SM1001909 Part-1
SM1001909 Part-1
SM1001909 Part-1
Ι. The importance of, and the ways of, building when you’re listening to the radio, talking to friends, or
vocabulary - watching television.)
Good vocabulary helps, not only in improved Read whatever interests you. If magazines or illustrated
performance in English section of various mannagemnt books are your choice, read them, don’t just look at the
entance exams but in greater enjoyment of the language photographs. Reading and awareness of words will help
and in effective communication as well. you find most of the words you should be learning. It is
also the best way to check on words you have already
Building a better vocabulary can be pleasurable. Even learned.
15 minutes a day of concentrated study on a regular When people use a word that puzzles you, ask what it
basis can bring about a rapid improvement in your means, or write down the word and look it up later,
vocabulary skills. This will, in turn, increase the before the context of the word evaporates.
effectiveness of your spoken and written communication.
You will also understand others’ ideas better. Overall, Use a Dictionary:
you would gain.
The dictionary should be one of the most often used
Many of the words you already know were probably books in your home. Keep it where you can find it readily
picked up as you came across them while reading, in and use it often. If you do your reading and homework in
conversation, perhaps even while watching television. the dining room or drawing room and the dictionary is on
You may already know thousands, and you may a shelf in the bedroom, you’re less likely to use it.
continue to learn more whether you work at it or not.
The home dictionary should be large enough to contain
Consider this, though – if you learned only one new word
much more than just spellings! It should contain extensive
a day for the next three years, you would have about a
definitions, word origins, notes on usage, and examples.
thousand new words in your vocabulary, whereas, if you
Get in to the habit of reading the entire entry for the word
learn ten new words a day, in one year you would have
you look up. Remember, words can have more than one
added over three thousand words to what you already
meaning, and the meaning you need for the word you are
know, and you would also have gained a lasting habit of
looking up may not be the first one given in your
learning and self-improvement.
dictionary. Even if it is, the other meanings of the word will
help you understand the different ways the word is used.
There are no shortcuts to vocabulary improvement.
Also, the word’s “history”, usually given at the end of the
However, as you learn new words, the easier it will be to
entry, can often give you a fascinating picture of the way
connect a new word with words you already know, and
the word has developed its current meaning. This will add
thus remember its meaning. As such, your learning
to the pleasure of learning the word as well as help you
speed will increase even as your vocabulary grows.
remember it.
Let’s look at the most effective steps you can take.
The General Word List presents words, meanings of words and usage in sentences. The words are given in
alphabetical order.
There are some more words and their meanings given in the second volume (again in alphabetical order).
The Special Word List is particularly interesting. A wide variety of words has been classified into various categories.
Particularly useful are the Idioms and Phrases, Confusable Words and Collocations which are tested in MBA Entrance
The fourth volume deals with Prefixes, Suffixes, Roots and Spellings. Knowing the roots will help you quickly associate
with words having those roots.
You are advised to go through these volumes by spending some time on a daily basis. Try enjoying the process of
learning new words. You can then attempt the simple tests on synonyms/word usage given in volume - VΙ.
Volumes VΙΙ and VΙΙΙ deal with Vocabulary based Exercises and tests which will enhance your preparation for various
MBA Aptitude tests.
This book also has a set of exercises on various vocabulary based questions which are frequently asked in various
management entrance exams, in order to ensure that a student gets ample practice in solving vocab based questions.
This word list presents various words in alphabetical order. Each word is followed by its meaning and a sample
sentence to help you understand its use.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/2
9. ABET (verb) 22. ABRIDGED (adj)
Meaning: encourage especially in doing something Meaning: shortened
wrong Usage: I normally carry the abridged version of my
Usage: Abetment of a crime should also be deemed favourite dictionary wherever I go.
a punishable crime.
23. ABROGATE (verb)
10. ABEYANCE (noun) Meaning: cancel or repeal (a law or an agreement)
Meaning: temporarily not happening or being used Usage: The old law needs to be abrogated and an
Usage: The motion was not immediately okayed; it absolutely new law must take its place.
was kept in abeyance till the CEO’s arrival.
24. ABSCOND (verb)
11. ABEYANCE (noun) Meaning: to leave secretly especially to avoid arrest
Meaning: temporarily not occurring or in use. Usage: The bank robbers are still absconding.
Usage: The project was kept in abeyance due to 25. ABSOLUTE (adj)
paucity of funds. Meaning: complete or total
Usage: Someone has rightly said, “Absolute power
12. ABHOR (verb) corrupts absolutely.”
Meaning: hate
Usage: I abhor jokes that demean women or are 26. ABSOLVE (verb)
racist. Meaning: free someone from
Usage: The court absolved the officer of all the
13. ABIDE (verb) charges and asked the concerned department to
Meaning: to stand by. take him back into service.
Usage: Being a stickler for punctuality, he cannot
abide people who are perpetually late. 27. ABSTAIN (verb)
Meaning: to keep away from or hold back
14. ABJECT (adj) Usage: I abstained from voting as I felt that none of
Meaning: extremely unpleasant the candidates deserved to be elected for the
Usage: Abject poverty has made some educated prestigious post.
youth also to take up crime as a career.
28. ABSTRACT (adj)
15. ABJURE (verb) Meaning: not concrete; not practical
Meaning: renounce upon oath Usage: His lectures were too abstract for the
Usage: The king abjured the throne and also students who were thirsting for practical inputs.
declared that he would become an ascetic soon.
29. ABSTRUSE (adj)
16. ABLUTION (noun) Meaning: not easy to understand
Meaning: Washing as a matter of religious rite Usage: His abstruse philosophical utterances could
Usage: He used to sing the latest film songs while not be comprehended by the common man.
taking his morning ablutions.
30. ABUNDANCE (noun)
17. ABNEGATE (verb) Meaning: profusion
Meaning: sacrifice, renounce, self-denial Usage: “There is an abundance of talent all around
Usage: He abnegated his place in the team so that the country”, exclaimed the new coach.
his younger brother could get a chance to play.
31. ABUT (verb)
18. ABOLISH (verb) Meaning: to border upon
Meaning: put an end to (a practice or law) Usage: What is disturbing is that a wine shop abuts
Usage: Some educationists feel that at least at the the school.
primary level, all examinations must be abolished.
32. ACCEDE (verb)
Meaning: yield
19. ABORT (verb)
Usage: I finally had to accede to my daughter’s
Meaning: bring to an end
demand for a computer.
Usage: The attempt to assassinate the diplomat
was aborted by the armed forces.
33. ACCLAIM (verb)
Meaning: greet with loud approval
20. ABOUND (verb)
Usage: Marlon Brando’s fantastic performance in
Meaning: have in large numbers or amounts
The Godfather, won him worldwide acclaim.
Usage: Although the earth abounds in natural
resources, we must be judicious in using them. 34. ACCOLADES (noun)
Meaning: anything given or done as a sign of
21. ABRASIVE (adj) appreciation or respect
Meaning: rough in manner Usage: Michael Jordan has won many accolades in
Usage: His abrasive remarks can rattle even the several basketball tournaments for his outstanding
calmest man on earth. performance.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/3
35. ACCOMMODATING (adj) 47. ADDUCE (verb)
Meaning: ready to make adjustment Meaning: refer to as evidence
Usage: Although Phillip is a very querulous person, Usage: The argument is adduced with evidences in
he has an accommodating wife. order to make it more tenable.
36. ACCORD (noun & verb) 48. ADEPT (adj & noun)
Meaning: agreement Meaning: very skilful; skilled person
Usage: The two warring groups have finally signed Usage: Dorothy’s adept handling of the situation
an accord. pleased her boss very much.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/4
60. ADVERSITY (noun) 73. ALLUSION (noun)
Meaning: difficulty, misfortune Meaning: indirect reference to something
Usage: She is a level-headed person who maintains Usage: Milton’s magnum opus, Paradise Lost, has
her composure even in adversity. several allusions to the Bible.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/5
85. ANNALS (noun) 97. APPROBATION (noun)
Meaning: a historical record of events year by year Meaning: commendation, official approval
Usage: His acts of bravery, as a commander of the Usage: His flawless speech received widespread
British Army, made him a legend in the annals of approbation.
military history.
86. ANNIHILATE (verb) Meaning: suitable, correct for a particular
Meaning: destroy completely circumstance
Usage: Lethal weapons have the capacity to Usage: The company is passing through a difficult
annihilate the entire human race. time; this is not the appropriate time to think of
employee welfare.
87. ANONYMITY (noun)
Meaning: secrecy 99. ARBITRARY (adj)
Usage: The bureaucrat was willing to speak if he Meaning: based on random choice or impulse
was assured of anonymity. Usage: One must avoid taking arbitrary decisions
and never venture into anything before weighing
88. ANTAGONISM (noun) the pros and cons.
Meaning: feeling of hatred
Usage: Such antagonism in sports makes me 100. ARDENT (adj)
question the real purpose of sport itself. Meaning: very enthusiastic
Usage: Many youngsters are ardent fans of pop
89. ANTECEDENT (adj) icons.
Meaning: going before in time, prior
Usage: The doctor intended to take into account 101. ARDOUR (noun)
the antecedents of the disease before starting his Meaning: very strong feelings of enthusiasm or love
treatment. Usage: The ardour and the dedication with which
he performs the work assigned to him is worthy of
90. ANTIDOTE (noun)
Meaning: a thing that counteracts something
102. ARDUOUS (adj)
Usage: It is said that walking is an antidote for all
ailments both somatic and psychological. Meaning: very difficult and tiring
Usage: After the arduous journey I must have slept
91. APATHETIC (adj) for about twelve hours.
Meaning: not interested or enthusiastic
103. ARTLESSNESS (noun)
Usage: Although he had led a very active life in his
Meaning: Unpretentiousness
youth, with age and ill health he has now become Usage: Her childlike artlessness endeared her to
apathetic and rather senile. one and all.
92. APOTHEOSIS (noun) 104. ASCENT (noun)
Meaning: the highest point Meaning: an upward slope
Usage: Her acting career reached its apotheosis Usage: His ascent to fame and wealth was the
when she enacted the role of Helen of Troy. result of his diligence and determination.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/6
110. ASSAY (verb & noun) 122. AVENGE (verb)
Meaning: evaluation Meaning: to punish or hurt somebody in return for
Usage: Abraham Lincoln’s first assay into politics something bad or wrong that they have done for
was a disaster. you, your family or friends.
111. ASSIDUOUS (adj) Usage: She vowed to avenge the condescending
Meaning: diligent, constant treatment meted out to her.
Usage: He is an assiduous worker and an asset to
the company. 123. AVER (verb)
Meaning: avow
112. ATHEIST (noun) Usage: The disgruntled patron averred that he
Meaning: doubter would never support an upcoming artist in future.
Usage: Though I am not an atheist, yet
sometimes, I am not very sure about the modern 124. AVERSION (noun)
day ideas of godliness. Meaning: dislike
Usage: I have an aversion for sweetmeats.
113. ATONEMENT (noun)
125. AVERT (verb)
Meaning: amends for a wrong Meaning: turn away, prevent
Usage: Having lived a corrupt and immoral life he Usage: The alert crew averted a major accident.
has now turned to spirituality to make atonement
for the sins he has committed 126. AVID (adj)
Meaning: keenly interested
114. ATROPHY (verb & noun) Usage: Being an avid collector of rare artefacts
Meaning: waste away she has an amazing collection of several antique
Usage: He is suffering from muscular atrophy. pieces.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/7
135. BAUBLE (noun) 148. BENIGN (adj)
Meaning: a showy trinket or decoration. Meaning: cheerful and kindly
Usage: Unlike other young women of her age, Usage: The hostess greeted us with a benign smile.
Nina is not interested in decking herself up with
baubles or other accessories. 149. BEQUEATH (verb)
Meaning: leave
136. BEDLAM (noun) Usage: The old man did not bequeath his wealth to
Meaning: a scene of great confusion and noise. his wayward sons.
Usage: The crowd was arrested by the police for
150. BERATE (verb)
causing bedlam at the public place.
Meaning: to criticize or speak angrily to somebody
137. BEDROCK (noun) because you do not approve of something they
Meaning: the central principles on which have done
something is based. Usage: The master berated the servant for not
Usage: Honesty and mutual trust form the bedrock doing his job properly.
of a lasting relationship.
151. BEREFT (adj)
138. BEFOGGED (adj) Meaning: deprived of, without
Meaning: totally confused. Usage: His statements are bereft of any truth.
Usage: Lack of proper sleep can make a person
befogged and petulant. 152. BEWILDERING (adj)
Meaning: difficult to understand
139. BEGRUDGE (verb) Usage: The bewildering array of jewellery
Meaning: feel aggrieved about displayed in the shop made my choice very difficult.
Usage: I know he won’t begrudge it if you ask him
for a personal loan.
153. BEWITCHED (verb)
140. BEGUILE (verb) Meaning: attracted and delighted by something
Meaning: to trick somebody into doing something Usage: The tourists were bewitched by the idyllic
especially by being nice to them. surroundings and the tranquility of the place.
Usage: He was so beguiled by her charm that he
failed to understand that her intention was to 154. BICKER (verb)
deceive him. Meaning: to argue about unimportant matters.
Usage: The couple were so incompatible that they
141. BEHOVE (verb)
constantly bickered over trifles.
Meaning: it is right or necessary for somebody to
do something.
155. BILATERAL (adj)
Usage: It behoves us to call on him when he is sick.
Meaning: two-sided
142. BELEAGUERED (adj) Usage: There is an urgent need for bilateral talks
Meaning: in difficulties, harassed between India and Pakistan.
Usage: Several governmental and voluntary
organisations came forward to offer assistance to 156. BILIOUS (adj)
the beleaguered victims of the tsunami. Meaning: bad-tempered, full of anger.
Usage: Being a thoroughly bilious person, he does
143. BELIE (verb) not get along with anyone.
Meaning: contradict, give the lie to
Usage: The fond parents’ hopes were belied when 157. BLANDISHMENTS (noun)
their son failed in his exams. Meaning: flattery intended to persuade or coax
Usage: There are very few children who do not
144. BELITTLE (verb) yield to blandishments.
Meaning: disparage
Usage: Belittling children in front of others lowers 158. BLASE (adj)
their confidence. Meaning: unenthusiastic about
145. BELLIGERENT (adj) Usage: Over the years he adopted a rather blasé
Meaning: aggressive attitude towards luxury and good life.
Usage: His belligerent nature makes people wary 159. BLINKERED (adj)
of him.
Meaning: cause to have a narrow outlook
146. BEMOAN (verb) Usage: A person with a blinkered approach to
Meaning: lament things cannot accomplish much in life.
Usage: The captain bemoaned that he seldom got
advice from the coach. 160. BLITHE (adj)
Meaning: without thought or care.
147. BENEVOLENT (adj) Usage: Many youngsters drive recklessly on the
Meaning: kind roads with blithe disregard for the traffic rules.
Usage: The benevolent king distributed his wealth
among the poor.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/8
161. BLUSTERY (adj) 173. BRIDLE (verb)
Meaning: stormy, tempestuous Meaning: show sudden annoyance.
Usage: As the night was dark and blustery we She bridled at the allegations levelled against her.
decided to halt at a nearby inn and resume our
journey the next morning. 174. BRUNT (noun)
Meaning: the chief impact of something bad.
162. BOISTEROUS (adj) Usage: Her family often bore the brunt of her mood
Meaning: noisy, lively and high spirited swings and frustrations.
Usage: It was quite a challenge for the teacher, to
discipline a class of twenty boisterous children. 175. BRUSQUE (adj)
Meaning: abrupt or offhand
163. BOMBAST (noun)
Usage: People resented his brusque manners and
Meaning: high-sounding language with little meaning
lack of decorum.
Usage: She kept on bragging about herself
throughout the journey and the other passengers
176. BULLISH (adj)
could not tolerate her bombast.
Meaning: aggressively confident
Usage: He was bullish about his chances of
164. BONAFIDE (adj)
winning the election.
Meaning: genuine
Usage: He is a bonafide student of our college.
177. BULWARK (noun)
165. BONHOMIE Meaning: a person or thing that protects or
Meaning: geniality defends something.
Usage: The work environment in the office is Usage: Unity among the people of the nation acts
fantastic. Such bonhomie is a rarity in professional as a significant bulwark against terrorism.
178. BUNGLE (verb)
166. BOOMERANG (verb) Meaning: to do something badly or without skill, to
Meaning: if a plan boomerangs on somebody, it fail at something.
hurts them instead of the person it was intended to Usage: The entire job was bungled by a bunch of
hurt. incompetent workers.
Usage: Much to his disappointment his plan to
harm his opponents boomeranged on him. 179. BUOY (verb)
Meaning: to make someone feel happier or more
167. BOYCOTT (verb & noun)
confident about a situation.
Meaning: stay away from
Usage: Although she had been depressed for quite
Usage: The opposition party decided to boycott the
proceedings of the assembly in order to express sometime, she was buoyed by the company of her
their dissidence. friends.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/9
185. CALCULATED (adj) 199. CAREWORN (adj)
Meaning: done with awareness of the likely effect. Meaning: showing signs of stress or anxiety.
Usage: As the share market is highly capricious, one Usage: Once a charming young lady, she has
is taking a calculated risk by investing in shares. become craggy and careworn over the years.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/10
212. CHIDE (verb) 225. CLEMENCY (noun)
Meaning: scold or rebuke Meaning: kindness shown to somebody when they
Usage: He chided his servant for breaking the tea are being punished
pot. Usage: The murderer’s plea for clemency was
rejected by the Supreme Court, which had imposed
213. CHIMERICAL (adj) the death sentence on him.
Meaning: extremely fanciful
Usage: His dream of rooting out corruption seems 226. CLIQUE (noun)
chimerical. Meaning: a small group of people who spend their
time together and do not welcome others into their
214. CHINK (noun) group.
Meaning: a narrow opening in something Usage: The unfriendly clique of male politicians
especially one that lets light through. resented the presence of women in the Parliament.
Usage: Daylight entered the room through a chink
in the curtains. 227. CLOISTERED (adj)
Meaning: shut away, secluded
215. CHRONIC (adj) Usage: After retirement, he is leading a cloistered
Meaning: lasting for a long time life.
Usage: Diabetes is a chronic and debilitating
ailment, which leaves a person weak and emaciated. 228. CLOUT (noun)
Meaning: influence or power.
216. CHRONICLE (noun) Usage: Using all his clout in political circles he
Meaning: a written record of events in the order in managed to clinch the deal.
which they happened.
Usage: The chronicle of the turbulent times of the 229. COALESCE (verb)
post war years makes for poignant reading. Meaning: unite, come together
Usage: Some atoms coalesce to from molecules.
217. CHURLISH (adj)
Meaning: rude or bad-tempered 230. COERCED (verb)
Usage: I was rather surprised when a polished Meaning: force
gentleman like him turned down her invitation in Usage: The accused alleged that the police had
such a churlish manner. coerced him into giving a confession.
231. COGENT (adj)
218. CIRCUMSPECT (adj)
Meaning: strongly and clearly expressed in a way
Meaning: cautious
that people believe.
Usage: While driving, it is better to be circumspect
Usage: The reasons cited by them for not
than be sorry later.
executing the plan do not seem to be cogent.
219. CIRCUMVENT (verb) 232. COGNATE (adj)
Meaning: avoid Meaning: similar
Usage: The reigning chess champion Usage: There are many cognate words in English
circumvented every move of his opponents. and Greek.
220. CITATION (noun) 233. COGNIZANCE (noun)
Meaning: a quotation from or reference to a book Meaning: knowledge
or author Usage: Keep your boss in full cognizance of the
Usage: The speaker made extensive citations to prevailing situation.
Ruskin Bond in his speech which showed his
admiration for the author. 234. COLLABORATE (verb)
Meaning: work together with other
221. CITE (verb) Usage: The young team has decided to
Meaning: quote collaborate with the old task force.
Usage: During the course of his speech, he cited a
few verses from the scriptures. 235. COLLAPSE (verb)
Meaning: fall fold; breakdown; lose strength
222. CIVILITY (noun) suddenly
Meaning: politeness Usage: Law and order collapsed totally during the
Usage: His behaviour is a model lesson in civility. bandh called by the opposition.
236. COLLATERAL (noun & adj)
223. CLAMOROUS (adj)
Meaning: security
Meaning: noisy
Usage: Collateral is a must for availing bank loans.
Usage: The clamorous crowd gave him its full
support. 237. COLLOQUIAL (noun & adj)
Meaning: informal
224. CLANDESTINE (adj) Usage: I wish the meetings of the society were
Meaning: kept secret, surreptitious conducted in a more formal manner. The
Usage: The Minister was accused of having colloquies are, at times, taking out the seriousness
clandestine dealings with the underworld. of the issues to be discussed.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/11
238. COMMUTE (verb) Usage: There is no conclusive evidence to prove
Meaning: Change to one less severe. that he is guilty of committing the offence.
Usage: The judge commuted the death sentence
of the prisoner to life imprisonment. 251. CONCOCTION (noun)
Meaning: mixture
239. COMPASSION (noun) Usage: The heady concoction had an intoxicating
Meaning: a strong feeling of sympathy for people effect on us.
who are suffering
Usage: All religions of the world advocate 252. CONDESCENDING (adj)
compassion for fellow human beings. Meaning: patronizing
Usage: The condescending tone of his speech
240. COMPATRIOT (noun) irritated even the dignitaries.
Meaning: fellow citizen
Usage: As a compatriot I have some duties 253. CONDONE (verb)
towards others. Meaning: accept or forgive (an offence or wrong
241. COMPETITIVE (adj) Usage: No nation in the world condones terrorism.
Meaning: involving competition
Usage: In this increasingly competitive world, one 254. CONDUIT (noun)
must be thoroughly competent and skilled in order Meaning: a person, an organization or a country
to stay in the race. that is used to pass things or information to other
people or places.
242. COMPLACENT (adj) Usage: He was accused of acting as a conduit
Meaning: too satisfied with yourself or with a between the politicians and the underworld.
situation (usually disapproving) 255. CONFISCATE (verb)
Usage: In the current competitive scenario no one Meaning: take or seize with authority
can afford to be complacent. Usage: The police confiscated his assets when the
charges of corruption levelled against him were
243. COMPLAISANT (adj) proved judicially.
Meaning: willing to please others or to accept their
behaviour without protest 256. CONFORM (verb)
Usage: People always take advantage of her Meaning: comply with, abide by
complaisant nature. Usage: The traffic police has issued a warning that
punitive action will be taken against those who fail
244. COMPLIANT (adj)
to conform to safety rules.
Meaning: conforming to requirements
Usage: He is too compliant and finds it difficult to 257. CONFOUND (verb)
say ‘no’. Meaning: surprise or bewilder
Usage: The public prosecutor objected to the
245. COMPLICITY (noun)
Meaning: involvement defence lawyer's deliberate attempt to confound
Usage: The lawyer claimed that he could prove the the witness.
complicity of the accused in the crime.
258. CONGENITAL (adj)
246. COMPULSION (noun) Meaning: present at birth, habitual
Meaning: pressure forcing someone to do Usage: Congenital anomalies are often attributed
something to consanguineous marriages.
Usage: Although she was reluctant to accept the
259. CONGREGATE (verb)
proposal, she had to acquiesce out of compulsion.
Meaning: gather into a crowd or mass
247. CONCEPTION (noun) Usage: All his friends and relatives congregated at
Meaning: beginning, comprehension, idea the airport to bid him adieu when he was going
Usage: The peace plan seems to be doomed right abroad to pursue higher studies.
from the conception stage itself.
260. CONGRESS (noun)
248. CONCERTED (adj) Meaning: a formal meeting of delegates for discussion
Meaning: jointly arranged or carried out. Usage: The Congress decided to support
Usage: All nations of the world should make a globalisation.
concerted effort to curb terrorism.
261. CONJECTURE (noun)
249. CONCILIATE (verb) Meaning: guess, surmise
Meaning: to reconcile bring together Usage: It is my conjecture that he is not guilty.
Usage: The mediator made a vain attempt to
conciliate the two groups involved in the conflict. 262 CONJUGAL (adj)
Meaning: marital
250. CONCLUSIVE (adj) Usage: The young couple are enjoying their
Meaning: proving something and allowing no conjugal bliss.
doubt or uncertainty.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/12
263. CONNOTE (verb) 277. CONVENE (verb)
Meaning: suggest Meaning: call together
Usage: It is a misconception that showing emotion Usage: The chief convened an urgent review
and being demonstrative connotes weakness. meeting.
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289. COVERT (adj) 302. CULTIVATED (adj)
Meaning: secret or hidden, making it to difficult to Meaning: having a high level of education and
notice showing good manners.
Usage: In a covert operation the terrorists blew up Usage: She was a graceful, cultivated woman who
a police outpost. was well liked by everyone.
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314. DECOROUS (adj) 326. DEIFY (verb)
Meaning: behaving politely and in a controlled way. Meaning: making into or worship as a god.
Usage: He was a thorough gentleman who always Usage: Illiterate people, particularly in rural India,
behaved in a decorous way. deify politicians and film stars and build temples in
their name.
315. DECOY (noun)
Meaning: a person or thing used to mislead or lure 327. DELIBERATION (noun)
someone into a trap. Meaning: the process of carefully considering or
Usage: The enemy troops planted a decoy to discussing something.
divert the attention of their rivals. Usage: He gave his consent after a lot of
316. DECAY (noun)
Meaning: to cause or undergo decomposition. 328. DELIMIT (verb)
Usage: Excessive consumption of sweets leads to Meaning: to make or describe the limits of
tooth decay in children. something.
Usage: The powers given to the bureaucrats are
317. DECRY (verb) delimited by the respective ministries.
Meaning: express strong disapproval
Usage: The minister strongly decried the lack of 329. DELUGE (noun)
proper rehabilitation programmes for the victims of Meaning: torrential rain
the earthquake. Usage: There was a deluge of people for the
tickets for the one-day international.
318. DEDUCE (verb)
Meaning: arrive at (an opinion) by reasoning. 330. DEMENTED (adj)
Usage: I could deduce from his silence that he is
Meaning: behaving in a crazy way because of
not in favour of the decision.
being extremely upset or worried
Usage: She was nearly demented with worry and
319. DEFACE (verb)
ran from pillar to post to trace her lost child.
Meaning: spoil the appearance of
Usage: Vandals defaced the great leader’s statue.
331. DEMUR (noun)
320. DEFAMATORY (adj) Meaning: the action of raising objections
Meaning: spoiling the good reputation Usage: They accepted the treatment meted out to
Usage: The bureaucrat announced his decision to them, by their superiors, without demur.
sue the newspaper for publishing defamatory
remarks against him. 332. DEMURE (adj)
Meaning: shy
321. DEFECTION (noun) Usage: The renowned actress played the role of a
Meaning: the act of abandoning one’s country or demure bride, to perfection.
cause in favour of an opposing one.
Usage: The defection of a big chunk of MLAs to
333. DENIGRATE (verb)
the ruling party came as a big blow to the
Meaning: to say that someone or something is not
good or important
322. DEFUNCT (adj) Usage: The author of the novel was castigated
Meaning: no longer in existence because he denigrated the beliefs of a particular
Usage: The abacus is more or less defunct these religious group.
334. DEPICT (verb)
323. DEFUSE (verb) Meaning: to represent or show something in a
Meaning: to stop a possibly dangerous or difficult picture or story.
situation from developing especially by making Usage: In his novels Thomas Hardy depicts man
people less angry or nervous. as a victim of the vagaries of fate.
Usage: She tried to defuse the highly charged
atmosphere in the room by cracking jokes. 335 DEPLETING (adj)
Meaning: reduce in quantity or numbers
324. DEGENERATE (adj) Usage: Environmentalists are concerned about the
Meaning: having neglected the high qualities of depleting ground water level.
Usage: The doctor was shocked to find the 336. DEPLORABLE (adj)
degenerate attitude prevalent among some of his Meaning: very bad and unacceptable, often in a
colleagues. way that shocks people.
Usage: The principal severely rebuked the
325. DEGRADED (adj) students for their deplorable behaviour and warned
Meaning: not worthy of any respect them to mend their ways.
Usage: The world’s natural environment has been
degraded to such an extent that there seems to be
little hope for humanity.
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337. DEPRECATE (verb) 349. DETER (verb)
Meaning: to feel and express strong disapproval of Meaning: discourage from doing something
something through fear of the consequences
Usage: The opposition deprecated the decision Usage: The exorbitant price of branded clothes
taken by the ruling party claiming that it was does not deter the fashion conscious youth of
detrimental to the interest of the nation. today.
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362. DISBURSEMENT (noun) 374. DISPENSE (verb)
Meaning: pay out (money from a fund) Meaning: give out
Usage: The philanthropic trust, which is involved in Usage: It is alarming to note that criminals are
the disbursement of funds for charitable activities, holding parallel courts and dispensing justice.
was extolled by people.
375. DISQUIET (noun)
363. DISCERN (verb) Meaning: unrest
Meaning: recognize or be aware of Usage: There was a lot of disquiet among the
Usage: I could discern a tinge of sarcasm in his technical people about the launch of the new
tone. product.
364. DISCORD (noun)
Meaning: lack of agreement or harmony 376. DISSEMBLE (verb)
Usage: The couple decided to opt for a divorce Meaning: to give a false or misleading appearance
because of marital discord. Usage: She is an upright individual not prone to
365. DISCOURSE (noun)
Meaning: written or spoken communication or 377. DISSEMINATE (verb)
debate. Meaning: distribute
Usage: The spiritual discourse aroused the Usage: The purpose of teaching is not merely to
philosopher in me. disseminate information but to instil a love for
366. DISCREET (adj)
Meaning: careful not to attract attention or give 378. DISSENT (noun)
offence Meaning: lack of agreement
Usage: They made a few discreet enquiries before Usage: Dissent within the members of the political
clinching the deal. party led to its devastating fall.
367. DISCRETE (adj)
Meaning: individually separate and distinct 379. DISSIPATE (verb)
Usage: Although they look similar they are as Meaning: waste (money, energy or resources)
discrete as chalk and cheese. Usage: Having dissipated all his ancestral
inheritance, he is now a bankrupt.
Meaning: decided according to the judgement of a 380. DISSOLUTE (adj)
person in authority about what is necessary in each Meaning: degenerate (lacking moral restraint or
particular situation. discipline)
Usage: The employees may be eligible for a Usage: His dissolute behaviour shocked all his
discretionary bonus. acquaintances.
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387. DOCTRINAIRE (adj) 399. DURESS (noun)
Meaning: very strict in applying beliefs or principles. Meaning: threats or violence used to force a
Usage: Although people respect him for his person to do something
knowledge and intelligence, most resent his Usage: The witness was forced to sign the
doctrinaire attitude. document under duress.
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411. ELICIT (verb) 424. ENCUMBER (verb)
Meaning: to make out Meaning: burden, get in the way
Usage: The police managed to elicit vital Usage: Children should not be encumbered with a
information from the criminal. lot of homework.
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462. EXPUNGE (verb) 474. FALLACIOUS (adj)
Meaning: remove completely Meaning: based on a mistaken belief
Usage: She made an earnest attempt to expunge Usage: The critics felt that the Finance Minister’s
the unpleasant memories of the past and begin life argument was fallacious.
475. FALLIBLE (adj)
463. EXQUISITE (adj) Meaning: prone to mistakes
Meaning: very beautiful and delicate, highly refined Usage: Human beings are fallible.
Usage: The rare artefacts in the museum spoke
volumes about the exquisite craftsmanship of the 476. FALLOW (adj)
artists of a bygone era. Meaning: when nothing is created or produced,
not successful
464. EXTEMPORIZE (verb) Usage: After a fallow period, trading in the country is
Meaning: to speak or perform without advance gradually picking up momentum.
preparation or thought
Usage: Despite extemporizing his speech, he 477. FAMISHED (adj)
managed to capture the listeners‘ attention. Meaning: very hungry.
Usage: We were famished and exhausted after the
465. EXTRADITE (verb) long and arduous journey.
Meaning: to officially send back somebody who has
been accused or found guilty of a crime to the country. 478. FANATICISM (noun)
Usage: The culprit who was involved in the bank Meaning: extreme beliefs or behaviour, especially in
scam was extradited from Britain. connection with religion or politics.
Usage: Parochialism and fanaticism have a
466. EXTRAVAGANT (adj) retrogressive effect on a nation’s development.
Meaning: profligate, exaggerated
Usage: Adam’s extravagant lifestyle has been a 479. FARCE (noun)
source of constant worry to his wife. Meaning: a ridiculous or meaningless situation or
467. EXTRICATE (verb) Usage: The entire examination system, these
Meaning: wriggle out days, has been reduced to a complete farce.
Usage: The seasoned politician managed to
extricate himself from the controversy. 480. FATALISM (noun)
Meaning: the belief that all events are decided in
468. EXUBERANT (adj) advance by a supernatural power and humans
Meaning: lively and cheerful have no control over them.
Usage: She is normally a very exuberant person Usage: Towards the fag end of her life, her attitude
but of late she appears to be rather dour. towards life was one of stoic acceptance driven by
469. EXULTANT (adj)
Meaning: jubilant 481. FATHOMLESS (adj)
Usage: The exultant sponsors announced a gift of Meaning: incapable of being understood or
$1,00,000 to the child prodigy. explained.
Usage: After a long, fathomless and rather
470. EYESORE (noun) uncomfortable silence she began to speak.
Meaning: something that is very ugly.
Usage: The ramshackle old house was a real 482. FATIGUE (noun)
eyesore in the upmarket neighbourhood with its Meaning: extreme, tiredness
palatial bungalows. Usage: We were overcome by fatigue after
trekking over the mountains continuously for
471. FABLED (adj) almost three hours.
Meaning: famous
Usage: Visiting the fabled city of Rome, during my 483. FAWNING (adj)
holiday in Europe last year, was a dream come Meaning: trying to gain favour by servile flattery or
true for me. attentive behaviour
Usage: Fawning bureaucrats, trying to curry favour
472. FACETIOUS (adj) with politicians are a common sight these days.
Meaning: treating serious issues with
inappropriate humour 484. FEINT (noun)
Usage: The facetious remarks made by some men Meaning: a false show, a pretence.
on women’s day was met with the scorn which it Usage: He tried a couple of feints to distract his
rightly deserved. opponents.
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486. FERVENT (adj) 499. FLAIL (verb)
Meaning: keen Meaning: swing or cause to swing widely
Usage: The defendant made a fervent appeal to Usage: I saw this girl slip and fall from that tree,
the judges to listen to his version also. her arms and legs flailing.
487. FETISH (noun) 500. FLOUNDER (verb)
Meaning: something to which a person is Meaning: have trouble doing or understanding
obsessively devoted something.
Usage: She is a diehard workaholic who makes a Usage: His unexpected question left me totally
fetish of her work. flummoxed and floundering for an answer.
488. FEUD (noun) 501. FLOURISH (verb)
Meaning: A long-lasting and bitter dispute Meaning: be successful during a specified period.
Usage: The long-standing feud between the two Usage: Art and crafts flourished greatly during the
contiguous nations culminated in a bloody war. reign of the Mughal rulers.
489. FICTITIOUS (adj)
Meaning: of or related to fiction 502. FLUCTUATE (verb)
Usage: Though fictitious, the character of Sherlock Meaning: rise and fall irregularly in number or
Holmes appears very real. amount.
Usage: The prices of petrol and diesel have been
490. FIDDLING (adj) constantly fluctuating during the past one year.
Meaning: small, unimportant or difficult to do.
Usage: Being a punctilious person, she is finicky 503. FOE (noun)
even about fiddling details. Meaning: an enemy or opponent.
Usage: He proved to be a formidable foe to his
491. FIDELITY (noun) adversaries.
Meaning: continuing faithfulness to a person
cause or belief 504. FOIST (verb)
Usage: Since I promised fidelity to the organisation Meaning: to pass off (on or upon)
in which I am working, I cannot divulge this Usage: Parents should not foist their beliefs and
information which should be kept confidential. desires on their children.
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536. GARRET (noun) 549. GHASTLY (adj)
Meaning: a room, often a small dark unpleasant Meaning: causing great horror or fear.
one, at the top of a house, especially in the roof. Usage: The murderer who was guilty of committing
Usage: Apart from huge piles of junk, the garret the ghastly homicide was sentenced to death.
also had some antique furniture.
550. GHOULISH (adj)
537. GARRULITY (noun) Meaning: having an unhealthy interest in death or
Meaning: the state of being extremely talkative. disaster
Usage: His unrestrained garrulity was rather Usage: People belonging to some tribal
irritating. communities living in the Amazon jungles are
crude and uncivilized and have a ghoulish passion
538. GAUCHE (adj) for weird practices.
Meaning: socially awkward or unsophisticated
551. GLEAN (verb)
Usage: The gauche young village lass felt like a
Meaning: collect gradually from various sources
fish out of water in the snobbish and sophisticated
Usage: The evidence to support his theory was
gleaned from books and experiments.
