches, decided to create a separate MILNET network
Angeles, SRI (Stanford Research Institute), the University of , for specific military uses. ARPANET became ARPA-INTERNET,
10 11
Lessons from the History of the Internet Lessons from the History of the Internet
and was dedicated to research. In 1984, the US National Science working in California, created his own BBS program, FIDO, and
Foundation (NSF) set up its own computer communications net- started a network of BBSs, FIDONET. FIDONET is still the cheapest,
work, NSFNET, and in 1988 it started using ARPA-INTERNET as its most accessible computer communication network in the world,
backbone. relying on PCs and calls over standard telephone lines. In 2000, it
In February 1990 ARPANET, technologically obsolete, was de- comprised over 40,000 nodes and about 3 million users. Although
commissioned. Thereafter, having released the Internet from its this represented only a tiny fraction of total Internet use, the practice
military environment, the US government charged the National of BBSs and the culture exemplified by FIDONET were influential
Science Foundation with its management. But NSF's control of the factors in the configuration of the global Internet.
Net was short-lived. With computer networking technology in In 1981, Ira Fuchs, at the City University of New York, and
the public domain, and telecommunications in full deregulation, Greydon Freeman, of Yale University, started an experimental
NSF quickly proceeded with the privatization of the Internet. The network on the basis of IBM RJE protocol, thus building a network
Defense Department had decided earlier to commercialize Internet for IBM users, mainly university based, which came to be known
technology, financing US computer manufacturers to include as BITNET ("Because it's there," referring to the IBM slogan; it also
TCP/IP in their protocols in the 1980s. By 1990 most computers in stood for "Because it's time"). When IBM stopped funding in 1986,
America had networking capabilities, laying the ground for the dif- users' fees supported the network. It still lists 30,000 active nodes.
fusion of inter-networking. In 1995 NSFNET was shut down, A decisive trend in computer networking emerged from the
opening the way for the private operation of the Internet. community of UNIX users. UNIX is an operating system developed
In the early 1990s a number of Internet service providers built at Bell Laboratories, and released by Bell to the universities in
their own networks and set up their own gateways on a commer- 1974, including its source code and permission to alter the source.
cial basis. Thereafter, the Internet grew rapidly as a global network UNIX became the lingua franca of most computer science depart-
of computer networks. This was made possible by the original ments, and students soon became adept at its manipulation. Then,
design of ARPANET, based on a multi-layered, decentralized archi- in 1978 Bell distributed its UUCP program (UNIX-to-UNIX copy)
tecture, and open communication protocols. Under these condi- allowing computers to copy files from each other. On the basis of
tions the Net was able to expand by the addition of new nodes and UUCP, in 1979, four students in North Carolina (Truscott, Ellis,
endless reconfiguration of the network to accommodate communi- Bellavin, and Rockwell) designed a program for communication
cation needs. between UNIX computers. An improved version of this program
Nonetheless, ARPANET was not the only source of the Internet as was distributed freely at a UNIX users' conference in 1980. This
we know it today. The current shape of the Internet is also the out- allowed the formation of computer communication networks,
come of a grassroots tradition of computer networking. One compo- Usenet News, outside the ARPANET backbone, thus considerably
nent of this tradition was the bulletin board systems (BBS) broadening the practice of computer communication.
movement that sprung from the networking of PCs in the late 1970s. In the summer of 1980 Usenet News reached the computer
In 1977, two Chicago students, Ward Christensen and Randy Suess, science department of the University of California, Berkeley, where
wrote a program, which they called MODEM, enabling the transfer there was a brilliant group of graduate students (including Mark
of files between their PCs, and in 1978 another program, the Horton and Bill Joy) working on adaptations and applications of
Computer Bulletin Board System, which made it possible for PCs UNIX. As Berkeley was an ARPANET node, this group of students
to store and transmit messages. They released both programs into developed a program to bridge the two networks. From then on,
the public domain. In 1983, Tom Jennings, a programmer, then Usenet became linked to ARPANET, the two traditions gradually
12 13
Lessons from the History of the Internet Lessons from the History of the Internet
merged, and various computer networks became able to communi- information-sharing application developed in 1990 by an English
cate with each other, often sharing the same backbone (courtesy programmer, Tim Berners-Lee, working at CERN, the Geneva-
of a university). These networks eventually came together as the based, European high-energy physics research center. Although he
Internet. was not personally aware of it (Berners-Lee, 1999: 5), Berners-
Another major development resulting from the UNIX users' tra- Lee's work continued a long tradition of ideas and technical pro-
dition was the "open source movement"-a deliberate attempt to jects that, for the previous half-century, had imagined the
keep access to all information about software systems open. I shall possibility of linking up information sources via interactive com-
analyze in more detail, in Chapter 2, the open source movement, puting. Vannevar Bush proposed his Memex system in 1945.
and the hackers' culture, as essential trends in the social and tech- Douglas Engelbart designed his On-Line System, including graph-
nical shaping of the Internet. But I need to refer briefly to it in this ics interface and the mouse, working from his Augmentation
summary account of the sequence of events that led to the forma- Research Center in the San Francisco Bay area, and he first demon-
tion of the Internet. In 1984, a programmer at MIT's Artificial strated it in 1968. Ted Nelson, a radical, independent thinker, envi-
Intelligence Laboratory, Richard Stallman, reacting against the sioned a hypertext of interlinked information in his 1965 Computer
decision by ATT to claim proprietary rights to UNIX, launched Lib manifesto, and worked for many years on the creation of a
the Free Software Foundation, proposing to substitute "copyleft" utopian system, Xanadu: an open, self-evolving hypertext aimed at
for copyright. By "copyleft" it is understood that anyone using soft- linking all the planet's information, past, present, and future. Bill
ware that had been made freely available should, in return, distrib- Atkinson, the author of the graphics interface of the Macintosh,
ute over the Net the improved code. Stallman created an operating developed a HyperCard system of interlinking information while
system, GNU, as an alternative to UNIX, and he posted it on the Net working at Apple Computers in the 1980s.
under a license that allowed its use on the condition of respecting But it was Berners-Lee who brought all these dreams into reality,
the copyleft clause. building on the Enquire program he had written in 1980. Of
Putting this principle into practice, in 1991, Linus Torvalds, a 22- course, his decisive advantage was that the Internet already
year-old student at the University of Helsinki, developed a new existed, and he could find support on the Internet and rely on
UNIX-based operating system, called Linux, and distributed it freely decentralized computer power via workstations: utopias could
on the Internet, asking users to improve it and to post their improve- now materialize. He defined and implemented the software that
ments back on the Net. The result of this initiative was the develop- made it possible to retrieve and contribute information from and to
ment of a robust Linux operating system, constantly upgraded by any computer connected via the Internet: HTTP, HTML, and URI
the work of thousands of hackers and millions of users, to the point (later called URL). In cooperation with Robert Cailliau, Berners-
that Linux is now widely considered one of the most advanced oper- Lee built a browser/editor program in December 1990, and named
ating systems in the world, particularly for Internet-based comput- this hypertext system the world wide web (www). The www
ing. Other groups of cooperative software development based on browser software was released by CERN over the Net in August
open source sprung from the UNIX users' culture. Thus, in the year 1991. A number of hackers from around the world set themselves
2001, over 60 percent of world wide web servers in the world were up to develop their own browsers, on the basis of Berners-Lee's
running on Apache, which is an open source server program devel- work. The first modified version was Erwise, developed at the
oped by a cooperative network of UNIX programmers. Helsinki Institute of Technology in April 1992. Soon after, Viola,
What made it possible for the Internet to embrace the world at the University of California, Berkeley, produced his own
at large was the development of the world wide web. This is an adaptation.
14 15
Lessons from the History of the Internet Lessons from the History of the Internet
The most product-oriented of these modified versions of www available to the public. While the Internet had begun in the minds
was Mosaic, designed by a student, Marc Andreessen, and a staff of computer scientists in the early 1960s, a computer communica-
member, Eric Bina, at the University of Illinois's National Center tion network had been established in 1969, and distributed com-
for Supercomputer Applications. They incorporated into Mosaic an puting, interactive communities of scientists and hackers had
advanced graphics capability, so that images could be retrieved and sprung up from the late 1970s, for most people, for business, and
distributed over the Internet, as well as a number of interface tech- for society at large, the Internet was born in 1995. But it was born
niques imported from the multimedia world. They publicized their with the marks of a history whose analytically relevant features I
software on the Usenet in January 1993. Thereafter, Andreessen shall now emphasize and interpret.
took a programming job in a small firm at Palo Alto. While there,
he was contacted by a leading Silicon Valley entrepreneur, Jim
Clark, who was leaving the company he had founded, Silicon The Unlikely Formula: Big Science, Military Research,
Graphics, looking for new business adventures. He recruited and the Culture of Freedom
Andreessen, Bina, and their co-workers to form a new company,
Mosaic Communications, which was later compelled to change its First of all, the Internet was born at the unlikely intersection of big
name to Netscape Communications. The company posted on the science, military research, and libertarian culture.' Major research
Net the first commercial browser, Netscape Navigator, in October universities and defense-related think-tanks were essential meeting
1994, and shipped the first product on December 15, 1994. In points between these three sources of the Internet. ARPANET
1995, they released Navigator software over the Net free for educa- originated in the US Defense Department, but its military applica-
tional uses, and at a cost of 39 dollars for business. tions were secondary to the project. IPTO's main concern was to
After the success of Navigator, Microsoft finally discovered the fund computer science in the United States, letting scientists do
Internet, and in 1995, together with its Windows 95 software, their work, and hoping something interesting would come out of it.
introduced its own browser, Internet Explorer, based on technol- Baran's design was indeed a military-oriented proposal. It played an
ogy developed by a small company, Spyglass. Other commercial important role in the building of ARPANET because of its packet-
browsers were developed, such as Navipress, used by America switching technology, and because it inspired a communications
On Line for a while. Furthermore, in 1995, Sun Microsystems architecture based on the three principles on which the Internet
designed Java, a programming language that allowed applications still operates today: a decentralized network structure; distributed
programs ("applets") to travel between computers over the computing power throughout the nodes of the network; and
Internet, so enabling computers to run programs downloaded from redundancy of functions in the network to minimize the risk of dis-
the Internet safely. Sun released Java software free on the Internet, connection. These features embodied the key answer to military
expanding the realm of web applications, and Netscape included needs for survivability of the system: flexibility, absence of a com-
Java in its Navigator browser. In 1998, to counter Microsoft's mand center, and maximum autonomy of each node.
competition, Netscape released over the Net the source code for While all this sounds very much like military strategy, the catch
Navigator. here is that Baran's proposal was rejected by the Pentagon, and no
Thus, by the mid-1990s, the Internet was privatized, its techni- one ever tried to implement it. In fact, some sources suggest that
cal, open architecture allowed the networking of all computer net- ARPA did not know of Baran's 1964 publications on "distributed
works anywhere in the world, the world wide web could function networks" until Roger Scantlebury, a British researcher who had
on adequate software, and several user-friendly browsers were been working on similar technologies, brought them to the
16 17
Lessons from the History of the Internet Lessons from the History of the Internet
attention of IPTO's director at a symposium in Tennessee in These researchers/designers circulated in and out of ARPA,
October 1967 (Naughton, 1999: 129-31). Baran's concepts were research universities, and quasi-academic think-tanks, such as
critical for the building of ARPANET, but this experimental RAND, SRI, and BBN. They were protected by the visionary direc-
network was built with a non-military purpose by the scientists tors of IPTO, among whom were Joseph Licklider and Robert
working at and around ARPA (Abbate, 1999). Taylor. IPTO enjoyed considerable freedom in managing and
What their purpose~as is in fact unclear, besides the general funding this network because the Defense Department had
aim of developing computer networking. The explicit goal was to entrusted ARPA with autonomous judgment about how to stimu-
optimize the use of expensive computer resources by on-line time- late technological research in key areas without suffocating cre-
sharing between computer centers. Yet, the cost of computing ativity and independence, a strategy that eventually paid off in
quickly came down, and time-sharing was no longer a major need. terms of superiority in military technology. But ARPANET was not
The most popular use of the network was electronic mail, an appli- one of these military technologies. It was an arcane, experimental
cation first developed by Ray Tomlinson, a programmer at BBN, in project whose actual content was never fully understood by the
July 1970. It is still the most widely used application on today's overseeing congressional committees. Once ARPANET was set up,
Internet. What the evidence suggests is that IPTO was used by com- and new, younger recruits came to IPTO in the 1970s, there was a
puter scientists at the cutting edge of a new field (computer net- more focused, deliberate effort to create what would be the
working) to fund computer science throughout the university Internet. Kahn and Cerf clearly intended so, and designed an archi-
research system, so that, in the 1960s and 1970s, most funding for tecture, and the corresponding protocols, to allow the network
computer science research in the United States came from ARPA (it to evolve as an open system of computer communication, able to
was still the case in 2000). reach out to the whole world.
A network of talented scientists and engineers (among them So, ARPANET, the main source of what ultimately became the
Joseph Licklider, Ivan Sutherland, Lawrence Roberts, Leonard Internet, was not an unintended consequence of a research
Kleinrock, Robert Taylor, Alex McKenzie, Frank Heart, and Robert program going sideways. It was envisioned, deliberately designed,
Kahn) was formed over time, then expanded with the help of a and subsequently managed by a determined group of computer
generation of outstanding young researchers, particularly Vinton scientists with a shared mission that had little to do with military
Cerf, Stephen Crocker, and Jon Postel, students of Kleinrock at strategy. It was rooted in a scientific dream to change the world
UCLA. The original nucleus of ARPANET designers came mainly through computer communication, although some of the partici-
from MIT, including one of MIT's spin-off companies, BBN (ini- pants in the group were content with just fostering good computer
tially working on acoustics!), and from the Lincoln National science. In accordance with the university research tradition,
Laboratory, a major military-oriented research facility in the ARPANET's creators involved graduate students in the core design
shadow of MIT. Key members of the network (among others functions of the network, in an atmosphere of totally relaxed secu-
Roberts, Kleinrock, Heart, and Kahn) were graduates of MIT. But rity. This included the use of ARPANET for students' personal chats
academics from other research universities also became part of this and, reportedly, discussions about marijuana procurement oppor-
informal, yet exclusive club of computer scientists, particularly tunities. The most popular electronic mailing list in ARPANET was
from UCLA, where Kleinrock, one of the leading theoreticians in SF-Lovers for the use of science fiction fans. Furthermore, the tran-
the field, was teaching, as well as from Stanford, Harvard, the sition to the civilian Internet, and then to its privatization, was
University of Utah, the University of California at Santa Barbara, managed by the National Science Foundation, with the coopera-
and the University of California at Berkeley. tion of the academic community of computer scientists that had
18 19
Lessons from the History of the Internet Lessons from the History of the Internet
developed over the years around IPTO. Many of these scientists logical superiority in conventional warfare, particularly in elec-
ended up working for major corporations in the 1990s. tronics and communications, the Soviet Union's strategy was
However, to say that ARPANET was not a military-oriented pro- reduced to the unthinkable option of a massive nuclear exchange.
ject does not mean that its Defense Department origins were incon- In fact, as I have argued in a joint study of the Soviet Union with
sequential for the development of the Internet. For all the vision and Emma Kiselyova (Castells and Kiselyova, 1995), the realization of
all the competence these scientists displayed in their project, they this technological inferiority was one of the main triggers for
could never have commanded the level of resources that was neces- Gorbachev's perestroika, ultimately leading to the disintegration of
sary to build a computer network and to design all the appropriate an apparently mighty empire. The Soviet Union had also anchored
technologies. The Cold War provided a context in which there was its science and technology system in its military complex. But,
strong public and government support to invest in cutting-edge unlike the United States, Soviet science was largely trapped in the
science and technology, particularly after the challenge of the Soviet security apparatus, with its corollary of secrecy and performance-
space program became a threat to US national security. In this sense, oriented projects, which ultimately undermined technological
the Internet is not a special case in the history of technological innovation in spite of the excellence of Soviet science. ARPA's
innovation, a process usually associated with war: the scientific and policy of flexibility and academic freedom paid off in terms of
engineering effort around World War II constituted the matrix for military strategy, while unleashing the creativity of US academics,
the technologies of the micro-electronics revolution, and the arms and providing them with the resources to transform ideas into
race during the Cold War facilitated their development. research, and research into workable technologies.
The lucky part of the ARPANET story was that the Defense Once ARPANET became operational in 1975, it was transferred to
Department, in a rare instance of organizational intelligence, set up the Defense Communication Agency, which started to use the net-
ARPA as a funding and guidance research agency with consider- work for military operations. Paradoxically, the importance of
able autonomy. ARPA went on to become one of the most innova- inter-networking for the armed forces favored the early adoption of
tive technology policy institutions in the world, and in fact the key the Internet protocols that laid the ground for their diffusion. The
actor in US technology policy, not just around computer network- uneasy coexistence of military planners and academic researchers
ing, but in a number of decisive fields of technological develop- who were using the network set the stage for the separation of the
ment. ARPA was staffed by academic scientists, their friends and network into MILNET (military) and ARPA-INTERNET (research)
their friends' students, and was successful in building a network of in 1983, and for the creation of NSFNET in 1984. In turn, as soon as
reliable contacts in the university world, as well as in the research a military-funded technology became available for civilian use, the
organizations that spun off from academia to work for the govern- Defense Department had a political interest in commercializing it,
ment. An understanding of how the research process works led distributing it free, and actually subsidizing its adoption by US com-
ARPA to grant considerable autonomy to researchers contracted or puter manufacturers. History cannot be re-written, but with our
funded by the agency, a necessary condition for truly innovative current script, without ARPA there would have been no ARPANET,
researchers to accept involvement in a project. ARPA's hope was and without ARPANET, the Internet as we know it today would
that, out of massive resources and scientific ingenuity, something not exist.
good would happen from which the military (but also the US In Europe, packet-switching technology, computer communica-
economy) could benefit. tion, and transmission protocols were developed in public research
It turned out to be the right strategy, even in military terms. In centers, such as Britain's National Physical Laboratory, or govern-
the 1980s, when it became clear that the US had achieved techno- ment-sponsored research programs, such as the French Cyclades.
20 21
Lessons from the History of the Internet Lessons from the History of the Internet
And while the design of the world wide web was the result of the late 1960s it would have preceded ARPANET. Yet the Post
individual creativity and initiative (Berners-Lee was a staff member Office showed little interest in computer communication, and
supposedly working on improving the documentation system when it finally ceded to the pressure of the business world to build
at CERN, and not on inventing software), Berners-Lee's and a data transmission network in 1977, it used a system developed by
Cailliau's work was made possible by the understanding, first, Telenet, a US-firm based on ARPANET technology. Thus, British
and the support, later, of a highly respected international public packet-switching technology never left NPL's internal networks,
research institution, which just happened to be working on a com- and the development of the Internet in the UK had to wait for the
pletely different field of science (Berners-Lee, 1999; Gillies and global expansion of American computer networks.
Cailliau, 2000). What emerges from these accounts is that the Internet developed
In sum, all the key technological developments that led to the in a secure environment, provided by public resources and mission-
Internet were built around government institutions, major univer- oriented research, but an environment that did not stifle freedom of
sities, and research centers. The Internet did not originate in the thinking and innovation. Business could not afford to take the long
business world. It was too daring a technology, too expensive a detour that would be needed to spur profitable applications from
project, and too risky an initiative to be assumed by profit-oriented such an audacious scheme. On the other hand, when the military
organizations. This was particularly true in the 1960s, at a time puts security above any other consideration, as happened in the
when major corporations were rather conservative in their indus- Soviet Union, and could have happened in the US, creativity cannot
trial and financial strategies, and were not ready to risk funding survive. And when government, or public service corporations,
and personnel in visionary technologies. The most blatant illustra- follow their basic, bureaucratic instincts, as in the case of the British
tion of this statement is the fact that in 1972, Larry Roberts, the Post Office, adaptation takes precedence over innovation. It was in
director of IPTO, sought to privatize ARPANET, once it was up and the twilight zone of the resource-rich, relatively free spaces created
running. He offered to transfer operational responsibility to ATT. by ARPA, the universities, innovative think-tanks, and major
After considering the proposal, with the help of a committee of research centers that the seeds of the Internet were sown.
experts from Bell Laboratories, the company refused. ATT was too
dependent on analog telephony to be ready to move to digital
switching. And so, to the benefit of the world, a corporate monop- The Internet and the Grassroots
oly missed the Internet. Even as late as 1990 when the US Office of
Technology Assessment held a hearing on the NREN, no telephone These seeds germinated in a variety of forms. The culture of indi-
company accepted an invitation to take part in it. One company vidual freedom sprouting in the university campuses of the 1960s
explicitly said that it had no interest in this development (Steve and 1970s used computer networking to its own ends-in most
Cisler, personal communication, 2001). cases seeking technological innovation for the pure joy of discovery.
But if corporate business did not have much vision, neither did The universities themselves played a major role in their support of
public companies. In another significant example, the British community networks. Examples of this university-grassroots con-
National Physical Laboratory (NPL) researchers built two computer nection were, among many others, Boulder, Colorado; Blacksburg
networks, Mark I and Mark II, based on Davies's packet-switching Electronic Village; Cleveland FreeNet; Chetbuco Suite in Halifax,
technology. Davies (appointed director of a research division of Nova Scotia. Without the cultural and technological contribution of
NPL in 1966) tried to convince the General Post Office to set up a these early, grassrooted computer networks, the Internet would
national computer communications network. If implemented in have looked very different, and probably would have not embraced
22 23
Lessons from the History of the Internet Lessons from the History of the Internet
the whole world. At least, not so quickly. After all, Tim Berners- dent thinking, and of sharing and cooperation with their peers, all
Lee's idealistic approach to technology was not too far removed values that characterized the campus culture of the 1960s. While
from the agendas of cultural revolutionaries, such as Nelson or the young ARPANETers were not part of the counterculture, their
Engelbart. The fast diffusion of computer communication protocols ideas, and their software, provided a natural bridge between the
would not have happened without the open, free distribution of world of big science and the broader student culture that sprung up
software and the cooperative use of resources that became the code in the BBSs and Usenet News network. This student culture took
of conduct of the early hackers. The advent of the PC considerably up computer networking as a tool of free communication, and in
helped the spread of computer networking, as show-cased by the the case of its most political manifestations (Nelson, Jennings,
global spread of FIDONET. But most networks required a backbone Stallman), as a tool of liberation, which, together with the PC,
anchored in more powerful machines, and this was only possible would provide people with the power of information to free them-
because of the contact between science-based networks and stu- selves both from governments and corporations.
dent hacker communities in the universities. Universities were the The grassroots of the Internet, with their creation of autonomous
common ground for the circulation of innovation between big networks and conference systems, decisively influenced the devel-
science's exclusive networks and the makeshift countercultural opment of commercial services in the 1980s, as business imitated
networks that emerged in all kinds of formats. The two worlds were the communication systems created by alternative networks. On
different, but with more points of contact than people usually the one hand, there were e-mail services developed by telecom-
think. munications and computer companies (ATT, MCI, DEC and so on),
Graduate students played a decisive role in the design of and wide area networks set up by major corporations for their
ARPANET. In the late 1960s, the Network Working Group, which internal use. On the other hand, "on-line" services were offered by
did most of the design of ARPANET's protocols, was composed companies such as Compuserve, America On Line (AOL), and
mainly of graduate students, including Cert, Crocker, and Postel, Prodigy. These services were not networked in their origin, but
who studied together in the same secondary school in Southern they provided the ground on which Internet content providers
California, and then were students of Kleinrock at UCLA. Feeling would later develop. These diverse uses of computer networking
insecure about their decisions, they communicated their work in did not develop from the ARPANET community but from the var-
progress to BBN and other nodes of the IPTO's research network iegated universe of alternative networks emerging from the
through "request for comment" memos or RFCs, which provided freedom culture.
the style, and the name, for informal technical communication in The impact of autonomous networks was also decisive in the
the Internet world up to our day. The openness of this format global expansion of computer networking. The control of the US
was-and continues to be-essential for the development of the government of ARPA-INTERNET was an obstacle to its connection
Internet's infrastructure protocols. Most of these students were not to the networks of other countries. UUCP-based networks became
countercultural in the sense of the social movements' activists of global much earlier than the Internet, thus setting the stage for the
the time. Cerf certainly was not. They were too obsessed with their global Internet once networks were able to connect. After NSF
extraordinary technological adventure to see much of the world opened up NSFNET access to foreign networks, from 1990 to 1995
outside computers. They certainly did not see any problem in (when the Internet was privatized), the proportion of non-US net-
having their research funded by the Pentagon or even in joining works linked to the Internet doubled, from 20 to 40 percent of all
ARPA (as Cerf did) in the midst of the Vietnam War. And yet they connected networks.
were permeated with the values of individual freedom, of indepen-
24 25
Lessons from the History of the Internet Lessons from the History of the Internet
An Architecture of Openness network addresses to each country. The assumption was that com-
puters would usually be connected to the public network, so the
From these diverse contributions emerged an Internet whose most committee decided that most countries would not require more
distinctive feature was its openness, both in its technical architec- than ten network addresses, exceptionally two hundred for the
ture and in its social/institutional organization. Technically speak- United States. This logic was perfectly understandable in a world in
ing, the flexibility of communication protocols allowed backbones which a few years earlier an IBM study had predicted that the
such as ARPANET to connect to thousands of local area networks. world market for computers in the year 2000 would stabilize at
The TCP architecture proposed by Cerf and Kahn in their seminal about five computers, and in which, in 1977 (after the develop-
1973 paper, "A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication," ment of the personal computer), the chairman of DEC had declared
published in 1974, and completed in 1978 with the IP protocol, that "there is no reason anyone would want a computer in their
provided standards compatible for different networking systems. home."
The openness of ARPANET's architecture allowed the future In the end, x.25 protocols were adopted by public telecommuni-
Internet to survive its most daunting challenge in the process of cation networks and some commercial networks, while ARPANET
becoming global: the difficult agreement on a common inter- and most US private networks went on using TCP/IP. The
national standard. Telecommunication carriers and the post and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) intervened in
telecommunications offices (PTTs) of major European govern- the matter, and when it failed to conciliate different interests
ments supported a different communication standard, the x.25, between various governments, and between computer manufac-
which was approved in 1976 as the common international stan- turers and telecommunications operators, it approved the principle
dard by the International Telecommunications Union. The x.25 of layering of protocols. The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
protocols were not incompatible with TCP/IP, but because they had protocol became the official international standard. However,
been designed separately they could not communicate. The debate unable to impose this standard, ISO continued to approve a multi-
was not purely technical. Under x.25 virtual circuits, the control plicity of protocols, including TCP and IP. Because ARPANET's
and accountability of the network would be mainly in the hands of protocols had the flexibility to integrate different networking
public network providers at the expense of private computer systems, while the other protocols could not do so, TCP/IP stand-
owners. This is why the European PTTs favored the option. On the ards were able to accommodate x.25-based protocols, and ultim-
other hand, ARPANET's protocols were based on the diversity of ately prevailed as the common standards for the global Internet.
networks. Furthermore, telecommunication carriers were reluc-
tant to let private networks link up with their own networks.
By the late 1970s, the PTTs were planning to organize computer Self-evolution of the Internet: Shaping the Network
data transmission in a series of separate, national public networks,
by Using it
connecting at their nation's borders. Computer owners were
expected to link up directly to the public network in their country, The openness of the Internet's architecture was the source of its
rather than set up their own private networks. In fact, MINITEL, main strength: its self-evolving development, as users became pro-
the French PTT telematic service provider, was based on this prin- ducers of the technology, and shapers of the whole network. Since
ciple of a centralized, government-controlled, computer network. nodes could be easily added, the cost remained low (provided that
At the international level, CCITT (the relevant committee of a backone was available), and the software was open and available;
the International Telecommunications Union) went on to assign by the mid-1980s (after UUCP allowed the connection between
26 27
Lessons from the History of the Internet Lessons from the History of the Internet
ARPANET and Usenet) everybody with technical knowledge could proprietary); thirdly, the institutions of governance of the network
join the Internet. A flurry of never-planned applications resulted must be built in accordance with the principles of openness and
from this multiple contribution, from e-mail to bulletin boards and cooperation that are embedded in the Internet. Having analyzed the
chat rooms, the MODEM, and, ultimately, the hypertext. No one historical production of the first two conditions, let me now turn to
told Tim Berners-Lee to design the world wide web, and in fact he the third one. It is, in fact, a remarkable story.
had to conceal his true intent for a while since he was using the
time of his research center for purposes other than his assigned job.
But he could do it because he could rely on widespread support Governance of the Internet
from the Internet community, as he posted his work, and was
helped and stimulated by numerous hackers from around the I am not addressing here the relationship between governments
world. True, some of these hackers went on to commercialize his and the Internet, which I shall examine with care later in the book
ideas, and made a fortune, while Berners-Lee, by his own choice, (Chapters 5 and 6). In this chapter I focus on the procedures to
continued to work in the public interest, lately as chairperson of ensure communication and coordination functions in the network.
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). But by behaving as a This refers, essentially, to shared protocol development, agree-
true hacker he earned the respect of his community of reference, ments on standards, and assignments of Internet names and
and his place in history; as was the case with Ted Nelson, Douglas addresses. Once these matters are settled, the decentralized
Engelbart, Richard Stallman, Linus Torvalds, and so many other, structure of the Internet takes care of the rest, as each host and
less famous, hackers and anonymous users. each network establishes its own rules. But how coordination
It is a proven lesson from the history of technology that users are functions are assured was critical for the development of the
key producers of the technology, by adapting it to their uses and network, and remains crucial for its expansion beyond any central
values, and ultimately transforming the technology itself, as Claude control.
Fischer (1992) demonstrated in his history of the telephone. But In the early stages, in the 1960s, ARPA assumed benevolent
there is something special in the case of the Internet. New uses of authority over the network, and the Network Working Group
the technology, as well as the actual modifications introduced in the (NWG) produced the technical standards by consensus, on the
technology, are communicated back to the whole world, in real basis of request for comment (RFC) documents. It set the tone for
time. Thus, the timespan between the processes of learning by using future coordination tasks in the Internet: membership based on
and producing by using is extraordinarily shortened, with the result technical expertise, consultation with the Internet community,
that we engage in a process of learning by producing, in a virtuous consensus-based decision-making. NWG was disbanded in the
feedback between the diffusion of technology and its enhancement. 1970s, once ARPANET began operation. Its role was assumed,
This is why the Internet grew, and keeps growing, at unprecedented within ARPA, by an Internet program, run by Cerf and Kahn,
speed, not only in the number of its networks, but in the range of its which took responsibility for protocol development. They estab-
applications. For this sequence to take place, three conditions are lished an advisory group made up of networking experts: the
necessary: first, the networking architecture must be open-ended, Internet Configuration Control Board (ICCB) which encouraged
decentralized, distributed, and multi-directional in its interactivity; the participation of the overall Internet community in improving
secondly, all communication protocols and their implemen- the protocols. In 1984, Barry Leiner, ARPA's network program
tations must be open, distributed, and susceptible of modification manager, decided to broaden this coordinating group, and set up
(although network manufacturers keep some of their software an Internet Activities Board (lAB), chaired by another MIT com-
28 29
Lessons from the History of the Internet Lessons from the History of the Internet
puter scientist, Dave Clark. This new board included the leading equilibrium that had for years characterized the assignment of
experts from the institutions that had created ARPANET, but domain names.
reached out to other networking experts from anywhere in the In one of the most stunning stories in the development of the
world. Indeed, membership of the lAB was open, at least in prin- Internet, the US government had delegated authority for Internet
ciple, to anyone with the interest and technical knowledge, addresses to an organization, the Internet Assigned Numbers
although I suspect that experts from the Soviet Academy of Authority (IA~A), set up and managed singlehandedly by one of
Sciences would not have been welcome at the time. In 1989, with the original designers of the Internet, Jon Postel, from the
membership of the lAB then in the hundreds, the board was split University of Southern California. Postel, a computer scientist of
into two organizations, both built on the basis of open working impeccable integrity, was probably the most respected member
groups: the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), focusing on of the Internet's scientific community. His management was
protocol development and other technical matters, and the widely recognized as fair, sensible, and neutral, so that for many
Internet Research Task Force (IRTF), specializing in long-range years he acted as a global arbiter for the assignment of Internet
planning for the Internet. Working groups communicated by domains, with remarkable results in terms of the relative stability
e-mail but also met several times a year. Agreements reached and compatibility of the system. Yet Postel died in 1998 at the age
by the working groups were published as RFCs and became the of 55. The trust in one man could not be replaced by global trust in
Internet's unofficial standards, in a cumulative, open process of a US government institution.
cooperation. Later on, relevant US government agencies, such as In fact, the Clinton administration had proposed the privatiza-
the NSF, NASA, and the Department of Energy, followed the IETF tion of lANA and of other over-seeing institutions of the Internet
in adopting the use of the Internet's protocols. Through this since 1997. The last legacy of Jon Postel was his design for the
channel, Internet protocols became the networking standards for privatized institution that he offered to the US government in
the US government at large. September 1998, one month before his death. His proposed
By 1992, however, the Internet was expanding on a global scale, organization, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
and the NSF was planning its privatization. On both grounds it was Numbers (ICANN), was approved by the US government in
necessary to move beyond the direct control of the US govern- late 1998, and completed its formative phase in 2000. Although its
ment. So, in January 1992, the Internet Society was formed, a non- actual practice and organizational structure are still unfolding, its
profit organization which was given oversight of both the lAB and by-laws embody the spirit of openness of the Internet community,
the IETF. Cerf and Kahn, widely trusted by the Internet commu- decentralization, consensus-building, and autonomy that charac-
nity for their technical knowledge and their record of commitment terized the ad hoc governance of the Internet over thirty years,
to openness and consensus-building, took charge of the Internet while adding a global orientation to its membership, although its
Society. Under their impulse, international participation in the administration is headquartered in Marina del Rey, California. It is
coordination functions increased substantially during the 1990s. a non-profit, private corporation that assumes the management of
However, with the internationalization of the Internet, the IP address space allocation, protocol parameter assignment,
ambiguous status of its institutions (ultimately under the supervi- domain name system management, and root server system
sion of the US government, yet exercising their autonomy on the management, all functions previously performed by lANA under
basis of the fairness and prestige of the Internet's founders) came contract from the US government.
under attack from other governments, particularly in Europe. ICANN has four components: one at-large membership, and
Furthermore, the process of privatization unbalanced the delicate three supporting organizations, which deal with the substantive
30 31
Lessons from the History of the Internet Lessons from the History of the Internet
issues of Internet coordination (address supporting organization, Yet, in spite of all these conflicts and shortcomings, it is revealing
domain name supporting organization, and protocol supporting that the emerging institutions of the Internet in the twenty-first cen-
organization). Each one of these organizations is decentralized in a tury had to be established, in order to be legitimate, on the tradition
diversity of working groups linked electronically and by regular of meritocratic consensus-building that characterized the origins of
meetings. ICANN's governing body is a board of eighteen directors, the Internet. A similar, consensus-based, non-mandatory, open
three appointed by each of the supporting organizations, and nine (albeit, often for a signicant fee), international organization presides
elected by the at-large membership in a worldwide electronic over the protocols and development of the world wide web: the
voting process. Any individual with technical knowledge can apply World Wide Web Consortium, anchored in the US by MIT, in
for membership. By 2000, there were 158,000 at-large members Europe by the French Institute INRIA, and directed, most naturally,
and the first at-large election was held. The election was organized by Tim Berners-Lee, now the holder of an MIT chair.
by nominations issued both by advisory committees and by support Without prejudging the effectiveness of these new institutions,
the truly surprising accomplishment is that the Internet reached
from local constituencies. Each of the five posts elected in 2000 was
this relative stability in its governance without succumbing either to
assigned to a different area of the world to ensure some kind of
the bureaucracy of the US government or to the chaos of a decen-
global representation.
tralized structure. That it did not was mainly the accomplishment of
The romantic vision of a global Internet community self-
these gentlemen of technological innovation: Cerf, Kahn, Postel,
representing itself by electronic voting has to be tempered with
Berners-Lee, and many others, who truly sought to maintain the
the reality of lobbying, powerful support networks, and name
openness of the network for their peers, as a way to learn and share.
recognition in favor of certain candidates. And there is no scarcity
In this communitarian approach to technology, the meritocratic
of articulate critics of ICANN's lack of true democracy. Indeed, in
gentry met the utopian counterculture in the invention of the
the 2000 election, only 35,000 of the 158,000 members part-
Internet, and in the preservation of the spirit of freedom that is at its
icipated in the vote. Among the directors elected there was a source. The Internet is, above all else, a cultural creation.
hacker, former member of the notorious German Computer Chaos
Club, to the alarm of government representatives. Furthermore,
the links between ICANN and the US Commerce Department have
not really been severed. Governments around the world, and par-
ticularly European governments, are extremely critical of what
they see as American dominance of ICANN. For instance, ICANN 1. "Libertarian" has a different meaning in the European and in the
refused recognition of the ".eu" domain address, applicable to all American context. In Europe, it refers to a culture or ideology based
companies and institutions from the European Union. For Euro- on the uncompromising defense of individual freedom as the
supreme value-often against the government, but sometimes with
pean Union representatives this was a most important trademark
the help of governments, as in the protection of privacy. In the US
to denote European companies working within the institutional
context, "libertarian" is a political ideology that primarily means a
rules established in the European Union, for instance in the systematic distrust of government, on the understanding that the
protection of privacy on the Internet. Thus, the contradiction market takes care of everything by itself, and that individuals take
between the historical roots of the Internet in America, and its care of themselves. I use it in the European sense, as a culture of
increasingly global character, seems to point toward the eventual liberty, in the tradition of John Stuart Mill, without prejudging the
transformation of ICANN into a culturally broader institution. tools by which liberty is achieved.
32 33
Lessons from the History of the Internet Lessons from the History of the Internet
Leiner, B. M., Cerf, V. G., Clark, D. D., Kahn, R. E., Kleinrock, L., Lynch,
D. c., Postel, J., Roberts, L. G., and Wolff, S. (2000) A Brief History of the
Internet at
34 35
The Culture of the Internet
The Culture of the Internet The Culture of the Internet
38 39
The Culture of the Internet The Culture of the Internet
machines) and enjoy the technological respect and ethical trust Hackers
of their peers. Thus, Cerf and Kahn were at the same time given
control of ARPANET by the Defense Department and relied Pekka Himanen (2001) considers the hacker ethic to be the cultural
upon by most of their peers in the Internet designers' com- characteristic of informationalism. I concur with him in general
munity. terms, but I will specify this analysis in the case of the Internet.
• To be respected as a member of the community, and, even more The hacker culture plays a pivotal role in the construction of the
so, as an authoritative figure, technologists must abide by the Internet for two reasons: it is arguably the nurturing milieu of
formal and informal rules of the community and not use breakthrough technological innovations through cooperation and
common resources (knowledge) or delegated resources (institu- free communication; and it bridges the knowledge originated in
tional positions) for their own exclusive benefit, beyond the the techno-meritocratic culture with the entrepreneurial spin-offs
shared good of advancing technological skills by learning from that diffuse the Internet in society at large. But, first, we need to
the network. Personal advantage is not shunned unless it is to clarify what we mean by the hacker culture since the ambiguity of
the detriment of other members of the community. the term is a source of misunderstanding (Himanen, 2001; Levy,
• The cornerstone of the whole process is the open communication 2001) .
of software, as well as all of the improvements resulting from Hackers are not what the media say they are. They are not reck-
networked collaboration. Without this openness, members of the less computer geeks aiming to crack codes, illegally penetrate
community would pursue their individual, competitive strate- systems, or bring havoc to computer traffic. Those who behave in
gies, and the process of communication would stall, hampering such a way are called "crackers," and they are usually rejected by
the intellectual productivity of the cooperative effort. This is not the hacker culture, although I personally consider that, in analyti-
too different from the basic rule of scholarly research under cal terms, crackers and other cyber types (such as the "warez
which all findings must be open, and communicated in a form dOOdz," many of them belonging to the category of "script kiddies")
that allows peer review, criticism, and eventual replication. Only are subcultures of a much broader, and usually not disruptive,
members of the academic organizations that submit themselves hacker universe. One of the leading analysts/participant observers
to this scrutiny are acknowledged as scholars by their peers. This of the hacker culture, and an icon of the culture, Eric Raymond,
is precisely why there is no direct equivalence between being a defines a "hacker" somewhat tautologically: hackers are those
scholar and having a university job. whom the hacker culture recognizes as such. As for the hacker
culture: "There is a community, a shared culture, of expert pro-
Thus, the culture of the Internet is rooted in the scholarly tradi-
grammers and networking wizards that traces its history back
tion of the shared pursuit of science, of reputation by academic
through decades to the first time-sharing minicomputers and the
excellence, of peer review, and of openness in all research findings,
earliest Arpanet experiments" (Raymond, 1999: 231). He chroni-
with due credit to the authors of each discovery. Historically, the
cles the first use of the term "hacker" at MIT's Tech Model Rail
Internet was produced in academic circles, and in their ancillary
Road Club and the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. This is,
research units, both in the heights of professorial ranks and in
however, too broad a definition, under which all expert computer
the trenches of graduate student work, from where the values, the
programmers connected to the building of ARPANET and the
habits, and the knowledge diffused into the hacker culture.
development of the Internet would be hackers. We need a more
specific concept of hacker to identify the actors in the transition
from an academically and institutionally constructed milieu of
40 41
The Culture of the Internet The Culture of the Internet
innovation to the emergence of self-organizing networks tran- including its source code, to universities for a nominal fee. In 1977,
scending organizational control. in cooperation with Ken Thompson and Bell Labs, a group of
In this restricted sense, the hacker culture, in my view, refers to Berkeley computer science students, led by Bill Joy and Chuck
the set of values and beliefs that emerged from the networks of Halley, created the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), an
computer programmers interacting on-line around their collabora- improved version of UNIX. Graduate students in computer science,
tion in self-defined projects of creative programming (Levy, 200 I). in the US and in other countries, made UNIX their preferred
Two critical features must be emphasized: on the one hand, the language, using PDP-II and VAX computers. As described in
autonomy of projects vis-a-vis institutional or corporate assign- Chapter 1, the Berkeley UNIX team (Computer System Research
ments; on the other hand, the use of computer networking consti- Group) designed UNIX support for ARPANET protocols, solving the
tutes the material, technological basis for institutional autonomy. networking problems of UUCP, and enabling the communication
In this sense, the Internet was originally the creation of the techno- between ARPANET and Usenet, thus expanding the Internet.
meritocratic culture; it then became the basis for its own tech- In the early 1980s there were three computer cultures, clustered
nological upgrading through the input provided by the hacker at the intersection between types of machines and preferred lan-
culture, interacting on the Internet. guage programs: the ARPANET culture based on DEC's PDP-lO
The specific values and social organization of the hacker culture machines, with a preference for LISP language; the UNIX culture,
can be better understood by considering the process of develop- using C language; and the PC culture, using microcomputers and
ment of the open source movement, as an extension of the original working on BASIC, at a much lower technological level than the
free software movement. In a sense, open source was a structural other two cultures. Then, in a few years, the three cultures under-
feature in the development of the Internet, as I stated earlier, since went a major technological/institutional shock and subsequent
all its key technical developments were communicated to uni- transformation. ARPA decided to support the development of an
versities, and then shared over the Net. But the free software operating system that could be common to the research commu-
movement, as a deliberate practice, at the roots of the open source nity, and most of the universities involved in contracts with ARPA
movement, stems from the struggles to defend the openness of the did not want to be dependent on DEC and its machines. The result
UNIX source code. of these discussions was ARPA's decision to support the develop-
UNIX was a powerful, innovative operating system created in ment of UNIX as a reliable, common operating system that could
1969 by Ken Thompson, at ATT's Bell Laboratories, on the basis of run on different machines. BSD, the Berkeley variant of UNIX
a time-sharing operating system, MULTICS. Another Bell's hacker running on VAX, and using C language, became the most advanced
(and Berkeley graduate, as Thompson was), Dennis Ritchie, operating system. ATT's UNIX and Berkeley's UNIX fought endless
invented a new language, called C, for use on Thompson's UNIX. legal battles, as ATT tried to impose proprietary rights on the
They both worked on these developments without specific instruc- system, but ultimately they learned from each other to the point
tions from Bell Labs. UNIX became a software environment for that, by the early 1990s, their programs were very similar. In 1994,
all kinds of systems, so liberating programmers from the need they reached a legal settlement, enabling the free diffusion of
to invent specific languages for each machine: software became UNIX, coexisting with UNIX-based proprietary systems. In the
portable, thus allowing communication between computers and process, however, the Berkeley group exhausted its resources and
cumulative computer programming. lost the funding. Several versions of BSD (Net BSD, Free BSD,
When in 1974 ATT was compelled by the US government to Open BSD) emerged from the process, as different hacker groups
diffuse the results of Bell Labs' research, it distributed UNIX, developed their own software in line with the UNIX tradition.
42 43
The Culture of the Internet The Culture of the Internet
Advances in micro-electronics also transformed the computing huge technical obstacles he had to deal with in the creation of a new
world. In 1983, Motorola's 68000 microchip allowed the develop- operating system, equivalent to UNIX, yet different from it. While
ment of microcomputers with unprecedented power. A group of the release of his, and his team's, efforts over the Net paved the way
young computer scientists from Stanford, with additions from for the future of open source software, his system (HURD) did not
Berkeley, including Bill Joy, founded Sun Microsystems (for really work until 1996. By all accounts, this was not the result of his
Stanford University Networks), with UNIX running on 68000 technical limitations, as he was (and is) a giant of software pro-
microchips, enabling affordable workstations. Later, their machines gramming, as was proved by his outstanding emacs editor program.
ran on Solaris, a proprietary version of the UNIX operating system. But he did not fully realize the power of the network. Only a net-
As for the PC culture, constituted by the MS-DOS and Mac pro- work of hundreds, thousands of brains working cooperatively, with
grammers, according to Raymond (1999), they were much more spontaneous division of labor, and loose, but effective coordination,
numerous than the "network nation" culture of UNIX users. But could accomplish the extraordinary task of creating an operating
DOS/Mac people never became a self-aware culture themselves. system able to handle the complexity of increasingly powerful com-
The absence of a really pervasive network comparable to UUCP or puters interacting via the Internet.
the Internet prevented them from doing so. Collaborative hacking In the meantime, UNIX proprietary systems were blocking the
was limited by the absence of networking. And Raymond (1999: open communication of software development. The Berkeley
21) concludes: "The mainstream of hackerdom, (dis)organized UNIX group was disbanded in 1994. In this context, Microsoft cor-
around the Internet, and by now largely identified with the UNIX raled the operating system software market, in spite of its inferior
technical culture, didn't care about the commercial services. They technology, because it had no real competition. The alternative
wanted better tools and more Internet, and cheap 32-bit PCs emerged from the GNU/Linux operating system that developed on
promised to put both in everyone's reach." the basis of Stallman's work, but with a fundamentally different
The key requirement for the expansion of the new computing methodology, serendipitously promoted by Linus Torvalds. In
frontier was new, powerful software able to run on all kinds of Raymond's (1999) terms, the "bazaar" approach to software suc-
machines and link up Internet servers. UNIX provided a shared ceeded where the "cathedral-building" design principles (whether
environment for advanced researchers to communicate in the commercial or hacker-driven) had failed.
development of programs for networks and servers. Yet, the divesti- As described in Chapter 1, Linus Torvalds, a student at Helsinki
ture of ATT in 1984 allowed Bell Laboratories to legally claim its University, obtained his first Intel 386 PC in 1991, and wanted a
proprietary rights on UNIX. As reported in Chapter 1, Richard UNIX operating system for it. Lacking resources, he devoted several
Stallman, a programmer at MIT's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory months to designing his own UNIX kernel for 386 machines, using
took upon himself and a close group of collaborators the gigantic the GCC compiler (for C language) for its implementation. He called
task of writing a new system, inspired by UNIX but not submitted to it Freix, but the server's administrator called it Linux. Needing help,
UNIX copyright: GNU (standing for "GNU is not UNIX"). Stallman and wanting others to join in the development, Linus released the
turned his effort into a political crusade for free speech in the com- source code on the Internet, and asked for cooperation. He contin-
puter age, establishing the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and ued to release frequent improvements. So did hundreds of hackers
proclaiming the principle of free communication and use of soft- who picked up on the project. Quick releases, widespread coopera-
ware as a fundamental right. He single-handedly created the free tion, and total openness of the information allowed for extensive
software movement, and became one of the icons of the hacker cul- testing and de-bugging of the code, so that, by 1993, Linux was a
ture. But his political commitment was not sufficient to solve the better operating system than UNIX proprietary systems. Over time,
44 45
The Culture of the Internet The Culture of the Internet
the most competitive commercial UNIX systems became those that dom to redistribute this knowledge under any form and channel
package Linux while respecting its open source code rules. chosen by the hacker. In fact. Richard Stallman built his Free
Linux is widely recognized as one of the most reliable operating Software Foundation on this principle of freedom, regardless of the
systems, particularly for computers working on the Internet. In 2001, quality of the software produced as a result of freedom and cooper-
there were about 30 million Linux users in the world, and counting. ation. For most other hackers, freedom is not the only value (tech-
In 2001, a number of governments (including Brazil, Mexico, India, nological innovation is the key goat and the personal enjoyment of
China, and France) were adopting Linux and promoting its use. True, creativity is even more important than freedom), but it is certainly
the overwhelming majority of Linux operating systems are used in an essential component of their worldview and of their practice as
web servers, and in big computers, serving large networks. So, for hackers. Paradoxically, it is because of this principle of freedom that
most individual users, Linux is too complicated to use and does not many hackers also claim the right to choose commercial develop-
provide a simple user interface. Yet. nothing in its kernel or deriva- ment of their innovations. On the condition of not betraying what
tive software excludes the development of user-friendly applications is the most fundamental principle of all: open access to all the pro-
that could take on the Microsoft core market. In fact. it seems that the gram's information, with the freedom to modify the program.
main obstacle to Linux development into low-end consumer users is Freedom cornbines with cooperation through the practice of the
the lack of interest of sophisticated computer programmers for this gift culture, eventually leading to a gift economy. A hacker will
kind of application. This is why the user-oriented commercialization post his or her contribution to software development on the Net in
of Linux, always respecting its open source rules, appears to be the the expectation of reciprocity. The gift culture in the hacker world
next frontier of open source development. is specific vis-a-vis other gift cultures. Prestige, reputation, and
What are the features of the hacker culture, and how do they social esteem are linked to the relevance of the gift to the commu-
relate to Internet development? First of all, it is based on what I nity. So, it is not only the expected return for generosity, but the
called the techno-meritocratic culture, which, if I may use a soft- immediate gratification of displaying to everybody the hacker's
ware metaphor, is the kernel code of the hacker culture. So, all the ingenuity. In addition, there is also gratification involved in the
features presented above are applicable to the hacker culture. object of the gift. It not only has exchange value, but also use value.
Particularly important is the overarching goal of performance and The recognition comes not only from giving but from producing a
technological excellence because this is what determines the valuable object (innovative software).
common need for sharing and for keeping the source code open. As Beyond the satisfaction of achieving status in the community,
Raymond (1999: 170) puts it. "The open source peer review is the the inner joy of creation has often been identified as an attribute of
only scalable method for achieving high reliability and quality." the hacker culture. It brings it close to the world of art. and to the
Although many experts seem to concur with him on this point. the psychological drive for creativity, identified by Csikszentmihalyi
accuracy of the statement is less important than its effects on (1997). Being a hacker starts with the individual surge for creation,
the hacker culture: if hackers believe this to be so, they will build a independent of the organizational setting of this creation. This is
community around open source in order to perform better. But why there are hackers in academia, in high schools, in corporate
better performance, when it is disembedded from institutions of business, and in the margins of society. They do not depend on
reward, requires adherence to a set of values that combine the joy institutions for their intellectual existence, but they do depend
of creativity with a reputation among peers. on their self-defined community, built around computer networks.
Paramount in this set of values is freedom. Freedom to create, There is a communal feeling in the hacker culture, based on
freedom to appropriate whatever knowledge is available, and free- active membership in a community, which is structured around
46 47
The Culture of the Internet The Culture of the Internet
customs and principles of informal social organization. Cultures are blame, and, if sins are grave, exclusion from the community, thus
not made of free-floating values. They are rooted in institutions from the network of collective creation of innovative software.
and organizations. There is such an organization in the hacker The Intemet is the organizational foundation of this culture. The
culture, but it is informal; that is, not enforced by the institutions of . hacker community, by and large, is global and is virtual. While
society. In the Linux community, for instance, there are "tribal there are moments of physical encounter-parties, conferences,
elders" (most of them under 30 years old), with Linus Torvalds as and fairs-most interaction is electronic. Most hackers know each
the supreme authority. They are owners/maintainers of each other only by their Internet name. Not because they hide their
project; for example, Linus owns and maintains the Linux kernel identity. Rather, their identity as hackers is the name posted on the
because he created its beginning. In other instances, there is a col- Net. Although the highest degree of recognition is usually associ-
lective authority, with rotating maintainers, such as in the Apache ated with identification by real names, in general terms, informal-
servers' community. Co-maintainers help to maintain subsystems ity and virtuality are key features of the hacker culture-features
around projects derived from the original project. that sharply differentiate this culture from the academic culture
The modular structure of Linux software allows a great diversity and from other manifestations of the meritocratic culture. This is
of projects to branch out without losing compatibility. Co-develop- why ARPA researchers practiced hacking (creative, open source
ers assume new projects on their own initiative, while ordinary programming), and were creators of the Internet, but they were
contributors are members of the community helping to test and de- not hackers in the cultural sense.
bug new programs, and to discuss problems arising from their own There are some myths surrounding the hacker culture that it is
programming practice. The key for the community is to avoid worth while to dispel. One is its psychological marginality. It is true
"forking" as much as possible; that is, the division of the commu- that there is a pervasive feeling of superiority over the rest of the
nity's energy into many different lines of work. But it is acceptable computer-illiterate world, and a tendency to communicate with
when all other forms of conflict resolution fail. the computer, or with other humans via computers, focusing
Naturally, money, formal proprietary rights, or institutional essentially on software issues, incomprehensible for the rest of
power are excluded as sources of authority and reputation. humankind. A closeness to the world of music, art, or literature can
Authority based on technological excellence, or on an early contri- also be seen in this: hackers' permanent temptation to cut their ties
bution to the code, is respected only if it is not seen as predomi- of communication with society, and fly into the formal structures
nantly self-serving. In other words, the community accepts the of computing. Yet, it is fair to say that most hackers live normal
hierarchy of excellence and seniority only as long as this authority lives, at least as normal as most people, which does not necessarily
is exercised for the well-being of the community as a whole, which mean that hackers (or anybody else) fit into the ideal type of nor-
means that, often, new tribes emerge and face each other. But the malcy, conforming to the dominant ideology in our societies. Linus
fundamental cleavages are not personal or ideological: they are Torvalds, among many others, is a dedicated family man, living a
technological. This does not mean that the conflicts are less acute. regular life with his wife and children in a Silicon Valley suburb.
