Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
2.1 Overview
Literature on designing of Transformer less PV Grid Linked Inverter has been
reviewed. The review includes the control strategy, operation and accomplishment of
numerous topologies of PV grid linked inverter being set through byseveral
researchers all over the world.
Bimal K. Bose [7] in his research work has explained Global warming, causes of
environmental pollution and impact of power electronics in solving global warming
problem. The role of Power electronics in coming years is going to increase
tremendously in clean energy generation, massive storage of electricity, and proper
energy utilization, and definitely, it will be an important element in the energy
policies of nations. It has been found that the progress in energy efficiency by power
electronics and some other alternatives with the present technologies, will save 20%
of the global energy in demand, and further 20% of energy can be saved by
preventing waste, i.e., by various preservation methods. Finally, with the effort of
humanity all over the world global warming problems can be solved easily.
In his research work, Chuan Yao et al. [10] proposed a new single-switch isolated
DC-DC converter for MPPT control and photovoltaic (PV) voltage regulation. The
proposed DC-DC converter offers the advantage of using fewer switches than other
existing DC-DC converters isolated. The operating principle and the design of the
parameters of the converter are described in the document. Simulation studies are
carried out in MATLAB. The proposed converter is able to track the maximum power
point of the PV panel at different times of the day.
Kumar A et al [21] in his research work described how to implement a photovoltaic
model using MATLAB software. The proposed designed model was made with a
user-friendly icon and a dialog box like Simulink block libraries. The designed
photovoltaic model was easily simulated and analysed for a maximum power point
tracker. Taking into account the effects of sun irradiance and cell temperature, the
output power and current characteristics of the PV model are simulated.
HaiboQiao et al [17] in his research workanalysed a new take-off converter for fuel
cell electric vehicles for high power applications. The designed circuit has the
advantage of having improved performances compared to buck-boost converters with
a single switch, such as buck-boost, CUK, Zeta, SEPIC etc. In the research work
analysis of the circuit parameters of the cascade converter Buck-Boost its operating
principles are carried out and the simulation of the circuit has also been carried out.
The circuit simulation results in a good performance of the electrical output.
Bin Guet al [8] in his research work presented a reliable and efficient single-phase
transformer less converter connected to the grid for photovoltaic application using
super junction MOSFET having the property of not recovering the reverse recovery
MOSFET diode body and having good efficiency. In the research work design
criteria, the operating principle and characteristics of the proposed inverter without
using transformer and using six MOSFET switches was explained. The proposed
topology is reliable and exhibits low current distortion, leakage current in less
common mode than other topologies such as H5, HERIC, H6 suggested by the
In his research, Lezhu Chen et al. [22] analysed in detail the photovoltaic inverter
system without a transformer for common-mode current. The different methods to
control and analyse and to simulate the complete single-phase transformer bridge
topology are explained. Also some topologies more like three-stage hybrid inverter
without transformer are also explained. The simulation was performed to analyse the
Roberto Gonzalez et al [32] in his research work have proposed various transformer
less inverter Topologies like half bridge, bipolar full bridge with PWM having no
leakage current. The topology in this research work was explained and verified
experimentally for a Transformer less Inverter for Single Phase Photovoltaic System
of 5 KW rating. The PV inverter topology explained accumulates six switches and
two diodes.
Yongheng Yang et al [41] in his research work a low voltage ride through (LVRT)
single-phase transformer less inverter and its capacity were explored. In the low
voltage single-phaseride work transformerless inverter to be used under the fault grid
and support conditions are explored. The various topologies such as full bridge with
bipolar modulation, DC bypass and highly reliable inverter are analysed. To test the
results 1KW PV Inverter related grid system was designed and simulated.
In his article, Yufei Zhou et al [42] explained a modulation technique for the inverter
coupled with single-phase inductor which was a photovoltaic (PV) system connected
to the grid. This technique reduces the leakage current in the system and therefore
reduces the common mode voltage. The model was simulated and verified
Zhigang Liang et al [44] in his research work have introduced a switched capacitor
buck-boost DC/DC converter applicable for distributed photovoltaic (PV) power
generation connected in parallel. The designed topology has advantages of both
resonant and switched-capacitor converters. The designed circuit was simulated and
results were verified experimentally.
Mukhtiar Singh et al [26] in his research work have explained a controlled logical
approach to be used for grid-interfacing inverters using the digital signal processing
method. The approach was used for a 3-phase 4-wire distribution systems installation.
The overall method was explained using MATLAB/Simulink simulation and proved
by digital signal processor method to verify the results experimentally.
Hyosung Kim et al [19] in his research work have analysed and designed L-C filters
which are useful for PWM inverters. The model has been designed for the proposed
system for experimental verification and testing. The model was analysed for different
load conditions such as no load, resistive, inductive conditions. The model designed
has a control on dynamics and transient current.
H.M. Abdar et al [16] in his research work have discussed the design and
implementation of a grid-tie Inverter for connecting renewable resources such as solar
arrays, wind turbines, and energy storage to the AC grid. The model designed for a
micro grid system controls real and reactive power flows. The restriction of the design
was the model is using transformer in the circuit which is required to be replaced by
DC to DC boost converter to eliminate transformer drawbacks.
Pui-Weng Chan et al [30] in his research work have designed a DC-DC boost
converter producing a constant output useful for grid linked PV system. The designed
model was used to boost the solar voltage up which is varying to a constant voltage.