539. GAUNT (adj) 552. GLISTEN (verb)
Meaning: lean and haggard Meaning: to shine
Usage: I saw a gaunt, lanky man moving around Usage: She looked sick with worry and her forehead
the street looking rather suspicious. was glistening with apprehensive perspiration.
540. GENEALOGY (noun) 553. GLUT (noun)
Meaning: family tree Meaning: an excessively large supply
Usage: When you draw the genealogy of our Usage: The copious rains this year, led to a glut in
family do not forget to give a copy to me. the production of food grains.
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689. JURISDICTION (noun) 701. LACONIC (adj)
Meaning: the authority to administer justice or Meaning: using very few words
exercise power, authority, field. Usage: His style of writing though crisp and laconic
Usage: The policeman refused to file the complaint is easy to comprehend.
as the crime did not take place in his jurisdiction.
702. LAGGARD (noun)
690. JUSTIFICATION (noun) Meaning: a person who falls behind others.
Meaning: good reason, rationale. Usage: Being a laggard he could never keep pace
Usage: Many people feel that there is no with his friends either in academics or in sports.
justification for capital punishment to be awarded to
anyone. 703. LAISSEZ-FAIRE (noun)
Meaning: the process of allowing private
691. JUVENILE (adj) businesses to develop without government control.
Meaning: silly and more typical of a child than an Usage: The laissez faire approach adopted by the
adult government was criticized by puritans as an
Usage: Adults behaving in a juvenile manner often imprudent move.
become the butt of ridicule. 704. LAMENT (verb)
Meaning: to feel or express great sadness or
692. KEEPSAKE (noun) disappointment about somebody or something.
Meaning: a small item kept in memory of the Usage: Many old timers lamented the demolition of
person who gained it or originally owned it. antique structures in the city, in the name of
Usage: I will always treasure the gift he gave me modernization.
for keep sake, before he left for the U.S.
705. LANGUID (adj)
693. KEYSTONE (noun) Meaning: having or showing a disinclination for
Meaning: the most important part of a plan or physical exertion.
argument that the other parts depend on. Usage: She is irritated by his languid attitude as
Usage: The government's resoluteness to she has always been a person full of energy and
extirpate terrorism has been the keystone of its vigour.
development policy.
706. LAPSE (noun & verb)
694. KINDRED (adj) Meaning: a slight error; become void or no longer
Meaning: cognate, congenial valid
Usage: After a single interaction with her, I knew Usage: Even momentary lapse in concentration on
that we were kindred spirits because our tastes and busy roads could prove hazardous.
opinions matched on a majority of issues.
707. LARCENY (noun)
695. KINK (noun) Meaning: the crime of stealing something from
Meaning: a sharp twist or curve in something somebody; an occasion when this takes place
linear; flaw or defect in a plan or operation. Usage: The notorious duo were sentenced to
Usage: The thread that you use for embroidery imprisonment on charges of larceny.
should not have any kinks or knots.
708. LARDER (noun)
696. KIOSK (noun) Meaning: a room or large cupboard for storing
Meaning: a small open-fronted hut from which food.
newspapers, refreshments, tickets etc are sold. Usage: My mother, along with the maid, was
Usage: She has an interesting collection of trinkets planning to go for shopping to replenish the larder.
and other antique knick knacks which she picked
up mostly from roadside kiosks. 709. LARGESSE (noun)
Meaning: generosity
697. KNOLL (noun) Usage: The philanthropist was extolled for his
Meaning: a small round hill. largesse.
Usage: The shepherd grazed his flock on the
grassy knoll everyday. 710. LATITUDE (noun)
Meaning: scope for freedom of action or thought.
698. KUDOS (noun) Usage: Being a blue-eyed boy of the boss he is
Meaning: praise and honour. given the latitude to work at flexible timings.
Usage: The victorious team received kudos from the
students and the faculty for winning the trophy. 711. LAX (adj)
Meaning: not strict severe or careful enough about
699. LABORIOUS (adj) rules or standards of behaviour
Meaning: difficult, arduous. Usage: Lax supervision led to mass copying in the
Usage: The manager tried to cover up the team’s examination.
performance with rather laborious arguments.
712. LEGACY (noun)
700. LABOURED (adj) Meaning: something handed down by a
Meaning: not natural or unprepared predecessor.
Usage: His joke, which was rather laboured, failed Usage: We must be proud of our country’s rich
to evoke laughter. legacy of culture and traditional thought.
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713. LEGATEE (noun) 6725. LIBERATE (verb)
Meaning: a person who receives money or Meaning: set free; free from conventional ideas
property about behaviour.
Usage: Since her uncle did not have any children Usage: The woman of today is more liberated
of his own she became the sole legatee to his vast when compared to her ancient counterpart.
726. LIBERTINE (noun)
714. LEGIBLE (adj) Meaning: a person who lives an irresponsible life
Meaning: readable Usage: The libertine led a life of idleness and
Usage: Jona’s writing is barely legible. dissipation and eventually died penniless.
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737. LUCRE (noun) 749. MAIM (verb)
Meaning: money obtained through dishonest Meaning: to injure somebody seriously, causing
means. permanent damage to their body.
Usage: The venal politician gloated over his filthy Usage: It is grossly inhuman of the terrorist
lucre. organisation to maim innocent people in order to
promote their cause.
738. LUGUBRIOUS (adj)
Meaning: sad and dismal 750. MAINSPRING (noun)
Usage: A lugubrious atmosphere prevailed over Meaning: the most important part of something;
the city following the leader’s assassination. the most important influence on something.
Usage: Before the onset of industrialization,
739. LUMINARY (noun) agriculture was the mainspring of Indian economy.
Meaning: a person who inspires or influences
others 751. MAINSTREAM (adj)
Usage: Although he was a fledgeling artist his Meaning: the ideas and opinions that are thought
work was well appreciated by the leading to be normal because they are shared by most
luminaries of the art world. people.
Usage: The veteran politician announced his
740. LUNATIC (noun) retirement from mainstream politics.
Meaning: a person whose actions and manner are
marked by extreme eccentricity or recklessness. 752. MALADROIT (adj)
Usage: The lunatic troubled everyone in the Meaning: awkward
locality. Usage: The maladroit handling of the strike has
aggravated the company’s problems.
741. LUSTROUS (adj)
Meaning: shiny 753. MALAPROPISM (noun)
Usage: Her lustrous hair has been her crowning Meaning: incorrect usage of words
glory. Usage: One student wrote in his essay, “I have
been grown with a lot of fondness by my parents.”
742. MACHIAVELLIAN (adj) What malapropism!
Meaning: scheming
754. MALCONTENT (noun)
Usage: The Machiavellian politician is rumoured to
Meaning: a person who is dissatisfied and
have incited the mob.
Usage: A band of malcontents was responsible for
743. MACHINATIONS (noun)
creating unrest in the country and destabilizing the
Meaning: secret and complicated plans, especially
to gain power.
Usage: The machinations of the opposition led to 755. MALEVOLENCE (noun)
the ruling party’s miserable downfall. Meaning: wickedness
Usage: Milton’s ‘Satan’ is a personification of
744. MAGISTERIAL (adj) ‘malevolence’.
Meaning: having or showing power or authority.
Usage: The patriarch of the family spoke with 756. MALICIOUS (adj)
magisterial authority. Meaning: meaning or meant to do harm
Usage: The malicious man beat up the children
745. MAGNANIMOUS (adj) playing near his house.
Meaning: large-hearted and forgiving
Usage: Her magnanimous gesture of donating her 757. MALIGN (verb & adj)
entire earnings from the film, to charity received Meaning: slander, harmful
applause from the media. Usage: The Chief requested the press not to
malign his overworked police force.
746. MAGNATE (noun)
Meaning: a wealthy and influential person, esp. in 758. MALPRACTICE (noun)
business Meaning: wrong or illegal behaviour while in a
Usage: The business magnate bought all the professional job.
photographs displayed in the exhibition. Usage: The patient sued the staff of the hospital
for medical malpractice.
747. MAGNIFICENT (adj)
Meaning: extremely attractive and impressive 759. MAMMOTH (adj)
Usage: The audience appreciated the soprano’s Meaning: extremely large.
magnificent performance. Usage: It was no doubt a mammoth task but we
could depend on him as he was a man of alacrity
748. MAGNITUDE (noun) and acumen.
Meaning: great size or importance
Usage: A project of this magnitude needs careful 760. MANDATE (noun)
execution. Meaning: command, order, charge
Usage: The politician losing an election has to
accept the people’s mandate.
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761. MANDATORY (adj) 774. MAWKISH (adj)
Meaning: required by rule or law Meaning: sentimental in an excessive way
Usage: If you have a PAN number then it is Usage: The poet has the dubious distinction of
mandatory to file your tax returns. composing mawkish poems.
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786. MERCENARY (adj) 797. MISDEMEANOUR (noun)
Meaning: motivated chiefly by the desire to make Meaning: an action that is bad or unacceptable
money Usage: The management warned him that it would
Usage: The fact that his friends deserted him as not tolerate any type of misdemeanour, henceforth.
soon as he was bereft of all his wealth makes it
obvious that their interests in him were purely 798. MISHAP (noun)
mercenary. Meaning: accidental and unfortunate
Usage: The mishap could have been averted if the
787. MERCHANDISE (noun) authorities had been more alert.
Meaning: goods for sale
Usage: Shopkeepers display their merchandise in 799. MISLAY (verb)
an attractive manner in order to entice customers. Meaning: to put something somewhere and than
be unable to find it again, esp for only a short time.
788. MERCURIAL (adj) Usage: Having mislaid his spectacles he spent the
Meaning: often changing or reacting in a way that whole evening frantically searching for them.
is unexpected
Usage: None can get along with a person who has 800. MISSIVE (noun)
a mercurial temperament. Meaning: letter
Usage: The PM dashed off a missive to the
789. MESMERISED (verb) governor expressing his anguish about the law and
Meaning: spell bound order situation in the state.
Usage: The gymnast’s performance mesmerised the
audience. 801. MODICUM (noun)
Meaning: small quantity of something
790. METTLE (noun) Usage: Although diligence and perseverance are
Meaning: spirit and strength in the face of difficulty essential attributes of success, a modicum of luck
Usage: He is a man of great mettle and does not is also mandatory.
rest until he meets his goal.
802. MONOTONY (noun)
791. MIDDLING (adj) Meaning: repetitiveness
Meaning: second – rate, of average size, quality, Usage: The holiday at the hill resort was a well-
status etc deserved break from the monotony of every day
Usage: The audience who expected a spectacular life.
show were rather disappointed upon witnessing the
artist’s middling performance. 803. MONUMENTAL (adj)
Meaning: very large or impressive
792. MILIEU (noun) Usage: Entrusting such an important work to her
Meaning: a person’s social environment proved to be a monumental blunder.
Usage: The social milieu of ancient India was not
conducive to the education and emancipation of 804. MORASS (noun)
women. Meaning: a complicated situation
793. MINISTRATIONS (noun) Usage: We finally managed to free ourselves from
Meaning: the act of helping or caring for somebody, the morass of paper work and secured approval for
especially, when they are ill or in trouble. our project.
Usage: Her mother’s tender ministrations helped 805. MORATORIUM (noun)
her to overcome her depression and regain her Meaning: a temporary stopping of an activity
Usage: The defence ministry has imposed a five
year moratorium on the sale and manufacture of
794. MINUSCULE (adj)
Meaning: extremely small nuclear weapons.
Usage: The size of the font was so minuscule that
I had to strain my eyes to read through the paper. 806. MORDANT (adj)
Meaning: sharply sarcastic
795. MIRTHFUL (adj) Usage: The novelist’s sense of humour, albeit
Meaning: in high spirits mordant, was very appealing to his readers.
Usage: A mirthful atmosphere prevailed across the
kingdom on the occasion of the prince’s 807. MORES (noun)
coronation. Meaning: customs and conventions of community
Usage: Many of the social mores of the past are
796. MISAPPREHENSION (noun) now moribund.
Meaning: a mistaken belief 808. MORIBUND (adj)
Usage: Some people still seem to be under the Meaning: at the point of death, losing
misapprehension that the role of a woman is effectiveness and about to end.
confined to the kitchen. Usage: With young men and women insisting on
choosing their life partners themselves, the concept of
arranged marriages would soon become moribund.
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809. MORTIFIED (verb) 823. NEFARIOUS (adj)
Meaning: feel extremely offended or embarrassed. Meaning: wicked or criminal
Usage: I was greatly mortified by his slighting Usage: The dubious politician was expelled from
remarks. the party for indulging in nefarious activities.
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834. NONPLUSSED (adj) 846. OBSOLESCENT (adj)
Meaning: surprised and confused as to how to Meaning: becoming obsolete
react Usage: The prediction that the printed word would
Usage: The new teacher was nonplussed when she become obsolescent with the advent of computers
was accorded a rude welcome by the students. eventually turned out to be false.
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859. OPINE (verb) 872. OVATION (noun)
Meaning: to express an opinion. Meaning: long, enthusiastic round of applause
Usage: Most doctors opine that physical exercise Usage: The standing ovation given by the
and a wholesome diet can prevent people from audience testifies to the soprano’s exquisite
falling prey to stress related ailments. performance.
860. OPPORTUNE (adj) 873. OVERHAUL (verb)
Meaning: done or occurring at an especially Meaning: examine and repair
convenient or appropriate time Usage: The car, which was partly damaged in the
Usage: The soldiers were waiting for the accident, was overhauled at the workshop.
opportune moment to strike back at the enemy.
861. OPPRESSIVE (adv)
Meaning: excessive indulgence.
Meaning: causing distress or anxiety
Usage: He was advised to avoid overindulgence in
Usage: The students resented the warden’s
food and drink.
oppressive rules.
862. OPULENCE (noun) 875. OVERRIDING (adj)
Meaning: luxury and grandeur Meaning: more important than anything else in a
Usage: The spectators were awestruck by the particular situation.
opulence and grandeur of the Versailles palace. Usage: Extirpating terrorism from the country is a
matter of overriding concern for the government at
863. ORCHESTRATE (verb) this juncture.
Meaning: direct (a situation) to produce a desired
effect. 876. OVERRUN (verb)
Usage: The rebellion was orchestrated by a group Meaning: spread over or occupy in large numbers.
of mavericks. Usage: The fort was overrun by enemy troops.
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884. PALLID (adj) 897. PATRIOTIC (adj)
Meaning: pale, especially because of poor health Meaning: having love for one’s country
Usage: Although she has recovered from her Usage: Mahatma Gandhi’s inspiring speeches
illness, she still looks weak and pallid. roused the patriotic spirit of several Indians.
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960. PREVAIL (verb) 973. PROPENSITY (noun)
Meaning: triumph Meaning: a tendency to behave in a certain way
Usage: The conditions prevailing in the slums Usage: His peripatetic existence is a result of his
horrified us. propensity for travel.
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986. PROXY (noun) 998. QUELL (verb)
Meaning: a person authorized to act on behalf of Meaning: put an end to
another. Usage: The agitation was quelled by the timely
Usage: The Chief Minister who was supposed to action taken by the government.
be the Chief Guest sent one of his cabinet
colleagues as his proxy to attend the function. 999. QUERULOUS (adj)
Meaning: argumentative
987. PSEUDONYM (noun)
Usage: The querulous journalist kept on
Meaning: false name, especially one used by an
author bombarding his objections to the new scheme
Usage: Mary Ann Evans wrote under the during the press conference.
pseudonym, George Eliot.
1000. QUEST (noun)
988. PUERILE (adj) Meaning: a long or difficult search
Meaning: childishly silly Usage: Gautama Buddha renounced his princely
Usage: It did not take much time for me to discern life and embraced asceticism in his quest for truth.
that the excuse given by him was a puerile and
evasive one. 1001. QUINTESSENCE (noun)
Meaning: the perfect or most typical example
989. PUMMEL (verb) Usage: The manor house was a quintessence of
Meaning: strike repeatedly with the fists. Victorian elegance.
Usage: He caught hold of the thief and
pummelled him severely before handing him over 1002. QUIRK (noun)
to the police. Meaning: an aspect of somebody's personality or
behaviour that is a little strange.
990. PURPORT (verb) Usage: Observing people, with all their quirks and
Meaning: appear to be or do, especially falsely. foibles, was his favourite past time.
Usage: The book purports to reveal the whole
truth. 1003. QUIXOTIC (adj)
Meaning: high minded and unselfish to an
991. PURVEY (verb) impractical extent.
Meaning: provide or supply (food or drink) as Usage: The idea of interlinking all the rivers in the
one’s business country is rather quixotic.
Usage: He began his career by purveying sundry
items on the pavement and eventually grew to 1004. RABID (adj)
become a business tycoon.
Meaning: having very strong feelings about
something and acting in an unacceptable way.
Meaning: lacking courage Usage: Rabid fanatics belonging to two religious
Usage: Mahatma Gandhi’s advocacy of non- groups indulged in arson, damaging a lot of public
violence was misconceived by the extremists as property in the process.
1005. RAMIFICATION (noun)
993. QUAINT (adj) Meaning: complex results of an action or event.
Meaning: attractively unused or old fashioned Usage: It is predicted that the centre's decision
Usage: Although the cottage was old-fashioned it would have widespread social ramifications.
had a quaint and alluring charm.
1006. RAMPAGE (noun)
994. QUARANTINE (verb & noun)
Meaning: a period of wild and violent behaviour
Meaning: isolation imposed on those who have
Usage: The mob went on a rampage and
been exposed to an infectious disease.
destroyed public property.
Usage: The foreigners who are suspected to be
carrying the ‘bird flu’ virus were quarantined at the
1007. RANCID (adj)
airport itself.
Meaning: tasting or smelling unpleasant
995. QUAVER (verb) Usage: The rancid odour emanating from the dish
Meaning: tremble was nauseating.
Usage: Her voice quavered with emotion when
she read out the farewell message. 1008. RANKLE (verb)
Meaning: cause continuing annoyance or
996. QUEASY (adj) resentment.
Meaning: feeling nauseous Usage: His disparaging remarks rankled with her.
Usage: She felt queasy after taking a ride on the
roller coaster. 1009. RANT (noun)
Meaning: speak in a loud, angry and forceful way.
997. QUEER (adj) Usage: He launched into a rant against the
Meaning: strange or unusual swindler who had duped him.
Usage: Queer customs and rituals are still
prevalent in tribal societies.
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1010. RAPACIOUS (adj) 1023. RECEPTACLE (noun)
Meaning: avaricious, very greedy Meaning: an object or space to contain
Usage: The rapacious money lender charged a something
heavy interest on the money he lent to the poor Usage: The terrorists were found using suitcases
and illiterate villagers. as bomb receptacles.
1011. RAPPORT (noun) 1024. RECEPTIVE (adj)
Meaning: relationship Meaning: willing to listen to or to accept new
Usage: He has an excellent rapport with his boss. ideas and suggestions
1012. RAPT (adj) Usage: The receptive audience encouraged him
Meaning: completely interested or absorbed in to speak at length on his new discovery.
someone or something.
Usage: His audience listened to him with rapt 1025. RECESSION (adj)
attention. Meaning: a time period when economic
movement is exceptionally slow.
1013. RAPTUROUS (adj) Usage: People were forced to tighten their purse
Meaning: feeling or expressing great pleasure or strings when the country was going through
enthusiasm recession.
Usage: His family and friends gave him a
rapturous welcome when he returned to his 1026. RECLUSIVE (adj)
motherland after several years of staying abroad. Meaning: isolated
Usage: His reclusive nature is mistaken by many
1014. RARING (adj) for arrogance.
Meaning: full of enthusiasm and a sense of urgency.
Usage: She is all rejuvenated and raring to get 1027. RECONNAISSANCE (noun)
back to work after a long holiday. Meaning: the activity of getting information about
an area for military purposes, using soldiers,
1015. RAVAGED (verb) planes etc.
Meaning: badly damaged Usage: Some aircraft were used exclusively for
Usage: Several maritime cities and towns were reconaissance operations.
ravaged by the tsunami which occurred in the
year 2004. 1028. RECOURSE (noun)
Meaning: possible course of action
1016. RAVINGS (noun) Usage: Corporal punishment should be resorted
Meaning: wild talk that makes no sense. to as a last recourse, while disciplining children.
Usage: They dismissed his utterances as the
lunatic ravings of a senile old man. 1029. RECRIMINATION (noun)
Meaning: an accusation in response to one from
1017. RAZE (verb) someone else
Meaning: to completely destroy a building town, Usage: Constant squabbles and mutual
etc. so that nothing is left. recrimination between parents can have a
Usage: Several houses were razed to the ground detrimental effect on a child’s psychology.
by the devastating earthquake.
1030. RECTITUDE (noun)
1018. REBUFF (verb) Meaning: righteousness
Meaning: reject in an abrupt or unkind way Usage: He has a sense of moral rectitude and
Usage: He felt humiliated when his proposal was hence I feel he is a rare species in these
rebuffed by the members of the committee. dishonest times.
1019. REBUT (verb)
Meaning: claim or prove to be false 1031. RECUPERATING (adj)
Usage: The bureaucrat categorically rebutted his Meaning: recovering from illness or tiredness
involvement in the scam. Usage: The climate of the hill station is ideal for
convalescents recuperating from an illness.
1020. RECALCITRANT (adj)
Meaning: obstinately disobedient 1032. REDOLENT (adj)
Usage: Psychologists aver that a recalcitrant Meaning: strongly suggestive of
attitude among most teenagers is nothing abnormal. Usage: The rustic surroundings which were
redolent of the quaint charm of his native village,
1021. RECANT (verb) stirred nostalgic memories in him.
Meaning: withdraw a former opinion or belief.
Usage: When his disparaging statements were 1033. REDOUND (verb)
met with loud protests from some sections of Meaning: contribute greatly to (a person's credit)
society, the leader was forced to recant. Usage: His excellent oratory skills might redound
to his advantage.
1022. RECEDE (verb)
Meaning: to move further away into the distance. 1034. REDUNDANT (adj)
Usage: The flood waters having receded, Meaning: superfluous
essential services have been resumed in most Usage: The deputy chief’s post is very soon going
parts of the city. to become redundant.
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1035. REFUTE (verb) 1047. REMONSTRATE (verb)
Meaning: prove to be wrong Meaning: make a strongly critical protest.
Usage: He refuted the accusations levelled Usage: Students remonstrated against the
against him by proving his innocence. college management for hiking the tution fee.
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1085. SACCHARINE (adj) 1098. SANGFROID (noun)
Meaning: of sickly sweetness Meaning: the ability to stay calm in difficult
Usage: She greeted me with a saccharine smile. circumstances
Usage: The teacher displayed considerable
1086. SACRILEGIOUS (adj) sangfroid in tackling the difficult situation.
Meaning: treating something sacred or highly
valued with great disrespect. 1099. SARDONIC (adj)
Usage: Entering the precincts of a holy place with Meaning: showing that you think you are better
foot wear is considered sacrilegious. than other people and do not take them seriously
Usage: I could discern from his sardonic tone that
1087. SACROSANCT (adj) he is a conceited individual.
Meaning: sacred
Usage: This school considers the rights of 1100. SATURNINE (adj)
children sacrosanct. Meaning: serious or gloomy
Usage: His usually cheerful countenance has a
1088. SADDLE (verb) saturnine expression indicating that something
Meaning: to encumber, to impose upon was seriously wrong.
(someone) as a burden or encumbrance.
Usage: Having incurred heavy losses in his 1101. SAUNTER (verb)
business, he was saddled with a huge debt. Meaning: to walk in a leisurely manner, to wander
about without purpose
1089. SAGA (noun) Usage: Having a lot of time at our disposal, since
Meaning: a long story about events over a period the flight was delayed, we sauntered about the
of many years. airport lounge aimlessly.
Usage: The saga of the 18th century feudalistic
regime makes for poignant reading. 1102. SAVANT (noun)
Meaning: a very knowledgeable person
1090. SALLOW (adj) Usage: He was a sevant and could speak
Meaning: having a slightly yellow colour that does extempore on any subject.
not look healthy.
Usage: Her sunken cheeks and sallow 1103. SAVOUR (verb)
complexion indicated that she was unwell. Meaning: enjoy or appreciate to the full.
Usage: Although she served us a humble meal,
1091. SALLY (noun) we savoured every morsel with great relish.
Meaning: a sudden charge out of a place
surrounded by an enemy 1104. SAW (noun)
Usage: We were caught unawares when the enemy Meaning: a proverb or wise saying.
troops made a sally against our military deployment. Usage: The wise saws coined by our forefathers,
are full of truth, and have relevance even to this
1092. SALIENT (adj) day.
Meaning: most important or noticeable
Usage: She tried to recollect all the salient points 1105. SCHEMING (adj)
of the discussion. Meaning: often planning secretly to do something
1093. SALUBRIOUS (adj) for your own advantage, especially by deceiving
Meaning: good for one’s health other people.
Usage: The salubrious climate of the city had a Usage: She was too gullible and unsuspecting to
therapeutic effect on her frail health. understand his scheming nature.
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1185. SUPERFLUOUS (adj) 1198. TANTALIZE (verb)
Meaning: extra and not required Meaning: to make a person or an animal want
Usage: This research paper has a lot of something that they cannot have or do.
superfluous data in it. Usage: The tantalizing aroma of freshly baked
bread stirred up our appetite.
1186. SUPERVISE (verb)
Meaning: oversee 1199. TARDY (adj)
Usage: Janice supervised the show well. Meaning: late, slow to act or respond
Usage: The Chief Guest apologized to the
1187. SURFEIT (noun) audience for his tardy arrival.
Meaning: excess
Usage: There is a surfeit of violence in movies 1200. TARNISH (verb)
these days. Meaning: to spoil the good opinion people have
of somebody or something.
1188. SURLY (adj) Usage: His involvement in the scam tarnished his
Meaning: bad-tempered and unfriendly image and jeopardized his political career.
Usage: The boss’s surly nature was resented by
1201. TAWDRY (adj)
his subordinates.
Meaning: showy but cheap and of poor quality
1189. SURPASSING (adj) Usage: His flashy outfit revealed his tawdry dress
Meaning: outstanding sense.
Usage: The surpassing beauty of the Taj Mahal
1202. TEMERITY (noun)
has made it one of the seven wonders of the
Meaning: excessive confidence or boldness
Usage: The haughty young man’s temerity led to
1190. SURVEILLANCE (noun) his miserable downfall.
Meaning: close observation of a suspected spy or
criminal. 1203. TEMPERATE (adj)
Usage: Surveillance cameras were installed at all Meaning: (of a region or climate) having mild
strategic locations in the airport in order to beef up temperatures
security. Usage: The temperate weather of the city has a
salubrious effect particularly on convalescents.
1191. SWERVE (verb)
Meaning: to change direction especially suddenly 1204. TEMPORAL (adj)
Usage: The bus suddenly swerved to the right Meaning: chronological, worldly
and came to a screeching halt. Usage: The chief of the spiritual movement
detested discussing temporal issues like
1192. SYMBIOTIC (adj)
managing the funds of the trust.
Meaning: to the advantage of both
Usage: The crow and the cow share a symbiotic 1205. TEMPORIZE (verb)
relationship. Meaning: to delay making a decision or stating
your opinion in order to obtain an advantage.
1193. SYMPHONY (noun)
Usage: He had been temporizing taking a
Meaning: an elaborate musical composition for
decision on the issue, hoping that some solution
full orchestra.
would be found.
Usage: Beethoven’s Symphony had a spell
binding effect on the audience. 1206. TENABLE (adj)
Meaning: able to be defended against attack or
1194. SYNOPSIS (noun)
Meaning: outline
Usage: The old notion that women are the weaker
Usage: I have to submit the synopsis of my
sex is no longer tenable.
research by the 15th of this month.
1207. TENACIOUS (adj)
1195. TACIT (adj)
Meaning: stubborn
Meaning: unspoken
Usage: A tenacious person like Robert usually
Usage: There is a tacit understanding between
has his way.
the manager and the captain that they will not
interfere in each other’s work. 1208. TENET (noun)
Meaning: one of the principles or beliefs that a
1196. TACTILE (adj)
theory or larger set of beliefs is based on.
Meaning: tangible, demonstrative Usage: Compassion to all living beings is the
Usage: He is a very tactile person who keeps basic tenet of all religions.
touching people to show his affection.
1209. TENUOUS (adj)
1197. TANGENTIAL (adj)
Meaning: very slight or weak
Meaning: peripheral Usage: Being a tenuous argument it does not
Usage: The politician kept on discussing hold much water.
tangential issues when asked for his opinion on
how he intended to solve the important issues.
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1210. TEPID (adj) 1222. TITAN (noun)
Meaning: lacking interest or enthusiasm. Meaning: A person of outstanding ability
Usage: Despite a lot of publicity, the event Usage: He is a Titan in business.
evoked only a tepid response.
1223. TITULAR (adj)
1211. TERMINAL (adj) Meaning: holding a formal position or title without
Meaning: predicted to lead to death any real authority.
Usage: Thanks to recent advances in medical Usage: As he is merely a titular head, he does not
science cancer, which was once considered a really have a say in important matters.
terminal disease, is now completely curable.
1212. TERRAIN (noun) 1224. TORPEDO (noun)
Meaning: used to refer to an area of land when Meaning: under water missile
you are mentioning its natural features Usage: The submarine was sunk by a torpedo.
Usage: This mountainous terrain of Afghanistan
helped the terrorist to escape. 1225. TORPID (adj)
Meaning: lazy
1213. TERSE (adj) Usage: After a two-hour swimming session we lay
Meaning: using few words torpid near the pool.
Usage: He was hurt by her terse rejection of his
friendly overtures. 1226. TORRENTIAL (adj)
Meaning: rushing in a stream.
1214. TESTIMONY (noun)
Usage: Life in the city came to a standstill due to
Meaning: evidence or proof of something
Usage: His achievement is a testimony of his the torrential rains.
resoluteness and assiduousness.
1227. TORRID (adj)
1215. TESTY (adj) Meaning: very hot and dry
Meaning: easily irritated Usage: People, living on the plains, experienced
Usage: Being a testy person, she does not get a torrid summer this year.
along with anyone.
1228. TORTUOUS (adj)
1216. THICKSET (adj) Meaning: winding, convoluted
Meaning: having a strong heavy body. Usage: The tortuous path leading to the shrine
Usage: Unlike his brother who is very puny, Fred
tires out even athletically built pilgrims.
is a thickset man.
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1262. UNAWARES (adj) 1275. UNSTUDIED (adj)
Meaning: so as to surprise. Meaning: natural and unaffected.
Usage: The sudden and unseasonal downpour Usage: She composes verses with unstudied ease.
caught us unawares.
1276. UNTOWARD (adj)
1263. UNBIDDEN (adj) Meaning: unexpected and unusual.
Meaning: happening without one expecting or Usage: There will not be any change in the
wanting it to happen. schedule unless anything untoward happens.
Usage: Negative thoughts come unbidden to a
pessimist’s mind. 1277. UNWIELDY (adj)
Meaning: hard to move or manage because of its
1264. UNBRIDLED (adj) size, shape or weight
Meaning: unrestrained Usage: The ordeal of lugging my unwieldly
Usage: His unbridled enthusiasm is contagious. baggage over a flight of stairs left me totally
1265. UNCEREMONIOUS (adj) exhausted and panting for breath.
Meaning: impolite or abrupt
Usage: The marathon speech came to an 1278. UPHEAVAL (noun)
unceremonious halt due to a power breakdown. Meaning: violent or sudden change or disruption.
Usage: The assassination of the Prime Minister
1266. UNCHARTED (adj) was followed by a political upheaval and anarchy
Meaning: that which has not been visited or in the country.
investigated before; not familiar.
Usage: He is taking a calculated risk by entering 1279. UPSHOT (noun)
into a largely uncharted area of business. Meaning: the eventual outcome or conclusion.
Usage: The upshot of the negotiations, between
1267. UNCOUTH (adj) the management and the employees, ended in a
Meaning: rude or socially unacceptable compromise.
Usage: It is unbecoming of an educated person to
behave in such an uncouth manner. 1280. UPSTANDING (adj)
Meaning: honest and downright
1268. UNDERCURRENT (noun) Usage: He looked like an upstanding man but
Meaning: an underlying feeling or influence alas! appearances were deceptive.
Usage: I could discern an undercurrent of
cynicism in his tone. 1281. UPSTART (noun)
Meaning: a person who has suddenly become
1269. UNDERDOG (noun) important and behaves arrogantly
Meaning: weaker section, weaker party, a Usage: The upstart gloated over his newly
competitor thought to have little chance of winning acquired wealth.
a fight or a contest.
Usage: Mulkraj Anand championed the cause of
1282. UPTURN (noun)
the underdog.
Meaning: an improvement or an advantageous
1270. UNDULATING (adj) change to a higher level or value.
Meaning: having a wavy form or outline. Usage: Liberalization has contributed to, a great
Usage: The undulating green stretch of land was extent, the general upturn in the Indian economy.
ideally suited for development of a golf course.
1283. URBANE (adj)
1271. UNFLAGGING (adj) Meaning: suave
Meaning: remaining strong, not becoming weak Usage: John’s urbane style appealed to his peers.
or tired.
Usage: Her unflagging determination helped her 1284. USHER (verb)
immensely in tiding over the crisis. Meaning: to escort people to seats in a hall etc.
Usage: The guests were ushered in to their seats
1272. UNFLINCHING (adj) before the beginning of the programme.
Meaning: not afraid or hesitant
Usage: The armed forces pledged their 1285. UTILITARIAN (adj)
unflinching support to the government during the Meaning: designed to be useful and practical
hour of crisis. rather than attractive
Usage: I prefer living in a utilitarian house rather
1273. UNILATERAL (adv) than a glamorous one.
Meaning: one-sided
Usage: If the other party does not turn up, the 1286. UTOPIAN (adj)
case will be decided unilaterally. Meaning: impractical
Usage: His Utopian dreams will never be realised.
1274. UNNERVE (verb)
Meaning: make (someone) feel nervous or 1287. VACILLATE (verb)
frightened. Meaning: be indecisive; be doubtful
Usage: I felt slightly unnerved by the spooky Usage: I warned him that if he continued to
surroundings of the place. vacillate, the opportunity would slip out of his hand.
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1288. VACUOUS (adj) 1301. VENERATE (verb)
Meaning: expressing or chharacterized by a lack Meaning: regard with great respect
of ideas or intelligence; inane Usage: People, not only in India, but in many
Usage: John’s vacous remarks embarrassed his nations across the world venerate trees.
bosses very much.
1302. VERACITY (noun)
1289. VACUUM (noun) Meaning: reality
Meaning: a gap or loss left by someone or Usage: The judge directed the police to verify the
something important veracity of the eyewitness statements.
Usage: The Chief’s death has created a vacuum
in the team. 1303. VERBATIM (adj & adv)
Meaning: word for word, exact
1290. VAGABOND (noun) Usage: The best part of this organisation is that
Meaning: vagrant even the CEO is very accessible.
Usage: Do you know that the vagabond next door
is a graduate? 1304. VERBOSE (adj)
Meaning: wordy
1291. VAGARY (noun) Usage: The new writer’s articles are full of
Meaning: an unexpected and mysterious change verbose statements.
Usage: Indian agriculture, to a large extent, is
affected by the vagaries of the weather. 1305. VERDICT (noun)
Meaning: a formal decision made by a jury in a court
1292. VAGRANT (noun, adj) of law as to whether a person is innocent or guilty.
Meaning: homeless person Usage: The accused will be kept in confinement
Usage: His vagrant nature irritated his parents. until the jury pronounces its verdict.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/54
1314. VIE (verb) 1328. VOLITION (noun)
Meaning: to compete strongly with somebody in Meaning: the power of choosing freely and
order to obtain or achieve something. making one’s own decision.
Usage: A few years ago nationalized banks vied Usage: “No one forced me”, He remarked “I did
with each other to offer loans to customers at the this out of my own volition.
lowest possible interest rate.
1329. VOLUMINOUS (adj)
1315. VIE (verb) Meaning: very large
Meaning: to contend. Usage: The magician fished out the missing
Usage: The resort had several inns and restaurants rabbit, from the pocket of his voluminous coat.
vying with each other to lure customers.
1330. VORACIOUS (adj)
1316. VIGILANT (adj) Meaning: insatiable
Meaning: very careful to notice any signs of Usage: He has a voracious appetite.
danger or trouble.
Usage: Since there was a spurt of burglaries in 1331. VORTEX (noun)
the area, residents were asked to remain vigilant. Meaning: a very powerful, force or situation that
you cannot avoid or escape.
1317. VILE (adj) Usage: Sometimes innocent young people are
Meaning: extremely wicked caught into a vortex of bad habits quite
Usage: The weather suddenly turned vile forcing unsuspectingly.
us to shelve our plans of going to the seaside for 1332. VOUCHSAFE (verb)
a picnic. Meaning: to give or tell something to somebody,
esp. as a privilege.
1318. VILIFICATION (noun)
Usage: Nature has vouchsafed innumerable
Meaning: speaking or writing in a very abusive way
benedictions on mankind.
Usage: The vilification of our established customs
and traditions is resented by orthodox thinkers. 1333. WADDLE (verb)
Meaning: to walk with short steps.