Technological subcultures may use all the resources at their dis- Yes, if you go to a hackers' conference, you can see many people
posal to undermine the position of their rival techno-communities. dressed in black, some wearing beards (if they are old enough to
Thus, the main divide in the open software world is between the grow them), and most displaying provocative T-shirts (e.g. "BURN
BSD tradition and the GNU/Linux tradition. These social rules and Venture Capital BURN"). Often you may find references to their
customs are practiced and enforced collectively over the Net. emblematic, favorite movies, depending on their age cohort: "Star
Sanctions for transgression take the form of open "flaming," public Wars," "The Matrix," "Enemy of the State." But this folklore is not
48 49
The Culture of the Internet The Culture of the Internet
exclusive to hackers: it is one of many expressions of youth culture effort to keep their collective creation out of the reach of
in the times and places where hackers live. Indeed, serious hackers governments and corporations. Other hacker groupings are con-
primarily exist as hackers on-line. If postmodern anthropologists structed around libertarian political principles, such as the defense
landed in a hacker meeting and tried to identify tribal clans on the. of freedom of expression and privacy on the Internet. A case in
basis of these symbols, they would miss the essence of the culture. point is the Electronic Frontier Foundation created in 1990 by John
Because, as Wayner (2000) emphasizes, the hacker culture, and its Perry Barlow and Mitch Kapor to fight government control of the
internal distinctions, are all about mental constructions and tech- Internet. They played an important role in the widespread mobi-
nological divides. lization leading to the defeat in the US courts of the 1995
Another powerful myth, often put forward by hacker icon them- Communications Decency Act (see Chapter 6). Both Barlow and
selves, is that cooperation, freedom, and the gift culture are able to Kapor symbolize an interesting connection between some of the
develop only under the conditions of the new, immaterial produc- social subcultures of the post-1960s period and the hacker culture.
tion system that takes place in a post-scarcity society. According to People remember Barlow as a lyricist of the Grateful Dead rock
this view, only when people have their basic needs covered can band, but he is also a third generation Montana rancher, and he
they afford to dedicate their lives to intellectual creativity, and only currently spends much of his time criss-crossing the planet preach-
then they can practice the gift culture. In fact, this belies the ing freedom and the Internet. As for Kapor, besides being a brilliant
experience of hackers in poor countries, such as Russia or Latin programmer (he invented Lotus), and making a lot of money, he
America. It is precisely in situations of extreme poverty, when cre- was a meditation instructor, immersed in spiritualism.
ative individuals have no access to resources, that they are bound Other hackers recognize themselves in the "cyberpunk" charac-
to invent their own solutions, and they do. The social avenues of ters of science fiction literature. They build their social autonomy
innovation are highly diverse, and cannot be reduced to the mate- on the Internet, fighting to preserve their freedom against the
rial conditions of living. But what is common to the hacker culture, intrusion of the powers that be, including corporate media take-
in all social contexts, is the urge to re-invent ways to communicate over of their Internet service providers. On the margins of this rebel
with and by computers, building a symbiotic system of people and hacker subculture emerge the crackers. Most of them are indi-
computers interacting over the Internet. The hacker culture is, in viduals, often very young, trying to prove themselves, usually with
its essence, a culture of convergence between humans and their limited technical knowledge. Others, such as Kevin Mitnik, blend
machines in a process of unfettered interaction. It is a culture of technological savvy with a strategy of political sabotage in their
technological creativity based on freedom, cooperation, reciprocity, efforts to watch the world that watches them. This behavior must
and informality. be differentiated from cybercrime-committing robberies over the
There are, however, hacker subcultures built on political princi- Internet for personal profit-the old habit of "white-collar crime"
ples, as well as on personal revolt. Richard Stallman considers the performed by new technological means. The most political crackers
achievement of technological excellence to be secondary to the build networks of cooperation and information, with all due pre-
fundamental principle of free software, which, for him, is an essen- cautions, often diffusing the code of encryption technology that
tial component of free speech in the Information Age. Indeed, he would allow the formation of these networks beyond the reach of
was an active participant in the free speech movement during his surveillance agencies. The battle lines are shifting from people's
student years at Berkeley. His Free Software Foundation is about right to encrypt (against the government) to people's right to
protecting programmers' rights to the products of their work, and decrypt (against corporations) (Levy, 2001; Patrice Riemens,
about mobilizing the community of hackers to join together in an personal communication, 2001).
50 51
The Culture of the Internet The Culture of the Internet
The mainstream hacker culture feels very nervous about crack- commercial, for years to come. Or else, the Institute for Global
ers, as they taint the whole community with a stigma of irrespon- Communication (IGC), also founded in San Francisco, articulated
sibility, amplified by the media. But, from an analytical perspective, some of the first computer networks dedicated to the advancement
we must acknowledge the diversity of the hackers' world, while of socially responsible causes, such as the defense of the environ-
emphasizing what unifies all its members beyond ideological ment and the preservation of world peace. The IGC was instru-
cleavages and personal behavior: a shared belief in the power of mental in setting up the women's computer network (La Neta)
computer networking, and a determination to keep this techno- used by the Mexican Zapatistas to build international solidarity with
logical power as a common good-at least for the community of their struggle on behalf of exploited Indian minorities. Community
hackers. networks, such as the one created in Seattle by Douglas Schuler, or
the Digital City in Amsterdam, renewed and enhanced citizen
participation (see Chapter 5). In the final years of the Soviet Union,
Virtual Communitarians early computer networks, independently organized by academics,
such as RELCOM, were very important in the struggle for dem-
The cultural sources of the Internet cannot be reduced, however, to ocracy and freedom of expression during the critical moments of
the values of technological innovators. Early users of computer perestroika.
networks created virtual communities, using the term popularized Thus, while the hacker culture provided the technological foun-
by Howard Rheingold (1993/2000), and these communities were dations of the Internet, the communitarian culture shaped its social
sources of values that patterned behavior and social organization. forms, processes, and uses. But what is this culture? I will deal in
People involved in the Usenet News networks, in FIDONET, and in detail later in this book with the social uses of the Internet, and the
the bulletin board systems, developed and diffused forms and uses habits and social patterns emerging from the practice of virtual
of the net: messaging, mailing lists, chat rooms, multi-user games communities (see Chapter 4). I am focusing here on the specificity
(expanding the early multi-user dungeons or MUDs), conferences, of cultural values and social rules emerging from these practices as
and conference systems. they relate to the structuration of the Internet (Hiltz and Turoff,
Some of the users involved in this social interaction were tech- 1995; Rheingold, 1993/2000).
nologically sophisticated, such as the ARPANET researchers who The origins of on-line communities were very close to the coun-
created one of the first thematic mailing lists, SF-Lovers (for tercultural movements and alternative ways of life emerging in the
science fiction fans), with the tolerance of the Defense Department. aftermath of the 1960s. The San Francisco Bay area was home in
Many early UUCP users were also participants in the hacker the 1970s to the development of several on-line communities that
culture. But most users of most networks from the 1980s onwards experimented with computer communication, among which were
were not necessarily skilled in programming. And when the world the legendary Homebrew Computer Club and the Community
wide web exploded in the 1990s, millions of users brought into the Memory projects. In 1985, one of the most innovative, early con-
Net their social innovations with the help of limited technical ference systems, WELL, was started in the San Francisco Bay area
knowledge. Yet, their contribution to the shape and evolution of by Stewart Brand (a biologist, artist, and computer hobbyist, creator
the Internet, including many of its commercial manifestations, was of the Whole Earth Catalog, the rallying publication of the 1970s'
decisive. For instance, one of the earliest BBSs in the San Francisco counterculture) and Larry Brilliant (a member of the prankster-
Bay area was a sex-oriented system Kinky Komputer: it spear- associated Hog Farm commune, who was one of the organizers
headed a blossoming form of on-line practice, both private and of Woodstock). Among the WELL's early managers, hosts, and
52 53
The Culture of the Internet The Culture of the Internet
supporters were people who had tried life in rural communes, PC glomerates and censoring government bureaucracies. As John
hackers, and a large contingent of the Deadheads, the followers of Gilmore put it "The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes
the Grateful Dead rock band. As mentioned in Chapter 1, FIDONET around it" (cited by Rheingold, 1993: 7). This freedom of expression
was started in 1983 by Tom Jennings, with a vague anarchist. from many to many was cherished by Net users from the very early
agenda. Amsterdam's Digital City developed in the aftermath of the stages of on-line communication, and became one of the overarch-
squatters movement of the 1970s, and at least one of its founders ing values of the Internet. The second shared value emerging from
had been closely associated with the squatters. Many of the early virtual communities is what I would label self-directed networking.
on-line conferences and BBSs seem to have grown out of the need That is, the capacity for anyone to find his or her own destination
to build some kind of communal feeling after the failure of counter- on the Net, and, if not found, to create and post his or her own
cultural experiments in the physical world. information, thus inducing a network. From the primitive 1980s'
Nonetheless, as virtual communities expanded in size and reach, BBSs to the most sophisticated interactive systems of the turn of the
their original connection to the counterculture weakened. Values century, self-publishing, self-organizing, and self-networking con-
and interests of all kinds sprung from computer networks. stitute a pattern of behavior that permeates the Internet, and
Empirically speaking, there is no such thing as a unified Internet diffuses from the Internet into the entire social realm. Thus, while
communal culture. Most observers, from Howard Rheingold to the communitarian source of the Internet culture is highly diverse
Steve Jones, emphasize the extreme diversity of virtual commu- in its content, it does specify the Internet as a technological medium
nities. Moreover, their social characteristics tend to specify their for horizontal communication, and as a new form of free speech. It
virtual culture. Thus, MUDs are the privileged domain for role- also lays the foundation for self-directed networking as a tool for
playing and fake identities, to the delight of postmodern theorists. organization, collective action, and the construction of meaning.
But, as far as we can tell, most MUD players were/are teenagers or
college students, enacting on-line much of the typical role-playing
behavior of the period of their life when they often experi- Entrepreneurs
ment with their personality. Users have a tendency to twist new
technology to fulfill their interests or desires. In France, the very The diffusion of the Internet from the inner circles of technologists
bureaucratic, official Minitel became popular on the basis of one of and communal living to society at large was enacted by business
its systems, the sex-oriented Messageries Roses. Social movements entrepreneurs. It happened only in the 1990s, with lightning
of all kind, from environmental movements to right-wing extrem- speed. Because business firms were the driving force in its expanc
ist ideologies (e.g. Nazism, racism) took advantage of the flexiblity sion, the Internet has been largely shaped around its commercial
of the Net to voice their views, and to link up across the country uses. But since these commercial uses were built on forms and
and across the globe. The social world of the Internet is as diverse, processes invented by the communal culture, the hackers, and the
and contradictory, as society is. So, the cacophony of virtual com- technological elites, the actual outcome is that the Internet is not
munities does not represent a system of relatively coherent values more business determined than other domains of life in our soci-
and social rules, as in the case of the hacker culture. eties. Not less, but not more either. In fact, more significant than
Yet, these communities work on the basis of two major, common the business domination of the Internet around the turn of the
cultural features. The first one is the value of horizontal, free com- century is the kind of business that the Internet helped to develop.
munication. The practice of virtual communities epitomizes the It would not be fanciful to say that the Internet transformed busi-
practice of global free speech, in an era dominated by media con- ness as much, if not more, than business transformed the Internet.
54 55
The Culture of the Internet The Culture of the Internet
The Internet was the indispensable medium and the driving were sold to investors via public offerings on the stock market.
force in the formation of the new economy, built around new While this mechanism has extraordinary consequences for the new
rules and procedures of production, management, and economic economic logic, it also determines the kind of culture at the source
calculation. I shall analyze in detail the relationship between the of entrepreneurial innovation. It is a culture where the amount of
Internet and the new economy in Chapter 3. Here I want to focus money to be made, and the speed at which the money is made, are
on the cultural dimension of Internet entrepreneurs, since culture the supreme values. This goes beyond usual human greed. Money-
is the source of meaning. Without meaning people do not act, and making becomes the benchmark for success and, as importantly,
without the action of these entrepreneurs, oriented by a specific set for freedom vis-.a-vis the traditional, corporate world. The only way
of values, there would be no new economy, and the Internet for entrepreneurs to be freed from capital is to be able to attract
would have diffused at a much slower pace and with a different capital by themselves, and to do so in ways in which they can
range of applications. control a large enough share of the future wealth that would come
If we reflect on the formation of Internet companies in Silicon from investors. This is why stock options are the fundamental
Valley, the seedbed of the new industry, a number of cultural fea- mechanism connecting individual freedom to entrepreneurship.
tures stand out from the practice of the entrepreneurs who created Furthermore, in a world of ebullient innovation, the only way to
these firms around technological and business projects. The key measure competition and to earn the respect of peers, as well as the
point is that they made money out of ideas, while the lack of new fear of the corporate establishment, is money. But the way money
ideas led to money losses for established corporations. So, entre- is made in the Internet business specifies its entrepreneurial culture
preneurial innovation rather than capital was the driving force of vis-a-vis other money-seeking cultures, let's say Wall Street. While
the Internet economy. More often than not, they did not invest financial investors try to make money predicting future market
their own money. They did not risk much, maybe just their behavior, or simply betting on it, Internet entrepreneurs sell the
dreams, or the seed money they obtained from their dreams-save future because they believe they can make it. They rely on their
a few mortgage foreclosures. When they failed, they could always technological know-how to create products and processes that they
go back to their garages, to their schools, or to their well-paid are convinced will conquer the market. Then the critical point is
corporate jobs-and to a new dream. So, they were not the risk- first to convince the financial markets that the future is there, then
taking entrepreneurs of Sombart's historical account. Nor were to try to sell the technology to the users-by all means-making
they the technological innovators of the Schumpeterian version of the prediction work. The strategy is to change the world through
entrepreneurship. Some were, some were not. Some were excel- technology, and then to be rewarded with money and power, via
lent salesmen rather than great engineers. But they were all able to the workings of financial markets. The foundation of this entrepre-
transform their capacity to imagine new processes and new prod- neurial culture is the ability to transform technological know-how
ucts into business projects adapted to the Internet world-a world and business vision into financial value, then to cash some of this
they had not imagined, let alone invented. value to make the vision a reality somehow.
The realization of the potential of transforming mind power into In its actual incarnation, the Internet entrepreneur is a two-
money-making became the cornerstone of the entrepreneurial headed creature. Techno-business entrepreneurs could not achieve
culture in Silicon Valley and of the Internet industry at large. Ideas any of their dreams without venture capitalists. Venture capitalists
were sold to venture capitalists, so enabling investment that trans- need the creators to be successful capitalists, so that they can cut a
formed these ideas into business. And these ideas, embodied as deal in the broader financial world, as gatekeepers to the sources of
companies (with or without products, with or without profits), new wealth creation. Often they hate each other. But they cannot
56 57
The Culture of the Internet The Culture of the Internet
escape their symbiotic relationship, so that the Internet entrepre- pattern of superfluous consumption; that is the acquisition of con-
neur, in social terms, is not a person, in spite of the mythology sumer items that have little use to their owner, but provide satis-
often surrounding the heroes of the Net-economy. It is a compos- faction in the few moments left by working life. Mansions, a
ite of persons and organizations, made up of inventors, technolo- variety of transportation vehicles, as exotic as possible, extravagant
gists, and venture capitalists. They come together in a process of vacations, outlandish parties (albeit infrequent), sophisticated spas,
production and innovation that ultimately creates companies, and personal meditation trainers. This superfluous consumption
makes money, and, as a byproduct, delivers technology, goods, and goes together with the joy of informality at work, and in life,
services. In this process, the relationship between capital and inno- including individualistic dressing habits and hairstyle, breaking
vation is internalized. The venture capitalist is very much a part of codes associated with the traditional corporate world. Thus,
the actual process of innovation that he or she has identified as Internet entrepreneurs seem to be at the same time personal icon-
promising. He or she nurtures the innovation, shapes it, gears it oclasts and adorers of the golden calf-in which they see the sign of
toward market image. On the other hand, technological innova- their personal triumph.
tors/producers internalize capital in their workings, through stock This kind of entrepreneurial culture cuts across ethnic lines,
options, and their business plan is targeted on its impact on market since, precisely, it is more multi-ethnic and global than any entre-
capitalization. Quality of production and innovative design are still preneurial culture in history. It often goes hand in hand with an
crucial in this economy, as I will argue in the next chapter, but impoverished personal life, as families and spouses are necessarily
research excellence and manufacturing pride coexist with the con- sacrificed to this extraordinary drive for technology, money, and
scious orientation to the financial market as the giver of the last power. It is predominantly a world of single persons, with no time
judgment on the company's performance. to find real soul mates, just accessible bodies occasionally. Unlike
This entrepreneurial culture is, above all else, a culture of the wives of nineteenth-century bourgeois entrepreneurs, most
money. Of money in such staggering amounts (so goes the entre- women follow their own path, either being entrepreneurs them-
preneurial myth) that it is worth all the effort. But it is also a selves, or, when they are partners of entrepreneurs, adapting to the
culture of work, of workaholism. In this sense, it links up with the norms by pursuing their own professional careers with a similarly
work ethic of traditional, industrial entrepreneurs. Yet the fact that frantic way of life. Personal partnerships are instrumental rather
the reward is external (money) rather than internal (puritan ethic than expressive. Civic involvement is at a significantly lower level
of self-improvement by honest work) has considerable conse- than in America as a whole. Socialization with co-workers in the
quences for the culture. Personal savings are less important than US at large is 22 percent higher than in Silicon Valley. The main
investment in stocks, so that ideas, work, and the personal accu- reason given for both low socialization and low civic involvement
mulation of wealth tend to be associated in the same movement. It is the lack of free time, given that work takes up all available time
is making the future, rather than surrendering it to cautious and energy (Koch and Miller, 2001). Individualism is the rule;
savings, that provides security for life. Under these conditions, con- so, left alone to themselves, entrepreneurs use their extra dose of
sumption is organized around an immediate gratification pattern, adrenalin to speed up their drive of creative destruction that ulti-
rather than the deferred gratification pattern of bourgeois entre- mately leads to destructive creation. That is, to a creation of wealth
preneurial culture ("Study, my son, keep working, my son, and life in money and technology that thrives on the ruins of the social and
will reward you in your old age"). This immediate gratification personal lives consumed in the process.
pattern materializes in goods and services inaccessible to most Entrepreneurialism, as an essential dimension of the Internet
mortals. Rather than conspicuous consumption, we observe a culture, comes in with a new historical twist: it creates money out
58 59
The Culture of the Internet The Culture of the Internet
of ideas, and merchandise out of money, making both capital and working, in its reach and in its uses. They assumed the technologi-
material production dependent on the power of the mind. Internet cal values of the meritocracy, and they espoused the hackers' belief
entrepreneurs are creators rather than businessmen, closer to the in the value of freedom, horizontal communication, and interac-
artists' culture than to the traditional corporate culture. Their art, tive networking, but they used it for their social life, rather than
however, is unidimensional: they escape from society, as they .practicing technology for the sake of technology.
thrive in technology, and worship money, with a decreasing feed- Finally, the Internet entrepreneurs discovered a new planet,
back from the world as it is. After all, why pay attention to the populated by extraordinary technological innovation, new forms of
world if they are re-making it in their own image? The Internet social life, and self-determined individuals, whose technological
entrepreneurs are, at the same time, artists and prophets and capacity gave them substantial bargaining power vis-a-vis dominant
greedy, as they hide their social autism behind their technological social rules and institutions. They went one step further. Rather
prowess. By themselves, from their specific culture, they could than retrenching in the communes built around the Internet tech-
never have created a medium based on networking and communi- nology' they would take over the world by using the power that
cation. But their contribution was/is indispensable to the multi- came with this technology. In our kind of world, this means,
layered cultural dynamics that induced the Internet world. essentially, to have money, more money than anyone else. Thus,
the money-oriented entrepreneurial culture went on to conquer
the world, and, in the process, they made the Internet into the
The Internet Culture backbone of our lives.
The culture of the Internet is a culture made up of a technocratic
I will now turn to specifying the articulation of the four layers of belief in the progress of humans through technology, enacted by
the culture that, together, produced and shaped the Internet. At communities of hackers thriving on free and open technological
the top of the cultural construct that led to the creation of Internet creativity, embedded in virtual networks aimed at reinventing
is the techno-meritocratic culture of scientific and technological society, and materialized by money-driven entrepreneurs into the
excellence, emerging essentially from big science and the academic workings of the new economy.
world. This techno-meritocracy was enlisted on a mission of world
domination (or counter-domination) by the power of knowledge,
but kept its autonomy, and relied on a community of peers as the
source of its self-defined legitimacy.
Reading Links
The hacker culture specified meritocracy by strengthening the
inner boundaries of the community of the technologically initiated, Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (1997) Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of
and making it independent of the powers that be. Only hackers can Discovery and Invention. New York: HarperCollins.
judge hackers. Only the capacity to create technology (coming from DiBona, Chris, Ockman, Sam, and Stone, Mark (eds) (1999) Open
Sources: Voices from the Open Source Revolution. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.
any context), and to share it with the community, are respected val-
Hafner, Katie and Markoff, John (1995) Cyberpunks: Outlaws and Hackers
ues. For hackers, freedom is a fundamental value, particularly free-
in the Computer Frontier. New York: Touchstone.
dom to access their technology, and use it as they see fit. Hiltz, S. R. and Turoff, M. (1995) Network Nation, rev. edn. Cambridge,
The appropriation of networking capacity by social networks of MA: MIT Press.
all sorts led to the formation of on-line communes that reinvented Himanen, Pekka (200 1) The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information
society and, in the process, dramatically expanded computer net- Age. New York: Random House.
60 61
The Culture of the Internet The Culture of the Internet
Silicon Valley cultures website.
62 63
e-Business and the New Economy
the Gartner Group, a market research company, put the 2003 figure
at about 3.7 trillion. Furthermore, rapid growth of e-commerce in
the world could mean that by 2004, according to International Data
Chapter 3 Corporation projections, US-based e-commerce could represent less
. than 50 percent of the total value traded on the Net, in contrast to
the US share of 74 percent in 1999-an indication of the projected
faster growth of e-commerce in Europe than in the United States in
e-Business and the the first years of the twenty-first century. The Gartner Group esti-
mated that even taking into consideration the slowdown of the
Internet economy, global business-to-business (B2B) transactions
New Economy in 2003 could reach about 6 trillion dollars. Forrester Research's
projection estimated a global e-commerce figure of 6.8 trillion
dollars in 2004, of which 90 percent would be B2B (Business Week,
2001: 128).
Yet, the importance of e-business goes well beyond its quanti-
tative value. Because, as of 2001, about 80 percent of the trans-
actions over the web are B2B, and this implies a profound
reorganization of the way in which business operates. Internal
networks, by which employees communicate among themselves
In a society where private firms are the main source of wealth cre- and with their management, are critical for the performance of
ation it should come as no surprise that, once the technology of the the firm. The entire business organization needs to conform to the
Internet became available in the 1990s, the fastest, most compre- Internet-based technology through which it relates to customers
hensive diffusion of its uses took place in the realm of business. The and suppliers. Furthermore, as individual entrepreneurs blossom
Internet is transforming business practice in its relation to suppliers in this kind of economy, linkages between consultants, subcontrac-
and customers, in its management, in its production process, in its tors, and firms over the web become as significant as the firm's
cooperation with other firms, in its financing, and in the valuation own operations. What is emerging is not a economy, but
of stocks in financial markets. The proper uses of the Internet have a networked economy with an electronic nervous system.
become a key source of productivity and competitiveness for all This is not to say that purely on-line firms are a passing anecdote of
kinds of business. For all the hype surrounding the firms, the early moments of the Information Age. AOL, Yahoo!, Amazon,
they only represent a small, entrepreneurial vanguard of the new e-Bay, e*Trade, e-Toy and so many other daring start-ups did invent
economic world. And, as with all daring enterprises, the business a new business model, making use of the opportunities offered by the
landscape is littered with the wreckage of unwarranted fantasies. Internet, and learning by doing. Indeed, financial markets believed
Yet, there are also phoenix-like business projects, many of which their claims of inventing the future, rewarding their audacity with a
emerge from their own ashes again and again, learning from their staggering market capitalization value-for a while. And venture
mistakes to try anew, in a productive spiral of creative destruction. capitalists became attracted by their prospects, providing enough
In the year 2000, in the United States, business traded about 400 investment to pump-prime an entirely new economic sector, and
billion dollars over the web. Projections published in March 2001 by beyond that, a new economy, before the dust settled.
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
From the whirlwind of the dot. com firms emerged a new e-Business as an Organizational Model:
economic landscape, with e-business at its core. Bye-business I The Network Enterprise
understand any business activity whose performance of the key
operations of management, financing, innovation, production, dis- As happened with the adoption of other technologies by companies
tribution, sales, employee relations, and customer relations takes . in the past, the Internet diffused rapidly in the business world
place predominantly by/on the Internet or other networks of during the 1990s because it was the appropriate tool for the busi-
computer networks, regardless of the kind of connection between ness model that had emerged in the practice of the most produc-
the virtual and the physical dimensions of the firm. By using the tive, competitive firms since, at least, the 1980s. This model, on
Internet as a fundamental medium of communication and infor- the basis of observation, I conceptualized some years ago as the
mation-processing, business adopts the network as its organ- network enterprise (Castells, 1996/2000). By such, I understand
izational form. This socio-technical transformation permeates the organizational form built around business projects resulting
throughout the entire economic system, and affects all processes from the cooperation between different components of different
of value creation, value exchange, and value distribution. Thus, firms, networking among themselves for the duration of a given
capital and labor, the key components of all business processes, are business project, and reconfiguring their networks for the imple-
modified in their characteristics, as well as in the way in which mentation of each project. The network enterprise evolved from
they operate. To be sure, the laws of the market economy continue the combination of various networking strategies. First, the inter-
to work in this networked economy, but they do so in a specific nal decentralization of large corporations, which adopted lean,
manner, whose understanding is crucial in order to live, survive, horizontal structures of cooperation and competition, coordinated
and prosper in this brave, new economic world. around strategic goals for the firm as a whole. Secondly, the
Therefore, I will analyze in sequential order: the transformation cooperation between small and medium businesses, pulling
of the practice of the firm; the relationship between the Internet together their resources to reach a critical mass. Thirdly, the
and capital markets; the role of work and flexible employment linkage between these small and medium businesses networks, and
practices in the networking business model; and the specificity of the diversified components of large corporations. And, finally, the
innovation in the e-conomy, at the source of labor productivity strategic alliances and partnerships between large corporations and
growth. These analytical threads will be reunited in a synthetic their ancillary networks. Taken together, these trends transformed
characterization of the actual meaning of what has come to be business management into a variable geometry of cooperation and
known as the new economy. The new economy is not the fantasy competition depending on time, place, process, and product.
land of unlimited high economic growth, able to supersede busi- Thus, the network enterprise is neither a network of enterprises
ness cycles and be immune to crises. If there is a new economy, nor an intra-firm, networked organization. Rather, it is a lean
there also are and will be new forms of business cycle, and, eventu- agency of economic activity, built around specific business projects,
ally, economic crises-shaped by the specific processes that charac- which are enacted by networks of various composition and origin:
terize the new economy. Thus, in the conclusion to this chapter I the network is the enterprise. While the firm continues to be the unit
will suggest some hypotheses concerning the characteristics of the of accumulation of capital, property rights (usually), and strategic
new business cycle and of potential crises, prompted by a sharp management, business practice is performed by ad hoc networks.
downturn in the value of technology stocks in financial markets, These networks have the flexibility and adaptability required by a
on the basis of observation of the period from March 2000 to global economy subjected to relentless technological innovation
March 2001. and stimulated by rapidly changing demand.
66 67
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
The complexity of this networking structure beyond a certain into the value of Cisco's shares. After averaging 100 percent annual
size could not have been managed without micro-electronics-based returns during the period 1996-2000 (March), between March
information and communication networks. This is why, since the 2000 and April 2001 the value of Cisco's share declined by 78
mid-1980s, communication networks, such as electronic data. percent. And after seeing its revenue drop by 30 percent in three
interchange (EDI), and more primitive networks made up of faxes . months, in April 2001 Cisco laid off 8,500 of its 44,000 workers,
and telephone hook-ups, were critical in the organizational although most of them were temporary workers, and others were
restructuring that swept the business world. The need for chosen- part of the company's usual 5 percent annual attrition rate. I will
time, high-capacity, high-speed, interactive communication, via analyze Cisco's sudden reversal of fortune in the last section of this
data transmission, was met by computer communication networks, chapter since it has to be placed in the framework of the overall
including the Internet. On-line companies, as well as the most crisis of the new economy.
innovative computer and telecommunications equipment compa- However, its 2001 woes do not cancel out its extraordinary per-
nies, aware of the potential of the Internet, were the first to seize formance during the 1990s. In the second half of the 1990s, Cisco's
the opportunity to set themselves up entirely on the basis of com- sales increased between 50 percent and 70 percent per year, and its
puter networks that would open up the company's information revenues for the fiscal year 2000, at 18.9 billion dollars, were more
and operations to both customers and suppliers. They also set up than four times the level of four years earlier. So, do not count
intranets to create channels of electronic communication between Cisco out (particularly if it succeeds in updating its software archi-
their employees, and between management and employees. At this tecture and improves its technology in optical networks). Unless
point in the analysis, some examples from business practice could we plunge into an "Internet Depression," Cisco appears to be posi-
help to convey the importance, and the originality, of the organi- tioned to remain as the dominant company in the design and man-
zational transformation enacted with the help of the Internet and ufacturing of Internet networks-an obviously expanding trade in
other computer networks. a global outlook. Therefore, it is still relevant to analyze the busi-
Cisco Systems might well be the pioneer of the business model ness model of one of the leading technology companies in the
characterizing the Internet economy. In spite of my reluctance to world to understand the relationship between the production of
highlight any particular firm, I think a summary account of Cisco's the Internet and the uses of the Internet in production.
"networked business model" may provide a concrete image of the Although much of the performance of Cisco was due to good
transformation under way, with most data referring to mid-2000, engineering, as well as good timing (being ready to provide the
except for figures on Cisco's decline in revenues and stock valua- plumbing systems for the Internet at the precise moment of
tion which date to April 2001. the Internet explosion), other companies, as mighty as Lucent
Cisco Systems, headquartered in San Jose in Silicon Valley, is the Technologies, were also in the same market. Yet revenues per
largest maker of Internet backbone equipment, with a market employee at Cisco in 2000 were three times the level of Lucent
share of about 85 percent of the global market of routers, the com- Technologies, and its market share increased over time.
puters that organize and direct traffic on the Internet. Originally There is widespread consensus in business circles that much of
started in 1984 as a spin-off from a love affair between a computer the competitiveness and productivity achieved by Cisco derives
scientist man and a business school woman at Stanford University, from its business model. Cisco is organized around a network open
at the peak ot its valuation, in March 2000, it reached a market to both suppliers and customers: Cisco's Connection Online (CCO)
capitalization value of 555 billion dollars, the largest in the world. had in 2000 about 150,000 registered users, and was accessed
The sharp decline of technology stocks in 2000-2001 cut drastically monthly 1.5 million times. Entering the system through Cisco's
68 69
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
website, customers specify their needs and are helped by pricing needs of each department and employee. Accounting procedures
and configuration agents which allow thousands of authorized are streamlined, and conducted by an intranet, thus allowing, for
representatives of customers and partners to define and price Cisco instance, the company to close its accounting books at the end of
products on-line. When the interactive process between customers the quarter in two days.
and suppliers reaches an agreement, Cisco's suppliers manufacture The cornerstone of this networked business model is the real-
most of the products, and ship them directly to the customer. time feedback between customers and production. John Chambers,
Customer service and technical help are largely automated, with Cisco's CEO and innovator, was, primarily, a salesman, and it
most technical information posted on-line. Cisco also provides shows. By recording, and personalizing, customer requests, via the
free consulting and training on the installation, maintenance, and Internet, and reporting back to the production chain in real time,
repair of computer communication networks. Using this system, in Cisco is able to correct major production flaws in record time and
the first half of the year 2000, Cisco sold 40 million dollars a day with precision.
on-line, accounting for 90 percent of its orders. Of these orders Finally, the networking structure also allows Cisco to develop an
about 60 percent are fully automated, without requiring any action effective model of technological innovation, the ultimate source of
from Cisco personnel. About 80 percent of customer service competitiveness. As many other Silicon Valley companies, Cisco
requests were also handled over the web. invests heavily in R&D, about 13 percent of its revenues in
In addition, Cisco also organizes its production on-line, a 1999-2000. But its main strategy to keep its leading edge was an
networked manufacturing environment built as an extranet, active acquisitions policy, buying companies with technology and
Manufucturing Connection Online (MCO), first established in talent in the areas that Cisco needed and did not have. Using its
June 1999, and accessed by suppliers, Cisco's employees, and logis- valuable stock at the time is was highly valued, Cisco bought
tics partners. One of the most valuable manufacturing companies seventy companies between 1993 and 2000. Thus, in August 1999,
in the world manufactures very little by itself, having outsourced Cisco paid 6.9 billion dollars for a promising start-up, Cerent, a
over 90 percent of its production to a network of certified suppliers. California company with only 10 million dollars in annual sales,
But Cisco controls its supply chain closely, integrating key suppli- but holding critical technology in optical networks. However, this
ers into its production systems, automating routing data transfer and many other acquisitions could have been a wasteful initiative
through EDls, automating the gathering of product data informa- if, in the process of integration between Cisco and these companies,
tion from suppliers, and decentralizing testing procedures at the the chemistry of innovation were disrupted. Here is where the net-
production point, under standards and methods tightly controlled working model allows Cisco to let companies continue to do what
by Cisco engineers. So, Cisco is indeed a manufacturer, but based they were doing before being bought, and yet to link up their
on a global, virtual factory, of which it has final responsibility in efforts, research, and business strategies with Cisco's overall busi-
terms of R&D, prototype engineering, quality control, and brand ness plan. By internalizing resources in a flexible manner, Cisco
name. Cisco has also automated its inventory system, with a constitutes itself as the node and the brand of a vast network of
dynamic information system that has prevented major supply network enterprises that projects into the financial markets the
problems in several instances. Furthermore, the Cisco Employee image of its performance.
Connection is an intranet that provides instant communication to To be sure, Cisco is a ruthless competitor, and while employee
thousands of employees, across the building or across the globe. satisfaction seems to be high (as indicated by low personnel
From joint engineering to marketing and training, information turnover), not everything is rosy in Cisco's business practice. Talk
flows directly in chosen time around the network, according to the to the Latino cleaners who keep Cisco's offices in good order
70 71
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
(naturally hired through subcontractors), and they see nothing electronic organization alongside the old, we are re-inventing and
grandiose about being paid 8 dollars an hour, and living in miser- re-skilling ourselves in preparation for a totally new way." This
able quarters in the midst of Silicon Valley's affluence. And yet. the process, under way in 2000-2001, was expected by 2003 to reach a
entrepreneurial adventure epitomized by the Cisco business model . level of penetration of the entire Nokia network such that "sub-
during the 1990s innovated on the conditions of wealth creation in _stantially all the company's revenues would be generated by
our world, by bringing together networking and the Internet in a e-mode" (Nokia/Insight. 2001: 4). By using a networking model.
virtuous circle of distributed innovation and positive feedbacks Nokia, a company that was on the verge of extinction in 1991, has
between management. producers, and consumers. become the dominant company of mobile communications, and in
Cisco is not a special case. Rather, it is just one of several trend- 2001 increased its global market share of mobile phone handsets to
setters. In fact. some analysts consider that the true pioneer in the 35 percent, way ahead of Motorola (14 percent) and Ericsson
on-line networked business model is the leading laptop computer- (9 percent). In 2000 Nokia's revenues were over 30 billion euros
maker in the world, Dell. Dell also works on the basis of a well- (up 54 percent from 1999). and its operating profits were almost
designed website, updated in real time, that customers use to 6 billion euros (up 48 percent from 2000). In the first quarter of
self-design the computer they want, by using a variety of options. 2001, in spite of the general technology slump, Nokia's sales
In 2000, 90 percent of Dell's orders were processed on-line. As increased by 22 percent over the same period in 2000, and its profit
Cisco, Dell also outsources most of its production, in a global went up by 9.4 percent. We can expect to see Nokia's competitors
network of manufacturers that are connected by the Internet. engage in similar e-networking strategies in the coming years.
The network business model is rapidly becoming the predomi- The network enterprise model. powered by the Internet, is not
nant form of organization in the electronics industry, with Nokia, confined to the technology industry. It is expanding fast in all
Hewlett Packard, IBM, Sun Microsystems, and Oracle being among sectors of activity. I could describe similar forms of management.
the most advanced firms in reorganizing themselves around the production, and distribution by reporting on Valeo, a French auto-
Internet, both in product and process. mobile parts manufacturer, which serves 50 percent of its orders
Nokia, in particular, restructured itself as a network enterprise in on-line; or on Webcor, a San Mateo, California, construction
the 1990s, building a layered network of hundreds of manufactur- company that has become a leader in the building industry by
ers in Finland and around the world, with whom the company posting on its website all relevant information for each project, so
keeps in close working interaction, jointly developing products, that architects, workers, suppliers, and clients can interact and
and improving the production process. It also has close partner- adjust throughout the construction process; or, else, on
ships with major companies, including its direct competitors, in Weyerhauser, a Wisconsin manufacturer of metal doors, which has
R&D and the development of new technologies, such as the automated its entire business in an interactive network, reducing
promising "Blue tooth" short-range communication technology, delivery and distribution costs, reducing errors, and doubling its
and the IPv6 communication protocol. developed by the Internet earnings; or on the scheme of collaboration between General
Engineering Task Force (Ali-Yrkko, 2001). Motors, Ford Motor Company, and Daimler Chrysler to set up
In 2000, the company embarked on what its leaders, Jorma Ollila jointly an on-line exchange for auto-part suppliers, in what could
and Pekka Ala-Pietila, define as a process of transformation of well become the largest e-business, with projected revenues of 6.9
Nokia into a global e-business powered by a process of corporate- billion dollars in 2002; or on John Deere, the multinational agri-
wide e-enablement. moving from "a static value chain towards a cultural machinery company, also building networking connec-
value-net." In their words: "we are not just creating a duplicate tions with its suppliers and customers; or on Merita Nordbanken, a
72 73
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
Finnish-Swedish banking conglomerate that managed the world's industry, Benetton, had a design/production/distribution cycle of
largest on-line banking system in the year 2000, with 1.2 million six months. It was overtaken by Gap when the American firm cut
customers, able to bank via their mobile phones, and pay electron- the cycle to two months. Now, Zara does it in two weeks: this is
ically with smart cards and phones, entirely virtualizing money. Internet speed.
Or, on ABB, the largest engineering company in the world, which The purely on-line companies, such as portals, Internet content
in early 2001 reorganized itself completely to set up an Internet- providers in general, and exclusively on-line commerce, rely even
based model of "collaborative commerce" between suppliers, more, as one would expect, on the ability to organize management,
manufacturers, and customers, in what its new CEO called a production, and distribution on the Internet (Vlamis and Smith,
"highly flexible mass customisation" production system. 2001). Indeed, there is a shift in the value chain of the e-commerce
Yet probably a more telling illustration of the emergence of the industry toward the information distribution systems at the
network enterprise model in the whole spectrum of business comes expense of the value of information itself. But it would be mislead-
from one of the most traditional sectors of activity: clothing. Zara is ing to confine their business purely to the virtual domain. Amazon,
a family-owned Spanish company, based in A Coruiia (Galicia), the on-line seller, first of books and records, then of a growing
designing, producing, and selling in its licensed chain of stores range of goods and services, is also at the center of a large system of
moderately priced, fashionable, ready-to-wear garments. In a few warehousing and transportation, most of it outsourced to other
years, in the late 1990s, Zara came from nowhere to compete with companies, such as UPS. Furthermore, a new sector is developing,
other major clothing chains, like Gap: by the end of 2000, Zara had the so-called "click and mortar" companies, traditional firms
hundreds of stores in thirty-four countries, including several stores moving on-line to ensure their direct relationship to their cus-
in New York, London, and Paris, and was moving toward selling tomers, both to receive their orders and to improve their customer
on-line in the United States. Its parent company had reached a services. Examples are, an on-line spin-off of
market capitalization value of 2 billion dollars. Not impressive in American Blind and Wallpaper; or, a sub-
Silicon Valley, but certainly respectable in the clothing retail indus- sidiary of Performance Technologies, a major American bicycle
try. The secret of its success, besides some good-quality design from parts supplier; or the Internet retail exchange, set up jointly by
the great Galician fashion tradition, lies in its computerized net- Sears Roebuck and Carrefour, to handle 80 billion dollars a year in
working structure. At the sales point, store employees record all supplies. Electronic market places, in fact virtual malls, are growing
transactions in a handheld device programmed with a profiling at such a speed that, according to a survey conducted by Forrester
model. Data are processed, on a daily basis, by the store manager, Research in 2000, two-thirds of on-line buyers and sellers were
and sent to the design center in A Coruiia, where two hundred planning to use e- market places, that is specialized electronic
designers work on market responses, and redesign their products in exchanges, by 2002. Another Forrester Research survey in early
real time. The new patterns are transmitted to computerized laser 2001 reported that 35 percent of 1,000 large North American com-
cutting machines in the main plant in Galicia, then the fabric is panies were selling products on-line, either to consumers or other
assembled according to the patterns, mostly in nearby factories. business, and an additional 46 percent were planning to do so.
Using this networked system, Zara produces 12,000 designs a year, The essence of e-business is in the Internet-based, interactive,
and re-supplies its stores around the world twice a week. The networked connection between producers, consumers, and service
flexibility of this network-based production system allows the providers. Here again, the network is the message. It is the capacity
company to bring a new design from pattern to store in two weeks. to interact, retrieve, and distribute globally, in a customized form,
In the 1980s, the pioneer of the networking model in the clothing that lies at the source of cost reduction, quality, efficiency, and
74 75
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
customer satisfaction-unless the management of complexity col- failure, and accumulates symbolic value in its brand name. But to
lapses the system, as is too often the case, outraging consumers be able to use branding without major risk of losing reputation, the
with the realization that they may well be the guinea-pigs of this firm needs to ensure that quality control is performed all along
new business model. the value chain. So, "Intel inside" was a genius marketing strategy
However, if the network enterprise preceded the diffusion of the to obtain product recognition and quality branding. Yet it was easy
Internet, what is the specific contribution of this technological to accomplish this in an oligopolistic market, such as the one rep-
medium to the new business model? The answer is: it enables scala- resented by Intel-based PCs. But in a world of complex production
bility, interactivity, management offlexibility, branding, and customization and distribution networks, branding can be exercised primarily on
in a networked business world. the basis of control of innovation and tight control on the final
Scalability: the network can include as many or as few compo- result of the product. Internet-based information systems allow
nents, locally or globally, as required for each operation and for positive feedback from all components of the network into the
each transaction. For the network, to be local or global is not a production and sales processes, as well as error detection and
technical obstacle, and it can evolve, expand, or retrench with the correction, under the responsibility of the coordinator of the entire
variable geometry of business strategy, without major costs in sequence, the holder of the brand name.
unutilized production capacity, since the production system can be Customization: this is the key to the new form of conducting busi-
reprogrammed or redirected with a simple procedure. ness. Cultural change, and the diversity of global demand, make it
Interactivity, in real or chosen time, with suppliers, customers, increasingly difficult to resort to standardized, mass production to
subcontractors, and employees, in a multi-directional system of satisfy the market. On the other hand, economies of scale still
information and decision-making that bypasses the vertical chan- count, prompting the need for high-volume production as a way to
nels of communication without losing track of the transaction. The lower marginal costs per unit. The right mix between volume and
result is better-quality information, and better adjustment between customized production can be achieved by operating a large-scale
partners in the business process. network of production, yet customizing the final product (be it good
Management offlexibility allows the possibility of keeping control or service) to the individual consumer. This is accomplished by per-
of the business project while extending its reach, and diversifying sonalized, iterative, on-line interaction. But it is also helped by
composition, according to the needs of each project. This ability to automated profiling incorporated into the model of on-line transac-
combine strategic guidance with decentralized, multiple interac- tions, which allows business to target specific consumer prefer-
tion with the partners is critical in order to achieve the goals set by ences. As I will analyze in Chapter 6, such profiling raises major
the firm for itself. The Internet provides the technology necessary questions about privacy and consumer rights. But it is an efficient
for integrating other firms in an economy in which the successful method to target advertising and sales, building a dynamic database
management of acquisitions and mergers determines the life or for the constant adaptation of production to market demand. If cus-
death of the conglomerates resulting from these fusion strategies. tomization is the key to competitiveness in the new global econ-
Branding is essential as a recognized sign of value in a business omy, the Internet is the essential tool to ensure customization in a
world where customers have multiple choices, and where investors context of high-volume production and distribution.
need a symbol of acknowledged capacity for value creation. But Thus, what the Internet adds to the network enterprise model of
how to exercise branding in the practice of an economy in which business is its capacity to evolve organically with innovation,
every business project is the result of a broad, multilateral effort? production systems, and market demand, while keeping its focus
The firm nominally in charge of each project collects success or on the ultimate goal of any business: money-making. The problem
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e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
is, however, that the way of making money in the Internet I will argue that this growth, for the most part, was not specula-
economy is not as straightforward as it used to be in the industrial tive or exuberant, and that the high valuation of technology stocks
era. Because computer networks have also transformed financial was not a financial bubble, in spite of the obvious over-valuation of
markets, the place in which the value of all business is ultimately. many individual firms. But I also reject the notion that we are in an
set. ~conomy that defies the laws of gravity. The historical record and
economic theory show that values that go up ultimately come
down, as they did in 2000-200 I-and they may go up again. The
questions-the real questions-are when, how much, and why. To
e-Capital and Market Valuation in the Age answer these questions we need to consider the transformation of
of the Internet financial markets in the past decade, due to deregulation, liberal-
ization, technology, and business restructuring.
The transformation of capital markets is at the source of the What we are witnessing is the gradual development of a global,
development of Internet firms, and, for that matter, of the entire interdependent financial market, operated by computer networks,
new economy. Without the financing of innovative start-ups by with a new set of rules for capital investment and valuation of
venture capital firms there would have been no Internet-led stocks, and of securities in general. As information technology
economic growth. And venture capitalists were able to go on a risky becomes more powerful and flexible, and as national regulations
financing spree, in spite of the high mortality rate of their ventures are bent by capital flows and electronic trading, financial markets
(about one-third of projects in the US), only because of the high are becoming integrated, eventually working as a unit in real time
rewards provided by unprecedented market capitalization valuation throughout the globe. Thus, the computer networking capacity of
granted by the financial markets to many of these innovative busi- trading systems is transforming financial markets, and the new
ness projects. The sharp fall in the value of technology stocks that rules of financial markets are providing the necessary capital for
began on March 10, 2000 could not erase the extraordinary growth the financing of the Internet economy. Let us follow, step by step,
in value of technology firms, including the surviving com- this fundamental, yet complex argument.
panies, over the past decade. In spite of the liquidation of numerous I will first describe the mechanism through which capital markets
Internet start-ups around the world, which were too fragile in their finance e-business innovation. A typical Silicon Valley sequence in
business plans to survive the change of mood in the market, the the late 1990s started with a daring business plan, and with some
amount of capital attracted by high yields in the technology sector knowledge of how Internet technology could contribute to it, yet
during the 1990s and beyond has been the fuel of the new economy. focusing more on business innovation than on technological inno-
In a five-year perspective, between 1996 and early 2001, in the vation. After all, most technology these days is open source or "off
midst of a volatile financial market, and even after entering bear the shelf": the real issue is to know what to do with it, and for this
territory in 2000-2001, all major technology firms, as well as a size- the essential item is talent. Talent can be obtained with money, lots
able number of Internet start-ups, increased their market value sub- of money-or, as is most often the case, with the promise of it. The
stantially. Indeed, after its dramatic decline in 2000-2001, the business plan is then sold to a venture capital firm. Silicon Valley's
Nasdaq index, in February 2001, stood at over three times its level in venture capitalists are located next door. In fact, one-third of all
1996. It may well go down further, for reasons that I will analyze venture capital in the United States is invested in the San Francisco
below, but the long period of high growth in the 1990s has already Bay area. In most cases, these are not purely financial firms.
transformed the US economy and the core of the global economy. Often they are firms grown from the high-technology industry.