The system uses a controlled logic implemented in the microcontroller which was
used as a voltage feedback system to track and support proper PWM pulses for
switches triggering so that the required output is obtained from the boost converter.
The PSIM software was used for the simulation of the model and verification.
Tan KhengKWang et al [36] in his research work have presented a grid tie inverter for
PV system applicable for residential purposes. In the research work switching
technique using square wave and sinusoidal pulse width modulation was used,
discussed and the inverter performance was analysed by simulation done in Simulink.
Also approach to send power to the grid was also explained in the research work.
Mohamed A.Ghalib et al [25] in his research work have developed a control circuitry
for a pure wave sine inverter producing output whose magnitude and frequency in
synchronization with grid. The designed model used a microcontroller for producing
sine wave and also for producing SPWM technique. The inverter designed was
simulated on PSIM and Proteus software for verifying the output results.
PrashantV. Thakre et al [29] in his research work have presented the PV inverter
equipped with boost converter. The analysis of the circuit was done in MATLAB/
Simulink. The boost converter used was to boost the input voltage and thus
eliminating the transformer in the design circuit. By changing the switching frequency
of bridge circuit the inverter was able to produce a single phase ac signal. The
analysis has been performed by taking different switching frequencies and it was
found that at higher frequencies the output results are much better.
A. Chouder et al [9] in his research work have presented a PV model for grid
connected system and analysis was done by simulation. For feeding sinusoidal current
to the grid an indirect current control strategy was used. The grid normal and faulty
conditions analysis was also done by simulation.
Jithesh M. V. et al [20] in his research work a model of single phase PWM unipolar
inverter was made and simulated in MATLAB/Simulink with the Simulink Power
Systems Block Set. The switching technique used in the model was pulse width
modulation for controlling the working of switches. The MOSFET as switching
device and the sliding controller having fixed frequency was used for the model.
AnujaNamboori et al [4] in his research work model of unipolar and bipolar H-Bridge
inverter topologies are described and there analysis was done in MATLAB/Simulink.
The PWM technique was used for switching of switches of inverter.
ZaberHasan Mahmud et al [43] in his research work have presented a model of single
phase grid tie inverter. The design suggested was an optimized one which can be
linked with the grid without storage of PV energy. In the design a boost converter was
used which is of dual stage and a T-LCL filter was used for harmonic reduction. The
inverter proposed is a sinusoidal one with less harmonic and improved efficiency and
its analysis and simulation was done in power Simulink software.
Pankaj H.Zope et al [28] in his research work have explained the basics of SPWM or
sinusoidal pulse width modulation technique. The various kinds of SPWM techniques
are also analysed and explained in the research work. The model of a Sinusoidal Pulse
Width Modulated Inverter (SPWM) (Bipolar) has been described and simulated using
Ahmed Abdalrahman et al [2] in his research work have presented a three phase grid
connected inverter. In the model controlling part, space vector modulation and
synchronization of inverter with the grid are explained. The simulation, analysis of
model was done using PSIM software.
VasavGautam et al [39] in his research work have presented a single stage PV inverter
common ground transformer less. The converter was made using techniques of cuk
converter and Watkins–Johnson converter. The inverter circuit have been analysed
and simulated and the results are explained.
AnkurNamdeo et al [3] in his research work have generated digital PWM pulse by
using MATLAB/dspace for controlling the motor using H bridge converter. The
model of H Bridge and hardware for D-Space has been made. The results are analysed
and simulated in MATLAB.
Eric Glover et al [13] in his research work have developed and analysed grid
connected PV system stability control. A model has been developed and controlled
for distributed system in terms of stability and frequency variations. The conclusion
made was for a grid tie inverter so far the inverter controller was tuned properly
transients in the output are stable.
S.M.A.Faisal [34] in his research work has explained the analysis of performance of
grid connected single phase PV system. This has been done using MATLAB
software/Simulink. For analysis PV module of 1 KW a DC to DC converter and a DC
to AC inverter has been designed. In the model the control system used are one for
capturing maximum output from PV module and the another control used is to inject
required amount of active and reactive power to the grid.
Of various topologies suggested such as H5, HERIC, H6, HBZVR and HBZVR-D the
HBZVR-D topology has better clamping with low leakage current, AC decoupling,
low losses and better proficiency of further topologies proposed. The outcomes are
certified experimentally and through simulation.
Hugo Nunes et al [18] in his research work have designed a transformer less
buck-boost coupled inverter network for low-voltage solar panels. The inverter
designed was without transformer. The converter to convert DC to AC was realized
on buck-boost technology with current mode control and power control. The single-
phase inverter that has been connected to the grid designed and it uses the 225W solar
panel, having output voltage of about 29V, short circuit current to be 8.33A to power
the 230V utility, Supply of 50 Hz. The boost converter that has been designed is to
maintain the DC voltage greater than or equal to 70V and has been loaded by MPPT
thanks to a controlled logic made in the microcontroller necessary for the current to be
controlled. The digital to analogue PI controller was used. Experimentally, it was
found that for the 220W panel using MPPT and for the 90V≤VI ≤140V range, the
current peak value was about 6A and the efficiency was about 90%. In this research
work, no filtering circuitry has been used which can be implemented to reduce
distortion and improve the efficiency of the inverter. Also, today the cost of PV
system is much less so no need for MPPT, it can be easily eliminated.