1319. VIRULENT (adj)
Usage: An obese matronly woman waddled
Meaning: extremely harmful
towards the entrance to answer the door bell.
Usage: The couple were devasted after their only
son succumbed to a virulent strain of pneumonia. 1334. WAIVE (verb)
1320. VISAGE (noun) Meaning: refrain from insisting on or applying (a
Meaning: countenance right or claim).
Usage: The visage of the palace has been redone. Usage: Claiming moral responsibility for the
incident, he waived his right to appeal.
1321. VISION (noun)
1335. WAYLAY (verb)
Meaning: dream, eyesight, foresight
Meaning: intercept (someone) in order to attack
Usage: The Chairman’s vision for the company
sounded rather impractical.
Usage: The passengers were waylaid and looted
1322. VISTA (noun) by a band of robbers.
Meaning: view
1336. WAYWARD (adj)
Usage: The vista from the resort is breathtaking.
Meaning: capricious or irregular
1323. VITALITY (noun) Usage: On new year’s day, he resolved to give up
Meaning: energy his wayward behaviour and turn over a new leaf.
Usage: Mike’s speech lacked vitality.
1337. WEIRD (adj)
1324. VIVACIOUS (adj) Meaning: suggesting something supernatural,
Meaning: lively unnatural or unconventional
Usage: Jane is a vivacious lady. Usage: People looked at her with a strange
expression because of her weird hairdo.
1325. VIVID (adj)
Meaning: bright, gaudy, clear 1338. WHEEDLE (verb)
Usage: He gave a vivid account of the accident. Meaning: use endearments or flattery to
persuade someone to do something.
1326. VOCAL (adj) Usage: The children had a knack of wheedling
Meaning: verbal, vociferous money out of their father.
Usage: The victim received vocal support from
the press. 1339. WHEREWITHAL (noun)
Meaning: the money or other resources needed
1327. VOCIFEROUS (adj) for a particular purpose
Meaning: vocal Usage: Her uncle left her a legacy of forty
Usage: The jury did not change its verdict despite thousand pounds which gave her the required
vociferous appeals from the defendant. wherewithal to buy anything that took her fancy.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/55
1340. WHET (verb) 1345. WISTFUL (adj)
Meaning: excite or stimulate (someone’s desire, Meaning: having or showing a strange or regretful
interest, or appetite) longing
Usage: Avid reading can whet one’s appetite for Usage: "I wish I could buy the talking doll
knowledge. displayed in the shop window", said the little girl
1341. WHOLESOME (adj)
1346. WONT (adj)
Meaning: helping towards good health and
Meaning: in the habit of doing something.
physical or moral well-being.
Usage: He was wont to waking up before the
Usage: Children should be encouraged to eat
break of dawn.
wholesome snacks rather than junk food.
1347. WRATH (noun)
1342. WILDERNESS (noun) Meaning: extreme anger
Meaning: an uncultivated, uninhabited and Usage: The organisers had to face the wrath of
inhospitable region. the audience when there was an inordinate delay
Usage: Having been blessed with green fingers, in starting the programme.
he can make a garden even in wilderness.
1348. WREST (verb)
Meaning: forcibly pull from a person’s grip.
1343. WILY (adj)
Usage: The policeman sustained injuries when he
Meaning: skilled at gaining an advantage,
tried to wrest the dagger from a burglar.
especially deceitfully.
Usage: She has a knack of getting things done by 1349. ZEALOTRY (noun)
using her wily charms. Meaning: excessive enthusiasm in following a
religion or policy
1344. WINDED (adj) Usage: Religious zealotry is one of the main
Meaning: temporarily unable to breathe after causative factors of communal tensions.
taking hard physical exercise.
1350. ZEST (noun)
Usage: The trek was pretty arduous and we were
Meaning: great enthusiasm and energy
totally winded by the time we reached the top of
Usage: Despite being aged, he is young at heart
the mountain.
and has a great zest for lifel
A acclimate (v) :to accustom to a new climate or
aaronic (adj) : pertaining to priesthood environment
aasvogel (n) : S African vulture acclivity(n) : an upward slope
abaca (n) : a plantain grown in the Philippine accompany (v) : to go along with; to associate, join,
Islands or couple
aback (adv) : taken by surprise accomplice (n) : a person who helps another or
abaddon (n) : hell others to commit a crime
abandon (v) : to give up accomplish(v) : perform; succeed in doing; complete
abbot (n) : a man who is the head of an accomplished(adj): clever, skilled; well-trained or
abbey of monks educated
abettor (n) : one who encourages or assists accost (v) : to approach and speak (often
(in doing bad things) threateningly) to; assault
abhorrent(adj) : inspiring disgust; repugnant, accoutre (v) : to dress or equip
hateful, detestable accretion (n) : continued growth; an extraneous
abolitionist (n) : a person who favours the abolition addition
of a practice or institution accrue (v) : to fall due; to accumulate
abominable (adj) : very bad or unpleasant, acerbity (n) : acrimony; sarcasm; bitterness
detestable, loathsome acidulous (adj) : sarcastic; caustic or sharp
abominate (v) : to abhor; to detest acknowledge (v) : to express gratitude or thanks; to
aborigine (n) : an original or native inhabitant of admit or intimate receipt of
a country (n: acknowledgement)
abrade (v) : to wear down or off acme (n) : the top or highest point; the
abridge (v) culmination or perfection in the
(n : abridgement) : to shorten; to curtail career of anything
abscess (n) : a collection of pus in a cavity acoustics (n) : a device which converts electrical
abstemious (adj) : temperate; restrained in relation to pulses to sound; used in hearing,
food, drink, or other pleasures auditory
abstinence (n) : to restrain (with, from) acronym (n) : a word formed from or based on
abysmal (adj) : unfathomable the initial letters or syllables of
abyss (n) : the depths of the sea; anything other words
very deep actuarial (adj) : mathematical and statistical
accessory (n/adj) : additional; present along with techniques
something more important actuate (v) : incite to, action
adamant (adj) : unyielding; inflexible
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/56
adapt (v) alimentary (adj) : nutritive; pertaining to nourishment
(n : adaptation) : to make fit or suitable; to modify allegory (n) : symbol; symbolical narration
addle (adj) : putrid; bad alleviate (v) : to lessen or reduce; to mitigate
adhesive (n/adj) : sticky; a substance such as glue alliteration (n) : the recurrence of the same initial
used for sticking things together sound in words in close succession
adipose (n/adj) : of fat; fatty allude (v) : to convey an indirect reference; to
adjunct (n) : a thing joined or added, but refer without explicit mention
subordinate or not essentially a part alluvial (adj) : soil deposited by rivers or floods
adjure (v) : command; direct with matter transported in suspension
adjutant (n) : an officer who assists superior aloft (adj) : on high; on the top
officers by communicating orders, aloof (adv) : detached; some way off (from);
conducting correspondence without participation
adnauseam altruism (n) : benevolence; humanitarianism;
(phrase) : to the point of producing disgust munificence
adobe (n) : a sun-dried brick altruistic (adj) : regard for others as a principle of
adore (v) : to worship; to love or revere intensely action, unselfishness, regard for
adorn (v) : to dress; to embellish; to decorate other people
adroit (adj) : dexterous; skillful; ingenious alumna (n) : a former female pupil or student
adventitious (adj) : additional; developed out of the amalgamate : combine or unite to form one
usual order or place structure, organisation, etc.
advocate (n/v) : defender; attorney; lawyer; promote amazon (n) : a female soldier; a strong,
aegis (n) : patronage; protection vigorous or aggressive woman
aeon (n) : a vast age; eternity ambidextrous (adv) : able to use both hands equally well
aerialist (n) : a high-wire or trapeze artist ambience (n) : atmosphere; surrounding influence
aesthete (n) : a person who has or professes to ambiguous (adj) : doubtful; indistinct; having more
have a special appreciation of beauty than one possible meaning
aesthetic (adj) : artistic; exquisite amble (n) : to move at an easy pace
aesthetician(n) : a person versed in or devoted to amen (interjection) : so let it be, (said at the end of a
aesthetics prayer)
aestival : pertaining to summer amenable (adj) : agreeable; open
aestivate (v) : spend the summer or dry season amend (v) : to alter in detail, with a view to
in a state of torpor. improvement; to rectify; to correct
aficionado(n) : a devotee of a sport or pass time amigo(n) : a friend or comrade
affect (v) : to infect or attack; to influence amiss (adv) : astray; wrongly; faultily
affidavit (n) : a written declaration on oath amoral (adj) : outside the domain of morality
affiliate (v/n) amputate (v) : to cut off
(n: affiliation) : to attach as a member or branch; amuck (adv) : to rush about wildly, attacking
an associate anyone in one’s path
affinity (n) : attraction; liking; proclivity amulet (n) : a charm worn to ward off evil,
affirmation (n) disease etc.
(v: affirm) : assertion; declaration anachronism(n) : an error assigning a thing to an
affluence (n) earlier or to a later age than it
(adj: affluent) : abundance; wealth belongs to
affray (n) : a brawl, fight or fray anaemia (n) : bloodlessness
agape (adj) : with gaping mouth; dumbfounded anaesthetic
agenda ( : (a list of) things to be done; (adj & n) : a substance that produces
a programme of business for insensibility to pain
discussion analgesic (adj) : producing analgesia; causing
agglomeration(n) : accumulation; collection; gather insensibility to pain
aggrandize (v) : augment; increase analogy (n) : a resemblance of relations
aggregate (n/adj) : to amount (to); total anarchist (n) : an advocate of anarchism or of
aghast (adv) : stupefied with horror political disorder
agility (n) : nimbleness; swiftness and anathema (n) : abhorrence; abomination
suppleness ancillary (adj/n) : auxiliary; supplementary; subsidiary
agitation (n) : tumult; turmoil; distraction (in work) andirons : iron bars to support the end of logs
agnostic (n) : cynic; a sceptic in fire
agrarian (adj) : agricultural; relating to land animadvert (v) : to take cognizance; to take note; to
albeit (conj) : whereas; although it be comment critically; to consider
albino (n) : a person with abnormally white animated(adj) : lively; full of spirit
skin and hair and pink irises anneal (v) : to strengthen or toughen; to heat
alchemy (n) : the infant stage of chemistry, and cool gradually to temper or
aimed towards transmuting of toughen.
other metals into gold, and annotate (v) : to make notes; to append notes
discovering the elixir of life annul (v) : cancel; invalidate; to make null; to
alga (n) : the seaweeds and related forms abolish
alias (n/adv) : otherwise known as; an assumed anodyne (n) : medicine that allays pain; something
name that relieves mental distress
alienate (v) : to estrange anoint (v) : to smear with ointment or oil
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/57
anomalous (adj) : irregular; deviating from rule arrears (n) : total unpaid debt; debts not paid
anonymous (adj) : lacking a name; lacking distinctive by the due date
features or individuality arrogate (v) : to claim as one’s own; to claim
antecede (v) : to go before in time proudly or unduly
antediluvian (adj) : very old-fashioned, primitive arroyo (n) : a rocky ravine; a dry watercourse
anthropoid (adj) : manlike articulate (adj) : jointed; to speak distinctly
antipathy (n) : aversion; dislike; negative feeling artifacts (n) : things made by human workmanship
antithesis (n) : a thesis or proposition opposing artifice (n) : machination; tactic; stratagem
another ascendancy (n) : dominating influence
aperture (n) : an opening; a hole ascertain (v) : certify; establish; verify
apex (n/adj) : the summit; the culminating point askance (adv) : sideways; obliquely
or climax of anything askew (adv) : aslant; awry; crooked; lopsided
aphasia (n) : inability to express thought in words, asperity (n) : acrimony; harshness; bitter coldness
caused by brain disease or damage aspersion (n) : calumny; slander
aphorism (n) : a brief, pithy saying; an adage aspire (v) : yearn; desire
apiary (n) : place where bees are kept assent (n/v) : to express agreement (with, to);
aplomb (n) : self-possession, coolness approve of; consent
apocalyptic (adj) : prophetic of disaster or, of the end assessment (n) : appraisal; judgement
of the world; pertaining to the assimilate (v) : digest; absorb
Apocalypse assuage (v) : to soften, mitigate or allay; to ease
apocryphal (adj) : fictitious; of doubtful authority or relieve
apogee (n) : the sun’s greatest meridional asteroid (n) : one of the small planets that
altitude; acme; pinnacle revolve about the sun mainly
apoplexy (n) : sudden loss of sensation and between the orbits of Mars and
motion (generally the result of Jupiter; starfish
haemorrhage in the brain) astigmatism (n) : a defect in an eye
apostate (n) : a person who has abandoned his astral (adj) : belonging to the stars
religion, principles, etc astringent (adj) : contracting, drawing together;
apothecary (n) : a druggist or pharmacist licensed caustic
to dispense prescribed drugs astute (adj) : wily; bright; sagacious; intelligent
apothegm (n) : a pithy saying, pointed and asunder (adv) : apart; into parts
practical than the aphorism need be asylum (n) : refuge or protection; institution for
appall (v) : to horrify, dismay; to weaken the care or relief of unfortunate
apparition (n) : a phantom; a ghost (blind, mentally ill)
appease (v) : to pacify; to satisfy atavism (n) : the reappearance of ancestral or
appellation : name esp one attached to a to a primitive, type characteristics
particular person atelier (n) : a workshop, esp an artist’s studio
apposite (adj) : to the purpose athwart (prep) : transversely; wrongly
appraise (v) : to estimate the worth of attache : a person appointed to an
apprehend (v) : to lay hold of; to arrest ambassador’s staff, usually with a
appurtenances (n) : an appendage or accessory special sphere of activity
apropos (prep) : in reference to (with of); as per attenuate (v) : to reduce (in strength or value)
aquiline (adj) : hooked like an eagle’s beak attest (v) : to testify or bear witness to; to
arable (adj) : land fit for ploughing or crop affirm by signature
production attribute (v) : ascribe; assign
arbiter (n) : a person who has absolute control, attrition (n) : wearing down
or right to judge. (fem. arbitress) audacious (adj) : bold; daring
arbitrator : a person appointed to settle a augment (v) : to increase
dispute augury (n) : divination; prophecy
arcane (adj) : secret; mysterious auscultation (n) : listening to internal bodily sounds
archaeology (n) : the study of human antiquities, authenticate (v) : to prove genuine; to certify the
discovered by excavation of authorship of; to give legal validity to
material remains authoritarian (adj) : setting authority above freedom
archaic (adj) : antiquated; old-fashioned automaton (n) : a machine that acts by routine,
archetype (n) : the original pattern or model without intelligence, activated by a
archipelago (n) : a group of islands; a sea concealed mechanism
abounding in islands autonomous (adj) : self-governing; independent
archives (n) : a repository of public records autopsy (n) : a post-mortem examination of a
archivist : a person who maintains and is in corpse
charge of archives auxiliary (adj) : supplementary; secondary
arduous (adj) : laborious; strenuous avarice (n) : greed for wealth; covetousness
arid (adj) : dry; barren averse (adv) : disinclined; reluctant
armada : a fleet of armed ships aviary (n) : a large cage or enclosure for
aromatic (adj) : fragrant; spicy keeping birds
arraign (v) : to call to account; to put on trial; avocation (n) : a diversion or distraction from
indict one’s regular employment
arrant (adj) : notorious; downright, unmitigated avuncular : suitable to an uncle; benign
axiom (n) : a universally received principle
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/58
azure (adj) : of a faint blue; sky-coloured bestial (adj) : barbaric; unrefined; like an animal
bestow (v) : to give or confer
B betenoire (n) : a person or thing that one
babble (v) : murmur; to talk incessantly especially dislikes or fears
bacchanalian (adj): drunken betroth (adj/adv) : promised in marriage (a person)
badger (v) : bother; harass; pester bevel (n) : a slant or inclination of a surface
baffle (v) : confuse; perplex bevy (n) : a company or flock (of ladies)
bagatelle (n) : a trifle, trinket; a piece of music in bibliophile : a person who collects or is fond of
a light style books
bailiwick (n) : someone’s area of interest bicameral (adj) : having two chambers (a legislative
bait (n) : allurement or temptation body)
balk (v) : to shirk, avoid; to thwart biennial (adj) : lasting two years; happening once
balladeer : a singer or composer of ballads in two years
ballistics ( : the science of projectiles bigotry (n) : discrimination; prejudice
ballyhoo (n) : a noisy propaganda; to create loud bilious (adj) : irritable; bad-tempered; affected by
publicity bile
balmy (adj) : gentle; pleasant bilk (v) : to elude; to cheat
banal (adj) : fatuous; insipid; trite bivouac (n) : a makeshift camp
bandanna (n) : a silk or cotton coloured handkerchief bizzare (adj) : fantastic; outlandish
bandy (v) : to toss from one to another (words blasphemous (adj) : impious; profane
with someone) blatant (adj) : obtrusive; glaring; flagrant
bane (n) : destructive cause; pernicious blather (n & v) : foolish chatter, (v. chatter foolishly)
banter (n/v) : humorous ridicule; to make fun of blazon (n/v) : (a) a coat of arms;
barb (n) : bristle; thorn (b) to make public; to display
barbarian(n) : an uncultured or brutish person, ostentatiously
a lout (adj. uncivilized) bleak (adj/adv) : gloomy; grim
baroque (adj) : elaborate; flamboyant; extravagant blight : any obscure force which is harmful
barrage (n) : a continuous shower of projectiles; or destructive, an unsightly or
an artificial bar across a river neglected urban area
barrister : a person called to the bar and blighted (adj/adv) : spoiled; ruined (by disease)
entitled to practice as an advocate bludgeon : a short stick with a heavy striking
in the higher courts end (n); to hit with a bludgeon (v)
bartender : a person serving behind the bars blurt (v) : to utter suddenly or unadvisedly
of a public house bode (v) : to foretell; to have a presentiment of
bask (v) : to lie in the warmth or sunshine; bogus (adj) : fake; fraud
indulge bohemian : a socially unconventional person
bassoon (n) : a musical instrument esp. an artist or writer
bastion (n) : a kind of tower at the angle of a bolster (v) : to support (maintenance, backing)
fortification; a defence bombastic (adj) : pompous; flamboyant
bate (v) : wait anxiously bonanza (n) : source of wealth
bathos (n) : a ludicrous descent from the bootlicker : a person who behaves obsequiously
elevated to the ordinary in writing or servilely
or speech boorish (adj) : a rude, ill-mannered person, a
bauble (n) : a showy, usually cheap, ornament clumsy person
bawdy (adj) : obscene; lewd; vulgar bouillon (n) : a strong broth
beatific (adj) : blissful; heavenly bountiful (adj) : abundant; plentiful
becoming (adj) : appropriate; fitting; attractive bourgeois (n) : working class; middle class
bedizen (v) : to dress gaudily (members)
bedraggle (v) : drench; soak bowdlerise (v) : to expurgate
befuddle (v) : confuse; baffle brackish (adj) : saltish
behemoth (n) : a great beast; huge or gigantic animal braggadocio (n) : a boaster; empty boasting
beholden (adj) : bound in gratitude; under an brazen (adj) : impudent; arrogant
obligation brazier (n) : a containers or tray for hot coals
behoove (v) : necessary (for someone) breach (n/v) : an act of breaking (law or contract);
belabor (v) : to assail verbally a gap made in fortification; breakers
belles-llettres : polite or elegant literature breadwinner : a person who earns the money to
bellicose (adj) : contentious; warlike support a family
benediction (n) : blessings brigand : a member of a robber band living
benefactor (n) : a person who confers a benefit by pillage and ransom usually in
beneficence (n) : kindness; charity wild terrain
beneficiary (n) : recipient brindled (adj) : marked with spots or streaks
benison (n) : blessing; benediction bristling (adj) : making angry
bereavement (n) : loss by death of a relative or friend broach (v) : to start to speak about; to bring
berserk (adj) : violently frenzied about; mention
beseech (v) : to entreat; to ask or pray earnestly to brocade (n) : a silky fabric with a raised design
besiege (v) : to attack and surround with the on it
intent of capturing; to importune; to brooch (n) : an ornamental clasp with a joined
pester pin fitting into a hook
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/59
brook (n/v) : a small stream; to bear or endure cant (n) : vocabulary or language peculiar to
buccaneer (n) : a pirate, ruthless speculator or a particular group or sect
adventurer cantata (n) : musical narrative by a person,
bucolic (adj) : pastoral; rustic, rural accompanied by a single instrument
bugbear (n) : cause of anxiety canter (n) : an easy gallop
bullion (n) : gold or silver in the mass and canto (n) : a division of a long poem
uncoined canvas (n/adj) : a coarse cloth of cotton, hemp or
bulwark (n) : any means of defence or security; other material
the side of a ship projecting above capacious (adj) : spacious; massive; large
the deck caparison (n) : rich clothing and ornaments (for
bumptious (adj) : aggressive; offensively self-important covering animals)
buncombe (n) : bombastic speech making intended capillary (n/adj) : a thin-walled blood vessel that
for the newspapers rather than to forms a network connecting arteries
persuade the audience with veins; a fine-bored tube
buoyant (n/v) : floating; weightless; cheerful and capitol (n) : the building where Congress or a
resilient state legislature meets
bureaucrat : an official in a bureaucracy, an caprice (n) : a whim; an unpredictable change
inflexible or insensitive administrator of mind
bureaucracy (n) : a system of government or caption (n) : a heading
administration by officials, captious (adj) : ready to find trivial faults
responsible only to their carafe (n) : a water-bottle or wine-flask for the
departmental chiefs table
burgeon (v) : to grow carcinogenic : substances encouraging spread or
burlesque (n/v) : mockery; a ludicrous imitation growth of cancer in the body
burly (adj) : big and sturdy careen (v) : to tilt to one side
burnish (n/v) : lustre; polish caricature (n) : burlesque; satire
buskin (n) : a high thick-soled boot worn by carillon (n) : melody played on a set of bells; a
actors in tragedy set of bells for playing tunes
bustle (n/v) : full of noise; be busy with carmine (n) : bright red pigment
busybody : a meddlesome person, a mischief- carnage (n) : bloodshed; extensive slaughter
maker carnal (adj) : sensual; unspiritual; sexual
buttress (n/v) : support carousal (n) : a noisy revel; a feast
buxom (adj) : plump and comely; voluptuous; carp (n) : to nag about trivialities; to find fault
shapely; well-built (with, at)
carrion (n) : the dead and rotten body or flesh
C carte ‘-blanche (n) : a blank paper, one bearing a
cabal (n) : a secret plot or intrigue signature, to be filled up at the
cache (n/v) : a hiding-place for treasure; to hide recipient’s discretion
cadaverous (adj) : sickly-looking; gaunt or haggard cartography (n) : the skill or profession of making
cadence (n) : rhythm maps and charts
caisson (n) : an apparatus for lifting a vessel out caryatid (n) : a female figure used instead of a
of the water for repairs or inspection column to support an entablature
cajole (v) : to coax; beguile castaway : a shipwrecked person, cast aside,
calamity (n) : catastrophe; a disaster rejected
calligraphy (n) : fine handwriting or penmanship; a caste (n/adj) : a social class amongst Hindus in
characteristic style of writing India
callous (adj/adv) : cold-hearted; insensitive; castigate (v) : to criticize severely; to punish or
unsympathetic scold
callow (adj) : inexperienced; juvenile casualty (n/adj) : an injury or death; a misfortune;
calorific : pertaining to, or causing heat department of a hospital
calumniate (v) : to accuse falsely; to slander
casuist : a person who resolves problems of
calumny (n) : false accusation or statement;
defamation conscience, duty etc, often with
camaraderie (n) : the intimacy of comradeship; good clever but false reasoning, sophist,
fellowship quibbler
cameo (n) : a gem with figure (usu a head or casuistry (n) : science concerned with moral
bust ) carved in relief conscience; plausible but flawed
camouflage (n/v) : device for disguising or for reasoning
deceiving an adversary; to disguise cataclysm (n) : a major disaster; a débâcle
canard (n) : a false rumour catalyst (n) : stimulus; a person who causes or
canine (adj) : dog-like; related species of the dog
promotes change by their
canker (n) : a fungus disease in trees and presence in a situation
shrubs; an ulcer; disease like catapult (v) : hurl; fling; propel
situation causing destruction cataract (n) : a waterfall; an opaque condition of
cannon (n) : a great gun (usually mounted on the lens of the eye
wheels) catastrophe (n) : calamity; tragedy
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/60
catechism (n) : comprehensive system of teaching chasten (v) : to free from faults by punishing; to
in the form of questions and purify or refine
answers chattel (n) : belongings; possessions
categorical (adj) : positive; unconditional; absolute chauffeur : a person employed to drive a
catharsis (n) : purification private or hired motor car
cathartic : ablutionary; cleansing the bowels cherubic (adj) : a sweet innocent-looking chubby
catholic (n) : liberal faced person, esp a child
caucus (n/v) : conference; meeting; to hold chic (n/adj) : style, elegance; artistic skill; smart,
meetings elegant and fashionable
cauterize (v) : to destroy using caustic substances chicanery (n) : artifice; deception; fraud
cavalcade (n) : a procession of people on choleric : irascible, angry
horseback or in vehicles; a parade chute (n) : a passage or sloping trough for
cavil (n/v) : a trifling objection; to quibble sending down goods, water,
cede (v) : yield; surrender; relinquish rubbish, etc
celerity (n) : alacrity; speed; rapidity of motion cinch (n) : a saddle girth
or thought circumlocution(n) : expressing an idea in more words
celestial (adj) : heavenly; divine than are necessary
celibate (adj) : living as a single person; circumscribe (v) : to draw a line round; to enclose
abstaining from sexual relations within certain limits
censor (n/v) : an official who examines books, citadel (n) : a fortress in (or near) a city
films, papers etc. with power to clairvoyant (n/adj): the power of discerning things
delete obscene words and actions; beyond the normal range of sense
to ban; to delete or perception
censure (v) : berate; criticise; to blame; to castigate clamber (v) : to climb with difficulty; to ascend
centaur (n) : a mythical creature, half man and clamor (n) : a loud continuous outcry; uproar;
half horse persistent expression of
centenarian : a person a hundred or more years dissatisfaction
old clangor (n) : a loud ringing noise that made by
centigrade (adj) : of a scale striking large pieces of metal
centrifugal (adj) : tending away from the centre; clarion (n/adj) : the sound of a trumpet; a stirring
proceeding in development from summons (to duty, etc)
the apex towards the base claustrophobia (n): a pathological dread of confined
centripetal (adj) : tending towards the centre; spaces
proceeding in development from clavicle (n) : the collar-bone
the base towards the apex cleft (n/adj) : crack; split, divided
centurion (n) : In Roman army, an officer who had clemency (n) : mercy; mild; gentle
the command of a hundred men cleric : a member of the clergy
cerebral (adj) : pertaining to the brain; intellectual cliché (n) : banality; stereotype
ceremonious (adj): given to ceremony; particular in clientele (n) : all the customers; clients
observing formalities climactic (adj) : pertaining to the most important or
cessation (n) : stopping; ceasing exciting scene
chafe (v) : to heat; to wear by rubbing; to clime (n) : climate; a country, region (in poetic
cause irritation sense)
chaff (n) : husks from corn that has been cloak : an outdoor overgarment
threshed or winnowed cloven (adj) : split; divided
chaffing (adj) : teasing; banter coadjutor (n) : an associate
chagrin (n) : embarrassment; shame; humiliation coalesce (v) : to grow together or unite into one
chalice (n) : drinking cup or bowl whole; to fuse
chameleon (n) : an inconstant, changeable, or cockade (n) : a rosette worn on the hat as a badge
readily adaptable person; a lizard coda (n) : a passage forming the completion
which can change its colour to of a piece, rounding it off to a
blend with its surroundings satisfactory conclusion
champion (n/v) coddle (n/v) : to pamper; an effeminate person
(n : championship): a successful combatant; promote codicil (n) : a supplement to a will
chaotic (adj) : confused; disorganised coeval (n) : a person or thing of the same age;
chaperon (n/v) : someone who supervises a group a contemporary
of children or young people (usu. cog (n/adj) : a projection, eg. on a toothed wheel
for protection) cogitate (v) : contemplate; meditate; ponder
charlatan (n) : someone who pretends to have cognomen (n) : a surname
special knowledge or ability (esp in coherent : able to speak intelligibly and
medicine); an impostor; a fraud articulately, having a constant
chasm (n) : a gap or opening; a void space; phase relationship
an abyss; a ravine cohesion (n) : the act of sticking together
chassis (n/adj) : the structural framework of a motor coincident(adj/adv): agreeing; corresponding or
car to which the movable working identical without any connection
parts and body may be attached colander (n) : a perforated vessel
chaste (adj) : modest; decent and pure in taste columnist : a journalist contributing regularly to
and style a newspaper
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/61
collage (n) : any work or construction put connotation (n) : implication additional to the idea
together from assembled fragments conscientious (adj): tending to take great care or show
collate (v) : to bring together for comparison diligence; scrupulous; meticulous
collation (n) : organisation; arrangement; group; consecrate (v) : to devote (time, energy etc.); to
a light meal sanctify
collier (n) : a coal miner; a sailor in a ship consort (n/v) : spouse; mate; partner; companion
carrying coal conspiracy (n) : a plot; a secret banding together
colloquy (n) : conversation; discussion for a purpose (usu. unlawful)
collusion (n) : conspiracy; plot constellation (n) : stars which form a group as seen
colossal (adj) : massive; gigantic from the earth
comatose (adj) : affected with coma; extremely constituent (n) : citizen; voter
drowsy or sleeping heavily constraint (n) : compulsion
combustible (adj) : liable to catch fire and burn consul (n) : an agent for a foreign government
comely (adj) : pretty; pleasing; handsome appointed to attend to the interests
comestible (n) : eatable of its citizens and commerce
comity (n) : courteousness; civility contaminate (v) : to pollute; to infect
commandeer (v) : confiscate; to take over for one’s contempt (n) : scorn; abhorrence; disdain
own use, without asking contest (n/v) : competition; to challenge
commando : a party of men called out for a context (n) : situation; circumstances
military service contiguous (adj) : adjoining; touching; near next
commemorative (adj): serving to preserve the memory of continence : restraint; self-control; celibacy
commensurate (adv): equal in measure or extent; in due contortion (n) : deformation; a violent twisting
proportion with contraband (adj) : forbidden by law to be imported;
commiserate (v) : to feel or express sympathy or pity for illegally imported; smuggled
commodious (adj): spacious; comfortable; gigantic contrite (adj) : full of guilt and remorse for a
communal (adj) : pertaining to a commune or a wrong doing or sin; action showing
community; owned in common, a sense of guilt or sin
shared controvert (v) : to oppose; to argue against; to
communiqué (n) : an official announcement or bulletin dispute
compact (adj/n) : closely packed or fitted together; contumacious (adj): opposing lawful authority;
concise; small; agreement; contract stubborn; obstinate
compatible (adj) : congruous; harmonious; suitable contumely : insolent or reproachful language or
compatriot : a fellow countryman treatment, disagree
compendium (n) : a shortening or abridgement contusion (n) : a bruise; the state of being bruised
compensatory (adj): giving compensation convalescence (n): gradual recovery of health and
compere : a person who introduces and links strength
the artists in a variety show conventional (adj): customary
compilation (n) : the act of collecting or drawing converge (v) : meet in one point
(data, list, records, speeches etc.) conversant (adv) : familiar
complement (n/v) : companion; counterpart; converse (v/adj) : to speak; reverse
consummate convex (adj) : arched; raised
compromise (n/v) : arbitration; a settlement of differences conveyance (n) : means of transportation
by concession on each side convoke (v) : to call together; to assemble
compunction (n) : regret; shame; conscience convoluted (adj) : difficult to understand; intricate
comrade : a workmate, friend or companion copious (adj) : abundant; plentiful; generous
concede (v) : to admit; to make a concession; to coquette (n) : flirting; dallying
give up cordial (adj) : friendly; sincere; affectionate
conceited : vain, proud cordon (n) : encircled area to prevent or control
concord (n) : harmony; agreement passage into or out of it
condescend (v) : to act graciously to inferiors cormorant (adj) : a member of shiny black web- footed
condiment (n) : a seasoning, esp salt or pepper seabirds, related to the pelicans,
confidant (n) : a close friend; a person confided in that feeds on fish; a glutton
or entrusted with secrets cornice (n) : a projecting moulding along the
conflagration (n) : a war or major destructive top of a building, window, etc
disturbance corollary (n) : an easy inference; a natural result
congeal (v) : to freeze corporeal (adj) : not spiritual; having a substance
congenial (adj) : pleasant; affable; cordial corpulent (adj) : heavy; plump; stout
congenital (adj) : dating from the birth, not correlation (n) : the act of correlating; mutual relation
necessarily hereditary; inborn corrosive (adj) : having the quality of eating away
conglomeration (n): collection; the state of being corrugated (adj) : wrinkled; drawn into folds
conglomerated corsair (n) : a privateering ship; a pirate
conifer (n) : any tree or shrub bearing cones cortège (n) : a procession (esp funeral
conjugal (adj) : pertaining to marriage; marital; the procession)
right of sexual relations with a coruscate (v) : to sparkle; to throw off flashes of
spouse light
connoisseur (n) : a person with a well-informed cosmic (adj) : relating to the cosmos; universal
knowledge and appreciation, esp coterie (n) : a social, literary, or other exclusive
of fine food and wine or of the arts circle
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/62
counsellor : a person who gives counsel, an custodian : a guardian or keeper
advisor, a person trained to give cynic (n) : misanthrope; pessimist
guidance on personal, social or cynosure (n) : anything that strongly attracts
psychological problems attention or admiration
countenance (n/v): the face; expression of the face; to czar (also tsar) : the title of the former emperors of
favour; permit or sanction Russia; a person with great authority
counterfeit : made in imitation, not genuine
countermand (v) : to revoke; to give a command in D
opposition to one already given dabbler (n) : take a casual or superficial interest
counterpart (n) : complement; correlative; a or past, move the feet, hands, etc
corresponding or equivalent about in liquid, wet partly or
person or thing intermittently; moisten, stain, splash
coup (n) : revolt; a stroke, clever and daft (adj) : insane; weak-minded
successful stratagem dally (v) : to waste time by idleness or
couple (n/v) : two, a pair; two people considered trifling; to dawdle, delay
as partners; that which joins two dandy (n) : a man who pays great attention to
things together his dress
courier (n) : a state or diplomatic messenger dank (adv/adj) : unpleasantly moist; wet
covenant (adj) : a mutual agreement dappled (adj) : marked with spots or
covert (adj) : concealed; secret dastard (adj) : cowardly
covetous (adj) : inordinately desirous; avaricious daub (n/v) : stain; false pretence; to smear
cower (v) : to crouch or cringe in fear daunt (v/adj) : to frighten; to discourage; boldly
coy (adj) : modest; shy dauntless (adj) : not to be daunted; resolute, bold
cozen (v) : to cheat; to deceive dawdle (v) : to waste time; to act slowly
crabbed (adj) : ill-natured; perverse or irascible deadlock (n) : a case where matters have come
credo (n) : belief; doctrine to a standstill
creed (n) : belief; faith deadpan (n) : an expressionless face
crepuscular (adj) : of or pertaining to twilight; dim, dean : the head of a university faculty or
dark; active or appearing at twilight department or of a medical school
crestfallen (adj) : dejected or cast-down dearth (n) : scarcity; want; lack; shortage
cretin : a person who is deformed and debase (v) : to adulterate; to lower; to make
mentally retarded as the result of poor (of quality) or of less value
thyroid deficiency debauch (v) : to pervert; to corrupt
crevice (n) : a narrow crack or split debenture : written acknowledgement of a debt
cringe (v) : to stoop in a servile manner; to debonair (adj) : elegant; charming; courteous
cower in fear debutant : a male performer making his first
criterion (n) : a means or standard of judging; public appearance
a rule débutante (n) : a young woman making her first
crone (n) : an old woman; an old ewe appearance in society
crotchety (adj) : short-tempered; whimsical decadence (n) : a decline from a superior state
cruet (n) : a small jar or bottle decant (v) : to pour off, leaving sediment
crux (n) : essence; gist; that on which a decelerate : to retard, slow down
decision turns deciduous (adj) : liable to be shed at a certain period
crypt (n) : grave; tomb decipher (v) : decode; interpret; unravel
cubicle (n) : part of a dormitory or other large declivity (n) : a place that slopes downwards
room which is partitioned off décolleté (adj) : a low-cut dress or neckline
cuisine (n) : the art or style or cooking; a decomposition (n): state of decomposing; decay
kitchen or cooking department decorus (adj) : decent; proper
culinary (adj) : pertaining to the kitchen or to decorum (n) : propriety of conduct; decency
cookery decrepit (adj) : worn out by the infirmities of old
cull (v) : to select; to pick out and destroy, age; in the last stage of decay
as inferior or superfluous members defacto (adj) : actual, if not rightful or legally
of a group recognized; in fact, actually
culmination (n) : achievement; completion defalcate (v) : to embezzle money held on trust
culvert (n) : an arched construction or channel default (n) : failure to fulfil a financial obligation;
enclosing a drain or watercourse neglect to do what duty or law
beneath a road requires
cumbersome (adj): unwieldy; awkward; unmanageable defeatist (n/adj) : readiness or inclination to accept,
cupidity (n) : covetousness welcome or help to bring on defeat
curator (n) : a person who has the charge of defection (n) : (an act of) desertion or revolt
anything; a person appointed by defendant : a person sued or accused in a
law as guardian court of law
curmudgeon (n) : a miser; an avaricious, ill-natured deference (n) : courtesy; regard; respect
person defile (v) : to befoul; to spoil; to pollute or
curry (v) : to dress or treat (leather) corrupt; to violate
cursive (adj) : written in a running hand; flowing definitive (adj) : most authoritative; exhaustive
cursory (adj) : running quickly over; superficial deflect (v) : to turn aside; to deviate from a
curtail (v) : to cut short; to abridge correct line or proper course
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/63
defray (v) : to pay, settle descant (v) : a discourse or disquisition under
deft (adj) : dexterous several heads
deign (v) : to condescend, stoop descry (v) : to discover by looking
dejure (adj) : by right; rightful desecrate (v) : defile; profane; contaminate
delectable (adj) : delightful; very pleasing desiccate (v) : to preserve by drying; to dry
delegate : an elected representative sent to a desideratum (n) : something desired or much wanted
conference, a member of a desolate (v) : to abandon; to lay waste; to
committee deprive of inhabitants
deleterious (adj/adv): harmful or destructive; poisonous desperado (n) : a desperate person, reckless of
delineate (v) : to represent by a sketch or picture; danger; a wild ruffian
to describe despicable (adj) : contemptible; disgraceful
delinquent (n/adj) : miscreant; hoodlum; derelict; despise (v) : abhor; hate; to look down upon
negligent; slack with contempt
deliquescent (adj): liquefying in the air despondency (n) : lack of hope; dejection
delirium (n) : the state of being delirious, esp despot : an absolute ruler, a tyrant or
through fever oppressor
delirious (adj) : wandering in the mind; despotism (n) : absolute power; tyranny
lightheaded; insane destitute (n/adj) : needy; pathetic; poor; forsaken
deliverance (n) : release; liberation desuetude : disuse; discontinuance
delude (v) : to deceive or cause to accept what desultory (adj) : without rational or logical
is false as true; to mislead connection; loose; hasty
delusion (n) : the act of deluding; a hallucination detached (adj) : aloof; unbiased; impartial
delusive (adj) : tending to delude detainee : a person detained in custody esp.