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e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
Sometimes rich, high-tech entrepreneurs (angels) invest individu- expectations. It is not limited to Internet start-ups or to purely on-
ally in promising business projects. In most instances, investors line companies, such as AOL, Yahoo!, e-Bay and Amazon. It also
with a knowledge of the industry create a venture capital firm and underlies the success of new, major technology companies (Intel,
link up with outsider investment firms eager to enter a promising. Cisco, Sun Microsystems, Dell, Oracle, EMC, and even Hewlett
market. Venture capital firms work closely with their start-ups, .Packard and Microsoft in their pioneer days). The fate of traditional
guiding their business projects, nurturing their activity as long as companies that reinvent themselves in the new economy (such as
they are considered a promising investment. Nokia or IBM) is also dependent on their ability to attract investors
Nevertheless, many projects fail. They do not reach the opera- in the financial market on the basis of their valuation. And this val-
tional stage, or they lose out in the market. But the pay-off uation is a function of technological innovation, business innova-
from successful ventures is such that venture capitalists come, on tion, and image-making in the financial world. For instance, the
average, way ahead in their returns, far above the yield of alterna- successful, global expansion of Nokia relied on technological inno-
tive financial investments (Gupta, 2000; Zook, 2001). This is vation (cell phone in sequential generations, with a variety of
exactly why they keep doing it, albeit tightening their controls applications, including mobile Internet access, and new technology
when the market goes down. Because, ultimately, the success of a in networks infrastructure), an effective management model (inte-
project depends on the judgment of the financial market. With the gration at the core, networking at the periphery, flat corporate
seed money obtained from venture capitalists, entrepreneurs set up structure), and high performance in the stock markets (until the
a firm, hire talent, and pay the talent mainly with stock options; value of its shares followed the general stumbling of technology
that is, with deferred income (or the expectation of it), and do stocks) (Ali-Yrkko et a/., 2000). The new financial market is the key
enough work to make it possible to go public with an initial public to the new economy. I shall characterize its main features.
offering (IPO). How the IPO works-that is, how investors judge First of all, there is a process of increasing globalization and inter-
the project in the financial market-determines the life or death of dependency between financial markets. While national regulations
the project. If it is successful enough, then the firm uses market still matter (indeed, differences in regulatory environments
capitalization value to obtain more capital, and then goes into provide opportunities for speculation), the ability of capital to flow
serious business: not expecting to make profits soon, but expecting in and out of securities and currencies across markets, and the
to generate enough expectations so that either it becomes a viable hybrid nature of financial derivatives, often composed of securities
company, or, in the process, is acquired by a richer company, from various origins, are intertwining the markets at an accelerated
which usually pays with its stock. Thus, rather than becoming real pace. This financial interdependence is technologically powered by
billionaires, the entrepreneurs who sell out become richer on a network of computer networks that ensures the capacity to trade
paper, partners of a bigger dream, with greater opportunities to and decide globally in real time. Strictly speaking, these networks
impress the financial market in the long term. In principle, the are not the Internet because they are not based on Internet proto-
market will ultimately react according to the bottom-line rules of cols. But they are computer networks, and they are connected to
the economy; that is, the company's ability to generate revenues the Internet. The global integration of financial markets is making
and to make profits. But the timing of this judgment is highly vari- their regulation by national, or even international, bodies increas-
able. Expectations for high returns may extend the patience of ingly difficult. With currency markets exchanging, on average in
investors, giving a chance for innovation to yield results. 2000, well over 2 trillion dollars daily, it is easy to understand why
This model of high growth combines technological innovation, the joint intervention of the central banks of the European Union,
business creativity, and financing by the market on the basis of the United States, and Japan in support of the euro in September
80 81
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
2000 could not reverse its decline until the markets decided Individual day traders, using their own tools of information and
otherwise. It follows that financial movements that originate communication, populated the American financial stage in the late
in any market, anywhere in the world, have the potential to spread 1990s, then made some inroads into Europe, before being shaken
to other markets, regardless of differences between national. and ultimately decimated by the increasing volatility of the
economies and market values. This contagion effect characterized market-to which they had contributed. ECNs had a slower
the crisis in emerging financial markets in 1997-9, as the Asian, growth in Europe due to national fragmentation and tighter regu-
Russian, and Brazilian crises fed into each other in spite of the dis- lation. Yet, with the coming of the euro, technological change, and
similarity of the economies in these three areas of the world. In deregulation, electronic trading expanded in the second half of the
spite of some fears, these crises did not spread to the US and 1990s. Easdaq, Tradepoint, and Jiway, among others, became
Western European markets, for the simple reason that, for all the major trading systems in European markets. In March 2000,
talk of emerging markets, these markets only accounted, at that e-Crossnet was created in London, a matching system supported by
time, for 7 percent of global financial value, and their integration global fund-management firms.
with core capital markets was still limited. As emergent markets Exchange markets themselves are becoming electronic. In the
grow in importance, and as electronic networks link them more futures market, the German-Swiss electronic exchange, Eurex,
closely to global financial markets, the extent and speed of the overtook the Chicago Board of Trade in 1999 as the largest futures
diffusion of financial movements is likely to increase, resulting in market in the world. Then, in 2001, the Chicago Board of Trade
further interdependence of markets and multiplying the sources of finally jumped on the bandwagon and entered into an alliance
volatility. with Eurex. MATIF and LIFFE, the French and British futures
Secondly, electronic trading is transforming financial markets. exchanges, moved to an electronic system as well in 1998-2000. In
Electronic communication networks (ECNs) grew on the basis of New York, Cantor Fitzgerald Broker, the largest bond broker in the
Nasdaq transactions. Nasdaq, created in 1971, and merged with the world, began an electronic exchange in 1998 to trade future con-
American stock exchange in 1998, is, like the New York stock tracts on US treasury bonds. The threat of electronic trading led to
exchange, a non-profit association that organizes stocks trading. projects of merger between European stock exchanges. In 2000,
But it does not have a central trading place; it is an electronic the London stock exchange and the Frankfurt stock exchange ten-
market place, based on computer networks. Nasdaq has been tatively agreed to a merger, with one market based in London for
essential to the development of the new economy, as innovative established values, and another market in Frankfurt, in a joint
companies issued their public offerings on Nasdaq, taking advan- venture with Nasdaq, for growth values. The agreement fell apart,
tage of its greater flexibility. ECNs, set up by brokerage firms, such largely as a result of the Swedish OM exchange attempt to take
as US-based Instinet (a subsidiary of the Reuters Group plc), over the London stock exchange, but the writing is on the wall for
provide individual investors with the ability to retrieve information the financial markets. The French, Dutch, and Belgian stock
and invest on-line. Brokerage companies such as Charles Schwabb exchanges decided to unite as Euronext, and the Spanish and
and e*Trade have substantially increased their market share by Italian stock markets were expected to gravitate toward one of the
setting up an Internet-based network of individual accounts. two or three mega-markets being formed in Europe. In a signifi-
Traditional brokerage and financial firms, such as Merrill Lynch, cant move, in the projected joint venture between Nasdaq and the
after vowing to resist the trend, finally opened their own electronic London and Frankfurt stock exchanges, the scheme included
investment networks, as the action, and the money, were clearly the Tokyo stock exchange, on the basis of an electronic trading
heading toward Internet-based access to information and trading. system, thus setting the stage for the development of a global
82 83
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
Nasdaq. The New York stock exchange is also planning a mixed increase in market volatility-as complexity, size, and speed induce
system of electronic trading and floor trading. Furthermore, under a quick reaction pattern of behavior among Internet-powered
competitive pressure, New York, Nasdaq, London, Stockholm, and investors, leading to chaotic dynamics and attempts to out-guess
other stock exchanges are moving toward a shareholding status, the market in real time. So, both the transformation of finance and
adding flexibility, increasing their competitiveness, and downplay- the transformation of trading technology converge toward market
ing regulation. Overall, the trend points toward an essential role for volatility as a systemic trend.
electronic trading as the core of the financial market place, and It is in this new financial/technological context that markets
toward the consolidation of stock exchanges around the world in a value firms and, for that matter, any other object of valuation,
few nodes able to attract investors because of their critical mass and since the new financial calculus, equipped with powerful computer
their trading flexibility. This will mean greater interdependence models, has led to a process of securitization of almost everything:
of global financial markets, higher volume, and faster speed of from entire countries (the "sovereign ceiling" doctrine of financial
transactions. appraisal) to church-issued bonds, environmental programs, cul-
Why does the technology of transactions matter? It reduces tural and educational institutions, local governments, regional gov-
transaction costs, at least by 50 percent, thus attracting more ernments, or financial derivatives (synthetic securities combining
investors, and generating more transactions. It opens up opportu- the present and future value of stocks, bonds, commodities, and
nities to invest on-line, with four consequences. First, it increases currencies) .
market volume to unprecedented amounts because the market Valuation in the financial market is the decisive process of our
becomes able to mobilize savings from anywhere to be invested economy. To be sure, from a structural point of view, what counts
anywhere, while accelerating the turnover of investment. For for economic growth is productivity. From the point of view of the
instance, the US Depository of Trust and Clearance Corporation firm, the bottom line is to generate revenue, and profits. But
(DTCC), the main clearer of US equities and bonds, processed the process of economic growth starts with investment. And for
70 trillion dollars' worth of securities in 1999, while in the first investors what really matters is the return on their money. This is
semester of 2000 the volume of transaction increased by 66 percent determined by the valuation of the stocks representing their invest-
in comparison with the same period in 1999 (representing, on an ment in the financial market. That is, investment is led by the
annualized basis of trading volume, over ten times the value of US growth of value of stocks, not by earnings and profits. It may well
GDP at that time). Secondly, on-line information becomes a critical be that there is a direct relationship between profits and growth of
factor in investors' decisions. Thirdly, there is a greater possibility value, and, in this case, valuation criteria in the financial market
of disintermediation, as individual investors and on-line brokers should be straightforward, entirely depending on the measurable
bypass traditional brokers and investments firms. Finally, investors performance of the firm in terms of revenues and profits.
react instantly to changing market trends, as they must be alert to But this is not what we observe empirically at the outset of the
the movements of a complex market moving at high speed, and twenty-first century: for a period of almost a decade the gap
they are equipped with the technological capacity for executing between the value of stocks and earnings per share has grown
financial decisions in real time. steadily. Empirical evidence shows that the stock market valuation
Thus, electronic trading increases the number of investors, with of firms has increasingly diverged from their measured book value.
highly diversified strategies, operating through a decentralized net- Valuation in the financial markets certainly includes profits and
work of investment sources in a global. interdependent market earnings in assessing value to stocks. But these are not the only
operating at high velocity. The overall result leads to an exponential criteria by any means. Intangibles count: according to some studies,
84 85
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
each dollar of installed computer capital in a firm is associated with announcements, some serious, some not, but most in-between
at least five dollars of market value, after controlling for other (and who knows?), create an environment of uncertain informa-
assets. The valuation of the firm is even more favorable when tion. In this environment investors have to react in real time,
investment in information technology is combined with organiza- before the speed of the market makes them pay for their hesitation.
tional change (Brynjolfsson, Hitt, and Yang, 2000). Other import- . Individual investors, by their numbers, increase the sources of
ant intangibles for market valuation are branding, corporate image, volatility. But major institutional investors, also reacting at
management efficiency, and sector of activity. This is why, once the Internet speed, with colossal funds, may twist and bend market
markets decided that the Internet was the technology of the future, trends in an unpredictable pattern of interaction between individ-
any stock related to the Internet had an instant premium, regard- ual decisions and systemic trends.
less of its high risk and, too frequently, of its unrealistic business Financial markets, by and large, are outside anyone's control.
prospects. And when the markets reacted negatively to what was They have become a sort of automaton, with sudden movements
perceived to be an over-valuation of technology stocks from March that do not follow a strict economic logic, but a logic of chaotic
2000, devaluation of many of these stocks proceeded largely complexity, resulting from the interaction of millions of decisions
without correspondence to the actual performance of specific reacting in real time, in a global span, to information turbulences
firms. from various origins-induding economic news concerning profits
But markets also react to macro-economic conditions, and to and earnings. Or their anticipation. Or the reversal of what was
policy decisions-or to their anticipation. Or to the disparity expected.
between the anticipation and the actual event. Markets react as This reality check on the actual functioning of financial markets
well on the basis of non-economic criteria. They are influenced by in the age of the Internet helps to put into perspective the famed
what I call information turbulences from various sources, such as debate on the over-valuation of Internet firms and, for that matter,
political uncertainty, legal/judicial developments (for example, the of the new economy as a whole. To be sure, there have been, and
anti-trust law suit against Microsoft), technological anticipations still are, even in the downturn, substantial over-valuations con-
(the demise of the PC or the rise of the mobile Internet), or even cerning the prospects of many firms to become profitable busi-
personal moods and statements from key decision-makers nesses. However, the anticipation of yields from technological
(Greenspan, Duisenberg). As Paul Volcker (2000: 78) has written, breakthroughs or business innovation does not seem to be a proof
analyzing the transformation of global financial markets, "Flows of of irrational exuberance, as Shiller (1999) put it in a popular
funds and their valuation in free financial markets are influenced critique of the financial valuation of the new economy. Indeed,
as much by perceptions as by objective reality-or perhaps, more some of the famous financial "bubbles" in history (so often referred
precisely, perception is the reality." to by conservative economic minds these days) in retrospect do not
This is not really new. But, as with other information processes, seem to have been as speculative as generally thought (Garber,
there is a qualitative change in the age of the Internet. First, there 2000). To consider that the Internet or genetic engineering are the
is a proliferation of gossip and news easily available to everybody. driving technological engines of the twenty-first century economy,
Financial gurus of various sorts publish on-line the letters of and to invest in firms that are producers or early users of these
privileged information that they used to address to their corporate major technological innovations, regardless of their short-term
clients. Specialized firms, such as Whisper. com, post on the profitability, does not seem entirely irrational. It would seem to be
Internet rumors and leaks that, in the past, did not diffuse beyond less exuberant than betting on the continuation of business as
initiated circles. Financial manipulations and image-making usual in the midst of a technological revolution centered on
86 87
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
information-processing in an economy where well over half of the sales of 84 percent in the second quarter of 2000, reaching total
workers process information. sales of almost 3 billion dollars for the year. Granted, Amazon had
So, maybe some stocks have been, or are, excessively valued. But still not turned out any profit. But, in spite of this, from its creation,
how much is too much? The obvious answer ("the market will Amazon had attracted investors by its conviction that the early
decide") is purely tautological because it is the market that assigned .winner in the business of selling books and records on -line would
high value in the first place, above what traditional standards build a substantial base for future profits as part of a learning curve.
would have warranted. So, the implicit notion is that the market It did not seem unreasonable. Yet, the mood turned sour by conta-
will ultimately set the "right value." But, when, at what point in gion from disappointment with more adventurous Internet start-
time? Over the long term? But long terms are not the result of fate: ups-forcing Amazon into thousands of lay-offs and the closing of
they are made up of a succession of short terms. They are not pre- two facilities in early 2001.
scripted, they are locked in by ad hoc trajectories following ad hoc In short: the 2000-2001 shake-up did not concern only, or even
events. Furthermore, if we look at the behavior of financial mainly, the infant Internet companies. It affected virtually all tech-
markets in early 2001 they appeared to have rung the bell for new nology companies, and even more the stock market in general,
economy values. Yet, over-valuation went hand in hand with across the board. Sound companies, with all their credentials in
under-valuation, using traditional criteria of sound business per- terms of traditional valuation, went down together with the crowd
formance. Yes, many Internet start-ups were not viable, and the of unruly start-ups. Only a few companies escaped devaluation in
test of financial markets may have been necessary for a Darwinian the stock market, particularly utility companies, well known to
correction to muscle up the Internet economy. But, at the same Californians for their impeccable business practices. On the other
time, major technology companies, on the cutting edge of innova- hand, better spinning ability, or business image-making, were
tion, efficiently managed, generating revenues, and posting profits, helpful in slowing down the decline in the value of stocks. A telling
were chastised by financial markets out of proportion to the appar- case is Nokia. Having learned the lesson of untimely announce-
ent causes of their downturns. Thus, Nokia stock suffered a major ments the hard way when its stock declined in the summer of
loss, in August 2000, in spite of good business results, because of 2000, on October 19, 2000 the company announced promising
the delay announced in receiving on time the next model of mobile earnings for the end of the quarter: its stock value increased by 27
phones, and because of its warning that earnings in the next percent in one day, lifting the Nasdaq index (in spite of the fact that
quarter would grow at a slower pace than in the previous one. Dell, Nokia is not traded on Nasdaq!).
the leading laptop maker, and Intel, the acknowledged leader in So, rather than a return to the traditional valuation criteria, what
the micro-electronics industry, lost 50 percent of their value the severe downturn of the technology market in 2000-2001
because earnings were not as high as anticipated. Yahoo! consoli- showed was the extent of volatility in financial markets, and par-
dated its position as the world's leading portal, continued to ticularly in high -growth markets, where investors move at Internet
increase revenue, posted profits, and yet its stock lost 80 percent of speed. The lesson does not seem to be one of irrational exuberance
its value-forcing the resignation of its CEO in March 2001. followed by sudden temperance, but, on the contrary, of jittery
Microsoft, threatened with a split, and holding on to the monopoly behavior structurally determined by globalization, deregulation,
of a vanishing market (the PC) also lost, but less than other com- and electronic trading. What the record shows is not the return
panies that were not facing the same critical juncture, and its value of the traditional business cycle, but the emergence of a new
went up in the first quarter of 2001. Amazon stock went down by kind of business cycle, indeed of a new business pattern, marked
60 percent in the summer of 2000, in spite of a dramatic increase in by volatility and by an alternating sharp rise and fall of market
88 89
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
valuation, as a result of information turbulences that combine eco- ing to changing tasks in an evolving business environment. Self-
nomic criteria with other sources of valuation (Mandel, 2000). In programmable labor requires a certain type of education, in which
the Internet Age, characterized by systematically volatile, infor- the stock of knowledge and information accumulated in the
mation-driven financial markets, the- ability to live dangerously worker's mind can be expanded and modified throughout his or
becomes a part of the business way of life. .her working life. This has extraordinary consequences for the
demands placed on the education system, both during the forma-
tive years, and during the constant re-training and re-learning
Work in the e-conomy processes that continue throughout adult life. Among other conse-
quences, an e-conomy requires the development of e-learning as a
If valuation in the financial market provides the bottom line for the durable companion of professional life. The most important fea-
performance of the company, it is labor that remains the source of tures of this learning process are, first, learning how to learn, since
productivity, innovation, and competitiveness. Furthermore, labor most specific information is likely to become obsolete in a few
is more important than ever in an economy dependent on the years, as we operate in an economy changing at Internet speed;
ability to retrieve, process, and apply information, increasingly on- secondly, having the ability to transform the information obtained
line. Indeed, we are in the midst of an information explosion. from the learning process into specific knowledge.
According to a University of California, Berkeley study (Lyman and However, self-programmable labor cannot deploy its capacity in a
Varian, 2000), there are about 550 billion documents on the web traditional, rigid, business environment. Bresnahan, Brynjolffson,
(95 percent publicly accessible), and on-line information is and Hitt (2000) have empirically shown the positive feedback loops
growing at the rate of 7.3 million web pages per day. Production of between information technology, organizational flexibility, and
e-mail per year is five hundred times greater than web-page pro- highly skilled labor at the level of the firm. The e-firm, on-line or
duction. The world's annual production of information in different off-line, is based on a flat hierarchy, a teamwork system, and open,
forms amounts to 1.5 billion gigabytes, of which, in 1999, 93 easy interaction between workers and managers, across depart-
percent were produced in digital form. Therefore, on the one hand, ments and between levels of the firm. The network enterprise is
business firms have access to an extraordinary array of information enacted by net-workers, using Internet capability, and equipped
that, with the help of magnetic storage, digital processing, and the with their own intellectual capital.
Internet, can be recombined and applied to all purposes in all con- Talent is the key factor of production for e-business. Literally
texts. On the other hand, this puts extraordinary pressure on labor. everything is based on the capacity to attract, retain, and efficiently
The e-conomy cannot function without workers able to navigate, use talented workers. In such a competitive, tight labor market for
both technically and in terms of content, this deep sea of informa- self-programmable labor, firms resort to a number of incentives to
tion, organizing it, focusing it, and transforming it into specific retain their best employees. Besides anecdotal gimmicks (perks,
knowledge, appropriate for the task and purpose of the work gifts, bonuses), the most important strategy to attach employees to
process. the firm is partial payment in stock options, to share the results of
This kind of labor must be highly educated and able to take ini- the firm. This links the fate of the employee to the success of the
tiatives. Companies, large or small, depend on the quality and the firm-at least for some time, until the employee makes enough
autonomy of labor. Quality is not simply measured in years of edu- money to be independent. Examples of extraordinary market cap-
cation, but in type of education. Labor in the e-conomy must be italization valuation act as magnets to attract the best and brightest
able to reprogram itself, in skills, knowledge, and thinking accord- to the next promising venture: in 1999, there were about sixty-five
90 91
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
new "paper millionnaires" a day in Silicon Valley. Even the sober- and from England to Finland, the most important problem for
ing downturn of the market in 2000 did not eliminate the motiva- leading companies has become where to find engineers, computer
tion, just induced greater caution in mixing life options with stock programmers, e-business professionals, financial analysts, or, for
options. that matter, anyone with the capacity to develop new skills as
The stock options form of payment is, in fact, extremely benefi- .required by a changing market. However, the growing number of
cial for firms, not only because it helps to retain labor, but because women graduating from college, and the massive entry of women
firms are less burdened with wages. Besides, in the US, companies into the paid labor force, are providing a major supply of skilled,
can deduct the value of stock options from their taxes: in some flexible, and autonomous labor, as required by the e-conomy. In
instances major companies did not pay any corporate taxes as a spite of the persistence of gender discrimination in the corporate
result of this tax loophole, a remnant from a time when stock world, women have made substantial in-roads at all levels of the
options were an exceptional occurrence reserved for a few top occupational structure and, under pressure from women, the wage
executives. As for the employees, the payment in stock options gap with their male counterparts was reduced during the 1990s.
revives, somewhat ironically, the old anarchist ideology of self- The structural incorporation of women into the labor market has
management of the company, as they are co-owners, co-producers, been the indispensable basis for the development of the new econ-
and co-managers of the firm. omy, with lasting consequences for family life, and for the overall
Autonomy, involvement, and a watered down form of coopera- social structure.
tive ownership come at a price: total commitment to the business The other major source of supply of talent, particularly in the
project, well beyond what contractual arrangements stipulate. For United States, has been immigration. In 2000-2001, the United
professionals working in, or around, Silicon Valley companies, States was absorbing over 200,000 highly skilled workers a year,
working time in excess of 65 hours per week is the norm. And on special visas, besides employing additional tens of thousands
there are no rest nights on the brink of a major project delivery. on-line, working from their countries of origin or in "development
Similar working schedules seem to be pervasive in the Internet centers" off-shore, particularly in the Caribbean. Many of these
industry in Barcelona, Paris, and Helsinki. immigrants set up their own companies after obtaining permanent
The historical revival of work autonomy, after the bureaucratiza- residence. According to a study by Saxenian (1999), in the I 990s of
tion of the industrial era, is even more evident in the development all new companies created in Silicon Valley, about 30 percent had
of small businesses, very often made up of individuals working as an immigrant CEO from China or India. And this is without count-
consultants and subcontractors. These business entrepreneurs own ing the numerous cases of immigrant entrepreneurs from other
their means of production (a computer, a telephone line, a mobile nationalities, particularly from Russia, Israel, and Mexico. Europe,
phone, a place somewhere, often at home, their education, their in spite of growing xenophobia, woke up to the reality of the need
experience, and, the main asset, their minds). They accumulate for professional immigrant labor, as projections for 2004 indicated
their own capital, which they often invest in the stocks of compa- that over 25 percent of the demand for workers in information
nies for whom they work. This double movement of aggregation of technology could not be supplied by European labor markets. In
capital and disaggregation of labor seems to be one of the historical 2000, the UK approved legislation for 100,000 special immigrant
surprises of the e-conomy. visas a year, and Germany did the same, in the midst of public
The essential role played by self-programmable labor in e-busi- protest, for 20,000 visas. In Finland, Nokia lobbied the government
ness has led to a shortage of this kind of labor in the most dynamic to obtain a reduction of the very high income tax to a 30 percent
industries and areas of the world. From Silicon Valley to Stockholm, maximum taxation ceiling for employees working in Finland for a
92 93
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
limited period: a necessary condition for Nokia to be able to attract training, and recruitment procedures, so they are filled by generic
the kind of professional labor that it needs to keep up with the new labor, often with low-quality performance. As knowledge and
round of technological innovation. information diffuse throughout society and throughout the world,
Interestingly enough, studies by Saxenian and others indicate the entire labor force could and should become self-programmable.
that immigrants coming to Silicon Valley are not necessarily a loss .But as long as social institutions, business priorities, and patterns of
to their countries of origin (Saxenian, 1999; Balaji, 2000). Many of inequality proceed differently, generic labor is a necessary quantity
them, as soon as they are established in a leading technology/busi- rather than a specific quality in the decisive contribution of labor to
ness center, create companies in their own countries, and set up productivity and innovation in the e-conomy.
a bridge between California and India, Taiwan, Israel, Mexico, and One fundamental transformation of labor relations is common to
the like. The newly founded companies extend their own networks both self-programmable and generic labor: flexibility. The net-
into the country, so that new entrepreneurs migrate to Silicon working form of business, the fast pace of the global economy, and
Valley, and reproduce the process. So, overall, rather than a case of the technological ability to work on-line, for individuals and for
brain drain, we see the emergence of a system of brain circulation. firms, leads to the emergence of a flexible pattern of employment.
To be sure, not all labor either in the e-conomy or in e-business is The notion of a predictable career pattern, working full-time in a
self-programmable labor. I proposed in my earlier writings the firm or in the public sector, over a long period of time, and under
distinction between self-programmable labor and generic labor. precise, contractual definition of rights and obligations common to
Generic labor is embodied in workers who do not have special skills, much of the workforce, is vanishing from business practice-in
or special ability to acquire skills in the production process, other spite of its persistence in highly regulated labor markets and in the
than those necessary to execute instructions from management. shrinking public sector. Martin Carnoy (2000) has documented, in
Generic labor can be replaced by machines, or by generic labor his path-breaking book on the transformation of labor in the new
anywhere else in the world, and the precise mix between machines, economy, how self-employment, part-time work, temporary work,
on-site labor, and distant labor depends on ad hoc business calcula- subcontracting, and consulting are expanding in all advanced
tions. Of course, generic labor does not depend on the qualities of economies. In less-developed economies, informal activities,
the person. It is the result of the lack of social and personal invest- entirely unregulated and based on ad hoc patterns of employment,
ment of intellectual capital in a given human being. Also, the tasks account for the majority of the urban labor force in most countries.
performed by generic labor are necessary to the overall economy, As a general trend, the "organization man" is out, the "flexible
and they are not necessarily unskilled in nature. It is the judgment woman" is in. Thus, research by Chris Benner (2001) demon-
of social organization that makes these tasks unskilled. For instance, strated how flexible employment practices, enacted by labor inter-
one of the fastest-growing, low-skill, service occupations in all mediaries and flexible hiring policies, are the distinctive feature of
countries is private security guards. In itself the activity should be the Silicon Valley economy. A UCSF/Field Institute (1999) survey
highly skilled. To carry a gun, with a license to use it, should require of a representative sample of the Californian labor force in 1999
appropriate training, not only in marksmanship and martial arts, provided empirical evidence of the dWindling proportion of tradi-
but in legal knowledge, in psychological assessment, in the ability to tional employment patterns. Defining a traditional job as a single,
behave in high-stress situations. All these qualities should require a full-time, day-shift job, year round, as a permanent employee, paid
college-level training, as well as a general capacity to self-program by the firm for which the work is done and not working from home
the skills depending on contexts and technological evolution. Yet, or as an independent contractor, the study found that only 33
social institutions assign low priority to these jobs, in terms of pay, percent of Californian workers fit this pattern. If we add to this
94 95
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
"traditional" status the requirement of having three or more years productivity accounting should, in fact, take into account the con-
of tenure in the same company, the proportion of working-age tribution to productivity along the entire value chain, which is out
Californians fulfilling these criteria drops to 22 percent. of the reach of current accounting methods. Add to these factors
While European labor markets display less flexibility, the overall the time lag observed by economic historians between techno-
trend points in the same direction, as documented by Carnoy . logical revolutions and the moment of their impact at the level of
(2000). What varies between countries, depending on labor legisla- the firm, and we can better understand the "productivity paradox"
tion and tax laws, is the form of this flexibility. Thus, Italy and the that has baffled economists for years.
UK have the highest proportion of self-employed workers in However, recent changes in statistical categories in the US and
the OECD, while The Netherlands went from a considerable better accounting procedures seem to indicate substantial produc-
unemployment problem in the 1980s to the lowest rate of unem- tivity growth as a result of massive investment in information tech-
ployment in Europe in 2000 by creating numerous part-time jobs nology, coupled with network-based organizational change. After
(mainly held by women) under the coverage of full social benefits all, in terms of economic theory, only an increase in productivity
provided by the government. can explain an economy able to grow at a sustained high rate, with
Work flexibility, variable employment patterns, diversity of quasi-full employment, increase in earnings, and low inflation, for
working conditions, and individualization of labor relations are a long period of time, as was the case for the United States between
systemic features of e-business. From this core of the new 1993 and the end of 2000. While during 1985-95 US labor produc-
economy, flexible labor practices tend to diffuse into the entire tivity grew at an average annual rate of 1.4 percent, from 1996 to
labor market, contributing to a new form of social structure that I 2000 the rate of growth doubled, to 2.8 percent. In the twelve
have characterized under the concept of the network society. months between the second quarter of 1999 and the second
quarter of 2000, labor productivity grew at a staggering rate of 5.2
percent. Various estimates put projected productivity growth for
Productivity, Innovation, and the New Economy the decade 2000-2010 somewhere between 2.3 and 4 percent per
year, although the decline of stock prices in 2000-2001 and beyond
If there is a new economy it is because there is a substantial surge could significantly alter the prediction by slowing down invest-
in productivity growth. Without a sharp upturn of productivity ment, and therefore innovation, productivity growth, and eco-
growth we could still claim that there is a technological revolution, nomic growth. Yet, in the last quarter of 2000, in the midst of a
but not necessarily a new economy. Consequently, debate has significant slowdown of the US economy, labor productivity grew
raged for years among economists on the actual evolution of the at an annual rate of 2.4 percent, lower than in the previous
rate of productivity, as well as on its sources. Productivity mea- quarter, but still enough to bring the annual productivity growth
surement is always tricky, and is particularly complicated in our for the whole of 2000 to 4.3 percent. Thus, even using the lower
economy for three major reasons: most people work in services, threshold of the estimates for future productivity growth, at
where labor productivity is most difficult to measure; statistical cat- around 2.3 percent per year, this would substantially improve on
egories, produced during the industrial era, are woefully inad- the performance of US productivity in the two preceding decades,
equate to measure the information economy (for example, the US providing the basis for the rise of a new economy, whose shape and
Labor Department practice, until 1998, of measuring spending in logic are still unfolding.
software as consumption, rather than as investment); business Studies by Stephen Oliner and Daniel Sichel at the Federal
works in global networks of production and distribution, so that Reserve Bank in Washington, and by Harvard's Dale Jongerson
96 97
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
and New York Federal's Kevin Stiroh, among others, concluded observed as yet, except in Finland and Sweden. This can be
that investment in information technology, and high productivity explained by a combination of factors: the inadequacy of statistical
in the computer industry, have been decisive factors in spurring categories, which are even more out of date than in the United
productivity growth (Oliner and Sichel, 1994; Sichel, 1997; States; a smaller proportion of information technology in total
Jorgenson and Stiroh, 2000; Jorgenson and Yip, 2000). Indeed, the capital stock, about 3 percent in Germany and Japan, compared to
information-technology sector increased its productivity by an 7 percent in the US; and the fact that European firms have sub-
annual rate of 24 percent during the 1990s. According to the stantially lagged behind in organizational change and labor flexibil-
historical record, the innovators and producers of new techno- ity. However, case studies of e-business, as well as productivity
logies are the first to adopt their use, as well as the first to train statistics and revenue/employee ratios in information-technology
their labor and change their organization accordingly. Thus, early sectors, seem to point in the same direction as in the United States.
users benefit first from productivity growth. But as their business Indeed, as the new economy is a global economy, if e-business
model diffuses, together with new technology, to other sectors, were to be confined within the borders of the United States its
productivity growth increases as well. This was observed by expansion would ultimately come to a halt, since its productivity
Brynjolffson and Hitt (2000) in their study of six hundred growth would outpace the growth of global markets, leading to a
American firms between 1987 and 1994: they demonstrated that crisis of overproduction. The emergence of Do-Co-Mo in Japan,
the internal decentralization of the firm and adoption of network- the new entrepreneurial networks in high-technology industries in
ing forms of organization were the necessary conditions for infor- Taiwan and South Korea, the fast growth of mobile telecommuni-
mation technology to increase productivity. Lucas (1999) has also cation industries and services in Scandinavia, the restructuring of
shown, on the basis of a series of case studies, that the benefits of the French and German automobile industries around the net-
information-technology investment for the firm, while generally working business model, the retooling of the Dutch and German
positive, are of different kinds. They are not all measurable in terms micro-electronic industries, and the emergence of competitive, on-
of return per investment, but technology is usually an essential line financial services in London and Frankfurt are illustrations of a
factor in positioning the firm in product, process, and market. deep transformation of the global economy, along the lines of tech-
In sum, in the US in the second half of the 1990s, there was a nology-led productivity growth that was first observed in the
substantial increase of investment in information-technology United States. If these trends, as I believe, are actually rooted in a
equipment and software, which, in 2000, accounted for 50 percent transformation of the business model, and the diffusion of infor-
of total business investment. This investment, together with organ- mation technology, they should overcome the downturn of late
izational restructuring, and particularly with the diffusion of 2000-2001. But this would require the management of the new
Internet-based networking as a pervasive business practice, seem kind of business cycle, as I will analyze in the last section of this
to be critical factors in explaining labor productivity growth- chapter.
which is the ultimate source of value creation, and the foundation The new economy, spearheaded bye-business, is not an on-line
of the new economy. economy, but an economy powered by information technology,
In other areas of the world, both investment in information tech- dependent on self-programmable labor, and organized around
nology and the diffusion of networking are also proceeding rapidly, computer networks. These seem to be the sources of labor produc-
particularly in Scandinavia, Western Europe, and in the industrial- tivity growth, and thus of wealth creation, in the Information Age.
ized countries of Asia. Yet, the effects of these changes on labor Yet, if labor is the source of productivity, the creative power of labor
productivity, measured at the level of national economies, are not and the efficiency of business organization ultimately depend on
98 99
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
innovation. Innovation is a function of highly skilled labor, and of tributed effort of others. So, innovation is still the product of intel-
the existence of knowledge-creation organizations. And the process ligent labor, but of a collective intellect. No R&D department can
of innovation is also transformed in the e-conomy, as the uses of the match the power of a global, cooperative network-indeed, this is
Internet playa fundamental role in how innovation is achieved. how basic science develops, with extraordinary yields. Once the
innovation is generated, the path dependency characteristic of
the application of this innovation gives an advantage to those who
Innovation in the e-conomy participated in the networked process of innovation: they are first
adopters, first users, first learners, and know better which kinds of
In an e-conomy based on knowledge, information, and intangibles products and processes can be developed from this innovation
(such as image and connections), innovation is the primordial path. So, the process of innovation in the e-conomy is gradually
function. Innovation depends on knowledge generation facilitated migrating to open-source networks of cooperation, formed not
by open access to information. And information is on-line. My only by freelance individuals, but by entrepreneurs and company
analysis of the open source movement in the previous chapter employees as well, as it is in the interest of firms to contribute to
shows the essential role of cooperation and open access in the innovation and to be early beneficiaries of the results of the
process of innovation. The relationship between cooperation and cooperative effort. How can business make profits out of this co-
innovation can be analyzed, following Brian Arthur's (1994) operatively produced innovation? By designing applications, by
formal economic theory, as a result of network effects, path depen- selling services, by packaging and customizing, as Red Hat does
dency, and increasing returns in the information economy. with Linux, as IBM does with Apache. Or else, by selling equip-
Network effects: the more nodes there are in the network, the ment that works well on open-source technology, as Sun
greater the benefits of the network to each individual node. Microsystems does with Java and Jini.
Path dependency: once a given innovation is achieved, techno- The logic of cooperation and open source as the crucible of
logical trajectories will tend to follow the path marked by this innovation is not limited to software. It is the logic permeating
innovation, giving a decisive edge to the discoverers and early the entire on-line service industry, as portals give access to infor-
adopters of the innovation: it is the winner-takes-all system that mation and services, as a way to sell advertising, and obtain
characterizes business competition in the new economy. information that can be re-used for marketing purposes. In this
Increasing returns: in an innovation-based economy, the higher logic, customers are producers, as they provide critical information
investment cost is in the early stages of the process, while marginal by their behavior, and their demands, helping e-companies con-
costs go down rapidly as innovation becomes embodied in prod- stantly to modify their products and services. In customer-oriented
ucts. For instance, in the production of a new software program, or business practice, the ability to interact with consumers as sources
of a new drug, the R&D costs are usually very high. So, the first of critical information becomes an essential component of the busi-
disk or the first pill may cost billions. The cost of the second disk, or ness model. Thus, cooperation in innovation, and competition in
the first pack of pills, may be negligible. applications and services, seem to be the division of labor in the
Let us now apply these mechanisms to a process of innovation new economy. This logic is also present in the internal workings
taking place in an open-source system, and facilitated by on-line of e-business. On-line engineering, and open-access management
interaction. A product of superior quality (for example, a software systems within a company, allow workers to organize ad hoc
program) is generated by the collective effort of a network, an cooperation systems as their tasks dictate. When information and
effort in which each participant finds a reward from the freely con- interaction are organized in extranets, customers and suppliers
100 101
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
(even competitors) enter the network. I have discussed above the nisms of recession and crisis in the new economy, as the expression
economic benefits of this networking model. But there is some- of new forms of the business cycle.
thing else: by ensuring real-time feedback of all those involved in In its historical debut, the new economy appears to be character-
a production/management process, innovation is tested at the ized by a long span of technology-led high growth, with quasi-full
outset: product and process constantly innovate themselves, in employment and low inflation, followed by a sharp downturn that,
the common interest of increasing returns for all those partici- under certain conditions, could lead to recession, and even to a
pating in the network. widespread economic crisis (Mandel, 2000). The new economy
These developments are inducing a new model of relationship emerged in the US in the mid-1990s, inducing the longest, unin-
between property relations and production relations in the genera- terrupted growth period of the past half-century. In the late 1990s
tion and appropriation of wealth. There are areas of cooperation, it started to spread to the dynamic sectors of other economies
and common appropriation, linked to areas of competition and around the world, particularly in Europe. On March 10, 2000,
private appropriation. While these trends are still embryonic, they technology stocks fell sharply in value, and kept sliding thereafter,
may herald a profound transformation of the social logic of inno- inducing a slowdown of economic growth that continued one year
vation, productivity, and economic growth later.
The existence of a new economy can be asserted on the basis of
enhanced labor productivity and increased competitiveness
of firms, as a result of innovation. This innovation refers to tech-
The New Economy and its Crisis nology, process, and product. New information and communica-
tion technologies, and particularly the Internet and computer
e-Business is not the business that is exclusively conducted on-line networking in general, are critical in economies essentially based
but a new form of conducting business, all kinds of business, by, on information-processing and communication. Process is trans-
with, and on the Internet, and other computer networks-with formed by networking as an efficient, flexible form of management
various forms of linkage with on-site production processes and and organization. Networking is highly dependent on communica-
physical transactions. e-Business is at the heart of the emergence of tion technology. As in previous technological revolutions, this
a new economy that is characterized by the critical role of self- socio-technical transformation opens the way for a flurry of new
programmable labor, technological innovation, and financial products-with varying degrees of fit between these products and
market valuation as drivers of the economy. As in all economies, market demand and social needs. For instance, the mobile phone,
labor productivity growth is the engine of development, and inno- which appeared to be a minor product innovation, became the
vation is at the source of productivity. Each one of these processes hottest communication device on the planet, while the much-
is enacted and transformed by the use of the Internet as the hyped interactive TV is still waiting for transmission capacity and
indispensable medium of networking organization, information- enticing content to become a profitable business.
processing, and knowledge generation. The e-conomy gradually Innovation is itself a function of three main factors. The first
transforms the old economy into a new economy, which reaches one is the creation of new knowledge, in science, technology, and
the entire planet, albeit in an extremely uneven pattern. We now management. This refers to the existence of a well-developed R&D
have the threads that, together, constitute the new economy. system (both public and private) able to supply the fundamentals
Exploring the configuration of their structure, and the dynamics of of innovation. The second is the availability of highly educated,
their interaction, may also lead to the understanding of mecha- self-programmable labor, able to use new knowledge to increase
102 103
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
productivity. In generaL this kind of labor is a direct result of the the mechanisms of financial valuation, largely dependent on infor-
quality and quantity of graduates from the education system. In mation turbulences that include traditional economic criteria, but
the case of the United States, immigration of technical profession- also many other sources combining with each other to affect
als has been an equally important element in the development of investors' behavior. But I want to emphasize what appears to be an
the new economy. The third factor is the existence of entrepre- essential factor in the valuation process: expectations, anticipation
neurs, able and willing to take the risks to transform innovative of higher value in the long run. In fact, investors were betting on
business projects into business performance. This partly relates to the technological revolution. It was not a foolish idea. The notion
the existence of an entrepreneurial culture, but also to the open- that early producers and adopters of new technologies and business
ness of the institutions of society toward entrepreneurialism. Thus, models would be among the winners in the future market is not
in the case of the United States, the openness of its institutions to speculation. It is risk-taking investment, linked to the development
immigration, and the ease with which new companies can be of innovation in the economy, to the potential network effects in
created, made the US, and particularly some regions, such as the growth of new forms of business, and to the anticipation of
California and New York, a point of attraction to any willing entre- increasing returns on investment. In fact, higher productivity
preneur from anywhere in the world. But the notion of entrepre- growth, and sustained, low-inflation economic growth, vindicated
neurship cannot be limited to young start-ups or dream-pursuing this claim. But for the new economy to keep growing, innovation
immigrants. When Jorma Ollila and his team restructured the and productivity had to continue to grow at a fast pace, and this
Nokia Group in 1992, the company was on the edge of being sold, required a steady flow of investment, dependent on the continuity
hampered by its diverse investments in multiple, mature, low- of expectations of high rewards for new investors. Because these
profit markets. The decision to sell most of the assets of the expectations did not discriminate between risky, but sound, busi-
company, and focus its entire business on mobile phones and net- ness projects and unreasonable ventures, they were prone to sharp
works infrastructure, was, at that time, a risky one. It was an act of reversal as soon as cases of obvious failure became apparent. Yet, it
entrepreneurship. is still unclear why the market nose-dived in 2000-2001 without
Yet, even the most daring entrepreneurs, counting on the best much differentiation between a variety of technology stocks with
technology, and conceiving a sound business plan, cannot do much different business prospects. stocks (obviously the riskier
without money. This is why the financing of the new economy is projects) went down first, but all technology stocks followed over
the cornerstone of its existence. And this finance essentially relies the ensuing year, and this had an impact on stock values in most
on the stock market, and venture capitaL according to the mecha- other industries. From their peak in early 2000, by March 2001 the
nisms analyzed above in this chapter. Therefore, while productivity Nasdaq index was down by 60 percent, the Standard & Poor 500 by
and competitiveness are the factors underlying high economic 23 percent, and the Dow Jones by 12 percent. In the US stock
growth without inflation, and innovation is the driver of the new market, about 4.6 trillion dollars in nominal wealth vanished,
economy, finance is the source of everything. High valuation of equivalent to about 50 percent of the US GDP, or four times the
potential innovation on the stock market, and its anticipation by amount of losses sustained in the October 1987 market crash. In
venture capitaL were the mechanisms that mobilized capital from the UK and Germany, average stock value in 2000-2001 declined
all sources (and particularly from large, institutional investors, by 10 percent (Business Week, 2001).
such as pension funds) and channeled it into innovation. For some analysts, this "market adjustment" was the overdue
The key question is, then, why valuation of stocks reached such bursting of a speculative financial bubble. I think the "bubble"
unprecedented high levels. I have explained earlier in this chapter metaphor is misleading because it refers to an implicit notion of
104 105
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
natural market equilibrium, which seems to be superseded in the cal and business difficulties to deliver the promise on time, particu-
world of interdependent global financial markets operating at high larly in the US market. In Europe, the staggering sums paid by
speed, and processing complex information turbulences in real companies to governments for UMTS licenses of mobile telephony
time. What we observed empirically in the period 1996-2000 was sent jitters throughout the markets, concerned about the financial
that the market rewarded without much discrimination all kinds of standing of major telecommunication companies.
technology stocks, and the same market in 2000-2001 punished all There was also, in 2000, a significant decline in the rate of growth
technology stocks with the same equal-opportunity approach to of information-technology spending by companies, particularly in
devaluation. This was regardless of the performance of companies, the United States. This may have been the only real casualty from
as I illustrated with some examples of technology companies the bogus year 2000 (Y2K) crisis. Faced with the need (or the belief
above. So, what happened? Trying to open the black box of infor- in the need) to update their aging systems before Y2K, many
mation turbulences that hit the market in 2000, reversing expect- companies and public services decided to leapfrog into new net-
ations, we find a disparate collection. working technology and cutting-edge software. This led to a boom
Most dot. com companies failed their business model. Business- of investment in ICT in 1998 and 1999, which included replace-
to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce underestimated the cost and com- ment levels usually scheduled for a later date, lessening the need for
plexity of physical delivery to customers. Virtual commerce new equipment in 2000-2001. In the midst of a tense market, any
discovered the reality of click-and-mortar business-requiring announcement by major technology companies (such as Cisco) of
much greater investment, logistics, and management skills than lower earnings than expected because of a slowdown in capital
anticipated. For all the assurances about credit-card security, equipment spending added to the negative mood of investors.
customers were nervous about giving away their information on- There is also the fact that many of these investors, particularly
line, and with good reason. Advertising as the predominant form of institutional investors and banks, had been buying stocks in the
financing free content provision on the web was a monumental boom period way beyond what their prudence should normally
fiasco: it was the result of misunderstanding the specificity of the dictate regarding the protection of their creditors. They did it
Internet vis-a-vis television. Targeted advertising (disregarding because they were confident that their information systems would
consumer privacy) also received a partial rebuttal from people send warning signals in advance to pull out of the risk market
unwilling to tolerate their profiling. To some extent the fast com- before losses would offset their substantial gains. Thus, when the
mercialization of the Internet betrayed the promise of free access, market pointed downwards, many of the largest investors could
so that many potential customers decided to bypass fee-paying not afford to wait: they pulled back their investment strategies to a
websites, except for those directly fitting their needs. The once more conservative approach, contributing to the devaluation of the
booming on-line market for pet supplies was quickly saturated. technology stocks they were holding.
Technological restructuring in the information-technology Political instability also contributed a great deal to market uncer-
industry added to the level of uncertainty. The anticipated end of tainty, particularly in two cases. Japan, in 2000-2001, seemed to be
the PC era, and the actual decline in PC orders, hit Intel, Hewlett heading for another political crisis, as mismanagement and govern-
Packard, and Microsoft. The trial against Microsoft, while hailed by ment corruption were exposed, and the Japanese economy, the
many in Silicon Valley, threw a cloud of suspicion on the future of second largest in the world, appeared unable to pull itself out of
mighty technology companies. The high expectations of the stagnation. In the United States the soap opera of the contested
"mobile Internet," while justified in the long term in my opinion, presidential election added uncertainty and held back investors at a
turned into a short-term disappointment in the face of the techni- critical moment of market transition.
106 107
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
Finally, in a financial market working at high speed on the basis summer of 2000, although his gloomy prospect of a full-scale
of expectations and information, investors' perception is influ- Internet depression is unlikely to materialize for reasons that
enced by the values and opinions of the business establishment and Mandel himself explains.
of academic economists. It is a well-known fact that some promi- Since I never dare to predict the future, I concentrate here on the
nent academic economists never believed in the existence of a new analytical implications of the new economy's slowdown in
economy, rejected the importance of information technology, dis- 2000-200 1. In the scheme of analysis presented above, the main
regarded or downplayed the evidence of productivity growth and driver of the new economy is the financial market. Without IPOs,
business innovation, and kept pounding away at the inevitability of without stock options, and without the expectation of high growth
the bursting of the bubble, until they were gratified with the real- of stock value, there is no risk capital investment, and entrepre-
ization of their self-fulfilling prophecy many years after their neurialism and technological discovery do not translate into busi-
earlier predictions. Echoed by traditional leaders of traditional ness innovation. Without innovation, productivity growth slows
companies, a number of academic economists played a substantial down, and competition is limited, thus potentially allowing tradi-
role in diminishing expectations of the harvest of innovation in the tional firms to raise prices and trigger inflation, as Mandel (2000)
information economy. In retrospect, it is a miracle that investors suggests. The combination of lower growth and employment with
could fuel the new economy with their expectations for so long, in higher inflation leads to lower consumption, thus increasing the
the face of so many expert opinions forecasting doom. It is prob- severity of the downturn. Since both companies and households
ably to the credit of Alan Greenspan that markets still believed borrowed massively during the boom, often using their equity as
in what they were seeing through the screen of mainstream eco- collateral, and much of their wealth evaporated with the fall of the
nomic analysis. Greenspan kept defending the reality of the new stock market, the prospects of a recession increase. However, if
economy, based on information-technology investment and pro- the stock market bounces back before the damage from disinvest-
ductivity growth, partly because he was surrounded, in the Federal ment becomes extensive, the growth engine of the new economy
Reserve, by some of the best economic minds in productivity could be quickly re-started. By the time you read this you will
analysis in the United States (such as Oliner and Sichel, among know the continuation of the story. But not the end-because
others), and partly because he instinctively perceived that only an this is not the end of the new economy, but the beginning of its
underlying productivity surge could explain, in strict economic second stage, in its different versions, in its upswings followed by
theory, the behavior of an economy whose pulse he was feeling in its downturns.
real time. As soon as signs of a downturn appeared in the stock So there is indeed a business cycle in the new economy. But what
market, many conventional economists and veterans of the old is different from the industrial economy-and I concur again in this
economy, with a sigh of relief, seized the opportunity to push for a with Michael Mandel's (2000) remarkable analysis-is that the
return to business as usual. And, yet, business can probably never fluctuations of the stock market are synchronized with the business
be as it was, after its transformation by almost a decade of develop- cycle, for the simple reason that they drive the investment and
ment of the new economy. innovation cycles. The convergence of financial cycles, innovation
Under these circumstances, processed in a complex system of cycles, and business cycles reinforces each other in the dynamics of
information turbulences, expectations for stock valuation in the their upturns and downturns. This results in both an acceleration
technology sector were reversed, drying out risk capital invest- of growth and an accentuation of the severity of recession.
ment, and therefore slowing down the pace of innovation, in a The crisis of one of the icons of the new economy, Cisco Systems,
process analyzed, and in fact predicted, by Michael Mandel in the is a good illustration of the link between financial cycle and
108 109
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
business cycle. Faced with uncertainties in the economy, with slid- market signals. In this sense, Cisco's networked business model still
ing stock-market values, and having stockpiled Internet equipment has a long way to go because the technology seems to be better
in 1999, in the second half of 2000, companies in the US, and than the economics implicit in the model of management.
around the world, put the brakes on their capital spending-partic- Secondly, the connection between financing, innovation, and
ularly on Internet networking equipment. Cisco did not read the market demand opens the possibility of sharp downturns for any
market signals correctly. Having previously lost sales because of given business, following prolonged periods of high growth. For
its underestimation of rapid market expansion in the previous instance, the reliance on stock-based acquisitions to spur techno-
quarters, and having experienced a quarterly increase of revenue of logical innovation makes the company excessively dependent on
over 50 percent during 1999-2000, Cisco kept building up capacity its stock valuation. With limited capacity to raise capital and
and inventory in the fall of 2000. Its forecasting models could not without autonomous sources of innovation, a new economy
seize the extreme volatility of the market. In the first quarter of company is in serious difficulty. It is therefore essential to maintain
2001, faced with declining demand, Cisco's revenues dropped 5 endogenous R&D capacity in the company to grow technological
percent from a year earlier, for the first time in a decade of high- innovation organically from within, since it is this innovation that
flying expansion, and further decline was expected for the follow- can help the company to regain competitiveness, and thus upgrade
ing quarter. It proceeded with lay-offs of thousands of workers, and the value of its stock. The relative crisis of Cisco (a highly innova-
took a 2.5 billion dollar charge to write down inventory. Its stock tive and productive manufacturer of essential networking equip-
plummeted to 18 dollars a share, down 78 percent from its high- ment) shows that the downturn of the new economy in
water mark in March 2000. Devaluation of its stock deprived Cisco 2000-2001 was not simply the bursting of the financial bubble of
of the financial ability to continue its acquisitions policy, a key ele- companies. It was the expression of new forms of business
ment of its strategy to enhance technology in the company by buy- cycle that affect industries across the board, with particularly
ing know-how and expertise embodied in innovative firms. Thus, serious consequences for those companies that are based on a
devaluation of stock, decline in revenue and profits, and diminish- high-growth strategy, which can suddenly reverse into a fast de-
ing technological capacity fed into each other. This weakened acceleration of its activity.
Cisco's position vis-a-vis some of its competitors, particularly in the Let me recapitulate the analytical lessons. The new economy is
high-end router market, in which Juniper Networks cut into Cisco's driven by a highly sensitive stock market that finances high-risk
share of the market, which dropped from 78 percent in 1999 to 65 innovation at the source of high productivity growth. This is
percent in 2000. Cisco still expected 30 percent revenue growth for a high-stakes economy: high growth and extraordinary wealth
2002-2005, counting on a new wave of global expansion of the creation go hand in hand with potential sharp downturns and
Internet. It may be right, and in any case, the company will remain wealth destruction. Once market-valuation mechanisms spiral
among the top manufacturers of networking equipment, a clearly downwards, the slump cannot be halted simply by price mecha-
expanding market in the coming decade. nisms: it requires a reversal of expectations. Otherwise, by the time
But this is beyond my point. The analytical meaning of Cisco's stock prices become a bargain, there may be too little money to buy
crisis is two-fold. First, electronic networking cannot substitute for them, and too much fear to abandon the safe havens for savings
a flawed strategy: the volatility of the new economy is systemic, that appear in times of retrenchment. Even new waves of techno-
and, therefore, business projections cannot rely on the data of the logical innovation (in biotechnology, in the mobile Internet, in
past, including the recent past. What flexible networking allows is nanotechnology) cannot reactivate the economy unless there is
the ability of companies to practice "just-in-time reaction" to trust in their future business prospects.
110 111
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
At its core, the new economy is based on culture: on the culture Burton-Jones, Alan (1999) Knowledge Capitalism: Business, Work, and
of innovation, on the culture of risk, on the culture of expectations, Learning in the New Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
and, ultimately, on the culture of hope in the future. Only if this Business Week (2001) "Rethinking the Internet: Special Report," March
culture survives the nay-sayers of the old economy of the industrial 26: p. 116 ff.
era may the new economy prosper again. However, the knowledge Carnoy, Martin (2000) Sustaining the New Economy: Work, Family and
and the experience of the fragility of this process of wealth creation Community in the Information Age. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
may induce a new personal philosophy in the way we will live the
Castells, Manuel (1996/2000) The Rise of the Network Society. Oxford:
second stage of the new economy.
Chandler, Alfred D. and Conada, James W. (eds) (2000) A Nation
Transformed by Information: How Information has Shaped the United States
from Colonial Times to the Present. New York: Oxford University Press.
Reading Links Garber, Peter (2000) Famous First Bubbles: The Fundamentals of Early
Mania. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Ali-Yrkko, Jyrki (2001) Nokia's Network: Gaining Competitiveness from Gupta, Udayan (ed.) (2000) Done deals: Venture Capitalists Tell their Stories.
Cooperation. Helsinki: Toulestieto Oy. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
- - Paija, Laura, Reilly, Catherine, and Yla-Anttila, Pekka (2000) Nokia: Hartman, Amir and Sifonis, John, with John Kador (2000) Net Ready:
A Big Company in a Small Country. Helsinki: Toulestieto Oy, The Strategies for Success in the E-conomy. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Research Institute of the Finnish Economy. Jorgenson, Dale and Stiroh, Kevin (2000) Raising the Speed Limit: US
Arthur, Brian (1994) Increasing Returns and Path Dependence in the Economic Growth in the Information Age, Brooking Papers on Economic
Economy. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Activity, volume 2. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution.
Balaji, P. (1999) "The transformation and structure of the high technol- - - and Yip, Eric (2000) "Whatever happened to productivity? Invest-
ogy industrial complex in Bangalore," unpublished PhD dissertation, ment and growth in the G-7," in E. R. Dean et al. (2000) New Develop-
University of California, Department of City and Regional Planning, ments in Productivity Analysis. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Berkeley, California. Kelly, Kevin (1998) New Rules for the New Economy. New York: Viking
Benner, Chris (2001) Flexible Work in the Information Economy: Labor Press.
Markets in Silicon Valley. Oxford: Blackwell. Lucas, Henry C. (1999) Information Technology and the Productivity Paradox.
Bresnahan, Timothy, Brynjolffson, Erik, and Hitt, Lorin M. (2000) New York: Oxford University Press.
"Information technology, workplace organization, and the demand for Mandel, Michael (2000) The Coming Internet Depression. New York: Basic
skilled labor: firm-level evidence," Cambridge, MA: MIT-Sloan School Books.
Center for E-business, working paper. Nokia/Insight (2001) Business Review 2000.
Brynjolfsson, Erik and Hitt, Lorin M. (2000) Computing Productivity: Firm- Oliner, Stephen and Sichel, Daniel (1994) Computers and Output Growth
level Evidence. Cambridge, MA: MIT-Sloan School Center for E-busi- Revisited: How Big is the Puzzle?, Brooking Papers on Economic Activity.
ness, working paper. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution.
- - - - and Yang, Shinkyu (2000) "Intangible assets: how the interac- Saxenian, Anna 1. (1999) Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. San
tion of computers and organization structure affects stock market val- Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California.
uations," Cambridge, MA: MIT-Sloan School Center for Schiller, Dan (1999) Digital Capitalism: Networking the Global Market
E-business, working paper. System. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Bunnell, David (2000) Making the Cisco Connection: The Story Behind the Shapiro, Carl and Varian, Hal R. (1999) Information Rules. A Strategic Guide
Real Internet Superpower. New York: John Wiley. to the Network Economy. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
112 113
e-Business and the New Economy e-Business and the New Economy
Shiller, Robert (1999) Irrational Exhuberance. New Haven, CT: Yale
University Press. Network solutions database on businesses using the web.
Sichel, Daniel (1997) The Computer Revolution: An Economic Perspective.
Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution. Information on private equity investing.
UCSF/Field Institute (1999) The 1999 California Work and Health Survey.
San Francisco: University of California at San Francisco, Institute for
Health Policy Studies. PriceWaterhouseCoopers quarterly study of venture capital investments.
Vlamis, Anthony and Smith, Bob (2001) Do You? Business the Yahoo! Way. mit. ed u/erik
Milford, CT: Capstone. Website posting a series of research papers by Erik Brynjolffson and his
Volcker, Paul (2000) "A sea of global fianance," in Will Hutton and collaborators, leading analysts of the relationship between information
Anthony Giddens (eds), On the Edge: Living in Global Capitalism. technology, business organization, and productivity.
London: Jonathan Cape.
Zook, Matthew (2001) "The geography of the Internet industry: venture
capital, Internet start-ups, and regional development," unpublished Lyman, Peter and Varian, Hal (2000) "How much information?,"
PhD dissertation, University of California, Department of City and Berkeley, CA: University of California, SIMS, Research Report, October
Regional Planning, Berkeley, California. 19. Two respected scholars' estimate of the amount of information in the
world in its various formats.
An authoritative source of estimates and projections on the evolution of
University of Texas study of e-commerce.
Collection and analysis of data on the impact of the new economy on
cities, states, and the country in the United States.
A useful website of one of the leading publications on high-technology
The website of a well-informed publication on e-commerce.
Website of Red Herring, one of the leading journals on venture capital
and e-commerce.
114 115
Virtual Communities or Network Society?
Much of this rather sterile debate has been flawed by three limi-
tations. First, it largely preceded the widespread diffusion of the
Internet, building its statemerHs on the observation of a few expe-
Chapter 4 riences among early users of the Internet-thus maximizing the
social distance between the users of the Internet and society at
large. Secondly, it proceeded in the absence of a substantial body of
reliable empirical research on the actual uses of the Internet. And,
Virtual Communities thirdly, it was built around rather simplistic, and ultimately mis-
leading, questions, such as the ideological opposition between the
harmonious local community of an idealized past and the alienated
or Network Society? existence of the lonely netizen, too often associated in the public
image with the stereotype of a computer nerd.
At present, these limitations are fading away, and we should be
able to assess the patterns of sociability arising from the use of the
Internet, at least in developed societies, where there is already mass
diffusion of the Internet. While scholarly research in this field still
does not match the importance of the topic, we do now have
enough evidence and analysis to base our interpretation on grounds
less shaky than those of futurology and pop journalism. However,
The emergence of the Internet as a new communication medium the kind of questions dominating the public debate are still couched
has been associated with conflicting claims about the rise of new in simplistic, ideological dichotomies that make an understanding
patterns of social interaction. On the one hand, the formation of of the new patterns of social interaction difficult. Thus, I shall
virtual communities, primarily based on on-line communication, proceed with caution in building the argument presented in this
was interpreted as the culmination of an historical process of sepa- chapter, first dispelling some common errors concerning social
ration between locality and sociability in the formation of commu- behavior associated with communication on the Internet, then try-
nity: new, selective patterns of social relations substitute for ing to sort out what we know about the matter, and finally trying to
territorially bound forms of human interaction. On the other hand, make sense of this knowledge in order to propose a few hypotheses
critics of the Internet, and media reports, sometimes relying on on the patterns of sociability emerging in our societies.
studies by academic researchers, argue that the spread of the In so doing, I will be relying on the efforts of several scholars to
Internet is leading to social isolation, to a breakdown of social com- synthesize and interpret available evidence on the relationship
munication and family life, as faceless individuals practice random between the Internet and society. Particularly valuable for the elab-
sociability, while abandoning face-to-face interaction in real set- oration of my reflections have been the studies of Barry Wellman
tings. Moreover, a great deal of attention has been focused on and his colleagues, the overview of studies on virtual communities
social exchanges based on fake identities and role-playing. Thus, by Steve Jones, and the remarkable review of Internet-related
the Internet has been accused of gradually enticing people to live social studies written by Di Maggio, Hargittai, Neuman, and
their own fantasies on-line, escaping the real world, in a culture Robinson. Other sources used and commented on in this chapter
increasingly dominated by virtual reality. are indicated as Reading Links at the end of the chapter.
Virtual Communities or Network Society? Virtual Communities or Network Society?
The Social Reality of the Internet's Virtuality "reality seems to be that many, probably most social users of com-
puter mediated communication, create on-line selves consistent
First of all, the uses of the Internet are, overwhelmingly, instru- with their off-line identities" (Baym, 1998: 55). In short, role-
mental, and closely connected to the work, family, and everyday playing is a telling social experience, but one that does not repre-
life of Internet users. e-Mail represents over 85 percent of Internet sent a significant proportion of social interaction on the Internet
usage, and most of this e-mail volume is related to work purposes, nowadays.
to specific tasks, and to keep in touch with family and friends in The early stages of Internet use, in the 1980s, were heralded as
real life (Anderson and Tracey, 2001; Howard, Rainie, and Jones, the coming of a new age of free communication and personal ful-
2001; Tracey and Anderson, 2001). While chat rooms, news fillment in the virtual communities built around computer-
groups, and multi-purpose Internet conferences were meaningful mediated communication. Statements such as that by John
for early Internet users, their quantitative and qualitative impor- Perry Barlow, co-founder of the libertarian Electronic Frontier
tance has dwindled with the spread of the Internet. Foundation, are representative of this prophetic vein: "We are now
The Internet has been appropriated by social practice, in all its creating a space in which people of the planet can have [a new]
diversity, although this appropriation does have specific effects on kind of communication relationship: I want to be able to com-
social practice itself, as I will discuss below. Role-playing and iden- pletely interact with the consciousness that's trying to communi-
tity-building as the basis of on-line interaction are a tiny proportion cate with me" (Barlow, 1995: 40). The influential book by Howard
of Internet-based sociability, and this kind of practice seems to be Rheingold, The Virtual Community (1993) set the tone of the debate
heavily concentrated among teenagers. Indeed, teenagers are the by forcefully arguing for the birth of a new form of community,
people who are in the process of discovering their identity, of bringing people together on-line around shared values and inter-
experimenting with it, of finding out who they really are or would ests, and creating ties of support and friendship that could also
like to be, thus offering a fascinating field of research for the under- extend into face-to-face interaction. Unbounded sociability was the
standing of identity construction and experimentation. Yet, the promise. And the experience of the WELL, a virtual community
proliferation of studies on this matter distorted the public percep- that emerged in the San Francisco Bay area in the mid-1980s, with
tion of the social practice of the Internet as the privileged terrain for the participation of key figures of the early Internet culture, such as
personal fantasies. Most often, it is not. It is an extension of life as Stuart Brand, Larry Brilliant, and Howard Rheingold, seemed fo fit
it is, in all its dimensions, and with all its modalities. Moreover, the model. Yet, as the Internet diffused into the mainstream of
even in role-playing and informal chat rooms, real lives (including society, its effects on sociability became considerably less dramatic.
real lives on-line) seem to shape the interaction on-line. Thus, Even the WELL experienced a considerable transformation over
Sherry Turkle, the pioneer of the studies of identity-building on the the years, as pressures of commercialization, and subsequent
Internet, concludes her classic study by observing that "the notion changes of ownership, transformed its character, and its member-
of the real fights back. People who live parallel lives on the screen ship, as documented in a study by Zhou (2000).
are nevertheless bound by the desires, pain, and mortality of their In contrast to claims purporting the Internet to be either a source
physical selves. Virtual communities offer a dramatic new context of renewed community or a cause of alienation from the real
in which to think about human identity in the age of the Internet" world, social interaction on the Internet does not seem to have a
(Turkle, 1995: 267). Similarly, Nancy Baym, studying the behavior direct effect on the patterning of everyday life, generally speaking,
of on-line communities on the basis of her ethnographic study except for adding on-line interaction to existing social relation-
of La.t.s. (a news group discussing soap operas), states that the ships. Thus, Karina Tracey, reporting on a major longitudinal study
118 119
Virtual Communities or Network Society? Virtual Communities or Network Society?
of household uses of the Internet in the UK, conducted for British and a greater level of social interaction. Internet users were more
Telecom, observes not much difference between Internet users and likely than non-users to meet with friends, and to have a social life
non-users in their social behavior and everyday life, after the away from home, although their networks of social interaction
proper controls for social and demographic variables are intro- were more spatially dispersed than those of non-users. For both
duced (Tracey, 2000). Anderson et at. (1999), analyzing the data of long-time and recent Internet users, on-line activity did not have
the same BT study, find that computer-mediated communication much impact on time spent with family and friends. One-tenth of
and telephone comunication reinforce each other, particularly in Internet users rnet new friends on-line and were active in on-line
contacts with friends. While computer users are less likely to communities.
have regular person-to-person contact with relatives than non- Similar findings are reported by Howard, Rainie, and Jones
computer users, the researchers assign these differences to social (2001) on the basis of a 2000 survey of a representative, national
class differences: people of higher social status tend to have more sample conducted by the Pew Institute's Internet and American
friends, who are more diverse and live at a greater distance, so Life Project (2000): use of e-mail enhances social life with family
e-mail is a good instrument to keep in touch with this wider and friends, and extends overall social contacts, after controlling
network of personal contacts. On the other hand, people from for possible intervening variables other than e-mail use. A survey
lower social classes tend to have more casual contacts with family by Uslaner in 1999 (as cited by Di Maggio, Hargittai, Neuman, and
and friends, so they have less need to reach out at a distance. Robinson, 200 1) showed that users of the Internet tend to have
Summarizing the findings of their study, which included 2,600 larger social networks than non-users. Robert Putnam, in his major
individuals in a thousand households in the UK, Anderson and book on the decline of civic engagement in America, Bowling Alone,
Tracey (2001: 16) concluded that: asserts that: "We also know that early users of Internet technology
were no less (and no more) civically engaged than anyone else. By
there is no evidence from this data that individuals who now have
Internet access in the household and who use it, are spending less time 1999 three independent studies (including my own) had con-
watching television, reading books, listening to the radio or engaged in firmed that once we control for the higher educational level of
social activity in the household in comparison with individuals who do Internet users, they are indistinguishable from non-users when it
not (or who no longer) have Internet access in their household. The only comes to civic engagement" (Putnam, 2000: 170).
changes that can be associated with gaining Internet access are an If anything, the Internet seems to have a positive effect on social
increase in time spent e-mailing and web surfing-a staggeringly interaction, and it tends to increase exposure to other sources of
obvious result. The only changes that can be associated with losing information. Di Maggio, Hargittai, Neuman, and Robinson (2001)
Internet access are less time spent on food preparation and cooking, report findings from surveys of public participation showing that
changes in educational circumstances and home-based paid employ- Internet users (after controlling for other variables) attended more
ment. arts events, read more literature, went to more movies, watched
In the US, Katz, Rice, and Aspden (2001) analyzed the relation- more sports, and played more sports than non-users. A survey of a
ship between use of the Internet, civic involvement, and social national sample of Americans conducted by a UCLA research team,
interaction on the basis of national probability telephone surveys and published on-line in October 2000, found that two-thirds of
conducted in 1995, 1996, 1997, and 2000. They found higher or the 2,096 respondents had been on-line at some point during the
equal level of community and political involvement among preceding year. Of these, 75 percent declared that they did not feel
Internet users compared to non-users. They also found a positive that they were ignored by family or friends as a consequence of
association between Internet use and frequency of telephone calls their Internet activity. Instead, they said that the use of e-mail,
120 121
Virtual Communities or Network Society? Virtual Communities or Network Society?
websites, and chat rooms had had a moderately positive impact on strengthened social relationships both at a distance and at a local
their ability to make friends and communicate with their families level for strong and weak ties, for instrumental or emotional pur-
(Cole et al., 2000). poses, as well as for social participation in the community. Indeed,
Moreover, Barry Wellman and his colleagues have shown, in a Internet users mobilized at the end of the period of the trial to
stream of studies over the past half-decade, a positive, cumulative obtain an extension of their connection, and they used the com-
effect between intensity of use of the Internet and density of social munity mailing list for their mobilization. Thus, overall, in the
relationships. Perhaps the most significant findings are those "Netville" experiment there was a positive feedback effect between
reported by the Wellman team on the basis of a survey of 40,000 on-line and off-line sociability, with Internet usage enhancing and
users in North America, conducted through the National maintaining social ties and social involvement for most users.
Geographic website in the fall of 1998. They found that the use of Patrice Riemens (personal communication, 200 1) reports a similar
e-mail added to social interaction face to face, by phone, and by "wired community" experiment in The Netherlands, which also led
letter, and did not substitute for other forms of social interaction. to the mobilization of the users to ask for greater connectivity
The positive impact of e-mail use on sociability was more impor- beyond the level that KPN, the Internet service provider, was ready
tant for interacting with friends than with kin, and was particularly to deliver.
relevant for keeping in touch with friends or relatives living at a There are, however, conflicting reports on the effects of Internet
distance. Higher-educated people seemed to be more eager to usage on sociability. In the US, two panel studies are often cited
e-mail their friends at a distance. Younger users tended to e-mail as evidence of the isolating effect of the Internet: a Stanford
friends, while older users privileged family connections in their University on-line survey of 4,000 users conducted by Nie and
e-mail practice. These patterns of sociability were similar for both Erdring (2000), and the highly publicized Pittsburgh study, con-
men and women. ducted by Kraut et al. (1998). Nie and Erdring observed a pattern of
Developing this research perspective, Hampton and Wellman declining person-to-person interaction and loss of social environ-
(2000) conducted an exemplary study in 1998-9 on the most ment among heavy users of the Internet, while reporting that for
advanced wired suburb in Canada. "Netville" is a suburb of Toronto the majority of the users there was no significant change in their
that was sold as the "first interactive new home community". Some lives. Kraut et al. (1998), in a carefully designed panel study of a
120 home-owners (of lower middle class status) were offered high sample of 169 families during the first two years of their experience
bandwidth, full-time connection to the Internet, free of charge for with computer-mediated communication, found that greater use
two years, in exchange for agreeing to be studied. A total of 65 of the Internet was associated with a decline in the participants'
percent of the households accepted the deal, making possible not communication with family members in the household, a decline
only their observation, but also a comparison with those residents in the size of their social circle, and an increase in their depression
of the same suburb who did not have Internet connection. and loneliness.
Residents of "Netville" who were users of the Internet were found Researchers have tried to interpret these studies, in sharp con-
to have a higher number of strong social ties, of weak ties, and of trast with most of the available evidence, without questioning the
knowing ties within the suburb, and outside the suburb, than those quality of the studies themselves, which originated from highly
without Internet connection. Internet use enhanced sociability respected scholarly institutions (Stanford University and Carnegie
both at a distance and in the local community. People were more Mellon University). In the case of the Pittsburgh study, an impor-
aware of local news by accessing the community e-mail system that tant factor seems to have been the fact that these households were
served as a tool of communication among neighbors. Internet use first-time users of the Internet: indeed, they were provided with
122 123
Virtual Communities or Network Society? Virtual Communities or Network Society?
computers by the researchers in order to observe their behavior. diffusion of Internet usage, it is difficult to reach definitive conclu-
Di Maggio, Hargittai, Neuman, and Robinson (2001) note that, on sions on the effects of the Internet on sociability. But it may be that
the basis of a study conducted by Neuman and co-workers in 1996, the real issue is whether the right kind of question is being asked.
novice users of the Internet tend to experience high levels of frus- This is, in fact, the position of some of the leading researchers in this
tration with a medium that they have not really mastered, and that field of study, such as Wellman, Haythornthwaite, Putnam, Jones,
requires an effort on their part to break with their habits. Thus Di Maggio, Hargittai, Neuman, Robinson, Kiesler, Anderson,
some of the effects observed by Kraut et al. (1998) may have been Tracey, and others. Namely, that the study of sociability in/on/with
linked to inexperience with Internet use, rather than use of the the Internet has to be situated within the context of the transforma-
Internet itself. Indeed, in the study conducted by Katz, Rice, and tion of patterns of sociability in our society. This is not to neglect the
Aspden (2001), on the results of national telephone surveys, in importance of the technological medium, but to insert its specific
1995 Internet users reported a sense of overload, stress, and dissat- effects into the overall evolution of patterns of social interaction and
isfaction with their lives in a greater proportion than non-users did. into their relationship to the material supports of this interaction:
Yet, in 2000, while still feeling "life overload" in higher proportion space, organizations, and communication technologies.
than non-users, Internet users reported greater satisfaction, and
more intense social interaction with family and friends, than did
non-users, once controlling for other variables is done. So, it may Communities, Networks, and the Transformation
well be that the insertion of the Internet into the practice of life,
of Sociability
and familiarity with the medium, favor adaptation to the new tech-
nological environment, canceling initial negative reactions during The notion of "virtual communities," advanced by the pioneers of
the period of introduction of the Internet among the non- social interaction on the Internet, had a major virtue: it called
computer literate population. attention to the emergence of new technological supports for socia-
In the case of Nie and Erdring's survey (2000) the reported loss bility, different from, but not necessarily inferior to, previous forms
of sociability concerned only the most frequent users of the of social interaction. But it also induced a major misunderstanding:
Internet, which could indicate the existence of a threshold of the term "community", with all its powerful connotations, con-
Internet use beyond which on-line interaction takes a toll on off- fused different forms of social relationship, and prompted ideolog-
line sociability. This can be better understood on the basis of ical discussion between those nostalgic for the old, spatially
another study reported by Di Maggio, Hargittai, Neuman, and bounded community and the enthusiastic supporters of Internet"
Robinson (2001), according to which, while Internet users do not enabled communities of choice. Indeed, for urban sociologists,
show declining sociability, after a certain threshold of on-line activ- this is a very old discussion, which reproduces previous debates
ity they do substitute Internet usage for other activities, such as between those seeing the process of urbanization as the disappear-
housework, family care, or sleep. ance of meaningful forms of community life, to be replaced by
Thus, overall, the body of evidence does not support the thesis selective, weaker ties between households scattered in the anony-
that Internet use leads to lower social interaction and greater social mous metropolis, and those identifying the city with the liberation
isolation. But there are some indications that, under certain circum- of people from traditional forms of social control. It is highly doubt-
stances, Internet use may act as a substitute for other social activities. ful whether such culturally homogeneous and spatially bounded
Since studies supporting alternative theses have been conducted at communities ever existed, as argued in the devastating critique by
different times, in different contexts, and at different stages of the Oscar Lewis of Robert Redfield's classic work on the Mexican
124 125
Virtual Communities or Network Society? Virtual Communities or Network Society?
village of Tepoztlan (now a fashionable hang-out place for cos- mine the pattern of sociability, rather than mere spatial contiguity
mopolitan elites), which was the cornerstone of the anthropologi- in a locality. So, what is critical is the shift from the spatial bound-
cal view of community as a folk society. Yet, place-based sociability ary as the source of sociability to the spatial community as the
was indeed an important source of support and social interaction, expression of social organization.
both in agricultural societies, and in the early stages of the indus- Perhaps the necessary analytical step to understanding the new
trial era-with the additional caveat that this sociability was based forms of social interaction in the age of the Internet is to build on
not only on neighborhoods, but on workplaces. This form of terri- a redefinition of community, de-emphasizing its cultural compo-
torially defined community has not disappeared in the world at nent, emphasizing its supportive role to individuals and families,
large, but it certainly plays a minor role in structuring social and de-linking its social existence from a single kind of material
relationships for the majority of the population in developed support. Thus, a useful working definition in this respect is the one
societies, as studies by Fischer (1982), among others, showed proposed by Barry Wellman: "Communities are networks of inter-
many years ago. Furthermore, based on my own observations of personal ties that provide sociability, support, information, a sense
Latin American squatter settlements, as well as on other studies, of belonging, and social identity" (2001: 1). Naturally, the key
geographical proximity lost its pre-eminence in patterning social matter here is the displacement from community to network as the
relationships in many of these poverty-stricken areas at least central form of organizing interaction. Communities, at least in
twenty-five years ago (Castells, 1983; Espinoza, 1999; Perlman, the tradition of sociological research, were based on the sharing of
2001). values and social organization. Networks are built by the choices
The fading away of the residential community as a meaningful and strategies of social actors, be it individuals, families, or social
form of sociability seems to be unrelated to the settlement patterns groups. Thus, the major transformation of sociability in complex
of the population. Claude Fischer (2001) has shown that in the societies took place with the substitution of networks for spatial
land of geographical mobility, the United States, residential mobil- communities as major forms of sociability. This is true for friend-
ity in fact decreased between 1950 and 1999. So, people do not ships, but it is even more so for kinship ties, as the extended family
build their meaning in local societies, not because they do not have shrunk in size, and new means of communication made it possible
spatial roots, but because they select their relationships on the basis to keep in close touch at a distance with a small number of family
of their affinities. Furthermore, spatial patterns do not tend to have members. Thus, the pattern of sociability evolved toward a core
a significant effect on sociability. A number of studies by urban of sociability built around the nuclear family in the household,
sociologists (including Suzanne Keller, Barry Wellman, and Claude from where networks of selective ties were built according to the
Fischer) showed years ago that networks substitute for places as interests and values of each member of the household.
supports of sociability both in suburbs and in cities. According to Wellman and Giulia (1999), in the North American
This is not to say, however, that there is no longer placed-based context people have more than one thousand interpersonal ties, of
sociability. Societies do not evolve toward a uniform pattern of which only half a dozen are intimate, and less than fifty are signif-
social relationships. In fact, it is the growing diversity of sociability icantly strong. The nuclear family does playa major role in the con-
patterns that constitutes the specificity of social evolution in our struction of these intimate ties, but the place of residence does not.
societies. Immigrant communities in North America and Europe On average, North Americans know only about twelve neighbors,
continue to rely strongly on placed-based social interaction but no more than one represents a strong tie. Work situations, on
(Waldinger, 2001). But it is the immigrant status, and the spatial the other hand, have kept an important role in constructing socia-
concentration of people with this status in certain areas, that deter- bility, according to Arlene Hochschild's observations (1997). Yet,
126 127
Virtual Communities or Network Society? Virtual Communities or Network Society?
the composition of the intimate core of sociability seems to be a It is induced by the crisis of patriarchalism, and the subsequent dis-
function of both the few surviving nuclear family ties and of highly integration of the traditional nuclear family, as constituted in the
selective friendships, for which distance is a factor, but not an late nineteenth century. It is sustained (but not produced) by the
overriding factor. However, the fact that most ties people have new patterns of urbanization, as suburban and exurban sprawl,
are "weak ties" does not mean that they are unimportant. They are and the de-linking between function and meaning in the micro-
sources of information, of work performance, of leisure, of com- places of megacities, individualize and fragment the spatial context
munication, of civic involvement, and of enjoyment. Here again, of livelihood. And it is rationalized by the crisis of political legiti-
most of these weak ties are independent of spatial proximity and macy, as the growing distance between citizens and the state
must be served by some means of communication. Claude Fischer's stresses the mechanisms of representation, and fosters individual
(1992) social history of the telephone in the US showed how the withdrawal from the public sphere. The new pattern of sociability
telephone strengthened pre-existing patterns of sociability, so that in our societies is characterized by networked individualism.
people used it to stay in touch with their families and friends, as
well as with those neighbors they used to be acquainted with. And
Anderson and Tracey (2001), Tracy and Anderson (2001), and The Internet as the Material Support for
Anderson et al. (1999), in their studies of the use of the Internet in Networked Individualism
households in the UK, emphasize how people adapt the Internet to
their lives, rather than transforming their behavior under the So, how do the possibilities (and limitations) of the Internet play out
"impact" of the technology. in this context? Available evidence, particularly from the studies
Now, the dominant trend in the evolution of social relationships conducted by Barry Wellman and his colleagues, and by the Pew
in our societies is the rise of individualism, in all its manifestations. Institute's Internet and American Life Project (2000), seems to indi-
This is not simply a cultural trend. Or, rather, it is cultural in the cate that the Internet is effective in maintaining weak ties, which
sense of material culture; that is, a system of values and beliefs otherwise would be lost in the trade-off between the effort to engage
informing behavior that is rooted in the material conditions of in physical interaction (including telephone interaction) and the
work and livelihood in our societies. From very different perspec- value of the communication. Under certain conditions it can also
tives, social scientists, such as Giddens, Putnam, Wellman, Beck, create new kinds of weak ties, such as in the communities of interest
Carnoy, and myself, have emphasized the emergence of a new that spring up on the Internet, with variable fates. Networks such as
system of social relationships centered on the individual. After SeniorNet, bringing elderly people into contact for the instrumental
the transition from the predominance of primary relationships exchange of information and emotional and personal support, are
(embodied in families and communities) to secondary relation- characteristic of this type of interaction. They are supports of weak
ships (embodied in associations), the new, dominant pattern seems ties in the sense that they rarely build lasting, personal relationships.
to be built on what could be called tertiary relationships, or what People go on- and off-line, they switch their interests, they do not
Wellman calls "personalized communities," embodied in me- necessarily reveal their identity (although they do not fake another
centered networks. It represents the privatization of sociability. one), they migrate to other on-line partners. But if the specific con-
This individualized relationship to society is a specific pattern of nections are not durable, the flow lasts, and many participants in the
sociability, not a psychological attribute. It is rooted, first of all, in network use it as one of their social manifestations.
the individualization of the relationship between capital and labor, Similar observations could be made about the various on-line
between workers and the work process, in the network enterprise. communities studied by Steve Jones and his colleagues. These
128 129
Virtual Communities or Network Society? Virtual Communities or Network Society?
are indeed the kind of virtual communities that Rheingold - of the Internet provides an appropriate material support for
popularized. But, unlike the WELL community in San Francisco, the diffusion of networked individualism as the dominant form of
or Nettime in The Netherlands, most on-line communities are sociability.
ephemeral communities, and they rarely articulate on-line interac- Networked individualism is a social pattern, not a collection of
tion with physical interaction. They are better understood as net- isolated individuals. Rather, individuals build their networks, on-
works of sociability, with variable geometry and changing line and off-line, on the basis of their interests, values, affinities,
composition, according to the evolving interests of social actors and and projects. Because of the flexibility and communicating power
to the shape of the network itself. To a large extent, the theme of the Internet, on-line social interaction plays an increasing role in
around which the on-line network is constructed defines its partic- social organization as a whole. On-line networks, when they stabi-
ipants. An on-line support network for cancer patients is likely to lize in their practice, may build communities, virtual communities,
attract primarily cancer patients and their loved ones, perhaps with different from physical communities, but not necessarily less
the addition of some medical observers and social researchers, but intense or less effective in binding and mobilizing. Furthermore,
usually excluding voyeurs, except those of the worse kind. In what we observe in our societies is the development of a commu-
contrast with the notorious cartoon published by The New Yorker in nication hybrid that brings together physical place and cyber place
the pre-history of on-line communication, on the Internet you (to use Wellman's terminology) to act as the material support of
better make sure that everyone knows that you are a dog, and not networked individualism.
a cat, or you will find yourself immersed in the intimate world of Thus, just to mention one of the many studies supporting this
cats. Because on the Internet, you are what you say you are, as it is pattern of interaction between on-line and off-line networks, the
on the basis of this expectation that a network of social interaction investigation conducted by Gustavo Cardoso (1998) on PT-net, one
is constructed over time. of the earlier virtual communities in Portuguese, showed a closed
The Internet seems also to play a positive role in maintaining interaction between off-line and on-line sociability, each one with
strong ties at a distance. It has often been observed that family rela- its own rhythm, and specific features, yet forming an indissoluble
tionships, stressed by growing disparity of family forms, individual- social process. As Cardoso reports: "We are in the presence of a
ism, and, sometimes, geographical mobility, are being helped by new notion of space, where physical and virtual influence each
the use of e-mail. Not only does e-mail provide an easy tool to "just other, laying the ground for the emergence of new forms of social-
be there" at a distance, but it makes it easier to mark a presence ization, new life styles, and new forms of social organization"
without engaging in a deeper interaction for which the emotional (1998: 116, my translation).
energy is not available every day. Vivienne Waller (2000) has shown the role of the Internet in the
But the most important role of the Internet in structuring social development of new forms of individualized family life in her pio-
relationships is its contribution to the new pattern of sociability neering study of household uses of the Internet in Canberra. She
based on individualism. Indeed, as Wellman writes, "complex builds on the findings of the Pew Institute Internet and American
social networks have always existed but recent technological Life Project (2000) that Americans often use the Internet to "cele-
developments in communications have afforded their emergence brate" family: one-third of them used it to look for a lost relative,
as a dominant form of social organization" (2001: 1). Increasingly, over 50 percent used it to increase contact with family members,
people are organized not just in social networks, but in computer- and many display information about their families in their web
communicated social networks. So, it is not the Internet that pages. In fact, one American in ten was a member of a family in
creates a pattern of networked individualism, but the development which someone had created a family website. But, having estab-
130 131
Virtual Communities or Network Society? Virtual Communities or Network Society?
lished the relevance of the Internet in family relationships, both in These trends are tantamount to the triumph of the individual,
America and in Australia, Waller goes beyond this observation to although the costs for society are still unclear. Unless we consider
argue that the Internet is being used to redefine family relation- that individuals are in fact reconstructing the pattern of social
ships in a society in which people are experimenting with new interaction, with the help of new technological affordances, to
forms of family. She shows howe-mail enabled a number of create a new form of society: the network society.
households to perform what she calls "families of choice," by incor-
porating into the daily life of the family strangers that became
acquainted via the Internet, or whose contact was developed and
enriched by Internet-based interaction over a period of time. So,
the practice of networked individualism may be redefining the Reading Links
boundaries and meaning of traditional institutions of sociability,
such as the family. Anderson, Ben and Tracey, Karina (2001) "Digital living: the impact (or
otherwise) of the Intemet on everyday life," unpublished research
In other instances, these on-line networks become forms of "spe-
report, Ipswich, Suffolk, Adastral Park: BTaxCT Research.
cialized communities;" that is, forms of sociability constructed
- - McWilliam, Anabel, Lacohee, Hazel, Clueas, Eileen, and Gershuny,
around specific interests. Since people may easily belong to several
Jay (1999) "Family life in the digital home: domestic telecommunica-
of these networks, individuals tend to develop their "portfolios of tion at the end of the twentieth century," BT Technology Journal, 17 (1):
sociability," by investing differentially, at different points in time, 85-97.
in a number of networks with low entry barriers and low opportu- Barlow, John Perry (1995) "What are we doing on-line?," Harper,
nity costs. There follows, on the one hand, extreme flexibility in August.
the expression of sociability, as individuals construct and recon- Baym, Nancy (1998) "The emergence of on-line community," in Steve
struct their forms of social interaction. On the other hand, the Jones (ed.), Cybersociety 2.0: Revisiting Computer Mediated Communication
relatively low level of commitment may induce a certain fragility of and Community, pp. 35-68. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
the forms of social support. At the societal level, while some Cardoso, Gustavo (1998) Para una sociologia do ciberespaco: comunidades vir-
observers celebrate diversity, plurality, and choice, Putnam fears tuais em portugues. Oeiras, Portugal: Celta Editora.
"cyberbalkanization" as a way to accentuate the dissolution of Camoy, Martin (2000) Sustaining the New Economy: Work, Family and
social institutions and the decline of civic engagement. Community in the Information Age. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
New technological developments seem to enhance the chances Press.
Castells, Manuel (1983) The City and the Grassroots. Berkeley, CA:
for networked individualism to become the dominant form of
University of California Press.
sociability. The growing stream of studies on the uses of mobile
Di Maggio, Paul, Hargittai, Eszter, Neuman, W. Russell, and Robinson,
phones seems to indicate that cell-telephony fits a social pattern
John P. (2001) "The Internet's effects on society," Annual Reviews of
organized around "communities of choice," and individualized Sociology, forthcoming.
interaction, based on the selection of time, place, and partners Dutton, William (2000) Society on the Line: Information Politics in the Digital
of the interaction (Kopomaa, 2000; Nafus and Tracey, 2000). Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
The projected development of the wireless Internet increases the Espinoza, Vicente (1999) "Social networks among the urban poor:
chances of personalized networking to a wide range of social situa- inequality and integration in a Latin American city," in Barry Wellman
tions, thus enhancing the capacity of individuals to rebuild struc- (ed.), Networks in the Global Village, pp. 147-84. Boulder, CO: Westview
tures of sociability from the bottom up. Press.
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Fischer, Claude (1982) To Dwell Among Friends. Chicago, IL: University of - - (1999) The Internet News Audience Goes Ordinary. Washington, DC:
Chicago Press. Pew Institute.
- - (1992) America Calling. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. - - (2000) Internet and American Life Project. Washington, DC: Pew
- - (2001) "Ever-more rooted Americans," unpublished research Institute.
paper, University of California, Department of Sociology/Russell Sage Putnam, Robert (2000) Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival ofAmerican
Foundation, USA: A Century of Difference Project. Community. New York: Simon and Schuster.
Hampton, Keith and Wellman, Barry (2000) "Examining community Rheingold, Howard (1993) The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the
in the digital neighborhood: early results from Canada's wired Electronic Frontier. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley; rev. edn, 2000,
suburb," in Tom Ishida and K. Katherine Isbister (eds), Digital Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Cities: Technologies, Experiences, and Future Perspectives. Berlin: Springer Tracey, Karina (2000) "Virtual communities: what's new?," paper deliv-
Verlag. ered at the First Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers,
Hiltz, S. R. and Turoff, M. (1995) Network Nation, rev. edn. Cambridge, Lawrence, University of Kansas, September 16.
MA: MIT Press. - - and Anderson, Ben (2001) "The significance of lifestage and
Hochschild, Arlene (1997) The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and lifestyle transitions in the use and disuse of Internet applications and
Home Becomes Work. New York: Metropolitan Books. services," American Behavioral Scientist, 45 (special issue on the Internet
Howard, Philip E., Rainie, Lee, and Jones, Steve (2001) "Days and nights and everyday life).
in the Internet: the impact of diffusing technology," American Turkle, Sherry (1995) Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet.
Behavioral Scientist, 45 (special issue on the Internet and everyday life). New York: Simon and Schuster.
Jones, Steve (ed.) (1997) Virtual Culture. London: Sage. Waldinger, Roger (ed.) (forthcoming) The New Urban Immigrants.
- - (ed.) (1998) Cybersociety 2.0: Revisiting Computer Mediated Commun- Waller, Vivienne (2000) "Families courting the web: the Internet in the
ication and Community. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. everyday life of household families," paper delivered at the First
Katz, James E., Rice, Ronald E., and Aspden, Philip (2001) "The Internet Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, Lawrence,
1995-2000: access, civic involvement, and social interaction," University of Kansas, September.
American Behavioral Scientist, 45 (special issue on the Internet and Wellman, Barry (1979) "The community question," American Journal of
everyday life). Sociology, 84: 1201-31.
Kopomaa, Timo (2000) The City in your Pocket: Birth of the Mobile - - (ed.) (1999) Networks in the Global Village. Boulder, CO: Westview
Information Society. Helsinki: Gaudeamus. Press.
Kraut, Robert et al. (1998) "Internet paradox: a social technology that - - (2000) "Living networked in a wired world," keynote address to the
reduces social involvement and psychological well-being?," American First Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, Lawrence,
Psychologist, 53: 1011-31. University of Kansas, September 14.
Nafus, Dawn and Tracey, Karina (2000) "The more things change: - - (2001) "Physical place and cyberplace: the rise of networked indi-
mobile phone consumption and concepts of personhood," unpub- vidualism," International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 1
lished research paper, University of Cambridge, Department of Social (special issue on networks, class, and place).
Anthropology and British Telecom. - - and Giulia, Milena (1999) "Netsurfers don't ride alone: virtual com-
Perlman, Janice (2001) "Urban marginality: from myth to reality. The munities as communities," in Barry Wellman (ed.), Networks in the
Favelas of Rio de Janeiro, 1969-2001," paper delivered at the Annual Global Village, pp. 331-66. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Anaheim, - - and Haythornthwaite, Carolyne (eds) (forthcoming) Internet in
California, August 16. Everyday Life. Oxford: Blackwell.
Pew Institute for the People and the Press (1995) Technology in the - - et al. (2000) "Does the Internet increase, ignore, decrease or replace
American Household. Washington, DC: Pew Institute. contact with friends and relatives? The evidence from the National
134 135
Virtual Communities or Network Society?
Computer Networks and Civil Society Computer Networks and Civil Society
management by focusing on four distinct, albeit related, areas in determined members of Falun Gong found the spiritual support and
which this interaction takes place: the new dyamics of social move- the information enabling them to converge in person, at a given
ments; the computer networking of local communities and their place and time, in a series of well-organized protests that were met
relevance for citizen participation; the uses of the Internet in the. with harsh repression because of the Chinese government's con-
practice of informational politics; and the emergence of "noo- cern about the potential influence of this movement (Bell and
politik" and cyberwarfare on the geopolitical stage. Boas, 2000; O'Leary, 2000).
In other instances, the technological vulnerability of the Internet
offers the opportunity for individual or collective expressions of
Networked Social Movements protest to disrupt the websites of the electronic networks of gov-
ernment agencies or corporations targeted as representatives of
Twenty-first century social movements, purposive collective oppression or exploitation. This is the case with "hacker-activist
actions aiming at the transformation of values and institutions of protests," which range from individual sabotage to breaking into
society, manifest themselves on and by the Internet. The labor the restricted websites of military agencies or financial companies
movement, a survivor of the industrial era, connects, organizes, to underscore their insecurity and to protest against their goals
and mobilizes with and on the Internet. And so do the environ- (Langman et al., 2000). In the fall of 2000, during the confrontation
mental movement, the women's movement, various human rights between Israelis and Palestinians, pro-Palestinian hackers (al-
movements, ethnic identity movements, religious movements, legedly from Pakistan) broke into the websites of American pro-
nationalist movements, and the defenders/proponents of an Israel organizations, posted political propaganda on the website,
endless list of cultural projects and political causes. Cyberspace has and retrieved and posted on the Net the credit card numbers of
become a global electronic agora where the diversity of human dis- the site's members, in a symbolic protest that prompted a strong
affection explodes in a cacophony of accents. reaction from public opinion.
In the mid-1 990s the Zapatista movement in Chiapas, Mexico, But the Internet is more than just a handy tool to be used because
captured the imagination of people around the world by building it is there. It fits with the basic features of the kind of social move-
support for its cause over electronic networks of faxes and the ments emerging in the Information Age. And because these move-
Internet-related to the media world and to a decentralized struc- ments found their appropriate medium of organization, they
ture of solidarity groups. As I reported earlier (Castells, 1997), at developed and opened new avenues of social change, which, in
the origin of this electronic network of solidarity was La Neta, an turn, enhanced the role of the Internet as their privileged medium.
Internet-based network organizing Mexican women, supported by To build on an historical analogy, the constitution of the labor
the San Francisco Institute of Global Communication, an NGO of movement in the industrial era cannot be separated from the indus-
socially responsible "techies." Throughout the 1990s, major social trial factory as its organizational setting (although some historians
movements around the world became organized with the help of insist on the equally important role of the pub in this respect). We
the Internet. Perhaps the most notorious case is/was Falun Gong, know, from the preceding chapters, that the Internet is not simply a
the Chinese spiritualist/political movement, with tens of millions of technology: it is a communication medium (as the pubs were), and
supporters, which dared to challenge the power of the Communist it is the material infrastructure of a given organizational form: the
Party. The leader of the movement, Li Hongzhi, while living in network (as the factory was). On both counts, the Internet became
New York, kept in touch with a core network of its supporters via the indispensable component of the kind of social movements
the Internet, and it was also by the Internet that thousands of emerging in the network society. This is so for three reasons.
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First, social movements in the Information Age are essentially Putnam (2000) has documented for the United States, and other
mobilized around cultural values. The struggle to change the codes observers have reported in other areas of the world. This is not to
of meaning in the institutions and practice of society is the essen- say that people do not organize and mobilize in defense of their
tial struggle in the process of social change in the new historical interests or in the affirmation of their values. But loose coalitions,
context, as I argued in my book The Power of Identity (Castells, semi-spontaneous mobilizations, and ad hoc movements of the
1997)-a view that builds on a broad stream of research on social neo-anarchist brand substitute for permanent, structured, formal
movements (Touraine, Melucci, Calhoun, Tarrow etc.). In this organizations. Emotional movements, often triggered by a media
sense, I concur with Cohen and Rai (2000) that the distinction event, or by a major crisis, seem often to be more important
between old and new social movements is largely misleading. sources of social change than the day-to-day routine of dutiful
Movements from the industrial era, for example, the labor move- NGOs. The Internet becomes an essential medium of expression
ment, persevere nowadays by redefining themselves in terms of and organization for these kinds of manifestation, which coincide
social values, and broadening the meaning of these social values: in a given time and space, make their impact through the media
for instance, social justice for all, rather than the defense of class world, and act upon institutions and organizations (business, for
interests. On the other hand, some of the most important social instance) by the repercussions of their impact on public opinion.
movements of our time, such as nationalist or religious move- These are movements to seize the power of the mind, not state
ments, are very old in their principles, but they take on a new power.
meaning when they become trenches of cultural identity to build The December 1999 protest against the World Trade Organiza-
social autonomy in a world dominated by homogeneous, global tion in Seattle was a paradigmatic example of this new kind of
information flows. social movement. It brought together a vast coalition of extremely
In this context, communication of values, mobilization around different, and even contradictory, interests and values, from the
meaning, become fundamental. Cultural movements (in the sense battalions of the American labor movement to the swarms of eco-
of movements aimed at defending or proposing specific ways of life pacifists, environmentalists, women's groups, and a myriad of
and meaning) are built around communication systems-essen- alternative groups, including the pagan community. The activists
tially the Internet and the media-because they are the main way of Direct Action Network provided the training and organizational
in which these movements can reach out to those who would skills for many protesters. But the movement was based on the
adhere to their values, and from there to affect the consciousness of exchange of information, on previous months of heated political
society as a whole. debate over the Internet, that preceded the individual and collec-
The second feature characterizing social movements in the tive decisions to go to Seattle and to try to block the meeting of
network society is that they have to fill the gap left by the crisis of what was perceived as an institution enforcing "globalization
vertically integrated organizations inherited from the industrial without representation."
era. Mass political parties, when and where they still exist, are The media linkage to worldwide public opinion was enhanced by
empty shells, barely activated as electoral machines at regular the Seattle "Independent Media Center." Its effective role in the
intervals. Trade unions survive only by abandoning their tradi- Seattle protest has spawned a global network of temporary (event-
tional forms of organization, historically built as replicas of the specific) or permanent "independent media centers," which are the
rational bureaucracies characteristic of large corporations and state information backbone of the anti-globalization movement (www.
agencies. Formal civic associations, and their organizational con- This model of protest was re-enacted months later
glomerates, are in full decline as forms of social engagement, as in Washington, DC, in Bangkok, in Melbourne, in Prague, in the
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Hague, in Nice, in Quebec, and may wander around the world festation of the emergence of a global contested terrain. Cohen and
in the coming years, closely shadowing the periodic landing of Rai (2000) have coordinated a research program on this process of
global flows of wealth and power in their meeting places. The anti- globalization of social movements. What appears from their find-
globalization movement does not have a permanent, professional ings, and from other studies (Keck and Sikkink, 1998; Langman
organization, does not have a center, a command structure, or a et al., 2000), is that the most influential social movements are,
common program. There are hundreds, thousands of organiza- at the same time, rooted in their local context and aiming at a
tions, and individuals, around the world, converging in some sym- global impact. They need the legitimacy and support provided
bolic protests, then dispersing to focus on their own specific by their reliance on local groups, yet they cannot remain local
issues-or just vanishing, to be replaced by new contingents of or they lose their capacity to act upon the real sources of power in
newly born activists. The effectiveness of this movement comes our world. Reversing the popular motto of twenty-five years ago,
precisely from its diversity, which reaches out as far as the violent, social movements must think local (relating to their own concerns
enraged margins of society on one side, and to the heights of moral and identity) and act global-at the level where it really matters
and religious authority on the other. Its influence, already measur- today.
able in terms of a significant change of attitude in institutions as Cohen and Rai (2000) identify six major social movements that
important as the World Bank, comes from the ability to raise issues, have engaged in a global form of coordination and action: human
and force a debate, without entering into a negotiation because no rights, women's, environmental, labor, religious, and peace move-
one can negotiate on behalf of the movement. It is pure move- ments. In all cases the need to build global coalitions, and their
ment, not the precursor of new institutions. This is not new in reliance on global information networks, makes the movements
history, by any means. In fact, this informality and relative spon- highly dependent on the Internet. However, it must be added that
taneity are what have usually characterized the most productive relatively cheap air transportation also plays a role in the globaliza-
social movements. The novelty is their networking via the Internet, tion of social movements since physical meetings, and joint, local-
because it allows the movement to be diverse and coordinated at ized actions, are indispensable tools in enacting social change.
the same time, to engage in a continuing debate, and yet not be The processes of conflictive social change in the Information Age
paralyzed by it, since each one of its nodes can reconfigure a revolve around the struggles to transform the categories of our
network of its affinities and objectives, with partial overlappings existence, by building interactive networks as forms of organiza-
and multiple connections. The anti-globalization movement is not tion and mobilization. These networks, emerging from the resis-
simply a network, it is an electronic network, it is an Internet-based tance of local societies, aim at overcoming the power of global
movement. And because the Internet is its home it cannot be dis- networks, thus reconstructing the world from the bottom up. The
organized or captured. It swims like fish in the net. Internet provides the material basis for these movements to engage
There is a third major factor specifying social movements in in the production of a new society. By so doing, they transform the
our age. Because power increasingly functions in global networks, Internet as well: from organizational business tool and communi-
largely bypassing the institutions of the nation-state, movements cation medium, it becomes a lever of social transformation as
are faced with the need to match the global reach of the powers well-although not always in the terms sought by the social move-
that be with their own global impact on the media, through sym- ments or, for that matter, in defense of the values that you and me
bolic actions. In other words, the globalization of social movements would necessarily share.
is a distinct, and much more important, phenomenon than the
movement against globalization-which is only one specific mani-
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Lessons from History in the Making: The Constitution DDS instantly became an extraordinary success in terms of its
of the Amsterdam Public Digital Culture public appeal, as well as in terms of the interest aroused in the
global Internet community. Residents would take up residence in
A brief account of the trajectory of the most famous citizen com- one "home," post their family photos on the Net, express their feel-
puter network, Amsterdam's Digital City-or De Digitate Stad (DDS) . ings, voice their opinions, organize protests, and vote on issues.
in Dutch-may illustrate the analysis presented here. The DDS There was a squatting law: if a home had not been used by its
experience radiated beyond the community network itself to owner for three months, it could be taken up by another owner.
become the anchoring element of what is known internationally as Residents of the city also came up with their own alternative to
the"Amsterdam public digital culture," a new form of public sphere cope with scarcity of space (disk capacity): they would transform a
combining local institutions, grassroots organizations, and com- home into a flat, to be shared by several residents, therefore
puter networks in the development of cultural expression and civic sharing the computer capacity assigned to the home. One year after
participation (Patrice Riemens, personal communication and pri- its beginning, DDS had 4,000 daily users, with a monthly request
vate archives, 1997-2001; Caroline Nevejan, personal communica- for one million web pages. In only three years, it reached 50,000
tion, 1997, 1999,2001; Marleen Stikker, personal communication, residents, and in 2000 claimed about 140,000. Not only was DDS
1997, 1999; Lovink and Riemens, 1998; Van Bastelaer and Lobet- the European pioneer of citizen networks, but it became the largest
Maris, 2000; Van den Besselaar, 2001). community-based computer network in Europe. In spite of the fact
The Digital City was launched in January 1994, originally as a that only a minority of residents were living in Amsterdam, the
ten-week experiment to set up an electronic dialogue between the language boundary gave DDS a distinctive Dutch character.
city council and the citizens of Amsterdam, and as a social experi- For the experience to be analytically meaningful it is necessary to
ment in interactive communication. Given its success, it was reconstruct the process of formation of DDS, and to place it in the
expanded to a fully fledged "networked community" which pro- historical context of Amsterdam's digital culture tradition. DDS
vided information resources and free communication capability to was the result of the convergence of two very different networks:
its users. Some of them were "residents" of the city, after complying on the one hand, artists and people from the media scene inter-
with the registration procedures. Others were visitors. Most of the ested in experimenting with new media; on the other hand, the
information was in Dutch, but English could be used for communi- hacker community, interested in diffusing access to the Internet.
cation in chat rooms. Although originally aimed at Amsterdam's Two women were at the origin of the connection between these
residents, it was of course accessed globally. Indeed, the proportion two groups in the conception of a shared project. Marleen Stikker
of Amsterdam-based users dropped from 45 percent in 1994 to (who would become the first virtual "mayor" of the Digital City)
22 percent in 1998. The city metaphor materialized in the structure was organizing cultural events, experimenting with new media as
of the site. There was a municipal bulletin board, so that citizens a tool for new forms of people-based communication and expres-
could check all relevant municipal documents and deliberations of sion. In the early 1990s she organized major cultural events, such
the city council, and express their opinion. The city of Amsterdam as Van Gogh TV and the Wetware Convention. She was also influ-
was the first local administration to agree to link its internal net- enced by the Freenet experience in the US, and was acquainted
works to the Internet, in an effort of controlled transparency. DDS with the early Internet. The cultural center De Balie (sponsored by
was virtually organized in homes, squares, cafes, digital kiosks, the social-democratic municipality of Amsterdam) invited Stikker
digital houses of culture and the arts, and even a digital sex-shop. A to include multimedia and computer communication events in the
central station offered access to the global Internet. center's program.
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Caroline Nevejan was also working on new media at another tion, participating in the squatter movement and in the peace
cultural center, Paradiso, where she came into contact, in the late movement. They sought information and support for their strug-
1980s with the HackTic group, a key actor in Amsterdam's hacker gles from alternative computer networks, such as PeaceNet and
culture. A participant in the squatters movement (she founded. GreenNet, making use of the FIDONET infrastructure. One of
Bluff, one of the movement's magazines), Nevejan connected with the most active members of this culture was Michael Polman, the
the hackers by inviting the Hamburg-based Chaos Computer Club founder of Antenna, a connectivity and resources center for NGOs
to Paradiso in 1988. Rop Gonggrijp, the founder of HackTic, and working on North/South solidarity. On the other hand, the most
Patrice Riemens, cooperated with Nevejan to organize interna- political hackers, with the support of a system's administrator from
tional events such as the 1989 "Galactic Hackers Party," in which Delft Polytechnicum, constituted a social movement: HackTic, led
they were joined by a network of political techno-activists. In 1990, by Rop Gonggrijp.
when the International Conference on AIDS in San Francisco was Then, through Caroline Nevejan, in 1993 Marleen Stikker met
disrupted by the refusal of visas to anti-AIDS activists by US the leaders of HackTic, Felipe Rodriguez and Rop Gonggrijp, and
authorities, the same group organized an alternative event in invited them to participate in her cultural program at De Balie.
Amsterdam: the Sero-Positive Ball. It was a major gathering, They conceived the formation of a citizen network that would
including hackers, academics, NGOs, with the support of public provide an open platform for cultural expression and community
institutions and companies, such as Apple. The event launched a debate on public issues, besides experimenting with the new
campaign of on-line organizing and information activities on AIDS medium of communication. The result of their joint project became
issues, such as HIV-net. A series of similar events continued to take the Digital City when the city of Amsterdam decided to support the
place throughout the 1990s and into 2001, benchmarking the rise experiment at a time when the March 1994 municipal elections
of the Amsterdam public digital culture. It is worth mentioning were approaching. Financial support (150,000 ecus) came from the
activities such as the three successive 'Next Five Minutes' city of Amsterdam, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and the
Conferences on 'Tactical Media' at Paradiso and De Balie in 1993, Ministry of Internal Affairs.
1996, and 1999. There were two international summer gatherings The origins of the Digital City are meaningful both for analytical
of hackers: "Hacking at the End of the Universe" in 1993 (where purposes and for its subsequent development. It epitomized the
the DDS plan was first conceived) and "Hacking in Progress" in origins of European citizen networks in the countercultural move-
1997. Planned for 2001 was 'HAL' ("Hackers at Large"), organized ments and in the hacker culture, a theme recurrent throughout
by the XS4all Foundation and the usual HackTic/hippy suspects. this book. This hacker culture sprang from the university world,
Amsterdam's hacker culture and the techno-activist networks both through the inspiration of academic researchers, and as an
did not develop in a social vacuum. There is in The Netherlands a expression of student politics. But this historical background also
long tradition of interest in cybernetics and alternative computer shows how the ability of citizen networks to reach out to a broader
development, rooted in the strong academic community of physics user base is highly dependent on institutional support from an
researchers. Some prominent academics, such as Herschberg at open-minded administration-in spite of the divergence of goals.
Leiden University and De Zeeuw, a social scientist at the University These differences between the components of Amsterdam's
of Amsterdam, protected and helped these rebellious computer community network would reflect in its development. Having con-
geeks. Some of them were essentially interested in computers, and cluded a positive experiment, the HackTic network went its own
created a BBS culture in the 1980s, with groupings such as the way in 1995 and became an Internet access provider, under a new
Hobby Computer Club. Others came from a more political tradi- name: XS4all (access for all). It was so successful that in 1998 it was
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bought by the Dutch telecommunications company KPN, with the political issues. Later on, DDS came into competition with several
proviso of a three-year period of "independence." The six former websites, including the city of Amsterdam's own website. Data
owners of XS4all became very rich, and many of its employees from a log-file analysis over time showed that the ten most visited
reasonably wealthy. They used some of their money to support. websites accounted for 85 percent of all hits, while 75 percent of
worthy Internet causes. Yet the independent hackers' network is the sites were not visited at all. There was also a major discrepancy
alive and well, as exemplified by the vitality of the "Hippies from between the supply of information and the use of information
Hell" network, still meeting virtually on e-mail, and physically in depending on content category: in the politics category, there was
"The Hang Out," a meeting place and cultural activities center much more supply than use; while in the information-technology
in East Amsterdam. category, there was much more use than supply. This may imply
The original media-oriented network scattered itself into alterna- that the majority of users are more interested in information about
tive local cultural scenes, including radio and television. Marleen technology than in politics. It could still be that the input in pOliti-
Stikker and Caroline Nevejan created a new group to support cal debates would be very high. But this is not the case: the level of
cultural experimentation, the Society for Old and New Media, activity in political forums declined over the years, and in 2000
symbolically housed in the historical building The Waag, property very little of such activity was visible (Van den Besselaar, 200 1).
of the city of Amsterdam. They also parted company later on: The contradictory evolution of DDS was reflected in its recurrent
Marleen Stikker continued to be active in Amsterdam's cultural financial problems. At the outset, there was a launching grant, but
scene; Caroline Nevejan became a senior information technology it was used for the building of the infrastructure. It was expected
adviser at Amsterdam Polytechnic. that DDS would become self-sufficient over time, by providing free
DDS restructured itself as a foundation in 1995, and assumed a service to individuals but having institutions and NGOs pay for the
managerial structure. It streamlined decision procedures, limiting service. Financial autonomy was not only a condition of the gov-
citizen participation, and offering better services. In 2000, new com- ernment, but the desire of the community network in order to
munication possibilities, such as a digital living room and DDS assert its independence. However, the success of DDS, coupled
broadcasting, were introduced. The interface provided by DDS with the explosion of the Internet, and the sudden commercial
developed substantially over time. DDS 1.0 (until October 1994) interest in it, created major contradictions among the idealistic
started as a bulletin board system and was text-based only. As soon activists at the origin of the network and the managers of the foun-
as the world wide web became available, DDS adopted it. In October dation. In addition, as is often the case in social movements, per-
1994, under DDS 2.0, a new graphic interface, based on Mosaic, was sonal problems between some of the key actors, and disputes about
introduced, but at the price of eliminating interactivity, except for e- the use of financial resources, permeated into organizational
mail. Then DDS 3.0 restored interactivity, and DDS 4.0, in 1999, conflicts (for instance in the split between the De Balie center and
improved the design of the site. However, overall, DDS was behind the XS4all network). As for the municipality, the diffusion of the
new commercial Internet sites in both technology and design. Internet among the general population made it unnecessary to use
Indeed, the major issue that DDS had to confront was the com- countercultural experiments to inform citizens and request their
petition from the spread of Internet use to which it had contributed opinion on local matters, so it took the web design and provision
so much in The Netherlands. This was reflected in the changing of municipal information into its own hands by building its own
uses and the changing composition of DDS users. In the early citizen website, the City of Glass. This greatly diminished the finan-
period, 1994-7, users participated in the building of the city, and cial support for DDS. Over time, members of the cultural and
engaged in debates about its management, as well as on broader artistic circles of Amsterdam became more deeply involved in DDS,
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as on-line distribution of audio and image were among the most Patrice Riemens, a long-time observer of the Digital City, sum-
important expressions of electronic community in the city. marized the rise and fall of the experiment in December 2000:
DDS existed in ambiguity, and perhaps contradiction, between
the DDS had quite a few stakeholders which were not lacking influence.
its image as a democratic, networked community and its reality as
After all, the concept of the Amsterdam Public Digital Culture, of which
a top-down managed foundation, only accountable to the founda- DDS has been a central feature, is not entirely a figment of the spirit. But
tion's board, and to its managers who ended up accumulating all in the end, it either proved a transient phenomenon or did not have very
decision-making power. As DDS expanded, there was an increas- much substance to begin with. Not enough in any case to forestall its-
ing split between managers of the foundation and residents of the with the benefit of hindsight-foreseeable and irresistible demise. And
virtual city. After some shouting matches (both physical and its resurrection in very much different guises. (personal communication)
virtual), most active members of the community gave up and used
Another leading expert on the maUer, Van den Besselaar (2001)
it just as a service. As for the management of DDS, their attitude
goes even further in his pessimistic assessment:
could be summarized by a statement from the coordinator in one of
the heated exchanges with the city dwellers: "the fact that the tele- The DDS will not survive 200 1, the Digital City will be abolished and the
phone system is the property of the people does not entitle them to commercial part may continue, or the whole thing will be taken over.
occupy the telephone exchange" (reported by Patrice Riemens, The experiment of the DDS as an independent non-profit approach has
personal communication, 2000). failed; we may have to rethink the role of the public sector for guaran-
The commercialization of the Internet put increasing pressure on teeing and regulating the electronic public domain. As with physical
public space, virtual public space requires care and maintenance, and
the Digital City. Seeing the opportunity for a profit-making opera-
resources to do this. The main question is whether there is room left for
tion, the two DDS managers transformed DDS into a holding busi-
non-commercial Internet culture and social interaction.
ness, and divided its activities into four different organizations to
cross-subsidize the Digital City from services and advertising in the History never ends, though. In early 2001, a netizen take-over
other segments of the holding. As a result, there was growing of the bankrupt DDS was being attempted by a newly created
tension between the new role of DDS as a commercial Internet "Association in constitution (for the DDS"-vio DDS) led by Reinder
content provider and the original goals of the community network. Rustema. Its aim was to recover control of DDS community-oriented
Finally, on October 5, 2000, a press release issued in Amsterdam services from DDS Holdings, and to reconstruct the experience on
bluntly stated that: new grounds. Ironically, by providing hope of the revaluation of the
assets of the defunct DDS, the netizens increased its financial value,
The Digital City Holdings Pvt Ltd (DDS) has decided to terminate the edi-
making it more difficult to transfer the remnants of DDS to its origi-
torial activities pursued through its subsidiary DDS City Ltd. Over this
nal citizens. For the moment, the struggle goes on ...
past half year, there has been a dramatic shift in the investing environ-
Thus, whither citizen networks as neo-anarchist fantasies of the
ment concerning the Business to Consumer (B2C) Internet industry. At
the moment, activities that were taking place in the subsidiary DDS City early Internet era? In fact, as usual, the process by which historical
are showing a loss, and with no fresh investment money forthcoming change muddles through is far more complex. At about the same
they must be curtailed. time as the great Dutch experiment was spiraling down from its
high hopes, in Paris, on December 15, 2000, there was a major
In only a few years, there had been a dramatic shift from the gathering of "digital countercultures" (the ZeligConf); and in
dreams of the electronic free commune to the harsh world of a Barcelona, on November 2, 2000, about five hundred representa- business in crisis. tives from citizen networks from around the world (mainly from
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Europe and Latin America) met to build a global network of citizen the years to come. But if it does, local/global citizen computer net-
networks. Many were sponsored by local governments, feeling that works will undoubtly be one of its essential components.
their turn to enter the Internet Age had finally come, and trying to
find a formula to fight political skepticism among their citizens.