delve (v) : investigate; explore; examine for political reasons
demagogue (n) : leader of the people detergent (n) : a cleansing agent; that which
demean (v) : to humiliate; to lower in status or cleanses
dignity determinate (n) : determined or limited; fixed
demeanour (n) : behaviour; conduct deterrent (adj) : frightening; hindrance
demesne (n) : a manor-house with lands adjacent detonation : an explosion
to it not let out to tenants detraction (n) : defamation; slander; distraction
demise (n) : death deviate (v) : to diverge; to go or change from
democrat : an advocate of democracy, a the way
member of the Democratic Party devoid (adj) : destitute; wanting; free
demographic (adj): the study of population esp with devolve (v) : to pass on; to roll down
reference to size, density and dexterous (adj) : right-handed; skilful; adroit
distribution diabolic (adj) : extremely cruel; wicked; satanic
demolition (n) : the act of pulling down; destruction diadem (n) : a crown; a jewelled headband, or
demoniac (adj) : person possessed by a demon or the like
evil spirit dialectic (n) : the art of discussing (esp in a debate)
demotic (adj) : to the people diaphanous (adj) : transparent; clear; pellucid
demure (adj) : modest; bashful; shy diatribe (n) : an abusive or bitter harangue;
demurrage (n) : compensation for detention of vituperation
railway wagons (or any other wagon) differential (n/adj) : discriminating; pertaining to
denigrate (v) : malign; defame difference
denizen : an inhabitant (human, animal or diffusion (n) : distribution; scattering abroad
plant) digressive (adj) : departing from the main subject
denotation (n) : that which a word denotes, in dilapidated (adj) : in ruin; in a state of disrepair
contradistinction to that which it dilatoriness : given to or causing delay
connotes dilemma (n) : quandary; predicament; confusion
dénouement : the outcome or result dilettante (n) : a dabbler in art, science or
denounce (v) : to inform against or accuse literature; an amateur
publicly; to condemn diligent (adj) : industrious; hard-working; studious
depilate (v) : to remove the hair from diminution (n) : decrease; reduction
deploy : to spread out and place dimwit : a stupid person
strategically (any forces) dinghy (n) : a small open boat propelled by
deportment (n) : behaviour; conduct; manners oars, sails or an outboard motor
deposition (n) : declaration; testimony dint (n) : effort; strength; power
depravity (n) : a corrupt state of moral character; dipsomaniac (n) : person suffering from dipsomania
wickedness dirge (n) : funeral song or hymn; a slow and
depredation (n) : the act of plundering; hardship mournful piece of music
deranged (adj) : insane; disordered disabuse (v) : to undeceive or set right
derelict (n/adj) : neglectful of duty; person disapprobation (n): disapproval
abandoned by society disarray (n) : lack of array; disorder; untidiness
deride (v) : to laugh at; to mock disavowal (n) : the act denying; the act of
derision (n) : ridicule; mockery disclaiming knowledge of, or
dermatitis (n) : inflammation of the skin connection with
dermatologist (n) : person specialised in the diseases disband (v) : to disperse; to break up(a group,
of skin unit etc)
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/64
disburse (v) : to pay out doughty (adj) : strong; brave; able
disclaim (v) : to refuse to acknowledge or be doxology (n) : a hymn ascribing glory to God
responsible for doyen : the most senior or most prominent
discomfit (v) : to defeat or rout of a particular category or body of
disconcert (v) : to throw into confusion; to frustrate people
disconsolate (adj): beyond consolation; very sad or dregs (n) : deposits; residue; the most
disappointed worthless part of anything
discordant (adj) : contradictory; inconsistent; without drivel (n & v) : silly nonsense, twaddle (v. talk
concord or agreement childishly or idiotically)
discrepancy (n) : disagreement; variance of facts or droll (adj) : a jester; laughable; amusing
sentiments dromedary (n) : a thoroughbred camel; a one-
discursive (adj) : circuitous; proceeding from one humped Arabian camel
subject to another with no formal plan drudgery (n) : hard or humble labour;
disgruntle (v) : discontented; disappoint uninteresting toil
disheartened dubious (adj) : doubtful; causing or having doubt
(adj/adv) : depressed; demoralised; deprive duplicity (n) : insincerity; doubleness, esp in
of courage or spirits conduct or intention
dishevelled (adj) : hanging loose; merely untidy dyspepsia (n) : indigestion
disinclination (n) : lack of inclination; unwillingness
disingenuous (adj): not frank or open; crafty, devious E
disinter (v) : to remove from a grave or from the earthy (adj) : crude; unrefined; consisting of
earth; to bring out of obscurity earth (natural)
disinterested (adj): not influenced by private feelings ebb (n/v) : decline; abate; subside
or considerations; impartial eccentricity (n) : the condition of being eccentric;
disjointed (adj) : lacking connection or continuity; peculiarity of behaviour
incoherent ecclesiastic (adj) : relating to the church or to the clergy
dismantle (v) : to pull down; to undo the structure éclat (n) : applause; distinction; showy
dismember (v) : to divide up, break up splendour
disparage (v) : to dishonour by comparison with eclipse (n/v) : an over-shadowing; to excel; to
what is inferior; to dishearten; surpass
belittle; abuse ecologist (n) : a person with knowledge of
disparaging (adv) : speak slightingly of depreciate, environmental studies
bring discredit ecstasy (n) : a state of pleasure or happiness.
disparity (n) : inequality; contrast; variation; rapture; excessive joy
difference edifice (n) : a structure; a building
dispersion (n) : scattering; state of being scattered edify (v) : to improve the mind of; to
dispirited (adj) : dejected; discouraged strengthen spiritually towards faith
disport (v) : to attract; to amuse and holiness
disputatious (adj) : inclined to dispute; controvert educe : to draw out; to extract
disquisition (n) : a carefully or minutely argued eerie (adj) : strangely frightening; weird
examination of a topic effectual (adj) : successful in producing the
dissection (n) : the act of cutting in pieces a plant desired effect
or animal in order to ascertain the effeminate (adj) : womanish; feminine
structure of its parts; anatomy effervesce (v) : to boil up; to bubble and hiss; to
dissolution (n) : the dispersal of an assembly; the behave or talk vivaciously
annulment or ending of a partnership effete (adj) : exhausted; degenerate, decadent
dissuade (v) : discourage; to persuade not to do efficacy (n) : the power of producing an effect;
something; to give advice against effectiveness
distaff (adj) : the female side or branch of a effigy (n) : a likeness or figure of a person
family; the stick that holds the effluvium (n) : a generally unpleasant exhalation;
bunch of flax or wool in spinning disagreeable vapours rising from
diurnal (adj) : belonging to the day time; relating decaying matter
to day time effrontery (n) : impudence; shamelessness
divination (n) : seeking to know the future or effulgent (adj) : shining; radiant; splendid
hidden things by supernatural means effusive (adj) : gushing; expressing emotion in an
docile (adj) : gentle; manageable; obedient; over-demonstrative manner
agreeable egoism (n) : individuality; over-concern for
doomster : a person who predicts disaster one’s own well-being; selfishness
esp. in politics or economics egotism (n) : thinking or speaking too much of
dotage (n) : the childishness of old age; oneself; self-exaltation
excessive fondness; a doting ejaculation (n) : ejection or emission
dotard : a person who is feeble minded, elaboration (n) : complication; the process of
esp. from senility elaborating
dote (v) : to show excessive love elation (n) : exhilaration; joy; thrill
double entendre : a word or phrase open to two eleemosynary (adj): relating to charity or alms giving
interpretations elegiac (adj) : mournful; belonging to elegy
douche (n) : a jet of water directed upon or into elegy (n) : a poem of serious, pensive, or
the body from a pipe, etc reflective mood; a song of mourning
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/65
elixir (n) : a liquor once supposed to have entomology (n) : the science of insects
the power of indefinitely prolonging entourage (n) : convoy; staff; attendants
life; anything that invigorates entreat (v) : to ask earnestly; to beg for
ellipsis (n) : a figure of syntax by which a word or entrée (n) : admittance; freedom of access;
words are left out and merely implied introduction or means of access
eloquence (n) : the power of uttering strong entrepreneur : businessman; capitalist
emotion in correct, appropriate, enunciate (v) : to pronounce distinctly; to state
expressive and fluent language; formally
persuasive speech ephemeral (adj) : short-lived; existing only for a day
elucidate (v) : to make clear; to illustrate epigram (n) : a concise and pointed expression;
elusive (adj) : deceptive
an adage; saying
elusory (adj) : evasive; deceitful; tending to elude
epilogue (n) : the concluding section of a book, etc
or cheat
epistle (n) : a letter; message
elysian (adj) : delightful
emaciated (adj/adv): feeble; the condition of being lean; epoch (n) : a point of time fixed or made
deprived of flesh remarkable by some great event
embed (v) : to enclose deeply; to place from which dates are reckoned
emblazon (v) : to glorify, praise or celebrate equable (adj) : uniform, smooth; without wide
embroil (v) : to involve; to throw into confusion variations or extremes; even-
embryonic (adj) : relating to anything in an imperfect tempered
or incomplete state; rudimentary equestrian (adj) : of or relating to horsemanship; on
emend (v) : to make alterations in with a view horse-back
to improving; to remove faults or equipage (n) : something with which one is
blemishes from equipped; a carriage and
emeritus (adj) : honourably discharged from the attendants; retinue
performance of public duty equipoise (n) : a state of balance
emigrate (v) : to move from one country or state equitable (adj) : showing in accordance with equity;
to another as a place of abode; exercised in equity; fair or just
émigré : an émigré, esp. a political exile equivocate (v) : to use equivocal or doubtful words
eminent (adj) : distinguished; conspicuous in order to mislead
emollient (n) : a softening application; making errand (n/adj) : assignment
supple ersatz (n/adj) : artificial; a substitute
emolument (n) : profit arising from employment, escapade (n) : an exciting adventure (mischievous);
such as salary or fees an escape
empirical (adj) : known only by experience;
eschew (v) : to avoid; to refrain; to abstain; to shun
depending on trial or experience
espousal (n) : the act of espousing or betrothing;
empyreal (adj) : relating to the highest or purest
a contract or mutual promise of
region of heaven
emulate (v) : to try to equal or surpass marriage; a formal betrothal
enamored of (adv): in love with; keen on ethereal (adj) : heavenly; celestial; delicate
encomiastic (adj) : bestowing praise ethnic (adj) : concerning nations or races; racial
encomium (n) : high commendation; a eulogy ethnology (n) : the science concerned with the
encompass (v) : to surround or enclose varieties of the human race;
encroachment (n): an act of encroaching; something cultural anthropology
that is taken by encroaching; etymology (n) : the science or investigation of the
infiltration derivation and original signification
endearment (n) : something that increases affection; of words
the act or state of endearing eugenic (adj) : pertaining to genetic improvement
endemic (adj) : prevalent among a people or in a of a race by judicious mating and
district; confined to a particular area helping the better stock to prevail
endive (n) : a salad plant eulogistic (adj) : praiseworthy; full of praise
endorse (v) : approve; support; to assign by euphonious (adj) : pleasant; agreeable; (usu. sound)
writing on the back euthanasia (n) : the act or practice of putting
endue (v) : to supply or provide with painlessly to death, esp in cases of
enervate (v) : to weaken; to tire; fatigue incurable suffering
engender (v) : to produce; to bear; to generate eviscerate (v) : to tear out the viscera or bowels of
enigma (n) : a mysterious person or situation; evolutionists : a person who believes in evolution
something very obscure as explaining the origin of species
enjoin (v) : prohibit; ban; to forbid; to order exalted (adj) : elevated or high; dignified
ennui (n) : boredom; a feeling of weariness or exasperate (v) : to make very angry; to irritate
languor excerpt (n) : selected passage; extract
enroute (adv) : on the road, on the way excruciating (adj) : agonizing; severe; extremely painful
ensconce (v) : to settle comfortably; to hide safely execration (n) : express or feel abhorrence for, curse
ensemble (n) : group; costume; outfit exhume (v) : to take out of the ground or place
entente (n) : an understanding; a friendly of burial
agreement or relationship between exofficio (adj) : by virtue of office or position
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/66
exorcise (v) :to deliver from the influence of an filch (v) : to steal; to pilfer
evil spirit; to call forth or drive filial (adj) : in the relation of a child; pertaining
away (a spirit) to a son or a daughter
exotic (adj) : foreign; alien; imported; unusual; finesse (n) : skill or expertise; sophisticated
wondrous accomplishment
expatiate : speak or write at length or in detail finicky (adv) : particular about unimportant
expatriate (v) : to send out of one’s country; to matters; fussy
banish or exile; to deprive of finite (adv) : having an end or limit
citizenship firmament (n) : the sky
expedient (n/adj) : aid; beneficial; useful fission (n) : a cleaving; reproduction by dividing
expiate (v) : to make satisfaction or reparation for; fissure (n) : a narrow opening
to make complete atonement for flaccid (adj) : soft and weak
exponent : a person who favours or promotes flagellate (v) : to whip
an idea etc flamboyant (adj) : gorgeously coloured or decorated;
expurgate (v) : to revise (a book, etc) by removing extravagant
offensive, noxious or erroneous flaunt (v) : to display ostentatiously; to show
things; censor; cleanse off; to exhibit
extemporaneous (adj): spontaneous; impromptu flay (v) : to strip off the skin from; to subject
extemporize : compose or produce (music, a to savage criticism; to frighten
speech etc) without preparation, fledgling (n) : a bird just fledged; a very
improvise immature or inexperienced person
extenuating (adj) : palliating; mitigating; moderating flick (n/v) : to lift (with a lash or a finger nail);
extol (v) : to praise highly; to lift up within no time
exude (v) : to discharge through pores; to flippancy (n) : pert fluency of speech
ooze out; to emit; to exhibit floe (n/v) : a field of floating ice
florid (adj) : flushed with red; characterized by
F flowery rhetoric, melodic figures
fabulist : a composer of fables, a liar flotsam (n) : goods lost by shipwreck and found
facile (adj) : easy; simple floating on the sea
facsimile (n) : an exact copy; an accurate flounce : struggle in mud, perform a task
reproduction badly or without knowledge; be out
faction (n/adj) : a rebellious group of one’s depth
factious (adj) : turbulent; discordant; quarrelsome flout (v) : to reject or defy (orders etc.); to mock
factotum (n) : a person employed to do all kinds flux (n) : act of flowing; a flow of matter; a
of work for another state of flow or continuous change
fait accompli (n) : an accomplished fact, a thing foible (n) : a weakness; a penchant; a
already done or done in advance deficiency
fanatic : a person filled with excessive and foment (v) : to foster; to incite; to provoke
often misguided enthusiasm for forage (n/v) : fodder; hunt; search
something forebear (n) : an ancestor; forefather
fastidious (adj) : meticulous; difficult to please forensic (adj) : of or relating to sciences or scientists
fatuous (adj) : foolish; ludicrous connected with legal investigations
fauna (n) : the assemblage of all forms of forego (v) : to go before or precede
animal life of a region or period foster (v/adj) : to bring up or nurse; to promote; to
faux pas (n) : a mistake or blunder, esp an cherish; concerned with fostering
offence against accepted standards foundling (n) : a little child found deserted
of politeness, decorum, etc. frailty (n) : weakness; infirmity
febrile (adj) : feverish; relating to fever franchise (n) : the right to vote; a commercial
fecund (adj) : prolific; fertile; fruitful; productive concession by which a retailer is
feint (n) : a deceptive movement in fencing, granted by a company the
boxing, etc; a false show generally exclusive right of
felicitous (adj) : appropriate retailing its goods or providing its
ferret (n/v) : a half-tamed albino variety of the services in a specified area, with
polecat; to search out or use of the company’s expertise,
investigate indefatigably marketing, trademark, etc
fervid (adj) : having burning desire or emotion; fraught (adv) : laden; full; replete
fray (v) : to wear off by rubbing
fervor (n) : zeal; enthusiasm; ardour
fester (v) : to rot or putrefy; to suppurate frisk (v) : to leap playfully
fetish (n) : charm; fixation fritter (n/v) : to squander or misuse; a fragment;
fetter (n) : a chain or shackle for the feet; a piece
confinement frolicsome (adj) : merry; sportive
fiasco (n) : failure; debacle frond (n) : a leaf (esp of a palm or fern)
fictitious : imaginary, unreal, not genuine frowzy (adj) : fusty; stuffy or offensive
fidelity (n/adj) : faithfulness; honesty; accurate frugality (n) : economy; thrift
fiduciary (n) : a person who holds anything in trust fulminate (v) : to thunder or make a loud noise; to
fiend (n) : a devil; an addict issue decrees with violence of threats
figment (n) : a fabrication or invention
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/67
fulsome (adv) : sickeningly obsequious; Roman show person defending or
nauseating praiseful opposing a cause
furtive (adj) : clandestine; secret gloaming (n) : twilight; dusk
fusillade (n) : a simultaneous or continuous gloat (v) : to eye with intense (usually
discharge of firearms; anything malicious); to exult
assaulting one in a similar way glossary (n) : a collection or list of explanations
fustian (adj) : a kind of coarse, twilled cotton of words
fabric; bombastic glower (v) : to stare frowningly; to scowl
glutinous (adj) : gluey; sticky
G gnarled (adj) : contorted; weather beaten; knotty;
gadfly (n) : a blood sucking fly that distresses twisted
cattle; someone who provokes and gnome (n) : a sprite; a goblin
irritates gnu (n) : a large African antelope
gaff (n) : a hook used especially for landing goad (n/v) : sharp-pointed stick for driving
large fish oxen; to incite; to provoke
galaxy : the disc-shaped system, gobbledygook : pompous or unintelligible jargon
composed of spiralling arms of gorge (n/v) : a ravine; a gluttonous feed
stars, that contains our solar gouge (n/v) : a chisel with a hollow blade for
system near its edge; a splendid cutting grooves or holes; to scoop
assemblage out
gall (v) : irritate; annoy; provoke gourmand (n) : a person who eats greedily
galleon (n) : a large vessel mostly used for
gourmet (n) : a connoisseur of good food and
wines, an epicure
gambol (v) : to leap; to frisk playfully
gamester (n) : a gambler governess : a woman employed to teach
gamut (n) : a range; scope; extent children in a private household
garble (v) : to misrepresent or falsify by granary (n) : a rich grain-growing region;
suppression and selection; to a storehouse for grain
jumble grandiloquent (adj): speaking, or expressed
gargantuan (adj) : enormous; mammoth; a giant of bombastically; pompous
vast appetite grandiose (adj) : grand or imposing; bombastic;
gargoyle (n) : a spout, projecting from a roof- splendid
gutter; any grotesque figure or person granulate (v/adj) : to form or break into grains or
garnish (n/v) : adornment; to decorate; to adorn small masses
gasconade (n) : a boasting talk; to boast extravagantly graphic (adj) : written, descriptive or diagrammatic
gastronomy (n) : the art or science of good eating representation
gaudy (adj/adv) : showy; ostentatious grapple (v) : struggle; wrestle mentally
gaunt (adj/adv) : skeletal; thin; haggard gratify (v) : to please; to satisfy
gazette (n/adj) : an official newspaper containing gratis (adj/adv) : without payment; for nothing
lists of government appointments,
gratuitous (adj) : done or given for nothing;
legal notices, despatches, etc
voluntary; uncalled for
geisha (n) : a Japanese girl trained to provide
entertainment for men gratuity (n) : a gift (usually money), separate
gendarme (n) : a man-at-arms; a policeman in full from and additional to payment
armour made for a service
generality (n) : a statement having general gravity (n) : weightiness; graveness, solemnity;
application urgency
genteel (adj) : graceful in manners; polite; gregarious (adj) : associating in flocks and herds;
cultured; respectable fond of the company of others;
genuflect (v) : to bend the knee in worship or sociable
respect grimace (n/v) : a distortion of the face, in fun,
genus (n) : a class of objects comprehending disgust, etc; glare; to make a face
several subordinate species grisly (adj) : ghastly; frightful
germane (adj) : appropriate; relevant grotesque (adj) : bizzare; extravagantly formed;
germinal (adj) : pertaining to a germ or rudiment monstrous
germinate (v) : to begin to grow; to cause to sprout grovel (v) : to humble oneself, behave
gerry mander (n/v): to rearrange in the interests of a abjectly, eg. in apologizing; to crawl
particular party or candidate gruelling (adj) : exhausting; strenuous
gesticulate (v) : to make vigorous gestures gruesome (adj) : horrible; grisly; macabre
gibber (n/v) : to utter senseless or inarticulate gubernatorial (adj): relating to a governor
sounds guileless (adj) : without deceit; artless
gibbet (n) : a gallows, esp one on which gumption (n) : boldness; courage; commonsense
criminals were suspended after gunrunner : a person engaged in the illegal
execution sale or importing of firearms
gibe (v) : to scoff; to flout, jeer gustatory (adj) : pertaining to the sense of taste
gibberish : unintelligible or meaningless speech H
gladiator : a man trained to fight with the habiliments (n) : attire; clothing
sword or other weapons at ancient hackles (n) : the hair of a dog’s neck
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/68
hades (n) : hell; the abode of the dead hover (v) : hangover; linger; to move about
haggard (adj) : weary; holloweyed and gaunt, from nearby
weariness, hunger etc hoyden (n) : a tomboy
haggle (v) : to bargain hubbub (n) : uproar; riot; a confused sound of
halcyon (adj) : calm; peaceful; happy and free many voices
hale (adj/adv) : robust; sound of body humane (adj) : merciful; kind; benevolent
hallowed (adj) : holy; revered humdrum (adj) : monotonous; dull
hallucination (n) : a perception without objective reality humility (n) : the state or quality of being
hamper (v) : to impede the progress or humble; lowliness; modesty
movement of; to curtail hummock (n) : a hillock
hangar (n) : a large shed or building for aircraft, humus (n) : decomposed organic matter in the
carriages, etc soil
harangue (n/v) : a loud, aggressive speech husbandry (n) : the business of a farmer;
addressed to a crowd economical management
harbor (v) : a refuge or shelter hustings (n) : electioneering
harpings (n) : the foreparts of the wales at the bow hydrophobia (n) : fear of water; rabies
harridan (n) : a sharp-tongued, scolding or hypocritical (adj) : deceptive; phoney; practising
bullying old woman hypocrisy
harry (v) : to plunder; to ravage; to destroy hypnotic : a drug that produces sleep
haughtiness (n) : proudness; arrogance hypsography (n) : the branch of geography dealing
haughty : arrogantly self-admiring and with the measurement and mapping
disdainful of heights above sea-level
haunches (n) : the hip and the buttock taken hysteria (n) : delirium; insanity
hawser (n) : a large rope used in tying I
hazardous (adj) : dangerous; perilous ichthyology (n) : the study of fishes
hedonism (n) : a lifestyle devoted to pleasure- iconoclast (n)
seeking; the pursuit of pleasure (adj iconoclastic) : a person who attacks traditional or
heedless (adj/adv): unmindful; reckless; careless established beliefs, principles,
hegira (n) : the flight of Mohammed from ideas, institutions, etc
Mecca; any flight ideation (n) : the power of the mind for forming
heinous (adj) : outrageously wicked; atrocious ideas or images
helmsman : a steersman ideology (n) : way of thinking; doctrine; beliefs
henchman : a trusted supporter or attendant, idyll (n) (adj : idyllic): a short pictorial poem, chiefly on
a squire, a page of honour pastoral subjects
heresy (n) : apostasy; infidelity; dissent igloo (n) : a dome-shaped hut made of
heretic (n) : the upholder of a heresy; a person blocks of hard snow; a hollow in
whose views are at variance with
the snow made by a seal over its
those of the majority
breathing hole in the ice
hermaphrodite (n): a human being, animal or plant
igneous (adj) : of fire; produced by solidification of
with the organs of both sexes
the earth’s internal molten magma
hermetic (adj) : belonging to magic or alchemy,
magical; obscure ignominy (n)
hermetically (adj/adv): closed completely; made airtight (adj : ignominious): humiliation; dishonour; shame;
by melting the glass infamy
hermitage (n) : a hermit’s place or cell; a secluded ignoramus (n) : an ignorant person
abode illimitable (adj) : limitlessly infinite
hibernal (adj) : belonging to winter; wintry imbecile (n)
hibernate (v) : to be inactive; to pass the winter in (n : imbecility) : a foolish, unwise or stupid person;
a dormant state an idiot
hierarchy (n) : a body or organisation classified in imbroglio (n) : an intricate or perplexing situation
successively subordinate grades imbrue (v) : to soak; to drench; to stain or dye
hieroglyphic (n) : writing that is difficult to read immaculate (adj) : perfectly groomed; flawless;
hireling (n) : a hired servant; a mercenary; unstained
a person activated solely by immolate (n) : to offer or kill as a sacrifice
material considerations immune (adj) : inoculated; protected against a
hirsute (adj) : hairy; shaggy; having long, stiffish disease or infection; unresponsive
hairs immutable (adj) : unchangeable
historical (adj) : pertaining to history impale (v) : to pierce with something pointed;
histrionic (adj) : relating to the stage or actors; to fix on a sharp stake thrust
melodramatic through the body
hoax (n) : deceptive trick played maliciously impalpable (adj) : not perceivable or detectable by
or for a joke touch; no capable of being
hogshead (n) : a large cask comprehended or grasped
homage (n) : honour; respect; tribute impassive (adj) : imperturbable; unemotional;
hoodwink (v) : to deceive, cheat having no sensation
hortatory (adj) : inciting; encouraging impeccable (adj) : faultless; without flaw or error;
horticultural (adj) : pertaining to the gardening ideal
hosanna : in shout of adoration impediment (v) : an obstacle; hindrance
hostelry (n) : an inn
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/69
impenitent (adj) : not repenting; a hardened sinner incubus (n) : a nightmare; any oppressive
imperious (adj) : domineering, dictatorial; assuming influence
command; haughty inculcate (v) : to instil; to teach
imperturbability (v): not disturbed or agitated; serene incumbent (n) : a person who holds an office;
impervious (adj) : not easily influenced by ideas, binding; obligatory
arguments, etc, or moved or upset incursion (n) : a sudden attack; invasion
impetuous (adj) : hasty; spontaneous without due indefatigable (adj): unflagging; untiring; determined
consideration indemnify (v) : to compensate; to secure (with)
impiety (n) : blasphemy; profanity; disrespect indenture (v) : contract; a written agreement
impinge (v) : infringe; invade; violate between two or more parties, esp
implacable (adj) : incapable of being placated or between an apprentice and an
appeased; inexorable employer
implausible (adj) : inconceivable; incredible; indict (v) : to charge with a crime formally or
unbelievable in writing
implicit (adj) : absolute; definite; unquestionable; indigence (n) : dearth; insufficiency; poverty;
certain destitution
impolitic (adj) : not politic; inexpedient indigenous : native born; originating or
imponderable (adj): not able to be weighed or evaluated produced naturally in a country,
impostor : a person who assumes a false not imported
character or pretends to be indignation (n) : righteous anger at injustice, etc;
someone else feeling caused by an unjustified
impotent (adj) : powerless; helpless; incapable of slight, etc to oneself
having sexual intercourse, owing indiscriminate : haphazard; random; unsystematic
to inability to achieve or maintain indisputable (adj) : beyond doubt or question
an erection indissoluble (adj) : that cannot be broken or
imprecate (v) : to invoke evil upon, to put a curse on dissolved; inseparable; binding
impregnable (adj): that cannot be captured, broken permanently
into or taken by force; strong indite (v) : to compose or write
imprimatur (n) : a licence or permission to print indolence (n) : idleness; inactivity; laziness
a book, etc indomitable : not to be overcome, unconquerable
impromptu (adj) : extemporaneous; improvised; indubitably (adv) : without doubt, certainly
spontaneous; unrehearsed inductive : possessive; introductory
impropriety (n) : mistake; error; blunder; indulgent : lenient; permissive; ready to gratify
unsuitability the wishes of others
improvident (adj) : imprudent; thoughtless; negligent inebriety (n) : drunkenness; intoxication
improvise (v) : to perform extempore; to bring ineffable (adj) : inexpressible; not able to be
about suddenly described, indescribable
inadvertence (n) : negligence; over-sight ineluctable (adj) : not able to be escaped from or
(adv : inadvertently) avoided
inalienable (adj) : not capable of being transferred or inept (adj) : foolish, silly; awkward, clumsy
removed; unchangeable inequity (n) : discrimination; injustice
inarticulate : dumb; speechless; incapable of inert : sluggish; static; chemically inactive
clear and fluent expression inexorable : relentless; unyielding
incandescent : radiant; luminous; fluorescent infamous (adj) : notorious; nefarious; having a very
incantation : a formula of words sung for bad reputation
purposes of enchantment, a magic infantile (adj) : childish; undeveloped
spell; recitation of magic spells inference (n) : conclusion; deduction
incapacitate (v) : to disqualify legally; to disable; to infernal (adj) : hellish; fiendish; abominable
make unfit (for) infidel (n) : agnostic; atheist; unbeliever
incarcerate (v) : to imprison; to confine infinitesimal (adj) : minute; tiny; microscopic
incarnadine (n) : belonging to blood-red; blood- infirmity (n) : illness; ailment; disease
coloured infraction : breach; violation
incendiary (n) : a person who inflames passions or ingénue (n) : an artless, naïve or inexperienced
stirs up trouble; a person who young woman
maliciously sets fire to property inimical (adj) : hostile; unfriendly; unfavourable
incessant (adj) : uninterrupted; continuous inimitable (adj) : incomparable; matchless;
inchoate (adj) : not established; rudimentary; only exceptionally good or remarkable
begun iniquitous (adj) : wicked; evil; sinful
incipient (adj) : beginning; nascent; developing inkling (n) : a slight hint; a clue; an indication
inclement (adj) : severe; stormy; violent; harsh innate (adj) : natural; inborn; native
incongruous (adj) : inconsistent; unsuitable innovation (n) : a thing introduced as a novelty;
inconsequential (adj): unimportant; negligible; trivial introduction
incontrovertible (adj): indisputable; unquestionable innuendo (n) : insinuation; an indirect reference
incorporeal : having no material form or body; or intimation
intangible; spiritual or metaphysical inopportune (adj) : inauspicious; untimely
incorrigible (adj) : beyond correction or reform inordinate (adj) : unrestrained; excessive; immoderate
incredulity (n) : not having belief; expressing inquistor : an official investigator
disbelief; sceptical inscribe : write or crave on stone, metal,
paper, a book etc
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/70
inscrutable (adj) : that cannot be scrutinized or irreconcilable (adj): incapable of being brought back to
searched into and understood; a state of friendship or agreement
mysterious, enigmatic irrefragable (adj) : that cannot be refuted;
insensate (adj) : without sensation, inanimate; unanswerable
having little of no good sense irrepressible (adj) : not able or willing to be restrained,
insidious (adj) : cunning and treacherous; subdued
deceitful; covert irreverent (adj) : sacrilegious; disrespectful; not
insinuate (v) : to hint or indirectly suggest; to reverent
intimate irrevocable (adj) : that cannot be recalled or revoked
insolvent (adj) : bankrupt; not able to pay one’s itinerant (adj) : migrant; wandering
debts; destitute itinerary (n) : travel plan; a record of a journey
insouciant (adj) : unconcerned; indifferent; heedless;
apathetic J
insubordinate (adj): refusing to submit to authority; jaded (adj) : worn-out; fatigued; exhausted;
disobedient, rebellious corrupt
insularity (n) : the state of being isolated or janitor : a door keeper, a caretaker of a
remaining aloof building
insuperable (adj) : not capable of being overcome or jargon (n) : terminology of a profession; dialect
surmounted jaunt (n) : an excursion; outing
integrity (n) : honesty; principle; character jaunty (adj) : carefree; jovial; high-spirited
integument (n) : an external covering jejune (adj) : immature, callow
intellect (n) : the thinking principle; intelligence; jeopardy (n) : risk; threat; danger
brain jeremiad (n) : a tale of grief, a doleful story
intelligentsia (n) : the intellectual or cultured classes jester : a professional joker or ‘fool’ at a
inter (v) : to bury medieval court
interdict (v) : to prohibit; to forbid jingoism (n) : chauvinism; fanaticism
interim (n) : meantime; provisional; temporary jocose (adj) : merry; full of jokes
interlocutor : a person who takes part in a jocular : merry, fond of joking
dialogue or conversation jostle (v) : to force, push or bump
interloper (n) : a person who meddles in another’s jovial (adj) : cheerful; lively; joyous
affairs, esp for profit; an intruder; juggernaut (n) : a relentless destroying force
a trespasser junket (n) : a picnic; an outing
internecine (adj) : deadly; murderous junta (n) : a government formed by a small
interpolate (v) : to tamper with or to corrupt by group of military officers
spurious insertions jurisprudence (n) : knowledge of law; the science or
intimidation (n) : the act of intimidating; the use of philosophy of law
violence or threats; to frighten jurist : an expert in law, a legal writer
intone : recite with prolonged sounds, utter juxtapose : to place side by side
with a particular tone
intrinsic (adj) : genuine; inherent K
introspection (n) : the observation and analysis of the ken (n) : range of sight or knowledge
processes of one’s own mind kindle (v) : to inflame (eg the passions); to
introvert : a person predominantly concerned provoke, incite
with his or own thoughts and kingpin : a main or large bolt in a central
feelings rather than with external position; the most important
things person in an organisaiton
intuition (n) : the power of the mind by which it kleptomaniac (n) : a person with a mania for stealing
perceives the truth of things knavery (n) : dishonesty; miscreants
without reasoning or analysis; knead : to work and press together into a
instinct mass; to massage
inured (adj) : accustomed; habituated; hardened knell (n) : the sound of a bell, especially at a
inveigle : entice; wheedle; to persuade by death or funeral
inveterate : chronic; deep-rooted L
invidious : malicious; likely to incur or provoke labyrinth (n) : an arrangement of tortuous paths
ill-will or resentment; likely to excite or alleys in which it is difficult to
envy find the way out; amaze
inviolability (n) : the quality of being inviolable lacerate (v) : cut; wounded; mutilated
invoke : to call upon earnestly or solemnly; lachrymose (adj) : tearful; weepy; pathetic
to address in prayer lackadaisical (adj): languid and ineffectual; indolent;
invulnerable (adj) : indomitable; unconquerable; that lazy; lethargic
cannot be wounded lackey (n) : attendant; hireling; minion
iota : bit; fraction lacklustre (adj) : dull; lifeless; apathetic
irate (adj) : angry; enraged laconic (adj) : sententiously brief; concise
iridescent (adj) : glittering with changing colours; laggard (adj) : a person who lags behind
coloured like the rainbow lambent (adj) : flickering; softly radiant, glowing
irony (n) (adj : ironic): conveyance of meaning by words languid (adj) : lethargic; spiritless; flagging
whose literal meaning is the lapidary : a cutter of stones, esp of gem-
opposite; sarcasm stones; an expert of gems
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/71
largesse (n) : generosity; distribution of gifts lurid (adj) : sensational; shocking; gruesome;
lascivious (adj) : lecherous; wanton; obscene; horrifying
indecent luscious (adj) : delicious; appetizing; exceedingly
lassitude (n) : exhaustion; fatigue; weariness sweet
laudable (adj) : praiseworthy; commendable; lustre (n) : shine; brightness; gloss
admirable luxuriant (adj) : exuberant in growth; overabundant;
lave (v) : to wash; to bathe profuse
lax (adj) : negligent; careless; derelict
lecherous (adj) : lustful; sensual M
lectern (n) : a reading-desk macabre (adj) : gruesome; ghastly; grotesque
leeway (n) : scope; range; freedom; liberty maelstrom : a particularly powerful whirlpool;
legatee : the recipient of a legacy a confused or disordered state of
legend (n) : code; key; inscription; slogan affairs; turmoil
legerdemain (n) : trickery; sleight-of-hand; deceit maim (v) : injure; wound; lacerate; mutilate;
lesion (n) : an injury or wound; an abnormal disable
change in the structure of body malaise (n) : despondency; uneasiness; weakness
tissue caused by disease or injury malapropism (n) : the misapplication of words without
lewd (adj) : indecent; obscene; sensual; mispronunciation
lustful; unchaste malediction (n) : a curse; a calling down of evil;
lexicographer (n) : a person who writes in a system in anathema
which each sign represents a word; malefactor (n) : a criminal; an evil-doer; a lawbreaker
a person who writes a dictionary malevolent (adj) : wishing evil; malignant; venomous;
liaison (n) : union; connection; a secret or illicit ill disposed towards others
love affair malicious (adj) : bearing ill-will or spite; motivated
libation (n) : the pouring forth of wine or other by hatred or ill-will
liquid in honour of a god or goddess malignant (adj) : harmful; malicious; venomous; baleful
libelous (adj) : defamatory; maligning malingerer (n) : a person who pretends or feigns
licentious (adj) : promiscuous; indulging in excessive sickness in order to avoid duty or
freedom work
lieu (n) : used chiefly in the phrase in lieu malleable (adj) : mouldable; ductile; able to be
of; in place of, substitute beaten, rolled, etc into a new shape
lilliputian (adj) : a midget manacle (v) : handcuffed; shackled
limber (adj) : agile; flexible; supple mangy (adj) : dirty; shabby; ragged
limbo (n) : an uncertain or intermediate state; maniacal (adj) : insane; frenzied; crazed; mad
prison manifesto (n) : public written declaration of the
limn (v) : to draw intentions, opinions or motives of
lineage (n) : ancestry; family tree a sovereign or of party or body
lineaments (n) : distinguishing features especially mannequin : a dummy figure, as used for
on the face display in shop windows, etc;
linguistic (adj) : relating to languages or knowledge a person, usually a woman,
or the study of languages employed to wear and display
lionize (v) : to treat as a hero or celebrity clothes;
liquidate (v) : to clear off; to dispose off; to kill manumit (v) : to release from slavery; to set free
lissom (adj) : flexible; nimble; lithe marauder (n) : outlaw; pirate; looter
listless (adj) : indolent; languid; unconcerned; mariner : a sailor
uninterested marsupial (n) : a member of an order of mammals
literati : men of letters, the learned class or animals whose young are born
lithe (adj) : flexible; supple; limber in a very imperfect state and are
litigant : engaged in a lawsuit usually carried in a pouch by the
litotes (n) : meiosis or understatement female
livid (adj) : enraged; furious; extremely angry martial (adj) : belonging to the military; warlike
loathe (v) : hate; abhor; detest; dislike intensely masochist (n) : pleasure, especially sexual
lofty (adj) : very high in position, character, pleasure, in being dominated or
manner or diction; high-minded; treated cruelly
elevated masticate (v) : to chew; to knead mechanically, as
loiter (v) : to linger; to dawdle in rubber manufacture
loll (v) : to lie lazily about, to lounge or sprawl matriarch : a women who is the head of the
longevity (n) : great length of life family
lope (v) : to run with a long stride; to leap maudlin (adj) : weakly sentimental; lachrymose;
loquacious (adj) : talkative; verbose; garrulous weeping
lothario : a seducer; a rake maunder (v) : to mutter; to grumble; to talk in a
lout (n) : an ill-mannered, aggressive or rambling, inconclusive way, to drivel
awkward man or youth; an idiot mausoleum (n) : a magnificent tomb or monument;
lubricity (n) : slipperiness; smoothness; instability a gloomy or spiritless place
lucent (adj) : shining; bright mawkish (adj) : insipid; maudlin; sentimental;
lucrative (adj) : profitable; prosperous; well-paying loathsome, disgusting
lucre (n) : riches; resources; funds; wealth maxim (n) : a general principle, serving as
ludicrous (adj) : absurd; ridiculous; laughable a rule or guide; a pithy saying;
lupine (adj) : of a wolf; like a wolf; wolfish a proverb; an adage
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/72
mayhem (n) : malicious damage; maiming miscreant (n) : criminal; rogue; scoundrel; villain
meddlesome (adj): intrusive; annoying; bothersome misdemeanour (n): bad conduct; a misdeed
meditation (n) : the act of meditating; deep misgivings (n) : doubt; suspicion; apprehension;
thought; serious continuous a mistrust
contemplation misnomer (n) : a misnaming; a wrong or
medley (n) : a mingled and confused mass; unsuitable name
combination; mixture misogamist (n) : one who hates marriage
mellifluous (adj) : melodic; harmonious; smooth misogynist (n) : one who hates women
memento : something kept or given as a mite (n) : a small contribution proportionate
reminder; remembrance; token to one’s means; a very small amount
memoir : a written record set down as mitigate (v) : to lessen the severity, violence or
material for history or biography evil of; to temper; to mollify,
memorialize (v) : to present a memorial to; to appease; to allay
commemorate mnemonic (adj) : a device to help memory; the art of
ménage (n) : household; the management of a assisting memory
mode (n) : system; practice; technique
mendacious (adj) : inclined to be untruthful; lying
modicum (n) : a small quantity; little
mendicant (n) : a beggar; a friar who depends on
modulation (n) : adjustment; change; modification
mercantile (adj) : relating to merchants; having to do moghul (n) : an influential person, a magnate
with trade; commercial; mercenary mollify (v) : to soften; to assuage; to appease;
mercenary (adj) : greedy; avaricious; hired for to soothe
mollycoddle (v) : to coddle; an effeminate man
money; sold or done for money
molt (v) : to cast or shed (feathers, skin, etc)
meretricious (adj) : flashy; gaudy; artificial
in the process of renewal.