Others came from revamped NGOs feeling the pinch of competi- The Internet, Democracy, and Informational Politics
tion from religious groups, and the pain from the growing apathy
of charitable donors, in search of a new magic to help the people. The Internet was expected to be an ideal instrument to further
Still others were the heroic survivors of networked communities democracy-and still is. Political information can be easily
that were finally in the social mainstream, after years of effort accessed, so citizens can be almost as well informed as their leaders.
to put the new technologies at the service of society. There were With govemment goodwill, all public records, as well as a wide
also the militants of the new social movements, academics com- range of non-classified information, could be made available on-
mitted to diffusing their knowledge, government officials in a line. Interactivity makes it possible for citizens to request informa-
learning process, international agencies updating their programs, tion, voice their opinion, ask for a personalized answer from their
journalists reporting on on-line reporting, and even participants representatives. Instead of the government watching people,
from the business world, looking for a taste of corporate social people could be watching their government-which is actually
responsibility. their right, since in theory people are the masters of the place. And
Altogether, the gathering, to be re-convened one year later in yet, most studies and reports describe a bleak picture-with the
Buenos Aires, appeared to foreshadow a new, global civil society, possible exception of Scandinavian democracies.
built by the networking of community-based computer networks Governments at all levels use the Internet, primarily, as an elec-
and civic associations. If this embryo, and similar efforts currently tronic billboard to post their information without much effort at
sprouting in different areas of the world, could actually develop, it real interaction. Parliamentary representatives often have their
would add a new, meaningful layer of social organization. They own websites, but they do not pay excessive attention to them,
would not necessarily be social movements, since most of them either in their design or in their response to citizens' requests. Their
seem to be linked in one way or another to the local state. Nor answers are processed by their members of staff, in general with
would they be oblivious to commercial interests, since Internet little difference from what they were doing earlier in responding to
business takes place wherever people are on-line. Yet, by connect- written letters. Indeed, on some of the websites of British MPs, in
ing globally, they could strengthen their autonomy and represen- 2000, citizens were encouraged to write by regular mail and were
tativeness in their local settings. This is because they would benefit warned that answers would take at least a week. According to an
from information, support, resources, and legitimacy from global informal survey by the Institute of Economic Affairs in the UK of
sources of solidarity and connection, rather than being exclusively the websites of 97 MPs, in November 2000, their design and main-
dependent on their local ties. Furthermore, local institutions may tenance were extremely poor and indicated considerable neglect.
connect to the world through their community networks, thus An interesting and well-documented international study of the
engaging in organizational cooperation and public image-making. use of the Internet in the parliaments of OEeD countries docu-
And the local state, looking for a breathing space, may find it tacti- mented the rapid increase of Internet use, both by the parliament
cally useful to side with civil society as a counterpoint to the and in its relationship with the electorate, but it also showed, gen-
merger between the nation-state and global capitalism. It is still erally speaking, a great deal of continuity with traditional political
unclear if a global civil society is emerging, or if it could emerge in practices (Coleman, Taylor, and Van den Donk, 1999). Docter,
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Dutton, and Elberse (1999) studied the California Democracy only persons, media politics is highly personalized, and organized
Network (DNET), an on-line voters' guide. They found it instruc- around the image of the candidates. Thus, media politics leads
tive and useful, and it seemed to playa functional role in inform- to the prevalence of "scandal politics" (Rose-Ackerman, 1999;
ing citizens about their choices. However, its use was very limited: Thompson, 2000). This is because leaking information to the media
it had less than 4,000 visitors just before the gubernatorial election, to discredit the opponent, or producing counter-information to
suggesting that "DNET's role in the political arena is at the restore the image of an embattled politician, has become a critical
margins" (Doctor, Dutton, and Elberse, 1999: 187). Political parties weapon of latter-day politics. The media are the necessary inter-
routinely go on the web, and, during election campaigns, their mediaries, and for access to the media it is necessary to know the
candidates, or their surrogates, dutifully cater to the web. Yet, tele- right channels, and in some cases to have the money to produce
vision, radio, and newspapers are still the preferred media since and diffuse the appropriate information. Not that the media control
they fit better in the one-to-many communication pattern that is politicians. Rather, the media form the space of politics, and politi-
still the norm in politics. cians are the ones who, in order to free themselves of the control of
In fact, it would be surprising if the Internet reverses, by means of party bureaucracies, choose to relate directly to citizens at large-
its technology, what is a deep-seated political distrust among the thus using the media as their channel of mass communication.
majority of citizens throughout the world. Thus, at the time of However, all this is changing because of the Internet.
the California gubernatorial election of 1998, to which the study The Internet provides, in principle, a horizontal, non-controlled,
by Docter and co-workers refers, the Public Policy Institute of relatively cheap, channel of communication, from one-to-one as
California conducted a poll of a representative sample of California well as from one-to-many. As I stated, there is still only limited use
voters, according to which 54 percent of the voters thought that of this channel by politicians. Yet, there is a growing use of the
"public officials don't care what people like me think" (the propor- Internet by maverick journalists, political activists, and people of all
tion for the US as a whole was of 60 percent) (Baldassare, 2000: 43). kinds as a channel to diffuse political information and rumors.
In a world of widespread crisis of political legitimacy, and citi- Precisely because of its openness, many of these rumors never find
zens' disaffection vis-a-vis their representatives, the interactive, credibility, as witness the innumerable conspiracy theories that
multi-directional channel of communication provided by the populate the Internet's chat rooms and radical websites of all sorts.
Internet finds few active takers on both sides of the link. Politicians But there are also instances of relevant political information dif-
and their institutions post their announcements and respond fused over the Internet that could not have reached the same level
bureaucratically-except when election time comes. Citizens do of diffusion, or with the same speed, if they had circulated through
not see much point in spending their energy on political queries, the mainstream media. This was the case for the first information
except when struck by an event that arouses their indignation or concerning the Monica Lewinsky affair, diffused by a freelance
touches their personal interests. The Internet cannot provide a Los Angeles journalist via his Internet newsletter, while the main
technological fix to the crisis of democracy. media were still evaluating the story. Or else, the memoirs of
Yet, the Internet does have a significant role in the new political Fran\ois Mitterrand's doctor, barred from diffusion by the French
dynamics, characterized by what I have called "informational polit- courts, which found their way to the French people via the
ics" (Castells, 1997). Access to government in our societies is Internet:--prompting a strong reaction from the French govern-
largely based on media politics, and on information systems that ment' as I will analyze in Chapter 6. There are no more political
provoke the support or rejection of people's minds, thus influenc- secrets in the Internet Age, once they have gone beyond a very
ing their electoral behavior. Because people do not trust programs, small circle of insiders. Because of the speed of diffusion of the
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news, the media have to be on guard, and react to these rumors, groups who could escape detection or retaliation-and such attacks
evaluate them, decide how to report them-they cannot dismiss have indeed taken place on a limited scale, for instance against
them any longer. The borderline between gossip, fantasy, and NATO computers by Serbian hackers during the Kosovo war, or
valuable political information becomes increasingly blurred, thus against Russian command centers by pro-Chechen hackers.
further complicating the use of information as the privileged polit- Nevertheless, it appears that, at least in the case of the United
ical weapon in the Internet Age. States' government, the fears of vulnerability are somewhat over-
Therefore, for the time being, rather than strengthening democ- blown. While some computers at NASA or the Pentagon have
racy by fostering the knowledge and participation of the citizens, indeed been broken into by hackers, electronic defenses for the key
use of the Internet tends to deepen the crisis of political legitimacy nodes of the system seem to be reasonably robust. I would assume
by providing a broader launching platform for the politics of that major world powers have similarly efficient systems of protec-
scandal. The problem, naturally, is not with the Internet, but with tion. However, the system is indeed vulnerable, not at its center,
the kind of polity our societies are generating. A polity that ulti- but at its periphery. This is for two reasons. The first is because the
mately shapes the power of the state at a time when states are con- critical security issue for any country is not necessarily the comput-
fronting a transformation of their security environment. ers at the defense department, but the entire electronic network on
which the daily life of people and the functioning of the economy
depend. Because the Internet, and computer networks in general,
Security and Strategy in the Internet Age: have interconnected the entire country, indeed the world, avenues
for the penetration of security systems are nearly unlimited. There
Cyberwar, Noopolitik, Swarming
is a powerful counter-measure that could strengthen security
We know from Sun Tze and Clausewitz that war is the pursuit of throughout the system: the diffusion of advanced encryption tech-
politics by other means. Thus, informational politics naturally leads nology for organizations and for people at large. With the entire
to the possibility of informational warfare and, more broadly, to network able to protect itself at the point of its individual compon-
the emergence of a new security doctrine appropriate to the ents, intrusions into the network become much more difficult.
Internet Age. Several related issues must be considered. I will try to However, governments are barring the diffusion of encryption
disentangle them with the help of the research conducted on these technology, claiming that this would empower criminal activities.
matters at the Rand Corporation for a number of years by John In fact, as I will discuss in Chapter 6, it is a last ditch attempt
Arquilla and David Ronfeldt, in my view the leading analysts of by states to keep some level of control over information flows, on
security affairs in the informational paradigm (1999, 2000). which their power has been founded for centuries. In one of the
Much has been made of the vulnerability of military installations greatest historical ironies, the attempt to control information by for-
and strategic command centers of government to cyber-attack from bidding distribution of encryption capacity leaves the state-and
hostile hackers. Indeed, the ability to retrieve critical information, society-vulnerable to attacks from the periphery of the network.
pollute databases, or create havoc with key communication systems There is a second major source of a state's vulnerability to cyber-
becomes a weapon of choice in the new technological environment. attack. The emergence of a global network state, formed by coop-
The more a government and a society depend on their advanced eration between governments around the world on a number
communications network, the more they become exposed to such of issues, including security matters, and the extension of this
attacks. Furthermore, unlike conventional or nuclear warfare, these network to an increasing number of NGOs, has created an elec-
attacks could be launched by individual hackers, or by small, able tronic network of shared governance. Under such conditions the
158 159
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security of one particular node, including a powerful one, is only as collective political behavior. It requires a technological infrastruc-
good as the security of the network as a whole-which, of course, ture-the Internet, and global networked media. It also demands a
is not very good on average. States react by differentiating their liberal information order, ensuring the free movement of ideas and
openness to cooperation and networking by levels, so that only the images. But it also implies the flexibility of states and political
most trusted partners have access to the most strategic networks. leaders to change their own ideas, to correct their views in order to
Yet, this distrustful cooperation limits partnership, and ultimately connect with their changing global environment. In other words,
undermines joint security efforts-for instance in international cultural hegemony is not persuasion: it requires the acceptance of
police work, the only effective way to counter the global criminal co-evolution. However, because political strategy is a medium for
economy or international terrorism. In other words, the more power-making, there is a double game taking place: on the one
the state refuses to limit its sovereignty (either by encryption or hand, the opening up of a global information and communication
international cooperation), the more it becomes vulnerable to space, as open as possible to its diverse participants (governments,
cyber-attack. international organizations, business firms, and NGOs); on the
There is a more fundamental transformation of international other hand, from the point of view of a specific government or
security issues: the rise of "noopolitik," using the terminology pro- organization, an information strategy will be needed to further its
posed by Arquilla and Ronfeldt. "Noopolitik" refers to the political own interests and values within the rules of the game. Thus,
issues arising from the formation of a "noosphere," or global infor- shaping global views as much as possible in a mold favorable to a
mation environment, which includes cyberspace and all other given set of national or social interests becomes the new, and most
information systems-the media, for instance. Noopolitik can be effective, frontier of the exercise of power on the world stage.
contrasted with realpolitik, the traditional approach in terms of fos- Yet, as long as states exist, their raison d'etre remains, in the last
tering the power of the state in the international arena, by negoti- resort, their ability to exercise violence in defense of the interests
ation, force, or the potential use of force. Realpolitik does not they represent-including their own. But warfare is also being
disappear in the Information Age. But it remains state-centric, in transformed by computer networks. First, technologically: elec-
an era organized around networks, including networks of states. In tronic communications, surveillance systems, unmanned aircraft,
a world characterized by global interdependence and shaped by and satellite-guided munitions are the decisive weapons in military
information and communication, the ability to act on information confrontation. Secondly, strategically. A new strategic thinking is
flows, and on media messages, becomes an essential tool for foster- rapidly gaining favor among defense think-tanks in the US and in
ing a political agenda. Indeed, social movements and NGOs have NATO. It is called "swarming." It represents a sharp departure from
become much more adept at acting on people's minds around the military concepts based on massive build-ups of fire power,
globe by intervening in the noosphere; that is, in the system of armored hardware, and large concentrations of troops. It calls for
communication and representation where categories are formed, small, autonomous units, provided with high fire power, good
and models of behavior are constituted. training, and real-time information. These "pods" would form
Public diplomacy aimed at societies, and not just at governments, "clusters" able to concentrate on an enemy target for a small
becomes an essential national security strategy, which may prevent fraction of time, inflicting major damage, and dispersing again. This
confrontation, increase the opportunity for alliances, and foster "non-linear" warfare eliminates the notion of a front line, and
cultural and political hegemony. This is distinct from propaganda represents a high-tech version of the old tradition of guerrilla strug-
or public relations. It is the actual capacity to intervene in the gles. This "network-centric" warfare, in Pentagon terminology, is
process of mental representation underlying public opinion and entirely dependent on robust, secure communications, able to
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maintain constant connection between the nodes of an all-channel turn the military into a "sensory organization," while the system will be
network. A combination of satellite transmission and mobile com- crucial for internetting the operational units. The command, control,
puter networking would enable platoon-size units to coordinate communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnais-
their actions, with the support of air power, and logistical units, out- sance (C4ISR) system may generate so much information that it will be
maneuvering the enemy by their advantage in information as a necessary ... to retain "topsight"-a big picture of what is going on.
result of knowing where they are, where they are going to be, and The combination of autonomy and topsight is obtained by
what they have to accomplish in the episodes of combat. Further- computer-based inter-networking on the ground, between the
more, their self-reliant character allows them a superior level of autonomous units, and between the units and command and con-
initiative, without losing the coordination of their purpose. trol centers. These centers become providers of a broad operational
The US Marine Corps has already successfully experimented with perspective, rather than micro-managers of the actual operations.
these new tactics in its Hunter Warrior/Sea Dragon war-fighting Swarming appears to be the new frontier of strategic thinking
exercises. The US armed forces seemed to be moving in the direc- and military practice, one that could match the security threats
tion of a hybrid of the still dominant air-land battle strategy and the posed by the swarming ability of international terrorism, and
swarm battle strategy. An indication of the new mode of thinking unpredictable hostile forces around the world. Several experimen-
was the tentative decision, in 2000, of gradually replacing tanks tal programs were under way in the US military in 2000: the
with light armored vehicles, better suited to the mobility required "Army After Next" program to empower light forces; the Navy
for the new way of fighting. If this new strategy were to be adopted, "Fleet Battle" experiments, based on the concept of "network-
the implications for the armed forces are enormous. The entire centric warfare"; the Marines' "Chechen swarming" concept,
organization of large-scale corps, divisions, regiments, and battal- modeled on the successful tactics of Chechen fighters against the
ions would have to be undone. So would the functional division Russian troops; the Marine "infestation teams," designed to operate
between different specialties: infantry, armored units, communi- in a decentralized but internetted fashion, and so on. Interestingly
cations, artillery, engineering. Units should be largely multi- enough, thirty years after its inception, the Pentagon seems to have
functional, and rely on their networking capacity for mutual found a real use for Internet-related technologies, but not so much
support. They would also be entirely dependent on intelligence- for the original, much-vaunted, Paul Baran goal of surviving a
gathering and information-processing. The entire military structure nuclear strike, as for adapting to the new forms of warfare-savage,
should in fact be shaken up. Furthermore, as the military increas- individualized confrontations between swarming networks of
ingly act in political and functional cooperation with the armed small bands powered by information technology. "Swarming,"
forces of other countries, the polyvalence of small units could pro- conclude Arquilla and Ronfeldt (2000: 26), "provides an important
vide the building blocks of a fighting force to be assembled on an alternative vision of the future for the American military-and it
ad hoc basis, depending on the objectives and circumstances of each may well do so for other militaries, too, if they begin looking for
military mission. On the other hand, the compatibility of communi- innovations that may enable them to outwit the Americans.
cations and computing systems and of networking procedures Whoever gets there first may find in swarming the doctrinal cata-
becomes a necessary condition for any kind of joint military opera- lyst for waging cyberwar-the military end of the information-age
tion. As Arquilla and Ronfeldt (2000: 46) point out, conflict spectrum." Whether by information-based technology, by
swarming military tactics, or by building ideational hegemony, the
this doctrinal vision cannot be effected in the absence of a fully inte- means and goals of state power in our world depend on communi-
grated surveillance and communication system. The vision must help cation and networking. By assuming these new means, states do
162 163
Computer Networks and Civil Society Computer Networks and Civil Society
not fade away, but they are deeply transformed in their structure is perhaps the most fundamental political issue raised by the devel-
and in their practice. opment of the Internet.
164 165
Computer Networks and Civil Society Computer Networks and Civil Society
Grossman, Lawrence K. (1995) The Electronic Republic: Reshaping Servon, Lisa (2002) Bridging the Digital Divide, Oxford: Blackwell.
Democracy in the Information Age. New York: Penguin. Sklair, Leslie (2000) The Transnational Capitalist Class. Oxford: Blackwell.
Ro, K. C. and Zaheer, Barber (2000) "Sites of resistance: charting the Smith, Jackie, et al. (eds) (1997) Transnational Social Movements and World
alternative and marginal websites in Singapore," Singapore: National Politics: Solidarity Beyond the State. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press.
University of Singapore, Department of Sociology, paper delivered at . Starhawk (2000) "Comment no us avons bloque rOMC," Multitudes, 1
the First Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, (March): 102-7.
Lawrence, University of Kansas, September 14-17. Tarrow, Sidney (1995) Power in Movement: Social Movements and Con-
Juris, Jeffrey S. (forthcoming) "Transnational activism and the Move- tentious Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
ment for Global Resistance in Spain," unpublished PhD dissertation, - - (1996) Fishnets, Internets and Catnets: Globalization and Transnational
University of California, Department of Anthropology, Berkeley, Collective Action. Madrid: Instituto Juan March de Estudios e
California. Investigaciones.
Keck, Margaret E. and Sikkink, Kathryn (1998) Activists Beyond Borders: Thompson, John (2000) Political Scandals. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Advocacy Networks in International Politics. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Touraine, Alain (1989) Le retour de l'acteur. Paris: Fayard.
Press. Van Bastelaer, Beatrice and Lobet-Maris, Claire (2000) "The Digitale
Langman, Lauren, Morris, Douglas, Zalewski, Jackie, Ignacio, Emily, and Stad (DDS), Amsterdam: between public domain and private enter-
Davidson, Carl (2000) "Globalization, domination, and cyberactivism," prise", Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh, SLIM Project, unpub-
paper delivered at the First Conference of the Association of Internet lished research report.
Researchers, Lawrence, University of Kansas, September 14-17. Van den Besselaar, Peter (2001) "E-community versus e-commerce: the
Lesser, Ian, et al. (1999) Countering the New Terrorism. Santa Monica, CA: rise and decline of Amsterdam Digital City," AI and Society: the Journal
RAND, Project Air Force. of Human-centered Systems and Machine Intelligence, 1 (forthcoming).
Lovink, Geert and Riemens, Patrice (1998) "The monkey's tail: the
Amsterdam Digital City three and a half years later," in Richard Wolff
et al. (eds), Possible Urban Worlds: Urban Strategies at the End of the
Twentieth Century, Proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the
International Network for Urban Research and Action (INURA). Basel e-Li nks
and Boston: Birkhaeuser. Cisler, Stephen (2000), posted 7 November
Melucci, Alberto (1989) Nomads of the Present: Social Movements and
Individual Needs in Contemporary Society. Philadelphia, PA: Temple On citizen networks.
University Press.
O'Leary, Stephen D. (2000) "Falun Gong and the Internet", USC August 18,2000)
Annenberg Online Journalism Review.
Presidencia da Republica do Portugal (2000) Os Cidadaos e a sociedade de On the Amsterdam Digital City.
informacao, Proceedings of an International Conference. Lisbon:
Imprenta Nacional. On Falung Gong and the Internet.
Putnam, Robert (2000) Bowling Alone: The Decline ofCommunity in America.
New York: Basic Books.
Rose-Ackerman, Susan (1999) Corruption and Government. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Schuler, Douglas (1996) New Community Networks: Wired for Change. New
York: Addison-Wesley.
166 167
Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace
Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace
evils roaming the Internet. To no avail. The 1995 Communications the power they were losing (Lyon, 2001a, b). Yet, new technolo-
Decency Act was declared unconstitutional by a US federal court in gies of freedom are being opposed to these technologies of control,
Pennsylvania, on June 12, 1996, stating that "Just as the strength civil society comes to the trenches of new battles for liberty, and
of the Internet is chaos, so the strength of our liberty depends upon the judiciary offers a degree of protection against blatant abuses, at
the chaos and cacophony of the unfettered speech the First least in some contexts (not in the workplace). The Internet is no
Amendment protects" (quoted in Lewis, 1996). This "constitu- longer a free realm, but neither has it fulfilled the Orwellian
tional right to chaos" was upheld by the Supreme Court on June prophecy. It is a contested terrain, where the new, fundamental
26, 1997. A new attempt by the Clinton administration to enable battle for freedom in the Information Age is being fought.
government to censor the Internet, the 1998 Child On-line Protec-
tion Act, was again struck down in June 2000 by the US Court of
Appeals in Philadelphia. Because of the difficulty of bringing the Technologies of Control
US on the side of government regulation of computer communica-
tion, given the global nature of the network the direct attempt by A variety of technologies of control have emerged from the inter-
the state to control the Internet by traditional means of censorship twined interests of commerce and governments. There are tech-
and direct repression appears to have failed. nologies of identification, of surveillance, and of investigation.
However, these two foundations of liberty on the Internet could All rely on two basic assumptions: the asymmetrical knowledge
be challenged, and are indeed being challenged, by new technolo- of codes in the network; and the ability to define a specific space of
gies and new regulations (Lessig, 1999; Samuelson, 2000a). communication susceptible of control. Let us review succinctly
Software applications can be layered on top of Internet protocols, these issues, as a step in analyzing the processes of restriction of
making it possible to identify communication routes and content. freedom at work on the Internet.
By using these technologies, privacy can be breached, and once Technologies of identification include the use of passwords,
individuals can be related to specific communication processes in "cookies," and authentication procedures. "Cookies" are digital
specific institutional contexts, all traditional forms of political and markers automatically placed by websites in the hard disks of
organizational control can be unleashed upon the networked indi- the computers that connect to them. Once the "cookie" is set in the
vidual. This is the powerful, convincing argument put forward by computer, all on-line movements from that computer are auto-
Lawrence Lessig in his influential book Code and Other Laws of matically recorded by the server of the website that placed the
Cyberspace (1999). Although my views diverge somewhat from his "cookie." Authentication procedures use digital signatures that
interpretation (and more so from his normative position), Lessig's allow other computers to verify the origin and features of the inter-
thesis should be taken as the starting-point of this analysis. The acting correspondent. They often rely on encryption technology.
transformation of liberty and privacy on the Internet is a direct Authentication often works in layers, with individual users being
result of its commercialization. The need to secure and identify identified by servers that are themselves identified by networks.
communication on the Internet to make money out of it, and the One of the earliest examples of security protocols on the Internet
need to protect intellectual property rights on the Net, have led to was the "secure socket layer" (SSL) introduced by Netscape. Other
the development of new software architectures (which Lessig calls standard security protocols have been adopted by consortiums of
"the code") that make it possible to control computer communica- credit card companies and bye-commerce companies.
tion. Governments around the world both support these technolo- Surveillance technologies are of a different kind, but often rely
gies of surveillance and eagerly adopt them to claim back some of on identification technologies to be able to locate the individual
170 171
Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace
user. Suveillance technologies intercept messages, place markers These technologies operate their controls under two basic condi-
that allow tracking of communication flows from a specific com- tions. First, the controllers know the codes of the network, the con-
puter location, and monitor machine activity around the clock. trolled do not. Software is confidential, and proprietary, and
Surveillance technologies may identify a given server at the origin cannot be modified except by its owner. Once on the network, the
of a message.Then, by persuasion or coercion, governments, com- average user is the prisoner of an architecture he or she does not
panies, or courts may obtain from the Internet service provider the know. Secondly, controls are exercised on the basis of a space
identity of the potential culprit by using identification technologies, defined on the network, for instance, the network around an
or simply by looking up in their listings when the information is Internet service provider, or the intra-network in a company, a
available (as electronic addresses match real addresses for the university, or a government agency. Yes, the Internet is a global
clients of most Internet service providers). network, but points of access to it are not. If filters are placed on
Technologies of investigation refer to the building of databases this access, the price of global freedom is local submission. Let us
from the results of both surveillance and storage of routinely now see these technologies of control in action.
recorded information (Garfinkel, 2000). Once data are collected in
digital form, all the information items contained in the database can
be aggregated, disaggregated, combined, and identified according to The End of Privacy
purpose and legal capacity. Sometimes, it is simply aggregate profil-
ing, as in market research, either for commerce or for politics. In There has been so much enthusiasm about the freedom brought
other cases, it is individualized targeting, as a given person may be by the Internet that we have forgotten the persistence of authori-
characterized by a large body of information contained in his or tarian, surveillance practices in the environment that remains the
her electronic records, from credit card payments to websites most important in our lives: the workplace. With workers becom-
visits, electronic mail, and telephone calls. In the current techno- ing increasingly dependent on computer networking in their activ-
logical environment, any electronically transmitted information is ity, most companies have decided that they have the right to
recorded, and can eventually be processed, identified, and com- monitor the uses of their networks by their employees. In the US,
bined, in either a collective or an individual unit of analysis. a study released in April 2000, showed that 73.5 percent of US
Encryption is the fundamental technology that protects the priv- firms conduct some form of surveillance of the use of the Internet
acy of the message (although not of the messenger, since the origi- by their employees on a regular basis. There have been innumer-
nating computer will be identified by the point of entry in the able cases of workers fired for what was deemed improper use of
electronic network) (Levy, 2001). This is particularly true for public the Net (Howe, 2000: 106). Programs such as Gatekeeper display
key encryption (PIG), with two keys for decoding, one of which is in a server all of the Internet activity taking place in any organiza-
privately held. However, as Lessig (1999) points out, encryption tion suscribing to the server. Shopfloor control of the worker by
is an ambiguous technology because, while it can preserve con- management was a traditional source of conflict in the Industrial
fidentiality, it is also the basis for advanced identification technolo- Age. It seems that the Internet Age is bound to heighten this
gies. It allows the development of certified digital signatures which, tension-as it becomes more insidious because of its automated
once their request becomes generalized, will cancel anonymity on pervasiveness.
the Internet, since every dog will be required to register as a dog in But even beyond the glass walls of the company world, "you
order to have access to a dog's life-or else it will end up with the already have zero privacy-get over it," proclaims Scott McNealy,
cats of its cyber-neighborhood. the charismatic CEO of Sun Microsystems, in a widely noted
172 173
Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace
statement (quoted in Scheer, 2000: 100). Here, the fundamental database of names, addresses, and information concerning the
development has been the technologies of data-gathering associ- shopping patterns of 90 million households in the US. Using this
ated with the economics of e-commerce. In many cases, the main database, Double Click created profiles linking individual's real
revenue for e-commerce companies is advertising and marketing,. names and addresses with their on-line and off-line shopping. The
as noted in Chapter 3. On the one hand, they receive the proceeds protests from privacy advocates forced Double Click to put on hold
from the advertising banners they can post for their users. On the its profiling business until an agreement could be reached between
other hand, the data from their users are sold to their clients for the government and the industry on standards to deal with privacy
marketing purposes, or used by the company itself to better target issues (Rosen, 2000a).
its customers. In all cases, precious information must be collected As reported by Rosen (2000b), technologies that make it possible
from each click to the website. In the United States, 92 percent of to download digitally stored books and magazines, music, and
websites collect personal data from their users, and process them movies directly on to hard drives make it possible for publishers
according to their commercial interests (Lessig, 1999: 153). Com- and entertainment companies to record and monitor browsing
panies swear that they only use data in an aggregated form for habits, and target their customers. The largest electronic communi-
marketing profiles. And, after all, most consumers do not exercise cation publishing conglomerate in the world, AOL-Time Warner, is
their right of opting out by clicking away the use of their personal a case in point. The integrated multimedia box of the future
data. Consumer advocates have shown how inconvenient in prac- (eagerly sought after by Microsoft and ATT) may have substantial
tice is the exercise of the opt-out clause, proposing instead an opt- surveillance capabilities. Globally unique identifiers (GUID) make
in, affirmative decision. Yet, in the US, Congress, under strong it possible to link every document, e-mail message or chat posted
lobbying efforts from advertisers and the e-commerce industry, with the real identity of the person who sent it. In November 1999,
rejected the obligation of the opt-out formula. In the European Real Jukebox was challenged by privacy advocates when they
Union, stronger government action in favor of consumer protec- noted that the music player could send information to its parent
tion led to a privacy law under which companies cannot use data company, Real Networks, about the music each user downloaded,
from their customers without their explicit consent. However, the and this could be matched with a unique ID number that pin-
issue then becomes the exchange of data against the privilege of pointed the user's identity. Fearing bad publicity, Real Networks
access to websites. Most people waive their rights to privacy in disabled the GUID. Remember, however, that digital identification
order to be able to use the Internet. Once this privacy protection is the rule rather than the exception in the industry: Microsoft soft-
right has been waived, personal data become the lawful property of ware products, such as Word97 and Powerpoint97, include identi-
Internet firms, and of their clients. fiers into every document that we produce with the help of these
To illustrate this process, consider the case of Double Click, the programs. The identity of these documents is traceable to the com-
Internet's largest advertising-placement company. Its business is to puter that originated them.
place "cookie" files by the million in the computers that connect Privacy in e-mail does not receive adequate legal protection.
with websites eqUipped with Double Click technology. Once a According to Rosen (2000a: 51):
computer receives a "cookie," it will be targeted with specific com- In an entirely circular legal test, the Supreme Court has held that consti-
mercials in any visit to the thousands of websites that employ the tutional protections against unreasonable searches depend on whether
services of Double Click. As many other Internet companies, citizens have subjective expectations of privacy that society is prepared
Double Click regularly tests the limits of further taking away to accept as reasonable ... More recently, courts have held that merely
privacy. Thus, in November 1999 Double Click bought Abacus, a by adopting a written policy that warns employees that their email may
174 175
Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace
be monitored, employers will lower expectations of privacy in a way that Sovereignty, Liberty, and Property when
gives them unlimited discretion to monitor whatever they please. Privacy Fades Away
Business opportunities are unlimited in this new industry of mar- In the year 2000, governments around the world took seriously
keting private behavior. In the 2000 elections in the US, a company the threat from what they labeled "cybercrime." It had become
created a database, named Aristotle, which, using data from differ- clear that the computer communications infrastructure, on which
ent sources, provided political profiling of as many as 150 million wealth, information, and power in our world depend, was highly
citizens, selling these profiles to the highest bidder, usually the vulnerable to intrusion, interference, and disruption. Relentless
campaign offices of political candidates. waves of viruses and worms roam the Internet, crackers break
Piggybacking on the technological breakthroughs from com- through fire walls, credit card numbers are stolen, political activists
mercial Internet companies, governments have stepped up their take over websites, files of military computers are transferred
own surveillance programs, combining heavy-handed, traditional around the world, and confidential software is retrieved from even
methods with new technological sophistication. Internationally, Microsoft's internal network. In spite of billions of dollars spent on
the Echelon program, created by the United States and the UK electronic security, it became evident that, in a network, security
during the Cold War, seems to have been converted into industrial is only as good as the security of its weakest link. Break into
espionage, according to French government agencies, by combin- the network at any point, and you can go around its nodes with
ing traditional eavesdropping and interference of telecommunica- relative ease.
tions, with interception of electronic messages. The FBI's Carnivore In fact, real damage, whether in property or personal harm, was
program works in cooperation (voluntary or not) with Internet very limited-and customarily overstated: nothing comparable
service providers, recording all e-mail traffic, then sorting out the with the loss in human lives, environmental degradation, and even
desired information on the basis of automated sampling and key- money inflicted by the misadventures of, say, the automobile
wording. In 2000 the FBI asked Congress for 75 million dollars to industry (remember Firestone/Ford?) or the chemical industry
finance surveillance programs, including "Digital Storm," a new (please remember Bhopal). Yet, the notion of insecure computer
version of recording telephone communication combined with networks is literally untenable for the powers that be in our
computerized programs to mine keywords in the messages. world-everything depends on these networks, and control over
The potential emergence of an electronic surveillance system is these networks is an essential principle of remaining in control.
on the horizon. The irony is that it was, by and large, the Internet But there was something else. Hacking and cracking, practiced
firms, ardent libertarians in their ideology, that provided the tech- from anywhere to anywhere in the global network, revealed the
nology for breaking anonymity and curtailing privacy, and they powerlessness of traditional forms of policing, rooted in the powers
were the first to use it. So doing, they let government surveillance of the state within its national boundaries. It heightened the anxiety
roar back with a vengeance in the space of liberty that had been already present in all governments around the world because of
carved out by the Internet pioneers by taking advantage of the igno- their inability to stop the communication flows that they had
rant indifference of traditional bureaucracies. Yet, history is contra- banned within their borders-be it Falun Gong messages in China,
dictory, and the counter-offensive of freedom lovers is under way. the memoirs of Mitterrand's doctor in France, or the auctioning of
But before considering this alternative trend, we must examine the valid absentee ballots for American elections over the Net in the
consequences of the undermining of privacy for the other dimen- United States (the website was moved to Germany). The sover-
sions that together constitute the Internet's kingdom of freedom. eignty of the state always began with the control of information,
176 177
Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace
and this control was now being slowly but surely eroded. Because Internet service providers, and by setting up special protocols of
of the global character of the Internet, it became necessary for the surveillance layered on top of the Internet for specific networks,
most important governments to act together, creating a new, global control (and punishment) may be exercised ex post facto. Lessig is
space of policing. In fact, by doing so they were losing sovereignty, . right. The new Internet architecture, the new code, becomes the
since they had to share power and agree on common standards fundamental tool of control, making it possible to exercise regula-
of regulation-they became a network themselves, a network of tion and policing by traditional forms of state power.
regulatory and policing agencies. But sharing sovereignty was the The first victim of this repossession of cyberspace is sovereignty
price to pay to collectively retain some degree of political control. itself. To exercise global regulation, states have to merge and share
So, dumping together legitimate and illegitimate practices, the state power. Not under the old-fashioned dream of a world government,
struck back. The meeting of the G-8 club in Paris in June 2000 led but as a network state, the political creature engendered by the
the charge, and the Council of Europe echoed the concern with a Information Age (Carnoy and Castells, 200 1). The second victim is
convention against cybercrime, drafted by the security agencies of liberty; that is, the right to do as one pleases. Why so? Why does
European countries, with the advice of global software compa- the threat to privacy translate into the potential curtailment of
nies-the most far-reaching, comprehensive attempt to control liberty? Partly, this stems from the mechanism through which sov-
communication over the Internet to that date. Many countries ereignty is enforced in a global context. For states to be partners in
around the world, such as Russia, China, Malaysia, Singapore, and this network of control they must agree on common standards, and
others, applauded this new, deliberate attitude of major govern- these standards are patterned on the lowest common denominator.
ments to clamp down on the Internet. An attitude that they saw, If a given government is to cooperate in enforcing control over
rightly, as a vindication of their own earlier distrust. child pornography websites located in its territory, it will do so only
The provisions of all these concerted policies are at the same time on condition that it has access to data retrieved from intercepting
too vague and too technical to be discussed here in detail. Besides, traffic between its country and countries out of its reach-or else,
they will soon be technologically obsolete, so they will have to be why should it cooperate? The very notion of international policing
constantly updated. What really counts is the intent and the is based upon sharing the effort of information-gathering.
methodology of intervention. In a nutshell, they try to neutralize A different matter is the ability of a given state to act upon
encryption power in the hands of citizens by restricting or banning behavior conducted in another jurisdiction-this will be restrained
encryption technology. They ban software personal security tools by the old forms of power based on territoriality. Yet, sharing global
of the kind I will discuss below. They greatly extend government's access to information networks is a decisive form of imposing
power on wiretapping and interception of data traffic. And they collective state power over all citizens everywhere, as the conse-
establish the obligation for Internet service providers to set trace- quences of the information obtained will guide repression in
ability techniques for their users, as well as forced notification of specific contexts. While repression will be differential, according to
users' identities at the request of government agencies, in a very the degree of liberty in each country, the informational basis of the
broad range of situations, and in circumstances vaguely defined. repression will be adjusted to standards of reasonable suspicion
Notice that, overall, it all amounts to a curtailment of privacy of shared by all the governments participating in the network of
communication on the Internet-to shift the Internet from being a police surveillance. For instance, legal methadone or marijuana
space of freedom to becoming a glass house. Communication will consumption in The Netherlands by an American citizen may be
still flow unfettered because this is the architecture of the Internet. exposed, and potentially repressed (by law or by norms), in the US
But by redefining the space of access, through the control of as a consequence of joint surveillance on drug distribution. To
178 179
Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace
be gay or lesbian is still punished by law in some countries (for thumbprint as digitalized marks). Under conditions of authoritar-
example, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia), so joint surveillance of sexual ian states this surveillance may directly affect our lives (and this is
preference chat rooms (looking for child pornography), once it is in fact the situation for the overwhelming majority of humankind).
related to the real identity of citizens of these countries, may result But even in democratic societies where civil rights are respected,
in serious consequences for them, in spite of the legal tolerance of the transparency of our lives will decisively shape our attitudes. No
their sexuality in other countries. Furthermore, global surveillance one has ever been able to live in a transparent society. If this system
encroaches on free speech. This is less so in countries, such as the of surveillance and control of the Internet develops fully, we will
United States, with strong legal protection of this fundamental not be able to do as we please. We may have no liberty, and no
right. But once traffic is jointly intercepted by agencies of various place to hide.
countries, the uses of the data obtained by surveillance will not be The great historical irony is that one of the key institutions in the
confined to the jurisdiction of the US courts. defense of liberty, the free enterprise, is the essential ingredient in
There is a more fundamental threat to liberty under the new the construction of this system of surveillance-in spite of the gen-
global policing environment: the structuring of everyday behavior eral goodwill and libertarian ideology of most Internet companies.
by the dominant norms of society. Free speech was the essence of Without their help, governments would not have the know-how,
the right to unfettered communication at the time when most daily and, more fundamentally, the possibility of intervening on the
activities were not related to personal expression in the public Internet: it all depends on the capacity to act on Internet service
realm. But in our age, a significant proportion of everyday life, providers and specific networks everywhere. For instance, the com-
including work, leisure, personal interaction, takes place on the pany Internet Crimes Group Inc. (ICG) specializes in revealing the
Net. As I have shown in preceding chapters, most economic, social, identity of anonymous posters, with the cooperation of Internet
and political activity is in fact a hybrid of on-line interaction and in- service providers. EWATCH, a service of PR Newswire, will find the
flesh interaction. In many cases, one cannot exist without the identity of any name on the screen for a fee of 5,000 US dollars: it has
other. Thus, life in an electronic panopticon is tantamount to hundreds of corporate clients. And the surveillance can be retroac-
having half of our lives permanently exposed to monitoring. tive: has gathered a database on Usenet newsgroups that
Because we live composite existences, this exposure may lead to a can be searched in all their postings since 1995 (Anonymous, 2000).
schizophrenic self between being ourselves off-line and an image of Why do information-technology businesses cooperate so eagerly
ourselves on-line, thus internalizing censorship. in the reconstruction of the old world of control and repression?
The issue is not the fear of Big Brother because, in fact, most sur- There are two main reasons besides occasional opportunistic atti-
veillance will have no directly damaging consequences for us-or, tudes. The first one, concerning mainly firms, is that they
for that matter, no consequences at all. The most worrisome aspect need to crack the privacy of their customers in order to sell their
is, in fact, the absence of explicit rules of behavior, of predictability information. The second is that they need government support to
of the consequences of our exposed behavior, depending upon the preserve their property rights in the Internet-based economy. The
contexts of interpretation, and according to the criteria used to Napster affair in 2000 was a turning-point. Faced with the possi-
judge our behavior by a variety of actors behind the screen of our bility of a technology (MP3) that allows people (and particularly
glass house. It is not Big Brother, but a multitude of little sisters, young people) to share and exchange their music on a global scale,
agencies of surveillance and processing of information that record without paying anything, music companies mobilized both the
our behavior for ever, as databases surround us throught our life- courts and government legislation to restore property rights (see
soon starting with our DNA and personal features (our retina, our Chapter 7). Publishing houses, and media companies in general,
180 181
Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace
face a similar threat. Intellectual property rights are a fundamental company Zero-knowledge Systems decomposes identities with a
source of profit-making in an information economy. Indeed, their software package called Freedom, which provides five digital pseu-
protection is paramount to keep the value difference between the donyms that can be attributed to different activities. On the
knowledge economy, based in the dominant, global networks, and Freedom system, no one can trace the pseudonyms back to the real
the commodities and manufacturing economies, which are the identity. Freedom makes traceability difficult by encrypting e-mail
prevailing feature of developing countries. As Lessig (1999) points and web-browsing requests and sending them through at least
out, the "fair use" of information, customarily protected by copy- three intermediary routers to their final destination. Each router
right laws, is being substantially reduced in the context of the can only take one layer of the encryption. Zero-knowledge uses the
enforced protection of this information as an incentive to produc- same technology, so the company itself cannot link pseudonyms to
ers of information to keep producing it. Yet, the balance between individual suscribers. The company has only a list of names of
stimulating production and allowing the public use of information clients, without relationship to pseudonyms. Anonymizer.Com
is being lost, as information is commodified and increasingly offers free anonymizers, in exchange for its advertising. Anony-
geared toward high-paying markets. To enforce this protection, mizers are extra servers that buffer the customer's browser from its
information-producing business needs to control access and iden- final destination. offers similar services (Anonymous,
tity on the Internet, where most information is distributed. There- 2000; Rosen, 2000a). The fast development of privacy protection
fore, it has a vested interest in supporting government efforts to technologies is exactly what worries governments, prompting their
restore control by building a glass house on the basis of an archi- attempts to forbid the private use of encryption technology, and
tecture of controlled software-a code, in Lessig's terminology. outlaw its use and sale (Levy, 200 1).
The global attack on privacy to restore control in a pattern of There is a second level of fight over the code: the development of
shared sovereignty ensures property rights of information at the open source codes, in the terms discussed in Chapter 2. If software
expense of the public use of this information. In order to assert codes are open, then they can be altered, either by the informed
their interests, commerce and governments jointly threaten liberty user or by a service firm or a non-profit organization, or a hackers'
by breaching privacy in the name of security. Yet, this is only one network, working for the common good of the Information Age.
side of the story. Proprietary control over software codes paves the way for the
restriction of uses of information, and to the end of privacy on
the Internet. You may think this the correct way to go. But for
The Internet Freedom Barricades those who do not, the critical issue is the ability to know and
modify the source code, and all software for that matter. In a world
Codes versus codes. Technologies of control can be counteracted by of open source software, the ability of government and corpora-
technologies of freedom. And there is an abundance of them, often tions to control the founding architecture of Internet applications is
produced and commercialized by firms that have found a new vastly reduced.
market niche; in other instances, invented by determined freedom Which way societies will go does not certainly depend on the
fighters ready to take up the challenge. Here is a sample, probably code itself, but on the ability of societies and their institutions to
outdated within a year or so, yet indicative of the technological impose, resist, and modify the code. At the dawn of the twenty-first
battle under way. century there is an unsettling combination in the Internet world:
Firms such as Disappearing Inc. and ZipLip have created self- pervasive libertarian ideology with increasingly controlling prac-
deleting e-mail that uses encryption technology. The Canadian tice. Social movements in defense of freedom on the Internet, such
182 183
Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace
as the coalition formed around the Electronic Privacy Information governments do not trust their people (after all, political parties try
Center in the United States, are essential sources for the preserva- all kinds of tricks to win elections), it is only logical that the emer-
tion of the original Internet as a realm of freedom. But resistance gence of the Internet as a space of freedom would epitomize this
will not suffice. Laws, courts, public opinion, the media, corporate. cleavage, with the advocates of liberty trying to preserve this new
responsibility, and political agencies will be the decisive areas where land of opportunity, while governments mobilize their consider-
the future of the Internet will be shaped. Global networks cannot be able resources to close this leak in their control systems.
controlled, but people using them, can, are, and will be-unless And yet, the story could be different. One could think of a strategy
societies opt for the freedom of the Internet by acting from and of mutually guaranteed disarmament, of a restoration of reciprocal
beyond the barricades of their nostalgic libertarians. trust. But because governments are still on top of the institutions of
society, they should start the process: they bear the burden of social
responsibility. Indeed, the Internet could be used by citizens to
Internet and Liberty: Whither Governments? watch their government, rather than by the government to watch
its citizens. It could become an instrument of control, information,
In much of this analysis, as in the ideology of most of the grassroots participation, and even decision-making, from the bottom up.
of early Internet users, there is an implicit assumption that govern- Citizens could have access to government data files, as in fact is their
ments are not the allies of liberty. And yet, we know from history right. And governments, not people's private lives, should become a
that institutional democracy, not libertarian ideology, has been the glass house-save for some essential national security matters. Only
main rampart against tyranny. So, why not entrust governments, under such conditions of transparent political institutions could
at least democratic governments, with regulating the proper uses of governments legitimately pretend to set up a limited control over
the Internet? For instance, the European Union's regulation of data the Internet to detect the few instances of the manifestation of the
gathered by companies from their users protects privacy to perverse side that inhabits us all. Unless governments stop fearing
a much greater extent than the laissez-faire environment in the their people, and therefore the Internet, society will resort once
United States. However, at the same time, European governments again to the barricades to defend freedom and this will mark a stun-
are adamant in retaining as much control as they can over infor- ning historical continuity.
mation and communication, leading the charge, for instance,
against the diffusion of encryption technology, the most effective
way for people to control their communication.
In the last analysis, and on a variety of pretexts, governments Reading Links
distrust their citizens-they know better. And citizens distrust their
governments-they know enough. In 1998 in the US 60 percent of Agree, Philip E. and Rotenberg, Marc (eds) (1998) Technology and Privacy:
citizens thought that "public officials don't care what people like The New Landscape. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Anonymous (2000) "The invisible man," Yahoo! Internet Life, October:
me think," and 63 percent that "government is run by a few big
interests." In California, the respective percentages of citizens
Baldassare, Mark (2000) California in the New Millennium: The Changing Social
supporting these statements were 54 percent and 70 percent and Political Landscape. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
(Baldassare, 2000: 43). Similar data can be found in many coun- Borgman, Christine L. (2000) From Gutenberg to the Global Information
tries in the world, with the notable exception of the Scandinavian Infrastructure: Access to Information in the Networked World. Cambridge,
democracies. So, if people do not trust their governments, and MA: MIT Press.
184 185
Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace Privacy and Liberty in Cyberspace
Carnoy, Martin and Castells, Manuel (2001) "Poulantzas at the millen- e-Links
nium: globalization, the knowledge society, and the state," Global
Networks: A Journal of Transnational Studies, 1(1).
One of the leading organizations and resource centers on Internet priv-
Garfinkel, Simson (2000) Database Nation. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.
acy in the US.
Howe, Jeff (2000) "Big boss is watching," Yahoo! Internet Life, October:
Lessig, Lawrence (1999) Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace. New York: p/eonIine/pu bs/on Iine/sitesee
Basic Books. Information on threats to privacy and forms of resistance.
Levy, Stephen (2001) Crypto. How the Code Rebels Beat the Government:
enetdown load .eom
Saving Privacy in the Digital Age. New York: Viking.
Lewis, Peter H. (1996) "Judge temporarily blocks law that bars indecency
on the Internet," New York Times, February 16: C1.
Lyon, David (1994) The Electronic Eye: The Rise of Surveillance Society.
Websites providing technological resources to protect privacy.
Cambridge: Polity Press.
- - (2001a) Surveillance Society: Monitoring Everyday Life. Milton Keynes:
Open University Press. Website of the Surveillance Project at Queen's University, one of the
- - (2001b) "Everyday surveillance: personal data and social classifica- leading academic research projects in the sociology of electronic surveil-
tion," Information, Communication and Society (forthcoming). lance.
Rosen, Jeffrey (2000a) "The eroded self," New York Times Sunday
- - (2000b) The Unwanted Gaze: The Destruction of Privacy in America. New
York: Random House.
Rosenberg, Marc (ed.) (2000) The Privacy Law Sourcebook: United States
Law, International Law, and Recent Developments. Washington, DC:
Electronic Privacy Information Center.
Samuelson, Pamela (2000a) "Five challenges for regulating the global
information society," in Chris Marsden (ed.), Regulating the Global
Information Society. London: Routledge.
- - (2000b) "Privacy as intellectual property," Stanford Law Review, 52:
Scheer, Robert (2000) "Nowhere to hide", Yahoo! Internet Life, October:
Scheer, Robert et al. (2000) "Privacy: a special report," Yahoo! Internet Life,
October: 98-100.
Schneier, Bruce (1996) Applied Cryptography. New York: John Wiley.
- - (2000) Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World. New
York: John Wiley.
Whitaker, Reg (1999) The End of Privacy. New York: The New Press.
186 187
Multimedia and the Internet
Multimedia and the Yet, the business experiments on media convergence carried on
since the early 1990s have ended in failure, often technologically,
and always in terms of consumer demand, especially regarding video
Internet: The on demand (Owen, 1999; Castells, 2000; The Economist, 2000). First,
there was the unsuccessful merger between the PC and interactive
Hypertext beyond video on demand, of which the collapse of Time Warner's Full
Service Network in Orlando was the most notorious example. Then,
the attempt to broadcast video via the Internet, although technically
Convergence possible, could not proceed with comparable quality to television
I (analog or digital), and found few takers, with Web TV (acquired by
/ Microsoft in 1997) being the main victim of the ill-conceived project.
Before trying to understand the reasons for the provisional
demise of this multimedia vision, it would be useful to clarify what
exactly is meant by the technological convergence between tele-
vision and the Internet. In his authoritative analysis of the matter,
Owen (1999) provides a succint enumeration of convergence
mechanisms, as of 1999 (the situation had not substantially
The Elusive Magic Box changed by the end of 2000):
Throughout the 1990s futurologists, technologists, and media • Broadcasting of regular TV signals over the Internet. This was
tycoons pursued the dream of convergence between computers, not possible with 2000 bandwidth and compression technology,
the Internet, and the media. The key word was "multimedia," and but will become technologically possible in the first decade of
its materialization was the magic box that would sit in our living this century.
room and could, at our command, open a global window to endless • Internet-transmitted video information inserted in web pages.
possibilities of interactive communication in video, audio, and text This is already usual practice.
format. Between 1998 and 2000 Microsoft invested 10 billion • A TV can be used as display, and connected to the Internet by a
dollars in cable companies around the world, laying the ground for computer and a phone line (the Web TV concept).
its market control of the new software technology embedded in the • The interval in video signals broadcast (by airwaves or cable) can
future, interactive TV set-top box. It failed to deliver the software as be used to transmit information to personal computers, includ-
scheduled because of its insistence on powering the boxes with its ing Internet access (for example, Intel's Intercast).