metamorphosis (n): change; transformation
momentous (adj) : of great consequence; significant;
metaphysical (adj) : intellectual study; abstract;
theoretical monastic (adj) : recluse; solitary; relating to
(n metaphysics) masteries, monks, or nuns
mete (v) : apportion; measure; dispense mongrel : an animal, especially a dog, of a
meteoric (adj) : remarkably rapid; transiently mixed breed
flashing like a meteor monolithic (adj) : of a single block of stone; massive
methodical (adj) : systematic; uniform and undifferentiated; relating to a
meticulous (adj) : scrupulously careful; overcareful monolith
mettle (n) : temperament; courage; spirit monologue : a soliloquy or speech by one
miasma (n) : unwholesome air or atmosphere; person, or a composition intended
foul vapours, eg from rotting matter to be spoken by one person
microcosm (n) : an object, situation, etc contained monotheism (n) : the belief in only one God
within another and displaying all its monotony (n) : routine; tedious sameness or lack
characteristics on a smaller scale, of variety; boredom
a miniature version moor (n) : a wide expanse of uncultivated
mien (n) : bearing; facial expression; look, ground; field
manner morality : morals; principles; standards; the
migrant (adj) : a person or animal that migrates or doctrine of actions as right or wrong
is migrating morbid (adj) : sickly; gruesome; ghastly;
militate (v) : to contend; to fight for a cause unwholesome
millennium : a thousand years; the thousand morganatic (adj) : relating to a marriage between
years after the second coming of people of unequal rank
Christ morose (adj) : gloomy; sullen; melancholy
milliner : a person who makes or sells mortician (n) : an undertaker
women’s hats mosaic : anything composed by the piecing
minaret (n) : a mosque tower, from which the together of different things; the
call to prayer is given fitting together in a design of small
minatory (adj) : threatening pieces of coloured marble, glass, etc
mincing (adj) : not speaking frankly or openly; mote (n) : a particle of dust; anything very small
speaking or walking with affected motif : theme; concept; subject
nicety; cut into small pieces motley (adj) : mixed; variegated; multicoloured
minstrel : a person who entertains patrons mountebank (n) : a charlatan; a buffoon; a quack
seller of remedies, etc
with singing, buffoonery, etc
muddle (v) : to confuse; to mix up, fail to
minutiae (n) : minute particulars or details
distinguish between
misadventure (n) : misfortune; mishap; bad luck
muggy : humid; sultry
misalliance : an unsuitable alliance mugwump (n) : a person of great importance, or
misanthrope (n) : a hater of mankind, someone who one who thinks himself or herself
distrusts everyone else to be so
miscegenation (n): inter-breeding, intermarriage or mulish : stubborn
sexual intercourse between multifarious (adj) : various; multiple; diverse; many-
different races; mixing of race faceted
misconstrue : to interpret wrongly; misunderstand; multilingual (adj) : of many languages; speaking
confuse several languages
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/73
murky (adj) : nebulous; obscure; cloudy; foggy oblique (adj) : not straightforward; indirect; slant;
murrain (n) : a cattle-plague; a pestilence inclined
musky (adj) : having the odour of musk obloquy (n) : disgrace; humiliation; shame
muster (v) : to gather; to collect obscure (adj) : not easily understood; not clear or
musty (adj) : deteriorated from disuse; spoiled perspicuous; unknown; unfamiliar
by damp; stale; stuffy obsequious (adj) : fawning; servile
mutable (adj) : fickle, inconstant; variable; subject obsequy : funeral rites and solemnities
to change obsolete (adj)
mutinous (adj) : rebellious, unsubmissive; ready or (n : obsolescence): antiquated; outdated
inclined to mutiny obstetrician (n) : a man or woman skilled in practising,
myopic (adj) : short-sighted or qualified to practise, obstetrics
myriad (n) : any immense number; abundance obstreperous (adj): unruly; noisy; clamorous; making a
loud noise
N occident (n)
narcotic : a substance including drowsiness, (adj : occidental) : the quarter of the sky where the
sleep, stupor, or insensibility sun, stars and planets set
natation (n) : swimming occlude (v) : to stop or cover (a passage, cavity
nauseate (v) : to feel nausea or disgust; to feel or opening); to cut or shut off
sick; loathe oculist (n)
nautical (adj) : relating to navigation, or to ships (adj : ocular) : a specialist in diseases and
and sailors defects of the eye, an ophthalmologist
nebulous (adj) : unclear; ambiguous; vague; odoriferous (adj) : emitting a smell
cloudy; hazy odyssey (n) : a long wandering, or a tale of
necromancy : the art of revealing future events wandering
by calling up and questioning the offal (n) : waste or rejected parts, especially
spirits of the dead; enchantment; of a carcase
sorcery officious (adj) : too forward in offering unwelcome
nemesis (n) : punishment; adversary or unwanted services; intermeddling
neologism (n) : a new word, phrase or doctrine ogle (v) : to stare greedily; to eye
neophyte (n) : a novice in a religious order; impertinently or lecherously
a newly ordained priest olfactory (adj) : pertaining to or used in, smelling
nestle : to lie or press close; to cuddle oligarchy : government by a small exclusive
nexus (n) : connection; link class; a small body of men who
niche : a position in a field; a situation, have the supreme power of a state
place or condition appropriate for in their hands
a person or thing omnipresent (adj): present everywhere at the same
niggardly (adj) : miserly; stingy time
noctambulism : a sleep walker omniscient (adj) : all knowing; all-seeing
nocturnal : belonging to the night; happening, onomatopoeia (n): the formation of a word in imitation
done, or active by night of the sound of the thing meant
nomenclature (n) : a system of names; terminology opalescent (adj) : of milky iridescence
nominal (adj) : formal; paltry; small opprobrious (n) : reproachful, insulting or abusive;
nonage (n) : immaturity; legal infancy, minority infamous, disgraceful
nonentity (n) : a person or thing of no importance; optometrist (n) : an ophthalmic optician; a person
a thing which does not exist qualified to practise optometry
nonplus (v) : to perplex completely, make opus (n) : composition; creation; production;
uncertain what to say or do work
nosegay (n) : a bunch of fragrant flowers; oracle (n) : revelator; prophet; a medium
a bouquet progeny of divine revelation
notarize : to attest, to authenticate by a notary ordinance (n) : regulation; a bye-law; that which is
noxious (adj) : poisonous; unwholesome; harmful ordained by authority
nubile (adj) : marriageable; sexually mature; orientation (n) : the act of orientating; familiarising;
sexually attractive introduction
nullify (n) : to make null; to annul; to make orifice (n) : a mouth-like opening
void or of no force osmosis : any process by which something is
numismatist (n) : one who has a collection of coins acquired by absorption
or medals; relating to money, coins ornate (adj) : decorated; adorned; fancy
or medals ornithologist : an expert in the study of birds
nuptial (adj) : relating to marriage; conjugal orotund (adj) : full, round or sonorous; grandiloquent
nurture (v) : to educate; to bring up; to educate orthography (n) : the art or practice of spelling words
nutrient (adj) : nourishing; feeding correctly
oscillate (v) : to vary between certain limits; to
O fluctuate; vibrate; to swing to and
obeisance (n) : homage; reverence; respect fro like a pendulum
obituary : an announcement of someone’s ostensible (adj) : supposed; seeming, our outwardly
death apparent
objurgate (v) : to chide; to scold ostentatious (adj) : pretentious; showy
oblations : anything offered in worship; an
offering generally
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/74
ostracise : to exclude from society or from penitentiary (n) : penal and reformatory; relating to
one’s social group; to banish; to penance
cast out pennant (n) : banner; a long narrow flag;
oust (v) : expel; remove; dismiss a signalling or identifying flag
overt (adj) : open to view, not concealed; pensive (adj) : expressing thoughtfulness with
evident; apparent; clear sadness; meditative
overweening (adj): arrogant, conceited; inflated, perambulate : walk through
excessive percussion (n) : striking; impact
ovine (adj) : sheep-like; relating to sheep perdition : utter loss or ruin; hell
ovoid (adj) : egg-shaped peremptory (adj) : final; admitting no refusal or denial
peregrination (n) : travelling about; wandering;
P a sojourn abroad
pachyderm (n) : a thick skinned animal peremptory (adj) : final; ultimate; arrogantly
pacifist (n/adj) : a person who is opposed to war commanding
paean (n) : a song of thanksgiving or triumph perennial (adj) : growing constantly; perpetual;
pageant (n) : ceremony; extravaganza; parade; undying; continual
procession peripatetic (adj) : walking about; itinerant
palaeontology (n) : the study of fossils periphrasis (n) : circumlocution; round-about
palatable (adj/adv): appetizing; mouth-watering; delicious expression
palaver (n/v) : a talk or discussion; idle copious peritrich (n) : a bacterium bearing a ring of cilia
talk around the body
palliate (v) : justify; mitigate; alleviate; reduce perlustrate (v) : to traverse and inspect
pallid (adj) : pale; tedious; dull; wan permeate (v) : to pass through the pores of; to
palpable (adj) : noticeable; apparent; perceptible penetrate; to pervade
palpitate (v) : to beat rapidly; to pulsate; to pump; pernicious (adj) : deadly; detrimental; destructive;
to throb highly injurious
panacea (n) : a cure for all things pernod (n) : an alcoholic drink flavoured with
panegyric (n) : a eulogy; laudation aniseed
panjandrum (n) : an imaginary figure of great power perpetrate (v) : to commit; to execute
and self-importance persiflage (n) : banter; flippancy
panorama (n) : tableau; perspective; a wide or personable (adj) : of good appearance, attractive;
complete view easy to get on with, likeable; friendly
papyrus (n) : the paper-reed persona muta (n) : a character in an opera who neither
paragon (n) : a model of perfection or supreme speaks nor sings
excellence persona non grata: a person who is not acceptable or
parameter (n) : limit; boundary; demarcation disliked
paraphernalia (n) : belongings; baggage; equipment pertinacious (adj) : thoroughly tenacious; holding
paregoric (n) : a medicine that soothes pain obstinately to an opinion or a purpose
parlance (n) : speaking; conversation pertinent (adj) : related; appropriate; suitable; fitting
paroxysm (n) : a fit of acute pain; any sudden pervade (v) : to pass through; to diffuse; to
violent action; a fit of passion, permeate
laughter, coughing etc pesade (n) : a dressage manoeuvre in which a
parricide (n) : the murder of a parent or near horse rears up on its hind legs
relative without forward movement
partisan (adj) : biased; prejudiced; adherence; pestilential (adj) : of the nature of pestilence;
partial destructive; pestering
parturition (n) : the act of giving birth phenobarbitone (n): a sedative and hypnotic drug
parvenu (n) : someone newly risen into wealth, phial (n) : a container for liquids
notice or power; an upstart philander (v) : to flirt or have casual affairs with
pathology (n) : the study of diseases or of the women
changes in tissues or organs that philology (n) : the science of language especially
are associated with disease of its historical development,
patois (n) : regional spoken dialect; jargon historical linguistics
patrimony (n) : an inheritance from a father or physiognomy (n) : the art of judging character from
from ancestors appearance; the general
pedagogue (n) : a teacher; a pedant appearance of anything
pedant (n) : intellectual; scholar; a pedagogue; physiological (adj): relating to the science of processes
a person who values academic of life in animals and plants
learning too highly piebald (adj) : black and white in patches;
pedestal (n) : the support of a column, statue, heterogeneous
vase etc pillage (n/v) : loot; rob; to plunder
paediatrician (n) : an expert in the treatment of pinnacle (n) : the highest point; summit; acme
children’s diseases piquant (adj) : pungent; spicy; appetizing; stimulating
pediment (n) : a triangular structure crowning the piscatorial (adj) : fishing; relating to fish or fishermen
front of a building pithy (adj) : sententious and masterful; concise
pejorative (adj) : degrading; derogatory; disparaging plagiarize (v) : to steal from (the writings or ideas
pellucid (adj) : perfectly clear; transparent of another); forge; lift
pendent (adj) : hanging; drooping
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/75
plangent (adj) : resounding, resonant; resounding preclude (v) : to hinder by anticipation,
mournfully counteract in advance; to prevent;
platonic (adj) : spiritual; idealistic; incorporeal to stop; to curb; to obstruct
plauditory (adj) : applaudable; praise bestowed, precocious (adj) : strikingly advanced or mature in
enthusiastic approval mental development, speech,
plebiscite (n) : an ascertainment of general social behaviour, etc
opinion on any matter; a direct predatory (adj) : killing and feeding on others
vote of the whole nation or of the predecessor (n) : the person who preceded one in
people on a special point one’s job or position
plenipotentiary (n): having or conferring full powers; predilection (n) : preference or special liking;
person invested with full powers fondness; attraction
plenitude (n) : fullness; completeness; plentifulness pre-eminent (adj) : distinguished; notable; prominent
podiatrist (n) : a specialist in the treatment of the premonition (n) : a feeling that something is going to
disorders of the foot happen before it actually does
podium (n) : a platform; dais preponderance (n): excess in number; weighing more
poignant (adj) : intense; touching; pathetic; stinging preponderate (v) : to ponder beforehand
polemic (n) : argument; controversy preposterous (adj): utterly absurd; contrary to the
politic (adv) : judicious; prudent; discreet order of nature or reason
polity (n) : political organisation; a body of prerogative (n) : a privilege that is exclusive to a
people organised under a system person, group, etc; a right arising
of government out of one’s rank, position or office
polygamist (n) : one who marries more than one prescience (n) : fore-knowledge; foresight
person at a time presumptuous (adj): tending to presume; impertinently
polyglot (n/adj) : related to speaking or writing many bold
pretentious (adj) : pompous; showy, ostentatious;
languages; one who speaks or
writes many languages
preternatural (adj): abnormal; out of the ordinary
ponderous (adj) : heavy; weighty; bulky
course of nature
pontificate : pretend to be infallible, be primogeniture (n) : the right of inheritance of the first-
pompously dogmatic born child; the circumstance of
porphyry (n) : a very hard, variegated rock of a being first-born
purple and white colour, used in prima-donna (n) : a person, especially a woman,
sculpture who is temperamental, over-
portend (v) : to warn of as something to come; sensitive and hard to please
to forecast; to indicate privation (n) : destitution; poverty; the state of
portentous (adj) : ominous; prodigious; threatening being deprived of something
posthumous (adj) : born after the father’s death; privy (n) : familiar; inmate; a lavatory,
published after the author’s or especially in its own shed or outhouse
composer’s death probation (n) : a preliminary time to allow
post prandial (adj): after dinner suitability or unsuitability; testing
potentate (n) : a powerful ruler; a monarch proboscis (n) : a trunk or long snout; a trunk-like
potpourri (n) : a fragrant mixture of dried petals, process such as the suctorial
leaves etc used to scent a room; mouth-parts of some insects;
a literary production of a nose
uncomposed parts; a miscellany prodigious (adj) : more than usually large in size or
poultice (n) : a hot semi-liquid mixture spread degree
on a bandage and applied to the profligate (adj) : dissolute; lascivious; prodigal;
skin to reduce inflammation extravagant
practicable (adj) : capable of being done; carried out progenitor (n) : an ancestor; a forefather
or accomplished, feasible prognathous (adj): with a projecting jaw
pragmatic (adj) : fundamental; basic; realistic; sensible prognosis (n) : a forecasting or forecast, especially
precedence (n) : the act of going before in time; of the course of a disease
priority; the fact of being before in prognosticate (v) : to foretell; to indicate the coming of
rank proletariat (n) : the poorest labouring class; the
preceptor : a teacher or instructor
wage-earning class
preciosity (n) : fastidious over-refinement
precipice (n) : a high vertical or nearly vertical promiscuous (adj): abandoned; careless; confusedly
cliff or rock face or indiscriminately mixed
precipitate (v/n/adj): to accelerate; to hurl headlong; promontory (n) : a high cape; a projection, ridge or
abrupt; hasty; hurried; a substance eminence
separated from solution or promulgate (v) : to announce publicly; to put into
suspension, falling and settling at effect by proclamation; to make
the bottom as a solid deposit widely known
precipitation (n) : the amount of rainfall; impulsive propagate (v) : to breed; to multiply; to spread
action; great hurry from one to another
precipitous (adj) : steep; sheer propellant (n) : something which propels
précis (n) : an abstract; a summary propinquity (n) : nearness
precise (adj) : definite; accurate; exact propitiate (v) : appease; pacify; to render favourable
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/76
propitious (adj) : favourable; auspicious Q
propulsive (adj) : of a force causing forward movement quack (n) : a charlatan; someone who claims,
prorogue (v) : to postpone; to prolong and practices under the pretence
proscenium (n) : the front part of the stage of having, knowledge and skill that
proselytize (v) : to convert he or she does not possess
prosody (n) : the study of versification quadruped (n) : a four-footed animal
protean (adj) : readily assuming different shapes; quaff (v) : to drink or drain in large draughts;
variable; inconstant to drink deeply
protégé : a pupil; a ward; someone under quagmire (n) : a difficult problematic situation
the protection or patronage of qualms (n) : a misgiving; apprehension;
another person reservation
protrude (v) : to thrust or push out or forward; to quandary (n) : dilemma; a state of perplexity;
obtrude; to extend confusion
provident (adj) : farsighted; thoughtful; prudent; quarry (n) : a hunted animal; a hunter’s heap
thrifty of dead game
provisional (adj) : conditional; temporary; adopted on quay (n) : a landing place; a wharf for the
the understanding that it may be loading or unloading of vessels;
changed later a dock
proviso (n) : any condition; clauses; a provision quibble (v) : argument on unimportant details;
or condition in a deed or other to raise irrelevant or petty objections
writing quiescent (adj) : inactive; resting; still
provoke (v) : to excite with anger; to irritate; to incite quip (n) : a short, clever remark; a wisecrack;
prurient (adj) : having an unhealthy interest in a fanciful jest or action
sexual matters; arousing sexual quizzical (adj) : mocking; amusing; comical
interest quorum (n) : a minimum number of persons
psyche (n) : nature; the soul, spirit or mind necessary for transaction of
psychiatrist (n) : a person who is medically qualified business in any body
to treat diseases of the mind
psychopathic (adj): pertaining to psychopathy or the R
behaviour or condition of a rabbi : a Jewish scholar or teacher
psychopath raconteur (n) : a teller of anecdotes
psychosis (n) : a serious mental disorder; mental ragamuffin (n) : a ragged, disreputable child
confusion and a lack of insight on raillery (n) : mockery; banter; teasing
the part of the patient into his or raiment (n) : clothing; apparel; attire
her condition rakish (adj) : lascivious; lively
pueblo (n) : a communal habitation of the rampant (adj) : prevailing; widespread; excessive;
Indians of New Mexico, etc uncontrollable; epidemic
puerile (adj) : childish; juvenile; pertaining to rapacious (adj) : living by taking prey; grasping;
children greedy for gain
pugilist (n) : a boxer rapprochement (n): drawing together; establishment or
pugnacious (adj) : given to fighting; combative; renewal of cordial relations
belligerent; quarrelsome
ratiocination (n) : reasoning
puissant (adj) : powerful
pulchritude (n) : beauty raucous (adj)
pulmonary (adj) : of the lungs or respiratory cavity; (n: raucousness) : hoarse, harsh; loud
leading to or from the lungs raunchy (adj) : coarsely or openly sexual; lewd
pulsate (v) : to beat, throb; to change realm (n) : kingdom; domain; province, region
repeatedly in force or intensity rebuff (n) : snub; unexpected refusal or rejection
pummel (v) : to beat, pound or thump, rebuke (v) : to reprove sternly; to admonish
especially with the fists rebut (v) : to disprove; to refute; to invalidate
punctilious (adj) : scrupulous and exact; attentive to recapitulate (v) : to go over again the chief points of
etiquette and punctilios (n : recapitulation)
pungency (n) : bitter; acrid; keenly touching the mind recidivism (n)
puny (adj) : trivial; petty (adj : recidivistic) : the habit of relapsing into crime
purblind (adj) : nearly blind; dim-sighted recluse (n)
purge (n/v) : to purify; to empty the bowels (adj : reclusive) : a religious devotee who lives shut
frequently up in a cell; a hermit; a person who
purloin (v) : to lift; to snatch; to steal lives retired from the world
purveyor (n) : someone whose business is to recondite (adj) : abstruse; profound; obscure; hidden
provide food or meals (n : reconditeness)
putative (adj) : reputed reconnoiter : make a reconnaissance of (an area,
putrid (adj) : rotten; wretchedly bad; stinking enemy, position, etc)
pyre (n) : a pile of combustible material for recreant (n) : an apostate; a craven; a traitor
burning a dead body redress (n) : compensation; relief; reparation
pyromaniac (n/adj): one who has obsessive urge to set referendum (n) : the principle or practice of
on fire things submitting a question directly to
the vote of the entire electorate
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/77
refractory (adj) : unruly; unmanageable S
(adv : refractorily) sagacious (adj)
refulgent (adj) (n : sagacity) : clever; cunning; discerning and
(n : refulgence) : radiant; beaming; glittering judicious; wise
refurbish (v) : to renovate; to brighten up salacious (adj)
regal (adj) (n : salaciousness): lustful; lecherous; arousing lustful
(adv : regally) : kingly; royal; dignified or lecherous feelings
regatta (n) : a yacht or boat race meeting salvage (v) : to recover; to save from danger of
regicide (n) : the killing or killer of a king loss or destruction
regimen (n) : government; administration; course sapient (adj) : wise; learned; sagacious
of treatment, such as a prescribed sardonic (adj) : heartless or bitter; mockingly scornful
combination of diet, drugs etc sartorial (adj) : of or relating to a tailor, tailoring, dress
rehash (v) : something made up of materials saturnine (adj) : gloomy; phlegmatic; grave
formerly used savoir-faire (n) : the faculty of knowing just what to
reimburse (v) : to repay; to pay an equivalent to do and how to do it; tact
for loss or expense scourge (n) : a cause of widespread affliction;
(n : reimbursement) calamity
reiterate (v) scrupulous (adj) : careful; meticulous; captious
(n : reiteration) : to repeat again and again secede (v)
rejuvenate (v) (n : secession) : to withdraw
(n : rejuvenation) : to restore to activity; to make seclusion (n)
young again (adj : secluded) : the act of being secluded;
relinquish (v) : to let go; to give up isolation; solitude
reminiscence (n) : recollection; an account of something semantics (n)
remembered; the recurrence to the (adj : semantic) : the area of linguistics dealing with
mind of the past the meaning of words
(adj : reminiscent) sensuous (adj)
repatriate : return to one’s own native land (n : sensuousness): alive to the pleasures of sensation;
repertoire (n) : a performer’s or company’s repertory pertaining to the senses without
replete (adj) implication of lasciviousness
(n : repletion) : filled; filled to satiety; full sententious (adj) : abounding in maxims; full of
meaning; aphoristic
reprehensible (adj): blameworthy; disgraceful; shameful
(n : sententiousness)
(n : reprehend)
sequacious (adj) : ready to follow a leader or
repugnance (n) : aversion; inconsistency
authority; compliant
(adj : repugnant) sequester (v) : to confiscate; to seclude; to set apart
rescind (v) serendipity (n) : fortune; coincidence; luck; accident
(adj : rescindable): to annul; to cancel serenity (n)
resiliency (n) (adj : serene) : calm; unruffled
(adj : resilient) : the quality of being resilient; recoil serpentine (adj) : snakelike; winding; tortuous
resonant (adj) serrated (adj)
(n : resonance) : resounding (n : serration) : with sharp forward-pointing teeth;
resplendent (adj) : shining, brilliant and splendid notched like a saw
(n : resplendence) severance (n) : division; separation; partition
resuscitate (v) : to bring back to life or conscious; shambles (n) : a butcher’s market stall;
to revive a slaughter-house; a mess or muddle
retraction (n) sibylline (adj) : of a prophetess, witch or female
(v : retract) : drawing back fortune-teller; prophetic books
retribution (n) sidereal (adj) : of, like, or relating to the stars
(adj : retributive) : requital; punishment silt (n) : fine sediment deposited by a body
retroactive (adj) : applying to or affecting things past; of water
operating backward simian (adj) : of the apes; apelike
reverberate (v) : to echo; to resound simile (n) : a figure of speech in which a
(adj : reverberant) person or thing is described by
rhapsodize (v) being explicitly likened to another
(adj : rhapsodic) : to piece together; to recite in simper (v)
rhapsodies (adj : simpering) : to smile in a silly, weak or affected
risible (adj) : able or inclined to laugh; ludicrous manner
rote (n) : mechanical memory, repetition or simulate (v)
performance without regard to the (adj : simulated) : to feign; to fake; to re-create the
meaning conditions of, for the purposes of
ruminate (v) training or experimentation
(n : rumination) : to meditate sinecure (n) : an office without work, a cushy job
rustic (adj) sinequanon (latin): an indispensable condition
(n : rusticity) : of a country; like that of country sinewy (adj) : relating to physical strength,
people; rural muscle
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/78
sinuous (adj) : bending in a supple manner; subsidiary (adj) : subordinate; axillary; tributary
curvy; serpentine substantiate (v) : to prove or confirm; to authenticate
skeptic (n) subterfuge (n) : deceit; fraud; stratagem; trick
(adj : skeptical) : a person who tends to disbelieve; succinct (adj) : brief and precise; concise; direct
a person who doubts prevailing suffrage (n) : voice; the right or power to vote;
doctrines, esp. in religion a vote
skittish (adj) sunder (v) : to separate; to part
(n : skittishness) : playful; lively; volatile; changeable superannuated (adj): retired; a pensioner; relating to
skulduggery (n) : underhand malpractices retirement, pension
sleazy (adj) supercilious (adj) : arrogant; proud; egoistic
(n : sleaziness) : cheap; shabby superimpose (v) : to set on the top of something
sleight (n) : juggling trick; an artful trick; dexterity else; to place one over another
slither (v) (n : superimposition)
(adj : slithery) : to slide, especially on the belly supernumerary (n): over and above the stated, usual,
sluice (n) normal or necessary number
(v : sluiced) : a floodgate or watergate; a structure (adj : supernumeraries)
with a gate for stopping or supersede (v) : to replace; to set aside in favour of
regulating flow or water another, supplant
snivel (v) supplant (v) : to oust; to supersede; to surpass
(adj : snivelling) : to whimper or cry; to utter with and take the place of
snivelling supple (adj) : flexible; lithe; adaptable
sobriquet (n) : a nickname; an assumed name surreptitious (adj) : clandestine; stealthy; hidden; done
solecism (n) : a breach of syntax or a nonstandard by stealth or fraud
grammatical usage surrogate (n) : a substitute; a person who fills the
soliloquy (n) : an act of talking to oneself role of another in one’s emotional life
sombre (adj) svelte (adj) : attractively slim; slender and graceful
(n : sombreness) : dark and gloomy; melancholy; swathe (v) : to bind round, envelop; to bandage
serious; grave sybarite (n) : a person devoted to luxury;
somnambulist (n) : a person walking in sleep pertaining to luxury
soporific (n/adj) : a sleep-inducing agent; drowsy; sycophant (n) : a servile flatterer; bootlicker
sleepy sylvan (adj) : of woods or woodland; wooded,
(adv : soporifically) tree-lined; romantically rural,
spasmodic (adj) : intermittent Arcadian
splenetic (adj) : bad-tempered, irritable or irritated; synchronous (adj): simultaneous; contemporary;
melancholy keeping time together
sporadic (adj) : occurring here and there or now
and then; scattered T
spurious (adj) : not genuine; false; forged tabby (n) : a gossiping, interfering woman;
spurn (v) : to reject with contempt; disdainful a girl or woman
rejection tableau (n) : moment or scene in which the
squalid (adj) : dirty; filthy; dilapidated; uncared- action is ‘frozen’ for dramatic
for, unkempt; sordid and dingy effect; suddenly created dramatic
staid (adj) : dignified; serious; often implying a situation
dull or boring quality tabloid (n) : anything in a concentrated form,
stalemate (n) : an inglorious deadlock a summary
stalwart (adj) : stout, strong, sturdy; determined or tacky : shabby; dilapidated
committed in support or partisanship taffy : flattery, blarney
stamina (n) : sustained energy, staying power, talisman : an object supposed to be induced
whether physical, mental or emotional with magical powers and able to
status-quo : the existing condition, unchanged protect, bring good fortune, etc to
situation the possessor; an amulet or charm
stereotyped (adj) tandem : together or in conjunction
(n : stereotype) : fixed, unchangeable as opinions taper : a feeble light; a wax-candle;
stoic (n) : uncomplaining in suffering; narrow; to become gradually
indifferent to pleasure or pain smaller towards one end
stolid (adj) : impassiveness; showing little or no tapestry : an ornamental textile used for the
interest; unemotional covering of walls and furniture, etc,
strident (adj) : loud and grating; harsh; piercing made by passing coloured threads
stupefy (v) : to stun with amazement; to make or wools through a fixed-warp fabric
stupid or senseless; to become tappice : to hide; to lie low
stupid or dull taradiddle : nonsense; a fib, a lie
stymie (v) : baffle; confuse tash (v) : to blemish; to disarray; to disfigure
suave (adj) tautology : use of words that repeat
(n : suavity) : polite, sophisticated and smoothly something already implied in the
affable same statement
subjective (adj) : individual; personal; influenced by taxidermy : the act of preparing, stuffing and
or derived from personal taste or mounting the skins of animals and
opinion and lacking impartiality
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/79
birds so that they present a lifelike titter (n) : a stifled laugh
appearance tittle – tattle : petty gossip
technophobe : a person who fears, dislikes, or tocsin (n) : an alarm-bell
avoids new technology toddle (n) : to walk with short feeble steps; an
teetotaller : a total abstainer from alcoholic drink aimless stroll
temperate : avoiding excess, self-restrained, tolerate (v) : to endure with patience or
moderate forbearance; to bear; to suffer
temerity (n) tome (n) : a large book or volume
(adj : temerous) : rashness; unreasonable contempt torpid (adj) : having lost the power of motion
for danger and feeling; sluggish; lethargic
tempest : a violent wind storm; a violent torpor : inactivity; dullness; stupidity
commotion or agitation totalitarian (adj) : a characteristic of or a form of
temporize (v) : to comply with the demands of the government that includes control
moment, yield to circumstances; to of everything under one authority,
use delaying tactics behave so as and allows no opposition
to gain time tourniquet : any appliance for compressing an
tenebrous (adj) : dark; gloomy artery to stop bleeding; a turnstile
tenuous : thin; slender; insubstantial; rarefied toxic (adj) : poisonous; unhealthy
termagant : brawling, scolding woman tragedy (n) : disaster; catastrophe; any event
terse (adj) : brief; concise; compact involving death or killing
testator (n) : a person who leaves a valid will at traipse : to trail; to trudge
death; a will trammel (n) : anything that confines or hinders
tether (n) : fasten; a rope or chain for tranquil : calm; peaceful
confining an animal within certain transcribe : make a copy of esp in writing
limits transient : of short duration, impermanent
thanatism (n) : belief that the soul dies with the transit (n) : the conveyance or passage of
body things or people over, across or
thatch (n) : a covering or covering material of through a distance
straw, reeds, heather, palm-leaves translucent : shining through; imperfectly
etc transparent; clear; lucid
thaumaturgist (n) : one who performs magic tricks transmute : change the form, nature, or
using sleight-of-hand
transpose : a cause to change place
thaw (n) : to melt or grow liquid; to soften
travail : labour in child birth; excessive
theism (n) : belief in the existence of God with
labour; suffering
or without a belief in a special
treacherous (adj) : betrayal; misleadingly inviting in
appearance; not to be trusted
theocracy (n) : the constitution of a state in which
treatise (n) : a written composition especially
God is regarded as the sole one treating a subject formally or
sovereign systematically
thesaurus (n) : a book with systematically trenchant : (of a style or language etc)
arranged lists of words and their incisive, terse, vigorous
synonyms, antonyms, etc, a word- trepidation (n) : trembling; anxiety; worry;
finder apprehension; alarmed agitation;
thespian : of or relating to tragedy or drama panic
threnody (n) : an ode or song of lamentation, trivial (adj) : insignificant; of little importance
especially for the dead trouble shooter : a mediator in industrial or
throng (n) : a crowd; mass; a great multitude diplomatic etc. disputes, a person
throttle (n) : to choke by pressure on the who traces and corrects faults in
windpipe; to strangle; gag machinery etc.