Multimedia and the Internet Multimedia and the Internet
• Web pages can be transmitted by telephone lines to a television Let me be clear. The media world is in the midst of an extraordi-
screen to provide complementary information (for example, nary transformation, going glocal (globalizing and narrowcasting at
Gateway 2000 or Net TV). the same time), and finding economies of scale and synergy
• Internet-transmitted information can be coordinated with con- between different modes of expression. Satellite-broadcast, digital
ventional TV broadcasting by servers maintained by TV stations, television is exploding around the world, particularly in Europe.
with display in different monitors (this is the Time Warner "City In the US, cable television viewers equalled the network tele-
Web" concept). vision audience in 2000, and are projected to overtake the open
• Cable or wireless communication can be used to transmit broadcast networks in the coming years. Furthermore, young
Internet content to computers (for example, @Home service in Americans are watching less television: between 1985 and 2000
the US). Microsoft, in cooperation with ATT, has bet on a major the average number of hours of TV watched by people under 18
cable company, MSO, using cable modem connections and set- declined by 20 percent. Part of this trend was attributed to increas-
top boxes working on Microsoft software. ing time spent by young people surfing the Internet (The Economist,
• Narrow band non-video material transmitted over the Internet, 2001: 60).
able to provide animating icons on Web pages-such as The newsrooms in all media are also being retooled around the
Dynamic HTML software. Internet. They work in a continuous stream of information-pro-
• TV channels can be used, when they are off the air, to transmit cessing, on Internet time, along the model pioneered by The Chicago
information, including video, to storage devices to be accessed TribunelLos Angeles Times in 2000. The cable industry is investing
by computers. staggering sums to deliver everything everywhere (at a price).
Radio broadcasting is enjoying a renaissance, actually becoming
I would also add that the development of wireless Internet access the most pervasive communication medium in the world. And
provides the possibility of accessing any video or text material book publishing is, overall, doing well, thanks. This profound
available on-line, although the quality of the transmission and restructuring is associated with mergers and consolidation between
reception of the image still raises daunting problems. At any rate, major companies, so that seven multimedia mega-groups control
Owen (1999: 313) reminds us that "each of these alternatives, most of the global media, and in each country a few corporations
except for the first, is being experimented with at present. No one (stand alone or globally connected) determine what is published
is going to send broadcast quality video programming over the and broadcast (Schiller, 1999). However, other than as a working
Internet anytime soon ... When and if that happens, it will be pri- tool, the Internet is, so far, a very minor factor in all this transfor-
marily a video medium carrying Internet content, not the reverse." mation, the AOL-Time Warner merger notwithstanding. In a nut-
Upon further review, in 2001, none of these forms of conver- shell, for the time being there is very limited convergence between
gence is practiced on a large scale, and none of them is making the Internet and multimedia-and therefore there is no interactiv-
money. Indeed, traditional media companies are not generating ity, the key feature of the authentic multimedia vision. Why s07
any profits from their Internet ventures. And the prospects are The most obvious reason is insufficient bandwidth. In 2000, less
unlikely to change in the near future. Even Bob Pittman, Chief than one-fifth of US households had access to digital subscriber line
Operating Officer (COO) of AOL-Time Warner, thinks so: accord- (DSL) transmission. But even for those privileged few, this band-
ing to him "the newest stuff," such as interactive TV and video-on- width was not enough. Quality video television requires about
demand, will not take hold for seven to ten years (meaning until 3 megabits per second transmission capacity. In 2000, DSL trans-
2007-2010) (quoted in Business Week, 2001: 64). mission speeds varied between 300 kilobits and 1.5 megabits per
190 191
Multimedia and the Internet Multimedia and the Internet
second. In principle, cable transmission had an edge on its carrying and cultural programming, which was simply not available on a
capacity, at 10 megabits per second. However, because of the large scale (Castells, 2000: 394-403).
layout of cable wires, this theoretical capacity is shared in the local The flawed hypothesis of the media business world seems to
area, so if your neighbor decides to download his dose of porno. have been that demand for entertainment was unlimited, and that
video for the weekend you will need to go to the local sports bar to it was all that mattered for consumers-save a cultural elite that
enjoy your football game. Moreover, at the turn of the century could be satisfied with up-market magazines, subsidized art exhibi-
there was no installed communications capacity able to sustain a tions, and "high-culture" performances. In fact, what people did
large-scale video transmission using the Internet. In 2001, what was to accept TV and video as entertainment, keep radio as a com-
Owen reported in 1999 is still relevant: "Almost any scenario in panion, and use the Internet for their content-oriented interests.
which standard-quality video is offered interactively (that is, on Thus, fig. 7.1 offers an illustration of the uses of the Internet in
demand) to millions of ordinary viewers results in the collapse of
present distribution systems. The interactive integrated video ,-
future requires much more capacity than we have, not only in
80 -
national backbones but in local distribution systems that link up ,-
with individual households" (Owen, 1999: 313).
60 -
This could change, taking into consideration new technological
developments, especially in the area of compression technology.
Yet, it would require an extraordinary investment by multimedia 40
companies and communication companies, in the hundreds of bil-
- '-'--'-,-
lions of dollars. This gigantic bet would be undertaken only if
potential demand were there. Indeed, it was with this potential
20 - -- -
demand in mind that media companies, communication operators,
and computer companies positioned themselves during the 1990s. o
<f) <f) c <f)
~ Q; <f) <f) <f) <f) Q) c bll
co QJ Q) 0 2:! co Q) Q) Q) Q) <f) 0 c
It never materialized, not even in prospective marketing studies. E c
co :;::; .i/i :;:
co bll
co <5 ~ E co
.;:::; ·50
While people massively adopted the Internet, they kept it separate
d.> c
bll '"
bll ~
E '"
c .c ::::l
0. .E C <f)
'-' .~
c (L
.E Q)
from television, and, in general terms, from most of the media QJ
~ C
1:) C 0 ,- E
co C
co ~ .2 ~
>, tl c +-'
world-except for news reporting. The main reason for this seems
1:) E ~ c
:;: co
Q) :;: '"'-'
~ 2
QJ 0
D. '"
.i/i 0
c Q)
:> ~
to be the saturation of entertainment demand by television, radio, <f)
=> .s:::
:> 0 1:)
2c +-'
.i/i (L
2; QJ
'-' 0:: :> <f)
and portable video-games. The mid-1990s' experiments showed ro Q) .0 ::::J
their choice of video within the same genre. Sports and customized .0£
programming was an exception, but this could be offered by digital .E
TV at a much lower investment cost: indeed, this was the basis for 0
the booming European digital TV business, with sports events
being appropriated by the media world and transformed into Fig. 7.1 Percentage of households in North America that perform
the driver of the pay-per-view television industry. Beyond that, the on-line activities weekly by activity
main unsatisfied demand was for general information, education, Source: Based upon data from Forrester Research.
192 193
Multimedia and the Internet Multimedia and the Internet
2000 in the United States. Except for a small percentage of activity words, the way to understand the potential relationship between
related to on-line games, there is no entertainment-related prac- the Internet and the media world is to reflect on the few success
tice. And the relationship to the media world is limited to reading stories of their integration around the turn of the century. I now
daily newspapers-an interesting observation on which I will elab- turn to this analysis.
orate below. So, as we have observed elsewhere in this book, the
use of the Internet as a communication medium is woven into
the multi-dimensional practice of life. It is characterized by an The Uses of the Internet in the Multimedia System
active use, linked to a variety of interests, in most instances very
practically oriented, while the world of media entertainment is The wonderful thing about technology is that people end up doing
confined to the available time for passive relaxation. A time that is, with it something different from what was originally intended. It is
in fact, shrinking for most people, and for which television (partic- this serendipity that underlies creativity in society and innovation
ularly in its new modalities of customized broadcasting by cable or in business. As we saw, the Internet is the result of the social appro-
satellite) seems to be well suited. priation of its technology by its users/producers. A similar story
Isn't the AOL-Time Warner business project a proof to the con- may be developing in the interaction between the media and the
trary? Not really. Remember who bought whom: AOL bought Internet. Let us take, one after the other, the areas of communica-
Time Warner. It was Steve Case's genius business strategy to buy tion and cultural expression in which the Internet is becoming a
one of the largest multimedia businesses in the world with AOL's privileged medium, leading to the transformation of cultural prac-
highly valued stock, just a few weeks before the price of its shares tices (Jankowski et al., 1999; Jones, 1999; UNESCO, 1999; Croteau
dwindled, so that by the time the merger was finally approved, and Hoynes, 2000; The Economist, 2000). On the basis of these
Time Warner's shareholders were at a loss. Also, by taking a stake observations, I will formulate some hypotheses on the meaning of
in both the Internet and multimedia worlds, the new group could emerging, Internet-based media practices.
pre-empt any future transformations of the communication indus- Music delivery over the Internet is a technologically feasible and
try, including the unlikely event of the much-vaunted conver- widely practiced activity, particularly in the form of the free sharing
gence between the Internet and audiovisual communication. This of stored music, allowed by MP3/Napster, Gnutella or Freenet
strategic move came at a price: AOL reported losses in excess of technologies. Streaming is also becoming a popular technology;
1 billion US dollars for 2000. that is, the delivery of content in real time over the Internet using
But who knows? Perhaps the technological visionaries are right, applications such as Realplayer or Quicktime, although in this latter
and they just have the timing wrong (they usually mistime their case storage and recording of the exchanged files is technically dif-
predictions, and timing is essential, in business, war, politics, and ficult. Millions of young people in the world have enthusiastically
personal lives). It may well be after all that broader bandwidth dif- adopted these technologies, exchanging their favorite music over
fuses in every domain of life, compression technology solves some the Net, and rocking the foundations of the music recording indus-
of the transmission problems, and people finally come to realize all try. Companies are still trying to cope with the phenomenon,
the wonderful opportunities offered by our digital environment. I simultaneously developing security technologies (such as electronic
frankly do not know. I have never known how to predict the watermarks), going to court to protect their property rights, and
future. What I do know is that the only serious way to think about envisioning new business models. In December 2000, the BMG
the future is to have a clear idea, empirically grounded, of our Group made an agreement with Napster, the pioneer MP3-based
present, and of our past-particularly of our recent past. In other company, under which Napster would prevent illegal copying and
194 195
Multimedia and the Internet Multimedia and the Internet
charge a fee for its sharing service. In exchange, BMG would offer power of Sony's Playstation consoles surpasses that of most per-
its entire catalog to Napster users for 4.95 dollars a month. Nelson sonal computers. Desktop virtual reality machines are coming up,
and Jones (200 1) are skeptical about the success of this new and new gaming devices (such as Dreamcast), with high-quality
business model. About one-half of Americans do not consider that resolution and interactivity, are becoming networked, allowing on-
free downloading of music over the Internet is stealing. In March line, interactive gaming.
2001, a San Francisco court ordered Napster to block access to copy- The possibility of socializing through game-playing gives the
righted material. But if Napster is shut down or if it joins the com- Internet-based games an edge over stand-alone video-games. Role-
mercial world, alternative technologies, such as Gnutella and playing games revive in a commercial form the early Internet
Freenet, will attract many users. And, unlike the case of MP3, there tradition of the MUDs (multi-user dungeons) culture, bringing
is no one company that could be identified as the purveyor of the interactivity and open-ended gaming together in a winning
technology (as Napster is). The power of the network makes effec- formula. In other words, on-line games are characterized by the
tive control of the free sharing of music unlikely, and so the march relative control of the players over the rules of the game, and by
towards free music delivery is likely to proceed, turning the entire their discovery of new possibilities through their interaction, as
music recording industry upside-down (Suarez, 2001). used to be the case with the social games of our pre-digital past.
The second major development is porno video and the posting of Radio listening is flourishing over the Internet, both for open
offensive material over the Internet; that is, the kind of content broadcast stations and for radios transmitting over the Internet.
usually banned over mass media. So, here the Internet offers a real MIT's radio listing in the US shows over 10,000 radio stations
alternative. However, the intriguing matter here is that there is broadcasting on the Internet. Two factors seem to influence this
plenty of porno on pay TV and neighborhood video stores. Most development. On the one hand, interest in local events is difficult
Internet porno sites are also paid sites (although cheaper than to satisfy on a global scale outside the reach of local information
porno TV or phone sex), so the use of the Internet for this matter networks. If you want to know what happened in your city from
does not seem to be determined by the economics of perversion. the other side of the world, only the Internet is able to provide
Privacy and ubiquity seem to be the key factors. Porno Internet can you with the information, either on text (local newspapers) or
be accessed from anywhere-particularly from the workplace, on audio (local radio stations). So, the freedom to bypass the
often a delightful transgression for the disgruntled worker. And global culture to reach your local identity depends on the Internet,
because most people still do not think (or know) that they are the global network of local communication. On the other hand, the
being watched in their on-line surfing, the Internet is perceived as commercial success of radio has led to its oligopolistic control
providing a better safe haven for sexual fantasies than TV offerings by major media conglomerates in every country-in a direct effect
dutifully recorded in the monthly bill. So, the added value of porno of deregulation, which in fact has led (as in many other areas of
over the Internet is the supposedly free expression of people's the economy) to increasing concentration. Therefore, while radio
desires. is locally targeted (you need to know the traffic in your city, not
Then, on-line video-games seem to be picking up as a favorite anywhere else), its content is increasingly syndicated and largely
activity, particularly for men, and predominantly for the younger homogenized. Alternative radio stations, focused on narrow-
ages (but not only teenagers). Here is where entertainment directly casting, find a cheap, easy way to broadcast on the Internet,
connects with the Net. The off-line video-game industry is doing beyond the limits of the licensed spectrum. Here again, the Internet
very well, particularly because of major technological improve- offers freedom in a world of increased control by large media
ments in interactivity, graphics, and image quality. The computer groups.
196 197
Multimedia and the Internet Multimedia and the Internet
Newspapers are on-line, and people often read them on-line. demic publishing, except for some prestige publications suitable for
One-third of Americans read news on-line at least once a week. Christmas gifts and special occasions, is likely to go on-line.
However, they are not ready to pay for it. The only newspaper with On the other hand, for books of broader scope (including, in fact,
a succesful on-line paid subscription service is the Wall Street. much of so-called academic publishing), the Internet is working
Journal, which falls into the category of what people need for their only as an advertising/marketing platform, Stephen King's novel
work and money-making. Newspapers are not being undermined notwithstanding. And it does not seem that demand is fading for
by the Internet because in a world of endless information, credibil- the classic, printed book-after all, it is a very user-friendly and
ity is an essential ingredient for information-seekers. So, estab- portable device. The process of conception, production, and publi-
lished newspapers have to be on-line in order to be always there cation of printed material is being entirely transformed by the
ready for their readers, to keep them under their authoritative Internet, but the product itself (the book you have in your hands)
mantra. So doing, the newspapers hope that the physical contact is unlikely to change substantially in the foreseeable future, as the
with a very portable and user-friendly format of the printed news- negligible demand for the first versions of electronic pocket books
paper (or, for that matter, magazine) will still fill a need, and ulti- seems to indicate.
mately benefit from its on-line ubiquitous presence. There is, however, a major realm of cultural expression being
Books offer a dual story. On the one hand, reference books and profoundly transformed by digital technology and by the Internet:
encyclopedias in print are being put out of business by the Internet, art (Boyd et a!., 1999). Computerized graphic design is renewing
in a trend that underlines the importance of the educational and the forms of artistic expression, as virtual art brings into shapes,
information-seeking uses of the Internet over its entertainment colors, sounds, and silences the deepest manifestations of human
function. Textbooks offer extraordinary potential for electronic experience. The Internet offers the possibility of collective, inter-
publishing, among other things because libraries do not have the active, joint artistic creation, through groupware practices that
physical space to cope with the information explosion, and are allow people at a distance to paint, sculpt, design, compose, and
gearing up to offer books and journals on-line. In principle, this is produce together, in interaction, and often in contradiction. In
for eligible readers, provided with a password, but it will be difficult most instances, these co-artists do not know each other, except in
to limit electronic distribution of texts once they are accessed. their art-and this is all that matters. Open source art is the new
So, overall, textbooks are going on-line, although the formation frontier of artistic creation. Furthermore, the openness of the web
of a mass market (with new business models) will largely depend truly democratizes art, at last. Websites offer the legacy of art, as
on the speed and form of the major revolution taking place in well as on-going creations, with netizens from around the world
education: e-Iearning and distance education (Borgman, 2000; being invited to learn, propose, and participate in the creation. One
Dumort, 2000). example: the Internet has popularized in recent times the extraor-
Another growth area of electronic publishing is that of scholarly dinary work of Escher, and particularly his graphic design creations
journals (Ekman and Quandt, 1999). It is likely that academic and of geometric patterns, known as tessellations. Escher World is an
scientific journals, aimed at a relatively small audience, almost extremely popular website, and people from around the planet
entirely Internet-literate, will increasingly be published on-line, participate in competitions to create new shapes of tessellations,
and sold to specialized institutions on the basis of a subscription opening up new domains of graphic experimentation with the help
service. Since publication in these journals is motivated by reputa- of digital technologies and virtual reality models.
tion and professional promotion, it really does not matter for the In fact, rather than converging with the media, the Internet is
authors which form publication takes. Thus, overall, strictly aca- asserting its specificity as a communication medium. For instance,
198 199
Multimedia and the Internet Multimedia and the Internet
instant messaging is one of its most popular applications. In its Toward a Personalized Hypertext? Real Virtuality
wireless form, it is the most widely diffused practice in the early and Protocols of Meaning
mobile Internet world, a favorite tool for young people to build
their networks, enjoy their autonomy, yet relying on their back-up. Perhaps the most innovative line of thinking on cultural transform-
systems. It is symptomatic that one of the key conditions imposed ation in the Information Age is the tradition built around the con-
by the FCC on AOL to approve its merger with Time Warner was to cept of the hypertext and the promise of multimedia-in its original
preserve the inter-operability of its instant messaging service with sense (Levy, 1995; de Kerckhove, 1997). Packer and Jordan (200 1)
similar services of its competitors. The argument from Kennard, have shown the intellectual continuity from Wagner to Berners-
the FCC chairman, was that instant messaging was essential for the Lee, through Vannevar Bush and William Gibson, in rethinking
existence of the Internet's autonomous communities, and that communication on the basis of interactivity and multi-dimensional
the formation of these communities could not be impeded by the expression. In their interpretation, which I largely share, the emer-
enclosure of their communication within corporate bounds. gence of a new communication pattern, indeed a new culture, can
The Internet is, indeed, as I have documented in previous chap- be identified by the simultaneous workings of five processes:
ters, a communication medium with its own logic and its own lan-
guage. But it is not confined to one particular area of cultural Integration: the combining of artistic forms and technology into a hybrid
form of expression. Interactivity: the ability of the user to manipulate
expression. It cuts across all of them. Furthermore, its communica-
and affect her experience of media directly, and to communicate with
tion is usually embedded in social practice, not isolated in some
others through media. Hypermedia: the linking of separate media ele-
kind of imaginary world, the domain of role-playing and fake
ments to one another to create a trail of personal association. Immersion:
identities. It is used to post political messages, to communicate by the experience of entering into the simulation of a three-dimensional
e-mail with the networks of life, to convey ideas and search for environment. Narrativity: aesthetic and formal strategies that derive
information. It is communication, but not entertainment, at least from the above concepts, and which result in nonlinear story forms and
not predominantly. And since the audiovisual media, and particu- media presentation. (Packer and Jordan, 2001: xxviii)
larly television, have become dominated by the logic of entertain-
ment, including infotainment, the Internet interprets it as a failure Convergence between the media and the Internet and the uti-
of communication, and goes around it. The kind of communication lization of digital virtual reality technologies were supposed to
that thrives on the Internet is that related to free expression in all fulfill the promise of multimedia: the emergence of an electronic
its forms, more or less desirable according to each person's taste. It hypertext on a global scale. However, as far as we can observe, this
is open source, free posting, decentralized broadcasting, serendip- is not happening at the start of the twenty-first century. And, for
ituous interaction, purpose-oriented communication, and shared the reasons exposed above, I doubt that it will happen soon
creation that find their expression on the Internet. If convergence (although I can certainly be proved wrong, and the futurologists'
takes place one day, it will be when the investment required in chorus right in this matter-but the jury is still out on this one). Let
setting up broadband capabilities beyond the instrumental uses of us assume, for the sake of analysis, that we can extrapolate current
the corporate world is justified by a new media system willing and trends and that the Internet continues to be the Internet, while the
ready to satisfy the most important latent demand: the demand for multimedia system continues to inter-operate its one-directional
interactive free expression and autonomous creation-nowadays communication components without actually integrating the
largely stymied by the sclerotic vision of the traditional media Internet, except as a working tool and a platform for referral-save
industry. for some virtual reality interactive games on-line.
200 201
Multimedia and the Internet Multimedia and the Internet
Does this mean that there is no hypertext? That the vision of an this is what Ted Nelson's Xanadu explicitly meant, and this is what
interactive, cross-referred communication system was a technolog- we should have understood.
ical dream? Maybe cultural transformation is more complex than So, because of the Internet, and in spite of multimedia, we do
we used to think. Perhaps the hypertext does not exist outside have a hypertext: not the hypertext, but my hypertext, your hyper-
us, but within us. We probably created an excessively material text, and everybody else's hypertext. These hypertexts, however,
image of the hypertext (myself certainly included in this error- are limited for the time being because bandwidth and access are
since for once I believed too much in the predictions of futurolo- limited. And they may remain so, unless this decentralized form of
gists). That is: a hypertext as an actual interactive system, digitally cultural expression can be either marketized or universally decom-
communicated and electronically operated in which all the bits and modified. So, we have a personalized hypertext, a modest hyper-
pieces of cultural expression, present, past, and future, in all their text, as modest or as sophisticated as everyone can afford. But it is
manifestations, could coexist and be recombined. This could exist indeed an individual hypertext made of multi-modal, cultural
technologically in the age of the Internet. But it does not exist expressions recombined in new forms and new meanings.
because there is no interest in it (ask Ted Nelson). And particularly In this sense, we indeed live in the kind of culture that in my pre-
there is no interest from the multimedia business world unless/ vious writings I have called "the culture of real virtuality" (Castells,
until there is a viable business that could be built around the 1996/2000). It is virtual because it is constructed primarily through
hypertext. And since multimedia business has a proprietary hold electronically based, virtual processes of communication. It is real
on much of the cultural products and processes, there is no passage (and not imaginary) because it is our fundamental reality, the
from the reality of multimedia to the vision of the hypertext. So, in material basis on which we live our existence, construct our
terms of an electronically operated, material artefact, there is no systems of representation, practice our work, link up with other
hypertext. people, retrieve information, form our opinions, act in politics, and
Yet, this is too primitive a vision in the understanding of cultural nurture our dreams. This virtuality is our reality. This is what is dis-
processes. Our minds-not our machines-process culture, on the tinctive of culture in the Information Age: it is primarily through
basis of our existence. Human culture only exists in and by human virtuality that we process our creation of meaning.
minds, usually connected to human bodies. Therefore, if our minds But if virtuality is the language through which we construct
have the material capability to access the whole realm of cultural meaning, and the hypertext is personalized, a fundamental ques-
expressions-select them, recombine them-we do have a hyper- tion arises: how can we share meaning in social life? If cultural
text: the hypertext is inside us. Or, rather, it is in our inner ability expressions are gathered in a vast, diverse constellation that can be
to recombine and make sense inside our minds of all the compo- accessed individually, and then reconstructed in its specific codes
nents of the hypertext that are distributed in many different realms by each one of us, how can we speak a common language? If the
of cultural expression. The Internet enables us to do precisely that. hypertext would exist outside us, internalized in the multimedia
Not multimedia, but the Internet-based inter-operability of access- system, we would endure systemic cultural domination, but at
ing and recombining all kinds of text, images, sounds, silences, and least we would all be processed under the same formula-multi-
blanks, including the entire realm of symbolic expression enclosed faceted, but based on similar codes. But if, as seems to be the case,
in the multimedia system. So, the hypertext is not produced by the outside the multimedia world (with decreasing capacity to include
multimedia system using the Internet as a medium to reach all of decentralized networks of communication), we build our own
us. It is, instead, produced by us, by using the Internet to absorb systems of interpretation, with the help of the Internet, we are free,
cultural expression in the multimedia world and beyond. Indeed, but potentially autistic.
202 203
Multimedia and the Internet Multimedia and the Internet
So, how is common meaning, and therefore society, reconsti- this could be its fundamental role in a culture characterized by
tuted under the conditions of a distributed, personalized hyper- fragmentation and potential non-communication of codes, a cul-
text? The most obvious process is through shared experience. Our ture where multiplicity of expressions may in fact undermine
minds are not single, isolated worlds; they are wired in their social sharing. Lack of common meaning could open the way for wide-
environment, so we process signals, and we look for meaning, spread alienation among humans-everybody speaking a different
according to what we perceive through the experience of everyday language, built around his or her personalized hypertext. In a
life. But in a social structure-the network society-that induces world of broken mirrors, made of non-communicable texts, art
structural individualism, and increasingly distinct social experi- could be, without any deliberate agenda, just by being, a protocol
ences' some of this shared meaning through practice is lost, so that of communication and a tool of social reconstruction. By suggest-
areas of cognitive dissonance may grow proportionally to the ing, through disarming irony or sheer beauty, that we are still
extent of self-construction of meaning. The more we select our capable of being together, and enjoying it. Art, increasingly a
personal hypertext, under the conditions of a networked social hybrid expression of virtual and physical materials, may be a fun-
structure and individualized cultural expressions, the greater the damental cultural bridge between the Net and the self.
obstacles to finding a common language, thus common meaning.
This is why, in addition to the traditional mechanism for the
sharing of cultural codes, derived from the simple fact of living
together, in the culture of real virtuality communication largely
depends on the existence of protocols of meaning. These are Reading Links
bridges of communication, independent of common practice,
Borgman, Christine 1. (2000) From Gutenberg to the Global Information
between personalized hypertexts. In our context, the most impor- Infrastructure: Access to Information in the Networked World. Cambridge,
tant of these protocols is art, in all its manifestations (including, of MA: MIT Press.
course, literature, music, architecture, and graphic design). Indeed, Boyd, Frank, Brickwood, Cathy, Broeckman, Andreas, Haske!, Lisa,
art has always been a tool to build bridges between people from Kluitenberg, Eric, and Stikker, Marleen (eds) (1999) New Media Culture
different countries, cultures, classes, ethnic groups, genders, and in Europe. Amsterdam: Uitgeverij de Balie and the Virtual Platform.
power positions-bridges of meaning, sometimes through the Business Week (2001) "Showtime for AOLIWarner," January 15: 57-64.
expression of the social conflicts between the people on both sides Cafassi, Emilio (ed.) (1998) Internet: politicas y comunicacion. Buenos Aires:
of a meaningful contradiction. Art has always been a communica- Biblos.
tion protocol to restore the unity of human experience beyond Castells, Manuel (1996/2000) The Rise of the Network Society, 2nd edn,
pp. 355-406. Oxford: Blackwell.
oppression, difference, and conflict. The paintings of the powerful
Croteau, David and Hoynes, William (2000) Media/Society: Industries,
in their human misery, the sculpting of the oppressed in their
Images, and Audiences, 2nd edn. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.
human dignity, the bridges between the beauty of our environ-
Dumort, Alain (2000) "New media and distant education: an EU-US per-
ment and the inner hells of our psyche-as in Van Gogh'S land- spective," Information, Communication and Society, 3(4): 546-56.
scapes-are all media to go beyond the inescapable labors of life, to The Economist (2000) "E-entertainment survey," October 7.
find the expression of joy, of pain, of feeling, that reunites us, and The Economist (2001) "Television takes a tumble," January 20.
makes this planet liveable after all. Ekman, Richard and Quandt, Richard E. (eds) (1999) Technology and
Art has always been a builder of bridges between the diverse, Scholarly Communication. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
contradictory expressions of human experience. More than ever Jankowski, Nicholas, Jones, Steve, Samarajiva, Rohan, and Silverstone,
204 205
Multimedia and the Internet
Roger (eds) (1999) What's New about New Media?, special issue of New
Media and Society, vol. 1. London: Sage.
Jones, Steve (ed.) (1999) Cybersociety 2.0. London: Sage.
de Kerckhove, Derrick (1997) Connected Intelligence: The Arrival of the Web
Society. Toronto: Somerville House.
Chapter 8
Levy, Pierre (1995) Qu 'est-ce que Ie virtuel? Paris: La Decouverte.
Nelson, Chris and Jones, Steve (2001) "Revolutionary times for music"
Boston Globe, January 16: All.
Owen, Bruce M. (1999) The Internet Challenge to Television. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press.
The Geography of
Packer, Randall and Jordan, Ken (eds) (2001) Multimedia: From Wagner to
Virtual Reality. New York: W. W. Norton.
Schiller, Dan (1999) Digital Capitalism: Networking the Global Market
the Internet:
System. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Silverstone, Roger and Hirsch, Eric (1992) Consuming Technologies. Media Networked Places
and Information in Domestic Spaces. London: Routledge.
Suarez, Manuel (2001) "Free music, the music industry, and the
Internet," University of California, Berkeley, unpublished research
paper for CP229 seminar.
UNESCO (1999) World Communication Report, 1999-2000. Paris: UNESCO.
e-Links The Internet Age has been hailed as the end of geography. In fact, the Internet has a geography of its own, a geography made of net-
On electronic art. works and nodes that process information flows generated and
managed from places. The unit is the network, so the architecture
and dynamics of multiple networks are the sources of meaning and
On Escher and tessellations.
function for each place. The resulting space of flows is a new form
of space, characteristic of the Information Age, but it is not place-
less: it links places by telecommunicated computer networks and
computerized transportation systems. It redefines distance but does
not cancel geography. New territorial configurations emerge from
simultaneous processes of spatial concentration, decentralization,
and connection, relentlessly labored by the variable geometry of
global information flows.
I will explore the contours of this space by focusing first on the
geography of the Internet itself. I will then analyze the influence of
The Geography of the Internet The Geography of the Internet
information and communication technologies on the spatial trans- node through a myriad of possible routes. However, because the
formation of cities and regions. I will also address a myth of our time: US has much greater bandwidth capacity than the rest of the
the end of the workplace thanks to telecommuting, by reporting on world, the US plays a central role in the connections between
the actual developments in metropolitan mobility. I will consider the. countries. According to Cukier, in 1999 the Internet's technical
potential changes brought by the Internet in our home environ- structure "resernbled a star with the United States at its center"
ment, and in our relationship to public space. Finally, I will examine (1999: 53). It is often the case that connections between two
the social differentation induced by this networking geography. European or Asian cities, let alone African or Latin American ones,
are first routed through a US node. However, according to Tele-
geography, this is changing, as bandwidth increases in other areas
The Internet's Geography of the world, particularly in Europe. Most traffic is still routed
through the United States but new nodes emerge as key routers.
The geographical dimension of the Internet can be analyzed from Townsend (2001) observes that major metropolitan areas rely on a
three perspectives: its technical geography, the spatial distribution backbone made up of a network of networked cities. In sum, tech-
of its users, and the economic geography of Internet production. nically speaking, the Internet backbone is global in its reach, but
The technical geography refers to the telecommunications infrastruc- territorially uneven in its layout in terms of capacity. While inter-
ture of the Internet, the connections between the computers that country differences are declining, dependency upon the United
organize Internet traffic (routers), and the distribution of the States is gradually being replaced by technical dependency upon
Internet's broad bandwidth; that is, the telecommunication lines connection to a large, broad bandwidth network of networks
dedicated to Internet data packet traffic. A number of pioneering linking the major metropolitan centers around the world, with the
researchers have been working on mapping the Internet for some main nodes still predominantly located in the United States.
time, most notably John Quaterman, head of, as well as Concerning the geography of users, figs 8.1 and 8.2, elaborated by
the work conducted around the consulting firm Telegeography Matthew Zook on the basis of NUA surveys, show the highly
(2000), founded by John Staple. Cheswick and Burch (2000), uneven territorial distribution of the Internet in September 2000,
working from Bell Laboratories, have built a remarkable, evolving both in terms of the number of users and of the penetration rate rel-
database on the topography of connections between Internet ative to the population of each country. Thus, North America, with
nodes. Martin Dodge (1998-2001) ( and over 161 million users, was the dominant region of the world, and,
Townsend (2001) have also contributed to the mapping of the together with Europe's 105 million users, constituted the bulk of .
Internet's infrastructure, while other researchers, including Cukier the total 378 million Internet users, in sharp contrast to the distrib-
(1999) and Abramson (2000), have analyzed the meaning of this ution of the population in the planet. Thus, the Asia Pacific region,
spatial configuration. The graph on the cover of this book, pro- with over two-thirds of the world's population, only accounted for
duced by Cheswick and Burch, reflects the topography of the 90 million users, some 23.6 percent of the total; Latin America had
Internet, based on trace routes in January 2000. I take the liberty only about IS million users; the Middle East 2.4 million; and Africa
of referring the reader to the websites listed at the end of the 3.11 million, of which the majority was in South Africa. In terms
chapter to visualize, with the help of beautiful images, the struc- of density of use of the Internet, Scandinavia, North America,
ture and evolution of the Internet's technical network. Australia, and (interestingly enough) South Korea, came clearly
These studies show the complexity, pervasiveness, and global above all other countries, followed by the UK, The Netherlands,
reach of the Internet backbone. Every node is connected to every Germany, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, then Southern
208 209
The Geography of the Internet
l ::
'", -0
Fig. 8.2 Share of world Internet users and percentage of countries'
population on-line in Europe, September 2000
Q) Ql
E ~ L.C? (Y) ro 0.0
l'll Source: Zook (2001a)
§~ ~"tLD 1lJ
o c: u:
I LO'(lD"O
l ::
- c: V(y).-lN I \ Z
o c:
Europe; at a greater distance came the rest of Asia, Latin America,
the Middle East, and, at the very bottom, Africa.
I shall elaborate on the implications of this differential diffusion
of the Internet in Chapter 9. However, while exploring its geogra·
phy, it is essential to emphasize that the use of the Internet is
highly differentiated in territorial terms, following the uneven dis-
tribution of technological infrastructure, wealth, and education in
~ the planet. This geographical pattern evolves over time, Thus,
0 0 according to NUA surveys, in the first global surveys of Internet use
~ at the end of 1996, of a total of 45 million users, North America
..l:: ~
lJ) 0
accounted for 30 million, with another 9 million in Europe, and
.-t N
00 ~ the rest of the world sharing the other 6 million (most of them in
u:: '"" 211
The Geography of the Internet The Geography of the Internet
Australia, Japan, and East Asia). Internet use is diffusing fast, but works built around mighty corporations of the pre-Internet era
this diffusion follows a spatial pattern that fragments its geography (ATT, IBM, Microsoft, Motorola, Phillips, Siemens, Hitachi) con-
according to wealth, technology, and power: it is the new geog- tinue to concentrate in a few milieux of innovation most of the
raphy of development. technological know-how on which the Internet is based. Indeed,
Within countries, there are also major spatial differences in the Cisco Systems, controlling over 80 percent of the market for
diffusion of Internet use. Urban areas come first, both in developed Internet routers, was planning by the end of 2000 to build a giant
and developing countries, and rural areas and small towns consid- campus in Coyote Valley, near San Jose, in Silicon Valley, to house
erably lag behind in their access to the new medium, in a blatant 20,000 employees, on top of the thousands already working for
denial of the futurologists' image of the electronic cottage, working Cisco in the area, so that the majority of its global labor force would
and living in the countryside. Retardation in the diffusion of the be concentrated in a few miles.
Internet in rural areas has been observed in the United States, in While new centers of Internet-related technological innovation,
Europe, and even more so in developing countries. For instance, in such as Austin, and Denver-Boulder, were growing fast, the
China, the three largest cities, Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, overall geography of Internet-related hardware closely follows
in September 2000, according to NUA surveys, accounted for about the pattern identified years ago by Peter Hall and myself in our
60 percent of Internet users. In contrast, the penetration rate for worldwide scanning of technopoles (Castells and Hall, 1994):
the country as a whole remained at less than 2 percent of the popu- dense spatial concentrations of major companies and innovative
lation. Within urban areas, major metropolitan areas, and particu- start-ups, as well as their ancillary suppliers, located in a few tech-
larly the most important cities, tend to be the ones with the fastest nological nodes, usually in the periphery of large metropolitan
and largest adoption of the Internet. There are, however, excep- areas, then linked up with each other by telecommunications and
tions in countries with a decentralized urban structure, such as air transportation. No undifferentiated spatial diffusion, but highly
Germany, where Munich, Berlin, and Hamburg adopted the selective, metropolitan concentration, and global networking. A
Internet faster, or the United States, where dynamic areas, such as similar locational pattern seems to be followed by Internet software
Austin or Seattle, were intensive users at an earlier time than older companies, Internet media services, and Internet service providers.
industrial cities, such as Chicago or Philadelphia. Yet, overall, there However, the metropolitan areas that host the leading firms reflect
is a strong correlation between metropolitan dominance and early the diverse origins of each company: for instance, Washington,
adoption of Internet use. So, Internet diffusion proceeds unevenly DC, home of AOL, or Seattle, home of Amazon. Yahoo!, e-Bay,
over time and space, by successive layers of incorporation that may e*Trade, and a long list of leaders of the early Internet industry
reflect in a diversity of social geographies in the future. were spin-offs from Silicon Valley's and San Francisco's entrepre-
However, while the use of the Internet is expected to diffuse neurial milieux.
broadly in the coming years, at least in the most developed coun- Nevertheless, as I emphasized in Chapter 3 on e-business, it
tries and in the metropolitan areas of the developing world, a more would be too narrow a vision to consider the Internet industry as
selective, economic geography is emerging concerning the production ofthe made up exclusively of Internet manufacturers, Internet software
Internet. This is certainly the case with the Internet's equipment companies, Internet service providers, and Internet portals. The
manufacturing and technology design. Silicon Valley and its global commercial Internet is not just about web companies, it is about
networks, together with the Ericsson world network centered on companies in the web. Thus, we need an assessment of the geog-
Sweden, the Nokia world network centered on Finland, the NEC raphy of Internet content providers at large; that is, of the Inter-
world network centered on Japan, and perhaps a few other net- net domains of all kinds that generate, process, and distribute
212 213
The Geography of the Internet
2001a, b). To do so, he constructed a database locating a random ;:
sample of Internet domains, on the basis of their registration postal 'u
addresses, according to a methodology that can be checked on his >.
website (see the Appendix to this chapter). He also mapped the VI
content providers, measured by the location of domain addresses, 't:l
in the world, in Europe, in the United States, and in New York City Ql
as of July 2000. Zook calculated both the number of domains in the
world and in each country, and the density of domains, standard-
izing by population for each country, and by the number of busi-
- Ql
nesses for the commercial Internet in the United States. Reading 0 0 ~
from Zook's tables for his July 2000 sample (which are not given 00
0 s:::
o . 0. a0 :::l
here for simplicity's sake), he found the United States to account OLD
0'--< 1 1 0 't:l
for the lion's share of Internet domains, with about 50 percent of 0 1 '--<
0 O. s:::
0 0
the total, followed by Germany with 8.6 percent and the UK with LD 0
M .0
aLD 0
LD ...:
•••• c:
VM.--< N A
8.5 percent. Canada (3.6 percent), South Korea (2.5 percent) and
France (2.1 percent) were in the middle, with all other countries • ...lID
below 2 percent.
Standardizing by population, the dominance of the developed
world is still more accentuated, with the US showing a ratio of
25.2 Internet domains per thousand population, compared to ...
Brazil's 0.5, China's 0.2, and India's 0.1. Europe shows a strong E <::l
:::l ......
internal diversity, with Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, and The s:::
Netherlands ranking at the top, with over 15.0 per thousand pop- ~ ~
0 ~
ulation, and Southern Europe at the bottom, with Spain, for I- 0
instance, showing a ratio of 3.4 per thousand, representing only cO
i.i: "
The Geography of the Internet
< 20,000
• 20,001-50,000
• 50,001-100,000
• 100,001-200,000 0
• > 200,000 0
• - Q>
I ::
I ::
Fig. 8.4 Total number of .com, .org, .net, and country code Internet
- ...>.
I ::
domain names by city in Europe, July 2000 I::
Sou~e: Zook(2001a) ~
1 percent of world domains. The case of Japan is significant, ...C!tl1l
accounting for only 1.6 percent of world domains, with a domain/
population ratio of only 1.7 per thousand, although this is probably ~
changing rapidly with the expansion of Do-eo-Mo.
What these data say is that Internet domains are highly concen-
trated by country, with substantial dominance by the US. This con- E <;;
::J ......
I:: 0
centration is much higher than the concentration of Internet users, 0
iij ':!.
suggesting a growing asymmetry between production and con- 0 ~
I- 0
sumption of Internet content, with the US producing for everybody LO N
else, and the developed world producing for the rest of the world- cO
i:i: C/)
The Geography of the Internet
r£ content provision.
'So These data should be interpreted in a time-dynamic perspective.
ct: In 1997, Quaterman reported that 83 percent of all dot. com
ltl domains were located in the US, while the US, Canada, and the UK
'0 represented 90 percent of all domains. In January 2000,
the relative figures had declined to 67 percent and 74 percent
:E (remember that Zook's database refers to all domains, and not just domains). So, there is indeed a trend toward greater
>- diffusion of the commercial Internet's content provision. But this
== geographical diffusion starts from a very high level of spatial con-
.S: centration in a few countries, whose dominance in designing and
"0 distributing content will be felt for a considerable period of time.
U Furthermore, many of these content providers entered foreign
'N markets with expertise and capital (for example, Yahoo! was the
.Q most widely used portal in Europe in 2000) .
Cll The US dominance is even greater when measured in terms of
top sites and pageviews. In 2000, the US accounted for 65 percent
C of the top thousand websites, and 83 percent of the total pageviews
E of Internet users. Again, South Korea is the surprise phenomenon
here, ranking second after the US in its percentage of total page-
views-a tribute to the high level of use of the Korean Internet by
Koreans. South Korea only accounted for 5.6 percent of total
pageviews but this percentage was well above the 2.9 percent for
l.! the UK or the 1.1 percent for Germany. Since Japan also fared
0 better in top websites and pageviews than in content provision, it
0) 0 may be that the language barrier in accessing English sites favors
0) :;::; ~
::::l nationally based Internet content.
0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0)
0) 0) 0) 0) 0) ..{ .Q 0
0:- <t 0) <to 0)
...... .;: 0
..{ "'- 0)
I I I 0
0 VI
~ Zook's data also allow analysis of the location of Internet domains
0 0 0 0 O.
0 0 ~
m 0 0 0
i5 0 by city, with a database of 2,500 cities worldwide. The results are
I O. O. 0 0
0 N Lfi "'- ...... /\ \0 N
'" highly significant. In January 2000, the top five cities, accounting
00 ~
tlD ;,:
i:L: '"
The Geography of the Internet The Geography of the Internet
for 1 percent of world population, accounted for 20.4 percent of domain sites were adjusted for population, Zurich and Munich
Internet domains. The top fifty cities, with only 4 percent of world appeared at the top of the European ranking, reflecting Zurich's role
population, contained 48.2 percent of Internet domains, and the top in finance and Munich's role in high-technology and media indus-
500 cities, with 12.4 percent of the population, represented 70 . tries.
percent of Internet domains. Moreover, the concentration of In the United States, there is an overwhelming metropolitan
Internet domains between 1998 and 2000 increased for the top five dominance in Internet content provision, with a particularly con-
cities by 2.7 percentage points, and for the top ten cities by 1.3 per- centrated structure at the top of the ranking. In terms of Internet
centage points. This is in contrast to the phenomenon of the diffu- domains, New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco/Silicon Valley
sion of the Internet from its original location. In other words, top the rest of the cities by far. Adding the fourth and fifth largest
Internet content provision is increasingly, and overwhelmingly, a areas (Seattle and Washington, DC), these areas together accounted
metropolitan phenomenon. for 18.7 percent of domains worldwide, and 38.1 percent of the top
Where are these Internet concentrations located? According to thousand sites in the world, as well as for 64.6 percent of pageviews
Zook's data, in January 2000, seventeen out of the top twenty cities of the top thousand sites. In contrast, the rest of the US represented
in the ranking of Internet domains were in the United States. The only 27 percent of the world's top websites and 16.9 percent of
largest concentration was in the Greater New York area (CMSA), pageviews. In other words, the concentration of Internet content
followed by Greater Los Angeles (CMSA), and San Francisco- providers in the US reflects in fact its concentration in a few metro-
Oakland-San Jose. London came fourth in the ranking, Seoul sev- politan areas, and particularly at the top of this Internet metropoli-
enth, and Hong Kong nineteenth. Within countries, the general tan hierarchy, formed by New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco,
rule is the metropolitan concentration of Internet domains, partic- Seattle, and Washington, DC.
ularly in the largest metropolitan areas. Thus, London accounts for Measuring the Internet content provision specialization of these
29 percent of Britain's domains, and the highest density in the UK areas, standardizing by population, and by the number of busi-
relative to its population. This predominance of London in Inter- nesses, a new hierarchy appears, with the San Francisco Bay
net content provision has also been verified in the study by Dodge area at the top, Los Angeles in third place, and New York in four-
and Shiode (2000) on the Internet's "real estate" in Britain, by teenth place, with smaller areas, highly intensive in Internet provi-
calculating the spatial distribution of IP addresses. Birmingham, sion high on the list. This is the case for Provo-Orem (Utah), San
Cambridge, Oxford, and Nottingham, completed the upper tier of Diego, and (of course) Las Vegas (gambling, porno, tourist infor-
Britain's Internet geography. In France, Paris accounted for 26.5 mation). What is important in this analysis is that the Internet
percent of Internet domains. In Spain, Madrid and Barcelona domain hierarchy does not really follow population distribution
together represented over 50 percent of Internet domains. Stock- in the United States. For instance, the San Francisco Bay area is
holm concentrated the largest share of Internet content provision much higher than Chicago in absolute numbers of domains, and in
in Sweden, and so did Helsinki in Finland, and Copenhagen in terms of specialization. San Francisco has twice the number of
Denmark. Only Germany has a decentralized system of Internet domain names per firm than Chicago, Philadelphia, Dallas, or
content provision, with Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg sharing rela- Houston.
tively low percentages of concentration, ahead of other areas. Finally, moving inside metropolitan regions, Zook shows the
This reflects the flat hierarchy of the German urban system, sug- high level of concentration of Internet domains in certain areas.
gesting that Internet content provision adapts to the pre-existing Thus, in the city of San Francisco, there is an extraordinary con-
metropolitan structure, rather than reversing it. However, when centration of Internet content providers in the South of Market
220 221
The Geography of the Internet The Geography of the Internet
area. In New York, fig. 8.6 shows the overwhelming concentration of new technologies, and the network of suppliers, which could
in Manhattan, and inside Manhattan in a few neighborhoods: sustain new entrepreneurial initiatives: this is the case for the
the so-called Silicon Alley, at the tip of Manhattan; and south of San Francisco Bay area, for Seattle, Austin, San Diego, Denver-
Central Park, on the East Side. In Los Angeles, there is also a Boulder, and for a number of high-technology hubs riding the new
pattern of spatial concentration of Internet content providers in wave of the information-technology revolution. But this only par-
a few areas, particularly around Santa Monica, the Ventura Free- tially explains the case of New York, the largest concentration of
way Corridor, and the San Gabriel Valley. Internet content providers in 2000. New York was built on the
Thus, research shows that Internet content provision, as mea- design expertise accumulated in the world of media, advertising,
sured by domains addresses, follows a pattern of high spatial con- and art, yet it had little technological base of its own. Zook found
centration. This supposedly footloose activity has a higher location that the key missing link, which explains the prominent role of both
quotient than most other industries. It is concentrated in a few New York and San Francisco in the provision of Internet content, is
countries; it is overwhelmingly located in metropolitan areas, and the spatial structure of the venture capital industry, including the
particularly in some of the wealthiest metropolitan areas of the personalized version of "angel investors" (Zook, 2001a).
world; it is usually (but not always) concentrated in the largest Venture capital plays an essential role in financing innovation
metropolitan areas of each country; it is concentrated in a few, and entrepreneurialism in the Internet economy, as I showed in
leading metropolitan locations in each country with high levels of Chapter 3. Venture capitalists have an intimate connection to
specialization in those areas that started the commercial Internet; Internet start-up companies. They work with the companies on a
and it is concentrated in specific areas, and neighborhoods within weekly basis, they nurture and advise them, they are part of the
metropolitan areas. The geography of the Internet's content pro- same process of work (Gupta, 2000). In other words, venture
viders is characterized by taking over the world's virtual sites from capital is an integral component of the Internet industry. And the
a few physical places. The question is why? geography of venture capital is highly concentrated. In the late
Zook has investigated the matter in the United States, using both 1950s, in the first stage of the micro-electronics-Ied revolution, it
statistical analysis and case studies. There are three main answers. was concentrated in the San Francisco and Boston areas, although
The first refers to the connection to the metropolitan structure of New York-based investment banks were always a major source of
the information economy. Internet domains are related to infor- capital everywhere (for instance, the emblematic micro-electronics
mation production organizations. The large spatial clusters of these company of Silicon Valley, Fairchild Semiconductors, was started
organizations in advanced services, finance, media, entertainment, with capital from New York investors). In the 1990s, New York
education, health, technology, and the like, are predominantly in became a major player in the Internet content industry, as well as
metropolitan areas, and particularly in areas such as New York, Los Los Angeles, both financed by venture capital. The reasons for this
Angeles, and Washington, DC. So, the spatial patterning of the spatial patterning of venture capital firms are two-fold. Most
Internet follows not the distribution of the population but the venture capital originated from inside the high-technology indus-
metropolitan concentration of the information economy. Howe try, from investors who had made money in the industry, knew it
ever, this is not the only answer because major information pro- well, and were ready to take risks because of their insider know-
duction centers, such as the Chicago area, do not rank as high as ledge, often with backing from outside investment, particularly
Internet content providers. from New York. However, insider knowledge was essential for the
The second answer refers to the connection to pre-existing development of a dynamic and rich venture-capital sector in
milieux of technological innovation, which provide the know-how the San Francisco Bay area.
222 223
The Geography of the Internet The Geography of the Internet
The process by which New York became a hub of the Internet India's urban population to almost double between 1996 and 2020,
content industry was different. Wall Street firms learned from jumping from 256 million to 499 million. China's urban population
Silicon Valley how profitable technology investments could be. is expected to increase even faster, from 377 million in 1996 to 712
They spun off specialized units to scan opportunities, at the time million in 2020, thus representing over half of the projected total
when New York's bursting entrepreneurial culture was discovering population of China. In all likelihood, the twenty-first century will
the potential of the Internet in its cultural/commercial dimension. see a largely urbanized planet, with the population increasingly
The convergence of the New York information economy, New concentrated in very large metropolitan regions-leaving most of
York money, New York media, New York art, and New York busi- the planet's land mass sparsely inhabited.
ness savvy launched Silicon Alley, and beyond, reinventing the At the turn of the millennium, in the rich countries, the propor-
New York economy once again. The geography of Internet produc- tion of people living in areas of over one million people was 30
tion is the geography of cultural innovation. A geography that percent, and one-third of Latin Americans lived in these large met-
Peter Hall (1998) has demonstrated was historically rooted in the ropolitan areas. Moreover, the statistical categories are misleading
major urban centers of the world-and still is. because the functional spatial units where people live encompass
much larger populations linked by fast transportation systems that
shrink distance and give people the option of being in a major node
The Internet Age: An Urbanized World of economic and social livelihood without being in the proximity of
of Sprawling Metropolises one of its centers. The entire planet is being reorganized around
gigantic metropolitan nodes that absorb an increasing proportion
One of the founding myths of futurology about the Internet Age of the urban population, itself the majority of the population of the
refers to the end of cities. Why keep these cumbersome, congested, planet.
filthy creatures from our past when we have the technological pos- But what has the Internet to do with it? First, the story I have
sibility of working, living, communicating, and enjoying from our just told is the opposite of the official story of Internet-based futur-
mountain top, our tropical paradise, or our little house on the ologists. I read, in mid-2000, one of the most prominent represen-
prairie? And yet, while you are reading this book our blue planet tatives of the trade forecasting once again the end of cities, and
will probably be crossing the threshold when 50 percent of the declaring that the Internet would be the golden opportunity for
world's population live in cities (up from 37 percent in 1970), and rural regions of the world, such as South America-which, of
the projections are for about two-thirds of the population being course, at the same date was already 80 percent urban, and count-
urbanized by 2025. Sub-Saharan Africa, the least urbanized region ing. So, to consider the actual data on the spatial patterning of
in the world, is the one with the fastest rate of urban growth (an human settlements is a healthy reminder of the realities of our
annual 5.2 percent in 1975-95), so that by 2020, 63 percent of the world while trying to ascertain the spatial dimension of the
population will be likely to live in cities. In 1998-9, Western Internet. But, secondly, and more importantly, the Internet is in
Europe was 82 percent urban, Russia 75 percent, and the US 77 fact the technological medium that allows metropolitan concentra-
percent. In 1996, Japan and the Korean peninsula were 78 percent tion and global networking to proceed simultaneously. The net-
urban, Brazil 80 percent, South East Asia 37 percent, Pakistan 35 worked economy, tooled by the Internet, is an economy made up
percent. China, with 30 percent in 1996, and India with 28 percent of very large, interconnected metropolitan regions. I shall explain.
in 1998, were still, by and large, rural countries, and they account While our economy and society are built around decentralized
for over one-third of humankind. Yet, the projections are for networks of interaction, the spatial pattern of human settlements is
224 225
The Geography of the Internet The Geography of the Internet
characterized by unprecedented territorial concentration of popu- the San Francisco Bay area in general), the acknowledged birth-
lation and activities (Borja and Castells, 1997). Why so? Why do place of the information-technology revolution (Saxenian, 1994).
urban and metropolitan areas continue to grow in size and com- But, as shown by Peter Hall and myself in our world survey of
plexity, in spite of increasing technological ability to work, and technopoles, the argument extends to all societies. All major centers
interact, at a distance? The fundamental reason is the spatial con- of technological innovation have appeared in and from large metro-
centration of jobs, income-generating activities, services, and politan areas: TokYO-Yokohama, London, Paris, Munich (succeed-
human development opportunities in cities, and particularly in the ing Berlin after the war), Milan, Stockholm, Helsinki, Moscow,
largest metropolitan areas. This is, on the one hand, because Beijing, Shanghai, Seoul-Inchon, Taipei-Hsinchu, Bangalore,
increasing productivity in the advanced sector of the economy, and Bombay, Sao Paulo-Campinas, and, in the US, the San Francisco
the crisis of agricultural and extractive activities, eliminate jobs in Bay area, Los Angeles/Southern California Technopole, Greater
rural areas and backward regions, inducing new rural-urban Boston, and, lately, Seattle, although there are secondary milieux of
migrations. On the other hand, metropolitan areas concentrate the innovation in areas such as Austin, North Carolina's research trian-
higher-value generating activities, both in manufacturing and ser- gle, Princeton's corridor, and Denver. New York used to be a major
vices; because they are the sources of wealth, they provide jobs, exception (which has an historical explanation), largely compen-
both directly and indirectly. And because there is a higher level of sated for by its innovative role in finance, business services, media,
income in these areas, they offer greater opportunities for the pro- and cultural industries. But its ability to seize the opportunity of the
vision of essential services, such as education and health. Further- Internet economy has propelled New York to the forefront of inno-
more, even for those migrants at the bottom of urban society, the vation. Moreover, Peter Hall extended the argument of the rela-
spillover of opportunities provides better chances for survival first, tionship between cities and innovation to the entire Western
and for the promotion of future generations later, than anything history of cultural creativity and entrepreneurial innovation (Hall,
they could find in increasingly marginalized rural areas and back- 1998). If so, it seems logical that when we reach the Information
ward regions. As long as metropolitan areas continue to be cultural Age, and cultural creativity becomes a productive force, major
centers of innovation, their residents have access to unparalleled cities enjoy more than ever their competitive advantage as sources
opportunities for cultural enhancement and personal enjoyment, of wealth.
thus improving the quality and diversity of their consumption. But the innovative potential of cities is not restricted to informa-
Yet, why does the new production and management system of tion-technology industries. It extends to a whole range of activities
the Information Age favor metropolitan concentration? Knowledge dealing with information and communication, thus based on net-
generation and information-processing are the sources of value and working and the Internet. Innovation is essential in advanced
power in the Information Age. Both depend on innovation, and on business services, which form the leading money-making sector in
the capacity to diffuse innovation in networks that induce synergy our economy. Services such as finance, insurance, consulting, legal
by sharing this information and knowledge. A twenty-year-old services, accounting, advertising, marketing comprise the nerve
tradition of urban and regional research has shown the importance center of the twenty-first century economy. And they are concen-
of territorial complexes of innovation in facilitating synergy. What trated in large metropolitan areas, with New York/New Jersey, and
Philippe Aydalot, Peter Hall, and I named some time ago as "milieux Los Angeles/Orange County being the prominent areas in the
of innovation" seem to be at the heart of the ability of cities, and United States. Advanced services are unevenly distributed between
particularly of large cities, to become the sources of wealth in the the central business district and the new suburban centers, depend-
Information Age. This is certainly the case for Silicon Valley (and ing on the history and spatial dynamics of each area. What is
226 227
The Geography of the Internet The Geography of the Internet
critical is that these advanced service centers are territorially con- of London, in Paris' Quartier de l'Opera, in Tokyo's Shibuya, or in
centrated, built on interpersonal networks of decision-making Sao Paulo's Nova Faria Lima. While concentrating much of the pro-
processes, organized around a territorial web of suppliers and cus- duction and consumption capacity of a vast hinterland, these terri-
tomers, and increasingly communicated by the Internet among. torial complexes of knowledge generation and information-
themselves. processing, link up with each other, ushering in a new global geog-
A third set of value-generating activities concentrated in metro- raphy, made up of nodes and networks.
politan areas are the cultural industries: media, in all their forms; Wherever, and whenever, a major node of this global network is
entertainment; art; fashion; publishing; museums; cultural creation formed, it expands, and it generates a new spatial form, the metro-
industries, at large. These industries are among the fastest growing, politan region, which is characterized by the functional connection
and the highest value-generating activities in all advanced societies. between activities scattered in a vast territory, usually defined in
They also rely on the spatial logic of territorially concentrated terms of a specific labor market, consumer market, and media
milieux of innovation, with a multiplicity of interactions, and face- market (for example, television). The metropolitan region is not
to-face exchanges at the core of the innovation process-to be just a very large urban area. It is also a distinctive spatial form, close
complemented, not contradicted, by on-line interaction. to what a brilliant journalist, Joel Garreau, labeled as Edge City,
Fourth, in the whole range of activities associated with the emer- after reporting on new spatial developments in some of the largest
gence of the new economy, highly educated workers and entrepre- American metropolitan areas (Garreau, 1991). In most cases, the
neurs are the key source of innovation and value creation. These metropolitan region does not even have a name, let alone a politi-
knowledge creators are attracted to vibrant urban areas, to cities cal unity or institutional agency. When we speak of the "Bay Area"
such as San Francisco, New York, London, Paris, Barcelona. And (in my case meaning the San Francisco Bay area), we are referring
they build their networks and milieux that attract additional talent. to a large constellation of cities and counties, stretching at least
This is the argument developed by Kotkin (2000) to explain the from Santa Rosa in the North Bay to Santa Cruz in the South of
differential dynamics of American cities in the late 1990s. the South Bay, and from the Western cliffs of San Francisco to the
Let us now connect these trends to Zook's observation of the outer suburbs of the East Bay, all the way to Livermore; that is,
increasing concentration of Internet domains in the largest metro- almost 7 million people living in an expanse that is about 60 miles
politan areas in the world. Since the Internet processes informa- long and 40 miles wide. Indeed, the largest city in the San
tion, the Internet hubs are located in the main information systems Francisco Bay area is not San Francisco, but San Jose, with a pop-
which are the basis of the economy and institutions of metropoli- ulation close to one million in 2000. The real settlement pattern is
tan regions. However, this does not mean that the Internet is just a already reaching far beyond this area, linking up with the Central
metropolitan phenomenon. Instead, it is a network of metropolitan Valley, and absorbing, across the Nevada border, Lake Tahoe, and
nodes. There is no centrality, but nodality, based on a networking towards the South, Monterey and Carmel, as secondary residences
geometry. for Bay Area dwellers.