thwart (adv) : obstruct; prevent truculence (n) : aggression; belligerence; hostility
thyroid (n) : a ductless gland in the neck which trumpery (n) : showy and worthless stuff; ritual
secretes thyroxin foolery; rubbish
tiara (n) : a richly jewelled semicircular head- truncate : amputate; to cut short
ornament worn by women; the tryst : meetings; an appointment to meet;
pope’s triple crown a cattle-fair
tiff (n) : a slight quarrel; an altercation tumult (n) : a state of violent and confused
timbre : the quality of a sound, as opposed emotion; violent commotion with
to pitch and loudness uproar
tinge (v) : trace; tint; shade; to impart a slight turgid (adj) : pompous; bombastic; inflated;
modification or trace to swollen
tiptop (n) : the extreme top; the height of turmoil (n) : unrest; tumult; disquiet
excellence; of the highest turnkey (n) : an under-jailer
excellence turpitude (n) : baseness; depravity
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/80
tutelage (n) : tuition; guardianship; state of being unwitting (adj) : unaware; without knowing;
under a guardian unintentional
twaddle (n) : a senseless or tedious unwonted (adj) : unusual; unaccustomed
uninteresting talk usurp (v) : seize; to take possession of by
tweak (n) : to twitch or pinch; to pull or twist force, without right, or unjustly
with sudden jerks usury (n) : the taking of interest on a loan;
tweed (n) : a rough woollen cloth much used interest
for men’s suits; a predominantly utopia (n) : any real or imaginary state or
upper-class, outdoor type place believed to be ideal, perfect,
twerp : a silly or contemptible person excellent
twilight (n) : the faint light after sunset and uxorious (adj) : excessively or submissively fond
before sunrise; a period of decay of a wife
following a period of success
tycoon : a business magnate V
tyke : a rough mannered person, child; vainglorious (adj) : boastful; proud; given to, or
a dog proceeding from, vainglory
typhoon : a violent cyclonic storm; a whirlwind valedictory (adj) : saying farewell; of or for a leave-
typography : the art or style of printing, or of taking
using type effectively valet : a man’s personal attendant who
tyrant (n) : a ruler who uses power arbitrarily looks after his clothes
and oppressively; an absolute validate (v) : to certify; to confirm, substantiate,
ruler; an oppressor verify
tyro : a beginner; a novice vassal (n) : a person holding land from a feudal
superior in return for homage and
U loyalty
ukase (n) : any arbitrary decree from any source vaunted (adj) : of boasted
veer (v) : to change the direction; to change
ultimatum (n) : a last offer or demand; a last word
course especially away from the
unassuming (adj) : making no assumption;
wind; to turn
unpretentious, modest
vegetate (v) : to live an inactive, almost purely
uncanny (adj) : weird, supernatural; much greater physical, or dull life; idle
than one would expect from an vendetta (n) : a blood-feud; any similarly
ordinary human being prolonged, violent, etc feud or quarrel
unconscionable (adj): unscrupulous; outrageous, inordinate veneer (n) : layer; covering; to disguise with
unction (n) : ointment; warmth of address; that superficial refinement
which is anointing venerable (adj)
unctuous (adj) : offensively suave and smug; full of (v : venerate) : aged-looking; worthy of reverence;
unction respected; honourable
unequivocal (adj) : explicit; clear and emphatic; venison (n) : deer’s flesh as food
straightforward ventriloquist (n) : one who has the art of speaking so as
unerring (adj) : making no error, infallible; faultless to give the illusion that the sound
unfaltering (adj) : steady; without stumbling comes from some other source
unfledged (adj) : undeveloped or inexperienced; of venturesome (adj): inclined or willing to take risks;
early youth involving the taking of risk
ungainly (adj) : awkward; clumsy verbiage (n) : superfluity of words, verbosity;
unguent (n) : ointment; lotion; balm prolixity
unilateral (adj) : one-sided; on one side vermicular (adj) : like a worm; caused by intestinal
unimpeachable (adj): blameless; free from fault worms
uninhibited (adj) : unreserved; unrestricted vernal (adj) : fresh and youthful; happening or
unique (adj) : found solely in, belong solely to; appearing in spring
vernacular (n) : of the jargon or idiom of a
rare; individual; distinctive
particular group; indigenous,
unison (n) : a sound of the same pitch;
native, spoken by the people of the
complete agreement
country or of one’s own country
unkempt (adj) : uncombed; messy; scruffy versatile (adj) : capable of many uses; all-purpose
unmitigated (adj) : not mitigated; unqualified vertex (n) : the point opposite to the base; the
unobtrusive (adj) : inconspicuous; modest top or summit
unprecedented (adj): of which there has been no vertiginous (adj) : producing dizziness; giddy;
previous instance relating to vertigo
unruly (adj) : unmanageable; turbulent verve (n) : enthusiasm; spirit, energy
unsavory (adj) : offensive; disagreeable; disreputable vestige (n) : a surviving trace of what has
unscathed (adj) : not harmed or injured almost disappeared
unseemly (adj) : inappropriate; ill-looking veteran : a person who has grown old in or
unsullied (adj) : without a spot or tarnish; unpolluted had long experience of esp.
untenable (adj) : not tenable; not defensible military service or an occupation
untoward (adj) : unlucky; unfitting; unfavourable; vex (n) : annoy; irritate; disturb; harass
unexpected; inconvenient viands (n) : an article of food; food
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/81
vignette (n) : a character sketch, a word-picture whelp (n) : the cub of a tiger, lion or wolf; a puppy
vindictive (adj) : revengeful; spiteful whimsical (adj) : fanciful; full of whims
virago (n) : a violent or bad-tempered woman whinny (v) : to neigh
virile (adj) : manly; masculine whizz-kid : a brilliant or highly successful
virtuoso (n) : master; expert; an artist of the young person
highest technical skill whorl (n) : a group of similar members arising
virulent (adj) : deadly; hostile; malicious; from the same level on a stem,
extremely infectious; highly and forming a circle around it
poisonous or malignant windfall (n) : a sum of money that comes to one
visionary (adj) : fanciful, not real; chimerical; idealistic unexpectedly or suddenly, or any
vitreous (adj) : glassy; pertaining to, consisting of other piece of good fortune
or like glass; glass-green in colour winsome (adj) : cheerful; pleasant; attractive;
vituperate : revile, abuse charming
vivisection (n) : merciless and minute examination witticism (n) : a witty remark; a sentence or
or criticism; the act or practice of phrase affectedly witty
making surgical operations on wizardry (n) : sorcery; magic
living animals for the purposes of wraith (n) : a spectre; an apparition
physiological research or wrangle (v) : a noisy dispute
demonstration wrench (v) : to pull with a twisting or wringing
vixen : a female fox; a bad-tempered woman action; to force or wrest violently;
volition (n) : decision; the act of willing or to sprain
choosing; will; choice writhe (v) : to move the body sinuously; to
voluble (adj) : fluent in speech; talkative, twist and contort oneself in agony
verbose; wordy
voluminous (adj) : abundant; bulky; sizable; huge; X
massive xenophobia (n) : fear or hatred of foreigners and
voluptuous (adj) : shapely and sexually attractive; foreign things
seductive; provocative; sensual
votary (n) : a devoted worshipper or adherent Y
vulpine (adj) : cunning; pertaining to or like a fox yammer : lament, wail, or grumble, voluble
W yak : a trivial or unduly persistent
waggish (adj) : amusing or mischievous conversation
waif (n) : a neglected ownerless child; yahoo : a coarse person, a lout, a hooligan,
a homeless wanderer an exclamation of excitement
wallow (v) : to live in filth or vice; to immerse or yen (n) : an intense desire, longing or urge
indulge oneself in emotion etc yeoman : any small farmer or countryman
wangle (v) : to manipulate or falsify above the grade of labourer;
wanton (adj) : thoughtlessly cruel; rudely; merciless a remarkable service
warble (v) : to sing sweetly; to make or be yoke (n) : a period of work; slavery; bondage
produced as a sweet quavering yore (n) : time long ago or long past
warranty (n) : an undertaking or assurance Z
expressed or implied in certain zany (adj) : crazy; silly; amusing; funny; comical
contracts; a guarantee zeal (n)
warren (n) : a densely populated slum dwelling (adj : zealous) : enthusiasm; intensity; vigour
or district; a maze of narrow zen : Japanese branch of Buddhism
passages which holds that the truth is not in
wastrel (n) : spendthrift; idler; a profligate scriptures but in a person’s own
wayfarer : a traveller heart if they will only strive to find it
wet blanket : a gloomy person preventing the by meditation and self-mastery
enjoyment of others zenith (n) : the greatest height; summit;
wheedle (v) : to obtain by coaxing; to entice by pinnacle; acme
soft words, flatter, cajole zephyr (n) : a soft, gentle breeze
Iceland - ALTHING
Denmark - FOLKETING Israel - KNESSET
Ethiopia - SHERGO Japan - DIET
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Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/83
Spain - CORTES
Sweden - RIKSDAG
Given below is a list of words with the suffixes -'ology' and -'graphy'.
Choreography – study of the sequence of steps and movement in dance and ballets.
Ethnology – study of the characteristics of different peoples and the differences and relationships between them.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/84
Seismology – study of earthquakes and related phenomenon.
Osteology – study of the structure and function of the skeleton and bones.
Ornithology – scientific study of birds.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/85
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/86
This list includes a wide array of words which are used in altimeter : Instrument for measuring attitude
different fields. They have been grouped according to sortie : Single raid or mission by a combat
the area to which they belong and have been listed aircraft
alphabetically for easy reference. While some of these yaw : Spin or wobble in flight
may be subject specific, others are in everyday use.
Entries like anniversaries, gem stones, geographical ALPHABET AND WRITING SYSTEMS
features and government systems which are not so well-
known, but of common interest, also find a place.
cuneiform : Ancient Middle Eastern script
The meaning and origin of a number of words which cyrillic : Russian and Bulgarian alphabet
have crept into the English language and hardly seem devanagari : Script used in Sanskrit and other some
foreign any more are listed under the language of their Indian languages
source. glagolitic : Early Slavonic alphabet
Idioms and phrasal verbs are an integral part of the hieroglyphics : Ancient Egyptian picture writing
language and probably the most challenging for a ideography : Chinese system of symbolic characters
learner. So these have been added. Users of English as to represent entire words or ideas
a second language invariably have trouble with word international phonetic alphabet (ipa)
collocations. The most commonly used noun/adjective : Standard set of letters and symbols, to
collocations have been included. represent the sounds of all languages
kana : Japanese syllabic scripts, either
The art-oriented will find entries related to theatre, Hiragana or Katakana
painting, poetry and music, interesting. kanji : Japanese syllabary based on
Chinese characters
There is also a list of frequently confused words, with kufic : Early Arabic script or alphabet
their right usage which will set at rest any doubt about linear a : Ancient Cretan script, still
the right word in a given context. undeciphered
linear b : Ancient script used in Crete and
A study of this volume will help you not only from an mainland Greece, deciphered in 1952
examination perspective but also enrich your language ogham : Ancient angular Celtic alphabet
and strengthen your spoken and written communication and script used mainly in Ireland
skills. romaji : Roman alphabet as used to
transliterate Japanese
pictography : System of pictures to represent word
AGES roman alphabet : Standard alphabet of most western
and central European languages
runes : Ancient Germanic, carved alphabetic
Nouns that depict the ages of humans
quinquagenarian : one who is 50 +
syllabary : Set of written characters each
sexagenarian : one who is 60 +
representing a syllable
septuagenarian : one who is 70+
octogenarian : one who is 80+
nonagenarian : one who is 90+
centenarian : one who is 100+ AMERICAN ENGLISH - BRITISH ENGLISH
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/87
installment plan : hire purchase 14th year - ivory
jelly : jam 15th year - crystal
laundromat : launderette 20th year - china
monkey wrench : spanner 25th year - silver
mortician : undertakers 30th year - pearl
muffler : silencer (of a car) 35th year - coral
pacifier : baby’s dummy 40th year - ruby
pitcher : jug 45th year - sapphire
realtor : estate agent 50th year - gold
solitaire : card game of patience 55th year - emerald
sophomore : second year student 60 - 65 - diamond
suspenders : braces
thumbtack : drawing pin
tuxedo : dinner jacket USED TERMS
vest : waist coat
veteran : ex-serviceman
zip code : post code barrow : burial mound covered with earth
crannog : artificial Island supporting
ANIMALS AND RELATED ADJECTIVES dendrochronology : dating of past events by
analyzing tree rings
dolmen : chamber or tomb formed by a
ape, monkey - simian, pongid horizontal stone atop two or
ass, donkey - asinine more vertical ones
badger - meline eolithic : earliest period of human
bear - ursine culture
pig - porcine menhir : large, free-standing stone
cat - feline mesolithic : refers to Middle Stone Age
cattle - bovine neolithic : refers to New Stone Age
deer - cervine paleolithic : refers to Old Stone Age when
dog - canine man began to make tools
elephant - elephantine palaeontology : study of fossils and ancient
fox - vulpine forms of life
frog - ranine, batrachian sherd : a piece of broken pottery
goat - capric, hircine found during excavation
horse - equine stratigraphy : the dating of objects,
kangaroo - macropine depending on the layers in
lion - leonine which they lie
baroque :An elaborate style developed in the
3 years - triennial 17th century Europe
5 years - quinquennial brutalism : Very plain modern style, functionalist
100 years - centenary architecture without any decorations
150 years - sesquicentennial byzantine : Styles predominated by domes and
200 years - bicentenary minarets
300 years - tricentennial classical : Formal, precise style found especially
500 years - quincentenary in Rome and Greece
1000 years - millennium colonial : Georgian style of the 17th and 18th century
English settlements in North America
(Wedding anniversaries and celebrations) gothic : 13th to 15th century style with pointed
windows and arches
1st year - cotton neo classical : Late 18th century style, which revived
2nd year - paper the precision and symmetry of Greece
3rd year - leather and Rome
4th year - flower/fruit palladian : 18th century style based on Italian
5th year - wood architecture
6th year - iron/sugar candy regency : Style of 18th century that used tall
7th year - wool windows and delicate iron balconies
8th year - bronze renaissance : A style that reopened Greek and
9th year - copper/pottery Roman ideals
10th year - tin rococo : A greatly elaborate style of eighteenth
11th year - steel century Europe
12th year - silk and fine linen romanesque : European 9th to 12th century style
13th year - lace
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/88
ART MOVEMENTS the celestial sphere
Art Deco :
art that uses plastic and steel and ASTRONOMY
has a distinctive design with bold
geometric shapes
apogee : point at which an orbiting object is
Art Nouveau : decorative style using narrow wavy
farthest from the earth
lines and swirling forms.
asteroid : a small rocky body in orbit around
Barbizon School: art that depicts landscapes
the sun
Constructivism : geometric art not representing
azimuth : horizontal bearing of a celestial
anything particular
object measured clockwise from a
Cubism : art begun in the early twentieth
given direction
century which introduced multiple
Big bang theory: the belief that the universe came
view points using many lines and
into existence after a huge
geometric shapes
Expressionism : art which believed in the direct
black hole : a region in space which has such
expression of the ‘artists’ feeling a great gravitational pull that even
Fauvism : the use of bright and vibrant light cannot escape from it
colours heliocentric or
Futurism : early 20th century Italian movement copernican theory: belief that the sun and not the
displaying the energy of the earth is the centre of the solar
machine age system
Impressionism : 19th century French movement corona : the halo of light around the Sun
which concentrated on the visual and the Moon
impact of drawings nebula : cloud of dust and gas in a galaxy
Neoclassicism : late 18th and 19th century nutation : a periodic variation in the
movement marked by a revival of inclination of an axis of rotation
classical proportion and restraint perigee : point at which an orbiting object is
Post impressionism: movement in painting advancing closest to the earth
from Impressionism towards perihelion : point at which an orbiting object is
compositions based on the closest to the sun
arrangement of solid forms pulsar : rapidly rotating star that sends out
Realism : 19th century movement in arts a regular flash of radiation
which recorded life objectively with quasar : an extremely brilliant object that
no idealization may be the nucleus of a distant
Romanticism : early 19th century movement in galaxy
arts emphasising individual
emotions and free imagination
Surrealism : 20th century art movement dealing BOOKS
with fantasy, dreams and the
Vorticism : English movement which started in almagest : Arabic version of Ptolemy’s
1914 marked by the expression of astronomical treatise
energy through abstract forms almanac : a book containing important dates
and statistical information
ASTROLOGY annal : record of historical events
anthology : collection of writing by a single
ascendant : a section of the zodiac rising author or on a single theme
above the eastern horizon at a armorial : book listing details about arms
given moment
baedeker : a tourist guide book
combust : star or planet too close to the sun
bestiary : a book about animal fables
to be visible
constellation : group of stars forming a breviary : prayer/hymn book for Roman
recognized pattern Catholic clergymen
cusp : transition between two signs of the cambist : book showing exchange rates and
zodiac conversion charts for weights and
descendent : elliptical opposite of ascendant measures
horoscope : a diagrammatic representation of festschrift : book of essays by scholars and
the position of the stars and compiled as a tribute to a learned
planets at a given time colleague
nativity : horoscope based on the time formulary : a collection of set forms especially
when one is born for religious use; formula used in
quintile : positioning of two stars that are the preparation of medical drugs
72° apart. hornbook : elementary text book introducing a
trine : positioning of two stars that are subject
120° apart incunabulum : book printed before 1501
zodiac : imaginary band of the planets in lectionary : a list of portions of scripture
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/89
appointed to be read at divine emerald - green
service fallow/fawn - yellow as brownish yellow
lexicon : dictionary flamingo - reddish yellow
missal : prayer book, especially for the gentian - blue
Roman Catholic Mass henna - reddish brown
monograph : booklet or a pamphlet on a specific jade - green
subject or a single aspect of it jonquil - yellow or brownish yellow
omnibus : a volume containing or assembling magenta - purplish red
several related writings mauve - pale purple
pharmacopoeia : officially published book with a list mahogany - reddish brown
of drugs and directions for their nutmeg - brown
use nutria - grey
primer : introductory book especially for ochre - reddish brown
language teaching roan - reddish brown
psalter : book of psalms rubiginous - rust brown
thesaurus : a book that lists words in groups of sable - black
synonyms and related concepts salmon - reddish yellow or orange
vade mecum : a manual that can be used for sapphire - blue
quick reference sepia - brown
variorum : a text with notes by several editors sorrel - reddish brown
or commentator subfusc - black
taupe - grey tinged with brown
CLOTHES tawny - yellowish brown
terre-verte - greyish green
titian - golden auburn
bandana : large brightly coloured scarf. tortoise shell - brown
bermuda short : knee-length shorts. ultramarine - blue
bolero : a woman’s short jacket. umber - dark yellowish brown
burnous : long hooded Arabic cloak. walnut - brown
chemise : woman’s loose undergarment
corset : tight undergarment worn by ladies DRAMA
used for support of waist and hips.
cravat : man’s small light knotted scarf.
dashiki : loose tunic worn by African men. anagnorisis : moment of recognition of the truth
dungarees : trousers with a bib held up by by the protagonist in classical tragedy
straps over the shoulder. black comedy : comedy that deals with grim
duffle coat : short woollen coat with hood and subjects
toggles catharsis : drama that figuratively purges the
guernsey : a knitted sweater or jersey. emotions of the audience
halter : woman’s bodice, tied behind the denouement : final outcome or solution of a play
neck. duologue : play or scene in which only two
jerkin : short jacket with/without collar. actors have dialogues
jodhpurs : riding breeches. epilogue : speech or poem after the end of a
kilt : pleated skirt worn by Scottish men. play
mantilla : lace shawl used by Spanish women.
figurant : character in a play who does not
grand Guignol : short horrifying play
COLOURS interlude : entertainment between the acts of
a play
alabaster - white kabuki : elaborate Japanese drama with
amaranth - reddish purple music and dance
amber - honey yellow masque : drama based on mythical or
amethyst - violet allegorical theme
aubergine - violet miracle/
azure - blue mystery plays : dramatization of events from the
barium - yellow Bible
beige - brown mise ensiene : stage props
burgundy - reddish purple mummer : actor in a traditional folk drama or
celadon - green mime dealing with death and
chamois - brownish yellow destruction
citron - yellow or brownish yellow peripeteia : a twist in the plot
cinnabar - red protasis : introductory part of the play
cinnamon - brown
especially of classical tragedy
crimson - red
repertory : permanent theatre company
ebony - black
ecru - off-white/yellowish grey producing a succession of plays
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/90
soliloquy : monologue or the speaking aloud of GEM STONES
a character of his innermost thoughts
stichomythia : dialogue in Greek drama in which agate
alternate lines of verse are spoken amber
by different characters amethyst
tableau : silent motionless group in a stage aquamarine
scene citrine
tetralogy : a group of four related dramas diamond
unities : three principles which are the emerald
basis of good drama – unity of jade
time, place and action opal
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/91
indictment : written accusation
injunction : a court order
laches : negligence or unreasonable delay in pursuing a legal claim
lien : right to take or hold another’s property as security for a debt
mens rea : criminal intent
nolle prosequi : an entry in court records showing that a case was not proceeded with
parole : release of a prisoner before the end of a sentence on condition of good behaviour
probate : document certifying the validity of a will
pupilage : apprenticeship as an advocate or a barrister
sequestration : seizure of goods until conditions laid down in a decree have been met
sub judice : under deliberation by a court and therefore not open to public comment
subpoena : writ requiring a person to appear and give evidence in a court
tort : breach or violation of civil law, other than breach of contract
ultra vires : beyond the legal powers of a person or institution
usufruct : right to use and benefit from another’s property so long as it remains undamaged
allegory : work in which the characters and events are symbolic of something else
bathos : a sudden change from a serious or important subject to a ridiculous or ordinary one
epigram : short and meaningful statement
epistolary novel : novel in the form of letters
leitmotif : a recurring theme in a novel
mimesis : imitation in literature of nature or human nature
bongo : either of a pair of small long bodied drums held between the knees and played with fingers
conga : a tall, narrow, low-toned drum beaten with the hands
kettledrum : larger bowl shaped drum with a membrane stretched across
pedal drum : kettledrum with pedals
snare drum : small cylindrical drum covered with skin at either end
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/94
tabla : Indian drums – a pair of small drums
tabor : small drum beaten by hand
tambourine : small drum with jingles set in the frame
tenor drum : set of two or three kettledrums
tom-tom : oriental drum
String Instruments
aeolian harp : a stringed instrument that produces music when the wind passes through it
balalaika : three stringed guitar-like triangular Russian instrument
bouzouki : mandolin-like Greek folk instrument
cittern : 16th century instrument which looks like a lute
clairschach : ancient Irish harp
dulcimer : instrument with strings stretched over a soundboard and struck with hammers
kithara : ancient Greek lyre with box-shaped frame
kit, pochette : miniature violin formerly used by dancing masters
koto : Japanese, 13 stringed instrument in the shape of a box
lute : a medieval guitar like instrument with a long neck and a pear-shaped body
lyre : harp-like ancient Greek instrument
mandolin : plucked instrument, resembling the lute with paired strings
oud : South African and West Asian lute-like instrument
pandoura : Persian lute with a long neck
rebeck : medieval three stringed instrument played with a bow
samisen : a long three stringed Japanese guitar
sarod : Indian instrument with 2 sets of strings
sitar : long necked Indian lute
theorbo : a two-necked musical instrument of the lute class
ukulele : Hawain guitar, small and four stringed
viol : a medieval six stringed, violin-like instrument
zither : many-stringed central European folk instrument
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/95
abstract : a work of art that does not represent any specific object
aquarelle : painting made using transparent water colours
aquatint : a process of etching by which tonal effects are produced
chiaroscuro : contrasting light and shade in a painting
collage : picture made up of a variety of materials pasted onto a surface.
fresco : painting on fresh plaster on a wall or a ceiling
frieze : decorative painting running horizontally all along the wall
gouache : a technique that uses opaque water colours bound with gum
grotesque : decoration that combines animal, human and plant forms
impasto : thick opaque surface paint in oil painting
minimal art : use of geometric shapes and primary colours
montage : picture made up of a number of individual pictures
mural : painting on a wall or a ceiling
opart : an art form that creates the impression of movement by using optical illusions
pastel : drawing or sketch in delicate colours using chalky crayon
pastoral : painting representing rural life
pieta : representation of Virgin Mary
putto : representation of a small boy or angel
secco : painting on dry plaster on a wall or a ceiling
still life : representation of inanimate objects
tempera : paint made of colour mixed with egg white or water
tondo : circular painting
Aestheticism : belief that beauty is the basic principle of good in life and underlies morality
Behaviorism : doctrine that behaviour, rather than consciousness is all that can be known or studied
about human nature
Nominalism : a philosophy that believes that essences, universals and abstract concepts exist only in
name and that only actual individual objects exist
Ontology : a philosophy that studies the nature of existence
Perspectivism : the belief that there can be no absolute knowledge of truth
Phenomenalism : belief that the sense perceptions are the only certainty of knowledge
Phenomenology : study of awareness
Positivism : doctrine that knowledge is derived from actual facts
Pragmatism : a doctrine that believes in a practical approach to political or personal dealings
Prescriptivism : the belief that statements about good and evil are not absolute but are moral prescriptions
Rationalism : the belief that knowledge can be acquired only through reason
Reductionism : the doctrine that analyses problems by reducing them to their components
Solipsism : belief that self is the only truth
Stoicism : the belief that man attains virtue by suppressing his emotions
Structuralism : the study of the structure of language rather than its history
Syndicalism : theory supporting government by trade unions or syndicates
Transcendentalism : theory that knowledge is obtained by intuition or reflecting on the reasoning process itself.
Utilitarianism : the doctrine that the greatest good is what produces maximum happiness for the greatest
number of people
anapaest - a metrical foot consisting of two short unstressed syllables and one long stressed syllable
alternation - a figure of speech in poetry involving the repetition of the same consonant sound
ballad - a story told in verse
blank verse - unrhymed ten-syllable lines
Canto - a part or section of a long poem
eclogue - short pastoral poem often in the form of a dialogue
elegy - poem lamenting the death of a person
envoi - short final stanza of same poems (especially French)
foot - unit of metre in poetry
free verse - verse without metre or rhyme
haiku - Japanese poem of three lines with seventeen syllables
heroic couplet - two lines witty end rhymes and ten syllables
iambic - metre in poetry consisting of one short unstressed syllable, followed by a long stressed
idyll - short, lyrical, pastoral poem
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/96
internal rhyme - rhyme occurring within the line
limerick - short witty poem of five lines, also called nonsense verse
macaronic verse - humorous verse in a language
ode - poem written in praise of someone or something
rondeau - lyrical poem of French origin which uses only two rhymes throughout
stanza - a complete verse
sonnet - poem of 14 lines containing 10 syllables per line
quatrain - a verse of 4 lines in a poem
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/97
acer, acid, acri [bitter, sour, sharp] acerbic (bitter, harsh), bursa [purse, payment] reimburse, disbursements
acerbate (embitter), acidity (sourness), acrid, acrimony (money paid out)
acu [sharp] acute, acuate, acupuncture cad, cas [to fall] cadaver, cadence, caducous (falling
off), cascade
ag, agi, ig, act [do, move, go] agent (doer), agenda
(things to do), agile, navigate (move by sea), pedagogue calor [heat] calorie (a unit of heat), calorify (to make
(childmover, teacher), ambiguous (going both ways, not hot), caloric, nonchalant
clear), retroactive, agitate
cande [shine] candor, candelabra, candid
ali, allo, alter [other] alias (a person’s other name),
alternative, alibi, alien (from antoher country), alter cap, cip, cept [take] capable, capacity, capture,
(change to another form), allotment, allocate anticipate, participate, principal, accept, except,
conception, deceptive, perception, conceive, receive,
altus [high, deep] altimeter, exalt, altitude, alto forceps.
am, amor [love, liking] amiable, amorous, enamored capit, capt [head] decapitate (to remove the head from),
capital, captain, caption, recapitulate
anim [mind, will] unanimous, animosity, equanimity,
magnanimous, animal carn [flesh] carnal, carnage, carnivorous (flesh eating).
Incarnate, reincarnation
anni, annu, enni [year] anniversary, annually (yearly),
centennial (occurring once in 100 years), per annum, caus, caut [burn, heat] cauterize, cauldron, caustic
cause, cuse, cus [cause, motive] because, excuse (to
anthrop [man] anthropoid (man-like, e.g, an ape], attempt to remove the blame or cause, exonerate)
anthropology (study of mankind), misanthrope (hater of accusation
mankind), philanthropic (love of mankind)
ced, ceed, cede, cess [move, yield, go, surrender] cede
antico [old] antique, antiquated, antiquity (yield), antecedent (moving, occurring before), accede,
concede, intercede, precede, recede, secede (move
arch [chief, first, rule] archangel (chief angle), architect aside from), proceed (move forward), success
(chief worker), archaic (first ; very early), archieves,
monarchy (rule by one person), matriarchy (rule by the chrom [colour] chrome (color purity), chromatic,
mother), patriarchy (rule by the father), archaeology chromosome (colour body in genetics) Kodashreme,
monoclorme (one colour), polychrome (many coloured)
aster, astr [star] aster (star flower), asterisk, asteroid,
disaster (originally a bad happening from a contrary chron [time] chronological (in order of time),
influence by a star), astrology (lit, star-speaking; chronometer (time-measured) chronicle (record of
pseudoscience of influence by stars and planets), events in time), synchronize (make time with, set time
astronomy (star law), astronaut (lit., star traveller ; space together), anachronism (lit., back in time; anything
traveller) backwards in historical time)
aud, aus [hear, listen] audible (cn be, heard), cide [kill] suicide (self-killer or self-killing), homicide
auditorium, audio, audition, audience, auditory, (man, human killer or killing), genocide (race killing),
auscultate tyrannicide (tyrant killer or tyrant killing), pesticide (pest
killer), germicide (germ killer), insecticide (insect killer)
aug, auc [increae] augment, auction, augur
cise [cut] decide (cut off uncertainity), precise (cut
auto, aut [self] automobile (self-moving vehicle),
exactly right), concise, incision, scissors, criticize
autograph (self-writing;signature), automatic (self-
acting), autonomy (lit., self-laws; self-government), cit [to call, start] incite, citation, cite
autobiography (lit., self-life writing)
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cognose, gnosi [know] prognosis (forward knowing), layer), taxidermy (arranging skin; mounting animals)
diagnosis (thorough knowledge), recognize (to know
again), incognito (not known), agnostic (not knowing dic, dict [say, speak] diction (how one speaks, what one
about God) says), dictionary, dictate, dictator, dictum (a saying),
dictaphone, dictagraph, dictatorial, edict, predict, verdict,
cosm [universe, world] cosmos (the universe), cosmic, contradict, adjudicate (to speak the law, to judge),
cosmology, cosmopolitan (world citizen), cosmonaut, benediction
microcosm, macrocosm domin [master] dominate, dominion, domain,
predominanat, Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord,
cord, cor, card [heart] cordial (hearty, heartfelt), accord, abbreviated A.D)
concord, discord, record, courage, encourage (put heart
into), discourage (take heart out of), core, coronary, don [give] donate (make a gift), condone
dorm [sleep] dormant, dormitory
corp [body] corporation (a legal body), corpse, corps,
corporal, corpulent dox [opinion, praise] doxy (belief, creed or ism),
orthodox (having the correct, commonly accepted
crat [rule, strength] autocracy, democratic opinion), heterodox (differing opinion; contrary, self-
contradictory), doxology (statement or song of praise),
cresc, cret, crease cru [rise, grow] crescendo (growing paradox
in loudness or intensity), crescent, (growing, like the
moon in first quarter), accretion, concrete (grown drome [to run, step] syndrome (run together; symptoms)
together, solidified), increment (amount of growth) hippodrome (a place where horses run)
increase, decrease, accrue (to grow, as interest in
money) duc, duct [lead] duke (leader), induce (lead into,
persuade), seduce (lead aside); traduce (lead across in
crea [create] creature (anything created), recreation, public disgrace, vilify), aquaduct (water leader, artificial
creation, creator channel), subdue, ductile (easily drawn out or hammered
thin), viaduct, conduct, conduit, produce, reduce,
cred [believe] creed (statement of beliefs), credo (a educate
creed), credence (belief), credit (belief, trust), credulous
(believing too readily, easily deceived) credentials dura [hard, lasting] durable, duration, duramen,
(statements that promote belief, trust), incredible endurance
crit [separate, choose] critical, criterion (that which is dynam [power] dynamo (power producer), dynamic,
used in choosing), diacritical, hypocrisy dynamite, hydrodynamics (lit., water power), dyne (unit
of power, force), dynamometer, dynasty (power, rule be
cub, cumb [lie down, lean back] incubate (to hatch by successive members of a family)
keeping), encumber (to place a burden upon),
cumbersome, succumb, incumbent) E
end, endo [within] endoral (within the mouth),
cur, curs [run] current (running or flowing), concurrent, endocardial (within the heart), endoskeletal, endoplasm
concur (run together, agree), curriculum (lit., a running, a
course), cursory (done hastily, “on the run”), incur (run erg [work] energy, erg (unit of work), allergy, ergophobia
into), precursor {forerunner}, recur, occur, courier (morbid fear of work), ergometer, ergograph
cura [care] manicure (caring for the hands), curator, equi [equal] equinox, equilibrium
curative F
cus, cuse (see cause) fac, fact, fic, fect [do, make] factory (the place where
workmen are employed in making goods of various
cycl, cyclo [wheel, circular] Cyclops (a mythical giant kinds), fact (a thing done, a deed), facsimile,
with one eye in the middle of his forehead), cyclone facility,manufacture, faculty, amplification, affect
(a wind blowing circularly ; a tornado), unicycle, bicycle
fall, fals [deceive] fallacious, falsify, fallacy
deca [ten] decade, Decalogue, decapod (ten feet), fer [bear, carry] ferry (carry by water), odoriferous
Decapolis, decathlon (bearing an odor), coniferous (bearing cones, as a pine
tree), pestiferous (bearing disease), fertile (bearing
dem [people] democracy (people-rule), demagogue richly), defer, infer, refer, suffer (bear under, as under
(people-leader, one who stirs up people for selfish ends), yoke), referee, referendum, circumference, deference,
demography (vital statistics of the people: deaths, births, Lucifer (light bearer)
etc.), epidemic (on or among the people; general),
pandemonium fic, fect (see fac)
dent, dont [tooth] dental (relating to teeth), orthodontist fid, fide, feder [faith, trust] fidelity, confident, confidante,
(a dentist who practices orthodontia), denture, dentifrice infidelity, infidel, fiduciary (held in trust, confidential),
perfidy (breaking faith), bona fide (in good faith), federal,
derm [skin] hypodermic (under skin; injected under the confederacy, Fido
skin), dermatology (skin study), epidermis (on skin; outer
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Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/99
fila, fili [thread] filament (a threadlike conductor heated course), graduated (in steps or degrees), aggressive
by electrical current), filiform (having the shape of a (stepping toward, pushing), transgress (step across
thread), filter, filet limits, break a law), congress (a going together,
assembly), degradation
fin [end, ended, finished] final, finite, infinite, finish,
confine, fine, refine, define, finale graph, gram [write, written] graphy, graphic (written;
vivid), autograph (self-writing, signature), photography
fix [fix] fix (a difficult position), transfix (to hold (light-writing) graphite (carbon used for writing),
motionless), fixation (the state of being attached), fixture, phonograph (sound-writing), bibliography, monograph
affix, prefix, suffix (writing on one subject), telegram (for writing), epigram,
flex, flect [bend] flex (bend), reflex (bending back), diagram, cablegram, monogram, seismography,
flexible, flexor (muscle for bending), inflexibility, reflect, cartography
deflect, genuflect (bend the knee) grat [pleasing] congratulate (express pleasure over
success), gratis (as a favor, free), gratuitous (gratis),
flu, fluc, fluv [flowing] influence (to flow in), fluctuate (to gratuity (mark of favor, a tip), grateful, gracious, ingrate
wave in an unsteady motion), fluviograph (instrument for (not thankful; hence, unpleasant), ingratiate
measuring the flow of rivers), fluid, flue, flush, fluently,
affluent grav [heavy, weighty] grave, gravity, aggravate, gravitate
form [form, shape] form, uniform, conform, deform,
greg [herd, group, crowd] gregarian (belonging to a
reform, perform, formative, formation, formal, formula
herd), congregation (a group functioning together),
fort, forc [strong] fort, fortress (a strong point, fortified), segregative (tending to group aside or apart),
fortify (make strong), forte (one’s strong point), forte aggregation
(strong, loud in music), fortitude (strength for
endurance), force, effort, comfort, pianoforte, force H
(power) hab, habit [have, live] habitat (the place in which one
lives), inhabit to live in; to establish as residence),
fract, frag [break] fracture (a break), infraction, fragile rehabilitate, habitual
(easy to break), fraction (result of breaking a whole into
equal parts), refract (to break or bend, as a light ray), helio [sun] heliograph (an instrument for using the sun’s
refractive, fragment rays), heliotrope (a plant which turns to the sun)
fum [smoke] fume (smoke; odour) fumigate (destroy hema, hemo [blood] hematid (red blood corpuscle),
germs by smoking them out), perfume hemotoxic (causing blood poisoning), hemorrhage,
hemoglobin, hemophilia, hematose
gam [marriage] bigamy (two marriages), monogamy, here, has [stick] adhere, cohere, inherent
polygamy (lit., many marriages), exogamy, endogamy,
gamete, gambit hetero [different] heterogeneous (different in birth;
miscellaneous), heterodox, heterochromatic (of different
gastro [stomach] gastric, gastronomic, gastritis colors), heteromorphic (of different forms), superhetrodyne,
(inflammation of the stomach) heterosexual (with interest in opposite sex)
gen [birth, race, produce] genesis (birth, beginning),
homo [same] homogeneous (of same birth or kind),
Genesis, genus, genetics (study of heredity), eugenics (lit.,
homonym (word with same name or pronunciation as
well-born), genealogy (lineage by race, stock), generate,
another), homosexual (with sex desire for those of the same
progeny (offspring), genitals (the reproductive organs),
sex), homologous (same-minded, agreeing), homogenize
congenital (existing as such at birth), indigenous (born,
growing or produced naturally in a region or country), hum, human [earth, ground, man] humility (quality of
genetic, hydrogen (lit., water-borne element) lowliness), humane (marked by sympathy, compassion,
geo [earth] geometry (earth measurement), geography for other human beings and animals), humus, exhume,
(lit., earth-writing), geocentric (earth centered), geology, humanity
geochemistry, geophysics
hypn [sleep] hypnoidal (relating to hypnosis or sleep),
germ [vital part] germination (to grow), germ of an idea), hypnosis, Hypnos (god of sleep), hypnotherapy
germane (treatment of disease by hypnosis)
gest [carry, bear] congest (bear together, clog), hydr, hydro, hydra [water] dehydrate (take water out of;
suggestion (mental process by which one thought leads dry), hydrant (water faucet), hydraulic (pertaining to water or
to another), congestive (causing congestion), gestation, to liquids), hydraulics, hydrogen, hydrophobia, hydroelectric
suggestion, gesture
gloss, glot [tongue] polygot (many tongues), epiglottis, ignis [fire] ignite, igneous, ignition
glossary, glottic
glue, glo [lump, bond, glue] conglomerate (bond ject [throw] deject, inject, project (throw forward), eject,
together), agglutinate (make to hold in a bond) object, ejaculate
grad, gress [step, go] grade (step, degree), gradual join, junct [join] junction (act of joining), enjoin (to lay an
(step by step), graduate (make all the steps, finish a
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Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/100
order upon; to command), juncture, conjunction, joint, M
adjoining, injunction magn [great] magnify (make great, enlarge),
magnificent, magnanimous (great of mind or spirit),
jud, judi, judic [judge, lawyer] judge (a public officer magnate, magnitude, magnum
who has the authority to give a judgement), abjudicate
(reject the case, judicial (relating to a administration of man [hand] manual, manage, manufacture, manacle,
justice), judicious, prejudice manicure, manifest, manedver, emancipate
jur, jus [law] justice (a just judgement; as justice must be mand [command] mandatory (commanded), remand
served), conjure (to swear together; to imagine; to entreat; (order back), writ of mandamus (written order from a
as, conjure the king to be merciful), juror, jurisdiction court), countermand (order against, cancelling a
previous order), mandate
juven [young] juvenile, juvenescent (becoming young), mania [madness] mania (insanity; craze; excessive
rejuvenate (to make young again) craving), monomania (mania on one idea), kleptomania
L (thief mania; abnormal tendency to steal), pyromania
later [side, broad] lateral, latitude (insane tendancy to set fire) dipsomania (uncontrollable
craving for alcoholic drink), manic, maniac
laut, lav, lot, lut [wash] lavish (flowing like water), dilute
mar, mari, mer [sea, pool] mermaid (fabled marine
(to make a liquid thinner and weaker) ablution
creature, half fish), marine (a sailor serving on
(a washing away), launder (to wash and iron clothes),
shipboard), marsh (wet land, swamp), maritime (relating
lavatory, laundry, lotion, deluge
to the sea and navigation)
leg [law] legal (lawful; according to law), legislate (to matri, matro, matric [mother] matrimony (state of
enact a law), legislature (a body of persons who can wedlock), maternal (relating to the mother), matriarchate
make laws), legitimise (make legal), legacy (rulership of a woman), matris (mother goddess of the
letter, lit, liter, litera (letters) litany (prayer consisting of Hindu deities), matron, metropolic (the mother city)
invocations and responses), literary (concerned with medi [half, middle, between, halfway] mediate (come
books and writing), literature (the best works written between, intervene), medieval (pertaining to the middle
during the century), literal, alliteration, obliterate ages), mediterranean (lying between lands), medium
(a person having the faculty to make contact with the
levis (light) alleviate (lighten a load), levitate, levity
super natural), mediocre
lic, licit [permit, license] (freedom to act), licit (permitted; mega [great] megaphone (great sound), megacephalic
lawful; conceded), illicit (not permitted), licentious (taking (great-headed), megalith, megalopolis (great city; an
liberties; disregarding rules, especially in morals) extensive urban area including a number of cities),
lith [stone] monolith (one stone, a single mass), megacycle (a million cycles), megaton (force of a million
lithography (stone writing, printing from a flat stone or tons of TNT), omega (great)
metal plate), neolithic (new stone, of the later stone age), mem [remember] memorandum (a note; a reminder),
paleolithic (ancient stone) commemoration (the act of observing by a memorial or
ceremony), memento, memoir, memo, memorable
liver, liber [free] liberal (relating to liberty), delivery
(freedom; liberation), liberalize (to make more free: as, to meter [measure] meter (a measure), gravimeter
liberalize the mind from prejudice), deliverance (instrument for measuring weight and density),
loc, loco [place] locomotion (act of moving from place to voltameter (instrument to measure volts in an electric
place), locality (locale: neighborhood), allocate (to assign; circuit), barometer, thermometer
to place; apportion), relocate to put back into their homes) micro [small] microscope, microfilm, microcard,
microwave, micrometer (device for measuring very small
log, logo, ology [word, study, speech] Logo (the word,
distance), micron (a millionth of a meter), microbe (small
Jesus), logic (orig., speech: then reasoning), prologue,
living thing), microorganism, omicron (small)
epilogue, dialogue, catalogue, logorrhea (a flux of words;
excessively wordy), zoology (animal study), psychology migra [wander] migrate (to wander), emigrant (one who
(mind study), theology (god study) leaves a country), immigrate (to come into the land to
settle), migratory (one who roves; a wanderer)
loqu, locut [talk, speak] eloquent (speaking out well and
forecefully), loquacious (talkative), colloquial (talking mit, miss [send] emit (send out, give off), remit (send
together; conversational or informal), obloquy back, as money due), submit, admit, commit, permit,
(a speaking against, a reproach), circumlocution (talking transmit (send across), omit, intermittent (sending
around a subject), soliloquy between, at intervals), mission, missile
luc, lum, lus, lun [light] Luna (the moon goddess), mob, mot, mov [move] mobile (capable of moving),
lumen (a unit of light), luminary (a heavenly body; motionless (without motion), motor (that which imparts
someone who shines in his profession), translucent motion; source of mechanical power), emotional (moved
(letting light come through), lustre (sparkle; gloss; glaze), strongly by feelings), motivate, promotion, demote
mon [warn, remind] admonish (warn), admonition,
lude [play] ludicrous, prelude (before play), interlude monitor,premonition (forewarning), monument (a
reminder or memorial of a person or event), reminisce
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Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/101
monstr, mist [show] demonstrate (to display; show) oper [work] opera (a work which has been set to music
muster (to gather together; collect; put on display) and is sung instead of spoken), operate (to labor;
demonstration, monstrosity function), opus (a musical composition or work),
morph [form] amorphous (with no form, shapeless), cooperate (work together)
anthropomorphic (man form), Morpheus (the shaper, god
ortho [straight, correct] orthodox (of the correct or
of dreams), morphine (drug making sleep and dreams),
accepted opinion), orthodontist (tooth straightener),
metamorphosis (a change of form, as a caterpillar into a
butterfly), morphidite orthopedic (originally pertaining to straightening a child),
orthography (correct writing, spelling), unorthodox
mori, mort, mors [mortal, death] mortal (causing death or
destined for death), immortal (not subject to death), oss, osteo [bone] ossicle (a small bone), ossification
mortality (rate of death), immortality, mortician (one who (the process of making into bone), osteopath (one who
buries the dead), mortification (lit., made dead; shame; practices osteopathy), osteoporosis (a condition in old
chagrin), mortuary; (place for the dead a morgue), remorse age when bones become porous and fragile)
multi, multus [many, much] multifold (folded many
times), multilinguist (one who speaks many languages), P
multiped (an organism with many feet), multiply (to pac [peace] pacifist (one for peace only; opposed to
increase a number quickly by multiplication) war), pacify (make peace, quiet), Pacific Ocean
N (peaceful ocean)
nasc, nat [to be born, to spring forth] nature (the pan [all] Pan American, panacea (cureall),
essence of a person or a thing), innate (inborn, inherent pandemonium (place of all the demons; wild disorder),
in), international (between or among nations), pandemic, panchromatic (sensitive to all colors),
renascence (a rebirth; a revival), natal, native, nativity pantheism (all-god belief; belief that God is all and all is
God), pantheon (temple of all gods)
neur [nerve] neuritis (inflammation of a nerve),
pater, part [father] patriarch (the head of the tribe, family),
neuropathic (having a nerve disease), neurologist (one
patron (a wealthy person who supports as would a father),
who practices neurology), neural, neurosis, neurotic
paternity (fatherhood, responsibility, etc.), patriot
nom [law, order] autonomy (self-law, self-government), path, pathy [feeling, suffering] pathos (feeling of pity,
astronomy, Deuteronomy (lit., second law, as given by sorrow), pathetic, sympathy, antipathy (against feeling),
Moses), gastronomy (lit., stomach law; art of good apathy (without feeling), empathy (feeling or identifying
eating), agronomy (lit., field law; crop production), with another), telepathy (far feeling; through
economy (household law, management) transference), pathogenic (disease being born; causing
suffering or disease)
nomen, nomin [name] nomenclature, nominate, nominal
ped, pod [foot] pedal (lever for a foot), impede (get the
nounce, nunci [warn, declare] announcer (one who feet in a trap, hinder), impediment, pedestal (foot or base
makes announcements publicly), enunciate of a statue), pedestrian (foot traveller), centipede, tripod
(to pronounce carefully), pronounce (declare; articulate), (three-footed support), podiatry (care of the feet),
renounce (retract; reoke), denounce antipodes (opposite feet; parts of the earth diametrically
opposed), podium (platform for a performer)
nov [new] novel (new; strange; not formerly known),
renovate (to make like new again), novice, nova, pedo [child] orthopedic, pedagogue (child leader,
innovate teacher), pedant (narrow-minded teacher), pediatrics
(medical care of children)
nox, noc [night] nocturnal, equinox (equal nights), pel, puls [drive, urge] compel, dispel, expel, repel, impel,
noctiluca (something which shines by night) propel, pulse, impulse, pulsate, compulsory, expulsion,
null [none] null, nullification, nullify, nullifidian (one who
has no faith), nulliparous pend, pens, pond [hang, weigh] pendant (a hanging
object), appendix, pendulum, depend, impend, suspend,
number, numer [number] numeral (a figure expressing perpendicular, pending, dispense, pensive (weighing
a number), numeration (act of counting), numberable thought), appendage, ponderous (weighty)
(can be numbered), enumerate (count out, one by one),
innumerable phan, phen, [show, appear] phantom, phenomenal,
omni [all every] omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all phemi [speak] euphemism (speak well of), prophet
knowing), omnipresent (present everywhere), phil [love] philosophy (love of wisdom), philanthropy,
omnivorous (all eating), omnibus, (covering all things) philharmonic, bibliophile, Philip, Philadelphia (city of
brotherly love)
onus [burden] onerous (burdensome), onus, exonerate
(to take out or take away a burden) phobia (fear) phobia (abnormal fear), claustrophobia
(fear of closed places), acrophobia, (fear of high places),
onym [name]anonymous (without a name), pseudonym
photophobia (fear of light), aquaphobia (fear of water),
(false name), antonym (against name; word of opposite
meaning), synonym pyrophobia (fear of fire)
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Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/102
phon [sound] phonograph, phonetic (pertaining to prim, prime [first] primacy (state of being first in rank),
sound), phonology, symphony (sounds with or together), prima donna (the first lady of opera), primitive (from the
polyphonic (having many sounds or tunes), dictaphone, earliest or first time), primary, primal
euphony (pleasing sound)
proto [first] prototype, protocol, protagonist, protozoan
photo [light] photograph (light-writing), photoelectric, psych [mind, soul] psyche (soul, mind), psychic
photoflash, photogenic (artistically suitable for being (sensitive to forces beyond the physical), psychiatry
photographed), photometer (light meter), photon (a (healing of the mind), psychology, psychopath (mind
quantum of light energy), photosynthesis (action of light feeling; one with mental disease), psychosis (serious
on chlorphyll to make carbohydrates) mental disorder), psychotherapy (mind treatment),
psychogenic (of psychic birth, origin)
pict [paint] pictograph (writing with pictures or symbols),
picture (make a mental image), depiction (the act of punct [point, dot] punctual (being exactly on time),
depicting or representing), picturesque, pictorial punctum (a dot; a point), compunction (remorse; points
of guilt), punctuation, puncture, acupuncture
plac, plais [please] placid (calm, unruffled), placatory
(appeasing, soothing), placebo, placate, complacent put [think] computer a (computing or thinking machine),
(self-satisfied) deputy, reputable (honourable; estimable; a thinker),
dispute, repute
plenus [full] plenary, replenish, plentiful, plenteous
plic, pli, ply [fold] inexplicable, pliable, implicate
quies [be at rest] acquiesce, quiescent, quiet
plu, plur, plus [more] plus (indicating that something is R
to be added), plural (more than one), pluralist (one who reg, recti [straighten] regular, rectify (make straight),
holds two or more jobs), plurisyllabic (having more than regiment, rectangle, correct, direct, erect, incorrigible
one syllable)
ri, ridi, risi [laughter] ridicule (laughter at the expense of
pneuma, pneumon [breath] pneumatic (pertaining to air, another; mockery), deride (make mock of; jeer at), risible
wind or other gases), pneumonia (disease of the lungs), (likely to laugh), ridiculous
pneumatogram (tracing of respiratory movements)
rog, roga [ask] prerogative (privilege; asking before),
pod (see ped) interrogation (questioning; the act of questioning),
surrogate, derogatory
poli [city] metropolis (mother city; main city), police,
politics, Indianapolis, megalopolis, Acropolis (high city, rupt [break] rupture (break), interrupt (break into), abrupt
fortifield upper part of Athens), cosmopolite (world (broken off), disrupt (break apart), erupt (break out),
citizen) incorruptible (unable to be broken down)
pon, pos, pound [place, put] postpone (put afterward), S
component, opponent (one put against), proponent, salv, salu [safe, healthy] salvation (act of being saved),
depose, expose, impose, purpose, propose deposit, salvage (that which is saved after appearing to be lost),
deposition, expound, compound, posture (how one salvable, salubrious (healthy) salutary (promoting
places himself), position, post health), salute (wish health to)
pop [people] population (the number of people in an sat, satis [enough] sate (to satisfy, sate with food),
area), Populist (a member of the Populist party), satisfy (to give pleasure to; to give as much as is
populous (full of inhabitants), popular needed), satient (giving pleasure, satisfying), satiate,
port [carry] porter (one who carries), portable, transport,
(carry across), report, export, import support, comport sci [know] science (knowledge), conscious (knowing,
deportment (how one carries himself, behaves), portage, aware), omniscient (knowing everything), prescient
transportation, port, disport (knowing beforehand)
portion [part, share] portion (a part; a share, as a portion scope [see, watch] scope (extent one can see),
of a pie), proportion (the relation of one share to others), telescope, microscope, kaleidoscope (instrument for
portionless (without portion; without dowry) seeing beautiful forms), periscope, horoscope (hour
watcher), Episcopal (overseeing; pertaining to a bishop),
posse, potent [power] posse (an armed band; a force stethoscope
with legal authority), possible, potent, potentate,
omnipotent, impotent scrib, script [write] scribe (a writer), scribble, inscribe,
describe, subscribe, prescribe, ascribe, scrivener,
prehend [seize] apprehend (size a criminal, seize an manuscript (written by hand), scripture (the Bible)
ideal), comprehend (seize with the mind),
comprehensible, comprehensive (seizing much, sed, sess, sid [sit] sedentary (characterized by sitting),
extensive), reprehensible (needing to be seized back, sedate (sitting settled, dignified), preside (sit before),
rebuked) president, reside, subside, sediment (that which sits or
settles out of a liquid), session (a sitting), obsession
(an idea that sits stubbornly in the mind), possess
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Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/103
6sent, sens [feel] sentiment (feeling), presentiment spond, spons [pledge, answer] sponsor (one who
(feeling beforehand), assent, consent, resent, dissent, pledges responsibility to a project), correspond (to
sentimental (having strong feeling or emotion), sense, communicate by letter; sending and receiving answers),
sensation, sensitive, sensory, dissension irresponsible, respond
sen [old] senior, senator, senescent (growing old), senile stereo [solid] stereotype ( to fit in lasting form), stereome
(old, showing the weakness of old age) (strengthening tissue in plants), stereograph
sequ, secu, sue [follow] sequence (following of one
string, strict [draw, tight] stringent (draw tight, rigid),
thing after another), sequel, consequence, subsequent,
astringent (drawing tightly, as skin tissue), strict, restrict,
obsequious (blindly following), prosecute, execute,
constrict (draw tightly together), boa constrictor (a snake
consecutive (following in order), ensue, pursue, second
that constricts its prey)
(following first)
stru, struct [build] structure, construct, instruct, obstruct,
serv [save, serve] servant, service, subservient,
construe (build in the mind, interpret), destroy,
servitude, servile, reservation, preserve, conserve,
destruction, instrument (originally, a tool for building)
deserve, observe, conservation
sume, sump [take, use, waste] assume (to take; to use),
sign, signi [sign, mark, seal] signal (a gesture or sign to
consume (to use up), presume (to take upon oneself
call attention), signature (the mark of a person written in
before knowing for sure), presumption, sump pump
his own handwriting), design, insignia (distinguishing
(a pump which takes up water)
marks), signify
silic [flint] silicon (a non-metallic element found in the tact, tang, tag, tig, ting [touch] contagious
earth’s crust), silicosis (a disease prevalent among (transmission, of disease by touching) contact (touch),
miners and stone cutters who breathe much dust) tact (sense of touch for the appropriate), intact
(untouched, uninjured), intangible (not able to be
simil, simul [like, resembling] similar (resembling in touched), tangible, contingent (touching together,
many respects), simulate (pretend; put on an act to depending on something), tactile
make a certain impression), simulation (pretence;
counterfeit display), assimilate (to make similar to), techni [skill, art] technician (one who is skilled in the
simile mechanical arts), pyrotechnics (display of fireworks),
technique, technology
sist, sta, stit, stet [stand] assist (to stand by with help),
circumstance, stamina (power to withstand, to endure), tele [far] telephone (far sound), telegraph (far writing),
persist (stand firmly; unyielding; continue), stanchion telegram, telescope (far look), television (far seeing),
(a standing brace or support), substitute (to stand in for telephoto (far photograph), telecast, telepathy (far
feeling), teletype, teleprompter
another), status (standing), state, static, stable,
stationary tempo [time] tempo (rate of speed), protem (for the time
being), extemporaneously, contemporary (those who live
solus [alone] solo, soliloquy, solitaire, solitude
at the same time), temporary, temporal
solv, solu [loosen] solven; (a loosener, a dissolver),
ten, tin, tain [hold] tenacious (holding fast), tenant,
solve, solvency, insolvency, absolve (loosen from, free
tenure, untenable, detention, retentive, content,
from), resolve, soluble, solution, resolution, resolute,
pertinent, continent, obstinate, abstain, contain, pertain,
dissolute (loosened morally)
detain, obtain, maintain
somnus [sleep] somnific, insomnia (not being able to
tend, tent, tens [stretch, strain] tendency (a stretching;
sleep), somnambulant (a sleepwalker)
leaning), extend, intend, contend, pretend, superintend,
tender, tent, tension (a stretching, strain, tense, tensile,
soph [wise] sophomore (wise fool), philosophy (love of
wisdom), sophisticated (worldly wise), sophistry, sophist,
theosophy (wise about God) terra [earth] territory, terrestrial, terrain, terrarium
sphere [ball, sphere] sphere (a planet; a ball),
test [to bear witness] testament (a will; bearing witness
stratosphere (the upper portion of the atmosphere),
to someone’s wishes), detest, attest (certify; affirm; bear
hemisphere (half of the earth), biosphere, spheroid
witness to), testimony, contest, intestate
spec, spect, spic [look] specimen (an example to look
the, theo [God, a god] monotheism (belief in one god),
at, study), specific, spectator (one who looks) spectacle,
polytheism (belief in many gods), atheism (a belief that
speculate, aspect, expect, inspect, respect, prospect,
there is no god), pantheism (a belief that God is in all
retrospective, (looking backwards), suspect (look under), things), theology.
perspective, circumspect, introspective, conspicuous
despicable therm [heat] therm (heat unit), thermic, thermal,
thermostat (heat plus stationary; a device for keeping
spir [breathe] spirit (lit., breath), conspire (breathe heat constant), hypothermia (subnormal body
together;plot), inspire (breathe into), aspire (breathe temperature), thermonuclear
toward), expire (breathe out, die), aspirant, perspire,
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Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/104
thesis, thet [place, put] antithesis (place against), adventure, invent, subvention, venturesome, convent,
hypothesis (place under), synthesis, (put together), inventory, venture, venue, event, eventually, souvenir,
epithet contravene (come against) avenue, advent, convenient,
tom [cut] atom (not cutable; the smallest particle of prevent
matter), appendectomy (cutting out an appendix),
tonsillectomy, epitome (cut on; a summary), dichotomy ver, veri [true] verify (truth), very, verify (show to be
(cutting in two; a division), anatomy (cutting, dissecting true), verisimilitude, aver (say to be true, affirm), verdict
to study structure)
vert, vers [turn] avert (turn away), divert (turn aside,
tort, tors [twist] torsion (act of twisting, as a torsion bar), amuse), invert (turn over), introvert (turn inward, one
torture (twisting to inflict pain), retort (twist back, reply interested in his own reactions), extrovert (turn outward,
sharply), extort (twist out), distort (twist out of shape), one interested in what is happening outside himself),
contort, tortuous (full of twists, as a mountain road) controversy (a turning against; a dispute), reverse,
versatile (turning easily from one skill to another),
tox [poison] toxic, intoxicate, antitoxin convertible, adversary, adverse
tract, tra [draw, pull] tractable (can be handled), abstract vest [clothe, to dress] vest (an article of clothing;
(to draw away), tractor, attract, subtract, subtrahend (the vestment), investor (one who has laid out money for
number to be drawn away from another) profit), travesty, vestry, vestment
trib [pay, bestow] tribute (a fine paid to a conquering vic, vicis [change, substitute] vicarious, vicar, vicissitude
power), distribute (to divide among many), redistribute,
contribute (to give money to a cause), attribute, vict, vinc [conquer] victor (conqueror, winner), evict
retribution, tributary (conquer out, expel), convict (prove guilty), convince
trophy [nourishment, development] dystrophy (badly (conquer mentally, persuade), invincible (not able to be
nourished), atrophy conquered), evince, eviction
tui, tuit, tut [guard, teach] tutor (one who teaches a vid, vis [see] video (television), vision, evident, provide,
pupil), tuition (payment for instruction or teaching fees), providence, visible, revise, supervise (oversee), vista,
intuent (knowing by intuition) visit, visage
turbo [disturb] turbulent, turmoil, disturb, turbid viv, vita, vivi [alive, life] revive (make live again), survive
(live beyond, outlive), vivid (full of life), vivify (enliven),
typ [print] type, prototype (first print, model), typical, convivial (fond of “living it up” with friends), vivisection
typography, typewriter, typology (study of types, (surgery on a living animal), vitality, vivacious (full of life)
symbols), typify
voc [call] vocation (a calling), avocation (occupation not
U one’s calling), convocation (a calling together),
ultima [last] ultima (last; final; most remote), ultimate invocation (calling it), evoke, provoke, revoke, advocate,
(man’s last destiny), ultimatum (the final or last offer that provocative, vocal, vocation, vocabulary
can be made)
vol [will] malevolent, benevolent (one of good will),
unda [wave, flow] abundant, inundate, undulation, redundant volunteer, volition
uni [one] unicorn (a legendary creature with one horn), vola [to fly] volatile (able to fly off or vaporize), volley,
uniface (a design that appears only on one side), unify volery, volitant
(make into one), university, unanimous, universal
V volvo [turn about, roll] voluble (easily turned about or
vac [empty] vacate (to make empty), vacuum (a space around), voluminous, volution, revolt
entirely devoid of matter), evacuate (to remove troops or
people), vacation, evacuee, vacant vor [eat greedily] voracious, carnivorous (flesh-eating),
herbivorous (plant-eating), omnivorous (eating
vale, vali, valu [strength, worth, valor] valor (value; everything), devour (eat greedily)
worth), validity (truth; legal strength), equivalent (of equal
worth), evaluate (find out the value; appraise actual Z
worth), valedictorian, valiant, value Zo [animal] zoo (short for zoological garden), zoology
(study of animal life), zoomorphism (attributing animal
ven, vent [come] convene (come together, assemble), form to God), zodiac (circle of animal constellations),
intervene (come between), circumvent (coming around), protozoa (first animal; one-celled animals)
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Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/105
am / ami – words: Amateur, Amiable, Amicable cept / ceive – words: Concept
meaning: love, friend meaning: catch, seize, take, take hold of
some other words: amateur, amatory, amour, amorous, some other words: accept, perception, perceive, receive,
enamored, inamorata, paramour, amiable, amicable, inception, intercept, conceive, conception
amicicide, amity, unamiable
circ – words: Circumspect
ambul – words: Anteambulate meaning: ring, wheel, round some other words: circle,
meaning: walk, take steps, move around encircle, circadian, circuit, circulate, circumspect,
some other words: amble, ambulate, ambulant, circumference, circumvent, circumstance, circumnavigate,
ambulance, ambulatory, ambulophobia, anteambulate, circumlocution, circumflex, circumscribe
circumambulate, funambulate, noctambulist,
cogn / cogni – words: Cognate
somnambulist, perambulate, preamble
meaning: know, learn
some other words: cognition, cognisance, cognoscente,
ante – words: Anteambulate, Antediluvian
incognito, precognition, recognition
meaning: before, in front of, prior to, forward
some other words: antebellum, antecedents,
coll – words: Collateral
anthrop – words: Misanthrope meaning: glue, adherent, related
meaning: human some other words: collate, collage, colleague, collect,
some other words: anthropology, anthropomorphism, college, collide, collocate, collude
anthropophagy, philanthropy con / com – words: Concept, Unconscientious,
Uncongenial, Connected, Conceded
apo / apho – words: Apostles, Apocryphal, Apocalyptic, meaning: with, jointly, together
Aphorism some other words: concur, contemporary, convention,
meaning: away, off, separate (far, extreme) concur, contemporary, convention, common
some other words: apology, apostrophe, apotheosis, cred – words: Credible, Discreditable
apogee, apoplexy, apostate meaning: believe, belief, faith, confidence, trust some
other words: credit, accredit, credence, credentials,
arch – words: Anarchies credo, credulity, credulous, creed
meaning: govern, rule
some other words: monarchy, autarchy, cryptarchy, cracy / crat – words: Democracies, Timocracies,
chiliarch, demarch, diarchy, hierarchy, patriarchy, Plutocracies
matriarchy, oligarchy meaning: to govern, to rule; government, strength,
power, might, authority
auto – words: Autonomy some other words: aristiocracy, autocracy, bureaucracy,
meaning: self, same, spontaneous, directed from within gerontocracy, gynocracy, kakistocracy, kleptocracy,
some other words: autarch, autism, authentic, automatic, mediocracy, meritocracy, ochlocracy
autoactivation, autoanalysis, autocephaly, autobiography,
autocrat, autoclave cryp / crypt / crypto – words: Apocryphal
meaning: hidden, secret
bell / belli – words: Belligerent, Bellicose some other words: crypt, cryptic, cryptography, encrypt,
meaning: war, fight, fighting decrypt
some other words: rebellion, antebellum, bellicism
bene / bon – words: Benefactor, Beneficial, Benediction culpa – words: Inculpate, Culprit
meaning: good, well meaning: blame; responsible for wrong or error
some other words: benevolent, benedictory, benign, bon some other words: culpable, culpability, exculpate, mea
vivant, bon voyage culpa
cad / cas / cid – words: Cadaverous, Decadence, Cadence dem / demo – words: pandemic, epidemic
meaning: to fall, befall meaning: people, population
some other words: cad, accident, incident, coincidental, some other words: demagogue, democracy, democrat,
caducity, cascade, recidivist demography, demophilia, demotic, endemic,
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/106
dol / dolor – words: dolorous, doleful some other words: agnosia, agnostic, ignorance, diagnose,
meaning: to feel pain, to grieve; sorrow, grief, mourning prognosis, gnostic, ignominy, ignore, prognosticate
some other words: condole, dole, dolorific, indolent
gress – words: retrogressive
du / duo – words: doubt meaning: walk, step, take steps, move around
meaning: two some other words: aggression, congress, digress,
some other words: deuce, double, duet, dubious, duo, egress, ingress, progress, regress, transgress
duel, duellist, duplex, duplicate, indubitable
honor / hono – words: dishonour
duce / duct – words: inducements meaning: honour, honesty
meaning: to lead, leading; bringing; to take; to draw some other words: honesty, honour, honourable,
along or out honorary, honorarium, honorific
some other words: adduce, deduce, conducive, induce,
transduce, introduce, produce, duct, ductile hubris – words: hubris