It is precisely because of the existence of telecommunication net- An even more striking case is the Southern California metropol-
works, and computer networks, that these milieux of innovation, itan region, which merges in one largely integrated space the area
and these high-level networks of decision-making, can exist in a few extending from Ventura in the north, to the southern tip of Orange
nodes in the country, or in the planet, reaching out to the whole County, with about 17 million people living, working, consuming,
world from a few blocks in Manhattan, in Wilshire Boulevard, in and travelling in this territory without boundaries, name, or
Santa Clara County, in San Francisco's South of Market, in the City identity, other than as a labor market and a consumer market.
228 229
The Geography of the Internet The Geography of the Internet
Furthermore, the freeway links up Orange County with San Diego, connecting several conurbations, each one with millions of people,
and beyond the border, with Tijuana, making this area a bina- and jointly harnessing a significant share of the world's wealth and
tional, multicultural, nameless, mega-urban constellation. Outside information (Hall, 1997).
California, the New Jersey-New York-Long Island-Rhode Island- . These settlements blur the traditional distinctions between cities
Connecticut, the Washington, DC-Maryland-Virginia conurba- and countryside, and between cities and suburbs. They include, in
tion, or the New England mega-region are similar examples of new spatial discontinuity, built-up areas of various density, open space,
spatial agglomerations. agricultural activities, natural areas, residential expanses, and a
In Asia, some of the largest metropolitan regions in the world are concentration of services and manufacturing activities, scattered
being formed, such as the region in the process of articulation along transportation axes, made up of freeways and mass transit
between Hong Kong-Shenzhen-Canton-Macau-Zuhai and the systems. There is no real zoning-as workplaces, residential, and
Pearl River delta, with a population of about 60 million. Or commercial areas are dispersed in various directions. Moreover,
the Tokyo-Yokohama-Nagoya region, extending, via Shinkansen, while these regions are usually centered around a major central
to Osaka-Kobe, and Kyoto, within a 3-4-hour transportation time city, smaller urban centers gradually become absorbed in intra-
framework (Lo and Yeung, 1996). Seoul-Inchon, Shanghai- metropolitan networks. New nodes constantly emerge, as areas
Pudon, Bangkok metropolitan region, Jakarta megapolis, Calcutta, concentrate business/industrial activities decentralized from their
Bombay (Mumbai), Greater Mexico City, Greater Sao Paulo, previous locations. Other localities grow in their role of providers of
Greater Buenos Aires, Greater Rio de Janeiro, Paris-Ile de France, services for the metropolitan population at large. This regional met-
Greater London, and Greater Moscow, are all major areas, most of ropolitan structure is entirely dependent upon transportation and
which have no clear boundaries, or defined identity, beyond the communications. And communication and information systems are
vague images of what used to be their central city. And I am not organized by and around the Internet. Work at a distance, from
even mentioning areas of 7 million plus, such as Lima, Bogota, or home, or between spatially disjointed locations, increases consider-
Manila, which continue to grow both as magnets vis-a-vis their hin- ably-but not in the form forecasted by futurologists. Rather than
terlands in crisis, and as sources of growth and survival through telecommuting, we are observing the emergence of multi-modal
their connections to global networks. metropolitan mobility. I will elaborate on this fundamental point.
In Western Europe, the building of a dense high-speed train
network is integrating London with Paris, Paris with Lyons and .1
Marseille, and with Northern Italy; Paris-Lille-Brussels with The Telework, Tele-life, and the New Patterns
Netherlands; and Frankfurt and Cologne with the French network; of Metropolitan Mobility
from the South, Lisbon-Seville-Madrid-Barcelona-Bilbao are
scheduled to link up with the European network in 2004. Overall, Work from the electronic cottage was supposed to usher in a new
in Central/Western Europe an extraordinary concentration of pop- kind of human settlement, with workplaces fading away, and
ulation, production, management, markets, and urban amenities homes becoming the center of multi-functional activity. In fact,
are being connected within 3-hour transportation time-frames, let telecommuting is not a widespread practice, and work from home
alone air shuttles with a dense network of flights between 40 is only partly related to the Internet. Thus, in the US, supposedly
minutes and 2 hours connecting most of Western Europe. Thus, the most advanced area in the world in terms of flexibility of
the new spatial structure emerging at the heart of Western Europe working patterns, in 1997 only about 6.43 percent of the labor
is that of a series of interconnected metropolitan regions, each one force were estimated to work at home on a regular basis, with 47
230 231
The Geography of the Internet The Geography of the Internet
percent of them working on average 15 hours a week, and the rest, all, the study by Mohktarian, Handy, and Salomon (1991) showed
about 23 hours a week (US Bureau of Labor Statistics, elaborated that in the US, for telecommuters working an average of 1.2 days a
by Zayas, 2000). Furthermore, only a fraction of these workers week at home, the reduction of miles traveled per vehicle was less
worked predominantly from home, and many of them did not use . than 0.51 percent. Gillespie and Richardson (2000) estimate that the
computers. In a series of studies conducted by Mohktarian and by reduction is probably lower in the UK.
Handy in the 1990s (Mohktarian, 1991, 1992; Mohktarian, Handy, However, there are other forms of work at a distance, on the
and Salomon, 1995), it was shown that the percentage of the labor basis of the Internet, that have important spatial consequences.
force that in a given day in California worked from home was, on One is the development of remote offices, or "call centers," located
average, less than 2 percent. In fact, a 1991 national survey on the periphery of metropolitan areas. Rather than bringing
on homework in the US found that fewer than half of homework- sophisticated telecommunications equipment to their workers'
ers used computers: the rest worked with a telephone, pen, and homes, companies build call centers and data-processing centers
paper (Mohktarian, 1992: 12). A 1993 survey by Link Resources in which concentrate workers but diffuse their calls throughout the
the US estimated at 6.1 percent the proportion of US workers country and throughout the world. Many of these centers, for
working at home, but on average work at home was only one or instance in the UK, are located in lower-cost areas, generally
two days per week. A 1999 survey by Pratt Associates in the US served by women employees living in the suburbs or small towns
estimated the percentage of homeworkers at about 10 percent, but in the area of influence of major cities (such as Edinburgh,
work at home was limited to nine days per month on average Glasgow, Leeds, which have been attracting telebanking jobs). The
(reported by Zayas, 2000). reasons for the concentration of work in these telecenters have to
In one of the most comprehensive overviews of the phenomenon, do mainly with management procedures, but not necessarily
Gillespie and Richardson (2000) analyzed data on telecommuting, related to control of the worker. In fact, in a fully computerized
workplace, teleservices, and metropolitan travel in a comparative system, it would be easy to constantly monitor the worker's activ-
perspective, contrasting the UK with other European countries and ity. What management of information requires is, in fact, the oppo-
with the US. In line with other researchers on teleworking, they site: to give workers as much initiative as they can handle, under
began by differentiating distinct kinds of work at a distance, then conditions defined and organized by management. The informal
reviewed the evidence for each form of activity. Electronic home- transmission of information, tacit knowledge of the company,
working was found to be limited in all contexts, and usually part- group dynamics, and economies of scale for advanced telecommu-
time, one or two days a week. Most electronic homeworkers still nications equipment seem to be among the key elements under-
need to commute to their office most days. Some studies suggest that lying the growth of these "electronic communication factories" that
trips saved by working at home replaced public transportation trips, become a new form of workplace in the Internet economy.
not the automobile. Indeed, other studies seem to indicate that tele- In a striking manifestation of the new spatial concentration
working increases the use of the automobile because it makes the car of telecommunicated business operations, there was a boom in
available for other members of the household, and because it cuts "telecommunication hotels" in downtown Los Angeles in the late
down "trip chaining;" that is, the process by which people drop chil- 1990s. Taking advantage of vacant office space in downtown, as
dren at school or pick up groceries on the way to work. Ability to the result of the crisis of the Los Angeles economy in 1990-94, over
work at home part-time, particularly for the professional labor force, 150 firms specializing in telecommunications and Internet-related
leads to residential location further from workplaces, thus increasing switching operations occupied commercial and historic buildings,
commuting distance for those trips that are still necessary. So, over- and provided the use of telecommunications equipment for dozens
232 233
The Geography of the Internet The Geography of the Internet
of firms. This created a cluster of what some observers call "tele- working are becoming more diffuse and less nodal, and hence more dif-
communications factories," leading to displacement of residents, ficult to accomplish by public transport. This effect is exacerbated by
business, and cultural amenities (Horan, 2000: 4). companies adjusting their premises stock to accommodate more effec-
Another major development is mobile teleworking, which is on . tively new ways of working, leading to a reduction in demand for con-
ventional city-center offices and an increase in demand for office space
the verge of increasing dramatically with the explosion of wireless-
in office park environments with high levels of accessibility to the motor-
based Internet access (WAP) and mobile access to the Internet.
way sytem. At the same time the substitution of tele-mediated for face-
Professional workers spend more and more time in the field, relat- to-face banking and other services risks further undermining the role of
ing to their clients and partners, traveling across the metropolitan city centers and high streets, as branch offices are closed and customers
area, across the country, and across the world, while keeping are served from large teleservices centers, themselves usually located on
in touch with their office via the Internet and mobile phones business parks ... Teleworking and tele-activities are, then, perhaps best
(Kopomoa, 2000). Companies are now reducing desk assignment understood not as developments that suppress the demand for mobility
for their employees, so that they use the space they need only when but, rather, as forms of what might best be described as "hypermobility."
they need it. So, the emerging model of work is not the home tele-
worker, but the nomadic worker and the "office on the run." So, metropolitan regions in the Internet Age are characterized,
What the Internet makes possible is a multiple configuration of simultaneously, by spatial sprawl and spatial concentration, by the
work spaces. The overwhelming majority of people do have work- . mixing of land-use patterns, by hypermobility, and dependence on
places to which they go regularly. But many also work from home communications and transportation, both intra-metropolitan and
(not instead of, but in addition to, their usual workplace), they inter-nodal. What emerges is a hybrid space, made up of places
work from their cars, trains, and planes, from their airports and and flows: a space of networked places.
their hotels, on their vacations and in the night-they are always
on call, as their beepers and mobile phones never stop ringing. The
individualization of working arrangements, the multi-location of Living Places in the Space of Flows:
the activity, and the ability to network all these activities around William Mitchell's E-tapia
the individual worker, usher in a new urban space, the space of
endless mobility, a space made of flows of information and com- For a few paragraphs I am going to break a basic rule I follow in most
munication, ultimately managed with the Internet. of my writing. I will explore some of the future implications for our
The picture becomes even more complex if, in addition to pro- living environment of information technologies in the making. I am
fessional tasks, we introduce the management of everyday life, going to do so by relying on the analysis of William Mitchell. I
from telebanking to teleshopping. Places do not disappear, people usually distrust visions of the future. Yet Mitchell's knowledge of the
still go shopping to the malls-after checking options and prices on matter is so deep, and he is so careful in situating technological fore-
the Internet, or the other way around. This, in turn increases, not casting in the compleXity of social and cultural interactions, that by
decreases, mobility and transportation needs. Summarizing their reporting on his analysis I hope to add a new dimension to the
findings, Gillespie and Richardson (2000: 242) write: understanding of the spatial transformations associated with the rise
of the Internet, and its future expansion as a communications envi-
the "reduced demand for travel" scenario ... may be decidedly mislead-
ronment (Mitchell, 1999, personal communication, 2001).
ing ... Not only are communication technologies expanding the "activ-
Trends in the relationship between architecture, design, and tech-
ity spaces" within which work takes place, leading to longer distances
traveled, but in addition, journey patterns associated with new ways of nology seem to be moving in the direction of building "intelligent
234 235
The Geography of the Internet The Geography of the Internet
environments." Work proceeding at MIT's Media Lab, particularly "focusing global resources in local tasks." Buildings will develop elec-
by Joe Jacobson, focuses on materials sensitive to electrical stimuli, tronic network systems, connecting to each other and to each unit in
so that our daily environment could be made of sensors surrounding the building. Implications for planning and zoning are considerable,
us like pigment in the wall. Naturally, this also extends to our cloth- starting with the end of the separation between residential and work-
ing, our cars, our objects, our work environments. Networking tech- ing functions in a given spatial area. Indeed, San Francisco's South
nologies of the Jini type would allow these objects to communicate of Market and New York's South of Houston are characterized by
among themselves, and with us at our request, in a flexible environ- worklliving spaces that reconstruct the unity of the experience of the
ment of information. I would add myself that the "Blue Tooth" tech- pre-industrial era, while being linked to the world via the Internet.
nology introduced by Nokia/Ericsson in 2000 may enhance this Urban designers are particularly inspired by the potential rich texture
network of constant interconnection of our daily objects. Broadband of this space of mixed uses and multi-dimensional activity.
Internet, always connected, and mobile access to it, may link us Indeed, the challenge for architects and urban planners is how to
permanently with our home environment and with the world at avoid isolation, how to reintegrate the functional self-sufficiency of
large. The communicated home may be necessary to handle the individualized spaces with the shared experience of common
diversity of tasks/experiences that are likely to take place within it. places on which urban life will continue to be based. As Mitchell
The home does not become the workplace, and in many cases it is (2000: 82) writes: "For architects and urban designers, the comple-
the workplace that could feel like home for disaffected, lone profes- mentary task is to create an urban fabric that provides opportuni-
sionals, as Arlene Hochschild (1997) found in her research on ties for social groups to intersect and overlap rather than remain
workers in a large corporation. Yet, the home becomes multi- isolated by distance or defended walls-the laptop at the piazza
dimensional, and needs to support a diversity of experiences, func- cafe table instead of the PC in the gated condo."
tions, and projects for a household whose members have a growing Cities are faced with a challenge: throughout history they were
diversity of interests. As Mitchell (1999: 22-3) writes: socio-spatial forms able to articulate synchronous and asynchro-
This does not mean that the majority of us will become full-time, stay-at- nous communication, the essential process for transforming infor-
home telecommuters, and that traditional workplaces-particularly mation into decision-making. The Internet substitutes for this
downtown offices-will simply disappear. Despite decades of interest in function. Thus, place-based activities, on which cities are founded,
the possibility of telecommuting, there is little evidence that it will take need to compete by adding value to face-to-face experiences that
over to such an extent. But we will certainly see increasingly flexible can only take place in cities. It follows that public space and monu-
work schedules and spatial patterns, and many people will divide their mentality (museums, cultural centers, public art, architectural
time, in varying proportions, among traditional types of workplaces, ad icons) will playa key role in marking space, and facilitating mean-
hoc work settings that serve while they are on the road, and electroni- ingful interaction. How these trade-offs between electronic flows
cally equipped home workplaces ... We will not have a world where and urban places are translated into spatial forms is a largely con-
there's no there anywhere. Just the oppOSite in fact. We will increasingly tingent matter, depending on history, culture, and societies: "It is a
take advantage of digital telecommunications technology to stay more mistake to overgeneralize, as futurist gurus have been prone to do.
closely in touch with places that are particularly meaningful to us when
The diverse architectural and urban forms of the future will surely
we travel. There will still be some place we call "home."
reflect the balances and combinations of interaction modes that
And this home will have its genius loci (the genius of the place), an turn out to work best for particular people, at particular times
intranet connecting devices equipped with sensors and powerful and places, facing their own specific circumstance within a new
software, able to respond to the needs of those living in the place, economy of presence" (Mitchell, 1999: 144).
236 237
The Geography of the Internet The Geography of the Internet
Building on Mitchell's theory, Thomas Horan has reported the zation, and deregulation, together with rapid technological change,
development of new forms of architectural, urban, and metropoli- and the globalization of investment, reversed the historical trend,
tan design that treat functionally and symbolically the specificity of diversifying urban infrastructure according to market capacity,
these new, "fluid locations." By such he refers to "the need for functional priorities, social privileges, and political choices. Graham
place design to address the unprecedented spatial fluidity we now and Marvin (2001) document the increasing specialization and
have to perform day-to-day activities anywhere and at anytime" segmentation of infrastructure in water, power, transportation
(Horan, 2000: 13). He examines a number of design experiences in (roads, rails, airports, mass transit), and in telecommunications.
the United States and Europe, from home to public libraries and The uses of the Internet are dependent not only on connectivity,
community networks, that show the emergence of a hybrid space but on the quality of the connection. Standard telephone lines are
of urban places and electronic networks whose understanding and not sufficient to carry and distribute the potential of Internet-based
treatment form the new frontier for architecture and urban design. communication. Market competition, and deregulation have
Indeed, as Mitchell (2000: 155) concludes: "The power of place created extraordinary differences between cities and within cities
will still prevail ... Physical settings and virtual venues will func- around the world in the ability to network efficiently. Fiber-optic
tion interdependently and will mostly complement each other grids and advanced telecommunication systems have become a
within transformed patterns of urban life rather than substitute necessary condition for cities to compete in the global economy.
within existing ones. Sometimes we will use networks to avoid Thus, around the world, key business areas are being equipped
going places. But sometimes, still, we will go places to network." with state-of-the-art telecommunications gear, forming what
However, not everybody seems to be invited to the new, meaning- Graham and Marvin call "glocal nodes;" that is, specific areas that
ful space promised by the Internet Age because the cities of our link up throughout the planet with equivalent areas anywhere,
time are being increasingly segregated by the logic of splintering while being loosely integrated, or not integrated at all, with their
networks. surrounding hinterland. They cite the case of Bangkok's "new
towns in town" development enclaves, as well as the multimedia
super corridor in Malaysia. I could add myself the development of
Dual Cities and Glocal Nodes: Splintering Networks Nova Faria Lima on the periphery of Sao Paulo, taking over as
Brazil's global node from the decaying downtown and the old
What characterizes the networking logic embedded in the Internet- business concentration along Avenida Paulista. Or the develop-
based infrastructure is that places (and people) can be as easily ment of Pudong, across the river from downtown Shanghai, a
switched off as they can be switched on. The geography of networks gigantic business complex organized around advanced telecommu-
is a geography of both inclusion and exclusion, depending on the nication systems, largely isolated from much of the activity taking
value attached by socially dominant interests to any given place. In place in the bustling Chinese metropolis.
a path-breaking investigation, Stephen Graham and Simon Marvin Yet this glocality is not confined to the industrializing world.
(2001) have shown how the networks of urban infrastructure are Graham and Marvin describe how the City of London has been
splintering urban areas around the world, both in developed and installing in recent years the most advanced telecommunications
developing countries. Urban infrastructures built on the principle of infrastructure in Europe, with at least six overlaid, fiber-optic grids
universal service were the cornerstone of modern urbanization, superimposed on the City. Or else, Lima's new global business
and underlay the formation of industrial cities as integrated func- center, in the San Andres area, whose determinant role and segre-
tional and social systems. During the 1990s, liberalization, privati- gating impact on Lima's metropolitan growth has been documented
238 239
The Geography of the Internet The Geography of the Internet
by Miriam Chion (2000). As for Graham and Marvin (2001), their value, their social selection, and their infrastructural superiority;
analysis of one of these telecommunication networks in the City of the space of places that isolates people in their neighborhoods as a
London, operated by COLT, shows the concentration of its carrying result of their diminished chances to access a better locality
capacity in the financial district, with broader grain extensions (because of price barriers), as well as the globality (because of lack
reaching to the West End and to the new business spaces in the of adequate connectivity). However, this is only a structural ten-
Docklands. Another London network, built by WorldCom, with dency because people do react against their exclusion, and assert
only 180 km of optic fiber within the City of London, had already their rights, and their values, often using the Internet for their
secured by 1998, 20 percent of the whole UK international telecom- resistance and in support of their alternative projects, as I analyzed
munications traffic. Schiller (1999) documents similar develop- in Chapter 6. Yet, in the absence of social mobilization, and policies
ments in the UK and in the US, and Kiselyova and Castells (2000) guided by the public interest, the splintering networks resulting
find an analogous pattern in the restructuring of Russian telecom- from unfettered deregulation of telecommunications and the
munications in the 1990s. Internet, threaten to contribute to a new, and fundamental, social
Overall, there is a global trend toward building dedicated cleavage: the global digital divide.
telecommunication infrastructures that bypass the general tele-
phone system, and link up directly the major business centers that
generate and consume the overwhelming proportion of data traffic
over the Internet. Internet networks also segment cities in terms of Appendix: Methodology and sources for constructing the
the purchasing power assigned to each area by market research. maps of Internet domains and Internet users
In the United States, by mid-1999, about 86 percent of Internet
delivery capacity were concentrated in the affluent suburbs and The maps of Internet users and Internet domains have been
business centers of the twenty largest cities. researched, developed, and plotted by Matthew look, as part of his
Splintering networks accentuate the global trends toward PhD dissertation at the University of California, Berkeley (look,
increasing socio-spatial segregation in cities around the world 2001a). These maps are reproduced in this book with the consent
whose extreme manifestation is the explosion of gated communi- and support of Matthew look. My deepest thanks to him for his
ties in many countries of the world, from California to Cairo, from collegial generosity.
Johannesburg to Bogota (Blakely and Snyder, 1997). Indeed,
Douglas Massey (1996) has shown that the increase of spatial seg- Maps ofdomains
regation in the 1990s is mainly due to chosen spatial separation by The .com, .org, .net and .edu domain name data set for the maps is
affluent groups, which leave the city they fear. In this context, the based on a tabulation conducted by Matthew look in July 2000. It
Internet allows segregated, affluent enclaves to remain in contact uses an Internet utility program known as "whois" which returns
with each other, and with the world, while severing their ties with contact information for a particular domain. Included in this infor-
their uncontrolled, surrounding environment. The backwardness mation is a mailing address, contact names with phone numbers
of devalued spaces in their telecommunications infrastructure rein- and e-mails, the date the domain name was registered, the last time
forces their isolation and digs the trenches of their place-based it was updated, and the name servers responsible for the domain.
existence. A new urban dualism is emerging from the opposition Geocoding domains to cities outside the US is done by matching
between the space of flows and the space of places: the space of country-city pairs in a global database of cities. Locating a domain
flows that links places at a distance on the basis of their market to a specific country is almost 100 percent successful and locating it
240 241
The Geography of the Internet The Geography of the Internet
in a specific city is about 60 percent successful. This lower success Baldassare, Mark (2000) California in the New Millennium: The Changing
rate is largely due to an incomplete world city database. Geocoding Social and Political Landscape. Berkeley, CA: University of California
domains to US metropolitan areas was based on zip codes and the
Blakely, Edward J. and Snyder, Mary G. (1997) Fortress America: Gated
use of a zip code to MSA translation table.
Communities in the United States. Washington, DC: The Brookings
The July 2000 survey was based on a randomly selected sample
of 4 percent of all domain names (sample size = - 750,000). The Borja, Jordi and Castells, Manuel (1997) Local and Global: The Manage-
sample is obtained by querying randomly selected three-digit com- ment of Cities in the Information Age. London: Earthscan.
binations, e.g. def or sxl, and then randomly selecting 15 percent Castells, Manuel (1989) The Informational City. Oxford: Blackwell.
of the domains that start with this combination. Because three- - - (1996/2000) The Rise of the Network Society. Oxford: Blackwell.
digit combinations are not geographically biased, this provides a - - and Hall, Peter (1994) Technopoles of the World: The Making ofTwenty-
random selection for determining the geographical location of first Century Industrial Complexes. London: Routledge.
domains. Because these figures are based on samples there is a Chion, Miriam (2000) "Globalization and localization in the transforma-
degree of error associated with these figures. However, given the tion of metropolitan Lima in the 1990s," unpublished PhD disserta-
large sample size, this error is less than 0.1 percent. tion, University of California, Department of City and Regional
Planning, Berkeley, California.
The counts for country code domains is based on statistics posted
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on each country code registrar's home page and supplemented by
Internet infrastructure on international e-commerce," paper pre-
data from DomainStats ( More
sented at the INET '99 Conference, June 22-25, San Jose, California.
information, analysis, and recent data on the geography of domain
Daniels, Peter W. (1993) Service Industries in the World Economy. Oxford:
names are available at Matthew Zook's website ( Blackwell.
zooknic.coml) . Dodge, Martin and Shiode, Narushige (2000) "Where on earth is the
Internet? An empirical investigation of the geography of the Internet
Maps of users real estate?," in James Wheeler, Yuko Aoyama, and Barney Warf
NUNs estimation of the number of Internet users worldwide is (eds), Cities in the Telecommunications Age: The Fracturing of Geographies,
based upon the aggregation of surveys by a variety of sources pp. 42-53. London: Routledge.
worldwide. See Freire, Mila and Stren, Richard (eds) (2001) The Challenge of Urban
Government: Policies and Practices. Washington, DC: The World Bank
methodology.html for more details.
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244 245
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Cheswick, Bill and Burch, Hal (2000) "The geography of cyberspace
directory: mapping the Internet," at
html Chapter 9
Major mapping projects of the Internet.
Dodge, M. (1998-2001) Atlas of Cyberspace, at <>
Telegeography (2000) Hubs and Spokes: A Telegeography Internet Reader.
Washington, DC: Telegeography Inc., at <>
The Digital Divide in a
Matthew Zook's continuing research on the geography of the Internet
Global Perspective
Updates on the growth of country code domain names.
Maps of cyberspace.
Monthly ranking of the web's 1,000 most visited websites. The centrality of the Internet in many areas of social, economic, and political activity is tantamount to marginality for those
Monthly ranking of websites. without, or with only limited, access to the Internet, as well as for
those unable to use it effectively. Thus, it is little wonder that the
Statistical estimates of Internet users worldwide. heralding of the Internet's potential as a means of freedom, pro-
ductivity, and communication comes hand in hand with the
denunciation of "the digital divide" induced by inequality on
the Internet. The differentiation between Internet-haves and have-
nots adds a fundamental cleavage to existing sources of inequality
and social exclusion in a complex interaction that appears to
increase the gap between the promise of the Information Age and
its bleak reality for many people around the world. Yet, the appar-
ent simplicity of the issue becomes complicated on closer examina-
tion. Is it really true that people and countries become excluded
because they are disconnected from Internet-based networks? Or,
rather, it is because of their connection that they become depen-
dent on economies and cultures in which they have little chance of
finding their own path of material well-being and cultural identity?
The Digital Divide The Digital Divide
Under what conditions, and for what purposes, does inclusion/ In terms of income, while 70.1 percent of people earning 75,000
exclusion in/from Internet-based networks translate into better dollars and above had Internet access, the percentage was 18.9
opportunities or greater inequality? And what are the factors that percent for those with less than 15,000, 18.4 percent for those
underlie the differential pace of access to the Internet, and the . between 15,000 and 24,999, and 25.3 percent for those between
diversity of its uses? I will try to tackle these questions under two 25,000 and 34,999. Education also matters: among people with
different headings. First, I will examine the various meanings a bachelor's degree or higher, 74.5 percent had access to the
of the digital divide, and their interaction with social sources of Internet, but the proportion fell to 30.6 percent among high-school
inequality. I will do so by referring to available information on the graduates, and to 21.7 percent among those not having graduated
United States, albeit attempting to use this information to support from high school. There was also an age divide: only 29.6 percent
broader analytical implications. Secondly, I will examine the digital of people over 50 years had access, in contrast to 55.4 percent for
divide in a global perspective, since the differences in Internet the age group 25-49, 56.8 percent for the group 18-24, and 53.4
access between countries and regions in the planet as a whole are percent for the group 9-17. Thus teenagers, as a group, had almost
so considerable that they actually modify the meaning of the digital twice as much access as individuals over 50. Not being in the labor
divide and the kind of issues to be discussed. force was also a major discriminating factor in lowering access
to the Internet: 29 percent in contrast to employed individuals at
56.7 percent.
Dimensions of the Digital Divide The ethnic digital divide continued to be indicative of the fact
that the Information Ages is not blind to color, in spite of optimistic
The usual meaning of "the digital divide" refers to inequality of statements: 50.3 percent of whites and 49.4 percent of Asian-
access to the Internet. As I discuss below, access alone does not Americans had access to the Internet, but only 29.3 percent of
solve the problem, but it is a prerequisite for overcoming inequal- African-Americans and 23.7 percent of Hispanics did. It must be
ity in a society whose dominant functions and social groups are noted here that data for households show similar unequal access to
increasingly organized around the Internet. those for individuals, but African-American households have an
I will illustrate this analysis with US data because there is a good even lower access threshold than individuals (at 23.5 percent), the
statistical source that has analyzed differential access to the reason being that African-Americans had some degree of access at
Internet since 1995: the survey of a representative sample of work. On the other hand, Asian households had the highest per-
the US population conducted by the US Commerce Department's centage of Internet access, at 56.8 percent, well above the 46.1
National Telecommunications and Information Administration percent for white households. Furthermore, even for households
(NTIA) (four reports in 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000; see NTIA, 1999, with incomes below 15,000 dollars, over 33 percent of Asian-
2000). In August 2000, for the population aged 3 and older, 41.5 Americans were connected to the Internet, above white house-
percent of households and 44.4 percent of individuals in the United holds, and in sharp contrast to African-Americans (6.4 percent)
States had access to the Internet, with 51 percent of households and Hispanics (5.2 percent) in the same income group. Household
having computers at home. Yet, there were still considerable dif- composition, and a strong emphasis on children's education by
ferences in Internet access for various social groups. I will use the Asian-American families, may be factors accounting for this differ-
data on individuals, unless otherwise stated, because given current ential. Highly educated minority households, and those in the
technological trends toward ubiquitous Internet access individuals higher-income groups, have much greater levels of access (70.9
are the key accounting unit for future uses of the Internet. percent for African-Americans and 63.7 percent for Hispanics), but
248 249
The Digital Divide The Digital Divide
still less than similar groups of whites and Asian-Americans. The the Packard Foundation in 2001 (reported by Lewin, 2001), the
gap between Asian-Americans and whites, on the one hand, and rate of diffusion of the Internet among American children was
African-Americans and Hispanics on the other, holds at all levels extraordinarily fast in the second half of the 1990s: in 1996, less
of income and education. Thus, after adjusting for education and. than 50 percent of American households with children aged 2-17
income, about half of the gap in access remains for African- had a computer at home, and only 15 percent had Internet access.
Americans and Hispanics. As for the gender gap, by August 2000 it In 2000, 70 percent of these households had computers and 52
had all but disappeared in America in terms of access: among indi- percent were connected to the Internet; 20 percent of children
viduals, 44.6 percent of men and 44.2 percent of women were between 8 and 16 years had computers in their bedrooms, and
Internet users. In fact, other surveys indicate that in the United 11 percent had access to the Internet from that location. However,
States in 2000 there were more women than men on the Internet, 91 percent of households with incomes over 75,000 dollars per
and women spent more time on-line than men. year had computers in 2000, while the proportion dropped to
Using household data, three other sources of differences in 22 percent for children whose family income was less than 20,000
Internet access appear. One is family status: non-family households dollars. Moreover, low-income households were less likely to have
(single or unmarried) are the least likely to have Internet access Internet access, even when they had computers.
(28.1 percent in contrast to 60.6 percent for married couples with To understand the dynamics of differential access, it is necessary
children), although female-headed households with children are to see it in a time perspective: how access evolves over time for dif-
also at a disadvantage (30 percent). The second source of division ferent groups. For reasons of statistical comparability, the 2000
refers to geography: urban areas are more likely to have Internet NTIA report focuses on the changes that occurred between
access, in contrast with futurologists' predictions concerning the December 1998 and August 2000. Because this was a key period in
electronic cottage: 38.9 percent of rural households had access in the diffusion of Internet use (it increased from 32.7 to 44.4 percent
2000, 2.6 percentage points below the national average. The third of individuals, and from 26.2 to 41.5 percent of households) the
divide refers to disability. On the basis of a special survey con- observation is meaningful. The most important fact is that, with
ducted in 1999, the NTIA reported that, while 43.3 percent of important exceptions, most gaps are being reduced. The growth
people without disability had no Internet access (either from home rates in the use of the Internet are almost systematically inversely
or elsewhere), the proportion increased to 71.6 percent for people correlated to the level of penetration in each group in 1998. To be
with some disability, to 78.9 percent with people with vision sure, the lower the starting-point the greater the statistical chances
problems, and to 81.5 percent of those with walking problems. for a higher rate of growth, but if the trend is extrapolated, the pen-
However, the disparity between those with and without disability etration rates would converge for most categories. This is what has
declines when income levels rise, while increasing with age. already happened for men and women (30 percent growth rate for
Disabled women are also disadvantaged vis-a-vis men. In sum, in men, 41 percent for women, leading to a similar level of Internet
the absence of corrective, deliberate policies, disability seems to be use in 2000). The lowest income group increased its use by
an obstacle in access to the Internet, rather than being a condition 38 percent in contrast to 19 percent for the highest income group.
which could benefit from the potential uses of the Internet to over- Even the age gap, supposedly rooted in the inability of older gener-
come physical barriers. ations to adapt to new technologies, is shrinking rapidly, the rate of
There is also a significant gap in access to the Internet for chil- growth in Internet use for individuals over 50 being 53 percent,
dren from different income groups, and this could have consider- way above the figure of 35 percent for the main age group
able consequences for the future. According to a study released by (between 25 and 49 years), and twice as high as that for teenagers.
250 251
The Digital Divide The Digital Divide
Furthermore, individuals over 50 were almost three times as likely they have a greater range of opportunities for access. For instance,
to be Internet users if they were in the labor force. In other words, predominantly white schools have better computer labs. Studies
what increasingly matters in determining access to the Internet is have also shown that African-Americans and Hispanics were less
less a question of age than the relationship of individuals to work, likely to own computers at home, once adjusting for income and
as the Internet becomes an indispensable professional tool. Other education. Thus, less likelihood of owning a computer at home,
sources of differential access seem also to be waning. Thus, rural and fewer access opportunities outside the home, translated into
areas, after a slow start, are rapidly catching up, with rural house- lower access to the Internet. If home ownership of a PC, and avail-
holds increasing their Internet access by 75 percent in 20 months. ability of computer use, were indeed the key factors underlying the
The proportion of single-parent households with Internet access is ethnic digital divide, the trends could be changing soon, for two
also increasing rapidly, and has equaled dual-parent households at different reasons.
higher-income levels. Connectivity among female-headed house- First, the differences in computer ownership between ethnic
holds doubled between 1998 and 2000. groups, while still considerable, seem to have stabilized between
Thus, overall, the general trend seems to be the closing of the gap 1998 and 2000: for African-American households their differential
in Internet access. But there is a major, and significant, exception with the national average showed a small decline from 18.9 per-
to this trend: the widening ethnic gap. Thus, on the one hand, the centage points to 18.4, and for Hispanics increased slightly from
rates of growth in use by ethnic groups were 54 percent for 16.6 percentage points to 17.3, in contrast to the widening gap
African-Americans, and 43 percent for Hispanics, in contrast with experienced during the 1990s. And as computer prices fall, and
34 percent for whites and 38 percent for Asian-Americans. As a more applications can be found on-line, minorities and low-
result, both groups saw their diffusion rates for individuals increase income groups are likely to find greater incentives and fewer obsta-
substantially, from 19 to 29.3 percent for African-Americans and cles to owning a home computer (Spooner and Rainie, 2000).
from 16.6 to 23.7 percent for Hispanics. Yet, in spite of this high Secondly, the decline of the PC, the development of other techno-
rate of diffusion, the divide between African-American household logical means to access the Internet from portable devices, growing
Internet penetration rates and white households increased by 4 public access at schools, libraries, and community centers, and the
percentage points between 1998 and 2000, resulting in a difference widespread use of the Internet at work, are all trends that seem to
of 22.6 points. The gap between white and Hispanic households point toward broader opportunities for access to a computer for
increased by 5.3 percentage points. Thus, racial inequality contin- minorities-a most obvious barrier for being on-line. Indeed, a Pew
ues to be the distinctive mark of America, and perhaps beyond, in Internet and American Life Project survey in 2000, using its own
the age of the Internet. sample of the American population, found a reduction in the gap of
But how does racial inequality play out specifically in the differ- Internet access between whites and African-Americans: while in
ences in access to the Internet? Rather than going into an always 1998, 23 percent of African-Americans and 42 percent of whites
suspect elaboration on cultural differences between races, available were on-line, the respective percentages in 2000 were 36 percent
evidence comparing whites with African -Americans in the use and 50 percent (Spooner and Rainie, 2000).
of the Internet, suggests some hypotheses (Hoffman and Novak, As for Hispanics, in addition to problems similar to those found
1999). Researchers have found no differences among white and by African-Americans, the language issue may be playing a role,
African-American students in using the web when students have a particularly for those recent immigrants with limited knowledge of
home computer. Yet, white students without a computer at home English, since 87 percent of global websites are in English only. On
were much more likely to use the web at other locations because the other hand, cheap communication with their home countries,
252 253
The Digital Divide The Digital Divide
over the Internet, is an incentive for recent immigrants to be on- on-line presence, as access became more available and the range of
line. Language per se should not be a problem, since the Internet is applications broadened.
global, and there is an abundance of surfing possibilities in Spanish It must be noted, however, that as of November 2000, not only
(indeed, the number of web pages in Spanish is growing faster than. did the world trail the United States in the diffusion of the Internet
the number of pages in English). Yet, studies show that minorities (with the exceptions of Scandinavia, Canada, and Australia), but
tend to use the Internet mainly for practical matters related to job the digital divide, measured in terms of access, was broader in
search, education, health information, and the management of Europe than in North America (again with the exception of Nordic
everyday life issues. Thus, for immigrants, the English language European countries). Thus, a survey conducted by the Pro Active
of the US websites that they really need for their life in America Institute, and reported by NUA Surveys, showed an average of
may be an obstacle. Nevertheless, as Hispanics grow in number, 25 percent of Europeans on-line in contrast with 53 percent for
influence, and buying power, the spread of bilingual websites in the US. But comparing the highest and the lowest income groups,
the US Internet is only a matter of time (Cheskin Research, 2000). the relative proportions for the US were 82 percent and 26 percent,
In sum, as far as the US experience is concerned, the Internet while for Europe they were 51 percent and 7 percent. Also, age dis-
started from a sharp digital divide in access, a divide that still criminates much more in Europe, with 44 percent of people in the
remains, except in terms of gender, but the gap seems to be closing 55-64-year age group being on-line in the US in contrast with only
as rates of diffusion reach the majority of the population. With 12 percent for the same age group in Europe. Women were almost
projected penetration rates of 63 percent of Americans on-line by as likely as men to be on-line in the US (52 percent to 55 percent),
2003, and over three-quarters around 2005, the digital divide, in while in Europe the gender gap remained, with women trailing
terms of access to the Internet, will be mainly the concern of the men by 20 percent to 35 percent. In addition, there was a great
poorest, most discriminated segment of the population-thus national difference in the practice of on-line access between
furthering their marginality. But for most people, including most Northern and Southern Europe: the UK, Germany, and The
individuals from minority groups, access to the Internet is likely Netherlands had a level of diffusion equivalent to two-thirds that of
to become pervasive, as we see substantial pre-existing divides the US, while France, Italy, and Spain had less than one-third of
(between genders, between rural and urban areas, between age the US level.
groups) either disappear or dwindle in just five years. The fact that the rise of the Internet took place in conditions of
A similar process seems to be happening in other contexts. Just social inequality in access everywhere may have lasting conse-
to cite one important case, the study by Kiselyova and Castells quences on the structure and content of the medium, in ways that
(2000) of the Russian Internet showed a significant divide in terms we still cannot fully comprehend. This is because users shape the
of age, class, gender, and territorial disparity-with Moscow Internet to an even greater extent than any other technology
and St Petersburg accounting for about two-thirds of Internet because of the speed of transmission of their feedback, and the
users in the mid-1990s. Yet, the trends in 1998-2000 seem to flexibility of the technology. Thus, first users may have shaped the
mirror those in the United States, albeit with much lower penetra- Internet for the latecomers, both in terms of content and of tech-
tion rates, and with a slower pace in the reduction of inequalities. nology' in the same way that the pioneers of the Internet shaped
For instance, the diffusion of the Internet in the Russian regions the technology for the masses of users in the 1990s. As the tech-
was proceeding rapidly in 1998-2000, and Moscovites had nology of access becomes more complex with more sophisticated
lost their overwhelming dominance in the population of Internet technologies (for example, graphic user interface), it may slow
users. Similarly, Russian women were making substantial strides in down the rate of adoption among less-educated groups. However,
254 255
The Digital Divide The Digital Divide
while the libertarian strand that created the Internet provided a Two interesting observations deserve comment. The lowest
world wide web of opportunity (albeit at the price of some cultural income bracket (under 5,000 dollars) exhibited a relatively high
elitism), it could be that the largely commercialized uses of the percentage of broadband access (9.9 percent). According to NTIA,
Internet in the late 1990s, following a model of consumption and this may reflect the importance of broadband for students, usually
social organization anchored in the affluent groups of the most at a low level of income, emphasizing the critical role of broadband
advanced Western societies, may have biased the practice of the access for education, although other analysts suspect that this is
Internet in specific ways, still to be revealed by future investigation. probably related to "peer-to-peer" on-line sharing of music files
(Dutton, personal communication, 200 I). The other point con-
cerns the fact that non-family households exceeded the national
The New Technological Divide average of broadband penetration by a full-point (11.7 percent) in
contrast with the relatively low ranking of this category in terms of
As soon as one source of technological inequality seems to be dimin- Internet access vis-a-vis family households. This may reflect the fact
ishing' another one emerges: differential access to high-speed broad- that non-family households include both elderly people, less likely
band service (currently using technologies such as integrated services to be connected to the Internet, and younger, single persons who,
digital network (ISDN), digital subscriber line (DSL), cable modems, if connected to the Internet, are interested in the new, expanding
and, in the near future, wireless-based Internet access (WAP), which, range of services for which broadband is needed.
by the way, is most often narrowband at the time of writing). Speed Lower cost and the greater technological choice of broadband
and bandwidth are, of course, essential for fulfilling the promise of access are likely to increase the proportion of households with
the Internet. All projected services and applications that people will broadband access in the years to come: projections for the United
really need for their work and lives depend on access to these new States put at one-third the proportion of American households
transmission technologies. Thus, it could well happen that while the with fast Internet access, in their different forms, by 2005.
huddled masses finally have access to the phone-line Internet, Furthermore, technologies of Internet access, both via DSL and
the global elites will have already escaped into a higher circle of (in Europe) by UMTS (universal mobile telecommunication
cyberspace. The NTIA 2000 report included for the first time in its systems) may develop on the basis of asymmetry between emission
annual survey of the Internet, data on access to broadband services. and reception. That is, access from the users to the service
In August 2000, only 10.7 percent of on-line households (represent- providers could be fast but the response could be slow. Rather than
ing 4.5 percent of all US households) had broadband access, with the horizontal interactivity, it would result in an updated form of
remaining on-line households connecting to the Internet by regular broadcasting (Bernard Benhamou and Patrice Riemens, personal
phone line service. Most broadband-connected households used communications, 200 I). Differential speeds could be allocated to
cable modems (50.8 percent) or DSL (33.7 percent), while wireless different uses and users on the basis of new Internet protocols,
and satellite only accounted for 4.6 percent. Diffusion of broadband such as Ivp6, allOWing for the technological discrimination of
access was, in general terms, sharply differentiated by income, edu- various forms of traffic. The more the technology of delivery
cation, and ethnicity. Thus, while 13.8 percent of the most affluent becomes flexible, the more price-based differentiation can be
households on-line have broadband access, the penetration rate was implemented, extending the scope of Internet-based inequality.
only 7.7 percent for the poorest group. Asian-Americans had the The head start that a minority of affluent households is enjoying
highest rate (I I. 7 percent) followed by whites (10.8 percent), in the uses and services provided by the Internet may prove a
African-Americans (9.8 percent), and Hispanics (8.9 percent). major source of cultural and social inequality in the future, as
256 257
The Digital Divide The Digital Divide
children of the first Internet generation grow up in very different required both to work on the Internet and to develop learning
technological environments. ability in an Internet-based economy and society. The critical
matter is to shift from learning to learning-to-Iearn, as most infor-
mation is on-line, and what is really required is the skill to decide
The Knowledge Gap what to look for, how to retrieve it, how to process it, and how to
use it for the specific task that prompted the search for information.
Let us go one step further in exploring less obvious dimensions of In other words, the new learning is oriented toward the develop-
the digital divide. If there is a consensus about the societal conse- ment of the educational capacity to transform information into
quences of increased access to information it is that education and knowledge and knowledge into action (Dutton, 1999). The school
life-long learning become essential resources for work achieve- system as a whole, both in the US and in the world at large, is, by
ment and personal development. While learning is broader than all accounts, woefully inadequate in the use of this new learning
education, schools still have a great deal to do with the learning methodology. Even if it has the technology, it lacks teachers able to
process. In advanced societies, schools are rapidly becoming con- use it effectively, and it lacks the pedagogy and institutional orga-
nected to the Internet. In the US, the percentage of public schools nization to induce new learning skills.
connected to the Internet increased from 35 percent in 1994 to How does this educational imbalance relate to the digital divide?
95 percent in 1999, and to almost 100 percent in 2001. More sig- Basically, at four levels. First, because schools are territorially and
nificantly, while in 1994 only 3 percent of public school instruc- institutionally (public/private) differentiated by class and race,
tional rooms were connected to the Internet, in 1999 the figure there is a substantial cleavage in terms of technology among
was 63 percent. In other words, the Internet was being rapidly schools. Secondly, Internet access requires better teachers, and yet
included as an educational tool throughout the school system, and the quality of the teachers (in spite of their individual motivation,
it can be safely assumed that in advanced societies it will soon be as often very high in the poorest schools) is unevenly distributed
pervasive as computers in the classroom (in 1999, in the US, the among schools. Thirdly, the differential pedagogy of schools con-
ratio of students per instructional computer in public schools was trasts those systems that focus on the intellectual and personal
approximately six). However, Bolt and Crawford (2000), in their development of the child with those essentially preoccupied with
documented study on this subject, have shown that Internet use, the ability to maintain discipline, warehouse children, and process
and educational technology in general, are only as good as the them through their graduation. And these opposing pedagogical
teachers who use it. In this regard, in the US as in the world in styles tend to correlate with the school's social status, and with the
general, there is considerable retardation between investment cultural and economic ability of the parents to put pressure on
in technology hardware and on-line connectivity on the one hand, the schools. To be sure, authoritarian school systems, such as some
and investment in teacher training and school staffing for technol- traditional French schools (particularly those exported to foreign
ogy, on the other hand. And yet, in the US, a 1997 study of the US countries), do not fare any better than lower-class school districts
Department of Education showed that most teachers had not had when it comes to suppressing children's initiative, regardless of
education or training in using technology in their teaching, and the dose of "high culture" they dispense. Yet, overall, upper and
only 15 percent reported having had at least 9 hours' training in middle-class schools tend to be more attentive to the opening of
education technology in 1994. the mind than schools in low-income areas. Fourthly, in the
Furthermore, Internet-based learning is not only a matter of absence of adequate training of teachers, and pedagogic reform in
technological proficiency: it changes the kind of education that is the schools, families take over much of the responsibility for
258 259
The Digital Divide The Digital Divide
instructing their children, and helping them in the new technolog- the developing world: thus India, for all the hype about its high-
ical world. Here the presence of Internet access at home, and of technology industry, and of substantial growth of users in 2000,
relatively educated parents with the cultural capacity to guide their still counted only 1.5 million people on-line, accounting for a
children (often while learning the uses of the Internet themselves), meager 0.16 percent of the population, in contrast to 41.5 percent
makes a substantial difference. of households in the US, 30.8 percent in the UK, and 24.7 per-
The cumulative result of these different layers of inequality cent in Germany. In absolute numbers, the US, with 139.6 million
translates into vast differences in the effects of Internet use on edu- people having on-line access from home, and Japan, with 26.3
cational performance. Although studies on the matter are scant million, were the largest contributors to the Internet society. So,
and do not allow firm conclusions, it may well be that, in a context the world, the global economy, and the networks of communica-
where the ability to process information on and with the Internet tion are being transformed with and around the Internet, while
becomes crucial, children from disadvantaged families fall farther ignoring for the time being the overwhelming proportion of the
behind their class mates with greater information-processing skills population of the planet-over 93 percent in the year 2000.
that they obtain from their exposure to a better-educated home Indeed, in 1999, over half the people on the planet had never made
environment (Gordo, forthcoming). Differential learning capaci- or received a telephone call, although this is changing fast.
ties, under relatively similar intellectual and emotional conditions, However, if we consider the trends over time a more complex
are correlated with the cultural and educational level of the family. picture arises. Between January 1997 and August 2000, the
If these trends were to be confirmed, in the absence of corrective number of Internet users worldwide increased by a factor of four,
measures, the use of the Internet, both in school and in profes- and the shares of each region of the world changed substantially.
sionallife, could amplify the social differences rooted in class, edu- North America's share plummeted, in spite of the rapid diffusion of
cation, gender, and ethnicity. This may be the most fundamental the Internet in the US and Canada, from 62.1 percent of the world
dimension of the digital divide emerging at the dawn of the total to 42.6 percent. Most other regions displayed impressive
Internet Age. gains, both in absolute numbers and in their relative share: Asia
increased from 14.2 to 20.6 percent of the world total, and is on its
way to reach the level of the European Union in absolute numbers
The Global Digital Divide of users, in spite of the growth of Europe's share from 15.8 to 23.8
percent. Eastern Europe has exceeded the growth rate of all other
The rapid diffusion of the Internet is proceeding unevenly through- regions, increasing its share from 1.8 to 4.7 percent. Australia
out the planet. In September 2000, of a total of about 378 million increased its share moderately, from 2 to 2.4 percent, with one of
Internet users (representing 6.2 percent of the world's population) the highest penetration rates in the world in proportion to its pop-
North America's share stood at 42.6 percent, and Western Europe ulation. The Middle East increased from 0.8 to 1.3 percent, and
at 23.8 percent, while Asia represented 20.6 percent of the total Latin America almost doubled its relative share, going from 2.3 to
(including Japan), Latin America 4 percent, Eastern Europe 4.7 4 percent, for a total number of over 15 million users. And while
percent, the Middle East 1.3 percent, and Africa a meager 0.6 India only counted about 1.5 million users by the end of 2000, this
percent (with most users being in South Africa) (NUA on-line figure has to be contrasted with just about 270,000 users in 1999.
surveys, 2000). This is, of course, in sharp contrast with the share Africa, in spite of multiplying by three the number of its users, from
in each region of the world's population. The level of Internet 700,000 to 2,124,800, saw its share slightly decline from 0.9 to 0.6
penetration for individual countries was incomparably lower in percent, underscoring the fact that at this speed of change in the
260 261
The Digital Divide The Digital Divide
world's technological paradigm, the laggard countries are com- of their homes. Less than 1 percent of rural households had tele-
pelled to outperform the most advanced societies in order to phones; 90 percent of white households had a telephone, but only
improve their lot: if they stay where they are, they will go back- 11 percent of black households (Gillwald, 2000). In Chile, where
wards. Furthermore, the key figure for Africa is that South Africa the Internet is diffusing rapidly, this expansion is socially and terri-
accounts for 1.8 million users in this total, leaving a meager torially limited: Santiago (where 40 percent of the population live)
325,000 users for the rest of the continent, although this latter accounts for 57 percent of the phone lines and 50 percent of
figure is probably underestimated since other reports put Internet users. The 26 percent of Chileans in the higher-income
the total number of Africa's Internet users at 3.1 million, with 1.3 groups represent 70 percent of Internet connections. In Bolivia,
million for Africa outside South Africa. It should also be noted that where Internet development started in the late 1990s, only 2 per-
in developing areas, and particularly in Africa, access points to the cent of the population had Internet access from horne at the end of
Internet (even if they are counted as individual users) are collec- 1999, but the bulk of these homes were in La Paz, and the gap in
tively shared among groups of related people, so standard surveys dial-up Internet use between La Paz residents and the rest of the
may not provide an accurate picture of the actual diffusion of the country was increasing (Laserna, Morales Anaya, and Gomez,
Internet in Africa and other low-income areas. 2000).