meaning: wanton violence, riotousness, insolence;
eco – words: economist outrage; arrogance
meaning: house, household affairs [environment, some other words: hubristic, hubristically
habitat], home, dwelling
some other words: ecology, ecocentric, economic, hyper – words: hyperbole
econometric, synecology meaning: above, over; excessive; more than normal;
abnormal excess
edif – words: edifying some other words: hyperacidity, hypersensitivity,
meaning: to build, to erect a building; a building, a hypermetropia, hyperactive, hyperacuity, hypermnesia,
sanctuary, a temple hypersonic
some other words: edification, edifice
identi / ident – words: identifiable
epi – words: epidemic meaning: the same, sameness
meaning: above, over, on, upon; besides; in addition to; some other words: identic, identical, identify, identification
toward; among
some other words: epicentre, epidermis, epicranial, epifocal, in / ig / il / ir / im – words: inimical, intemperate,
epigean, epigram, epigraph, epileptic, epilogue, epiphany indefinite, invalidate, innocuous, inoffensive
meaning: no, not
equi – words: equivocation some other words: ignoble, ignominous, illegal, illicit,
meaning: same, similar, even, fair, uniform, identical irreparable, irresolute, imbalance, immature, improbable
some other words: equate, adequate, coequal, equilibrium,
equal, equable, equalise, equator, equilateral, equiangular, in / im / il / ir – words: impeccable, inured, impecunious,
equanimity, equity, equitable, equivalent, equivocal impoverished, infuriating, immutable
meaning: in, into, within, inside, on, toward
eu – words: euphoria, euphemism some other words: inflammable, inaugurate, ingress,
meaning: good, well, normal; happy, pleasing immigrant, imbibe, illuminate, irradiate
some other words: eubiotics, eugenics, eudaemonia,
eulogy, euthanasia, euphonic jug / junct – words: conjugal
meaning: link, unite, yoke; bring together, meet, merge,
fac / fact / fect – words: factitious, factitiousness engage in; combine
meaning: to make, to do, to build, to cause, to produce; some other words: adjunct, adjust, conjunct, conjugate,
forming, shaping conjunction, jugular, injunction, subjugate
some other words: fact, manufacture, factor, factory,
faction, benefactor, malefactor, affect, effect, log / logue / logy – words: prologue
confection, facile, facilitate, facility meaning: talk, speak; speech; word
some other words: catalogue, monologue, dialogue,
farc / fars – words: farcical epilogue, dyslogia, lethological, logagnosia, logagraphia,
meaning: to plug up or to cram, to stuff; (by extension) - logamnesia, logo, logocide, logogram, logomachy,
practical joke, sham; fiasco logophile, logophobia, misologia, neologism
some other words: infarction, farce
lud / ludi / lus – words: delusory
fus / fun / fund / fut / found – words: refuse meaning: play, make sport of, jest; sportive; pastime
meaning: pour, melt, blend some other words: allude, allusion, delude, delusion, elude,
some other words: fuse, affuse, infuse, transfuse, collude, collusion, interlude, ludicrous, prelude, postlude
defuse, effusive, fusion, perfuse, confuse, profuse,
profusion, refusal, suffuse magni / magn – words: magnanimity
meaning: large, big, great
gen – words: engender, genteelism, degenerative some other words: mananimous, magnificient, magnate,
meaning: birth, beget; descent, origin, creation, magnifico, maginfy, magniloquent, magnitude, magnum
inception, beginning, race, sort, kind, class opus
some other words: gene, generic, generate, generation,
congenital mal / male / mali – words: malaise
meaning: bad, badly, harsh, wrong; ill; evil; abnormal,
gno – words: cognoscente defective
meaning: know, learn, discern some other words: malafide, maladjusted, malcontent,
maladroit, malady, malapropism, maledict, malefactor,
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malevolence, maleficence, malfeasance, malformed, some other words: science, scientific, conscientious,
malfunction, malice, malign conscious, nescient, omniscient, prescient
manu / man / mani / mandat – words: manners scrib / script – words: proscription
meaning: hand or hands meaning: write, record
some other words: mannerly, mannerism, manumit, some other words: scribe, script, ascribe, circumscribe,
manuscript, manufacture, mandate, manipulate, command, circumscription, conscribe, conscript, describe,
demand, remand, emancipate, legerdemain, maintain, description, inscribe, proscribe, prescribe, manuscript,
manacle, manage, manoeuvre, manicure, manifest, manual postscript, scribble, scripture, scrivener, subscribe,
subscription, superscription
mater / matri / matr – words: matrimony, matriarch
meaning: mother, motherhood secu / secut / suit / sue – words: suitable
some other words: maternal, maternity, matricide, meaning: follow, followed, following
matrilineage, matron, matrimonial, matronym some other words: consecutive, consequent, ensue,
obsequies, persecute, prosecute, pursue, sequel,
melano / melan – words: melancholy sequence, suit, pursuit, suitor, unsuitable
meaning: the color black; dark
some other words: melanin, melanoma, melanopathy sens / senso / senti – words: consensus
meaning: feeling, sensation, perception through the
miser – words: miseries
meaning: wretched, miserable, pitiable senses, to be aware, to discern by the senses
some other words: miser, miserable, commiserate, some other words: sense, sensory, sensitive, sensible,
misericord consent, dissent, dissentious, insensate, insensitive,
nonsense, multisensory, photosensitive, presentiment,
mod – words: modesty resent, resentful, sensation, senseless
meaning: measure; suitable; size, limit, way, method;
rhythm, harmony simal / simil / simul / semble – words: verisimilitude
some other words: commodious, accommodate, meaning: same, like, alike; same time; to appear, to
modulate, moderate, modest, mode, modal, modality, seem; together
model, modern, modify, module some other words: similar, simulate, simulacrum,
simultaneous, assemble, ensemble, resemble,
moll – words: emollient assimilate, dissemble, simile, facsimile
meaning: soft
some other words: mollify, mollusk, mollycoddle soli / sol – words: sole
meaning: one, alone, only
mono / mon – words: monarch some other words: solo, soloist, solitary, solitude, solitaire,
meaning: one, alone, single solicism, soliloquy, desolate, desolation, isolate, isolation
some other words: monogamy, monk, monastry,
monotheism, monatheism, monaural, monism, sol / solu / solv – words: dissolute
monochrome, monocular, monodrama, monoglot, meaning: loosen, to loose; to dissolve; to untie, to set free
monogram, monolatry, monolith, monomachy some other words: solve, solution, absolve, absolution,
absolute, aerosol, dissolve, soluble, solvable, insolvent,
mor / mora – words: moral resolve, resolute
meaning: custom, habit, manner
some other words: mores, amoral, immoral, demoralise, soph / sopho / sophic – words: sophistication
morale meaning: wise, wisdom; knowledge
some other words: pansophism, philosophy, sophist,
morbi – words: morbid
meaning: disease sophistry, sophisticated, sophomore, theosophy
some other words: morbidity, premorbid
tacit / taci / tace – words: taciturnity
mort / mor / mori / morti – words: moribund meaning: silent, silence; unspoken; quiet
meaning: death, dead; die, dying some other words: reticent, tacit, tacitly
some other words: motal, mortality, amortise, term / termin – words: terminate
benemortasia, mortgage, mortician, mortuary, mortification meaning: end, last, final, boundary
mot / moto / motile / motive / mov – words: motile some other words: term, determine, determination,
meaning: move, motion exterminate, indeterminate, interminable
some other words: motor, motion, demote, promote,
testi / test – words: testifying
locomotive, emote, emotion, motility, motivate
meaning: a witness, one who stands by
some other words: attest, attestation, contest,
mut – words; mutable, immutable
contestant, detest, detestable, intestate, protest,
meaning: change, changeable
protestant, testament, testify, testimony, testimonial
some other words: mutate, mutation, permutation,
transmute, commute, immutable
torp – words: torpid
sci / scien / scient – words: conscience meaning: stupor, numb, sluggish
meaning: to know, to learn; knowledge some other words: torpor, torpescent, torpidity
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tors / tort / torqu – words: extort, distort meaning: to be strong, to be well, to be worth; strong;
meaning: bend, curve, turn, twist (by extension) wrong power, strength; and "fare well" [go with strength]
some other words: retort, contort, torment, torsion, some other words: avail, available, valency, equivalent,
torque, tortuous, torture value, valuation, valuable, evaluate, devalue,
trac / tract – words: extract convalescent, valid, invalid, prevalent, prevail,
meaning: drag, draw together; a drawing out or pulling valediction, valour, valiant
some other words: abstact, attract, contract, detract,
veri / ver / vera – words: veracity
distract, tractable, intractable, protract, retract, subtract,
tractile, tractor meaning: true, truth, real, truthfulness
some other words: aver, averment, verity, veritable,
trans – words: transmission, transmutation, transformance verdict, verify, verification, verily, verisimilitude,
meaning: across, through, over, beyond, on the far side of
some other words: transit, transport, transmit, transfer, vict / vinc / vince – words: conviction
transplant, transfuse, transform, transvestite, transverse, meaning: conquer, overcome
transgress, transcend, transient, transition some other words: victory, convince, evict, evince, invincible
A be [on, way] bedeak, belabour, bequest, bestow,
a, an [not, without] amoral (without a sense of moral beloved
responsibility), atheism, anaemia, atypical, atom (not
cutable), apathy (without feeling) bene, bon [well] benefit, benefactor, benevolent,
benediction, bonus, bonafide, bonanza
ab, abs, a [from, away] abnormal, avert (turn away)
bi, bis, bin [both, double, twice] bicycle, biweekly,
acro [high] acropolis (high city), acrobat, acrogen (of the Binoculars, bilateral, biscuit
highest class), acronym, acrophobia (fear of height)
by [side, close, near] bypass, bystander, by-product,
ad (ac af, ag, al, an, ap, ar, as, at) [to, towards] admire bylaw, byline
(look at with wonder), attract, admit, advance, allege,
announce, assert, aggressive, accept C
cata [down, against] catalogue, catapult, catastrophe,
ambi, amb [both, around] ambidextrous (skilled with cataclysm
both hands), ambiguous, amble
circum, circ [around] circumference, circumnavigate,
amphi [both] amphibious (living on both land and water), circumspect
co (con, col, cor, com) [together, with] compose. copilot,
ana [on, up, backward] analysis (loosing up or taking conspire, collect, concord
apart for study), anatomy, anachronism
coni [dust] coniosis (disease which comes from inhaling
ante [before] antedate, anteroom, antebellum, antecedent dust)
anti, ant [against] anticommunist, antidote, anticlimax, contra, counter [against] controversy, contradict,
antacid, Antarctic counterpart
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di [two, twice] dilemma, diatom, dissect, diploma literally; hence, chemical and physical change),
metaphor, metamorphosis, metaphysical
dia [through, between] diameter, diagonal, diagram,
diagnosis, dialogue mis [incorrect, bad] misuse, misprint
dis, dif [apart, away, reverse] dismiss, distort, miso [hating, wrong] misanthropist, misogamist, miser
distinguish, diffuse
dys [badly, ill] dyspepsia (digesting badly, indigestion), mono [one] monoplane, monotone, monogamy,
dystrophy monochrome, monocle
eu, ev [well] eulogize (speak well of, praise) eupepsia, non [not] nontaxable (not taxed), nontoxic, nonexistent,
euphony, eugenics nonsense
mal [badly, poor] maladjusted, malnutrition, malfunction, sesqui [one and a half] sesquicentennial (one and one-
malady half centuries)
meta [beyond, after, with] metabolism (thrown beyond, sub [under] submerge (put under), submarine,
subhuman, subject, substitute, subsoil, suburb
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suf (sug, sup, sus) [from under] suffer, suggest, tri [three] tricycle, triangle, tripod, tristate
support, suspect, sufficient, suspend
super, supr, sur [above, over, more] supervise, un [not, release] unfair, unnatural, unbutton, unfasten
superman, survivor, supreme, supernatural, superior
under [beneath] underground, underling
syn (sym, sys, syl) [with, together] sympathy, system,
synthesis, symphony, syllable, synchronize (time uni [one, below] unicycle, uniform, unify, universe, unique
together), synonym
ultra [beyond, exceedingly] ultramodern, ultraviolet,
T ultraconservative
trans, tra [across, beyond] transoceanic, transmit, V
traverse (lying across as a bridge over a stream), vice [in place of ] vice-president, vice-admiral, viceroy
able, ible [able, can do] capable, agreeable, edible, ence, ency [action, state of, quality] difference,
visible (can be seen) conference, proficiency (quality of being proficient),
ad, ade [result of action] monad (a unit, an individual),
blockade (the result of a blocking action), lemonade er (see ar)
age [act of, state of, collection of ] salvage (act of ery (see ary)
saving), storage, forage
esce [to become] acquiesce (become restful, peaceful),
al [relating to] sensual, gradual, manual, natural (relating coalesce
to nature)
escent [in the process of] convalescent, obsolescent
algia [pain] neuralgia (nerve pain) esis (see asis)
an, ian [native of, relating to] (Czechoslovakian, African) ese [ a native of, the language] Japanese, Vietname
ance, ancy [action, process, state] assistance, esque [in the style of ] burlesque, arabesque
allowance, defiance, resistance
ess [female] actress goddess, lioness
ant [performing, agent] assistant, servant, defiant et, ette [a small one, group] midget, octet, baronet,
ar, er, or [one who, that which] doctor, baker, miller,
teacher, racer, amplifier fic [making, causing] scientific, specific
ard, art [one who] drunkard, dullard, braggart ful [full of] frightful, careful, helpful (full of help)
ary, ery, ory [relating to, quality, place where] dictionary, fy [make] fortify (make strong), simplify, terrify,amplify
dietary, bravery, dormitory (a place where people sleep) hood [order, condition, quality] manhood, womanhood,
asis, esis, osis [action, process, condition] genesis,
hypnosis, neurosis ible (see able)
ate [cause, make] enumerate, liquidate, segregate ic [nature of, like] acidic, metallic (of the nature of metal),
(causing a group to be set aside) heroic, poetic
cian [having a certain skill or art] logician, musician, ice [condition, state, quality] justice, malice
beautician, magician, physician
id, ide (a thing connected with or belonging to) fluid,
cide [kill] homicide, pesticide, genocide (killing a race of fluoride
ile [relating to, suited for, capable of] domicile, agile,
cule, ling [very small] molecule, ridicule, duckling (very juvenile, senile (related to being old), missile
small duck), sapling
ine [nature of] feminine, masculine, geniuine, medicine
cy [action, function] hesitancy prophecy, normalcy
ion, sion, tion [act of, state of, result of] action, injection,
dom [quality, realm, office] boredom, freedom, kingdom, infection, suspension (state of suspending)
stardom, wisdom (quality of being wise)
ish [origin, nature, resembling] foolish, Irish, clownish
ee [one who receives the action] employee, devotee, (resembling a clown)
nominee (one who is nominated), refugee, trustee
ism [doctrine, system, manner, condition, characteristic]
en [made of, make] silken, frozen, oaken (made of oak), alcoholism, exorcism, heroism (characteristic of a hero),
wooden, lighten Communism, realism
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Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/111
ist [one who, that which] artist, dentist, violinist, racist ology [study, science, theory] biology, anthropology,
geology, neurology
ite [nature of, quality of, mineral product] expedite,
Israelite, graphite, sulfite, dynamite (quality of being or (see ar)
ory (see ary)
ity, ty [state of, quality] captivity, chastity, fraternity,
clarity osis (see asis)
ive [causing, making] assertive, abusive (causing ous [full of, having] gracious, nervous, vivacious (full of,
abuse), affirmative, exhaustive having) gracious, nervous, vivacious (full of life), spacious
ize [make] emphasize, liberalize [make liberal), idolize, rhea [flowing, discharge] pyorrhoea, diarrhea, gonorrhea
penalize, publicize [discharge from the reproductive organs]
less [without] baseless, careless [without care), artless, ship [office, state, quality, skill, profession] friendship,
fearless, helpless authorship, scholarship, dictatorship
ly [like, manner of ] carelessly, fearlessly, hopelessly, some [like, apt, tending to] lonesome, threesome,
shamelessly gruesome
ment [act of, state of, result] contentment, alignment, tude [state of, condition of] gratitude, multitude
amendment (state of amending), achievement (condition of being many), aptitude, solitude
mony [a resulting thing] patrimony, alimony, acrimony ure [state of, act, process, rank] culture, literature,
ness [state of] carelessness, restlessness, lifelessess pressure, rupture (state of being broken)
old [like, resembling] asteroid, spheroid, tabloid, ward [in the direction of] eastward, forward, backward
anthropoid y [inclined to, tend to] cheery, crafty, faulty, dirty, itchy
abrogate – revoke, end, recall, withdraw, reverse, autonomous – free, independent, sovereign, self-
cancel, abolish, repeal, renounce, take back, call back, sufficient, self-governing
retract, repudiate, negate, rescind, invalidate, annul,
nullify, recant, obviate, disclaim, countermand barricade – barrier, wall, railing, fence, blockade,
obstruction, rampart, fortification, bulwark, palisade,
abstract – theoretical, complex, intellectual, subtle, stockade
profound, speculative, unrealistic, conceptual, indefinite, bent (N) – inclination, ability, taste, leaning, tendency,
occult, hypothetical, generalized, impractical, arcane, preference, faculty, forte, flair, penchant, propensity,
notional, abstruse, recondite, conjectural, unpractical aptitude, predisposition, predilection, proclivity, liking
acquiesce – submit, agree, accept, approve, yield, berate – rebuke, reproof, scold, lambast, reprimand,
bend, surrender, consent, tolerate, comply, give in, remonstrate, castigate, chastise, objurgate
conform, succumb, concur, assent, capitulate, accede
bland(-ness) – dull, boring, plain, commonplace,
adjunct – addition, supplement, accessory, complement, tedious, dreary, tiresome, monotonous, uninspiring,
auxiliary, add-on, appendage, addendum, appurtenance humdrum, unimaginative, uninteresting, insipid,
unexciting, vapid
adumbrate – intimate, insinuate, hint, suggest, inkling (N)
bottomless – deep, profound, boundless, unfathomable,
immeasurable, fathomless, endless, inexhaustible
affluent – wealthy, rich, prosperous, opulent
Also abysmal (dreadful, bad, terrible, awful, appalling,
dismal, dire, ghastly, hideous, atrocious)
allegiance – loyalty, duty, obligation, devotion, fidelity,
obedience, adherence, constancy, faithfulness burgeon(-ing) – develop, increase, grow, flower,
progress, mature, thrive, flourish, bloom, bud, blossom,
argot – jargon, slang, dialect, idiom, vernacular, patter, prosper
parlance, cant, lingo, patois
buttress – support, sustain, strengthen, shore, prop,
artificial – synthetic, manufactured, plastic, insincere, reinforce, back up, brace, uphold, bolster, augment
forced, affected, assumed, false, pretended, hollow, catholic – wide, liberal, global, varied, comprehensive,
contrived, unnatural, feigned, spurious, meretricious, universal, tolerant, eclectic, ecumenical, broad-minded,
specious, fabricated, counterfeit unbigoted, unsectarian
assiduous – diligent, constant, steady, hard-working, clairvoyant(-ce) – visionary, prophetic, prescient, telepathic,
persistent, attentive, persevering, laborious, industrious, extrasensory, oracular, presaging, prognostic, augural
indefatigable, studious, untiring, sedulous
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Tel : 040–27898195 Fax : 040–27847334 email : [email protected] website : SM1001909/112
clergy – priesthood, ministry, clerics, clergymen, diffuse – spread, distribute, scatter, circulate, disperse,
churchmen, holy orders, ecclesiastics dispense, dispel, dissipate, propagate, disseminate,
cohort – supporter, partner, associate, mate, assistant,
follower, comrade, protagonist, accomplice, henchman digress – drift, stray, depart, ramble, meander, diverge,
deviate, expatiate
commotion – disturbance, to-do, riot, disorder,
disconcert – disturb, worry, trouble, upset, confuse,
excitement, fuss, turmoil, racket, upheaval, bustle,
baffle, unsettle, bewilder, agitate, ruffle, perplex, fluster,
furore, uproar, ferment, agitation, ado, tumult
perturb, faze, nonplus
conceal – hide, bury, secrete, cover, screen, disguise,
disconsolate – inconsolable, despairing, sad, miserable,
obscure, camouflage, mask, veil, dissemble
gloomy, hopeless, dismal, melancholy, desolate, forlorn,
conditional – dependent, limited, qualified, subject to,
woeful, dejected, grief-stricken, wretched
contingent, provisional, with reservations
dissemble – hide, act, pretend, bluff, be dishonest,
conjecture – guess, theory, fancy, speculation, dissimulate, conceal, mask
assumption, hypothesis, inference, presumption,
don – (N) – lecturer, professor, fellow, academic, scholar
surmise, theorizing, guesswork, supposition
(V) – put on, get into, dress in, pull on, change into, get
conscientious – careful, exact, faithful, meticulous, dressed in
painstaking, diligent, punctilious, moral, strict,
drab – dull, grey, gloomy, dismal, dreary, sombre,
straightforward, upright, honest, scrupulous, high-
lacklustre, flat, uninspired, vapid
minded, incorruptible, ethical
draconian – severe, harsh, stern, drastic, stringent,
corroborate(-ion) – support, establish, confirm,
punitive, austere, pitiless, cruel, relentless, oppressive,
document, sustain, back up, endorse, ratify, validate,
austere, unrelenting, inexorable
bear out, substantiate, authenticate
dreadful – terrible, distressing, appalling, tragic, horrible,
courtly – ceremonious, civil, formal, obliging, refined, formidable, fearful, dire, horrendous, hideous,
polite, dignified, stately, aristocratic, gallant, affable, monstrous, atrocious, frightful
urbane, decorous, chivalrous, highbred
drivel – babble, ramble, maunder, prate, prattle, gibber,
craven – cowardly, weak, scared, fearful, abject, chatter, blabber, twaddle
dastardly, lily-livered, timorous, pusillanimous
dulcet – sweet, pleasing, melodious, mellifluous,
dawdle – waste time, potter, trail, lag, idle, hang about, euphonious,
loiter, linger, procrastinate
dupe – deceive, trick, cheat, con, hoax, defraud, beguile,
decimate – destroy, devastate, annihilate, eradicate, delude, swindle, outwit, bamboozle, hoodwink
wipe out, eliminate, carry off, extinguish, ravage
effusive – demonstrative, enthusiastic, extravagant,
decorate – adorn, deck, trim, embroider, garnish, overflowing, gushing, exuberant, ebullient, unrestrained,
ornament, embellish, festoon, bedeck, beautify, grace, talkative, fulsome, profuse
ornament, (Adj. – florid, ruddy, ornate)
elite – aristocracy, cream, upper/privileged class,
deference – respect, regard, consideration, attention, nobility, gentry, high society, crème de la crème
honour, esteem, courtesy, reverence, politeness, civility, (French), nonpareil
elixir – panacea, cure-all, nostrum, syrup, potion, distillate
denounce(-iating) – condemn, attack, censure, decry,
castigate, revile, vilify, proscribe, stigmatize, impugn, emancipate(-ion) – free, release, liberate, set free,
excoriate enfranchise, unshackle, disencumber, unfetter, unbridle,
disenthral, manumit
depose – (a) oust, dismiss, displace, degrade,
downgrade, cashier(v), demote, dethrone. embargo – ban, barrier, restriction, boycott, prohibition,
(b) swear, declare, to give testimony(=deposition) moratorium, stoppage, impediment, blockage, hindrance,
interdiction, proscription, ostracize
deride – mock, ridicule, scorn, insult, taunt, sneer, jeer,
embezzle – misappropriate, steal, appropriate, rob,
disdain, scoff, detract, flout, disparage, chaff, gibe
siphon off, pilfer, purloin, filch
derisive – mocking, ridiculing, jeering, taunting, scoffing, embroil – complicate, mix up, implicate, entangle, mire,
contemptuous, scornful ensnare, encumber
diaphanous – fine, light, thin, sheer, delicate, encumbrance – burden, difficulty, obstacle,
transparent, translucent, gossamer, gauzy, filmy, pellucid embarrassment, obstruction, hindrance, restraint,
inconvenience, impediment
diatribe – tirade, abuse, criticism, denunciation, reviling,
stricture, harangue, invective, vituperation
endemic – widespread, common, sweeping, extensive,
prevalent, rife, pervasive
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
extradite – deport, exile, hand over, expel, banish, send gregarious – outgoing, friendly, cordial, sociable,
back, expatriate affable, convivial, companionable
extricate – withdraw, relieve, free, clear, deliver,
gusto – relish, enthusiasm, appetite, appreciation, liking,
liberate, disencumber, disentangle, untangle, disengage
delight, pleasure, enjoyment, savour, zeal, verve, zest,
facetious – flippant, funny, playful, frivolous, droll, fervour, exhilaration
jocular, unserious, jocose
haven – sanctuary, shelter, retreat, asylum, refuge,
fallacious – incorrect, wrong, mistaken, false, oasis, sanctum
misleading, untrue, deceptive, spurious, fictitious,
illogical, erroneous, illusory, delusive, delusory, sophistic hedonist – pleasure-seeker, epicurean, bon vivant
(French), epicure, sensualist, voluptuary, sybarite
famish(-ed) – hungry, starving, voracious, ravenous
fashionable – popular, trendy, current, modern, smart, husband – conserve, budget, use sparingly, save, store,
prevailing, stylish, genteel, in vogue, modish hoard, economize, frugal(Adj.), provident(Adj.)
fastidious – particular, meticulous, fussy, overdelicate, hydrate – moisten, wet, water, soak, sodden, dampen,
difficult, nice, critical, discriminating, dainty, squeamish, moisturize, bedew
choosy, hard to please, finicky, punctilious
hyperbole – exaggeration, overstatement, enlargement,
fervent – ardent, earnest, enthusiastic, fervid, passionate, magnification, amplification
warm, excited, emotional, intense, flaming, eager,
animated, fiery, ecstatic, devout, impassioned, zealous hypothetical – theoretical, academic, assumed,
imaginary, speculative, putative, conjectural, theatrical,
fetter – chain, tie up, shackle, hobble, hold captive, histrionic, melodramatic
manacle, captivity(N), bondage(N)
immaculate – pure, perfect, spotless, flawless,
filibuster – obstruction, delay, postponement, impeccable, stainless, faultless, unblemished, unsullied,
hindrance, procrastination uncontaminated, unpolluted, untarnished,
unexceptionable, undefiled
finicky – fussy, difficult, particular, hard to please,
critical, scrupulous, fastidious, dainty, squeamish, immanent – inherent, innate, intrinsic, natural, internal,
choosy, overparticular indigenous, subjective, inborn
flaunt – show off, display, boast, parade, exhibit, imminent – threatening, forthcoming, looming,
brandish, vaunt menacing, brewing, impending, upcoming,
flay – upbraid, castigate, revile, excoriate, execrate, impetuous(-ity) – rash, hasty, impulsive, violent, furious,
criticise, lash, assail, fleece spontaneous, precipitate, ardent, impassioned,
flimsy – fragile, weak, slight, delicate, shallow, shaky, unplanned, unbridled, vehement, unrestrained,
frail, superficial, makeshift, insubstantial unthinking, unpremeditated
flinch – wince, start, duck, shrink, cringe, quail, recoil, imprison(-ment) – gaol, immure, incarcerate, jail, put
cower, swerve, shirk behind bars, remand, intern, impound, confine,
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
indict – charge, accuse, prosecute, summon, impeach, lunacy – foolishness, madness, folly, stupidity,
arraign, sentence, blame, condemn, convict, damn, absurdity, aberration, imbecility, foolhardiness, insanity,
inculpate madness, mania, dementia
indigent(-ce) – destitute, poor, impoverished, needy, magnanimous – generous, kind, noble, selfless,
penniless, penurious, necessitous, impecunious charitable, bountiful, unselfish, unstinting, beneficent,
infamous(infamy) – notorious, base, disgraceful,
shameful, vile, scandalous, wicked, atrocious, heinous, maladroit – clumsy, awkward, bungling, inept, inexpert,
odious, ignominious, disreputable, egregious, unskilful
abominable, villainous, dishonourable, nefarious, mannered – affected, posed, artificial, pretentious,
iniquitous, detestable, opprobrious stilted, counterfeit, feigned, spurious, conceited,
infirm – frail, weak, feeble, failing, ailing, debilitated, insincere
decrepit, enfeebled, doddery
maudlin – sentimental, tearful, weepy, mawkish,
inimical – hostile, opposed, contrary, destructive, lachrymose
harmful, adverse, hurtful, unfriendly, unfavourable,
maverick – rebel, radical, dissenter, individualist,
antagonistic, injurious
protester, eccentric, heretic, nonconformist, iconoclast
inquest – inquiry, investigation, probe, inquisition
meddlesome – interfering, meddling, intrusive,
insularity – narrow-minded, prejudiced, provincial, mischievous, prying, officious
limited, narrow, petty, parochial, blinkered,
mercurial – capricious, volatile, unpredictable, erratic,
circumscribed, illiberal, sectarian
variable, unstable, fickle, temperamental, impulsive,
interim – temporary, provisional, makeshift, acting, irrepressible, changeable, whimsical
passing, intervening, caretaker, improvised, transient,
stopgap mimic – imitate, ape, parody, caricature, impersonate
intermittent – broken, occasional, recurring, irregular, moderate – soften, control, calm, temper, regulate,
sporadic, recurrent, fitful, spasmodic, discontinuous quiet, diminish, curb, restrain, subdue, play down,
lessen, repress, mitigate, tone down, pacify, modulate
intimidate – frighten, pressurize, threaten, scare, terrify,
cow, menace, hound, daunt, harass, subdue, oppress, momentous – significant, important, serious, vital,
persecute, tyrannize, domineer critical, crucial, grave, historic, decisive, pivotal, fateful,
weighty, consequential
investiture – installation, ordination, inauguration,
investment, investing, admission, induction, mundane – ordinary, routine, commonplace, banal,
enthronement everyday, prosaic, humdrum
jaundiced – cynical, bitter, hostile, prejudiced, biased, narcissistic – self-loving, conceited, self-centred,
suspicious, partial, jealous, distorted, sceptical, resentful, egocentric, self-obsessed, egoistic, proud, vain
envious, bigoted, spiteful, preconceived
nemesis – bane, scourge, curse, affliction, retribution,
jocund – jolly, jovial, merry, mirthful, jocose, animated, destruction, vengeance
glad, hilarious, buoyant, airy, jubilant, cheery, cordial,
convivial, blithe obliterate – destroy, eliminate, devastate, wreck, wipe
out, demolish, ravage, eradicate, desolate, annihilate,
juggle – manipulate, change, doctor, alter, modify, raze, extirpate
disguise, manoeuvre, tamper, misrepresent, falsify
occult – supernatural, mysterious, mystical, unearthly,
kindred – kin, lineage, kinsmen, compatible, congenial, unnatural, esoteric, uncanny, arcane, paranormal,
companionable, congnate abstruse, recondite, preternatural
lampoon – ridicule, mock, mimic, parody, caricature, onerous – trying, hard, taxing, demanding, difficult,
squib, burlesque, satirize heavy, responsible, grave, exhausting, exacting,
formidable, troublesome, oppressive, laborious,
lanky – gangling, thin, tall, gaunt, bony, rangy, scraggy burdensome, irksome, exigent
legend – myth, story, tale, fiction, narrative, saga, fable, opprobrium – censure, criticism, condemnation,
folk tale, celebrity, star, phenomenon, genius, spectacle, discredit, disapproval, reproach, calumny, odium,
wonder, marvel, prodigy, luminary obloquy, contumely, scurrility, slur, ignominy, infamy
levity – frivolity, silliness, triviality, fickleness, flippancy, paltry – insignificant, trivial, worthless, unimportant,
giddiness, skittishness, facetiousness small, base, slight, petty, trifling
pan(V) – criticize, knock, blast, censure, flay, lambast
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partisan – (Adj.) – prejudiced, one-sided, biased, prologue – introduction, preliminary, prelude, preface,
partial, sectarian, factional, tendentious preamble, foreword, exordium
(Noun) – supporter, champion, follower, backer, disciple, promontory – point, cape, head, spur, headland, foreland
stalwart, devotee, adherent, upholder
prudish – exaggeratedly proper, prim, formal, proper,
pathetic – sad, moving, touching, affecting, distressing,
puritanical, demure, squeamish, narrow-minded,
tender, poignant, plaintive, pitiable
overmodest, overnice
pecuniary – monetary, economic, financial, capital,
commercial, fiscal, budgetary quail – shrink, cringe, flinch, shake, faint, tremble,
pensive – thoughtful, serious, sad, grave, sober, quake, shudder, falter, droop, recoil, cower, blench
musing, preoccupied, melancholy, solemn, reflective,
dreamy, wistful, contemplative, meditative, sorrowful, quaint – unusual, odd, curious, original, strange, bizarre,
ruminative, cogitative fantastic, old-fashioned, peculiar, eccentric, queer,
fanciful, whimsical, droll, picturesque, antique, gothic
permeate – pervade, saturate, charge, fill, pass through,
penetrate, infiltrate, imbue, impregnate, seep, percolate querulous – complaining, cross, discontented,
grumbling, peevish, critical, sour, carping, murmuring,
pernicious – damaging, dangerous, evil, offensive, fatal, whining, dissatisfied, irritable, touchy, petulant, plaintive,
deadly, destructive, harmful, poisonous, malicious, irascible, cantankerous, tetchy
malign, malignant, detrimental, hurtful, malevolent,
noxious, venomous, ruinous, baleful, deleterious, quiver – shake, tremble, shiver, quake, shudder, agitate,
injurious, noisome, baneful, pestilent, maleficent vibrate, pulsate, convulse, palpitate
pillage – plunder, sack, rob, rifle, loot, ravage, ransack, rail(-ed) – complain, attack, abuse, criticize, censure,
maraud scold, castigate, revile
pine – (a) waste, decline, weaken, sicken, sink, flag, raillery – banter, badinage, light-hearted teasing,
fade, decay, wither, wilt, languish, droop persiflage, repartee
(b) long, ache, crave, yearn
rapture – ecstasy, delight, enthusiasm, joy, happiness,
pious – religious, godly, devoted, spiritual, holy, bliss, euphoria, rhapsody, exaltation, delectation,
dedicated, righteous, devout, saintly, God-fearing, beatitude, ravishment
reverent, sanctimonious
pluck(N) – courage, nerve, heart, spirit, grit, bravery, ratify – approve, establish, confirm, bind, sanction,
mettle, boldness, intrepidity endorse, uphold, authorize, affirm, certify, consent to,
validate, corroborate, authenticate
plumb(V) – examime throughly, measure, explore,
probe, sound out, search, go into, penetrate, gauge, raucous – harsh, rough, loud, noisy, grating, strident,
unravel, fathom rasping, husky, discordant, clamorous, cacophonous, din
ponder – think about, consider, study, reflect on, rectitude – morality, principle, honour, virtue, decency,
examine, contemplate, deliberate about, muse on, brood justice, equity, integrity, goodness, honesty, correctness,
on, meditate on, mull over, ruminate on, cogitate righteousness, probity, incorruptibility, scrupulousness,
uprightness, verity
precipitate – quicken, trigger, accelerate, advance,
hurry, dispatch, speed up, hasten, expedite renaissance – rebirth, revival, restoration, renewal,
preposterous – ridiculous, bizarre, incredible, awakening, resurrection, regeneration, resurgence
outrageous, shocking, crazy, absurd, foolish, ludicrous,
unthinkable, unreasonable, insane, irrational, senseless, rent(V) – tear, split, rip, slash, slit
laughable, asinine
rustic – rural, country, pastoral, bucolic, sylvan, simple,
prerogative – right, choice, claim, authority, title, homely, basic, plain, unsophisticated, unrefined, artless,
advantage, privilege, birthright, droit, perquisite unpolished
presumptuous – bold, arrogant, presuming, rash, sacrilege – desecration, violation, blasphemy, mockery,
audacious, conceited, foolhardy, insolent, overconfident heresy, irreverence, profanity, impiety, profanation,
pristine – new, pure, immaculate, untouched, unspoiled,
unsullied, uncorrupted, undefiled, original sanctum – sanctuary, shrine, altar, holy place, refuge,
prolific – productive, creative, fertile, inventive, copious,
generative, profuse, fecund sap – weaken, drain, undermine, rob, exhaust, erode,
deplete, enervate, devitalize
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
scathing – critical, cutting, biting, harsh, savage, brutal, subjugate – defeat, crush, suppress, put down, overthrow,
searing, belittling, sarcastic, caustic, scornful, vitriolic, subdue, overpower, quell, rule over, enslave, vanquish
trenchant, mordant
tawdry – vulgar, cheap, tasteless, gaudy, showy,
sedentary – inactive, sitting, seated, desk, motionless, meretricious
torpid, lazy, sluggish, languid, slow, dull, passive, numb,
motionless, stagnant, inert, slow-moving, lethargic, titan – behemoth, colossus, giant, leviathan,
apathetic, drowsy, listless, indolent, languorous, mammothian
somnolent, lackadaisical, slothful
traitor – betrayer, deserter, turncoat, deceiver, informer,
seminal – influential, important, original, creative, renegade, defector, quisling, apostate, miscreant
productive, innovative, imaginative
turpitude – wickedness, evil, corruption, depravity,
sentient – feeling, living, conscious, live, sensitive, immorality, iniquity, viciousness, vileness, nefariousness
uncommunicative – reticent, reserved, withdrawn,
slack – negligent, lazy, lax, idle, inactive, tardy, guarded, silent, shy, curt, taciturn, unresponsive,
neglectful, slipshod, inattentive, remiss, dodge unforthcoming
slight – insignificant, negligible, weak, modest, trivial, unconquerable – invincible, unbeatable, indomitable,
superficial, feeble, trifling, meagre, unimportant, paltry, enduring, irresistible, irrepressible, insurmountable,
insubstantial, scanty unyielding, undefeatable
sordid – (a) base, degraded, shameful, vicious, shabby, unctuous – obsequious, plausible, oily, fawning,
vile, degenerate, despicable, disreputable, debauched cringing, ingratiating, insincere, sycophantic
(b) dirty, squalid, mean, foul, filthy, unclean, wretched,
slovenly unfledged – inexperienced, immature, callow, young,
green, raw, undeveloped
specious – fallacious, misleading, deceptive, plausible,
sophistic, casuistic unkempt – untidy, scruffy, dishevelled, disordered,
messy, sloppy, shabby, rumpled, slovenly, disarranged,
spotted – speckled, dotted, flecked, pied, specked, ungroomed, disarrayed
mottled, dappled
valor – gallantry, heroism, valiance, bravery, courage,
fearlessness, intrepidity, doughtiness, boldness, pluck,
stall – hinder, obstruct, impede, block, halt, slow down,
grit, fortitude
hamper, thwart, sabotage
verbiage – verbosity, repetition, tautology, redundancy,
stout – robust, brawny, plucky, fat, overweight, plump,
circumlocution, prolixity, periphrasis, wordiness, garrulity,
bulky, obese, fleshy, portly, rotund, corpulent, plucky
Certain words go with certain others to convey a distinct amateur - competent, gifted, talented
meaning. This is called collocation. The combination of amenity - basic, excellent
words lends language a rich and native-speaker-like ammunition - live, blank
quality. antipathy - profound, deep, violent
aroma - pungent, rich, strong, lingering,
ability - exceptional, outstanding, uncanny, subtle
inherent, innate array - dazzling, stunning, diverse
accent - marked, pronounced, strong assumption - shared, widespread, underlying
access - direct, unlimited assurance - categorical
acquisition - latest, new, recent atmosphere - congenial, convivial, heady,
addition - valuable, useful, worthy oppressive, stifling
adjustment - minor, fine, appropriate aura - magical, faint
adversary - formidable, worthy aversion - strong
advice - constructive, practical, sound awareness - heightened, political, acute
advocate - ardent, outspoken, staunch
affair - glittering, grand, sordid bachelor - confirmed
affinity - strong, natural backfire - disastrously
affront - personal bearing - direct, significant
agenda - agreed, clear beast - savage, ferocious, mythical,
aggression - intense, controlled, naked legendary
alibi - cast-iron, solid background - privileged, disadvantaged
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2 Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Access is a way of entering or reaching a place.
The only access to the ground was through a narrow gate.
Assess is to make a judgement about the nature or quality of somebody or something.
I wanted to assess the urgency of the issue before taking a decision.
Accession is the act of becoming a ruler of a county/becoming part of an international organization.
The first anniversary of the Queen’s accession to the throne will be celebrated with great pomp and splendour.
Ascension refers to the act of going to Heaven. Mother Teresa was conferred with sainthood after her ascension.
Affection is a feeling of love.
Her affection for the orphans is obvious from her loving deeds.
Affectation is artificial behaviour.
He is a simple person without fuss or affectation.
Alter is to change or to make someone or something different.
She wanted to alter her appearance.
Altar is a special table where religious ceremonies are performed.
He stood at the altar, waiting for the priest.
Anticipate is to be aware of something in advance.
We anticipate a good monsoon this year.
Expect is to think or believe something will happen.
I expect you will do very well in your examination because you worked so hard.
Appraise is to make an estimate.
Frequent appraisals of a company’s performance is the hallmark of good management.
Apprise means to inform.
I was apprised of the dangers that I might face during the trip.
Accede means to agree.
I acceded to his suggestion that I should continue my education before seeking employment.
Concede means to admit or give in to.
The opponent conceded defeat without much fight.
Antics are absurd acts or postures.
His antics at the party amused everyone.
Antique is something very old which is very valuable.
This shop sells antique items.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.
Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) HO: 95B, 2nd Floor, Siddamsetty Complex, Secunderabad – 500 003.