Overall, measured in terms of access, it is likely that we will see This differential use of the Internet in the developing world is
fast diffusion of the Internet around most of the globe in the being driven by the huge gap in telecommunications infrastruc-
coming years. The bulk of new users will certainly come from ture, Internet service providers, and Internet content providers, as
developing countries, simply because it is where over 80 percent of well as by the strategies being used to deal with this gap. First, faced
the population of the world live. East Asia is the fastest growing with the imperatives of global communication, key activities in
area in the world in terms of use of the Internet. By the end of each country (financial institutions, media, international business,
2000, South Korea was the leading country, with 42 percent of the high-level government institutions, the military, international
population on-line, including 25 percent of users with high-speed hotels, transportation systems, and the like) cannot wait for the
Internet connection from home. Taiwan's penetration rate was costly and lengthy revamping of the entire telecommunications
over 36 percent, and almost 30 percent for Hong Kong. Beijing system, often proceeding through a necessary, but slow, and con-
accounts for one-third of Internet users in China. flictive process of privatization and deregulation. Thus, dedicated
However, the conditions under which the Internet is diffusing in systems, often via satellite transmission connected to sophisticated
most countries are creating a deeper digital divide. Key urban local area networks, cater to the needs of preferential clients. The
centers, globalized activities, and the higher-educated social groups study by Kiselyova and Castells (2000) on the Russian Internet
are being included in the Internet-based global networks, while documents how Russian banks and foreign international business
most regions and most people are switched off. For instance, in linked the main Russian centers to the world with specific tele-
South Africa, Internet use is growing very fast: the number of users communications links, largely bypassing the obsolete Russian
jumped from half a million to 1.82 million between October 1999 telecommunications infrastructure. Secondly, Internet service pro-
and October 2000 (NUA Surveys, 2000). Yet, the large majority of viders tend to be dependent on the US or European Internet
the users were younger than 25 years and from higher-income backbones, increasing cost, and complexity, as well as creating
groups. Indeed, in 2000, from the 9 million households in South intractable problems in the design and maintenance of the net-
Africa, 5.9 million did not have a wireline telephone, and 2.1 work. Thirdly, as shown by the worldwide mapping of Internet
million remained without access to telephones within 5 kilometers domains by Matthew Zook (see Chapter 8), Internet content
262 263
The Digital Divide The Digital Divide
providers are very much concentrated in a few metropolitan areas have swelled the legions of doom and survival. At the turn of the
of the developed world (for instance, London has more Internet millennium, close to 50 percent of the world's population was
domains than the whole of Africa). This concentration consider- trying to get by on less than 2 dollars a day, in a sharp increase in
ably biases the usefulness and appropriateness of Internet use for the proportion of people in a similar condition one decade earlier.
much of the world. It certainly starts with language, as 78 percent On the other hand, 20 percent of the people disposed of 86 percent
of websites are in English only, thus creating a substantial barrier of the wealth. Inequality is even more accentuated for young
for most people in the world (other sources estimate a higher figure people, since four-fifths of people under 20 live in developing
for this percentage). But it is also related to the kind of content that countries. And women continue to bear the burden of poverty,
users can find on the Internet, and to the difficulty for people illiteracy, and health problems, while being in charge of managing
without sufficient education, knowledge, and skills to appropriate everyday survival for their families.
the technology for their own interests and values. Of course, all Overall, the gap in productivity, technology, income, social bene-
these obstacles are not cast in stone, and the flexibility of the fits, and living standards between the developed and the developing
Internet allows alternative uses, and adaptation to the users under world increased during the 1990s, in spite of spectacular strides in
proper technological, institutional, educational, and cultural condi- economic growth in China's coastal areas, India's high-tech indus-
tions. But this is exactly the heart of the matter. More precisely, tries, Brazilian and Mexican manufacturing exports, Argentina's
how does the Internet, and the digital divide currently associated food exports, and Chilean sales of wine, fish, and fruits. Environ-
with its differential, worldwide expansion, relate to the process of mental conditions deteriorated, both in terms of natural resources,
global development? and in the mushrooming cities of developing countries, projected to
During the 1990s, coinciding with the explosion of the informa- be home for half of their population in the next 25 years.
tion-technology revolution, the rise of the new economy, and the Naturally, correlation is not causality, so it could well be that all
diffusion of the Internet, the world experienced a substantial these social and environmental problems are independent of the
increase in income inequality, polarization, poverty, and social process of globalization and Internet-led economic development. It
exclusion, as documented, among other sources, by the annual could be, but it's not. It can be argued instead that, under the
Human Development Reports elaborated by the United Nations current social and institutional conditions prevailing in our world,
Development Programme (UNDP, 1999, 2000, 2001). To be sure, the new techno-economic system seems to induce uneven devel-
trends differ by countries and areas. For instance, China and Chile opment, simultaneously increasing wealth and poverty, product-
have seen a substantial reduction in the proportion of the popula- ivity and social exclusion, with its effects being differentially
tion living in poverty. And the industrialization of a few countries, distributed in various areas of the world and in various social
and of the major metropolitan areas in others, have substantially groups. And because the Internet is at the heart of the new socio-
improved the living standards for tens of millions of Chinese, technical pattern of organization, this global process of uneven
Indians, Koreans, Malaysians, Brazilians, Argentinians, Chileans, development is perhaps the most dramatic expression of the digital
and others in scattered areas around the world. Yet, on the other divide. Here is the argument.
hand, the collapse of the transitional economies, the hardship (1) The extreme social unevenness of the development process
imposed by financial crises in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, is linked to the networking logic and global reach of the new
Indonesia, Thailand, South Korea, and other Asian countries, the economy. If everything and everyone that can be a source of value
lingering economic and social crisis in Africa and the Middle East, can be easily connected, and as soon as he/she/it ceases to be valu-
and the patterns of social exclusion in most countries in the world, able can be equally easily disconnected, then the global production
264 265
The Digital Divide The Digital Divide
system is composed simultaneously of highly valuable and produc- leaving the country, unable or unwilling to endure the arduous
tive people and places, and by those who are not so, or not any adjustment to the new social and political conditions.
longer, while still being there. Because of the dynamism and com- (3) This developmental connection to the global economy is
petitiveness of the new economy, other forms of production increasingly vulnerable to the whirlwind of global financial flows,
become destructured, and ultimately phased out-or else trans- on which national currencies and the valuation of national stock
formed in informal economies, dependent on their uncertain markets ultimately depend. In a period of systemic financial volatil-
connection to the dynamic, global system. The mobility of ity, financial crises, of variable intensity, are recurrent. Every crisis
resources, and the flexibility of the management system, allow the wastes labor resources, devalUing people who are hardly able to get
global system to be largely independent of specific locales-where back on track. They end up withdrawing to the back alleys of sur-
people live. vival that constitute the informal economy.
(2) Education, information, science, and technology become the (4) As new technologies, new production systems, new global
critical sources of value creation in the Internet-based economy. markets, and the new institutional structure of world trade elimi-
Educational, informational, and technological resources are char- nate traditional agriculture (still employing about half of the
acterized by extremely uneven distribution throughout the world working people of the world) a rural exodus of gigantic dimensions
(UNESCO, 1999). While enrollment in schools has substantially is being induced, particularly in Asia, with hundreds of millions of
increased in the developing world, most education is tantamount new migrants destined to be painfully absorbed in the survival
to the warehousing of children, as many teachers do not have edu- economy of overcrowded metropolitan areas already on the edge
cation themselves, and are underpaid and overworked. Further- of ecological catastrophe (Roy, forthcoming).
more, the education system in most countries is technologically (5) Governments are increasingly constrained by global flows of
backward and institutionally bureaucratized. While telecommuni- capital and information, disciplined by the enforcers of freedom of
cation systems have improved lately in much of the world, there is circulation of these flows (such as the International Monetary
still a substantial gap between countries, and between regions Fund), and limited by the supranational institutions that they built
within countries, both in the quality of the infrastructure and in as defensive devices to survive globalization. The ensuing crisis of
teledensity. Satellite transmission and wireless telephony could governance leads to the breakdown of regulations, and even their
allow leapfrogging of the gradual lay-out of the traditional techno- underdeveloped welfare states come under attack. The social con-
logical infrastructure, but the financial and human resources for tract between various social groups, wherever it existed, is chal-
such developmental investment are missing in most of the world. lenged. Labor becomes individualized, and the old system of
Lack of education and lack of informational infrastructure leaves industrial relations, built on collective bargaining between business
most of the world dependent on the performance of a few, global- and labor, takes refuge in the public sector, creating a new social
ized segments of their economies. Since most of the population cleavage between the few protected workers, using their bargain-
cannot be employed in this sector, because it lacks the skills, occu- ing power to siphon resources from the rest of society, and the
pational and social structures become increasingly dualized. For mass of unorganized workers, often employed in the informal
instance, in South Africa, in 2000, while the unemployment rate economy.
was above 35 percent of the labor force, the demand for tens of (6) In the wake of crisis, and with large segments of the popula-
thousands of jobs requiring a college degree could not be met tion unable to participate in the productive, competitive sector of
by supply: in 1995-9 the demand for this kind of job soared by the economy, some try a new form of globalization: the global
325 percent. At the same time, many professional workers were criminal economy, made up of transnational networks engaging in
266 267
The Digital Divide The Digital Divide
any kind of illicit trade that could yield a profit-often with the leverage of their power over people and territory to provide the
help of the Internet-and practicing electronic money-laundering global networks of money and power with access to whatever is
in the financial markets. The global criminal economy penetrates still valuable in the country, in exchange for the elites' subordinate
politics and institutions, destabilizes societies, corrupts and disorga- participation in these global networks. As for the people marginal-
nizes states in many countries-and not just in the case of the usual ized in the process, they tend to use a variety of strategies, not
suspects. necessarily incompatible. They survive in the informal economy at
(7) Subjected to extraordinary pressures from above and from the local level. They try to compete globally on the basis of the net-
below, and with a decreasing margin of maneuver in a globalized works of the criminal economy. They mobilize to obtain resources
system, governments suffer a widespread crisis of legitimacy. Thus, from the globalized local elites, putting pressure on these elites to
according to a global opinion poll conducted by Gallup for the share the benefits obtained from their incorporation into the global
United Nations in 1999, two-thirds of respondents thought that networks. Or they mobilize to build their own agency of inter-
their country was not governed by the will of the people (Annan, mediation with the global system, by challenging the state-either
2000). The weakening of political institutions diminishes the ability through separation or through succession.
of societies to adjust and correct the negative shocks induced by the The fundamental digital divide is not measured by the number of
transition to a new techno-economic system, thus amplifying these connections to the Internet, but by the consequences of both con-
shocks. nection and lack of connection. Because the Internet, as shown in
(8) In the extreme cases of the crisis of legitimacy, and political this book, is not just a technology. It is the techological tool and
disintegration, large-scale banditry and civil wars develop, some- organizational form that distributes information power, knowledge
times leading to mass massacres, to the exodus of hundreds of generation, and networking capacity in all realms of activity. Thus,
thousands, to famine, and to epidemics. This is the case in Africa, developing countries are caught in a tangled web. On the one
but, at the time of writing, a country as important as Colombia was hand, being disconnected, or superficially connected, to the
suffering what appears to be an endless civil war between different Internet is tantamount to marginalization in the global, networked
factions, Peru and Ecuador were shaken by the collapse of their system. Development without the Internet would be the equiva-
political regimes (hopefully for the better), Indonesia was on the lent of industrialization without electricity in the industrial era.
edge of all-out regional wars, and the elected president of This is why the often-heard statement concerning the need to start
the Philippines was ousted after he turned out to be "the lord of with "the real problems of the Third World"-meaning health,
gambling lords." education, water, electricity, and the like-before coming to the
It would seem that all this has little to do with the digital divide Internet reveals a profound misunderstanding of the current issues
and, for that matter, with the Internet. And yet, this is precisely the in development. Because, without an Internet-based economy and
point I want to make. The ability of the Internet-based economy, management system, there is little chance for any country to gen-
and of the Internet-based information system, to network seg- erate the resources necessary to cover its developmental needs, on
ments of societies around the world articulates the key nodes in a a sustainable ground-meaning economically sustainable, socially
dynamic, planetary system, while discarding those segments of sustainable, and environmentally sustainable.
societies and those locales that offer little interest from the point In the absence of global economic and technological integration
of view of value-making. But these discarded elements have the of countries around the world, it would have been reasonable to
ability to control people and local resources in their countries, as consider alternative models of development, less technology-inten-
well as their political institutions. Therefore, the elites try to use the sive, probably with lower productivity yields and slower material
268 269
The Digital Divide The Digital Divide
improvement yet closer to the history, culture, and natural condi- gence of legitimate political institutions rooted in the local and able
tions of each country, and perhaps more satisfying for the majority to manage the global. And it depends on the ability of countries
of its people. However, it is too late to afford this kind of serene and social actors to adapt to Internet speed in the process of
reflection. The Internet-based economy and information system, change. More of the same leads to the broadening of the digital
proceeding at Internet speed, has locked in the developmental tra- divide, a divide that may ultimately engulf the world in a series of
jectories within a narrow range. Barring a global catastrophe, it is multi-dimensional crises.frhe new model of development requires
unlikely that societies around the world would engage freely in leap-frogging over the planetary digital divide. It calls for an
non-technological forms of development-among other reasons, Internet-based economy, powered by learning and knowledge-
because the interests and ideology of their elites are deeply rooted generation capacity, able to operate within the global networks of ,
in the current model of development. And once the option is taken value, and supported by legitimate, efficient political institutions. It
to part of the global networks, the Internet-based logic of produc- is in the shared interest of humankind that such a model emerges
tion, competition, and management is a prerequisite for prosperity, while there is still time.
freedom, and autonomy.
But it can also be a recipe for crisis and marginalization, as the
argument I presented above suggests. Indeed, the experience of the
first years of the Internet Age points in this direction. This is not
Reading Links
the consequence of the Internet per se, but of the digital divide. That
is, the divide created between those individuals, firms, institutions, Annan, Kofi (2000) Report to the Millennium Assembly of the United Nations.
regions, and societies that have the material and cultural condi- New York: United Nations.
tions to operate in the digital world, and those who cannot, or Bolt, D. and Crawford, R. (2000) Digital Divide: Computers and our
Children's Future. New York: TV Books.
cannot adapt to the speed of change. Under such conditions, the
Castells, Manuel (2000a) "Information technology and global develop-
networking logic of the Internet-based global system scans
ment," Keynote address to the Economic and Social Council of the
the planet for opportunities, and links up what it needs for its
United Nations, New York, United Nations, ECOSOC, May 2000.
programmed goals-and only what it needs. There follows the - - (2000b) End ofMillennium, 2nd edn. Oxford: Blackwell.
fragmentation of societies and institutions, in parallel with the Cheskin Research (2000) The Digital World of the US Hispanic. Redwood
dynamic networking of valuable firms, triumphant individuals, Shores, CA: Cheskin Research Report.
and surviving organizations. Dutton, William (1999) Society on the Line: Information Politics in the Digital
Of course, these processes are ultimately dependent on human Age. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
action, so they can be reversed or modified. Yet it is not only a Evans, Peter (ed.) (forthcoming), Liveable Cities? The Politics of Urban
matter of knowledge and political will, although these are indis- Livelihood and Sustainability. Berkeley, CA: University of California
pensable conditions for any alternative course of action. It depends Press.
on the extent of the digital divide in each country. It depends on Gillwald, Alison (2000) "Building Castells in the ether? Lessons for
the ability to generate a process of social learning, in parallel with South Africa's information and communication sector," paper deliv-
ered at the Seminar on Globalization, Development, and Technology
the building of an information and communication technology
organized by the Center for Higher Education Transformation,
infrastructure. It depends on the managerial capacity of the
Pretoria, June 20, 2000.
economy, on the quality of the labor force, on the existence of Gordo, Blanca (forthcoming) "Overcoming the digital divide: commu-
social consensus, based on social redistribution, and on the emer- nity technology training centers in California," unpublished PhD
270 271
The Digital Divide The Digital Divide
dissertation, University of California, Department of City and Regional Roy, Ananya (forthcoming) Squatters, Politics, and Gender: The Domestica-
Planning, Berkeley, California. tion of Calcutta. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Guimaraes de Castro, Maria Helena (1999) Education for the Twenty-first Servon, Lisa (forthcoming) Bridging the Digital Divide. Oxford: Blackwell.
Century: The Challenge of Quality and Equity. Brasilia: Instituto Nacional Spooner, Tom and Rainie, Lee (2000) "African-Americans and the
de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais. Internet," Washington, DC: Pew Internet and American Life Project,
Hamelink, Cees (1999) "ICT and social development: the global policy on-line Life Report, posted October 22.
context," Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social UNESCO (1999) World Communication and Information Report, 1999-2000.
Development, discussion paper 116. Paris: UNESCO.
Hoffman, Donna 1. and Novak, Thomas P. (1999) "The evolution of the UK Department of Trade and Industry (2000) Closing the Digital Divide:
digital divide: examining the relationships of race to Internet access Information and Communication Technologies in Deprived Areas. London:
and usage over time," Nashville, Vanderbilt University: Owen School HMSO.
of Graduate Management, Project 2000, research paper (published United Nations Development Programme (1996-2001) Human Develop-
on-line). ment Report, annual reports. New York: United Nations and Oxford
Kiselyova, Emma and Castells, Manuel (2000) "Russia in the Infor- University Press.
mation Age," in Victoria Bonnell and George Breslauer (eds), Russia in US Department of Commerce, Office of Technology Policy, Technology
the New Century, pp. 126-57. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Administration (1999) The Digital Work Force: Building Infotech Skills at
Laserna, Roberto, Morales Anaya, Rolando, and Gomez, Gonzalo (2000) the Speed of Innovation. Washington, DC: US Department of Commerce.
Mundos urbanos. La Paz, Bolivia: Programa de Naciones Unidas para el US Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration
Desarrollo. (2000) Digital Economy 2000. Washington, DC: US Department of
Lewin, Tamar (2001) "Children's computer use grows, but gaps persist, Commerce.
study says," The New York Times, January 22: All. US Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and
Lin, Marcia C. (1999) Computers, Teachers, and Peers: Science Learning Improvement, National Center for Education Statistics (2000) Internet
Partners. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Access in US Public Schools and Classroom: 1994-99. Washington, DC: US
Loader, Brian D. (ed.) (1998) Cyberspace Divide: Equality, Agency, and Policy Department of Education.
in the Information Society. London: Routledge. Zook, Matthew (2001) "The geography of the Internet industry: venture
Mansell, Robin and Wenn, Uta (eds) (1998) Knowledge Societies. Inform- capital, Internet start-ups, and regional development," unpublished
ation Technology for Sustainable Development, Oxford: Oxford University PhD dissertation, University of California, Department of City and
Press. Regional Planning, Berkeley, California.
Muller, Johen, Cloete, Nico, and Badat, Shireen (eds) (2001) The
Challenges of Globalization: South African Debates with Manuel Castells.
Pretoria: Center for Higher Education Transformation/Longman.
National Science Board (2000) Science and Engineering Indicators - 2000.
Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation. e-Links
NTIA (1999) Falling Through the Net: Defining the Digital Divide: A Report on
the Telecommunications and Information Technology Gap in America. The US National Telecommunications and Information Agency annual
Washington, DC: US Department of Commerce. reports on the digital divide in America.
- - (2000) Falling Through the Net: Toward Digital Inclusion. Washington, 18. world ba nk. org/externa I/Iac/lac/lac. nsf/sectors/i nftele-
DC: US Department of Commerce.
Presidencia de la Republica de Chile (1999) Chile hacia la sociedad de la coms/175blefOe678f649852569adOOO18365?opend oc ument
informacion. Santiago de Chile: Informe al Presidente de la Republica. World Bank database on the digital divide in a global perspective.
272 273
The Digital Divide
The OECD reports on the digital divide in an international perspective.
Clearing house on data about the digital divide in the US. Conclusion
Policy Information Center-The Educational Testing Service Network
(PIC-ETS) (1999) "Computer and classrooms: the state of technology in
US schools," published on-line:
The Challenges of
Data and analyses on the educational dimension of the digital divide.
The Challenges of the Network Society The Challenges of the Network Society
by general, transcendent truths, but by the concrete ways in which but equally powerful in its potential effects. It is a personal feeling
we live, work, prosper, suffer, and dream. So, to act upon ourselves, of lack of control, of acceleration of our lives, of an endless race
individually and collectively, to be able to harness the wonders of toward unknown goals-or to goals whose meaning evaporates on
the technology we have created, find meaning in our lives, better close inspection. This feeling encompasses many of the actors of the
society, and respect nature, we need to place our action in the new economy, in the moments when the thrill of innovation
specific context of domination and liberation where we live: the net- lapses, and prosperity appears to be fragile. While the fear of
work society, built around the communication networks of the change is an historical constant in human experience (paradoxi-
Internet. cally, together with the urge for innovation from the most daring
At the onset of the Information Age, we can perceive around the people), I believe that much of the resistance to, and dissatisfaction
world an extraordinary feeling of uneasiness with the current with, the Internet-led, networked world can be related to a
process of technology-led change that threatens to generate a number of unmet challenges.
widespread backlash. Unless we address this feeling, its exacerba- The first one is freedom itself. The Internet networks provide
tion may well wreck the promises of this new economy and society global, free communication that becomes essential for everything.
springing from technological ingenuity and cultural creativity. But the infrastructure of the networks can be owned, access to
This feeling is sometimes collectively expressed, as in the protests them can be controlled, and their uses can be biased, if not monop-
against globalization, the code word for the new technological, eco- olized, by commercial, ideological, and political interests. As the
nomic, and social order. These protests represent mainly the view of Internet becomes the pervasive infrastructure of our lives, who
an active minority, and include interest groups with a very narrow owns and controls access to this infrastructure becomes an essen-
vision of the state of the world-for instance, the defenders of rich tial battle for freedom.
countries' protectionism to keep their privileges against competi- The second challenge is the opposite: exclusion from the net-
tion from the developing world. Yet, except for the excesses of their works. In a global economy, and in a network society where most
violent fringe, many of the issues raised by the anti-globalization things that matter are dependent on these Internet-based net-
protesters are a legitimate matter for debate, and they have found works, to be switched off is to be sentenced to marginality-or
an echo in public opinion, as the growing attention paid to this compelled to find an alternative principle of centrality. As argued
debate by governments and international institutions seems to in Chapter 9, this exclusion may proceed by different mechanisms:
indicate. lack of technological infrastructure; economic or institutional
Beyond the realm of radical protests, there is also fear among obstacles to access the networks; insufficient educational and
many citizens about what this new society, of which the Internet is cultural capacity to use the Internet in a self-determined manner;
a symbol, will bring about in terms of employment, education, disadvantage in the production of the content communicated
social protection, and lifestyles. Some of these criticisms are objec- through the networks. The cumulative effects of these mechanisms
tively founded-in the deterioration of the natural environment, of exclusion divide people around the planet, but no longer along
in job insecurity, or in the growth of poverty and inequality in the North/South cleavage, but between those connected in the
many areas-not always in the developing world. For instance, global networks of value-making, around nodes unevenly dotting
in Silicon Valley, considering the whole decade of the 1990s, the world, and those switched off from these networks.
average real wages declined, in spite of the extraordinary growth in The third major challenge is the installation of information-
income of the top one-third of households-such was the extent of processing and knowledge-generation capacity in everyone of
inequality. But there is something less objective, less quantifiable, us-and particularly in every child. By this I obviously do not mean
276 277
The Challenges of the Network Society The Challenges of the Network Society
literacy in using the Internet in its evolving forms (this is presup- market. Markets are based on institutions, on laws, on courts, on
posed). I mean education. But in its broader, fundamental sense; supervision, on due process, and, ultimately, on the authority of
that is, to acquire the intellectual capacity of learning to learn the democratic state. When they are not, when economies engage
throughout one's whole life, retrieving the information that is in experiments of total de-institutionalization, as post-Communist
digitally stored, recombining it, and using it to produce knowledge Russia did in the early 1990s, under the impulse of Yeltsin's
for whatever purpose we want. This simple statement calls into reformers supported by the International Monetary Fund, what
question the entire education system developed during the indus- emerges is not the market, but economic chaos, in which oli-
trial era. There is no more fundamental restructuring. And very garchies are formed by the forceful appropriation of public wealth.
few countries and institutions are truly addressing it because before Western capitalism prospered, even with crises and social struggles,
we start changing the technology, rebuilding the schools, and by building institutions of social bargaining and economic regu-
re-training the teachers, we need a new pedagogy, based on inter- lation. The shift to computerized global networks as the organiza-
activity, personalization, and the development of autonomous tional form of capital, production, trade, and management has
capacity of learning and thinking. While, at the same time, largely undermined the regulatory capacity of both national gov-
strengthening the character and securing the personality. And this ernments and existing international institutions, starting with the
is uncharted terrain. increasing difficulty of collecting corporate taxes and controlling
The emergence of the network enterprise, and the individualiza- monetary policy. Systemic volatility of global financial markets and
tion of employment patterns, raise another major challenge, this vast disparities in the utilization of human resources require new
time to the system of labor relations constructed in the industrial forms of regulation, adapted to the new technology and to the new
society. Furthermore, since the welfare state was built on these market economy. It will not be easy. Particularly, it will not be easy
systems of industrial relations and stable employment, it also to enact effective, dynamic regulation of global financial markets,
comes under stress. The mechanisms of social protection on which for the reasons presented in this book. Yet, since no one has really
social peace, working partnership, and personal security were tried, we actually do not know. It would be wise to find sensitive
based need to be redefined in the new socio-economic context. ways of channeling global finance before a major crisis forces us to
This is not an impossible task. After all, the most welfare state- do it under more strenuous conditions. Indeed, computer networks
oriented societies in the world, the Scandinavian democracies, are offer new technological tools of reasonable regulation that,
also the most advanced Internet-based, new economies in Europe. powered by political will, could harness the dynamics of the
But, even in these societies, tensions between the logic of individ- market while preventing excessive disequilibrium.
ual competition and the logic of social solidarity are rising, trade- Environmental degradation represents a critical challenge to be
offs will have to be found, and new forms of social contract. will reckoned with. But its relationship to the Internet-based world is a
have to be negotiated, and perhaps fought over. On the other double-edged process. On the one hand, because the network-
hand, the excesses of a purely liberal order of individual self- powered economy relentlessly scans the planet for opportunities
contracting, as epitomized by California, may lead to a search for to make money, there is a process of accelerated exploitation of
some institutional form of personal security as soon as the fantasy natural resources, as well as of environmentally damaging eco-
world of endless, uninterrupted economic prosperity dissipates nomic growth. To put it bluntly: if we include in the same model of
under the acid test of historical reality. growth the half of the population of the planet which is currently
The new economy is overdue for new, flexible procedures of excluded, the model of industrial production and consumption that
institutional regulation. There is no such thing as a purely free we have created is not ecologically sustainable. On the other hand,
278 279
The Challenges of the Network Society The Challenges of the Network Society
the Internet-based management of information introduces two Palo Alto as in East Palo Alto. You perceive the world analyzed
counter-trends into the model of economic growth. First, we can in this book very differently if you are an Internet entrepreneur or
substantially increase our knowledge of what is environmentally a school teacher. Our professional, social, ethnic, gender, geo-
suitable and what is not, and we can factor this knowledge into our graphical, cultural differences lead to very different consequences
production system, given adequate institutional regulation and in the relationship of each one of us to the network society. Yet, I
consumer information, along the lines suggested by the propo- contend that the challenges I have outlined affect all of us in a very
nents of the "natural capitalism" school of thinking. Secondly, as fundamental way. But who should reckon with these challenges?
argued in Chapter 5, the Internet has become a major organizing Who are "we" in this case? Who are the actors in charge of manag-
and mobilizing tool for environmentalists around the world, raising ing our transition to the Information Age?
people's consciousness about alternative ways of living, and build- In democracy, it used to be governments, acting on behalf of the
ing the political force to make it happen. If we put together the two public interest. I still think they are the ones. But I say this with
trends, it seems plausible that a redefinition of the model of great difficulty because I am fully aware-as should be obvious
economic growth, leading to a comprehensive sustainable develop- from reading this book-of the crisis of legitimacy and efficiency
ment strategy, could be gradually established in time for the incor- that characterizes governments in our world. Not that they were
poration of the entire planet into this truly new economy. But this great before our time. But we knew less about them, and they could
is only one possibility. Current trends, when taken into a global do more-for or against us. How can we trust with the lives of our
perspective, point in the opposite direction: extensive economic children governments controlled by parties that usually operate
growth, mixed with destructive poverty, thus continuing the dilap- in systemic corruption (illegal financing), entirely dependent on
idation of our natural heritage. image politics, led by professional politicians only accountable at
The greatest fear for people, however, is the oldest fear of human- election time, managing insulated bureaucracies, technologically
kind: fear of the technological monsters we can create. This is partic- outdated, and generally out of touch with the real life of their
ularly the case with genetic engineering, but given the convergence citizens? And, yet, what is the alternative?
between micro-electronics and biology, and the potential develop- Corporate business is displaying lately much greater social
ment of ubiquituous sensors and nanotechnology, this primary responsibility than people credit it for, but businesses are the main
biological fear extends to the entire realm of technological discov- creators of our wealth, not the solvers of our problems-and most
ery. One of the creators of networking technology, Bill Joy, has people would not trust such a corporate-dominated world. NGOs?
articulated this discourse on the dangers of uncontrolled technolog- These are to my taste the most innovative, dynamic, and represen-
ical ingenuity. He strikes a deep chord in our collective psyche tative forms of aggregation of social interests. But I have a tendency
because he is pin-pointing the most significant contradiction in the to consider them "neo-governmental organizations," rather than
rise of the network society: the one between our technological over- non-governmental organizations, because in many instances they
development and our institutional and social under-development. are directly or indirectly subsidized by governments, and ultimately
This is indeed the most fundamental challenge: the absence of represent a form of political decentralization rather than an alter-
the actors and institutions able and willing to take on these chal- native form of democracy. They are part of the emerging, network
lenges. I have been referring to "we." But who are "we?" In terms state, with its variable geometry of institutional levels and political
of those affected by these trends, I mean all of us, humans. Yet, it is constituencies. Besides, while they represent legitimate interests,
not the same to live in California (or for that matter in Barcelona) they can hardly substitute for the expression of the public good,
as in Cochabamba. And it is not the same in California to live in and regulate or guide the network society on behalf of all of us.
280 281
The Challenges of the Network Society
"We" could still be we, the people, you and me. Building on our Apache 38, 48, 101
ARPA-INTERNET 11-12, 21, 25, 38
individual responsibility, as informed human beings, conscious of
ARPANET 10-13, 17-20, 24-6,40,
our duties, confident in our projects. Indeed, only if you and I, and 43
all the others, are responsible for what we do, and feel responsible Arquilla, John 158, 160, 162, 163
Arthur, Brian 100
for what happens around us, can our society control and guide this
artistic creation 199, 204-5
unprecedented technological creativity. Aspden, Philip 120, 124
However, we still need institutions, we still need political repre- Atkinson, Bill 15
sentation, participatory democracy, consensus-building proce-
dures, and effective public policy. This starts with responsible, truly
Index ATT 22, 42, 44, 190
authentication procedures 171, 172
autonomous networks 23-5
democratic governments. I believe that, in most societies, the prac- Aydalot, Philippe 226
tice of these principles is in a shambles, and a large proportion of
bandwidth 189, 191-2, 208,209
citizens do not count on it. This is the weak link in the network ABB 74 broadband access 256-7
society. Until we rebuild, both from the bottom up and from the Abramson, B. D. 208 Baran, Paul 10, 17-18, 163
academic community 10-11, 18-22 Barlow, John Perry 51, 119
top down, our institutions of governance and democracy, we will techno-elites 37, 39---40, 60 BASIC 43
not be able to stand up to the fundamental challenges we are access: Baym, Nancy 118
facing. And if democratic, political institutions cannot do it, no one inequality 248 BBS (bulletin board systems) 12-13,
age groups 249,251-2,254,255 25
else will or can. So, either we enact political change (whatever that disability 250 Bell Laboratories 13, 22, 42,43, 44,
means, in its various forms) or you and I will have to take care of educational imbalance 249, 208
reconfiguring the networks of our world around the proj ects of our 258-60, 266, 277-8 Benner, Chris 95
ethnic groups 249-50, 252---4 Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD)
lives. family status 250 43,48
Maybe there is another option. I imagine one could say: "Why gender gap 250,251,254,255 Berners-Lee, Tim 15, 22, 24, 28, 33
don't you leave me alone?! I want no part of your Internet, of your geography 250,254-5,260-71 Bina, Eric 16
income groups 249, 250-1 BITNET 13
technological civilization, of your network society! I just want to Russia 254-5, 263 Blue Tooth technology 236
live my life!" Well, if this is your position, I have bad news for you. technological divide 256-8 BMG Group 195-6
If you do not care about the networks, the networks will care about adaptability 1-2 Bolt, D. 258
advertising 106, 174, 199 books 198, 199
you, anyway. For as long as you want to live in society, at this time
age groups: Brand, S. 53, 119
and in this place, you will have to deal with the network society. inequality of access 249,251-2,254, branding 76-7
Because we live in the Internet Galaxy. 255 Bresnahan, Timothy 91
teenagers 118 Brilliant, Larry 53, 119
Ala -Pietila, Pekka 72 broadband access 256-7
Amazon 88-9 broadcasting 191
Amsterdam public digital culture 144, brokerage companies 82-3
146-55 browsers 15, 16, 38
Anderson, Ben 120, 128 Brynjolffson, Erik 91, 98
Andreessen, Marc 16 BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) 183 43,48
anti-globalization 141-2, 276 bulletin board systems (BBS) 12-13,
AOL (America On Line) 25 25
AOL-Time Warner 189, 190, 191, 194, Burch, Hal 208
200 Bush, Vannevar 15
Index Index
business community 22-3, 37-8, Compuserve 25 technological inequality 256-8 e-mail 18, 25
55-60,61 computerized graphic design 199 digital signatures 171, 172 privacy 175-6
see also e-business consumer protection 174-5, 184 Digital Storm 176 self-deleting 182
business-to-business (B2B) transactions consumerism 58-60,61 digital subscriber line (DSL) e*Trade 82
65 content provision 214,217,220-2 transmissions 191-2, 256, 257 Easdaq 83
cookies 171 digital television 191 Echelon 176
C language 42, 43, 45 cooperation 101 Direct Action Network 141 ECNs (electronic communication
cable industry 191 coordinated decision-making 2 disability 250 networks) 82-3
Cailliau, Robert 15, 22 copyleft 14 Disappearing Inc. 182 economic impact 5, 278-9
California Democracy Network 156 crackers 51-2, 177 distributed networks 17 see also e-business
call centers 233 Crawford, R. 258 Docter, Sharon 155-6 EDI (electronic data interchange) 68,
Cantor Fitzgerald Brokers 83 creativity 47 Dodge, Martin 208 70
capital markets 4, 78-90, 278-9 criminal activity 6, 177, 178,267-8 domain addresses 214-22,241-2 education 90-1
economic crisis 105-8 Crocker, Steve 11, 18,24 DOS 44 inequality of access 249, 258-60,
Cardoso, Gustavo 131 CsikzentmihalyC Mihaly 47 firms 64, 65, 75 266,277-8
Carnivore 176 Cukier, K. N. 208, 209 economic crisis 105-6 Elberse, Anita 155-6
Carnoy, Martin 95,96 cultural expression 195-205 market valuation 78 electronic communication networks
Case, Steve 194 see also Internet culture Double Click 174-5 (ECNs) 82-3
Castells, Manuel 240, 254, 263 customization 77-8 Dreamcast 197 electronic data interchange (EDI) 68,
censorship 55, 169-70 208 drug users 179 70
surveillance technologies 170-3 cyberpunks 51 DSL (digital subscriber line) Electronic Frontier Foundation 51, 119
centralized hierarchies 1-2 cyberwar 158-64 transmissions 191-2,256, 257 electronic mail, see e- mail
Cere Vinton 11, 18, 19,24,26,29, 30, Cyclades research group 11, 21 Dutton, William 155-6 Electronic Privacy Information Center
40 184
CERN 15, 22 Daimler Chrysler 73 e-business 5 elite culture 37, 39-40, 60
Chambers, John 71 Davies, Donald 10 advertising 174 employees 90-6, 103-4,267,278
Charles Schwabb 82 decentralization 2 business-to-business (B2B) Cisco Systems 70-1, 71-2
chat rooms 118 75 transactions 65 privacy 173
Cheswick, Bill 208 181 firms 64, 65 teleworking 231-5
child protection 169-70, 179, 180 Dell 72,88 economic crisis 102-12 encryption 159,171,172
Chion, Miriam 240 democracy 155-8, 184-5 employment patterns 90-6, 103-4 privacy protection technologies
Christensen, Ward 12 legitimacy 268,281-2 growth of transactions 64-5 182-4
Cisco Systems 68-72, 109-1 L 213 developing countries 5-6, 260-71 innovation 100-2, 103-4 Engelbart, Douglas 15, 24
Cisler, Steve 145 Di Maggio, Paul 117, 121, 124 market valuation 4, 78-90 Enquire 15
citizen networks 144-55 Digital City (Amsterdam) 144, network enterprise 67-8 entrepreneurial culture 37-8, 55-60,
civic involvement 120-5 146-55 branding 76-7 61, 104
Clark, Dave 30 digital divide: Cisco Sytems 68-72, 109-11 venture capital 78, 79-80, 223
Clark, Jim 16 inequality of access 248 customization 77-8 environmental causes 53, 279-80
Cleveland Freenet 144 age groups 249, 251-2, 254, 255 Dell 72, 88 equipment manufacture 212-13
Cohen, Robin 140, 143 disability 250 flexibility 76 Erdring, R. 123, 124
Colombia 6 educational imbalance 249, interactivity 76 Ericsson 73, 213
commerce, see e-business; economic 258-60,266,277-8 Nokia 72-3,81, 88, 89, 93-4 Erwise 15
impact ethnic groups 249-50, 252-4 scalability 76 Escher World 199
communication 199-200 family status 250 Zara 74-5 espionage 176
communication technology 2, 5 gender gap 250,251, 254, 255 productivity 96-100 ethnic divide 249-50, 252-4
community networks 53, 60-1, geography 250,254-5,260-71 socio-technical transformation 66, Eurex 83
144-55 income groups 249, 250-1 103 Euronext 83
see also virtual communities Russia 254-5, 263 e- Crossnet 83 European Union 32, 184
compression technology 192 social exclusion 3, 238, 247-8 e-learning 91 EWATCH 181
284 285
Index Index
exchange markets 83 grassroots networks 23-5 IBM 13, 101 media convergence, see multimedia
exclusion 3, 238, 247-8, 277 Grateful Dead 51, 54 ICANN (Internet Corporation for pervasiveness 2-3,275
see also digital divide Greenspan, Alan 108 Assigned Names and Numbers) regulation 184-5
31-2 service providers 12
Falun Gong 138-9 hackers 14, 15,24,28,37-8,41-52,60, ICCB (Internet Configuration Control social outcomes, see social outcomes
family life 131-2 148, 177 Board) 29 work and household use 118,
FIDONET 13, 24,52,54, 149 HackTic 148, 149 identification technologies 171, 172 193-4
financial markets 4, 78-90, 278-9 Hall, Peter 226-7 identity-building 118-19 Internet Activities Board (lAB) 29
economic crisis 105-8 Halley, Chuck 43 183 Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
Fischer. Claude 28, 126, 128 Hampton, Keith 122 IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) (lANA) 31
flexible working 1-2,76,95-6,231 Handy, S.L. 232, 233 30 Internet Configuration Control Board
Ford Motor Company 73 Hargittai, Eszter 117, 121, 124 immigration 93-4, 104, 267 (ICCB) 29
Free Software Foundation 14,44,47, Heart, Frank 18 individual freedom 23-5, 46-7, 54-5, Internet Corporation for Assigned
50 Hewlett Packard 106 277 Names and Numbers (ICANN)
freedom 23-5,46-7, 54-5, 277 hierarchies 1-2 free speech 168-9 31-2
free speech 168-9 Himanen, Pekka 41 protection of children 169-70, 179, Internet Crimes Group Inc. 181
protection of children 169-70, 179, historical overview 9-10 180 Internet culture 36-8
180 1962-1995 10-17 surveillance technologies 170-3, crackers 51-2
surveillance technologies 170-3, ARPANET 10-13, 17-20, 24-6,40, 175-82 creativity 47
175-82 43 privacy protection technologies entrepreneurial culture 37-8, 55-60,
privacy protection technologies bulletin board systems (BBS) 12-13, 182-4 61
182-4 25 individualism 128-9, 130-1 freedom, see freedom
Freeman, Greydon 13 electronic mail 18, 25 industrial espionage 176 gift culture 47
Freenet 195, 196 governance of the Internet 29-33 information networks 1-2 hackers 14, 15,24,28,37-8,41-52,
Fuchs, Ira 13 grassroots autonomous networks Information Processing Techniques 60, 148, 177
futures market 83 23-5 Office (IPTO) 10, 17, 18, 19 political causes, see political causes
military research 10, 17, 20-1 informational politics 155-8 sex-oriented systems 52-3, 54,
Garreau, Joel 229 open architecture and organization initial public offering (IPO) 80 169-70,179,180,196
Gartner Group 65 26-7 innovation 100-2, 103-4 social rules and transgressions 48-9
Gatekeeper 173 open source movement 14, 38 instant messaging 200 techno-elites 37, 39-40, 60
Gates, Bill 37 self-evolution of the Internet 27-9 Instinet 82 virtual communitarian culture, see
General Motors 73 university researchers 10-11, 18-22 integrated services digital network virtual communities
geographical dimensions, see Internet UNIX 13-14 (ISDN) 256 Internet economy, see e-business
geography world wide web 14-17, 22, 28 Intel 88, 106 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
gift culture 47 see also Internet culture intellectual property rights 168, 170, 30
Gillespie, Andrew 232, 233, 234 Hitt, Lorin M. 91, 98 181-2 Internet Explorer 16
Gilmore, John 55 Ho, K. C. 164 inter-network protocol (IP) 11, 27, 38 Internet geography 207-8
Giulia, Milena 127 Hochschild, Arlene 127, 236 interactivity 76 content providers 214, 217, 220-2
globalization 2, 141-3 Homebrew Computer Club 53 international standards 26-7, 29-30 domain addresses 214-22,241-2
digital divide 260-71 Horan, Thomas 238 Internet: equipment manufacture and
financial markets 79, 81 horizontal communication 2 ambivalent responses to 3-4, 116-17, technology design 212-13
globally unique identifiers (GUID) 175 Horton, Mark 13 276-7,280 inequality of access 250, 254-5,
GNU 14, 38, 44, 45, 48 Howard, Philip E. 121 cultural expression 195-205 260-71
Gnutella 195, 196 HURD 45 developing countries 5-6, 260-71 living space design 23 5-8
Gonggrijp, Rop 148, 149, 150 hypertext 15,201-5 economic impact 5 metropolitan concentration 212, 220,
governance 29-33 exclusion from 3, 238, 247-8, 277 222,224-31
Graham, Stephen 238, 239, 240 lAB (Internet Activities Board) 29 see also digital divide inequality of access 250
graphic design 199 lANA (Internet Assigned Numbers family life 131-2 segregation 238-41
graphics interface techniques 15, 16 Authority) 31 history, see historical overview pre-existing know-how 222-3
286 287
Index Index
Internet geography (cont.): labor market 90-6, 103-4, 267, 278 MUDs (multi-user dungeons) 52, 54, Nie, Joseph 123, 124
spatial distribution of users 209-12, teleworking 231-5 197 Nokia 72-3,81, 88, 89, 93-4, 213
242, 260-71 labor productivity 96-100 MULTICS 42 noopolitik 160
technical infrastructure and capacity legitimacy 268,281-2 multimedia: NSFNET 12, 21, 25
208-9 Leiner, Barry 29 books 198, 199
teleworking 231-5 Lelann, Gerard 11 business experiments 188-9 Oliner, Stephen 97
top websites and pageviews 219, Lessig, Lawrence 170, 172, 179, 182 communication 199-200 Ollila, Jorma 72
221 Lewis, Oscar 125 cultural expression 195-205 on-line communities 53
venture capital 223 libertarian culture 17, 33, 51 demand 192-5 on-line firms 65, 68, 73-4, 75
Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) Licklider, Joseph 10, 18, 19 graphic design 199 Amazon 88-9
30 LIFFE 83 hypertext and common meaning Cisco Systems 68-72,109-11, 213
Internet Society 30 Unux 14, 38,45-6,48, 101 201-5 Dell 72, 88
investments 85, 107 living space design 235-8 journals 198-9 Intel 88, 106
IP (inter-network protocol) 11, 27, Lucas, Henry 98 music delivery 195-6 market valuation 78
38 Lucent Technologies 69 on -line newspapers 198 Microsoft 16, 37,45,86,88, 106,
Iperbole Program 144 on-line video-games 196-7 175, 188-9, 190
IPO (initial public offering) 80 Mac programmers 44 pornography 196 Nokia 72-3, 81, 88, 89, 93-4, 213
IPTO (Information Processing McKenzie, Alex 18 radio broadcasting 191, 197 Yahoo! 88
Techniques Office) 10, 17, 18, McNealy, Scott 173 technological obstacles 188-92 Zara 74-5
19 Mandel, Michael 108-9 music delivery 175, 195-6 on-line video games 196-7
IRTF (Internet Research Task Force) market valuation 4, 78-90, 278-9 open source art 199
30 economic crisis 105-8 Napster, 181, 195-6 open source movement 14, 38, 46, 100,
ISDN (integrated services digital Marvin, Simon 238, 239, 240 Nasdaq 78, 82, 83-4 101
network) 256 Massey, Douglas 240 National Physical Laboratory 10, 21, operating systems:
isolation 123-4 MATIF 83 22-3 DOS 44
media convergence, see multimedia Navigator 16, 38 GNU 14, 38,44,45,48
Jacobson, Joe 236 Merita, Nordbanken 73-4 NEC 213 Unux 14, 38,45-6,48, 101
Java 16, 38, 101 Merrill Lynch 82 Nelson, Ted 15, 24, 25, 202, 203 Mac 44
Jennings, Tom 12, 25, 54 messaging services 200 Netscape 171 MULTICS 42
Jini 38, 10 1, 236 Metcalfe, Robert 11 Navigator 16, 38 UNIX 13-14, 42-6
Jiway 83 metropolitan concentrations 212,220, Netville 122-3 organizational forms 1-2
John Deere 73 222,224-31 network enterprise 67-8, 278 network enterprise 67-8
Jones, Steve 54, 117, 121, 129 inequality of access 250 branding 76-7 branding 76-7
Jongerson, Dale 97 segregation 238-41 Cisco Systems 68-72, 109-11 Cisco Systems 68-72, 109-11
Jordan, Ken 201 Microsoft 16, 37,45, 86, 88, 106, 175, customization 77-8 custornization 77-8
journals 198-9 188-9,190 Dell 72,88 Dell 72,88
Joy, Bill 13, 43, 44, 280 208 flexibility 76 fleXibility 76
jurisdiction 179 military research 10, 17,20-1 interactivity 76 interactivity 76
cyberwar 158-64 Nokia 72-3, 81, 88,89, 93-4 Nokia 72-3,81,88,89,93--4
Kapur, Mitch 51 MILNET 11, 21 scalability 76 scalability 76
Kahn, Robert II, 18, 19, 26, 29, 30, Mitchell, William 235,236, 237 Zara 74-5 Zara 74-5
40 Mitnik, Kevin 51 Network Working Group (NWG) 29 Owen, Bruce 189, 190, 192
Katz, James E. 120, 124 mobile phones 234 networking 1-2, 100, 103
Keller, Suzanne 126 MODEM 12 Neuman, W. Russell 117, 121, 124 Packer, Randall 201
Kiselyova, Emma 240,254,263 Mohktarian, Patricia 232, 233 Nevejan, Caroline 148, 149, 150 packet-switching technology 10, 21,
Kleinrock, Leonard 18, 24 Mosaic 16, 38, 150 news media 191 22-3
knowledge gap 258-60, 266 Motorola 44, 73 on-line newspapers 198 pageviews 219,221
Kotkin, Joel 228 MP3 181, 195, 196 Usenet News 13, 16,25,38,43,52, Palestinian activists 139
Kraut, Robert 123, 124 MS-DOS 44 181 passwords 171
288 289
Index Index
path dependency 100, 101 Raymond, Eric 41,44,45,46 family life 131-2 technical geography 208-9
PDP-ll computers 43 Real Networks 175 friendship, support and shared values techno-elites 37, 39--40,60
peer review 40, 46 Realplayer 195 119-20, 127-8 technological inequality 256-8 75 Red Hat 101 individualism 128-9, 130-1 technology design 212- I 3
Pittman, Bob 190 Redfield, Robert 12 5 isolation 123--4 teenagers 118
political causes 53, 137 regulation 184-5 labor market 90-6, 103--4, 267, 278 telecommunication carriers 26-7,208,
citizen networks 144-55 requests for comment (RFCs) 29, 30 living space design 235-8 239--40
informational politics 155-8 Rheingold, Howard 52, 54, I 19 place-based sociability 125-7 Telegeography 208, 209
networked social movements Rice, Ronald, E. 120, 124 political causes 53, 137 television:
138--43 Richardson, Ronald 232,233, 234 citizen networks 144-55 digital TV 191-2
political control164, 169, 170 Riemans, Patrice 123, 148, 153 informational politics 155-8 set-top boxes 188-90
mutual trusts 184-5 Ritchie, Dennis 42 networked social movements viewing hours 191
regulation of the Internet 184-5 Roberts, Lawrence (Larry) 18,22 138--43 teleworking 231-5
surveillance technologies 170-3, Robinson, John P. 117, 121, 124 political control 164, 169, 170 territoriality 179
177-82 Rodriguez, Felipe 149 mutual trust 184-5 Third World 5-6, 260-71
privacy protection technologies role-playing 118-19 regulation of the Internet 184-5; Thompson, Ken 42, 43
182--4 Ronfeldt, David 158, 160, 162, 163 see also surveillance technologies Time Warner 189
political disintegration 268-9,281-2 Rosen, Jeffrey 175 segregation 238-41 see also AOL-Time Warner
political instability 107 Russia 254-5,263,279 sex-oriented systems 52-3, 54 Tomlinson, Ray 18
political sabotage 5I, 139, 158-64, see also Soviet Union teleworking 23 1-5 Torvalds, Linus 14,45,48,49
177 Rustema, Reinder 153 virtual communities, see virtual Townsend, A. 208, 209
Polman, Michae1149 communities Tracey, Karina 119, 120, 128
pornography 196 Salomon, 1. 232, 233 work and household use of the Tradepoint 83
see also sex-oriented systems satellite broadcasting 191 Internet 118, 193--4 transaction costs 84
Postel, Jon 11, 18, 24, 31 SATNET 11 Sony Playstations 197 transmission control protocol (TCP) I I,
privacy 170 Saxenian, Anna 94 sovereignty 177-9 26, 38
consumers 174-5, 184 scalability 76 Soviet Union 20,21, 53 Turkle, Sherry 118
e-mail 175-6 Scantlebury, Roger 17 see also Russia TV, see television
employees 173 Schiller, Dan 240 Stallman, Richard 14,25,44,45,47, 50
surveillance technologies 170-3, Schuler, Douglas 53, 144 standardization 26-7,29-30 UMTS (universal mobile
175-82 Seattle Community Network 144 Staple, John 208 telecommunication systems) 257
privacy protection technologies secure socket layer (SSL) 171 state sovereignty 177-9 university networks 23-5
182--4 security issues 158-64, 177 Stikker, Marleen 147, 149, 150 university researchers 10-II, 18-22
privatization 30 segregation 238--41 Stiroh, Kevin 98 techno-elites 37, 39--40,60
PRNET 11 self-programmable labor 91,92,95, stock exchanges 83--4 UNIX 13-14, 38,42-6
Prodigy 25 103 stock market volatility 4, 279 urban concentrations 212,220, 222,
productivity 96-100 service providers 12 stock options 92 224-31
protocols 26-7, 30, 38 sex-oriented systems 52-3,54,169-70, Suess, Randy 12 inequality of access 250
Public Electronic Network 144 179, 180, 196 Sun Microsystems 16, 38,44, 101, 173 segregation 238--41
public key encryption 172 Shiller, Robert 87 surveillance technologies 170-3, Usenet News 13, 16,25,38,43,52,181
Putnam, Robert 121, 141 Sichel, Daniel 97 175-82 user distribution 209-12, 242, 260-7 I
Singapore 164 privacy protection technologies
Quaterman, John 208 skilled workers 93--4, 103--4 182--4 Valeo 73
Quicktime 195 social exclusion 3, 238, 247-8, 277 Sutherland, Ivan 18 Van den Besselaar, Peter 153
see also digital divide swarming 161 VAX computers 43
racial inequality 249-50, 252--4 social outcomes 4-5 venture capital 78, 79-80, 104, 223
radio broadcasting 191, 197 business practices, see e-business Taylor, Robert 18, 19 vertical organization I
Rai, Shirin M. 140, 143 civic involvement and social TCP (transmission control protocol) I I, video-games 196-7
Rainie, Lee 121 interaction 120-5 26,38 virtual art 199
290 291